Newletter Dec. 2011

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NEWSLETTER CONTENTS 1. Mollina: the Seminar 2. Mollina: the Meeting 3. Mollina 2012

Vol. 3 Issue 3, December 2011 5. News 6. News from the partners 7. Contacts 4. After Mollina


Voicefrom theSeminar: Toyin Dania « I had been on a panel at a conference discussing African networks and I met a dynamic young man named Ludgero. He invited me to a Seminar he was going to be attending in Spain. I was so impressed by him and this ADYNE network and I wanted to know more. The ticket duly arrived and I was on my way to Spain. I was to deliver a presentation on my youth enterprise and business networks. I was blown away by the range of young people involved at the conference at the University of youth and the way dissemination and collaboration were the by-words. The different groups and interactivity were great. It reinforced my beliefs and rationale for working with young people at my enterprise centre in London. I believe in young people and that they will be our future; we need to listen to them and hear them. Global ambassadors from their native African and European bases with qualities and experiences to share and insights to awaken. It was all so impressive. It made me reflect on my own generation and what we had or had not achieved in terms of taking part in our global community and how much I was learning and wanting to be part of this new generation's network. The ADYNE participants taught me an awful lot around friendship, kinship, hard work, tenacity, clarity around the MDG's, the various languages spoken bi and tri-lingually and supporting those who's first language was not English or French. The workshops, including my own, motivated me to think more outside the box and to want to take an active part in ADYNE. The social side was also explored and where more collaborative conversations took place in the evenings over dinner, music and a few drinks. The various discussions and work groups stimulated and motivated each participant in various degrees with emotional as well as intellectual content always part of the experience. ADYNE gave me a experience that will always hold a special place for me and I will continue to signpost my networks towards their good work and look forward to an opportunity arising where I can be more active within this network and will continue to offer my support and advice whenever requested. »

3 full days of debates, activities, workshops brainstorms, presentations, round tables ... but also friendship, fun, networking... 340 people all in one place: 12th University on Youth and Development, CEULAJ, Mollina, Spain! That has been Mollina 2 for ADYNE and all its members.

As every year, the magic got renewed in that little town in the middle of Andalusia, Spain and this year, for the second time, ADYNE was there and believe us : the Diaspora was the centre of attention ! We studied, we worked...but Toyin Dania, Manager Business Counselling & Training at Wandsworth Youth now we will not spoil the Enterprise Centre, UK and guest speaker in the Seminar « From Millennium surprise! Development Goals to Millennium Development Wins », Mollina, 18-21 September If you want to know more about what happened, you will soon have the complete report coming up ! Thanks to the coordination and support of the North-South Centre, the facilitators of the Seminar put together a narrative report with all that went on in Mollina. The pdf version will be ready by the end of the year, soon followed by the report of the 12th University !! DO NOT MISS IT !! The Declaration of the 12th University on youth and development or more info about UYD?

….and September 2012: Mollina 3 is expected !! The Directorate of Youth and Sport of the European Youth Foundation allocated a grant to ADYNE for the Project "Building from within - A seminar for youth leaders of the African Diaspora living in Europe” . Thank you Bruno Antonio for applying to EYF! after MOLLINA...things just got moving faster and faster !! The cooperation with the National Youth Council is building up and ADYNE is getting more and interest. Something is boiling in Spain and in Italy. Gloria Mika represented ADYNE in the Meeting “ Mapping youth organisations representing the African Diaspora in Italy” , held in Florence, Italy, October, in cooperation with the Italian Youth Forum – Forum Nazionale Giovani, FNG. Bernardo Gomes represented ADYNE in the Meeting of Active Citizenship and Intercultural, held in Santaña, Cantabria, Spain, 14 - 16 October promoted by Spanish Youth Council - Consejo de la Juventud de España, CJE. Thanks to Karim Saafi and Gloria Mika's effort, ADYNE is now officially a registered international youth organisation ! Let's cheer !! Karim also opened a bank account in the name of ADYNE in Bruxelles.

NEWS & EVENTS As partner in the Network of Universities, ADYNE was present in the meeting in Braga, 16 November. During the meeting it has been decided that the a formal ceremony of the launch of the network will take place in Uruguay during the next University of Citizenship and Participation (29th Feb. – 3rd March 2012).

ADYNE was also present in the evaluation meeting of the 12th University, held in Braga, 17 November. During the meeting a long agenda was discussed, including the report of the University, written by the General Rapporteur Anna Maria Forsberg, the Joint Programme, the evaluation of the various activities of the partners and of the overall living together, and the next steps for the launch of the 13 UYD. ADYNE was invited by the president of European Youth Forum, Peter Matjašič, to be a guest in the Council of Members (COMEM) of the Forum. Ludgero Teixeira was in the in Braga, Portugal, on November 18, 2011. In this meeting ADYNE a guest to follow the meeting where was represented members of European Youth Forum ADYNE was accepted as member of the Pan african Youth Union, PUY and elected one representative at the Audit and Disciplinary Committee of Executive Committee. It was then invited to the 3th Congress of PYU “Youth in Action for Economy Freedom Now” held in Karthoom 2nd-5th of December. Unfortunately, due to missing economic funds, no representative could be present.

PARTNERS' NEWS 3rd call for the Seed Funding for Africa Europe Youth Cooperation. The Seed Funding for Africa Europe Youth Cooperation is a grant allocation intended to promote Africa Europe youth exchanges, networking and political participation of non-state actors. It aims at funding initiatives which provide the possibility for youth leaders, youth workers, experts and trainers to participate in Euro African Youth activities and youth exchanges projects. The grants are of a maximum 2000 € per project/organisation. The seed funding aims to strengthen the role of young organisations as civil society actors and youth (leaders) ability to organise and take action as well as strengthen young people’s political participation in EuroAfrican cooperation. For projects to be implemented during the period 1 March– 30 October 2012 the deadline for submission of applications is 29 January 2012. For more information, visit: The application is sent to e-mail address: fax +351 213 584072 Please, put in cc when you send your application!!

ADYNE will refresh its Steering committee! The call for applications will be launched by mid January and by mid-February the new members should be notified. The new steering committee will have the task to carry on ADYNE until its next general assembly and elections, planned in September 2012. The process will be coordinated by Ludgero Teixeira, along with a jury for the selection. Everybody with skills and will to commit to ADYNE is more than welcome to apply! More info coming up soon! The detailed reports of the latest meetings?

Do you have any news you want to share and/or events? Contact , we will include them in our newsletters. For further information The new website is coming up soon !! The new email of the Chair, Ludgero Teixeira, is Pleaserefer all your other emails to

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