AECP Eletronic Bulletin - 2011 H2

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electronic bulletin

2011- # 2


Overview 2011 The AECP fifth tour in Armenia started.

International conference on prevention and treatment of ROP took place in Yerevan. It summarized the activities of one year of the ROP national program and outlined further steps.

The AECP accomplished its seven-year cooperation with USAID and started a long-term collaboration with the Orange Foundation.

One Year of Activities – Results and Prospects National Program of Retinopathy of Prematurity International Conference, July 15-16, Yerevan

Cooperation with Orange Foundation in the Marzes of Shirak and Aragatsotn

The AECP visited the following marzes in 2011: Kotayk – March/April, Tavush – April/June, Lori- June/July, Shirak – August/Spetmeber, Aragatsotn – October/November. The main results achieved since June 2003 to September 2011: • • • • • • •

291,609 people (including 130,339 children) were screened by the AECP medical groups in their villages or in adjacent settlements 31,968 people underwent thorough examination on the MEH 13,453 patients were operated on and treated on the MEH 40,365 eyeglasses were provided 2,000 health care providers, including 61 regional ophthalmologists and 37 ophthalmic nurses, were trained in eye diseases 513,156 public education handouts were distributed 378 public education classes for 9800 children and 900 parents and health activists were delivered.

According to the preliminary schedule the following marzes will be visited during 2012: Ararat –March/May, Vayots Dzor/June, Syunik/July, Armavir/September-October. A visit is possible to Nagorno Karabakh.

The "Vallex" Group of Companies Assisted AECP Mission in Lori Marz

Sport Event Marked World Sight Day 2011 in Armenia

Annette A. Hayrapetian Helps Armenian People



to armenian eyes the armenian eyecare project aygestan 5, house 7 yerevan, armenia phone (374 10) 55 90 68 fax (374 10) 57 76 94 i n fo @ e ye c a re p ro j e c t

p.o. box 5630 newport beach, ca 92662 phone 949.675.5767 fax 949 673.2356

Founded in 1992 in the United States by an Armenian-American ophthalmologist Roger Ohanesian, M.D., the Armenian EyeCare Project (AECP) is a California based nonprofit corporation dedicated to the elimination of preventable blindness in Armenia. In 2003, the AECP established an office in Yerevan and launched its program “Bringing Sight to Armenian Eyes.” The Initiative has five comprehensive, integrated components developed to eliminate preventable blindness. They include direct patient care, medical education and training, public education, research and capacity building. . The Mobile Eye Hospital, a state-of-the-art facility, travels country-wide to provide high quality eye care in the regions of Armenia.

USAID and the AECP Mark the Completion of GDA Partnership

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