THSADA | Partner Playbook 2023

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Partner Playbook

Delivering the most innovative companies in Texas high school athletics direct to your o ce and conference room, as a must-have A-to-Z reference guide when considering your 2023-24 purchasing decisions.

Every company featured in our Partner Playbook supports the THSADA and its endeavors.

2 THSADA Partner Playbook

From THSADA Executive Director Rusty Dowling

Iwouldlike to take this opportunity to thank all of our sponsors and exhibitors for their continued support of the Texas High School Athletic Directors Association, as well as the student-athletes and coaches in the State of Texas.

Our members are mindful of the family of companies that provide corporate support and are well aware that we are as dependent on your products and services as you are on our business selections.

The purpose of our Partner Playbook is to further elevate those businesses that have maintained their support, enthusiasm and belief in the Texas High School Athletic Directors Association.

Our sponsors and exhibitors can be easily located throughout the Partner Playbook as they are presented in an A-to-Z format. There is also a handy index on the Back Cover to easily track the family of companies.

Our Partner Playbook also pays tribute to our latest PBK Sports Hall of Honor inductees, who we will recognize at our 2023 State Conference as well a 50-plus year history of the THSADA, a historical overview of Texas Athletic Administrator Certification and those Athletic Administrators that have completed TAAC, and previews key events on our 2023 calendar.

We thank you for that support and we look forward to working with you.

Spring Sponsor Showcase Presented By ProtectED

February 28/March 1, Waco

52nd-Annual State Conference

June 11-14, Round Rock

Fall Forum Presented By HomeTown Ticketing

October 10-11, San Antonio

Board of Directors/Chairs Meeting

December 6-7, League City


Everyyear, thousands of groups depend on Adrenaline Fundraising to help reach their financial goals. We’ve spent years refining our program and have gained a comprehensive understanding of what works in fundraising.

THSADA Partner Playbook
2023 THSADA Schedule of Events

Whetherit’s a stadium, gymnasium or natatorium, Biamp provides superior solutions for recreation spaces of all sizes, enhancing experiences for guests and delivering results unmatched within the industry.

Since 1974, The Brokerage Store, Inc. has excelled in offering specialized accident insurance programs. Student/Athletic Accident Insurance, Special Risk Policies, Individual Accident Plans, and AD&D Coverage are just a few of the types of coverage that we offer. We are one of the leaders in the Student/ Athletic Accident Insurance K-12 market in Texas. We currently insure over 200 school districts for this type of coverage.

Winners trust their game day coaching communication to CoachComm. Our expertise means your peace of mind. The proven leader in coaching headsets and practice solutions. We’re the headset choice of 97% of FBS/FCS teams for a reason. Call us at 1.800.749.2761.

The BRW team provides the most modern knowledge in the planning and design of athletic facilities.

4 THSADA Partner Playbook 214.528.8704 | BOOTH #120
THSADA Partner Playbook 5
6 THSADA Partner Playbook





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8 THSADA Partner Playbook
THSADA Partner Playbook 9 • Latest News and Happenings • Awards For Our Membership • Recognition Of UIL State Champions • Spotlight on Members • Promo of Upcoming Region Meetings @OfficialTHSADA

About the THSADA

Prior to the year 1955, there were only six full-time Athletic Directors in the State of Texas. They were:

Joe Tusa – Houston ISD

Claud E. Kellam – San Antonio ISD

Herman Clark – Fort Worth ISD

P.C. Cobb – Dallas ISD

L.W. McConahie – El Paso ISD (Future Executive Director-THSCA)

Toney Burger – Austin ISD

School populations grew rapidly and the need for more oversight of athletic programs became very evident. Soon more Athletic Directors were added to the following cities:

Dee Walker – Amarillo ISD

Buddy Brothers – Lubbock ISD

Tonto Coleman – Ector County ISD

Chatter Allen – Corpus Christi ISD

The timing was almost perfect for the creation of the Texas High School Athletic Directors Association. In the spring of 1970, Athletic Directors from across Texas and the National Health/Physical Education Association met in Houston. At that time, many Athletic Directors also served as administrators over health and physical education in their districts. While attending this meeting, it was decided by those Directors in attendance that they have a sub-meeting to share specific ideas and ask questions. Joe Tusa of Houston ISD arranged the meeting location. Those individuals in attendance at the first meeting were:

Joe Tusa – Houston ISD

Joe Golding – Wichita Falls ISD

Chuck Moser – Abilene ISD

Shorty Lawson – Abilene ISD

Stoney Phillips – Pasadena ISD

Pete Sultis – Goose Creek ISD

Lon Goldstein – Fort Worth ISD

James Willingham – Fort Worth ISD

Bob Shelton – Dallas ISD

Barry Ehlert – San Antonio ISD

Tom Pruitt – Victoria ISD

Howland Reich – Port Arthur ISD

Homer Johnson – Garland ISD

Allan Boren – Klein ISD

C.E. Haynes – Corpus Christi ISD

Gerald Meyers – Pasadena ISD

Bob Harrell – Irving ISD

Bull Workman – Arlington ISD

Winlon Knowles – Pine Tree ISD

Armando Gutierrez – El Paso ISD

Joe Bill Fox – North East ISD

Kelly Horn – North East ISD

During this meeting the discussion moved to forming a state organization specifically for athletic administrators. The new group would continue close ties with the THSCA but have an independent charter. The decision was made to form the Texas High School Athletic Directors Association. The first officers of this new Association were:

Joe Bill Fox – President

Stoney Phillips – Vice President

Lon Goldstein – Secretary

The group decided to hold the first independent meeting of the THSADA in San Antonio the week after the state basketball tournament in 1971. The main goals established at this time were to improve the means of communication within the schools of Texas and fill a much-needed role in athletic administration within school districts and throughout the State of Texas.

The first meeting of the THSADA was held in San Antonio at the La Mansion Hotel and was deemed a success. There was no budget allocated so the hotel allowed the THSADA to defer payment until after the Conference. Attendance was over 50 individuals. The next two meetings were in the same hotel with Lon Goldstein and Stoney Phillips presiding.

“I cannot compliment these early day members enough for their willingness to contribute in any way possible. I cannot begin to list the names of those involved but every large school district and section of the state was represented. ese early day leaders have paved the way for an organization that is held in such high esteem as it is today.”

—Joe Bill Fox-former President-THSADA.

With the growth and elevated profile of the Texas High School Athletic Directors Association, the first ever Executive Director of the THSADA was selected in March 2012. Rusty Dowling, formerly Director of Athletics for the Katy ISD, was hired to oversee the organizational and administrative concerns of the THSADA.

The leadership model of the THSADA was changed in July of 2014 to better represent all areas of the State of Texas. An annual membership election for the office of Vice President takes place every year with the process of the VP moving through the administrative positions of Vice President, then to President-elect then eventually into the position of President. Three additional Board members were selected to fully represent all eight regions of the THSADA. The Board Historian and Board Secretary were re-purposed to permanent, non-voting members of the Board.

The event calendar for the THSADA became more established. Along with the annual THSADA State Conference, the THSADA has active participation in the summer TGCA and THSCA Summer Conventions as well as involvement in the regular monthly Region meetings that occur throughout the state. The establishment of committees were organized to assist the THSADA in doing the work of the Association was also critical and allowed for additional member engagement.

Significant to the THSADA was the development of the Texas Athletic Administrators Certification program. This is a Texas-based athletic administrators’ curriculum that utilizes a faculty of current athletic administrators, industry professionals, UIL/TAPPS staff and school superintendents. This certification will validate that an athletic administrator, in the State of Texas, has taken courses of study that will improve effectiveness as an athletic administrator.

The growth of the THSADA also allowed the Association to hire an Assistant Executive Director. Bob DeJonge, formerly Director of Athletics of the Keller ISD, was named as Assistant Executive Director in 2018.

THSADA, now in its 52nd year, is the professional and educational Association for nearly 2,000 secondary athletics

10 THSADA Partner Playbook

administrators at more than 1,700 institutions throughout the State of Texas. Nearly 600 athletic administrators annually attend THSADA’s State Conference and 200+ athletic administrators are usually on hand for both Spring Sponsor Showcase in March and Fall Forum in October.

Below are key dates and initiatives in THSADA History.

1970 Athletic Directors from across Texas and the National Health/Physical Education Association meet in Houston to form the Texas High School Athletic Directors Association, a state organization specifically for athletic administrators. The first officers of this new Association are Joe Bill Fox (President), Stoney Phillips (Vice President) and Lon Goldstein (Secretary).

1971 First independent meeting of the THSADA is held at the La Mansion Hotel in San Antonio the week after the state basketball tournament. The main goals of the meeting were to improve the means of communication within schools and fill a much-needed role in athletic administration.

Attending this meeting are Barry Ehlert (San Antonio ISD), Joe Golding (Wichita Falls ISD), Lon Goldstein (Fort Worth ISD), Homer Johnson (Garland ISD), Shorty Lawson (Abilene ISD), Chuck Moser (Abilene ISD), Stoney Phillips (Pasadena ISD), Tom Pruitt (Victoria ISD), Howland Reich (Port Arthur ISD), Bob Shelton (Dallas ISD), Pete Sultis (Goose Creek ISD), Joe Tusa (Houston ISD) and James Willingham (Fort Worth ISD).

1981The Hall of Honor begins, with the first inductee Pete Sultis (Goose Creek ISD). More than 115 members have been added in the past 40 years.

1988 Joe Means (Round Rock ISD) is the first honoree for the State Award of Merit. The annual award winner has demonstrated longterm contribution of leadership and meritorious service to their profession of interscholastic athletics at the state and national level. The award now includes the name of the late Kelly Reeves (Round Rock ISD).

1998 Ruth Meredith (El Paso ISD), who became the first female inducted into the Hall of Honor in 1994, becomes the first female to serve as association president. Karen Funk (North East ISD) follows suit as president in 2013, Debbie Decker (Katy ISD) in 2018 and Debbie Fuchs (retired, Clear Creek ISD) in 2022. Leslie Slovak (Richardson ISD) was voted by membership as President-Elect in 2023.

2006 South Texas ends a 10-year gap and returns as host of State Conference, in Brownsville. The city of Brownsville would host again in 2009. Laredo served as host in 1979, ’82, ’84,

’85 and ’96.

2008 The Frank Kovaleski Professional Development Award is launched. The Kovaleski is presented annually to a NIAAA member who has made significant contributions and demonstrated excellence in professional development at the local, state and national levels. The first honoree is Larry Peil (Cy-Fair ISD), who would later serve the THSADA as one of the primary architects of its TAAC program.

2012 With the growth and elevated profile of the THSADA, the first-ever Executive Director is selected in March. Rusty Dowling, formerly Director of Athletics for the Katy ISD, is hired to oversee the organizational and administrative concerns while also generating association revenue through marketing initiatives and annual membership.

2013 Region Athletic Administrators of the Year begin being recognized, as well as another annual platform sponsored by Whataburger to award a pair of $1,500 scholarships to deserving student-athletes. Membership in the THSADA exceeds 250.

2014 Leadership model changes in July to better represent all regions of Texas. An annual membership election for the office of Vice President is instituted, with the process of the VP moving through the administrative positions of Vice President, then to President-elect, then eventually into the position of President. Three additional Board members are selected to fully represent all eight THSADA regions. The Board Historian and Board Secretary were re-purposed to permanent, non-voting members of the Board.

2015 The Joe Bill Fox Award is launched, to annually honor an individual who has provided invaluable service to the THSADA in truly outstanding fashion. The first honoree is Kathy Mathis, who served the THSADA faithfully and tirelessly in a varsity of key roles (led by membership oversight) before her retirement in 2019.

2016 Membership in the THSADA doubles in three years of hiring an Executive Director and exceeds 500.

2017 The Waco Convention Center begins its three-year run as annual host of State Conference. Membership in the THSADA exceeds 750.

2018 Continued growth of the THSADA allows for the addition of an Assistant Executive Director. This new position is filled by Bob DeJonge, formerly Director of Athletics of the Keller ISD.

After years in development, the Texas Athletic Administrators Certification curriculum is launched at State Conference, thanks in part to the foundational efforts of Larry Peil (retired, CyFair ISD), among others.This athletic administrators’ curriculum comprised of 28 courses utilizes a faculty of current athletic administrators, industry professionals, UIL/TAPPS staff and school

superintendents. Johanna Denson (retired, Tyler, Waco and Pflugerville ISDs), currently oversees TAAC for the THSADA.

2019 Members of the inaugural TAAC graduating class are honored with certificates at their respective Region Meetings beginning in the fall. With online education available to complete certification, this number totaled 74 administrators by the end of the year.

A 1½-day workshop, Fall Forum is launched as an annual fall event to provide another educational opportunity for membership. Nearly 200 members attend Fall Forum at the Northside ISD’s Farris Athletic Complex in San Antonio. Speakers included superintendents, representatives of the UIL, athletic administrators, sponsors and industry leaders in athletic facilities. Membership in the THSADA exceeds 1,000.

2020 Due to Covid-19, the State Conference is postponed, then moved virtual, in December.

2021 In March, Kalahari Resorts & Conventions in Round Rock hosts the inaugural Spring Sponsor Showcase. Similar to Fall Forum, Spring Sponsor Showcase provides another engagement opportunity between membership and our sponsor family, sandwiched around educational opportunities for membership.

The association celebrated its 50th-annual by returning its State Conference to the Austin area for the first time since 2005. The site was Kalahari, which remains as annual host of State Conference. Joe Bill Fox attends, and is celebrated, during festivities celebrating the 50th State Conference Membership in the THSADA exceeds 1,250.

2022 Fall Forum Presented by HomeTown Ticketing begins the first of two years headquartered at Estancia del Norte in San Antonio. Professional development offerings were held on Day 2 at the North East ISD. Membership in the THSADA exceeds 1,500.

During its December meeting, the THSADA Board of Directors announced that Dr. Roland Hernandez (Superintendent of Schools, Corpus Christi ISD) and Dr. Joe Young (Superintendent of Schools, Brownwood ISD) have been selected to serve a two-year term on the THSADA Board of Directors. Both Dr. Hernandez and Dr. Young will serve as Ex-Officio members of the Board. The THSADA voted unanimously to add two ISD Superintendents to the BOD in order to bring a district leader’s perspective to the THSADA and to further strengthen the alliance between Athletic Directors and ISD Superintendents.

2023 Spring Sponsor Showcase Presented by ProtectED brings membership back to Waco for the first time since State Conference in 2019. Membership in the THSADA exceeds 1,750.

THSADA Partner Playbook 11

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12 THSADA Partner Playbook
Margueritte Aozasa, MCAA ’21 Head Coach, UCLA Women’s Soccer
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14 THSADA Partner Playbook


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DakClassroom bundles our Event Production Curriculum with Show Control – Education Edition software and Crew Connect to provide students with a learning experience that prepares them for a career in the digital world.

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THSADA Partner Playbook 15

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AtCold Daddy, we believe there is a better way to do cold water immersion. A more efficient and economical way where ice is irrelevant rather than a necessity. We’re obsessively passionate about it, and our mission is to provide our clients with the technology to achieve this.

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18 THSADA Partner Playbook
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20 THSADA Partner Playbook C ommitted to helping coaches E x p l o r e y our opp o r t un it ie s. V i si t e q ui t a bl e .c om /e d uc a t or s. Y o ur d e di ca t i on t o he l pi ng c hi ldr en r e al ize t he ir p ot e nt ia l a n d a ch ie v e t he ir d r e a m s i s r e ma r k a bl e . W e w a nt t o h e l p y ou w or k t ow a r d a chie v i ng a m e a ni ng f ul r e t ir e m ent t hr oug h a t a il or -m a de st r a t e g y f
e duc a t

Specializing in commercial-grade furnishings and stadium seating designed for sports, education, firehouses, hospitality, and corporations, DreamSeat continues to innovate the seating experience by developing new products and designs our customers need. Whether you are looking for loose furniture with or without logos or fixed seating for a spectator venue we have a product for your unique application.

Equalis Group is a cooperative purchasing organization that provides contracts competitively solicited by public agencies for a wide array of products and services. Our Master Agreements are established through rigorous and transparent competitive solicitations conducted in accordance with public procurement guidelines to ensure our members stay in compliance.

Equalis Group membership is available to federal, state, and local government agencies; public and private educational institutions, including K-12 schools, colleges, and universities; non-profit organizations; and private sector companies.

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Fielder’s Choice, Inc. uses the latest construction techniques to build athletic fields of the highest quality. Fielder’s Choice will also renovate and rebuild existing fields to bring them up to the standard expected by today’s athletic directors, coaches, and athletes. When you want a professional sports field and supplies, choose the company a former MLB manager Phil Garner trusts ... you want Fielder’s Choice, Inc.

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ThroughFCTA, accredited educational entities throughout the state of Texas can establish local chapters to introduce students to coaching concepts and encourage them to build an understanding of how to promote athletic performance, facilitate team leadership, and drive towards overall excellence as a future coach.

GearGrid specializes in the design and fabrication of durable storage solutions to stand up to the demands of athletes. Since 1921, GearGrid has built products using only proven, heavy-duty materials at our headquarters and production facility in Forest Lake, MN.

At GearGrid, we believe athletes and their gear deserve to be protected and safe, so we ensure our storage solutions do just that. Whatever the need may be, GearGrid offers the smarter, stronger storage solution for your athletic facility.

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THSADA Partner Playbook 21
22 THSADA Partner Playbook
24 THSADA Partner Playbook GILMAN GEAR Committed to the Texas High School Football Coach! 800-243-0398 Cell: 979-661-0193 Email: Louis Schwartz BUY FROM A COACH YOU KNOW AND TRUST! QUALITY THAT LASTS SEASON AFTER SEASON! Cell: 972-415-9971 Email: Tim McCarty
THSADA Partner Playbook 25
26 THSADA Partner Playbook

2023 Fall Forum Returns to Alamo City

Launched in 2019, Fall Forum returns to San Antonio and will be headquartered for the second consecutive year at Estancia del Norte Hotel. The two-day workshop on October 10-11 is presented by HomeTown Ticketing.

Fall Forum provides another engagement opportunity for athletic administrators from all regions of Texas. Our array of extensive speakers includes superintendents, representatives of the UIL, athletic administrators, sponsors and industry leaders in athletic facilities.

Attendees will again receive TAAC credit for specific sessions. Additionally, the UIL’s informative session will focus on its upcoming Legislative Council meeting in October.

More than 200 athletic administrators attended last year’s event.

Check out for the latest agenda and to register for Fall Forum.

THSADA Partner Playbook 27
Attendee/Sponsor Registration Opens
PM Hotel check-in for Attendees/ Sponsors
Day One Welcome / Session #1
Attendee Reception-Welcome from THSADA and Sponsors
Tuesday, October 10 3 PM
5 PM
6 PM
AM Attendee Registration Continues 8:30 AM Day Two Welcome 8:45 AM Session #2 9:30 AM Break 9:40 AM Session #3 10:30 AM Break 10:40 AM Session #4 11:30 AM Lunch-Provided by THSADA 12:30 PM Session #5 1:20 PM Break 1:30 PM UIL Staff Presentation (Preview Legislative Council) 3:00 PM Closing – Rusty Dowling
Wednesday, October 11 7:30
2023 Fall Forum Agenda
28 THSADA Partner Playbook Unlimited spectrum


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THSADA Partner Playbook 29
Illumination Control Positionable aiming points New install retrofit Energy efficient Unlimited color spectrum Uniform light distribution
30 THSADA Partner Playbook

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32 THSADA Partner Playbook

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THSADA Partner Playbook 33
34 THSADA Partner Playbook
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AtMeca Sportswear, we are all about celebrating achievement. We are honored that so many high schools, colleges, and universities have chosen our products to represent their institutions.

Our custom letter jackets, chenille letters, patches, blankets, banners, pins, certificates plaques and apparel will motivate achievement in athletics, academics and the arts. Create the perfect awards program for your school with our combination of high-quality custom and stock awards that will fit your budget and create school spirit!

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MicroDistributing is home of the STATTEST brand of innovative drug & alcohol testing products and services, and cutting edge diagnostic and information technologies. For over 20 years we have been committed to quality customer service to all the industries we serve: workplace (DOT and nonDOT), government/criminal justice, schools, behavioral health/addiction treatment, and healthcare.

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40 THSADA Partner Playbook



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THSADA Partner Playbook 41

Austin-based Media Excel has a long history in delivering mobile television, providing the hardware and software backend for 90% of the US mobile TV market. Delivery of civic and public information must be timely, not just traditional television spots or live press conferences but also to mobile handsets, new tablets, desktop computers and a myriad of devices / form factors in between.

WithNeptune GameTime, your countless hours of screening music for your sports events are history! We have a team of music screeners that make sure every one of the 37,000+ songs in our database is 100 percent guaranteed family-friendly.

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Basedin Arkansas, P.C.C. Inc has been serving the region for many years with a wide range of services and products including air purification and air purification systems. We strive to offer the highest quality products that are affordable. Our staff is on hand to help you find what you are looking for.

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42 THSADA Partner Playbook
44 THSADA Partner Playbook

Power Lift is an industryleading designer and manufacturer of Americanmade strength and conditioning equipment. Power Lift’s team of strength and conditioning experts are ready to help take your athletic facility from concept to completion. Contact us at 1-800-872-1543.


From The Ground Up. Premium Spaces Designed And Built For Human Movement. PLAE flooring comes in a wide spectrum of textures and colors, fitting whatever your gym might need. Popular options include the 13mm PLAE Achieve for weight training and PLAE Attack Turf for indoor and outdoor sports use.

AtProCom, we don’t buy our equipment from a distributor, slap a sticker on it, and call it our own. We pride ourselves on being the actual manufacturer of our flagship products. With over 45 years of telecommunication experience, our products are engineered with meticulous care and detail, ensuring our headsets are the pinnacle of coaching technology.

46 THSADA Partner Playbook
THSADA Partner Playbook 47
48 THSADA Partner Playbook YOUR PARTNER FOR SPORTS FIELDS & ATHLETIC FACILITIES Field Marking Paints & Equipment Sports Accessories | Turf Maintenance Infield Maintenance | Stencils | Windscreens Protective Padding | Facility Disinfection Eloy Atkinson Austin/San Antonio 830-399-0304 Justin Kupper Dallas-Fort Worth 817-734-1407 Darin Eberly Houston 281-799-4875

Who We Are

All children deserve to learn and play in places that are safe and healthy. As a trusted partner to school districts around the country, Protect|ED works to support schools and their athletic departments who share our commitment to improving the air students, faculty and staff breathe every day. Together, we will ensure student athletes have access to the clean air they need to perform their best.

About NanoStrike™

Athletic directors across the country are embracing the need for improved air quality and are turning to Protect|ED to install NanoStrike™ units to inactivate dangerous airborne micro-organisms, including COVID -19, influenza, MRSA and other staph infections.

The portable technology disinfects the air and has been trusted by world-renowned medical institutions such as the Cleveland Clinic for the past decade.

How It Works

1. Contaminated indoor air is pulled into the unit by an internal dual speed fan.

2. Two NanoStrike™ coils provide a deadly strike, made up of multiple concurrent inactivation processes, that work to rapidly destroy airborne pathogens.

3. DNA and protein within the cell wall are destroyed.

4. Cell bursts due to osmotic pressure and is unable to self heal.

5. The pathogen is destroyed and no longer infectious.

THSADA Partner Playbook 49
WellAir Protect900W WellAir Protect400W
Over 60 clinical and lab studies 99.99 percent, Over 60 clinical and lab studies show that NanoStrike™ inactivates airborne micro-organisms up to 99.99 percent, providing the first line of protection against viruses and bacteria.

Unlike other manufacturers’ products, ProMAXima’s fitness equipment is 100% custom crafted and made to order. Proudly American made, we deliver commercial grade only, using the best quality steel and the most advanced technology. Our 50-year track record demonstrates our industry leadership in safety innovations, creating fitness solutions for every user’s body type. And we stand behind our highest quality construction with the very best warranty coverage in the industry.

For more, go to:

QHFSports is a privately owned gymfloor company located in the Texas Hill Country. We proudly specialize in all areas of athletic wood-flooring including:

Portable Sports Floors

Gym Floors

Aerobic / Dance Floors

Stage Flooring

Weight-room Flooring

For more, go to:

In Track and Field, you need equipment that outlasts the budget, because the budget NEVER lasts. There’s no bigger investment on your track than a high jump or pole vault setup. In 1962, we sent our first pair of pole vault standards to Hobart High School in Hobart, Indiana. Since then, we’ve been striving to manufacture the best Track and Field equipment available at competitive prices to keep your athletes as successful and safe as possible. We’ve been a family company for nearly 60 years, never having been sold or reorganized.

For more, go to:

Armed with awardwinning knowledge, RS3 Turf can help you get the most out of your sports facilities. RS3 Turf provides in-house, turnkey resolutions for all facets of sports field construction and operates with total transparency and integrity during the entire process. The team’s savviness is unparalleled and their craftsmanship is considered to be the best in the business. Check us out @RS3Turf

rSchoolToday creates award-winning Cloudbased software solutions.Our Sports Management Platform is the most comprehensive and widely-adopted athletics management platform on the market.

rSchoolToday currently serves over 8,000 schools, districts, colleges and universities. With offices around the U.S. and worldwide, rSchoolToday has over 240 passionate, creative, caring people, each working to make substantial improvement in the work and lives of our schools and state associations. For more, go to:

50 THSADA Partner Playbook
THSADA Partner Playbook 51

Rogers understands that champions are made long before the games begin. We are committed to manufacturing strength training equipment that promotes proper technique and is designed with safety in mind. GET STRONG!

AtRomeo Music, we’re passionate about music and those devoted to making (and keeping) our world so beautifully musical.

That’s why we’re dedicated to music educators and music makers – and why we’re proud to be the unique “go-to” resource you rely on to do your job so well.

For more, go to:

Schoolfundr is a free, simple way to raise money. It’s built for teachers, coaches, and parents — so you can spend your time on students, not on fundraising.

We pride ourselves on being a fee-free way for schools to fundraise. You keep 100% of the money raised, with only standard credit card processing fees deducted. Plus, our oneclick social sharing features increase campaign visibility and encourage more donations.

For more, go to:

Upgrade your Fan Experience with ScoreVision! ScoreVision

is a software platform that helps every team engage fans like the pros. Our cloud-based software helps teams keep score, create professional gametime productions, capture the action in real-time, and share it with fans everywhere.

Are you tired of having to choose between investing in new technology and resources for your students, or worrying about the financial burden it may bring?

At Sideline Interactive, we understand the importance of providing the best possible education for our future generations. That’s why we’re proud to offer you 0% financing with zero interest for 12 months on all of our products.

With our financing option, you can finally provide your students with the latest technology and resources they need to succeed, without having to sacrifice your budget. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your gymnasium, improve your school’s stadium, or bring in new educational tools, we have you covered.

For more, go to: sideline

ADs looking for a onestop shop for football technology look no further than where you can get your programs #PoweredUp with headsets, EZ/SL camera systems, drones, The Coachpad, portable sound systems, practice timers and much more!

Follow us today @ SidelinePower

52 THSADA Partner Playbook
THSADA Partner Playbook 53 Scan this QR Code to find your local Sales Representative, or text 469-715-7895 to request a Representative contact you
54 THSADA Partner Playbook Stick a pin... Texas You'll find a Robbins floor nearby! The Leader in Sport and Recreational Surfaces Houston Austin / San Antonio (713) 956-2700 Dallas / Ft Worth Amarillo (972) 248-9001 the map of FOR ESTIMATES AND INFO, CONTACT THE ROBBINS AUTHORIZED DEALER NEAREST YOU...
THSADA Partner Playbook 55
56 THSADA Partner Playbook
THSADA Partner Playbook 57 @OfficialTHSADA • Latest News and Happenings • Awards For Our Membership • Recognition Of UIL State Champions • Spotlight on Members • Promo of Upcoming Region Meetings

We’re Snap! Raise and a whole lot more.

To date, Snap! Raise has helped raise over $700 million for schools, groups, and teams. And now, with the Snap! Mobile platform and app, you have access to an even wider range of powerful industry-leading solutions.

Snap! Raise Our fundraising solution. Raise more with less effort.

Early Access from Snap! Raise Our “get your funds early” option for fundraisers.

Snap! Insights

Our all-in-one fundraising dashboard.

Snap! Store Our online home for custom spirit wear.

Snap! Spend Our money management tool.

Snap! Sponsor Our new online sponsorship marketplace. Snap! Manage Our department management tool.

FanX Our one-stop shop mobile app for schools.

Scan to Learn More

58 THSADA Partner Playbook
THSADA Partner Playbook 59 Spectrum by Watchfire combines over 50 years of fixed digit scoreboard experience with over 90 years of manufacturing lighted displays. Complement your digital video board with the best fixed-digit product on the market. SCOREBOARDS VIDEO DISPLAYS CENTERHUNGS SCORER’S TABLES SEGMENT TIMERS SHOT & GAME CLOCKS EASY SOFTWARE SPARK NEW FAN ENGAGEMENT DOWNLOAD OUR SPORTS GUIDE TODAY Call 800-637-2645 or visit GREAT SCORING JUST GOT BETTER

ABT began with a single focus: provide products and services to solve North America’s surface drainage problems.

In mid-1995, ABT began marketing SportsEdge, a product line specifically designed for athletic field drainage followed by SportsEdge LT in 1998.

For more, go to:

WANTOUR EXACT PLAYBOOK? We have put together a full maintenance plan for your grass field. Our playbook will give you the exact steps we would follow if we were on your field. All for free.

For more, go to:

Our passion is the same as our first day of business in the 1970s. That’s when our founders, highly-respected collegiate coaches, helped expand volleyball throughout North America with the first safe in ground net system without dangerous wires. Throughout our history, we’ve raised the bar for quality, performance and customer experience in the sport of volleyball. That standard continues today.

For more, go to:


and Sports Recognition takes pride in providing the best quality letter jackets and service in the great state of Texas Your Letter Jacket Specialist. For more: @

We don’t Just Build Grandstands and Bleachers, We Build Trust. Innovative ideas, an experienced, dedicated workforce and a true belief in high standards and honest business principles have helped Sturdisteel set the industry’s standard for excellence. With a solid performance reputation that spans 80 years, we’ve been a top choice of facility owners all across the US and Canada – establishing Sturdisteel as one of the true market leaders.

60 THSADA Partner Playbook
THSADA Partner Playbook 61
ATHLETIC COMMUNITIES School-Safe Communication, Built for Sports ✓
school-safe ✓
@sportsyou Get started for free online or on the app store! Free on Desktop and Mobile
sY does not sell individual student data ✓ Your data is encrypted and stored in the US
sY is a 100% US owned and operated company

Game ready sports design

Learn more

62 THSADA Partner Playbook
THSADA Partner Playbook 63



Based in Georgetown, TX, FieldTurf’s local experts can offer a full-service package and lead the construction, surfacing and maintenance of your facility. One company, one solution.


FieldTurf controls all aspects of the manufacturing value chain. From start to finish, we’re in control of your field.


We are as committed to your program as you are; and we’re with you for the long term. When you buy a field from FieldTurf, you’re buying from a company that knows how to take care of you. It’s what we do best.


Part of Tarkett Sports, a division of the Tarkett Group, a worldwide leader of innovative flooring and sports surface solutions, FieldTurf has unprecedented financial support and stability. You can rest easy.


The findings of long-term independent research show that FieldTurf’s heavyweight systems are safer than, or equal, to competitive systems and numerous published peer-reviewed studies show FieldTurf as safer than natural grass in the most critical areas of player safety.

64 THSADA Partner Playbook

TheTexas Association of School Boards (TASB) is a voluntary, nonprofit, statewide educational association that serves and represents local Texas school boards and was established in 1949 with two main goals in mind:

To share information through publications and training to help Texas board members serve their communities more effectively.

To speak with a unified voice to decision makers to chart the best future for Texas public schools.

SaveTime, Money and Paint on your Field Painting with TinyMobileRobots. Our TinyLineMarker® field painters are ideal for high schools and school districts looking to reduce cost and improve field quality. Say goodbye to measuring tape and strings. Follow us today @tmr_robots.

An Adobe Certified Educational Reseller, TM Television is trained to outfit and provide support for the very best of educational facilities with Adobe products to develop the next generation of media pros. Allow us to provide special education pricing along with the very best in media systems integration for your educational facility. TM Television is now a proud BuyBoard partner! Give us a follow @tmtelevision.

Weoffer customized track & field gear. Get premium quality. Best track equipment & clothes. Get the best for your training. All your training needs here.

For more, go to:

Our mission is, to help provide the safest, most aesthetically appealing and functional facility for your athletic and personal needs. Whether at your school, private facility, or home, we provide services and products to meet your requirements as they pertain to windscreen, privacy screen, safety pads, fence toppers, and netting.

For more, go to:

Our mission is to make the job easier for turf managers all around the world. At Turf Tank we understand: line marking can be a challenging task when done manually. You have to put in a lot of hours with a team of several people, pulling strings, doing manual measurements, and pushing the line marking machine. Despite all your efforts and attention to detail, the job can often end with crooked lines. That is why we created the Turf Tank ONE –your teammate on the field that will make line marking for you easier than ever!

For more, go to:

66 THSADA Partner Playbook
THSADA Partner Playbook 67 WE POWER We support trusted, safe coach-athlete connections. TEAMWORK. We help you build a more productive athletic department. Get started for free at Communicate. Organize. Engage. Lead.

Texas Athletic Administrators Certification History

TheTexas Athletic Administrator Certificate (TAAC) is a THSADA, state certification. TAAC is specific for athletic administrators in the State of Texas, with an emphasis on UIL/TAPPS regulations. The Texas-based curriculum consists of courses that enhance the ability of an athletic administrator to successfully perform the duties and responsibilities of a Texas Athletic Administrator.

Purpose of TAAC:

• To better prepare an Athletic Administrator to carry out the duties and responsibilities of a Texas Secondary Athletic Administrator in grades 7-12

• Prepare current, new and aspiring Athletic Administrators for a role in Texas Secondary Athletic Administration

To receive a Texas Athletic Administrator’s Certificate:

• Must be an Active/Associate member of THSADA

• Must attend the State Conference

• Must complete ALL courses; live or online

• Costs for TAAC courses are included in current

THSADA Membership

• Courses are offered at THSADA-sanctioned events

Cecilia Keller Ector County ISD

Sonia Almanza Northside ISD

Leal Anderson Austin ISD

Gil Baber Dallas ISD

Kevin Bachinski Bishop Lynch HS

Brent Barker

Eagle Mountain Saginaw ISD

Sylvia Barrera Laredo ISD

Michael Bass

Benjamin Benavides III

• Only THSADA members may access TAAC videos online TAAC was developed by the THSADA, with assistance of Texas Retired Athletic Administrators, the THSADA TAAC Committee, UIL Staff, TAPPS Staff and representatives of various UIL committees and superintendent members of the UIL Legislative Council. Faculty: TAAC certification courses are presented by individuals who have exceptional experience and knowledge of the specific topics. The courses are presented by THSADA members, UIL/TAPPS Staff, designated industry speakers, designated topic professionals and ISD superintendents. A complete overview of TAAC and contact information is available at

Congratulations to the following Texas Athletic Administrators that have successfully completed their certification, through March of 2023.

Bruce Consier Hyde Park School

Bobby Cruz United ISD

Travis Dalrymple Round Rock ISD

Robert Davies Harlingen CISD

Ruby de la Garza Judson ISD

Johanna Denson THSADA

Michael Enriquez Pettus ISD

Alvin ISD

Edgewood ISD

Melanie Benjamin Cedar Hill ISD

Jody Berryhill Pine Tree ISD

Tracey Borchardt

Ector County ISD

Jaime Boswell Andrews ISD

Joseph Bowser Beaumont ISD

Donna Branch Pasadena ISD

Marla Brumfield-Lewis Alief ISD

Doug Bull Corpus Christi ISD

Dwight Butler Granbury ISD

Victor Cathey International Leadership of Texas

Kenny Catney Frenship ISD

Rodney Chant San Angelo ISD

Brian Clancy San Antonio ISD

Amanda Cofer Fort Worth ISD

Judy Collins McKinney Christian

Cody Fagan Whitesboro ISD

Jeff Feller St. Pius

Chris Feris Conroe ISD

Andrea Fluhman Amarillo ISD

Jennifer Frazier McKinney ISD

Spencer Gantt Victoria ISD

Jamea Garfield Abilene ISD

Kimberly Garner Allen ISD

Laura Garza Edgewood ISD

Terry Gault Boerne ISD

Bryan Gerlich

Grapevine-Colleyville ISD

Dan Gill Episcopal School of Dallas

Jimmy Grier Clear Creek ISD

Chuck Griffin Georgetown ISD

Tina Guerrero Fort Sam Houston ISD

Dan Headley Round Rock Christian Academy

Justin Hefley Amarillo ISD

68 THSADA Partner Playbook

Kevin Hendrickson Austin ISD

Jimmy Hestand Alvin ISD

Ralph Hinds Plano ISD

Tera Hollywood Round Rock ISD

Jody Hormann Leander ISD

Jacob Howell Mission CISD

Sandra Howell Little Elm-Retired

Armando Huerta OEISD

Lety Ibarra Mission ISD

Joel Johnson Northwest ISD

Jimmy Johnson Lubbock ISD

Odis Jones Austin ISD

Kurt Jones Burnet ISD

Kris Jones Cypress-Fairbank ISD

Laura Keahey McKinney ISD

Jeff Keener Fort Bend ISD

Maria Kennedy El Paso-retired

Chivonne Kiser Denton ISD

David Kuykendall Frisco ISD-Retired

Jonathan Lamb Leander ISD

Lisa Langston Fort Worth ISD

Gilbert Leal Brownsville ISD

Sonya Lee Fort Worth ISD

Scott Lehnhoff Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD

Tarance Lewis A+ Charters

Christie Liles Lewisville ISD

Ronnie Lilie Waelder ISD

Valerie Little Prosper ISD

Jerry Littlejohn Frisco ISD

Lorena Lopez-Castillo McAllen ISD

Arturo Lozano IV Santa Gertrudis ISD

Tammy Lusinger Mansfield ISD

George Lutkenhaus Northwest ISD

Dawn Mailloux-Smith Mansfield ISD

Brenda Marshall Corpus Christi ISD

Timothy Martin Alief ISD

Dyanne Martinez-Munoz South San Antonio ISD

Rose Ann Martinez-Munoz Harlindale ISD

Lesa Master Birdville ISD

Ricky Meeks Center ISD

Deborah Mize Fort Bend ISD

Scott Moehlig Alief ISD

Stacey Moore North East ISD

Alberto Munoz Northside ISD

Jeff Nations Dayton ISD

Carla Newsom Alvin ISD

Hilberto Ochoa Ector-County ISD

Derrell Oliver Spring ISD

Jesse Olvera The Covenant School of Dallas

Zeke Ortiz LaJoya ISD

Richard Page Bryan ISD-Retired

Benjamin Pardo Pearland ISD

Keith Patterson

Midway ISD

Kit Pehl Coppell ISD

Eric Persyn Keller ISD

Robert Phelps Arlington ISD

Kevin Pitts Richardson ISD

Karl Pointer Judson ISD

Lynn Pool Austin ISD

Shawn Pratt

McKinney ISD

Steve Prentiss Temple ISD

Carlos Puertas El Paso Cathedral HS

Renee Putter

Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD

Tracey Ranes Lake Worth ISD

Russell Reeves Rockwall ISD

Daniel Rodriguez

Southwest ISD

Jaso Ruperto Pasadena ISD

Dena Scott Fort Bend ISD

Vince Sebo Tomball ISD-Retired

Carl Semier Aldine ISD

Brad Shelton Midway ISD

Dan Sherwood Amarillo ISD

Samual Skidmore Belton ISD

Jeff Smith Trinity Christin Academy-Addison

Craig Smith Hichcock ISD

Greg Smith

Goose Creek CISD

Ricky Smith San Felipe Del Rio-CISD

Chris Southard College Station ISD

Kevin Starnes

Grapevine-Colleyville ISD

Michael Stokebrand Spring Branch ISD

Kristin Striemer Manor ISD

Elisha Thompson La Porte ISD

Duane Toliver Borger ISD

Wesley Torres Midland ISD

MT Tyeskie Dallas ISD

Carlos Uresti Brownsville ISD

Denise Vanlandingham Austin ISD

Todd Vesely Fort Worth ISD

Jake Wachsmuth

Shiner St. Paul

Andre’ Walker Houston ISD

Cliff Watkins Glen Rose ISD

Dwayne Weirich

Tracy Welch

Michael Welch

Jonathan Wilk

Michael Williams

Round Rock ISD-Retired

Lake Worth ISD

Life School Waxahachie

Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD

Garland ISD

Janice Williamson Bryan ISD

Barbara Wise

Timothy Woods

San Antonio ISD

North East ISD

Thomas Young Klein ISD

Robert Zamora

South San Antonio ISD

Jay Zeller Brazosport ISD

Ray Zepeda


THSADA Partner Playbook 69

AtTexas Sports and Civil Engineering we provide full services from the initial schematic design, construction estimate, schedule, to creating construction documents, issue drawings for permitting approval, and construction administration until project closeout and completion. We guarantee to make the clients’ vision become a reality and improve the look of an existing site.

UCS is the premier manufacturer of track & field equipment, facility construction and team seating. With over 55 years of manufacturing experience, UCS is proud to be a made in the USA company. Follow us @UCSSPIRIT

Likemost innovations, Waterboy Sports sprang from the phrase “There HAS to be a better way to..,” but in our case that statement was finished with “..keep these athletes hydrated!” On that watershed day in the mid 1990s our founder, Jack Brown, began a 20-year journey of innovation. His formula was straight-forward: Get input from athletic trainers, coaches and athletes about what they need and design systems that meet those needs. That approach led to the industry-leading hydration systems we manufacture today and continues as we design systems for other sports and industries.

70 THSADA Partner Playbook
THSADA Partner Playbook 71 We offer solutions to make your job easier - giving you more time to make an impact. While we’re the best at equipping athletes, you’re the best at equipping lives... and that’s the real final score. Apparel • Uniforms • Equipment • Weight Room • Fundraising EVERY MINUTE WE SAVE YOU CAN BE SPENT CHANGING LIVES PROUD PARTNER OF CHRIS REYNOLDS // North/East TX // 469.363.7419 // RYAN FOLEY // South/Coastal/Central TX // 972.877.2425 // KEITH BOONE // West TX // 817.994.3837 // BSN Team Texas has over 100 local Sales Pros serving schools statewide.

Bring your school’s legacy to life!

Enhance the way you pay tribute to your school’s legacy quickly and easily with the Wall of Fame!

Let’s work together to bring your stories to life with interactive content for your whole community. Our extensive library of profile templates and layouts allows you to showcase your talented students, rich history, and proudest moments.

72 THSADA Partner Playbook

Saluting Our Distinguished Hall Of Honor Members

THSADA Partner Playbook 73 INDUCTEE REG. SCHOOL DISTRICT YEAR Debbie Decker 5 Katy ISD 2022 Chris Feris 3 Birdville ISD 2022 Rodney Saveat 5 Beaumont ISD 2022 Don Murphy 3 Grand Prairie ISD 2022 Dr. Charles Breithaupt 9 UIL 2020 Marmion Dambrino 5 Houston ISD 2020 Steve Williams 3 Allen ISD 2020 Johanna Denson 6 Pflugerville ISD 2018 Rene Aguilar 4 Clint ISD 2018 Ronny Peacock 5 Tomball ISD 2018 Bob DeJonge 3 Keller ISD 2017 Mark Ball 1 Lubbock ISD 2017 Tom Pruett 8 Victoria ISD 2017 Jim Slaughter 2 San Angelo ISD 2016 Kelly Horn 8 North East ISD 2016 Winlon Knowles 6 Pine Tree ISD 2016 Dick Rittman 2 San Angelo ISD 2015 John Crawford 3 Coppell ISD 2015 Richard Thompson 7 Sharyland Isd 2015 Bill Daws 5 Clear Creek ISD 2014 Kenny Humphreys 5 Spring ISD 2014 Bob Dubey 3 Richardson ISD 2013 Karen Funk 8 North East ISD 2013 Willa Gipson 3 Birdville ISD 2013 Gil Garza 8 San Antonio ISD 2012 Rudy De Los Santos 8 Harlandale ISD 2012 Rusty Dowling 5 Katy ISD 2012 Doug McCutchen 2 San Angelo ISD 2011 Jim Loerwald 6 Round Rock ISD 2011 Pete Vela 7 Weslaco ISD 2011 Robert Young 5 Klein ISD 2011 Daryl Wade 5 Houston ISD 2010 L.P. Jones 5 Spring Branch ISD 2010 Michael Mitchell 5 Beaumont ISD 2010 Sheri Stice 5 Cypress Fairbanks ISD 2010 Bubba Fife 5 Katy ISD 2009 Fred Clausen 3 Grand Prairie ISD 2009 Ken Purcell 5 Denton ISD 2009 Cliff Odenwald 3 Plano ISD 2008 Richard Avila 8 Corpus Christi ISD 2008 Ronnie Bell 5 Alief ISD 2008 Tim Whalen 2 Midland ISD 2008 Bill Bundy 5 Katy ISD 2007 Joe Barnett 3 Irving ISD 2007 Larry Peil 5 Cypress Fairbanks ISD 2007 Mike Jenkins 3 Richardson ISD 2007 Ted Brevelle 3 Grapevine-Colleyville ISD 2007 Joe Young 5 Aldine ISD 2006 Keith Kilgore 5 Fort Bend ISD 2006 Mickey DeLamar 3 Mesquite ISD 2006 Tex Nolan 1 Amarillo ISD 2006 Don Poe 3 Irving ISD 2005 Jerry Comalander 5 North East ISD 2005 Paul Galvan 3 Fort Worth ISD 2005 Toby Ingersoll 5 Aldine ISD 2005 Betty Roberts 5 Houston ISD 2004 Doug Cox 6 Longview ISD 2004 Ebbie Neptune 6 Eanes ISD 2004 Ed Warken 5 Galena Park ISD 2004 Gaylard Fenley 8 Alamo Heights ISD 2003 James “Dub” Farris 8 Northside ISD 2003 INDUCTEE REG. SCHOOL DISTRICT YEAR Joe Rodriguez 7 Brownsville ISD 2003 Neal Wilson 3 Lewisville ISD 2003 Bettye Zachery 5 Houston ISD 2002 Charles Qualls 3 Mesquite ISD 2002 Ed Cauley 6 Killeen ISD 2002 Bill Jeter 2 Wichita Falls ISD 2001 Ellie Noack 6 Austin ISD 2001 Lupe “Chipper” Zamora 7 Harlingen ISD 2001 Benny Carter 5 Humble ISD 2000 Kelly Reeves 6 Round Rock ISD 2000 Richard Flores 7 Edinburg CISD 2000 Tommy Maddox 8 Edgewood ISD 2000 B.R. “Poppy” Rodriguez 7 McAllen ISD 1999 Greg Sherwood 1 Lubbock ISD 1999 Jim Ashmore 5 Houston ISD 1999 Frank Arnold 8 Judson ISD 1998 Leroy Crump 5 Alief ISD 1998 Mike Williamson 5 Spring Branch ISD 1998 Sonny Lang 1 Amarillo ISD 1998 Sonny Novak 5 Klein ISD 1998 Gerald Beal 3 Fort Worth ISD 1997 Homer Johnson 3 Garland ISD 1997 Hulin Smith 3 Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD 1997 Buddy Hopson 5 Fort Bend ISD 1996 Clint Humphreys 6 Longview ISD 1996 Ken Pridgeon 5 Cypress Fairbanks ISD 1996 Roy Wallace 8 Judson ISD 1995 James Hayden 3 Arlington ISD 1994 Ruth Meredith 4 El Paso ISD 1994 Allen Boren 5 Klein ISD 1993 Clay Cox 4 El Paso ISD 1993 Jimmy Littleton 8 San Antonio ISD 1993 Joe Means 6 Round Rock ISD 1993 Henry Carroll 8 San Antonio ISD 1992 Marvin Gustafson 8 Northside ISD 1992 Mayfield Workman 3 Arlington ISD 1992 Carl Spoonemore 5 Brazosport ISD 1991 Charlie Dyer 3 Dallas ISD 1991 John Clark 3 Plano ISD 1991 Gerald Myers 5 Pasadena ISD 1990 Jim Ketham 5 Deer Park ISD 1990 Ronny White 3 Fort Worth ISD 1990 Jim Arnold 3 Carrollton/Farmers Branch ISD 1989 Tom Watson 6 Texarkana ISD 1988 Araulfo “Zam” Zamora 8 Laredo ISD 1987 Armando “Jeep” Gutierrez 4 El Paso ISD 1987 James L. Willingham 3 Fort Worth ISD 1987 Joe Golding 2 Wichita Falls ISD 1987 John McGuire 1 Amarillo ISD 1987 De Walker 1 Amarillo ISD 1986 Jack Brewer 2 Ector County ISD 1986 Weldon Phillips 5 Pasadena ISD 1986 C.E. Haynes 8 Corpus Christi ISD 1985 Joe Bill Fox 3 Birdville ISD 1985 Pete Ragus 1 Lubbock ISD 1984 Shorty Lawson 2 Abilene ISD 1984 Howland Reich 5 Port Arthur ISD 1983 Joe Tusa 5 Houston ISD 1983 Lon Goldstein 3 Fort Worth ISD 1983 Bob Shelton 3 Dallas ISD 1982 Pete Sultis 5 Goose Creek ISD 1981 INDUCTEE REG. SCHOOL DISTRICT YEAR Shawn Pratt 3 McKinney ISD 2023 Rodney Chant 2 San Angelo ISD 2023 INDUCTEE REG. SCHOOL DISTRICT YEAR Dr. Susan Elza 9 UIL 2023 David Kuykendall 3 Frisco ISD 2023
74 THSADA Partner Playbook CAMPUS Looking for more coverage on your high school athletic teams this season? VYPE can help! Sports Marketing for High Schools The VYPE Campus model is designed to create exclusive content for schools and teams. It’s a great way to showcase your athletic program and elevate your brand in Texas! Here’s how we do it: VYPE Media 713-969-7105 For more information on how VYPE can tell your story, please contact our team! Custom VYPE Magazine & Content VYPE Social Media Accounts Video Highlights & Documentaries Game Film Production Media Days & Game Photography Livestream Broadcasts Dedicated Team Sites on www Custom Sports Graphics
THSADA Partner Playbook 75

Attention track and field coaches! It’s finally here. The XacTraK Portable Laser Rail Measuring System. Easily stored and transportable!

For more, go to:

Since 1987 Xara has been servicing soccer organizations across the US at every level of the game. Our commitment to support the success of youth soccer organizations is driven by our passion to help the beautiful game grow. Our products are crafted using cutting edge technologies with performance fabrics from around the world, and our design features offer players and organizations the opportunity to stand out in a crowd. Experience the Xara difference!

For more, go to:

We offer a variety of Gym Equipment including dumbbells, weight plates, benches, squat racks, barbells, plyo boxes, multi gyms, & so much more.

If you’re looking for highquality, durable strength training equipment, you can’t go wrong with York Barbell’s STS series. So why wait? Invest in your strength training today with York Barbell

For more, go to:

76 THSADA Partner Playbook
THSADA Partner Playbook 77
78 THSADA Partner Playbook
THSADA Partner Playbook 79 FREE + SCHOOL-SAFE SOLUTION FOR YOUR COACHES Find your unique access code below to join your THSADA Region. 5TD7-J3EA 6L6J-JJYE JV8S-9PVQ UKHH-MSF7 NU3P-X3H5 M5YC-69YN WLK6-7992 TSZZ-G5ZM Region 1 Region 3 Region 5 Region 7 Region 2 Region 4 Region 6 Region 8 Visit us at or on the app store. @sportsyou PROUD PARTNER OF

Playbook Index of THSADA Partners

80 THSADA Partner Playbook ACE Sports* ................................. 2 Adrenaline Fundraising 3 Athletes to Athletes* 5 Balfour* ........................................ 6 Biamp 4 BoxOut Sports ........................... 16 Brock USA* 7 The Brokerage Store 4 BRW Architects ............................ 4 Clell Wade* 8 CoachComm ................................ 4 Cold Daddy 16 Concordia University ................... 12 Covermaster ............................... 16 Covington* 13 Daktronics* ........................... 14-15 Danley Sound Labs* 17 Dollamur ..................................... 16 DreamSeat ................................. 21 DTN* 18 Dynamic Fitness ......................... 37 Eccker Sports* 19 Equalis Group ............................. 21 Equitable Advisors* ..................... 20 FCTA 21 Fielder’s Choice .......................... 21 Game Court Services* 22 Game One* ................................ 23 GearGrid Corp. ........................... 21 Germ Blast 21 Gilman Gear* .............................. 24 Gipper* 25 GoFan* ....................................... 26 GroupFund ................................. 21 Hellas Construction* 28-29 HomeTown Ticketing* ................. 30 Huckabee* 31 Hudl* .......................................... 32 Image Maker 4 U ........................ 33 Impact Athletics 33 Incrediwear ................................. 33 Johnson Fitness 33 Kwik Goal ................................... 33 LED Partners* 34 LISCO Sports ............................. 33 List Industries* 35 LPA* 36 Mascot Media............................. 37 Meca Sportswear 37 Micro Distributing........................ 37 M. Duane Miller* 38 Musco Sports Lighting* 39 Nevco* ....................................... 40 NFHS Network* 41 Media Excel ................................ 42 Neptune GameTime 42 Net Connection 42 OES Scoreboards ....................... 42 P.C.C. Inc. 42 Paragon Sports Constructors* .... 43 PBK Sports* 44-45 Perry Weather* 47 Pioneer Athletics* ....................... 48 Plae Vertical 46 Ponder Company, Inc.* ............... 13 Power Lift 46 ProCom 46 Practice Plan .............................. 46 ProMAXima 50 ProtectED* ................................. 49 QHF Sports 50 Rank One* 51 RFS Sports ................................. 53 Richey Athletics 50 Robbins ...................................... 54 Rogers Athletic 52 Romeo Music 52 RS3 Turf ..................................... 50 rSchool Today 50 Samson Equipment* ................... 55 Schoolfundr 52 ScoreVision 52 Sideline Interactive 52 Sideline Power ............................ 52 Sign Press .................................. 56 SignChamp 57 Snap! Mobile* ............................. 58 Spectrum by Watchfire* 59 SportsEdge ................................ 60 Sports Field Solutions ................. 60 Sports Imports 60 Sports Netting ............................ 42 sportsYou* 61, 79 SSR Jackets ............................... 60 Stantec* ..................................... 62 Sturdisteel 60 Symmetry Sports Construction*.. 63 Tarkett Sports* 64-65 TASB .......................................... 66 TexasHSFootball 70 Tx Sports & Civil Engineering 70 TinyMobileRobots ....................... 66 TM Television 66 TORBU* ..................................... 67 TrackBarn 66 TR Facility Services 66 Turf Tank ..................................... 66 UCS 70 Varsity Brands / BSN* ................. 71 VitalSigns Wall of Fame* 72 VYPE Media* 74 Waterboy Graphics*.................... 75 Waterboy Sports 70 Watson Hygienics ....................... 76 Whataburger* 77 WJHW* 78 Xac Track ................................... 76 Xara Soccer 76 York Barbell ................................ 76 *Official Sponsor of the THSADA

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