African Diaspora Youth Network in Europe
Special Edition: Addis Ababa Apr 2011
ADYNE @ ADDIS Four ADYNE delegates represented the network at the Youth Leaders Meeting on Youth Policy in the Context of Africa-Europe Youth Cooperation, at Addis Ababa from 10-13 April, 2011. This meeting brought together over 30 youth leaders from Africa, Europe, and African Diaspora living in Europe. The event was attended by dignitaries: Prof. Jean-Pierre Ezin [Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, AU], Ambassador Koen Vervaeke [European Union Special Representative to the AU] and Dr Raymonde Agossou [Head of HR and Youth Division, AU]. The summit aim to develop a common action plan based on the Tripoli Declaration and the Joint Africa-EU Strategy, with the main objectives to: Improve the common understanding and sharing of knowledge of the youth policies in both regions Strengthen the commitment of the partners to further develop the Africa-Europe youth cooperation Address the need of a sustainable and permanent cooperation between African and European youth organisations, with the establishment of an Africa-Europe Youth Forum Agree upon a plan of action to implement the recommendations resulting from the priorities and recommendations of the Africa-Europe Youth Summits Raise the commitment and alliance of governmental and non= governmental partners in both regions, to move the Africa-Europe youth cooperation forward Aim at the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and the implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth. The outcomes 1. The African-Europe Youth Platform was established and it will have representations from Africa [via PYU], Europe [via EYF], Diaspora [via ADYNE], International NGOs and Institutions [AU, EC and North Side Centre of the Council of Europe]. ADYNE has 2 seats on this platform. 2. A work plan was developed that will be focussed on: Capacity building [training, production of training resources and materials, and seed funding with specified themes], development of an on-line resource centre and Advocacy.
ADYNE landmark results at ADDIS‌ ADYNE held a meeting with the PYU where it was agreed that ADYNE will be: Their main liaison regarding African Youth Diaspora in Europe Allotted the 2 executive committee seats for Diaspora at PYU Work with PYU to promote the African Youth Charter At another meeting with Dr Raymonde Agossou at the AU, it was also agreed that ADYNE will Be the main platform for AU regarding African Youth Diaspora in Europe Promote the African Youth Charter Be part of thedimplementation of the recommendations of the youth forum Support AU’s youth exchange and volunteering and promote other programmes through our network Plus, ADYNE has invitations to establish ADYNE Slovenia and ADYNE Italy - watch this space!
ADYNE will have an opportunity to further review this action plan, as are other partners, before final ratification. ADYNE will publish a detailed report very soon that will be circulated to all.
Further details about these strategic agreements will be published soon.
The delegates are: Ludgero Teixeira [Chair], Ade Adeagbo [Interim Director], Babatunde Rosanwo [Head of External Affairs Europe] and Stefanie Merki [ADYNE Switzerland].
COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVES - EUROPE Are you interested in representing our interest in your country of residence in Europe? If so, please contact: Babatunde