- An Alphabetical Listing of Publications in this Catalog
Alternative Fuels: The Future of Hydrogen............................................................................................ 6 Applied Illumination Engineering........................................................................................................... 3 Carbon Reduction: Policies, Strategies and Technologies.................................................................... 18 Combined Heating, Cooling & Power Handbook: Technologies & Applications..................................... 8 Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook.............................................................................. 15 Compressor Handbook: Principles and Practice................................................................................... 23 Disaster & Recovery Planning: A Guide for Facility Managers.............................................................. 10 Effective Building Maintenance: Protection of Capital Assets.............................................................. 22 Efficient Electrical Systems Design Handbook...................................................................................... 20 Efficient Lighting Applications and Case Studies.................................................................................... 4 Electrical Distribution Systems............................................................................................................. 25 Electrical Power Systems Technology................................................................................................... 25 Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals............................................................................................. 26 Electronic Digital System Fundamentals.............................................................................................. 26 Energy Conservation Guidebook.......................................................................................................... 28 Energy Management Handbook............................................................................................................. 2 Energy Management Reference Library CD.......................................................................................... 17 Finance and Accounting for Energy Engineers..................................................................................... 11 Gas Turbine Handbook: Principles & Practice...................................................................................... 25 Globalcon 2013 Proceedings CD.......................................................................................................... 16 Green Facilities Handbook: Simple & Profitable Strategies for Managers........................................... 19 Guide to Energy Management............................................................................................................. 14 Handbook of Energy Audits.................................................................................................................... 2 Handbook of Energy Engineering........................................................................................................... 3 Handbook of Web Based Energy Information and Control Systems.................................................... 15 How to Finance Energy Management Projects...................................................................................... 5 HVAC Fundamentals............................................................................................................................. 29 Hydrogen & Fuel Cells: Advances in Transportation & Power.............................................................. 21 Industrial Process Control Systems....................................................................................................... 24 Lighting Controls Handbook................................................................................................................. 26 Lighting Redesign for Existing Buildings................................................................................................. 9 Management & Strategies for Energy Professionals Reference Library CD.......................................... 17 Manager’s Guide to Preventive Building Maintenance........................................................................ 22 Managing Energy Costs: A Behavioral and Non-Technical Approach................................................... 27 Managing Energy from the Top Down: Connecting Industrial Energy Efficiency to Business Performance . .................................................. 11 Managing Indoor Air Quality................................................................................................................ 12 Marketing Green Buildings: Guide for Engineering, Construction & Architecture............................... 29 Maximizing Energy Savings & Minimizing Costs................................................................................... 27 Megatrends for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy................................................................... 18 Photovoltaics for Commercial and Utilities Power Generation.............................................................. 7 Plant Engineers & Managers Guide to Energy Conservation................................................................ 20 Practical Lubrication for Industrial Facilities......................................................................................... 24 Pump User’s Handbook: Life Extension................................................................................................ 23 Quality Lighting for High Performance Buildings.................................................................................... 4 Safety Management: A Guide for Facility Managers............................................................................ 24 Saving Energy and Reducing CO2 Emissions with Electricity................................................................... 8 Simple Solutions to Energy Calculations............................................................................................... 27 Small-Scale Cogeneration Handbook................................................................................................... 12 Solar Energy Fundamentals.................................................................................................................... 7 Solar Technologies for the 21st Century................................................................................................. 6 Solutions Manual for Guide to Energy Management........................................................................... 14 Steam Turbines for Modern Fossil Fuel Power Plants.......................................................................... 28 Sustainability Management Handbook................................................................................................ 13 Sustainable Development Handbook................................................................................................... 13 Testing & Balancing HVAC Air & Water Systems................................................................................... 29 Thermodynamics Made Simple for Energy Engineers............................................................................ 9 The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response.................................................... 21 Visions for a Sustainable Energy Future............................................................................................... 19 Web Based Enterprise Energy & Building Automation Systems........................................................... 28 West Coast Energy Management Congress 2012 Proceedings CD....................................................... 16 Workplace Violence and the Facility Manager..................................................................................... 10 World Energy Engineering Congress 2012 Proceedings CD.................................................................. 16 World ESCO Outlook............................................................................................................................... 5 WWW.AEEPROGRAMS.COM/BOOKS
Page 1
New Edition
Use the fully updated master handbook on the principles and practices of energy auditing...
Handbook of Energy Audits
Ninth Edition By Albert Thumann, P.E., C.E.M., Terry Niehus, P.E., C.E.M., and William J. Younger, C.E.M. This best selling handbook is the most comprehensive and practical reference available on energy auditing in buildings and industry. Completely edited throughout, this latest edition includes new chapters on investment grade energy audits and retro commissioning audits, as well as new information on ISO 50001 and the Superior Energy Performance program. Topics include energy assessment, utility bill analysis, and the latest computer software available to guide you in planning and carrying out a thorough, accurate audit of any type of facility. Clear instructions guide you through accounting procedures, rate of return, and life cycle cost analysis. Loaded with forms, checklists and handy working aids, this book is must reading for anyone responsible for conducting or overseeing a facility energy audit. Book Contents
1 - Energy Auditing Basics 2 - Energy Accounting & Analysis 3 - Understanding the Utility Bill 4 - Energy Economics 5 - Survey Instrumentation 6 - The Building Envelope Audit 7 - The Electrical System Audit 8 - The HVAC Audit
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
New Edition
9 - Upgrading HVAC Systems for Energy Efficiency 10 - The Physical Plant Audit 11 - Central Plant Retrofit Considerations 12 - Maintenance & Energy Audits 13 - Self Evaluation Checklists 14 - Transition from Energy Audits to Industrial Assessments 6 x 9, 495 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $130.00
Order Code: 0675
15 - Compendium of Handy Working Aids 16 - Energy Auditing Software Directory 17 - Retro Commissioning 18 - Investment Grade Energy Audits
ISBN: 0-88173-685-6
Just published new edition of this best selling reference used by thousands of energy engineers and managers...
Energy Management Handbook Eighth Edition By Steve Doty and Wayne C. Turner
This comprehensive handbook has become recognized as the definitive stand alone energy manager’s desk reference, used by thousands of professionals throughout the industry. Newly revised and edited, this eighth edition includes significant updates to energy management controls systems, commissioning, measurement and verification, and high performance green buildings. Also updated are chapters on motors and drives, HVAC systems, lighting, alternative energy systems, building envelope, performance contracting and natural gas purchasing. You’ll find coverage of every component of effective energy management, including energy auditing, economic analysis, boilers and steam systems, heat recovery, cogeneration, insulation, thermal storage, indoor air quality, utility rates, energy systems maintenance, and more. Detailed illustrations, charts and other helpful working aids are provided throughout. Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 2
8½ x 11, 839 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $260.00
Order Code: 0674
ISBN: 0-88173-707-0 AEE ENERGY BOOKS
New Edition
Your complete on-the-job guide to specifying and applying state-of-the-art lighting technologies…
Applied Illumination Engineering Third Edition By Scott Dunning and Jack Lindsey
The fully updated third edition of this comprehensive reference provides an up-to-the-minute practical guide to the design, specification, and application of the latest lighting technologies, taking the reader the full distance from the fundamentals of illumination to practical hands-on application. The complete scope of light sources is examined, and design methods for both indoor and outdoor lighting are presented, along with optimum application strategies for merchandise, offices, industrial setting, parking lots and street lighting. The third edition features significant new material focused on rapidly advancing LED technology, how it is redefining how light is used, and discussing a variety of applications. Updated specifications from IES along with new requirements from the U.S. Department of Energy are covered. The updated lighting controls chapter examines the latest control technologies currently available in the marketplace. Estimated publication date: 7/15/2013. ISBN: 0-88173-457-8
Order Code: 0665
Use the definitive energy engineering reference to guide you in all types of design and retrofit projects...
6 x 9, 490 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $165.00
New Edition
Handbook of Energy Engineering
Seventh Edition By Albert Thumann, P.E., C.E.M. and D. Paul Mehta, Ph.D. Here’s your step-by -step guide to applying the principles of energy engineering and management to the design of electrical, HVAC, utility, process and building systems for both new design and retrofit. With new chapters on electrical system optimization and ISO 50001, this edition also covers the latest updates to codes and standards in the energy industry. You’ll find chapters on energy economic analysis, energy auditing, waste heat recovery, utility system optimization, HVAC, cogeneration, control systems, energy management, compressed air system optimization and financing energy projects. Additional topics include emerging technologies such as oxy fuel combustion, high efficiency burners, enhanced heat exchangers, and ceramic membranes for heat recovery, as well as information on state of the art lighting and lighting controls. Book Contents
1 - Codes, Standards & Legislation 2 - Energy Economic Analysis 3 - Energy Auditing & Accounting 4 - Electrical System Optimization 5 - Waste Heat Recovery 6 - Utility System Optimization
ISBN: 0-88173-695-3
7 - HVAC & Building System Optimization 8 - HVAC Equipment 9 - Cogeneration: Theory & Practice 10 - Control Systems 11 - Energy Management
Order Code: 0678
6 x 9, 442 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00
12 - Compressed Air System Optimization 13 - Financing Energy Projects 14 - Energy, Environmental & Quality Mgt. Standards
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 3
Maintain optimum lighting quality while implementing effective cost-saving strategies for facility lighting systems...
Efficient Lighting Applications and Case Studies By Scott Dunning, Ph.D., P.E., C.E.M., and Albert Thumann, P.E., C.E.M.
With the increased concern for facility energy conservation in recent years, much attention has been focused on lighting energy consumption and the methods for reducing it. Along with this concern for energy efficient lighting has come the realization that lighting has profound effects on worker productivity, as well as important aesthetic qualities. With this understanding in mind, this book presents an introduction to effective lighting design, and an examination of energy efficiency measures which can be implemented while simultaneously maintaining the required quality of illumination. Topics include lighting energy management, selection of lamps, task lighting, lighting design, lighting control, use of reflectors, ballast selection, natural daylighting, wireless lighting control, and case studies. Also available as e-book. See website for options.
6 x 9, 306 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $115.00
Order Code: 0672
ISBN: 0-88173-552-3
Learn to apply the best design principles and technologies to achieve efficient, optimally performing lighting systems in buildings!
Quality Lighting for High Performance Buildings By Michael Stiller
Book Contents Overview
PART I: Quality Lighting PART II: How Much Light Do We Need & Where Do We Need It? PART III: Sustainability & Electric Lighting Sources PART IV: Sustainable Applications - Daylighting & Lighting Controls PART V: Building Green Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 4
In the U.S., buildings account for 40% of primary energy use, 72% of electricity consumption, and 39% of CO2 emissions. Indoor lighting accounts for a large portion of our energy use, and we sorely need to develop better, more efficient systems to illuminate our institutions and places of commerce. But as we push for greater efficiencies, it is imperative that we avoid sacrificing good lighting design. This book provides an overview of the basic concepts of quality indoor lighting, and explains concepts like visual comfort, visual interest, and integrated design as they relate to indoor lighting. Energy efficient lighting technologies, including LED and digital control systems, and design strategies that increase visual comfort and productivity are examined in a straightforward way to give the reader a broad understanding of the art and science of energy efficient quality lighting.
6 x 9, 240 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00
Order Code: 0663
ISBN: 0-88173- 665 -1 AEE ENERGY BOOKS
Your up-to-the-minute guide to the latest energy project financing strategies and methods...
How to Finance Energy Management Projects By Eric Woodroof, Ph.D., C.E.M, C.R.M. and Albert Thumann, P.E., C.E.M.
The landscape for implementing energy efficiency projects is rapidly changing, and the need for energy project financing has never been greater. The purpose of this book is to examine the key factors which typically lead to success when structuring financing options for a proposed energy project and getting it approved by top management. You’ll find the information you’ll need to explore as many financing options as possible, as well as the tools required to make a comprehensive financial analysis of your project. You’ll learn about the most effective financing strategies for getting more projects implemented, including such options as performance contracts, power purchase agreements, PACE financing, and others, along with feedback on specific strategies which have been successfully used by others to present projects and get them approved. ISBN: 0-88173-701-1
Order Code: 0671
6 x 9, 390 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $115.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Find out how the ESCO industry is evolving around the world, including insights from experts in nearly 60 countries...
World ESCO Outlook By Pierre Langlois, P. Eng., and Shirley J. Hansen, Ph.D.
In any rapidly evolving industry, the need to stay current is crucial. The energy services company (ESCO) industry is a moving target. As country after country embraces the idea of self funding energy efficiency, an energy performance contracting (EPC) model emerges, and then changes to meet local needs. An explosion of new variations is out there. World ESCO Outlook captures this rapidly changing landscape, and offers valuable insights into this fascinating and important industry. The authors have brought together the best of in-country experts from nearly 60 countries to share their knowledge and experience as to what makes EPC successful in their specific environments. In telling their story, they also reveal some exciting new overseas market opportunities, and provide the most complete picture available of today’s ESCO world.
ISBN: 0-88173-675 -9
Order Code: 0667
Book Contents
1 - The Global Perspective 2 - ESCOs & EPC Models 3 - Financing 4 - Making Contracts Work 5 - Markets & Marketing 6 - Related Services ESCOs Offer 7 - The Critical Role of M&V 8 - ESCO Associations 9 - Country Reports 10 - The Way Forward
6 x 9, 512 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 5
New Edition
Your complete updated guide to the fast emerging world of hydrogen and other alternative fuel based technologies...
Alternative Fuels: The Future of Hydrogen Third Edition By Michael F. Hordeski
Revised throughout, this book addresses many of the factors impacting our energy use, including the availability and desirability of various fuels - especially the use of hydrogen. The new edition examines new hydrogen-based technology developments, fuel cell technology breakthroughs, ultra low emission transportation applications, and hydrogen highway projects. Also discussed are the latest statistics on emerging oil markets, energy reserves, and carbon dioxide increases. Topics include energy policy and regulatory issues, fuel supply trends and cost escalation, alternative scenarios, technology issues, barriers to implementation, cost analysis and projections, conversion systems, storage systems, thermodynamic efficiency, fuel chain efficiency, life cycle efficiency, extracting and refining, air emission issues, safety issues, natural gas, hydrogen, methanol, ethanol, and steam reforming. Also available as e-book. See website for options.
6 x 9, 286 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00
Order Code: 0673
ISBN: 0-88173-675 -9
Expand your knowledge of today’s and tomorrow’s solar technologies...
Solar Technologies for the 21st Century By Anco S. Blazev
Book Contents
1 - Solar Energy 2 - Today’s Solar Technologies 3 - Most Promising Solar Technologies 4 - Exotic Solar Technologies 5 - Solar Successes and Failures 6 - Solar Power Fields 7 - Solar’s Importance, Finance, & Regulations 8 - Solar Markets in the 21st Century 9 - Energy Generation & the Environment / 21st Century Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 6
This book provides a detailed and insightful examination of both current and emerging solar technologies, describing their properties, and evaluating the practical and technological potential for each. You’ll gain a clearer understanding of the logistics of deploying solar energy as a viable and sustainable way to solve urgent energy, environmental, and socioeconomic problems. Discussed in detail are solar power generation, solar thermal, silicon PV, thin PV, 3D solar cells, nano PV, organic solar cells, and more. Among the many topics examined are solar successes and failures, solar power fields, finance and regulations, solar markets, and solar energy’s environmental impact. The book serves as both a guidebook for beginners as well as an outline for the debates on solar power technologies, their issues and their proper use by specialists.
8½ x 11, 713 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $150.00
Order Code: 0676
Gain a broader understanding of solar energy from one of the world’s leading experts...
Solar Energy Fundamentals
By Robert K. McMordie, Ph.D. Edited by Mitchell C. Brown and Robert S. Stoughton Based on the author’s decades of experience as a thermodynamics engineering specialist in the solar and aerospace industries, this book provides the opportunity for a comprehensive understanding of solar energy to readers of varying backgrounds and experience, along with practical information readily applicable to real world projects. Beginning with an enlightening discussion of the impact of sunlight on the earth, Dr. McMordie proceeds to explain in clear terms the basics of heat transfer, how solar collectors work, and how solar energy is absorbed. Specific technologies detailed include solar domestic hot water systems, solar photovoltaic systems, solar space heating, solar power towers, Stirling engine solar power systems, passive solar energy, and greenhouse solar collectors. The book also includes an Excel© based companion CD of computations to facilitate putting the information in the book to practical use. ISBN: 0-88173-681-3
Order Code: 0666
6 x 9, 200 pp. + CD, Illus. Hardcover, $98.00
Your complete guide to current photovoltaic processes, equipment, devices, systems and solar power generation...
Photovoltaics for Commercial and Utilities Power Generation By Anco S. Blazev
This book provides an in-depth review of the solar industry development, and present-day state of the art, emphasizing current and future applications of photovoltaic equipment in the commercial and utility energy sectors, and highlighting its use in large-scale generating plants operating in the U.S. deserts. All key aspects of photovoltaic technologies are examined, looking closely at design parameters, materials, manufacturing, quality, performance, and practicality as a major alternative energy source. Advantages, disadvantages, product quality and safety, environmental impact, and other critical issues are thoroughly analyzed for each of today’s solar technologies. Challenges such as lack of standardized manufacturing, and fluctuating political and regulatory policies are also discussed, along with financing, legal and marketing aspects of the solar industry.
ISBN: 0-88173-652-X
Order Code: 0652
Book Contents
1 - Introduction to Solar Energy 2 - Solar Thermal Technologies 3 - Crystalline Silicon PV Technologies 4 - Thin Film PV Technologies 5 - PV Power Generation 6 - Large Scale PV Projects 7 - Utilities, Land, Regulatory, Finance and Legal 8 - PV Energy Markets Now and in the Future 9 - Environment and Safety of PV Technologies
8½ x 11, 396 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $145.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 7
New Edition
Find out how today’s technologies can provide a reliable, clean and efficient energy supply, while offering solid financial returns...
Combined Heating, Cooling & Power Handbook: Technologies & Applications Second Edition By Neil Petchers
Book Contents Overview
SECTION I: Optimizing Heat & Power Resources SECTION II: Thermal Technologies SECTION III: Prime Mover Technologies SECTION IV: Environmental Considerations SECTION V: Utility Industry & Energy Rates SECTION VI: Localized Electric Generation SECTION VII: Mechanical Drive Services SECTION VIII: Refrigeration & Air Conditioning SECTION IX: Integrated Approach to Energy Resource Optimization Projects
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Here is your essential “how to” manual for using energy and environmental management as a means for achieving more economical and profitable operation. This new edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest technology advances, and the many relevant developments in the utility and environmental regulatory arenas. Topics include heat and power resource optimization, thermal technologies, prime mover technologies, greenhouse gas and carbon management, utility rates and integrated resource planning, smart grid developments, localized electric generation, mechanical drives, refrigeration and air conditioning, and integrated facility resource optimization. The expanded chapter on renewable and alternative power includes an insightful discussion of market penetration of the various emerging technologies.
8½ x 11, 880 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $245.00
Order Code: 0669
ISBN: 0-88173-689 -9
Gain a clearer understanding of how smart electrification can lead to both decreased energy consumption and reduced CO2 emissions...
Saving Energy and Reducing CO2 Emissions with Electricity By Clark W. Gellings
Sustaining society’s expectation for energy-driven comfort, convenience and productivity will require that we continue to seek and find reasonable quantities of energy in forms which are accessible, affordable, and have modest or zero environmental impacts. Without question, this need will lead to increased electrification, and a decrease in B and possible elimination of B the use of fossil fuels. This in turn will call for an international imperative to make existing uses of electricity both efficient and practical. This book will guide you toward a clearer vision of that goal, with explanations of the concept of electrification, along with CO2 reductions through expanded end use applications of electricity. Topics include electric cars; airport, seaport, railroad and mining electrification; industrial uses of electricity; residential building use of electricity; and enhancing energy efficiency and demand response. Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 8
6 x 9, 291 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00
Order Code: 0653
ISBN: 0-88173-667- 8 AEE ENERGY BOOKS
Gain a clearer understanding of the basic principles and practice of thermodynamics in this easy to understand guide for engineers...
Thermodynamics Made Simple for Energy Engineers By S. Bobby Rauf, P.E., C.E.M.
Written in a fashion which makes this abstract and complex subject easy to comprehend, this book provides a concise and accessible overview of the important principles and concepts of thermodynamics. Intended to serve the needs and interests of energy involved engineers, the content, concepts and principles are presented in a way which also will allow many nonengineering professionals with some math background to follow the material and gain useful knowledge. Topics including enthalpy, entropy, latent and sensible heat, heats of fusion, and heat of sublimation are clearly presented. Also covered are phases of substances, the law of conservation of energy, SFEE, the first and second laws of thermodynamics, ideal gas law, and respective mathematical statements. Specific thermodynamic processes are examined, as well as heat and power cycles.
ISBN: 0-88173-650 -3
Order Code: 0661
Book Contents
1 - Introduction to Energy, Heat and Thermodynamics 2 - Thermodynamics & Power 3 - Study of Enthalpy & Entropy 4 - Understanding Mollier Diagram 5 - Saturated & Superheated Steam Tables 6 - Phases of Water & Associated Thermodynamics 7 - Laws of Thermodynamics 8 - Thermodynamic Processes 9 - Gas Dynamics 10 - Psychrometry & Psychrometric Analysis 11 - Refrigeration Cycles & HVAC Systems
6 x 9, 356 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Achieve optimum performance and energy savings when redesigning or retrofitting lighting systems in existing buildings...
Lighting Redesign for Existing Buildings By Craig DiLouie, LC
In this insightful and practical desk reference, veteran journalist and educator Craig DiLouie identifies, details and compares a variety of opportunities which can be effectively utilized, both to improve lighting performance, and to save energy in existing buildings. The book clearly delineates the decision-making process behind whether retrofitting or redesigning an existing building’s lighting system will yield the best, most cost effective result. A discussion of basic lighting design techniques, advanced lighting strategies, how to evaluate and compare lighting equipment, and the important role planned maintenance can play in saving energy and ensuring long term performance are included. Also covered are the current status of lighting related legislation and energy codes. ISBN: 0-88173-571- X
Order Code: 0613
6 x 9, 270 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $115.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 9
Find out what you need to know to be prepared to handle and respond to incidents of violence within the workplace...
Workplace Violence and the Facility Manager By Joseph F. Gustin
This comprehensive book contains practical and effective guidance for facility managers in addressing the issue of violence within the workplace. It is written in a straightforward, nontheoretical, reader friendly format, examining both the risk factors that contribute to workplace violence, as well as the effects of such violence — both for the organization and for those directly impacted. Discussion also includes the procedures for assessing threat, strategies for preventing violence, and strategies for dealing with the consequences of violence. Special situations such as domestic violence which carries over to the workplace, along with racial and sexual harassment are explored, as are various court cases which involve these issues. The new OSHA directive on investigation of workplace violence is also explained. 6 x 9, 297 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $98.00
Order Code: 0679
ISBN: 0-88173-532-9
Implement the very latest proactive disaster prevention, response and recovery strategies for your facility...
Disaster & Recovery Planning: A Guide for Facility Managers Fifth Edition By Joseph F. Gustin
Devoted to exploring the complexities of disaster preparedness and business continuity, this text speaks both to disaster prevention, and to controlling the effects of a disaster on a company’s operations. The author provides an expert overview of disaster planning and recovery issues, examining critical areas including contingency planning, loss prevention, facility evacuation, effective mitigation strategies, employee training, chain of command, computer and data protection, bomb threat response, standby power, self inspection, statistical data on workplace violence, and regulatory influence. Also discussed are threats associated with dirty bombs, as well as chemical and biological agents and weapons. Statistics are presented which exemplify the outcome of past disaster/emergency declarations such as Hurricane Katrina.
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 10
6 x 9, 435 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $115.00
Order Code: 0640
ISBN: 0-88173-640- 6 AEE ENERGY BOOKS
Get up to speed on the most critical financing and accounting principles and issues which have specific application for energy projects...
Finance and Accounting for Energy Engineers By S. Bobby Rauf, P.E., C.E.M.
Providing an overview of important principles in the fields of finance and accounting which are relevant to energy engineering projects, this book was written to serve as a self study guide for energy engineers, technicians and technical managers. Many professionals involved in the technical side of energy projects feel inadequately equipped to understand certain important finance and accounting principles — yet these principles are important in interfacing and with accountants, financial analysts and upper management. This guide provides a resource to fill this gap, and to equip energy engineering professionals with the ability to employ decision making skills founded on sound financial calculations and quantitative analysis.
ISBN: 0-88173-642- 2
Order Code: 0649
6 x 9, 287 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Gain a clearer understanding of the correlation between effective energy management and business performance...
Managing Energy from the Top Down: Connecting Industrial Energy Efficiency to Business Performance By Christopher Russell
In a world with increasingly constrained resources, energy captures top management attention. Using language that is accessible to as many readers as possible, this book explains the connection between energy and business performance. Corporate leaders, production managers, machine operators, policy advocates, and technology providers will all learn how day to day choices relate to the risks and rewards of energy use. Concise, to the point chapters explain how energy is invested, preserved, and ultimately positioned to create wealth. Hard nosed business leaders should appreciate the section with examples that show a strong financial case for energy improvements, including the save or buy criterion, the economic penalty for “doing nothing,� the break even cost, and the budget for supporting design and analysis work. Managing Energy from the Top Down is written with the goal of making the challenges and opportunities of energy use accessible to all readers that have a stake in industrial competitiveness. ISBN: 0-88173-625- 2
Order Code: 0633
6 x 9, 159 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $92.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 11
New Edition
Learn how technology, market and policy developments have converged to make cogeneration more attractive than ever for many organizations...
Small-Scale Cogeneration Handbook Fourth Edition By Bernard F. Kolanowski
This comprehensive reference provides a wealth of information to assist in evaluating the feasibility and potential benefits of cogeneration for your facility. Covered in detail are regulatory developments and their impact, system selection and sizing, permitting requirements, operation and maintenance, financing, technology basics, micro turbines, absorption chillers, distributed generation and case histories. The newly updated fourth edition adds a new chapter on the Organic Rankine Cycle and its use in various industries, and a new chapter on pyrolysis, illustrating how to turn solid or liquid material into a gas using pyrolysis in commercially available technology. Also covered are the advent of the fuel cell in cogeneration, and all the latest developments in cogeneration technologies. Also available as e-book. See website for options.
6 x 9, 244 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $110.00
Order Code: 0655
ISBN: 0-88173-663-5
Your comprehensive IAQ resource,covering effective IAQ management and mitigation practices...
Managing Indoor Air Quality Fifth Edition By H.E. Burroughs, C.I.A.Q.P., and Shirley J. Hansen, Ph.D.
This reference is structured to serve as a guide and information resource, both on treating existing facility indoor air quality problems, and on preventing costly IAQ problems from occurring in the first place. Finding solutions to indoor air quality problems is often a complex, multi disciplined endeavor. A single discipline approach led solely by the environmental engineer, or the industrial hygienist, or the medical doctor, unfortunately can narrow both the control and the treatment options. This book cuts across these professions to offer those concerned with the total facility a broader, more comprehensive approach to managing indoor air quality and mitigating indoor air quality problems. Among topics covered are applicable standards, expanded discussion of greening and sustainability, building security, mold-related issues, current diagnostics and remediation practices, and the latest information on filtering. Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 12
6 x 9, 359 pp., Illus., Hardcover, $115.00
Order Code: 0654
ISBN: 0-88173-661 -9 AEE ENERGY BOOKS
Here’s your practical guide to effective leadership and management to achieve a strong, well integrated sustainability program...
Sustainability Management Handbook By Shirley J. Hansen, Ph.D., and James W. Brown, P.E.
Managing sustainability is THE challenge of our time. It’s not just a technical issue and not just a green issue. It is a management issue. A strong sustainability program requires commitment, which in turn demands effective leadership. Such leadership must draw on a solid knowledge base, the ability to manage resources wisely, identify sustainability opportunities, make difficult choices, and accept the challenge to lead, influence and persuade colleagues. This book attempts to cut through the ever present hyperbole to offer practical steps which can be taken now to protect the world around us. Rich in case studies, it addresses a range of critical stewardship issues. Authors Hansen and Brown have also included contributions from several additional leading experts in the field. ISBN: 0-88173-644- 9
Order Code: 0648
6 x 9, 230 pp, Illus. Hardcover, $135.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Your definitive template for planning and managing successful sustainable development projects...
Sustainable Development Handbook Second Edition By Stephen A. Roosa, Ph.D.
This important reference provides a thorough examination of recent and ongoing developments in all areas of the growing field of sustainable development. Sustainable development is a concept which incorporates energy, urban management, environmental objectives, policy integration, and the idea that effective solutions can be achieved in a cooperative manner with concerted effort. Gaining momentum in recent years, sustainable development initiatives can vary widely in both scope and application, as well as in success. This book examines critical issues, proven approaches and potential pitfalls associated with such initiatives, covering underlying concepts, renewable energy solutions, environmental issues, green design and LEEDÂŽ programs, sustainable industrial processes, carbon reduction in cities, policy considerations, local government programs, corporate programs, tracking results, and future trends.
ISBN: 0-88173-636 -8
Order Code: 0642
6 x 9, 478 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $ 135.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 13
New Edition
Three leading experts guide you every step of the way in planning and implementing energy management strategies for the 21st century...
Guide to Energy Management Seventh Edition By Barney L. Capehart, Ph.D., C.E.M., Wayne C. Turner, Ph.D., P.E., C.E.M., and William J. Kennedy, Ph.D., P.E.
Book Contents
1 – Introduction to Energy Management 2 – The Energy Audit Process: An Overview 3 – Understanding Energy Bills 4 – Lighting 6 – Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning 7 – Understanding and Managing Boilers 8 – Steam Distribution Systems 9 – Control Systems and Computers 10 – Energy Systems Maintenance 11 – Insulation 12 – Process Energy Management 13 – Renewable Energy Sources and Water Management 14 – Distributed Generation 15 – Web-Based Building Automation Controls and Energy Information Systems 16 – Creating Green Buildings 17 – Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management International version also available.
New Edition
Bringing to the forefront the most critical areas of effective energy cost cutting, this fully updated edition of this best selling energy manager’s guide includes a new chapter on greenhouse gas emissions management, and two updated chapters covering web based energy information and control systems, and creating green buildings. Written by three of the most respected energy professionals in the industry, this book examines the fundamental objectives of energy management, and illustrates techniques and tools proven effective for achieving results. Topics include distributed generation, energy auditing, rate structures, economic evaluation techniques, lighting efficiency improvement, HVAC optimization, combustion and use of industrial wastes, steam generation and distribution system performance, control systems, and energy systems maintenance, renewable energy, and industrial water management.
6 x 9, 651 pp, Illus. Hardcover, $145.00
Order Code: 0659
ISBN: 0-88173-671 -6
Solutions Manual for Guide to Energy Management Seventh Edition By Klaus Dieter E. Pawlik
This practical study guide serves as a valuable companion text, providing worked out solutions to all of the problems presented in Guide to Energy Management, Seventh Edition. Covering each chapter in sequence, the author has provided detailed instructions to guide you through every step in the problem solving process. You’ll find all the help you need to fully master and apply the state of the art concepts and strategies presented in Guide to Energy Management. International version also available.
Page 14
6 x 9, 167 pp., Illus. Softcover, $98.00
Order Code: 0660
ISBN: 0-88173-673 -2 AEE ENERGY BOOKS
Here’s your completely revised and updated guide to performing energy audits for all types of commercial buildings...
Commercial Energy Auditing Reference Handbook Second Edition By Steve Doty, P.E., C.E.M.
This practical desk reference for energy engineers and managers is designed to serve as a comprehensive resource for performing energy audits in commercial facilities. Specific auditing procedures and guidelines are provided for a wide range of business and commercial building types. All focal areas of the building energy audit and assessment are covered, including building envelope, lighting, HVAC, controls, heat recovery, thermal storage, electrical systems and utilities. Also examined are early replacement decision making, impact of lease arrangements on energy project interest, coordination of upstream/downstream set points, semiconductor fab multi stage HVAC air tempering, commissioning, overlapping heating and cooling, and much more.
ISBN: 0-88173-648- 1
Order Code: 0644
6 x 9, 689 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $135.00
Get up to speed on the fast paced evolution of today’s web based energy applications...
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Handbook of Web Based Energy Information and Control Systems
Edited by Barney L. Capehart, Ph.D., C.E.M. and Timothy Middelkoop, Ph.D., C.E.M. The goal of this book is to bring to the forefront the huge benefits to energy and facility managers of the emergence and continuing development of technologies and applications in the area of web based energy information and control systems (EIS/ECS). This handbook provides a presentation of technological advancements in this field over the last several years, including a compilation of what the editors believe to be the best of the information currently available on the subject. The combined thrust of this information is that the highest level functions of the building automation system are delivered by a web based EIS/ECS system which provides energy management, overall facility operational management, and ties in with the enterprise resource management system for the entire facility or the group of facilities being managed. ISBN: 0-88173-669 -4
Order Code: 0656
8½ x 11, 565 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $175.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 15
New Held March 6-7, 2013, Philadelphia, PA
Globalcon 2013 Proceedings CD Association of Energy Engineers
This CD contains the text of many of the papers presented during the 2013 Globalcon conference program, published in Adobe PDF format. Contributions from leading experts representing a broad spectrum of specialties within the commercial, industrial, institutional and governmental energy management fields cover topics including current best practices in Order Code: 0681 energy management, corporate energy management CD, PDF format, $50.00 and sustainability programs, demand side management and response, renewable energy technology developments, building energy modeling and benchmarking, energy procurement practices and the future of energy pricing, commercialization developments in compressed natural gas, case studies, and more. Held October 31-November 2, 2012, Atlanta, GA
World Energy Engineering Congress 2012 Proceedings CD Association of Energy Engineers
Published in Adobe PDF format, this CD contains contributions from more than 175 top experts spanning virtually every area of the energy management field. Topics include green and sustainable facility design/ retrofit, smart grid developments, best practices in industrial energy efficiency, high performance buildings, building commissioning, renewable energy, carbon footprinting, advanced energy auditing practices, Order Code: 0677 smart lighting, HVAC and motor efficiency, steam CD, PDF format, $95.00 and compressed air system optimization, distributed generation, federal energy management, energy management master planning, and much more. Numerous case histories of successful projects in the U.S. and abroad are included.
Held May 23-24, 2012, Seattle, WA
West Coast Energy Management Congress 2012 Proceedings CD Association of Energy Engineers
Order Code: 0670 CD, PDF format, $50.00
Page 16
This CD contains the text of many of the papers presented during the 2012 West Coast EMC conference, published in Adobe PDF format. Papers from leading energy professionals cover a wide range of timely topics including advanced control strategies for HVAC systems, using energy savings to rescue school budgets, load evaluation and management in commercial buildings, affordable solar PV systems, commissioning in new and existing buildings, saving opportunities from smart meters, green data centers, energy efficiency in integrated design, and much more. AEE ENERGY BOOKS
New Edition Four complete books on one CD
Energy Management Reference Library CD Fourth Edition
Including over 2000 pages of text, graphics, charts and illustrations, the Energy Management Reference Library CD provides an economical training, research and reference resource for today’s energy professional. Indexed with bookmarks for convenient navigation, the CD contains the following four complete books in Adobe PDF® format: ■■ Energy Management Handbook -- 8th Edition by Steve Doty and Wayne C. Turner
ISBN: 0-88173-709-7 Order Code: 0680 CD, PDF format, $450.00
■■ Guide to Energy Management -- 7th Edition by Barney Capehart, Wayne Turner, and William Kennedy ■■ Solutions Manual for Guide to Energy Management -- 7th Edition by Klaus-Dieter E. Pawlik ■■ Handbook of Energy Engineering -- 7th Edition by Albert Thumann and D. Paul Mehta
Four complete books on one CD
Management & Strategies for Energy Professionals Reference Library CD Including over 1000 pages of text, graphics, charts and illustrations, the Management & Strategies for Energy Professionals Reference Library CD provides a convenient, information-packed reference resource for energy managers. Indexed with bookmarks for easy navigation, the CD contains the following four complete books in Adobe PDF® format: ■■ Managing Energy from the Top Down -- by Christopher Russell ■■ Maximizing Energy Savings & Minimizing Costs -- by John Studebaker, Ph.D.
ISBN: 0-88173-656-2 Order Code: 0647 CD, PDF format, $350.00
■■ Carbon Reduction: Policies, Strategies and Technologies -- by Stephen A. Roosa, Ph.D. and Arun G. Jhaveri, Ed.D. ■■ Managing Energy Costs: A Behavioral and Non-Technical Approach -- by John Eggink WWW.AEEPROGRAMS.COM/BOOKS
Page 17
Understand the forces driving critical new developments in energy efficiency and renewable technology...
Megatrends for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy By Michael F. Hordeski
What are the major developments and trends which are emerging and evolving to set the course for meeting the growing energy needs of the modern world? This comprehensive book explores this compelling and complex topic, examining the driving and often competing forces which come into play as we move forward. Currently 85% of the world’s energy systems are powered by coal, oil and other fossil fuels. However, as carbonrelated climate issues move to the forefront, while simultaneously it becomes clear that the end of cheap oil is in sight, the need for increased emphasis on both energy efficiency and alternative sources can no longer be ignored. The author provides an overview of the ongoing energy mix evolution, current technology and alternative fuel developments, evolving energy efficiency practices, and much more. Also available as e-book. See website for options.
6 x 9, 302 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00
Order Code: 0645
ISBN: 0-88173-632 -5
Find out how you can incorporate effective carbon reduction practices into your energy management projects...
Carbon Reduction: Policies, Strategies and Technologies
By Stephen A. Roosa, Ph.D. and Arun G. Jhaveri, Ed.D. In this time of increasingly pressing concern about global climate change and its potentially irreversible and detrimental impacts on the world’s population, it is considered urgent to find effective means for significantly reducing local, regional, national and international greenhouse gas emissions in homes, businesses, industries and communities around the planet. This book, first of all, describes in clear, concise and understandable terms the nature and scope of the climate change problem. The authors then combine their considerable expertise to offer specific guidelines for defining and applying the most effective carbon reduction policies, strategies and technologies. Finally, they propose a well defined blue print or road map for an action plan for use by practicing engineers, scientists, technicians, managers, and decision makers, which can be implemented to help control and abate the alarming increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 18
6 x 9, 272 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00
Order Code: 0614
ISBN: 0-88173-603 -1 AEE ENERGY BOOKS
Get up to speed on practical strategies to make your organization a part of the growing, profitable green economy...
Green Facilities Handbook: Simple & Profitable Strategies for Managers By Eric A. Woodroof, Ph.D.
This book explores why green business is good business, and shows you practical approaches to “green” your operations in specific areas. Written with the goal of helping you get started right away, the author’s approach is to showcase many of the profitable green ideas that businesses can implement quickly. Practical, economical tactics in the areas of water, cleaning, transportation, sustainable design, landscaping, recycling, solar, financing and marketing are examined in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner. These strategies are designed to allow you to increase your profits AND reduce your organization’s environmental impact, from the board room to the boiler room. The book addresses carbon reduction terminology, monitoring and reporting, as well as carbon trading and offset strategies. Financing and “green” marketing are also covered. ISBN: 0-88173-607- 4
Order Code: 0626
6 x 9, 300 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $110.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Gain perspective on how energy companies can set the course for a profitable, solid and sustainable future!
Visions for a Sustainable Energy Future By Mark Gabriel
This book offers a unique insight into the corporate health of energy companies in an evolving landscape of deregulation. Cutting across both historical and present day situations, it demonstrates important elements vital to the success of energy companies coming out of a safe regulated structure, and dealing with a new, competitive environment. Targeted at corporate executives, energy professionals, strategic planners, and regulators, readers will find this resource helpful in understanding how energy companies can meet the challenges of a competitive environment, evaluate successful and unsuccessful business strategies, incorporate new technologies in a successful re-invented business model, and assess the differences and similarities of electricity to other commodities. An enlightening discussion of the challenges presented to all sectors of the energy marketplace is included, spanning issues which impact generation, power delivery, environmental science and end use.
ISBN: 0-88173-513 -2
Order Code: 0579
6 x 9, 254 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $98.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 19
Learn how to apply proven strategies to slash industrial plant utility costs by up to 40%...
Plant Engineers & Managers Guide to Energy Conservation Tenth Edition By Albert Thumann, P.E.,C.E.M. and Scott Dunning, Ph.D., P.E.
This comprehensive, best selling handbook covers management and engineering strategies which can be utilized to slash energy costs by as much as 40% in industrial facilities. You’ll find ready to apply guidelines for electrical system optimization, lighting and HVAC system efficiency improvement, mechanical and process system performance, steam system optimization, and building energy loss reduction, along with building commissioning, life cycle costing, financing energy projects, energy purchasing, and strategies for establishing an effective energy conservation oriented maintenance program. New chapters cover evaluating the economics of solar applications, measurement and verification of energy savings, and superior energy performance. Other topics examined include motor drive systems, LEEDŽ, cogeneration, gas distributed generation technologies, steam system optimization, geothermal heat pumps, and power quality case studies. Also available as e-book. See website for options.
6 x 9, 515 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $119.00
Order Code: 0650
ISBN: 0-88173-657-0
Get up to speed on optimum design of state of the art electrical systems for commercial and industrial facilities...
Efficient Electrical Systems Design Handbook By Albert Thumann, P.E., C.E.M., and Harry Franz, P.E.
Now you can achieve optimum performance and efficiency in the design of electric systems for virtually any size or type of building or industrial facility utilizing the state of the art methodologies detailed in this comprehensive electrical design reference. Step by step guidelines and take you through each phase of design, covering equipment selection, power distribution system analysis, conduit and conductor sizing, lighting system design, control systems, electronic instrumentation, protective relaying, energy management systems, power quality, variable speed drives, motor selection, and more. The latest codes as well as currently available equipment are referenced. Numerous examples and simulation exercises are included, along with detailed design examples. Fully illustrated with many useful diagrams and tables, this book is intended as a practical guide for electrical engineers, plant and facility engineers and other professionals responsible for implementing or overseeing the design of facility electrical systems. Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 20
6 x 9, 368 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $85.00
Order Code: 0621
ISBN: 0-88173-593 -0 AEE ENERGY BOOKS
Covers the latest advances in smart grid technologies, and how they will impact the future of power distribution...
The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response By Clark Gellings
The power system has often been cited as the greatest and most complex machine ever built, yet it is predominantly a mechanical system. However, technologies and intelligent systems are now available which can significantly enhance the overall functionality of power distribution, and make it ready to meet the needs of the 21st century. This book explains in detail how sensors, communications technologies, computational ability, control, and feedback mechanisms can be effectively combined to create this new, continually adjusting “smart grid” system. You’ll gain an understanding of both IntelliGridSM architecture and EnergyPortSM, as well as how the integration of intelligent systems can be effectively utilized toward achieving the goals of reliability, cost containment, energy efficiency in power production and delivery, and end use energy efficiency.
ISBN: 0-88173-623 -6
Order Code: 0630
6 x 9, 301 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Get up to speed on the latest development in hydrogen based energy technologies...
Hydrogen & Fuel Cells: Advances in Transportation & Power By Michael F. Hordeski
The hydrogen car has been proposed as the solution to our oil problems, but how would it work, and what potential problems are associated with it? What would a hydrogen infrastructure look like, and what is being done to establish one? This book attempts to address these questions, and to provide specifics about current developments toward a hydrogen based infrastructure. In a major push to establish and commercialize fuel cell technologies, most major auto manufacturers are investing billions in development programs. A less public, but perhaps more important development is occurring in stationary power sources that use fuel cell technology. Fueling stations could be small electrolysis plants that produce hydrogen from water. Photovoltaic cells could also be used at fueling stations to power for electrolysis. Hydrogen fueling stations have already opened in California, Washington, DC and Europe. This book offers an informed look at the current state these technologies, and where they are headed.
ISBN: 0-88173-561 -2
Order Code: 0612
6 x 9, 290 pp, Illus. Hardcover, $115.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 21
Protect your investment in your facility via an effectively planned and executed maintenance program...
Effective Building Maintenance: Protection of Capital Assets By Herbert W. Stanford, III
The maintenance of a commercial building or facility can in large measure be considered the protection of an important capital asset. This text examines in depth the requirements for effectively designing, implementing and managing both programs and procedures for all areas of building maintenance, from the foundation to the roof, including interior and exterior support systems, as well as sitework elements. Discussed in detail are programmed maintenance as a critical part of asset management, maintenance planning and budgeting, outsourcing of maintenance services, computerized maintenance management, planned replacement vs. major renovation, preventive and predictive maintenance, and energy efficiency, indoor air quality and sustainability considerations. Also explored is the topic of designing a building for effective maintainability, including general construction, plumbing, HVAC and electrical systems. Also available as e-book. See website for options.
6 x 9, 428 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $98.00
Order Code: 0643
ISBN: 0-88173-638 -4
Your step-by-step guide to optimizing facility maintenance operations while reducing costs...
Manager’s Guide to Preventive Building Maintenance By Ryan Cruzan
Here’s your comprehensive guide for developing an effective and cost-saving preventive maintenance program for any type of facility. Topics include facility inspection and assessment, effective lubrication practices, commercial roofing repair, indoor air quality management, applicable government codes, standards and regulations, detailed preventive maintenance procedures, and maintenance scheduling. Specific maintenance approaches are examined for more than 100 types of equipment and building components. Also discussed are the economic value of preventive maintenance, management and motivation of the preventive maintenance team, and setting up a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS).
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 22
6 x 9, 304 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $98.00
Order Code: 0627
ISBN: 0-88173-619 -8 AEE ENERGY BOOKS
Your complete guide to optimum compressor performance...
Compressor Handbook: Principles and Practice By Tony Giampaolo
This book examines the full spectrum of compressor types, how they operate, how to control them, and how operating conditions can significantly impact their performance. Discussed in detail are the influence of pressure, temperature, molecular weight, specific heat ratio, compression ratio, speed, vane position, and volume bottles. The various methods of throughput control are also addressed, including discharge throttling, suction throttling, guide vane positioning, volume bottles, suction valve unloaders, and speed control, as well as how each of these control methods affects compressor life. Compressor surge is defined and discussed in detail, along with the types of instrumentation (controllers, valves, pressure and temperature transmitters) available, and which of these are most suitable for controlling surge. Case studies are included to illustrate the principles covered in the text. ISBN: 0-88173-615- 5
Order Code: 0631
6 x 9, 360 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Achieve superior pump operation in any type of application using time proven strategies...
Pump User’s Handbook: Life Extension Third Edition By Heinz P. Bloch and Allan R. Budris
This book is intended for every job function that comes in contact with process pumps, with focus on how you can achieve consistently superior run lengths, low maintenance expenditures, and unexcelled safety and reliability in all of your pump applications. The third edition includes updates on straight pipe requirements upstream of pump suction nozzles, details on temporary suction strainers, control strategies, fully illustrated coverage of all API seal plans in use today, and case studies in mechanical seal upgrading. The demonstrated vulnerability of traditional oil slinger rings is contrasted against the sound rationale of solid oil flinger discs widely used in Europe. Small scale oil mist lubrication units are highlighted and new field installed pump vibration limits tabulated. Added focus is given to modern canned motor pumps that now range to 700 hp and pressures in excess of 2000 psi. Recessed impeller pumps with advantageous axial spiral discharge volutes and energy efficient “split flow” pumps are explained. The reader will also find useful details on combining pump maintenance with systematic upgrading. ISBN: 0-88173-627 -9
Order Code: 0639
8½ x 11, 492 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $160.00
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 23
Use the most effective lubrication strategies to optimize machinery performance and minimize costly downtime!
Practical Lubrication for Industrial Facilities Second Edition By Heinz Bloch
ISBN: 0-88173-579- 5 Order Code: 0628 8½ x 11, 456 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $175.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Here is a comprehensive resource for those who select and apply lubricants, covering what products are available, and which lubricants are most effective for specific applications. The full spectrum of industrial lubricants are addressed, including general purpose oils, hydraulic fluids, food grade and environmentally friendly lubricants, synthetic lubricants, greases, pastes, waxes and tribosystems. Also examined are lubrication strategies for various equipment types, proper lubricant handling and storage, effective oil analysis, slinger ring-related issues, and bearing protector products. Gain an understanding of how industrial process control systems serve to optimize the manufacturing process!
Industrial Process Control Systems Second Edition By Stephen W. Fardo and Dale R. Patrick
ISBN: 0-88173-591- 4 Order Code: 0629 6 x 9, 445 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $115.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Manufacturing deals with the transformation of materials into marketable products. The various individual processes unique to the product being manufactured are generally grouped into systems which accomplish specific manufacturing tasks. In this book, the systems concept serves as the basic approach to understanding and effectively applying industrial process controls. Topics include the operating system, process control, pressure systems, thermal systems, level determining systems, flow process systems, analytical process systems, microprocessors, automated processes, and robotic systems. Maximize safety and standards compliance while minimizing injuries, liabilities and downtime!
Safety Management: A Guide for Facility Managers Second Edition By Joseph F. Gustin
ISBN: 0-88173-331- 8 Order Code: 0598 6 x 9, 298 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $98.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 24
Here is your easy to access, ready guide to the world of safety planning and compliance, OSHA inspections, workplace violence, ergonomics, recovery from downtime losses, the intricacies of ADA, and more. Emphasis is placed on maximizing productivity and standards compliance, while minimizing injuries, liabilities and downtime. The current edition provides an update on employer compliance requirements to ADA, discussion of new ergonomics standards, and explanation of recent revisions to OSHA workplace inspection/investigation procedures and record keeping rules. AEE ENERGY BOOKS
Your complete guide to optimum selection, application and operation of gas turbine technologies...
Gas Turbine Handbook: Principles & Practice Fourth Edition By Tony J. Giampaolo
This best selling reference provides the fundamental information you’ll need to understand both the operation and proper application of all types of gas turbines. Hardware and application scenarios are fully explored, along with operating parameters, controls, inlet and exhaust treatments, inspection, troubleshooting, noise control, inlet cooling for power augmentation, and NOx control. Coverage includes microturbines, as well as critical elements of centrifugal and axial compressors. Many helpful tips are included to enable early diagnosis of problems and analysis of failures to prevent their recurrence.
ISBN: 0-88173-613 -9 Order Code: 0620 6 x 9, 447 pp., Illus, Hardcover, $120.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Learn about real world solutions to today’s most challenging electrical distribution system design demands...
Electrical Distribution Systems Second Edition By Dale R. Patrick and Stephen W. Fardo
Comprehensive in scope, this book was written to fill the need for a truly applications oriented text on electrical distribution systems for engineers and technicians. All critical aspects of power production, distribution, control, conversion, and measurement are clearly presented. Using power distribution as the starting point, followed by clear delineation of its relationship to other associated systems, the authors place emphasis on real world applications, examining electrical distribution and associated system operation from both a user’s and a technician’s point of view.
ISBN: 0-88173-599- X Order Code: 0624 6 x 9, 478 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $115.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Gain a clear understanding of how complex electrical systems function...
Electrical Power Systems Technology Third Edition By Stephen W. Fardo and Dale R. Patrick
Covering the gamut of technologies and systems used in the generation of electrical power, this reference provides an easy to-understand overview of the production, distribution, control, conversion, and measurement of electrical power. The authors first describe a broad array of essential characteristics of electrical power systems — from power production to its conversion to another form of energy. Each system is then broken down into its sub systems and equipment, which are explored in greater detail in chapters devoted to each unit.
ISBN: 0-88173-585 -X Order Code: 0618 6 x 9, 496 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $115.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 25
Learn how advanced lighting controls can increase energy savings, flexibility, reliability, and interoperability!
Lighting Controls Handbook By Craig DiLouie
ISBN: 0-88173-573 -6 Order Code: 0604 6 x 9, 239 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $92.00
Intended for energy managers, electrical engineers, building managers, lighting designers, consultants, and other electrical professionals, this book provides a practical description of today’s major lighting controls types and how to apply them. It offers a step by step educational tour of lighting automation technology, with useful discussion about the purpose and benefits of lighting controls, emphasizing the achieving of relevant energy savings, as well as support of occupant visual needs and preferences. Topics include application strategies, typical savings, code compliance, commissioning, troubleshooting, and more.
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Gain a fundamental understanding of today’s electrical and electronic systems...
Electricity and Electronics Fundamentals Second Edition By Stephen W. Fardo and Dale R. Patrick
ISBN: 0-88173-601 -5 Order Code: 0611 8½ x 11, 302 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $115.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
This book was written to serve as an easy to understand introductory text for those who wish to grasp the basic fundamentals of state-of-the-art electricity and electronics. The key concepts are presented using an approach which minimizes use of complex mathematics, and utilizes applications and illustrations to enhance understanding. Topics covered include direct current electronics, alternating current electricity, semiconductor devices, electronic circuits, digital electronics, computers and microprocessors, electronic communications, and electronic power control. Learn the basics of how digital electronic systems work!
Electronic Digital System Fundamentals By Dale Patrick, Stephen Fardo and Vigyan Chandra
ISBN: 0-88173-540-X Order Code: 0596 6 x 9, 345 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $98.00
This self study text explains the basics of digital electronics using a combination of fundamental theory, examples, and practical applications. Digital devices form an integral part of numerous modern day systems, including those used for operating electronic alarm systems, for performing arithmetic, timing and computing operations, and for logging, processing and transferring data. Well illustrated, easy-to-follow explanations cover the basic functioning of these and other digital devices. Recommended safety precautions, example data sheets, and guidelines for working with digital circuits are also included.
Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 26
Achieve substantial energy savings using proven and affordable energy awareness measures...
Managing Energy Costs: A Behavioral and Non-Technical Approach By John Eggink
This book shows you how to apply proven management techniques to significantly reduce unnecessary energy expenses within your organization. Based on years of research and documentation, the author communicates in a clear, completely non-technical manner how to break the prevalent cycle of energy waste, and to make employees both cooperative in saving energy, and accountable for the energy they use. Included are a broad array of examples documenting actual savings from such programs, step by step methodologies, and pitfalls to avoid.
ISBN: 0-88173-544 -2 Order Code: 0587 6 x 9, 270 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $98.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Save countless hours on calculations necessary for your critical energy projects...
Simple Solutions to Energy Calculations Fourth Edition By Richard Vaillencourt
In this essential desk reference, a practicing engineer shares with you his secrets for simplifying complex energy calculations, and shows you how to use his unique, time saving methods. You’ll learn how to cut through the maze of detail using concise, innovative decision making tools to determine whether you should invest real time and money into developing details of a project under consideration. Key topics covered include “energy myths and magic,” the walk through audit, lighting, pumps, fans, motors, insulation, fuel switching, thermodynamics, heat recovery, HVAC and a summary of energy calculations.
ISBN: 0-88173-575- 2 Order Code: 0603 6 x 9, 218 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $98.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Get the facts on easy to implement energy strategies to maximize your energy savings today...
Maximizing Energy Savings & Minimizing Costs By John Studebaker, Ph.D.
There are so many different so called energy “fixes” available today, that energy users often find it difficult to find the optimum path to successful cost savings. The fact is that you may not initially need a time consuming, large investment strategy to achieve savings. This book covers the basics of rates, components of energy purchases, and the methods and techniques required to maximize energy savings and minimize costs. The information will be of value both to seasoned energy professionals and to those just getting started, providing a solid foundation upon which a successful, long term energy strategy can be based. WWW.AEEPROGRAMS.COM/BOOKS
ISBN: 0-88173-392- X Order Code: 0499 6 x 9, 346 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 27
Gain maximum benefit from the latest IT and web based systems now available to energy managers!
Web Based Enterprise Energy & Building Automation Systems Edited by Barney L. Capehart and Lynne C. Capehart
ISBN: 0-88173-536- 1 Order Code: 0580 8½ x 11, 425 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $175.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
The capability and use of IT and web based energy information and control systems has expanded from single facilities to multiple facilities and organizations with buildings located throughout the world. This book will show you how to take the mass of available data and extract from it that which is most useful in determining what actions to take to improve efficiency and productivity in your organization’s facilities. Examined are advanced applications of web based EIS and ECS systems, integration with existing BAS systems, commissioning IT and web based systems, and maximizing benefits to overall business operations. Use proven energy conservation measures to improve efficiency and slash building energy costs...
Energy Conservation Guidebook
Second Edition By Dale R. Patrick, Stephen W. Fardo, Ray E. Richardson and Steven R. Patrick
ISBN: 0-88173-526 -4 Order Code: 0577 6 x 9, 495 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $92.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
This reference covers the full scope of energy management techniques and applications for new and existing buildings, with emphasis on the “systems” approach to developing an effective overall energy management strategy. Building structural considerations are examined, such as heat loss and gain, windows, and insulation. A thorough discussion of heating and cooling systems basics is provided, along with energy management guidelines. Also covered are strategies for lighting systems, water systems and electrical systems. Specific energy management technologies and their application are discussed in detail. Find out how recent breakthroughs can improve steam turbine driven power plant efficiency!
Steam Turbines for Modern Fossil Fuel Power Plants By Alexander S. Leyzerovich
ISBN: 0-88173-548 -5 Order Code: 0590 6 x 9, 537 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $110.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Page 28
This authoritative guide presents innovative approaches to design and operation of new steam turbines for fossil fuel power plants, along with modern techniques for refurbishment of aging units. Learn how recent engineering breakthroughs have led to potential increases in power plant efficiency, deriving both from qualitative improvements in turbine steam path design, and from transitions to a greater use of elevated steam conditions. Also covered are new approaches which have emerged relative to transient operating conditions, as well as improved information support for operational personnel. AEE ENERGY BOOKS
The definitive guide to HVAC system selection and efficient operation!
HVAC Fundamentals Second Edition By Samuel C. Sugarman
Covering the full range of HVAC systems used in today’s facilities, this book provides all details necessary to clearly understand how HVAC systems operate. Comprehensive in scope, the book separates out each major system component for air, water, heating, ventilating and air conditioning, clearly illustrating how each system, subsystem, control or component contributes to the desired indoor environment. You’ll learn why one component or system may be chosen over another with respect to design, application, energy conservation, air quality, and cost. Basics of system testing, and verification of system performance are also discussed.
ISBN: 0-88173-559 -0 Order Code: 0591 6 x 9, 300 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $98.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Apply the methods used by experts to achieve optimum performance of any type of HVAC system...
Testing & Balancing HVAC Air & Water Systems Fourth Edition By Samuel C. Sugarman
This best selling reference provides all the information you’ll need to evaluate and balance the air and water sides of any HVAC system. Every aspect of testing, adjusting and balancing is addressed, including specific methods to adjust constant volume, single zone, dual duct, induction, and variable air volume systems. Details are provided for the full scope of system components, including fans, pumps, motors, drives, electricity, and the latest controls systems, as well as for balancing devices, instruments and their usage. Also covered are testing and balancing for clean rooms and HVAC system commissioning.
ISBN: 0-88173-534 -5 Order Code: 0568 6 x 9, 325 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $98.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
Learn the most effective strategies for selling green building projects in the commercial marketplace...
Marketing Green Buildings: Guide for Engineering, Construction & Architecture By Jerry Yudelson
Engineers, architects and contractors seeking to expand their involvement in the green buildings market need a firm grounding in the marketing strategies which are being used most successfully in this specialized and growing field. This book was written as a guide for professional green building advocates in presenting green design features, sustainable strategies, and new products to the potential green building client. The author provides clear descriptions of successful approaches to marketing and selling green building related services, as well as up to date information on the role of LEED® in green building projects. WWW.AEEPROGRAMS.COM/BOOKS
ISBN: 0-88173-528 -0 Order Code: 0569 6 x 9, 252 pp., Illus. Hardcover, $125.00 Also available as e-book. See website for options.
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