July - September 2016
The official publication of the Asia eHealth Information Network
AeHIN joins Master Patient Index in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar -- The Asia eHealth Information Network, together with UNICEF, Save The Children, UNOPS, UNAIDS, WHO and MoHawk College, participated the Master Patient Index (MPI) Client Registry (CR) Kick-off Meeting held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar on 13-14 September, 2016. The meeting aimed to provide an overview on National Health Information System, to propose Strategic Objectives and Enterprise Architecture, including the Myanmar Health Information Exchange and the role of Client Registry/Master Patient Index (MPI) and to inform and obtain buy-in from the Ministry of Health and Sports (MoHS) decision makers surrounding the schedule, timeline, key activities and next steps for the MPI project completion and implementation.
Delegates pose for a photo after the conference.
AeHIN, WHO hold network meeting at CHITEC 2016
Nanjing, China – AeHIN together with WHO held a two-day network meeting during the 11th China Health Information Technology Exchange Conference 2016 at Nanjing International Exhibition Center on August 30 to 31. The meeting was attended by participants from Australia, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. The discussions revolved around how interoperability and standardization within countries can be improved and how eHealth and mHealth applications can be better managed for privacy, security and safety. The sessions were also broadcast through GoToWebinar for AeHIN members who wished to remotely join the discussions.
Participants waiting for the next presentation at the AeHIN-WHO workshop
Lao PDR pushes National CRVS Strategy
Vientiane, Laos – The Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) has convened various agencies and development partners during the 5-day workshop on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Lao PDR last March 28 to April 2. Participants from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice, Ministry
of Education and Sports, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security were gathered in the workshop to engage stakeholders on the Lao National CRVS Strategy. Among the matters discussed were CRVS strategy, legal framework and information system in the country.
The Hexagon is the quarterly newsletter of AeHIN. If you have eHealth updates and initiatives from your country that you would want to share with the network, feel free to drop us a message at secretariat@aehin.org. For more updates on AeHIN activities follow our social media accounts: Facebook: http://facebook.com/aehin| Twitter: @aehin2011 | Website: http://aehin.org
AeHIN joins CRVS consultation in Canada Ottawa, Canada -- AeHIN participated in the expert consultation for CRVS organized by the World Bank and IDRC last July 11-14. More than 20 experts exchanged ideas on how countries can be supported vis-a-vis theory national CRVS strategy. Modules of the e-learning course on civil registration and vital statistics that will help practitioners and CRVS experts gain expertise in all components of CRVS systems were also reviewed.
AeHIN holds 2-day course on IT Governance and EA Manila, Philippines – A two-day course on IT Governance and Enterprise Architecture was held on August 24 to 25 at the Department of Health and Advanced Science and Technology Institute in Quezon City. A detailed view of IT Governance frameworks such as ISO 38500, COBIT 5 and ISO TR 14639 as well as Enterprise Architecture namely The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), Zachman’s, Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) and Gartner were presented by speaker by Dr. Alvin Marcelo. The workshop was offered for the iGovPhil project which was participated in by various agencies such as DICT, DOST-ASTI, and eUP Project. It was attended by directors, IT managers, planning officers, and other executives of various agencies. Towards the end of the workshop, it was inferred that while knowledge and cooperation between management and technical staff in implementing IT governance and enterprise architecture is important, key participation of the most accountable entities of the organization is paramount to success.
HIS standards published by THIS Thai Health Information Standards Development Center (THIS) has published a report on eHealth in Thailand: Interoperability and Health Information Standards. The report provides fundamental knowledge of hhealth information standards and interoperability and reviews the development, adoption and use of health data standards in Thailand. It also contain the development of semantic standard, namely, Thai Medicines Terminology (TMT) and adoption of Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC), which can supports administrative functions and also health information exchange for clinical and quality of care. It is available online and can be downloaded in http://www.this.or.th/files/ interopbook.pdf.
Attendees brainstorming for the first activity on challenges they are experiencing in the workplace
Malaysia holds second telemedicine conference Selangor, Malaysia – The second Malaysia Telemedicine Conference themed Shaping Tomorrow’s Healthcare Today was held on August 16-18 in Swan Convention Center at Sunway Medical Center. The conference brought together stakeholders from policy makers, industries, academia and medical providers to forward technology in the country. Among the matters discussed were Malaysia’s advanced research and latest innovations that provide platform for collaborations among stakeholders. Overview, technological aspect and application to present health care situations of tracks such as mobile health, internet of things and big data analytics in healthcare were exchanged during discussions. A special session titled “From Idea to Product” was held to help entrepreneurs, start-up companies and
ecosystem builders turn their ideas into healthcare innovations and solutions. The Telemedicine Innovation Challenge was again held with 12 teams composed of participants from universities, industry and healthcare sectors present their healthcare solutions. Director-General of Health Dr. Noor Hisham Bin Abdullah also announced the formation of Telemedicine Development Group (TDG) which aims to form and nurture collaborations in supporting development, research and innovation of telemedicine and telehealth initiatives in the country. This year’s conference was organized by Monasha University Malaysia, Collaboration Research in Engineering, Science and Technology (CREST), Ministry of Health Malaysia, and Malaysia Communications in Multimedia Commission (MCMC).
The online learning platform of the The online learning platform of the Asia eHealth Asia eHealth Information Network Information Network held twice a month where held twice a month where topicssystems, on topics on eHealth, health information eHealth, health information information technology, and CRVSsystems, are shared. It is offered in technology, English and is attended by various information and CRVS eHealth experts representing at least 9 countries are shared. It is offered in English per webinar. The sessions run via Cisco WebEx. and is attended by various eHealth experts representing atare least counLocal AeHIN Hour webinars also9held by AeHIN member and are sessions offered in the tries percountries webinar. The runcountry’s via Cisco WebEx. language. Local AeHIN webinars are also To date, thereHour have been 70 webinars held since held by To AeHIN countries 2012. check member our previous webinar, head to http://aehin.org Bangladesh, Cambodia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand (offered in For topic proposals and speaker referrals you may the country’s contact Ms.language). Charisse Orjalo of the AeHIN Secretariat team at chasorjalo@telehealth.ph