How Long to Wait for Baby:
Age and Pregnancy Facts AVERA HEALTH
ime waits for no one – including women who hope to have families. More moms are waiting – the average age of firsttime moms in the U.S. is now 27 – but with the wait can come complications. So when is the right time? “The best age for a woman to get pregnant is when she is ready,” said Catherine Brockmeier, DO, Avera Medical Group Obstetrics/ Gynecology. “With that in mind, a woman should know her ability to conceive goes down as she ages. Potential pregnancy complications go up, too.” Preparing women to have families in a safe way is vital, and here are the facts.
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Factors for Healthy Pregnancy Other Than Age Most chronic conditions like high blood pressure or high cholesterol come later in life, not just for women, but everyone. “Diabetes and cardiovascular disease tend to develop later in the 20s or in the early 30s,” said Brockmeier. “No single factor is most important or the most serious threat,” she said. “It’s best to achieve pregnancy at optimal health, and many things figure into optimal health.” Working with a health care provider can help ensure that ideal level of health is closer for women who want to have a child.