Artnmap 201505

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05 l 2015

Vol. 69

Kim Bong Jung solo Exhibition Cho Yi Kyung solo Exhibition

Addiction 5, 160 x 124.5 εκ. / 63 x 49 in, Mixed Media on Canvas, 2014 Photo : Image provided by Kim Bong Jung

looking for midnight sky, 54x72cm, Stone powder on korean paper, 2014

“My works depict the inner workings of my mind; one that has been About the Act of ‘Seeing’ at the Visual Limit and its Meaning TITLE Cho Yi Kyung solo Exhibition sexually oppressed in order to conform to my cultural Confucianist PLACE Cyart Space TITLE Addiction DURATION 04.02-04.13, 2015 background.” PLACE Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete ARTIST Cho Yi Kyung DURATION 04.08-10.10, 2015 ARTIST Kim Bong Jung CONTACT +30.28310.52530

Bong Jung Kim’s painting installations evidence his interest in the phenomenon of cyber addiction. Internet addiction disorder or IAD, has to do with impulse control that in today’s world is more and more common. Thus, Kim’s interest in depicting IAD stems from his focus of investigation within the arts. Just as many use the internet to help overcome stress, Kim reflects upon it by painting the subject, in itself an obsession. The preoccupation that appears as internet gaming, shopping, or cybersex addictions is very harmful to the individual and the family unit at times leading to financial problems, a lowered production, interaction with family, intimate partners or friends. With the decentralization inherent in globalism and the split of the family unit, as well as, the provision by internet sources of constantly changing entertainment and information, IAD is an understandable occurrence. Smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices, make it easy to be in touch yet many choose anonymous interaction rather than familial. To escape into the cyber world rather than face reality is increasing in a world wrought with problems and un-pleasantries. Many go to the digital space in order to relieve overwhelming feelings of inadequacy, sometimes to avert loneliness, depression or just simple boredom. Some people lacking in social support use it to establish new relationships and may be unhappy teenagers looking for a place to fit. But, it is a fact that this addiction leads to more stress, and isolation. Kim paints natural forms like flowers, overlain by broken computer parts. The fact that the digital machinery lie on the surface of the painting in key spots broken and dysfunctional, clarify Kim’s feelings about a computerized world. Perhaps he has personal reasons in depicting this subject as he does for he has two young sons.

Teenagers are notorious cyber junkies eschewing friends and nature to engage with the internet instead. In Kim’s paintings we see the flowers outlined through computer wires while broken pieces of computers dot his backgrounds. His colors are red, black and white and reference the poppy flower that itself produces the addictive substance opium. Kim scatters the broken computer parts over the central part of the poppy pistils as if saying that this is the most dangerous place of the flower from which the opium is distilled. Whereas the body of the flower is red, the pistils are black which Kim chooses to combine with the scattered computer parts. In his paintings, Kim shows the Papaver Somniferum that is a plant of rare beauty and healing powers but also of contraindications. In Kim’s case the poppy is the perfect metaphor for computer addiction but also to connote his own addiction to art. Like all interesting things it has dualistic and multiple characteristics that are both good and bad. Opium for medicinal use has been known to cure insomnia, shock and injury, and to lessen the paralysis from a stroke, as well as to rid the body of tremors or convulsions due to delirium tremens. On the other hand, it can be addictive when taken in excess. This is a similar thing to a computer obsession that can overwhelm the individual making him loose himself within a cyber-world too huge to navigate yet too interesting to leave. But, by bringing our attention to the issue, Kim helps us not only to see the problem, but also in some ways to control any addiction by setting goals as barriers. Kim’s art helps us remain connected to the offline world of culture, participation and experience. It acts like cognitive behavioral therapy in which we are given step by step directions in finding real life support and reconnecting while being comfortable with the real world rather than getting lost in space.

Artist Cho Yi Kyung has examined the relation between human’s visual sense and recognition of image. Focusing particularly on a fact that an opportunity can be offered to be awakened to human’s image recognition mechanism in a process where time and space are crossed when human encounters image through screen, she came to make a conceptual structure of exhibition with that fact as her motif, which arouses interest. The true nature of cinematic image which enables recognition of spatiality in the flow of time is actually an illusion formed through a media called light and when another ray of light intervenes in that video, it shows effectiveness of that image is only temporary. It means when images in a film projected by a beam projector are covered with light strong enough to make them disappear, they only become empty space and the temporal flow in the film seems to have stopped. By the time the light dims, those images come into audience’s sight yet again and it feels as if time went on. Even though a video is illusory space in which existence before one’s eye is made through projected light, seeing one is such a strong attraction sensately that one cannot help but fall into that illusion. When a pictorial image directs space halted at a moment in a flat 2D manner, images of video in film are made to recognize not only certain space it directs but temporal flow. And sounds come to simultaneously intervene in the film so it is characterized that narrative is read amidst layered structure by information delivered through two senses. At that moment, the artist lets strong light regularly intervene in video image to dissipate images in between while sound and video are delivered in harmony and takes the film’s narrative context apart intermittently. The artist delays visual recognition by adjusting amount of light, a necessary condition for visual perception, and shows that she can break up the consequent narrative structure which temporally progresses. If noise gradually grows louder than the original sound of music played by a certain kind of work, listening to the original music is disturbed or even impossible. Likewise, changes in visual environment inevitably affect one’s visual sense. As the artist came to be interested in the process of feeling and recognition itself, she seems to focus on conditions for delivery rather than actual contents delivery and to try to make them into works. The artist, in other words, intends to show not the contents delivered by video within work but the mechanism of how cinematic image is delivered or the process or conditions of how cinematic media is recognized through her work.

CONTACT +82.2.3141.8842

Film media in which cinematic images and sounds are combined has power to deftly hide its system as a media and to absorb audience into stories portrayed by fictional space. Thus, the artist loosens that power to enable the audience to see the film media system itself. As a strategy to awaken the audience that Illusion made by image similar to space which actually exists in dark space is eventually a phantom like mirage, the artist lets the light stronger than that of a beam projector intervene which makes film image and in that way, she brings the flow of film to a halt in between. Instead, she reveals empty space only with white wall left by the strong light to stop senses absorbed in fictional illusion. The artist brings in light repeated at the same time intervals while the video of film goes on to make it hard to focus on the film’s contents but to allow people to see the entire mechanism of an act of watching the film. Actually, film is a continuous showing of individual images at 24 or 30 frames per second and in the nature of human’s cognitive structure, those individual images cannot help but be perceived as a constantly moving shape. Human cannot perceive space between marginal borderline that they can visually sense, which probably makes the artist focus on such limits of sense. That the artist lets another ray of light exceeding that coming from the beam projector which is to make the video seems to prevent visual sense from telling the difference and consequentially to set a circumstance where images are removed. In this way, the artist appears to fill the temporal flow in between which resultingly exposes the video with bright light and empty the images for her intention to maximize limits of senses on which visual gaps established like a rest fail to be recognized but cannot but be of loss and to make people experience a structure hidden outside the senses. By doing this, it seems that the artist ultimately intends to make people experience the act of ‘seeing’ on the entire process of sensing and perceiving through awakened eye at a point where the images are emptied without being swallowed up by contents of image and to provide opportunity to appreciate the limitation of ‘seeing’ at the limits of senses and its meaning through her works.

서울오픈아트페어사무국 Tel. 02 545 3314

ANdreaROSEN rosenGALLERY GALLERY ANDREA +1.212 627. 6000 +1.212.627.6000

ceresART gallery CLAMP +1.212.925.6190 +1.646.230.0020

1) Enigmas Simon Fujiwara 03-05 04 2013 25, 2015 06 29 08-09

Chalda Maloff 1)Group Show : 04 28 -Island 05 23,School 2015 of Design 2013 Rhode MFA Graduate 07 11 - 08 20 2013 2) Group Show <NYC, c. 1985> 07 23 - 08Gallry 03 2013 Caelum 3) +1.212.924.4161 Rachel Hulin < Flying Henry> 08 25 - 9 07 2013 1) Yoshiko Yoshino 04 07 - 04 25, 2015 CERES GALLERY +1.212.925.6190 2) Takayuki Yamada 04 07 - 04 25, 2015 1) sight specific Ceres Members 07 25 - 08 20 2013 2) Daniel Anne Mondro Cooney Fine Art Anatomia + 07 25 - 08 20 2013 Mina Leen 03 26 - 05 16, 2015 CLAIRE OLIVER +1.212.929.5949

2) Robert Motherwell 05 01 - 06 20, 2015 APERTURE GALLERY +1.212.505.5555 Shannon: New Work by the 2013 Graduates of the Yale University School of Art Anton GalLery 07 18 - 08Kern 15 2013 +1.212.367.9663

David Shrigley 04 16 - 05 23, 2015 GALLERY ANDREW KREPS +1.212.741.8849 Ricci Albenda BITFORMS 06 27 - 08 09 GALLERY 2013 +1.646.455.0986

Daniel KORN Rozin GALLERY ANTON 05 13 - 06 01, 2015 +1.212.366.6939 Francis Upritchard BLUE 06 27 - MOUNTAIN 08 09 2013 GALLERY +1.646.486.4730

Things to come derek eller gallery 07+1. 30 212. - 09 14 2013 206. 6411

BENRIMON CONTEMPORARY Erica Child Prud’homme 04 21 - 05 16, 2015 +1.212.924.2400 1) Beverly Mclver 07 02 -Silverstein 08 03 2013 Bruce 2)+1.212.627.3930 Darkside Massage & Heat Therapy 07 02 - 08 03 2013 1) de-FORMATIONS 02 26 - 04 18, 2015 BITFORMS GALLERY 2) Keith Smith +1.646.455.0986 04 23 - 06 06, 2015 Vanishing Point 07 30 - 08 19 2013

Cheim&Read + BLUE MOUNTAIN GALLERY +1.646.486.4730 1) Bill Jensen 1) Invitational : Tim Ross 04 09 - 05 09, 2015 07 30 - 08 17 2013 2)2)lawrence campbell Chantal Joffe 07 0509 14- -08 0607 20,2013 2015

303 GALLERY 303 GALLERY + + Jane and Louise Wilson Jeppe 06 25Hein - 08 02 2013 04 16 - 05 30, 2015 ACCOLA GRIEFEN GALLERY Agora Gallery + +1.646.532.3488

1)The Contemporary Land BeforePerspectives and After Time 03 25 - 04 21, 2015 07 11 - 08 10 2013 2) Illumination 04 24 - 05 14, 2015 AGORA GALLERY + 511 gallery + Degrees of Abstraction 07 23 - 08 13 2013 Of Men 03 12 - 04 18, 2015

ABLE FINE ART NY + able fine art ny + ABLE Membership PART II 07Wonhee 31 - 08 13 2013 1) Noh

04 30 - 05 20, 2015

2) Soomin Choi 04 30 - 05 20, 2015

ANA CRISTEA GALLERY ALEXANDER GRAY ASSOCIATES +1.212 904. 1110 +1.212.399.2636 JAMES VISCARDI Joan Semmel 06 28 - 08 03 2013 04 02 - 05 16, 2015 ANDREA GALLERY AndrewMEISLIN Kreps Gallery +1.212 627. 2552 +1.212.741.8849

1) Kaufmann Repetto Presrnts Perchance to Dream 2015 0602 21 28 - 08- 04 09 25, 2013 Alexander and Bonin +1.212. 904.1110 Stefan Kurten 04 18 - 05 30, 2015

63-1, Anguk-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Kor

2) Jamie Isenstein 04 02 - 05 02, 2015 ALEXANDER GRAY ASSOCIATES +1.212.399.2636 APERTURE GALLERY +1.212.505.5555 Regina Silveira 07 05 - 08 26 2013 Playground, photo by James Mollison 04 15 - 06 11, 2015

GODDESS CLAP BACK: HIP-HOP FEMINISM IN ART: Curated by Katie Cercone Dillon Gallery 07 11 - 08 10 2013 +1.212 727 8585

Yuzo Ono DEREK ELLER GALLERY 05 07 - 06, 2015 +1. 212. 206. 6411 Hair and Skin 07 09 - 08 15 2013 DAVID ZWIRNER +1.212.727.2070 DAVID KRUT PROJECTS Carol Bove + 04 14 - 05 30, 2015 RISD MFA in PRINTMAKING Spring Chickens, Free Range 06 27 - 07 26 2013 Denise Bibro Fine Art +1. 212-647-7030

BRUCE SILVERSTEIN +1.212.627.3930 crG GALLERY +1.212 229 2766 1) Bruce Silverstein/20 04 16of - 09 12 2013 Forces Nature 2)03Rosalind Solomon 15 - 06 14, 2015 - Portraits in the Time of Aids, 1988 06 06 - 08 02 2013

clamp art CHEIM&READ +1.646.230.0020 + JReinventing Abstraction curated by Luke Smalley Raphael Rubinstein 04 02 - 05 09, 2015 06 06 - 08 02 2013 CR GALLERY CUE ART FOUNDATION + +1.212-206-3583 Booth 548 Luke 07 10 -Smalley 08 16 2013 04 02 - 05 09, 2015

Jesse Greenberg CUE FOUNDATION 04 ART 30 - 05 30, 2015 +1.212-206-3583

DAVID ZWIRNER Dusty Boynton +1.212.727.2070 04 09 - 05 30, 2015 1) Donald Judd 06 21 - 08 03 2013 2) THE UPPER ROOM: Reading the Surface David Krut Projecct 06 19 - 08 03 2013 212.255.3094 2) +1. Donald Judd 06 21 - 08 03 2013 Carlisle Presents 3) Jessica THE UPPER ROOM: Reading the Surface 04 06 09 19 -- 05 08 08, 03 2015 2013


Publisher Seung hoon Lee Publisher Seung hoon Lee Managing Editor Sam Ran Kim Seung hoon Lee Managing Editor Editor MinAh Choi, Sohyun Park Editor Ji-su Park, Ji-hye Kim Sales Executive Ara Cho Su-yeong So-hyun Reporter Sohyun Park Park Designer MinAh Choi,Kang, Designer Ji-su Park, Ji-hye Kim

w w w. a r t n m a p . c o m w w w. a r t n m a p . c o m

2015.04.15-05.25 두산갤러리 서울

Susanne Muller

Susanne Muller (Swiss) *1953 visual artist

18-20 Aug, 2013 Cyart . Space ADD:63-1, Anguk-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea TEL:+82.2.3141.8842

KATHRYN MARKEL Koenig&Clinton +1.212.366.5368 +1.212.334.9255

MIXED GREENS morgan lehman +1.212.331.8888 +

1)Nicole Denise Regan, Still Life Yellow Ball, 2013 Miller - 0816, 072015 2013 03071922- 05 2) JOSETTE URSO Recalibration 07 09 - 08 24 2013 3) JOHN SABRAW Emanate 07 27 - 08AUGUSTINE 04 2013 LUHRING GALLERY Inc.

1)1)Leah <Mars’ Planet> Kim Tinari McCartny 05 0530 07--08 0603 13,2013 2015 2) Jeila Gueramian the Surface and Be Free 2)Sink EdraBeneath Soto and Dan Sullivan 05 0530 07--08 0616 13,2013 2015


LENNON, WEINBERG, INC. Christopher Wool +1.212.941.0012 05 02 - 06 20, 2015 1) Carl Palazzolo 07 27 - 08 08 2013 2)Jane Joseph Zito Lombard freid projects 07 13 - 09 14 2013 +1.212.967.8040 LEO KOENIG INC Sunk Under +1 212 334 9255 (545 West 23rd Street) 05 14 - 06 27, 2015 joseph zito 06 13 - 09 14 2013

Leslie Tonkonow + LUHRING AUGUSTINE GALLERY INC. + Dean Byington 05 16 - 07 10, 2015 1) William Daniels 06 29 - 08 16 2013 2) David Musgrave 06 29 - 08 16 2013 MARIANNE BOESKY GALLERY 3) Zarina: Paper Like Skin +1.212.680.9889 06 26 - 09 22 2013 1) Jessica Jackson Hutchins 05 09 - 06 06, 2015 LOMBARD FREID PROJECTS +1.212.967.8040 2) Dean Levin 05 03 - 06 07, 2015 Lucien Samaha 06 06 - 08 02 2013

Richard Pettibone 1) Julia Fish 07 09 - 08 09 2013 03 19 - 04 25, 2015

FLOMENHAFT GALLERY flomenhaft gallery +1.646.230.0992 +1.646.230.0992 Mac Adams / Crimes of Perception The01I Of 06 - 08The 09 Camera 2013 03 05 - 04 25, 2015

2) Neil Gall DANZIGER GALLERY 04 30 - 06 06, 2015 +1.212.629.6778

FRIEDRICH Friedrich PETZEL PetzelGALLERY Gallery +1.212.680.9467 +1.212.680.9467

DAVID NOLAN GALLERY DAvid nolan gallery +1.212 925 6190 +1.212.925.6190

Summer Selection 06 20 - 08 16 2013 danziger gallery +1.212.629.6778 EDWARD THORP GALLERY Matt Lipps +1.212.691.6565 03 26 - 05 02, 2015 SEASON REVIEW : A SELECTION 06 13 - 08 09 2013

Simon Denny Keith Edmier 06 05 20 09 -- 08 06 27 20,2013 2015

greene naftali gallery GEORGE ADAMS GALLERY +1.212.463.7770 +1.212.564.8480 Lutz Bacher Seescape 04 05 03 -- 08 05 16 09,2013 2015 06

EDWARD THORP GALLERY +1.212.691.6565 ELIZABETH HARRIS GALLERY +1.212.463.9666 June Leaf 04 23 - 06 06, 2015 of Perception Mac Adams / Crimes 06 01 - 08 09 2013

HELLER heller GALLERY Gallery +1.212.414.4014 +1.212.414.4014

ElizabethDEE Harris Gallery ELIZABETH GALLERY +1.212-463-9666 +1.212.924.7545

Joshua Liner HOWARD SCOTTGallery GALLERY +1.646.486.7004 +1.212-244-7415

Mac Adams<Crimes Porfirio Didonna of Perception> 06050114- 08 - 060930,2013 2015

Memory and Traces Perla Krauze Evan Hecox 05 2013 05 16 07 -- 08 06 22 06, 2015

GlassWeekend Erica Rosenfeld‘13 at WHEATONARTS 06 04 07 10 -- 08 05 10 23,2013 2015

martos gallery LESLIE TONKONOW +1.212255 5608450 0670 +1.212

HARRIS LIEBERMAN JAMES COHAN GALLERY +1.646.486.7004 +1.212.714.9500 1) THOMAS ZIPP AT THE PALAZZO ROSSINI, Yinka Shonibare, MBE VENICE BIENNALE 0406 3029 - 06 20,24 2015 - 11 2013

Jason Metcalf Laurel Nakadate 04 02 - 05 02, 2015 Strangers and Relations 07 11 - 08 26 2013 METRO PICTURES MARIANNE BOESKY GALLERY + +1.212.680.9889 (509 West 24th Street) 1) Nina Beier 04 16and - 05Pussy 23, 2015 Sunsets 06 20 - 08 16 2013 2) David Maljkovic 05 12 - 08 01, 2015 METRO PICTURES +

JULIE SAUL GALLERY +1.212.627.2410 Josée Bienvenu Gallery

+1. 212.Bakharev 206. 7990 Nikolay 07 10 - 08 19 2013 1) Yuken Teruya 03 05 - 04 11, 2015

JAMES COHAN GALLERY 2) Elena del Rivero +1.212.714.9500 04 16 - 05 23, 2015 HARD LINES / SOFT VIBES 06 27 - 08 09 2013 KATHRYN MARKEL +1.212.366.5368 JAMES COHAN GALLERY +1.212.714.9500 1) Anne Neely 04 23 - 05 23, 2015 1) ShiZhiying The Relics 20 - 08 26 2013 2) 07 Sydney Licht 05 28 - Yuanqing, 06 27, 2015Ouyang Chun, 2) Huang Shi Zhiying: Paintings Lennon, Weinberg, 07 06 - 08 31 2013 INC. +1.212.941.0012 3) James Cohan Gallery at G Seoul 13 International Art Fair Figure 07 27Ground - 09 01 2013 04 18 - 06 06, 2015

Noa Noa MONYA ROWE GALLERY 06 30 - 08 02 2013 +

Jake Longstreth MONYA ROWE GALLERY 04 19 - 05 24, 2015 + Being Paul Schrader 06 20 - 08 26 2013 mixed greens +1.212.331.8888 NOHO GALLERY +1.646.230.0056 1) Jake Longstreth 04 19 - 05 24, 2015 Being Paul Schrader 2)20 Mark 06 - 08Mulroney 26 2013 04 30 - 06 06, 2015

PLEIADESLEHMAN GALLERY MORGAN +1.646.230.0056 + ED Brodkin BATHERS 0410 14- -08 0523 09,2013 2015 07 PLEIADES GALLERY Phoenix Gallery +1.646.230.0056 +1.212-226-8711 Dean lent and Philip Levine Digital Painting 07 09 - 08 03 2013 03 04 - 03 28, 2015 P.P.O.W +1.212.647.1044 rare gallery +1.646-339-6050 FRANCIS CAPE: Utopian Benches 06 27 - 08 02 201 Dionisios Fragias

04 23 - 05 21, 2015 ROBERT MANN GALLERY +1.212.686.7600 Rubin Museum of art +1.212.620.5000 HOT SUMMER,COOL JAZZ: THE PHOTO GRAPHS OF HERMANBuddha LEONARDO 1) The All-Knowing 07 11 082014 23 2013 10 -03, - 04 13, 2015 2) The Power of Masks SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO 03 13, 2015 - 02 08, 2016 +1.212.929.2262 Dolce Far Niente SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO 07 12 - 08 17 2013 +1.212.929.2262

1) Marc Handelman TRIA GALLERY 03 12 - 04 11, 2015 +1.212.695.0021 2) Arm’s Length Tria Summer Cocktail VII 04 -17 2015 07 25 08- 05 31 22, 2013

Tracy Williams.Ltd + TRACY WILLIAMS.LTD + Richard Dupont 05 15 - 06 28, 2015 CHICK LIT: Revised Summer Reading Curated by Molly Rand and Pilar Vahey 06 27 - 08 09 2013 GALLERY WALTER WICKISER +1.212.941.1817 WALTER WICKISER GALLERY 1) Ethel Gittlin +1.212.941.1817 05 02 - 05 26, 2015 Gallery Artists Part X 2) H.A.sigg 06 20 08 2013 05 28 - 17 06 23, 2015

WALTER GALLERY YANCEYWICKISER RICHARDSON GALLERY +1.212.941.1817 +1.646.230.9610 1)Matthew Gallery Artists JensenPart X - 0820, 172015 2013 05060720- 06 2) Zarina: Paper Like Skin 06 26 - 09 22 2013

YANCEY RICHARDSON GALLERY +1.646.230.9610 Desire (curated by Jodie Vicenta Jacobson) 07 11 - 08 23 2013

Gabriel Edward Adams 15 -20 Aug, 2013 Cyart . Space ADD:63-1, Anguk-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea TEL:+82.2.3141.8842

Exhibition Insadong Area Area Exhibition Info Info Korea Korea // Insadong Savina Savina Museum Museum

pungmoon pungmoon woman's woman's high high school school

Anguk Anguk station station 안국역 안국역

풍문여고 풍문여고

Jongno Jongno police police station station

Gallery175 Gallery175

Anguk Anguk Hongbak art Hongbak art intersection intersection supply supply store store

Gallery Gallery Yedang Yedang

Crown Gallery Crown bakery bakery Gallery Dongduk Gallery Gallery Dongduk Galerie Gaia Galerie Gaia Godo Godo Rho Rho Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Is Is

Daboseong Daboseong Gallery Gallery

Kyung-In Kyung-In Museum Museum of Fine Art LTD Gallery Gallery Tongkeun Tongkeun of Fine Art LTD

Garam Garam Gallery Gallery Kosa Kosa Space Space

Gallery GalleryLux Lux(3F) (3F) Speace Speaceinno inno(2F) (2F)

Insa Insa Art Art Gallery Gallery

Gallery Gallery The The KK

Korea Korea Craft Craft & & Design Design

Na Na Gallery Gallery 종로 종로 경찰서 경찰서 Gana art space Gana art space Artspace-Hyun Artspace-Hyun Young Young Art Art Gallery Gallery

Kimyoungseob Kimyoungseob Photo Photo Gallery Gallery

Mokin Mokin Gallery Gallery

Baum Baum Art Art Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Miz Miz Gallery Seoul Gallery Seoul

Jangeunsung Jangeunsung Gallery Gallery

Road Road to to the the Museum Museum Bunam Bunam Gallery Gallery

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Insa Insa Gallery Gallery JH JH Gallery Gallery


Kwanhoon Sudo pharmacy pharmacy Kwanhoon Sudo Gallery Dansung Gallery Dansung Gllery Gllery

Gallery Gallery Tablero Tablero Gallery Gallery Gac Gac

Sungbo Sungbo Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Now Now Bona Bona Museum Museum

Topohaus Topohaus

Mulpaspace Mulpaspace Gallery Gallery Baiksong Yeasung Baiksong Art Art Gallery Gallery Yeasung Gallery Gallery Baegak DongSanBang Baegak Museum Museum DongSanBang Gallery Gaga Gallery Gaga Gallery gallery Gallery Ttei Ttei gallery Gallery Dongho Gallery Dongho Moro Moro Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Lamer Lamer Space Space Peace Peace Gallery Gallery Hwabong Hwabong Grau Grau Gallery Gallery Chohyung Chohyung Gallery Gallery

Seoul Seoul Art Art Center Center Gongpyung Gongpyung Gallery Gallery

Gallery Gallery Soo Soo

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Modern Modern Gallery Gallery Hana Hana Art Art Gallery Gallery

수도약국 수도약국

Rock Rock Gallery Gallery

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Gallery Gallery Gala Gala

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Gallery Gallery M M Dokwon Dokwon Gallery Gallery Nakwon Nakwon arcade arcade

낙원상가 Lee Lee Seoul Seoul Gallery Gallery 낙원상가

Seoho Seoho Museum Museum of of Art Art Gallery Gallery Art Art Plus Plus

Gallery Gallery AM AM

Korean Korean Art Art Center Center

Gallery Gallery Sinsang Sinsang Gallery Gallery vook's vook's

Mirim Mirim art art supply supply store store Tourist Tourist Information Information Centers Centers Kimjinhye Kimjinhye Gallery Gallery Noam Noam Gallery Gallery

Hanro Hanro Gallery Gallery

Topgol Topgol Park Park 탑골 탑골 공원 공원

Jongno Jongno Tower Tower Jonggak Jonggak station station

Pizza Pizza hut hut

종각역 종각역

제1-5전시실 제1전시장 제1전시장 박상근 개인展 1) 1) 주도양展 주도양展 04 08 29 05,20 2015 14 -- 08 2013 08 1405 08 20 2013 2) 2) 십자군 십자군 이야기 이야기 판화전 판화전 제2전시실(1F) 08 08 21 21 -- 08 08 27 27 2013 2013 3) 이소희展 홍담 개인展 3) 이소희展 -- 09 2013 05 08 06 28 - 05 12,03 2015 08 28 09 03 2013

제1전시장 1) 1) The The parks parks 신재욱 07 -- 08 07 24 24개인展 08 05 05 2013 2013 04 29 - 05 05, 2015 제2전시장 이현진 개인展 04 29 - 05 05, 2015 제3전시장 하미자#09_Pigment 개인展 on fineart paper_80x120cm_2012 THE THE PARK PARK #09_Pigment print print on fineart paper_80x120cm_2012 04 29 - 05 05, 2015 2) 2) 신진작가지원전 신진작가지원전 양호상展 양호상展 08 08 07 07 -- 08 08 19 19 2013 2013 3) 신진작가지원전 원범식展 3) 신진작가지원전 원범식展 JANGEUNSUN GALLERY 장은선 갤러리 08 08 21 21 -- 09 09 02 02 2013 2013 +82.2.730.3533 김병칠 초대展 05 06 - 05 16, 2015

제4전시장 제4전시장 1) 1) 이동혁 이동혁 조각전 조각전 08 08 07 07 -- 08 08 13 13 2013 2013 2) 2) 이강희 이강희 전 전 08 08 14 14 -- 08 08 20 20 2013 2013 3) 3) 제4회 제4회 파람회 파람회 전 전 08 08 21 21 -- 08 08 27 27 2013 2013

Sun Sun Gallery Gallery Myung Myung Gallery Gallery

Gallery Gallery Dos Dos

GALLERYLUX IS 갤러리 이즈 GALLERY GALLERY LUX 갤러리 갤러리 룩스 룩스 +82.2.720.2235 +82.2.720.8488 +82.2.720.8488

제2전시장 제4전시실 제2전시장 1) 주도양展 김용진 개인展 1) 주도양展 -- 08 2013 08 14 08 20 2013 05 08 13 14 - 05 19,20 2015 2) 2) 금속 금속 제3그룹 제3그룹 전 전 08 08 28 28 -- 09 09 03 03 2013 2013 제1전시실(1F) 서주선 개인展 제3전시장 제3전시장 05 20 - 05 26, 2015 1) 1) 강인우 강인우 조각전 조각전 08 20 08 14 14 -- 08 08(3F) 20 2013 2013 제3-5전시실 2) 그림사랑 전 2) 그림사랑 전 인천민화협회전 08 08 21 21 -- 08 08 27 27 2013 2013 05 27 -제3그룹 06 02, 2015 3) 3) 금속 금속 제3그룹 전 전 08 08 28 28 -- 09 09 03 03 2013 2013

Gallery Gallery Grimson Grimson Gallery Gallery Woorim Woorim

Moin Moin Gallery Gallery

LAMER GALLERY 라메르갤러리 GALLERY GALLERY IS IS 갤러리 갤러리 이즈 이즈 +82.2.730.5454 +82.2.720.2235 +82.2.720.2235

Jongno-samga Jongno-samga station station 종로 종로 3가 3가

양호상 양호상

TOPOHAUS TOPOHAUS 토포하우스 토포하우스 +82.2.734.7555 +82.2.734.7555

TONG-IN TONG-IN GALLERY GALLERY 통인화랑 +82.2.733.4867 통인화랑 +82.2.733.4867 TOPOHAUS 토포하우스

07 07 31 31 -- 08 08 06 06 2013 2013 LEESEOUL GALLERY 리서울 갤러리 1) 제8회 1) 제8회 인체평전 인체평전 +82.2.720.0306 2) Ewha 2) Ewha Global Global Top5 Top5 Project Project Exhibition Exhibition IIII WelCoME WelCoME To To EwHA EwHA 변우식 개인展 3) 3) Repair展 Repair展 04 29 - 05 05, 2015 08 08 07 07 -- 08 08 13 13 2013 2013 1) 1) 시선展 시선展 2) 2) 3인3색展 3인3색展 3) 3) compass展 compass展

+82.2.734.7555 통인화랑B1 통인화랑B1 1) 1) 이용순 이용순 달 달 항아리와 항아리와 문방사우展 문방사우展 <1관> 07 07 24 24 -- 08 08 20 20 2013 2013 김수진 개인展 05 06 - 05 12, 2015 <2관> 정이안 사진展 05 06 - 05 12, 2015 <3관> 김난 개인展 05 06 - 05 12, 2015 <1관> 안선미 개인展 05 13 - 05 19, 2015

GALLERY GAGA 갤러리 가가 GAGA GALLERY GALLERY GAGA 갤러리 갤러리 가가 가가 +82.2.725-3546 +82.2.725.3546 +82.2.725-3546

GALLERY 갤러리나우 GALLERY NOW NOW 갤러리나우 KYUNG-IN MUSEUM 경인미술관 +82.2.733.3373 +82.2.733.3373 +82.2.733.4448

LAMER GALLERY 갤러리 라메르 GALLERY NOW 갤러리 LAMER GALLERY 갤러리나우 라메르 +82.2.730.5454 +82.2.725.2930 +82.2.730.5454

08 08 14 14 -- 08 08 20 20 2013 2013 SPC서울사진클럽 SPC서울사진클럽 제8기 제8기 수료전 수료전

1) 현대미술작가전 1) 해 소품展 1) 한국미술인의 현대미술작가전 07 31 08 06 2013 04 07 29 31 --- 05 08 05, 06 2015 2013 2) 2) 가가전 가가전 08 08 07 07 -- 08 08 13 13 2013 2013 3) 3) 가가아트비전2013 가가아트비전2013 08 08 28 28 -- 09 09 03 03 2013 2013

1) 1) 낯선공간 낯선공간 Unfamiliar Unfamiliar Space Space 박광옥,안성훈,오용미,우대교,윤석민 05 박광옥,안성훈,오용미,우대교,윤석민 06 - 05 12, 2015 윤옥희,이덕문,이성호,이수헌,전금주 윤옥희,이덕문,이성호,이수헌,전금주 1) 김생수 개인展 정승자 정승자 2) 제4회 조지원 개인展 08 08 21 21 -- 09 09 03 03 2013 2013 3) 노성옥 수채화전 2) 2) 경주현대사진캠프 경주현대사진캠프 최우수 최우수 포트폴리오 포트폴리오 선정작전 선정작전 [Portfolio [Portfolio 6] 6] -- 08 2013 08 14 08 20 20 2013 05 08 13 -1405 19, 2015

차명순 매듭전 1) 최동화 <Emotion paintingfreedom>展 차명순 매듭전 08 09 2013 05 --06 05 12, 2015 08 28 28 09- 03 03 2013

08 08 21 21 -- 08 08 27 27 2013 2013 1) 1) 이버 이버 미술치료 미술치료 동호회 동호회 셀프 셀프 스토리 스토리 展 展 2) 2) 정수현 정수현 개인전 개인전 3) 3) 6인의 6인의 특별 특별 초대전 초대전

김태기_청동비행기 김태기_청동비행기 162.2 162.2 xx 130.1cm-oil_on_canvas 130.1cm-oil_on_canvas

KYUNG-IN KYUNG-IN MUSUM MUSUM 경인미술관 경인미술관 +82.2.733.1045 +82.2.733.1045 1) 1) 박숙영 박숙영 개인展 개인展 07 07 31 31 -- 08 08 06 06 2013 2013 2) 2) Art Art poom poom company company 생활속의 생활속의 민화展 민화展 07 07 31 31 -- 08 08 06 06 2013 2013

08 08 21 21 -- 08 08 27 27 2013 2013 1) 1) 김은영 김은영 개인전 개인전 2) 2) 중예원전 중예원전 3) 3) 익대학원 익대학원 회화전공 회화전공 동문전 동문전 ARTMETRO ARTMETRO ARA ARTCENTER 아라아트센터 08 08 28 28 -- 09 09 03 03 2013 2013 +82.2.733.1981 1) 서상호 1) 서상호 개인전 개인전 <세상속으로 <세상속으로 빠져 빠져 들다> 들다> 2) 2) 황윤경 개인전-Harmony 1) 황윤경 김병종 개인전-Harmony <생명의 노래>展 3) 개인전 3) 이미숙 이미숙 05 01 - 개인전 05 05, 2015 <하나이나 <하나이나 하나가 하나가 아닌 아닌 -선과 -선과 겹> 겹>

05 20 - 05 26, 2015 1) 이정 개인展 2) 서울여대 온공예 도자展

1) 1) 현대미술작가 현대미술작가 연합회 연합회 정기전 정기전 07 07 31 31 -- 08 08 06 06 2013 2013 2) 2) 한국전통미술활성화전 한국전통미술활성화전 08 08 07 07 -- 08 08 13 13 2013 2013 3) 3) 김단, 김단, 노숙경, 노숙경, 이금자, 이금자, 이종승展 이종승展 08 08 14 14 -- 08 08 20 20 2013 2013 4) 4) 산채수묵회 산채수묵회 08 08 21 21 -- 08 08 27 27 2013 2013 5) 5) 홍유회전 홍유회전 08 08 28 28 -- 09 09 03 03 2013 2013

05 27 - 06 02, 2015 1) 이경자 문인화展 2) 화우전 3) 한여남 개인展 4) 설숙영 도자展 연우,감각살인,75x60cm,Pigment Print,Wood 연우,감각살인,75x60cm,Pigment Print,Wood Frame,2010 Frame,2010 5) 이현자 민화 개인展

DONGDUK GALLERY 동덕아트갤러리 +82.02.732.6458 사비나미술관 SAVINA SAVINA MUSEUM MUSEUM 사비나미술관 +82.2.02 +82.2.02 736.4371 736.4371 장은우 개인展 04 22 - 04 28, 2015 조던매터 조던매터 사진전-Dancers 사진전-Dancers Among Among Us Us 07 07 24 24 -- 09 09 22 22 2013 2013

1) 김연지 도자展 2) 김혜경 개인展 3) 색흐름회 2) 2015아트경주 05 01 - 05 04, 2015

2) 송정순 <섬, 사진>展 SEOUL MUSEUM 서울미술관 SEOUL MUSEUM 05 20 - 05 26, 서울미술관 2015 +82.2.732.3314 +82.2.732.3314

가장 특별한 전시 하루만에 완성되는 속성엽서, 리플렛, 도록 당일 당일 24시간 24시간 내에 내에 제작하는 제작하는 속성+고급 속성+고급 엽서, 엽서, 전시리플렛 전시리플렛 (1p (1p SIZE:210x150mm) SIZE:210x150mm)

속성이 속성이 아닐 아닐 경우, 경우, 더 더 저렴합니다. 저렴합니다.

고급 고급 랑데뷰지로 랑데뷰지로 제작 제작 봉투 봉투 200장 200장 기본제공 기본제공

200부 200부

300부 300부

500부 500부

1.000부 1.000부

속성엽서 속성엽서 (2p) (2p)

10만원 10만원

13만원 13만원

18만원 18만원

25만원 25만원

준비된 준비된 데이터로 데이터로 제작. 제작. 사이즈 사이즈 확대시 확대시 별도문의 별도문의

속성리플렛 속성리플렛 (4p) (4p)

20만원 20만원

25만원 25만원

33만원 33만원

50만원 50만원

이미지 이미지 포토샵, 포토샵, 데이터 데이터 재가공 재가공 요청시 요청시 별도문의 별도문의

속성도록 속성도록 (16p) (16p)

85만원 85만원

115만원 115만원

165만원 165만원

250만원 250만원

2) 홍익대 동양화 동문회展 05 06 - 05 12, 2015 3) 김비아 개인展 05 20 - 05 31, 2015

서상호_세상속으로 서상호_세상속으로 빠져들다 빠져들다

도록을 도록을 제작하면 제작하면 지면광고와 지면광고와 15,000명 15,000명 전시메일도 전시메일도 함께, 함께, 전시홍보패키지 전시홍보패키지

패키지C 패키지C (100만원) (100만원)

엽서300부+24p고급도록100부+전시도록메일(15.000통)+배너광고+월간아트앤맵 엽서300부+24p고급도록100부+전시도록메일(15.000통)+배너광고+월간아트앤맵 지면광고C면 지면광고C면

패키지B 패키지B (150만원) (150만원)

엽서500부+24p고급도록200부+전시도록메일(15.000통)+배너광고+월간아트앤맵 엽서500부+24p고급도록200부+전시도록메일(15.000통)+배너광고+월간아트앤맵 지면광고B면 지면광고B면

패키지A 패키지A (200만원) (200만원)

엽서1000부+24p고급도록300부+전시도록메일(15.000통)+배너광고+월간아트앤맵 엽서1000부+24p고급도록300부+전시도록메일(15.000통)+배너광고+월간아트앤맵 지면광고A면 지면광고A면

VAT별도, VAT별도, 배송비착불, 배송비착불, 도록1page=270x210mm 도록1page=270x210mm

소량 소량 포트폴리오/소량 포트폴리오/소량 도록제작 도록제작

특수제작 특수제작

두꺼운 두꺼운 엽서제작 엽서제작

특수엽서 특수엽서 특수인쇄 특수인쇄 상담요망 상담요망

(제작 (제작 문의전화: 문의전화: 아트앤맵 아트앤맵 디자인 디자인 02-3210-3637) 02-3210-3637) ①주문방법 ①주문방법 안내메일 안내메일 ②웹하드 ②웹하드 자료 자료 업로드 업로드 ③주문확인 ③주문확인 및 및 제작비입금 제작비입금 ④디자인 ④디자인 시안 시안 메일발송 메일발송 ⑤디자인 ⑤디자인 확정 확정 ⑥제작후 ⑥제작후 발송(배송료는 발송(배송료는 착불입니다.) 착불입니다.) 방문제작안내 방문제작안내

소량 소량 포트폴리오/소량 포트폴리오/소량 도록제작 도록제작

하드케이스/날개제본/무선/중철 하드케이스/날개제본/무선/중철

전화상담후 전화상담후 진행안내 진행안내

C면 C면

소량의 소량의 도록이나 도록이나 고급제본 고급제본 특수종이 특수종이 고객의 고객의 취향에 취향에 딱맞는 딱맞는 맞춤제작 맞춤제작

고급제본 고급제본

1) 등샤 도예展 04 29 - 05 05, 2015 2) 박지은 도예展 05 06 - 05 12, 2015 3) 최재훈 도예展 05 13 - 05 19, 2015 4) 신금호 도예展 05 20 - 05 26, 2015 5) Leman Kalay 도예展 통인옥션갤러리 통인옥션갤러리 04 29 - 05 05, 2015 3) 3) 흐린그림 흐린그림 진한그림 진한그림 展 展 08 08 04 04 -- 08 08 26 26 2013 2013 4) 4) 허유진展 허유진展 08 08 04 04 -- 08 08 26 26 2013 2013


1권도 제작. 소량 맞춤형 고급도록제작 최소물량(1부~300부) 최소물량(1부~300부)

TONG-LN GALLERY 통인화랑 +82.2.735.9094

아트앤맵이 도와드립니다.

C면 C면

소량제작 소량제작

2) 2) 최재훈 최재훈 展 展 08 08 21 21 -- 09 09 03 03 2013 2013




서울 서울 종로구 종로구 안국동 안국동 63-1 63-1 안국동1번출구 안국동1번출구 스타벅스 스타벅스 골목 골목 50m 50m

SagandongArea Area // Sagandong Samcheong Gallery

ExhibitionInfo InfoKorea Korea Exhibition

CYARTSPACE CYART GALLERY 사이아트스페이스 사이아트갤러리 +82.2.3141.8841 +82.2.3141.8842

EPOQUE GALLERY 갤러리에뽀끄 삼청갤러리 SAMCHEONG GALLERY +82.2.3674.7722 +82.2.720.5758

추유선 개인展 1) 1) 김정모 개인전 - 05 2015 08 05 03 05 - 08 13 11, 2013

Epoque&Friends 피로회복 展 전경호.최현희.최철.박현수.김은기 신민상,임선희,차은혜 07 25 - 08 04 2013


Samcheong-dong post office

Gallery Young

삼청동 우체국

Mongin Art Center

GALLERY ON 갤러리 온 +82.2.733.8295

Yeemock Gallery

samchung-dong office 삼청동 주민센터

Gate Gallery Gallery Sonamu

Gallery 공근혜

hyoja street

KHJ Gallery Gallery Dos Gallery Fifteen Gallery Doll Leec Gallery

Joongang high school 중앙고교


2) 최희재 개인展 05 12 - 05 18, 2015


samchung-dong street HBW Gallery Sun Art Space

EON Gallery Gallert In The National Folk Museum of Korea

Limm Gallery One & J Gallery

Rothem Gallery

Ram Gallery

Junsun Gallery Kukje Gallery

Trunk Gallery Bon Gallery

Myungin Museum

Jungdok library 정독도서관

PMK Gallery Gallery gabi Gallery All Gallery b’ONE Gallery Dam Gallery Epoque

Artsonje Center Arario Seoul Leehwaik Gallery

LG-sangnam library Ga Gallery BukchonArt Space H changwoo theater

Hyundai Engineering and Construction

Seoul Metropolitan Government

Woonbo Gallery Gallery On Gallery Songadang Kumho Museum Gallery HYUNDAI UNC Gallery

광화문 교차로

Gallery Scape

Bukchon Art Museum

Vit Gallery

Gwangwhamun intersection

Museum of Korean Buddhist Art

Gallery Chosun

Hakgojae Gallery

Africa Gallery

Insa Art Museum


Gallery Sun Contemporary

Kyeongbok Palace

Peter Berkenkopf展 02 24 - 03 08, 2015

Digital Analog Gallery

Gallery Biim

ICAM Gallery

Bandee Gallery 16bungee

Ducksung woman's high school

Cyart Gallery


Constitutional Court 헌법 재판소 Gallery Space

Baum Art Gallery

Gallery Artrink

Simyo Gallery

Savina Museum

Anguk station

pungmoon 57th(2F) woman's high school 풍문여고

HanKook publishing company

Gallery Eye


Dream Gallery

Gallery Dongduk

김진우 문예지 이정민<남겨진 것들> 2) 06 Sarajevo in 15, Seoul 展 05 - 06 2014 <2014 사라예보 윈터패스티발 참여작가전> 08 14 - 08 22 2013 허은영 송차영 권선영 신유라 이홍전 방효성 이영미 유정혜 신재분

1) 한지석 <silence, please> 04 02 - 04 26, 2015 CHOSUN GALLERY 갤러리 조선 +82.2.723.7133 기슬기展< Unfamiliar Corner> 07 27 - 08 10 2013

GALLERY SUN CONTEMPORARY 갤러리 선컨템포러리 Castle, 162x130cm, Newspaper on canvas, 2013


서상익 07 18 - 08 04 2013 57TH GALLERY 57TH 갤러리 +82.2.733.2657

일상의기쁨/Bling Bling Universe 04 22 - 04 28, 2015

2) 유 진 05 06 - 05 27, 2015

HAKGOJAE 학고재 +82.2.675.3057

갤러리가비 1) Bill Viola 소장품 展 0603 1405 - 08 0703, 2013 - 05 2015

Donghee Koo 08 16 - 09 14 2013

이정희개인전 08 28 - 09 01 2013

ARTSONJE CENTER 아트선재센터 +82.2.733.8945 1) 11회 다음작가전 정희승 <부적절한 은유들> 07 06 - 08 18 2013 2) 아트선재 오픈 콜 #2 <쭈뼛쭈뼛한 대화> 07 11 - 08 18 2013 GALLERY DAM 갤러리담 +82.2.738.2745

1) 이광택展 04 22 - 05 09, 2015

LEEWHAIK GALLERY 이화익갤러리 GALLERY B’ONE 비원갤러리 +82.2.730.7818 +82.2.732.1273

진마이어슨 08 28 - 10 06 2013 EPOQUE GALLERY 갤러리 에뽀끄 +82.2.3674.7722 1) Super 감성 마켓 07 22 - 08 13 2013 ARTSPACE KNOT 아트스페이스너트 2) 하정완 개인전<바람이 다녀가다> +82.2.3210.3637 08 14 - 08 20 2013 3) 짝3-청춘들의 이야기 1) 백남학 개인展 0805 2105 - 08 27 2013 - 05 12, 2015 4) 김미아 개인전 08 28 - 09 03 2013 5) Alright ! 08 07 - 08 13 2013

이소영, <드물게 찾아온 시간>, 비디오, 칼라, 사운드, 22분, 2013

HAKGOJAE 학고재 +82.2.675.3057 Suh Yongsun 04 17 - 05 17, 2015

안두진 개인展 개인전 이대철 08 09 21- -04 0930, 10 2015 2013 04

2) 김민규 개인展 05 26 - 06 01, 2015 유상준 distant light

GALLERY CHOSUN 갤러리 조선 +82.2.723.7133

디지털 컬러 빽릿 ( 11 X 14 인치 ), 창호문, 유리, 한지, 압화, 마른 낙엽 2013

종로 경찰서

GALLERY 2) 조지연展DAM 갤러리담 +82.2.738.2745 05 12 - 05 25, 2015

아트피스 <Art Peace> 07 13 - 09 22 2013

김정모_Good bye, cherry blosom 안녕,벚꽃 installation,2013

Insa-dong street

PKM GALLERY 2) Eunjung Kim pkm갤러리 +82.2.734.9467 05 06 - 05 12, 2015

1) Jungah Kim KUMHO MUSEUM 금호미술관 04 29 - 05 05, 2015 +82.2.720.5114

SAMCHEONG GALLERY 삼청갤러리 +82.2.720.5758

Jongno police station

GABI 가비 KUKJEGALLERY GALLERY갤러리 국제갤러리 +82.2.735.1036 +82.2.735.8449

GALLERY DOS 갤러리 도스 +82.2.7378.4678

신경철展 <파라다이스의 그림자 2013 > 8 28 - 09 04 2013 GALLERY ON 갤러리 온 +82.2.2287.3500

스노우맨, 73x50cm, oil on canvas, 2012

GALLERYHYUNDAI 갤러리현대 +82.2.2287.3500 곽덕준 04 29 - 05 31, 2015

The Age of Everyone,Oil on canvas,300x160cm, 2011-2012

ExhibitionInfo InfoKorea Korea // Chungdam, Chungdam,Gwanghwamun, Gwanghwamun, Daehang-no Daehang-no Exhibition Sungsu Grand Bridge Korea Premier Auction Do Art Seoul GALLERY HYUNDAI GANGNAM SPACE

Juliana Gallery PMK Gallery

Galleria 갤러리아

Art Forum New Gate

Galleria Soonsoo Gallery A Atory Gallery In the Box Wellside Gallery Gallery BHAK Gallery PIG Gallery JuYoung Space C Gallery SeoMi Cais Gallery Atelier Herres Im Art The Columns Gallery

Gallery Woong

PYO Gallery Gallery Isang Opera Gallery

Chungdamn Art Center Rumian Gallery Gallery Won Yoo Art Apace

Gallery Artga Caf Goghi

Gallery Factory

Brain Factory Gallery Palais de seoul Gyeongbokgung Jean Art Gallery 경복궁

Gallery Zein Xeno Next Door Gallery

Gallery PICI Songeun Art Center 123 Gallery

Daelim Contemporary

Woori Art Museum bank National Palace Gallery ARTSIDE Gallery Cha Museum of Korea


rsection Seoul CT Gallery dam inte Prima hotel Cheong

oroom Gallery Janet Oh Gallery K&Gallery Cheongdam Park Gallery Rm

Gallery GOdong

Park Ryu Sook Gallery Gallery D'or 청담공원 Chung Michael Schultz Gallery Jungsoyoung Gallery Young-dong Gallery CheongDham Messanine Gallery high school Able Fine Art Gallery Gallery Gallery the Space 영동고

Daily Project

Gahjin Gallery Gallery Kunstdoc

EM Art Gallery


Sungkok Museum Gallery Jung

Sejong Center for the Performing Arts

Gallery Lumiere

Cheongdam station

청담역 MayJune Gallery

Gangnamguoffice station

Gallery EVE


Gallery Parisienne


Watergate Gallery

Seoul Museum of History

Munhwailbo Gallery


Young-dong telephone company

Ilmin Museum of Art Shinhan Museum Gallery CHosun


Asem Tower

Deoksugung 덕수궁


Lamada Hotel

Deoksugung Museum

Samsung station

Sunreung Park 선릉공원

Gwanghwamun station 광화문역

Gyeongheegung 경희궁

Bongeun Temple

Gallery 4 Walls

hak-dong station

Gyuounggi high school

Anguk station

Gyeongbokgung station 경복궁역

Seoul Museum of Art

Joggak station 종각역

Seoul Metropolitan Government Euljiro 1-ga station 서울시청 을지로입구역

Gallery Lotte

City Hall station 시청역

Lotte Dept.Store 롯데백화점 SEOUL PLAZA HOTEL 서울프라자호텔

Ilwoo Space

Cha hospital Korean Foundation Cultural Center

Sunreung station

Chengdam-dong Chengdam-dong

BHAK GALLERY 박영덕화랑 +82.2.544.8481 SALONDEH GALLERY 살롱드에이치 +82.2.546.0853 여름기획전-HOTSALE 07 09 - 08 17 2013 Blue 04 30 - 05 29, 2015


ARARIO GALLERY 아라리오 갤러리 OPERA GALLERY 오페라 갤러리 +82.2.541.5701 +82.2.3446.0070 씨킴개인전 Gully-Philosophy of art 07 18 - 09 22 2013 05 07 - 05 31, 2015


Daehang-no Daehang-no GALLERY IANG 갤러리 이앙 DOOSAN GALLERY 두산갤러리 남서울대학교 아트센터 +82.2.1020 +82.2.3672.0201

Euljiro 3-ga station 을지로3가역

Pyunghwa Gallery Myungdong Gallery

Shinsegye Dept.Store 신세계백화점 Alpha Gallery

ARCO ART CENTER 아르코미술관 SEJONGALLERY +82.2.760.4850 세종갤러리 +82.2.3705.9021 2013 아르코미술관 기획전 채성숙 07 18 -개인展 09 01 2013 04 21 - 05 03, 2015

보기 위해 눈을 사용한 일 실험작가협회전(디자인) 04 07 15 31 -- 05 08 23, 05 2015 2013

Migliore 밀리오레

Sejong Gallery

Myeong-dong station 명동역

Gwanghwamun 2) 이효숙 개인展 04 26 - 05 06, 2015 PLATEAU 플라토 +82.2.1577.7595 3) 장호정 개인展 05 07 - 05 16, 2015 무라카미다카시의 수퍼플렛원더랜드 07 04 - 12 08 2013

이효영 개인전(조형) 08 14 - 08 19 2013

GALLERY BHAK 박영덕 갤러리 +82.2.544.8481

8인회 사진 그룹전(사진) 08 21 - 08 26 2013

최욱展 02 05 - 02 14, 2015 SONG EUN ARTSPACE 송은아트스페이스+82.2.3448.0100 TV12 GALLERY TV12 갤러리 +82.2.3143.1920 SONG EUN ARTSPACE 송은아트스페이스 어제까지의 세계 展 +82.2.3448.0100 Jang Pa - CV 08 - 08 Ay 29 Tjoe 2013 1)08Christine

: Perfect Imperfection 04 28 - 06 20, 2015

이세경 : GALLERY Recollection ARARIO 아라리오 갤러리 06 21 - 08 10 2013 +82.2.541.5701

임계점展 05 07 - 06 28, 2015

나비회(사진) 08 28 - 09 02 2013 DOOSAN GALLERY 두산갤러리 Gwanghwamun +82.2.708.5050 유승호: 두산 레지던시 RYUGAHEON 사진위주2013 류가헌 07 01 - 11 31 2013 +82.2.722.8897

김윤혜 사진展 04 21 - 05 03, 2015

SAMTOH GALLERY 샘터갤러리+82.2.745.0180 박갑영 회화展 07 18 - 08 04 2013 PALAISDESEOUL 팔레드 서울 +82.2.730.7707

1) 팔레드서울 기획展 <사람과 사랑 사이> 04 25 - 05 09, 2015

2) 2011-2015 송은 아트큐브 선정작가 그룹전 1부:07 10 - 08 08, 2015 2부:08 19 - 09 19, 2015

사랑 사랑 누가 말했나, 160x122cm, ink on paper, 2009-2012

탈춤-28, 108x87cm, Mixed Media on Canvas, 2012

SEMA 서울시립미술관 (서소문) +82.2.325.1077 SHIN HAN삼각관계 GALLERY 신한갤러리 1) 미묘한 +82.2.722.8493 03 10 - 05 10, 2015 김은숙<Between Connection> 06 21 - 08 05 2013

Shinsa, Shinsa, Seocho, Seocho, Itaewon, Itaewon, YeoksamYeoksam-dong dong // Exhibition Exhibition Info Info Korea Korea Kimi Art Pyungchang Art Gana Art Seoul Auction

Hongjecheo 홍제천

Gain Gallery

Jungsong Gallery

Gallery Seju Gallery Growrich Kimchongyung Museum Total Museum Sangwom Museum of Art

Gallery Art School in Deco

Bugak tunnel

Ehyundai Department store


Hannam Bridge

Olympia hotel


21century wedding hall


Ehyundai high school

el ng tunn Jungreu 터널

Hana bank

Gallery Pool

도산공원 ChungJark Gallery 신사중 Singu elementary school Gallery YEH Gallery ERL Jazzy M.A.S Gallery SoYeon Gallery SP Gallery LVS Gallery Simon PhilipKang Gallery Dado Art Gallery Gallery Yeil Gallery Prior’s Hannam IC June Art Gallery Urban Art MK Collection Euro Gallery Gallery Eugene GALLERY UM Gallery Joo Gangnam Eulji Hospital


Seoul Arts High School Hwajeong Museum

Sinyoung-dong Intersectio 신영동 삼거리

Dosan park


Sinsa middle school


Inner Circulation Road

Kookmin Bank

Pyeongchang-dong office 평창동 사무소



Art’n Dream Gallery

Segumjung Cathedral 세검정 성당


Kwangrim Church

올림피아 호텔

21세기 웨딩홀

The Siuter Art Group

K Auction

Apgujeong station

현대 백화점

Bugak Mountain Highway

Gallery Route



Segeomjeong Intersection Gallery Ejoque

Hongjimoon tunnel

Hakdong Park



Jahamun street

Shinsa station

SK Gas station

Whanki Museum

Duroo Art Space Seoul Museum


Bukhansan Fortress Wall

Hakdong station 학동역

Spoon Artspace Buam-dong

Yemac Gallery

Nonhyeon station

Zaha Museum Bukaksan street

SEMA 서울시립미술관(서소문본관) 2) 떠도는 몸들 +82.2.325.1077 03 10 - 05 17, 2015 1) 낙원을 그린 화가 고갱 그리고 그 이후 06 14 - 09 29 2013


SEJONG GALLERY 세종갤러리 +82.2.3705.9021 Seocho-dong

MANO 1) 박상천GALLERY 초대展 갤러리 마노 +82.2.741.6030 07 30 - 08 11 2013 박창환展 04 29 - 05 20, 2015

2) 김구림 展 <잘 알지도 못하면서> 07 16 - 10 13 2013

우주생활 Space Life 02 06 - 05 17, 2015

Gallery Wooduck



ILMIN MUSEUM 일민미술관 +82.2.722.8493

Gallery Royal

Rebirth3, Acrylic on canvas, 86X116.5cm, 2013

2) 고선희 초대展 08 13 - 08 25 2013

Pyeongchang-dong SEOUL MUSEUM 서울미술관 +82.2.395.0100 노벨로 피노티 02 28 - 05 17, 2015

Festival-13 Acrylic and Mixed Media 60.6x60.6cm , 2013



Seongbuk-dong SPACE O’NEWWALL 스페이스 오뉴월 +82.2.4401.6741 클레가개인전<Words failed me> 07 06 - 08 03 2013

KIMI ART 키미아트 +82.2.792.2960 Episode in cabinet展 03 27 - 05 19, 2015

KIMI ART 키미아트 GANA ART CENTER 가나아트센터 +82.2.792.2960 +82.2.720.1020

GALLERY GOLMOCK 갤러리 골목 BJN GALLERY 백자은갤러리 +82.2.792-2960 +82.2.395.7895

verbal&non_verbal 展 1) Hello,Wonderland! 박미라 보라리 심아빈 이석호 05 지영 13 - 05 17, 2015 장양희

부채-질 展 <여름감성> Art : Gwangju 한국화작가 20명 08 12 30 --08 0926 02,2013 2014 08

07 26 - 09 10 2013

SEOULMUSEUM 서울미술관 +82.2.732-3314 The Hero-우리 모두가 영웅이다! 박찬호의 약구 collection 강익중 권오상 김태은 뮌 송필 유현미 이배경 이현세 Exhibition 072)11Untitle - 11 17 2013 02 14 - 04 30, 2015


LEEUM 리움Itae-wo n +82.2.2014.6900 LEEUM 리움 +82.2.2014.6900 움직이는 조각 알렉산더 칼더 07 18 - 10 20 2013 코끼리를 쏘다 코끼리를 생각하다 02 12 - 05 10, 2015

GANA ART CENTER 가나아트센터+82.2.720.1020 우리 채색화 걸작전 I,II 07 18 - 08 20 2013



서울오픈아트페어 SEOUL OPEN ART FAIR COEX Hall B, 20-24 May 2015 서울오픈아트페어사무국 Tel. 02 545 3314

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