Edmonton (Alta.) - 1904 - Bylaw no. 273_a by-law to amend by-law no. 242, the fire by-law

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BY LAW NO.273 A By-Law to amend By-Law No. 242 (The Fire By-Law)

The Municipal Council of the Town of Edmonton, duly assembled enacts as follows,1. By-Law No.242 entituledwa by-law to amend and consolidate as amended certain by-laws relating to theprevention of fires " is hereby amended by inser*ing therein after section 16 thereof the fol lowing sections. 16(A) It shall be the duty of every builder and of the owner Where there are two or more builders for the same structure to give to the Inspector of Buildings at least three days notice before commencing the excavation for or erection of any building or the altering of the external walls of any building already 7 erected, full particulars inWriting of the situation, length , breadth and he4gEV& and the intended use of the house or building about to be commenoed or altered and the number of Each buildings, if more than one, and ale) the name of the owner, architect and builders to be engaged in the completion or alteration thereof, and on reoeiming such notice the soon Inspector of buildings shall, asitil as possible, visit the m.pi. site of thntended bi3ilding or allreration and make all necessary enquiries and ifs such building or alteratio4not contrary to any of the By-Laws of the Municipality, it shall be the duty of the said Inspector of buildings, cif, in his opinion the temporary use of any portion of the sidewalk or street is necessary for the erection of sucn building or alteration, to give to the builder, should. he demand the same, a permit in writing defining what 1)ortion of the sidewalk or street (if any) may be temporarily used by the builder during the building of any such building or the making of such alteration,. but such portions shall in no case exceed one-third of the whole width of the sidewalk and street immtdiately fronting on the space to be built on or the building to be removed or altered and shall not interfere with

-2— any street railway track and have a space of atlleast eight feet wide between the street railway track and the portion of the street allowed to bp used by any such builder. 16 (B) Theperson or persons receiving :such -permit shall, before comencing to excavate or build or make any alteration remove the planked sidewalt (if any such there be) or cove4Nr protect the same the full length of the building proposed to be erected,

altered or repaired and enclose with a board fence six feet in height the portion of the sidewalk and street allowed to be used and mentioned in such permit and place around the outside of such fence a wooden platform or footpath at least four feet wide, with a strong hand rail three feet high around it for foot Passengers should the Inspector of Buildings so direct and keep the said platform and hand rail (if any) in proper order until the said buildings, alterations or repafts is or are finished, but if the said sidewalk is made of granolithic pavement or of flagstones or other Permanent material the same shall be covered ant protected as may be ordered by the Inspector. and as mentioned in his permit. 16 (0) No person shall place any building or other material on any part of the streets or sidewalks of the Municipality, excepting after receiving a permit to do so as aforesaid, and then only after complying with and fulfilling all the requirements in the last preceding section set forth and only the part of the street allowed to be Used and mentioned in said permit imulediately In front of the ground to be built upon or the building to be repaired or altered and such 4nateria1s shall not be piled to a greater height than six feet nor so so as to obstruct the fre passage of water in the drains, gutters or water courses along the sidewalk nor shall the same be placed uPOn any portion Of the sidewalk except permission to do so as been specifioially given by the inspector and mentioned in his perilt nor Ian shall any person prepare or mix any mortar or cut or dress any stone

-3or timber on any street in the said city except in the space allotted or mentdoned in such permit or pile thereon any material or earth taken from the site of the building Diroposed to be prected, repaired or altered except as may be required 22 for subsequent use therein. 16 (D) Unless the said Inspector grants a permit to use the

sidewalk as aforesaid, the builder or builders of any building to be erected, altered or repdired shall before commencing work thereon or making any excavation, erect over the sidewalk or foot way in front of such isdilimx building, a scaffold or

independent structure of the width of the sidewalk and eight feet high at least above the level Of the sidewlk or footway which scaffold or independent strur4are shall be planked over the entire length and breadth of the building to be erected, altered or repaired with two layers of two inch plank laid to break bond property and such portion of the sidewalk or

footway as aforesaid, shall be enclosed longlitudially on both sides to the latileigth of the scaffold with strong board fences so that the said sidewalk of the street may at all times be

left free for public use and. upon the sidewalk being so covered or fenced the portion of the street outside the sidewalk which

may be deed for materials shall be fended 222 in with a strong board fence six feet ligh but it shall not in that case be necessary to make any platform der foot passengers outside of it.

16 (S) When the scaffold extends over the sidewalk as mentioned in Clause (D) of this By-Law the joist must be twelve inches deep for span 4 six feet and the caps on the posts must be ten inehes deep. When permission is granted to lay a sidewalk outside the enclosure as aforesaidlii it shall be laid in the manner and of the kind and size of material directed by the Inspector of Buildings. All gates into enclosures shall open inwards and_not agrees the sidewalk or street.

-416 (F) The said Inspector shall not grant a permit to use an part of the streets or sidewalk af the MUnioipality, if the building to be erected or the repairs or alterations to bs made are contrary to this By-Law. 16 (G) No l permit graaated under this By-Law shall authorize the

obstruction of the street or sidewalk, as aforesaid, for more than one week prior to the commencement of the excavation for or the erection or repair of any said building nor shall

be for a longer period than four months but such permit shall be extended by the Inspector from time to time on sufficient reasons beig ahewn, but so that no exten8ion at any time shall exceed three months and that the whole period of the permit and the extensions thereof (if any) shall not exceed in all tw011ieb months

and every such permit and extension thereof shall become null and void upon the holder thereof not complying with the terns of such permit or otherwise violating any of the provisions of

this By-Law or upon the work being finished. 16 (H) No,person shall interfere with or remove any sidewalk or place any building material, plant or other stuff upon

any sidewalk or street in the Municipality unless he shall have first received a permit so to do from the Inspector of Buildings, as aofresaid, not shall any person suffer or permit any building material or plant brought by him upon any street or sidewalk, to remain longer than the duration of the permit of Inspector or any xtension thereof or whibe the same remains in force, and on completion of the walls and outside work of any such building or upon the expiration of the perAlit of the Inspector, the owner, builder, or other persons who has brought any such material or plant upon any such street shall imaediately remove all such material or plant from the street or sidewalk and cause the street or sidewalk to be bleaned and repaired and relaid and placed in as good condition and repair as the

same were in before such material or plant were placed thereon.

_516 (I) In all cases where any person or persons shall place 4tny building material or stuff upon any street or sidewalks of the Municipality such person or persons Shall be answerable for any and every damage which may be occassioned to persons, animals or property, by reason of carelessness in any manner connected 7ith the said materials. 16 (J) Before any building is comaenced on any public street the person or persons desirious of erecting such bu414ing or some person on his behalf shall obtain froiL the Town engineer

the proper line of such street as adopted by the Council or as established by law, and the Town Engineer shall* upon request in writing therefor, and wdthin ono welk from the date of such request, furnish to such person desttiZg to erect any such building or to the person on his behalf making application, the said line of said street.

16 (K) The term "public buildings' hereinafter used shall be construed to mean and include churches, theatres and halls or other bptildings used for places of worship, public meetings or Places of amusement.

16 (L) The doors of all public buildings already erected or hereafter built shall open outward. The hallways, staitWays, seats and aisles shall be so arranged as to !Militate agrees in case of fire or accident to afford the reuisite accovodation for the

public protection in such case. All aisles and passage ways in sudh buildings shall be kept free from camp stools, chairs, sofas, and other obstructions during the service, exhibition. lecture,

performance, concert, ball. or other public assemblage. All seats in the auditorium, excepting those contained in the boxes shall be firmly secured to the floor and no seat in the auditorium shall have more than six seats intervening between it and an aisle. 16 (M) The following fifteen sections shall apply only to buildings hereafter erected.

-616 (N)

Every public building shall have at least one frontage

for its entire height of at least one entire side of the auditorium ani lobbies, passages and stairways for exit on

that side on a street, court or open passage way fifteen feet or more wide and at least two-thirds of the entire width of exits and entrancesiv ahall ()Oen on to such court or passage way.

Every such building shall have the doors, corridors, halls, lobbies, stairways, passages, and aisles wide, direct and so constructed and arranged as to afford easy agrees for the

occupants under all circumstances; and exits and entretioes shall have all doors open outwards; and of the full width of the passages from which they open; and shall have the passages of exits and stairways at least fide feet wide and of an aggregate capacity in width of not less then twenty-tie inches for each.

hundred persons that the said building may at any time contain. This provision. shall apply to the exits from each division, gallery or compartment of such building, as well as to the exterior opening. Every building shall have the corridors, lobbies, stairways, passages, and aisles of equal or increasing width towards the exits and without any Projection into them

within six feet of the floors; shalYhave the corridors, lobbies, doors, stariways, seats and aisles so arranged as to facilitate -egress,. and shall have all pipes and apparatus teed in heating or lighting, and all lights, protected to the satisfagtion of the Inspector of Buildings; and shall have all such fire

servioe and alparatua for the extinguishment of fire as the said Inspector my deen necessary. AIIexits from any public building shall he opened for the use of any departing audience. 16 (0) All changes in Ivel in the floors of publics buildings,

except regular stairways, from storey to storey, and except the necessary steps in galleries and balconies, rising towards the exits, shall be made by incline of no steeper gradient then one in ten within the auditorium, and rAailig towards the exits.

-716 (P) The ceilings immediately beneath the floor Of the auditorium lobbies, hallroom, galleries, soffits of staircases, landings and corridors of public buildings, shall be protected by incombustible material. 16 On All partitions of publio buildings enclosing the

stariways. lobbies, and corridors or separating them from the auditorium or ante-rooms, shall be of brick masonry, or of heavy studding, brick nogged throughout or otherwise made incombustible. 16 (R) All stairs and landings of public buildings shall have proper hand rails on both sides, firmly secured to walls or to strong posts and balasters, throughout their entire length, and wide staftways shall have one or more intermediate rail or rails on strong vertical supports. ( . 1 6 (s)

The rise of stairs to public buildings shall not exceed

seven and one-half inches, nor the tread be less than twelve inohes. No winders less than seven inches wide at the narrowest

end or flight of less then three steps shall be introduced, and there mall be a full landing to at least every fifteen steps. 16 (T) No winders shall be allowed in theatres, churches,

schools or any building where large numbers of peeple assemble. 16 (U) Every aPraaeh or exit to a public building under or through any other building shall have solid brick walls and the

floors and ceilings shall be of approved incombustible and fire-resisting materials, and there shall be no openings

through said floors or ceilings. 16 (V) The lights for the rear of the auditorium and for all Passages and stairways of exit of every public building shall be independent of the rest of the lights of the auditorium and

platflerm, and shall be so arranged that theynoannot be turned down or off from the platform.

16 (W) Every building to be used as a theatre for dramatic, operatic or other similar performances involving the use of a fixed stage with moveable or shifting scenery, curtains and

machinery, shall be a brick of stone building, and in addition to all other provisions applicable to a public building, shall have the Whest part of the main floor of the auditorium

not more than seven feet above the sidewalk of the open street, court or passage way on which the main doors of exit shall be located; and for each gallery division above the ground floor, shall have independent stairways are. exit's therefrom, 2f,

which shall be located as far art as PTacticable. The lobbies shall be separated from the auditorium by brick or other fire resisting walls, and all doors from auditorium to lobbies and stairways shall be of metal-covered wood and self-closing. 16 (x)

The stage of every theatre shall be separated from the

auditorium by a brick wall sixteen inches thick or its equivalent, which wall shall extend the entire width of the

building and from ground to roof and from ground to stage floor ablanxx and be topped as a Party wall. There shall be no openings through this wall except the curtain opening and not more then two others to be loeated at or below the level of

the stage; these latter openings shall not exceed twenty-one superficial feet each and shall have metal-covered wood, self-closing doors, securely hung to rabbets in the woodwork.

16 (Y) The wall over the curtain opening of every theatre shall be carried by a brick arch or by an iron truss or girder, and if a truss or girder is used, it shall be covered with material non-conductive of heatiii and a girder shall be spanned by a sufficient relieving arch of brick in cement. 16 (z) Every theatre shall have a ventilator to open automatically innthe roof over the prosenium in case of fire.

-916 (aa) The finish or decorative features around the curtain opening of every theatre shall be of incombustible materials well secured to masonry. 16 (bb) There s#all be at least two two-inch stand PiPea attached to water mains on the stage of every theatre, with ample provision of hose and nozzles at each level of the stage on each side and the water shall be kept turned on during the occupancy of the building. The proscenium shall be provided wdth two and one-half inch perforated iron pipe so constructed that in case of emergency it will form a complete water curtain for the entire proscenium opening. Such Pipes shall be at all times ready for use. It shall be compulsorli, to have three or more

men in attendance during 4ny performance who are competent to handle the apparatus. 16 (CC) The Inspector shall keep a book to he provided by the Municipality in which a record of all plans and specifications filed With him and all certificates and permits issued by him under this By-Law shall be properly made by him. 16 (dd) The Counoil shall fromttime to time.bg resolution appoint a conuetent person as inspector of electrical installation and appliances for the Municipality to be called the Town Electrician. 16 (ee) No electrical current shall be used for ilLu:Iination,

dec4ration, power or heating except as hereinafter provided. 16 (ff) All persons, firms or corporations desiring to instan wires or other apparatus for the use of electrical currents for any of the purposes mentioned in the next prededing clause of this By-Lam shall before commencing or doing any electrical construction work of any hind whatever, either installing new

electrical apparatus or repairing apparatus already in use, file an aplication for a permit therefor with the Town Flectrician which application shall describe in detail such material and APparatus as it is desired to use, with a full description of

the same, giving the locality of: the street and lot; and upon

eeceiet of ouch aeelication if found ereeer, 5adl Pernit hall be given. 16

) The said Town electreeian shall then have power, and it

it hall be hie duty, when by

deemed neoeseary, to oarefUlly

insect each installation previous to and after its completion, and it shall be oompetent for him to 'emove any existing obsteuctions which nay prevent a perfect inapection of the eurrent-oarryieg conductdrs each as laths, elasterieg, boarding ex. -partitions; and if such installation reiall prove to have been constructed inaccordence with the rules and reeuirements of this By-Law, he ehall iesue a certificate of such inspection etich. ahell eontain.a general description of the installation and the date of said inm)ection. The

of electric cureent

as hereby den declared to be unlawful previous to the issuance of said certifioate, provided however the rnwn nectrician. may isue a temporary Domit for the use of electeioal current durirrs the course of construation or sbel expire when the electrical apparatus fur such building alteration of buildings, ich permit/Is fully installed. 16-(th). The seid Town Electrician is hereby emporered to tweet or reinspect all overhead, underground and interior wires an/ apparatus cenducteng eleeteio - aurrent for Light, heat. or power and all overhead and interior wires and aeparatue used for the purpose of carrying or conveying eleotrio or magnetio current or currents for telephones, telegraphs, distriet messenger, call bell, ; burglar alarm, or other similar purposes, unand when said conducters or apparatus are found to be/safe to lege and property shall notify the persons, firms or corporations, owning, using or operating thee to place the same fortyen a safe an secure condition withinibight hours. 16 (II) It shall be the duty of the eown Electrician to keep records containing a full and accurate aceount of .11 inepections made and 11 monies received; he shall annually on or before tile first day of February in each year prepare and

Present to the Town Council a report showing the entire work of his department during the previous calgnder year; and a full and comprehensive statement of all matters pertaining to his department together with an estimate indetall of the appropriations required by the department during the next mumlcipal year. 16 WV)

No alteration shall be made in any installation

without first notifying the Town Electrician anl submitting the sawe for similar inspection as above provided. 16 (KK) The Town Electrician in carrying out and in causing to be carried out the provisions of this By-Law with reference to electric current shall be guided by and shall follow as far as reasonably Praoticable the regulations known as the "National Electrical Code". DONE & PASSED in Council this / •••:2- day of August, A.D. 1904.


Seeretarr-Treasurer .

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