Government agility

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Government Agility: How to reduce IT cost using Agile

BY Devon Morris


ou have heard the buzz words - Scrum, continuous integration and test driven development. You have also heard the myths: Agile does not work for the Government; Don’t use agile on large projects; Agile teams don’t plan. We could spend time debunking these myths, however, it would not add any value to this article. With a little research, you can find the truth. Take a journey with me to discover ways that Agile can help the government with Information Technology (IT). According to the Office of Management and Budget, federal IT spending is estimated to be $74 billion this year, which does not include the local government, legislative or judicial branches. Roughly one third (or $25 billion) is mismanaged, including cost overruns and duplications. By any standard, these numbers are staggering. What can the government do to be more efficient with the dollars that are entrusted to it? How can they reduce the cost of IT or at least better manage the $25 billion? Simple - GET AGILE.



What is Agile anyway? Agile is a different way of doing software development. The term “Agile” is derived from the Manifesto of Agile Software Development, known to most as the “Agile Manifesto,” which was created in 2001 by a small group of people that were using lightweight frameworks for software development. The Agile Manifesto consists of 4 values that we have come to live by: ❚❚ Individuals and iteration over processes and tools ❚❚ Working software over comprehensive documentation ❚❚ Customer collaboration over contract negotiation ❚❚ Responding to change over following a plan Although there is value on the right, we value the things on the left more. All Agile frameworks and methods align with these values.

There are 12 principles that support the Agile Manifesto: 1. Customer satisfaction Delivering valuable software 2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development 3. Frequent delivery of working software 4. Working software - The principal measure of progress 5. Sustainable development and pace 6. Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers

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