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Technical Session #12 From Words to Action: Doing More than Talk about Diversity in the Geosciences
(Sponsored by Deborah Green)
Join us for a symposium featuring speakers who are pioneers in representing diversity in our industry and others who will talk about ways they have embraced diversity in their company or organization. Our speakers will provide tips for including diversity in interview panels, stories about how embracing diverse backgrounds has improved the breadth and quality of leaders, and how establishing groups to call attention to supporting diverse backgrounds has led to employee longevity. Finally, we’ll discuss how AEG can do better for our association and promote the recognition and appreciation of diversity in the geosciences at the university and professional levels. Come with your questions for our speakers—our last 40 minutes will be a forum-style question and answer session.
Convener: Sarah Kalika Room: Villa
Time Speaker Title
8:00–8:20 Sarah Kalika and Jennifer Bauer Intro/Background on the DEIC 8:20–8:40 Deborah Green You Don’t Look Like a Geologist—Why are the Geosciences the Least Diverse of the STEM Fields? 8:40–9:00 Sarah Kalika Let’s Get Real—Stories from Women in the Geoscience Workplace, Listening to Learn, and Adapting to Cultural Changes without Shutting out Folks Who Aren’t There Yet 9:00–9:20 Minda Moe What to Look for in an Inclusive Company 9:20–9:40 Scott Walker Neurodiversity: Challenges and Advantages of Autism in the Technical Workplace 9:40–10:00 Q&A Mini-Panel 10:20–10:40 Masai Lawson Equity and Inclusion as a Business Imperative: How One Firm Created Change from Within 10:40–11:00 Holly Nichols Changing the Bureaucracy – Advances in the California Department of Water Resources’ DEI Culture and Policy 11:00–11:20 Danielle Wyrick To Boldly Go: Field Notes on Diversity in Planetary Science 11:20–12:00 Panel Panel - Vanessa Bateman, Georgette Hlepas, Kenneth Darko- Kagya and Other Speakers
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 – AFTERNOON Technical Session #13 Landslides Symposium – Line ‘em up but don’t knock ‘em down! – Landslide Investigation and Mitigation for Linear Infrastructure Projects, Part II
Convener: Chandan Kumar Room: Carranza
Time Speaker Title
1:00–1:20 Lauren Herbert Controls on Debris Flow Avulsions: White Mountains of California and Nevada
1:20–1:40 George Freitag 103 Years of Debris Flows, Dodson, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon 1:40–2:00 Chandan Kumar Landslide Susceptibility Prediction in Arid-Mountainous Terrain Using Machine and Deep Learning Models 2:00–2:20 Thomas Oommen Comparing the Scoop3D and the GIS-TISSA Models for Slope Stability Analysis in Idukki, Kerala, India
Andrea Leigh Ptak
writing • editing • design • production • project mgmt. Specializing in publications and assisting authors with all aspects of self-publishing. Contact me for a FREE half-hour consultation. Seattle, WA • office: 206-725-9169 • cell: 206-300-2067 andrealeighptak@me.com • www.andrealeighptak.com
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Advertiser Page AEG 2022 Annual Meeting–Las Vegas Inside Front Cover AEG 2023 Annual Meeting–Portland, Oregon 83 AEG Corporate Sponsors 48 AEG USSD 92–93
Isobar Science 49
University of Arizona Back Cover University of Mississippi 49
Technical Session #14 Geophysics
(Sponsored by Collier Geophysics, LLC)
Moderator: Kate McKinley Room: Madero
Time Speaker Title
1:00–1:20 Eric Cross The Use of Seismic Shear Wave Testing to Supplement Geotechnical Drilling - Analysis of Rock Depth and Integrity Along a Proposed Light Rail Alignment 1:20–1:40 Gary Norris Shallow Foundation Load-Settlement Behavior Assessed from Surface Geophysical Data 1:40–2:00 Kate McKinley The Challenges of Large Scale Terrain Conductivity Mapping and Inversion for Shallow Bedrock Determination 2:00–2:20 Sebastian Goodfellow Regional Stress Estimation Method using Acoustic Televiewer Data (Presented by McLain Pray) 2:20–2:40 Phil Sirles 3D Geophysical Investigations to Evaluate Risk at Karstic Wind Turbine Foundation Sites 2:40–3:00 Doug Laymon Imaging and Mapping of Karst Features in Central Texas Using Geophysical Methods
Technical Session #15 Environmental Topics
(Sponsored by University of Pennsylvania)
Moderator: Sarah Kalika Room: Villa
Time Speaker Title
1:00–1:20 Kevin Finneran Rendered Animal Co-Products as Electron Donors for Subsurface Remediation
1:20–1:40 Sarah Kalika Using Elevated Concentrations of Chromium and Nickel as an Indicator for the Presence of Chrysotile Asbestos in Serpentinite Rock Units 1:40–2:00 James Struthers Emergency Response and Navigating Naturally Occurring Asbestos - Rockslide Mitigation on US-95 near Riggins, Idaho 2:00–2:20 Wayne Isphoring Extinction is Forever! A Further Reason for Strict Control of Industrial Fly Ash and Power Plant Discharge Products 2:20–2:40 Kathryn Murdock Pyrite and Construction: Evaluating Pre- and Post-Failure
2021Corporate Sponsors
The University of Arizona
College of Engineering
(888) 658-2042 1209 East 2nd St., Room 100 Tucson, AZ 85721 onlineengineering@arizona.edu https://online.engineering.arizona.edu/online-eng-mining/
Collier Geophysics, LLC
Phil Sirles, phil@collierconsulting.com 7711 W 6th Ave., Suite G Lakewood, CO 80214 720-487-9200 https://colliergeophysics.com/
Lettis Consultants International, Inc.
Earth Science Consultants
Ion Bazgan, bazgan@lettisci.com 1981 N. Broadway, Suite 330 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 482-0360 http://www.lettisci.com/