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Gory history of Saint Valentine's Day - beheadings, goat sacrifice and bloodthirsty emperor Valentine's Day has a bloody history seemingly unfitting of the cuddly romance we see today. Where there now are romantic cards and gifts, there once was the swish of an axe Mon, 14 Feb 2022 10:19:22 +0000 Share: send your back link to your friends. telegram | twitter | viber | whatsapp
Covid-19 outbreak situation report: What happened today, February 14 The Government responds to huge upswing in community cases with phase 2 of the Omicron response, centred on shortening the period of isolation and more use of RATs. Mon, 14 Feb 2022 09:44:22 GMT Share: send your back link to your friends. telegram | twitter | viber | whatsapp
Power outage closes Waikato restaurant for Valentine's Day A day on, more than 5000 people are still without power in Bay of Plenty and more than 2000 in the Coromandel, Thames, Waihi and South Waikato areas combined. Mon, 14 Feb 2022 08:20:16 GMT Share: send your back link to your friends. telegram | twitter | viber | whatsapp
Boomers sell their flash, four-bedroom home to downsize to a tiny house Sheila and Noel Boddington are taking downsizing seriously - they have just sold their flash house in Titirangi and are buying a tiny house. Mon, 14 Feb 2022 08:15:35 GMT Share: send your back link to your friends. telegram | twitter | viber | whatsapp
Covid-19: Travelling from Aussie? Your self-isolation time just got cut back to 7 days Fully vaccinated Kiwis returning from Australia in late February will spend seven days in self-isolation under phase 2 rules. Mon, 14 Feb 2022 08:14:48 GMT Share: send your back link to your friends. telegram | twitter | viber | whatsapp
Person seriously injured, one arrested following assault in Christchurch Emergency services were called to an assault on Glue Pl in Somerfield just after 6pm on Monday. Mon, 14 Feb 2022 08:06:10 GMT Share: send your back link to your friends. telegram | twitter | viber | whatsapp
Parliament protesters ignore offer of free parking at Sky Stadium
Police urged protesters to move their vehicles to free parking at Sky Stadium on Monday night to minimise disruption but few take up the offer straight away. Mon, 14 Feb 2022 08:03:07 GMT Share: send your back link to your friends. telegram | twitter | viber | whatsapp
'It shakes you': Wellington bus driver spat on and yelled at by protesters Matthew Myers was shocked when he was spat at through his driver's window, trying to pass through one of Wellington's main bus routes. Mon, 14 Feb 2022 08:02:03 GMT Share: send your back link to your friends. telegram | twitter | viber | whatsapp
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Din Arhiva: Titluri de Stiri publicate in ARGESUL VORBESTE
Centrul Cultural Pitești
Dovada înlocuitoare permisului de
organizează în perioada 17 - 21 ianuarie 2022, noi evenimente cultural-educative
conducere se eliberează pe loc
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Relatari utile si pentru:
AG - Beleti Negresti - Negresti
AG - Titesti - Valea Manastirii
AG - Cetateni - Valea Cetatuia
AG - Judetul Arges - Cuca
AG - Albestii De Arges - Florieni
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AG - Corbi - Stanesti
Anunț privind sacrificarea porcilor în gospodării Ministerul Finanțelor lansează trei noi emisiuni de titluri de stat
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vezi relatari din cautare
Relatari utile si pentru:
Relatari utile si pentru:
AG - Judetul Arges - Arefu
AG - Leresti - Voinesti
AG - Buzoesti - Curteanca
AG - Judetul Arges - Stefan Cel Mare
AG - Valea Iasului - Barbalatesti
AG - Tigveni - Balteni
Începe derularea Programului pentru Școli al României vezi relatari din cautare Relatari utile si pentru: AG - Priboieni - Valea Nenii
Câștigătorul Concursului de vioară de la Festivalul Enescu, solist la Filarmonica Pitești, sub bagheta dirijorului Traian Ichim vezi relatari din cautare Relatari utile si pentru: AG - Calinesti - Valeni Podgoria
AG - Cateasca - Gruiu
AG - Dambovicioara Dambovicioara
AG - Mihaesti - Vacarea
AG - Stalpeni - Radesti
Achiziţia privind testele COVID din salivă pentru şcoli a fost contestată la CNSC de către una din firmele participante
Poliția Locală, campanie de combatere a violenței în școli
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Relatari utile si pentru:
Relatari utile si pentru:
AG - Babana - Lupueni
AG - Suici - Ianculesti
AG - Ungheni - Goia
AG - Cepari - Valea Magurei
AG - Uda - Miercani
AG - Leresti - Voinesti
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NU încuraja cerșetoria!
Societatea Apă Canal 2000 SA Pitești caută să angajeze instalator
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vezi relatari din cautare
Relatari utile si pentru: AG - Musatesti - Musatesti
Relatari utile si pentru: AG - Malureni - Zarnesti
AG - Tigveni - Balilesti
AG - Mioarele - Chilii
AG - Ungheni - Humele
AG - Suseni - Odaeni
vezi din arhiva Arges
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ARGESUL VORBESTE Reținut pentru instigare la tăiere și pentru furt de arbori Din Arhiva: Concluzii – etapă inițială – dezbatere publică privind oportunitatea construirii unui spital municipal Premieră la Cinematograful București: Noua ordine Centrul Cultural Pitești organizează în perioada 17 - 21 ianuarie 2022, noi evenimente cultural-educative
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Relatari Stiri din Arges - Localitati AG - Draganu - Bacesti AG - Arefu - Arefu AG - Mioveni - Clucereasa AG - Bradulet - Bradetu AG - Schitu Golesti - Loturi AG - Costesti - Costesti
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