Edmonton (Alta.) - 1909 - Bylaw 234_a by-law to amend by-law no. 207, the building by-law

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A NY-LAW to amend By-Law No.207, the Building By-Law. PRE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL of the City of Edmonton duly assembled enacts as follows:I. BY-LAW No.207 of the City of Edmonton intituled a By-Law to regulate the construction, alteration, repair, removal and inspection of buildings and to prevent accidents by fire within the City of Edmonton, is hereby amended by adding to Section 30 thereof the following:30A.

NO PERSON shall erect or maintain any factory, workshop or

other structure wherein machinery is operated in any other manner

than by manual power, within the following limits; that is to say, that area bounded as follows; commencing at the point where the centre line of Victoria Avenue crosses the centre line of Second Street: theme South along the centre line of Second Street to the Northerly boundry of the Edmonton Yukon and Paoific Railway Company's right of way: thence following said Northerly boundry Westerly to the point where the sane is intersected by the centre line Sixteenth of MIX Street: thence North along said centre line of Sixteenth Street to the centre line of Victoria Avenue: thence East along said centre line of Victoria Avenue to the point of commencement. DONE and PASSED in Connell this Fifth day of October A.D. 1909.

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