electronic bulletin 2012 Activities and Events of 2012 •
On September 14 - 15, the 12th International Conference on Ophthalmology marked the launch of the new USAID/AECP project ‘’Center of Excellence for Prevention of Childhood Blindness’’ and summed up 20 years of AECP activities. This was a large scale international congress that gathered renowned experts in various fields of ophthalmology from the United States, Europe, and CIS countries.
In 2012, the AECP carried out medical outreach activities in the following marzes of Armenia: Ararat - March/May, Vayots Dzor - June, Syunik - July, and Armavir - September/December. A separate medical mission visited Nagorno Karabakh in August. In 2013, the AECP medical mission will visit KotaykMarch/April; Tavush-May; Lori-June/July; ShirakAugust/September; and Aragatsotn-October/ November.
The AECP marked the World Sight Day 2012 with a series of events.
IN THIS ISSUE AECP and Orange Foundation Program for Armenian Regions
The 12th International Conference on Ophthalmology
Celebrating World Sight Day 2012 in Armenia
Main results achieved (2003 - December, 2012 ): • • • • • • •
People screened - 318,580 (including 133,813 children) Detailed examination on the MEH - 33,698 Surgeries/lasers - 15,729 Eyeglasses - 53,384 Trained health care providers - 2,000 (including 61 regional ophthalmologists and 37 ophthalmic nurses) Public education handouts distributed - 514,156 Public education classes - 432 for 10,300 children and 900 parents and health activists.
Core Indicators on Eye Health and Prevalence of Eye Diseases among the Armenian Population.
National Program of Retinopathy of Prematurity (since 2010)
The AECP Participated in U.S. Embassy Charity Event in Kharberd.
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and more...
Infants screened – 1000 Lasers - 55 Contacts of the AECP Offices
Aygestan 5, house 7 Yerevan, Armenia Phone (374 10) 55 90 68 Fax (374 10) 57 76 94 aecp@aecp.am
P.O. box 5630 Newport Beach, CA 92662, USA Phone: 949.675.5767 Fax: 949 673.2356 aecp@eyecareproject.com
www.aecp.am www.eyecareproject.com
Founded in 1992 in the United States by an Armenian-American ophthalmologist Roger Ohanesian, M.D., the Armenian EyeCare Project (AECP) is a California based nonprofit corporation dedicated to the elimination of preventable blindness in Armenia. In 2003, the AECP established an office in Yerevan and launched its program “Bringing Sight to Armenian Eyes.” The Initiative has five comprehensive, integrated components developed to eliminate preventable blindness. They include direct patient care, medical education and training, public education, research and capacity building. . The Mobile Eye Hospital, a state-of-the-art facility, travels country-wide to provide high quality eye care in the regions of Armenia.