Atlanta Daily World Digital Edition 4-18-13

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Powered by Real Times Media

Volume 85 Issue 37

Obama’s Tax Returns Page 2

Belle Africa in Atlanta Page 6

Suspect Sought in Deadly Boston Marathon Bombing Investigation

Sister Act at Fox Page 7

Mary Mary at Gospel Fest Page 8

April 18 - 24, 2013

Compiled by ADW Staff

A possible suspect has been identified in the Boston bombings investigation based on two videos showing images, a federal law enforcement source told CNN Wednesday afternoon. Investigators want to question an unidentified man after analysis of video from a department store near the site of the second explosion. Video froma Boston television station also contributed to the progress, according to the source. Earlier this week, President Obama and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed were among those who released statements on the horrific bombings. "My thoughts and prayers are with the City of Boston today and all those who have been affected by today's tragic events," Reed said on Monday. "I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss of life and injuries suffered by so many people.” In Washington, President Barack Obama vowed, “We will find out who did this; we’ll find out why they did this,” he said. “Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice.” Boston "is a tough and resilient town," he said, adding that Americans will stand by Bostonians "every single step of the way." For regular updates, visit

Major League Baseball Celebrates Jackie Robinson Day Photos by Pouya Dianat/ Atlanta Braves

By ADW Staff The Atlanta Braves and their opponent, the Kansas City Royals, celebrated Jackie Robinson Day at Turner Field this week. Though Major League Baseball began its celebration of Robinson on April 15, the Braves did not have a game on Monday. Braves and Royals players, and the teams' on-field staff, wore Robinson's No. 42 to honor Robinson's life and contributions to the game on Tuesday. Every year on April 15, the anniversary of Robinson's breaking the color barrier in 1947, the baseball world spends a day to reinforce the importance of that legacy by celebrating Jackie Robinson Day. All Major League

Baseball (MLB) team players wear the number 42 on their jerseys. In 1997, under the direction of Commissioner Bud Selig, Robinson's No. 42 was retired in an unprecedented tribute, according to This year the general public got in on the celebration in a big way by crowding theaters over the weekend to see the Jackie Robinson biopic, "42." The movie “overperformed,” according to, doing much better than expected and was the top grossing movie over the weekend with $27.3 million. The impressive debut is a record for a baseball movie, topping the $19.5M debut of 2011′s “Moneyball.” Page 3

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Obama’s 2012 Tax Returns Show Lower Income this Year By CharlOtte rOy ADW Managing Editor

He has a nice house and some fancy rides, but President Barack Obama’s salary is embarrassingly low compared to other CEOs. And, it’s going down. In fact, the Obama’s tax returns show they made less money in 2012 than in any other year since he took office. The President and First Lady Michelle, who file jointly, had an adjusted gross income of $608,611, down from $789,674 in 2011. They also paid $112,214 in total taxes, compared to $162,074 in 2011, as the family’s tax returns, which were publicly released, indicate. The Obamas total income came to $662,076, which plummeted nearly 22 percent from $844,585 during the previous year. The presidential yearly salary comes in at $400,000, and for the previous two years, Obamas earnings were $394,800,

the difference of $5,200 is attributed to the pre-tax amount of their health insurance premium. Consider that the President of General Motors made $7.7 million last year and the President of Bank of America made $950,000 plus $9.05 million in stock awards. The monies the Obama’s made from various outside business ventures also took a dip. In 2011, the Obamas had business income that came to $441,369, and last year, their earnings dwindled down to $258,772. As far as deductions, the Obamas claimed a $50,000 retirement plan contribution, two dependents (daughters Sasha and Malia), some mortgage interest, real estate, and state income taxes. The presidential couple donated $150,034, or about 24.6 percent of their adjusted gross income, to 33 various charities. The largest gift to charity was $103,871 to the Fisher House Foundation, which aids military families. The Obamas paid $29,450 to the state of Illinois. If you’d like to see more of the Obamas tax return, you can download it at, the White House website, where Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill have also posted their returns.

GA College Researcher Awarded National Grant

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Associated Press An associate professor and researcher at Clark Atlanta University has been awarded a grant of nearly $289,500 from the National Cancer Institute. School spokesman Larry Calhoun says Dr. Valerie Odero-Marah, of the Center for Cancer Research and Therapeutic Development, was awarded a grant for a three-year project focusing on prostate cancer. The project is slated to study whether a protein found in the human body is higher in African-American prostate cancer patients than others. Calhoun says African Americans have higher bone density compared to other races, and Odero-Marah's project will study whether that may impact prostate cancer rates in African-American men.

April 18 - 24, 2013

Civil rights Widow Juanita Jones abernathy honored by City Council

ADW Staff

Atlanta City Councilmember Michael Julian Bond held a reception and proclamation presentation honoring Mrs. Juanita Jones Abernathy, the widow of civil rights leader, the late Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, on Monday, April 15. “Mrs. Abernathy has touched thousands of people around the world with her message of hope, empowerment, and justice for all. Her work and personal sacrifices throughout the revolutionary Civil Rights Movement have inextricably

connected her to a lifelong struggle in pursuit of human rights and peace around the world,” said Bond. He noted that during the movement her house had been bombed by violent hate groups, and she had to endure her husband’s numerous arrests. “Mrs. Abernathy remained on the front lines in the quest for true racial equality in America. Today she continues to capture the spirit of the fight for freedom and human dignity for all,” he said.


April 18 - 24, 2013

Bet Poll reveals Immense Sense of Pride in President Obama By Robert L. Johnson, founder and chairman of The RLJ Companies and founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET), recently announced the results of a national poll commissioned by Zogby Analytics that reveals current African-American sentiment on a range of issues that include the state of national affairs, race relations, employment, and a variety of current political and social issues. Johnson announced the results of the Zogby poll during his remarks recently at a National Press Club Luncheon. "I commissioned this poll for a number of reasons," said Johnson. "First, for African Americans, this country has experienced the most historic political event and that is the election and re-election of the first African-American president, Barack Obama.” “Because of this,” he continued, “I wanted to find out how African Americans today feel about Obama's presidency and equally important, if they feel that their lives are better off having lived under

the first four years of Obama and the prospect of an Obama Administration for the next four years." "Second, the country has experienced the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression and African Americans have been the hardest hit. Today, African Americans continue to have double the rate of unemployment and less access to capital, and whereas, African Americans were once the largest ethnic minority group and the dominant minority political voice, they are now confronted with the growing political influence of the Hispanic population, which may directly impact competition for jobs and minority business opportunities," he said. "Further, I wanted to create a discussion within the Black community and the broader community to bring to the forefront of public debate key issues of primary concern to African Americans. I am pleased to say that I am intrigued by the results of the poll and I believe better informed," he noted. The poll reveals that African Americans have an immense sense of pride in Barack Obama as President of the United States and he is unequivocally liked. He receives a 91percent favorable rating. Seventy-two percent believe that President Obama's election has helped them, while only 4 percent believe his election has hurt them. African Americans believe that President Obama's election has helped them. A majority of those polled -62 percent -- are optimistic about employment in the next four years. On the issue of employment, the poll reveals that

The Links Inc. Flood the Capitol

On the last days of the 2013 Legislative session, Georgia Chapters of the Links flooded the Capitol building for a full day of lobbying for quality health and education bills. Pictured here are members of The Links Inc. from 15 Georgia chapters located in Albany, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Fort Valley, LaGrange, Macon and Savannah. Georgia legislators who are members of The Links Inc. -- Sen. Freddie Powell Sims (Albany) and Rep. Carolyn Hugley (Columbus) – served as honorary chairs of the event and welcomed the group of 100-plus women to the Georgia Capitol.


30 percent of respondents believe they are doing better financially compared to four years ago; however, the most recent jobs report shows an ongoing high rate of unemployment within the African-American community. When polled on why African Americans believe Black unemployment is consistently double that of Whites, responses include: failure of the education system for minorities, lack of corporate commitment to hiring minorities, and a failure of government policies for hiring practices. The poll was conducted by John Zogby and Zogby Analytics. One thousand and two randomly selected African-American adults were polled by telephone and online survey. The complete survey results and remarks from the National Press Club Luncheon can be found online at

MlB Celebrates Jackie robinson Day Page 1 The film, which cost $38 million to produce, out-swung even the most ambitious expectations in the low-$20 millions, easily winning the weekend that included “Scary Movie 5,” which landed in the second position at $15.2 million, Variety reported. Multiple scenes for the movie were shot throughout Georgia. Exit polling showed the audience composition was males at 48 percent, females at 52 percent; under age 25 was 17 percent, age 25 and up was 83 percent, and the main reason for attending the movie was considered the “subject matter” at 84 percent. A Warner Bros. executive told Deadline: “While we do not poll race breakdown, I can tell you we performed extremely well in all the large urban markets. But the highest grossing theaters were the country’s most commercial screens.” Thomas Tull, the movie’s producer, told Deadline that he relied on Robinson’s widow Rachel Robinson to help with the movie. “Her voice helped us with authenticity. That was the person who lived it,” Tull said. “And that was a really important story for us to tell.”



April 18 - 24, 2013

Wells Fargo Survey: African-American Investors Optimistic about Future By ADW Staff

African-American investors report high levels of confidence in their financial future, along with optimism about the political and economic future of the country, according to a recent Wells Fargo nationwide survey. Despite proactive planning and intentional cuts in spending, African-American investors remain focused on day-to-day living expenses, with a large majority concerned about having enough money to retire. Three in five (60%) African-American investors express confidence in their own financial future, slightly higher than the national response (52%), while half (52%) report they are better off now than they were three years ago, same as the general population. "The optimism and confidence articulated by African-American investors is encouraging, particularly as those surveyed are feeling financially better off than they were three years ago," said Jeff Cosby, financial advisor and vice president, investment officer in the Bloomington, Minn., office of Wells Fargo Advisors, Wells Fargo. "Where we see the biggest opportunity is helping people really consider how they are approaching saving and planning for retirement. It is important for financial advisors to help investors think through long-term strategies for investment planning, while also providing guidance on common concerns like how to balance paying off debt while continuing to save for retirement." While African-American investors have made progress in retirement planning and preparation, most are concerned

about having enough money to retire. African-American investors are taking necessary steps toward preparing for retirement, as 45% of those surveyed have cut back on their spending to put away money for retirement (compared to 36% of the national population), and two in five (40%) non-retired African-American investors have a retirement savings plan in place (similar to the national population, 42%). Among non-retired African-Americans, having a plan is most prevalent among those earning over $100,000 annually (68% earning more than $100,000 have a plan vs. 35% of those earning less than $100,000.). Compared to the U.S. overall, African-American investors are less likely to consider themselves financially comfortable (38% vs. 51% overall). More than a third (36%) of non-retired African-American investors surveyed report that their biggest financial concern is paying their monthly bills; saving for retirement ranks second at 22%, followed by healthcare costs at 15%. Three in five African-American investors are more focused on debt reduction (59%) than saving for retirement. And just over half (52%) of those surveyed are concerned they won't have enough saved for retirement (similar to all adults). African-American investors less than 50 years old are particularly concerned (64%, vs. 39% of those ages 50 and over).

‘Invest in Our Vets’ hiring expo Planned

On May 3, Atlanta area businesses will participate in the inaugural Greater Atlanta Veteran Hiring Expo, known as Invest In Our Vets. The event will take place at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, located at 2200 Encore Pkwy. in Alpharetta from noon to 5 p.m.. The Expo will include employers seeking full-time applicants, as well as those offering internship opportunities. A computer lab will be available for job seeking veterans to prepare resumes, and workshops will be offered covering topics, such as career planning and employability skills.The event will also benefit from the services and resources of partner agencies including The GA Department of Labor, The Department of Veterans Affairs, The GA Department of Veterans Services, local Workforce Investment Areas, Employment Services for Guard and Reserve and others.


A Long Journey: Dr. Benjamin E. Mays

Speaks on the Struggle for Social Justice in America By FreDDIe COlStOn

This volume contains twenty-one speeches on the long and enduring struggle for equal rights, from one of America’s finest scholars and orators on race relations in American history. Dr. Benjamin E. Mays. He witnessed race relations (1920s 1980s), and the transformation of America from a rigidly segregated society to a desegregated social structure. Mays is often referred to as the “Godfather of the Civil Rights Movement” of the 1960s, since he mentored many of the leaders of the movement. And he is acknowledged as the spiritual and intellectual mentor of Martin Luther King, Jr. the selfless leader of the most important social movement of the twentieth century, and the Nobel laureate’s birthday is a national holiday celebrated on the third Monday in January annually. Outside of King’s immediate family, Dr. Mays influenced his spiritual and intellectual maturation more than anyone else. This book is available in three formats: E-book $9.99; Softcover $19.99 and hardcover $29.99. To order, go to


Just over a third (36%) of African-American investors are confident in knowing where to invest in today's market (similar to the national population, 31%). "All investors -- regardless of age or level of savings -should be focused on planning for retirement, and turning plans into actual saving and investing," said Cosby. "Many African-American investors, much like the general population of overall investors, find investing in today's economy daunting. It's important to seek advice from a trusted professional to help navigate the ups and downs of the market, with an eye on long-term financial goals. It can be scary, but with all the resources and tools available, it can be done." Living in multi-generational households also has a significant impact on African-American investors' savings, as a number of respondents are caring for their own children, as well as aging parents or grandparents. One in five (20%) African-American investors surveyed report living in three-generational households. Three in four (77%) African-American adults surveyed who live in three generational households are concerned they will not save enough to support themselves in retirement, compared to just 46% of those outside of multi-generational households.

William Mills Promotes McCaskill to Senior VP

Special to ADW William Mills Agency, provider of financial public relations and marketing services, has promoted Andrew McCaskill to senior vice president. McCaskill has spent more than 15 years defining and establishing the reputations of dynamic start-ups and reinvigorating and advancing legacy technology brands. At William Mills Agency he has built campaigns that have taken clients from venture capital to IPO and back to privatization. He also leads William Mills Agency's Crisis Communications Practice and has consulted on communications strategy for more than 100 technology companies. “The business of branding and selling technology fascinates me,” said McCaskill. “Some of my clients are literally geniuses, but I appreciate that pressure. It has made me a better strategic advisor, and it makes the creative process a lot of fun. I’m excited about the responsibility I’ve been given at WMA. No other firm does what we do in this industry.” Prior to joining William Mills Agency, McCaskill worked in events and promotions at Turner Broadcasting Company and brand at Coca-Cola. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Morehouse College and an MBA in management strategy from


Goizueta Business School at Emory University. McCaskill is a past president of the Black Public Relations Society/ Atlanta and currently sits on the Public Relations Society of America’s national MBA Initiative committee. McCaskill specializes in high technology public relations and crisis communications work. He is also a blogger and web columnist for the UK-based marketing magazine, Urban Times.


Governor Deal to Keynote at 100 Black Men of atlanta Benefit luncheon By ADW Staff Georgia Governor Nathan Deal Convention and Visitors Bureau, will be the keynote speaker at 100 and Atlanta City Council President Black Men of Atlanta Inc.’s Annual Ceasar C.Mitchell, Esq. Stakeholders & Community Briefing, “This year our theme is ‘The Wednesday, April 24, at the Atlanta Power of One,’” said John T. Grant Marriott Marquis. Jr., CEO of 100 Black Men of The luncheon, presented by The Atlanta Inc. “We are celebrating the Coca-Cola Company, will begin at accomplishments of the first 11:30 a.m. and spotlight the graduating class of eight in Project achievements of the students of the Success Phase IV, and we believe organization’s community initiative, the support of just one individual “Project Success.” can make a huge difference in the At the event, 100 Black Men of lives of each our youth.” Atlanta Chairman Gregory L. Alexander Greene, Phase IV, Hawkins, C.E.O. SOAR Hospitality college freshman at Stetson Group, LLC, will pass the gavel to University, noted: “This program the 15th chairman of the board, has helped me understand school Henry A. Kelly, CPA, project better and has taught me life skills Henry Kelly of Georgia Power is executive, Georgia Power Company. that will help once I graduate. installed as new chairman of the Also participating on program Growing up without a father 100 Black Men Of Atlanta. will be, Craig A.Williams, vice consistently present was taking a president, North America, The toll on my life. Through this McDonald's Division, The Coca-Cola Company; Jason A. program I found allies and positive role models who gave Julien, Stinson, Morrison Hecker, LLP, Project Success me opportunities I never would have imagined. Now I Phase III Alumnus; the Rev. Raphael Warnock, senior understand the power that I hold over my destiny and how I pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church; Kathleen Bertrand, senior can contribute to the change I want to see in my V.P. Community and Government Affairs, Atlanta neighborhood.”

April 18 - 24, 2013

Those in attendance will include corporate and non-profit community leaders, officials from city, county and state governments and members of the 100. Tickets are available at $85 each or $850 for a table of 10 and can be purchased online at or by calling 404-525-6220. Proceeds will benefit the Project Success Scholarship Fund, which allows individuals to contribute directly to support the post-secondary expenses of students. Project Success 100 Scholars Phase IV College Graduates to be recognized at the luncheon are: DeMarcus Acree, Clayton State University; Dewitt Harris, University of West Georgia; Naomi Jean-Pierre, Howard University; Shanquesia Jones, Johnson & Wales University; Muhammad Lucious, Bethune Cookman University; Brenton McCullough, Atlanta Metropolitan College; Jasmine Moore, Howard University; Douglas Peters, Georgia Southern University; Jamal Releford, University of Georgia; Lesha Simpson, Georgia State University; Antonika Souder, Agnes Scott College; Patrick Lai-Fang, Kenneth Perry Jr., and Malcolm Perry, College of Wooster. Honorary event chairmen are Michael K. Anderson, president and CEO, Georgia Power Foundation Inc., Nathaniel R. Goldston III, chairman and CEO, Gourmet Services Inc. and Milton J. Little Jr., President, United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta.

Cascade Glen Offers Job readiness to teens

Photo By Augustine Torres

As part of its SOAR Enrichment Program, the Cascade Glen Apartment Community offered a three-day job readiness seminar titled Youth Employment Summit (Y.E.S.) to teens during the Atlanta Public School Spring break. Participants Iyanna Harper, Niquira Gibson and Laurin Bolton received certificates from JAMCO Property Manager Geraldine Patterson (left), Asst. Manager Jevon Brock and program coordinator Deitra Johnson. Supporting contributors included the Atlanta Daily World, Chick-fil-A and APS Office of Student Programs and Services.



April 18 - 24, 2013

Students Prepare to Unveil Creative Solutions to Major Urban Problem By SIDMel eSteS Special to ADW

Decades ago when the Downtown Connector was built, the area known as Auburn Avenue was literally split in half. Over the years, the highway’s underpass has become home for people who have nowhere else to go and an area that does not attract visitors and businesses. Now, a group of metro area students are working together to develop a plan to solve a problem that has not been addressed by adult planners and engineers. Their results will soon be revealed and presented to government officials for consideration of the New Auburn Avenue. In less than three months, students from Benjamin E. Mays High School in Atlanta and students from Hiram, Ga., have developed their own versions of what needs to happen to this valuable real estate. OScAR “It will be fascinating to hARRIS see if the students have come up with ideas that haven’t been tapped by the ‘powers that be’ for years,” said Atlanta architect Oscar Harris, who has been involved in mentoring the young people. City planners will get their first look at what the

students envision when they graduate from the Atlanta Center for Creative Inquiry on Saturday, April 27, at the Georgia Pacific Tower. A panel of distinguished architects, engineers and construction managers, will also scrupulously review and judge the students’ work. Scholarships and internships will be awarded to the top designs, but all the students will benefit from this unusual endeavor. The students walked along Auburn Avenue during the project and learned the importance the Fourth Ward played in the months leading up to Aug. 28, 1963. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech. The students talked with historians and people who live and work in the area. Some of the students called their experiences “life changing.” “It has been wonderful to see these students progress and the ripple effect they have on other students…like a drop of water in a pond,” said Hebrew Dixon, this year’s chairman of the board.

The Atlanta Center for Creative Inquiry (ACCI) began mentoring students attending Atlanta Public high schools in 2004 as part of the Studio for Creative Inquiry program developed by Carnegie Mellon University. The mission of ACCI is to mentor, educate and develop creative abilities in youth to promote future diversity in architecture, engineering and construction. There is no other program like ACCI in the country. The program is funded totally through private donations and grants. Last year, internationally renowned “stipple” artist Kyle Lane donated one of his rare works to ACCI, which was later acquired by Georgia Pacific in an exclusive auction. All donations are tax deductible. For more information, go to or call 770-460-7647.

the Shed at Glenwood Celebrates Five years With Fried Chicken

AfricaBelle Festival Presents French African Culture

Southern fried chicken and red velvet cake will please the palates of friends and patrons who join Todd Martin, Cindy Shera, Chef Todd Richards and the staff of The Shed at Glenwood, located at 475 Bill Kennedy Way S.E., for a special Fifth Anniversary Celebration. On April 24 from 4 p.m. until 11 p.m., enjoy James Beard semifinalist Todd Richards’ crowd-pleasing fried chicken, a two-day preparation of his family recipe, served as a Southern Spread including dark and white meat with cane syrup and pepper sauce, cornbread, and rotating seasonal vegetables accompanied by a relish tray starter that includes cucumber, tomato and red onion salad, local celery and smoked cheddar, and pimento cheese. Additional sides are available, and dessert options include vanilla bean crème brûlée. The first 100 guests will receive a special commemorative T-shirt. Seating is limited; for reservations, call 404-835-4363 or email The Shed at Glenwood Fifth Anniversary Celebration will serve as the exciting introduction of a new weekly tradition: Wednesday Fried Chicken Night, which features Richards’ signature fried chicken, along with rotating sides and a relish tray starter for $15.

Here’s an interesting factoid: There are approximately 136 million people who speak French worldwide. More than 90 million of those French speakers live in Africa. But if you live in Atlanta, there’s no need for a long plane ride to learn more. French speaking African culture is just around the corner at the Alliance Française d' Atlanta's widely attended AfricaBelle Festival. For the entire month of April, the 3rd Annual AfricaBelle Festival serves as a celebration for French speaking Africans and as an outlet for French speakers to mingle and socialize to connect their culture with the Atlanta community. "We wanted something really fun. We wanted it to be light and entertaining, yet we wanted to educate people," said Obsé Ababiya, director of Outreach and Development for Alliance Française d' Atlanta. "We wanted to provide a venue for the African French speaking community in Atlanta to present their culture through food, art and fellowship." "This is a brain child of the executive director, Hélène Touré. She wanted a series of events focused on Africa," Ababiya continued. Supported in part by the City of Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs and presented in partnership with the High Museum's Friends of African Art, this year’s festival will focus on African fashion and identity. The High Museum will promote the "Symmetry/Asymmetry:

By ADW Staff


By CatherIne WItherSPOOn

African Textiles, Dress and Adornment" exhibition funded by the Fred and Rita Richman Special Initiative Endowment from March 23 through Aug. 25. "The High often partners with the Alliance Française, but this is the most extensive High/AF program related to African art," said Carol Thompson the Fred and Rita Richman Curator of African Art at the High Museum. Most of the AfricaBelle events will be at the Alliance Française, which is located at 1197 Peachtree Street, Colony Square, Plaza level, Suite 561 in Midtown. Below is a schedule of events for Africa Belle 2013: Cultural Workshop: "Fashion & identity in Zanzibar, the Paris of the Swahili coast" by Sidney Kasfir, professor emerita, Art History Department, Emory University April 24 at 7 p.m. at the High Museum of Art: Free. AfricaBelle Community Soirée: April 27 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., students - $15, AF members - $20, non-members - $25. Art Exhibit: Symmetry/Asymmetry: African Textiles, Dress, and Adornment. "Meet the collector: Michael Mack" at the High Museum of Art, Skyway Gallery, Wieland Pavilion from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., fee - $10. For more details on the AfricaBelle Festival and for reservations, visit


April 18 - 24, 2013

‘Sister act’ to Bring ‘Divine’ Musical Comedy to Fox theatre By MarIa ODUM-hInMOn ADW Staff

Photo by Joan Marcus

The musical theater version of the 1990s cult film “Sister Act” will bring singing nuns and gangsters to the Fox Theatre stage April 23-28. The musical features original music by eight-time Oscar winner Alan Menken, who also wrote music for “Beauty and the Beast,” “The Little Mermaid,” and “Little Shop of Horrors.” Based on the movie that starred Academy Award-winner Whoopi Goldberg, the stage production of “Sister Act” follows Deloris Van Cartier, a lounge singer who witnesses a crime committed by her gangster boyfriend. Her life is turned topsy-turvy when the cops insist that Deloris the diva must go into a witness protection program at a convent, where she will pose as just another nun. chARLeS BARkSDALe

This forces her to give up a life of glitz and glamour for one of piousness and prayer. As a suspicious and often disapproving Mother Superior looks on, Deloris helps her fellow nuns find their voices and a sense of rhythm, while at the same time, she finds her sense of self. The theater version of the show is a little different from the movie. While the movie was set in the 1990s in Reno, Nevada, the stage production is set in Philadelphia in the 1970s, giving it more sparkle and a disco feel. The lead role of Deloris is played by Ta’rea Campbell, whose previous Broadway credits include “Leap of Faith,” “The Book of Mormon,” “The Lion King” (Nala), “Aida” and “Little Shop of Horrors.” She also has performed regionally in “Caroline or Change” and internationally as the lead singer at the 2010 Calgary Stampede in Canada. A native of Philadelphia and graduate of Marymount Manhattan College, Campbell was awarded the Gold Medal for Excellence in Acting after receiving her degree in theater. The role of Curtis Jackson, Deloris’ bad-boy boyfriend, is played by Kingsley Leggs, who has appeared on Broadway in “Miss Saigon” and “The Color Purple”as the original Mister. He has been in the touring shows of “Miss Saigon,” “Ragtime,” “It Ain't Nothing but the Blues” and “Forbidden Hollywood.” One of Curtis Jackson’s “goons,” who is helping him find Deloris, is his nephew TJ, played by Charles Barksdale, who has performed in musicals including “Dreamgirls,” “Footloose,” “ Cinderella,” “Damn Yankees,” “Smokey Joe’s Café,” “Ain’t Misbehavin’,”

“Big River,” “Zombie Prom” and “Bye, Bye Birdie,” among others. Barksdale said the highlight of the musical is when Deloris stands alone on stage and belts out a song of self-revelation called “Sister Act,” demonstrating the “power-house” talent of Ta’rea Campbell. “The song addresses the things she learned in the convent and shows her figuring out the next step,” Barksdale said. “She’s amazing.” While the Curtis Jackson character is a villain, he offers a bundle of laughs for the audience, Barksdale said. “He’s like a giant kid. He’s really silly,” Barksdale said. “He’s all about comic timing and comic relief.” Unlike some of the darker and more brooding Broadway shows, like “Les Miserable” and “Phantom of the Opera,” Barksdale said “Sister Act” will have the audience laughing out loud and will have them walking away with a sense of joy. “The audience leaves this show feeling happy and feeling good,” said Barksdale. “They’ll still be dancing and still singing. It’s a good feeling.”

Dancer Juel D. lane and Friends Perform at Southwest arts Center Special to ADW

On Friday, April 26, dancer, choreographer and Atlanta native Juel D. Lane will present his second annual dance showcase, A Night of Choreography with Juel D. Lane & Friends, at the Southwest Arts Center in Atlanta. The evening will include a collection of modern dance works from Lane and a host of his comrades and contemporaries, who happen to be some of the most talented and respected names in the industry. Award-winning choreographer Camille A. Brown -- regarded as a “tour de force” by The New York Times -- will return to present her work “The Evolution of a Secured Feminine.” Set to music by Ella Fitzgerald, Betty Carter, and Nancy Wilson, “The Evolution…” is a portrait of a woman who, with taunt gestures and fast footwork, bursts into action creating a witty and humorous portrayal of a character in the midst of vacillating between uncertainty and carefree expression. Brown is the artistic director of New York’s Camille A. Brown & Dancers and the choreographer behind the 2012 Broadway revival of “A Streetcar Named Desire” that starred Blair Underwood and Nicole Ari Parker. In addition to Lane and Brown, the dance extravaganza will feature works by

local choreographers Ursula Kendall and Quincy Lamar Willis and New York-based dance maker Ja’Malik. Singers Rahbi and Maiesha McQueen will perform as well. A Night of Choreography with Juel D. Lane & Friends is a one-night-only performance Friday, April 26 at 8 p.m. at the Southwest Arts Center at 915 New Hope Road, Atlanta, 30331. Tickets are $20 and on sale now. To purchase, visit



April 18 - 24, 2013

Violence and the response of People of Faith explored at event By ADW Staff

After the tragic events at the finish line of the revered Boston Marathon, it has become even more apparent that the world has now become a place where violence seems eternally present. Tackling the difficult questions about how individuals and faith communities react and respond to all forms of violence and discrimination will keynote discussions next Thursday, April 25, at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church when the Higher Ground Group Meets for their annual “Meaningful Conversations” event. From 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., the Group, composed of the four long-time Atlanta faith leaders, the Rev. Joanna Adams, Imam Plemon El-Amin, the Rev. Joseph Roberts and Rabbi Alvin Sugarman will gather and speak with a distinctive, interfaith voice to help navigate the key issues relating to violence and the interfaith response of the

leaders will discuss the following topics:

greater Atlanta community. Moderated by St. Luke’s Episcopal Church’s rector, the Rev. Dan Matthews, the faith

• How do we each play a role in perpetuating a culture that is desensitized to violence? • What is our moral obligation to those in our community who are struggling with mental illness, ostracized or deeply troubled? • Are our fears preventing us from achieving spiritual wholeness as communities? • How can we of diverse faiths work together towards a better more unified response to violence in the Atlanta community and the world? Groups from all faith institutions and the public are encouraged to attend. Reservations are required; reserve seats online at

historic Friendship Baptist Church Gospel Fest Will Feature Mary Celebrates 151 years Of Service Mary, Honor Larry Tinsley By ADW Staff

Special to ADW

Friendship Baptist Church, established in 1862 and independently organized in 1866, can lay claim to being Atlanta’s first Black Baptist autonomous congregation. Commemorating 151 years on Sunday, April 28, members of the congregation will hold “Anniversary Sunday Celebration” at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary, located at 437 Mitchell Street, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30313. The guest speaker for the memorial service, themed “Moving Forward in the Spirit of Christian Unity,” will be the Rev. Dr. Charles G. Adams Sr., pastor of Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in Detroit, Mich. The combined choirs at Friendship, under the direction of Dr. Sharon J. Willis and Dr. James Abbington, will provide music for the day. Known throughout Atlanta and beyond, Friendship Baptist Church is often referred to as the “mother church” among Baptists in Atlanta because of its role in harmoniously forming several other congregations throughout the city. These churches include: Mount Zion Second Baptist, Providence Missionary Baptist, Wheat Street Baptist, Paradise Baptist, Zion Hill Baptist, Antioch Baptist, Little Friendship Baptist, and Union Baptist Church. This church and its foresighted membership has always been a part of Atlanta’s religious, educational, and political leadership. In 1862, the congregation, being unable to buy property, worshipped in a boxcar, which was also the first classroom of Atlanta University. As the congregation grew and moved to a larger location, it was the site chosen for Morehouse College when it relocated from Augusta in 1879 and began classes in the basement of Friendship. Spelman College was also born in the basement of Friendship in 1881. The former pastors of Friendship include the Rev. Frank Quarles (1862-1881); the Rev. Dr. Edward Randolph Carter (1882 – 1944); the Rev. Dr. Maynard Holbrook Jackson (1945 – 1953); the Rev. Dr. Samuel Woodrow Williams (1954 – 1970); the Rev. Dr. William Vincent


Friendship Baptist Church leaders are pictured here, from left, Billye Aaron, co-chair of the 151 Anniversary Celebration; the Rev. Dr. Emanuel McCall, interim pastor of Friendship Baptist Church, and Henrietta Antoinin, co-chair of the 151 Anniversary Celebration. Guy (1971 - 2007); and the Rev. Dr. Timothy Boddie (2008 – 2012). Friendship's affiliations include the American Baptist Churches USA; the Progressive National Baptist Convention; the World Baptist Alliance; and their respective regional and local units. Ecumenically, Friendship Baptist Church is affiliated with the Christian Council of Metropolitan Atlanta, the National Council of Churches, and the World Council of Churches. Friendship’s pastors have spearheaded an extensive housing ministry, including the E. R. Carter Old Folks Home (now demolished), the Samuel W. Williams/Friendship Center Apartments and the William V. Guy Tower High-rise for the Elderly and Handicapped. Throughout its history, Friendship has contributed outstanding leaders including Mayor Maynard Jackson, son of a former pastor, who was a member of Friendship Baptist Church, and Dr. Samuel Williams, a former pastor, who was president of the Atlanta NAACP and who took the lead in integrating Atlanta’s transportation system. For further information about the program activities, please contact the church at 404-688-0206.

The Wolf Creek Amphitheater presents the V103 First Annual Gospel Fest featuring Mary Mary, the ground-breaking sister duo in concert on Saturday, April 27, at 3 p.m. Mary Mary, siblings born Erica Campbell and Tina Campbell, broke through on the Gospel circuit in 2000 with their pioneering crossover hit “Shackles (Praise You).” The duo makes music to spread the good news of the world and to inspire and uplift people of all generations. Gospel and three-time Gospel Choice Award-winner Canton Jones will open the show to begin an afternoon of spirit-filled music. Songwriter and singer William Murphy will be featured at the Gospel Fest as well. Murphy’s smash hit “Praise is What I Do” was on the Shekinah Glory Ministries’ 2002 gold-selling album.


This year’s concert is significantly special because it honors V-103’s “Sunday Morning Praise,” radio show host Larry Tinsley. Tinsley is being recognized for 25 years of service as one of the top gospel music radio announcers in the industry. Tickets are on sale now at (877-725-8849). Visit the Wolf Creek Amphitheater website for any additional updates. The website address is

Bishop Jakes: 'I am So Sick of this hollywood Spirit' By Oretha WInStOn NewsOne

Bishop TD Jakes is calling out the star struck faith that has taken over national churches. "I am so sick of this Hollywood spirit that has overtaken the church!" Last Sunday while promoting an upcoming worship service featuring largely unknown guest ministers, The Potter's House leader expressed displeasure over the amount of focus placed on preachers' popularity. "We do not have to have big names to have a big move of God," he said. "I got filled up with the Holy Ghost by somebody that didn't have no name at all." But nowadays, "no name" preachers – those who are not exposed to the masses through national media and large preaching platforms – have trouble attracting crowds and filling up the church pews, he noted. “Furthermore, the rise of


the mega church has crippled some leaders who are considered "small time" or ineffective if their membership has not reached thousands.” Research shows, in 1960, there was one mega church for every 7.5 million Americans. In 2010, there was one for every 200,000 Americans, and growth is continuing. “In the minds of too many, bigger is better and more popular means more powerful,” Jakes said.


April 18 - 24, 2013

the Masters’ effect in atlanta: a Strong Black Golfing Community

By erICKa BentOn MartIn ADW Staff After injuring himself playing football, Roderick Turner found a new sport that piqued his curiosity. That sport was golf and he has been playing since 1994. Turner’s friends suggested he try golf and his interest was sparked by the fact that the game isn’t saturated with African-American players. “From my own personal experience in the Black golfing community, there seems to be a lot of interest in the sport,” said Turner. “But there just isn’t a lot of knowledge of the rich history and the role that African Americans played in that history.” With pioneers like Teddy Rhodes, Thea Gibson and Bill Spiller, it was expected that Tiger Woods would lead in a new generation of Black golfers who would dominate the sport. Sixteen years into Woods’ illustrious career he’s number one in the world, but the predicted avalanche of African Americans

following in his footsteps has yet to be seen. Though, it may be on the way. Thanks to the anticipation and hype behind Woods and the annual Georgia golf classic, The Masters, in Augusta, Black golfers and Black-owned golf courses have become a more usual sight than ever in the peach state. Rome Matthews picked up golf as a hobby in 2009 after being offered a job at a local course. Although golf wasn’t an initial favorite, the game grew on him and he says it has taught him valuable morals. “Golf is a really humbling game,” said Matthews. “It’s not like basketball or football where you have people yelling and going crazy. It’s very gentle and teaches integrity. We need more sports like it, especially for the youth.” Recently, there has been also been a push to get young people more involved with the game. The Ryan Cameron Foundation held its 8th Annual Youth Golf Clinic at Charlie Yates Golf Clinic on Saturday during The Masters. The clinic focused on teaching young people the core aspects of the game of golf while emphasizing the skills of strategy, discipline and teamwork. “A one point it became really popular for celebrities to host golfing events for adults so I decided to change it up and do something for the youth,” said Ryan Cameron, the V-103 morning show host and host of the


tournament. “Golf is the only sport that you can play well into your 90s. It’s not about physical strength but strategy. I wanted to teach the kids these skills early on. I regret not getting into golf sooner than I did.” This year’s participants included members from the Ryan Cameron Leadership Academy, Ivy Prep Academy, First Tee of East Lake and Black Star Educational Institute. “A lot of the students who participate with the foundation were saying that they wanted to do something nontraditional,” said Tracye Bryant, CEO of the Ryan Cameron Foundation. “So we decided to get them away from football and basketball and teach them golf.” Participants received a free full set of personal golf clubs and professional instruction from PGA professional golf players. Wesley Wallace, a senior at Mount Zion High School, has been a member of the Cameron Leadership Academy for four years. He was introduced to golf as a freshman in high school and hopes to play professionally. “I didn’t think I would ever play golf and actually enjoy it,” said Wallace. “These clinics introduced me to the sport and now I am the captain of my school’s golf team. It has helped me build patience and I am considering golf as a career.” Although golf still has not become the most popular sport among African Americans, many Black golfers stress the valuable lessons and skills to be learned through the game. “No one wants their child out in public misrepresenting their family,” said Matthews. “Golf teaches how to dress and speak well. It teaches proper manners. There’s a whole etiquette to it. It’s a gentleman’s sport.”

tyson tells his Story at the Fox theater

By DIane larChe' Special to the ADW Mike Tyson, who is bringing his Spike Leedirected, one-man stage show "Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth," to the Fox Theatre on April 20, says Lee is a stern taskmaster. "Spike is very demanding. He's going to try to get the best he can get out of you. I don't think many people can work with him. It’s difficult,” Tyson said in a recent telephone interview from his Las Vegas home. After a successful run on Broadway, the oneman show produced by James L. Nederlander embarked on a 36-city tour over three months and wraps up in New York in May. Shows at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas and in Los Angeles and Detroit brought out a celebrities like Mike Epps, Tommy Hearns, Charlize Theron, David Arquette and Latoya Jackson. Tyson's former boxing rival Evander Holyfield is scheduled to attend the show at the Fox.

The one-night only show lasts one hour and 45 minutes and is Tyson on stage sharing his life with a back drop displaying video and photos. The boxer ,who retired in 2006, says the audience here should expect passion and emotion. "They'll laugh and cry. I give them all of me." After a history of violence, cocaine use, diagnosis of bipolar disorder, conviction and time served for rape, eight children, three wives and bankruptcy, having dissipated the more than $300 million made over his career, Mike Tyson is looking for peace. Tyson, who will be 47 on June 30 and was ranked No. 1 on's list of the hardest hitters in heavyweight history, said his crazy, destructive and wild ways of the past are long gone. Tickets for the show range from $57.15 to $142.50 and can be purchased on line at



April 18 - 24, 2013




hOURLY/nOn-TechnIcAL (POULTRY PROCESSING POSITIONS) Koch Foods, LLC has employment opportunities in poultry processing (deboning) at their Gainesville and Cumming, Georgia deboning facilities. Positions are full time/shift work. Experience preferred but not required. Competitive pay/benefit programs, including health, dental, 401-k. Apply in person for Gainesville positions at 950 Industrial Blvd., Gainesville, GA 30501, Wednesdays only, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM or for Cumming positions at 221 Meadow Dr., Cumming, GA 30040, Wednesdays only, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. EEO M/V/F/D. _______________________________________________

ReQUeST FOR SeALeD BID Rec-050913-GcO ADVeRTISeMenT for GOLF cOURSe OPeRATOR The City of College Park is accepting Sealed Bids from qualified vendors for COLLEGE PARK GOLF COURSE OPERATOR. Sealed proposals will be received no later than 10:00am, Thursday, May 9, 2013 at the City of College Park Purchasing Department, 3667 Main Street, College Park Georgia, 30337, at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received after the above date and time, or in any other location other than the Purchasing Department will not be considered. A bid packet may be obtained from the City of College Park Purchasing Department, 3667 Main Street, College Park, Georgia 30337, or from A Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 10:00am, April 18, 2013 at the City of College Park City Hall. Questions arising AFTER the Pre-Bid Meeting will be accepted via email ONLY to until COB April 23. An Addendum with all Q&A will be posted to the City’s website on or about COB Friday, April 26. It is always the vendor’s responsibility to check the City’s website for any/all addenda. The City of College Park reserves the right to reject any or all bids based on past performance and to waive technicalities and informalities and re-advertise. All Minority, Woman and Small Businesses are strongly encouraged to apply. Only responsive proposals that are determined to meet the requirements and criteria set forth by the City of College Park will be considered. _______________________________________________

Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. (ABI) wishes to advance design engineering work for the 5.9-mile Atlanta BeltLine East corridor and Atlanta Streetcar extensions and is seeking proposals from qualified firms, teams or consultants with demonstrated experience in planning, civil design and engineering, electric rail and overhead electrification systems, costing, traffic operations and engineering, parking analysis, tunnel engineering, and intermodal freight and rail yard planning and engineering to provide design engineering services to support the NEPA environmental documentation, New Starts analysis and other FTA Project Development phase services for the Atlanta BeltLine East corridor. Proposals are due April 29, 2013 at 3 pm EST.

Calvary United Methodist Church Mother, Daughter and Friends Luncheon “Tea for Life and Living” I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made Psalm 139:14a Saturday, April 27, 2013 2-4pm 6226 Providence Club Drive Mableton. GA 30126 Ticket: $25 (16 & over) $15 (15 & under) Attire: Accessories Hats and Gloves Contact: Latina Carhee 678-480-8185 or _______________________________________________


Attorney, Korean Practice Team, Atlanta, GA: JD Degree and GA license req’d; must have 1 yr. exp. in int’l business transactions at Asia-based multinational corporations. Send resume to Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP, 201 17th St., Ste. 1700, Atlanta, GA 30363. _______________________________________________ Master Teacher – Sci&Tech: Fernbank Elementary Foundation in Atlanta, GA: Dev. & lead schoolwide sci&tech instr prog for K-5 science curriculum. Req Master’s or foreign Edu/Sci/Pol, Soc, or Cult Studies /rel & 2 yrs elem sch teaching exp. In lieu of Master’s or foreign Edu/Sci/Pol, Soc, or Cult Studies /rel & 2 yrs elem sch teaching exp will acc Bach or foreign equ in Edu/Sci/Pol, Soc, or Cult Studies /rel & 5 yrs prog post-bacc elem sch teaching exp. Also req 1 yr exp integrating Promethean Int Whiteboard technology AND following skills through edu or work exp: coord/manage after-school sci activities/clubs; grant writing AND GA certification. All exp may or may not be acq concurrently. To apply, cont Drew Schuler, or 157 Heaton Park Dr. Atlanta, GA, 30307. _______________________________________________ RFP/Part-time Grants Administrator Go to _______________________________________________ TIBCO Software Inc. has an opening in Atlanta, GA for a Principal Consultant (Software Engineer) to deliver system architecture & hardware/software specification consulting project activities. Must have unrestricted U.S. work authorization. Mail resumes to Att: D. Dzapo, HR, Ref#AGA3, 3307 Hillview Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304. _______________________________________________ cooper Green Mercy health Services Birmingham, AL nOW hIRInG Internal Medicine/Family Practice Physician

Mr Gallokho african psychic solves your issues bring back love ones business success court issues luck black magic&voodoo spell evil&more quick results call 6788873927 _______________________________________________

Excellent opportunity to work in a developing multi-speciality medical practice located in the city’s expanding medical and research community. The successful candidate will be joining an organization that is supported by one of the most outstanding clinical sub-speciality groups in America. This position is a part-time contract position for physician services for an out-patient clinic, no hospital coverage, no on-call, no weekends, no site rotation, no evenings and no holidays. Must have M.D. or D.O., completion of U.S. Residency Program and Board Certified or Board eligible. Three years practicing medicine preferred. If interested, e-mail resume to and include on the subject line, “Physician Resume”.


BIDS AnD PROPOSALS ReQUeST FOR SeALeD BID Rec-051613-PLe ADVeRTISeMenT for PARkInG LOT eXPAnSIOn DeSIGn for BILL BADGeTT STADIUM The City of College Park is accepting Sealed Bids from qualified vendors for PARKING LOT EXPANSION DESIGN for BILL BADGETT STADIUM. Sealed proposals will be received no later than 10:00am, Thursday, May 16, 2013 at the City of College Park Purchasing Department, 3667 Main Street, College Park Georgia, 30337, at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received after the above date and time, or in any other location other than the Purchasing Department will not be considered. A bid packet may be obtained from the City of College Park Purchasing Department, 3667 Main Street, College Park, Georgia 30337, or from A Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 10:00am, Monday, April 22, 2013 at the City of College Park City Hall. Questions arising AFTER the Pre-Bid Meeting will be accepted via email ONLY to until COB April 26. An Addendum with all Q&A will be posted to the City’s website on or about COB Wednesday, May 1. It is always the vendor’s responsibility to check the City’s website for any/all addenda. The City of College Park reserves the right to reject any or all bids based on past performance and to waive technicalities and informalities and re-advertise. All Minority, Woman and Small Businesses are strongly encouraged to apply. Only responsive proposals that are determined to meet the requirements and criteria set forth by the City of College Park will be considered.


The City of College Park is accepting Sealed Bids from qualified vendors for STREET RESURFACING PROJECT - 2013 LOCAL MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT GRANT. Sealed proposals will be received no later than 10:00am, Thursday, May 2, 2013 at the City of College Park Purchasing Department, 3667 Main Street, College Park Georgia, 30337, at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received after the above date and time, or in any other location other than the Purchasing Department will not be considered. A bid packet may be obtained from the City of College Park Purchasing Department, 3667 Main Street, College Park, Georgia 30337, or from A Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 10:00am, April 11, 2013 at the City of College Park City Hall. Questions arising AFTER the Pre-Bid Meeting will be accepted via email ONLY to until COB April 17. An Addendum with all Q&A will be posted to the City’s website on or about COB Friday, April 19. It is always the vendor’s responsibility to check the City’s website for any/all addenda. A ten percent (10%) Bid Bond is required to be submitted with bid. Prospective bidders should also be aware that a Performance and Payment Bond for one hundred percent (100%) of contract amount will be required of the successful bidder. The City of College Park reserves the right to reject any or all bids based on past performance and to waive technicalities and informalities and re-advertise. All Minority, Woman and Small Businesses are strongly encouraged to apply. Only responsive proposals that are determined to meet the requirements and criteria set forth by the City of College Park will be considered. _______________________________________________

notice of Incorporation Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which will incorporate “DENIM GARAGE, Incorporated, INCORPORATED,” will be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code (O.C.G.A. $14-3-202). The initial registered office of the corporation will be located at 2916 Brookfield Lane SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30331 and its initial reigstered agent at such address is JOSHUA C. LEWIS



April 30, 2013


Kasim Reed Mayor City of A tlanta Adam L. Smith, Esq., CPPO, CPPB, CPPM, CPP Chief Procurement Officer Department of Procurement ADVeRTISeMenT FOR BIDS ThAT OPen On TUeSDAY, April 23, 2013



Kasim Reed Mayor City of A tlanta Adam L. Smith, Esq., CPPO, CPPB, CPPM, CPP Chief Procurement Officer Department of Procurement

FOR RenT Apt for Rent Southwest near Marta. 1 Bdrm; 1 1/2 Baths; Den; furnished Kitchen and Sunroom. $450 @ month + deposit. Call 404-691-5656 . _______________________________________________ Property For Sale – 1921 Cummings Dr. S.W., Atlanta 30311 Contact trustee 404-353-6222. Best Offer/Highest Bidder Contact: Barbara Cullings P.O. Box 5043 Atlanta, GA 30302 (404) 353-6222



William a. Scott III January 15, 1923 – March 7, 1992


Editor’s Note: This year’s Days of Rembrance theme is Never Again: Heeding the Warning Signs. On April 12, the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust hosted the annual State Official Observance at the State Capitol. The 2013 Humanitarian Award was presented to Bill Nigut, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League. In keeping with the theme, we are reprinting the reflections of William A. Scott III, son of the founder of the Atlanta Daily World, and a World War II veteran who was present at the liberation of Buchenwald.

A photographer with the 318th Air Force Base Squadron at Tuskegee, Ala., took this photo of William A.Scott III in March 1943, shortly after his induction at Fort Benning, Ga.

WWII Veteran remembers the horror Of the holocaust William alexander Scott III: 1923 -1992

When one explores the hall of memories, some moments cannot be forgotten or dimmed by the passage of time. I remember the day -- clear and sunny -- riding in a convoy into Eisenach, Germany, on April 11, 1945, as World War II was ending; and a 3rd Army courier delivering a message to us to continue on to a concentration camp (Buchenwald), 10 or more miles further east, near Weimar. I was a reconnaissance sergeant, photographer, camoufleur and part-time historian in S-2 (Intelligence Section) of the 183rd Engineer Combat Battalion. We were in the 8th Corps of General George S. Patton's 3rd Army. As we rode into Buchenwald, I can remember thinking: "There is no place as horrible as we have been told -- no atrocities -- we should turn around, stop wasting time, go back to Eisenach and establish our Battalion Headquarters." But we continued and finally arrived at a place that did not look so bad as we passed the main entrance. But as we rolled around the front building, we saw the feeble mass of survivors milling around. We got out of our vehicles, and some began to beck to us to follow and see what had been done in that place. They were walking skeletons. The sights were beyond description. What little we had been told in an orientation session in Northern France in early December 1944, was nothing in comparison. And I had thought no place could be this bad. I took out my camera and began to take some photos, but that only lasted for a few pictures. As the scenes became

ADWnews Founded August 5, 1928; Became Daily, March 12, 1932 W.A. Scott, II, Founder/Publisher, August 5, 1928 To February 7, 1934 C.A. Scott, Publisher February 7, 1934 to July 26, 1997 M. Alexis Scott, Publisher July 26, 1997 to Present Published every Thursday at N. Desert Drive, Suite 2 109A, Atlanta, Georgia 30344.

more gruesome, I put my camera in its case and walked in a daze with the survivors as we viewed all forms of dismemberment of the human body. We learned that 31,000 of the 51,000 persons there had been killed in a two-week period prior to our arrival. An SS trooper had remained until the day of our arrival; survivors had captured him. As he tried to flee over a fence, he was taken into a building, and two men from my unit followed. They said he was trampled to death by the survivors. I began to realize why few, if any, people would believe the atrocities I had seen. HOLOCAUST was the word used to describe it, but one has to witness it to even begin to believe it. And finally, after going through several buildings with various displays -- lampshades of human skin, incinerators choked with human bones, dissected heads and bodies, testes in labeled bottles, so that they could be seen by the victims on a shelf by the door as they went in and out of the barracks (after two weeks of this procedure, they would be killed, but we arrived before this ritual could be continued) -- my mind closed the door on this horror. We eventually left after helping to remove some of the survivors for medical assistance. As we rode back to Eisenach in silence, I remembered that about 1,000 persons in an isolated area were in better shape than the others. Who were they? Russians, we were told. But, I asked myself, how could a country, classified during my high school days of the late 1930s as probably the world's most literate, allow this type of mass murder and psychotic behavior to take place? There were no answers, as many thoughts

April 18 - 24, 2013

raced throughmy mind. Even though my ancestors had arrived in our country (the United States of America) as slaves in chains from Africa, and subjected to torture and death during the long centuries of slavery, it all seemed to pale in comparison to the glaring impact of what I had witnessed at Buchenwald. I later learned about other death facilities, including the monstrous Auschwitz. My slaveancestors, despite the horrors they were subjected to, had value and were listed among the assets of a slaveholder. Had the Nazi position prevailed in the aftermath of the U.S. Civil War (my slave great-grandfather and namesake, William Alexander Scott, fought with the Union Army in Mississippi), I, or others in similar situations, would not exist in the world today. The Earth would have literally become the "Forbidden Planet," where no humans would exist. Only Robby the Robot and Hal the Computer would patrol the Plains. My life, as I have contemplated the impact of past events on it, has evolved into a character that exhibits an attitude to fellow humans that they have nothing to fear from me or my family. I am only one. But my wife, our children ( a son and a daughter, their children, 2 boys and a girl, and 2 boys, respectively) have the character and function that no one should fear them. They have no designs on others or their families. William A. Scott III, son of the founder of the Atlanta Daily World and father of the current publisher, M. Alexis Scott, wrote this reflection in the late 1980s or early 1990s.

William Alexander Scott III, beloved husband, father and grandfather of the Scott family, shared his rich and vibrant life with the family to whom he was devoted, and the community for which he cared so deeply. A brilliant man of many talents, he continually surprised even those who knew him with the depth of his experience and wisdom, and the breadth of his intellectual interests. Businessman, chess master, loving father and grandfather, film critic, radio show host, artist, poet and public servant, W.A. Scott brought his intelligence, humor and integrity to all of his pursuits. Last year (1991), "W.A.," as he was known to family and friends, was honored for his "valiant service" with the Allied Forces in liberating the Nazi concentration camps during World War II, and was appointed by President George Bush to the United States Holocaust Memorial Council. It was an honor in which he took particular pride, along with his membership in the now legendary Tuskegee Airmen Inc. In 1991, he was also included among the "Hidden Treasures: African American Photographers in Atlanta, 1870 - 1970” at the APEX Museum. W.A. Scott's life began in Johnson City, Tenn., where he was born on Jan.15, 1923. That year, his family moved to Atlanta, where his father, W.A. Scott II, founded the Atlanta Daily World newspaper in 1928. He attended the Atlanta University Elementary and Laboratory High schools. From childhood he worked at the Atlanta World in various capacities, from paper-boy and clean-up person, to sports statistician, movie and play critic, and photographer. "W.A." was studying business administration and mathematics at Morehouse College, and waiting to marry his childhood sweetheart, Marian Willis, when he was called up for the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II. He served from 1943 to 1946. He and Marian married on Aug. 28, 1944, just before he was shipped overseas. Scott served as a photographer with the 318th Airbase Squadron and the 183rd Engineer Combat Battalion. While with the 183rd in Germany, Scott was one of the first Allied soldiers to enter Buchenwald. After the war, he returned to Atlanta and completed his education at Morehouse. He began his married life with Marian, and in 1948 became circulation manager at the Atlanta Daily World. During the years, Scott covered many events of historical significance occurring in this area, sometimes as the lone African American walking into a Southern hamlet to investigate a lynching. In 1984, he became publications and advertising manager, a post he held until his death. In 1986, Scott was appointed by Mayor Andrew Young to serve on the "Committee of 150" to plan the city's 150th anniversary, and by Gov. Joe Frank Harris as a charter member of the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust. He served on a number of boards: the NAACP, the Educational Foundation of Metro Atlanta (Better Business Bureau); the Atlanta Council of International Visitors; the Educational Information and Referral Service Inc. (American Association of University Women); Grady Memorial Hospital Board of Visitors; the ZACHOR Committee of the Atlanta Jewish Federation and as historian for the Tuskegee Airmen Inc. Editor's Note: This is the obituary -- less the list of survivors -that was prepared for his funeral at First Congregational Church on March 11, 1992.

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TELEPHONE: 404-761-1114 FAX: 404-761-1164

MARIAN ALEXIS SCOTT – Publisher WENDELL S. SCOTT – Operations WILLIAM A. SCOTT, IV – Controller CHARLOTTE ROY – Managing Editor MICHELLE GIPSON – Advertising Director KAI SCOTT – Graphic Designer DION RABOUIN – Digital Editor

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