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Aeon Phlo
For- If, It is, to be, It is, Up To ME! - A reciprocal loop that taps back into the perpetual energy system underlying everything. Creating a Unified Field Of Luminous Synergy. serve and empower create and contribute focus and distribute s+e = c+c = f+d = s+e NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL What about me??? There are many things that can be said about a person. Are they real? Based on True soul searching? Based in Reality or Illusion? We are not a people looking for a HAND out. WE are people who are putting our HANDS OUT. We are LOOKING and JOINING HANDS, HEARTS, MINDS and SPIRITS for the Common Cause. HUMAN WELL BEING. The words that I am speaking are designed out of a language that has many parts. The Truth can only be known in the moment. The Truth can only be seen by those that were present in that moment. The Truth is your Friend. The truth is inside you. Not outside you. The truth is this.... (in my opinion