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Friday, September 24
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 – MORNING Technical Session #10 Landslides Symposium – Line ‘em up but don’t knock ‘em down! Landslide Investigation and Mitigation for Linear Infrastructure Projects, Part I
(Sponsored by DiGioia Gray & Associates)
Landslide Symposium (Parts I and II): A one-day topical symposium on landslide hazard management with a focus on linear infrastructure and multi-region studies. Topics include landslide hazard and risk management programs, mitigation and monitoring case studies, and regional landslide susceptibility assessment.
Convener: Chandan Kumar Room: Carranza
Time Speaker Title
8:00–8:40 April Fontaine Keynote: USACE Implementation of the Landslide Preparedness Act and A Case for Managing Landslides and Other Slope Stability Hazards with a Risk-Based Portfolio Approach 8:40–9:00 Jennifer Bauer Unstable Slope Management Program – Implementation along the Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina, Part 1 9:00–9:20 Brian Banks Unstable Slope Management Program – Implementation along the Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina, Part 2 9:20–9:40 Scott Embry Keep America Moving – Innovations in Landslide Investigation and Mitigation Affecting America’s Transportation System 9:40–10:00 Matthew Morris Pennsylvania State Route 26 – Emergency Landslide Mitigation 10:20–10:40 William Gates Emergency Response and Mitigation for a Sequential Rockslide on US-95 near Riggins, Idaho, July 2020 (Presented by James Struthers) 10:40–11:00 James Arthurs Characterization of Weathered Granite (Grus) for Retaining Wall Design, Mineral King Road, Sequoia National Park 11:00–11:20 Jennifer Bauer Waking the Sleeping Giant: Historic Reactivation of Inactive, Dormant Landslides 11:20–11:40 Phil Sirles Seismic and Electrical 3D Geophysical Imaging for Landslide Remediation Wolf Creek Pass, Colorado 11:40–12:00 Presty Paulose Practical Applications of Time Domain Reflectometry for Landslide and Slope Monitoring
Technical Session #11 Evaluating Geologic and Seismic Hazards and the Potential Need for Hazard Mitigation Symposium, Part III
(Sponsored by GeoVision)
Convener: Mark Molinari and Issac Pope Room: Madero
Time Speaker Title
8:00–8:40 James McCalpin 50 Years of Paleoseismology 8:40–9:00 Brian Sherrod Recurrence of Large Upper Plate Earthquakes in the Salish Lowland, Washington State 9:00–9:20 Mustafa Saribudak Subsurface Structure of Pilot Knob Submarine Volcano (Austin, Texas) Imaged Using Resistivity and Magnetic Methods 9:20–9:40 Joanna Redwine Paleoseismic Study of the Gales Creek Fault, Oregon 9:40–10:00 James Sanders Highly Variable Subsurface Conditions at the New SDSU Mission Valley Campus & Football Stadium Site, San Diego, California
10:20–10:40 Ellen Rathje Geotechnical and Geologic Investigations to Support Evaluations of Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spreading 10:40–11:00 Katerina Ziotopoulou Lateral Spreading in Balboa Boulevard (1994 Northridge): Suspected Mechanisms, Data, and Predictive Capabilities 11:00–11:20 Kristin Ulmer Addressing Uncertainty Through an Open, Collaborative Database of Liquefaction Case Histories 11:20–11:40 Hamed Tohidi Evaluation of Non-liquefiable Soil Layer Impact on Liquefaction Surface Manifestation in Dyer County, Tennessee 11:40–12:00 Gerry Stirewalt Evaluating Potential Hazards from Faulting and Induced Seismicity at the US NRC for a Proposed Nuclear Power Plant Site