Quick Guide to Erasmus+ for AEGEE
Quick Guide to Erasmus+ for AEGEE This documents is brief extract from Erasmus+ program guide which you can find at http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/documents/erasmus-plus-programmeguide_en.pdf and this document will refer to it.
What is Erasmus+? Erasmus+ Combines 7 EU education, training and youth programmes, and sport which were in previous years (2007-2013) under specific programs like The Lifelong Learning Programme, The Youth in Action Programme, The Erasmus Mundus Programme, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and Programmes of cooperation with industrialised countries in the field of higher education Erasmus+ merge all these programs with total budget of â‚Ź14.7 billion, representing a 40% budget increase.
Who can benefit from Erasmus+? The criteria are settled as follow: 1. Be from country which can benefit from Erasmus+ (Page 24) 2. Have eligible status. This depends on type of grant. Some are for individuals, some for universities and some NGOs, each actions defines this.
Programme countries List of countries which can fully benefit from all parts of the programme:
Partner Country neighbouring List of countries which participate in specific actions like youth exchanges or EVS
Student Mobility (previously known as Erasmus) Here are two types
a study at foreign university (Erasmus exchange) a traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or NGO (like AEGEE local).
News and rules
You can have study or traineeship in each cycle of your study = you can participate several times in Student mobility o Cycle of your study - first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent), second cycle (Master or equivalent) and third or doctoral cycle. o You can’t have study and traineeship in same cycle, so you can have study exchange in bachelor and traineeship in master for example, but not both in same bachelor or master Length o Study periods: from 3 to 12 months o Traineeships: from 2 to 12 months.
Grant size is combine and final sum is taking part of EU grant – defined bellow National contribution – depends on country (Regional or Local contribution) – in some cases Size of EU grant o Depends on the country where the mobility take place EU grant will depend on country of origin and destination country
If student goes to same group as own country – Normal Grant o Normal 200 EUR min 450 EUR max If Student goes to country with lower living cost – Lower Grant o Lower 150 EUR min 400 EUR max If Student goes to country with higher living cost – Higher Grant o Higher 250 EUR min 500 EUR max
There is special bonus for
Students from disadvantaged backgrounds (other than those with special needs) o between 100 and 200 EUR per month. Students in traineeships o between 100 and 200 EUR permonth. Students from outermost Programme Countries and regions o depends on the location
Find more at pages 35 – 44
Mobility Project for Young People and Youth Workers (former Youth in Action) Projects which are organised by NGO (AGEEE local) not for individuals. More details on pages 64-78.
General rules Depending of participating organisations (from which country they are)
Activities within Programme Countries: o all participating organisations must be from a Programme Country. Activities with Partner Countries neighbouring the EU: o the activity must involve at least one participating organisation from a Programme Country and one participating organisation from a Partner Country neighbouring the EU.
In order to maintain a clear link to the country where the National Agency is based, either the sending organisation(s) or the receiving organisation(s) in each activity must be from the country of the National Agency receiving the application.
Travel costs No more 70% of travel cost, amount is defined on type and distance between places.
Deadlines Here bear in mind that projects has to start, not to finish in that frame, project can be up to 24 months long. o
17 March at 12pm (midday Brussels time) o for projects starting between 17 June and 31 December of the same year (provided that the grant agreement is signed); 30 April at 12pm (midday Brussels time) o for projects starting between 1 August of the same year and 28 February of the following year (provided that the grant agreement is signed); 1 October at 12pm (midday Brussels time) o for projects starting between 1st January and 30 September of the following year(provided that the grant agreement is signed).
Youth Exchanges (previously 1.1. and 3.1) Short multilateral exchanges between 2, 3 or more organisations with defined topic. o o
Min 5 and max 21 days of activity (not project), without travel dates Participants o from 13 to 30 years o Min 16 and max 60 participants  Min 4 participants from one group + group leader(s) Travel cost up to defined amount in this table
o o
Activity cost per day defined by table at Page 75
European Voluntary Service (previous 2) In short, Internship in NGO with defined theme adjusted to the need of volunteer o
o o
Accreditation for participating organisations – done by National Agency (NA) in selected country or EACEA for countries without NA o Hosting accreditation – to send volunteer o Sending accreditation – to host volunteer EVS length - Min 2 max 12 months Types of volunteers depending on country o
A volunteer from a Programme Country must carry out her/his activity in another Programme Country or in a Partner Country neighbouring the EU.
o o o
A volunteer from a Partner Country neighbouring the EU must carry out her/his activity in a Programme Country. Maxim 30 volunteers in project Travel cost up to defined amount in this table
o o
Activity cost per day defined by table at Page 75
Youth workers’ training and networking (previously 3.1 and 4.3) Variety activity types like seminar, training, job shadowing o o o o o
Min 2 days max 2 months of activity (not project), without travel dates No age limit No limitation for venue Up to 50 participants Travel cost up to defined amount in this table
o o
Activity cost per day defined by table at Page 75
Contacts on National Agencies in your country National Agency is responsible for management of Erasmus+ in selected Programme Country and provides detailed informations on requests and also trainings, for more details use contacts mentioned on this link: http://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus-plus/national-agencies_en.htm
Submitting applications As previous years application via e-forms will take place. Example of such an e-form you can find at this link: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/documents/form/youth_mobility_en.pdf
New thing is that e-forms will be centrally registered and before submitting you need to generate unique application form and then fill the content and submit it. Details of application process is described on Page 191.
Register In The Participant Portal Get a login and password for secure access to URF: register in the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS) available at: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/cas/eim/external/register.cgi
Personal Identification Code (PIC) Once the registration in the Participant Portal is completed, you will receive a nine-digit PIC number. The PIC is a unique identifier which enables access of the e-forms and will also serve as a reference for the National or Executive Agency in any further correspondence.