Atlanta Daily World Digital Edition

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December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013

Volume 85 Issue 21

ADW ATLANTA DAILY WORLD Powered by Real Times Media

Harleston Family Papers at Woodruff Page 5

Resolve to Get Some Sleep Page 11

Passages in 2012 Page 12

150th Anniversary of Jubilee Day to Be Celebrated

Photo By M. Alexis Scott

Special to the Daily World

Hank and Billye Aaron are pictured here at the 29th Annual Mayor’s Masked Ball hosted recently by Mayor Kasim Reed. See pages 10 and 11 for more photos from the ball!

Mayor’s Ball Raises $1 Million for UNCF Special to the Daily World Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed hosted the 29th Annual Mayor's Masked Ball on Saturday, Dec. 15, and with the help of celebrities, dignitaries, civic leaders and public officials, the event raised more than $1 million dollars. It was Reed's third UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball, and the money raised will benefit UNCF (United Negro College Fund), the nation's largest private provider of scholarships and educational support to minority and low-income students, and its 38 member colleges and universities. The Annual Mayor's Masked Ball is one of metro Atlanta's signature fundraising galas and premier social events of the holiday season. "I strongly believe HBCUs are vital in preparing the next generation of African-American business owners, attorneys, doctors, artists and civic leaders, and I am honored that with our annual UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball, we are able to help fund the education of thousands of students matriculating at the Atlanta University Center," said Reed. Page 2

The Atlanta NAACP will host its annual Jubilee Day in observance of the Emancipation Proclamation on Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013, at 11 a.m. at Ben Hill United Methodist Church. The church is located at 2099 Fairburn Road, S.W., in Atlanta. During this celebration of the 150th anniversary of the publishing of the Emancipation Proclamation, tribute will be paid to Dr. C. Clayton Powell, a community champion for civil rights. “Emancipation 2013: Honoring Our Past; Embracing Our Present; Empowering Our Future” is the theme for this year’s celebration, which is chaired by Dr. Marie Robinson-Metze. The vice chair for the occasion is the Rev. Dr. Michael D. Stinson. The Rev. Dr. Timothy Tee Boddie, former pastor of Atlanta’s Friendship Baptist Church, is the speaker for Jubilee Day. Previously, Boddie served 11 years as university chaplin and pastor of the Memorial Church at Hampton University in Hampton, Va. Boddie is an honor graduate of Morehouse College and holds a master’s degree from Stanford University and a doctorate degree from Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, VA.

Census: Whites No Longer a Majority in US by 2043 By HOPE yEN Associated Press White people will no longer make up a majority of Americans by 2043, according to new census projections. That's part of a historic shift that already is reshaping the nation's schools, workforce and electorate, and is redefining long-held notions of race. The official projection, released Wednesday by the Census Bureau, now places the tipping point for the White majority a year later than previous estimates, which were made before the impact of the recent economic downturn was fully known. America continues to grow and become more Page 2

Pastor Richard Winn, at Ben Hill United Methodist Church commented, “We are thrilled to to host the Emancipation Proclamation Celebration. “All communities of faith are invited to attend and be united as DR. TIMOTHY one front for liberation. TEE BODDIE We commend the Atlanta Branch of the NAACP for their efforts for freedom.” “It is always a great time to reflect on our history and to celebrate freedom and thank God for another year, said Atlanta NAACP President, Reverend Dr. R. L. White. “This is not the time to turn away from our past, because if we do, we are setting ourselves up to repeat the same mistakes. We invite everyone to come out and share in the Sesquicentennial Jubilee Day as we celebrate the gains we’ve made as a people. ” For further information, please contact the NAACP local office at 404-756-5447.

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December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013 NEWS South Ga. Farm Settles Discrimination Lawsuit Special to the Daily World One of the state's largest vegetable farms reached a settlement with former employees who claimed they were discriminated against because of their race or national origin. Hamilton Growers Inc., which has done business as Southern Valley Fruit and Vegetable Inc., agreed to pay $500,000 in a suit filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Coalition. Officials said Georgia Legal Services assisted with the lawsuit, which was filed in September of 2011. The suit claimed the southern Georgia company fired most of its seasonal American workers -- many of whom were African American -- between 2009 and 2011 and kept most of its Mexican employees. The lawsuit also alleged that Black workers were given fewer hours, were asked to

do lower-paying jobs and were subjected to racial comments from a manager before they were terminated. Jon Schwalls, director of operations at Southern Valley Fruit and Vegetable Inc., denied the allegations Thursday and said the company is committed to equal employment opportunities. ``However, due to the significant costs involved in litigation of this nature, we were compelled to resolve the matter,'' Schwalls said in an email. He declined to comment further on the allegations. Attorneys for the former farm workers said the case highlights the problem of employers using the H-2A guest worker visa program to avoid hiring American employees. The program was established to allow agricultural employers facing a shortage of willing or qualified

American employees to hire temporary foreign workers. ``We hope this case will bring attention to that problem and that we will see Hamilton Growers demonstrate to its neighbors that offering job opportunities to American workers is not only legally required, but also the right thing to do for communities and local economies,'' said Leah Lotto, of Georgia Legal Services. Among other things, EEOC officials said the company agreed to hire and retain qualified American and African-American workers for all farm positions -including supervisory roles. Southern Valley officials say the company will also extend rehire offers to workers who were fired between the 2009 and 2012 growing seasons, and will limit contact between American workers and managers who were targeted in the complaints.

Census: Whites No Longer a Majority in US by 2043 Page 1 diverse due to higher birth rates among minorities, particularly for Hispanics who entered the U.S. at the height of the immigration boom in the 1990s and early 2000s. Since the mid-2000 housing bust, however, the arrival of millions of new immigrants from Mexico and other nations has slowed from its once-torrid pace. The country's changing demographic mosaic has stark political implications, shown clearly in last month's election that gave President Barack Obama a second term -- in no small part due to his support from 78 percent of non-White voters. There are social and economic ramifications, as well. Longstanding fights over civil rights and racial equality are going in new directions, promising to reshape race relations and common notions of being a ``minority.'' White plaintiffs now before the Supreme Court argue that special protections for racial and ethnic minorities dating back to the 1960s may no longer be needed, from affirmative action in college admissions to the Voting Rights Act, designed for states with a history of disenfranchising Blacks. Residential segregation has eased and intermarriage for first- and second-generation Hispanics and Asians is on the rise, blurring racial and ethnic lines and lifting the numbers

of people who identify as multiracial. Unpublished 2010 census data show that millions of people shunned standard race categories such as Black or White on government forms, opting to write in their own cultural or individual identities. By 2060, multiracial people are projected to more than triple, from 7.5 million to 26.7 million -- rising even faster and rendering notions of race labels increasingly irrelevant, experts say, if lingering stigma over being mixed-race can fully fade. The non-Hispanic White population, now at 197.8 million, is projected to peak at 200 million in 2024, before entering a steady decline in absolute numbers as the massive baby boomer generation enters its golden years. Four years after that, racial and ethnic minorities will become a majority among adults 18-29 and wield an even greater impact on the ``youth vote'' in presidential elections, census projects. ``The fast-growing demographic today is now the children of immigrants,'' said Marcelo Suarez-Orozco, a global expert on immigration and dean of UCLA's Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, describing the rate of minority growth in the U.S. as dipping from ``over-

drive'' to ``drive.'' Even with slowing immigration, SuarezOrozco says, the ``die has been cast'' for strong minority growth from births. ``Moving forward, the U.S. will become the first major post-industrial society in the world where minorities will be the majority,'' Suarez-Orozco said. With the White babyboomer population now leaving the work force, the big challenge will be educating the new immigrants, he said. Among children, the point when minorities become the majority is expected to arrive much sooner, in 2019. Last year, racial and ethnic minorities became a majority among babies under age 1 for the first time in U.S. history. At the same time, the U.S. population as a whole is aging, driven by 78 million mostly White baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964. By 2030, roughly 1 in 5 residents will be 65 and older. Over the next half century, the ``oldest old'' -- those ages 85 and older -- will more than triple to 18.2 million, reaching 4 percent of the U.S. population. ``Young families -- many of them first or second-generation immigrants -- have been the engine of U.S. population growth for several decades,'' said Mark Mather, associate vice president of the Population Reference Bureau.

Mayor’s Ball Raises $1 Million for UNCF Page 1 "This year's gala was truly a night to remember, and I thank the UNCF for their unwavering commitment to our nation's future leaders." Reed co-hosted the Annual Mayor's Masked Ball with UNCF's president and CEO Dr. Michael L. Lomax. "Every year, the Mayor's Masked Ball brings together

ADWnews Published weekly at 3485 N. Desert Drive Suite 2109 Atlanta, Georgia 30344-8125. Periodicals Postage Paid at Atlanta Mailing Offices. Publication Number 017255 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Atlanta Daily World, 3485 N. Desert Drive Suite 2109 Atlanta, Georgia 30344-8125. Subscriptions: One Year: $52 Two Years: $85 Forms of Payment: Check, Money Order, American Express, MasterCard, VISA


Atlanta leaders who are committed to education and to help the next generation of doctors, teachers, lawyers, engineers, business executives and entrepreneurs get the education they need to compete in a global economy," said Lomax. "The Mayor's Masked Ball is a not only a fantastic celebration, but it's an opportunity for our community to come together to ensure that every child has the opportunity to get to and through college." This year's UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball attracted more than 1,200 attendees, including entertainers from film, television and music, major sports figures, elected officials and civic leaders and volunteers. Mayor Kasim Reed and Dr. Michael Lomax began the evening with a VIP reception. Following the VIP reception was the signature Parade of Stars and Dignitaries, a dinner, silent auction and the Parade of Masks. Dancing followed as guests enjoyed musical entertainment by legendary national recording soul artists Maze featuring Frankie Beverly. According to the mayor's office, this year many celebrities and dignitaries lent their support to the UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball including Jasmine Guy and Dawnn

Lewis of "The Cosby Show" spin-off "A Different World," singer Jennifer Holliday, star of the Broadway musical "Dreamgirls"; comedian and actor Chris Tucker of the "Rush Hour" franchise and "Silver Linings Playbook"; and Larramie "Doc" Shaw of Disney's "Pair of Kings" and "The Suite Life On Deck." Co-chairs for this year's ball were Lovette Russell, community advocate and philanthropist, and Curley Dossman Jr., president of the Georgia Pacific Foundation. The Marquis Sponsors for the ball included Coca Cola Company, Delta Air Lines and UPS. The co-founders of the UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball are Ambassador Andrew Young and Ms. Billye Suber Aaron. In the past six years, UNCF's Atlanta Mayor's Masked Ball has raised almost $10 million to support students who attend Atlanta's four UNCF member institutions – Clark Atlanta University, the Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse College and Spelman College — as well as the 60,000 students who attend UNCF member institutions.

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December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013

Clifton Camp on Board of Big Kidz Foundation

ADWnews NEWS Leaders View Center For Human Rights Models

Associated Press As an Atlanta influencer Clifton L. Camp, Esq., founder of MarketingCamp LLC, which builds brands in the fashion, lifestyle, film, publishing and entertainment industries, has been named to the board of directors for the Atlanta-based Big Kidz Foundation Inc., the philanthropic vision of Grammy Award Winning Outcast member Antwan “Big Boi” Patton. The Big Kidz Foundation is dedicated to developing socially conscious youth, and has been using the arts to make a positive impact on the lives of youth for more than half a decade. Camp, a native of Detroit, Mich., earned an MBA from the University of Michigan and a J.D. from Georgia State University Law School. He is well known in the Atlanta community for his keen eye for emerging trends and his entrepreneurial spirit. In the early 1990’s he launched the Detroit Urban Coffee House, which Motown recording artist KEM and Grammy winning rap artist Eminem credit for launching their careers. Most recently,

Camp became the executive producer for “Miles and Me,” a new movie starring Eddie Murphy as Miles Davis, along with Halle Berry and Laurence Fishburne. During his eight years as CEO of MarketingCamp LLC, Camp has hosted and presented numerous events and served as an advertising agency for UPTOWN Ventures Group and Who’s Who Publishing Company. Camp’s affiliates and clients include Real Times Media, the artist Gilbert Young, three time Grammy Nominee DWELE, author Denise Scott, UPTOWN Magazine and K & G Fashion Superstores, among others. Camp was included in the directory Who’s Who in Black Atlanta in 2011 and 2012 and currently serves on the Host Committee for the 2nd annual Flavors & Colors of Haiti event, the first annual Georgia Entertainment Awards, and The Legendary Awards. He resides in Johns Creek, Ga., with wife Keir and daughters Chene, Stori, Skylar and son Chase.

Photo By M. Alexis Scott

The National Center for Civil and Human Rights presented a sneak peak of how the exhibitions will be displayed in the new facility now under construction in downtown Atlanta (adjacent to the World of Coca-Cola and the Georgia Aquarium). Pictured is National Center Director Doug Shipman (right), who led a tour through table-top models of various exhibits. Andrea Young, president of the Andy Young Foundation; former U.N. Ambassador and Atlanta Mayor Andy Young and Atlanta civil rights activist Charles Black look on. The Atlanta Daily World has a prominent space in one of the exhibits. George C. Wolfe of New York City designed the exhibits, which cover the Jim Crow era through the current fights for human rights around the world.



December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013 BUSINESS In Georgia Blacks Earn $8,000 Less than Whites on Average Special to the Daily World A new report from the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute shows that while all workers suffered from The Great Recession, African Americans are still woefully behind Whites in Georgia. The report, titled “The State of Working Georgia 2012,” found that the state’s median annual wage fell more than $2,500 between 2010 and 2011, which was a steeper decline than in any other state. It also found the gap between White workers and ethnic minorities steepened significantly. As of 2010, Caucasians in Georgia were out-earning African Americans by more than $8,000 per year and Hispanics by more than $14,000 per year. “This means that African Americans were earning 77 cents on the dollar when compared to Caucasians, while Hispanics were earning 60 cents on the dollar,” the report says. The recession killed 338,500 jobs in Georgia, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Adding to the state’s woes, in 2010 the percentage of employed Georgians between the ages of 25 and 54 was at its lowest since 1979, at 73 percent. The state has since regained about 130,000, and

Georgia’s unemployment rate fell last month from 9 percent to 8.7 percent, after peaking above 10 percent earlier. Despite the modicum of good news, Georgia still has a rate of noticeably higher unemployment than the national rate of 7.9 percent. That metric has been stubbornly high, outpacing the national average for 50 consecutive months. The state also has suffered more than its neighbors. Georgia went from having a 3.7 percent unemployment rate in 2000, the fourth lowest rate in the South, to having the fourth highest rate -- 10.7 percent – in 2010. Georgia’s number of underemployed workers spiked as well in the 2000s, rising from 6 percent to 18 percent. Even worse for struggling working- and middle-class families in Georgia, income inequality in the state has gotten noticeably worse. Since 2000 average wages for the bottom 20 percent of earners stayed almost unchanged, moving from $19,540 in 2000 to $19,400 in 2010. Those at the top saw their pay increase by 15 percent during the same period, from $47,780 to $55,100. Unfortunately this is not a new phenomenon. The past 30 years have been unkind to working and middle-class earners. Between 1980 and 2010 annual wages for the

bottom 20 percent of workers increased by only $2,600, a 2.5 percent increase, while those for median earners increased by $6,240, an increase of only 4.1 percent. Those numbers pale in comparison to the $13,800 rise (10.4 percent increase) the top 20 percent of Georgians enjoyed over that span. Georgia now ranks as the fifth poorest state in the country, said Wesley Tharpe, a policy analyst for the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute. “Everyone knows that the Great Recession had a huge impact on jobs,” Tharpe said. “But the impact on the family finances of the working poor and the middle class has been just as severe and I don’t think people understand that as much.” Nearly one in five Georgians lives in poverty -- below $22,891 a year for a family of four, according to a federal definition — the institute reports. “The persistent unemployment brought on by the recent economic crisis capped off a decade that had already been difficult on working Georgians,” stated the report, “and at a time when the state transformed from one of the South’s strongest labor markets to one of its weakest.”

BY JUSTIN ELLIS Neiman Journalism Lab Since the rise of the Internet, print media — most notably newspapers — have faced a big problem with younger readers. But according to a new study released by the Pew Research Center and The Economist Group, when you look specifically at the devices they love — the smartphones in their pockets — young adults rival or even surpass their parents and grandparents as news consumers. According to the report from Pew’s Project in Excellence in Journalism, 37 percent of smartphone owners between the ages of 18 and 29 get news on their devices daily, along with 40 percent of smartphone owners aged 30 to 49. Those are slightly higher than the equivalent rates for those ages 50-64 (31 percent) and ages 65-plus (25 percent). Among tablet owners, news consumption numbers were broadly similar across age groups, with 50- to 64-year-olds being the peak news con-

sumers. There’s more good news for media companies hoping to reach younger readers: They are more likely to share the news they read on mobile devices and to engage with ads on smartphones and tablets. For ads in particular, readers ages 1829 were twice as likely to “at least sometimes” touch an ad on a tablet than people 30-49. Use of mobile devices has been on the rise for some time, as has growing use of phones and tablets as the main method of going online. Pew’s new findings again reinforce the importance of mobile to the future of journalism, but it also points to new opportunities for media companies. The data comes from a survey of 9,513 adults, 4,638 of whom owned a mobile device, between June and August of this year.

Young-Adult Readers Carry News in Their Pockets

Mayor Reed, Union Leaders to Discuss Employee Pay Raise Special to the Daily World Mayor Kasim Reed met with Gina Pagnotta, president of PACE/NAGE Local 550, and several members Wednesday to jointly discuss the framework and timeline of implementing an employee pay raise for City of Atlanta employees. He also discussed a potential employee pay raise proposal with Jesse Jones, Gwen Gillespie and other leaders of AFSCME Local 1644. Mayor Reed outlined a plan in which employee pay raises would be discussed after the city receives the latest property tax digest figures from Fulton County in January. At that point, the mayor said he would again meet with union leaders to discuss the specific details of a permanent employee pay increase. “We are confident that we can reach a resolution when we meet again in January,” said Reed. “My goal is to agree on a pay increase for City of Atlanta employees --- one that is fair to them, and responsible, affordable and sustainable for the city.” Pagnotta said she and the other union members who attended the meeting appreciated Reed’s commitment to decline a personal pay raise if he is elected to a second mayoral term. The mayor earns $147,500 per year; the raise approved last


week by the Atlanta City Council and effective in January 2014 would increase his salary by 25 percent to $184,300 per year. Pagnotta said the meeting was “heartfelt” and ended on an optimistic note. “I’ve never seen Mayor Reed go back on his word,” Pagnotta said. “He said he wants to give employees a meaningful raise, something that after taxes are taken out can be used to make a real difference, like pay a large bill. On our end, we said we work to improve employee morale in the city’s departments and encourage even more efficiency and productivity.” "We're pleased Mayor Reed is committed to fairly compensating the thousands of public servants who come to work every day on behalf of the residents, business owners and visitors to our great city," said Jesse Jones, president of AFSCME Local 1644. "We look forward to meeting with him in January to develop a pay raise proposal that will make a difference in the lives of so many employees." Since taking office in January 2010, Reed has worked to bring fiscal stability to the city, which experienced employee

lay-offs and severe cutbacks for several years prior to his election. He enacted a series of measures to improve the city’s financial health, leading to three balanced budgets in a row with no property tax increases. The city’s reserves have grown from $7.4 million to $110 million, and Reed, in partnership with the Atlanta City Council and the employee unions, approved a pension reform plan that will lead to $270 million in savings over the next 10 years. At the same time, the Reed administration has worked to improve customer service and fairly compensate city employees. City officials recently adjusted employee salaries to 80 percent of the market rate to ensure the workers are being fairly compensated. In 2010, the Reed administration provided sworn officers and firefighters with a 3.5 percent raise and gave a $450 bonus to general employees making less than $70,000 per year. Reed said: “I will continue to build a best-in-class workforce that rewards performance while keeping my promise to residents to strengthen the city’s financial health, attract business investment and development, and encourage entrepreneurship.”

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December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013



Artist, Civil Rights Activist's Papers at Woodruff Library



The family papers of artist and civil rights activist Edwin Harleston are fully processed and open to researchers and the public at Emory University’s Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library (MARBL), located in the Robert W. Woodruff Library. The Harleston papers join the rapidly expanding collections at MARBL from artists, art historians and art collectors such as Amalia Amaki, Benny Andrews, John Biggers, Camille Billops, Cedric Dover,

Paul Jones, Samella Lewis and James A. Porter. The Harleston collection consists of the papers of Edwin (1882-1931), an AfricanAmerican portrait painter and sketch artist, and his wife, Elise (1891-1970), one of the first female African-American photographers. Among the correspondence are letters between Edwin and W.E.B. Du Bois, his mentor and professor during his time at Atlanta University, and personal letters between Edwin and Elise.

Atlanta Heights Charter School Wins Eagle Award Special to the Daily World Atlanta Heights Charter School was presented with an Eagle Award from National Heritage Academies (NHA), a national charter school management company. Eagle Awards are designed to recognize high performing schools in a number of categories. This is the 12th year NHA honored its top performing schools with Eagle Awards. NHA evaluates schools for an Eagle Award through eight categories, they include: Employee Engagement, Parent Satisfaction, Enrollment and Attrition, State Accountability, Academic Growth, Taking Flight, Soaring to New Heights, and School of the Year. Atlanta Heights earned an Eagle Award for Employee Engagement. National Heritage Academies Schools that receive an Eagle Award in Employee Engagement demonstrate that at least 75 percent of employees are engaged, based on specific measures. Engaged employees exert extra time and effort toward the betterment of our students and, in turn, feel appreciated for their efforts.

"The Employee Engagement Eagle Award means that our faculty is vetted and committed to working together to create a positive workplace where teaching and learning is the focus of our community, " said Melissa Jones Clarke, principal Atlanta Heights Charter School. "For our staff, teaching and working with the students to help them learn and grow isn't just a job, it is their passion, and I am proud of each of them. "Our parents and students take pride in securing a seat at Atlanta Heights, and now they are able to add another badge of honor when they speak of the great things occurring at Atlanta Heights Charter School." NHA's system of schools is designed to eliminate achievement gaps and provide school choice to families, with the clear objective of preparing children for success in high school, college and beyond. For the 2012-2013 school year, NHA is serving nearly 48,000 students in 74 schools in nine states.



December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013 TRANSITIONS ADW Joins Real Times Veteran Channel 2 News Anchor Retires

Monica Pearson, veteran anchor for Channel 2 Action News, announced her plans to retire at the end of July after 37 years with the station. Her last day anchoring the 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. news was Wednesday, July 25.

Photo By Willie E. Tucker/WET Media Inc.

Members of the Scott Family join members of Real Times media on March 5 to announce the merger of the Atlanta Daily World with the national media company. Standing at the ADW office on N. Desert Drive are Real Times Media CEO Hiram Jackson (from left), ADW Vice President of Operations Wendell S. Scott; ADW Publisher M. Alexis Scott; ADW Controller William A. Scott IV; ADW Acting Managing Editor Portia A. Scott; Real Times Board member Bill Picard and ADW Board Secretary Mary E. Odum.

Dr. C.T. Vivian Becomes SCLC Interim President Special to the Daily World At a press conference held in April at SCLC National Headquarters, Chairman of the Board Rev. Dr. Bernard LaFayette Jr. announced that “President Farris is no longer our president.” By the SCLC Constitution, the vice president of the organization – the Rev. Dr. C. T. Vivian – automatically becomes interim president. LaFayette indicated that a search committee process would begin almost immediately for SCLC’s next president. The chairman indicated that Isaac Newton Farris Jr. -- nephew to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- would be transitioning in an orderly fashion, and that it was hoped that the Search Committee would have presidential nominees ready by the SCLC annual convention, which will take place in July. “Mr. Farris has other responsibilities right now that he will be focusing on,” said LaFayette. “I want to honor the contribution he has made to the SCLC. He gave the best leadership that he could give and he gave all that he could give. After SCLC lost Dr. Creecy, Farris maintained this organization. He has made a tremendous contribution to SCLC and we


respect him for that. And it’s not over yet. At some later time, Farris may take on another role with SCLC. This is not the end, nor is this a separation. He shares our vision and our mission.” LaFayette went on to affirm the strength of the SCLC. “We are moving forward with young leadership. A lot of us now with SCLC served with Dr. King, but we want to encourage young people – that is our goal. We are laying a good foundation for them and we are in good shape. SCLC is healthy, with over 80 chapters, and new chapters being formed every month. We just added a new college chapter last month. We even have international lifetime memberships coming in from various international organizations. Vivian echoed the chairman’s comments on the solid future of SCLC: “As our chairman said, we are ready to move – and we have been working hard on it. We will be looking for a president who can meet the rigors of our time, because the time is right for a people’s movement. It’s not a choice. “And it’s not for the sake of SCLC -- but for the sake of the nation.”

Judge Arrington Retires; Honored By City With Awards Proclamation Hailed as a hero by his protégés, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Marvin S. Arrington Sr. began his retirement on Feb. 18, 2012, after 43 years in public service. “To have had the privilege of serving the city, it makes me feel so good about what we have accomplished and where we’re going,” said Arrington. “I still think Atlanta is one of the greatest cities in the country.”

Dr. Franklin Steps Down At Morehouse After a five-year term as president of Morehouse College, Robert M. Franklin ’75, decided to step down at the end of his term at the close of the academic year on June 30, 2012. In recognition of Franklin’s service to the college, the board of trustees voted to recognize him with the college’s highest and most prestigious rank: president emeritus and distinguished professor.

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December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013


Simanga Named New Executive Director Of NBAF


Delta Honors Andy Young

NBAF (National Black Arts Festival), a non-profit organization dedicated to the celebration of the arts and culture of African Americans and the African Diaspora, announced its selection of Dr. Michael Simanga as executive director of NBAF in March of 2012. As the new executive director, Simanga will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of NBAF’s operation. He also will guide the administrative, fiscal, programmatic and community relationships for the organization.

Associated Press The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta has chosen its first Black bishop to lead the church's 52,000 members in north and middle Georgia. The Very Rev. Robert C. Wright was elected by delegates representing the

region's 96 parishes. The 48-year-old priest currently serves as rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Atlanta. Rob is married to Dr. Beth-Sarah Wright. They have five children: Jordan, Emmanuel, Selah, Noah, and Moses-Daniel.

Civil and Human Rights Center Breaks Ground

Photo By Willie E. Tucker WET Media Inc.

ATL Diocese Elects 1st Black Episcopal Bishop

Delta Air Lines CEO Richard Anderson congratulates Andy Young on May 30 on the occasion of his 80th birthday celebration with a plane named in his honor. At a recent ceremony, the airline dedicated a 767 Delta jet with Young’s iconic signature. Young was recognized with the jet, which will be used for international flights, for his lifetime of achievement.

Photo By Willie E. Tucker/WET Media Inc.

Officials take turns in the long-anticipated groundbreaking ceremony for the National Center for Civil and Human Rights on June 27 at Pemberton Place in downtown Atlanta. Joining in are Bruce McGowan (from left), CEO Invest Atlanta; NCCHR President Doug Shipman; Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, Former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, chair of the NCCHR board; The Coca-Cola Company CAO Alexander Cummings; Evelyn Lowery, founder of SCLC/WOMEN; former Atlanta Mayor and Civil Rights Icon Andy Young, Atlanta City Councilman Kwanza Hall, NCCHR treasurer; and Atlanta City Councilwoman Joyce Sheperd, NCCHR board member.


ADWnews MAYOR’S MASKED BALL Photos By M. Alexis Scott

December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013 ity ivers his n U anta lton and Brown k Atl Clar dent Car e Ricks ed i k n r s Pre T. LaVe r ’s Mas rs for o , y e a h f c ai wi the M ar ’s co- M. y o j ye en he ey This Curl t of t ball. ll were residen tion, a p a the b man Jr., c Found i f s Dos ia-Paci ssell, u nd rg Geo ovette R ocate a v L a d and unity a CAU is . m t s com thropi n ion. phila institut F UNC

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December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013


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December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013 ENTERTAINMENT Atlanta Public Library Alicia Keys Raises $2.9M Plans Kwanzaa Celebration at Gala, Honors Winfrey

presentation by Chike Akua, facilitator of the Communal Libation and Candle-Lighting Ceremony. The event will take place Sunday, Dec. 30, at 3 p.m. the Central Library Auditorium Lower Level, located at One Margaret Mitchell Square, Atlanta, Ga. 30303. All programs are free and open to the public. For additional information call AARL at 404-730-4001, ext. 100 or visit

Oprah’s Book Club 2.0 Selects ‘Twelve Tribes of Hattie’ Special to the Daily World The Oprah Winfrey Network and O, The Oprah Magazine recently announced the newest Oprah’s Book Club 2.0 selection: The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis. In her debut, Mathis tells the story of the children of the Great Migration through the trials of one indomitable heroine, Hattie, and her unforgettable family. The novel has earned pre-publication reviews from Publishers Weekly, Kirkus and Booklist. “The opening pages of Ayana’s debut took my breath away,” said Winfrey, OWN CEO. “I can’t remember when I read anything that moved me in quite this way, besides the work of Toni Morrison.” In addition to being available in bookstores nationwide, special Oprah’s Book Club 2.0 digital editions of The Twelve Tribes of Hattie, with exclusive content, including a reader’s guide and Winfrey’s notes on her favorite passages, will be available for Amazon Kindle, NOOK® by Barnes & Noble, on the iBookstore and everywhere e-books are sold. The cross-platform book club’s second selection kicks off with Winfrey’s interview with Mathis in the January issue of O, The Oprah Magazine (on sale today), where Mathis shares her reaction upon receiving the call from Winfrey revealing that her book had been chosen. “Really?” asked Mathis in disbelief, “This is really


OPRAH WINFREY AND AYANA MATHIS Oprah Winfrey?” As readers complete their journey through The Twelve Tribes of Hattie, an exclusive interview with Winfrey and Mathis will simulcast Sunday, Feb. 3 at 11 a.m. on OWN’s Emmy Award-winning series “Super Soul Sunday,” on and OWN’s Facebook page ( and on Oprah Radio’s “Oprah’s Soul Series” (Sirius 204, XM 111). Throughout December and January, readers can further engage online at the book club hub ( and through a variety of digital and social media platforms.

ALICIA KEYS & OPRAH WINFREY Winfrey said she was honored to receive an award from Keys, and that it confirms she's ``moving in the right direction.'' ``You try to keep a child alive, and I try to educate them as best as I can,'' Winfrey said onstage. Before that, a video played onscreen detailing the launch of Winfrey's school and how the mogul struggled in her early years, riding on a bus with maids from the inner city to the suburbs to attend a better high school. ``When I look at African girls, I see myself,'' said the 58-year-old Winfrey. ``I continue to work for them to have the same opportunities that I have.''

Treme Actress Wed Photo by VESA Photography, Courtesy of The FrontPage Firm

In celebration of Kwanzaa, the Central Library and the Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History of the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System will present a performance by Giwayen Mata. A percussion and vocal ensemble, Giwayen Mata means, “Elephant Leaders of Women” in the West African Hausa language. The fifth principle of Kwanzaa, Nia (Purpose), will be observed with a

By MESFIN FEKADU AP Music Writer During the auction portion of Alicia Keys' Black Ball Redux, one man was ready to jump his bid from $100,000 to $250,000 for a trip to South Africa -- if Keys would join him and his friends. ``I'll go for a little more,'' Keys said recently at the Apollo Theater, where her charity's annual gala was held. The man -- pharmaceutical billionaire Stewart Rahr -- didn't raise his bid, but he later pledged $1 million to Keep a Child Alive, helping the R&B singer raise more than $2.9 million. Keys' charity assists those affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa and India. The event was originally planned for Nov. 1, but was canceled due to Superstorm Sandy. ``There are places in the world where Keep a Child Alive serves where they have a Hurricane Sandy every day,'' Keys said in an interview on the red carpet. ``They don't have electricity, they don't have heat ... and that made me more invigorated to make sure this Black Ball happened.'' Keys honored Oprah Winfrey at the event for the entrepreneur's philanthropic efforts, including her school, The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, which launched in 2007. ``It's a universal truth, Oprah makes change happen,'' Keys said.

HBO actress Edwina Findley recently took a break from shooting “Treme” to marry advertising executive Kelvin Dickerson in a private New York City ceremony in front of family, friends and industry peers. Pastor A.R. Bernard of Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn officiated the wedding ceremony.

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This New Year, Resolve to Get More Sleep December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013

Special to the Daily World

There are many popular New Year’s resolutions that quickly come and go: eating healthy, losing weight, managing stress and saving money. In 2013, why not focus on one health change you’ll enjoy sticking to... getting more sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average American sleeps about six hours and 55 minutes per night during the week, and 15 percent of adults sleep less than six hours per night. “Lack of sleep can take a significant toll on your overall health and interfere with some of your daily activities,” said Dr. Michael Thorpy, director of the Sleep-Wake Disorders Center at the Montefiore Medical Center in New York. Almost everybody has trouble sleeping now and then, but many Americans experience significant problems getting to sleep or continually wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep. Such problems may be clinical symptoms of insomnia. According to the National Sleep Foundation, if you have trouble falling asleep at night or staying asleep, or you wake up in the morning feeling unrefreshed, you may be suffering from insomnia. Insomnia can affect people in different ways. Some sufferers have trouble initially getting to sleep, while others

wake up in the middle of the night and have difficulty falling back asleep. To help you get better sleep this year, Dr. Thorpy suggests these simple tips: • Set and stick to a sleep schedule. Establish a regular bedtime and wake time. • Set aside time at night to “wind down.” Spend some quiet time before bedtime. Such activities as watching TV, using the computer or working right before bedtime, or in the bedroom, can make it harder to fall asleep. • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed. • Exercise regularly. Just don’t exercise rigorously near bedtime and check with your doctor before starting an exercise regimen. • Don’t clock-watch. If you awaken in the middle of the night and stay in bed, don’t lie there staring at the clock. And don’t watch TV or use your laptop or cell phone, because these technologies stimulate the brain, making it tougher to fall back to sleep.

If these tips don’t help, speak with your healthcare professional to help determine if you are suffering from insomnia and require treatment. More information regarding insomnia is available at the National Sleep Foundation website at

Resolve to Meet Mr. or Miss Right Special to the Daily World Fear, stubbornness, ignorance, procrastination, resignation – for singles or couples longing for love, these are among the deadly sins, according to relationship expert Ernest Quansah. “These are the psychological traits which singles and many couples use as excuses,” says Quansah, author of Do’s and Don’ts of Relationships: Nine Steps to a Deeper, Richer Love Relationship, 2nd edition. “I hear it all the time; singles or married couples say they’re not rich enough, or they need to lose weight, or they just don’t think they’ll find what they want. But I say nothing is perfect, and if you think that you’ll only be good enough when you’ve lost five pounds, or have a nice car or a bigger house, then you will never be ‘good enough.’” Just as people need a plan in order to give themselves a chance with other New Year’s resolutions, such as weight loss or a career move, so too is the case with finding permanent love. Quansah says singles and couples need to answer six questions while pursuing love and true happiness: What is my goal? For each question, jot down what you are really looking for. Are you looking for a lifelong partner, just a date on Valentine’s Day, or for your marriage to work? What am I doing to achieve my goal? Striking a balance is important. Doing too much, like spending a lot of money on a new look or being too negative, can be

relationship killers because they are not permanent solutions and this makes achieving your goal difficult. If you’re acting like yourself, you’ll be more comfortable and self-confident – and those are attractive qualities! What might prevent me from achieving my goal? Fault finding in potential love interest or in a marriage, for example, can hinder the flow of success. What methods have not worked for me? Mistakes are to be expected – nobody’s perfect. But they should only be acceptable as long as you’ve learned something from them. Look back and do a review. If you have approached dating or relationship success in ways that keep failing, it is time to change! What methods have worked for me? Everybody has qualities that make them good at some things and not so great in other areas. Focus on your strengths; if you have used methods that brought you success in dating or in your marriage, you should use those methods because they will yield results. But do not be afraid to test the waters with new ideas. What will it feel like when I succeed? If you cannot envision the taste of success, you may be less motivated to go the extra mile for true love. Think about how nice it would feel to have meaningful companionship, bring someone home to meet the family, and maybe even start a family of your own.




Whitney Houston Funeral In New Jersey

The body of Whitney Houston was flown home to New Jersey for a funeral held Feb. 18, 2012. The 48-year-old pop star was found dead in the bathtub in her hotel room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, hours before she was supposed to appear at a pre-Grammy gala.

December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013

Michael Clarke Duncan, a Big Man With a Big Voice, Passed Away Michael Clarke Duncan, who died on Sept. 3, was best known for his breakout role as John Coffey in “The Green Mile,” for which he was nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe.

Disco Queen Donna Summer Sherman Hemsley, Dies Of Cancer Beloved as George Donna Summer, who was bestowed a title fitting of musical royalty -- the Queen of Disco -- died of cancer in May of 2012. ``I grew up on rock `n' roll,'' Summer once said when explaining her reluctance to claim the title. Indeed, as disco boomed then crashed in a single decade in the 1970s, Summer, the beautiful voice and face of the genre with pulsating hits like ``I Feel Love,'' ``Love to Love You Baby'' and ``Last Dance,'' would continue to make hits incorporating the rock roots she so loved. One of her biggest hits, ``She Works Hard for the Money,'' came in the early 1980s and relied on a smoldering guitar solo as well as Summer's booming voice.

Jefferson, Dies Sherman Hemsley, who died July 24, was an actor best known for his role as George Jefferson on the CBS television series “All in the Family” and “The Jeffersons,” and as Deacon Ernest Frye on the NBC series “Amen.”

Artist Elizabeth Catlett Dr. Clinton Warner Is Dead At 96 Remembered At Morehouse Elizabeth Catlett, a sculptor and printmaker who is widely considered one of the most important African-American artists of the 20th century despite having lived most of her life in Mexico, died April 9. Catlett, whose sculptures became symbols of the Civil Rights Movement, died at her home in Cuernavaca, Mexico. She was 96.


Clinton Warner was put to rest at Morehouse College Friday, July 6, with a fitting service that paralleled his legacy and genius. One of our early doctors and a civil rights activist, Warner was nearly 88 years of age.

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December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013

Funeral For President Of Citizens Trust Bank

James E. Young, president and CEO of Atlanta-based Citizens Trust Bank, died Feb. 27 after a brief battle with cancer. He was 62. Young had been the bank's CEO for 14 years. According to reports, "The passing of Mr. Young has left us deeply saddened. He will be tremendously missed but not forgotten," said Cynthia Day, who was appointed president and CEO of Citizens Trust Bank.

NBA Pioneer Referee Ken Hudson Dies Here Ken Hudson, first full-time African American referee for the National Basketball Association, passed away on May 9 in Atlanta. He became a pioneering NBA referee, officiating in the league from 1968 to 1972. During this phase of his career, he interacted with such notable players as Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Julius “Dr. J” Erving, Walt Frazier, Lenny Wilkins, and Jerry West, to name only a few. Hudson became beloved by both players and owners.

Community Mourns Loss of Denise Gray Members of Atlanta’s business community reeled from shock after the sudden death of beloved photographer, Denise Gray, owner of Denise Gray Photography. Gray succumbed the morning of April 22 after a brief illness.


Final Rites For Ga. Power Executive Art McClung Jr.

Arthur Joseph McClung Jr. was remembered by family and friends for his community involvement in groups and organizations and helping others. The College Park resident died Feb. 6 of cancer at Hospice Atlanta. He was 66.

Roy Patterson Remembered For His Service And Leadership Roy Patterson was praised for his commitment to the community and leadership as many family, friends and concerned citizens paid their final respects in May. Remembered for his commitment to his race, he also was praised for his journalistic talents and historical video service for family, friends, documentaries, birthdays, church choirs, and special programs. A former president of the Atlanta Association of Black Journalists, Patterson dispelled the myth that there is no good Black talent in mainstream media and recruited Black journalists to Atlanta. He also encouraged young students to pursue careers in journalism.

Mrs. Jarrett Remembered As A ‘Best Friend’ Annabelle Madeline Gunter-Jarrett, was remembered early this year at Radcliffe Presbyterian Church on Hamilton Holmes Dr., N.W. after many paid their final respects and memories of a long history as an Atlanta University librarian. She was the epitome of womanhood and died on Jan. 11, 2012. She was in her late 90’s.


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December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013

‘Lincoln’ – A Great Piece of History

My family went to see “Lincoln,” the much advertised and critically acclaimed new film by Steven Spielberg. The plot centered on one particular phase of the president’s legacy. That was the abolition of slavery and how he got it done. All of us were taught the Emancipation Proclamation was the vehicle that abolished slavery in America. That just is not true and Spielberg brilliantly showed us the real story. That’s right it was not the Emancipation Proclamation. Wikipedia: “The Emancipation Proclamation is a military order issued to the Army and Navy of the United States by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, during the American Civil War. It was based on the president’s constitutional authority as commander in chief of the armed forces; it was not a law passed by Congress. It proclaimed all slaves in Confederate territory to be forever free; that is, it ordered the Army to treat as free men the slaves in ten states that were still in rebellion, thus applying to 3.1 million of the 4 million slaves in the U.S.” Lincoln knew that this was flimsy and would probably fall apart at the end of the war. The Confederacy certainly would use this as a condition of surrender (to keep slavery) and the American people were so weary of the war that terribly affected every household with death and misery. This was simply an Executive Order implemented under the War Powers Act. It didn’t even apply to non-Confederate states and the Confederate states paid no attention to it at all. What he needed was an amendment to the Constitution. So, he had his Republican Party sponsor the bill which would become the Thirteenth Amendment. This amendment would outlaw slavery within the United States forever. Even though the abolition of slavery was part of the main platform of the new Republican Party, it wasn’t going to be easy. An amendment to the Constitution must have two-thirds of the House votes to pass and go onto the president’s desk. The Republicans had a majority but were not even close to a two-thirds majority. In addition, the Democratic Party was very much against the thought of slavery abolition. They certainly were going to dig in and try to defeat the amendment. The GOP needed 22 Democratic votes to pass the bill and so the plot thickens. Time was “ticking” because the amendment needed to be passed before the end of the war. Congress would be in no mood to stir up things again with a new initiative against slavery. Lincoln and various GOP House leaders had to come up with a political scheme to rid America of slavery. Spielberg did more than clearly show how ugly politics can be. Lincoln, the Congressmen, Cabinet officials, General Grant, lobbyists, press, etc. were all involved in this ebb and flow struggle. Patronage jobs, earmarks, bribery, etc. were some of the “ammunition” used to persuade certain Democrats. “Honest Abe” was not totally honest in this struggle to make his dream a reality – the abolition of slavery. But he got the job done. Go see this movie. You are going to love it. Harry C. Alford is the co-founder, president/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce®. Website: Email:

ADWnews Founded August 5, 1928; Became Daily, March 12, 1932 W.A. Scott, II, Founder/Publisher, August 5, 1928 To February 7, 1934 C.A. Scott, Publisher February 7, 1934 to July 26, 1997 M. Alexis Scott, Publisher July 26, 1997 to Present

2012 – The Bad, the Good, the Hopeful

Breathe a sigh of relief everyone, in 2012 it began to look like the economy was stabilizing. Housing prices stopped their downward spiral; unemployment rates stopped soaring and the stock market is doing a pleasant little rally dance. It's all good. Well... except for Blacks, that is. Sadly, it is taking longer for this news to translate in a positive way to African Americans. The unemployment rate rose nearly a full point for Blacks in October, while it went down for everyone else. Housing prices in Black neighborhoods continued to stay depressed -- in fact, a recent study showed that if you want to snap up an inexpensive house, head for College Park. And, the stock market, hmmm...very few African Americans gauge their ability to survive by what it does. Here's the good news. Black people survive. Making bricks without straw, eking out a living, getting along, hanging in, and managing. Hard times are no stranger. African Americans have always led the way for people under siege. Celebrate the positive. Obama won reelection and this time we're sure he's going to listen to the minorities, women and young people who put him over the top. In 2012 we put five new Black Congressmen and women in office: Joyce Beatty from Ohio, Steve Hosford from Nevada, Mark Veasey from Texas, Hakim Jeffries from New York and Donald Payne Jr. from New Jersey -- all Democrats. And a new Black senator was appointed, Timothy Scott from South Carolina. He's a Republican but he's the first African-American senator from the South since the 1800's. That's something. We, of course, maintain our ability to sing, dance and entertain. Kerry Washington and Don Cheadle are leading multicultural casts to great heights in “Scandal” and “House of Lies.” The Black ladies of "The Help" got well-deserved attention -- Octavia Spencer won an Academy Award for her role. Denzel Washington continues to be award-worthy and so does Jamie Foxx. Also in 2012 Beyonce had a baby (yay!) and Chris Brown and Rihanna got back together (whatever you think of that). Everyone knows we sure can play some sports, and more than that, we do it with grace, style and ease. Look at Tyson Gay and Gabby Douglas during the 2012 Olympics. African-American small business ownership continues on the rise, according to new data, despite a rough ride in 2012. Corporate America leaders got even more diverse according to Black Enterprise magazine: "We continue to see the emergence of African-American senior managers who are literally rewriting the script of global business," says Black Enterprise Editorial Director Sonia Alleyne. "Their presence proves that diversity at the very top fuels innovation and performance that's vital for organizations to stay competitive in a rapidly changing environment." And we know how to give back to our community once we've made it. In 2012, Oprah Winfrey, Bill and Camille Cosby, Magic Johnson, Russell Simmons, Tom Joyner and many others have proven that! Here in Atlanta, much has changed this year. There have been many heart-rending passages and there have been transitions that were surprising, expected or positive. On pages 6, 7, 12 and 13, we list a few of both on Passages and Transitions pages. Take a look. So, burn a list of the bad things that happened in 2012. Think warmly and thankfully of the good. Then, drink a toast to a hopeful 2013. Charlotte Roy is the managing editor of the Atlanta Daily World.

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December 27, 2012 - January 2, 2013

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