Letter from the Publisher - March-April 2013

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Government CIOs Face Unique Challenges, Share Insights


the premiere issue of Modern Government Ve presented an intervieV Vith Tony )imeneY the founder and CEO of MicroTech. Tony has quite an interesting bacJground and has accumulated a Vealth of eWperience in fulƥlling the needs of government entities. -ot surprisingly Tony had some very insightful and intriguing thoughts to share Vith us. That ƥrst issue of Modern Government certainly set the bar high. But itŗs a standard that Ve aspire to meet Vith every single issue. In this our second issue Ve thinJ youŗll agree that Veŗre oƤ to a good start in meeting that challenge. %or this issue Ve met Vith the Chief Information OƧcers of ƥve high proƥle government agencies:

DARREN ASH, CIO of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission CASEY COLEMAN, CIO of the General Services Administration LINDA CURETON, CIO of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

MALCOLM JACKSON, CIO of the Environmental Protection Agency JERRY WILLIAMS, CIO of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Each agency has faced the problems inherent in government operations. But each of these agencies has also faced a unique set of challenges in recent years. And each CIO has been instrumental in helping guide their respective agencies through a morass of budgetary Ʀuctuations evolving mandates and dynamically changing technologies. As this issue of Modern Government goes to press the shocJVaves of sequestration ripple through the government landscape. The rapid evolution of technology forces rapid change for both governmental and private organiYations. HoV have the CIOs dealt Vith these challenges 6hat roles Vill technology play in meeting those challenges and hoV Vill their agencies evolve as part of a more modern government. 6e believe youŗll ƥnd their ansVers to be interesting insightful and instructional.

Jenna Bratten President and CEO, AEi International Publisher, Modern Government

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