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What is aePiot ? aePiot is a free Back Link presentation and creation platform. In aePiot there are also 3 search engines: Advanced search. Advanced search shows results from the Bing News search engine power supply as well as the Ebay product platform power supply. Limited search. The limited search shows reports of results taken from power supplies manually added by aePiot. Related search. The search results show results from the Sheet Music platform. Also in aePiot you can find products promoted through affiliate programs, promoted directly or through promotion networks. How aePiot works. aePiot employs search engines around the world. It also helps the owners of web pages or sites by indexing in search engines around the world. How ? Adding your web page link creates a backlink. When you add the resulting backlink script in html format to a blog or site, a Blog - Back Link bridge is created. How useful is this Blog - Back Link Bridge ? It is very simple. Whenever a visitor or a bot accesses the link to the aePiot Back Link page, information pings are sent to the most important search engines around the world. Thus it can be said that aePiot works for search engines, helping to discover new web pages or sites, thus being able to be indexed by them. Note: The Blog - Back Link Bridge is active as long as it is found on a blog, online site and is visible to visitors. You can also send on social networks or chats, the link created to the Back Link page provided by aePiot. Is a Back Link helpful or not ? A Back Link is definitely helpful. As the link to the Back Link page provided by aePiot is accessed by more visitors or bots, the search engines classify the page of your blog or site as being of great interest, uploading it more and more in the main pages of search engines.