Creating smarter cities for the future
The Power of Aerometrex Aerometrex has over 40 years of experience in the geospatial technology industry. With global expertise in 3D modeling, the business has been recognized for its work across multiple continents.
In the context of spatial data, digital twins help capture both the current state as well as simulate future outcomes, and accurate 3D models are foundational to these representations. 3D photogrammetry is the science of deriving 3D information from imagery. The process requires imagery capture, processing, 3D model generation and texturing. These models then replicate the related physical asset and can be manipulated in the future to continue following that asset as and when it changes. 3D models of entire cities can be built in this fashion using aerial photography. Once created, 3D models form the initial state for digital twins, and are used in several applications. They help save time and money by reducing risk and errors. By further attaching attribute information to the 3D reality model, such as live data feeds, you can create a digital twin which evolves in real time and adds immense value to the user. As foundational data, 3D models are critical to digital twins, as they Enable better visualization 3D models can help visualize as they give real-world context and provide an accurate understanding of the surroundings - factoring in both the natural & built environment. This can also enable operational monitoring and user interactivity. Provide location-based intelligence for transportation 3D models can support decision making for transportation and logistics – decisions pertaining to mobility, safety, and sustainability. Build smart infrastructure in 3D Powered by 3D models and other geospatial intelligence, town planners can manage large infrastructure projects more efficiently and safely. Archive critical assets as digital records 3D reality captures can help model an area desired and serve the mesh model as high resolution snapshots of critical assets within the area. Change management and planning Using repeat reality captures, 3D data from two different points in time can help analyze crucial changes and drive future planning & simulation. Digital twins and smart city applications are helping: • optimize and drive operational efficiencies • enhance decision making • reduce business risk through predictive planning
Our 3D data gives you access to highresolution 3D models that provide context to your projects, help develop and visualize scenarios as well as offer a comprehensive 3D base dataset for change monitoring. The global Aerometrex team has expanded to 100+ with industry experts in aerial capture, flight planning, photogrammetry, 3D modeling, LiDAR processing, customer support and R&D. Other Major Applications of 3D Models Asset planning and monitoring Change management & analysis 3D visualization and consultation Real-world simulation for virtual / augmented reality Historical archiving of buildings or town areas. Our 3D Solutions 3D Reality Mesh Models 3D LOD Models 3D Visualization AI-Driven 3D Data Industries we serve Architecture, engineering, and construction Urban planning and smart cities Property and real estate Telecommunications Insurance Media, entertainment, and events Environmental management Mining
3D DATA ASSETS THAT AID SMART CITY APPLICATIONS High resolution 3D mesh models, enhanced through ground level imagery captures 3D mesh models are generated using photogrammetry techniques and can be produced with exceptionally realistic visual quality and accuracy. These models usually include all objects present in a scene, but individual objects are not separate entities and are part of a continuous mesh. Smart city applications often require 3D data at more than one resolution therefore a multiscale approach is necessary. A multiscale approach is the seamless integration of data captured from different platforms, at different resolutions. Aerometrex routinely generates multiscale 3D mesh from aerial imagery captured, via helicopter and at ground level, with resolutions ranging from few cm down to a few mm. 3D LOD building models, that can be textured with imagery to add realism Semantic 3D models are composed of individual 3D objects represented by simple geometry and rich information. In these models, buildings can be modelled at different levels of detail (LOD), from simple block models to ones with more complex geometry, such as roof structure, verandahs, and chimneys. The visual appearance of these buildings can be enhanced by using texture derived from ground or aerial imagery. Classified 3D models to isolate and analyze features, and link attribution data adding intelligence Aerometrex has developed an AI-powered solution to automatically segment and classify objects within a 3D mesh and derived point-clouds. A photorealistic, location-accurate 3D mesh with classified individual objects takes this product to the next level by offering rich analytic capabilities. These classified 3D mesh models are now supported by a growing number of 3D platforms including Cesium, Skyline TerraExplorer and soon, ArcGIS Pro.
AU Office 51-53 Glynburn Road, Glynde SA 5070 (08) 8362 9911 info@aerometrex.com.au www.aerometrex.com.au
US Office (+1) 303 502 5290 info@aerometrex.com www.aerometrex.com