Edmonton (Alta.) - 1984-1993 - Neighbourhood profiles_residential

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CITY OF EDMONTON Neighbourhood Profiles Completed to Date



Page 2 City of Edµionton Neighbourhood Profiles Completed to Date


i¥' I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.. 11. 12. 13. 14. _,-15.

. ,,1.~. 17. ~ 18. ., 19. .. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24 25. 26. 27 . 28. 29. 30. 3!32. 33. 34. 35. ·36. '37.



A,bbottsfield ~lberta. Avenue Aldergrove Allendale Argyll Aspen Gardens Athlone Avonmore Balwin Bannerman Baturyn Beacon Heights Bearspaw &iaurnaris BelgJ"avia · BEll.levue. Belinead· Belmont · Belvedere Bergman Beve rly Heights Bisset Blue Quill . Blue Quill West Bonnie Doon Boyle Street-McCauley . Brander Gardens Britannia/Youngstown Brookside Bulyea Heights Caemarvon Calder Callingwood North Callingwood South Canon Ridge Canara Gapilano Carlisle

1990 1988 1988 1989 1990 1990 1984 1986 1989 1988 1988 1986 1990 1989 1990 1988 1988 1985 1984 1989 1984 1987 1987 1993 1988 1984 1990 1988 1984 1993 1987 1989 1988 -1988 1990 1988 1988 1988




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39. Casse_lqy,jn 40. Central McDougall 41. Cloverdale 42. Crawford Plains 43·. Crest wood 44. Cromdale 45. Daly Grove 46. Dechene 47. Delton 48. Del wood 49. Dovercourt 50. DQwntown 51. Duggan 52. Ounluce 53. Eastwood 54. . Ekota' • 55. Elmwood 56. Elmwqod Park 57. Empire Park 58. Ermineskin 59. Evansdale (Oickinsfield) 60. Forest Heights .. 61. Fraser 62. Eulto.n Place63. Gariepy 64. Garneau 65. Glengarry 66. Glenora 67 . Glen wood 68. Goldbai:. 69. Grandview Heights 70. • preenfield 71. . c ,Greenvlew 72. Groat Estate 73. • ,Grovenor 74. Hairsine 75. Ha+eld~an 76. Henderson Estates

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Page 3 City of Edmont on Neighbourhood Profiles Com)lleted t o D~tt t


NEIGllBOURHOOD 77. 78. 79. t180. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87.

88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114.

Page 4 City of Edmonton Neighbourhood Profiles ComJlltt!:~ tQ Datt

Highlands High •Park Hill view Holyrood Homesteader ldylwyldeInglewood J amieson Place Jasper Park Kameyosek Keheewin Kerlilworth Kensington Kernohan Kildar e ., Kilkenny Ki1larney King Edward Park Kiniski Gardens Kirkness Lago Lindo Lansdowne La Perie Lauderdale Laurler Heights Lee Ridge Lendrum Place Lorelei Lymburn Lynnwood Malmo Plains Mayfield McKernan McLeod McQueen -Meadowlark Park Men is a Meyokumin


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Minchau Montrose Newton North Glenora Northmount Norwood Ogilvie Ridge Olesklw Oliver Ormsby l"lace Ottewell Over landers P.arkaUen Parkdale Parkview Patricia Heights Pleasantview Pollard Meadows Prince Charles Prince Rupert Queen Alexandra Queen Mary Park Quesnell Heights Ramsay Heights Rhatigan Ridge Richfield Rideau Park Rio Terrace Ritchie Riverdale Rossdale Rosslyn Royal Gardens Rundle Heights Sakaw Sa too


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Page S City of Edmonton Neighbourhood Profiles Completed to Date



153. Sherbrooke 154. Sherwood 155. Sifton Park 156. Skyrattler 157. Spruce Avenue 158. Steinhauer 159. Strathcona i6o. "Strathearn 161. Summer lea 162. Sweet Grass 163. Terrace Heights 164. •Thorncliff 165. Tipaskan 166. Tweddle Place 167. Twin Brooks -I/A 168. Virginia Park 179. Weinlos 170. Wellington 171. Westbrook Estate 172. West Jasper Place 173. West Meadowlark Park 174. Westmount 175 Westridge 176. Westwood 177. Windsor Park 178. Woodcroft 179. York


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Sept. 2. 1993/U.

Introduction YFAR UPDATED 1990 1990

- A residential neighbourhood within the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Yellowhead Trail to the north, Victoria Trail to the east, 118 Avenue to the south and 34 Street to the west. Lands annexed to the City In 1961. But all residential developments In the 1970's. All residential developments are multiple family units. Adjacent residential communities are Rundle Heights to the south and Beacon Heights and Bergman to the west. - Petroleum refineries, chemical plants and many other heavy industries of the County of Strathcona to the east across the North Saskatchewan River Valley. - Served by the Beverly Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.


Social Characteristics 1993 1993



- 1989 population 1,939 only 12 persons more than in 19n. Neighbourhood population may have stablllzed as most residential units are being occupied. - A very high proportion of children under 20 years of age - Abbottsfleld's 48.5% vs. Edmonton's 27.2%. Clearly reflects a very high demand for facilities, programs and services for children. - Seniors only 3.3% of population, almost one-third of the City's average of 8.9%. Indicates much lower than average demand for appropriate programs and services. - Married persons only 27.2%, substantially lower than 40.5% for the City. Single persons 56.2%, noticeably higher than Edmonton's 47.1%. Divorced and separated persons 10.2%, also markedly higher than the City's average of 4.8%. Proportion of children and residents' marital status reflective of a high proportion of lone-parent families (23.55% In Census Tract 58 part of which comprises Abbottsfleld). Supportive programs and services for single parent families and their dependents In very high demand here. - Full-time employed persons only 24.5%, compared to the City's 40. 7% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Unemployed 13.7%, correspomdlngly higher than Edmonton's 4.3%. Current (April 1990) unemployment rate of Edmonton being 8.0%, It Is likely that Abbottsfleld's jobless rate has also gone up tha n that indicated earlier. - Average family Income $28,504 (for Census Tract #58 part of which comprises Abbottsfield), substantially lowe.r than $41,681 for Edmonton. High proportions of children, jobless persons and single parent families caused such a low average family income figure. - Only 33.8% residents lived here for at least three years. Homeowners 15.4% and renters 76.7% with 8% vacant units In 1989. Vacancy rate declined substantially in early 1990, making proportion of renters even higher. As Abbottsfield only contains apartment units and row housing, the length of stay and tenure Indicates a low level of social stability In the neighbourhood.






- According to Edmonton Pollce Services, no organized youth gangs In the City, lncludlng Abbottsfleld. Due to boredom, some local youths engage In wall paintings, littering and vandalism. As a good portion of these youths come from poverty-stricken, low-Income families and do not have good education, they resort to activities adversely affecting the social and residential environment here. - Abbottsfield a member community of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 51.5% of the neighbourhood area. Row housing and apartment units 80% and 20% respectively of available accommodation. All development between 10 to 20 years old. Most are reasonably well maintained. Concentration of apartments create on-street parking problems on 119 Avenue. - Institutional uses 18.3% of the land area. Includes the sites of the two local schools. - Commercial uses confined to Abbottsfleld Mall, a district level shopping complex with a wide range of goods and services available. Comprises 17.0% of the total area. - A centrally located park provides open space and recreational opportunities. Makes up 9.6% of the neighbourhood area. - Undeveloped and vacant spaces 3.6% of the total area.

Transportation - Bounded by three arterlals. Average annual weekday traffic In 1989 on Yellowhead Trail 28,600, on Victoria Trail 16,000 and on 118 Avenue 15,200. 34 Street to the west a collector with average annual weekday traffic count of 6,400 In 1989. - Vellowhead Trail a dangerous goods route and 118 Avenue a 24-nour truck route. - Noise barriers and berms along Vellowhead Trail and Victoria Traff reduce traffic noise significantly. - Traffic safety hazards on local residential streets as speeding and fallure to obey Intersection signs noticeable. • Local roads and sldewalks In reasonably good condition. Regular maintenance needed. - Bus Route Nos. 20 and 28 run through the neighbourhood and provide regular services. Abbottsfleld Transit Centre adjacent to Abbottsfleld Mall where connections to additional three routes avallable. Considering local Income ~" pattern, It appears that Edmonton Transit provides a needed service at adequate level here.




Public Facilities - TWo schools located here. Currently, Abbottsfield Elementary (enrollment 321 , capacity 525) and St. Sophia Separate Elementary (enrollment 127, capacity 250) operating at 51% and 61% levels of their respective capacities. Number of local preschoolers capable of Increasing enrollrnent levels further in the near future. - The neighbourhood park (west and south of Abbottsfleld Road) provides active and passive recreati onal opportunities to local residents. - Nearby Rundle Park provides additional recreational opportunities (golf, skating, hiking, biking, picnic, Indoor swimming and volleyball). • Local residents members of Beacon Heights Community League. Community League hall located at 4418 - 118 Avenue. Community League active in organizing social, educational, sports and recreational activities. Facilities Include a meeting hall, dancing hall, banquet room and a kitchen. - No specialized housing for the elderly or the handicapped here. - A community housing project (Abbottsfleld at 34 Street and 120 Avenue) with 102 units in a medium-rise apartment bulldlng here. Operating In almost full capacity. Since the area Is fully developed and many medium density housing projects already located here, no additional community housing likely to be built here. - The Beverly Centre (11809 - 48 Street) of Edmonton Community and Family Services and the North Edmonton Office (13415 Fort Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services provide a variety of social services to local residents and families. The Beverly Centre operates an outreach program out of the local Abbottsfield Mall assisting children between 6-12 years of age who may have problems in their schools or In the community. Candora, a community advocacy group, also provides outreach programs out of this office. - Primary health care opportunities available through the Eastwood Health Centre (7919 - 118 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Youth related problems a concern of Abbottsfield residents. Boredom among teenagers and lack of creative outlets lead to problems like hanging around in the shopping mall and In the neighbourhood, vandallsm and spray pairrtlng of walls. - Very high proportions of low-Income and single-parent families. Community Workers substantiate that many local residents are on social assistance. Places additional pressures on avallable social services. - A high rate of residential moblllty among local residents. Rising rents force some tenants with llmlted resources to move out. High rate of transl;;,11cy creates low level of social stability.







• Some local residents concerned about safety on local roads. Congestion created by cars parked on streets near apartments as well as vehicles · speeding on local streets contribute to safety hazards. Children playing on car parking areas further contribute to safety problems.

Future Plans • No area redevelopment plan to be developed for Abbottsfleld in the foreseeable future. • No transportation improvement plans identified for the area during the next five years.



4. 5. 6. 7.

Introduction • An inner-city neighbourhood where most residential development begun during the 1910's and 1920's and completed by the mid 1950's. • Defined by 122 Avenue on the north, 97 Street to the west, 89 Street on the east, and 118 Avenue on the south. • Surrounded by the neighbourhoods of Delton to the north, Norwood to the south, Eastwood and Westwood to the east and west respectively. • Served by the Beverly Centre of Edmonton Social Serlilces.

Social Characteristics

• A low-income, predominantly tenant-oriented and demographically young residential community. • Very high proportions of lone-parent famllles, unemployed persons and Individuals on social assistance demand higher-than-average programs and services to these persons and families. • High residential mobility among renters hinders formation of social cohesiveness and community stability. • Boredom among teenagers lead to various social problems including vandalism and graffiti painting. Recreational and creative programs for youth needed.

1. 2. 3.



The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II • Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1989. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Abbottsfield Neighbourttood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

1986 population totalled 2,097 persons, registering no change from 1983. - Proportion of residents under the age of 20 almost equal to City's average (26.8% vs. City's 27.5%). • Slightly lower proportions of young adults (39.9% vs. City's 42.1%) and persons between 40-64 years (20% vs. City's 22.5%). Seniors accounted for 13.4% of population compared to the City's 7.9%. Demonstrates a demand for programs and services for this group. Singles 48.8%(City's average 47.5%) and married persons 37.7% (vs. City's 41.3%) of population. • Proportion of lone-parent families slightly higher In this neighbourhood Slightly higher proportion of (16% vs. City's 13% average). divorced/separated (6.5% vs. City's 4.1%). Community services and programs supporting these groups may be required. • Compared to the City's average of 40.3%, a lower proportion (32.8%) of local residents were employed full-time In 1986. 11.7% unemployed (vs. City's 5.6%). • Retired Individuals 11.7% vs. City's 8.0%. Reflects higher proportion of seniors. • Average neighbourhood household income In 1981 was $23,813 (Edmonton CMA's average $31 ,998). Higher proportions of unemployed, retired, and lone-parent famllles may be partially responsible for the lower income level of this community. • People who resided In this neighbourhood for at least three years constituted 55.4% of population, compared to 56.11% for Edmonton. Homeowners 50.2% (City's average 45%) and tenants 40% (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure therefore reflect community stability. • This community Is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.











Physical Characteristics - Residential uses occupy 87% of the neighbourhood area. Single detached and attached dwellings 97% of housing stock; multiple family units (1%) and walk-up apartments (2.0%) make up the rest. - Many homes are 40-50 years old and some require rehabllltatlon. - Commercial uses 7.0% of neighbourhood area. Located mostly along 118 Avenue. - Institutional land uses (Delton Publlc Elementary and St. Patrick Catholic Elementary/Junior High Schools, and St. Patrick Cathollc Church) make up 4.0% of total area. - The neighbourhood park occupies two percent of land use.



Two busy arterials along the south and west borders of this neighbourhood create noise and safety problems for residents. Weekday traffic volumes 18,100 vehicles on 118 Avenue and 45,500 on 97 Street. 97 Street and 118 Avenue are regular (24-hour) truck routes. Introduction of forced turning lanes alleviates some traffic short cutting and speeding through the neighbourhood. Some roads and sldewalks In the area need repair. Public Transit routes (Nos. 5, 18, and 23) provide regular service to this neighbourhood.

Public Facilities - St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School (12050 - 95A Street) has a current enrollment of 164 students, 28% of Its capacity of 565. However, the high capacity figure ls Influenced by the fact that this facility used to house a Junior High School, but was closed due to Insufficient enrollments. - Delton Public Elementary School (12126 - 89 Street) operates at 61% capacity with 338 students enrolled. Offers special programs including behavioural disorder, Junior Adaptation classes for children with lower academic abilities and English as a Second Language courses. Part of the school is leased to day care and after-school care organizations. - Alberta Avenue Community League (9310 - 118 Avenue) includes a playground, hall, Ice rinks, and racket ball courts. Organizes sports and recreational programs for residents of all ages. - The 118 Avenue commercial strip provides a variety of retail services for residents of this and surrounding neighbourhoods. - Alberta Avenue Park, located next to the community league, includes a sliding hill, playground, ball and soccer fields. An excellent recreational facility for local residents. ·~ ·· m @mo on


- Although no senior citizen or handicapped housing pr<>:jects are located In this neighbourhood, three can be found in the Immediate surrounding areas: Avenwood Corner (11909 - 88 Street) with 62 one-bedroom and 2 handicapped units; Buchanan Manor (8804 - 121 Avenue) with 21 one-bedroom and 2 bachelor units; and Norwood Golden Manor (11715 95 Street) with 41 one-bedroom, 7 bachelor, and 2 handicapped units. These projects usually operate at full capacity levels and welcome Alberta Avenue residents as well. In view of the vacancy level of these senior citizens' homes and the number of elderly people currently residing in Alberta Avenue, consideration for additional specialized housing for seniors may be given. - Hys Centre (11010 - 101 Streeet) of Alberta Social Services and Edmonton Social Services' Beverly Centre (5505 - 112 Avenue) both deliver various family and Individual related social services programs to this general area including Alberta Avenue. - Health services are provided by the Eastwood Health Centre (7919 - 118 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health. - St. Patrick Catholic Church (11811 - 96 Street) holds regular services.

Major Issues - Lack of proper sldewalks on some Avenues and the poor condition of a few properties reduce the general aesthetic level of the community. Traffic congesti on durfng peak hours along 118 Avenue and 97 Street creates noise and safety problems for local residents. - In view of the proportion of seniors and individuals between 60-65 years of age, consideration should be given to plan facilities and programs for the elderly.

Future Plans - R.R.A.P., the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program, wasdesigned to assist homeowners and landlords to Improve their housing units. From 1978, when the program began, to 1985, when it was expanded to include the whole City, 272 homes were repaired. This encouraged a needed revitalization of aglng housing stock and ls stlll available to residents whose homes quallfy. - Alberta Avenue was also a community selected for the Neighbourhood Improvement Program (N.t.P.) In the late 70's through which Improvements to its physical infrastructures were undertaken. Repairs of additional older homes along with neighbourhood Improvements should create a positive social atmosphere here.








Introduction Conclusion • A stable, low density residential neighbourhood. • Road, sidewalk, and home improvement programs would improve the physical appearance of the neighbourhood and increase residents' satisfaction.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. Census of Canada, Part I, Edmonton: Profile, 1986. 5-Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Departmment. 1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Central District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Alberta Avenue/Eastwood Neighbourhood Improvement Plan, Planning Department, 1979. Alberta Avenue Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department.

• A developing suburban neighbourhood located in the West Planning District of Edmonton. • Defined by 87 Avenue on the north, Whitemud Drive to the south, 178 Street to the east and 190 Street to the west. - Most residential development occurred during the 1970's and still continuing. - Surrounded by the neighbourhoods of Belmead to the north, Thorncliff to the east and Lymburn to the south. A Restricted Development Area is located to the immediate west. • Served by the Jasper Place Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 5,301, a 26.6% increase over 1983 figure of 4,186. Sharp increase is due to recent residential developments in the neighbourhood. This will also put additional demands on existing neighbourhood amenities and services. - A youthful population structure with high prop~rtion of children below 20 years cohort (35.4% compared to City total of 27.5%). Young adults (20-39 years) 43.9%, comparable to City's 42.1%. Adults in 40-64 years category only 18.8% (City's average 22.5%) and seniors a mere 1.8% (vs. City's 7.9%). These statistics demonstrate the presence of a demand for amenities, services, and programs for the younger population. Singles 48.8% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 44.4% of population (vs. City's 41.3%). - Proportion of lone-parent families slightly higher in this neighbourhood • 16% vs. City's 13% average. May indicate a need for services and programs for this group. - Proportion of residents employed full-time 43.8% (vs. City's 40.3% average) and unemployed individuals, 4.3% of the population compared to 5.6% for Edmonton. The current unemployment rate of 8% (May, 1988) for the City may indicate that the jobless rate in Aldergrove may have gone somewhat higher. - According to 1981 Federal Census the average neighbourhood household income was $32,923 - comparable to Edmonton C.M.A."s of $31,998. - Being a developing neighbourhood, a comparatively lower proportion of residents lived at the same address for at least three years - 40.6% vs. the City's 56.1%. - Homeowners constitute 55.8% of population (City's average 45%) while only 35.2% are tenants (City's average 48.4%). Tenure and length of residency patterns indicate that this relatively new neighbourhood is developing a good level of social stability. - This community is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Summel' 1918










Physical Characteristics - Residential uses occupy 89.5% of neighbourhood area. Housing stock Is mainly single detached dwellings (42.6%), apartments (30.4%), and row housing (27.0%). - Most homes are in good condition, reflecting the neighbourhood's recent physical growth. - A neighbourhood convenience commercial centre (84 Avenue and 182 Street) is the only commerclal land use - 0.8% of neighbourhood area. - Institutional land use (Aldergrove Public Elementary School) 5.2% of total area. Parks and open spaces (includes the neighbourhood park) make up 4.5% of land use.

Transportation - Three arterials bound most of this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes indicate 23,700 vehicles on 178 Street and more moderate flows of 10,000 vehicles on Whitemud Drive and 9,600 on 87 Avenue. - High volume of traffic along 178 Street creates noise problems for residents living near that margin. - Whitemud Drive (79 Avenue) Is a regular 24-hour truck route and is presently undergoing roadway and structural improvements (including noise abatement structures, .paving, pedestrian overpass, and interchange construction at 178 Street). These developments will help to deal effectively with the possible increase In traffic caused by the development of the proposed ring road, and reduce traffic noise for the nearby residents. - Public transit routes running along the arterlals and through the neighbourhood provide regular and peak hour service (Route Nos. 16, 39, 115, 120, 122, 124, and 126). The West Jasper Place Transit Centre is located nearby at 175 Street and 87 Avenue.

- Facilities of the Aldergrove Community League (8535 - 182 Street) include a hall, ice-rinks, and playground. Also makes use of the neighbourhood park and school facilities (baseball diamond, soccer field, and sliding hills) to organize sports and recreational activities for local residents. - A neighbourhood convenience commercial facility located within the community (84 Avenue and 182 Street) satisfies the local residents' dally shopping need. - West Edmonton Mall is located to the Immediate northeast of this neighbourhood, and meets shopping needs of this region's residents. Also includes some recreational facilities: Indoor rink, Canada Fantasyland • an amusement facility and World Water Park. - Gilchrist Memorial United Church of Canada holds regular services in the neighbourhood school. • Centennial Mall Office (170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Social Services and Jasper Place Centre (156726 - 100A Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services serve residents of this community. • Health services are provided by the West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 • 182 Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health and the Mlsericordla Hospital (16940 • 87 Avenue).

Major Issues - Traffic related problems (noise and safety) on 178 Street cause dissatisfaction among many local residents. • Large proportions and Increases In the number of children and young adults will create additional demands for services and programs designed for these groups.

Future Plans Public Facilities - Aldergrove Public Elementary School (8525 - 182 Street) is operating near its capacity of approximately 550 students with 497 currently enrolled. Offers special programs including an adaptation program for children with lower academic abilities and an E.S.L. (English as a Second Language) course.



• The proposed sports and recreational facllity by the YMCA at 178 Street and Calllngwood Road (69 Avenue) will be a district faclllty for the benefit of Aldergrove residents as well. The complex will accommodate an Indoor pool, exercise rooms, and a day care centre. - The feasibility of developing a Catholic School In the early 1990's on the vacant site • 188 Street and 83 Avenue, may be considered by the Separate School Board.








• A _Physically c.ontemporary and demographically young community, with a fair degree of social stability. • Sharp population Increase since 1983 (26.6%) will level off, now that most residential developments have been completed. However, high proportions of children and young adults may suggest that demand for programs and facilities for these groups will continue.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census of Canada, 1981.


Census of Canada, Part I Edmonton: Profile, 1986.


5-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department.


1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


West District Survey of Residents, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Aldergrove Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

Summer 1988




• An older residential neighbourhood in the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 70 Avenue to the north, 104 Street to the east, 61 Avenue to the south and 109 Street to the west. • Initial residential developments started In the 1900's and continued through to the late 1940's. • Surrounded by the older neighbourhoods of Queen Alexandra to the north, CPR West to the east, Pleasantvlew to the south and Pairkallen to the west. • Served by the Miii Creek Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics

1988·1992, . The City of


• 1986 population totalled 3,404 persons -18.8% higher than 2,866 recorded in 1983. This population Increase may be due to the influx of new residents attracted by lower rental and housing prices as well as availability of many amenities within and around the neighbourhood. • Proportion of residents under 20 years of age (20%) much lower than the City's average of 27.5%. However, with the Increase of the neighbourhood's population level, the number of children below 10 years of age also increased from 225 to 382, ensuring better utilization of available neighbourhood amenities and creating new demands for childrens' programs. Considerably higher proportion of seniors In Allendale (17.2%) as opposed to the City's average of 7.9%. Reflects presence of two senior citizens' homes here and also Indicates a greater demand for programs and services designed for this group. • The proportion of singles (47%) comparable to the City's average of 47.5%. Married persons 37.3% vs. the City's average of 41.3%. Higher proportion of widowed persons (9.2% vs. the City's 4.1% average) reflects a greater number of seniors here. • Local residents employed full time (39%) compares closely to the City's average of 40.3%. The proportion of post-secondary S1udents (8.2%) higher than the City's 5.6% due to proximity to the University of Alberta and availability of comparatively Inexpensive rental accommodation. In 1986, 4.5% of residents were unemployed (City's average 5.3%). Current neighbourhood unemployment rate may be somewhat higher as Edmonton's May 1989 rate was 7.6%. • Average neighbourhood family Income In 1988 was $36,497, approximately 13% lower than the City's average of $41,681. • Slightly better than one-half (62.1%) residents lived at the same address for three years or more (the City's average 56.1%).







- Homeownera 43.1% (Edmonton's average 45%) and tenants 45.8% (City's average 48.4%). Tenure and length of stay Indicates an average level of social stability. - Crime rate Increased by 240.21% In Allendale between 1987 and 1988 as opposed to an Increase of 5.21% for Edmonton. A very high number of Incidents were related to traffic occurrences, mosuy speeding. External violators caught at 104 and 109 Streets and 61 Avenue/Allendale Road were also reported In this neighbourhood's crime statistics, making the figure very alarming. Neighbourhood Watch Program in effect here.

Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses occupy 52% of neighbourhood area. Majority of housing stock Is single-detached (85%), followed by walk up apartment suites (6%), duplexes (5%) and row housing units (4%). Most homes are In good condition but some need renovations. - Commercial uses 4% of total are primarily located along 104 Street and meet dally shopping needs of local residents: - Institutional uses (Allendale Public Elementary-Junior High School, now closed St. Agnes Separate Elementary School, two senior citizens' homes, the community hall and four churches) make up 7% of the neighbourhood area. - Parks and open spaces (Allendale Park and an open space to the southeastern corner) approximately 3% of total area.

Transportation - Three very busy artertala bound this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes In 1988 were approximately 20,000 vehicles on 104 Street, 26,000 on 61 Avenue and 25,200 on 109 Street. Both 104 and 109 Streets are regular trucl< routes. - High volumes of traffic along the bordering arterlals and 106 Street generate noise and pedestrian safety problems for area residents. - Most local roads and walkways are In good condition, while a few sldewalks need repairs. - Edmonton Transit provides public transportation wtth bus routes (nos. 9, 24, 42, 43, 52, 62, 149, 153 and 154) running along the edges and Interior of the neighbourhood. The level of available public transportation service (peak hour, regular, weekends and late evenings) and the age, Income and employment profiles of local residents Indicate avallablllty of a needed service at adequate level In this area.



Public Facilities - Allendale Public Elementary-Junior High School has a current enrollment of 237 students (December, 1988) and Is operating at 37% of its capacity of 640 students. Enrollment Increased from 180 students in 1982 to the current level as new families with grade school students moved to Allendale. - St. Agnes Separate Elementary School was closed In tl'le early 1980's due to severe decline of student enrollment. This building is currently housing Alberta Ballet Company for Its activities Including classes and administrative functions. - Allendale Community League (10535 - 66 Avenue) organizes sports and recreational activities for the area residents. Facilities Include a meeting hall, an outdoor Ice-skating rink and a children's playing area. - The neighbourhood park (adjacent to the Community League Hall) has a sliding hlll, children's playing area with equipments, and soccer fields. - Speciallzed housing for the seniors at Celo Vesnlvka at 10825 - 70 Avenue (29 bachelor and 12 one-bedroom self-contained apartment units) and St. Basil's II (also known as Father Hanna's Home) at 10809 - 70 Avenue (4 bachelor, 2 handicapped and 37 one-bedroom self-contained apartment units). Low vacancy rates at these facilities Indicate the need for such housing In this general area. - Religious services at the four local churches (Highway Christian Centre, St. Agnes Roman Catholic Church, Pleasantvtew United Church and Apostolic Christian Church). - social services needs of the area residents are addressed by the Whyte Avenue Office (10454 - 82 Avenue) of Alberta Social Services and the Mill Creek Centre (9119 - 82 Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Family Services. - Basic health care services are provided by the ldylwylde Health Centre {8314 - 88 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - High volumes of traffic along the bordering streets as well the Internal 106 Street create noise and safety problems for local residents. - Poor condition of some sldewalks and housing stock detract from the general aesthetic level of the neighbourhood. - Large senior citizen population compared to the City's average creates additional demands for services for this age group.






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Neighbourllood Profile - Argyll




Future Plans - A District Planning Study for the area to be published by the Planning and Development Department at a Mure date.

Conclusion - An older neighbourhood with a gradually increasing population. - Introduction of new programs and facilities designed for children and young families as well as renovations of the deteriorating housing stock may help further rejuvenati on of the current population trend. This could also assist in more effective utilization of available community resources, e.g. the local public school and the neighbourhood park. - The special needs of the higher proportion of senior citizens should be assessed and appropriate services developed.


References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census Canada 1986. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five.Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1988 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 Alendale Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989. Southwest District Working Paper No.1: Population and People, 1983.




Highlights Argyll is located to the southeast of the City center at the southern tip of the Mill Creek Ravine. It is an attractive but physically aging and demographically small residential neighbourhood. Argyll: • has a very large and increasing proportion of senior citizens; • has a comparatively lower proportion of young children than the City average; • has lower than average incidences of single-parent families and low-income families; • is predominantly made up of single detached homes; and

June 1989

• is characterized by a very high share of immigrant population.



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Neighbourhood Profile - Argyll


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Neighb o urhood Profile - Argyll



S ocial Characteristics

Physical Characteristics 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - . .

Argyll had a tolal population of approximately 820 in 1992, making it one of the smallest residential neighbourhoods in the City. Since 1986, the population of this neighbourhood had declined by about 7%. Considering the tolal number of people living here. this loss should be treated with caution, as funher loss could undermine the viability of this neighbourhood.

Residential land uses comprise approximately 74% of the total area of Argyll. Single detached homes account for 97% of the tolal housing available here. Most residential construction took place in the l 950's, are in good condition and are well maintained. Duplexes make up the balance of available housing. No apartment units or row housing are located in Argyll. Edmonton

Argyll 70



• Institutional uses occupy about 18% of the area. Lands occupied by two schools, one church, the community league, Argyll Sports Centre and Argyll Velodrome are included in this category.


• Commercial land uses make up about l %ofthearea. One centrally-located site makes up this category. Vacant and undeveloped properties account for the remaining 7% of the la.nd area. • Seniors make up about 19% of the neighbourhood's population, much higher than the City's average of 9%. A high demand for programs and services suitable for the elderly exists here. • Argyll -has a lower proportion of children lhan the City's average. Residents below lhe age of 20 encompass about 19% of the neighbourhood population, as opposed to about 27% for Edmonton. This demonstrates a less than average demand for amenities and facilities designed for young people. • Argyll has a very high proportion of homeowners (86% vs. City's 49%) and residents living at the same address for at least five years (64% vs. the City's 41 %). These facts are indicative of a high level of soclal stability in this neighbourhood• The full-time employment rate at Argyll in 1992 was about 40%, marginally higher than the rate for Edmonton. The proportion of retired individuals was about 23% (vs. City's average of 11 %) reflecting the higb number of seniors residing here. • The average family income in Argyll in 1986 was slightly higher than the City's average. The proportion of low-income families was lower here than the average for Edmonton. Ethnic origins of Argyll residents generally reflect that of the City. The exceptions are residents with British (26% vs. 23% City), German (17% vs. 6% City), and Dutch (4% vs. 2% City) origins. Revi!ed April 1993

Transportation • Argyll Road and 63 Avenue, both classified as arterials, bound this neighbourhood to the east and south respectively. The average annual weekday traffic volumes in 1992 were 26,800 along Argyll Road and 28,800 along 63 Avenue. Both 63 Avenue and Argyll Road are classified as restricted truck routes. Movement of trucks along these roads is allowed between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. only. • Edmonton Transit provides public transportation service with buses operating on Route Nos. 76 and 77 running through the neighbourhood.



CJ 0

• Argyll Road, 63 Avenue and 84 Street are bicycle routes connecting with the River Valley multi-use trail system. Revised April 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Argyll

Neighbourhood Profile - Argyll



Public FaeWties

The Future Argyll is likely to remain a residential community within the foreseeable future. Its location next to the

• The former Argyll Public Elementary School facility is currently being used by the Heritage School, a centre for language and learning developmenL • Centennial Montessori School (6755- 88 Street) provides educational as well as day care and after school care facilities to local young children. Edmonton Chinese Christian Church (8810 - 65 Avenue) is located here and provides religious services to its members irrespective of their place of residence. Argyll Velodrome (6950- 88 Street), an outdoor facility with bicycle racing tracks, has recently been closed down. Argyll Community League (6750- 88 Street) organizes sports, recreational and social activities in this neighbourhood. Facilities at the Community League include a meeting hall, ice-skating rink, children's playground with equipments and baseball diamonds. Facilities of the adjoining Argyll Sports Centre (baseball, soccer, skiing, bi.king and football) are available to !he area residents. The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (#300, 9119 - Whyte (82) Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance. • Public facilities located outside but serving the area include: South Division Police Station (9710 - 51 Avenue) Fire Station No.15 (5120 - 97 Street) University of Alberta Hospitals (8440 - 112 Street) Grey Nun's Hospital (1100 Youville Drive West) Idylwylde Health Centre (8314 - 88 Avenue)

Mill Creek Ravine, well-maintained homes on larger lots and the average family income level are all

conducive to maintaining this character. However, in view of !he natural aiging of a significant portion of the local residen!S. having new and additional population will be important here to prevent further underutilization of the existing community facilities. • Because Argyll is a small neighbourhood, if the trend of declining populaltion persists, its character as a stable residential community could be in jeopardy.

References • • • •

• • • •

Neighbourhood Issues • The slowly declining population level of this small residential neighbourhood is a concern to some residents. Moreover, a comparatively lower proportion of young children (pre-schoolers and grade schoolers) have already caused the closure of the local elementary school. Therefore, further loss of population could mean closure of some of the remaining community facilities here. • About one-fifth of the neighbourhood residents are senior citizens. The proportion of individuals approaching retirement age is also higher than the City's average. TI!is situation not only affects participation in the neig.hbourhood programs, but warrants a higher than average demand for programs and services for the elder!y. These are issues which the writer(in discussion with some community members/organizations) understood to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker at Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-2625. RevUe<I April 1993

City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1992 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992. City of Edmonton Transportation Deparanent 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Deparanent Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Argyll Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Deparanent, 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System. July 1992 Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services Argyll Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department

"CommunityandFamilyServicesacknowledgestheassistanceofstaffintheCity'sCorporateGBISProject Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data. rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

RevUe<I April 1993



Neighbourhood Profile - Argyll





Introduction - A suburban residential neighbourhood In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Neighbourhood defined by the Whitemud Creek and Ravine to the west and north, 119 Street to the east and 39 Avenue to the south. • Flanked by mature residential communities • Lansdowne to the north (across Whitemud Drive), Royal Gardens and Greenfield to the east (across 119 Street) and Westbrook Estates to the south. • All single detached homes and walk-up apartments built in the 1960's and 1970's respectively. • Served by the Pleasantview Centre of the City's Community and Famlly Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 1,922, an Increase of 68 persons or 3.67% since 1987. Higher occupancy levels of rental units likely caused this Increase. • Residents under 20 years of age 24.4%, slightly lower than 27.2% average for Edmonton. Indicates almost average utilization levels for programs and services for young persons. • Seniors 6.8%, approximately two-thirds of the City's average of 9.8%. Some services and programs for the elderly in need here. • Singles 42.1% (vs. Edmonton's 47.1%) and married persons 52.5% (vs. the City's 40.5%). Marital status and age indicate a community where family· oriented programs are in high demand. • Proportion of lone-parent families 8.7%, marginally lower than 9.6% for Edmonton. Actual neighbourhood percentage may vary somewhat as the applicable Census Tract Includes neighbouring Westbrook Estate as well. • 42.7% neighbourhood residents employed full time in 1989, as opposed to Edmonton's 40.(%. Neighbourhood unemployment rate only 1.4% in 1989, compared to El:lmonton's 4.3%. The City's current jobless rate (8.4% in January, 1990) may Indicate a slightly higher neighbourhood unemployment rate as well. • Average family Income $80,534, almost double of the Edmonton's average of $41,681. Actual neighbourhood average figure probably lower as the applicable Census Tract includes the more affluent neighbouring community of Westbrook Estates as well.






- Residents who llved here for at least 3 years 72.5%, compared to 54% for Edmonton. Tenure clearly In favour of owners - homeowners 70.2% and renters 29.1%. Lengt h of stay, tenure, marital status and age composition Indicative of a socially stable, family-oriented residential community. - Community a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 80.1% of the neighbourhood area. Single detached homes 93% of all dwelling units. All single detached homes between 2030 years old and well maintained. Neighbourhood's income level indicative of no financial problems with physical maintenance of properties. - Walk-up apartments In the extreme northeast corner of the neighbourhood. Make up 7% of neighbourhood's housing stock. Age between 10 and 20 years. Being Isolated from the single family area, their traffic and parking create no adverse impacts. All rental units reasonably well-maintained. - Institutional uses 19.1% of the area. Sites of two schools and the community league included in this group. - Vacant properties less than 1% of the area. - No commercial properties or recreational-open spaces In Aspen Gardens.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterlals. Average annual weekday traffic along Whitemud Drive to the west and north and 119 Street to the east 52,500 and 22,400 vehicles respectively. Whitemud Drive being a depressed freeway and away from the single family area, does not create any trafffc noise or safety hazards. Some traffic noise for residents backing onto 119 Street. - Whitemud Drive a dangerous goods route. - Location of multiple family rental units away in an isolated sector and presence of curvlllnear road design prevent Intrusion of external traffic in family-oriented residential sub-areas and reduce noise and safety hazards. - Roads and sldewalks need regular maintenance. - Publlc transit routes (Nos. 52 and 152) provide regular and peak-hour services through the neighbourhood. Additional services (Route nos. 36, 62 and 136) available at 40 Avenue and 119 Street intersection.





Public Facilities • Two public schools, Westbrook Elementary (11915 - 40 Avenue) and Vernon Barford Junior High (12015 - 39A Avenue) operating at 95.4% and 73% level respectively. Area's grade schoolers and pre-schoolers able to keep enrollment levels high In the near future. - No parks In Aspen Gardens. Only open space adjacent to the community league. Community league organizes classes, training events, social, cultural and recreational events. - Nearby retail and service opportunities at the Westbrook Plaza and the Petrolla Mall. - No specialized housing for the seniors or the handicapped here. - No community housing in Aspen Gardens. - Social services through the Pleasantview Centre (#407, 11044 - 51 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services and the Whyte Avenue Office (10454 - 82 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health services provided by the Duggan Health Centre (5035 1OBA Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Lack of parks and open spaces in the neighbourhood a concern to some residents. No tot-lots or landscaped small open spaces especially in the northern and western sectors issues to families with little children. - Some residents concerned about regular maintenance, of roads, especially snow removal and sanding during winter months. They feel more should be done more efficiently.

Future Plans - No transportation improvement or roadway construction/upgrading planned for the Immediate area during the next five years. - No area redevelopment plan exists for Aspen Gardens.








Conclusion - A stable, mature residential community in the Southwest sector of Edmonton. - Limited increase of population may be achieved through higher occupancy levels in rental units. - Average income level indicative of an affluent community. May also suggest that maintenance of properties will pose no financial problems here. - The only open space is the one adjacent to the community league. Small landscaped areas or tot-lots, especially in the western and northern sectors could be useful to families with children.

Introduction - A mature, urban residential neighbourhood in the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. Bounded by 132 Avenue to the north, 127 Street to the east, CNR yards to the south, and 135 Street to the west. Most residential developments In the 1950's. Adjacent residential communities: Wellington to the north and Calder to the east. Served by the Castledowns Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1989.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Aspen Gardens Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

1989-1993, The City of Edmonton

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 2,123, a 1% decrease from 1986. Indicates a stabilized population level. - Residents under 20 years of age 28.4%, nearly identical to the City average (27.2%). Average need for facilities serving young persons. - Seniors 9.4% here vs. City's 8.9%. Average requirement for programs and services for seniors. - Singles 43.8% (vs. City's 47.1%) and married 40.6% (vs. City's 40.5%). - Lone parent families 17.1%, somewhat higher than Edmonton's average (13.2%). Higher than average need for support services for this group. - Residents employed full-time 37.5%, less than the City's 40.7%. - 5.4% unemployed persons here, higher than the City average (4.3%) when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (June, 1990) City Jobless rate (6.7%) Implies level has risen in Athlone as well. - Retired persons 12.8%, higher than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects greater proportion of seniors here. ¡ - Average family income $31,590, substantially less than the City's $41,681. May be influenced by above average numbers of lone parent families and seniors, both of whom tend to have limited Incomes.. May also indicate local residents limited Income capabilities based on education and training. - 59.5% of residents have llved at the same address for at least three years, higher than Edmonton's 54%. - Homeowners 54.3% and renters 42.8% vs. the City's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Tenure and length of stay indicate higher than average neighbourhood social stability. - Athlone participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Apnl 1990








Physical Characteristics - Residential land use 68% of total area. Includes 72% slngle detached and two-unit dwellings and 26.3% row housing. An aglng neighbourhoodproperties generally not well maintained. Row housing In poor condition and also some vacant properties. Renovations and landscaping would greatly Increase appeal of neighbourhood. - Institutional uses approximately 20% of the area. Includes two public schools, one separate school and the community league. - Commercial area 3.0%. Numerous retail and service outlets located along 127 Street. - Industrial uses 2.0%. Represents the Government of Alberta Grain Terminal. - Recreation/open spaces approximately 7% of area. Includes a large area adjacent to grain terminal and along CNR tracks. The neighbourhood park located between the two public schools.

Transportation - Bounded by one arterial, 127 Street, which has an average annual weekday traffic volume of 26,000 vehicles. 135 Street and 132 Avenue are both collectors with the latter carrying 6,000 vehicles. Residents near 127 Avenue, east of the grain terminal have no protection from railway or automoblle traffic noise. No noise protection for residents along 127 Street, which Is a regular truck route. - Local roads In good condition but sldewalks in generally poor condition, some upgrading currently underway. - Regular transit service provided via routes 23, 24, 27 and 37 and peak hour service via routes 25 and 94. Calder Transit Centre located here. - Residents concerned with heavy on-street parking between row housing and schools, creating potential safety hazards.

Public Facllltles - Three schools In this neighbourhood. Athlone Public Elementary School currently operating at 55% of Its capacity of 400. Slightly higher proportion of young children (9.4% children under 5 vs. 7.9% for the City) may serve to Increase enrollment levels, reducing the level of underutlllzatlon of the school. Facilities at this school Include soccer fields and ball diamonds.


c;ot/MUNllY ANO



R ~l'TI•L

- Wellington Junior High School currently operating at 43% of Its capacity of 660. Numbers of children In Athlone at present suggests enroument here likely to Increase slightly In the near future, Improving utilization of this facility. Ba.II diamonds and soccer fields are components of this school's facilities. - Sir John Thompson Separate Junior High School operating at 64% of its capacity of 390. Again, slightly larger proportion of young children may serve to somewhat bolster enrollment here In near future. Ball diamonds and soccer fields on this fenced property. - Wellington Junior High and Sir John Thompson Catholic School both appear quite run-down. Renovations would Improve appearance and may encourage enrollments (parents may feel more comfortable sending their children here). - Athlone Community League located between the two public schools, thus providing extensive open area. TWo Ice rinks and a well-appointed play area on the property. - No community housing projects or specialized residential facilities for seniors or the handicapped here. - Commercial facilltles Include two areas along 127 Street providing numerous services and retail opportunities. - Social services provided by the Castledowns Community and Family Centre (#124, 15277 - 113A Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the Westmount District Office (12308 - 111 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facllltles provided by Castledowns Health Centre (#34, 15333 - Castledowns Road) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Higher than average percentage of lone parent famllles suggests high demand for support services for this group. - Seniors almost 10% of residents but no facilltles here for them. Consideration may be given to plan programs and facllltles for the local elderly. - Location of Alberta Grain Terminals and railway yards here serve to Increase noise levels for nearby residents and detract tfrom aesthetics and quality of life In this neighbourhood. No noise barriers along 127 Avenue or 127 Street to help eliminate traffic/train noise. - Sldewalks In poor condition, creating some safety hazards. Vacant properties near CNR not landscaped combined with generally poorly maintained private properties gives neighbourhood a dilapidated appearance.







Neighbourhood Profile - Avonmore

I• f~j· a~ll -

Future Plans


- No transportation or development plans for the near future.

Conclusion - A demographically mature and physically aglng neighbourhood with higher than average social stability. - Resources for single parent families and seniors should be assessed and needed programs and services Implemented. Decreasing school enrollment a concern but slight Increase in proportion of young children should serve to alleviate this problem somewhat. - Renovation and landscaping of some currently aglng properties may serve to attract young families, further increasing school enrollments. Noise attenuation barriers along 127 Avenue would help decrease noise and unattractive view of railway yards, thus helping to Increase the quality of residential atmosphere. Such barriers also advisable along 127 Street, a busy arterial. - Landscaping of vacant properties and continued upgrading of sidewalks would also increase appeal of neighbourhood.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Athlone Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

June 1990



1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

Highlights Avonmore is an older stable residential ne ighbourhood located near the cencre of the City, south of the North Saskatchewan River and direct ly east of Mill Creek Ravine. Avonmore: • is an example of an "empty nest" neighbourhood with a high proportion of seniors and low proponion of children; • the area is made up almost entirely of single family homes with a few duplexes and one low rise apartment building; and • residents show pride and concern in the area by maintaining their homes well and by actively being involved in their local community league.

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Revised January 199'. CO"'MUNITV AKO FAMl.Y SEA\IJCES




Neighbourhood Profile - Avonmore


Neighbourhood Profile - Avonmore

"-"-"m lf~&W


Social Characteristics 1,...- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -,

Physical Characteristics

• The 1991 population totalled approximately 2.220 people or six percent less than 1986. This is a continuation of a downward rrend in population experienced since L98 l.


Residential land uses occupy 87% of the neighbourhood area. The majority of housing is single detached (86%), which as indicated in the charts below, reflects a lowerresidential density than the City as a whole. Consrruction occurred primarily in !he 1950's.

• Children under 20 years represented a much smaller proponion in Avonmore than the City as a whole (18% vs. 27% for the City). The rrend to fewer children in the area (4% drop from 1983- 1991) poses difficulties for maintaining the existing educational and related programs.

• Commercial uses are limited, cover 1% of the land area and include two small strip malls.

• A considerably higher proportion of seniors live in Avoomore than the City as a whole (21 % vs. 9% for the City). Given !he large proportion of 40-65 yrs. old residents in the neighbourhood, the population of seniors is expected to grow.

A vonrnore


Social stability is evidenced in tenure and ownership. Sixty three percent bad lived in the neigh bourhood five or more years compared to 40% across !he City. Housing is predominantly owner occupied (81 % vs. 49% City).


10 AM1'9Q111 hml!yW-


















Institutional uses make up 8% of!he neighbourhood and include a school, church and auxiliary hospital.


Parks and open space make up approximately 1% of the total area and include Avonmore Park and four neighbourhood park sites. The nearby Mill Creek Ravine provides additional recreational opponunities including a toboggan hill, picnic area with barbecues, and a bicycle path_


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Sing.. Parent;

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The proportion of married and widowed residents is higher; and singles, lone parents, divorced and separated persons lower than the City average. • The large number of retired seniors (26% vs. 11 % City) undoubtedly impacts the lower than average unemployment rate. The average family income in the neighbourhood compares favourably with the City's ($44,598 vs. $40,465 City). The high incidence of low income individuals (51% vs. 38% City) may reflect the high proportion of widowed persons in the neighbourhood (7% vs. 4% City). Ethnic origins ofAvoomoreresidents generally reflect that of the City. The exceptions are residents with German (12% vs. 6% City), British (27% vs. 23% City) and French (5% vs. 4% City) origins.



. Three busy anerials bound the neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes are 36,000 vehicles along 75 Street; 26,400 along Argyll Road; and 13.000 on 83 Street.



(sa. 66, l6S, 161. 116. t77)


. Truck routes i,n the area include Argyll Road (restricted rruck route between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m.) and 75 StreeL . Edmonton Transit provides public transportation with bus ro utes (Nos. 0 58, 66, 165, 167, 176, 177). . Bicycle routes in the area include 75 Street, 81 Avenue and Argyll Road I from 75 Street to 83 Street.

Revis«! Januaiy 1993


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Revised January 1993

Neighbourhood Profile - Avonmore

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Neighbourhood Profile - Avonmore



Public Facilities

The Future

• Avonmore Public Elementary School (7340 - 78 Streel) was operating a1 25% of capacity in the Fall of 1992.

Avorunore Communiiy League (79 Street& 73 Avenue) is very active wilh a full executive and offers a wide range of programs. The League has recently compleied major renovations 10 !he playground which includes a wading pool, rink and hall. The Reorganized Olurch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Sai.nts is !he only religious institution in !he area. Allen Gray Auxiliary Hospital (7510 - 89 Streel}, an exiended care facility, has 52 residents and is considering expansion. Regular police semces are available at !he Soulh Side Station (9710-51 Avenue). Limited police semces (12 hour walk-in) are available lhrougll !he Onewell Communiiy Police Station (9807 - 71 Street). Child Care Centres in !he neighbourhood include Avonrnore Children's World Day Care Centre (7340- 78 Street). Children's Toy Chest Day Care (7340- 78 Streel), and Avonrnore After Four Day Care (7340 - 78 Streel). The neig)lbowhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Communily and Family Semces (9 119 - 82 Avenue) which offers a variety of services including counselling, various group programs. services for seniors. children and youlh as well as communily developmenL Public facilities outside bill serving !he area include: Number 6 Fire Station (8105 - 96 Street) University of Alberta Hospital (8440- 112 Streel) Grey Nun's Hospiial ( 1100 Youville Drive West) ldylwylde Heallh Centre oflhe Local Board ofHeallh (8314 -88 Avenue)

Effons now focusing on assessing !he social and recreational needs of seniors in !he discric1 are looking IO enhance services and programs for this group of residents. Long term communi1y planning by neighbourhoods in southeast Edmonton could provide a cohesive plan that ensures local needs and desires for !he area are addressed into !he future. • The extent to which younger families are anrac1ed to lhe area will impac1 the viability of !he school or whether alternative uses for this community facilily will need to be considered_

References Ci1y of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada, 1986 • Five Year Conscruction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department • Ride Guide; September 1992, Ciiy of Edmonton Transponation D epartment 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Transponation Sys1em Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, City Edmonton Transponation Department Avonmore Neighbourhood Fact Shee1, Ci1y of Edmonton Planning and Development Development 1987 Truck Route Map wilh Dangerous Goods Routes. City ofEdmonion Transponation Department. 1992 Edmonton Public School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures • Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures • Cycle Edmonton. City of Edmonton Transponation Department. 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992

Neighbourhood Issues Avonmore is working with neighbouring communities through the Southeast Community Planning Coalition 10 collectively address development, transponation and other planning issues for thedistricL Concern has been raised over !he low school enrolment at the school and !he future viability of Ibis community facility. These are issues which the writer(in discussion wilh some community memberS/organizations) understood to be important in the neighbourhood at !he time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker in Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services al 428-2625. Revised Januuy 1993

• Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services • Avonmore Community League • Ci1y of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department "Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of siaff in lhe City's Corpora1e GB!S Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, ralher lhan 1991 data which is 001 yel available on a neigllbourhood basis. When ii becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided. on requesi. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818). Revised January 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Avonmore


Introduction - A •mature suburban neighbourhood" in the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 132 Avenue to the north, 66 Street to the east, YelloWhead Trail (125 Avenue) to the south and 82 Street to the west. - Most residential developments took place between 1950 and 1960. - Adjacent neighbourhoods are Klllarney to the west, Delwood to the north and Belvedere to the east - all mature suburban communities of comparable sociodemographic characteristics. - The Canadian National Railway Yards to the south of Balwin. - Served by Glengarry Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - Total population 4,352 in 1986, representing a loss of 242 persons or a decllne of 5.3% since 1983. - Slightly higher proportion of residents below 20 years of age in comparison to the City's average, the figures being 30% and 27.5%. - The proportion of seniors (7 .3%) comparable to the City':s average (7.9%). - The proportion of single persons sllghtly higher than Edmonton's average (49.3% vs. 47.5%) While the share of married Individuals is marginally lower (Balwln's 40.5% vs. Edmonton's 41.3%). - Proportion of lone-parent families In Balwin (16.72%) Is -considerably higher than Edmonton's 9.58% In 1986. Indicates that social programs and services directed to this group Is in greater demand here. - Compared to the City's average of 40.3% a lower percentage (35.4%) of local residents were employed full-time In 1986. 8.6% were unemployed compared to Edmonton's 5.6%. The City's current (February 1989) jobless rate may suggest that the unemployment rate of Balwin has gone up as well. - Average neighbourhood family income $31,969 compared to Edmonton's $41,681 In 1986. Higher proportion of unemployed and lone-parent families (whose Income level Is usually much tower than average) may be partially responsible for the lower income level. - 63.3% of residents live in this neighbourhood for at least 3, years, as compared to an average of 56.1 % for Edmonton. This Information In conjunction with the fact that homeowners and tenants make up 56% and 44% of area residents Indicate a reasonable level of soclal stablllty here. - Sllght improvement of neighbourhood's crime rate (decrease by 0.50%) vs. the City's Increase of 5.21%. Morality related Incidents (vice, gaming, llquor, drugs) decreased conslderablywhlle property-related occurrences (theft, break and entry) Increased sllghtly. Neighbourhood Watch Program In effect here.







PhyslcalCharactertstics - Resldentlal land uses 44% of the neighbourhood's area. Slngle family detached 61.2%, semi-detached units 7.4%, row housing 5.3% and walk-up apartments 26.2% of 1,460 units of available residential units in Balwin. Most homes are In fair to good condition while some older homes require rehabilitation. • Institutional uses (four schools and the community league) make up 10% of the total area. • Industrial uses (poultry warehouses, auto glass establishments), confined at the south western sector, make up 5.3% of the total area. • Commercial land uses (mostly gas stations, convenience food stores, video rental outlets and hair salons) confined at four corners of the neighbourhood and account for 3.2% of the area. • Parks and open spaces take up 3.1% of the area of Balwin. The neighbourhood park (75 Street and 129 Avenue) and two other smaller park (75 Street and 131A Avenue and 76 Street and 127 Avenue) make up this land use category. According to the Parks and Recreation Department's standard (of 0.72 ha/1,000 population), there Is no deficiency of park spaces In Balwin.

Transportation - 66 Street to the east and 82 Street to the west are very busy arterlals, and carry an annual average ·weekday traffic of 21,400 and 33,000 vehicles respectively. Yellowhead Trail (125 Avenue) to the south of Balwin across the CN tracks had a 1988 traffic volume of 23,100 vehicles dally. All these roads are regular truck routes. ln addition, 127 Avenue is also a regular truck route Which runs through the southern sector of Balwin and physically Isolates the southernmost block from the rest of the community. Movement of high volumes of traffic along these busy roads create noise, pollution and safety problems for local residents. • Some roads and sldewalks In the area need repairs. Bus route nos. 30, 32, 71, 75, 132 and 172 serve this community.

Public Facilities • Prlnceton Public Elementary School with a current enrollment of 127 students Is functioning at 24% level of Its capacity of 525 students. • North Edmonton Public E.lementary School has a current enrollment of 130 students. As this facility has a capacity of 350 students, It Is at present functioning at 37% level. If elementary school enrollments decline further, one of the two public schools may be closed In the near future.




• St. Francis Assisi Separate Elementary.Junior High School has a current. enrollment of 443 pupils. It Is functioning at 58% level of Its capacity of 765 students. · • Balwin Public Junior High School Is currently functioning wtth 441 students. With a capacity of 705 students, It Is functioning at 63% level. As the catchment areas of the two junior high schools are larger and as they are functioning at a reasonably higher level, there may not be any threat to their continued functioning In the near future. - Facilities at Balwin Community League (12904 • 74 Street) Includes a playground, meeting hall, Ice-rink and baseball diamonds. Organizes sports and recreational programs for area residents. • The neighbourhood park and the two other smaller parks (locations mentioned earlier) have facllltles Including children's playing areas with equipments sliding hills, sitting benches. Access to parks from any point of th~ neighbourhood ensures their utilization by local residents. • Glengarry Park (north of 132 Avenue between 85 and 90 Streets) • a district level facility with landscaped areas, playgrounds, Indoor swimming pool, Ice arena, two hockey rinks, wash and change rooms and picnic areas also adds to recreational opportunities to the local residents. • Two community housing projects (Balwin at 66 Street and 131A Avenue, and New Delton II at 68 Street and 128 Avenue) with a total of 60 row-housing units are located here. These projects are operating at almost full capacities with only three units currently vacant and provide affordable housing to lowincome families. - No specialized housing for the elderly and the handicapped located in Balwin. The Glengarry Centre (13316 • 89 Street) of Edmonton Social Services provides services like counselllng, family aide and community social work to area residents. The North Edmonton Office of Alberta Social Services (13415 Fort Road) also offers services (soclal assistance, child welfare) to this area. Primary health care facilities available from the Glengarry Health Centre (9535 • 135 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues • Poor physical state of some older homes reduce the general aesthetic level of the community, Which In turn, discourage potential home buyers to consider Balwin as a neighbourhood to reside. • Tra~c related Issues (noise and safety) cause dissatisfaction among many residents, especially those residing close to the arterlals running through and surrounding the neighbourhood. • Some local residents are concerned about crimes In the area (child abduction, drinking and driving, vandalism and break-Ins). Recent police statistical report confirms an Increased number of Incidents related to break and entry and theft. More police patrol and civilian surveillance appears to be necessary.








Future Pla.n s for the Area - A District Planning Study may be prepared by the Planning and Development Department In the future. Probable date unknown.-Future residential developments In the northern neighbourhoods of Mayliewan, Ozerna and Matt Berry will cause additional traffic flow through both 66 and 82 Streets. AS a result, people residing near the eastern and the western margins of Balwin will be exposed to additional traffic noise and safety problems.

Conclusion - A physically mature residential community with gradually declining population. Gradual loss of population has caused declining enrollments at local schools, especially the elementary schools. Continuation of the trend may cause under utilization of neighbourhood amenities and even closure of local schools. - High proportion of single-parent famllles need planning and Introduction of programs like parenting, life skills and social support for lone-parents and their dependents. - Renovation of some residential properties through encouraging property owners to participate In the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program) may Improve visual appeal of the neighbourhood. - A greater police presence In this community may reduce crime Incidents and reinforce a sense of safety and security In the area. - Even though the proportion of seniors living In Balwin Is comparable to the City average, their number (316 In 1986) may indicate a need for specialized housing and programs for this age group.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton CMc Census, 1986. Census Canada 1986. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1988 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 Balwin Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983. Northeast District Survey of Residents, Working Paper No.2: Land Use, 1984.

Introduction • A Northeast District neighbourhood surrounded by the neighbourhoods of Fraser to the north, Halrslne to the west and Kernohan to the south. - Bounded by 144 Avenue to the north, Victoria Tran to the west, 137 Avenue to the south, and north Saskatchewan River Valley to the east. - Physical developments mostly completed, (with only a few vacant properties) between 1972 and 1983. Served by the Glengarry Centre of the Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 3,347, a 3.6% decrease from 1983 figure of 3,472. Although the proportion of young adults (aged 20 • 39 years) a little higher (Bannerman, 48.6% vs. Edmonton 42.1%) It decreased by 11 .2% since 1983. - Seniors (aged 65 and over), older adults (aged 40 • 64 years) and teens (aged 15 - 19 years) were proportionately lower In Bannerman compared to Edmonton. (Bannerman's seniors, older adults, and teens were 0.8%, 11.2% and 5.7%, while Edmonton's proportion were 7.9'%, 22.5%, and 7.1% respectively). Singles 52.2% vs. Edmonton's 47.5%. Married lndMduals (41.6%) were almost equal to City's average (41.3%) divorced and separated residents 3.9%. - Proportion of full-time employed persons remained relatively higher (42% in 1986forthis neighbourhood (Edmonton average 40.3%). Unemployment rate in this nelghboumood has remained lower than City's average. (4.1% vs. City's 5.3%). - Average household Income In Bannerman In 1981 was $28,561 (Edmonton CMA's average, $31,998). A high proportion of chlldren and teenagers may have Influenced the nelghbourf'lood's figure. 60% of the people In Bannerman own their own homes (City's average 45%). • In 1986, 68.3% lived here for more than three years (Edmonton, 56.1%). This demonstrates social stability In this community. TWo and three bedroom housing units form well over ninety percent of available housing Indicating their suitability for famllles. Crime rate Increased 17% In Bannerman between 1986 and 1987. Incidents related to properties (break and entry, theft, vandalism) Increased the most.

April 1989



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Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 61 % of the neighbourhood area, of which single detached houses, row houses, apartments form 44.2%, 37.1% and 18.7% respectively. - Single detached houses are concentrated In the eastern sector near the river valley. Most apartments and multiple family dwellings are situated Inside the neighbourhood and around the shopping centre (139 Avenue Victoria Trail). - Institutional land uses (including Bannerman Public Elementary School and Bannerman Community League and a church) 3.5% of the total area. - Commercial land uses Include Clareview Village Centre with grocery stores, a department store, a liquor store, a gasoline station, clothing stores, a bank and a few other shops. - Recreational and open spaces form 3.6% of the total area which is made up of the neighbourhood park.

Transportation - Victoria Trail and 137 Avenue are arterial roads In this area (13,700 vehicles on Victoria Trail, and 4,000 vehicles on 137 Avenue) while 144 Avenue is a residential collector with a low volume of traffic. - Two bus routes (route numbers 74 and 174) connect this neighbourhood with Clairview and Londonderry Transit Centres. Additional transit services are being planned for this area. - Local roads are in fairly good condition. No future road improvements proposed In this neighbourhood. The proposed ring-road might affect the traffic flow through Victoria Trail, exposing nearby residents to increased traffic noise.

Public Facilities

• Glengarry Centre (13315 - 89 Street) of Edmonton Social Services otters. programs including children's services, and Individual and family support for the people of this area. - The Fort Road Office of Alberta Social Services (13415 Fort Road) and the Clareview Health Centre of Edmonton Board of Health (14023 ·Victoria Trail) provide various services to this neighbourhood.

Major Issues - Increased rate of crime Is the major concern in this neighbourhood. Lack of creative outlets for the youth: boredom among juveniles may lead to vandalism and drug and alcohol abuse, creating an undesirable social environment in this area. · Obnoxious odours emitting from the many petro-chemical industries located to the southeast of Bannerman reduces the quality of residential environment in this general area to some extent. - The proposed ring-road may worsen the traffic-related Incidences on Victoria Trail. - Further expansion of the two provincial government facilities (Belmont Rehabilitation Centre at 3125-137 Avenue, and Alberta Youth Development Centre at 13120 - 34 Street) may undermine the desirability of families to live in this area.

Future Plans - Based on the survey results of Northeast Planning District which includes Bannerman, a draft District Planning Study is expected to be available In the future.


- Bannerman Public Elementary School with a current enrollment of 425 students is functioning at 77% of its capacity of 550 students. - Bannerman Community League (meeting hall and a playground) organizes community activities, sports, and recreational programs. - District facilities nearby Include Hermitage Park (Hermitage Road/Hooke Road); and Rundle Park (A.C.T. Centre and pool - 118 AvenueNJctorla Trail). - Clareview II is a community housing project (139 Avenue - 24 Street) of two and three-bedroom apartments running close to 100% capacity of 365 units. • There Is also a community housing site at 26 Street and 142 Avenue.




- Bannerman is a stable suburban residential community, characterized by predominantly owner-occupied single family dwellings and townhouses. - Although this neighbourhood is attaining physical and demographic maturity, the increase In crime rate may encourage people to move out of this community. Additional police patrols in and around the neighbourhood may reinforce feelings of safety and security here. - Single people {which might include lone-parents) are on the Increase. - Additional social, recreational and educational programs should be developed for the younger residents. - Bannerman Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.











The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census of Canada, 1981.


City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Five-Year Construction Programs: Transportation Department.


1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department.


The 1987 Offence Occurrence Report, The City of Edmonton Police Department.


Census of Canada, Edmonton; Part I, Protlles 1986.


Northeast Dls1rlct Survey of Residents, City of Edmonton, Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Bannerman Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

1988-1992, The City of Edmonton

- The northern most suburban neighbourhood In the Northwes1 Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 97 Street on the east, Castle Downs Road to the south, 112 Street to the west, and the future neighbourhoods of Elsinore and Chambery of the Castle Downs Extension Area to the north. - Most residential development has taken place since 1971. - Served by the Castle Downs Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 5,488 persons, a 2.6% increase over 1983 figure. • Higher proportion of children (0-19 years: 38.2% vs. City's 27.5% average) and lower proportions of residents between 40 - 64 years (17.7% vs. City's 22.5%) and seniors (1.7% vs. City's 7.9.%). Indicates demands for facilities and programs for young persons. - Singles 46.75 (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 49.1% (City's average 41.3%). Indicates demand for family-oriented social and recreational programs. · - Proportion of residents employed full time is equal to City's average 40.2%. 1986 unemployment rate 4.0% (vs. City's 5.6%). Edmonton's current unemployment rate averages 9.16%suggesting a higher neighbourhood rate as well. - Average neighbourhood household income in 1981 was $32,413 as opposed to the City C.M.A.'s average $31,998. - Only 19.3% of residents are tenants (vs. City's 48.4%) and 77.9% homeowners (vs. City's 45%). • High proportion of residents llved at the same address for at least three years • 67.8% compared to 56.1% for the City. Tenure and residency patterns clearly indicate a higher level of social stability. - No significant increase in crime rate between 1986 and 1987 when the City had an average increase of 6.0%. Appears to be a safe and secure neighbourhood. A member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics • Residential uses take up 83.6% of neighbourhood area. Single detached homes 74% of housing stock, two unit dwellings 7.7%, and row/townhouslng 18.3%. Most homes are reasonably maintained and In good condition. - Commercial land uses only 1.1% of total area (includes a neighbourhood convenience commercial development on 100 Street and Castle Downs Road and another one on 109 Street and 169 Avenue). • Institutional uses (Baturyn Public Elementary and St. Charles Separate Schools) 0.3%.

Summer 1988










Major Issues • Recreation and open spaces occupy 11.9% of area and include Baturyn Park and Harry Farmer Park. • Vacant/undeveloped lands total 3.1%. One parcel, at 173A Avenue and 100 Street, Is presently being developed for single dwelllng units.

• Traffic noise and safety pose problems for residents living near 167A Avenue and Castle Downs Road. • Low level of maintenance of City-owned fences and undeveloped lots create an Impression of negligence and reduce the appeal of this area as a place to live. • Future development of new neighbourhoods to the north could increase the amount of traffic along the margins of Baturyn, creating additional traffic noise and safety problems. • Bus transportation to the assigned Junior High School (Wellington Junior High in the southwest of the Castle Downs area) is a .concern for Baturyn students who must take three buses to get there.

Transportation • Two arterial roadways bound this neighbourhood. Weekday traffic volumes Indicate 14,600 vehlcles on Castle Downs Road and 11,300 vehicles on 97 Street. • 97 Street is a Dangerous Goods and Truck Route. • Traffic noise from 97 Street is reduced by noise berm but residents along castle Downs Road have no protection. • Local roads are In good condition. • Public Transit Routes (Nos. 29, 87, and 187) connecting downtown and other Important areas of the City provide regular and peak hour service.

Future Plans • A Northwest District survey of Residents was completed by the City Planning Department to identity local and district problems. It will be used in the preparation of any future district plans.


Public Facilities • Baturyn Public Elementary School (10603·172 Avenue) Is operating at full capacity with 511 students currently registered. Also accepts special students (physically handicapped, and hearing Impaired). • St. Charles Separate Elementary School (10423·172 Avenue) also operates at full capacity with 350 students currently enrolled. • Baturyn Community League (10505·172 Avenue) has Its own outdoor rinks and makes use of neighbourhood parks and school facilities to organize sports and recreational activities for residents. • Lorelei Ill Is a community housing project of 17 units located In this neighbourhood (168A Avenue and 109 Street) to meet lower income families' needs. They are mostly three bedroom units and are all presently occupied. • Castle Downs Shopping centre (109 Street and Castle Downs Road) Is a district shopping facility serving Baturyn residents as well. • Westmount Office (12308 • 111 Avenue) of Alberta Social Services provide financial and social services for family and Individual residents of this and surrounding communities. Castle Downs Centre (15277 • 113A Street) of Edmonton Social Services provide counselllng, community social work and a variety of services to local residents. • Edmonton Board of Health provides primary health care services to this neighbourhood through Its Castle Downs Health Centre (15333 • Castle Downs Road).

• Neighbourhood with a comparatively younger but stable population. Social stability may grow further as local residents live here longer and develop an affinity for the community. • Presence of a high proportion of children under 14 years (31.9%) may indicate a need for social and recreational programs designed for them. • Population may grow even further when currently vacant lots are developed, and may exert additional pressures for neighbourhood amenities.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. Census of Canada, Part I Edmonton: Profile, 1986. 5.Year Construction Program: 1988·1992, the City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The 1987 Offence occurrence Report, The City of Edmonton Police Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Baturyn Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department.








Introduction • An older, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 122 Avenue to the north, 34 Street to the east, 118 Avenue to the south and 50 Street to the west. • Most residential developments between 1925 and 1960. • Adjacent residential communities: Bergman to the north, Abbottsfleld to the east, Beverly Heights to the south and Newton to the west. • Served by the Beverly Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.


Physical Characteristics • Residential developments 85.0% of area. Of this, 85.9% single detached homes, 8.6% two unit dwellings, 2.9% low rise apartments and 1.5% trl and fourplexes. Generally, this neighbourhood is aging • renovations, redevelopment and landscaping required on many properties. Physical rejuvenation required to make this neighbourhood more appealing. • 7.2% institutional uses here Including one private and one publlc school, community league hall and a community recreation faclllty as well as four churches. • 6.1% commercial uses, Includes numerous services along 118 Avenue and one small commercial site within the neighbourhood. • One centrally located park area as well as two smaller open spaces. According to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, there Is a deficiency of park area here.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 3,472, a 2.1% Increase from 1986. Indicates that population level has stabilized. - Residents under 20 years of age 27.7%, comparable to the City average 27.2%. Average demand for facliltles and services for this group. • Seniors 9.4% vs. City's 8.9%. Average facility and program requirements for seniors here. - 41.0% singles and married 40.8% vs. the City's 47.1% and 40.5% respectlVely. - Lone parent famllles 23.6%, much higher than Edmonton's 13.2%. Very high demand for support services for this group. 34.4% residents employed full-time, less than Edmonton's 40.7%. - 6.1% residents unemployed vs. City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. current (June, 1990) City Jobless rate of 6.7% suggests level may have risen In Beacon Heights as well. - Homemakers 8.8% vs. the City's 7.4%. - 11.6% retired persons here, sllghtly higher than the City's 9.8%. Average family Income $28,504, much lower than Edmonton's average ($41,681). May be Influenced by the high proportion of single parent families here (who often earn less than average Income). • 67.8% residents at the same address for at least three years, higher than the City's 54%. • Homeowners 64.0% (vs. City's 46.8%) and rent.ers 30.8% (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggest higher than average social stability for this neighbourhood. • Beacon Heights Is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterlals: 118 Avenue and 50 Street with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 16,500 and 9,900 respectively. 34 Street and 121 Avenue are collectors with the former carrying 6,400 vehicles. As no noise barriers along any of these routes, traffic noise may be a particular concern for residents especially along 118 Avenue and 50 street, which are also restricted truck routes. - Local roads and sldewalks In good condition, regular maintenance required. - Edmonton Transit provides regular publlc transportation via routes 18, 20 and 28, which are convenient for residents In all areas of the neighbourhood. Abbottsfleld Transit Centre to the Immediate east, facilitating access to other areas of the City.

Public Faculties - Beacon Heights Publlc Elementary School currently operating at 70.5% of its capacity of 275. A sllghtly higher proportion of pre-schoolers (7.6%) than children currently In elementary school (7.1% children aged 5-9) Indicates enrollment may Increase slightly In next few years. The school building needs renovations and repairs. - Soccer fields and ball diamonds on fenced property. - St. Bernadette Separate Elementary School currently operating at 39.0% of its capacity of 250. Enrollments may Increase slightly due to larger proportion of preschoolers. Should enrollments decrease further, school's



• • • • •




viability may be threatened. Facilities Include ball diamonds and soccer fields on fenced school yard. . Beverly Jubilee Park is the main recreational site in this neighbourhood. A bulldlng with change rooms and meeting hall here. Basketball hoops, · two ice rinks and play equipment on the property. Two small vacant areas also provide sports opportunities. Community League Hall located along 118 Avenue. Four churches situated here including Beverly United Church, Maranatha Christian Reformed Church, Foursquare Gospel Church and Beulah Jesus Christ Apostolic Church. One community housing project here • Beacon Heights • has six townhouse units. No seniors'or handicapped persons' facilities here. A wide variety of retail shopping and services available along 118 Avenue. A small convenience store located adjacent to Beacon Heights Elementary School, along 121 Avenue. Abbottsfield Mall, a major shopping centre, located in the immediate east. Social services provided by the Beverly Community and Family Centre (5005 • 112 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the North District Office (13415 • Fort Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. Beverly Community and Family Centre also operates an office out of Abbottsfield Mall to provide outreach services. Primary health care facllltles provided by the Eastwood Health Centre (7919 • 118 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues • Very high proportion of lone parent families suggests a high demand for support services for this group. • Neighbourhood currently appears run down, rejuvenation necessary In order to attract more persons to neighbourhood and to increase residential satisfaction level. Much lower than average Incomes may prevent residents from undertaking such upgrading. Lack of adequate parks and open spaces may also contribute to these problems. • Many residents concerned with personal safety and crime problems. Reduces quality of llfe here. - Separate school currently functioning at low enrollment levels, further declines may force school closure. • Traffic shortcuttlng and noise creates safety concerns and reduces residential satisfaction especially near neighbourhood boundaries.

Conclusion - Support services for single parent families should be assessed and additional and appropriate programs and services initiated. - Renovations and redevelopments required. However, llmlted Incomes of residents may prevent such rejuvenation, causing a continuation of present aging and dilapidation. Renovation and redevelopment incentives to property owners here may be needed to prevent continued deterioration. - Residents' concerns with high crime rates must be addressed In order to prevent further reduction In quality of life here. - Initiatives should be undertaken to develop more open space and recreational area here. • School enrollments should remain stable but any future declines may force closure of the separate school. - Aging population suggests that seniors' residential anti/or recreational facilities may be required.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Beacon Heights Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

Future Plans - 1990 construction planned for 1990 on 118 Avenue at 50 Street. Should improve traffic flow here.

July 1990




1990-1994, The City of Edmonton



Introduction - A suburban residential community In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 17 Avenue to the north, Calgary Trail South to the east, 10 Avenue to the south and the Blackmud Creek Ravine to the west. A portion of the Restricted Development Area (ROA) forming a utility corridor and the proposed Outer Ring Road to the immediate south of Bearspaw. - Keheewin, a residential community with similar socio-economic characteristics, Is to the north. - Lands annexed to the City In 1974. Residential developments commenced in late 1970's and by 1989 almost fully developed. - Served by the Pleasantvlew Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 2,400 persons, 357 individuals or 17.48% more than the 1987 level. Development and occupancy of new homes and higher occupancy rates of rental units created this population Increase. Residents under 20 years of age 32.5%, somewhat higher than the City's average of 27.2%. Reflects a physically and demographically young community where programs and services for children and youth In high demand. - Residents aged between 30-39 years 26%, markedly higher than 18.6% for Edmonton. Also reflects demand for services to young adults. - Seniors 4.6% of neighbourhood population, almost one-half of the 8.9% average for the City. No special needs for programs and services for the elderly. - Singles 41.7% and married persons 54.8%, compared to 47.1% and 40.5% respectively for Edmonton. Neighbourhoods age structure and marital characteristics point out to a family-oriented community. - Lone-parent families 7.36%, somewhat lower than 9.6% for ¡Edmonton. No special need for programs and services for single parent families and their dependants. - Compared to Edmonton's 40.7%, a higher proportion of neighbourhood residents (44.5%) employed full-time In 1989. - Unemployed only 0.7% (City's average 4.3%) when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. City's current (April, 1990) jobless rate of 8.0% Indicative of a slightly higher unemployment rate for the neighbourhood. - Average neighbourhood household income $70,323, substantially higher than $41,681 for Edmonton In 1986. Reflects an affluent family.






- 51.2% residents lived at same address for at least three years, compared to¡ 54% for Edmonton. Considering it to be a new community, it appears that social cohesiveness will grow further with time. - Homeowners 82.5% and tenants 10.8% In Bearspaw. Tenure and len.gth of stay reflective of social stability here. - A member community of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 70% of the neighbourhood area. Approximately 95% single detached units. Row housing and walk up apartments 2.6% and 2.5% respectively of available accommodation. Three adult-oriented condominium projects (Horizon Village Bearspaw, Horizon Village Blackmud and Carrington Gardens) with a total of 93 units located here. Most properties are well maintained. - Recreational uses and open spaces 24% of the land area. Bearspaw Lake (a storm water retention pond), the neighbourhood park (Thomas Opallnskl Park), Big Bear Park, and the landscaped pipeline right-of-way Included within this category. - No commercial land uses In Bearspaw. - vacant properties approXimately 12% of the area. Three vacant parcels at east-central location make up this category. The future school-park site included In this group.

Transportation - Bounded to the east by Calgary Trail (Southbound), a major roadway. Average annual weekday traffic In 1989 on this arterial approximately 42,000. A regular route for heavy industrial trucks and dangerous goods carriers. Noise barriers on earth berms along the entire eastern margin substantially reduces traffic noise for nearby residents. - 109 Street/11 Avenue a residential collector. Poses no major safety threats to local residents. - Roads and sldewalks In reasonably good condition, but regular maintenance necessary. - TWo bus routes (Nos. 49 and 53) provide regular-hour services through the neighbourhood. Socio-economic pattern of Bearspaw Indicate that Edmonton Transit provides adequate public transportation opportunities here.








Public Facilities - No schools In Bearspaw. The proposed public elementary school site still vacant. Local public elementary students attend the nearby Kehaewln Public Elementary School, Which Is operating beyond Its capacity (enrollment 410, capacity 400). As pra-schoolers (13.1%) and grade-school students (12.4%) constitute 25.5% of Bearspaw's population, development of the local public elementary school a social need. Local residents members of the Yellowbird Community League. No community league hall built yet. Members meet at Keheewin Public Elementary School. Organizes soclal, sports, recreational and educational activities for local residents. Also utilizes nearby playgrounds and related facilities. - The neighbourhood park next to the vacant school site yet to be developed. TWo other parks, Big Bear Park next to the Blackmud Ravine and Thomas Opalinskl Park adjacent to Bearspaw Lake developed and landscaped. Provides recreational opportunities. Landscaped pipeline right-of-ways provide additional passive recreational opportunities and feelings of openness. No specialized housing for the handicapped or elderly persons located here. - One social housing project (Yellowblrd II at 17 Avenue and 104 Street) tor persons with limited resources located here. Project consists of 39 row housing units and operating at almost full capacity. No additional community housing may be built here as the City's policy encourages to distribute such housing among various developing communities. - Social services opportunities available to local residents through the Whyte Avenue Office (10454 - 82 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Pleasantvlew Community and Family Centre (11044 - 51 Avenue) of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services. - Primary health care opportunities available through the Duggan Health Centre (5035 - 108A Street) of Edmonton Board of Health. A church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) currently being built here. Would provide religious services to some area residents.

Major Issues - Development of the local public elementary school appears to be an urgent social need. Neighbourhood demographically young, family oriented and with a high proportion of pre-cchoolers and grade-school children. Accommodating them at nearby Keheewln Public Elementary School not only creates overcrowding at this faclllty but also creates some safety problems to young pupils who walk to the school. - Additional sports and recreational programs for local children and youth needed. Development of the vacant neighbourhood park site adjacent to the school site should greatly Improve this situation. - some highway traffic noise along the eastern sector. Noise attenuation barriers and berms reduce noise level substantially but not totally. - Local residents divided Into groups as to who should have the right of access to the open spaces surrounding the storm water retention lake.




Future Plans - Residential¡ developments on a vacant RF5 parcel to create limited increase of the neighbourhood's population level. Will exert additional pressures tor neighbourhood amenities. - Future developments on the school and park sites to add much needed educatlonal, sports and recreational opportunities here. No transportation improvement plans Identified for the area for the next five years.

Conclusion - A physically growing and demographlcally young, suburban residential community. A higher-than-average share of young residents places demand tor services and programs suited to this group. construction of the local public elementary school an urgent social need of the community. - A good level of social stability already existing. Wiii enhance further with time and as the neighbourhood developes fully with all community Infrastructures. As three adult-oriented condominium projects located here and some of them will become senior citizens as time progresses, consideration may be given for planning some programs for the local seniors.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

s. 1.

The City of Edmonton CM c Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Ave-Year Construction Program: 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. . Bearspaw Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

May 1lllO







Physlcal Characteristics

Introduction • A suburban resldentlal community In the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. • Boundaries are Beaumarls Road/160 Avenue to the north, 97 Street to the east, 153 Avenue to the south and Castle Downs Road to the west. • Initial residential developments started in early 1970's. Almost fully developed at present. • Adjacent residential communities are Lorelei to the north, Eaux Clairs (a developing neighbourhood of the Lake District) to the east, CFB Griesbach to the south and Dunluce to the west. • Served by the Castle Downs Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 4,061 persons • 1,144 or 39.2% more than in 1986. Reflects residential development throughout the neighbourhood during the last few years. Population level Indicates continued operation of available community resources and demand for new ones. • Residents under 20 years of age 33.5%, much higher than Edmonton's average of 27.2%. Indicates a strong demand for programs and services for children and youth. • Seniors 4.8%, approxJmately one-half of the City's average of 8.9%. • Singles 47.5%, comparable to Edmonton's 47.1%. Married persons 46.85, much higher than the City's average of 40.5%. Reflects demand for familyoriented social and recreational programs. • Lone-parent families 12.5%, higher than the City's average of 9.6%. Shows a demand for programs and services for single-parents and their dependants. • Full-time employed residents 42.9% (City 40.7%) and U!lemployed 2.4% (Edmonton 4.3%) In 1989. September 1989 unemployment rate of 8.0% for Edmonton suggests a higher jobless rate for Beaumaris as well. • Average family Income In Beaumaris $39,166 in 1986, compared to Edmonton's $41,681. • 51.2% residents lived Beaumarls at least three years, as opposed to 54% for Edmonton. With time, the social stability will be greater in this physically young community. • Neighbourhood crime rate declined by 40.1% in 1988 over the previous year, compared to an Increase of 5.21% for the City. Traffic offenses declined sharply and property-related occurrences dropped slightly. Person and morality-related crimes remained stable during this period. - Beaumarls a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.





- Residential land uses 44.9% of the neighbourhood's area. Single family homes (attached and detached) 53.5% of available accommodation. Rowhouslng and walk-up apartments 23.7% and 22.8% respectively. most homes are well maintained. • Parks and open spaces 11 .5% of the area. Includes the Beaumaris Lake, Beaumaris Park, Peggy Holmes Park and a small open space north of 155 Avenue between Beaumaris Road and 106 Street. - Institutional uses only 0.6% of the area. Includes two churches and a fire hall. • Commercial uses 5.4% of the land area. Lake Beaumaris Mall (153 Avenue at Castle Downs Road) and two other convenience retail facilities (Beaumarls Road at 158 Avenue and 97 Street at 153 Avenue) included in this category. Facilities provide dally shopping and service needs of local residents and commuters.

Transportation - Three arterlals bound Beaumarts on three sides: Castle Downs Road to the west (dally traffic volume 15,300 vehicles), 153 Avenue to the south (13,400 vehicles) and 97 Street (26,300 vehicles). High volumes of traffic generate noise and lower quality of residential environment along these three boundaries. Fences along the southern boundary reduce noise level marginally. - 97 Street classified as a dangerous goods route. - Beaumaris Road, a collector, Is a busy roadway. - Traffic safety hazards along above-noted roads. - Local roads and sidewalks in good condition. Only regular maintenance needed. • Served by Edmonton Transit buses (route nos. 29, 87, 88, 187 and 188) through and around the community. Provide both peak-hour and regular services.

Public FaclliUes • No school located In Beaumaris. - Beaumaris shares the community league facilities with adjacent Lorelei. The community league hall located In Lorelei.






- A community housing project (Beaumarls II at 110 Street and 158 Avenue) with 33 townhouse units located here. Operating at almost full capacity. - No senior citizen's housing or accommodation for the handicapped located here. - Local parks, the Beaumarls Lake and the new Twin Arena (in the adjacent Dunluce neighbourhood) offer active and passive sports and recreational opportunities. Facilities at the twin arena include skating and hockey opportunities, change rooms, fitness area, multi-purpose community use area, a kitchen and a lounge. - Two churches offer religious services. - Fire Hall No. 17 serves the area residents. - Social Services provided by the Westmount Office (12308 - 111 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services and Castle Downs Centre (15277113A Street) of Edmonton Community and Family Services. - Primary health services provided by the Castle Downs Health Centre (15333 Castle Downs Road) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Vandalism and littering In the park near Beaumaris Lake cause problems. - On street parking problems near several apartment complexes on 158 Avenue between Beaumarls Road and 100 Street. - Even though the local crime rate declined last year, residents concerned about person, property and mortality-related offenses. - Traffic failing to obey stop or yield signs and speeding on Beaumaris Road, 100 Street and 158 Avenue.


Conclusion - A physically contemporary and demographically young suburban residential community. - Needs programs and facilities for the children, youth and sEngle-parents. The new Castle Downs TWln Arena will slgnfflcantly Improve sports and recreation opportunities. - No schools here create problems for local students. Development of public elementary school here appears to be an urgent social need. - Addltlonal police patrols through and around the neighbourhood could be useful In reducing vandalism and other criminal Incidents.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989, Data compiled by the Community and Family Services Department.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Beaumarls Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Plannlng and Development Department, 1987.


City of Edmonton Police Department, Statlstlcal Report, December 1988.

Future Plans - New homes on remaining vacant properties will create limited Increase in population level. - New residential developments In the north (Elslnore, Lago Undo and Klarvatten) and improvement of 163 Avenue between 91 and 97 Streets would encourage more traffic along 97 Street,exposlng nearby residents to additional traffic noise.

Oclober 1989







1989-1993, The City of Edmonton

Neighbourhood Profile - Belgravia

gfj ..... lf~4·

Neighbourhood Profile - Belgravia


Social Characteristics

Belgravia The 1991 population was 2,770; 10.6% higher than the 1986 level. The neighbourhood is experiencing a population rejuvenation through a higher occupancy level in rental units as well as redevelopment of medium-densi!Y residential units.

Windsor Park University of Alberta

Residenis below 20 years of age accounted for 22%, lower than 27% average for Edmonton. This indicates lower than average demand for programs and amenities for children and teenagers. Seniors make up slightly over 15% of!he neighbourhood's population. higher lhan the City's averageof9%. This reflects a demographically mature community where long-term residents are continuing to live in their own homes. May also indicate a safe physical and social environment with easy access to amenities and facilities desired by !he elderly.


Noticeably higher proponion of residents belong to lhe 20-24 years age group (15% Belgravia vs. 9% Edmonton), reflecting University students living in !his neighbourhood. The proponion of single-parents in Belg:ravia is slightly over 8%, lower than the City's average of 15%. Local residents employed full-time in 1991 was 35%, lower than the City's average of 40%.

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Sing!• Parenti ¥.of Toca.I Fam•ies


Low Income Families

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Highlights A physically and demograph.ically mature neighbourhood adjacent to the University of Albena Campus. This residential community: is currently experiencing an increase of population level strengthening the enrollment level of the local elementary school; has a higher proponion of seniors than the City's average: has a higher proponion of post secondary students than the average for Edmonton, reflecting physical proximity to the university and availability of rental accommodation in the neighbourhood; and • will benefit from the extensive roadway improvemenis in the immediate vicinity which will reduce traffic problems along Keillor Road and 114 Street. Revised November 1992

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The neighbourhood's average family income was about $66,550 in 1986, substantially higher than Edmonton's average family income. In spite of higher proponions of seniors and students, a.n average percentage of single parents and a lower proponion of full-time workers. the neighbourhood's high average family income figure is indicative of high earning capabilities of the employed residents. Approximately 62% of residents lived in Belgravia for at least three years. Homeowners and renters comprised 61 % and 35% respectively. Length of stay and tenure are indicative of a good level of social Stability. The predominant ethnic origin of the neighbourhood's residents is British (31 %). German, Ukrainian, French, South American and Italian are other notable ones.

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Rcvl.$cd November 1992

Neighbourho od Profile - Belgravia


~ 11'~611

Neighb ourhood Profile - Belgravia


Physical Characteristics ! - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - . . Public Facilities Residential land uses cover 86% of the neighbourhood's total area. Single family detached and attached units comprised 75% and 5% of the housing stock. Most homes are between 35-45 years old. Some residential renovations and redevelopments are evident.




Belgravia Public Elementary School is currently functioning at 71 % of its capacity of200 students. Enrollment has increased during the last three years. Local publicjunior high school students attend McKeman !Public ElementaryJunior High School to the east across 114 Street. Belgravia Community League is active in organizing spons, recreational and social events. It publishes a cornrnunity newspaper and mobilizes local residents and seeks their opinion in neighbourhood issues. Facilities at the league include a meeting hall, a day-care operation, children's play area and an ice-skating rink with a changing room. The Southwest Cultural Centre operated by the Parks and Recreation Deparunentof the City of Edmonton is located next to the Community League Hall. It offers prograrnrnes in visual ans, hobbies, computer and pottery. It also conducts field-trips for interested persons. • No specialized housing for the elderly, the handicapped or low-income families (community housing) located here.

Institutional land uses occupy 13% of the land area. Sites of the Belgravia Elementary School, two churches. Southside Cultural Centre and Workmen's Compensation Board Rehabilitation Centre are included in this category.

Mill Creek Centre (9119 - 82 Avenue) of Edmonton community and Family Services: provides a variety of individual, group and family-related social services.

Parks and open spaces make up less than one percent of the neighbourhood's area. The nearby river valley and Hawrelak Park provide additional recreational opponunities.

Primary health care facilities are available through Duggan Health Centre (5035 - W8A Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health . Other pubUc facilities accessible to the area residents are: Fire Station No. 3 - 11226 - 76 Avenue

Transportation Bounded by three major roadways. Average annual weekday traffic on University Avenue to the nonh. 114 Street to the east and Belgravia Road to the South were 23,400; 33.300 and 28,600 vehicles respectively in 1991. Local collector, 76 Avenue is also a busy thoroughfares. Belgravia Road is a restricted truck route. Local roads and sidewalks are in good condition.




West Strathcooa/Garneau Beat Office - 10325 - 83 Avenue Duggan Health Centre - 5035 - l08A Street St. Joseph Auxiliary Hospital - 10722 - 82 Avenue W.W. Cross Cancer Institute - 115 60 University Avenue

Regular public transportation service is available through the neighbourhood with bus route No. 41 . Buses of several other routes run along the margins of the neighbourhood (Nos. 24, 32. 35, 36, 39, 125, 127, 132, 136 and 152).


The University of Albena Hospitals - 8440 • 112 Street Strathcona Police Station - 9710 - 5 l Avenue Old Strathcona Community Station - 10325 - 83 Avenue

Revised November t992 Revised November 1992

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Neighbourhood Profile - Belgravia


Neighbourhood Profile - Belgravia


"-"" lf~&ll ·~·-

References Neighbourhood Issues The City of Edmonton Civic Census· 1991 High proportion of absentee landlords who usually do not take proper care of their properties conuibuLes to run-down appearance of certain sections of llle neighbourhood. High proportion of university students who are mostly renters, take little interest in community activities. They also reduce the quality of lhe residential environmen1 by hosting noisy parties. Some senjors who are now less capable of taking care of their homes. coouibute to lhe rusrepair of their properties, resulting in aesthetic degradation of the area. ffigh cost of land and redevelopment pressure have contributed to the development of meruum-densi1y. adult-oriented condominiums. Residents believe that continuation of this trend could create underutilization of neighbourhood facilities geared LO children and families.

• Census Canada - 1986 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportalion Department, 1990 Bclgravia Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City ofEdmomon Planning and Developmen1 Department, 1987 • Ride Guide (August 1992), City of Edmonton Transportation Department Belgravia Community League, 1992 Belgravia Public Elementary School. 1992 Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-199'.3, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988

Deteriorating commercial opportunities are creating rufficuJties for day-10-day needs of local residents. For current information on community issues and resources, contact the community social worker at the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (428-2625).


The Future 114 Street from 72 Avenue to University Avenue has been reconstructed 10 a four-lane ruvided anerial. Traffic circles a1 72 Avenue and University Avenue have been removed. Belgravia Road from 114 Street 10 116 Street (including service road) has been reconstructed. Cily Council decided to close Kcillor Road to verucles (use by bicyclists and pedestrians will continue) for a one-year trial period upon reconstruction of 114 Street It is expected that this restriction will be in effect from November9, 1992. City Council rurected the Transportation Departrnen1 10 prepare a Functional Plan for Surface (al grade) LRT Route Extension along the west side of 114 Street, from University Avenue 10 Belgravia Road. ensuring maximum safety to pedestrians at all crossings, especially in the vicinity of McKeman School. Physical and demographic rejuvenation in conjunction with roadway improvements should ensure continued viability of this mature residential community. Younger families moving in should suppon community facilities especially designed for children a:id families.

Revised November l992



Revised No11embcr 1992





Introduction - A mature residential community In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by University Avenue to the north, 71 Avenue to the south, Saskatchewan Drive to the west and 114 Street to the east. Initial developments commenced In the 1940's and most completed In the 1950's. Adjacent residential communities Include Windsor Park to the north and McKeman to the east. - Served by the Miii Creek Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 2,595, significantly higher than 2,009 In 1987. Higher occupancy levels in apartment units mostly created this Increase. Higher population level utilizes available neighbourhood facilities more effectively and creates demands for new programs and services. - Residents below 20 years of age 20.5%, somewhat lower than 27.2% average for the City. Reflects lower than average demand for programs and amenities for children and teenagers. - Seniors 16.2%, almost double of the City's average of 8.9%. Reflects a demographlcally mature community where long term residents continuing to live in own homes. Also indicates easy access to amenities and facilities desired by the elderly Including medical facilities, retail shopping, public transit and a safe physical and social environment. - Married persons 45.5%, somewhat higher than 40.5% for Edmonton. Single persons 45.2%, slightly lower than the City's 47.1%. Marital status and age composition reflective of a mature, family-oriented community. Lone parent families 9.55%, comparable to 9.6% for the City. Indicative of an average demand for supportive services for single parent families. - Full-time employed persons 37.6%, as opposed to 40.7% for the City. Postsecondary students 15.3%, substantially higher than Edmonton's 5.7%. Proximity to the University of Alberta and availability of affordable rental accommodation in Belgravia caused this high figure. Neighbourhood's jobiess rate 1.3% compared to the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Edmonton's current unemployment rate (8.1% In March, 1990) may suggest a higher jobless rate for Belgravla as well. - Belgravia's average family Income $70,753, compared to Edmonton's $41,681. Neighbourhood's average family Income highly influenced by the seniors, fulltime post-secondary students and single parents who usually earn much less than average. In spite, a high average family income figure Indicative of high earning capabilities of gainfully employed residents of Belgravia. - 61.8% residents lived In Belgravla for at least three years. Homeowners 59.6% and tenants 38% while 2.4% units vacant In 1989. Tenure and length of residence indicative of a good level of social stability. - A member community of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.



Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses 85.8% of the neighbourhood's total area. Single detached and attached units 74.5% and 5.3% respectively of available accommodation. Walk-up apartment units 18.4% of housing stock. Most homes between 3o-40 years old. Renovation of some properties noticeable. i!l the area. Physical improvements of older apartment buildings necessary. - Institutional uses 12.7% of the land area. Sites of an elementary school, two churches, the community league hall, Southslde Cultural Centre and workers' Compensation Board Rehabilitation Centre Included in this category. - Parks and open spaces 2% of the area. Includes two smaller neighbourhood level parks (Belgravla Park at 74 Avenue/116 Street and Charles Simmons Park at 78 Avenue/115 Street).

Transportation - Bounded by three artertals. Average annual weekday traffic In 1989 on University Avenue to the north 26,000, on 114 Street to the east 35,900 and Belgravia Road to the south 28,900 respectively. Local collectors (Kellior Road 10,400 cars and 76 Avenue 5,300 vehicles) also busy. - Belgravia Road a restricted truck route. - Traffic safety and noise majqr concerns of local residents. - Local roads and sldewalks in reasonably good condition. Regular maintenance required. - Regular public transit facility available through the neighbourhood (Route No.41). Buses of several other routes (Nos. 24, 32, 35, 36, 39, 132, 136, 125, 127 and 152) available along neighbourhood boundaries.

Public Facilities - Belgravia Public Elementary School located here. Currently functioning at 60% level of its capacity of 200 students. - Local public Junior high students attend McKeman Public Elementary-Junior High School to the east across 114 street. - Belgravla Community League active In organizing sports, recreational and social events here. - South West Cultural Centre (Parks and Recreation Department, the City of E.dmonton) located next to the Community League Hall. Offers programs in visual arts, hobbies, computer and pottery to people of all ages. Also conducts field trips for interested persons.






• No speclallzed housing for the elderly, the handicapped or low-Income families · (community housing) here. - The Miii Creek Centre (9119 - 82 Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Famlly Services and the Whyte Avenue Office (10454 - 82 Avenue) of Alberta Social Services provide local residents' Individual, family and related social service needs. - Primary health care facilities available through the South Side Health Centre (10335 - 83 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

• A condominium project being developed on lands formerly occupied by a walk· · up apartment bulldlng at 116 Street and 79 Avenue. Some local residents concerned about the scale and density of the project, loss of rental accommodation In the area and casting of shadows on adjacent properties. - A pedestrian overpass to be built upon Belgravla Road at 116 Street eliminating crossings at grade to gain access to the University Farm, Its research facllltles and offices. Wiii provide traffic safety to pedestrians as well as motorists.


Major Issues - Transportation related Issues Including traffic flow along Keillor Road Saskatchewan Drive and LRT extension to the south along 114 Street major concerns among local residents. Residents living In the southwest commuting to the Downtown create traffic noise and safety hazards along Saskatchewan Drive. Some traffic from Kelllor Road also cut through 76 Avenue creating traffic hazards. High volumes of traffic along University Avenue and 114 Street substantially reduce the quality of resldentla.I environment near the northern and eastern edges of Belgravla. - Local residents concerned about southward extension of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) system at grade along the western margin of 114 Street, especially the tentative location of an LTR station north of 76 Avenue, west of 114 Street. They believe it could create adverse Impacts Including depressed property value, noise, safety hazards (especially to children attending McKernan School) and vibration. - Redevelopment pressure for higher density residences a problem here. Residents object to any condominium development in Belgravia. - Neighbourhood residents Ooining with residents of adjacent McKernan and Parkallen) recently formed "The 114 Street Coalition" to fight the area's traffic issues and at-grade -exteQslon of the LRT system southward. High proportion of senlors"deserve consideration for programs ·and services for the elderly.

- A physically and demographically mature residential community. - Neighbourhood residents highly concerned about transportation issues affecting the neighbourhood Including commuters using Keillor Road • Saskatchewan Drive and the southward extension of LRT at grade along the western side of 114 Street. Local residents formed a coalltlon to voice concerns about transportation issues and redevelopment pressures. • High proportion of elderly residents deserve consideration for specialized programs and services. - Young famllles with pre-schoolers and grade school students needed here to strengthen enrollment level of the local school.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Future Plans

8. - City Council decided to close Kelllor Road In 1992 upon reconstruction of 114 Street to a 4-lane thoroughfare with turning bays and upon removal of the University Avenue and the 72 Avenue traffic circles. Intersections also to be channelized to handle traffic from Keillor Road. Council also directed Transportation Department to prepare a Functional Plan for Surface (at grade) LRT Route Extension along the west side of 114 Street from University Avenue to Belgravia Road ensuring maximum safety to pedestrians at all crossings, especially In the vicinity of McKernan School.

L'""'mo ' n•on I' ~



The City of Edmonton CIVIC Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five.-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The. City or Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1989. The City of Edmonton'parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Belgravta Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989. Traffic Volumes: 1985-1989, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.

May 1990








Physical Characteristics Introduction - An older resldentlal neighbourhood In the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Boundaries are 118 Avenue on the north, 67 Street to the east, the North Saskatchewan River Valley to the south, and Capilano Drive (72 Street) to the west. - Most resldentlal developments occurred between 1925 and 1950. - Surrounded by neighbourhoods of similar nature: Highlands to the east, Montrose to the north, and Victoria Park to the west. - Served by the Beverly Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

• Resldentlal land uses occupy 44.8% of neighbourhood area. Single family dwellings make up most of the housing stock - 95.1 % - and apartments only 4.9%. Most homes are reasonably well maintained with only a few requiring some renovations. - rnstitutlonar uses 12.1% of total area. Includes Bellevue Public Elementary, Eastglen Composition Public High Schools, and St. Mary's Anglican Church. • One neighbourhood convenience commerclal facility at 118 Avenue and 68 Street Is the only commercial land use • 0.4% of neighbourhood area. • Parks and open spaces occupy 2.6% of neighbourhood area. Include two small neighbourhood and district level facllltles which accommodate the Thistle Curling Club and Eastglen Pool.

Soclal Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 1,486 persons - 229 (18.2%) more than In 1983. Increase In population may be due to the Influx of new residents attracted by redevelopment and ln-flll housing activities as well as lower rental and housing price. - Lower neighbourhood proportions of residents under 20 years of age (20.7% vs. City's 27.5% average) and young adults between 20.39 years (37.8% vs. City's 42.1%). Mlddle-aged lndMduals of 40-64 years 21.7% (almost equal to City's 22.5% average). Significantly higher share of seniors {19.9% vs. City's 7.9%). Indicate a greater demand for programs and services designed for the elderly. May also Indicate avallablllty of amenities and facilities desired by the seniors In this area. - Singles 41.3% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 44.9% of population (City's average 41.3%). · - Lone-parent famllles 13.1%, almost equal to City's 13.2% average. - Higher proportion of widowed lndMduats (7.5% vs. City's 4.1% average) may reflect the greater neighbourhood share of seniors. - Residents employed full-time 37.3% (City's average 40.3%) and 5.5% were unemployed In 1986 (almost equal to City's 5.6%). Current neighbourhood unemployment rate may be somewhat higher since Edmonton's July, 1988 rate was 8.6%. - Retired lndMduals 19.5% vs. City's 8.0% average. This reflects the higher proportion of seniors In this neighbourhood. - Average neighbourhood family Income In 1981 was approximately $28,303. (Source: Average of 1981 Federal Census Tract Noa. 43 and 57). Edmonton C.M.A.'s was $31,998. Somewhat lower neighbourhood Income figure may be due to the higher number of retired lndMduals In this area. • A good level of social stablllty Is Indicated by the fact that 71.6% of local residents llved at the same address for three years or more (City's average 56.1%). - Homeownera 66.3% of populatlon (City's average 45%) and tenants only 25.7% (vs. City's 48.4%). Tenure figures support a continuing good level of social stablllty. • Bellevue Is a member of the Edmonton Police Department's Neighbourhood Watch Program, designed to prevent neighbourhood crimes.

e"monton "-U



Transportation • Three very busy arterial roadways bound and Intersect this neighbourhood at various points. Average weekday traffic volumes are 16,500 vehicles along 118 Avenue, 25,300 along 112 Avenue, and 35,200 along Capilano Drive. • Capilano Drive ls a regular truck route and 118 Avenue Is a restricted truck route Monday to Saturday only between 7:00 and 20:00 hours. • Capilano Drive Is a depressed (below grade) roadway, offering some protection from the noise caused by Its high volume of traffic. However, local residents are very concerned about traffic noise and pedestrian safety problems along 118 Avenue and 112 Avenue. Traffic congestion along these two arterlals, especially 112 Avenue, encourages shortcuttlng through residential streets and speeding. - Local roads and walkways are In fair condition. - Capilano Drive is scheduled to be extended to the north (between 120 Avenue and Yellowhead Trail) in 1991-1992. Local and surrounding area residents agree that this would help reduce traffic volumes on 112 Avenue, which presently pose a significant danger to pedestrian safety, but prefer Its Immediate completion to Improve the quality of llfe In this neighbourhood. - Public Transportation is provided by Edmonton Transit with bus routes (Nos. 2, 18, 20, 28, and 92) connecting to the nearby Coliseum Transit Station (A Ught Rail Transit station), Jasper Place and the downtown.

Public FaclllUes - Bellevue Publlc Elementary School (11515- 71 Street) had 91 students enrolled in 1987. The school ls therefore functioning at only 33.1% level of Its capacity of 275 students, considering the current population trend, enrollment Is expected to remain stable In the near future. This faclllty Is also an Adult E.S.L. (English as a Second Language) Centre.






Future Plans

Public Facilities - Eastglen Composite High School (11430 - 68 Street) had 745 students enrolled, 62.3% of its capacity of 1,195. Both schools In this neighbourhood serve residents of the Northlands area (located to the west) as well. - The Bellevue Community League Bulldlng is located to the immediate west of this neighbourhood in Borden Park (7308 - 112 Avenue). Organizes sports and recreational activities for local residents. Makes use of its own meeting hall and hockey rinks as well as neighbourhood park and school facilities such as soccer fields, ball diamonds, curling club, and Eastglen Swimming Pool. - Borden Park, a district level park located to the immediate west of this neighbourhood, is also within easy access to the local residents. Faclllties include ball diamonds, tennis courts, an outdoor pool, playgrounds, wading pools and picnic sites. - A small section of the 118 Avenue commercial strip is between 64 Street and 68 Street (the Northeast corner of Bellevue), serving passing motorists and local residents. - Some educational and recreational needs of this area's residents are met by the Highlands Branch Public Library (6710 - 118 Avenue) located to the Immediate north of this neighbourhood in Montrose. - Religious services are held In this nei ghbourhood at St. Mary's Anglican Church (11203 - 68 Street). - Various social service needs are provi ded for by the Fort Road Office (13415 - Fort Road) of Alberta Social Se{Vices and Beverly Centre (5505 - 112 Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services. - Health Services are avaliableto local residents at Eastwood Health Centre (7919- 118 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Conclusion - A well established residential neighbourhood with a mature population structure. - The special needs of the seniors and widowed individuals in this neighbourhood should be assessed and appropriate programs and services developed. - The quality of life and local residents' satisfaction are sharply reduced by the traffic related problems caused by very high volumes of traffic along 112 Avenue. A few accidents, Including a number of fatalities in recent months have put this issue at the forefront of local residents' concerns. The various proposals designed to Improve this serious situation should be given Immediate consideration with appropriate action taken.

References 1.

Major Issues


- Serious traffic concerns exist In Bellevue and Highlands, (The Neighbourhood to the immediate east) because of the very high volumes of traffic along 112 Avenue. Residents feel that Immediate measures (I.e., the extension of Capuano Drive to the north) must be taken to reduce peak hour traffic volumes through 112 Avenue and restore the quality of life in these neighbourhoods. - Area residents are concerned about the negative impacts that may arise from the proposed expansion of Edmonton Northlands. Issues include increased noise, traffic congestion, vandalism, parking problems, and litter. - Decreasing school enroliments of recent years appear to have been reversed for the time being, but introduction of programs and services for young adults with children may attract new familles and maintain an increasing population trend. - In view of the high proportion of senior citizens in this community, consideration should be given to the possible demand for specialized housing In this area for these individuals.


- Edmonton City Councll may consider recommendations formulated by the Highlands Civic Affairs Committee to reduce the significant traffic problems on 112 Avenue. Included In the petition are suggestions for new traffic signals at various intersections {I.e., along 118 Avenue at 50, 80 and 82 Streets) and the immediate completion of Capilano Drive to the north. - The City's Planning and Development Department may prepare a Planning Study for the Northeast District of Edmonton. - In view of the sensitive location of this community, vis-a-vis Edmonton Northlands and Capilano Drive, the social impacts of any possible expansion of Edmonton Northlands should be given serious consideration.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

a. 9. 10.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. Census of Canada, Edmonton, Part I: Profile 1986. Five-Year Construction Program: 1988 - 1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Northeast District Working Paper No. 2: Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Highlands and District Community League's report and supporting petition, submitted June 30, 1987. Bellevue Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.






Introduction - A developlng suburban resldentlal neighbourhood In the West Planning District of Edmonton. - Defined by 95 Avenue on the north, 178 Street to the east, 87 Avenue to the south, and the western margin of the City to the west (approxlmately 190 Street). - Surrounded by neighbourhoods of similar character to the north, south, and east (La Perie, Aldergrove, and Summerlea respectively), and a Restricted Development Area to the west. - Residential Development began In the 1970's and is still going on. The neighbourhood was extended In 1978 to Include the area between 188 Street and the Restricted Development Area on the west. (West District, Working Paper No. 2: Land Use). This parcel Is currently being developed for residential uses. - Served by the Jasper Place Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

- Residential land uses occupy 85.3% of neighbourhood area. Single detached dwellings make up 39.3% of housing stock, row housing 38.3% and apartments 22.4%. Most homes are in good condition, reflecting a relatively new neighbourhood. - Commercial uses only 1.4% of total area (Includes Belmead Centre, a neighbourhood convenience commercial centre). - Institutional land uses (St. Benedict Catholic Elementary and Belmead Public Elementary Schools) 8.4% of area. - Parks and open spaces (lncludlng a neighbourhood park) make up 4.9% of neighbourhood area.


Social CharacterisUcs - 1986 population totalled 4,082 persons, marking an increase of only 25 people (0.6%) since 1983. A significant increase In population can be expected In the near future as residential development continues In the western sector of the neighbourhood. - Proportion of children (under 20 years) Is signHlcantly higher in this neighbourhood - 38.2% vs. City's average of 27.5%. - Young adults (20-39 years) 40.9% vs. City's 42.1%, middle age indlviduals 19.1% (City's average 22.5%), and seniors a mere 1.9% of population compared to 7.9% for Edmonton. - Demographic characteristics clearly indicate a demand for services and programs for younger population. - Singles 51.4% (vs. City's 47.5%) and married persons equal to City's average of 41%. - Proportion of residents employed full-time comparable .to Edmonton's (Belmead 40% vs. City 40.3%). Only 4.2% of neighbourhood residents were unemployed In 1986 (City's total was 5.6%). As the City's current unemployment (May, 1988) Is 8%, It Is probable the jobless rate of Belmead may be somewhat higher than the figure noted above. - Average neighbourhood household income In 1981 was $31,265, comparable to Edmonton C.M.A.'s average of $31,998. - Number of residents living at the same address for at least three years 51. 7% (vs. City's 56.1%). - Homeowners and tenants almost equally divided - 47.8% and 46.8% respectively. Tenure and length of residency seem to Indicate a fair level of social stability. It is expected that the social stability may attain a higher level wtth age of the neighbourhood and as more single detached homes (whose residents usually take part In neighbouring activities) are developed. - This community Is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

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Physical Characteristics


- Three arterials bound this neighbourhood on the east, south, and north. Average weekday traffic volumes Indicate 23,700 vehicles on 178 Street, but only 9,600 on 87 Avenue, and 7,800 on 95 Avenue. - High volumes of traffic along 178 Street create noise and safety problem for local residents. Traffic along 182 Street also a concern because of the number of school chlldren who must cross it. - Local roads are in fair condition, but some require repaving. - 87 Avenue, between 188 Street and the proposed ring road, Is scheduled for construction in 1988 and paving In 1989. This may Increase the volume of traffic along this arte(ial, creating more noise and safety problems for local residents. - Edmonton Transit Route Noa. 11, 26 and 126 provide regular service, and Route Nos. 97, 115, and 120 provide peak hour services. The West Jasper Place Transit Centre Is located nearby at 87 Avenue and 175 Street.

Public Facilities - Belmead Public Elementary School (9011 - 182 Street) has 394 students currently enrolled, 79% of Its capacity of 500. Would be capable to accommodate addltlonal students expected from the currently developing western sector. Offers a number of special programs: Extended French, E.S.L. (English as a Second Language), and Adaptation and Academic Challenge classes. - St. Benedict Catholic Elementary School (18015 - 93 Avenue) has a present enrollment of 430 students, 86% of Its capacity of 500. This school is expected to undergo some renovations in the Summer of 1988.

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- Belmead Community League does not have its own building, only ice rinks. located next to the public school. It makes use of neighbourhood park and school facilities to organize sports and recreational activities for neighbourhood residents. - Belmead Park contains a soccer field, ball diamonds and a children's playground and is centrally located for the convenience of all local residents. - A neighbourhood convenience commercial facility (Belmead Centre - 89 Avenue and 182 Street) satisfies the local residents' daily shopping needs. - West Edmonton Mali is located to the east of this neighbourhood, and meets shopping needs of this region's residents. Also Includes some recreational facilities: Indoor rink, Canada Fantasyland - an amusement facility, and World Water Park. - Belmead I (18 units), Belmead II (29 units), and Belmead Ill (55 units are community housing projects located in this neighbourhood. With only a 4.0% vacancy rate, the demand for this type of housing is proven. However for even distribution of such housing throughout the City, no additi~nal community housing in Belmead is suggested. - Centennial Mall Office (170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Social Services and Jasper Place Centre (15626 - 100A Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services provide various family and individual social services needs in this and surrounding communities. - Health services are provided by the West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health and the Mlsericordia Hospital (16940 - 87 Avenue).

Major Issues - Traffic related problems (noise and safety) along the arterials and 182 Street reduce residents' level of satisfaction. - A higher than average proportion of children in this neighbourhood Indicates a n~~d for services and sports/recreational programs for this age group and fam1hes. - As the population is expected to increase, due to continuing residential developments, so will the demands on existing neighbourhood facilities.


Conclusion - A physically new and demographically young community, with residential development stlll taking place. - Despite almost equal proportions of tenants and homeowners length of residency patterns show a fairly stable population and this trend is likely to continue as more single detached homes are being developed In the western sector. - Very high proportion of residents under 20 years may Indicate a need to consider programs for youth.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census of Canada, 1981.


Census of Canada, Part I Edmonton: Profile, 1986.


5-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department.


1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


West District Survey Of Residents, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Belmead Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department.

Future Plans - The proposed sports and recreational complex by the YMCA at 178 Street and Callingwood Road will be a district facility for the residents of this general area ~ncludlng Belmead. It is expected to accommodate an indoor pool, exercise room , day care, and kitchen fac.ifities. - A West District Plan by the Planning Department may be published in the near future.



Summer 1988



1988-1992, The City of







Introduction - A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 137 Avenue to the north, Victoria Trail to the east, Kennedale Ravine to the south and 40 Street to the west. - Nearly all residential developments during the 1970's. - Adjacent residential communities: Hairsine to the north, Kernohan to the east and Sitton Park to the west. - Served by the Glengarry Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 3,782, a 10.0% decrease from 1986. Suggests a somewhat transient population, may be due to high proportion of rental accommodation and lack of services here. - 36.5% residents under 20 years of age, more than Edmonton's 27.2%. Above average demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. - Seniors 2.5%, much less than the City's 8.9%. Below average demand for facilities and services for older persons. - Singles 49.9%, comparable to Edmonton's 47.1% and married 35.2%, less than the City's 4-0.5%. - Lone parent families 19.0%, higher than the City average (13.2%). Strong demand for support services for single parents. - 36.5% residents employed full time vs. Edmonton's 40.7%. - 5.3% residents unemployed, higher than the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (July, 1990) jobless rate of 7.2% implies level may have risen proportionately In Belmont as well . . - 2.4% retired residents here, reflects small number of seniors in the neighbourhood. - Average family Income $33,593, much less than Edmonton's $41,681. May be Influenced by high percentage of lone parent families and famllles In community housing, both of whom often have llmlted Incomes. - 63.7% of residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, more than the City's 54%. - 55.0% homeowners (vs. Edmonton's 46.8%) and 39.9% renters (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggest above average social stability here.




Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 45.3% of area. 87% slngle unit dwellings, 11.5% row housing (Including four community housing projects) and 0.2% low rise apartments. Most properties falrly well maintained. Landscaping required on a few properties and a few units poorly maintained, detracts from neighbourhood appeal. - 43.0% institutional uses. Alberta Youth Detention Centre, Belmont Rehabilitation Centre, two schools, the community league and one church Included in this land use class. - No commercial area here. - 11.2% parks and open spaces. Includes a large, centrally located neighbourhood park and several walkways throughout the neighbourhood.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterlals: 137 Avenue and Victoria Trail with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 11,900 and 15,100 respectively. 40 Street serves as a collector. No noise attenuation barriers along any of these routes. - Local roads have some roogh and uneven sections, some repairs required. Sidewalks in good condition. - Regular transit service provided via bus routes 72, 73, 74 and peak hour service provided by buses belonging to routes 172, 173, and 174. Neighbourhood appears adequately served by these routes.

Public Facilities - Belmont Public Elementary School currently operating at 81% of its capacity of 550. Enrollments likely to drop In the near future due to decreasing numbers of young children. Soccer and baseball facilities here. No fence around property a safety concern due to heavy on-street parking on 132A Avenue, near row housing. - Elizabeth Seton Separate Elementary/Junior High School operatl'ng at 83% of its capacity of 615. Again, decreasing numbers of children llkely to cause lower enrollment levels. Property not fenced, has baseball and soccer facilities. - Addltlonal recreational opportunities provided by Kennedale Ravine which accesses the river valley park system.









Conclusion - South Clarevlew Community League here. Has a hall, well-appointed play area and two ice rinks. No fence here a concern given heavy on-street parking In this area. - Four community housing projects here: Belmont I (53 units), Belmont II (31 units), Belmont Ill (15 units) and Belmont IV (18 units). All are townhouses and are operating to near capacity. - No residential facilities for seniors or the handicapped here. St. John Bosco parish provides religious services. - No commercial facilities here. May be required given relative distance to nearest neighbourhood convenience outlet. - Social services provided by the Glengarry Community and Family Centre (13315 - 89 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the North District Office (13415 - Fort Road) of Alberta Family and social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Clareview Health Centre (14023 Victoria Trail) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Large proportion of residents under 20 years of age indicates a high demand for programs serving children and teens. - Paucity of programs makes this neighbourhood less attractive for young persons. - High percentage of lone parent families suggests a special demand for services for single parents. - Heavy on-street parking near row housing and apartments creates traffic safety hazards, especially near Belmont School and the Community League, where large numbers of children cross streets. - Location of Belmont Rehabilitation Centre and Alberta Youth Detention Centre serves to divide the neighbourhood into two sections, decreasing community cohesiveness. - Streets have rough sections, some repairs necessary.

• A physically contemporary and demographically young neighbourhood with above average social stability. - Existing facilities for young persons and single parents should be assessed and needed programs Introduced. - Current heavy on-street parking near multiple unit dwellings should be discouraged as It creates many traffic and pedestrian safety hazards, especially near schools and play areas. - Development of some commercial convenience facilities here may serve to increase residential satisfaction. - Road repairs required as travel uncomfortable in some sections.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II • Profiles, 1988.


Five-Vear Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The 'City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Belmont Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

Future Plans - No major transportation or development plans for the near future. filBr ·" illld Development

LIBRARY The City of Edmonton




August 1990









Physical Characteristics

- A mature, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 137 Avenue to the north, Fort Road to the east and south and 66 Street to the west. - Most residential developments In the 1950's and 1960's. - Adjacent residential communities: York to the north and Balwln/Delwood to the west. - Served by the Gtengarry Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 4,753, a 1.3% increase from 1986. Indicates population level is stable. 24.8% residents under 20 years of age, slightly less than Edmonton's 27.2%. Average facilities and programs required for children and adolescents. - 12.7% seniors here, higher than Edmonton's 8.9%. Proportion may be influenced by several seniors• residential facilities located here. Indicates higher than average need for programs and services for this group. - Singles 45.5% and married 35.9%, both less than Edmonton's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. - 19.3% tone parent families, higher than the City's 13.2%. High demand for support services for this group. - Residents employed full-time 35.9%, less than Edmonton's 40.7%. - 8.1% unemployed residents here, almost double the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (June, 1990) City jobless rate of 6.7% implies level may be even higher in Belvedere at present. - Retired persons 15.1%, higher than the City average (9.8%). Reflects above average proportion of seniors here. - $32,189 average family Income In 1986, substantially lower than the City's $41,681. May be Influenced by large proportions of seniors, lone parent famllies and persons living In community housing projects, all of whom often have limited Incomes. - 53.6% residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, similar to Edmonton's 54%. - Homeowners 38.8% vs. the City's 46.8% and renters 53.4% vs. the City's 48.4%. Tenure and length of stay suggest less than average social stability for this neighbourhood. - Belvedere participates In the Neighbourhood Watch Program.




- Residential developments 58.0% of area. Includes 82.7% single detached homes, 5.3% two unit dwellings (including one seniors• cottage residence Belvedere), 1.9% low rise apartments, 1.2% trl and fourplexes, 1.2% row housing (Including three community housing projects - Belvedere I, II and 111) and 0.5% collective residences (Including two senior' s lodges Belvedere and Northway). Generally, an appealing neighbourhood with well maintained properties. However, vacant lots and a few single family and row housing properties requiring renovations detract f rom overall appearance of neighbourhood. - 16.4% commercial area. Many retail and service outlets located primarily along Fort Road but a few smaller sites along 66 Street and 137 Avenue. - 8.8% Institutional uses including a public elementary school, a private school, a non-operational school, the community league, and a church. - 11.3% vacant/undeveloped area here. - Recreation/open spaces 4.2%. Includes a neighbourhood park In the northeast sector and three other small landscaped open areas, throughout the neighbourhood.

Transportation - All three boundary roads; 137 Avenue, Fort Road and 66 Street are arterials. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 25,800, 18,200 and 18,900 respectively. Several collectors within the neighbourhood. No noise attenuation barriers for residents along Fort Road and 66 Street. A boulevard along 137 Avenue helps to reduce noise and congestion here. These three roads also regular truck routes. - Local roads and sldewalks In good condition. - Regular transit service provided via routes 11, 30, 32, 70, 71 , 73, 75 and peak hour service via routes 92, 132 and 172. All areas of the neighbourhood appear well serviced by these routes. Belvedere Transit and LRT Station located here, facllitatlng access to downtown and other City areas.

Public Facilities - Belvedere Public Elementary School, currently operating at 58.5% of its capacity of 400. Proportion of children under five has Increased, suggesting enrollment levels should increase slightly.










Fenced school grounds provide soccer and baseball opportunities. Also . shares addltlonal facllitles with the adjacent community league. Belvedere Community League Hall located adjacent to school. Situated on this property is a well-appointed play area, soccer fields and basketball facilities. Previous separate elementary school site has a small bulldlng with soccer fields and ball diamonds on property. The private North Edmonton Christian School is in this neighbourhood. Three community housing projects here. Belvedere I has 81 townhouse units, Belvedere II has 55 townhouse units and Belvedere Ill has 8 such units. All projects operating to near capacity. Two seniors' lodges here: Belvedere Lodge and Northway Lodge each have 48 units. One seniors' self-contained cottage residence, Belvedere, with 28 units also located here. Two seniors' self-contained apartments, Emmanuel Home with 37 units and St. Stephen's Hungarian Senior Citizens' Home with 93 units in Belvedere as well. Trinity Christian Reformed church located here. Retail and service opportunities provided by many outlets located along Fort Road. A few additional neighbourhood convenience facilities located here. Londonderry Mall, a major shopping centre, located to the Immediate northwest. Social services provided by the Glengarry Community and Famlly Centre (13315 - 89 Street) of the City's Community and Famlly Services Department and Central District Office (#301 , 10242 - 105 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. Primary health care facilities provided by Glengarry Health Centre (9535 135 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Future Plans - No transportation or redevelopment plans for the near future. - Some current roadway construction on 137 Avenue causing disruptions for area residents. Upon completion, local residents will benefit from improved roadway access.

Conclusion - A physically and demographically mature neighbourhood with below average social stability. - Support services for single parents and seniors should be assessed and any unmet needs addressed. - Some financial incentives for limited income property owners may be required to facilitate renovations, thus improving the appearance of the neighbourhood. This may also help draw young families which would strengthen local schools' enrollment levels. - Noise attenuation measures along 66 Street and Fort Road may improve residential satiSfaction. - Concerns regarding personal and property crimes should be addressed to improve quality of llfe here.

References 1. 2. 3.

Major Issues - High percentage of lone parent families here suggests a l)lgh demand for support services and programs serving this group. - Large number of seniors suggests a high demand for resources and services for the elderly. - Some properties require renovations and landscaping to prevent further dilapidation. Umited Incomes of some residents may make such upgrading dlfficult, thus llmitlng the appeal of the neighbourhood. - Heavy traffic and lack of noise attenuation devices along 66 Street and Fort Road decreases quality of life and increases traffic safety concerns here. - Residents concerned with high crime rate In the area.

4. 5. 6. 7.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II • Profiles, 1988. Five-Vear Construction Program: 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Belvedere Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

June 1990







Physical Characteristics

Introduction • A residential neighbourhood In the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by Yellowhead Tran to the north, 34 Street to the east, 122 Avenue to the south and 50 Street to the west. • Most residential developments In the southern sector (south of 123 Avenue) took place between 1925 and 1950 with some developments at the eastern and northeastem sectors occurring between 1972 and 1983 (source: Northeast District Working Paper No.1: Population, p.9). The northwestem sector is currently experiencing new residential developments upon completion of the Bergman replottlng scheme. Adjacent resldentlal neighbourhoods are Newton to the west, Beacon Heights to the south and Abbottsfleld to the east• • Served by the Beverly Centre (11803 • 48 Street) of Edmonton Social Services.

• Residential uses approximately 70% of the total neighbourhood area. Single detached dwellings 98% of the housing stock while the remaining 2% semi· detached homes. Most homefl in the southern sector (approximately 60% of total residences In Bergman) showing varying degrees of physical deterioration. New homes on larger lots In the northwest sector are well· maintained• • Commercial use Is less than 1% of the area. Confined to the northwest comer of the neighbourhood and accommodates a heavy equipment service outlet. • Institutional use Is also less than 1% of the total area. Beverly Alliance Church at so Street and 123 Avenue make up this land use category. • No parks or recreational open spaces are located In Bergman.

Transportation Social Characteristics • In 1986, Bergman had a total population of 1,105, a decline of only five persons from the 1983 figure. As recent residential developments In the northwest sector has brought In adclltional population In Bergman, the current estimated population may be approxlmately 1,500. Further population growth expected with development of new homes on currently vacant lots In the new subdivision. • Proportion of residents below 20 years slmllar to the City's average of 27.5%. • Seniors make up 7.5% of population, which Is almost slmllar to Edmonton's average of 7.9%. • Lone parent famllles 19.33% In this general area (C.T. 58) In comparison to the City's average of 9.58%. Indicates a strong demand for services and programs for single parents and their children. • Married persons 45.2% (City 41.3%) and singles 43.4% (Edmonton 47.5%). • Full-time employed persons In Bergman 35.2% In 1986 vs. the City's average of 40.3%. Unemployed persons 7.1% in 1986 as opposed to 5.6% for the City. Recent unemployment rate for Edmonton Is higher (9.6% In February, 1989), indicating a higher unemployment rate for Bergman too. - Average household Income $31,506 In 1986 compared to $41,681 for Edmonton. Higher proportions of unemployed and single parents in Bergman may be partially responsible for the neighbourhood's lower average household income figure. • Crime rate Increased by 31.22% between 1987 and 1988 as opposed to the City's average Increase of 5.21%. Most neighbourhood offenses related to hazardous traffic violation including speeding and fallure to yield. Local residents are concerned about traffic safety.




• Yellowhead Tran to the north and 50 Street to the west carry 30,300 and 10,400 vehicles respectively on an average weekday. The former Is a dangerous goods route white the latter Is a restricted truck route (trucks allowed between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m.). Yellowhead Trail, being depressed at this section, does not create much noise problems for area residents. • Grid-pattern road design In this area encourages traffic short-cutting and speeding through and around resldentlal sub-areas especially along 122 and 123 Avenues. • Some residential streets and side walks In the southern sector need repairs. • Area residents have access to public transit (Bus Route Nos. 18 and 20) from 121 Avenue and 50 Street south of 123 Avenue. In view of the walklng distance to the nearest bus routes especially from the new resldentlal subareas and the employment and Income patterns of local residents, Introduction of a new bus route or realignment of an existing bus route, through the neighbourhood should be considered •

Public Facllltles Beverly Alllance Church provides religious services to the area residents of this general area and Is the only public faclllty located In Bergman. • Local students attend Beacon Heights and Newton Public Elementary Schools and St. Leo Separate Elementary School located In the adjacent Beacon Heights neighbourhood. • No parks and recreatfonal open spaces are located here. Easy access to Rundle Park, a district level facility with hiking and biking 1ralls, family recreational areas, cross-country ski trails, outdoor skating rink, soccer fields, baseball diamonds, tennis courts and golf courses. Indoor facllltles

e~monfon ~

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(within A.C.T. Centre) Include lounge areas, swimming pool, meeting rooms, . ping-pong tables, basketball courts and changing rooms. Santa Rosa Arena (120 Avenue and 68 Street) Is another nearby district level facmty where local residents could participate in recreational activities. Bergman residents belong to Beacon Heights Community League (4418-118 Avenue). Facilities at the community league hall Include meeting rooms, kitchen, dancing floor and a banquet room. No community housing or specialized accommodation for the handicapped and the elderly are located here. Social Services (counselling, family aide, community social work) through Beverly Centre of Edmonton Social Services (11803 - 48 Street). North Edmonton Office of Alberta Social Services (13415 Fort Road) offers services (social assistance, child welfare) to the area residents. Primary health care facHities available through the Eastwood Health Centre (7919 - 118 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - A good portion of older, physically decaying homes in the southern sector need extensive rehabilitation. The run-down appearance of this sector discourages potential home buyers. - Traffic noise, especially along so Street create some problems for the nearby residents. Traffic short-cutting and speeding especially along 122 and 123 Avenues and also Increases safety hazards for the area residents. - Visual blight, especially accumulation of used auto parts on some properties in the northwest sector lowers attractiveness of this developing sub-area. - High proportion of single parent families and lack of services to meet the requirements of this group appears to be an Issue.

FubJre Plans for the Area - The northwestern sector has been the subject of a replottlng scheme in the recent past. New and larger residential homes are being developed here. - The Planning and Building Department may produce a Northeast District Planning Study In the future. Date of publication unknown.

- Revitalization of aging housing stock needed to attract new residents toBergman. - New housing developments in the north will increase the community's population substantially and create demands for various components of social infrastructure Including schools, parks, recreational programs, bus routes. - Due to a high proportion of lone-parent families here, considerations should be given to introduce programs and services directed to them. - Attention to traffic management could address short cutting and speeding through and around the neighbourhood, enhancing safety and quality of residential environment here.


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census Canada 1986.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1988 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Bergman Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Pf!annlng and Development Department, 1983.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, Worklng Paper No.1: Population, 1984.

Conclusion - Bergman is an older residential neighbourhood where the southern sector is composed of smaller, older homes while the northern sector ls experiencing new residential developments through implementation of a residential replotting scheme.

l'°,.lmon•on I' ~


April 1989



1989-1993, The City of Edmonton







Introduction • An older, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 118 Avenue to the north, 34/36 Streets to the east, Ada Boulevard to the south and 50 Street to the west. • Most residential developments from 1940 to 1980. • Adjacent residential communities: Beacon Heights to the north, Rundle Heights to the east and Highlands to the west. • Served by the Beverly Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 3,802, a 2.2% decrease from 1986. Population level appears stable. • Residents under 20 years of age 20.5%, lower than City's 27.2%. Less than average demand for facilities and services for this group. • Seniors 16.2% (vs. City's 8.9%), reflects higher than average demand for programs and services for the elderly. Proportion may be Influenced by three seniors' residences here. • Singles 37.5%, much lower than the City's 47.1 % and married 44. 7% vs. the City's 40.5%. • Lone parent families 13.8%, near the Edmonton average (13.2%). Average support services required for this group. • Residents employed full time 36.0%, slightly less than the City's 40.7%. • 5.6% unemployment level here (vs. Edmonton's 4.3%) when 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (June, 1990) jobless rate of 6.7% implies level has risen in Beverly Heights as well. • Homemakers 8.4% vs. the City's 7.4% average. • 19.1 % retired residents here, much higher than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects · large proportion of seniors here. • Average family income $39,819, similar to the City average of $41,681. Reflects an average middle-class neighbourhood. • 71.8% residents at the same address for at least three years, much higher than Edmonton's 54%. • Homeowners 61.8%, higher than the City's 46.8% and renters 35.0%, lower than 48.4% for Edmonton. Tenure and length of stay suggest high social stability for this neighbourhood. • Beverly Heights Is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.




Physical Characteristics • Residential developments 75.7% of area. 90.9% single detached homes, 3.8% two unit dwellings, 4.0% low rise apartments (Including two designated for seniors· Barvlnok and Porta Place), 0.7% trl and fourplexes and 0.7% collective residences (Including a seniors' lodge • Beverly Lodge). MIXture of dwelling types here with larger, well maintained homes in the southern sector, along Ada Boulevard, and smaller homes in the northern sector. Some properties poorly landscaped and renovations required for homes and commercial sites, detracts from appearance of neighbourhood. • 15.4% institutional uses Includes two public schools, one sepa.rate school, a private school and one school no longer In operation, the community league and four churches. • 5.3% commercial area Includes the commercial strip along 118 Avenue and two small outlets within the neighbourhood. • 2.1% recreation/open space includes four small park areas within the neighbourhood. According to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, this neighbourhood is deficient in parks and open spaces.

Transportation • Bounded by two arterlals, 118 Avenue and 50 Street. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 15,200 and 9,700 respectively. 34 Street, forming part of the eastern boundary, carries 8,800 vehicles. No noise attenuation measures along any of these routes. 118 Avenue a restricted truck route. • Local roads have some rough sections • repairs required. Sidewalks in reasonably good condition. • Regular transit service provided via routes 18, 20 and 28, which are convenient for residents In all areas of the neighbourhood. Abbottsfleld Transit Centre to the Immediate northeast, facilitating access to other City areas.

Public Facilities Four schools currently operating in this neighbourhood . R.J. Scott Public Elementary School currently operating at 60% of its capacity of 225. Enrollment likely to remain stable. Fenced school ground's have ball diamonds and soccer fields.






• Lawton Public Junior High School operating at 35% of Its capacity of 690. Again, as enrollments not likely to Increase, school's vtablllty threatened. Several community-based organizations currently making use of some of the vacant space. Soccer field on fenced grounds. St. Nlcholas Separate Junior High School operating at 58% of Its capacity of 340. Enrollment levels likely to remain stable In the near future. Grounds are fenced with ball diamonds and soccer fields. • East Edmonton Private Christian School here and another school In the neighbourhood not In operation. Ball diamonds and soccer fields on these sites. • some of the parks and open spaces here have play equipment. Beverly Heights Community League located in the south central sector. A hall and two Ice rinks here. As well, there Is a Recreation Centre, providing a variety of facllltles and services for residents. Play equipment and ball diamonds on this site. • Additional recreational opportunities provided by the North Saskatchewan river valley facilities to the south. • Three seniors' residential facilities here. Beverly Lodge has 78 units, two of which are for the handicapped. Provides a number of programs and activities for the elderly. Currently operating at capacity. Barvlnok seniors' apartment has 20 units and Porta Place has 75 units Including two for handicapped persons. • A group home for the physically handicapped wfth 7 beds and a group home for the mentally handicapped (12 beds) located here. • Four churches In this neighbourhood. Includes Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Gurslkh Temple, St. Paul's Parish a.n d Church of the Nazarene. Commercial facilities providing a wide variety of services located along 118 Avenue and two smaller areas within the neighbourtlood. Abbottsfleld Mall, a major shopping facility located to the Immediate northeast. • Social services provided by the Beverfy Community and Family Centre (5005 • 112 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the North District Office (13415 • Fort Road) of Alberta Famlly and Social Services. Beverly Community and Famlly Centre operates and maintains an office and operates an outreach program from the Abbottsfleld Mall. • Primary health care facilities provided by the Eastwood Health Centre (7919 • 118 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.


• Large proportion of seniors suggests a high demand for services an<t programs for the elderly. Many facilities currently In place, more may be required. Dilapidated appearance of some commercial properties along 118 Avenue as well as older homes In need of repairs detract from appeal of the neighbourhood. • Residents concerned with disruptiveness of patrons at the Beverly Crest Hotel, to the north, decreases quality of llfe here. • Local roads in need of some repairs.

Future Plans • 1990 construction planned for 118 Avenue at 50 Street. Should Improve traffic flow here. • No major redevelopment plans for near future.

Conclusion • A physically older and demographically mature neighbourhood with high social stability. • Continued decreases In school enrollments may force school closures. • Some commercial sites along 118 Avenue and a few residential properties require renovations, redevelopment and landscaping. Currently, these sites detract from the neighbourhood's appeal and may discourage young families from moving here and prevent much needed rejuvenation. • High proportion of seniors suggests present programs and facl titles should be assessed, and additional requirements Implemented. • Local roads require repairs and maintenance.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Major Issues • Small proportion of young children suggests enrollment levels may further decrease. Vlablllty of Lawton Junior High may be threatened.



The City of Edmonton CIVIC Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II ·Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Beverly Heights Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

July 1990



Neighbourhood Profile - Bonnie Doon



Neighbourhood Profile - Bonnie Doon

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Social Characteristics


The 1991 population totalled about 4,350 people or nearly 5% more than in 1986. This is a reverse in the trend from the early 1980s when there was a loss of population. The neighbourhood appears to be going through a period of renewed growth.

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The proponion of pre-schoolers has continued 10 increase since the mid 1980s. In 1991, this group accounted forabout 7 %ofBonnie Doon'spopulation alLhough still below the Edmomon average of 8%. This same trend is seen in thegroupofresideots which includes all those under20 years of age. Younger families are being aLtracted to the are a. This further reinforces rejuvenation of the neighbourhood. There are slightly more young adults (20· 39 years of age) and slightly fewer middle aged individuals (4(). 64 years) than the City average.

Miii Creek


A considerably high proponion of seniors (nearly double 1he City average) live in Bonnie Doon. The

higher proportion of widowed and retired persons is therefore to be expected. This predominance of older residents in this neighbourhood, may renec1 Ihe age of the community, availability of specialized housing for seniors and the presence of amenities and facilities desired by the elderly in this general area. • The proportion of single-parents in Bonnie Doon is marginally higher Ihan the City average. • Local residents employed full-time in 1991 was equal to the City average. However. the unemploy,mem rate was slightly below the City's.

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Bonnie Doon is an older stable neighbourhood located near the centre of the City, south of lhe Nonh Saskatchewan River and east of Mill Creek Ravine. Bonnie Doon: • appears to be experiencing rejuvemation as younger adults are becoming a larger proponion of the neighbourhood population. has a considerably higher proponion of seniors than the City average • has an average family income slightly below the City average • is predominantly made up of single detached housing with duplexes and low rise apartments dispersed throughout the community. ReviS<d April 199 ·


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• Social stability in the community is evidenced in the tenure and ownership data. Over 55% of residenLS lived at the same address for three years or more (slightly higher than the Edmonton average). Homeowners represented approximatley 45% oflocal residents (City's average 48%) and tenants about 52% (City's average 48%). Ethnic origins of Bonnie Doon residenLS generally reflect Ihat of the City. The exception are residents wilh French orgins who comprise nearly 11 % of the neighbourhoods population (City 4%).

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Revised April 1992

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Neighbourhood Profile - Bonnie Doon

Neighbourhood Profile - Bonnie Doon



Physical Characteristics



Residential land uses occupy approximately 67% of the neighbourhood area. The majority of housing stock is single-detached (48%), followed by low rise apartments (18%) and duplexes (17%). As indicated in the charts below, this reflects a lower residential density than the City average. Mose homes are weU maintained and rehabilitation of some homes is evident. Edmonton

Public Facilities Schools in the area are all operating below capacity and include:. J.H. Picard (Catholic Elementary through Senior High) (7055 - 99 Street) Maurice Lavallee (Catholic Elementary) (8828 - 95 Street) Rutherford (Public Elementary School) (8520- 91 Street) Faculte Saint-Jean (8406-91 Street) was granted faculty status in 1977 as a bili.ngual sector of the University of Alberta. StudentS pursue studies in a Francophone environment and benefit from the services and facilities available at bo th campuses. Bonnie Doon Community League (9240 - 93 Street) offers programs which include scouts, soccer, family carnival in February, and an active summer children's program. Facilities include: ice rink. playground and hall. as well as neighbourhood park and school facilities such as soccer fields. ball diamonds, and sliding hill.

Commercial uses total 13% of the land area which includes the Bonnie Doon Shoppi ng Mall, located in the east sector, and a number of neighbourhood convenience facilities throughout the community. Institutional uses make up 16% of the neighbourhood and include several schools, the Edmonton Ambulance Authority and a number of churches. Parks and open spaces make up approximately I% of the total area and include four neighbourhood level parks scauered throughout the neighbourhood. The nearby river valley and the Mill Creek ravine provide additional recreational opponunities.

Religious institutions in the area include: Central Baptist 9419 95 Street Edmonton German Church of God 8928 83 Avenue

Connors Hill Gospel Hall 9302 95 Street Eglise St.Thomas D'Aquin 8410 89 Sireet

Public facilities in the neighbourhood that serve the region include the ldylwylde Health Centre of the Local Board of Health and the Jdylwylde Branch of the Public Library. • The Youth Emergency Shelter Society of Albena (9310 - 82 Avenue) provides residential suppon for city-wide youths in crises. • The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (300. Mill CreekPlace -9119 - 82 Avenue) which offers a variety of services including counselling, different group programs, services for seniors. children and youth and community developmenL

Transportation ( 8, .,_ •S. SS , SS, 66. 93

Three very busy anerials bound this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes are 30,000 along Whyte Avenue and 22,500 along Connors Road and 83 Street. These roadways are also truck routes. Local roads and walkways are in good condition. Edmonton Transit provides public transportation with bus routes (nos. 8. 43, 45, 55, 58, 66. 93). A reasonably good level of service appears to be available to residencs.




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Specia.lized housing for senior citizens at Manoir SL Thomas (9022 - 85 Avenue) with 53 one-bedroom units and one handicapped unit, and Good Samaritan Place (8425 - 83 Street) with 5 1 one bedroom unics. including one for handicapped. Number I I Fire Hall serving the area is located at 8105 - 96 StreeL Regular police services are available at theStratheona Station (9710- 51 Avenue). In addition. limited police services available lhrough the Old Strathcona Community Police Station (l0325 - 83 Avenue). Hospitals nearby include the University of Albena Hospital at 8440 - 112 Street a nd the Grey Nun's Hospital at 3015 - 62 Street.

Revised April 1992

Revi$Cd April 1992

.... -

Neighbourhood Profile - Bonnie Doon


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Neighbourhood Issues


The vacan1 SIOres in Bonnie Doon Mall raise communi1y concern over the availability of nearby services and more generally the vi1ali1y of the area. Possible rejuvenation is presently undcrconsideration. Issues relaled to lhe safe1y of users Goggers, bicyclists, cross country skiers, walkers etc.) of the Mill Creek ravine, directly west of lhe community, have arisen. For current information on community issues and resources, contact lhe community social worker at lhe Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (428-2625).

The Future Decisions made on the future of Bonnie Doon Mall will have a significant impact on the community; most notably on the availability of commercial and other services but potential exisis in regard to traffic and parking issues as well. Bonnie Doon, an older stable neighbourhood near the centre of the City, appears to be undergoing a period of rejuvenation. The existence of well maintained and renovated homes as well as an new and active Community League further indicate this to be a viable and healthy residential neighbourhood in the years a head. Younger families moving in give an optimistic picture for this residential neighbourhood in the future.

References The City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991. Census Canada - 1986. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989- 1993, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1990 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Dcpanmcnt, 1990. Bonnie Doon Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Edmonton Transit Guide; September 1991. City of Edmonton Transportation DepanmenL Traffic Volumes, 1985- 1990, Average Annual Weekday: OtyofEdmonton Transportation Department. Bonnie Doon Community League Revised April 199

Neighbourhood Profile - Bonnie Doon




Introduction • An older, Inner-city neighbourhood In the Central Planning District of Edmonton. . • Bounded by 111/112 Avenue to the north, Jasper Avenue to the east, Rowland Road ~o the south and 101 Street to the west. • Most residential developments during the early 1900's, but some (Including redevelopments) have continued to the present. • Adjacent residential communities: Alberta Avenue/Parkdale to the north, Riverdale to the southeast and Downtown/Central McDougall to the west• • served by the Beverly Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 9,733, a 0.7% Increase from 1986. Population level appears to have stablllzed. • Residents under 20 years of age only 15.8%, much less than the City's 27.2%. Low demand for facllltles and programs serving children and teens • • 12.7% seniors, higher than Edmonton's 8.9%. Above average demand for facilities and services for older persons • • Singles 52.7% (vs. City's 47.1%) and married 21.5%, much lower than the City's 40.5%. Much higher proportions of divorced, separated and widowed persons here. Suggests a need for specific services and resources for these persons. • Homemakers only 3.3% vs. Edmonton's 7.4%. • 22% lone parent famllles, much higher than the City's 13.2%. Very high demand for special support services for single parents• • Residents employed full-time 31 .8%, substantlally less than Edmonton's 40.7%. • 16.6% unemployed residents here, extremely high compared to the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) jobless rate of 7.5% for Edmonton suggests level may be even higher In Boyle Street/Mccauley at present. • Retired persons 15.3%, more than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects above average proportion of seniors here. • Average annual family Income $25,300, much lower than the City's $41,681. May be Influenced by very high unemployment level and large proportions of lone parents and seniors (who often have llmlted Incomes). • 39.1% residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, much less than Edmonton's 54%. • Only 7.8% homeowners (vs. City's 46.8%) and 69.9% renters (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggest very low social stability here.

Physical Characteristics • Residential developments 38.8% of area. 30% single family dWeUlngs, 16% collective residences (Including one seniors' lodge· MCCauley Lodge). 11% two unit dWelllngs, 9% low rise apartments (Including two seniors self-contained apartments • Chinese Eiders Mansion and Piazza Italia), 4.6% trl and fourplexes and 0.6% high rise apartments (including two for seniors • Pioneer Place and Verkohovya St. Josaphafs Senior Citizens' Home). Many properties dilapidated and poorly maintained. Extensive renovations and/or redevelopments required here to Improve neighbourhood appeal. Some new developments underway In Boyle Street area.


• 10% lnstltutlonal area. Includes four schools, two community leagues, a college, Edmonton Police Service Headquarters, two correctional facilities, a museum and 23 churches. . • Commercial uses 16%. Many service, retall and professional outlets located throughout the neighbourhood . • Parks and open spaces 11% on which the Commonwealth Stadium and Clarke stadium, two city-wide sports and recreation facilities are situated. As well, a neighbourhood park located In the McCauley area. In addition, a few small, open areas throughout the neighbourhood. • 15% Industrial, transportation and utllitles uses here. These sites located primarily along CNR tracks.

Transportation • Bounded by four arterials: 111 Avenue, Jasper Avenue, Rowland Road and 91 /101 Street with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 26,000, 19,600, 11 ,600 and 15,100/29,000 respectively. Many arterials within this community, also supporting high traffic volumes. 101 and 111 Avenues and 95, 97 and 101 Streets all regular truck routes. Residents exposed to a great deal of traffic noise and congestion. Heavy on-street !Parking a major concern throughout this area. Also, residents physically Isolated from one another, making social Interactions difficult. • Local roads In reasonably good condition. Sldewalks may be reconstructed where needed. • Many regular and peak hour bus routes on roadWays throughout the neighbourhood. As well, Stadium LRT Station located here providing convenient access to downtown and the northeast. Present transit service should meet residents' needs.

Publlc FacUIUes • Four schools located here. Mccauley Public Elementary/Junior High School operating at 47% of Its 420 capacity. Enrollments may Increase somewhat In the near future due to Increasing numbers of young children. School grounds are fenced and have soccer, basketball and play facilities . • sacred Heart Separate Elementary School operating at only 19% of Its 700 student capacity. Even though enrollments may increase somewhat In the near future, the school's viability may still remain questionable. No playground here and no facllltles. • Alex Taylor Public Elementary School operating at 39% of Its 400 student capacity. Again, enrollments may Increase slightly In near future. Baseball, soccer and play facilltles on property. • St. Michael Separate Elementary School operating at 42% of its capacity of 450. Increasing numbers of young children suggest enrollments may Improve sllghtly. School building needs physical upgrading. Soccer, baseball and play facllltles on site. • Alex Taylor, St. Michael and Sacred Heart Schools are also utlllsed as social I educational / cultural / recreational centres for adults and Immigrants. This helps to ensure vlablllty of these facilities and meets needs of local residents. • Ukrainian Canadian Archive and Museum of Alberta (9543 • 110 Avenue) also supports ethnic Interests here. • McCauley Community League has a hall and dilapidated ice rink.. Repairs and upgrading needed.








- Boyle Street Community League has a hall with baseball and children's play facilities. Additional recreatlonal opportunities provided by the McCauley neighbourhood park which has a wading pool, change rooms and picnic and play facllltles. Many sporting events are held at Commonwealth and Clarke Stadiums, attracting residents from all City areas (contributing to heavy traffic volumes). - No community housing projects or residential facilities for seniors or the handicapped here. - Two housing projects of the City's Non-Profit Housing Corporation here: Clara Avenue (92 Street and 105 Avenue) and Clerk Street (93 Street and 103 Avenue) have a combined capacity of 135 apartment units. - Currently, one private housing co-op here (Inn Roads with 4 houses and 2 communal units). Another co-op housing complex, Arts Place, with 100 units, is currently under construction. - Several seniors' residential facilities here. McCauley Senior's Lodge has 64 units, 2 for handicapped persons. Four self-contained seniors' apartments: Chinese Elders Mansion (91 units, 3 for the handicapped), Verkhovya St. Josaphafs Senior Citizens' Home (115 units, 2 for handicapped persons), Pioneer Place (171 units, 7 for the handicapped) and Piazza Italia (55 units). Also, the Hung Ying Building provides 41 self-contained apartment units under the Core Housing Incentive Program. One seniors drop-in centre (McCauley at 10628 - 96 Street), provides soctal and recreational opportunities for older persons. - 23 churches provide religious services, many for specific etho-cultural groups. - Commercial opportunities available throughout the neighbourhood and provide a wide variety of goods and services. - Many social service agencies provide resources for residents in need. Some such agencies arethe Boyle Street Co-op, Hope Mission, Single Men's Hostel, Native Counselling Services of Alberta, Salvation Army, Bissell Centre, Marian Centre, Humans on Welfare, George Spady Centre and a Women's Emergency Shelter. - Municipal and provincial social services provided by Westmount Community and Family Centre (12323 Stony Plain Road) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the Central District Office (#310, 10242 - 105 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Eastwood Health Centre (7919 - 118 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. Boyle Street-Mccauley Health Centre (96 Street and 106 Avenue) currently under construction. Will provide needed health services to area residents.

- Highly transient residents here have created tow social stability. lnex.pensive rental accommodation (often through lack of maintenance) attracts such residents. According to Edmonton Police Service, a high crime rate exists in this area; a major concern for neighbourhood residents.

Future Plans - Boyle Street-McCauley Area Redevelopment Plan in effect here. - Roadway construction planned for 97 Street between 102 and 104 Avenues In 1993. May Improve traffic flow but probably wm not decrease traffic noise and congestion for residents. - Upgrading and renovations will be encouraged here and maintenance of low to medium density housing is a priority of the area redevelopment plan.

Conclusion - A physically older and demographically mature neighbourhood with low social stability. • Existing facilities and services for seniors, singles, previously married and lone parents should be assessed to determine whether residents' needs are being met. Appropriate programs and services for unmet needs should be introduced. • Sacred Heart School operating at a very low enrollment level, but expansion1of services may keep facility viable. • Heavy traffic flow throughout this neighbourhood should be assessed to determine if noise, congestion and on-street parking could be lessened to Improve quality of llfe here. • Redevelopments and renovations necessary to make neighbourhood more appealing thus attracting more long-term residents (Including some families). This would help lnc;ease utlllzation of existing facilities and also encourage people to stay here longer reestablishing social stability in the community. '

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Major Issues - Above average demand for resources and services for seniors here. - High demand for special support services for single parents as well as single, divorced and widowed persons. - Sacred Heart School operating at very low enrollment level, viability may be questionable. - Very high traffic volumes create much traffic noise and congestion, heavy on-street parking and pedestrian safety hazards. Decreases residential satisfaction as well as the quality of life.






The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Central District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Boyle Street and Mccauley Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987. Boyle Street/McCauley Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw, 1981.

Sepeember 1990







Introduction - A suburban residential community In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. Boundaries are Brander Drive/66 Avenue to the north, Whltemud Drive to the east, 51 Avenue to the south and the North Saskatchewan Drive to the west. - Area annexed to Edmonton In 1960. Most residential developments completed In the 1970's. Several vacant parcels in the southwest sector of the neighbourhood. - Nearby residential communities - Ramsay Heights to the south and Brookside to the east across Whltemud Drive. - Served by the Pleasantview Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 2,562, a modest loss of 66 persons or 2.5% since 1986. May Indicate the first wave of children now grown up and left homes. Limited increase of population may yet happen with residential developments on vacant properties to the west. - Residents under 20 years of age 27.8%, comparable to the City's average of 27.2%. Reflects an average level of demand for programs and services for children. - Seniors 7.1% as opposed to 8.9% for Edmonton. Indicative of lower-thanaverage demand for facilities and services for the elderly. - Singles 44.3% of neighbourhood population, compared to Edmonton's 47.1%. Married persons proportionately higher, 44.7% in Brander Gardens compared to 40.5% for the City. - Proportion of lone-parent families 13.50% in this area (Census Tract 005.02), comparable to the City's average of 13.2%. No special need for additional programs and services for lone parents and their dependents. - Neighbourhood residents employed full time 43.3%, slightly better than Edmonton's 40.7%. Post-secondary students 8.2% (vs. City's average 5.7%). Neighbourhood's jobless rate 2.2% compared to Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Edmonton's April, 1990 unemployment rate of 8.1% Indicative of a higher jobless rate for Brander Gardens as well. - Neighbourhood's average family income $62,645, substantially higher than $41,681 for Edmonton. Indicative of an affluent residential community.





- Residents who lived at the same address in this neighbourhood 51 .13, compared to 54% for Edmonton. This is most likely due to a good proportion of renters here (45.8% in Brander Gardens vs. 48.4% in Edmonton). With time and development of new single family homes, higher proportion of residents may stay here longer, encouraging further social stability. - A member community of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 70.7% of the neighbourhood area. Single family dWelllngs 27.3% of housing stock. Row housing and walk-up apartments 34.4% and Most properties, 38.3% respectively of available accommodation. especially single family homes well maintained. Mature trees and nicely maintained yards aesthetically pleasing. - Commercial uses 2.2% of the land area. Confined In one location (Riverbend Shopping Centre) and provide a variety of retail and service opportunities to the general area. - Institutional uses 10% of the area. Sites of four schools Included In this category. - Parks and open spaces 12.1% of the total area. - Includes the neighbourhood park, the landscaped buffer between single family homes and multiple-family developments to the west and the landscaped pipeline right-of-way to the north. - Vacant properties approximately 5% of the area.

Transportation - Bounded on the east by Whitemud Drive, the busiest roadway in Edmonton. Average annual weekday traffic 63,900 vehicles on this thoroughfares In 1989. Brander Gardens being located at much higher elevation than this roadway and a wide, landscaped buffer and backyard fences being in place, residents living near the eastern margin not exposed to excessive traffic noise. - Whitemud Drive a 24-hour truck route as well as a dangerous goods route. - Local roads and sldewalks in reasonably good cond~lon. Regular maintenance necessary. - Edmonton Transit provides regular and peak-hour bus service through the community (Route Nos. 32, 54 and 132), and connect to the University of Alberta, the downtown, Belvedere Transit Centre and the West Jasper Place Transit Centre. The Income level of local residents and existing public transit facilities suggest an adequate level of bus services available to the area residents.






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Major Issues



Future Plans

- On-street car parking near multiple family housing projects, especially 51 Avenue, slows down moving traffic and create safety hazards for both pedestrians and motorists. - Residents backing onto Whitemud Drive still exposed to some traffic noise In spite of having ~uffer and backyard fences. Some residents concerned about traffic speeding along Rlverbend Road, creating safety hazards.

- The City's 5-Year Transportation Construction Programs (1989-1993) indicates construction of noise abatement barriers along both sides of Whitemud Drive between 51 and 66 Avenues. Upon completion, traffic noise along the eastern margins of the neighbourhood may decrease substantially. - A few vacant residential parcels west of Whltemud Road may be developed in the near future. Limited increase of neighbourhood population and some additional demands for neighbourhood amenities may result.

Publlc Facilities - Four schools located here. St. Monica Separate Elementary School currently operating at 56% above its functional level (enrollment 272, capacity 175) with several portable classrooms. Facility to be closed and students consolidated with the larger St. Mary's Separate Elementary School to be incepted In September, 1990 in the nearby Terwlllegar Heights neighbourhood. Brander Gardens Public Elementary School also operating beyond its capacity (capacity 425, enrollment 442) with portable classrooms. Rlverbend Public Junior High School currenuy operating at 83% level of Its capacity (capacity 490, enrollment 407). Enrollment levels at this school In the near future to remain high when elementary students grow up and attend junior high school and as new family-oriented houses developed on vacant lands. Tempo School, a private facility, located here and draws students from the southwest sector of the City. - Rlverbend Club located next to the Riverbend Shopping Centre. Facilities Include a meeting il'a:t1, reception area, exercise and swimming facilities. - Brander Gardens Park, a neighbourhood level facility located adjacent to the schools. FaclllUes Include soccer fields, softball diamonds, children's play areas with equipments. Brander Gardens, a community housing project with 98 row-housing units, Is located here (west of 53 Avenue and Rlverbend Road Intersection). Operating In full capacity. Due to the City's pollcy of decentralization, additional community housing may not be developed In Brander Gardens. - No specialized housing for the handicapped here. - No community league building developed yet. Community league meets at local schools. Community league active In organizing social and recreational activities. Also publishes a newsletter for the area residents. - social Services through the Pleasantvlew Centre (#407, 11044- 51 Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Family Services and the Whyte Avenue Office (10454 - 82 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care services through the Duggan Health Centre (5035 108A Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Conclusion - A stable, mature residential community In the southwest sector of the City. Social stability to grow further with age and as new family-or! ented housing developed. - Umited population Increase possible through new developments and higher occupancy levels In rental units. Wiii also place additional pressures on neighbourhood amenities. - Income level indicative of an affluent community. May Indicate maintenance of owner-occupied homes no problem here. - Moving local separate elementary students to the larger St. Mary's Separate Elementary School In Rhatigan Ridge may pose some transportation problems for local pupils and their parents.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The City of Edmonton CMc Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 Brander Gardens Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

May 1990










Introduction • •

Physlcal Characteristics

A mature residential neighbourhood located within the West Planning District of Edmonton. Bounded by 156 Street on the east, Mayfield Road to the west, Stony Plain Road to the south, and 107 Avenue to the north. Most development occurred throughout the 19SO's. Since that time some commercial developments and resldentlal redevelopments have taken place, particularly along 156 Street and Stony Plaln Road. Surrounded by the neighbourhoods of Mayfield to the north, Canora to the east, Glenwood to the south, and the Northwest Industrial Area to the west. Served by the Jasper Place Centre of Edmonton Soclal Services.

Social Characteristics -

• -







1986 population totalled 4,677 persons, only 35 (0.7%) less than In 1983, Indicating stability In population level. The neighbourhood's age s1rUcture Is very similar to that of the City as a whole. Residents under 20 years 28.1% (City's average 27.5%); young adults of 20-39 years, 41.7% (vs. City's 42.1%); adults between 40 and 64 years 23.2% compared to 22.5% for the City; and seniors 7.0% (vs. City's 7.9%). Singles 49.9% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 36.9% of population compared to City's 41.3%. Significantly higher proportion of lone-parent famllles (25.8% vs. City's 13% average) demonstrates a strong demand for social programs and support services for this group. Proportion of residents employed fUll·tlme 38.9% (vs. City's 40.3% average). In 1986, 10.8% of neighbourhood's residents were unemployed, compared to a City average of 5.6%. current unemployment of 8% for the City (May, 1988) may suggest somewhat higher unemployment rate for Britannia/Youngstown. According to the 1981 Federal Census, the average neighbourhood household Income was $23,782 {Edmonton C.M.A.'s was $31,998). Higher proportions of lone-parent famllles, single and unemployed Individuals may account for the tower Income figure In this neighbourhood. A somewhat lower proportion of residents lived at the same address for at least three years - 48.1% vs. City's 56.1% average. Homeowners 35.3% of population (City's average 45%) while 59.4% are tenants (City's average 48.4%). A lower share of homeowners In conjunction with somewhat shorter length of residency may Indicate a lower level of soclal stability. The Edmonton Pollce Department has established a Neighbourhood Foot Patrol Office In this community to Improve Its capability of providing services and community's sense of security.





Resldentlal uses occupy 59.7% of neighbourhood area. Single family dwellings are 49.1% of housing stock, row housing 5.8%, and apartments 45.1 %. Most homes In fair condition, but some properties near the Stony Plaln Road margin require rehabllltatlon. Commerctal land uses 14.8% of total area (Includes part of the Stony Plaln Road Commercial strip between 156 and 163 Streets and th.e Centennial VIiiage Mall at Mayfield and Stony Plaln Road). lnstltutlonal uses make up 17.6% (Includes Publlc Safety Service Training School, Evelyn Unger School for Language and Learning, Youngstown Publlc Elementary, Britannia Publlc Junior High, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Spirit, and Ebenezer United churches, and the Westlawn Memorial Gardens Cemetery). Recreation and open spaces (including a neighbourhood park) total 4.4% of neighbourhood area. Vacant/undeveloped properties occupy 3.3% of land area. {The largest parcel located north of Westlawn Cemetery between 163 and 165 Streets).

Transportation -



Four major arterials bound this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes Indicate 30,000 vehicles along Mayfield Road, 22,000 on 107 Avenue, 21,200 on 156 Street, 20,000 to the east and 12,600 to the west of 163 Street along Stony Plain Road. 163 Street la also an arterial roadway intersecting this neighbourhood but with much lower traffic volume (7,500 vehicles). Mayfield Road Is a designated truck route and 107 Avenue is a restricted truck route between 0700 - 2300 hours. High volumes of traffic along the major artertala and shortcuttlng of traffic through the neighbourhood create noise and safety problems for local residents. Local streets are In reasonably good condition but some sidewalks need repairing. Buses connecting downtown and other parts of the City run along Stony Plain Road and 156 Street (Route Noa. 3, 7, and 16). Local bus services Is provided by the No. 17 bus. Appears to have a good level of publlc transit service.

Public Facilities -

Youngstown Publlc Elementary School (10350 - 163 Street) has 258 students currently enrolled - 41% of Its capacity of 625. Offers primary and junior adaptation programs for students with different levels of academic ability.







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• -

Britannia Public High School (16010 - 104 Avenue) has a present . enrollment of 267 students - 42% of its capacity of 625. Offers a good prevocatlonal program and also accepts trainable handicapped students. Alberta Public Safety Services Training School (10416 - 157 Street) Is a Government of Alberta organization that trains individuals for disaster rescue work. Evelyn Unger School for Language and Learning (10415 - 159 Street) is a city-wide ungraded school for children with learning disabilities. Britannia Youngstown Community League (15927 -105 Avenue) Includes a hall, playground, tennis courts, and Ice rinks. Also makes use of neighbourhood park and school facilities to organize sports and recreatlonal programs for local residents. The neighbourhood Is relatively well served with Parks and Recreation facilities. These Include: Fred Boradstock (outdoor) Swimming Pool (10515 • 158 Street), Youngstown playground (104 Avenue and 163 Street), Jasper Place (private) Curling Club (16521-107 Avenue), and two other open spaces. Britannia Gardens (10142 • 157 Street) has 65 self-contained apartment units for senior C·itizens. In view of the share of seniors In this community and the low vacancy rate at this facility, a continuing demand for suitable housing for seniors can be expected. The Youngstown project with 133 units (166 Street and 103 Avenue) provides affordable housing for Individuals and famllles with lower Income levels. Higher proportions of unemployed and lone-parent families and a low vacancy rate demonstrate a continuing need for such housing in this area. Centennial Village Mall, located In the southwest sector of the neighbourhood, and the Stony Plain Road commercial strip satisfy needs for goods and services. The nearby West Edmonton Mall provides shopping and recreation opportunities to the area residents as well. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Ukranian), Holy Spirit Catholic, and Ebenezer United Churches hold regular rellglous services In this neighbourhood. The Jasper Place Centre (15626 • 100A Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services and the Centennial Mall Office (170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Social Services both provide various social services programs for lndlvlduals and famllles residing In this and surrounding communities. Health Services are provided by the Woodcrott Health Centre 13420 • 114 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues •

High volumes of traffic along the arterlals surrounding this neighbourhood create noise, safety and traffic shortcuttlng problems for local residents.

..nton @mo



The uncertainty about the future development of the North Westlawn site Is a concern for the local residents. The poor condition of some sldewalks and housing stock detract from the general aesthetic level of the neighbourhood.

Future Plans •

It has been recommended that the vacant site north of Westlawn

Cemetery be developed for residential (family-oriented) us·es and some open space. (Area Planning Branch, Planning Department, June, 1983).

Conclusion • • -

A physically mature neighbourhood with an average demographic structure. A significantly lower neighbourhood family Income level, and higher numbers of unemployed and lone-parent famllles may Indicate a greater demand for various social support services. There exists a need to Improve the overall physical appearance of the neighbourhood through rehabllltatlon of some older homes and Improvements of sldewalks. Consideration should be given to Introduce effective traffic management mechanisms to reduce adverse Impacts of traffic around and through this neighbourhood. Additional programs for the local elderly should be planned and Introduced.

References 1. The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. 2. Census of Canada, 1981. 3. Census of Canada, Part I Edmonton: Profile, 1986. 4. 5-Year Construction Program: 1988 • 1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 5. 1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 6. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. 7. West District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. 8. Britannia/Youngstown Neighbourhood Planning Study, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983. 9. Britannia-Youngstown Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987. Summer1111






Physlcal Characteristics

Introduction - A contemporary, suburban resldentlal neighbourhood In the Southwest Plannlng District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 63 Avenue to the north, Whitemud Ravine to the east and Whltemud Drive to the south and west. - Most residential developments during the 1960's and 1970's. - Adjacent residential communities: Bulyea Heights to the south and Ramsay Heights/Brander Gardens to the west. served by the Pleasantvlew Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Soclal Characteristics


- 1989 population 2,190, a 1.4% decrease from 1986. Population level appears to have stabilized. - 27.2% residents under 20 years of age, identical to Edmonton's average. Average requirement for facilities and programs serving young persons. - seniors 5.4%, less than the City's 8.9%. Below average demand for services and resources for older persons. - Slngles 42.7% (vs. City's 47.1%) and married 53.4% (vs. City's 40.5%). Suggests a family-oriented neighbourhood. - 8.5% lone parent families, less than the City's 13.2%. Lower than average need for support services for slngle parents. - Post-secondary students 9.2% vs. the City's 5.7%. 10.1% homemakers compared to Edmonton's 7.4%, again Indicating a famlly-orlented community. - Residents employed full-time 41.8%, similar to the City's 40.7%. - 0.8% unemployment rate, much lower than Edmonton's 4.3% In 1989. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% implies level may have risen sllghtly In Brookside, but probably remains very low. - 6.1% retired residents, less than the City's 9.8%. Reflects below average proportion of seniors here. Average annual family Income $73,913, much higher than Edmonton's $41 ,681. Reflects an affluent neighbourhood. - Residents who have lived at the same address for a minimum of three years 74.1%, substantially higher than the City average (54%). 80.0% homeowners and 19.6% renters as compared to Edmonton's 46.8% and 48.4% respectlvely. Tenure and length of stay suggest very high social stability here. Brookvlew Is part of the Rlverbend community which participates In the Neighbourhood Watch Program.


- 82.1 % of area residential developments. 98% single family dwellings, 0.8% row housing and 0.2% low rise apartments. Financial capabilities of residents reflected In very well maintained and nicely landscaped properties. - Institutional uses 10.8%. Includes the elementary school, community league and a church. - Commercial uses 0.3%. - 5.6% parks and open spaces. TWo small neighbourhood parks In the south sector, an open area along the southern boundary and a landscaped pipeline right-of-way running east/west near multiple-unit dWelllngs.



- Whitemud Drive, a freeway, forms the south and west neighbourhood boundaries. Has an average annual weekday traffic volume of 61 ,400 vehicles. 53 Avenue and 143 Street serve as the main collectors here. An earth berm partially protects residents near Whltemud Drive from excessive traffic noise. This thoroughfare also a dangerous goods and truck rout.e. - Local roads have some rough sections, repairs needed. - Regular transit service provided via route 57 and peak hour service by route 132. Several routes on Whltemud Drive.

Public Facilities


Brookside Public Elementary School currently operating at 7% beyond its capacity of 425 students. Enrollments may decrease somewhat In the near future with construction of schools In other Rlverbend neighbourhoods. Portables on site. Basketball, soccer and baseball facilities on non-fenced school grounds. Also shares facilities with adjacent community league. RiVerbend community League has a hall, two Ice rinks and well-appointed play facilities. No community housing or residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons here. Additional recreational opportunities provided by the Whltemud Creek Ravine, the Rainbow Valley Campgrounda, and the Snow Valley Ski Area to the Immediate east. Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints provides religious services here.






- A centrally located service station, the only commercial facility here. - Social services provided by the Pleasantview Community and Family Centre (11044 - 51 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Servic~ Department and Argyll District Office (6235 - 103 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Duggan Health Centre (5035 - 108A Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health provides primary health care facilities here.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Brookside Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

Major Issues - Development of higher order commercial facilities may be needed_ In this general area as it Is somewhat isolated from others by Whltemud Drive and Whitemud Creek Ravine. - Educational resources currently being stressed but should be alleviated by construction of more Riverbend schools. - Local roads and sidewalks require repairs and upgrading of some rough sections.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

Future Plans - A noise abatement structure to be constructed along Whltemud Drive, north of 56 Avenue In 1991. Should eliminate most traffic noise generated along Whltemud Drive.

Conclusion - A physically contemporary and demographically young neighbourhood with very high social stablllty. - Development of more commerclal facllltles, especlally the higher-order commercial centre at nearby Falconer Heights may Improve residential satisfaction here. - As students from other neighbourhoods currently attending this school, construction of schools In other neighbourhoods should help alleviate high enrollment levels at Brookside School. - Local roads and sidewalks should be repaired Where necessary. September 1990





Neighbourhood Profile - Bulyea Heights

Neighbourhood Profile - Bulyea Heights


Social Characteristics

Bulyea Heights

The 1991 population totalled about 1.016. Because Bulyea Heights is a new and developing residential neighbourhood with a number of houses under construction, it is anticipated that the population level will increase sharply in the near future.

Wbitcmud Orin


The proportion of pre-schoolers living here is 12%, markedly higher than the City's average of 8%. This proportion is likely to increase further as new families with young children move into this neighbourhood. Also, Bulyea Heights has a significantly higher proportion of residents belonging to the 35. 44 years of age group (27.5% vs. Edmonton's 19.4%).



Sertiors make up less than 2% of the neighbourhood's population, significantly lower than 9% for Edmonton. This indicates a much lower-than-average demand for programs and services for elderly people. 50




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Bulyea He;gnts


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All (igwu have been rouodod U> the nearest pcrctntage (tn!c:ss odtcrwl:se. cottd).



4-------··-·-------···----··- - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - '.. 1991

Not kJScal~

The proportion of single-parent families in Bui yea Heights is esuniated to be much less than the City average.


Local residents employed full-time in 1991 was 42.5%, compared to 40% for Edmonton.

Bulyea Heights, also known as Brookview, is a new residential neighbourhood io the southwest of: the City. Bulyea Heights: • is both physically and demographically a young neighbourhood; • has a comparatively higher proportion of children than the City average; • appears to be an affluent neighbourhood with exclusively single family homes built so far; and • does not have adequate community infrastructure developed yet.

ES(fmonton ·~-~


Re...,iscd June 1993

Social stability in the community is growing as new homeowners move into this neighbourhood and take pan in neighbourhood activities. Homeowners constirute approximately 92% of the local residents (compared to the City 's average of 48%), which indicates that social stability is likely to be very high here. • Even though the ethnic origin information for Bulyea Heights is not available yet, it appears that it generally reflects that of the City. Residents of Chinese origin are somewhat more visible here. • According to Edmonton Police Service statistics, a total of 16 criminal offenses, tbe majority being thefts, were committed in 1991 in this neighbourhood. This number was much lower than the average for almost any residential neighbourhood in Edmonton. This also reflects a safe social atmosphere.

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ReviS<d June 1993



Neighbourhood Profile - Bulyea Heights



Physical Characteristics 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J

• Residential land uses occupy approximately 70% of the neighbourhood area. All homes developed so far are single detached dwellings. Several multiple-bOusing sites have not been developed yeL As a consequence, Bulyea HeighlS has a residential density which is lower than the City's average. Most homes are located on larger than average size lots and are well maintained.

Bulyea Heights


Public Facilities Currently, there is no school located in the neighbourhood. A public elementary school (George Luck School) is under construction, and scheduled to open in the Fall of 1993. Sites of a separate elementary school and a public junior high school are currently vacant. In view of the number of children living in the community, it is anticipated that the levels of utilization of any future schools here will be very high. Local students currently attend Brookside Public Elementary School or St. Mary Separate Elementary School in Brookside and Rhatigan Ridge respectively. • There is no specialized housing for seniors or low-income families located in Bulyea Heighis.


• Nearby child care facilities include: Let's Play Development Centre (536 Riverbend Square) and Riverbend - YMCA Out of School Care (258 Rhatigan Road East) .


• Bulyea HeighlS is a member of the Riverbcnd Community League. A new community league hall has recently been developed for the area residents in the adjacent Rhatigan Ridge neighbourhood. Arrangemenis are currently underway to form a separate community league wich lhe adjacent Ogilvie Ridge neighbourhood.

• Commercial uses make up about 3% of the area. A neighbourhood convenience commercial centre at the entrance of the neig.hbourhood (Brookview Plaza on Bulyea Road at Terwillegar Drive) constitutes this land use category. • Institutional uses constitute approximately 12% of the total area, and includes sites of three schools. One school is currently under construction while two school sites are vacanL

Nearby public facilities available for the neighbourhood residents include: Fire Hall No. 13 (4035- 119 Street) The University or Alberta Hospitals (8440 - 112 Street) Strathcona Police Station (9710- 51 Avenue) Duggan Health Centre (5035 - l08A Street) The neigbbourbood is served by the Pleasanrview Centre of Community and Family Services (#407, 11044 - 51 Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance.

Parks and open spaces account for about 5% of the area. It includes the neighbourhood park site (yet to be developed), a smaller park site with a dry pond. and walkways connecting different residential subareas with parks and the adjacent ravine. ;>1anning <\II l_ -

Nei.g hbourhood Issues



Local residents are anxious about che availability of regular public transportation in lhe neighbourhood. Buses operating during peak hours of weekdays only parually meet the need. No.34

• Two arterials bound this neighbourhood. Averageannual weekday traffic volumes in 1991 are 18,600 vehicles along Terwillegar Drive and 3,200 along Rabbit Hill Road. • Local roads and walkways are in good condition. Edmonton Transit provides peak-hour only public transportation with bus route No. 34. There is no weekend or holiday bus service available here.



(~_J 0


• Neighbourhood residenis are concerned about speeding automobiles along Bulyea Road which creates - safety hazards for residents. especially children. Neighbourhood residents have raised this issue through che Brookview Community Association newsletter. These are issues which the writer (in discussion with some community members/organizations) understood to be important in the neighbourhood at che time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact che Community Social Worker at Pleasantview Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-5441.

Revised June 1993

~ lf~'l•ll



Neighbourhood Profile - Bulyea Heights


~ lf~&ll

Neighbourhood Profile - E3ulyea Heights


The Future Physical development of this neighbourhood is nearing completion a1 a fast pace. Upon completion of !he multiple family sites and !he remaining undeveloped parcels, population of !he area will grow further. Community facilities are currently being planned and developed here. When completed, !he area rcsidentS will have easy access to a variety of neighbourhood amenities. With time and additional development, and as neighbours get to know one another, !he social stability is likely to increase further here.

References City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988- 1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Ride Guide; September I 992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722. Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, L992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 cnrollment figwes Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Pleasantview Centre of Community and Family Services Riverbend Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department °'Community and Family Services acknowledges !he assistance of staff in !he City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map.°' NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 199 I data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

Revised Jwie 1993 ~--· nto


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Neighbourhood Profile - Caernarvon


Neighbourhood Profile - Caernarvon




Social Characteristics The 199l population totalled about 4.920 people or nearly 6% more than in 1986.

• The community is demographically aging. Although there was a 2% decrease in the proportion of children under 20 years between 1986 to 1991, this group of young people remains significantly large (37% vs. 27% for the City). On the other band. the number of senior citizens increased from 1.6% to 3% during this same period.


• The data indicates that the marital status of residents (single, married. divorced/separated), as well as information on single parents in the neighbourhood. approximates that of lhe City as a whole. The perception of community and agency leaders, however, is that there are a significant number of single parents.









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Highlights Caemarvon is a suburban neighbourhood of Castle Downs in the northern outskirtS of Edmonton. Caemarvon: • has a high proportion of children; • appears to be a socially stable neighbourhood; • has community and agency leaders who are concerned about what they perceive to be a large number of single parents and financially struggling families; and • is concerned about the lack of teen programming/activities in the area.


The average annual income of $37,970 is somewhat lower than the City average of $40,465. Neighbourhood employment and unemployment rates approXilllate that e11perienc:ed across the City. The perception of community and agency leaders, however, differs from lhis data. They e11perience a large number of families to be struggling financially. Social stability in the community is evidenced in the tenure and ownership data. About47%ofresidents lived at the same address for five or more years compared to 40% for the City as a whole. Home owners represented close to 67% (City's average 49%) and tenants about 32% (City 49%). The most recent data source (1986 Statistics Canada) indicates a significant proportion of immigrant residents (25% vs. 21 % City). Ethnic origins of Caernarvon residents generally reflect that of the City. The e11ceptions are residents with Italian and South American origins who represent slightly h.igherproportions ofthe neighbourhood population than exist in the City as a whole.

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Revis<.<!January 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Caemarvon


Neighbourhood Profile - Caemarvon




Physical Characteristics >---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----'

Public Facllltles

Residential land uses occupy approximately 76% of the neighbourhood area. The majoriry of housing is single detached (58%), followed by row housing (34%) and low rise apanmeots (7%). Commercial uses cover a small amountoflaod (2%) and are confined to two neighbourhood convenience shopping centres. caomarvon

The two neighbourhood schools (Caernarvon Public Elementary and Katherine Therrien Catholic Elementary) had eorollments in the fall of 1992 at approximately 63% of capacity.


Caernarvoo Community League (14830- 118 Street) organizes social and recreational programs, such as hockey, baseball and soccer, for the area residents. Facilities here include a hall with changing rooms, two ice rinks and a playground for children. The Boys' and Girls' Club is now operating programs out of three different locations in the neighbourhood including Katherine Therrien and Caernarvoo Schools as well as the Caernarvon Communiry League building. • Institutional uses make up 8% of the neighbourhood and include 2 schools, a church and community league. • Recreation and open space accounts for 13% of the land. The neighbourhood park, adjacent to the two schools and Community League facilities, is included in this land use.

• The Family Centre operates a caemarvoo Parents' Drop-In Centre in the neighbourhood (3rd floor, 14825 - 118 Street). • Child care services within Caemarvoo include Kathy's Day Care and Out-of Schoon Care (11852-56 145 Avenue) as well as Wild Rose Day Care and Out-of-School Care (15143-121 Street). • There are approi<imately 100 subsidized family housing units, managed by Edmonton Housing Authoriry, scattered throughout the neighbourhood. • The neighbourhood is served by the Castle Downs Centre of Communiry and Family Services (#124, 15277 - 113A Street) which offers a variery of services including counselling, group programs, services for seniors, children and youth as well as community development




• Caemarvon is bounded on the north by two anerial roadways- 153 Avenue on ( 2.0. 29 12'1. 186 ) the north and l l 3A Street on the east These two busy anerials have average ( weekday traffic volumes of 19,100 vehicles along 113 A Street and 11,100 along 153 Avenue. A substantial undeveloped tract of land separates the neighbourhood from 127 Street ..__________ 127 Street is a regular truck route. Local roads and walkways are in good condition.



• Public facilities outside but serving the neighbourhood include: Number 17 Fue Station (15505 Castle Downs Road) Londonderry Police Station (6504 - 137 Avenue) Royal Alexandra Hospital (10240 !Gngsway ) Charles Camsell Hospital (12804-114 Avenue) Castle Downs Health Centre oftbe Edmonton Board of Health (#34, 15333 Castle Downs Road) Castle Downs Branch of the Edmonton Public Library (9 Lake Beaumaris Mall, 15333 Castle Downs Road)

Edmonton Transit provides public transportation with bus routes (oos. 26, 29,,'-.::::;;;;;;;;====::::;;;;;;;;;-::r 37, 86, 129, 186). ~--· nto



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Neighbourhood Profile - Caernarvon

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Neighbourhood Profile - Caernarvon

l'-Wtlm lf~&tl

References (cont'd)

Neighbourhood Issues • Caemarvon, similar to other neighbourhoods in Castle Downs, is concerned about the need for teen programmes and activities. • Community and agency leaders feel that there are a large number of single parents and low income families that are struggling under these stresses. These are issues which the writer understood (in discussion with some community members/organizations) to be imponant in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change overtime, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information. contact the community social worker at the Castle Downs Ccnttc of Community and Family Services (428-8605).

"Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Coxporate GBIS Project Office. Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided. on request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

Notes The Future The potential in meeting the needs of teens in the neighbourhood and tltroughout Castle Downs. depends largely on the success ofcollaborative cffonsofcommunity groups (example, community leagues. Area Council and local agencies). The recent introduction of the Family Centre into the neighbourhood will help in offering information and suppon for single parents and low income families.


• • •

City of Edmonton Civic Census • I 99 I Census of Canada. 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 199 I Traffic Flow Map, City of E.droonton Transponation Depanment Transponation System Bylaw, No. 9722. Appendix A, City Edmooton Transponation Deparunent Caemarvon Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Depanment, 1990. Edmonton Public School Board. fall I 992 cnrollmeot figures Edmooton Catholic School Board, fall I992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transponation Department, 1991 Albena Social Services Day Care Information System. July 1992 Katherine Therrien School Caemarvon Elementary School Castle Downs Centre of Community and Family Services

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Revistd Ianuuy I

Revised Jonuary 199.



Introduction • A mature residential neighbourhood within the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 132 Avenue to the north, 113A Street to the east, 127 Avenue to the south and 127 Street to the west. A few additional properties (commercial, residential, industrial and vacant) to the immediate south of 127 Avenue east of 127 Street included In this neighbourhood. • initial residential developments around 1917 but most growth occurred between 1945 and 1956. Location of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway shunting yards provided the initial Impetus to Calder's growth. • Older residential neighbourhoods of Athlone, Kensington and Lauderdale to the west, north and east respectively. The Calder yards of the Canadian National Railways to the Immediate south. • Served by the Castle Downs Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics 1987 population totalled 4,212 persons, showing a very small decline of 1.5% or 62 persons since 1983. Residents under 20 years of age 25.4% slightly lower than 27.6% for Edmonton. As these young residents numbered 1,070 In 1987, It will support continued viability of programs available for them. Seniors 11.7% of neighbourhood population as opposed to 7.9% for Edmonton. Reflects location of two senior citizens housing projects and availability of amenities desired by the elderly In Calder. Singles 47.1%, comparable to Edmonton's average of 47.5%. Married persons 40.3% of marginally lower than the City's average of 41.3%. Marital status indicative of an average neighbourhood where standard social and recreational programs could address most local needs. Full time employed persons 37.9%, lower than the City's average of 40.3% in 1986. A higher proportion of Retired (12.9% vs. the City's 8%) as a good number of seniors live here. Unemployed persons 8.6% In 1986, compared to 5.6% for Edmonton. As the City's current unemployment rate Is higher (9.6% In February, 1989) It Is highly likely that the neighbourhood's unemployment rate has also gone higher than the 1986 figure. Average family Income In 1986 estimated to be $34,281 (averages of Census Tracts 066 and 067), compared to the City's average of $41,681. Homeowners 43.5% (City's average45%) and renter's 48.1% (Edmonton's average 48.4%). 58.9% residents lived at the same address for at least three years. Tenure and length of stay indicative of average social stability In Calder. Overall crime rate In Calder did not increase between 1987 and 1988 while Edmonton's average rate Increased by 5.21%. Indicates a safe and secure community. The Neighbourhood Watch Program Is in effect here.

Physical Characteristics • Residential uses 82.8% of the neighbourhood's net area. Single detached (986 units) and single attached (212 units) developments 74.0% and 16.3% of housing stock respectively. Multiple-unit housing (triplexes, fourplexes and row houses) (42 units) 6.1% of available accommodation. Walk-up apartments 3.5% of the net land area.





• Comparatlvely newer and better maintained homes along the northern sector Qf the community. Older and smaller structures along the southern edge nearer to the Calder railway yards. • Community infrastructure (including roads, parks) upgraded using the Neighbourhood Improvement Program (N.l.P.) In effect here from 19n to 1980). • Approximately 400 older homes repaired using the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program introduced here in July, 19n. This program Is still In effect. Both the N.l.P. and the R.R.A.P. should be credited to bring about neighbourhood revitallzatlon In Calder. • In 1967, 47 residential properties (2.1% of the net land area), most In the central and southern sectors were vacant. If redevelopment takes place, the neighbourhoods population will go up. • Commercial uses 4.6% of the net land area. Banks, hotels, food stores, gasoline outlets and auto repair facilities included in this category. • Institutional uses 9% of Calder's net area. Two schools, two senior citizens' housing developments, the Community League Hall, St. Edmund's Parish Hall, St. Vladimir Parish Hall, six churches, Catholic Social Services facilities and a seniors' drop-in-centre Included in this category. • Parks and recreational open spaces only 1% of Calder's net area. In view of Calder's population level and the Parks and Recreation Departmenfs standard for recreation spaces (0.72 ha/1,000 population) this neighbourhood Is deficient in parkland. The neighbourhood park and three small recreational open spaces make up this land use category.

Transportation • Arterlals with high volumes of traffic bound this neighbourhood on three sides. Average weekday traffic volume was 25,:100 on 127 Street, 12,300 on 127 Avenue and 5,300 on 113A Street. 132 Avenue to the north Is a residential collector with an average traffic volume of approximately 7,100. High volumes of traffic create noise, safety problems for local residents. Traffic shortcuttlng and speeding evident on some residential roads, especially 129 Avenue. • Both 127 Street and 127 Avenue are regular (24-hour) truck routes and f'urther exacerbate traffic noise problem for the area residents. • Buses run through and along the edges of this community and provide both regular and peak-hour services (Route Nos. 23, 24, 25, 27, 37 and 94). Appears to have a good level of public transit service.

Public Facilltles • Calder Public Elementary School (12950 • 118 Street) had 191 students in December, 1988 • 42.5% of Its capacity of 625. Unless addltlonal neighbourhood rejuvenation through repairs of older homes, redevelopment of vacant properties take place and attract families with young children, enrollment at this faclllty may not Improve substantially. • St. Edmund Separate Elementary.Junior High (11712·130 Avenue) had 510 students in September, 1988 • 52.85% of Its capacity of 965. Even though the enrollment has slowly declined In recent years, Its wider service area would ensure Its viability in the foreseeable future.






Future Plans • Calder Community League (12721 • 120 Street) active In organizing residents on local issues and arranging social and recreational programs for them. Facillties at the community league Include a meeting hall, children's playing area and a skating rink. Adjacent neighbourhood park Is also utilized for sports and outdoor community events. • Grounds of the local schools offer addHlonal sports and recreational opportunities. • Calder Place (12934 • 119 Street, a senior citizen housing project has 41 self-contained apartment units. Being located next to services and amenities desired by the elderly (Calder Seniors Drop-in Centre, outdoor landscaped area with smlng benches, a bank, a food store and a regular bus route), this facility always runs In almost full capacity. • Kensington Court (13120. 125 Street) has 56 self-contained cottage units for seniors. Also runs In almost full capacity throughout the year. Age structure of this community's population, demand for specialized housing for elderly and availablllty of amenities for the seniors could suggest consideration for development of additional seniors housing here. • Chalmers United, St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox, End Time Message Tabernacle, St. Edmund's, Ursullnes of Jesus and Glad Tidings churches hold regular religious services for area residents. • Calder I (130 Avenue and 113A Street), a community housing project with six two· bedroom semi-detached units, is operating at full capacity. Income and employment characteristics of Calder Indicates a demand for additional such housing here. • The Castle Downs Centre (15277 • 113A Street) of Edmonton Social Services, the North Office of Catholic Social Services (11316 • 130 Avenue) and the Westmount Office (11016 • 127 Street) provides various programs for individuals and families residing in this · general area. • The Castle Downs Health Centre (15333 Castle Downs Road) provides primary health care services to the local residents.

Major Issues Vacant and rundown properties In the southern sector discourage potential home buyers, especially families with young children to live here. Also adversely affects local residents who gradually move out to other areas. Consequently, population level declining. Declining population causes underutilization of available community resources, especially the local school. Further loss of students could jeopardize the future viability of this school. Traffic speeding on Internal residential streets (especially 129 Avenue) and 127 Avenue creates safety hazards. Movement of railway engines and cars in the Calder shunting yards create noise and vibration problems for the southern sector residents especially at night. Partial concrete noise attenuation wall In place do not help to alleviate these problems. On street parking problems evident near the Internal commercial strip (129 Avenue and 120 Street) as well on residential streets adjacent to the 127 Avenue commercial strip. Growing number of seniors create demands for programs and services to address their needs.



• RoadWay reconstruction at the 132 Avenue and 127 Street Intersection scheduled for 1989. Upon completion, traffic will cross this Intersection more smoothly and safely. • The RRAP is still In effect. Eligible homeowners and landlords could upgrade their properties using grants available from this source.

Conclusion An older residential neighbourhood with distinct signs of physical decay and demographic maturity. Physical environment (arterials with high volumes of traffic, railway yards) not conducive to attract many new families. Consequently, the population base is dwindling. Further loss of population should be viewed with caution as It could jeopardize viability of some neighbourhood amenities, especially the public elementary school. Consideration should be given to Introduce effective mechanisms to reduce adverse Impacts of automoblles and railway yards (especially noise level). Interesting programs for the local elderly should be planned and introduced.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census Canada 1986. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II· Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1988 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 Calder Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

May 1119









Physical Characteristics Introduction • A City neighbourhood located in the West Planning District of Edmonton. • Boundaries are Whitemud Freeway to the North, 170 Street and 178 Street to the east and west respectively, and 69 Avenue to the south. • Most housing developments took place between 1977 and 1982. A good number of properties still vacant. • Located within Jasper Place Centre boundaries of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics • Total population for 1986 was 2,219 persons, a 6.1% drop from the 1983 total of 2,362. • A higher proportion of residents between the ages of 20 - 39 (53% vs. Edmonton's 42.1%), and a lower proportion of residents between the ages of 40-64 (16.2% vs. Edmonton's 22.5%). • 56% of the population single (City's average 47.5%) while only 34.7% is married (City's average 41.3%); • The full-time employm.ent rate for Callingwood North 52.5% in 1986 compared to the City's average of 40.3%. The neighbourhood maintained a lower proportion of unemployed· 4.7% compared to the City's 5.6% for the same period. Current unemployment rate for Edmonton is higher (9.6% in April, 1988) leading to believe that the jobless rate In Callingwood North may also be higher than the 1986 figure, but probably lower than the current unemployment rate for Edmonton. • Average neighbourhood household income $31,070 in 1981 (Edmonton CMA's average was $31,998). • Tenants 57.9% and homeowners 36.5% in 1983, compared to 48.4% and 45% respectively for the City. • A relatively good proportion of residents lived at the same address for at least three years • 46%. Considering a high proportion of row, town houses and apartments whose occupants are generally renters (usually more moblle than homeowners), these facts indicate growing social stability. • Crime rate Increased by 35% between 1986 and 1987 while Edmonton had only a 6% increase. The greatest increases occurred mainly in property related Incidents (break and enter and theft offences) and traffic-related incidents. • Neighbourhood Watch Program Is In effect here.



• Residential uses occupy 45% of the neighbourhood. • Single detached homes (only 13.2% of units) are located on the northeast part facing Whitemud Freeway but protected by noise berms. • Row housing and apartments (totalling 86.8% of units) are located on the north· west corner of the neighbourhood (Whitemud Freeway and 178 Street) and along 170 Street to 69 Avenue. • Most buildings are In very good to excellent condition, demonstrating not only the relatively young age of the neighbourhood but, perhaps, also the existence of maintenance-conscious residents. • No area used for commercial purposes. Resi dents have access to commercial services in the surrounding neighbourhoods. (Calllngwood South, Lymburn, and Oleskiw). • Institutional land use occupies 1.2% (Callingwood Elementary Public School) of land area. • Parks, Recreational, and Open Spaces make up 29% of the neighbourhood. Location of district level facilities (a twin Ice-skating arena and the YMCA sports and recreational complex) influenced this figure for Calllngwood North.

Transportation • Neighbourhood is surrounded by busy arterials with high volumes of traffic: 19,000 vehicles on Whitemud Freeway, 24,600 on 170 Street, 26,900 on 178 Street and 14,700 on 69 Avenue. • Residential collectors and Internal Streets are reasonably well maintained, but a few need repairing/repaving. • Heavy volumes of traffic on the arterials create safety problems for the residents since they must cross these to reach the nearby shopping facilities. There is also no protection from traffic noise along 170 Street. Whitemud Freeway is a regular truck route and is presently undergoing repaving. 170 Street is also scheduled for repaving In 1991-92. • Very good public transit service with routes 39 and 122 along ·the arterials and a regular route (#128) passing through the neighbourhood. In addition, two peak hour routes (#125 and #127) run through the neighbourhood and connect with downtown.

Public Facilities • Calllngwood Elementary School (17335 • 76 Avenue) has a current enrollment of 192 students - 55% of its capacity of 350 students. • Local Junior High or Senior High students attend Stratford Junior High (8715 • 153 Street) or Jasper Place Composite High School (8950 - 163 Street). Both schools otter subsidized bus passes.







• Callingwood Lymburn Community League is a recently formed organization . and utilizes the Elementary School as a meeting place. • A children's playground, outdoor rink, soccer fields, and baseball diamonds are located next to the school. This wide open space located in the centre of the neighbourhood is used year-round to organize all kinds of activities. • The Jasper Place Centre of Edmonton Social Services (15626 • 100A Avenue) and Alberta Social Services (170 Street and Stony Plain Road) provide various social services for the general area including this neighbourhood. • Health services are available through the Mlsericordla Hospital (16940 • 87 Avenue) and the West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 • 182 Street). • No senior citizens' housing project located in this neighbourhood. This appears not to be a deficiency, though, considering the low proportion of seniors in comparison to the City's average (2.8% vs. the City's 7.9%). • The "West Edmonton Developing Communities" is a recently formed local residents'organization promotes specific interests of west Edmonton which includes this community.

Major Issues • Greater protection from the traffic noise along 170 Street from about 76 Avenue to 69 Avenue. • Repairs of uneven surface of some residential streets appear to be necessary. · • Poor level of maintenance of vacant parcels lowers the aesthetic quality of the area. • A high crime rate is a concern to most residents. Presence of a significant proportion of tenants (due to the existence of many apartment units) who are mostly single and employed, and therefore stay away from residences for a good proportion of time may attract law-breakers to this neighbourhood. Many families with children moved away from this neighbourhood due to its high crime rate.

Conclusion • A comparatively young neighbourhood (physically and demographically) demonstrating a reasonable amount of stability. • Despite the recent trend Indicating a decrease in population, physical beautification of undeveloped areas and the proposed sports-recreational facllltles may attract and keep more residents for longer periods of time. This may, In turn, increase the level of social stability, and sense of community. • Planning various recreational programs In the future facilities for residents of all ages may increase the neighbourhood's appeal.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census of Canada, 1981.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


5·Year Construction Program: Transportation Department.


The 1987 Offence Occurrence Report, The City of Edmonton Police Department.


Census of Canada, Edmonton: Part I, Profile, 1986.


West District Survey of Residents, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.

Future Plans • A twin ice-skating arena (69 Avenue and 178 Street) is nearing completion in this neighbourhood. • A sports and recreational facility, developed by the YMCA, is also planned for the southwest corner of the neighbourhood. This complex will accommodate a swimming pool, exercise rooms, a day-care centre and kitchen facilities. It will satisfy many social and recreational needs of this neighbourhood and surrounding areas.



Summer 1988



1982·1992, The City of


Neighbournood Profile - Callingwood Souu•

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Neighbourhood Profile - Callingwood South


Social Characteristics

The 1991 population to!alled approximarely4,300people ornearly 3% more lhan in 1986 (which increased 2% from 1983). The neighbourtiood population bas apparently not yet peaked.

camngwood North

The percentage ofchildren under20 years of age was below lhe Edmonton average (20% vs. Ciiy 27%) in 1991. The 3% grow!h in 15-19 yrs. old was offset by the reduction of younger children.


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Although the numbe.r ofseniors has increased steadily and significantly from 1983, lhe percentage (7%) remains below that of the Ciiy (9%) in 1991.


1be number of young adults (20·39 years) decreased4% between 1989 and 1991. This group however remains a significantly larger group in Callingwood South (54%) than the City as a whole (39%).

Berween 1986 to 1991, single aduJLS decreased by 7% compared to a 40% increase in married residenLS. Separated and divorced residenLS (10% vs. 5% forlhe City) along with single-parenLS (25% v.s. 15% for the Ciiy) are a significantly large group of residenLS and may warrant particular attention LO their needs.


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Not to Scale


There is a high full-time employment rate (54%) in conuast LO 40% for the Ciiy.

Callingwood South is a suburban community, developed in the 1970's and located in west Edmonton. Callingwood South: • has a considerably higher proportion of young employed adults than the City as a whole; is somewhat unique in that all housing in the neighbourhood is composed of multiple family units; is predominantly composed of residents who rent their housing and are highly mobile; and has a large proportion of people who are separated, divorced and single-parents. Revised ~ber I

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Among residents 15 yr.;. and older, males had incomes slightly lower(S23,006vs. $24,304 City) and females slightly higher ($15,016 vs. $14,1 19 City) than across the City. ResidenLS in the community are highly mobile as evidenced by the high proportion of residents who had lived in the

area for under a year in 1991 (48% vs. 23% for the City). A large segment rent their homes (87% vs.48% for the City). Ethnic origins which are more strongly represented in Callingwood South than in !he City as a whole include British, French, Black and Jewish (Census of Canada, 1986).


Neighbourhood Profile - Callingwood South

lfN'..&W •a~•-

Physical Characteristics

1---- ---------- - -- -----J

Residential land uses occupy approximately 60% of the neighbourhood. The majority of housing stOCk is in mixtures of multiple housing types (52%), followed by low-rise apanments (36%) and row housing

Public Facilities

(13%). C..lllngwood South


The area school, Our Ladies of the Prairies Catholic Elementary School at 17655 -64Avenue,isoperatingveryclosetocapacity (95%in the fall of 1992).

The Lessard Community League serves a part of the neighbourhood located south of 64 Avenue. Only a few residents from this area however, participate in the League. Residents north of 64 Avenue in Callingwood South, live within the boundaries of Callingwood/ Lymburn Community League. Although the community league offers a variety of programs, a recent community league survey indicated that a large number of residents are unaware of the league. Child care services are provided by Sunshine Factory Day Care and Before and After School Care (17115/19- 64 Avenue), Candylane Day Care (6703 - 177 Street), Wolf Willow Day Care and Out-ofSchool Care (6911 - 172 Street). The 3% institutiona.l land uses include the neighbourhood elementary school. There are now two seniors housing complexes in the area with approximately 90 units in total for purchase. Commercial uses total 15% of the land area which includes the Marketplace at Callingwood with over 70 businesses. Recreation and open space take up 13% of the area. Children's outdoor playground equipment as well as soccer and baseball fields are located in the area surrounding Our Lady of the Prairies School

The Jasper Place Centre of Community and Family Services (10030 - 167 Street) offers a variety of helping services including counselling, groups services for seniors, children and youth as well as community development. Public facilities outside but SCNing the area include: West Jasper Place Health Centre of the Edmonton Board of Health (9720 - 182 Street) Fire Station No. 19 (6210- 178 Street) West Edmonton Mall Community Police Station (located near Entrance No. 40) Misericordia Hospital (16940 - 87 Avenue)

Transportation Neighbourhood Issues

39, 122. 128

Four major arterials bound this neighbourhood. In 199!, average weekday traffic volumes were: 10,900 vehicles along 178 Street; 7,600 along Callingwood Road; 9,800 along 170 Street and 13,700 along 69 Avenue. Edmonton Transit provides public transportation with bus routes (nos. 39, 122. 128).

( 0

170 Street is a Dangerous Goods and Truck Route

) 0

Concern exists for the safety of children waiting at !he major West Edmonton Mall bus tr.lllSfer point Residents have limited awareness of !he programs offered by the two community leagues serving the area. Because local jwlior high schools are full, residents are concerned that !heirteens need to crave! significant dis ranees to go to school. Forcurreotinfonnationoncommunityissuesandresources,contactthecommunitysocialworkerattheJasperPlace Centre of Community and Family Services (428-5908).

Revised Oecembet t9S

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Revised December •

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Neighbourhood Profile - Callingwood Sou





Notes The Future The trend toward a highly mobile population is expected to continue due to the large number ofrental units. •

The present effons of the two community leagues to inform and encourage residents to become involved could prove helpful in bringing recreational and social opportunities closer to residents.

References 1991 City of Edmonton Civic Census Census of Canada 1986 Five Year Consuuction Program: 19988-1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Deparunent Ride Guide (September 1992), City of Edmonton Transportation Depanment 1991 Traffic Aow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Depanment Transportation SyStem Bylaw Number 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transportation Deparunent Callingwood South Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Depanment, 1990 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes. City of Edmonton Transportation Depanment, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, Fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, Fall 1992 enrollment figures Albena Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Cycle Edmonton. City of Edmonton Transportation Deparunem, 1991 Calllngwood/l..ymbum Community League Parl<s and Recreation Community Leisure Co-ordinator

Jasper Place Community and Family Services' Community Social Worker Revised December 199


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Neighbourhood Profile - Callingwood South




Physical Characteristics Introduction • A developing, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Northeast Plannlng District of Edmonton. • Bounded by Hooke Road (north), Hermitage Park (east), Yeliowhead Trail (south) and Victoria Trail (west). • Residential developments began in the late 1970's and continue to present. • Adjacent residential communities: OVerlanders to the west. • Served by the Glengarry Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 1,308, a 119% increase from 1986. Reflects a developing and growing neighbourhood. • Residents under 20 years of age 32.7%, higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. Indicates higher than average demand for facilities serving children. • Seniors 1.8%, much tower than the City's 8.9%. Low demand for seniors' programs and facilities. • 51.3% slngtes and 37.5% married vs. 47.1 % and 40.5% respectively for the City. • Lone parent families 19.4%, significantly higher than Edmonton's 13.2%. Indicates a high demand for support services for this group. • 49.2% persons employed full-time, higher than the City's 40.7%. • Unemployed 3.5%, slightly tower than the City's average (4.3%) when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (May, 1990) City jobless rate of 8.2% implies a higher rate for Canon Ridge as well. • Homemakers 6.0%, less than the City's 7.4%. • Retired 2.5%, much lower than the City average (9.8%). Reflects small number of seniors In the neighbourhood. • Average family income $31,735, much lower than Edmonton's $41,681 average. Neighbourhood's income figure may be influenced by large proportion of single parent families (who usually earn less than average Income). • 40.4% residents at same address for at least three years, lower than Edmonton's 54%. • Renters 72.5% and homeowners 25.3% vs. 48.4% and 46.8% respectively. Length of stay and tenure suggest tow social stability for this neighbourhood. • Canon Ridge is part of the Homesteader Community, participating in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.




• Residential uses 25% of the neighbourhood's area. Of this, approximately 80% are single unit dwelllngs, and 17% row housing, including one community housing project • Hermitage Ill. Single and multiple unit dwellings well maintained. Absence of landscaping on some properties and large parcels of unmaintained vacant properties detract from the overall appearance of the neighbourhood. • No institutional facilities at present. • 1.5% commercial area. • 7.1% recreation/open space. Includes an undeveloped nel:ghbourhood park site in the north sector. • Vacant/undeveloped area about 66%. Most of this area is designated for multiple unit housing.

Transportation • Bounded by two arterials, Victoria Trail (west) and Yellowhead Trail (south). Average annual weekday traffic volumes 19,300 and 32,100 respectively. Hooke Road and Hermitage Road, the main collectors within this neighbourhood. No noise protection for residents along Victoria Trail to the west or the CNR tracks/Yeliowhead Trail to the south. Yellowhead Trail, a dangerous goods and truck route. Nearby residents exposed to traffic noise. • Regular transit service provided via bus routes 71, 73 and 74. Route 71 runs through the neighbourhood while buses on routes 73 and 74 travel along Victoria Trail. • Local roads and sidewalks in good condition, but regular maintenance necessary.

Public Facilities • No schools or community league in this neighbourhood. • One community housing project • Hermitage Ill, has 58 townhouse units. Currently operating to near capacity. • At present, only a gas station on a largely vacant, designated commercial area. Additional retail and service opportunities needed due to relative distance from nearest convenience shopping facilities. • Recreational opportunities provided by Hermitage Park (along the entire eastern boundary of the neighbourhood) and Rundle Golf Course nearby.








- Soclal services provided by the North District Office (#240, 13415 - Fort' Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Glengarry Community · and Famlly Centre (13315 • 89 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. • Primary health care faclllties provided by Clareview Health Centre (14023 Victoria Trail) of the Edmonton Board of Health.


References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Canon Ridge Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

Major Issues - Above average percentage of persons under 20 suggests demand for programs and facilities serving children. - Large proportion of lone parent families creates a high need for support services for this group. - Lack of community facilities (educational, recreational and commercial) may contribute to low social stability of this neighbourhood. Additional population through new residential developments could Increase demands for programs and services. - No noise protection for residents along CNR tracks or Victoria Trail.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

Future Plans - No transportation plans for the foreseeable future. - Most vacant properties designated for multiple unit housing, may be developed in near Mure. Would result in a major population increase, creating further demand for neighbourhood amenities.

Conclusion • A physically developing neighbourhood with a young pop1,1latlon structure. - Resources and services for lone parent famllles and young persons should be assessed and additional services Implemented. - Development of more community-based facilities necessary which could bring people together, Increasing neighbourhood's social stability. • Development of vacant properties may have a significant Impact on this neighbourhood Including a large population Increase. - Noise attenuation barriers may be required along CNR tracks and Victoria Trail to make the quality of residential atmosphere better.


June, 1990

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Th C 1y of Edmonton









Physical Characteristics

• A west district, mature residential neighbourhood with most physical development occurring around 1950's. • Bounded by 107 Avenue to the north, 149 Street to the east, 156 Street to the west, and Stony Plain Road to the south. Surrounded by older neighbourhoods of similar nature (Grovenor to the east, West Jasper Place to the south, and Britannia/Youngstown to the west). • Served by Jasper Place Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics • 1986 population totalled 3,562 persons, a 5.8% decrease from 1983 figure. Lower proportion of resi dents under the age of 20 (25% vs. City's 27.5%) and slightly higher proportion of young adults (ages 20·39), 44.3% vs. City's 42.1%. • Singles 51.1% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons only 33.3% (City's 41.3%) of population. Proportion of lone parent families 16% compared to City's average of 13% may Indicate a need for services and programs for this group. Divorced/separated Individuals 8.2% (City 4.8%) seems to confirm higher proportion of lone parents. • Neighbourhood unemployment rate in 1986 was 10.5% (City rate only 5.6%). Residents employed full-time 38.8% vs. City's 40.3%. • Average neighbourhood household income in 1981 was approximately $25,500 vs. Edmonton C.M.A.'s $31,998. Higher proportions of singles, lone-parents, divorced/separated individuals, and residents with lower educational qualifications living in Canora may explain the lower neighbourhood Income figure. • Lower proportion of residents lived at the same address for at least three years· 45.1% vs. City's 56.1%. • Only 28.5% of local residents are homeowners (City's average 45%) while 64.4% are tenants (City's average 48.4%). Higher proportion of apartments and the renting of some single detached homes help to explain this figure. Tenure and length of stay may indicate a moderate level of social stablllty. • Crime rate Increased by 10% in Canora between 1986 and 1987 (City had a 6% Increase). Increases found mainly to the south of 102 Avenue, along the Stony Plain Road commercial strip (mostly traffic and property related occurrences). • A relatively safe neighbourhood and member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.





• Residential uses occupy 75% of neighbourhood area. Single detached homes 47% and apartments (found mainly along 156 Street and south of 102 Avenue) 53% of housing stock. • Most single detached homes are In fair condition; some need rehabilitation. • Commercial uses 11% (predominant along Stony Plain Road). Institutional land uses (Including Brlghtvlew Public Elementary and Holy Cross Separate Elementary/Junior High Schools, and Jasper Place Church of God) make up 4.3% of total area. Parks and open space (Includes Canora and St. Anne Parks) occupy 9.7% of neighbourhood area.

Transportation • Four busy arterials surround this neighbourhood. Weekday traffic volumes Indicate 27,500 vehicles on 107 Avenue, 23,400 on Stony Plain Road, 21,600 on 149 Street, and 21,200 on 156 Street. • 107 Avenue is a Restricted Truck Route between 0700 • 2300 hours. • Landscaped noise berms along 149 Street reduce traffic noi se for residents near that margin. Medians and forced turn lanes have been developed along 104 Avenue to reduce traffic flow through residential streets. Traffic noise still a problem for residents near the other margins of neighbourhood. • Residential streets in fair condition; some require repaving. • Stony Plain Road Is scheduled for repaving In 1988. • Public Transit Routes (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, and 11) connect downtown and other areas of the City. Major Edmonton Transit transfer point is located across the street from Stony Plain Road and 156 Street.

Public Facilities Holy cross Separate Elementary/Junior High School (15120 • 104 Avenue} Is a French Emersion School with 538 students enrolled {61.8% of Its capacity of 870). Plans to reach total capacity In September, 1988. • Brightview Public Elementary School (15425 • 106 Avenue} has a current enrollment of 207 students (50% of Its capacity). Offers opportunity and adaptation programs for students with learning dlsabllltles. Experiencing decreased enrollments. • Canora Community League includes a hall, tennis courts, and Ice rinks. Organizes sports and recreational programs for local residents. Also makes use of local school's soccer fields.






- Jasper Place Police Station (10121 - 151 Street) serves the neighbourhood and the general area residents. - Canora Gardens (10160 -151 Street) is a high rise complex built to address housing needs of seniors. Contains 98 self-contained suites and operates at full capacity. - Jasper Place Church of God (10162 - 152 Street) provide regular services. - Centennial Mall Office (170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Social Services and Jasper Place Centre (15626 - 100A Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services provide various individual, family and community services. - Health services provided by West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health and Misericordia Hospital (16940 - 87 Avenue).

Major Issues - Traffic noise along 107 Avenue and 156 Street reduces residents' satisfaction. - Undeveloped lots and homes lacking proper maintenance detract from the general aesthetic appeal of the neighbourhood. - Gradually declining enrollments at the public elementary school could create problems for its future viability.

Future Plans


References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census of Canada, 1981.


Census of Canada, Part I Edmonton: Profile, 1986.


5-Year Constructi on Program: Transportation Department.


1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department.


The 1987 Offence Occurrence Report, the City of Edmonton Police Department.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


West District Survey of Residents, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Canora Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

1988-1992, The City of


- A West District Planning Study is being prepared by Edmonton Planning & Development Department. Publication date unknown.

Conclusion - A demographically aging but physically "mature" neighbourhood. - Predominantly single and mobile population reduces chances of increasing the level of social stability. Programs tor the greater number of divorced/separated individuals (8.2% vs. City's 4.8%) may be considered. - Emphasis on redevelopment/rehabilitation of single family homes may increase the aestheti c appeal of this neighbourhood. It may attract more families with children, making effective utilization of available community resources, including the public elementary school.

Fian: 1"? &lid l:!cva!c;ment


Thi City of Edmonton Summel' 1988











Social Charact eris tics

The 1991 population totalled about 2,870 or nearly 5% less than in 1986. Declining population is a common characteristic of residential areas of this age (developed in the l 950's) through the City. Between 1986 and 1991 , there was a 20% increase in the number of pre-schoolers and a 30% increase in children 5-9 yrs. old. These groups, however, remain smaller than the City average. These increases were offset by decreases in residents 10-29 yrs. and 45-64 yrs. old during the same period. There is a significantly large proportion of seniors (65 years and over) in the area (17% vs. 9% City).

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Highlights Capilano is a mature residential neighbourhood bounded by the North Saskatchewan River to the we~t and north. Capilano:


Single PatentS

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% oc'l'o!al Famlfles


<---·-·-..-----.. ----··----·-> 1986




Residency tot



<·------···----···--·--------····---·--·--··----..------··· > 1991

Social stability in the community is evidenced in the tenure and ownership data. Over 68 % of residents lived at the same address five years or more compared to 40% in the City as a whole. Homeowners represented approximately 95% of local residents (City's average 49%) and tenams about 5% (City's !lverage 47%).

• is a socially stable neighbourhood;

Income levels are generally high (S52,984 vs. $40,465 City).

• has an average family income considerably higher than the City average;

Ethnic origins of Capilano residents generally reflect that of the City. The exceptions are residents with British (27% vs. 23% City) and Ukrainian (I I% vs. 8% City) ethnic backgrounds.

• is almost entirely made up of single detached housing; and • has a large proportion of seniors.

Revised Oe<embcr1992




Revised December I992

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Physical Characteristics r------- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - . .1 Residential land uses occupy approximately 83% of the neighbourhood area. The housing is almost entirely single-detached (99%). As indicated in the chans below, this reflects a significantly tower residential density than the City average. Most homes are well maintained.





Public Facilities During tbe fall of 1992, tbe two neighbourhood schools (Capilano Public Elementary and St. Gabriel Catholic Elementary) had low enrollments. Both schools a.re operating at approximately 38% ofcapacity which reflects marginal increases since the late 1980's. • Capilano Community League (10810 - 54 Street) offers a variety of programs for all age groups. Programs include basketball, soccer, aerobics, Keep Fit. Malcing Christmas Wreaths and Pedal Pushers. The league has tennis couns, an ice rink, a hall, playground and basketball couris. • Good cooperation and close proximity between the Capilano Community League and Capilano School have benefited children. The religious institution in the neighbourhood include Hope Lutheran Church (5104- 106 Avenue) and Edmonton Soutb Seventh-Day Adventist (5108 - 106 Avenue) .



The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (300, Mill Creek Place, 9119- 82 Avenue) which offers a variety of services including counselling, various group programs, services for seniors, children and youth as well as community development. • Public facilities outside but serving tbe area include:

The only commercial site (106 Avenue and 50 Street) constitutes I% of the land area. Institutional uses make up 12% of the area and include the two schools and the community league. Ample recreational opportunities are available. Parks and open spaces within the neighbourhood total 3% of tbe land and include Alexander Thie le and Earl Samis Park. There is also easy access to Gold Bar and Capilano Parks which are part of the Capital City Recreation Park along the River Valley.

Number 11 Fire Sialion (6625 - IOI Avenue) Ottewell Community Police Station (9807 - 71 Street) 12 hr. walk -in service South Division Police Slation (9710 - 51 Avenue) 4 hr. service Grey Nun's Hospira! (1100 Youville Drive W.) ldylwylde Health Centre of the Local Board of Health (8314 - 88 Avenue)

Neighbourhood Issues Transportation

Odours coming from the Gold Bar Waste WaterTreaunent Plant have increasingly become a source of concern for local residents.


!06 Avenue is a busy arterial with an average weekday traffic volume of 17,900 vehicles. Collector routes in theneighbourhood include65 Street, 109 Avenue, 50 Street and 46 Street. • Edmonton Transit pwvides public transponation with two bus routes (nos. 50, 51). • Bicycle trails exist wough local parks (Capilano and Gold Bar) and connect as part of the larger River Valley multi-use trails.

(_~) 0


Local roadways and walkways are in good condition. Revised Deccmbcrl992

Concern over maintaining !he single family residential nature of !he neighbourhood has motivated Capilano to participate as part of !he Sou!heast Community Planning Coalition. These are issues which the writer understood (in discussion with some community members/organizations) to be imporiant in the neighbourhood al tbe lime of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important io different people. For current information, contact tbe Community Social Worker of Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-2625.



Neighbourhood Profile - Capilano



The Future • Studies are now underway to locate and comrol pungent odours from the Gold Bar Waste Water Treatment Plant. These studies along with appropriate action, will enhance the quality of life for residentS surrounding the plantS. • The Southeast Community Planning Coalition offers an important vehicle for residents to address local and regional concerns and to provide direction on future development in the area. • With residential units comprised almost entirely of single detached dwellings and excellent access to parks, it is anticipated that Capilano will continue to be a desirable neighbourhood in which to live.

References City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Transportation System Bylaw, No. 97'22, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Capilano Neighbourhood Fact Sheet. City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987

• •

• •

Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services Capilano Community League -City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department

"Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office. Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided. on request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

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Revised Occcmbcrl992

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Neighbourhood Profile - Carlisle

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Neighbourhood Profile - Carlisle




Social Characteristics CAERNARVON

The 1991 population totalled abOut 4,310, ornearly l % higher than in 1986. The constant and significant increases in population, experienced since the neighbourhood was f"irst developed in the late 1970's, appear 10 be levelling off. • The proportion of young people (birth to 19 years) remains significant (34% vs. 25% City). Changes from 1986 to 1991, including a 26% reduction in the 0-4 years old group, a decrease in residents 20-39 years old and an increase in all five year age groups over 40 years old, suppon the view that the neighbourhood population is aging. 50


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The length of time that residents have lived in the area is comparable to the rest of the City. • Full-time employment was marginally higher in Carlisle (42%) than across Edmonton (40%).


• The proportion of single parents in 1986 was also slightly higher (17%) than in the City (15%).

Carlisle is a suburban Carlisle:


of Castle Downs in the northern outskirts of Edmonton.

• The average family income ($36,775 vs. $40,465 City) was lower and the incidence of low income families (19%) slightly higher than the City as a whole (17%). • Supports for single parents and families coping with low income would appear to be relevant for this neighbourhood.

• has a high proponion of young people (binh to 19 years); • appears to have peaked in terms of population level at this time; • has an average family income below the City average; and • has a large parcel of vacant land which would permit limited further growth of population.

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Revised Iamwy I !



Neighbourhood Profile - Carlisle



Physical Characteristics

Neighbourhood Profile - Carlisle


Residential land uses occupy 81 o/o of the neighbourhood area. The majority of housing is singledetached (59%), followed by row housing (31 %) and low rise apartments (10%). As indicated in the chans below, this reflects a slightly lower residential density than !he City average. Most homes are well maintained.

Public Facilities

• St. Timolhy Calholic Elementary School ( 14330 - 117 Street) is operating at 87% capacity.


--Parks and open spaces consist of almost 9% of !he land area. • Commercial land use (2%) is confined 10 a local shopping facility at !he southeast comer of !he neighbourhood. Institutional land uses make up approximately 5% of the areaand include a Catholic elementary school and one church.

• Carlisle Community League (14240 - 117 Street) offers a variety of programs for neighbourhood residents. A sample includes: soccer, baseball, hockey, gymnastics, babysicling course, teen program, Christmas party and Santa Claus ride. TheLeague has a building (capacityof 60people) with a kitchen and two change rooms. There are also 2 ice rinks and a new playground. All Saints Lutheran Church, located at 13850 - ll 9A Street. provides religious services in the neighbourhood. • Approximately 85 subsidized family housing units, managed by Edmonton Housing Authority, are within the area. Public Facilities that serve the area include: Number 17 Fire Station (15505 Castle Downs Road) Londo.n derry Police Station (6504 - 114 Avenue) Royal Alexandra Hospital (10240 Kingsway) Charles Camsell Hospital (12804 - 114 Avenue) Castle Downs Health Centre of the Edmonton Board of Health (#34 Lake Beaumaris Mall, 15333 Castle Downs Road) Castle Downs Branch of the Edmonton Public Library (Lake Beaumaris Mall, 15333 Castle Downs Road)

• Slightly over 3% of the land area, along the western perimeter, remains vacanL

Neighbourhood Issues • Concern over the speed and volume of traffic along 142 Avenue resulted in rumble strips being instirutedon a one year trial basis. This trial period is now up and the community is looking at evaluating options for dealing with this issue.

Transportation • Three anerials bound this neighbourhood. The average weekday traffic volumes are26,900vehicles along 137 Avenue; 25,700along 127 Street; and 19.100 along Jl3A StreeL

• 137 Avenue is also a regular trUCk route. • Three collector roadways pass around and through the neighbourhood including 145 Avenue, 117 Street. and 121 StreeL

~. 37• • ,.

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Edmonton Transit provides public transportation with bus routes (nos. 29, 37, 86, 129, 186).

The vacant land directly eas1 of 127 Streel is sizeable and is under discussion as to potential uses. The Community League feels confident that it will be kept informed and involved in deliberations when appropriate. These are issues which the writer undersr.ood (in discussion with some community members/organizations) to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, con tact the community social worker at the Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services (428-2414).

There are bi.kc palhs along 113A Street and 137 Avenue.

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Parents parking in front of the school within a no parking zone is causing concern for the safely of students. A "courtesy card" program to remind parents of !he impact and options to this practice has not improved the siruation significantly.

Revised Jmuuy 199

Revised Jmuuy 1993

Neighbourhood Profile - Carlisle


Neighbourhood Profile - Carlisle




The Future • Because of the size of the vacant land area, negotiations on potential land uses will impact the neighbourhood. If the community league remains informed and involved in the decision making, this concern bas the potential to be resolved while meeting the needs of the neighbourhood. • The community's willingness and ability to creatively involve residentS in a problem solving process creates a healthy climate for resolving the traffic issues along 142 Avenue and parking/safety concerns in front of the school.

References • The City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 • Census of Canada. 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988- 1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department • Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Transponation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Carlisle Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department. 1990 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City ofEdmonton Transponation Department, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures • Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures • Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transponation Department, 1991 Albena Social Services Day Ca.re Information System, July 1992 Castle Downs Centre of Community and Family Services Carlisle Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department • St. Timothy Catholic Elementary School "Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. Wben it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818). Revised January l 9S

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Physical Characteristics Introduction - A new, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 153 Avenue to the north, 50 Street to the east, 144 Avenue to the south and 58 Street to the west. Most residential developments during the 1980's. Adjacent residential communities: York to the south, McLeod to the west and the tuture neighbourhood of Holllck-Kenyon to the north. • Served by the Glengarry Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 3,006, a 54% Increase from 1986. Reflects recent residential developments here. Population likely to grow turther with additional such developments. - 35.5% residents under 20 years of age, higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. Above average demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. • Seniors 2.6%, much lower thao the City's 8.9%. Low demand for services and facliitles for older persons. - 51. 7% singles, higher than Edmonton's 47.1 % and 34.4% married, less than the City's 40.5%. - 19.5% lone parent families, higher than Edmonton's 13.2%. Strong demand for special support services for single parents. - Residents employed full time 39.9%, marginally lower than the City's 40.7%. • Unemployed residents 4.4%, nearly the same as Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% may Imply a similar rise In Casselman as well. • Retired persons 3.3%, less than the City's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors here. • $38,449 average annual family income, lower than Edmonton's $41,681. An average middle class neighbourhood. • 44.6% residents have lived at the same address for a minimum of three years, less than the City's 54%. • Homeowners 39.3% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 54.5% (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggest less than average social stability here. Social cohesiveness and community stability may Increase with neighbourhood maturity, but high proportion of rental accommodation may hinder it to some extent. • Casselman Is part of Steele Heights which participates In the Neighbourhood Watch Program.



• Approximately 75% of area residential developments. By structure type, about 35% single family dwellings, 45% row housing (Including two community housing projects and two private cooperative housing projects) and 20% low rise apartments. All types of properties generally well maintained, excepting a few row housing units. • 1.5% institutional uses Includes two churches. • 2.0% commercial uses: a neighbourhood shopping centre in the southeast sector, providing retail and service opportunities. • Approximately 20% recreation and open spaces. Includes a large, landscaped open area In the northeast sector, providing some recreational opportunities. As well, a park area In the southwest sector including a large picnic area and a landscaped open area with some recreational facilities.

Transportation • Bounded by one arterial, 50 Street, with an average annual weekday traffic volume of 3,500 vehicles per day. This Is also a regular truck route. 144 Avenue, 149 Avenue and 55 Street serve as collectors here. Traffic noise does not appear to be a concern but heavy on-street parking In some areas may cause some traffic and pedestrian safety hazards. • Sidewalks in good condition, but local roads have a few rough and uneven sections. • Regular transit service provided via routes 32, 70 and 74 and peak hour service on routes 132 and 173. With recent new developments, extension of bus service maybe required.

Public Facilities • No schools within Casselman boundaries but two schools bordering the west boundary providing necessary services to the area residents. • McLeod Community League, to the Immediate west, serves this neighbourhood. • Many parks and open spaces provide recreational opportunities here. Large landscaped open area In the northeast has soccer and baseball facilities. Large picnic grounds In the southwest corner, adjacent to open area with soccer fields and baseball diamonds. Londonderry Pool and Arena also nearby.






- Two community housing projects here: Steele Heights II has 21 · townhouse units and Steele Heights ill has 35 townhouse units. Both operating at full capacity. - Two private housing co-ops: Estrella Del Sur with 23 townhouses and Homestead has 34 such units. - No residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons. - St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church and North Edmonton Alliance Church provide religious services here. - Casselwood Shopping Centre provides commercial opportunities. Incorporates a nursery, pub, restaurant, video outlet, hair salon, convenience store and a gas station. - Social services provided by Glengarry Community and Family Centre (13315 - 89 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and North District Office (13415 - Fort Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Glengarry Health Centre (9535 135 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

- Below average social stability likely to grow with time but may encounter some difficulties due to very high percentage of rental accommodation here. - On-street parking should be discouraged to increase vehlcle and pedestrian safety. - Local roads should be repaired and resurfaced where required ..

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II · Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 19B4.


Casselman Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

Major Issues - Above average proportion of young persons indicates a possible need for further development of facilities serving children and teens. - High proportion of lone parent families here, additional support services may be required. - Given recent developments, present transit service may not be adequate. - Heavy on-street parking near some multiple unit dwellings a traffic and pedestrian safety concern. - Local roads require repairs and resurfacing In some areas.



1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

Future Plans - No major transportation or development plans In the near future.

Conclusion - A physically new and demographically young neighbourhood with below average social stability. - Services and facilities for young persons and single parents should be assessed to determine if additional programs and services are necessary. - Transit service should be evaluated to determine If residents• needs are being met.




Seplember 1990








Physical Characteristics Introduction - An older, Inner-city resldentlal neighbourhood In the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton, currently undergoing extensive physical redevelopment. - Bounded by the North Saskatchewan River to the north, 90 Street to the east, Stratheam Drive to the south and Connors Road to the west. In the early 1900's, many - Original resldentlal developments redevelopments In the last five years. - Adjacent residential communities: Strathearn to the southeast and Bonnie Doon to the south. - Served by the ldylwytde Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 406, a 6.3% Increase from 1986. Indicates slight population growth, may be due to redevelopments. Suggests a higher utlllzatlon level of local community resources. - 16.5% of residents under 20 years of age, less than the City's 27.2%. Low demand for facllltles serving children and teens. - 15.0% seniors here, higher than Edmonton's 8.9%. Indicates above average demand for resources and services for older persons. - 36.2% singles, less than the City's 47.1%. 44.1% married, more than Edmonton's 40.5%. - Lone parent families 19.3%, higher than the City's 13.2%. Above average need for support services for single parents prevalent here. - 44.8% residents employed full-time vs. Edmonton's 40.7%. - Unemployed persons 6.2% vs. the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (June, 1990) jobless rate of 6.7% suggests level may have risen noticeably In this neighbourhood as well. - Homemakers 4.7%, less than Edmonton's 7.4%. - 16.5% residents retired, higher than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects large proportion of seniors here. - Average annual family income $35,459, somewhat less than Edmonton's $41,681. May be Influenced by high proportions of lone parents and seniors (who often have limited Incomes). - 52.7% residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, similar to the City's 54%. - Homeowners 49.0% and renters 44.9% vs. 46.8% and 48.4% respecttvely for Edmonton. Tenure and length of stay suggest average social stablllty In Cloverdale.



- Resldentlal developments 14.5% of area. 88.5% single detached homes, 4.9% two unit dwellings and 1.1% trl and fourplexes. Wide mtx of housing stock here due to redevelopments. Some older properties poorly maintained or landscaped. Once redevelopments and renovations completed, neighbourhood will have more appeal. Park-llke atmosphere gives an open feeling to this neighbourhood. - 24.3% Institutional uses Includes the Community League, the Muttart Conservatory and a church site. - 7.0% commercial uses Include a few retail and service outlets, within one block, along 98 Avenue. - Parks and open spaces 43.8%. Includes several large open areas, mostly along the outer perimeters of the neighbourhood. Also incorporates a portion of the Capital City Recreation System. - 10.2% vacant/undeveloped area. Likely to be redeveloped for residential uses; could cause an Increase In population.

Transportation - Bounded by one arterial, Connors Road to the west. Another arterial (98 Avenue) runs through the neighbourhood. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 23,000 and 20,000 respectively. Traffic noise on Connors Road not a concern as no residences along this thoroughfare. 98 Avenue, however, does have adjacent residences. No noise barriers along this road creates higher traffic noise levels. Pedestrian safety also a concern here given that residents must cross this arterial to access other neighbourhood areas (Including recreation facilities). 98 Avenue also a restricted truck route and Connors Road a regular truck rou1e. - Local roads have some rough sections (made worse by redevelopments). Absence of sidewalks along some streets creates pedestrian and children's safety concerns. - Regular transit service provided via route 51, which travels on 98 Avenue.

Public Facilities - No publlc or separate educational Institutions. One private faclllty, Bennet Environmental Education Centre located In Cloverdale. No community housing projects or resldenttal facllftles for seniors or the handicapped here. Cloverdale Community League, located In Gallagher Park, has a hall, Ice rink, ball diamonds and play facilities on site.







Extensive parks and open spaces here including a portion of the Capital City Recreation System, thus providing a wide variety of recreational possibilities for local residents. The Edmonton Ski Hiii also located In this neighbourhood. - Commercial facilities Include a ski shop, service station and convenience store, located within a one block area along 98 Avenue. - Social services provided by the Miii Creek Community and Family Centre (9119 - 82 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and by the South Argyll Office (6235 - 103 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by the ldylwylde Health Centre (8314 - 88 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Facilities for seniors and lone parent families may be required due to higher than average proportions of these groups. Current services should be assessed and unmet needs addressed. Construction on 98 Avenue could improve traffic flow but may not address pedestrian safety and local traffic concerns on this route. Extent of local traffic disruptions on routes leading to the Muttart Conservatory and the Ski Hill should be assessed, alternate ac:cess routes may be appropriate. Redevelopments could change physical and social complexion of this neighbourhood. Population level may Increase, creating demands for additional services. Local roads require some repairs but major improvements may not be possible until redevelopments completed. Sidewalks requlr.ed In some areas.


Major Issues - Large proportion of seniors In this neighbourhood but no residential facilities for them. - High percentage of lone parent families suggests a higher than average need for support services for single parents and their dependents. - High volume of traffic flow on 98 Avenue creates pedestrian and traffic safety hazards for local residents. - Public access to Muttart Conservatory and Edmonton Ski Hill may create traffic noise and congestion on local streets. - Local roads require some repairs and absence of sldewalks along some streets creates pedestrian safety concerns.

Future Plans - 1990 roadway construction planned for 98 Avenue. May. Improve traffic flow and eliminate some safety hazards here. - Condominium project planned along 98 Avenue. May create further traffic concerns for existing residents, through heavier on-street parking. - Some row housing developments planned for this neighbourhood at a future date.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Cloverdale Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987. .

Conclusion - A redeveloping neighbourhood with a mature population structure and average social stability. June 1990





1990-1994, The City of Edmonton




Introduction The Inner-city neighbourhood of Central McDougall is located to the Immediate north of the Downtown (across C.N. lands) within the jurisdiction of the Central Plannlng District of Edmonton and Consolidated District Service Centre 7 (Westmount). It is bounded by 111 Avenue/Kingsway Avenue to the north, 101 Street to the east, 105 Avenue to the south and 109 Street to the west. Simllar older residential communities surround Central McDougall on three sides ·Spruce Avenue and Prince Rupert to the north, McCauley to the east and Queen Mary Park to the west. To the Immediate south of this neighbourhood is the Canadian National Rallway yards. Historically, most residentlal developments in Central McDougall took place between 1915 and 1935. Some rallway transportation related lndustrlal uses (fight manufacturing, medium industrial and warehouses) were also permitted in this neighbourhood. The location of Central McDougall In close proximity to the downtown, the Canadian National as well as the Canadian Pacific Railways, the Munlcipal Airport and the presence of a good network of arterial roadWays In the Immediate vicinity all assisted In successtul physlcal development of this neighbourhood. Commerlcal developments were largely concentrated along the arterlals. Central McDougall still maintains these land use characteristics. In recent years, Central McDougall has attracted many new immigrants and slngle persons wishing to take advantage of affordable housing, a wide assortment of City and institutional services and proximity to the downtown and nearby Industrial employment opportunities (source: Central District Survey of Residents, 1985).

Social Characteristics According to the 1986 Civic Census, the population of Central McDougall totalled 5,166 Individuals. This figure represented a 10.5% Increase since 1983. Gradual Improvement of the overall residential environment in the area during the past five years, relocation of some residents from Boyte Street-McCauley to this neighbourhood, preference of this area by some mental health patients due to avallabllity of facilities nearby (source: Canadian Mental Health Association) and an Increased Interest In this area especially by new immigrants (as evidenced by new Vietnamese restaurants, retail stores and residents of Vietnamese and Central American origins) could be partially attributed to this populatlon growth. A comparatively lower proportion of young residents (under 20 years of age), a significantly higher proportion of young adults (20 • 39 years) and a lower ratio of senior citizens are the three characteristics of the age composition of the residents of Central McDougall. Children make up 20% of the neighbourhood's population,





compared to 29.5% for Edmonton. Young adults constitute 58.2% of Central McDougall's population, as opposed to 42.2% for the City. Only 5 .3% of the community's residents are classified as elderly (65+) whereas 7.9% fall within this category on a city-wide basis. The demographic youth of Central McDougall Is also reflected In its marital composition. Single Individuals constitute 55.4% of Its population, noticeably higher than the 47.5% for the City. Conversely, the proportion of marri ed persons llvlng In this community Is signlflcantly lower than the City's average - the figures being 27.6% and 41.3% respectively. The proportion of full-time employed persons residing In this community (40.9%) Is comparable to the City's average (40.3%). However, the proportion of unemployed Individuals llvlng here In 1986 was 12.5%, more than twice the City's average of 5.6%. As the neighbourhood's most recent unemployment figure Is not avallable, and In view of the current unemployment rate of 11 .4% for Edmonton (January, 1988), it Is believed that the present unemployment rate In Central McDougall would probably be higher than the 1986 figure and might even be higher than the current jobless rate for Edmonton. The average household income In Central McDougall In 1981 was $19,785, sharply lower than the $31,998 for the Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area (source: 1981 Census of Canada). Concentration of young single adults, Individuals on AISH program (source: Canadian and Alberta Mental Health Associations) and presence of newly arrived immigrants, whose Income figures are usually much tower than the average) may have pulled down the household Income figure for Central McDougall. Homeowners constituted a rather minuscule proportion of the neighbourhood's population in 1986 as only 3.5% residents owned their residences. This figure was substantially lower than the average for Edmonton which amounted to 45%. Renters, conversely, made up 87.4% of the community's population, as opposed to 48.4% for the City. The proportion of vacant residential units here In 1986 was greater than the average for Edmonton • the figures being 9.1% and 6.3% respectively. Approximately 70% of the residential units In Central McDougall are either bachelor units, studio apartments or one-bedroom suites. This Indicates that most residential units are not suitable for occupation by famllles. The average household size In this community Is only 1.73 persons, compared to 2.58 persons for the City. These facts clearly Indicate that many households In central McDougall does not have any chlldren. This conclualon Is also supplementary to the earlier findings that Central McDougall ls a demographically young community providing residential accommodation to mostly single lndlvlduals.

e"mo ' n•on I' ~U






An analysis of the length of residence reveal that only 25.3% of the local residents have lived at the same address for a minimum period of three years, slgnfficantly lower than the City's average of 56.1%. Tllls Information ls in conformity with the fact that Central McDougall ls Inhabited predominantly by renters who are usually more transient than homeowners. But when one considers the negllglble proportion of homeowners residing here, this figure Indicates that at least one-fifth of local tenants have been llvlng at the same address for a minimum period of three years. Tllese patterns of tenure and length of stay are Indicative of a low level of social stablllty In Central McDougall. Tlle Statlstlcal Report prepared by the City of Edmonton Pollce Department Indicates that Central McDougall recorded an approximately 7% decline In criminal offences In 1987 over the previous year. Tllls figure is encouraging while one considers the location of the neighbourhood In close proximity to the downtown, the neighbourhood's age and land uses and the fact that during the same period the City's average crime rate Increased by 6%. Incidents Involving persons and traffic declined while the numbers of property, morality and miscellaneous Incidents Increased during this period. Introduction of the Neighbourhood Watch Program may be effective here to reduce criminal Incidents further. Tllls could also reinforce a sense of safety and security among local residents.

Physical Characteristics Approximately 67% of the land area is devoted to residential uses. Single family homes make up approximately 30% of the available housing here. Most of these homes are In fair to good condition with some needing renovations. All single family homes are located to the north of 108 Avenue, whlle majority of walk-up apartments are located between 106 and 108 Avenues. Walk-up apartments provide 70% of available residential accommodation In Central McDougall. Concentration of walk-up apartment blocks on both sides of the 107 Avenue commercial strip has created severe parking problems on adjacent resldentlal streets exacerbated by the additional spaces required and used by patrons of local buslneues. Tllls also creates problems In safe movement of traffic and pedestrians In this area. lnstlMlonal land uses make up approximately 17% of the total area of this neighbourhood. Tlle Prince of Wales Armoury, Victoria Composite High School, the Centre for Education (Edmonton Public School Board Administrative Offices) McDougall Public Elementary and Junior High School, the Polish Hall and the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. John constttute this land use category.






Commercial land uses are confined primarily along 107 Avenue, 101 Street and to the south of 106 Avenue. Various retall and service outlets Including drug stores, restaurants, banks, dry-cleaning operations, home appliances sales and repairing concerns, ethnic food stores and automotlvHelated businesses are located here. These commercial facilities serve both local residents as well as communing public from a much Wider catchment area. Industrial land uses are confined along the southern sector to the south of 106 Avenue and are intermixed with related commercial uses. AutomotlvHelated Industrial operations, fur-cleaning and sewing businesses, machine-tools and hardware manutacturlng units are typical examples of Industrial uses In this area. These uses make up approximately 5% of the neighbourhood's area. The recently-closed Coca-Cola bottling plant Is also located In this neighbourhood. Parks and open spaces provide 2% of the area. The neighbourhood park, located east of 107 Street, north of 109 Avenue make up this land use category.

Transportation Central McDougall Is bounded and Intersected by six arterlal roadways • 111 Avenue, Klngsway Avenue, 101 Street, 106 Avenue, 107 Avenue and 109 Street. Due to the location of Central McDougall In close proximity to downtown, the area experiences a very high level of traffic movement during weekdays. The transportation Department estimated that the average weekday traffic volumes In 1986 were 22,700 vehicles on 111 Avenue, 17,000 on Klngsway Avenue, 28,400 on 101 Street, 22,700 on 107 Avenue and 25,900 on 109 Street. In addition, 13,500 vehicles use the 105 Street overpass between 105 and 107 Avenues. The cumulative effect of all traffic moving through and around this community creates high levels of traffic noise and safety problems here. Movement of trucks along the local 24-hour truck routes (111 Avenue, Klngaway Avenue, 101 Street, 107 Avenue and 109 Street) further accentuates the traffic-related Issues, and reduces the overall quallty of residential environment In Central McDougall. Edmonton Transit buses belonging to ten routes (Nos. 3, 7, 9, 17, 19, 22, 27, 29, 41 and 42) provide regular service through and around this neighbourhood. In consideration of the location of this neighbourhood In proximity to Jobs In the surrounding areas (Including the downtown, the government centre and the nearby Industrial and commercial operations), the proportion of employed persons residing in this community and the level of transportation services already available, it could be concluded that the transportation needs of the local residents have already been adequately addressed.









Future Plans for the Area The 5-Year Construction Program (1988-1992) Indicates that 105 street between . 107 Avenue and Klngsway Avenue wlll be constructed in 1990. When this upgrading is completed, traffic using this route should move more smoothly and may even reduce some short-cutting problems through resldentlal streets.

Public FacillUes Two schools - Victoria Composite Senior High and McDougall Public Elementary-Junior High are located in this neighbourhood. With an enrollment of 1,066 students, the senior high school is currently functioning at about 40% of Its capacity of 2,720 students. In addition to standard academic courses, this seni or high school offers several special programs including automobile mechanism and repair, English as a Second Language and business training (including typing and shorthand). Therefore, this school draws students from all over the City. With the recent Increase in the neighbourhood's population, the student enrollment at the McDougall Public Elementary and Junior High School has gone up from 245 pupils in 1982 to 300 in 1987. This facility is currently functioning at 58% of Its capacity of 525 students. If the population growth trend continues, and if this school offers in the immediate future specialized program directed towards ethnic students (as this area is gaining popularity with recent Immigrants from Southeast Asia and Central America), this school may become a significant community resources. Edmonton Social Services holds the olplnlon that such specialized programs may Include English Immersion classes for non-English speaking students, E.S.L classes for adults, and programs related to cultural, social and recreational needs of ethnic students. Adjacent to Victoria Composite Senior High School Is the Centre for Education (1 Kingsway Avenue) which accommodates the administrative offices of the Edmonton Public Schools. Several meeting rooms, an underground parkade and a large cafeteria which can be used by external agencies while holding meetings and seminars there are major components of this development. . Central McDougall Community League Hall is located next to the neighbourhood park (north of 109 Avenue, east of 108 Street). Facilities at this location include a meeting hall, children's playing area and a wading pool. Various social and recreational programs for local residents take place at this facility. The grounds of the local schools also offer some sports and recreational opportunities to students. The Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Cathedral of st. John provides religious services to the residents of this general area. Adjacent to this cathedral Is the st. John's Parish School offering theological lessons to Interested students.




Since adoption of the Central McDougall Area Structure Plan In 1982, some streetscape Improvements (north of 107 Avenue between 102 and 104 Streets as well as between 106 and 108 Streets), enhancement of the facilities of the neighbourhood park through installation of new playing equipment, landscaping and regular maintenance and some upgrading of sewer installations have been accomplished (source: Area Planning Branch, Planning and Building Department, February 1988). The Parks and Recreation Department hopes that adequate funds for additional parkland acquisition In Central McDougall may be allocated in the 1989 City budget. Acquisition of additional park spaces will meet the open space deficiencies of the neighbourhood and will also provide facilities for the area's present and future residents, especially those residing to the south of 107 Avenue. The Planning and Building Department carried out a resident's survey in t he Central District in January, 1985, results of which were published in the Central District Survey of Residents In May, 1985. On the basis of the findings of this survey, a District Planning study wlll be prepared to address the existing and the emerging issues. It is expected that a preliminary draft of this document should be available by the Spring of 1988. As noted earlier, 105 street between 107 Avenue and Klngsway Avenue Is scheduled to be constructed in 1990. Upon completion of this project, traffic connecting between the two busy avenues should move more smoothly and short-cutting and speeding through local residential streets should be reduced. However, such a development would be contingent upon future uses of the Prince of Wales Armoury building and the ultimate connection of 105 Street through the armoury site may expose residents' living near 105 Street to higher levels of traffic noise.

Conclusion Central McDougall ls a physically mature but demographically young community. Due to the availability of comparatively Inexpensive rental accommodation here and its location adjacent to the downtown where many j ob opportunities exist, Central McDougall has remained a popular residential location among young adults, the majority of whom are single. Implementation of some recommendations of the Central McDougall Area Redevelopment Plan have somewhat Improved the physical as well as residential environment of Central McDougall. Addltlonal Improvements of the physical condition of this community as suggested In the Central McDougall Area Redevelopment Plan (for example, new parks and open spaces, provision of street furniture, pedestrian oriented street llghtlng, sldewalk upgrading) could further raise the quality of residential atmosphere here.








The population of Central McDougall has gone up during the last three years .. With an increase In the overall population level of this community, the local public elementary-junior high school has also experienced some strength in its enrollment-level. If this trend continues, the viability of this community resource would not be in question In the immediate future. Due to the presence of an exceptionally high proportion of rental suites, whose tenants may not take much interest in community activities and social interaction among neighbours, it Is unlikely that a strong community spirit may ever develop here. Tenants of single famlly homes, therefore, may form their informal social support systems centerlng around the community hall, the grade-school or the church. Presence of new Immigrants, especially those coming from southeast Asia and Central America has presented opportunities for the local community league to Introduce ethnic soci o-cultural and recreational programs. Such attempts could benefit the entire community to develop understanding and appreciation for various cultures and to form social networks. Increased police patrols through and around the neighbourhood and improved lighting in the back alleys would ensure a greater sense of security in Central McDougall. Introduction of the Neighbourhood Watch Program here would also provi de an opportunity of surveillance of the area by the local residents and may further reduce the number of crimes in this community. Several traffic-related problems have lowered the quality of residential environment in Central McDougall. Due to the roUting of arterials through and around this neighbourhood, it may not be possible to address all traffic-related issues. However, some problems like on-street parking, speeding and short-cuts could be effectively controlled by better traffic management.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. 5-Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, the City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The 1987 Offence Occurrence Report, the City of Edmonton Police Department. Central McDougall Area Redevelopment Plan, Bylaw No. 6222, City of Edmonton Planning and Building Department, 1982. Central District Survey of Residents, City of Edmonton Planning and Building Department, 1985.



Introduction • A developlng, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Mlllwoods Road South/16A Avenue (north), 34 Street (east), 10 Avenue (south) and 50 Street (west). - Residential developments began In late 1970's and stlll continuing. - Adjacent residential communities: Pollard Meadows/Daly Grove to the north and Sakaw to the west. - Served by the Mlllwoods Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 3,470, an 18% Increase from 1986. Reflects a developing neighbourhood, population growth expected to continue. - 41 .4% residents under 20 years of age vs. City's 27.2%. Indicates a demographically young neighbourhood with high demand for programs and facilities serving children and teens. - Only 1.1% seniors in neighbourhood, much lower than City's 8.9%. Low demand for senior's services and facilities. - Singles 47.9% and married 46.5% vs. Edmonton's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. Reflects a family-oriented community.. - Lone parent families 9.4%, less than the City's average (13.2%). Support services for lone parents required but no special demand. - Employed persons 40.9%, comparable to the City's 40.7%. - Unemployed persons 2.7% vs. the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (May, 1990) City rate of 8.2% Implies unemployment level has risen In Crawford Plalns as well. - 7.1% homemakers here vs. the City's 7.4%. - Retired persons 2.0%, much lower than the City's 9.8%. Reflects small number of seniors In neighbourhood. - Average family Income $39,412 (vs. City's $41,681), reflecting an average working class neighbourhood. - 47.2% of residents have lived at same address for at least three years, less than the City's 54%. Depicts a new neighbourhood to which residents have recently moved. - 69.1% homeowners (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 29.7% (vs. City's 48.4%), suggests neighbourhood wlll be more socially stable once developments completed and people have resided here for a few ¡years. - Crawford Plains Is part of the Southwood District which participates In the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

March 1988







Physical Characteristics - Residential uses approximately 70% of the area. Of this, 95.7% single detached homes and 4% row housing. Most developed properties quite well maintained. Construction activities currently underway and lack of fully developed foliage detract from neighbourhood appeal. Will improve with maturity and completion of developments. - Institutional uses 3.7%. Included are a public elementary school and a cemetery. - 2.5% commercial area represents two small retail and service outlets, one In the northwest corner and one In the north central section of the neighbourhood. - Vacant/undeveloped properties approximately 20% of area. - Recreation and open spaces 4.1% of area. Represents a neighoburhood park, and a landscaped pipeline right-of-way.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterials, 34 Street to the east and 50 Street to the west, and two collectors, Millwoods Road South/16A Avenue to the north. 12 Avenue, which runs through the centre of the neighbourhood, also a collector. Average annual weekday traffic volumes; 9,500 on 34 Street, 13,500 on 50 Street and 7,100 on Mlllwoods Road. Traffic noise barrier In place only partially alol'lg 50 Street. 50 Street a restricted truck route and 34 Street a regular truck route. - Local roads generally rough and uneven, needs repaving. Current construction in many areas increases these problems. - Regular transit service provided via route 78 (through centre of neighbourhood on 12 Avenue) and peak hour service via routes 159 and 161 (on Millwoods Road).

Public Facilities - Crawford Plains Public Elementary School here. Operating at 84% of its capacity of 650. With high level of development currently underway, school probably will be operating to capacity or beyond In near future. Has soccer fields, ball diamonds and a well-appointed play area. - No community housing projects at present. - No specialized housing projects or facilltles for seniors or the handicapped here. - Commercial facilities include two retall and service outlets. In the northwest corner of this neighbourhood Is a gas station, convenience store


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and car wash. At the Intersection of Mlllwoods Road and 16A Avenue is' a small shopping area Incorporating a gas station, video outlet, take-out food, a restaurant and lounge and several professional offices. Millwoods Town Centre, a major shopping faclllty, nearby. - Additional recreational opportunities provided by Millwoods Recreation Centre and Millwoods Golf Course. - Social services provided by the Millwoods Offic.e (2849, Millwoods Road N.W.) of Alberta Famlly and Social Services, and the Millwoods Community and Family Centre (#214, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. - Primary health care facilities provided by Millbourne Health Centre (7525 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed, active treatment facility, located nearby and serves area residents.

Major Issues - Crawford Plains School llkely to be operating to capacity or beyond in near future. - High demand for facilities and programs serying children and teens due to large proportion of persons under 20 years of age. - Local roads rough and uneven, resurfacing required. - Extensive residential developments may create additional demands for services. - Residents living near !iO Street, south of 13 Avenue, exposed to some traffic noise due to absence of noise attenuation barriers.

Future Plans - Proposed outer ring road will have a significant impact on Crawford Plains Involving Increased traffic flow on 50 and 34 Streets and traffic noise for residents along 10 Avenue. - A nursing home Is proposed for this area at a future date.

Conclusion - A physically developing and demographically young neighbourhood with increasing social stablllty. - Additional services and faclllties (Including education, recreation and commercial outlets) may be required given expanding development and increasing population growth.








- Large proportion of persons under 20 years of age suggests a very high ¡ demand for services for this group. - Local roads require some resurfacing due to rough and uneven sections.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Crawford Plains Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

June 1990



1990-1994, The City of Edmonton



Introduction - A mature suburban neighbourhood in the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Boundaries are Summit Drive and MacKinnon Ravine to the north, Riverside Drive and the North Saskatchewan River Valley to the east, 149 Street to the west, and McKenzie Drive and McKenzie Ravine to the south. - Most residential development occurred throughout the 1950's and 1960's. - Surrounded by several physically mature neighbourhoods - Grovenor to the north, West Jasper Place to the west, and Parkview to the south. - Served by the Westmount Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 2,213 persons, a 5.6% decline from 1983 figure. Even though such a decline in population is common with mature neighbourhoods as community ages and old~r children and young adults leave home to establish their own households, in view of the population base of this neighbourhood, further decline could ¡create problems in sustaining neighbourhood amenities. - Smaller proportions of residents under 20 years of age (neighbourhood total 22.6% vs. City's 27.5% average) and young adults (25.5% vs. City's 42.1%). Indicates less-than-average demand for programs and services for young residents. - Significantly higher proportion of middle-aged individuals (33.1% vs. City's 22.5% average) and seniors 18.8% compared to City's 7.9% average. Programs and services designed for the older population appear to be in greater demand. - Singles only 37.4% (City's average 47.5% and married persons 55.1% of population (City's average 41.3%). Demonstrates a demand for family-oriented social and recreational programs. - Residents employed full-time 36.3% (City's average 40.3%). In 1986 only 1.8% of population was unemployed compared to 5.6% for the City. Edmonton's June 1988 figure was 7.3% suggesting a higher neighbourhood rate as well but still lower than the City's. Good proportion (19.9%) of homemakers in this neighbourhood (City's average 8.7%) reinforces its family-oriented character. - Average neighbourhood family income in 1981 was $51,080 (Edmonton C.M.A.'s was $31,998). The higher income figure in spite of a lower proportion of employed persons and a higher share of homemakers in this neighbourhood may be due to the presence of a greater number of professionals.




... llM


- A significant proportion of residents lived at the same address for at least three years - 82.4% vs. City's 56.1% average. - Homeowners 89.1% of population (City's average 45%) and tenants only 9.8% compared to City's 48.4% average. Tenure and length of residency patterns are Indicative of a high level of social stablllty In this neighbourhood. - Crestwood Is a member of the Edmonton Police Department's Neighbourhood Watch Program, designed to reduce neighbourhood crime.

Public Facilities


Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses occupy 56.7% of neighbourhood area. Majority of housing stock (96.1%) Is single detached dwellings, followed by apartments (2.5%) and semi-detached (1.4%). Most homes are well maintained with only a few requiring some renovations. - Commercial uses (one neighbourhood convenience commercial facility, at 96 Avenue and 142 Street, and a service station at 149 Street and 96 Avenue) 1.0% of total area. - lnstltutlonal land uses total 6.0% of neighbourhood area. Includes St. Paul Catholic School, Crestwood Public Elementary and Junior High School, 5 churches of various denominations, and Sisters of St. Joseph of Peterborough (St. John's) Convent. - Parks open spaces 3.5% of total area. (Includes Crestwood Park and Isabelle Connelly Park). - Vacant properties total 1.3% of neighbourhood area. (One large parcel at 100 Avenue and 149 Street Is a proposed church and senior citizen housing site).



St. Paul Catholic Elementary School (14410 - 96 Avenue) had 167 students enrolled in 1987, 74.2% of Its capacity of 225. Increasing enrollments in recent years have Improved the future vlablllty of this local amenity. Crestwood Public Elementary and Junior High School (9735 - 144 Street) had 334 students enrolled, 95.4% of Its capacity of 350. This facility has also experienced increased enrollments during the recent past. Crestwood Community League organizes sports and recreational actiVltles for local residents. Its facllltles Include tennis courts, curling arena (Crestwood Curling Club), picnic area, playground, and meeting hall. Other recreational facilities used by the community league and local residents are provided by the neighbourhood park and schools (ball diamonds, soccer fields, playgrounds, and sliding hill) and the Crestwood Arena at 9940 - 149 Street. One neighbourhood convenience commercial faclllty (142 Street and 96 Avenue) meets some dally shopping needs. Religious services are held In this neighbourhood at the West End Christian Reformed Church and Seventh Day Adventist Church (both at 9949 - 149 Street), Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic Church (9950 - 148 Street), St. John's Catholic Church {9830 - 148 Street), and Crestwood Presbyterian Church (9616 -143 Street). Also located in this community is the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peterborough (St. John's) Convent. Various social service needs are met by the Westmount Office {12308 - 111 Avenue) of Alberta Social Services and the Westmount Centre (12323 Stony Plain Road) of Edmonton Social Services. Health services are provided by the West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues

Transportation - Three arterlals bound and Intersect this neighbourhood at different points. Average weekday traffic volumes Indicate 24,200 on 142 Street, 23,600 on 149 Street, and 7,000 on 95 Avenue. - High volumes of traffic along the arterials create noise and safety problems for local residents. - Most residential streets and walkways are In good condition with only a few roads needing repaving . - Public Transportation Is provided by Edmonton Transit Routes (Nos. 12, 16, 116 and 126) connecting downtown and the Meadowlark and Jasper Place Transit Centres.





- Traffic noise and safety along the arterlals are a concern among local residents. - Poor maintenance of some city-owned properties detr.a ct from the general aesthetic level of the neighbourhood. - Unpleasant odours occaslonally coming from the storm and sanitary sewers reduce residents' satisfaction.







Introduction Future Plans • Large vacant parcel at 149 Street and 100 Avenue has been approved for the development of a new church facility and a 77 suite senior citizens' self-contained apartment housing project by the West End Christian Reformed Church. This proposed complex will provide a distinct social benefit to residents In this area through provision of specialized housing for the elderly as well as meeting various religious and social needs. The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department may produce a Planning Study for the southwest district.

• A developing, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 23 Avenue (north), 34 Street (east), 16A Avenue (south) and Mlllwoods Road East (west/southwest). • Residential developments began In late 1970's and still continuing. - Adjacent residential communities: Bisset to the north, Pollard Meadows to the west/southwest and Crawford Plains to the south. • Served by the Mlllwoods Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics

Conclusion - A physically and demographically mature community. The special needs of the higher and growing proportions of senior citizens should be assessed and appropriate programs or services developed. • Proximity to the River Valley has resulted In th.l s neighbourhood being one of the more preferred residential areas in the City. - Recent decline In population should be treated with caution as further loss could create problems In effective utilization of available community resources or planning new programs for the area.

Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981 . Census of Canada, Part I Edmonton: Profile, 1986. 5-Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northwest District Survey of Residents, the City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Nortwest District Working Paper No.2: Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Crestwood Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

Sumll*' 1981



• 1989 population 3,171, a 10% Increase from 1986. Reflects a developing neighbourhood; population growth expected to continue. 40% residents under 20 years of age vs. City's 27.2%. A very high proportion of children under 10 years of age (28.5% vs. the City's 14.8%). Reflects a demographically young neighbourhood (92% of the population is under 45) with a high demand for programs and facilities serving children. Seniors 1.3%, much lower than the City average (8.9%). Low demand for senior's resources and facllltles. - 50.8% singles and 43.1% married, both slightly higher than 47.1% and 40.5% respectively for1he City. - Lone parent famllles 11.7%, slightly lower than Edmonton's 13.2%. Support services for single parents needed but no special requirements. - 41.8% residents employed tull-tlme vs. City's 40.7%. - Lone parent famllles 11.7%, slightly lower than Edmonton's 13.2%. Support services for single parents needed but no special requirements. • 41.8% residents employed vs. City's 40.7%. 2.1% unemployed, less than halt of Edmonton's 4.3%, according to 1989 CMc Census figures. Current (May, 1990) City jobless rate of 8.2% implies level may have risen In Daly Grove as well. Only 1.2% retired residents vs. City's 9.8%, reflecting small number of seniors In neighbourhood. • $36,299 average family Income, lower than Edmonton's $41,681. Suggests a working class neighbourhood. 52.3% residents at same location for at least three years, similar to the City average (54%). Homeowners 60.5% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 36.6% (vs. City's 48.4%). Indicates potential for Increased social stability 'o nce developments completed and residents live here for a few years. - Daly Grove Is part of the Southwood Community Dlatrtct which participates In the Neighbourhood Watch Program.







Physical Characteristics - Resldentlal uses approximately 80% of area. Of this, 94% represent single detached homes, 2.9% row housing (Including one community housing project - Southwood IV) and 2.3% low rise apartments. Row housing and single family homes generally well maintained. Completion of current construction and follage maturHy wlll Increase neighbourhood appeal. - Institutional uses 7% of area. Includes a church and a public elementary school. - Commercial area 1.8%. Represents a busy retail and service centre in the northwest sector of the neighbourhood. - Approximately 7% vacant/undeveloped properties. May lead to further population increases if residential developments constructed here. - Recreation/open spaces about 5% of area. Represents a neighbourhood park, adjacent to the school.


- Commercial faclllties include a retail and service area Incorporating numerous outlets. Included are a service station and convenience store, drug store, restaurant, day care, realtor and several professional offices. Millwoods Town Centre, a major shopping facility, nearby. - Additional recreational opportunities provided by Mlllwoods Recreation Centre and Millwoods Golf Course. - Social services provided by the Millwoods Office (2849, Millwoods Road N.W.) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Mlllwoods Community and Family Centre (#214, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. Primary health care facilities provided by Mlllbourne Health Centre (7525 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed active treatment facllity located nearby and serves area residents.

Major Issues Transportation - Bounded by two arterials, 23 Avenue (north) and 34 Street (east). Average annual weekday traffic volumes 15,100 and 9,500 respectively. Two collectors, Mlllwoods Road East to the west/Southwest (carries 6,200 vehicles) and 16A Avenue to the south. No traffic noise barriers in this neighbourhood. 34 Street Is a regular truck route. - Local roads generally rough and uneven, some repaving needed. Current construction in many areas increases these problems. Regular transit service provided via route 78 and peak hour service via routes 159 and 161. Route 78 runs through the centre of the neighbourhood on 37 Street/20 Avenue and buses of routes 159 and 161 travel on Mlllwoods Road East.

- Daly Grove School already overcrowded, likely to continue high enrollment levels in the near future due to large numbers of preschoolers and continuing residential growth. Very high demand for services and facilities for children (under 10 years of age). - Residents concerned with speeding vehicles and lack of traffic controls. Local roads have some rough and uneven sections, some resurfacing required. - Further residential development may create additional demands for services. - Traffic noise may be a concern for residents along 23 Avenue.

Future Plans Public Facilities - Daly Grove Public Elementary School currently operating 6% beyond its capacHy of 300. Portables currently being utlllsed. High proportion of preschoolers and Increasing residential developments suggest further overcrowding In near future. Bali diamonds, soccer fields and a wellappointed play area on site. - A community league facllity currently being constructed, wlll be located next to school. - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints located here. - One communHy housing project, Southwood IV, has 59 townhouse units. Operating to near capacHy. - No speclallzed facilltles for seniors or the handicapped here.



- Expansion of 34 Street planned for 1993 from 23 Avenue to 16A Avenue. Could facilitate physical access but Increase traffic noise in the nearby areas.

Conclusion A physically developing and demographically young neighbourhood with Increasing social stability. School may face further pressures with overcrowding in the near future.







• Additional services and facilities (including schools, recreation and sports' facilities and commercial outlets) may be required given new residential · developments and Increasing population growth. Continued high demand for facilities serving children under 10 years of age. • Local roads require some resurfacing.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II· Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. ·


Daly Grove Nelghbourho~d Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

June 1990



1990-1994, The City of Edmonton


Introduction • A developing, suburban residential neighbourhood In the West Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by Callingwood Road to the north, 178 Street to the east and 184 Street to the west. • Initial stages of neighbourhood development completed during the late 1980's. Next stages to be developed in the near future. • Adjacent residential communities: Ormsby Place (north), Gariepy (east) and Jamieson Place (west). • Served by the Jasper Place Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 1,186. Population level will increase as future stages of neighbourhood are developed. Residents under 20 years of age 36.5%, higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. High demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. • 2.0% seniors here, much less than Edmonton's 8.9%. Low demand for services and facilities for older persons. • Singles 44.8% (vs. City's 47.1%) and married 53.6% (vs. City's 40.5%). Indicates a family oriented neighbourhood. • Lone parentfamilles 5.2%, much lower than Edmonton's 13.2%. No special demand for single parents' support services here. - 46.1% residents employed full-time, higher than the City's 40.7%. 1.2% residents unemployed vs. Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (July, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.2% implies level may have risen slightly but likely remains low in Dechene. - Retired persons 2.4%, less than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors residing here. - $61,105 average annual family income, substantially higher than the City's $41,681. Reflects an affluent neighbourhood. - 51.2% residents at the same address for a minimum of three years, slightly less than the city's 54%. - 95% homeowners and 2.0% renters (vs. Edmonton's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Social stability will Increase as neighbourhood matures and When residents have ilved here for a few years. - Dechene Is part of the Lessard District Which participates In the Neighbourhood Watch Program.








Major Issues Physical Characteristics - Approximately 50% of area residential developments. 100% single family dwellings. Most existing properties well maintained. Absence of landscaping on a few newly developed properties. - No institutional or commercial uses here as yet. - No developed or landscaped recreational area at present. - About 50% of neighbourhood area remains undeveloped. Much of this eventually to be developed for residential uses; population will grow substantially, creating demand for community facilities and programs.

Transportation Bounded by two arterials: 178 Street and Calllngwood Road have average annual weekday traffic volumes of 1,000 and 6,000 vehicles respectively. 184 Street and 57 Avenue serve as collectors here. Traffic noise does not appear to be a concern at present. - Local roads have some uneven sections, resurfacing and repairs required. Regular transit service provided via routes 39, 124 and 128 and peak hour service on routes 125 and 127. Service appears to address residents' current needs.

- Large proportion of young persons suggests a high demand tor facilities and programs serving children and teens. - Given significant population growth expected In the near future, development of neighbourhood facilities a priority here. - Local roads require some repairs and resurfacing.

Future Plans - Next stages of residential developments will commence in the near future. Substantial population Increase to occur, creating new demands for various components of neighbourhood facilities. - Schools and recreational facilities to eventually be developed in the central sector. - Extension of 178Streetfrom 55Avenuesouthwest past 184 Street to occur In 1991. Will be extended further, to the proposed Outer Ring Road in 1992. Will improve traffic flow here, especially when new residential developments In the currently vacant lots take place. May also Increase traffic noise level for the nearby residents.

Conclusion Public Facilities - No schools here at present and no developed recreational facilities. - No community housing projects or residential facllftles for seniors or the handicapped here at present. - No commercial facilities as yet. However, nearby Lessard Mall provides commercial opportunities for these residents. - Social services provided by Jasper Place Community and Family Services Department and the West District Office (#201, 170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.



- A physically developing and demographically young neighbourhood with Increasing social stability. - No facilities for young persons here at present, will be required In the near tutu re. - Many future developments (mostly residential) planned here, resulting in extensive population growth and Increasing demand for community-based facilities and services. - Local roads require resurfacing and repairs in some sections.










References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Dechene Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.


Dechene Neighbourhood Structure Plan, 1979.

September 1990




- A mature residential community in the north-central sector of Edmonton. - Bounded by the Yellowhead nan to the north, 86 Street to the east, 122 Avenue to the south and 97 Street to the west. - Much of the housing stock 45-55 years old. - Residential neighbourhoods of similar nature bound Delton - Eastwood to the east, Alberta Avenue to the south and Westwood to the west. - Located within the Central Planning District of Edmonton. - Served by the Beverly Centre of Edmonton Social Services

Social Characteristics - Neighbourhood population 2,061 in 1987 - sharp decline of 14% from 2,395 in 1983. Even though loss of population Is common in inner-city communities, further loss could create serious problems in sustaining available neighbourhood amenities and maintaining community stability. - Proportion of young residents (below 20 years) slightly lower than the City's average (Delton 23.4% vs. Edmonton 27.5%). - Neighbourhood share of seniors almost double the City's average, the percentages being 14.3% and 7.9% respectively. Needs consideration for programs and services for the elderly. - Proportion of singles (44%) somewhat lower than the City's average (47.5%). Share of married persons correspondingly higher (Delton 45.1 % vs. Edmonton 41.3%). - Lone parents 11.3% (averages of Census Tracts 060.02 and 061), slightly higher than the City's average of 9.58%. Marital status Indicates that although standard programs can address most local needs, consideration may be given to assist lone parents and their dependants. - Compared to the City's average of 40.3%, a lower proportion (35.4%) of neighbourhood residents held full-time employment In 1986. Neighbourhood's jobless rate In 1986 was 8.8% vs. Edmonton's 5.6%. The City's current unemployment rate (9.6% In February, 1989) suggests that the neighbourhood's jobless rate Is much higher than the 1986 figure. - Average family lncome$28,044 (averages of Census Tracts 060.02 and 061) vs. the City's $41,681. A high proportion of elderly, a lower share of full-time employed persons and probably low wages of a portion of full-time employed residents may explain this discrepancy in average family Income. - A higher than average level of social stability Is evident at 65.7% residents lived here (as opposed to the City's 56.1%) for at least: three years and the facts that over one-half 55.8%) of the homes are occupied by their owners. - Local residents are concerned about crimes against persons and properties. Offences In both categories Increased sflghtly between 1987 and 1988. Traffic offences declined dramatically during this period making the neighbourhood's crime rate fall very sharply. overall, local crime rate declined by 43.6% as opposed to Edmonton's increase by 5.21%.






A good mtxture of ethnic population Including the British, Ukrainians, Germans,' Italians, Polish, Dutch and the natives. Presents opportunities for social · understanding through multlcultural programs.

Physical Characteristics - 90.5% of net neighbourhood area used up by residential developments. Single-family attached and detached homes 90.1% of available accommodation. Multl-famlly untta and walk-up apartments 4.6% and 5.3% respectively. Most homes are In fair to good condition, but some dwellings show signs of physical decay. All walk-ups being located along 97 Street makes Internal residential environment non-Imposing. Renovation of some older homes and redevelopment of new homes, especially duplexes clearly offer a feeling of neighbourhood rejuvenation In Delton. It should be noted here that the Residential Rehabllltatlon Assistance Program (R.R.A.P.) was Introduced In Delton In 1981. So far, approximately 180 housing units have been repaired using the R.R.A.P. grants. - Commerclal land uses 2% of net land area. Mostly confined at the northwest and provide day-to-day retall and service opportunities to local residents as well as commuters. - Institutional uses 3.9% of net area. The community league hall and Faith Mennonite Church Included In this category. - Parks and open spaces 1.7% of the net area. Includes the neighbourhood park (122 Avenue and 89 street) and a landscaped open space south of 124 Avenue, west of 95A Street. - Vacant properties 1.6% of the net area.

Transportation - TWo very busy arterlals bound this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes 40,000 on Yellowhead Tran and 44,400 on 97 Street. Yellowhead Trall a dangerous gooda route whlle 97 Street a regular (24-hour) truck route. High volumes of traffic create aome noise problems near 97 Street. Noise barriers along Yellowhead Trail has reduced traffic noise level along the northern margin of Delton. - Grid pattern streets encourage speeding through Internal streets especially along 122 Avenue (a residential collector) and 123 Avenue. - Edmonton Transit provides both regular and peak-hour service along 97 Street and 122 Avenue (Routes Noa. 19, 23, 24, 25, 29, 129, 186, 187 and 188). The number of seniors and the average family Income of Delton Indicate that Edmonton Transit provides an essential services In this area.




Public FacDHies - Delton Public Elementary School (12126 - 89 Street) located In the adjacent Alberta Avenue neighbourhood. December, 1988 enrollment 339 students. Functioning at 64.57% of Its capacity of 525 students. Receives students from neighbouring Westwood neighbourhood. Even though the neighbourhood's proportion of pre-schoolers Is lower than the City's average (5.8% vs. 8.1%), the school's catchment area being larger than the neighbourhood's boundary will ensure Its continued viability In the near future. - Delton Community League (12325 • 88 Street) organizes sports, recreational and social activities (Including regular bingo games) for area residents. Utilizes Its own facilities (meeting hall, playground, Ice rink) as well as facilities of the nearby Delton playground (122 Avenue and 90 Street), Beachmount tot lot (124 Avenue and 95A Street) and the grounds of the local school (soccer fields, baseball diamonds, children's playing areas). • No senior citizens homes, community housing and accommodation for the handicapped are located In Delton. • The Hys Centre (11010 • 101 Street) of Alberta Social Services and the Beverly Centre (11803 • 48 Street) of Edmonton Social Services meet various social service needs in this area. • Primary health care services available through the Eastwood Health Centre (7919 - 118 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues • Physically deteriorating housing stock reduce the general aesthetic level of the neighbourhood. As noted earlier, the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (R.R.A.P.) provided financial grants to repair 180 units (nearly one quarter of local housing stock) so far. Physical Improvements of additional units (through private resources as the R.R.A.P. has recently been discontinued by the Federal Government) could Improve the appeal of the community to young famllles, rejuvenating Its population base. Traffic safety is a major concern for the area residents. Traffic speeding along 122 and 123 Avenues create safety hazards and reduces neighbourhood satisfaction.

Future Plans • Improvement of 97 Street between 127 and 132 Avenues In 1989 and new residential developments to the north (In the developing neighbourhoods of Lago Undo, Eaux Clalres and Belle Rive) may Increase traffic volumes along 97 Street, making the current traffic noise problem even worse. • Plannlng and Development Department may produce a Central District Planning Study In the future.





Neighbourhood Profile - Delwood


Conclusion • A physlcally and demographically mature community in the Central Planning District. • A high proportion of elderly persons with no senior citizens• homes here suggests that senior consideration should be given for specialized housing, programs and services for them. • Physical Improvement of addltlonal homes could attract more famllles here, strengthening the local schools as well as the neighbourhoods population level. • Additional police patrols could reduce crimes against persons and properties, further reinforcing a sense of safety and security as well.




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The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census Canada 1986. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II· Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1988 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Central District Survey ot Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 Delton Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.


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Highligh ts Delwood is a residential s uburoan neighbourhood approximately nine kilometres nonheast of the downtown. Delwood: • is predominantly composed of single detached homes; • is home to a large proponion of residents who have lived in the neighbourhood for a .long period oftime; • has an average family income above the City average; and • is experiencing increases in the senior citizens population. June 1989

Revis«! J1111uary 1993



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Physical Charactertstlca

Social Characteristics


• Residential land uses occupy approximately 85% of the neighbourhood area. The majority of housing is single-detached (90'llo), followed by duplexes (5%) and low rise apanments (4%). As indicated in the chans below, this reflects a lower residential density than the City average . Most homes are well maintained.

• The 1991 population t0talledabout3,890peopleor8%lessthanin 1986. Thisisacontinuationofattend from the early 1980's when there was a loss of population. Residents under 20 years old in 1991 (21%versus27% City) represented a 7% decrease from 1986. There was however, a 20% increase in the proportion ofchildren 0-4 years during this same period which may indicate some rejuvenation occwring in the neighbourhood.



• The 11 % proportion of seniors (65 years and over) in Delwood is comparable tO the City's average of 9%. This represents a significant increase between 1986 to 1991. In adctition. the large population of residents 45-64 years (34% versus City 17%) incticates that the proportion of seniors will increase in the future.

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• Commercial uses make up approximately 1% of the land area. These are confined to the four comers of the neighbourhood, which have gas stations at each location and a small food store on 66 Street south of 134 Avenue.

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• Institutional uses total 12% of the neighbourhood and include two local elementary schools.


• Parksandopenspacesmakeup1%ofthelandarea,includingDelwood,JosefChelenandoneCitylevel park.

Social stability is evident in the tenure and ownership data. Close to 70% of residents lived at the same address for 5 years or more (compared tO 40% for the City). Homeowners represented 84% of local residents (City's average 51 %) and tenants about 16% (City 's average 49%). • The full-time employment rate (41 %) was marginally higher than the City's (40% City) as was the average family in.c ome ($42,148 vs. $40.465). As expected with the large senior population, retired residents were a larger than average group (14% vs. 11 % City) in the neighbourhood. Ethnic origins of Delwood residents generally reflect that or the City. The exception is residents with UJaainian origins who comprised about 22% of the neighbourhood population (8% City).

Transportation • Del wood is bounded by three arterial roadways which are also regular truck routes. Average weekday traffic volumes are 25,300 along 137 Avenue; 17,900 along 66 Street; and 25,700vehicles along 82 StreeL


• Local roads and walkways are in good condition.


• Edmonton Transit provides public transportation with busroutes(nos. 30, 70, 71, 73, 171, 172).


70. 71, n. 171, 112)

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• Bicycle routes are located along 137 Avenue and 74 Street. Revised 1muuy

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ReviJod 1muary 1993

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Public Facilities

The Future The active resident panicipation in neighbourhood organizations will allow for emerging needs and concerns to be addressed. The likelihood of this residential neighbourhood remaining a desirable place lO live appears assured.

• Schools in the neighbourhood and their enrollment. as a percentage of capacity, include Delwood Public Elementary (82%) and SL VladmirCatholic Elementary (43%).

The proportion of seniors and the importance of responding to their needs is expected to increase.

Delwood Community League (7515 - Delwood Road) provides a variety ofprognuns such as baseball, soccer, hockey, aerobics, and line dance. Facilities include a new playground. two rinks and a hall. Religious services are provided in the neighbourhood at Del wood Road Baptist Church (6712- Delwood Road) and Balwin Congregation of Jehovah' s Witnesses (13327 - 68 Street). • Forty -six units of subsidized community housing are located in the neighbourhood.. • The neighbourhood is served by the Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services (13315- 89 Street) which offers a variety of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youth and seniors as well as community development assisiance. • Child care services within Delwood are provided by Diamond Day Care School Age Centre (7510 - 13 Avenue). • Public Facilities outside but serving the area include:

References • Ci ty of Edmonton Civic Census· 1991 Census of Canada. 1986 • Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department • Ride Guide; Seplembcr 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Depanment • 1991 Traffic Flow Map, Ci1y of Edmonton Transportation Depanment Transponation System Bylaw. No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Del wood Neighbourhood Fact Sheet. City o f Edmonton Planning and Development Department. 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transponation Department. 1992 • Edmonton P ublic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures • Edmonton Catholic School Board. fall 1992 e nrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transponation Department. 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Glcngarry Centre of Community and Family Services

Number 14 Fire Station (7312 - 144 Avenue) Londonderry Police Station (6504 - 137 Avenue) Royal Alexandra Hospital (10240 Kingsway) Clareview Health Centre of the Local Board of Health (14023 Clareview Village Centre, 139 Avenue and Victoria Trail)

City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department • DelwoodCommunityLcague

Neighbourhood Issues • Delwood is seen to be a stable, middle class neighbourhood with good resident involvement and collaboration between the Community League and schools. This is an issue which the writer understood (in discussion with some community members/organizations) to be imporiant in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time. and different issues may be imporiant to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker of Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-2414.

"Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works {Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: Tit;s Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data. rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available. the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

Revised J111uuy 1993 Revise<! JanuM)' 1993

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Introduction - A mature suburban neighbourhood in the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Boundaries defined by Yellowhead Trail to the North, 142 Street to the west, St. Albert Trail to the east, and 118 Avenue to the so:uth. - Most residential development occurred between 1951 and 1971. - Surrounded by the neighbourhoods of Woodcrott to the south, Sherbrooke to the east, and Dominion and Brown Industrial Areas to west and north respectively. - Served by the Westmount Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 2,345 persons, a 5.8% decrease from 1983 figure. Further population decline should be treated seriously as it could signify erosion of social stability in the community. - Lower proportions of residents under 20 years of age(24.1 % vs. City's 27.5% average) and young adults (33.5% vs. City's 42.1% average). Seniors 11.5% vs. the City's average of 7.9%. - Demographic trends indicate increasing number of seniors (9.8% increase since 1983) but a significant decrease in teens between 15 and 19 years (40.1% drop since 1983)'. May indicate a need for reorientation of available services and programs to benefit a growing elderly population. - Singles 40.2% (City's average 47.5%) and married individuals 49.9% (City's average 41.3%). Demonstrates a demand for family-oriented social and recreational programs. - Proportion of residents employed full-time 38.3% (City's average 40.3%). In 1986 4.4% of population was unemployed compared to 5.6% for Edmonton. Edmonton's April/88 figure was 9.6% suggesting a higher neighbourhood rate as well. - Good proportion (15.4%) of homemakers in this neighbourhood (City's average 8.7%) reinforces Its family-oriented characte,r. - Average neighbourhood household income In 1981 was $31,413 comparable to the C.M.A.'s ave.rage $31,998. - A significant number of residents lived at the same address for at least three years - 75.7% compared to the 56.1% for Edmonton. - Only 24.1% of residents are tenants (vs. City's 48.4%) and 72.7% homeowners (vs. City's 45%). Tenure and length of residence indicate a good level of social stability. - A member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program. ent

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Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses take up 82.8% of neighbourhood area. Single detached homes 83.1% of housing stock, two unit dwellings 5.1%, apartments 0.2%, and multiple family dwellings (concentrated at the centre of the neighbourhood) 11.6%. Most homes are In good condition but some properties require rehabilitation . - Commercial uses 2.5% of total area. (Located on the east and west corners along 118 Avenue). - Institutional uses 2.5% (St. Rita Separate and Dovercourt Public Elementary Schools). - Public utility uses (Edmonton Power - Woodcroft Substation) 0.6% of the neighbourhood area. - Recreation and open spaces, Including Dovercourt neighbourhood park, occupy 11.3% of area. - One vacant/undeveloped parcel at 118 Avenue and 121 Street Is only 0.3% of neighbourhood land.

- Coralwood Seventh-Day Adventist Junior Academy (13510-122 Avenue) is. a private school with grades one through ten. Accepts students of all denominations coming from all over the City. - Dovercourt Community League (13510 - Dovercourt Avenue) includes a natural ice rink, playground and hall. It also makes use of neighbourhood park and schools' facilities (ball and soccer fields, and toboggan hill) to organize sports and recreational programs for local residents. - Circle Square Commercial and Professional Centre Is located in this neighbourhood at the corner of 118 Avenue and St. Albert Trail. ft serves residents from this and surrounding neighbourhoods. - Kirk United and Dovercourt Baptist Churches provi de regular religious services. - Alberta Social Services through Its Westmount Office (12308 - 111 Avenue) and Edmonton Social Services Westmount Centre (12323 - Stony Plain Road) provide various social programs for residents of this neighbourhood. - Health services are provided by the Woodcroft Health Centre (13420 - 114 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues

Transportation - Four arterial roadways bound this neighbournood. Average weekday traffic volumes indicate 1o,oovehicles on 142 Street, 16,700 on 118 Avenue, 28,700 on St. Albert Trail, and 57,500 on Yellowhead Trail. Yellowhead Trail is a dangerous goods and 24 hour truck route while the other three arterials are 24-hour truck routes. Yellowhead Trail is depressed (below-grade) and has noise berms with fences. High volumes of traffic on the other arterials create noise and safety problems for neighbourhood residents. - Local roads are in fair condition with some residential collectors having been repaved recently. - Public transit route Nos. 3 and 22 provide regular service for this neighbourhood. Route No. 96 is added along 142 Street during peak hours.

Public Facilities - St. Rita Catholic Elementary School (12325 - 140 Street) was closed down In 1984 due to lack of enrollments. The building is presently being leased to the Covenant Community Training Centre, a private school (from playschool to Grade 12) which draws students from all over the City. - Dovercourt Public Elementary Schoof (13910 - 122 Avenue) has a current enrollment of 162 students, 36% of its capacity of 450. Part of the school Is leased to a day care centre. Further drop in its enrollment level may create serious problems for continued operation of this community resource.




- Decreasing trend In population has already forced the closure of the separate school and may threaten the viability of the Public Schoof. This might adversely affect the neighbourhood's appeal and may further aggravate the population trend. - Traffic noise and safety remain a concern for local residents. - Poor maintenance of some properties (I.e., the multiple family units located next to the schools) detracts from the general aesthetic level of the neighbourhood.

Future Plans - Ultimate development of the proposed outer ring road may reduce some traffic volume along the arterlals surrounding this neighbourhood, alleviating some traffic related problems. - The City's Planning and Development Department conducted a district survey of residents to help prepare a planning study f or this district in the future.

Conclusion - An older residential neighbourhood with a gradually declining population.






Neighbouthood Profile - Downtown


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- Despite a high proportion of homeowners and longer periods of stay in the neighbourhood, Dovercourt has experienced declining population which adversely affects utilization of available community resources. - Introduction of sports and recreational programs for young adults and children may attract some young famllles with children, rejuvenating the population level here.




References 1. 2.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981 .


Census of Canada, Part I Edmonton: Profile, 1986.


5-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department.


1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department; 1985.


Dovercourt Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department.

1988-1992, The City of



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Highlights Downiown is Edmonton's hub of economic, employment, social and cultural activity. Dowmown: has a small amount of land devoted to residential use; • has a majority of residents who are single and male; • bas a higher than average proportion of low- income families; • has renters oumumbering owners; and


Summer 1988



• has many city level facilities located within its boundaries.

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Revised OclOber 1993 CO""'UNITY ANO FAMl..Y SE.FMCES



Neighbourhood Profile - Downtown


Neighbourhood Profile - Downtown

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Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

The population ofDown1own in 1992 was approximately 6, 100 representing about 22% more than in 1986. This inclicates a growing interest in living Downtown. The majority of the population are singles (57%) compared to the City average of 47%. There are markedly less children under20 years of age living in Dowmown (7%) compared 101he City average of27%. A Jack of amenities and facilities in this area desired by young families may be panially responsible for this situation.

Residential land use accoums for only 10% of the area in Dowmown. High-rise apari:ments comprise about 65% of available accommodation here, followed by walk-up apanments (14%). collective residences (8%) and single-family homes (1 %). Other residential developments make up the remaining 12% of the local housing. Oowntown


The bulk of the population is between the ages of 20 and 39 (59% vs. City 39% ). which creates a very high demand for programs and services for !his age group. The proponioo of seniors in !his neighbourhood is similar to the Ciiy average of7%. Over one-half (58%) of the population is male (vs. City average of 50%). Although 1he employment rate is high at 49% (vs. Ciry average of38%), the average family income of Down1own was lower than the City average in 1986.

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The bulk (46%) of land use is commercial in the form of office space. retail trade, warehousing and storage. Institutional land uses make up about 14% of the area and include various educational institutions. Transponation occupies 17% of the land area. Recreation and open spaces make up about 9% of the area. Development has progressed steadily since the l 950's, with about 15% of development being undenaken each decade.


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Social stability is low with only 25% of residents having been a1 the same address for more !han five years. This low stability is reinforced by the proponioo of renters, which is 88% compared to the City"s average of 46%. The proportion of single-parent family _(13%) was slightly lower than the City average of 15%. • Ethnic composition in t11e Downtowo is almost similar to City of Edmonton's with two significant depanures. Dowmown has less Ukrainians (4% vs. City's 8%) and more Jewish people (2.0% vs. City's 0.5%).

Revised October t 993

Transportation As the central business district of the City, the Downtowa is bounded and intersected by many anerials. Theaveragean.nual traffic volumes in 1992 on some of these arterials were: Jasper Avenue - 25.000 vehicles: 109 Street - 33.000; 104 Avenue - 31,100; and 100 Avenue - 14,600. Two common traffic-related issues in the Downtown arc lack of on-street parking spaces and congestion, often during rush hours. The Down town is adequately served by many bus routes providing both regular and peak hours services. In addition, the LRT system serves this area with five stations (Churchill, Central, Bay, Corona and Grandin). Bicycle routes in this neighbourhood include River Valley Road, 97 Avenue and 107 Street south of 99 Avenue connecting with the Albena Legislature grounds.


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Revised Octobu 1993


Neighbourhood Profile - Downtown



Neighbourhood Profile - Downtown


Public Facilities

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Neighbourhood Issues

Downtown is home to many public facilities including two major educational institutions: Alberta Vocational Ceotre(l0215 - 108 Street), and Alberta College (10050 McDonald Drive). Several venues of cultural activities, including the Centennial Public Library, the Citadel Theatre and Sir Winston Churchill Square are located here. Religious services are provided at McDougall United Church (10025 - 101 Street), AU Sainis Anglican Cathedral (10039 - 103 Street), First Presbyterian ( 10025 - 105 Street), Augustana Evangelical Lutheran (9901 - 107 Street), First Baptist ( 10033 - 109 Street) and the Christian Science Church ( 10814 - 100 Avenue). City level facilities located in Downtown which serve local and City residents include: Alberta Legislature (9630 - 106 Street) City Hall (I Sir Winston Churchill Square) Edmonton Art Galley (2 Sir Winston Churchill Square) Provincial Law Couns Building ( IA Sir Winston Churchill) Edmonton Convention Centre (9797 Jasper Avenue) Greyhound Bus Terminal (10324 - 103 Street) Day care services are available at Appleton Nursery and Child Care Centre (#600, 10025 - 106 Street), Alberta Vocational College Child Development Unit (Rm. 20, 10215 - 108 Street), Tiny Tots Day Care Centre (10006 - 101 Street), YWCA Drop-in Child Care Service (10305 - 100 Avenue) and Canada Place Child Care Society (2nd Floor, 9700 Jasper Avenue).

The higher than average incidences of crime, including morality related occurrences, and the perception of inadequate safety and security, causes concern for both Downtown residents and people employed in the area Concern about the shonage of sufficient parking and related parking issues such as cost, have been expressed. Scarcity of social activities and programs organized by local residents or corrtrnunity groups prevent Dowmown rcsidenis from forming a sense of belonging and cooperation among neighbours. Although many social services are available Downtown, residents are often unaware of the existence of these services. Improved awareness of these services are therefore needed here. These are issues which the writer (in discussion with some community membe~s/organizations) understood t0 be irnponant in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be irnponant to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker at Beverly Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-5957.

The Future Downtown will continue to be the hub of economic, employment, social and cultural activity as more city-wide facilities and attractions are developed and located here. Commercial land use will continue to dominate the area

Housing for seniors is provided at Cathedral Close (10039 - 102 Street with 157 units) and Town House apartments (10629 - 99 Avenue) with 69 unitS.

The tow number of children, large proponion of renters and social isolation are likely to continue in the Down town.

The City of Edmonton Police Department has a Community Police Station/Beat Office located at 10514 Jasper Avenue which serves the Corona and Beaver Hills area of Downtown.

As time progresses, the development of Grant MacEwan College is likely to bave a variety of impacts on Down town which may include impetus to commercial and residential developmenis.

Fire Station No. 2 (10221 - 107 Street) serves the west portion ofDowntown. The eastern sector is served by Fire Station No. I (10351 - 96 Street). The Edmonton Board of Health serves the neighbourhood through its Central location ( 10320 - J00 Street). Other public facilities not in the neighbourhood but located nearby include: Downtown Division Police Station (9620 - 103A Avenue) Royal Alexandra Hospital (10240 Kings way) City Centre Campus of Grant MacEwan College (10700 - 104 Avenue) There are many social service agencies located in this neighbourhood. For further information, please phone 496-5801. The neighbourhood is served by the Beverly Centre of Community and Family Services ( 11809 - 48 Street) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths anc' seniors as well as community development assistance. Revi.sedOciobe< 1993

l~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) References City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1992 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Depanment Ride Guide: Fall and Winter 1993/94, Edmonton Transit System 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Transportation System Bylaw, No. 972:2., Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Downtown Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Depanmem. 1987




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Revi<ed Oc<0bet 1993



Neighbourhood Profile - Downtown




·~·References (cont'd)


Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City ofEdmonton TransponationDeparunent. 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, faU 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, faU 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transponation Department. 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Ca.re Infonnatioo System, July 1992 • Beverly Centre of Community and Family Services • City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Depanment

- A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 40 Avenue to the north, Calgary Trail South to the east, 34 Avenue to the south and 111 Street to the west. - Most residential developments in the 1960's and 197,0's. - Adjacent residential communities: Rideau Park to the north, stelnhauer to the south and Greenfield to the west. - Served by the Pleasantview Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

"Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map."

Social Characteristics NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided. on request, as a replacement forthe l 986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

If you have any o/Jrer observation regarding this Neighbourhood Profire, which you may like to draw to our atUntion, please ca/1496-5818.



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Revised Oct0ber 1993

- 1989 population 5,052, a 1.0% decrease from 1986. Indicates stabilization of population level. - 34.5% of residents under 20 years of age, higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. Above average need for facilities serving children, especially adolescents and teens (persons 10.19 years of age 19.9% vs. the City's 12.4%). - Seniors 3.9%, less than Edmonton's 8.9%. Less than average need for residential facilities and resources for older persons. - Singles 49.6% and married 43.0%, both slightly higher than the City's 47.1 % and 40.5% respectively. - 15.4% lone parent families, slightly more than Edmonton's 13.2% In 1986. Higher than average need for support services for single parents. - 38.8% residents employed full-time vs. the City's 40. 7%. - 2.7% unemployed here vs. Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (June, 1990) Jobless rate of 6.7%1mplles the level may have risen In Duggan as well. - Retired persons 4.3%, less than the City's 9.8%. Ref~ects below average proportion of seniors here. - Average annual family Income $44,374 in 1986, higher than Edmonton's $41 ,681. - 60.6% of residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, higher than the City's 54%. - Homeowners 61.3% and renters 36.2% (vs. Edmonton's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively). Tenure and length of stay suggest above average social stability In Duggan.








st. Augustine Separate Elementary School currently operating at 85.2% of its capacity of 250. Again, enrollments should remain steady, maintaining

Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 81.1% of area. 95.3% single detached homes, 3.2% low rise apartments and 0.9% row housing {including one community housing project - Duggan). An attractive neighbourhood with well maintained and landscaped properties. - Institutional area 9.1% Includes one public and one separate elementary school, the community league and one church. - 1.3% commercial area, a busy shopping area with many retail, service and professional outlets, located In the north central sector of the neighbourhood. - Recreation/open area 4.4%. Includes a large neighbourhood park In the east sector of the neighbourhood, open areas near the school grounds and community league, and two small open spaces In the southwestern area of the neighbourhood.



Transportation - Bounded by three arterlals, Calgary Trail South, 34 Avenue and 111 Street with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 63,500, 20,000 and 23,000 respectively. 106 street, one of several collectors in this neighbourhood, carries 10,000 vehicles per day. A berm and noise attenuation barrier protects residents from excessive traffic noise along Calgary Trail. No noise protection for residents along 34 Avenue. Calgary Trail South and 111 street are both regular truck routes, Calgary Trail South also a dangerous goods route. - Local roads have rough and uneven sections, some repairs required. Sldewalks In good condition. - Regular transit service provided via routes 49, 53, 54, 57 and 58 and peak hour service via routes 149, 153 and 154. Service appears to meet residents' needs.

Publlc Facllltles - Duggan Publlc Elementary School currently operating at 64.3% of Its capacity of 650 students. Enrollments should remain stable given the steady numbers of young children (under 5) currently IMng In Duggan. Facllltles here Include a sliding hlll, ball diamonds and soccer fields. Property Is fenced and portables on site.






the school's high level of operation. Fenced school yard has baseball and soccer facilities. students also have convenient access to the adjacent community league facilities. Duggan Community Centre, located between the two schools, has a hall, two Ice rinks and a well-appointed play area. One large neighbourhood park, Charles Anderson Park and several smaller open areas provide passive recreatlonal opportunities, no play equipment or related facilities on these landscaped sites. One community housing project, Duggan, has 108 townhouse units. Operating to near capacity. No residential facilities for seniors or the handicapped at present. Southgate Alliance Church holds regular services here. Commercial opportunities provided by the busy "Duggan Shops" located In the north central sector of the neighbourhood. Many retail and service outlets as well as medical and dental facilities provide residents with many amenities. Social services provided by the Pleasantvlew Community and Family Centre (11044 - 51 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the Argyll District Office (6235 - 103 street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. Primary health care facilities provided by the Duggan Health Centre (5035 108A Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - High demand for facilities serving older children and teens (10-19 years) given their large proportions. - Above average need for resources and support services for single parents. - On-street parklng problems near apartment complexes. Creates pedestrian and traffic safety hazards and congestion In these areas. - No noise attenuation barrier along 34 Avenue, which has a high traffic volume. Tiiis may decrease residential satisfaction level here. - Local roads have some traffic hazards, (potholes, protruding manhole covers); repairs necessary.

Future Plans - No transportation or development plans for the near future.

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Neighbourhood Profile - Dunluce

Dunluce Conclusion CAS11..E DOWNS AREA EXTENSION

- A physically contemporary and demographically young neighbourhood with above average social stability. - Facilities and services for adolescents and single parents should be assessed and needed programs introduced. - Noise attenuation barriers and road repairs required. These may improve residential satisfaction In Duggan.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Duggan Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton


I Highlights Dunluce is a suburban neighbourhood of Castle Downs located in the n orthern part of Edmonton. Dunluce: · • has a large proportion of children; • has a high full-time employment rate but an average family income below the City average; • had a large proportion of immigrant residents in 1986; and • like other Castle Downs neighbourhoods, recognizes the need for more teen activities and programming.

July 1990



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Revised Jmuaiy 1993

Neighbourhood Profile - Dunluce


Neighbourhood Profile - Dunluce


Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

• The 1991 population cotalledabouE7 ,390ornearly6%more thanin 1986. Thisincreaseisacontinuation of a trend that began with the cons11Uction of the neighbourhood in the late 1970's. • The proportion of residents under 20 yrs. old in 1991 is significant (36% versus 27% City). The 15% decrease, between 1986 to 1991, in children from binh 10 four years old. however, indicates that the neigbbourhood population is growing up. A decrease of over I 5% in the 2().29 yrs. old age group during this same period further supports this view.

• Residential land uses occupy approximately 64% of the neighbourhood area. The majority of housing stock is single-detached (52%), followed by row housing (22%) and low rise apartments (19%). As indicated in the charts below, this reflects a slightly higher residential density than the City average. Most homes are well maintained. Dunluce







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• Although seniors represent a small proportion or the Dunluce population (3% vs. 9% City), increases were seen from 1986 to 1991.

One neighbourhood convenience store (161 Avenue and 121 Street) is tbe only commercial land use about 1%. Institutional uses make up 7% of the neighbourhood and include two scbools. • Parks and open spaces cover27% of the total area and in" lude Orval Allen Park, Dunlucc Park, both a City and district level park as well as the future site of the Castle Downs Campus.

There was a high full-time employment rate (45% vs. City 40%) in this neighbourhood. • Although the average family income in 1986 was approximately $3,300 less than the City average, the incidence oflow income families was the same and the incidence of unattached low income individuals was substantially lower than the City as a whole (25% vs. 38% City). Even thoug.h Dunluce residents have a greater than average ill:elibood to be working full-time, their income earning ability appears somewhat less than average. The proportion of residents who have lived in the area for five or more years was 4% lower than the City average (36% vs. 40% City). • Single.parents in Dunluce were represented in the same proportion as that documented across the City in 1986. • In 1986 there was a higb proportion of immigrants living in the area (26% vs. 21 % City). Particular attention to their needs appears to be warranted.

• The ethnic origins of Dunluce residents generally reflect that of the City, with the exceptions being those with Italian (5% vs. 2% City) and Chinese (6% vs. 4% City) origins. Revised J1nuuy 1993

Transportation • Four arterials bound this neighbourhood . Average weekday traffic volumes are 16,900 along Castle Downs Road; I I, I 00 along 153 Avenue; and 6,300 along 167 Avenue. 127 Street is a regular truck route. Edmonton Transit provides public transportation with bus routes (nos. 26. 86, 88, 186. 188), with the nearby Castle Downs Major Transfer Centre connecting to downtown and other points around the City.

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• There is a bike path along Castle Downs Road. Revised ImlW)' 1993


Neighbourllood Profile - Dunluce

11'~·· 111'-.w-


Neighbourhood Profile - Dunluce

~ Neighbourhood Issues

Public FacWtles

• Dunluce residents, like residents in other Castle Downs neighbourhoods, are concerned about the lack of programming and activities for teens. • There are two elementary schools in the area. During the fall of 1992 Dunluce Community School (Public Elementary) was operating at 78% of capacity. St Lu.c y's Catholic Elementary School, at the same time, was operating at 88% of capacity.

Dunluce Community League (11620 - 162 Avenue) offers extensive programs for residents of all ages including basketball, hockey, soccer, Tai Kwon Do and aerobics for women. The League has a hall that seats 180, with a kitchen. There is also a playground and 2 hockey rinks.

• Inappropriate behaviour of children and youth, ranging from excessive playground fighting to petty crime, is seen. • There is a realization that many families in the neighbourhood are struggling under !he stress of low incomes. These are issues which the writer understood (in discussion with some community members/organizations) to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues: may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the community social worker at the Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services (428-241 4).

The Future

• The Castle Downs Recreation Centre (11520 - 153 Avenue), situated within Dunluce, serves the region. Facilities include two arenas, a community hall that seats 300-350 people, a meeting room and a fimess room. Programs offered include dance, aerobics and karate.

"" '- The potential for expanded opportunities forteens largely depends on the success of collaborative efforts on the part of community groups (example, community leagues and A.fea Council) and local agencies.

• There are approximately 125 subsidized family housing units, managed by Edmonton Housing Authority, in 4 complexes scattered lhrougbout the neighbourhood.

Enhanced supports and services are needed for parents a.nd children to avoid an increase in personal, family and community problems.

Cbild care services within Dunluce include Warwick Day Care and Program for School Aged Children (11820 - 158 Avenue) as well as Dunluce Day Care Centre and Out-of-School Program (12138 - 161 Avenue). • The neighbourhood is served by the Castle Downs Centre of Community and Family Services (#124, 15277 - l 13A Street) which offers a variety of services including counselling, different group programs, services for seniors, children and youth as well as community development • Public facilities that serve the area include: Number 17 Fire Station (15505 Castle Downs Road) Londonderry Police Station (6504 - 137 Avenue) Royal Alexandra Hospital (10240 Kingsway) Charles Camsell Hospital (12804 - 114 Avenue) Castle Downs Health Centre of the Edmonton Board of Health (#34, 15333 Castle Downs Road) Castle Downs Branch of the Edmonton Public Library (9 Lake Beaumaris Mall, 15333 Castle Downs Road)

Revised 1muuy 199.

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References City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada, 1986· Five Year Construction Program: 1988- 1992, City of Edmonton Transponatioo Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A. City of Edmonton Transportation Department Dunluce Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City ofEdmonton Planning and Development Department.. 1990 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes. City of Edmonton Transponation Department., 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1991 • Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Castle Downs Centre of Community and Family Services • Dunluce Community League Castle Downs Recreation Centre St. Lucy's School

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Revised Januuy 1993


Neighb ourhood Profile - Dunluce



111'-911111 11~·· •alReferences (cont'd) Introduction "CommunityandFamilyServicesacknowledgestheassistanceofstaffinlheCity'sCorporateGBISProject Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, o.n request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

- An older, Inner city neighbourhood In the Central !Planning District of Edmonton. - Boundaries are 122 Avenue and Yellowhead Trail on ·the North, 82 Street to the east, 118 Avenue to the south, and 89 Street to the west. - Most residential developments occurred between the early 1900's and the mid 1940's. - Surrounded by neighbourhoods of slmilar nature: Elmwood Park and Coliseum Station to the east, Parkdale to the south, Alberta Avenue to the north. Yellowhead Trail is located to the north of this neighbourhood. - Served by the Beverly Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Notes Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 2,935 persons - 175 (5.6%) less than In 1983. - Neighbourhood Population structure Is almost similar to the City's. Proportion of residents under 20 years of age 25% (Ctty's average 27.5%), young adults of 20-39 43.1% (City's average 42.1%) , and middle aged Individuals between 40-64 years 20.3% (City's average 22.5%). Slightly higher proportion of seniors (11.6% vs. City's 7.9% average) reflects the presence of two senior citizen housing projects. This demographic composition indicates that standard neighbourhood amenities could address most needs of local residents. - Singles 53% of population (City's average 47.5%) and married persons only 31.5% vs. City's 41.3% average. Demonstrates tine predominance of non-family households. - Higher proportions of lone parent famllles (19.7% vs. City's 13.2% average) and divorced/separated Individuals (8.1 % vs. City's 4.B% average) indicate a demand for support services and programs for these groups. - Fewer residents were employed full time In 1986 (34.2% vs. City's 40.3% average) and neighbourhood share of unemployed was 12.8%, more than double the City's average of 5.6%. Current neighbourhood unemployment rate could probably be higher as Edmonton's July, 1988 rate was 8.6%. - Higher proportion of retired Individuals (12.6% vs. City's 8.0% average) reflects higher neighbourhood share of senior citizens. - According to 1981 Federal Census, average nei ghbourhood family Income was $23,403, significantly lower than Edmonton C.M.A.'s of $31,998. Higher proportion of individuals with lower Income (I.e. lone-parents and seniors) and a high unemployment rate may explain the lower income figure.

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- Local residents Who have llved at the same address for three years or more 49.7% (City's average 56.1%). - Homeowners only 24.2% (City's average 45%) and tenants 65.3% (City's average 48.4%). Tenure and length of stay patterns indicate a somewhat lower level of soctal stability In this neighbourhood. - Eastwood Is a member of the Edmonton Police Department's Neighbourhood Watch Program, designed to prevent neighbourhood crime. No crime statistics for this neighbourhood was available. Local residents feel that crime rate In this neighbourhood is high. Incidents Involving break and entry, robbery, theft have made local residents feel unsafe. In September, 1988 local residents, with assistance from the City's Police Department Introduced foot patrols to prevent crimes.

- 118 Avenue and 82 Street are Regular Truck Routes, and YelloWllead Trail Is a Dangerous Goods and Truck Route. - YelloWllead Trall ls currently being turned Into a major depressed (below grade) roadWay between 89 Street and Fort Road. This will offer local residents some protection from traffic noise. However, high volumes of traffic and peak hour traffic congestion along 118 Avenue and 82 Street create noise, traffic shortcutting, and safety problems for local residents. - 82 street is presently undergoing major roadway repaving. This wills smoothen the flow of traffic someWllat, but noise and congestion will continue to be a problem. - Public transportation Is provided by Edmonton Transit Routes (Nos. s, 18, 23, 32, 70 and 132) connecting downtown, the University of Alberta, and the nearby Coliseum Transit Centre, which Is also a Ught Rail Transit Station.

Physical Characteristics - Resldentlal land uses occupy 36% of neighbourhood area. Single detached homes make up most of housing stock (75%), followed by apartments (16%) and duplexes (9.0%). Some of the single family housing stock Is aglng and require rehabilitation. However, since 1978 Eastwood has been Involved In the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (R.R.A.P.), promoted by the City to assist homeowners in the rejuvenation of existing housing stock. Housing rehabilitation under R.R.A.P. has extended the llfe of many homes and raised the general aesthetic level of the community. Eastwood was also a community selected for the Neighbourhood Improvement Program (N.1.P.) in the late 70's through which improvements to Its physical infrastructures were undertaken. - Commercial uses 6.0% of total area. Includes a few small neighbourhood convenience facilities through the neighbourhood and a portion of the 118 Avenue commercial Strip. - lnatltutlonal land uses occupy 10% of neighbourhood area. Includes St. Gerard Catholic Elementary School and St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. • Eastwood Park (located at 86 Street and 119 Avenue) is the only park space In this neighbourhood - 5.0% of total area.

Transportation - Three very busy arterlals bound this neighbourhood's north, east, and south margins. Average weekday traffic volumes are 38,900 vehicles along Yellowhead Trail, 28,400 along 82 Street, and 18,100 along 118 Avenue.



Public Facilities - St. Gerard Catholic Elementary School (12415 - 85, Street) had only 94 students enrolled In 1987 - 37.6% of Its capacity of 250 students. This facility has experienced sharp declines In enrollments in recent years. Any further decreases could threaten Its future vlablllty. - Eastwood Community· League (11803 - 86 Street) organizes sports and recreational activities for local residents. Makes use of Its own facilities (community hall, playground, and Ice rinks) as well as neighbourhood park and school's facilities (soccer fields, ball diamonds, playground, and sliding hill). - The 118 Avenue commercial strip meets a variety of retail shopping and service needs of residents of this and surrounding neighbourhoods. - Avenwood Comer (11909 - 88 Street), with 62 one-bedrooom and 2 handicapped apartment units, and Buchanan Manor (8804 - 121 Avenue), with 21 one-bedroom and 2 bachelor units, are senior citizen housing projects located In this neighbourhood. These projects usually operate at full capacity levels, demonstrating a continuing need for specialized housing for seniors. - St. Alphonsus Catholic Church (11828 - 85 Street) ho Ids religious services In this community. - The Hys Centre (1101 O - 101 Street) of Alberta Social Services and Beverly Centre {5505 - 112 Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services meet various social service needs of local and surrounding area r esldents. - Health Services are provided by the Eastwood Health Centre (7919 - 118 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.









Major Issues • Traffic congestion during peak hours along 118 Avenue and 82 Street creates noise and safety problems for local residents. • The poor condition of some properties reduce the general aesthetic level of the community. • The 118 Avenue Commerclal Strip still plays an Important role in the life of this and surrounding neighbourhoods. Efforts should be directed to revitallze and promote this vlable commerclal faclllty.

Future Plans R.R.A.P. (Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program), designed to assist homeowners and landlords to Improve their housing units, has been a useful program for revitalization of aging housing stock and is still available to residents whose homes qualify. The Planning Department may prepare a planning study for the Central District of Edmonton. Future redevelopment In the Edmonton Northlands Area, located to the Southeast,should have no adVerse effects on this neighbourhood.

Conclusion • An older residential neighbourhood with a decllnlng and more mobile population. • Physical rehabilitation of some homes and the 118 Avenue Commercial Strip would improve the general aesthetic level and appeal of this neighbourhood and Increase residents' satisfaction. • The speclal needs of the someWhat higher proportion of seniors should be assessed and appropriate programs or services developed.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. Census of Canada, Part I, Edmonton: Profile, 1986. 5-Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Central District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Alberta Avenue/Eastwood Neighbourhood Improvement Plan, Planning Department, 1979. Eastwood Neighbourhood Fact sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

Introduction • A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 23 Avenue to the north, 66 Street to the east and Millwoods Road to the south and west. • Most residential developments during the 1970's. • Adjacent residential communities: Meyokumin to the east, Menisa to the south and Satoe to the west. • Served by the Millwoods Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 3,041, a 0.2% increase from 1986. Indicates that population level has stabilized. • 39.6% residents under 20 years of age, much higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. High demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. • Seniors only 2.0%, substantially lower than the City's 8.9%. Low demand for facilities and services for older persons. • 51.5% single and 42.8% married, both higher than Edmonton's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. • 12.0% lone-parent families, slightly less than the City's 13.2%. Average demand for support services for single parents. • Residents employed full-time 39.8%, similar to Edmonton's 40.7%. • 2.6% residents unemployed, less than the City's 4.3% when the 1989 CIVIC Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% suggests current level may be higher In Ekota as well. 2.3% retired persons, less than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects small number of seniors here. • $39,510 average annual family Income, someWhat less than the City's $41,681 . Reflects an average working class neighbourhood. • 54.5% residents have lived at the same address for a minimum of three years, similar to Edmonton's 54.0%. • 58.0% homeowners (vs. the City's 46.8%) and 39.6% renters (vs. City's 48.4%). Tenure suggests above average social stability here. • Ekota is part of the Knottwood District which participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.











Physical Characteristics - 76.5% of area residential developments. 90.9% single detached homes, 6.1% row housing (including two community housing projects - Ekota I and II) and 1.2% low rise apartments. Single and multiple family dwellings generally well maintained but some properties not well kept and require landscaping. - Institutional uses 8.9%. Includes two schools, community league and a day care. - No commercial area here. - 14.5% recreation and open spaces. Includes a large park area located adjacent to St. Clement School In the southwestern sector, a small open area adjacent to Ekota Elementary School and walkways located throughout the neighbourhood.



- Two community housing projects, Ekota I has 51 townhouse units and Ekota II has 17 townhouse units. Both projects operating to capacity. - No residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons here. - No commercial facilities within this neighbourhood but Millwoods Town Centre, a regional shopping facllity, located to the immediate northeast. - Social services provided by Millwoods Community and Family Centre (#214, Town Centre, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the Millwoods Office (2849 Mlllwoods Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Millbourne Health Centre (7525 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed active treatment facility, located nearby.

Major Issues Transportation - Bounded by two arterials, 23 Avenue and 66 Street as well as Mlllwoods Road South which Is a collector. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 16,600, 9,500 and 7,700 respectively. - Local roads have rough and uneven sections; some repairs necessary. Sidewalks in good condition. - Regular transit service provided by bus routes 65 and 78 and peak hour service on route 165. Some residents in the northern and eastern areas reside a considerable distance from these routes.

Future Plans - Road construction on 66 Street, between 23 Avenue and Millwoods Road South, planned for 1993. Should eventually improve traffic flow here.

Public Facilities - Ekota Public Elementary School operating at 76% of Its capacity of 525. Enrollment levels should remain stable given steady numbers of young children. Portables on site, soccer fields, ball diamonds and play equipment on property with no fence. - St. Clement Separate Elementary/Junior High School operating at 98% of its capacity of 625. Again, enrollments likely to remain stable, maintaining high utilization of facilities. Portables on site here. Property not fenced, has soccer and baseball facilities. - Additional recreational opportunities provided by Millwoods Leisure Centre to the immediate north as well as Millwoods Golf Course. - Ekota Community League property has a changeroom/washroom facility, an Ice rink and a well-appointed play area.


- Very high proportion of children suggests a strong demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. - No bus routes near north and east boundaries, leaving some residents far from nearest transit service. - Local roads require some repairs due to rough and uneven sections.


Conclusion - A physically contemporary and demographically young neighbourhood with above average social stability. - Facilities for young persons should be assessed and unmet needs addressed. - Transit service should be assessed to determine adequacy of service. - Some repairs required on local roads.








Introduction References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Ekota Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

September 1990



- A mature residential neighbourhood In the West Planning District of Edmonton, largely developed In the 1960's. - Boundaries defined by 87 Avenue on the north, 159 Street to the east, 170 Street to the west, and Whitemud Drive (79 Avenue) on the south. - Surrounded by similar neighbourhoods: West Meadowlark Park to the north, Lynnwood to the east, Thorncliff to the west, and Patricia Heights to the south. - Served by the Jasper Place Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 3,086 persons, marking a 5.2% decrease from 1983. Further decrease of population could result In problems in maintaining available neighbourhood amenities. - Slightly higher proportions of residents under 20 years (30.1% vs. City's 27.5% average), middle aged individuals 40-64 years (27.9% vs. City's 22.5%), and seniors (9.0% vs. City's 7.9%). Young adults (29¡39 years) only 33% of population compared to City's average of 42.1%. - Singles 45.1% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 43.6% of population compared to City's 41.3%. - Proportion of residents employed full-time 39.3% (City's average 40.3%). Only 4.0% of residents were unemployed in 1986 compared to Edmonton's average of 5.6%. Current neighbourhood proportion may be higher as Edmonton's May 1988 rate was 8.0%. - According to 1981 Federal Census, average neighbourhood family income was $30,134 slightly lower than Edmonton C.M.A.'s $31 ,998. • A fair level of social stability is Indicated as 67.<6% residents lived at the same address for at least three years (City's average 56.1%). - Homeowners constitute 63.7% of population (City's average 45%) while only 35% are tenants (City's average 48.4%). This Information further substantiates the conclusion of a higher l evel of social stability In Elmwood. - Elmwood Is a member of the Edmonton Police Departmenfs Neighbourhood Watch Program, designed to prevent neighbourhood crime.






Physical Characteristics • Residential land uses occupy 82.7% of neighbourhood area. Single family dWelllngs make up 78.8% of housing stock and apartments (concentrated In the northwest sector) the Most dWelflngs are reasonably well remaining 21.2%. maintained. - One neighbourhood convenience commercial facility (Elmwood Shopping Centre) ls the only commercial land use· 1.1% of total area. - Institutional uses (Includes Elmwood Public Elementary, Hillcrest Public Junior High and H.E. Bertault Catholic Junior High Schools) make up 10% of total area. - Parks and open spaces (Including Elmwood Park) occupy 6.2% of neighbourhood area.

Transportation - Four very busy arterlals bound this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes Indicate 14,700 vehicles along 159 Street, 22,000 on 87 Avenue, 46,500 on 170 Street and 51,000 along Whitemud Drive. Whitemud Drive Is a depressed (below grade) roadway with noise berms and fences to reduce negative effects of trattlc noise. The noise' berm also extends along 170 Street. Other arterials do not have any noise abatement berms or walls. Residents are concerned about noise and safety problems along these roads. - Residential streets are In good condition but some sldewalks need reconstruction . - A pedestrian overpass Is located over Whitemud Freeway at 163 Street, and another one Is scheduled to be constructed at 110 Street and 83 Avenue In 1991-1992. - Local bus Route No. 12, and Route Nos. 10, 39, and 54 along the arterials, connect downtown and other important areas of the city. Also the West Jasper Place Transit Centre Is located nearby at 87 Avenue and 175 Street.

Public Facilities - Elmwood Public Elementary School (16325 - 83 Avenue) has 233 students currently enrolled - 42% of its capacity of 550. Offers a special program for dependent handicapped. Also otters a French Emerslon and Extended French program.




• Hillcrest Publlc Junior High School (16400 - 80 Avenue) has a current enrollment of 522 students - 69% of Its capacity of 755. It underwent modernization and physical renovations during the summer of 1988. • H.E. Berlault Catholic Junior High School (8125 • 167 Street) has 205 students presently enrolled - 68% of Its capacity of 300. Part of the school is leased to a day care and playschool facility. Elmwood Community League (16415 · 83Avenue). located next to Elmwood Park, includes a hall, tennis courts, and Ice rinks. Also makes use of neighbourhood park and schools' facilities (ball diamonds and soccer fields) to organize sports and recreational programs for local residents. Elmwood Shopping Centre (83 Avenue and 16,7 Street) and West Edmonton Mall (located to the immediate northwest of this neighbourhood) meet most shopping needs. West Edmonton Mall also includes recreational faclltttes Including World Water Park, Fantasyland Amusement Park, and a skating rink. - Elmwood Lodge (15901 - 87 Avenue) with a total of 68 units, and Meadowlark Lodge (8609 - 161 Street), w ith 62 units, provide suitable housing for seniors of this and surrounding neighbourhoods. The proportions of seniors and those approaching this category in this neighbourhood and low vacancy rates In these facilities, Indicate a continued demand for such housing. - The Centennial Mall Office (170 Street and Stony Plaln Road) of Alberta social Services and Jasper Place Centre (15626 • 100A Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services provide various social services to residents of this area. - Health services are provided by the West Jasper Place Centre (9720 • 182 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health, and the Miserlcordla Hospital located to the Immediate north of this neighbourhood at 170 Street and 87 Avenue.

Major Issues - High volumes of traffic along 87 Avenue and 159 Street create noise and safety problems for neighbourhood residents. - The poor condition of some sldewalks detracts from the general aesthetic level of the neighbourhood.






Future Plans - The proposed sports and recreational factllty by the YMCA at 178 Street and Calllngwood Road will be a district tactllty tor the residents of the general area lncludlng Elmwood. The complex Is expected to accommodate a swimming pool, exercise rooms, day care centre, and kitchen facilities. - The proposed development of the outer ring road may divert some traffic from the busy arterlals surrounding this neighbourhood reducing traffic noise and safety problems. The pedestrian overpass scheduled to be constructed at 170 Street and 83 Avenue In 1991-92 will Improve pedestrian safety along this busy arterial.

- A physically and demographically mature community with a gradually decreasing population. - Introduction of social or recreational programs may attract more young adults and help to rejuvenate population trend. - Traffic-related problems decrease residents' level of neighbourhood satisfaction.


5. 6. 7. 8.

- A mature residential neighbourhood In the Central Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Yellowhead Trall to the north and northeast, Fort Road to the southeast, 122 Avenue to the south and 82 Avenue to the west. - Most residential developments between 1940 and 1960. Comparatively smaller homes on large lots, providing openness In the neighbourhood. - Eastwood neighbourhood to the west and south. Served by the Beverly Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics


1. 2. 3. 4.


The City of Edmonton CMc Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. Census of canada, Edmonton, Part I: Profile, 1986. City of Edmonton Part<s and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Av•Year Construction Programs: 1988-1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1988 Traffic Flow Map, the City of Edmonton Transportation Department. West District Working Paper No.2, Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983. Elmwood Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

- Elmwood Park's 1989 population 1,617, approximately 33% higher than the 1987 figure. Higher occupancy level In rental properties (especi~lly apartment units) and renovation and redevelopments of older properties created this population Increase. Residents under 20 years of age 24.6%, somewhat lower that 27.2% average for Edmonton. Moving In of new famllles wl1h children creating renewed demands tor programs and seniors for children. - Seniors 13.2%, much higher than the City's average of 8.9%. Mostly tong term residents of Elmwood Park, these seniors create demands for specialized tacilltles, programs and services. - Proportion of singles marginally lower than the City's average (46.2% vs. 47.1%). Married persons substantially lower - 35.9% In Elmwood Park vs. 40.5% in Edmonton. - Lon&-parent families 22.8%, substantially higher than the City's average of 9.6%. Clearly demonstrates a need tor programs and services for single parents and their dependents. A substantially lower proportion of full-time employed persons (33.0% in Elmwood Park vs. 40.7% In Edmonton). A correspondingly higher share of jobless residents (10.3% In Elmwood Park vs. 4.3% In Edmonton when the 1989 Civic Census was taken). March 1990 Jobless rate of 8.1% for Edmonton suggests a higher unemployment rate tor Elmwood Park. Average neighbourhood family Income $26,043, slgnfficantly lower than $41,681 tor the City. Higher proportions of unemployed persons, single parent families and senior citizens have Influenced the average family Income level of Elmwood Park.












- People who lived In Elmwood Park for at least three years 52.6%, almost similar to Edmonton's 54.0%. Tenure in favour of renters (50.9%) In 1989 when 9.8% units were vacant. It Is likely that most vacant units have already been rented out, maklng the tenant's share even higher. Tenure and length of stay Indicate an average level of social stablllty. - A member community of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 84.4% of the neighbourhood area. Single detached and duplexes 79.9% and 9.2% respectively of the housing stock. Low rise apartments, primarily bordering the western margin, 9.2% of available housing. Other forms of housing (triplexes, fourplexes, collective residences, basement suites) constitute the remaining 1.7%. - Most original homes 30-50 years old, and usually smaller units on larger lots. Redevelopment primarily In the form of attractive duplexes, noticeable. Properties are reasonably well maintained. - Commercial use restricted to only 1.1% of the land area. - Institutional uses 5.9% of the area. Include sites of the community league and a church. - Parks and open spaces only 1% of the area. A small park adjacent to the community league forl'(ls this category. - Transportation-related uses (road maintenance yard and related parking) 5.5% of the land area. - Vacant properties 2.1% of the neighbourhood.

Transportation - Except the southern periphery, bounded by three major arterlals on three sides. Annual weekday traffic In 1989 averaged approximately 34,000 on 82 Street, 33,100 on Vellowhead Trail and 20,000 on Fort Road. Residents near 82 Street and Fort Road exposed to traffic noise. Noise attenuation barrier along Vellowhead Trail substantially reduces traffic noise level for the residents of the northern margin of Elmwood Park. - All peripheral arterlals 24-hour truck routes. Vellowhead Trail a dangerous goods route. - Some roads and sldewalks In need of repairs. - Public transit available along 82 Street, Fort Road and 120 Avenue. Bus routes 11, 23, 32, 70 and 132 serve this area.


Public Facilities - No school located In Elmwood Park. Local elementary students attend either Eastwood Public Elementary-Junior High (12023 - 81 Street) or St. Gerard Separate Elementary School (12415 - 85 Street). Walking to these schools poses traffic safety problems for young children. - Elmwood Park Community League (12505 - 75 Street) arranges social, cultural and events for residents. Arranges bingo games, meetings and related activities. - A small neighbourhood park adjacent to the community league incorporates a landscaped open area, a few sitting benches and a small children's playing area. - Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Church (12317 -82 Street), the only religious facility here. - No community housing or specialized accommodation for seniors here. - Beverly Centre (11809 - 48 Street) of Edmonton Community and Family Services and Hy's Centre (11010-101 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services deliver various social services programs for 1his area. - Basic health services and related counselling provided by the Eastwood Health Centre (7919 - 118 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Traffic noise and safetY hazards substantially reduce title quality of life for people living near the eastern and western peripheries. - Lack of adequate park and open spaces are a concern to many residents. The only park at one corner of the community Is not physically accessible to many residents. Local residents desire additional park space, especially smaller, landscaped open areas throughout the neighbourhood suitable for smaller children. - Improper maintenance of local streets and sldewalks reduce the aesthetic appeal of this community to potential home buyers and tenants. Physical safety of local school children between homes and schools a concern. Crossing busy roads poses traffic safety hazards. - A much higher proportion of seniors, yet no facilities for them an emerging issue.

Future Plans - Roadway reconstruction and interchange Improvements along Vellowhead Trail from 78 Street to Fort Road starting in 1991-92. Expansion and construction of facilities of Capilano Drive from 120 Avenue to Fort Road



L'°,.fm "• on•on ~ I'






(Including highway/railway grade separation) In 1991•93. Upon¡ construction, traffic expected to move more smoothly, but of no significance to Elmwood Park. - No area redevelopment plan In effect for the neighbourhood. - Yellowhead Corridor Area Structure Plan, approved In Aprll, 1983, affects northern margin of the neighbourhood adjacent to Yellowhead Trail. Noise barrier along Yellowhead Trail helps reduce traffic noise substantially.

Conclusion - A physically mature residential neighbourhood In the Central Planning District. - Redevelopment, mostly In favour of duplexes and higher occupancy level of rental units has Increased neighbourhood's population level noticeably. Some signs of physical rejuvenation, redevelopment and renovation Indicate a still higher population level. - Programs, services and facllltles for children not adequately available here. The small neighbourhood park not easily accessible for many families and children. Smaller landscaped areas needed in the western and southern sections. - High proportion of seniors deserve consideration for specialized accommodation, programs and services for the elderly. - More ettectlVe traffic management measures needed to ensure traffic safety to local students. - Better road and sldewalk maintenance could Improve the aesthetic quality of Elmwood Park.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1989. The Ctty of Edmonton Par1<s and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Central District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Elmwood Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

Aprll 1flt0



FM_. LY & R"1CES


Introduction - A mature residential neighbourhood located In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Boundaries defined by 51 Avenue on the north, 111 Street to the west, Calgary Tran South to the east, and Whltemud Drive to the south. - Most resldentlal developments occurred between 1958 and 1976. - Surrounded by slmllar neighbourhoods: Pleasantvlew to the north, Malmo Plalns to the west, and Rideau Park to the south. - Served by the Pleasantvlew Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 populatlon totalled 4,193 persons - 1.6% decrease from 1983 figure. - Lower proportions of residents under 20 years (25.7% vs. City's 27.5% average) and middle aged Individuals 40-64 years (17% vs. City's 22.5%). - Higher proportions of young adults (46.4% vs. City's 42.1% average) and seniors (10.9% vs. Clty'a 7 .9%) demonstrate that demand for programs and services for these groups may exist In this neighbourhood. - Singles 50.6% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons only 36.5% of population (City's average 41.3%). Neighbourhood seems to appeal more to young single adults and seniors due to Its easy access to employment centres, commercial faclllttes recreational centres and avallablllty of good public transportation "ystem. - Proportion of lone-parent families higher In this neighbourhood (17% vs. City's 13% average). Also true for widowed Individuals (5.6% vs. City's 4.1%). Community services and programs supporting these groups may be required. - Sllghtly lower proportion of local residents were employed full-time (37 .8% vs. City's 40.3% average). Number of unemployed Individuals equal to City's average of 5.6%. - Post-secondary students 11% vs. City's 5.6%. Reflects affordable rental accommodation with convenient access to the University of Alberta. - Higher proportion of seniors (Empire Park 12.2% vs. the City's 8.%) may be due to easy access to amenities desired by the elderly. May also indJcate demand for programs for the seniors. - Average neighbourhood household Income In 1981 was $21 ,595 (Edmonton C.M.A.'s average $31,998). Higher proportions of lone-parent families, retired persons and post-secondary students may be partially responsible for lower Income level In this community. - Only 39.5% of local residents 11\/ed at the same address for at least three years (City's average 56.1%). - Homeowners only 4.9% (City's average 45%) and tenants 93.3% {vs. City's 48.4%). Tenure and length of residency patterns Indicate that a higher level of social stability would be difficult to attain as tenants are usually _ _ _ _ _ _more mobile and partake In fewer community activities.

@monton ~~ ~~.~~f







Publlc FaclllUes Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses occupy approximately 50% of neighbourhood area. Apartments (Including a number of high rises) make up most of the housing stock (72.2%), followed by row housing (19%), semi-detached (4.6%), and single detached dwellings (4.2%). Most homes appear to be well-maintained but the Pleasantvlew town homes complex, located between 106 and 107 Streets and 47 and 51 Avenues, require some rehabilitation. - Commercial uses approximately 30% of total area (include Southgate Shopping Centre in the western sector, a neighbourhood convenience commercial facilHy at 106 Street and 51 Avenue, and other commercial centres along the northeast margin). - lnstltutional uses (McKee Public Elementary and LY. Cairns Vocational Schools, Duggan Public Health Clinic, and Emmanuel Lutheran Brethern Church) make up approximately 10% of neighbourhood area. Industrial (Cameron Iron Works) occupies approxlmately 4% of total area. - Recreation and open spaces approximately 6.0% of area (Includes Empire Park and Dr. Francis Crang Park).

Transportation - Four very busy arterlals bound this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes indicate 18,300 vehicles on 51 Avenue, 24,400 on Calgary Trail south, 30,000 on 111 Street, and 44,800 on Whltemud Drive. - Whltemud Drive Is a dangerous goods and regular truck route, and 111 Street and Calgary Trail South are regular 24-hour truck routes. - High volumes of traffic along the arterlals and some residential streets (I.e., 106and107A Streets) create noise and safety problems for local residents. Also, Insufficient visitor parking In the large apartment complexes creates on-street parking problems on the nearby streets. - Local roads and walkWays are In good condition. - Interchange construction Is planned for three Intersections along Whltemud Drive 111 Street, 106 Street and Calgary Trail south bound. 111 Street Is also scheduled for repaving In 1989. These Improvements will smoothen the flow of traffic along these roadWays. - Edmonton Transit Route Noa. 43, 69 and 93 provide regular service and connect to the UnlversHy and other areas of the CHy. The Southgate Transit Center Is located In this neighbourhood on 111 street at Southgate Shopping Centre. Local residents have access to thirteen other bus routes from the Southgate Transit Centre.



- McKee Public Elementary School (10725 - 51 Avenue) has a current enrollment of 278 students, 41% of Its capacHy of 675. Offers an Academic Challenge program for students with higher learning abilities and an English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) course. Due to decreased enrollments part of the school has been leased to day- and after- school care and pre-school programs. - LY. Cairns Public Vocational School (10510- 45 Avenue) has 340 students currently enrolled, 68% of Its approximate capacHy of 500. This Is a Special Education School primarily for Educable Mentally Handicapped (E.M.H.) children from the CHy and surrounding areas. Empire Park CommunHy League (4804-107 Street) Includes a playground and Ice rink with skating shack. Also makes use of neighbourhood school facilities (soccer fields and ball diamonds) to organize sports and recreational programs for local residents. The neighbourhood Is well served with two parks (Empire and Dr. Francis Crang Parks, each with Its own playground) and two other landscaped open spaces. - Southgate Shopping Centre, located In the western sector of the neighbourhood, and a number of other commercial centres along 51 Avenue to Calgary Trail South meet many local and district residents' shopping needs. - Despite the higher proportion of seniors In this communHy there Is no Senior Citizen Housing project located within the neighbourhood. However, Veterans VIiia Southgate (5210 • 106 Street) with 34 units, Pleasantvlew Place (5210 • 110 street) with 145 regular units and 4 handicapped units, and Pleasantvlew Lodge (5210 - 110 street) with 60 regular units and 5 handicapped units are all located to the Immediate north of this neighbourhood, In Pleasantvlew. Low vacancy rates in these facilities Indicate a continuing demand for suitable housing for seniors In this area. - No communHy housing projects located In this neighbourhood. • The Whyte Avenue Office (10454 • 82 Avenue) of Alberta Social Services and the Pleaaantvlew Centre (11044 - 51 Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services serve residents of this and surrounding neighbourhoods. - Health services are provided by the Duggan Health Centre (5035 - 108A street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues • Traffic related problems along some roadWays and on-street parking In some areas reduce residents' level of satisfaction. • Deteriorating condition of the Pleasantvlew townhomes detracts from the general aesthetic level of the neighbourhood. • Large young adult and senior cltiZen population compared to CHy average creates additional demands for services for this age group.

e"m ~ ' on"on I'







- Decreasing and hlghly mobile population may affect neighbourhood stability and future vlablllty of available community programs.

Introduction Future Plans - Future road developments along Whltemud Freeway Is expected to Improve the flow of traffic. - A plan for the southwest district of Edmonton wlll be prepared by the City Planning and Development Department. • The Cameron Iron Works site wlll be redeveloped to a retail business facility in the near future.

• An established suburban neighbourhood located In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. • Defined by 23 Avenue on the south, 111 Street to the west, Calgary Trail South to the east, and a utility corridor to the north of 29 Avenue. • Most residential development occurred since 1976. • Surrounded by similar neighbourhoods: Steinhauer to the north, Blue Quill to the west, and Keheewin to the south. • Served by the Pleasantview Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics Conclusion - A physlcally and demographlcally mature community. - Introduction of new soclal and recreational programs may attract longer term resident populatlon, enhancing community stability here. • Special needs of senior citizens and young adults should be assessed and necessary programs developed.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981 Census of Canada, Edmonton, Part I: Profile, 1986. City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Five-Year Construction Programs: 1988-1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. Southwest District Working Papers No. 1, Existing Land Use, and No. 2, Population and People, the City of Edmonton Plannlng and Development Department, 1983. Empire Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

• Population In 1986 totalled 3,330 persons, a 3.9% decrease from 1983 figure of 3,464. Current population may be somewhat higher due to the recent development of some vacant properties Into single detached homes. • Proportion of residents under 20 years 27.8% (slmllar to City's average of 27.5%). Young adults (20-39 years) 57.1% of population as opposed to City's average of 42.1%. lndlvlduals between 40-64 years only 14% (vs. City's 22.5) and seniors a mere 1.2% (City's average 7.9%). Demographic composition indicative . of a higher level of utilization of social and recreatlonal programs by the young adults. • Singles 54% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons only 38.3% of population compared to City's 41.3%. This neighbourhood seems to appeal to young single adults due to access to employment, shopping and availability of sultable housing. • Higher proportfon of lone-parent familles (17% vs. City's 13% average) suggests a need for support services for this group. • Slightly higher proportion of pre-schoolers (10.7% vs. City's 8.3% average) may Indicate the presence of young famllles with ·different social and recreational needs. • Retired individuals only 1.6% compared to City's 8.0%. Reflects lower number of seniors In this neighbourhood. • Proportion of residents employed full-time 52.8% (City's average 40.3%). Only 3.8% of residents were unemployed In 1986 compared to 5.6% for Edmonton. Current neighbourhood proportion may be slightly higher as Edmonton's May 1988 rate was 8.0%. • According to 1981 Federal Census, average neighbourhood family Income was $37,589, approximately 17% higher than Edmonton CMA's $31 ,998. • Only 32.2% of local residents lived at the same address for at least three years (City's average 56.1%).












• Homeowners only 19.7% of population (City's average 45%) while tenants constitute 74.3% (City's average 48.4%). Tenure and length of residency patterns demonstrate that a higher level of social stability is difficult to attain due to the more mobile nature of tenants. Recent development of a number of single family dwellings may slightly improve the proportion of homeowners here. With time, social affinity may grow and the level of neighbourhood stability may grow somewhat higher. • Ermineskln Is a member of the Edmonton Poilce Department's Neighbourhood Watch program, designed to prevent neighbourhood crime.

Physical Characteristics • Residential land uses occupy approximately 30% of neighbourhood area. Row/townhousing make up 48.9% of housing stock, followed by apartments (35.4%), single detached (14.4%) and semi-detached (1.3%) developments. Most dwellings are in good condition. • Commercial uses 17% of total area. Includes Heritage Mall, a neighbourhood convenience commercial facility, the Saratoga Travel Inn Motel, and Gateway Cinemas. • Parks and open space 2.0% of neighbourhood area. Includes two small neighbourhood parks (Maskepetoon and Malcolm MacCrimmon Parks). - No. 20 Fire Station is the only pubilc utility land use • 0.2% of neighbourhood area. • Approximately 24% of the neighbourhood Is yet to be developed, including large parcels for the future public and separate schools and the neighbourhood park. These are presently used as landscaped open spaces with soccer fields and bail diamonds.



• Public Transit Routes (Nos. 49, 53, 68, 149, and 153) provide regular and peak hour local service. The Kaskltayo Transit Centre is located at 109 Street and 23 Avenue, two blocks west of the neighbourhood boundary, providing additional transportation opportunities to local residents.

Public Facilities • No schools are located in this neighbourhood, local students attend neighbouring school facilities. • Ermineskln Community League (10709 • 32A Avenue) Is located In Steinhauer to the Immediate north. Facilities at the Community League Include ice rinks, playground and a meeting hall. • The neighbourhood is well served with parks and open spaces conveniently located throughout the community. • Heritage Mall, located In the southwest sector, and a number of commercial facilities along Calgary Trail South meet many local and surrounding areas• shopping needs. • Ermineskin I (34 Units) and II (52 Units) located on 24 Avenue at 108 and 105 Streets respectively are community housing projects. Higher proportions of young single adults and lone-parent families, and low vacancy rates in these facilities demonstrate a continuing need for such housing in this area. • The Southside Nazarene Church (10712 • 29 Avenue) holds regular religious services In this neighbourhood. • The Whyte Avenue Office (10454 • 82 Avenue) of Alberta Social Services and the Pleasantview Centre (11044 • 51 Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services provide various soclal services to local residents. • Health services are provided by the Duggan Health Centre (5035 • 108A Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Transportation • Three very busy arterlals bound this neighbourhood on the east, west, and south. Average weekday traffic volumes Indicate 24,200 vehicles along 111 Street, 24,900 on 23 Avenue, and 47,500 on Calgary Trail South. • Calgary Trail South Is a Dangerous Goods and Truck Route, and 111 Street and 23 Avenue are regular 24 hour Truck Route. • High volumes of traffic along the arterials create noise and safety problems for local residents. • Most residential streets are in good condition. However, several streets in the eastern sector have uneven surface.



Major Issues • Traffic related problems (noise and safety) along the heavily travelled arterials are a concern for many residents. • The undeveloped state of the pubilc and separate school sites reduces residential satisfaction. • Uneven surface of some residential roads (mostly located In the eastern sector) causes reduced level of satisfaction among local residents.




Neighbourhood Profile - Evansd ale



Future Plans - The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department may produce a District Planning study for the Southwest District of Edmonton in the future.

Conclusion - A physically growing and demographically young suburban neighbourhood. - Convenient location of district shopping facilities, easy access to public transit service, and large proportions of rowhouslng (48.9%) and apartments (35.4%) attract young single adults. Programs and services designed for the younger population may be required. Further residential developments in the nei ghbourhood will create additional demands on available community resources. Higher proportion of lone-parent families may indicate a need for necessary social services for this group.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census of Canada, 1981 .


Census of Canada, Part 1·- Edmonton: Profile, 1986.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department.


1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department.

1988-1992, The City of Edmonton


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southwest District Working Paper No.2: Existing Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.


Ermlneskln Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.



Highlights Evansdale is a mature residential community located approximately 8 kilometers nonheast of downtown Edmonton. Evansdale: has a large proponion of residents under 20 years, panicularly teens; • is a multiculturally diverse neighbourhood; • has a an average family income significantly lower than the City average; and • is home to a large proponion of lone parent families.

Summer 1988




Revised January 1993

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Physical Characteristics 1---- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - -

Social Characteristics

• The 1991 population for Evansdale totalled about 6,280 residents, which reflects little change from 1983. This neighbourhood appears 10 have reached its peak in terms of population growth. • Stability is evident in the tenure data. Over46% of residents lived at the same address for 5 years or more (6% more than the Edmonton average). The proportion ofresidents who rented and owned their homes approximated the City average. The proportion of young people from birth to 20 years decreased in all age groups except 15 -19 yrs. old between 1986 -1991. Young people however remain a significantly large part of this community (37% vs. 25% for the City).

• Residential land uses occupy approximately 76% of the neighbourhood area. The majority of housing is single-detached (52%), followed by low rise apartments (25%) and row housing units (22%). • Commercial uses total 3% of the land area which includes Dickinsfield Mall (9204 - 144 Avenue) and a small strip mall ( 82 Street and 144 Avenue). Evansdale


There was a slightly lower than City average full-time employment rate.










• Institutional uses make up 14% of the neighbourhood and include three schools, the Boys and Girls Club, and the Ukrainian Youth Unity Centre.

SY.nor More


1 986


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Seniors increased by over 45% between 1986 -1991. Because of the 68% increase in pre-seniors (6065 yrs. old), this trend is expected 10 continue. They still however, are under-represented in the neighbourhood (4%) compared to the City as a whole (9%). • The proportion of single-parent families was significantly greater than the City average (20% vs. 15% City) in 1986.

Parks and open spaces make up approximately 7% of the total area and include 3 neighbourhood level parks (Evansdale Park, J.C. Bowen Park and Dr. William Rowan Park) as well as2 smaller ornamental parks.


The average income of families in Evansdale was significantly less than across the City in 1986. Incidences of low income among Evansdale families was quite high in 1986 (27% vs. 17% City).

• Tilree arterial roadways bound this neighbourhood (97 Street, 153 Avenue, and 82 Stteet). 97 Street is also a Dangerous Goods and Truck Route.

The latest data (Census Canada - 1986) indicates that the ethnic origins ofEvansdale residents generally reflects that of the City. However. community representatives who were contacted indicated greater cultural diversity (particularly residents of Arabic, Lebanese and Greek ethnicity).

• Average weekday ttaffic volumes are 37.200 vehicles along 97 Streei; 11,500 along 153 Avenue; and 11,000 along 82 Stteet. • Edmonton Transit provides public 1ransportation with bus routes (nos. 30, 71. 72, 74. 87. 88, 187, 188, 189). A good level of service appears to be available to the residents of this general area.

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Revisod 1anuaiy 1993 Rcvisod 1sniwy 1993

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Public Facllities

Neighbourhood Issues

There are three schools in the neighbourhood. Enrollment level in the fall of 1992 varied (68% at Evansdale Public Elementary, 86% at SL Philip Catholic Elementary and 98% at Cardinal Leger Catholic Junior High). Because of a hjgh proportion of young children living here, it appears that these schools will have additional "waves" of students in the years to come.

Two community housing projects (Dicldnsfield I and Il) offer 268 subsidized family housing units wmch are managed by the Edmonton Housing Authority. Evansdale Community League (9303 - 150 Avenue) offers a variety of programs for residents inclurung hockey. country dance, babysitting, Can Skate, basketball, softball and teen dances. The Community League has a hall which seats 200. two ice rinks, playground and ten.nis courts.

There is a large teen population and a recognition that there is a significant number whose needs are not being met through traditional organized sports. • Representatives of the large immigrant population (primarily Arabic, Lebanese and Greek) are not seen to be involved in neighbourhood recreational planning and programs. There is a need to encourage and accommodate the rich diversity in local organizations, promoting appreciation for and tolerance of various cultural backgrounds. Incidents of crime (specifically break-ins and vandalism) are a problem e)(perienced in this and other northeast Edmonton neighbourhoods. These are issues which the writer understood (in discussion with some community members/organizations) to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current infonnation, contact the communiry social worker at the Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services (428-2414).

The Future

• The Ukrainian Catholic Episcopal Church (9003 - 153 Avenue) is the only religious institution in the area. Organizations in the neighbourhood wruch focus on providing programs to youth include the Ukrainian Youth Association (9615-153 Avenue) and the Boys and Girls ClubofEdmonton (14707. 88A Street).

• Successful initiatives that the Community League has taken to involve teens in planning and organizing activities for themselves bodes well for addressing the needs of teens.

• Dickinsfield Amity House (9213 • 146 Avenue) is a community-based service agency that offers information and referral services, babysitting, mother's day out programs and children's programs.

Thee)( tent to which local organizations can welcome and reflect cultural diversity will affect their ability to meet the needs of their multicultural population and avoid racial tension. Introduction of social and recreational programs attractive to the multicultural community could be beneficial in the future to establish a harmonious social environment here.

The Canadian Arab Friendsrup Association is located at #18 Dicldnsfield Mall (92 Street and 144 Avenue). St. Anne Out of School Care (Rm.#109, 14104 - 94 Street) provides child care for school aged children. • The neighbourhood is served by the Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services wruch offers a variety of services including counselling, different group programs, services for seniors, children and youth services, and community development assistance. • Public facilities serving the area include: No. 14 Fire Hall (7312 - 144 Avenue) North Division Police Station (6504- 137 Avenue) for 24 hr. service Killarney/Balwin PoUce Station (9042 - 132 Avenue) for 12 hr. walk-in service Royal Alexandra Hospital (10240 Kingsway) Castle Downs Health Centre of the Local Board of Health (#34, 15333 Castle Downs Rd.)

References • • • • • • •

City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada. 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988- 1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Append.ix A, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Evansdale Neighbourhood Fact Sheet. City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1990

• Truck Route Map wjth Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1992 • Edmonton Public School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures • Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures

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Revised January 1993


~ lf~611

Neighbourhood Profile - Forest Heights

~~ lf~611



Forest Heights

References (cont'd) Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services Evansdale Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Departmem


..... s

"Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. Wben it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).



mghlights Forest Heights is a mature residential neighbourhOQd located to the east of downtown. Forest Heights: • has a low proportion of young residents in all age groups from birth to nineteen years; • has a large share of senior citizens; • has a lower than average incidence of low-income families, andl an average family income somewhat above the City average; • is predominantly made up of single-detached housing followed by duplexes; and


• has an average proportion of immigrant residents. Revised March 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Forest Heights




Neighbourhood Profile - Forest Heights




Physical Characteristics ,___ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

Social Characteristics The 1992 population totalled about 4,220 persons or nearly 4% less than 1986. This represents a continuing trend from the early 1980's of a decreasing population. The proportion of residems below the age of20 years was about 18% in 1992, compared to approximately 27% for Edmonton. Between 1986 and 1992, increases were seen in the proportion ofsenior citizens living in Forest Heights. Seniors now represent approximately 21 % of the neighbourhood's population, compared to the City's average of about 9%. This demographic feature indicates a high demand for programs and services designed for seniors or older reside DIS.

Residential land uses occupy 80% of the neighbourhood area.. The majoriity of housing stock is single detached (63%) followed by duplexes (20%) and collective residences (11 %). Most homes in this neighbourhood were constructed io the 1950's. ForeS1 Heights




Tue proportion of single individuals was about 41 % (City average 47%) while married persons accounted for 4 I% (Edmonton's average 40%). A higher than average social stability in Forest Heights is evidenced by the fact that about 51 % of the neighbowhood 's residents lived at the same address for at least five years, and 41 % of the residents are renters (City average46%) and 55% are home owners (Edmonton's average 49%).

The proporti.on offull-time employed persons living in ForeSt Heights is very close to the City's averageof38%. A very high proportion (23%) of the neighbourhood residents are retired, reflecting the number of seniors living here.

Commercial uses account for about 3% of the area. Several established retail and service outlets along I 01 and 106 Avenues and the Forest HeigbtS Mall on 79 Street nonb oflO i Avenue are included in this category.




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Institutional u ses make up 5% of the area. Several churches and schools, a nursing home and facilities of TERRA and Mapleridge are included in this land use type.


Parks and open spaces make up another 5% of the area.



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-> 1986

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Transportation l<lnderganen


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The average family income in 1986 was somewhat higher than the City average. The proportion of immigrant residents living in the area in 1986 was comparable to the City's average of approximately 20%. Compared to City averages, Forest Heights bas a higher proportion of residems with German, Italian, Ukrainian, Polislt and Blaclc origin. Conversely, the neighbourhood has a lower share of residents with British, French. Aboriginal, Chinese, Durch and South American origin. Revised Mech 1993

Four busy arterials bound this neighbourhood. Average annual weelcday traffic volumes io 1992 were over 36,500 vehicles along Capilano Drive, about 21,300 vehicles along 98 Avenue and about 15,000 vehicles along l06Avenue. Capilano Drive is a regular truclc route while98 Avenue is a restricted truck route. Edmonton Transit provides regular hour bus services (Route Nos. 43, 50 and 51) through this neighbourhood.

( 0

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Bicycleroutesexistalong98Avenue,83 Street and 101 Avenueconnecting with the River Valley Multi-use T rails. Rcvistd Mech 1993


Neighbourhood Profile - Forest Heights

lf\'l.&tl •l/a~IPublic Facilities

.... lltl


Neighbourhood Pro.file - Forest Heights


Neighbourhood Issues

Four schools are located in this neighbourhood. Forest HeightS Public Elementary School, in the Fall of 1992. functioned at 68% capacity (enrollment 304, capacity 450). McNally Public Senior High School operated at 9 1% capacity at the same period (enrollment l, 130, capacity 1,245). Two local separate schools, St. Theresa Elementary (enrollment 329, capacity 425) and SL Kevin Junior High (enrollmcnt 303, capacity 765) functioned a t 77% and 40% of their capacities respectively.

A lower than City average proportion of individuals below 20 years of age and a higher proportion of seniors may require orientation of neighbourhood programs and services to.address !he needs of the older population. High volumes of traffic on local anerials and collectors contribute to noise problems and safety hazards. Commuters using !hese roadways further exacerbate these problems. These are issues which the writer (in discussions with community members and organizations) understood to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker at Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services at428-2625.

Two churches located here are: First Philipino Alliance (I 0115 - 79 Street), and Sisters of our Lady of Charity (8421 - 101 Avenue). Centre for Self-awareness now occupies the premises of the former St. Michael's Parish (7621 - 101 Avenue).

The Future

The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (#300, 9119 - 82 Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance.

Forest Heights is a physically mature residential neighbourhood with an aging population. This trend is likeIy to continue in the foreseeable furure. High proportions of seniors will continue to create demands for programs and services for older residentS.

TERRA (The Association for Assistance to Unwed Mothers) provid~s counselling, emotional support and formal education (current enrolment 96 students). Located at 10435-76Street, this facility provides City-wide services. Forest HeighlS Community League (10150 - 80 Street) offers a variety of social and recreational programs including skating, baseball and dances. This community league is also active in local physical and social development issues. Jubilee Lodge Nursing Home (10333 - 76 Street) provides care for 156 patientS. It is operating at full capacity.

A low enrollment at SL Kevin Separate Junior High School could create long-term viability problem for this institution. • Some signs of residential redevelopment and renovation are apparent here. The situation may influence other residentS to repair their homes, making the neighbourhood aesthetically more pleasanL This may also attract younger families with children to this neighb()urhood, increasing !he level of utilization of all community resources.

St. Andrews Ukrainian Selo (8025 - 101 Avenue) provides accommodations for 68 seniors. This facility is also operating at full capacicy.


Catholic Pastoral Centre (8421 - 101 Avenue) is located here. Two day care centres (Terra at 10435 - 76 Street and Primrose Place at 8455 - 101 Avenue) are located in Forest Heights. Public facilities oucside but serving the area include: Number 11 Fire Station (6625 - 101 Avenue) Ottewell Community Police Station (9807 - 71 Street) University of Alberta Hospitals (8440- 112 Street) Idylwylde Branch of Edmonton Public Library (8310- 88 Avenue) Idylwylde Health Centre (8314- 88 Avenue)

• • • • •

Revised March 1993

City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1992 Census of Canada, 1986 Five YearConstrUction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Depanment Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1992 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Depanment Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A. City of Edmonton Transportation Depanment Forest Heights Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Depanment, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1992 Edmonton Public School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1991 Revised Morch 1993

.... -··-

Neighbourhood Profile - Forest Heights




References (Cont'd) Introduction

Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 • Mill Creek Centre of ColllIDunity and Family Services • Forest Heights Community League • City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department "Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

- Neighbourhood located on the extreme northeast corner of the City bounded by 153 Avenue to the north, Victoria Trail to the west, 18 Street to the east, and 144 Avenue to the south. - The east border (18th Street) overlooks the North Saskatchewan River and the north border abuts the future Gorman Industrial (East) subdivision. Bannerman neighbourhood Is to the south and Kirkness to the west. • Most residential developments took place between 1972 and 1980.

Social Characteristics • Total population reached 2,513 persons in 1986 ·a 29.4% increase over the 1983 figure. - A demographically young neighbourhood with 36% of residents being under the age of 20 (Edmonton 27.5%) and 54.7% between 20 - 39 years age group (compared to Edmonton's 42.1%). Indicates demands for programs for these Individuals. - Middle age lndiVlduals (ages 40 • 64) make up only 8.2% of the population and seniors a mere 0.6%. The demographic characteristics of 1986 changed relatively little from those of 1983. - Almost equal proportions of singles and married lndlvlduals, 47.4% and 48.3% respectively. Th~ City's average 47.5% singles and 41.3% married. - 45.4% of the neighbourhood's population was employed full-time vs. the City's 40.3%. Unemployment rate equals to that of the City's at 5.5%. Current unemployment rate for Edmonton 9.6% (April, 1988) suggests that the jobless rate for Fraser Is also higher than 1986 figure and probably near the current unemployment rate for Edmonton. - Average family income in 1981 was $28,561 vs. the City's average of $31,998. The lower figure for the neighbourhood may be explained by the relatively younger age of the residents who usually make less money and lower educational qualtflcatlons of residents resulting in comparatively lower paying jobs. - 42.4% of residents lived at the same address for 3 years or more (the City's average was 56.1%). Considering the fact that the 1983 figure was only four percent, this neighbourhood has quickly developed a good level of social stability. Wrth time, the social stability Is likely to grow further in this comparatively new suburban community. - Neighbourhood recorded a 9% decrease in crime In 1987 over 1986. The City in comparison, had a 6% Increase. There were major decreases in person related and traffic occurrences. - The neighbourhood watch program is In effect here. - Appears to be a safe and secure neighbourhood.


Revised March 1993








Physical Characteristics - Residentlal uses occupy 39.5% of neighbourhood land. Single detached homes 58.5% of housing stock; duplexes (19.7%) and row-housing (21.8%) make up the rest of available housing. - Most homes are still fairly new and in good condition. - A small commercial centre, on the corner of Victoria Trail and 151 Avenue, is near completion. - Institutional land uses (Fraser Elementary School) 5% of the total area. The school grounds are still in rather rough condition due to poor landscaping and low level of maintenance. - Neighbourhood park area (Fraser Park) totals 4%. Some lots of various sizes are still vacant. When completed and occupied, the population of Fraser will Increase further.

Transportation - Three arterials bound this neighbourhood but have low volumes of traffic. 153 Avenue on the north and 18 Street on the east do not give access to the neighbourhood. 18 Street Is unpaved and seldom used. - There are no truck routes surrounding or Intersecting the neighbourhood. - A regular bus route (#72) and a peak hour route (#172) through the neighbourhood connect Fraser with the Clareview LRT Station and Northgate Transit Centre. - Local roads are in good condition. - Reconstruction and paving of 153 Avenue and its ultimate connection with 34 Street may effect this neighbourhood negatively (traffic noises along northern margin of Fraser).

Public Facilities - Fraser Elementary School (14904 - 21 Street) presently operating at 125% capacity with 313 students enrolled. It will be acquiring a third portable unit this Fall. - Junior and Senior High School students attend Steele Heights Junior High (14607 - 59 Street) and M.E. LaZerte Composite High School (6804 - 144 Avenue). - Fraser Park, adjacent to the school, is landscaped and contains a playground and ice rinks. The Fraser Community League Office is also located here and makes use of these facilities. - The large park space is an excellent feature for this community which has a fair proportion of children under 14 (36.6%). - No special housing for seniors is located here.




- Glengarry Centre (13315 - 89 Street) of the Edmonton Social Services offers a variety of programs, such as Family Support, Community Social Work, and Children's Services to this general area including Fraser. - Fort Road Office of Alberta Social Services Department (13415 Fort Road) and the Clareview Health Centre (139 Avenue and Victoria Trail) of the Edmonton Board of Health provide services for local residents.

Major Issues - Obnoxious odours occasionally come from Petro-Chemical industries located directly across the river, reducing to some degree the quality of the neighbourhood's environment. . - Poor maintenance of some properties detracts from the general aesthetic level of the neighbourhood; may be attributable to the younger population whose lower average family income does not allow for regular or better quality landscaping/maintenance. - Lack of adequate social and recreational programs for local youth. Paucity of programs creates boredom among young persons leading to petty crimes and vandalism.

Future Plans - Commercial centre noted above will provide a gas station and a few of other commercial services when finally completed. - A district planning study will be prepared by the Planning and Development Department. Publlcatlon date unknown.

Conclusion - A physically and demographically young community. - A good proportion of young children and teens. Cons.idering the length of residency, the neighbourhood appears to be developing some degree of social stability. - A very high proportion of young children and teenagers justify for additional social and recreational programs.





Neighbourhood Profile - Fulton Place

R ~I Ol-.J'r-'TfAL



Reference 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census of Canada, 1981.


City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Five-year Construction Programs: Transportation Department.


1986 Traffic Flow Map, The CHy of Edmonton Transportation Department.


The 1987 Offence Occurrence Report, The City of Edmonton Police Department.


Census of Canada, Edmonton; Part I, Profiles 1986.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, City of Edmonton, Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Fraser Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

s 1988-1992, The City of Edmonton

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Highlights Fulton is an older, stable residential neighbourhood located in east Edmonton. Fulton Place: is a demographically mature neighbourhood with almost one-third ofits total population being senior citizens; • bas a markedly lower share of young residents under 20 years of age; • is overwhelmingly comprised of single detached homes; • has a low proportion of low-income families; • has an average family income higher than the City average; and • has a lower-than-average proportion of immigrants.

Summer 1988

Revised April 1993




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Neighbourllood Profile - Fulton Place


m ~

Neighbourhood Profile - Fulton Place ~--~

Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

The 1992 population ofFulton Place was approximately2,470, showing a slow decline of2% since 1986. This represented a continuous uend of declining population level since early 1980's.

• Residential land uses comprise about 79% of the total area of Fulton Place. The majority of housing is single detached (95%) followed by duplexes (4%) and walk-up apartments (1 %). Most homes were developed during the l 950's. Some adult-oriented residential units have recently been developed in the former neighbourhood convenience commercial site at the centre of the community.

A striking feature of the demographic composition of this neighbourhood is an overwhelmmg presence of senior citizens. Seniors make up appro~imately 32% of Fulton Place's population, sharply up from about 21% in 1989. • Children under 20 years of age make up about 19% of the neighbourhood population. as opposed to 27% for the City. The proportion of this age group has increased by only 1% since 1986.

Institutional land uses make up appronmately 13% of the area. They include the sites of two schools, lhree churches, the community league and a public swimming pool.

FuHon Place 70 60 50


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Lowlneome Famlles


Institutional uses constitute I% of the area. Hardisty Substation of Edmonton Power accounts for this category.


Approximately 61 % of the local residents have lived at me same address for at least5 years (City's average 41%). Homeowners constitute about 81%, while renters make up approximately 18% of the local population (the figures for the City are about46% and 49% respectively). These facts suggest a very high level of social stability in Fulton Place. The proportions of married and w;dowed residents are higher; and singles, divorced and separated individuals lower than !heir corresponding City averages. These patterns substantiate !he characteristics of a family-oriented and demographically mature neighbourhood. Full-time employed persons comprise about 32% of the neighbourhood's population, compared to about 38% for Edmonton. As expected with a very large senior population, the share of retired residents was significant (29% vs. City 11%). • The average family income in Fulton Place in 1986 was $45,003, higher than the City's average of $40,465. In spite of a very high incidence of senior citizens, the local average family income figure is indicative of a lligh income level of the employed persons residing here. • Ethnic composition of Fulton Place residents generally reflect that of the City. The exceptions are the residents with British (27% vs. 23% City) and Ukrainian (12% vs. 8% City) origins. Revised April 1993

Parks and open spaces provide approximately 5% of the area. The centrally located neighbourhood park and four smaller green open spaces scattered throughout the neighbourhood account for this type of land use.

Transportation Three busy arterials bound Fulton Place. Average annual weekday traffic volumes in 1992 were approximately 20,400 vehicles along 50 Street. 18.700 along 106 Avenue and 15,200 along 101 Avenue. Regular public transportation facility is provided by Edmonton Transit via Bus Route Nos. 50 and 51. In addition, peak-hour bus service is available along 101 Avenue (Route No. 92) Local roads and sidewalks are in reasonably good condition. However, regular maintenance is necessary.

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l~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Revised April 1993

Neighbourhood Profile - Fulton Place


Neighbourhood. Profile - Fulton Place


·"·~·Neighbourhood Issues

Public Facilities Fulton Place Public Elementary School (10310 - 56 Street) was operating at 37% capacity in the Fall of 1992. The level of enrollment increased from31 % in the Fall of 1989. Hardisty Public Junior High School (10534 - 62 Street) was operating at 27% level of its capacity in the Fall of 1992. showing amarginaldeclinesincetheFallof 1989.

Fulton Place Commuruty League (6115 Fulton Road) has a meeting ball, children's playing area and an ice rink. It is active in addressing local issues and is a member of the Southeast Communities Planning Coalition. Hardisty Swimming Pool (10535 - 65 Street) is located here. Nearby Fulton Ravine and the local parks and open spaces provide additional recreational opportunities. Churches offering religious services to the residents of this general area include Resurrection Roman Catholic Church (10555 - 50A Street), Grace United Church (6215 - 104 Avenue), and St. Augustine Anglican Church (6110 Fulton Road).

A low proportion of young residents, especially pre-scboolers and grat'.le-schoolers is threatening the ultimate viability of the local schools. Even though the enrollment level of the elementary school has showed a slow increase during the last four years. the lower than average (compared 10 the City) proportion of residentS below the age of te n indicate that unless families with young children move into Fulton Place, sustaining local schools could be an issue. • A very high proportion of senior citizens living here pulS additional pressures to reorient programs and services to suit their needs. These are issues which the writer (in discussion with community members/organizations) understood to be important in the neighbourhood a1 the time of writing. However, issues may change overtime, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker of the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-2625.

The Future • In consideration of the location, itS socio-<lemographic characteristics and availablecommunity facilities, ii is likely that F ulton P lace will retain itS residential character with higher than average social stability in the foreseeable future.

Given the large proportion of seniors living here and the number of people approaching retirement age, it appears that the share of older residentS in the demograph;c composition of Fulton Place will remain high. It will also continue to put high pressures on programs and services for the seniors.

• Grace Garden Court (6303 - 104 Avenue), a senior citizen's apartment complex with 35 self-contained units, is located here. This facility is operating at full capacity. Child care services are available from Town and Country Child and After School Care Centre #2 (5540 - 106 Avenue) and Fulton Child and After School Care Centre (5910 - 103 Avenue).


The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (#300, 9 I 19 - Whyte (82) Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as commuruty develop ment assistance. •

Public facilities outside but serving the area include:

•. • •

Onewell Police Station (9807 - 71 Street) University of Alberta Hospitals (8440 - 112 Street) Grey Nun's Hospital (1100 Youville Drive West) Fire Hall #11 (6625 - 101 Avenue) Idylwylde Health Center of the Edmonton Board of Health (8314 - 88 Avenue)

City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1992 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988- 1992, City of Edmonton Tr.msportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Depanmeot 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Departmenu Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, City ofEd.monuon Transportation Department Fulton Place Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1990 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmomon Transportation Department, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures

Revised April 1993 Revised April 1993


Neighbourhood Profile - Fulton Place




References (Cont'd) • Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transponation Department. 1991 • Albena Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services • Fulton Place Community League • City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department


"Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Techttical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in thls Profile (telephone 496-5818).

• A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood In the West Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Callingwood Road to the north, 170 Street to the east, 53 Avenue to the south and 178 Street to the west. - Most residential developments during the 1970's and early 1980's. - Adjacent residential communities: Callingwood South (north), Oleskiw (east) and Dechene (west). - Served by the Jasper Place Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics


- 1989 population 2,257, a 3.2% increase from 1986. Further Increase in population level expected with residential developments on remaining vacant lots. - Residents under 20 years of age 33.8%, higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. Suggests above average demand for facilities and resources serving young persons. - 3.0% seniors here, less than the City's 8.9%. Below average demand for services and facilities for the elderly. - Singles 44.6%, less than Edmonton's 47.1% and married 52.3%, higher than the City's 40.5%. Reflects a family oriented neighbourhood. - Only 5.2% lone parent families, much lower than Edmonton's 13.2%. No special need for support services for single parents here. - 46% residents employed full time, more than the City's 40.7%. - Unemployed residents 1.3%, less than Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% suggests level may have risen somewhat in Gariepy as well but probably remained low. - 4.2% residents retired, less than half Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects below average number of seniors here. - Average annual family income $61 ,105, substantially higher than the City's $41,681. Reflects an affluent neighbourhood. - 55.9% residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, marginally higher than Edmonton's 54%. - 80.9% homeowners (vs. City's 46.8%} and 16.3% renters (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggest above average social stability which probably continue to increase as residents have lived here longer. - Gariepy is a part of the Lessard district which participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program. Revised April 1993

e,amon'on ~U I'







Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 85% of area. Approximately 70% single family dwellings, 17% row housing and 13% duplexes. Properties well maintained and nicely landscaped, making this a very appealing neighbourhood. - About 5% institutional uses. Includes a school and the community league. - Commercial uses 3% of area. A neighbourhood shopping centre, providing many services, retail and professional outlets located in the north central sector. - 7% parks and open spaces. Includes the large, centrally located neighbourhood park, adjacent to the school and a recreational area in the east central sector.

Social services provided by the Jasper Place Community and Family Centre (15626 - 1OOA Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the West District Office (#201 , 170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues Transportation - Bounded by two arterlals: Callingwood Road and 178 Street. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 6,400 and 1,000 respectively. 172 Street/57 Avenue serves as the main collector here. Traffic noise and congestion does not appear to be a concern here at present. - Local roads have rough and uneven sections, some resurfacing may be needed. - Regular transit service provided via routes 39 and 128 and peak hour service on routes 125 and¡127. Service appears to meet residents' needs.

Public Facilities - Centennial Public Elementary School operating at 97% of Its 375 student capacity. Enrollments llkely to remain high In the near future as numbers of young children remaining steady. Play equipment, soccer fields and ball diamonds on site. Portables at location. Property Is not fenced. - Lessard Community League located adjacent to the school. Has a hall, ice rink and well-appointed play area here. - Additional recreational opportunities provided by a wooded area in the east central sector, the Edmonton Country Club to the west and the North Saskatchewan River Valley to the south. - No community housing projects or residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons here. - Lessard Mall in the north central sector, provides many retail and service outlets. Incorporates a gas station, convenience store, hair salon, bank, insurance agency, daycare, video shop, drycleaning shop, pet supplies store, take-out food restaurant, shoe and sports repair shop and medical and veterinarian clinics.



- Above average demand for programs and facilities for young persons. With further growth of population, demand for community services to grow further.

Future Plans - 1991 road construction planned for 178 Street, south of 53 Avenue In preparation for further residential developments to the south. This route to eventually join the proposed Outer Ring Road. Traffic flow will eventually increase along 178 Street.

Conclusion - A physically contemporary and demographically young neighbourhood with growing social stability. - Existing facilities for young persons should be assessed and unmet needs addressed. - Roads should be repaired and/or resurfaced where required.





Neighbourhood Profile - Garneau

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References 1.

The City of Edmonton CIVic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Const ruction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

U.OFA. CAMPUS University Hospilllls

39 .\\'C.






The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Gariepy Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.


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mghlights Garneau is a mature residen1ial neighbourhood co the immedia1e east of 1he University of Alberta CllfT!pus and south of the North Saskatchewan River. Thi.s neighbourhood: • has a large proportion of young, single adul ts and srndems anending 1he University of Albena; • has easy access todowmown, the University campus, the University Hospitals and the social, cultural and commercial outlets of the nearby Strathcona area; • has a comparatively higher proportion of seniors 1han the City's average; • is predominan1ly mnde up of apanmem unirs providing rental accommodation: and • experiences severe non-residential parking problems on local Streets.

September 1990




e~monton C<l""""'ty • F~·LY fil'..RY.ccs ~

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11 ••

Revised June 1993


Neighbourhood Profile - Garneau

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Neighbourhood Profile - Garneau


lf~611 •ll•~·-

Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

• The 1991 popul ation of Garneau totalled approximately 6, J 70, which showed a loss of abouc I% since 1986. Still, Garneau is one of the larger neighbourhoods in Edmonton. Pre-schoolers make up about 3% ofGarneau' s population, compared co about 8% for Che City. Garneau is characterized by a very low proportion of residents under the age of 20 compared to Che City of Edmonton· the proportions being 11 % and 27% respectively in 199 J.

Residential land use comprises about 67% of the area. Single family dwellings and duplexes comprise about43% and 9% respectively of the housing stock. Multiple family housing units make up a significant proportion (47%) of available accommodation here.



• A very high proportion of young adults (20-29 years) is evident in Garneau who make up 46% of population (City's average 20%). Proximity to lhe University of Albena campus and availability of rental accommodation here have contributed co !his demographic characteristic.

so 40

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, Edmonton

.,_0...._,Gorneau .,___,





Single Patents

l ow tncorne

Residency rot



SYears ot More

f amMies 1986


..··-·---·---··-..----..------_. 1991


• Seniors make up about 11% of population, compared to 9% for che City. Availability of specialized housing for Che elderly and proximity to desired amenities have conlribuced to lhis situation. Singles make up about 60% of the neigbbourhood"s population, compared to 47% for the Cicy. Conversely, lhe share ofmarried persons is much lower here (Garneau 's24% vs. Edmonton' s40%). This indicates higher-than-average demand for programs and services for young, single individuals. The proponion of single-parent families in Garneau is 14%. somewhat lower Chan Edmonton's average. • Local residents employed full-time in 1991 was about 33% (City's average 40%). A significantly high

proportion of residentS were post-secondary srudentS (37%) whO anended lhe nearby University of Alberta; compared to lhe less than 6% average for Edmonton. About 82% of housing is rencer occupied while only 14% is owner-occupied. In addition , only about 21 % of the residents have lived in this neighbourhood for at lease five years. Tenure and length of scay demonsttace that Garneau is a favourite neighbourhood to live in wilh the University of Albena srudents and workers. These patterns also demonstrate that a higher level of social stability may be difficult to achieve here as srudents needs are met through lhe University or organizations other than the community leagues. Ethnic origins of Garneau residents generally reflect that of the City, except Jewish origin which makes up about 2% of the neighbourhood's population, compared to Edmonton·s average of 0.5%.



Revised June 1993

As most homes were built prior to 1950, quite a few of Chem need physical improvements and rehabilitation. Institutional land uses (including Garneau Public Elementary School, Garneau and Knox Metropolitan United Churches and St. Joseph 's Auxiliary Hospital) and a mosque make about 19% of the area. Parks and open spaces (includes Braithwaite and Garneau Parks) occupy only about 3% of the area. Commercial uses, located along major roadways, make up about 6% of the neighbourhood's area.

Transportation four busy anerials surround and intersect Garneau. Average annual weekday traffic volumes in 1991 were 31,700 vehicles on 109 Street nonh of 82 Avenue. 22,600 on 82 Avenue east of 112 Street, 17,400 on 87 Avenue west of 109 Street and 4,100 on 112 Street north of 77 Avenue. I 09 Street and 82 Avenue (from 109 Street eastward) are regular truck routes. • Local roads are in good condition. Some traffic management measures including one-way streets, forced turns and curb extensions have been in place to regulate flow of traffic here. High traffic volume and land uses (institutional, commercial and high-density residential) create overflow parking, noise and safety

l~~~-p_r_o_b-le_m~s-i~n th-i_s_n_e-ig_h_bo_u_r_h_ood. ~~--~--~~------~~-~-~-~-~~~--Revised Jun 1993

Neighbourhood Profile - Garneau

Neighbourhood Profile - Garneau


Transportation (cont'd)



. This area is also heavily used by cyclists due to its proximily to the University, the River Valley, Kinsmen Park. Queen Elizabeth Park. Emily Murphy Park and William Hawrelak Park. Edmonton Transit buses (Route Nos. 8, 43, 46, 125 and 127) provide regular and peak-hour service here. There is also a major transfer point at the University (89 A venue and 113 Street) where connection with the LRT is available. The level of public transit service available to the local residents appears to be excellenL

Public Facilities


( !,43,'6, 1254127

( 0

Neighbourhood Issues


J 0

- -


• Garneau Public Elementary School currently operates at full capacity with 187 students enrolled. One half of the space of this school has been leased to day care, after-school care and nursery school organizations. The school yard includes a playground and soccer field. Garneau Community League (10943 • 84 Avenue) organizes community evenlS, craft classes and spom activiues. Facilities at the Community League include a meeting hall, tennis and racquctball courts and a lawn bowling field. Granite Curling Club, located in Garneau, draws patrons from a wider area. Braithwaite Park, located in the south west sector, is landscaped and has picnic tables. • Nearby public recreational facilities include Kinsmen Spons Centre, Tipton Arena, River Valley trail systems. Emily Murphy Park and William Hawrelak Park. Cambridge Day Care (#200, 8414 - 109 Street), Garneau - University Child Care Centre (10925. 87 Avenue) and Student Union and Community Day Care Centre (8917- 112 Street) provide child care facilities in this general area. • Garneau and Knox Metropolitan United Churches and a Moslem Mosque provide religious services. Knox Met Manor(79 one-bedroom units). Garneau Hall (100 one-bedroom units) and Sir Douglas Bader Tower (42 handicapped unilS and 17 senior citizen and regular rental units) are located in Garneau, and provide specialized accommodation to seniors and the handicapped. Low vacancy rates indicate high demand for these specialized housing units. • The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre ofCommunity and Family Services (9119 ·Whyte (82)Avenue) which offers a variety of services including counselling.differentgroup programs, services for youth and seniors as well as community development assistance. Other public facilities available for the neighbourhood residents include: Fire Station No. 3 (11226 - 76 Avenue) University of Alberta Hospitals (8440 - I 12 Street) Strathcona Police Station (9710 • 5 I Avenue) Duggan Health Centre (5035 -108A Street) St. Joseph's Auxiliary Hospital (10722- 82 Avenue) W.W. Cross Cancer Institute (11560 University Avenue) Revised June 1993

Local residents are concerned about the disruption of the residential character of this community by a host of traffic-related issues created by external traffic moving through and around this neighbourhood. Non-residential parking on local streets related to the Universily, hospi!;81S, professional offices and commercial establishmenlS, high volumes of traffic along arrerials creating noise, shortcuning and pedestrian and bicyclist safety problems substantially reduce the level of satisfaction among local residents. Some local residents feel that even though Garneau has easy access to many nearby parks, the neighbourhood itself lacks adequate allocation of parks and open spaces. High density residential developments further contribute to a feeling of lack of open spaces in Garneau.

These are issues which the writer (in discussion with some community members/organizations) understood to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker at Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-2625.

The Future Garneau is a physically mature residential neighbourhood in Edmonton. Being located near the University of Alberta campus, it attracts many students who rent accommodation here. As a consequence, University students feature prominently in the demographic composition. This characteristic will continue to be present here in the future. • Due to a very high proportion of renters living here (most being University students) who do not participate regular! y in various social activities of the neighbourhood, the levels of understanding and cooperation among local residents are not very high. As a consequence, social cohesiveness in the community also suffers. Due to the same factors, the social stability in Garneau is likely to remain aia low level. ln spite of all these, Garneau will continue to remain a viable and desirable residential neighbourhood to specific groups of our society.

Referenc es City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992. City of Edmonton Transportatlon Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Depanment 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Department RevisedJtme 1993

~ lf~&W

Neighbourhood Profile - Garneau


Neighbourhood Profile - Glengany

·~·Refer ences (cont'd)

• • • •

Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A. City of Edmonton Transponation Depanmenr Garneau Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City ofEdmonton Planning and Development Depanmem, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transportation Depanment, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmomon Transportation Deparunent, 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Mill Creek Centre of Co(llJllunity and Family Services Garneau Community League City of Edmont0n Parks and Recreation Depanment




...~ Q

"Commun;ty and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet avajlable on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

Notes Not t<>Scalt

mghllghts Glengarry is a mature suburban residential neighbourhood in the north Edmonton. Glengarry: • has a very large proponion of seniors living in the neighbourhood; • is concerned about the amount of property crime (home and automobile); • has a large immigrant population; and • is predominantly made up of single detached housing with commercial uses around the neighbourhood perimeter.

e,,,.--- nton .,..._...... ~mo


Revis«! Iwie 1993 Revised February 1993

...... lltl


Neighbourhood Profile - Glengany

... 11'~&11



Social Charact eristics Phys ical Charact eristics The 1991 population totalled about 3,260 people or nearly 3% less than in 1986. This decrease is a continuation of a tre.nd occurring from the early 1980's. Although the proportion of pre-schoolers rose 35% between 1986 to 1991, this group (6%) remains below the City average (8%). The same pattern occurred in the entire group ofresidents under 15 years of age, which experienced increases while remaining below the Edmonton average (16% vs. 21 % City).

---- Neighbourhood Profile - Glengany 1------------------~

• Residential land uses occupy approximately 55% of the neighbourhood area. The majority of the housing stock is single-detached (73%), followed by high riseapanments (11 %) and row housing (7%). Glongarry


In 1991theproportionofyoungpeople15to24yearsofage(13%vs. 16%fortheCity)andmiddle-aged adults between 40 to 54 yrs. old (18% vs. 16% City) represented significant decreases from 1986.

A considerably high proportion of seniors live in Glengarry (15% vs. the City 9%). Therefore, higher proportions of widowed and retired persons are expected in this area.











50 40



-"" M0;"6S


• Commercial uses total 16% of the land area. Northwood Mall and a number of neighbourhood convenience facilities around the perimeter of the oeighbourbood are in.eluded in this figure.


• Institutional uses, including three schools and three churches, total I 8% of the neighbourhood.




%of Total

• Parks and open spaces make up approximately 11% of the area and include Glengarry Park, O'Leary Leisure Centre and Glengarry Arena.

5 Yaarsot.Mote

""P-'I"" 1986


• Social stability in the community is evidenced in the tenure and ownership data. Close to 62% of residents had lived in the area five years or longer (compared to 40% for E.dlnonton). Homeowners represented approximately 70% oflocal residents (City's average 51 %) and tenants about 30% (City's average 49%). • The average family income ($38,440) was lower than across the City ($40,465) in 1986. It is anticipated that the large number of retired residents, with generally lower income earning potential, is reflected in this data. This would be supponed by the neighbourhood unemployment in 1991 which was the same as that experienced across the City and the incidences oflow income families and unattached individuals which were below the Edmonton average. • In 1986, there was a relatively large immigrant population living in Glengarry (24% vs. City 21 %). Consideration for their particular needs and perspectives would appear to be warranted.

Transportation (J0, 10, 73,W.17, lt, A 112) • Three busy arterials bound this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes are 25,700 along 82 Street; 45,000 vehicles along 97 Street; and 34.300 along 137 Avenue. All three roadways are truck routes and 97 Street is also a Dangerous Goods Route.


• Edmonton Transit provides public transponation with bus routes (nos. 30, 70, 73. 86, 87, 88, 172 and several along 97 Street).


• Residents with Ukrainian, Chinese and "other single" origins were represented in larger proportions than across the City in the 1986 Federal Census Data. Representatives ofcommunity organizations however indicated a large Arabic, specifically Lebanese population, live in Glengarry.

_,,,.... n:=.=e-....

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Revised Feb<ucy 1993


• There are bicycle routes along 137 Avenue and 97 StreeL

Revised February I993

.... _ _____ @nOnton.._.."' fNa.YIVWICt'S

Neighbourhood Profile - Glengany

.... -

Neighbourhood Profile - Glengany



Public Facilities

The Future

Glengarry Public Elementary School had an enrolment (fall, 1992) that was76%ofthescbool'scapacity. AnArabicbilingualprogramhas275 of the school's total 458 students.

The ability of local individuals, community groups and agencies to reach out and appreciate the viewpoints, interests and contributions of new Canadians will impact racial harmony. • The Community League is working to establish a Neighbourhood Watch program in the area which should assist in dealing with property crimes.

• The two Catholic schools (Archbishop O'Leary High and St Cecilia Junior High) both are operating at approximately 85% of capacity. Religious services are held within Glcngarry at the First Christian Church (13407 -97 Stteet), North gate Baptist Church (13208 - 95 Street) and Pilgrim United Churc.h (9008 - 135 Avenue).


• Glengarry Arena (8623 - 135 Avenue) and O'Leary Leisure Centre are two public recreational facilities in the neighbourhood. • Glengarry Community League ( 13325 - 89 Street) offers a variety of programs including hockey, softball, basketball, soccer and western dance. Facilities of this community group include a recently renovated playground with barbecues, hall, rink and changing facilities. • Child Care services in the neighbourhood include Glengarry Kindercare and Out-of-School (9211 - 135 Avenue), Glengarry Child Care Centre (13315 - 89 Street) and Ukrainian Bilingual Day Care, Playschool and Out-of-School Care Program (8735 - 132 Avenue).

• • • •

Public Facilities outside but serving the area include: No. 10 Fire Station (12735 - 101 Street) Londonderry Police Station (6504 - 137 Avenue) Royal Alexandra Hospital (10240 Kingsway) Castle Downs Health Clinic of the Edmonton Board of Health (34 Lake Beaumaris Mall, 15333 Castle Downs Road)

• • • • • • •

Neighbourhood Issues The large immigrant population is not well integrated into the Glengarry Community League. Racial tension throughout northeast Edmonton is the source of concern for a recently released study by the Edmonton Social Planning Council.

City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada. 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Glengarry Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes. City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care lnfonnation System, July 1992 Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services Glengarry Community League Archbishop O'Leary Scbool Glengarry Public Elementary School City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department

"Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map."

• Property crime involving homes and automobiles is a major issue in the neighbourhood. These are issues whicb the writer understood (in discussion with some community members/organizations) to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker of Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-2414. Revised February 1993

NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818). Revised February 1993


ID ~

Neighbourhood Profile - Glengany





- A mature, Inner-city residential community where Initial residential developments began in early 1910's with Edmonton's land boom and extension of street car service in the area. Most residential developments completed by 1940. Many older homes represent architectural designs of early 2oth century. Mature tree-lined streets otter character and distinctiveness. - Boundaries are 107 Avenue to the north, Groat Road to the east, the North Saskatchewan River Valley to the south and 142 Street to the west. - Surrounded by the communities of Grovenor to the west, North G!enora to the north and Westmount to the east. - Located within the Northwest Planning District and served by the Westmount Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - Population declined from 3,647 in 1983 to 3,456 in 1986 representing loss of 5.8%. Population loss which is consisten with the trend in mature, inner-city communities. - Proportion of young residents (below 20 years age) 21.1% vs. the City's average of 27.5%. - Very high share of seniors - 22.3% vs. the City's average of 7.9%. Easy access to amenities and facilities desired by the elderly {medical care facilities, banks, public transportation, retail shopping including food stores) and availability of specialized housing for the seniors in and around this neighbourhood influenced the very high proportion of this age group. Also demonstrates a demand for programs and services for the elderly. - Single persons 37.5%, substantially lower than 47.5% for Edmonton. Share of married individuals correspondingly higher - the percentages are 50.5% and 41.3% for Glenora and Edmonton respectively. - Lone parent families 8.62% vs. Edmonton's 9.58% in 1986. Indicates average services and programs for this social group could address most of their needs. - Full-time employed persons 39.3%, marginally lower than the City's average of 40.3%. Homemaker•s 11.8%, somewhat higher than Edmonton's rate of 8.7%. Neighbourhood unemployed proportion only 1.4%, significantly lower than 5.6 for Edmonton in 1986. Current neighbourhood unemployment rate may be somewhat higher as the February, 1989 jobless rate for Edmonton was 9.6%. - Average family Income $56,412 as compared to $41,681 for Edmonton in 1986. Income figure indicates affluence of many professionals residing here. - Residents living in Glenora for at least three years 75.5% vs. the City's average of 56.1%. Home owners 58.3% and tenants 35.8%. These facts indicate a high level of social stability in this family-oriented residential community. - Crime rate increased by 1.83% between 1987 and 1988 vs. the City's increase of 5.21%. Slight increase In traffic-related occurrences. Over all, local residents enjoy a sense of safety and security here. Neighbourhood Watclil Program involving the police and the local residents in effect here.





Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 52.2% of gross land area of the neighbourhood. Single detached (70.5%) and attached (2.7%) form majority of the housing stock. Apartment units (two walk-up units and one high-rise building) 26.0% of available accommodation. Most homes are well-maintained and In good condition, but a few older homes appear to be in need of repairs. - Institutional uses (four schools, the community league, the provincial museum, a church and the Edmonton Ambulance Service facilities) 3.5% of the gross land area. - Parks and open spaces 1.27% of the neighbourhood area. The neighbourhood park, and several smaller and scattered landscaped areas included in this category. local school grounds and open spaces being located throughout the neighbourhood offer some perception of openness even though Glenora is deficient In Its share of parkland (using Parks and Recreation Department's standard of 0.75 ha/ 1,000 population). - Commercial uses 0.5% of the total gross area. Located mostly along Stony Plain Road and 142 Street. Banks, food stores, gasoline stations and dry-cleaning facilities in this category serving local residents' as well as commuter's needs.

Transportation - Three busy arterlals - 142 Street, 107 Avenue and Groat Road bound this neighbourhood. Two additional arterials (Stony Plain Road and 102 Avenue) run through the neighbourhood and divide It into three isolated physical entitles. Average weekday traffic counts 11 ,800 vehicles along 142 Street south of 102 Avenue, 13,200 on the same street north of 102 Avenue, 24,500 on 102 Avenue, 20,000 on Stony Plain Road, 33,300 on 107 Avenue and 31,400 on Groat Road. High volumes of traffic create noise, and safety problems for residents living near these roads except Groat Road, which Is depressed In the section adjacent to Glenora. - Grid-pattern roads encourage traffic shortcutting and speeding, especially along 136 Street between 107 Avenue and Stony Plain Road. - High volumes of traffic on Stony Plain road, especially during rush hours, make It very difficult to gain access to this arterial.

- All local public schools have experienced limited Increase In enrollments since 1983. Sharp increase in the number of pre-schoolers (a good portion of whom are now grade-school students) since 1983 has produced this result. - Enrollment at the separate school has somewhat declined since 1983. In addition, the school discontinued junior high classes since that date. Both these factors explain why the school's current level of functioning is somewhat low. - A sub-station of Edmonton Ambulance Authority Is located at 142 Street and 105 Avenue. Provides prompt services to the area residents. - The grounds of the local schools and the neighbourhood park (south of 105 Avenue between 136 and 138 Avenue) have playgrounds, ball diamonds and soccer fields. These and the other smaller landscaped open spaces provide recreational opportunities. The recently constructed biking-trail along the river valley (east and south of the neighbourhood) and the Government House Park offer additional recreational opportunities to the general area's residents. . . Glenora Community league (105 Avenue and 136 Street) organizes social and recreational activities here. Facilities at the community league Includes a craft shack, playgrounds, pool area, tennis courts, a meeting room and a kitchen area. The Provincial Museum of Alberta and the Government House are located on an Isolated parcel at the southeast tip of Glenora. Even though these faci~ities attract many patrons, they do not create any adverse Impacts on the community. - Ortona Villa (104A Avenue and 142 Street) Is a senior citizens self-contained apartment complex (53 one-bedroom units Including two for the handica~ped~ which usually functions at full capacity. Additional housing for the elderly m this area appears to be needed. . - No community housing or handicapped housing projects are located m Glenora. - Social services (counselling, community work, family aide, services for seniors) available through Westmount Centre (#400, 12323 Stony Plain Road) of Edmonton Social Services. Alberta Social Services also provides various family and individual related services through Its Westmount District Office at 11016 - 127 Street. - Primary health care services and related counselling available through the Woodcroft Health Centre (13420 - 114 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health. Edmonton Missionary Church holds regular services for the residents of this general area.

Major Issues

Public Facllltles - Three public and one separate school located In Glenora. - Glenora Public Elementary School has a current enrollment of 183 pupils and operating at slightly over Its capacity of 175 students. With an enrollment of 382 students, Westminster Public Junior High School Is functioning at 55.4% of Its capacity of 690 students. - Talmud Torah (Public Elementary School) has a current enrollment of 233 students and operating at 93.2% level of its capacity of 250 pupils. - St. Vincent Separate Elementary School, with a current student strength of 102, Is operating at 40.8% level of Its capacity of 250 pupils.





- On-street parking near commercial developments along Stony Plain Road as well as near Talmud Torah School (133 Street and 106 Avenue) create dissatisfaction among local residents. Some external traffic speed and short-cut through 136 Street between Stony Plain Road and 107 Avenue, creating additional traffic noise and safety hazards for local residents. - Even though Glenora Is a desirable residential community (for I~ historical appeal including architectural styles of early 20th century, mature tree-lined streets as well as availability of many community facllitles), some older homes In the nort~ern a~d western sectors in need of repairs somewhat detract from the overall aesthetic quality of the neighbourhood.




Neighbourhood Profile - Glenwood



- Very high proportion of seniors, a good number of Individuals between 60-64 years (203 persons in 1986) and the only local senior citizens home operating at .full capacity indicates that consideration should be given to plan facilities and programs for the elderly.


The 102 Avenue bridge (over Groat Road) to be refurbished in 1989, allowing smoother and safer movement of traffic. Planning and Development Department may in future (date unknown) prepare a Planning Study for the Northwest District.

Stony Plain Road


Conclusion 99AA'le

A physically and demographically mature neighbourhood with some homes representing architectural styles of the early 20th century. - Access to and availability of many amenities and facilities made Glenora a desirable, family-oriented neighbourhood where social stability is very high. A very high proportion of senior citizens needs consideration for amenities and services for the elderly. Physical improvements of some properties in the northern and western sectors could further enhance the community's appeal to young families and thereby rejuvenate the neighbourhood population and school enrollments. - Consideration to better trafflc management could reduce noise, short-cuttlng, speeding, on-street parking and safe access to Stony Plain Road issues and improve traffic safety for the area residents.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.













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~ ~







The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census Canada 1986. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1988 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 Glenora Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983. Nort.h west District Survey of Residents, Working Paper No.2: Land Use, 1984. Northeast District Survey of Residents, (1) Telephone Survey Basic Results and (2) Neighbourhood Cluster Profiles and Survey Results, 1985.

"'0 99Ave





Highlights Glenwood is a physically and demographically mature residential neighbourhood in the western sector of Edmonton. Located to the northeast of West Edmonton Mall, this neighbourhood: appears to be experiencing demographic rejuvenation as proportions of pre-schoolers and g:rade-schoolers are increasing; • has a higher proportion of seniors and aboriginal people than the City average; • has an average family income considerably lower than the average for Edmonton: • has experienced extensive physical rehabilitation during the last decade; and

• is predominantly made up of single-family homes. Approximately21 % of the housing

- l~~~~~st_oc ~k-is_c_o_m ~pn _·_se_d_o_f_m ~u-ln_·p_l_e-_f_amil~·-y_u_n_it_s_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

May 1989



(dm6nton ~~"~~




Neighbourhood Profile - Glenwood

Neighbourhood Profile - Glenwood



Social Characteristi'cs

Physical Characteristics

Glenwood had a population of approximately 4,500 in 1991, less than one percent lower than the 1986 level. This population level, after gaining a substantial number of residents since 1983 appears to have stabilized.

• Approximately 65% of I.he land area of Glenwood is devoted to residential uses. Single family homes make up about 78% of housing. Anol.her21 % is comprised of multiple family units. The majority of I.he homes were built in the I 950's. Many properties have been rehabilitated during the last decade. Many other older properties are physically dilapidated and are in need of renovation.

Demographic rejuvenation is evident in the fact that the proportion of residentS under 20 years of age in Glenwood is about 26%, marginally lower than 27% for Edmonton. Between 1986 and 1991, the




population of this age group increased by approximately 17%. The proportion of young adults (20 - 29 years) is slightly higher in Glenwood than the City, the shares being 22% and 20% respectively. • . Glenwood bas a comparatively higher percentage of senior citizens than the City (Glen wood's 13% vs. Edmonton's 9%). This may indicate availability of amenities and facilities desired by the olderresidentS. 50 40

! - - - - - - - -- --- - -..- - - - - -



A..-..geF.mlytneome (1t;IC)








Institutional land uses (four schools, the community league hall and Grey Nun's Regional Centre) comprise about 10% of the total land area of the neighbourhood.



Sini;tt Pattnts

'lt. olTotal

% o1To1al


Kindetgarten roGrade 12

Commercial land uses cover approximately 9% of the neighbourhood's area. They mostly include warehouses, cold storage and equipment sales and rental outletS located in the northwest sector.

Resldenc:ylot S Yeat1 ot Mor•


+-· - ----------·--·-> 1936

Neighbourhood parklands comprise about 2% of the area. The two neighbourhood parks are included

....- ..- -- ···--------·- - - - - -·> ·


in this land use category.


• Vacant properties account for approximately 13% of the neighbourhood area.

• The proportion of single parents in this neighbourhood is about 22%, markedly higher than the City average. • Approximately one-half of the neighbourhood's population is single (City's average 47%) while 35% are married (Edmonton' s average 40%). Local residents employed full-time in 1991 was41 %. marginally higher than the City's average of 40%. Yet the neighbourhood's average family income of about $32,050 was substantially lower than the City's average of nearly $40,500. The income panem indicates that the proportion of low-income (amilies in Glenwood is high. Owner-occupied homes make up about 39% of the housing (City average 49%). Tenants occupy about 55% of available accommodation, compared to about 47% for the City. Approximately 37% of the neighbourhood's residentS have lived here for at least five years, somewhat lower than the City's average of 40%. Tenure panem and length. of stay indicate a reasonable level of social stability here. Ethnic origins of Glenwood residents generally reflect the City's overall pauem. However, the proportions of residentS with German, Dutch and Aboriginal ethnicity are higher in this neighbourhood than their corresponding averages for the City.




~moon ~=·--





. Three busy anerials (170 Street, Stony Plain Road and 156 Street) bound . . .


this neighbourhood. In addition, the 100 Avenue transportation corridor runs east-west through the north.em sector of Glenwood. Traffic volumes in 1991 on l.hese roadways (36,000 on 170 Street, 2 1,000 on Stony Plain ·Road and 19,000 on 156 Street) are very high. 170 Street is a dangerous goods route as well as a 24-hour truck route . I 00 Avenue is a major tra.nsportation corridor facilitating westendresidentS commuting to the city-centre. Edmonton Transit buses (Route Nos. 10, 11, 13, 16, 115, 120 and 126) provide both regular and peak-hour service through and around this neighbourhood. Local roads and sidewalks are in reasonably good condition .

Revised JW>C 1993



( 10, 11, 1~









Revised June 1993

...... -··-

Neighbourhood Profile - Glenwood


..... -

Neighbourhood Profile - Glenwood



Public Facilities

Neighbourhood Issues (cont'd)

Schools in the area are all operating below capacity and include Our Lady of Fatima Separate Elementary (9820 - 157 Street), Glendale Public Elemenuuy (9812 - 161 Street), Westlawn Public Junior High (9520 • 165 Street) and St. Thomas More Separate Ju.n ior High (9610 . 165 Street). • Glendale Community League (16430 . 97 Avenue) offers social , recreational and educational programs (crafts, basketball, hockey, soccer, skati.ng, dance and meeting). It also arranges bingos for social and fund-raising purposes. Through these activities. the c.ommunity league helps in developing cooperation and understanding among local residents and establishing informal social suppon systems. Religious institutions in the area include Faith Cathedral (15641 - 96 Avenue), German Pentecostal Church (15603 • 99 Avenue) and Saint Philip's Orthodox Church ( 15804 - 98 Avenue). • Grey Nuns' Regional Centre (9810 • 165 Street) is located in this neighbourhood. Westlawn Courts, a senior citizens' residential project with two complexes (Phase I at 9908 • 165 Street and Phase Il at 9911 - 167 Street) totalling 200 self-contained apartment units, is located here, and is operating at almost full capacity.

A mixture of commercial and warehouse developmentS (vehicles and equipment sales and rentals, cold storage, auto repair shops. metal fabrication shops) in the nonhwest sector constitute incompatible land uses in this residential neighbourhood. Lack of landscaping, setbacks and screening of storage areas give this sector an unpleasant appearance and reduces the aesthetic quality. • Residents living near the margins of the neighbourhood are exposed to high levels of traffic noise. In addition, shonage of parking along Stony Plain Road commercial strip forces customers to park their vehicles in the nearby residential streets. The presence of grid-pattern roadways also encourages outsiders to shon-cut through the neighbourhood, especially between 156 Street and 163 StreeL As a consequence, local residents have been exposed to increased traffic noise, safety hazards and on-street parking problems. Traffic-related issues reduce the overall quality of residential atmosphere in this community. These are issues which the writer (in discussion with some community members/organizations) understood to be imponant in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be imponant to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker at Jasper Place Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-5908.

• No community housing projects or residences for the handicapped persons are located here. Facilities al the neighbourhood park (south of 96 Avenue between 158 and 159 StreetS) include a toboggan hill, baseball diamonds and a children's playing area. The other park (south of99 Avenue between 168 and 169 Streets) is a landscaped open space.

The Future With additional tiousing rehabilitation, the overall residential environment in Glenwood is likely to improve.

Nearby public facilities available for the neighbourhood residents include: Fire Station No. 19 (6210 - 178 Street) Misericordia Hospital (176940 - 87 Avenue) JasperPlacePoliceStation( l 0 121 - 151 Street) West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street)

• Higher proponions of pre-schoolers and g:rade-schoolers are likely to boost the enrollment levels of the local schools. These young residents will also assist to increase the utilization rates of other neighbourhood amenities. With some redevelopment taking place here, it is likely that Glen wood could attract some young families. This could help 10 reinforce the family-oriented residential character and to strengthen the social stability of this neighbourhood.

• The neighbourhood is served by the Jasper Centre of Community and Family Services (10030. 167 Street) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance.

Neighbourhood Issues


• As the housing in Glenwood is aging, the issue of rehabilitation of older properties is an imponant one. Older homes, needing physical improvements, detract from the general appearance of the neighbourhood, lessening its appeal to both local residents as well as prospective home buyers from o utside. Some vacant properties and negligence in maintaining residential properties by absentee landlords and/or their tenants further compound the issue of low aesthetic quality of this area. Revised June t 993

• • • •

City of Edmonton Civic Census • 1991 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Depanment 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transponation Department

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Revised JUllc. 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Glenwood


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Neighbourhood Profile - Gold Bar


References (Cont'd) • Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A. City of Edmonton Transportation Department • Jasper Place Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes. City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transponation Department, 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Jasper Place Centre of Community and Family Services • Jasper Place Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department


"Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet avaUable on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).


NOi toSca.k

Highlights Gold Bar is a mature residential neighbourhood in east Edmonton. Gold Bar: •• is a stable, famUy-oriented neighbourhood; • has a lower proportion of young residents (below 20 years of age) and higher share of senior citizens, as compared to the respective City averages; • has a somewhat lower percentage of single-parent families and low-income families; • has an average family income markedly higher than the City's average; • is predominantly made up of single detached housing; and • has a lower than average proportion of immigrant population. ReviJed March 1993

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Revised JW>O 1993

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Neighbourllood Profile - Gold Bar

Neighbourhood Profile - Gold Bar


Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

The 1992 population of Gold Bar was about 3,030 or nearly 6% less than in 1986. Titis represenrs a continuing City-wide trend from the early 1980's of a decreasing population for most physically and demographically mature neighbourhoods. The proportion of children under 20 years of age was slightly under the City's average (Gold Bar 25% vs. Edmonton 27%).


Residential land uses occupy 86% of the neighbourhood area. The majority of the housings~ is single detached (89%). Multi-unit dwellings and duplexes account for9% and 2% of available accommodation respectively. Most homes were constructed in the l 950's. Gold Bar


• Seniors (65+ yrs. old) made up about 12% of !he neighbourhood's population, compared 10 9% for the City. • Approximately 60% of the neighbourhood residents lived at !he same address for a minimum period of five years. In addition, a very high propottion of the local residents are homeowners (Gold Bar 72% vs. Edmonton 49%). Conversely, only 27% of the Gold Bar residents are tenants, as opposed 10 about 46% for Edmonton. These length of stay and tenure characteristics reflect a high level of social stability in !his neighbourhood.


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Gold ear

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1------Institutional uses make up about 9% of the area. It includes the sites of the local e lementary school, the community league, a bible school and the Edmomon Telephone's Training School.


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Parks and open spaces account for about 1% of the total area. Gold Bar Community Park is included in !his land use category.

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Transportation 19'6

Full-time employed persons made up about 37% of !he local population, marginally lower than 38% for Edmonton. Even !hough the proportion of full-time employed persons were marginally lower and the share of senior citizens (who generally have lower income levels) was higher !hat !he City averages, !he average family income in Gold Bar was markedly higher than !he corresponding average for !he City. This indicates !hat the local full-time employed persons have much higher !han average earning capabilities. A relatively smaller proportion !ban City average of residents were immigrants in Gold Bar in 1986. Gold Bar bad comparatively higher propottions of residents with British, French, German, Italian and Ukrainian ethnic backgrounds than their corresponding averages for !he City in 1986. Conversely, it had lower proportions of Dutch, South American, Chinese and Black population. Revised March 1993

Two busy anerials bound this neighbourhood. The average annual weekly traffic volumes in 1992 were about 23,200 vehicles along 101 Avenue and approximatey 20,400 vehicles along 50 Street. 101 Avenue is a regular truck route. Edmonton Transit provides public transponation 10 the residents of Gold Bar with two bus routes (Nos. 50 and 5 1). The Capilano Transit Centre is also very close by which connects passengers to a variety of bus routes and City locations.


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0 Revised Much 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Gold Bar


-··Neighbourhood Issues

Public Facilities

Neighbourhood Profile - Gold Bar


• Some local residentS, especially !hose living along the western margin of the neighbourhood, are concerned about ttaffic noise and safety hazards. • When wind blows from the east. the area becomes exposed to odours collling from the refineries located to the east.

Gold Bar Public Elementary (10524 - 46 Su-eet) is the only school located in this neighbourhood. During Lhe last three years, the enrollment level at this school bas experienced a slow increase. Currently, this school is functioning at45% (enrollment 190, capacity 425).

• Concern has been raised over the growing share of seniors in the demographic composition of Gold Bar. Theincreasingnumberofseniorcitizcnsmayrequireadditionalprogramsandservicessuitablefortheir needs. These are issues which the writer understood (in discussion with some community members/organizations) to be importam in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker of Mill Creek Centte of Community and Family Services at 428-2625.

• Ed Tel Training Cenire (10537 - 44 Stteet) is located here and occupies the site of the fonner SL Bede's Separate Elementary School. Child care is available from Gold Bar Day Care (10524 - 46 Stteet) and Gold Bar After School Care (Room 18, 10524 - 46 Stteet). Mount Cannel Bible School (4725 - 106 Avenue) is located here.

The Future

Gold Bar Commwtity League (4620- 105 Avenue) organizes sports, recreational and social eventS for !he neighbourhood residentS. Facilities at the community league include a meeting ball, ice-skating rink, landscaped open area with sitting benches, a children's playing area and a sliding hill. Gold Bar is a member of the Southeast Communty Planning Coalition which is active in local planning and developmeOL issues affecting !he quality of life for area residentS. • Gateway Manor (4215 - 102 Avenue) with 36 self-rontained apartment unitS provides specialized housing to senior citizens. This facility is cu.rrenlly operating in almost full capacity.

Gold Bar will continue to remain a residential neighbourhood with an agiog population. The current level of social stability in the community is also likely to remain unaffected. • Even though the neighbourhood's population level is showing a declining ttend, the proportion of preschoolers remains similar to the City's average. Furthermore, !he local school's enrollmcnt level has slowly increased during the last three years. These facts indicate that another wave of elementary school students has arrived, and this could ma.iota.in the viability oflhe local school during the next few years.

• Gold Bar Park, a component of the Capital City Recreation System, is located in !his neighbourhood. This park is connected with Rundle Park through a bridge (open to pedesttians and bicyclistS only). A wide range of sporu and recreational opponwtities are available in these parks. • The neighbourhood is served by !he Mill Creek Centte of Commwtity and Family Services (#300, 9119 - Whyte (82) Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community developmem assistance. Public facilities outSide but serving the area include:


• • • •

No. 11 Fire Station (6625 - 101 Avenue) Onewell Police Station (9807 - 71 Stteet) University of Alberta Hospitals (8440 - 112 Sireet) Grey Nuns Hospital (1 JOO Youville Drive West) Idylwylde Health Center of the Edmonton Board of Health (8314 - 88 Avenue)

City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1992 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Consuuction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department "Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Departtnent Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transportation Departtnent Gold Bar Neighbourhood Fact Sheet. City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1990 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transponation Depanment, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures

Revised March 19! Revised M1tch 1993

.... -··-

Neighbowhood Profile - Gold Bar




References (Cont'd)


Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transponalion Department. 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Mill Creek Cenlre of Community and Family Services • Gold Bar Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Depam:n.eot " Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Prome (telephone 496-5818).

• A low density, mature residential neighbourhood in the Southwest Pl anning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by the Whitemud Creek Ravine to the west, the North Saskatchewan River Valley and Fox Drive to the north, 122 Street to the east and 62 Avenue to the south. • Originally subdivided in the early 1990s, annexed to Edmonton in 1913 and most residential developments in the 1960s and 1970s. • No residential nei ghbourhood adjacent to GrancSVlew Heights. The University of Alberta Farm to the south and east. • Served by the Pleasantview Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics • Demographically a small community with the 1989 population of 1,205 persons. Represents a loss of 3.37% since 1987. This slowly declining trend in a small community could ultimately cause underutilization or even closure of some neighbourhood ameniti es. • A lower than average share of residents under 20 years of age· Grandview Height's 17.4% vs. Edmonton's 27.2%. • A correspondingly higher proportion of residents bel onging to the 45·64 age cohort. 30.2% for the neighbourhood compared to 17.4% for the City. - A very high proportion of senior citizens in this community • 25.4% as opposed to the average of 8.9% for the City. • Demographic features indicative of a low level of utilization of amenities for children and teenagers whereas high demand for programs and services directed to mature adults and the seniors. • Singles 33.3%, significantly lower than 47.1% for the City. Proportion of married persons In the neighbourhood correspondingly higher than the average for the City, the percentages being 53.0% and 40.5% respectively. Indicates a strong demand for family-oriented programs. • Lone parent families 6.64%, lower than 9.6% average for Edmonton. No special need for services to single-parent families in Grandview Heights at this time. • 32.6% neighbourhood resi dents employed full-time in 1989, compared to 40.7% for Edmonton. • Retired 27.8% (vs. City's average 9.8%) reflects high concentration of seniors here.


Revis«! March 1993






- Neighbourhood jobless rate 0.7%, considerably lower than 4.3% for Edmonton in 1989. Current unemployment rate for Edmonton (8.4% in January 1990) may indicate a slightly higher neighbourhood unemployment rate. - Neighbourhood's average family income $70,753 in 1986, substantially higher than $41,681 average for Edmonton. Full-time employment rate and average family income level reflective of high income earning capabilities of local residents. 67.7% neighbourhood residents lived at same address for at least three years, compared to 54% for Edmonton. 93.5% of Grandview Height's residents homeowners and only 6% tenants (corresponding figures for Edmonton 46.8% and 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure characteristics indicative of a socially stable residential community. - A member community of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 79.2% of the land area. All single detached dwellings except one walk-up apartment complex. Single family homes and multiple family dwellings 99.1% and 0.9% of housing stock respectively. Most homes well maintained. Neighbourhood's average income level indicative of owners' financial ability to undertake physical repairs of properties as needed. - Institutional uses 15.8% of the neighbourhood area. Included are sites of the public elementary-junior high school, the community league and Grandview Extended Care Centre. - Commercial uses confined to one site only at the entrance of the neighbourhood. Several retail shops and personal service facilities to primarily serve local residents. - Parks and open spaces approximately 2% of the area. The neighbourhood park and three smaller landscaped open spaces included in this category.

Transportation - 122 Street, an arterial with an average yearly weekday traffic volume of approximately 13,000 automobiles to the east of Grandview Heights. Only a few homes back onto this arterial. No significant traffic noise problems for local residents. - Curvilinear design of Internal roadways discourage speeding. - Local roads and sidewalks In reasonably good condition. Need regular maintenance. - Route No. 36 buses run through the neighbourhood and provide regular service. Addltlonal peak-hour service (Route Nos. 136 and 152) available along 122 Street.





Public Facilities - One public elementary-junior high school (Grandview Heights at 6255-127 Street) located here. Operating at 74% level of its total capacity (325 students). Some students being bused in from nearby areas. Additional young famllles needed In the community to ensure long-term viability of this facility. - The community league hall located at 6223 - 124 Street. Arranges social, sports and recreational facilities for local residents. - The neighbourhood park located adjacent to the community league. Provides recreational opportunities for the neighbourhood residents. - Grandview Extended Care Centre (6215 - 124 Street) provides long-term medical treatment to resident patients. - No community housing, senior citizens' accommodation or handicapped persons' shelter located in Grandview Heights. - The Whyte Avenue Office (10454 - 82 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Pleasantview Centre (11044 - 51 Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Family Services offer various social service needs of local residents. - Primary health care faclllties provided by the Duggan Health Centre (5035 108A Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Low number of preschoolers and grade-school children in Grandview reduced functional level of the local school. Some students from outside currently being bussed in. Further reduction in school enrolment could jeopardize Its long-term viability. - Some residents concerned about the overall maintenance level of local streets, sldewalks and parks. Feel more careful maintenance necessary. - Programs and services for local seniors and elderly adults are in very high demand. Social and recreational programs for these persons appear to be necessary.

Future Plans - No land use or area redevelopment plan for the rneighbourhood to be developed in the foreseeable future. - No roadway construction or repair plan affecting this neighbourhood during the next five years.











• A physically and demographically mature residential community with declining population level. • An affluent neighbourhood with large lots and spacious slngle detached housing. • Declining student enrolment a concern. If younger families with children move in Grandview Heights, the enrolment level may increase. Otherwise, the long-term viability of this facility may be in jeopardy. • A very high proportion of seniors and elderly adults create high demands for relevant social and recreational programs.

• A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 40 Avenue to the north, 111 Street to the east, 34 Avenue to the south and 119 Street to the west. • Most residential developments in the 1960's, some in the 1970's. • Adjacent residential communities: Royal Gardens to the north, Duggan to the east, Sweetgrass to the south and Westbrook Estate to the west. • Served by the Pleasantview Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II· Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Grandview Heights Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.


City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

1989-1993, The City of Edmonton

• 1989 population 4,406, a 3.7% decrease from 1986, indicating a stabilization of the population level. • 29.0% of residents under 20 years of age, similar to the City's 27.2%. Average demand for programs and facilities serving young persons. • Seniors 5.1% of the population, less than Edmonton's 8.9%, indicating lower than average demand for resources and services for seniors. • Singles 43.0%, less than the City's 47.1% and married 51.9%, more than Edmonton's 40.5%. Reflects a family-oriented neighbourhood. • Lone parent families 8.2%, less than the City average (13.2%). Below average demand for support services for this group. • 41.6% residents employed full-time vs. Edmonton's 410.7%. • Only 1.2% residents unemployed, less than half the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (June, 1990) City jobless rate of 6.9% implies level has risen in Greenfield as well. • 6.6% retired persons here, less than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors in this neighbourhood. • Average family income $61,470, much higher than the City's $41,681, indicating an affluent community. • 77 .3% of residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, much higher than Edmonton's 54%. • Homeowners 89.4% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters only 10.1% (vs. City's 48.4%). Tenure and length of stay suggest very high social stability for this neighbourhood.

Physical Characteristics • Residential developments 82.1% of area. Single detached homes 98.4% and two unit dwellings 0.6%. Generally, properties well maintained and landscaped with mature foliage.

February 1990









- Institutional uses 11.7%. Includes a public and a private elementary school, the community league and three churches. - Commercial uses 1.8%. Includes a shopping centre in the north central sector and two small areas along 40 Avenue, providing many retail and service opportunities. - Parks and open spaces 2.3%. Includes two park areas in the south central sector. These are not landscaped and no play equipment or related facilities on these sites. There Is a deficiency of open space in this neighbourhood.


- Social services provided by Pleasantview Communi'ty and Family Centre (11044 - 51 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and by the Argyll District Office (6235 - 103 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Duggan Health Centre (5035 108A Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues

- Bounded by three arterials: 111 Street, 34 Avenue and 119 Street with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 23,200, 9,500 and 16,500 respectively. 40 Avenue, a collector, carries 9,700 vehicles. As traffic noise barrier along only part of 111 Street, some residents not protected. This is also a regular truck route. - Local roads have some rough sections; repairs needed. Sidewalks In good condition. - Regular transit service provided via routes 36, 52, 54, 57, 62 and peak hour service on route 154. Residents well served by these routes.

Public Facilities

- Proportion of young children decreasing. Could eventually threaten viability of schools and cause underutilization of facilities. Rejuvenation of grade-school student enrollment levels appears t:o be needed. - Population in Greenfield aging, development of seniors' facilities and programs may be required In the future. - Construction of a traffic noise barrier along northern half of neighbourhood, on 111 Street could improve residential satisfaction. - Local roads have rough sections, some repairs required.

Future Plans

- Greenfield Public Elementary School currently operating at 79% of Its capacity of 700. School enrollments likely to decrease given the smaller proportion of preschoolers (children under five 4.7%) compared to those aged 5-9 (6.2%). Fenced school yard incorporates play equipment, a sliding hill, soccer fields and ball diamonds. - St. Stanisla us Separate Elementary School operating at 87% of its capacity of 350. Again, enrollments likely to decrease given smaller proportion of youngsters. Fenced property has soccer fields and ball diamonds. - Greenfield Community League has a hall, change house and ice rink, play area and tennis courts. - Additional recreational opportunity provided by Derrick Golf and Country Club to the west. - No community housing projects or residential facilities for seniors or the handicapped here. - Three churches here. St. Thomas More, Greenfield Baptist and Daystring Presbyterian Churches provide religious services here. - Commercial opportunities provided by Petralia Mall which incorporates many servi ce and retail outlets. Two additional small service outlets located along 40 Avenue.




- No transportation or development plans for the near future.

Conclusion - A physically aglng and demographically mature neighbourhood with very high social stability. - Demographic rejuvenation required to ensure future viability of schools. - Seniors' facilities may need to be developed in order to prepare for high proportions of persons nearing old age. - Noise attenuation barriers and road repairs required which may improve residential satisfaction.










The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Greenfield Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

June 1990





1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

- A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Millwoods Golf Course to the north, 50 Street to the east, 38 Avenue to the south and 66 street to the west. - Most residential developments In the 1970's but some still continuing. - Adjacent residential communities: Minchau to the east, Hillvlew to the south and Michael's Park to the west. - Served by the Millwoods Community and Family Centre of the City"s Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 3,342, a 7% increase from 1986. Reflects a community still undergoing some growth but becoming stable. - Residents under 20 years of age 38.5%, much higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. Indicates a demographically young neighbourhood with high demand for programs and facilities serving children and teens. - 2.0% seni ors in neighbourhood vs. City's 8.9%. Low demand for senior's facilities and programs. - 48.3% singles and 46.7% married, both slightly higher than the City's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. - Lone parent families 11.5% vs. City average of 13.2%. Standard services for single parents required but no extra demand. - 41.7% employed residents, similar to the City's 40.7%. - Only 1.6% unemployed vs. City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. City's current (April, 1990) jobless rate of 8.0% implies a higher rate in Greenview as well. - 7.4% homemakers here, identical to the City average. - 2.4% retired residents, significantly lower than the City's 9.8%. Reflective of the small number of seniors here. - Average family income $42,896, slightly higher than the City's $41 ,681, reflecting an average middle-class neighbourhood. - Residents at the same address for at least three years 58.8%, higher than Edmonton's 54%. - 75.7% homeowners and 22.9% renters vs. City's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Tenure and length of stay suggest higher than average social stability here. - Greenview a part of the Woodvale District which subscribes to the Neighbourhood Watch Program.







- Residential uses 76% of the area. Of this, 94.3% represent single detached homes, 3.6% row housing (including one community housing project Hlllvlew IV) and 1.5% low rise apartments. Most properties nicely maintained Including row housing and apartments. Plenty of landscaped Some new and open area contributes to neighbourhood appeal. developments and a few properties not landscaped detracts somewhat from appearance of this area. - Institutional uses 14% of area. Included are a public elementary school, community league and a church. - Commercial area 0.6%; a busy shopping facility, located In the northeast sector, provides a variety of service and retail opportunities. - Recreation and open space 7.5%. Includes a neighbourhood park, adjacent to the school, several walkways/blkeways throughout the neighbourhood and a landscaped pipeline right-of-way. - A few vacant residential lots here.

- One community housing project (Hillview IV) with 26 townhouse units. Operating at full capacity. - No specialized facilities tor seniors or the handicapped. - First Millwoods United Church provides religious services. Commercial facilities represent a small, busy shopping area In the northeast quadrant, along 50 Street. Incorporates such services as a restaurant, daycare, dry cleaners, video outlet, talce-out food, hair and tanning salon, convenience store, gas station and some vacant space. Millwoods Town Centre, a major shopping facility located nearby. - Recreational opportunities provided by the adjacent Mlllwoods Golf Course and Mlllwoods Recreation Centre nearby. - Social services provided by the Millwoods Office (2849, Mlllwoods Road N.W.) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Millwoods Community and Family Centre (# 214, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. - Primary health care facilities provided by Mlllbourne Health Centre (7525 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed, active treatment facility located nearby and serves the area residents.


Physical Characteristics

Major Issues

Transportation - Bounded by two arterlals, 50. Street and 66 Street and a collector, 38 Avenue. Average annual weekday traffic volumes approximately 19,000, 26,000 and 10,000 vehicles respectively. Another collector, 62 Street/40 Avenue runs through the centre of the neighbourhood. No traffic noise barriers along 66 or 50 Streets. 50 Street is a restricted truck route. Local roads rough and uneven - some resurfacing required. - Regular transit service provided via routes 82 and 83 and peak hour service via routes 159 and 161. Both routes 82 and 159 run through the neighbourhood.

Future Plans - A separate junior high school may be built here at some future date. - No major transportation projects planned for this area.

Public Facilities - Greenview Public Elementary School currently operating at 95% of its capacity of 525. With continuing development and high proporti on of preschoolers (27.4% vs. City's 17.3%), school will probably be operating to capacity or beyond in near future. Portables currently on site. A portion of this property (along 40 Avenue) is fenced . Facil!ties include a weliappolnted play area, soccer flelds and ball diamonds. - A community league hall located adjacent to school and houses a playschool. An Ice rink located next to hall.


- Greenvlew School likely to be operating to capacity or beyond in the near future. - Pressures for additional facilities and programs serving children and teens due to high proportion of persons under 20. - Traffic noise concerns for residents along 50 and 66 Streets. - Uneven road surfaces make trips uncomfortable. Repaving necessary.


Conclusion - A physically and demographically young neighbourhood with higher than average social stability. - Large proportions of children as well as new residential developments suggest the school will continue operating at a high enroliment level, possibly beyond its capacity in the near future.







- Services and faciliti es for children and teens should be assessed and new programs developed, where required. - Some local road improvements (repaving) necessary.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton CiVic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton



Introduction - An older, inner-city residential neighbourhood in the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 107 Avenue to the north, 124 Street to the east, Groat Ravine to the south and Groat Road to the west. - Original residential developments in the early 1900's, but some redevelopments occurring at present. - Adjacent residentia l communities: Westmount to the north, Oliver to the east and Glenora to the west. Served by the Westmount Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.

(Note: The following fi gures are estimated from 1989 Civic Census data).


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Greenview Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

- 1989 population 1,700, a 14.0% increase from 1983. Suggests that redevelopments attracted people to this neighbourhood. - 18.0% of residents under 20 years of age, less than the City's 27.2%. Low demand for facilities and programs serving young persons. - 16% seniors here, higher than Edmonton's 8.9%. High demand for services and programs for seniors. Singles 56% and married 34% vs. the City's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. - 20.7% lone parent families here, very high when compared to Edmonton's 13.2%. High demand for special support services for single parents. - 47% residents employed full time, higher than the City's 40.7%. - 6% of residents unemployed, higher than Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) jobless rate of 7.5% implies level may have risen proportionately in Groat Estate as well. 16% residents retired vs. the City's 9.8%. Reflects large proportion of seniors here. - Average annual family income approximately $35,000, less than May be influenced by higher than average Edmonton's $41,681. proportions of lone parent families and seniors, both of whom often have limited financial resources. - 52% of residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, similar to Edmonton's 54%. - Homeowners approximately 35% and renters 65% vs. Edmonton's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Length of stay and tenure suggest less than average social stability here.

June 1990








Physical Characterisfics - Residential developments 75% of area. 90% single detached homes and a few walk-up apartments here. Properties on the north side of Stony Plain Road generally well maintained. Some dwellings require renovations and upgrading. Properties to south of Stony Plain Road very well maintained and landscaped. - Approximately 20% commercial uses includes numerous retail and service outlets along 124 Street and a few within the neighbourhood. - 1.5% Institutional uses includes a church. - Parks and open spaces 1.0%: a small park located In the northeastern sector of the neighbourhood. There is a deficiency of park area here.

Transportation - Bounded by three arterials: 107 Avenue, 124 Street, Groat Road and one arterial, Stony Plain Road runs through the neighbourhood. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 32,000, 15,500, 28,000 and 21 ,000 vehicles respectively. 127 Street a collector. Large volume of traffic through this neighbourhood creates many traffic safety concerns including heavy onstreet parking near commercial areas and some traffic short-cutting. Traffic noise may be a concern for residents along 107 Avenue, 124 Street and Stony Plain Road as no noise attenuation barriers along these routes. - Local roads in good condition. Regular maintenance required. Sidewalks need upgrading. - Regular public transit service provided by many bus routes. Convenient access to most City areas.

Public Facilities - No schools in this neighbourhood. - One seniors' apartment, Groat House, has 52 units including two for the handicapped. - Recreational opportunities provided by a small park in the northeast sector of the neighbourhood. Some play equipment here. Groat Ravine, to the south, provides additional open space and passive leisure opportunities. - Vision Baptist Church located here. - A wide variety of commercial opportunities provided by numerous retail and service outlets throughout the neighbourhood but primarily along 124 Street.






- Social services provided by the Westmount Community and Family Centre (12323 - Stony Plain Road) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the West District Office (#201, 170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Woodcroft Health Centre (13420 114 Avenue) of the Edmoton Board of Health.

Major Issues - High proportion of seniors indicates need for facilities and resources serving older persons. - Very high percentage of lone parent families suggesting a strong demand for support services for this group. - Less than average social stability here may be ¡partially due to lack of community-based (educational and recreational) facilities. - Redevelopments appear to have attracted persons to this neighbourhood but more renovations needed to further increase neighbourhood appeal and promote physical and demographic rejuvenation. - High traffic volumes causing problems with heavy on-street parking, traffic short-cutting and traffic noise.

Future Plans - 1990 construction on Groat Road and 1991 bridge reconstruction on Stony Plain Road may create further congestion and inconvenience for residents but traffic flow should Improve with completion of these construction programs. - AMPLE Project in effect here. Includes such undertakings as restoration of the heritage here by putting original street names In pararamps, installation of some old-style fire hydrants, replacement of trees, S.T.E.P. landscaping in order to deter traffic short-cutting, improvement of bikeways and upgrading of sewer and water mains.

Conclusion A physically older and demographically mature neighbourhood with average social stability. - Facilities and services for seniors and lone parents should be assessed and necessary requirements Implemented.










Introduction - Development of community-based facilities and programs necessary in order to attract young families, increasing the population and rejuvenating this neighbourhood. - Further renovations required to increase neighbourhood appeal. Current developments under AMPLE should Improve appearance. - Concerns with heavy traffic volumes should be addressed and improvements made.


References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Ave-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Groat Estate: Implementation Plan, The City Planning Department, Community Planning Program, 1977.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

An older neighbourhood located within the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. Bounded by 107 Avenue to the north, 142 and 149 Streets to the east and west respectively, and Ravine Drive and Stony Plain Road to the south. Surrounded by neighbourhoods of similar nature (McQueen to the north, Glenora to the east, and Canora to the west). Major residential developments took place between 19:20 and 1950. Served by the Westmount Centre of Edmonton Social Services (10923 - 124 Street).

Social Characteristics 1986 population totalled 2,327 approximately 3% decrease from 1983. - Lower proportion of residents under the age of 20 (Grovenor's 21% vs. City's 27.5%) - higher proportion of seniors (14.1% vs. City's 7.9%). Singles 42.8% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 46.8% compared t o City's 41.3%. - Full-time employed persons in 1986 42.8% (City's average 40.3%) and only 4.9% were unemployed (City' s average 5.6). This suggests that current neighbourhood unemployment rate may probably be near the City's April/88 rate of 9.6%. - Average neighbourhood household income in 1981 was S38,247 (Edmonton CMA's average $31,998). A higher proportion of residents with full-time employment and their higher educational qualifications may have probably influenced a higher income level. - Homeowners 65.2% and tenants 30.6% compared to 45% and 48.4% respectively for the City. - Approximately 64.7% of residents lived at the same address for at least three years - compared to 56.1 o/o for the City. - Demographic characteristics of this neighbourhood point to a relatively mature and socially stable community. Crime rate increased by 10% in Grovenor between 1986 and 1987 (Edmonton had a 6% increase). Increase is accounted for mainly in traffic occurrences. - The neighbourhood Watch Program is in effect here.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses make up 89.1% of neighbourhood area. Housing stock is mainly single detached (81.4%) and two unit (11.6%) dwellings. Walk-up apartments and multiple family dwellings only seven percent of housing stock.

September 1990








- Most homes are comparatively older reflecting age of the neighbourhood but in fair to good condition. Institutional land uses take up 1.1% of total area (including Grovenor Elementary School, Alberta Disaster Services, West Grove Gospel Chapel, the St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox and St. Paul's Anglican churches). - Commercial land uses occupy 3.9% of neighbourhood space and are found along Stony Plain Road on both east and west corners. - Parks and recreational space (Grovenor Park) 5.4% of the area.

- West Grove Gospel Chapel, St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox church , and St. Paul's Anglican Church hold regular church services_ - Westmount Centre of Alberta Social Services (12308 - 111 Avenue) and Westmount Centre of Edmonton Social Services (12323 Stony Plain Road) provide various financial and social programs for the residents of this area including Grovenor. Woodcrott Health Centre (13420-114 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health serves this general area.


Major Issues

- Four busy arterials surround this neighbourhood (27,500 vehicles on 107 Avenue, 27,300 on Stony Plain Road, 21,600 on 149 Street, and 13,000 on 142 Street) . Volumes of traffic on these roads create noise problems for residents living near the margins of the neighbourhood and safety concerns for the whole community. - Local streets are in fair condition. - No future road improvements are planned for the area. - 107 Avenue is a restricted truck route between 0700 - 2300 hours (Monday to Saturday). - Regular bus routes along the arterial roads (except 149 Street) include route Nos. 1, 2, 7, 10 and 11. Peak hour routes (Nos. 115, 116, and 120) along Stony Plain Road. All transit routes connect to downtown and other important areas of the Ci1y.

Public Facilities Grovenor Elementary School (10345 - 144 Street) has a current enrollment of 100 pupils - 40% of Its capacity of 250 students. These are consistent with 1982 enrollment figure demonstrating a relatively small but stable number of elementary students. - Junior and Senior High School students of this neighbourhood go to Westminster Junior High School (13712-104A Avenue) and Ross Sheppard Composite High School (13546 - 111 Avenue). Grovenor Community League (14325-104 Avenue) includes a small hall, ice rinks, playground, and picnic area. The school 's ball fields and soccer fields are used to plan social and recreational activities throughout the year. Alberta Public Safe1y Services, located in this neighbourhood (10320 -146 Street), provides services for the whole City including Disaster Services Transportation of Dangerous Goods, and a training school.



Traffic and congestion problems along Stony Plain Road and 102 Avenue create noise and safety hazards for local residents. - Lack of necessary home and yard improvements In some properties lowers the aesthetic appeal of the neighbourhood. - Low level of enrollment at the local public elementary school could create problems related to its viability if enrollments fall further in the future.

Future Plans - A Northwest District Survey of Residents was completed by The City Planning and Development Department to identify local and district problems and will be used In the preparation of any future district planning study.

Conclusion - A predominantly single family area with a demographically mature and relatively stable population. Introduction of youth and young adult oriented programs may increase this neighbourhood's appeal t o these age groups. Physical improvements of some properties c'ould enhance this neighbourhood's appeal as a place to live. - Further erosion of population could create problems in planning and developing new programs and amenities here, and maintaining the existing ones.









Reference 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census of Canada, 1981.


Census of Canada, Edmonton Part I: Profile, 1986.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


5-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department.


1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department.


1987 Defence Occurrence Report, The City of Edmonton Police Department.


Northwest District Survey of residents, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985.


Grovenor Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

1988-1992, The City of

- A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 144 Avenue to the north, Victoria Trail to the east, 137 Avenue to the south and 36 Street to the west. - Most residential developments during the 1970's. - Adjacent residential communities: Kirkness to the north, Bannerman to the east and Belmont to the south. - Served by the Glengarry Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.


Social Characteristics - 1989 population 2,762, a 14.3% increase from 1986. Indicates a growing neighbourhood with increasing demand for neighbourhood facilities and services. - Residents under 20 years of age 37.2%, more than Edmonton's 27.2%. Indicates high demand for facilities and programs for children and teens. - Seniors only 1.3%, much lower than the City's 8.9%. Very low demand for services and facilities for older persons. - 52.0% singles (vs. City's 47.1%) and 40.1% married (vs. City's 40.5%). - Lone parent families . 5.2%, slightly higher than Edmonton's 13.2%. Somewhat higher than average need for support services for single parents and their dependents. - 43.7% residents employed full-time vs. the City's 40.7%. - Unemployed residents 5.5%, more than Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% implies level may currently higher in Hairsine as well. - 2.1 % retired residents, less than the City average (9..8%). Reflects very small proportion of seniors residing here. - $35,950 average annual family Income here, somewhat less than Edmonton's $41,681. - 47.9% residents have lived at the same address for at lest 3 years, less than the City's 54%. - 55.2% homeowners (vs. city's 46.8%) and 39.6% renters (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggests average social stability here. With time and additional residential developments, social stability likely to grow further. - Hairsine is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Summer 1988










Physical Characteristics - Approximately 75% of area residential developments. 25% single family dwellings, 54% multiple unit dwellings (including one community housing project - Clareview VI), 17% low rise apartments and 4% two unit dwellings. Most propertie.s reasonably well maintained. Absence of landscaping on some properties and a few less than properly maintained, detract from overall neighbourhood appeal. - 2% institu1lonal uses Include a school and the community league. - Commercial uses 1.0% of the land area. A neighbourhood convenience shopping facility in the southwest sector. - Parks and open spaces 20%. Includes a centrally located and landscaped open area, as well as an open area in the southeast sector.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterials: Victoria Trail and 137 Avenue with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 13,600 and 11 ,900 vehicles respectively per day. 36 Street and 139 and 144 Avenues serve as collectors here. Traffic noise and congestion does not appear to be a major concern. Traffic short-cutting on 139 Avenue may be a problem given location of a school and multiple family dwellings along this route. - Local roads have rough sections, some repairs required. Regular transit service provided by rou1es 72 and 74 and peak hour service on rou1es 172 and 174. Clareview LRT Station to the west facilitates ease of access to downtown. As residents in northeast sector of neighbourhood quite distant from nearest transit route, some residents encounter difficulties in accessing public transit services.

Major Issues -

High demand for services and programs for young persons. Residents concerned with inadequate transit service here. Local roads require repairs and resurfacing in some areas. Traffic shortcutting on 139 Avenue may pose safety hazards for residents. Eastern winds often blow unpleasant odours generated by the nearby petrochemical plants over this general area, reducing the quality of residential atmosphere.

Future Plans - No major transportation or development plans for the near future.


Public Facilities St. Bonaventure Separate Elementary School currently operating at 82% of its 400 student capacity. Enrollments may improve slightly In near future given increasing number of young children here. Portables on site. Partially fenced school grounds have soccer, baseball and play facilities. Halrslne Community League has a hall and two Ice rinks. - Large, central recreation area has soccer, baseball and play facilities. Londonderry Pool I Arena nearby, providing additional recreational opportunities. - One community housing project, Clareview VI, has 53 townhouse units and is operating to near capacity.


- No residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons here. - Commercial opportunities provided by neighbourhood shopping centre in the southeast corner of the community. - Social services provided by Glengarry Community and Family Centre (13315 - 89 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the North District Office (13415 - Fort Road) of Alberta Family and social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Clarevi ew Health Centre (14023 Victoria Trail) of the Edmonton Board of Health.


- A physically and demographically young neighbourhood with average social stability. Social stability and cohesiveness likely to grow with time and development of additional family-oriented housing. - Existing facilities and programs for children and teens should be evaluated and needed developments implemented. - Adequacy of transit service should be assessed to determine whether residents ' needs are being met. - Measures should be taken to discourage motorists from shortcutting on 139 Avenue. Local roads should be repaired and resurfaced where required.




Neighbourhood Profile - Hazeldean



References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.

4. 5.

RITCHIE 72Aveoue

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

s Edmoatoa S<b.of Ballet

1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.

JJt Pica:d

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<ii boo<! Samariw


~axi!Wy Hosp.


Calholi• High





The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.



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6. 7.

Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.



Elcrn.S<b. Hauld<an


Hairslne Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.


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Highlights Hazeldean is an older residential neighbourhood located to the southeast of the City cemre. Hazeldean: • is a demographically mature neighbourhood with a significantly higher percentage of senior citizens and a much lower than average proportion of children; • has slightly lower than average incidence of low-income families; • bas an average family income substantially below the City average; • is predominantly made up of single family homes; and September 1990

• has lower than average share of immigrant population. R••iJed April 1!X



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Neighbourhood Profile - Hazeldean


Neighbourhood Profile - Hazeldean


Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

The total population of Hazeldean in 1992 was approximately 3, 190 persons. This represented a decline of about 2% since J986. Declining population is a common demographic characteristic in most older residential neighbourhood.


Approximately 80% of the neighbourhood area is devoted 10 residential uses. Single family homes account for about 73%ofthe housing, followed by duplexes (14%) and row housing(l 3%). Most homes were built during the 1950's. Some residential properties need repairs.

• Children under 20 years of age accountforabout J8%oftheneigbbourhoodpopulation,muchlowerthan the City's average of 27%. This proportion has declined marginally since 1986. • The proportion of senior citizens increased from about 21%in 1986 to 25%compared tO City in 1992. The proportion of persons approaching refuement age is also b.igher here, compared to the average for Edmonton (11 % vs. 8%).



Approximately 37% of the neighbourhood residents are single (City's average 47%) while another 45% are married (Edmonton's average40%). 60









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Institutional uses make up about 12% of the area. A hospital, the community league, a church and three schools (including a closed one) are included in this category. Parks and open spaces constitute another 5% of the area. The neighbourhood park and the landscaped (former) railway right-of-way make up this land use category.


Commercial uses compose about 2% of the area.



The neighbourhood appears to have an above average level of social stability. lbis·assessment is based on the tenure and ownership data. Approximately 55% of residents live in their own homes (compared t049% for the City) and about40% are renters (City average 46%). Residents who have lived at the same addressforatleastfiveyearsmadeupabout51%oftheneighbourhoodpopulation(41%forEdmOoton). Full-time employed persons made up 34% oflhe neighbourhood residents, lower than the City's average of38%. Retired persons accounted for about 28% (as opposed to 11 % for the City), reflecting a very higb sllare of senior citizens living in this neighbourhood. The average family income ofHazeldean was substantially lower than the City's average. A very high proportion of seniors and single-parent families (who usually have lower income levels) and a comparatively low share of full-time employed persons have influenced this income characteristic of Haz.eldean. Ethnic origins ofHazeldeao in 1986 were generally reflective of the City. The exceptions were residents with German (16% vs. 6% City), Ukrainian (9% vs. City 8%) and Polisb (3% vs. City 2%) origins.

e...c;-- nfo .........,.,.... ~mo


Revised April 1993

Transportation Two very busy arterials bound this neighbourhood. The average annual weekday traffic in 1992 was approximately 30,000 along 99 Street and 28,800 along 63 Avenue. • Truck routes in the area include 99 Sireet (24 hours) and 63 Avenue (movement allowed between 7 a.m. and I 0 p.m. Monday through Saturday). • Edmonton Transit provides bus service tO this area with several bus routes (Nos. 76, 77, 78 & 93) which run through and around the boundaries of the neighbourhood.

76, 77, 78.&93

( 0

J 0

Bicycle routes in theareainclude63 Avenue, 93Sireetand68 Avenue. The bicycle route connects with Argyll Park, located to the east of the neighbourhood. Revised April 1993

m ~

Neighbourhood Profile - Hazeldean ~--~



Neighbournood Profile - Hazeldean



The Future

Public Facilities

• Two schools are located here. HazeldeaoPublicElementary School was functioning at 42% of capacity in lhc Fall of 1992 (enrollment 239, capacity 575). The enrollmem level at this school did not change significantly since 1988. J.H. Picard Calholic High School operated at 61 % capacity in the Fall of 1992 with a total of 615 students. • Good Samaritan Auxiliary Hospital (9649 . 71 Avenue) Is located in this neighbourhood. Hazeldean Community League (9630 - 66 Avenue) organizes local spons and social events. Facilities at the Community League include a meeting hall, an ice-skating rink. landscaped open spaces and a children's playground with equipmenL It is also a member of the Southeast Communities Planning Coalition which is active in promoting the residential character of the area. • Evangelical Church Richmond Park (9340 • 69 Avenue) provides religious services in this general area. • Edmonton School of Ballet is located at the site of the now closed St. Margaret Catholic Elementary School · Child care facilities in lhe neighbourhood include Tricia Glo Day Care and After School Care (6715 • 97 Street and 7114 · 98 Street). • The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (#300. 9 119 - Whyte (82) Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling. different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance. • Public facilities outside but serving the area include: South Division Police Station (9710 . 5 1 Avenue) Old Strathcona Police Station (10325 - 83 Avenue) Fire Station No. IS (S 120 • 97 Street) University of Albena Hospitals (8440 - 112 Street) Grey Nun's Hospital (1100 Youville Drive West) Idylwylde Health Centre ofEdmont0n Board of Health (8314 • 88 Avenue)

Neighbourhood Issues Some concern has been raised about the low share of children and high proportion of senior citizens living in Hazeldeao. These demographic features tend to make the existing facilities for children less in demand, while the need for programs and services for the seniors is quite high. Some local residents, especially those living close to 99 Street and 63 Avenue are concerned about a high level of traffic noise and related safety hazards along these heavily travelled roadways. These are issues which the writer(in discussion with some community members/organizations) understOOd tO be imponant in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However. issues may change over tirne, and different issues may be imponant to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker at Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-2625. Revised April t993

Hazeldean has a very high proponion of seniors in its demographic composition. In addition, a higher than average proportion of residents are approaching the retirement age (55-64 years age group being 11 % in Hazeldean vs. 8% for Edmonton) within the next decade. This indicates that the seniors will continue to play a vital role in the demographic make up in this neighbourhood. Therefore, it is anticipated that the demand for programs and services for seniors will continue to be high in the foreseeable future. Due toa very high proponion of seniors and a lower percentage of local individuals employed full-time. the average family income pattern may remain low compared to Edmonto n's average.

References • City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1992 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992. City of Edmonton Transponation Depamnent Ride Guide; September 1992. City of Edmonton Transponation Department • 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transponation Department • Transponation System By law , No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transponation Department • Hazeldean Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Deparunem, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transponation Department, 1992 • Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures • Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmont0n, City of Edmonton Transponation Depanment, 1991 Albena Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 • Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services Hazeldean Community League • City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department "Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City' s Corporate GBIS Project Office. Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data wllich is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on reques1, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

Revised April 1993

1'-w.11 lf-'l.611


Neighbourhood Profile - Hazeldean







- A smaller, mature residential neighbourhood in the Wes.t Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 111 Avenue to the north, 149 Street to the east, 107 Avenue to the south and 156 Street to the west. - Initially subdivided around World War I, but most homes developed in the 1950's. Residential developments continued in the 1960's. - Three residential communities, Mcaueen, Canora and Mayfield to the east, south and west respectively. High Park Industrial Subdivision to the north. - Served by the Jasper Place Centre of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 1,807, an increase of 143 persons or 8.6% since 1987. Revitalization of the population level will ensure effective utilization of available community resources. - A comparatively lower proportion of residents under 20 years of age (High Park 23.2% vs. City of Edmonton 27.2%). Indicates less-than-average demand for programs and services for children and teenagers. - Seniors 9.1%, comparable to Edmonton's 8.9%. - Singles 44.4%, somewhat lower than the City's 47.1% and married persons 41.5%, marginally higher than Edmonton's 40.5%. Indicates average demand for social and recreational programs for all marital-status groups. - Lone parent families . 11.4%, slightly higher than 9.6% for Edmonton. Supportive programs and services for single parents and their dependants in greater-than-average demand. - Full-time employed persons 42.1 %, slightly higher than Edmonton's 40.7%. Unemployed persons 4.4%, comparable to the City's 4.3%. January, 1990 jobless figure for Edmonton being 8.4%, it Is likely that the neighbourhood's unemployment rate has gone up also, and most likely around the City's average. - Average neighbourhood family income $31,035, substantially lower than Edmonton's $41,081. - 61.8% neighbourhood residents lived at the same address for a minimum period of three years, compared to 54% for the City. Among the neighbourhood residents only 30.8% tenants (City's average 48.4%) and 65.1% homeowners (Edmonton's average 46.8%). Length of stay and tenure characteristics indicative of a high level of the neighbourhood's social stability. - Neighbourhood crime rate Increased by 8.95% between 1987 and 1988, compared to an increase of 5.21% for Edmonton. Property-related crimes increased noticeably while person and morality-related occurrences increased somewhat. Traffic offences remained stable. More police patrols necessary to combat crimes against persons and properties. - A member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.





Physical Characteristics - Resldentlal uses 80.7% of total land area. Single detached and attached homes 87.4% and 10.9% respectively of available accommodation. Most homes are smaller structures. A few residential redevelopments and renovations taking place. The only walk-up apartment complex with six units make up 0.9% of the housing stock. - Commercial uses 7.3% of land area. Mostly in a linear pattern along 111 Avenue. Only a few along 156 Street. Accommodates a variety of businesses and services. Serves both local residents and commuters. • lnstltutlonal uses 6.0% of the area. Includes the sites of a school, a church, the community league and a fire station. • Parks and open spaces 2.5% of the area. Includes lands of Ken Newman Park and High Park. - Vacant properties, mostly along the southern margin, 3.1% of the neighbourhood area. - Transportation-related uses confined to one block in the northeast sector, and makes up 0.5% of the total neighbourhood area.

Transportation Bounded by busy arterlals on all sides. Average annual weekday traffic 26,600 vehicles on 111 Avenue, 19,300 on 149 Street, 24,000 on 107 Avenue and 20,400 on 156 Street. • 111 Avenue a regular truck route and 107 Avenue a restricted truck route. Movement of vehicles, Including tracks, create noise and safety hazards around the peripheries of High Park. - Grid-pattern Internal roadways encourage some speeding and shortcutting. Most roads and sldewalks In reasonably good condition. But a few broken resldentlal roads need repairs. - Bus route Nos. 3, 7 and 17 provide public transit facilities. Route No. 17 runs through the neighbourhood while other routes along the borders of High Park.

Public Facllltles - High Park Public Elementary School only academic institution in the neighbourhood. Currently operating at 56.5% level of its total capacity of 200 students. Local pre-schoolers (numbered 93 In 1989) could keep this facility operational for the immediate future. But additional student enrollment necessary for long-term viability.





• No specialized housing for the seniors, low-income people or the handicapped located in High Park. • High Park Community League organizes recreational and soci~I events here. Facilities at the community league Include a meeting hall, playground and tennis courts, sitting benches and landscaped areas. • Two neighbourhood parks (High Park and Ken Newman Park) and the grounds of the local school offer sports and recreational opportunities to the neighbourhood residents. The Jasper Place Centre (15626 - 100 A Avenue) of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services and the Centennial Mall Office (170 Street/Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services provide social services here . • Woodcroft Health Centre {13420 - 114 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health provides primary health care opportunities.

Major Issues - Traffic noise along the eastern, southern and western margins a distinct community problem. Substantially reduces the appeal of the neighbourhood as a residential community. • Low enrollment level, especially the total number of students enroll~d, is a growing concern. Need higher number of students for continued operation of this community facility. . . - A gradually growing number of seniors deserve cons1derat1on for specialized programs, facilities and services. . . . • Feelings of safety and security decllnlng. Criminal Incidents mvolvmg break and entry, theft, vandalism and damage of private properties substantially lower than residential atmosphere here. • Some smaller physically decaying homes, especially those bordering the community lower the appeal of the neighbourhood as a community to llve.

Future Plans - No physical improvement plan for the neighbourhood except necessary Infrastructure maintenance. • Southside of 107 Avenue between 156 Street to Mayfield Road to be treed and landscaped as part of the AMPLE (Alberta Municipal Partnership in Local Employment) Program between 1990 and 1992. The western approach of High Park may benefit from this beautification activity.






_.. _.

__ - ···· Introduction

Conclusion • An average neighbourhood so far as age, marital status and occupational characteristics of residents are concerned. • In spite of a smaller population base, the number of residents Increased In the recent years. Additional population needed to sustain community facilities, especially the local elementary school. • Consideration to be given to plan facilities and programs for the growing number of senior citizens here. • Additional police patrols necessary to reduce crimes against properties. • Resurfacing of broken residential roads and paving of some lanes necessary. • Environmental quality along the northern margin (near motels, hotels and related drinking establishments) to be improved to protect quality of residential atmosphere in the adjacent homes.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II· Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. West District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 High Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

• An older, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 118 Avenue to the north, 50 Street to the east, Ada Boulevard to the south and 67 Street to the west. • Residential developments began In 1911 and completed by 1960. Adjacent residential communities: Montrose/Newton to the north, Beverly Heights to the east and Bellevue to the west. • Served by the Beverly Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 2,671, a 9.1% decrease since 1986. May be due to young families moving to newer, suburban residential neighbourhoods. May cause further underutilization of community facilities . • Residents under 20 years of age 25.1%, slightly lower than the City's average (27.2%). Average need for facilities serving young persons. • Seniors 22.6%, more than double the City's 8.9%. May be influenced by two seniors' residences l ocated here. Very high demand for services and resources for this group. - 37.4% singles, much lower than City's 47.1% and 46.9% married, higher than Edmonton's 40.5%. Indicates a family-oriented community. • Lone parent families 13.0%, simllarto Edmonton's 13.2%. Average support services required for this group. • 39.1% residents employed full-time vs. the City's 40.7%.. - 3.1% unemployed persons here vs. the City's 4.3% when 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (June, 1990) jobless rate of 6.7% implies level has risen in Highlands as well . • Retired persons 20.2%, double the City average (9.8%). Reflects large proportion of seniors in this neighbourhood. Average family Income approximately $47,000, higher than Edmonton's $41,681. Reflects an upscale, middle class neighbourhood. • 74.2% residents at the same address for at least three years, much higher than the City's 54%. • Homeowners 66.1% and renters 27.8% vs. Edmonton's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Length of stay and tenure suggest high social stability in this neighbourhood. - Highlands is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

February 1990










~ l,,10lSl1Al

Physical Characteristics • Residential developments 84.2% of area, includes 88.6% single family dwelllngs, 5.9% two unit dwellings and 1.3% low rise apartments (Including two seniors' residences - Highland Place and St. Elias Pysanka Manor). An attractive neighbourhood with well maintained properties and mature foliage. • 7.3% Institutional uses include two public schools, community league, three churches and a fire station. • 2.6% commercial uses Include some commercial outlets along 118 Avenue and along 50 Street, and a few sites distributed throughout the neighbourhood. • 3.1% recreation/open space Includes a small neighbourhood park adjacent to one of the schools, another small park along 62 Street and a few small open areas throughout the neighbourhood.

Transportation • Bounded by two arterlals - 118 Avenue and 50 Street. Another arterial 112 Avenue, runs through the centre of the neighbourhood. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 15,700, 9,700 and 16,500 respectively on these arterlals. The other two boundary roads, Ada Boulevard and 67 Street are local roads only. Residents along 118 and 112 Avenues may be exposed to significant traffic noise. 118 Avenue a restricted truck route. • Local roads and sldewalks in good condition. Regular maintenance required. • Regular transit service provided via routes 2, 18, 20 and 28. Buses on route 2 travel on 112 Avenue through the neighbourhood, while the other buses travel along 50 Street or 118 Avenue.



- Fenced neighbourhood park, adjacent to Mount Royal School has play e9uipment and a ball diamond. Small park along 62 Street has benches, picnic tables, a wading pool, basketball hoops and a well-appointed play area. • The Community League, adjacent to Highlands Junior High School, has a hall, Ice rink, tennis courts and lawn bowling area. • Additional recreational opportunities provided by Highlands Golf Course and the river valley recreational facilities, to the immediate south of Highlands. • Two seniors' apartments here. Highland Place has 67 units, two of which are for the handicapped. St. Elias Pysanka Manor has 36 units, two for the handicapped. • Three churches here Include Highlands United Church, Les Apotres De Lamour lnfinlo and Highlands Baptist Church . • Commercial facllltles located throughout the neighbourhood but are more concentrated along 118 Avenue and 50 Street. - A fire hall located In the northeast corner of the neighbourhood. Social services provided by the Beverly Community and Family Centre (5005 - 112 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the Fort Road Office {13415 - Fort Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilitfe.s provided by the Eastwood Health Centre (7919 - 118 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues • High proportion of seniors suggests a very high demand for resources and services for this group. - Traffic short-cutting on 112 Avenue poses noise and safety concerns. Even though the local schools' enrollment levels may remain steady in the near future, any decreases In enrollments should be viewed with caution.

Public Facllltles • TWo public schools In this neighbourhood. Highlands Junior High School currently operating at 79% of Its capacity of 680. Enrollments not likely to Increase but should remain stable, (average number of young persons here) thus keeping the school viable. The fenced school yard has ball diamonds and soccer fields. • Mount Royal Elementary School operating at 52% of its capacity of 275. Number of local children Indicates enrollments should remain steady In the near future. Facilities Include some play equipment and soccer fields, grounds are fenced.




Future Plans - 1990 construction planned for 118 Avenue at 50 Street. Should Improve traffic flow here. - No major redevelopment plans In the near future.





Conclusion - A physically older and demographically mature neighbourhood with high social stablllty. High proportion of seniors may require development of additional facilities and programs. - Continued renovations and redevelopments should help to stimulate population growth through young families moving here, helping to maintain or Increase school enrollments and rejuvenate this community. - Discouragement of traffic short-cutting on 112 Avenue would Increase traffic safety and quality of life here.


• A contemporary suburban neighbourhood of Miii Woods, In the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. • Boundaries defined by 38 Avenue on the north, 50 Street to the east, 34 Avenue to the south, and 66 Street to the west. • Most residential developments occurred since 1971. Physical development is not complete yet. - Surrounded by neighbourhoods of slmllar nature: Lee !Ridge to the west, Greenview to the north, and Mlnchau to the east. The Grey Nuns General Hospital and the Miii Woods Town Centre are located to the south of this neighbourhood. - Served by the Miii Woods Centre of Edmonton Social S·ervices.

Social Characteristics


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Highlands Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

July 1990





1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

• 1986 population totalled 3,795 persons, a 4.2% Increase over 1983 figure. Further moderate Increases In population expected with the future residential development of some vacant properties. Young population structure with 37.6% residents under the age of 20 (City's average 27.5%). Young adults (20-39 years) 46.4% of population compared to 42.1% for the City. Indicates a need for programs and services for these groups. • Lower proportions of middle-aged Individuals (14.6% vs. City's 22.5% average), and seniors only 1.4% (City's average 7.9%). • Singles 50% (City average 47.5%) and married persons (44.7% vs. City's 41.3%). Higher proportions of pre-schoolers and kindergarten to Grade 6 students (28.6% neighbourhood total vs. City's 17.1% average) demonstrate an existing demand for available neighbourhood facilities and programs designed for families. - Proportion of residents employed full-time 40.6% (City's average 40.3%). Only 3.5% unemployed in 1986 compared to Edmonton's average of 5.6%. Current neighbourhood figure may be somewhat higher since Edmonton's May, 1988 rate was 8.0%. • According to 1981 Federal Census, average neighbourhood family income was $31,237, close to Edmonton C.M.A.'s of $31 ,998. • A fair level of social stablllty Is Indicated as 62.7% of local residents lived at the same address for at least three years. With time and further social interaction, the community stability level Is expected to grow higher. • Homeowners 59.4% of population (City's average 45%) and tenants 35.5% (vs. City's 48.4%). This Information supports a continuing good level of social stability in Hlllvlew. • The community of Woodvale, which Includes the neighbourhoods of Greenview and Hlllview, Is a member of the Edmonton Police Department' s Neighbourhood Watch Program, designed to prevent neighbourhood crime.

e~monton ~U






Physical Characteristics • Resldentlal land uses occupy 54.5% of neighbourhood area. Majority of housing stock (63.2%) Is single detached homes, followed by row/townhouslng (30.7%), apartments (5.1%), and semi-detached dwellings (1.0%). Most homes are well maintained. • One neighbourhood convenience commercial facility (Woodvale Road West and 60 Street) Is the only commercial land use - 0.9% of total area. • Institutional uses (includes John Paul I Separate and HlllView Publlc Elementary Schools, and Hillview Baptist Church) 6.0% of neighbourhood area. • Parks and open spaces occupy approximately 4.9% of neighbourhood area. Includes Hillview Park and the proposed Charles B. Hill Park. • A number of vacant properties make up 3.7% of total area. Residential development is proposed for these parcels of land.

Transportation • Four busy arterials bound this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes Indicate 9,400vehicles on 34 Avenue, 11,100 on 38 Avenue, 12,100 on 50 Street, and 15,000 on 66 Street. • 50 Street is a restricted truck route between 0700 - 2000 hours - Monday to Saturday only. • Traffic related problems (noise, safety) caused by too many cars and speeding along the arterials cause dissatisfaction among local residents. • Local roads are in good condition but high concentration of duplexes and apartments in some areas create on.street parking problems. Lack of walkways and poor level of landscaping along 66 Street cause Inconvenience and detract from the general aesthetic level of the neighbourhood. • Regular publlc transportation service is provided by local bus route No. 83 which connects to the nearby Lakewood Transit Centre. Route No. 161 , connecting downtown provides only peak hour service. There may be a need for additional public transportation, especially the downtown during regular hours.

Public Facilities • Hillvlew Public Elementary School (355 Woodvale Road East) has 335 students currently enrolled, exceeding its capacity of 325 students. The number of preschoolers may suggest continued viability of this community resource for quite some time in the future.



- John Paul I Cathollc Elementary School (5675 - 38 Avenue) has an enrollment of 213 students, 79% of its capacity of 270 students. Offers Extended Resource Centre and Learning Centre Programs to all Mill Woods students in Grades 2 - 6 with learning dlsabllities. • Public and Separate Junior and Senior High Schools, and the Grant MacEwan Community College located outside of this neighbourhood but within Mill Woods accommodate local residents as well. • Woodvale Community League (4540A - 50 Street) organizes sports and recreational activities for residents of Hlllview and Greenview. Makes use of neighbourhood parks and schools facilities (I.e., ice rinks, soccer fields, and ball diamonds). Other district and city-wide facilities serving this neighbourhood include the Mill Woods Recreation Centre (accommodates two skating rinks, squash and racquetball courts, exercise room, and wave pool swimming facility) and the 18 hole Mill Woods Golf Course (opening in 1988). • A neighbourhood convenience commercial facility (centrally located on Woodvale Road West and 60 Street) and a regional shopping centre nearing completion in the Miii Woods Town Centre (located to the immediate south of this neighbourhood) will meet many shopping and service needs of local residents. • Hillview I (58 Street and 34 Avenue) with 67 units and Hillview Ill (38 Avenue and Woodvale Road) with 26 units are community housing projects located in this neighbourhood. Low vacancy rates demonstrate an existing need for such housing in this area. • The Mill Woods Office (2849 Mill Woods Road) of Alberta Social Services and the Millwoods Centre {3017 - 66 Street) of Edmonton Social Services satisfy various social service needs of all the neighbourhoods of Millwoods. • Health Services are provided by the Mlllbourne Health Centre (7525 • 38 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health and the new Grey Nuns Hospital (3015 • 62 Street), conveniently located in the centre of Mill Woods.

Major Issues • Speeding traffic along nearby arterlals cause noise and safety problems for local residents. • The undeveloped state of the proposed Charles B. Hill Park site (Hillview Crescent and 35 Avenue) detracts from the general aesthetic level of that sector of the neighbourhood. Lack of sidewalks along 66 Street Is a concern for local residents.






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Neighbourhood Profile - Holyrood


Future Plans


- The recently Inaugurated Mill Woods Park and Golf Course be an excellent recreational facility for local and city-wide residents. - The Mill Woods Town Centre is the site for a regional shopping centre and a number of other commercial and service facilities that will serve residents of Mill Woods and surrounding area. - Large vacant parcel of land along 38 Avenue is scheduled for residential development (single detached housing 40% and the remaining for multiple family projects).


Conclusion - A new residential neighbourhood with a young population structure. - Future residentialdevelopmentswill increasepopulationleveland the demands on available nelghbourhoodamenities. - Recent and future developmentof regional level facilities to meet various social, recreational,and shopping needs of all Mill Woods residents also improve this neighbourhood'sappeal. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981 . Census of Canada, Edmonton, Part I: Profile 1986. City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Five-Year Construction Program: 1988 - 1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Southeast District Working Paper No.3: Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Hlllvlew Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.


Not roScak

Highlights Holyrood is an older residential neighbourhood to the east of the City-centre, south of the Nonh Saskatchewan River. Holyrood: • demonstrates a slowly declining trend in its population level; • it has a large and increasing proportion of senior citiz.ens; • is composed of a lower proportion than City average of young residents; • has lower than City average proportion of low-income families; and

Summer 1988

• is made up primarily of single family homes with some duplexes and walk-up apartments. Revised April 1993



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Neighbourhood Profile - Holyrood



Neighbourhood Profile - Holyrood


Physical Characteristics 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Social Ch aracte ristics

• According IO the 1992 Civic Census, the total population of Holyrood was about 3,470 which represented a decline of approximately 3% since 1986. This slowly declining population level is a typical 1rend of older neighbourhoods whose residents are stable and aging. • Children below the age of 20 years represented a comparatively smaller proportion in Holyrood than the City as a whole (22% vs. 27% for Edmonton). The proportion of children below 10 years. however, actually increased during this period. indicating another wave of young children in Holyrood.

• The most significant land use category is residential which constitutes approximately 89% of the area. Single detached homes make up about 84%of lhe housing stock,followedbymultiplehousingunlts (9%) and duplexes (5%). Most homes were construeted in !he l 950's. SOme homes are in need of physical improvements.






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• Institutional usescompriseabout9%oflhearea. Included in this category are thesitesofthelocal school, the community league, three churches and the SoutheastEdmonton Seniors' Association. • Parks and open spaces make up about 2% of the area. The neighbourhood park and several landscaped stteet islands comprise this land use type. A considerably higher proportion of seniors live in Holyrood (20%)than the City (9%)as a whole. This is indicative of a higher than average demand for programs and services for the older people in this area_ Fifty percent of the neighbourhood residents have lived at the same address for at least five years. Hous.ing is mainly owner-occupied (Holyrood 63% vs. Edmonion 49%). These facts are typical of a socially stable residential neighbourhood. Holyrood had a slightly lower than average share of full-time employed persons in 1992 (36% vs. the City's 38%). Retired persons accounted for 21 % of the population, keeping in line with the share of seniors living here. • In spite of a much higher than average percentage of seniors, Holyrood had an average income of

$42,521 in 1986, higher than the corresponding figure for Edmonton. • A relatively smaller immigrant population was living in this area in 1986 (17% vs. 21 % for the City). • Ethnic origins of Holyrood residents in 1986 generally reflected that of the City. The exceptions were residents with British (29% vs. 23% City), French (5% vs. 4% City). German (8% vs. 6% City) and Polish (3% vs. City 2%) origins.

Revis«! April t 993

Tl'8D8portation • Holyrood is bounded by anerials on all sides. The average annual weekday traffic volumes in 1992 were approximately 36.SOO along 75 Street; 21,300 along 98 Avenue; 8,100 along SS Street; and 12,200 along 90 Avenue. • 90 Avenue is a regular truck route while 85 Street and 98 Avenue are restricted truck routes. None or the local anerials are dangerous goods routes. • Public transportation is provided by Edmonion Transit through five bus routes(Nos.12., 43,4S,SSand 93). Thesebusesrunthroughandaround this neighbourhood.


( 0

J 0

• Bicycle routes in this area include 75 Street and 98 Avenue (through serviceroadsandalleys)connectingwithForestHeightsParkandthemulti-usetrailsoftheRiverValley Park System to the north. R-Aprill993

~ 11,~··

Neighbourhood Profile - Holyrood


ra ~

Public Facilities

Neighbourhood Profile - Holyrood

Neighbourhood Issues (Cont'd) • Residents living near75 Street and 98 Avenue are e1tposed tO higher levels of traffic noise. This situation adversely affects the quality of the residential environment along the eastern and northern margins of the neighbourhood and reduces the level ofresidential satisfaction of the occupants of the nearby homes.

• The only educational facility located here is the Holyrood Public Elementary School. With an eorollment of 542 students, !his facility was operating at 90% level ofits capacity in !he Fall of 1992. This enrollment level has slowly increased from 82% in 1988. • Ho!yrood Community League Hall (8035 • 95 Avenue) is centrally located within lhe neighbourhood. The facilities at the Community League include a meeting hall. children's playing area and an ice-skating rink. The Community League organizes arts and crafts classes. social activities and sports events. It is also a member of the Southeast Community Planning Coalition. Golden Hornes (8016 · 95 Avenue and 9509 • 81 Street) with 24 self-contained conage units provides accommodation for seniors. This facility is operating at full capacity. • A nursing home operated by Extendicare Health Services Inc. with 95 beds is located at 9510 - 80 StreeL This facility is also operating at almost full capacity. • Southeast Edmonton Seniors Association (9350 · 82 Street) maintains a recreation and drop-in-centre (with kitchen facilities) for this general area·s seniors. Programs at this facility includes arts and crafts classes, health care clinics, social dances, card games and bingos. Religious services are provided by Holyrood Mennonite Church (9505 • 79 Street), First Church of God (9224 · 82 Street) and St. Luke's Anglican Church (8424 • 95 Avenue). The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (#300. 9119 - Whyte (82) Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling. different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance. • Public facilities outside but serving lhe area include: South Division Police Station (9710 - 51 Avenue) Ouewell Police Station (9807 • 71 Street) Fire Station No. 6 (8105 · 96 Street) University of Albena Hospitals (8440 - 112 Street) ldylwylde Heallh Centre (8314 - 88 Avenue)

These are issues which the writer (in discussion with some community members/organizations) understood to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and differentissuesmaybeirnportanttodifferentpeople. Forcurrent inforrnation. contacttheCommunitySocial Worker at Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-2625.

The Future Holyrood will continue to retain itS character as a residential neighbourhood. The socio-demographic patterns indicate that its social stability may not change significantly in the near future. Increased enrollmemat the local elementary school and the number ofpre-schoolers and grade scboolers living here indicate that th.is community facility will remain viable·in the foreseeable future. Renovation of some older and physically decaying properties could attract more young families here, positively affecting the demographic composition oftbe neighbourhood.


• •

Neighbourhood Issues • • Concern has been raised over the high proportion of seniors and related program and service issues for the older people living here. Some residents feel that seniors usually do not talce part in general neighbourhood activities. Moreover, they create higher than average demand for programs and services suitable for their needs.

e._.--. nton..,.._,,,. ... ~mo . :::'!.~--

Revised April 1993

City of Edmonton Civic Census· 1992 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Traosponation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, CityofEdmontonTransportation Department Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appenfu A, City ofEdmonr.on Transportation Department Holyrood Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton. City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992

Revised April 1993


Neighbourhood Profile - Holyrood

Neighbourhood! Profile - Idylwylde




References (Cont'd) Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services • Holyrood Community League • City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department


"Communityand Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City' s Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map."



SS Ave

NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

Note s

cii ;;

SS Ave 84Avc


Wl>Ite (12) Avmue


Highlights ldylwylde is a physically agingand demographically mature residential neighbourhood. Located to the southeast of the City Centre. Idylwylde : · • is a typical example of an "empty nest" neighbourhood with a high proportion of seniors and a low share of children; • has a high percentage ofretired individuals; • has a lower than average incident of single-parent families; • has an average family income lower than the City average; • is mainly made up of single family homes with some low-rise apartments and duplexes; and • is represented by a higher-than-average proportion of immigrants. RovUec! April 1993

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Neighbourllood Profile - Idylwylde

... -

Neighbourhood Profile - Idylwylde


11\'liW ml/a~•-


Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics 1--- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - --

• Idylwylde had a population of about l,760 in 1992, showing a marginal decline of l % since 1986. As this neighbourhood has a small population base, even this small decline should be treated with caution. Funher loss of residents may potentially create underutilization of the community facilities. • Children under 20 years of age constitute about 19% of the neighbourhood's population, as opposed to 27% for the City. • Senior citizens comprise about21 % ofidylwylde's population, significantly higher than the 9% average for Edmonton. The demographic composition indicates that reorientation of programs and services to address the growing needs of the elderly may be necessary. Approximately 48% of the local residents lived at the same address during the last five years, compared to about 41 % for the City. Approximately one-half of the local residents are renters (City's average 46%). Approximately 48% of the neighbourhood residents live in their own homes, marginally lower than the average for the City. These facts are indicative of an average level of social stability here.

• Residential land uses constitute about 76% of the neighbourhood area. Most homes are single detached units (81 %), followed by duplexes (10%) and walk-up apartments (6%). Most homes were built in the 1950's. A few scructures are physically deteriorating and are in need of repairs.










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The proportions of married and widowed persons were higher than their respective City averages in 1992, indicating Idylwylde tO be a family-oriented and demographically mature residential neighbourhood. Full-time employed persons made upabout37% of the population (City average 38%). Retired persons made up 24% in the employment status ofidylwylde (compared to about 11 % for the City) reflecting a high proportion of seniors living here. • The proportion of single-parent families were smaller here in 1986 (Idylwylde's 13% vs. Edmonton's 16%). The average family income in the neighbourhood was markedly lower than the City's in 1986. A high share of senio.r citizens, who usnally have lower income levels, could be a major factor to create this anomaly. Idylwylde had a higher-than average share of immigrants living here in 1986. Even though the ethnic origins of Idylwylde residents in 1986 generally reflected that of the City, the proportions of residents with British, French, German, Chinese and Polish were higher than their corresponding averages for Edmonton. RC"ited April 1993

• Institutional uses make up about 11 % of the area. It includes the sites of four churches, the community league and two schools. Parks and open spaces contribute to about 10% of the total area. Included in this classification are the sites of Idylwylde Park, the district-level sports fields (including Bonnie Doon Pool) and three landscaped open areas in the eastern sector of the neighbourhood. • Commercial uses make up about 3% of the area. Most commercial outlets are located along Whyte (82) Avenue. One smaller commercial site is located on 83 Street south of 86 Avenue.

Transportation Idylwylde is bounded on all four sides by arterial roadways. Average annual weekday traffic volumes in 1992 were approximately 31,100 along Whyte(82) Avenue; 36,500along 75 Street; 12,400 along 90 Avenue and 21,700 along 83 StreeL All bordering arterials are regular crock routes. Edmonton Transit provides public transportation with buses (Route Nos. 8, 43, 45, 55 and 93). One bus route runs through the neighbourhood while the others run along the boundary roadsofldylwylde.

8, 43, 45. S$ &. 93

( 0

J 0

Bicycle routes in the area include 7 5 Street. Revised April 1993


Neighbourhood Profile - Idylwylde

lf,'l&11 llill•~·-

Public Facilities

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Neighbourhood Profile - Idylwylde ~--~

Neighbourhood Issues (Cont'd) 1--- -- - - -- - - - -- - ---..

• Some residents living near 75 Street complain about high level of traffic noise they experience. IdylwyldePublicElementary School had an enrollmentof 151 studenis in the Fall of 1992 which represented a 55% level of i!S total capacity. The enrollment level of this school has increased from about 47% of the rota! capacity in 1988. • Bonnie Doon Composite High School operared at 44% level (enrollment 747, capacity 1,680) in the Fall of 1992, up from about 28% level in 1988. • ldylwylde Community League (8631 - 81 Street) is active in organizing local social, sporis and recreational activities. Facilities at the Community League include a meeting hall and an outdoor children's playing area. It is also a member of the Southeast Community Planning Coalition which strives to address the social and physical issues of this general area. The area residents have sports and recreational opportunities at the district level park adjacent to Bonnie Doon Pool (east of 83 Street, south of 90 Avenue). • Religious services are provided by Ascension Lutheran Church (8405 - 83 Street), Bethel Baptist Church (7740 - Whyte (82) Avenue), Free Methodist Churc.h (7706 - 86 Avenue) and Evangelical Penrecostal Assembly (7907 - 86 Avenue). • A group home for the physically handicapped is locared at 8207 - 84 Avenue. This facility provides accommodation for five persons and is operating at full capacity. A senior citizens' residence (Bethel Baptist at 7728 - 82 Whyte (82)Avenue) with 51 self-contained aparlIXlent units is located in this neighbourhood. This facility is operating at full capacity. The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services Departtnent (#300, 9119 - Whyte (82) Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance. Public facilities outside but serving the area include: Fir Station No. 6 (8105 - 96 Street) Old Strathcona Police Station (10325 - 83 Avenue) University of Alberta Hospitals (8440 - 112 Street) Orey Nun's Hospital (1100 Youville Drive West) Idylwylde Health Centerof the Local Board of Health (8314 - 88 Avenue)

Neighbourhood Issues • Some properties fronting onto Whyte (82) Avenue locared in the adjoining neighbourhood of Bonnie Doon have been rezoned recently from residential to commercial uses. Some Idylwylde residen!S are concerned that this could seta precedent forcommen.-ial encroacbIIJentinto their neighbourhood as well as in the future. • A significant number ofstores at the Bonnie Doon Mai.I have closed recently. These vacating stores have caused significant loss of shopping opponunities for the local residenis. Some Idylwylde residenis are also concerned that the ultimate nature ofredevelopment of this shopping facility. may have significant impacis on the community. Revised April 1993

These are issues which the writer understood (in discussion with some community memberS/orgaoiz.ations) to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be imponant to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker at Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services at 4.28-2625.

The Future • The number of pre-schoolers living here and the recent increase of the enrollment level at the local elementary school is indicative of an additional wave ofchildren in Idylwylde. Titisdemographic trend could help to maintain the viability of this community facility in the immediate future. • Because Idylwyldedoes not have a very large population base. its gradually declining population should be treated with caution. Additional loss of population could undermine the viability of various community-based organizations. Therefore, consideration may be given to make this neighbourhood attractive to young families with children. Owners of the Bonnie Doon Mall have recently made an announcement of major renovations for this shopping facility which would be undenaken within a couple of years. The quality of the residential environment as well as access to retail shopping will be partly dependent upon the nature and composition of the future retail and service outlets to be accomodated here.

References City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada. 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transportation DeparlIXlent Ride Guide; Seprember 1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Depanment 1991 Traffic Flow Map. City of Edmonton Transportation Dcpanment Transportation System By law, No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Idylwylde Neighbourhood Fact Sheet. City of Edmonton Planning and Development Depanment. 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Depanmen1, 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services

e...r--·nto ......,..,,.... ~mo n:=.=r----

Revised April 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Idylwylde

References (Cont'd) Idylwylde Community League • City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department ..Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's CorporateGBIS Projec1 Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB:

This Prottle uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When ii becomes available, !he relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, asareplacementforthe I 986data used in Ibis Profile (lelephone 406-5818).



Introduction - An older, inner-city residential neighbourhood In the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 118 Avenue to the north, CNR tracks to the east, 111 Avenue to the south and Groat Road to the west. - Most residential developments before 1960 but have continued to late 1980's. - Adjacent residential communities: Sherbrooke/Prince Charles to the north, Prince Rupert to the east, Westmount to the south and Woodcroft to the west. - Served by the Westmount Community and Family Cenrtre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics

Notes - 1989 population 6,228, a 6.4% Increase from 1986. Increase may be due to redevelopments and renovations, attracting additional persons to this neighbourhood. - Residents under 20 years of age 16.9%, much lower than Edmonton's 27.2%. Indicates less than average demand for facilities and programs serving young persons. - Seniors 17.4%, higher than the City's 8.9%. High demand for facilities and resources for seniors. - Single persons 46.8%, similar to Edmonton's 47.1% and married 31.2%, less than the City's 40.5%. - 19.1% lone parent families, more than Edmonton's 13.2%. Above average demand for support services for single parents. - 40.0% residents employed full-time, similar to Edmonton's 40.7%. - 8.7% unemployed when the 1989 Civic Census was taken, double the City rate (4.3%). Current (August, 1990) City rate of 7.5% suggests level may have risen substantially In lnglewood as well. Reflects large - 20.0% of residents retired, double the City's 9.8%. proportion of seniors in the neighbourhood. - Average annual family income $31,347, much lower than Edmonton's $41,681. Income may be influenced by high percentages of lone parent families and seniors, both of whom often have limited financial resources. - 49.2% of residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, less than Edmonton's 54%. - Homeowners 19.1 %, much lower than the City's 46.8% and renters 72.9%, much higher than Edmonton's 48.4%. Length of stay and tenure suggest low social stability in this neighbourhood. - Inglewood participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.








Physical Characteristics • Residential developments 76.8% of the area. 72.3% single detached homes, 11.0% low rise apartments (Including two seniors' apartments • Mountwood and St. Andrew's Centre), 9.5% two unit dwellings (including one private housing co-op), 1.5% tri and fourplexes and 0.8% collective residences. • Many redevelopments and renovations occurring here, but further upgrading still required. Limited incomes of some residents may prevent them from undertaking improvements. • 10.2% institutional uses includes two elementary schools, one junior high school, a private school for the mentally handicapped, a hospital and three churches. • Commercial area 5.0%. Includes many retail , service and professional outlets along the boundary roads and 124 Street. • Parks and open spaces 6.6% of the area. Includes an open strip along the CNR tracks and several smaller areas, primarily in the southern half of the neighbourhood.

Transportation Bounded by three arterials; 118 Avenue, Groat Road and 111 Avenue and one arterial, 124 Street, runs through the neighbourhood. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 33,000, 25,000, 26,000 and 16,000 respectively. 127 Street and 114 Avenue serve as collectors within the neighbourhood. No noise barriers along any of the arterials. Given high traffic volumes, residential satisfaction lower along these routes. 111 Avenue, Groat Road and 118 Avenue all regular truck routes. • As local roads and sidewalks currently being upgraded under the AMPLE Once completed, Project, traffic congestion a major problem. neighbourhood appeal and traffic flow should improve. • Regular transit service provided via routes 3, 5, 11, 17, 22 and 37 which appear to serve this neighbourhood well. Westmount Transit Centre located to the immediate west, facilitating travel throughout the City.

Major Issues

• •

Public Facilities Three schools in this neighbourhood. lnglewood Public Elementary School operating at 64% of Its capacity of 350. Enrollments may increase somewhat given larger proportions of children under five (5.6%) than children currently in elementary school (3.5%). School grounds fenced and provide basketball, baseball and soccer opportunities. Also shares facilities with the adjacent community league.


• St. Andrew Separate Elementary School operating at 45% of its capacity of 325. Again, enrollment likely to increase, maintaining school's viability. Fenced school yard has some play equipment and a soccer field. • Westmount Junior High School operating at 40% of its 590 student capacity. Enrollments should increase gradually, ensuring school's viability and Increasing utilization of facilities. Soccer fields and ball diamonds on fenced property. • lnglewood Community League, located adjacent to lnglewood Elementary. Facilities here include a hall, a well-appointed play area, an ice rink and a change house. • One private school here, Winnifred Stewart School for the mentally handicapped. Two seniors' apartments, (Mountwood 51 units and S1. Andrew's Centre 309 units) located here. Operating at almost full capacity. • One private housing co-op, Commonage, has 20 scattered units. • Three churches here: Westminster United Church, St. Andrew Parish and Church of Christ. • A wide variety of commercial services available, located along portions of each of the boundary roads as well as along 124 Street. Westmount Shopping Centre, a regional shopping facility, located to the Immediate west. • Social services provided by Westmount Community and Family Centre (12323 • Stony Plain Road) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the West District Office (#201, 170 street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. • Primary health care facilities provided by Woodcrott Health Centre (13420. 114 Avenue} of the Edmonton Board of Health. The Charles Camsell General Hospital located here.



Large proportion of seniors Indicates a high demand for services and resources for older persons. Above average demand for support services for single parents due to their higher than average proportions. Low social stability in the neighbourhood may be due to high proportion of rental accommodation (tenants generally more mobile). Heavy on-street parking in some areas, including near the Charles Camsell Hospital and St. Andrew Elementary, creates many traffic safety hazards. May be due to inadequate parking stalls at the hospital as well as nearby apartments. Absence of noise attenuation barriers along the busy arterials decreases residential satisfaction in some areas.








Future Plans - Road and sldewalk reconstruction under the AMPLE Project currently underway. Once completed, traffic will move more smoothly. Also Included In this project are upgrading of sewer and water mains, restoration of community heritage and some landscaping.

- A physically and demographically older neighbourhood with low social stability. - Facilities and services for seniors and single parents should be assessed and requirements Implemented. • Redevelopments and renovations may serve to attract long-term residents, increasing social stability here. - Current heavy construction decreasing quality of life here but should improve once roadway reconstruction completed. • Upgrading of water and sewer mains and some landscaping should improve residential satisfaction. More vehicle parking may be required near Charles Camsell Hospital and nearby apartment complexes to decrease traffic congestion and safety hazards created by on-street parking.


4. 5. 6. 7.



1. 2. 3.


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. lnglewood Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

September 1990




A developing, suburban resi dential neighbourhood in the West Planning District of Edmonton. Bounded by Callingwood Road to the north, 184 Street to the east and 190 Street to the west. Initial stages of neighbourhood development completed during the late 1980's. Next stages to be developed In the near future. Adjacent residential communities: Ormsby place to the north, Dechene to the east and future neighbourhoods of Donsdale and Wedgewood Heights to the southeast and south respectively. Served by the Jasper Place Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 1,420, a 25.0% increase from 1986. Reflects a developing and growing neighbourhood. Indicates additional future growth in population level, creating further demand for neighbourhood amenities. 35% residents under 20 years of age, higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. High demand for programs and facilities serving children and teens. - Seniors 3.6%, less than hatt Edmonton's 8.9%. Below average demand for facilities and services for older persons. - 43.5% singles (vs. City's 47.1%) and 53.2% married (vs. City's 40.5%). Indicates a family oriented neighbourhood. - 5.2% lone parent families, much less than Edmonton's 13.2%. No special demand for single parent's support services here. - Residents employed full time 44.9%, higher than the City's 40.7%. - Only 0.7% residents unemployed here, much lower than Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% implies level may have risen slightly but is likely still very low in Jamieson Place. 4.6% retired residents here, half of Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects less than average number of seniors living here. $61,105 average annual family income, significantly higher than the City's $41,681, reflecting an affluent neighbourhood. - Residents at the same address for at least three years 57.2%, slightly higher than Edmonton's 54%. 87.3% homeowners (vs. City's 46.8%) and 3.1% renters (vs. City's 48.4%). Social stability should increase as neighbourhood matures and residents have lived here a few years. - Jamieson Place is part of the Lessard District which participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.






Physical Characteristics - Residential developments approxlmately 45% of area. About 80% single family dwellings and 20% duplexes and rowhousing. Currently, many residential lots vacant. Many dweffings under construction at present. Neighbourhood should be appealing once fully developed and landscaped. - 0.5% institutional uses: a church. - 0.5% commercial uses: a convenience facility in the northeast corner of the neighbourhood. • No developed or landscaped recreational area at present. - About 50% of area still undeveloped. Much of this to be developed for residential uses; population will grow significantly, creating demands for community facilities and programs.

Transportation - Caflingwood Road the only arterial bounding this neighbourhood. 184 Street and 57 Avenue serve as collectors here. 184 Street has an average annual weekday traffic volume of 1,000 vehicles. Traffic noise not a concern here at present. - Local roads have uneven sections, some resurfacing may be needed. • Regular transit service provided via route 124. Service appears to meet resident's current needs.

Major Issues • High proportion of young persons indicates a strong demand for programs and facilities serving children and teens. • Given the potential of population growth, development of more neighbourhood facilities a priority here. • Local roads require resurfacing in some areas.

Future Plans • Next stages of residential developments will commence In the near future. Significant population increase to occur, creating new demands for a variety of neighbourhood services and facilities. - Further commercial development to occur In northeast corner of neighbourhood, providing residents with additional retail and service opportunities. - Schools to be constructed here at a future date, along with a neighbourhood park. - Calllngwood Road will be extended from 190 Street to 199 Street in 1991 . This will provide convenient access to the proposed Outer Ring Road. Traffi c volume could increase and vehicle noise may eventually become a concern here.

Public Facilities - No schools or recreational facilities developed in this community as yet. • No community housing projects or residential facilities for handicapped persons here at present. One adult-oriented multiple-family housing project, Amberwood Village (57 Avenue and 189 Street), has approximately 30 duplex and rowhousing units. - Good Shepherd Catholic Church provides religious services here. - A small convenience commercial facility located in the northeast sector. A gas station and convenience store here. - Social services provided by Jasper Place Community and Family Centre (15626 - 100A Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the West District Office (#201, 170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.



Conclusion - A physically developing and demographically young neighbourhood with increasing social stability. • Many developments (including residential, institutional and commercial) to take place In the future. Residential developments will result in a significant population Increase, making community-based facilities and services a priority. - Local roads should be resurfaced where required.







Introduction References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Jamieson Place Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.


Jamieson Place Neighbourhood Structure Plan Amendment, Lehndorff General Partners Inc., 1986.

October 1990



1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

- An older residential neighbourhood in the West Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 92 Avenue to the north, 149 Street to the east, 87 Avenue to the south and 156 Street to the west. - Most residential developments during the 1950's and some during the 1960's. - Surrounded by neighbourhoods of similar physical and social characteristics: Sherwood to the north, ParkView to the east, Lynnwood to the south and Meadowlark Park to the west. - Served by the Jasper Place Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 1,330 persons, an increase of 1.9% or 26 persons over 1986 figure, indicating stability in population level. - Residents under 20 years of age 23%, slightly lower than the City's average of 27.2%. A correspondingly higher proportion of young adults between 20-34 years: Jasper Park's 36.5% vs. Edmonton's 31 .9%. - Proportion of seniors marginally lower than the City's average (7.9% vs. 8.9%) but the proportion of mature adults (50 - 64 years) somewhat higher than Edmonton's average (Jasper Park's 16.3% vs. Edmonton's 12.4%). Indicative of a potential demand for facilities, services and programs for the elderly. - Singles 45.3% (vs. Edmonton's 47.1%) and married persons 38.1% (vs. the City' s 40.5%). - A comparatively higher proportion of divorced, separated and widowed persons (Jasper Park's 12.1% vs. Edmonton's 9%). Indicates a greater than average need for programs and services for this category. - Lone-parent families 10.1% compared to 9.6% for the City. Demonstrates a demand for programs and services for single parents and their dependants. - Full-time employed 42.7%, higher than the City's average of 40.7%. - Unemployed 6.0%, also higher than Edmonton's average of 4.3% at the time the Civic Census was taken. October, 1989 jobless rate for Edmonton being 8.5%, it's likely that the community's jobless rate has gone up as well. - Average family income in Jasper Place $29,843, substantially lower than $41,681 for Edmonton. Higher proportions of lone-parents, retired, unemployed and unable to work persons combined with lower earning capabilities (reflected by academic achievements) of neighbourhood residents have contributed to a considerably lower average family income figure.







Public Facilities - Residents living here for at least three years 50.7%, somewhat lower than ¡ 54% for Edmonton. Homeowners only 38.7% (vs. the City's 46.8%) and tenants 56.5% (vs. Edmonton's 46.8%). These figures indicative of a less than average level of social stability In Jasper Park. - Local crime rate Increased by 1.3% between 1987 and 1988, compared to an increase of 5.21% for Edmonton. Traffic-related incidents declined substantially while person, and morality-related occurrences remained constant. Only property-related crimes showed a moderate increase. - A reasonably safe residential community. - A member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 77.1% of the land area. Single detached and attached housing 48.2% and 10.9% respectively of available accommodation. Walkup apartments 36.2% of housing stock. Most units in fair to good condition. A few smaller and older homes, especially along the western margin need repairs. Commercial uses 6.5% of the area. Mostly confined at the southeast corner (fast food restaurant, gas bar, home decorating shop, video shop, pizza parlour, bank, dry cleaning, computer store, bakery and tailoring shop). Also at the southwest (gasoline automobile service, bank) and northwest (gasoline, automobile service) corners. Serve both local residents and commuters. - Institutional uses 14.5% of the area. Includes three schools, the community league and a church site. - Parks and open spaces 2% of the area. The neighbourhood park included in this category.

Transportation - Two busy arterials along the peripheries: 149 Street to the east and 156 Street to the west. Average weekday traffic volumes 25,600 and 22,000 respectively. Traffic volumes create noise problems for residents Jiving near these arterials. - Grid-pattern roads encourage some traffic short-cuts and speeding through internal roadways. - Most roads and sidewalks in fair to good condition, only a few need repairs . - Several bus routes (nos. 10, 12, 16, 116 and 139) operated by Edmonton Transit around the margins of Jasper Park. Both peak-hour and regular service available.



- Two public schools located here. James Gibbons Elementary with 107 students operating at 47.6% level of its capacity of 225 p upils. Stratford Junior High operating at 48.75% level (capacity 755, enrolment, 368 students). Additional enrolments needed to ensure long-term viability of the elementary school. - Notre Dame Separate Elementary School closed a few years ago due to low enrolment. School buildings and related facilities currently leased by Meadowlark Christian School. - Jasper Park Community League active in organizing local sports and social events. Facilities include a meeting hall. - Grounds of the local schools and the neighbourhood park (Eddy Mark Shaske Jr. Park) provide sports and recreational opportunities. - No community housing, handicapped housing or senior citizen's housing projects located in Jasper Park. - Social Services available through the Jasper Place Centre (15626 - 100A Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Family Services and the Centennial Mall office (170 Street/Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Community Services. - Primary health care services provided by the West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Traffic noise and safety for residents living near 149 and 156 Streets and traffic short-cutting for people living in the interior of the neighbourhood are Important concerns. - Property-related crimes make local residents uncomfortable about their homes and belongings. - Declining population and student enrolment create underutilization problems for available community resources. - Some older homes in need of repairs provide an unpleasant appearance of the area and discourage potential home buyers.

Future Plans - No plans for the improvement of this area within the next five years.










Conclusion - Older community with a small and declining population base. Experiencing problems related to underu1111zation of neighbourhood facilities. Being located between two major arterials, exposed to traffic noise and safety issues. A growing number of mature adults and seniors indicate a need for programs, services and facilities for the elderly. Proportion of single-parent famllles indicate demand for programs and services for this group. • Need for additional police patrols to reduce crimes against personal properties.


• A suburban neighbourhood of Mill Woods in the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. • Boundaries defined as 34 Avenue on the north, 66 Street to the east, 28 Avenue to the south, and Mill Woods Road to the west. • Residential development has taken place since 1971. • Surrounded by the neighbourhoods of Lee Ridge and Tipaskan to the north and west respectively. The Mill Woods Town Centre and the new Grey Nuns Hospital are located to the east, and the Mill Woods Park and Recreati on Centre to the south. • Served by the Mill Woods Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


West District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Jasper Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.


City of Edmonton Pollce Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

November 1989




1989-1993, The City of Edmonton

• 1986 population totalled 2,747 persons, an 8.1% increase over 1983 figure. Population level should remain relatively stable now that the neighbourhood Is fully developed. • Proportion of residents under 20 years 35% compared to City's average of 27.5%. Indicates a demand for services and recreational programs designed for this group. • Young adults, 20 • 39 years 40.6% of population (City's average 42.1%) and Individuals between 40 - 64 years only 15.5% (vs. City's 22.5% average). • Slightly higher proportion of seniors (8.8% vs. City's 7.9% average) reflects the presence of a number of senior citizen housing developments In this neighbourhood, and avallabllity of amenities (retail shopping, banking, medical care) In the vicinity. • Singles 47.8% (City's average 47.5%) and married per.sons comparable to City's average (41 .9% vs. City's 41.3%). • Lone-parent families 19% of neighbourhood population (City's average 13%). May Indicate a need for programs and services supporting this group. • Larger number of widowed Individuals (6.0% vs. City's 4.1% average) reflects the slightly higher neighbourhood proportion of senior citizens. • Proportion of local residents employed full-time was equal to City's average of 40.3%. Unemployed individuals made up 8.7% In 1986, compared to 5.6% average for the City. Current unemployment level may be somewhat higher as the City's May, 1988 rate was 8.0%. • Retired individuals 10.2% of population (City average 8.0%) reflecting a higher neighbourhood proportion of seniors in Kameyosek. • 1981 Federal Census indicates that average neighbourhood family income was $28,189 somewhat lower than Edmonton C.M.A.'s of $31,998. Higher neighbourhood proportions of seniors, lone-parrent families, and unemployed persons may be partially responsible for lower family Income level.








Public Facilities - Slightly smaller number of local residents lived at the same address for at least three years - 51.3% vs. City's 56.1% total. Homeowners 40.1% of population (City's average 45%) and tenants 57.1% City's average 48.4%). Tenure and length of residency patterns indicate that this neighbourhood has attained a fair level of social stability. - Lakewood community, which includes the neighbourhood of Kameyosek, is a member of the Edmonton Police Department's Neighbourhood Watch Program designed to prevent neighbourhood crime.

Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses occupy 53.7% of neighbourhood area. Housing stock is made up of row housing (46.3%), single detached homes (35.2%), apartments (18.3%), and semi-detached (0.2%). Most homes are relatively new and in good condition. One neighbourhood convenience commercial facility (Kameyosek Shopping Centre at Mill Woods Road and 28 Avenue) ls the only commercial land use - 2.2% of total area. - Institutional uses 8.8% of neighbourhood area. (Includes Kameyosek Public Elementary School, Grant MacEwan College, Mill Woods Pentecostal Assembly, and the Mill Woods Presbyterian and St. Theresa Roman Catholic churches). - Public utility land uses occupy only 0.3% of total area which include Fire Hall No. 16 and the Edmonton Telephone Wire Centre. Parks and open spaces make up 6.3% of neighbourhood area.

Transportation - Three arterials bound most of this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes indicate 15,000 vehicles on 66 Street, 11,100 on Mill Woods Road, and 9,400 on 34 Avenue. 28 Avenue is a collector roadway whose traffic volume may increase with the future development of the regional shopping facility at the Mill Woods Town Centre (located to the west of 66 Street on 28 Avenue). Traffic noise and safety along the arterials and 28 Avenue are a concern for local residents. - Most residential roads are in good condition but on-street parking problems exist in some areas with higher concentration of row housing and apartments. - Public Transit Routes (Nos. 65, 67, 69, 76, and 176) provide regular and peak hour service to this neighbourhood. The Lakewood Transit Centre is also located here (on 28 Avenue and 73 Street) providing additional transportation opportunities to local and surrounding area residents.



- Kameyosek Public Elementary School (250 Lakewood Road) had an enrollment of 304 students in 1987, approximately 50% of its capacity level. This indicates that the initial waves of elementary students have now grown up. Grant MacEwan Community College (7319 - 29 Avenue) offers post-secondary education to local and district area residents. - Public and Separate Junior and Senior High Schools located outside this neighbourhood but within Mill Woods accommodate local residents as well. - The neighbourhood park is centrally located next to the school and community league building for the convenience of all local residents. - Lakewood Community League (260 Lakewood Road) organizes social and recreational programs for local residents. It makes use of the meeting hall, playground, and ice rinks, as well as neighbourhood park and school facilities (including soccer fields and ball diamonds). Additional recreational opportunities are provided by the Miii Woods Recreation Centre (7207 - 28 Avenue), located to the immediate south of this neighbourhood and the Mill Woods Golf course located in the northern sector of Mill Woods. Facilities at the Recreation Centre include skating rinks, raquetball courts, exercise room and a wave pool. - Kameyosek Shopping Centre (Mill Woods Road and 28 Avenue) and the Millwoods Town Centre (located to the immediate east of This neighbourhood) will address many shopping and service needs of local and general area residents. - Millwoods Manor (6640 - 28 Avenue) with 74 self-contained apartment units is located in this neighbourhood and provides subsidized housing for senior citizens of this and surrounding communities. - Mlllwoods Shepherd's Care Centre (6620 - 28 Avenue) Is a 75 bed auxiliary unit and a 72 bed nursing home for senior citizens. Low vacancy rates and waiting lists at both senior citizen projects in this neighbourhood indicate a continuing demand for these facilities. - Kameyosek I (Lakewood Road and 21 Avenue) with 66 units and Kameyosek II (Miltwoods Road and Lakewood Road) with 25 units are Full Community Housing Projects located In this neighbourhood. occupancy rates at these projects support the need for such housing. However, for better distribution of such units throughout City neighbourhoods, additional community housing projects may not be developed here. - St. Theresa (Mill Woods) Roman Cathollc Church (7508 - 29 Avenue), Mill Woods Pentecostal Assembly (6608 - 28 Avenue). and the Mill Woods Presbyterian Church (6607 - 31 Avenue) provide religious services for local residents. - The Mill Woods Office (2849 Millwoods Road) of Alberta Social Services and the Mlllwoods centre (3017 - 66 Street) of Edmonton Social Services satisfy various social service needs of all the neighbourhoods of Mill Woods.






- Health services are provided by the Millbourne Health Centre (7525 - 38 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health and the new Grey Nuns Hospital (3015 - 62 Street), conveniently located in the centre of Mill Woods.

Major Issues - Local residents are concerned about traffic noise and safety along nearby arterials and 28 Avenue. - On-street parking in the areas with higher concentration of apartments and rowhousing , and speeding along Lakewood Road cause problems for passing motorists and pedestrians.

Future Plans - The Mill Woods Golf Course is an excellent recreational facility for local and city-wide residents. - The Mill Woods Town Centre is a regional shopping facility in this area. When completely developed, it will provide a wide range of retail , service and entertainment opportunities.

Conclusion - A contemporary residential neighbourhood with a young population structure. - Increases in population level are expected to level off now that the neighbourhood is fully developed. • Recent and future development of regional level recreational and shopping facilities In Mill Woods, will improve this neighbourhood's appeal.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. Census of Canada, Edmonton, Part I: Profile 1986. City of Edmonton Park.s and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Five-Year Construction Program: 1988 - 1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Southeast District Working Paper No.3: Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Kameyosek Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.



Introduction - A relatively contemporary suburban residential neighbourhood in the Southwest Planning District. - Bounded by 23 Avenue to the north, Calgary Trail Southbound to the east, 17 Avenue to the south and 11 1 Street to the west. - Initial residential developments started In early 1980's. Some properties are yet to be developed. - Adjacent communities are Ermineskin to the north, Bearspaw to the south and Skyrattler to the west. Edmonton Research and Development Park to the east across Calgary Trail. - Served by the Pleasantview Centre of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 2,426 persons, an increase of 416 Individuals or 20% since 1986. Further population growth expected with development of remaining vacant properties. - Exactly one-third neighbourhood population under the age of 20, as opposed to 27.2% for Edmonton. Reflects a young community where demands for services to chil<!ren are high. - 46.4% residents between 25 and 44 years of age, substantially higher than 36.5% for the City. Shows a demographically young community where programmes and services for families are in demand. - Only 2.7% residents are seniors, compared to 8.9% for Edmonton. - Singles 45.7% (vs. City's 47.1%) and married persons 48.3% (vs. Edmonton's 40.5%). Divorced, separated and widows only 3.7% as opposed to 9% for Edmonton. - Lone parent families only 6.2%, compared to 9.6% for the City. - 45% residents employed full time, compared to 40. 7% for Edmonton. Unemployment rate only 2% as opposed to 4.3% in Edmonton (at the time of Civic Census, 1989). The City's current jobless rate of 8.0% (September, 1989) probably points out to a somewhat higher unemployment rate for Keheewin also. - Average neighbourhood family income $70,323, substantially higher than $41,681 for Edmonton. - Homeowners 61% and tenants 39%. 42% residents lived here for a minimum of three years. Considering the proportion of renters in this developing community and its age, these facts indicative of growing social stability.

Summer 1988







- Crime-rate Increased by 13.39% in 1988 over the previous year, compared to 5.21% increase for Edmonton. Offenses related to persons and traffic remained stable. Property-related occurrences Increased considerably. More frequent police patrols throughout the neighbourhood appear nece.ssary. - A member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential land use 37.7% of the area. Single family homes 60% of available residential units. Rowhousing and walk-up apartments 15.8% and 24% of units. Most homes are In good condition and well maintained. - Institutional uses 3.7% of land area includes the elementary school site. - Commercial uses about 3.5% of the area. Includes one neighbourhood convenience commercial (Heritage Village) facilit y with a good assortment of shops and several other establishments along 23 Avenue west of 109 Street. - Utilities take up 2.2% of the area. Accounts for the Kaskitayo Water Reservoir of the City's Environmental Services. - Parks and open spaces 17% of the nelghoburhood areas. Includes Kaskitayo Parkslte and vacant lands of the proposed public and separate senior high schools. ¡ - Vacant properties approximately 20% of the area.




Public Facilities - Keheewin Public Elementary is the only school here. Current (September, 1989) enrollment 410 (capacity 400) students. Three portable classrooms on site. With further growth of population through new developments in this demographically young community, the school will maintain its high level of enrollment in foreseeable future. - Neighbourhood residents members of the Yellowbird East Community League. Does not have a community league hall yet. Meets regularly at Keheewin Public Elementary School and organizes sports and social events. - The district level Kaskitayo Park not yet developed. The neighbourhood park developed adjacent to the grounds of Keheewln Public Elementary School and the yet-to-be developed separate elementary school site. Facilities include a landscaped area, a children's play :area, soccer fi elds, baseball diamonds and an outdoor ice-skating rink. - The Esso Gas Pipeline right-of-way in the southeast is landscaped and provides passive recreational opportunities. - A vacant social housing site (19 Avenue/106 Street) located here. Approximately 3 acres in area. - Social Services needs met by the Whyte Avenue Office (10454-82 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Pleasantview Centre (1104451 Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Family Services. - Primary health services provided by the Duggan Health Centre (5035 108A Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues

- Bounded by three arterials. Average weekday traffic volumes on these roads are 8,000 vehicles on 111 Street, approximately 22,000 on 23 Avenue and 39,300 on Calgary Trail. - Calgary Trail is a dangerous goods route. All three bordering arterials are 24-hour truck routes. - People llvlng near these three margins of the neighbourhood are exposed to traffic noise. - Local roads and sidewalks in good condition. - Public transportation provided by Edmonton Transit buses (Route nos. 49, 53, 54, 68 and 154). Four routes run through while one route operate around the margin of the neighbourhood. Four routes offer regular hour service while the remainder provide peak-hour service. All routes connect to Kaskitayo Transit Centre from where buses to other parts of the City available.




- Undeveloped state of the district level park a concern. The vacant site gives a rather unpleasant appearance of the neighbourhood. - The public elementary school operating beyond its capacity. Further population growth will make the problem even more crucial. Development of the separate elementary school appears urgently needed. - Some traffic noise problems along the northern and eastern margins. Noise walls and berms reduce the problem only partially. - More neighbourhood amenities and programs, especially for the children and youth needed.






Neighbourhood Profile - Kenilworth



Future Plans


- New residential developments to the south (Twin Brooks) will generate additional traffic on 111 Street. Development of the district level Kaskitayo Park will provide additional recreational opportunities to area residents. - Future development of the social housing site will provide affordable housing to individuals/families with limited resources.




Conclusion - A developing community with young families. Facilities, programs and services to children, youth and families needed. - Number of pre-schoolers and grade-school students warrant development of the separate elementary school. - Social stability growing. Will grow further with time and full physical development of the neighbourhood. - Development of the community league hall may bring people together encouraging social interaction and aiding community stability.



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References 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 Keheewin Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.



NOi to Scale

Highlights Kenilworth is an older, stable neighbourhood located 10 the soU1heas1 of the City Centre. Kenilworth: has a large proportion of residents belonging 10 1he 40-64 years of age group, moving up to retirement age; • has a lower proportion of residents below 20 years of age, as compared w 1he City average; • has a higher than average family income; • is largely composed of single-family homes; and

October 17, 1989

• is a socially stable residential neighbourhood.




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Social Characteristics The 1991 population was approximately 2,840 - a decrease of about 7% from 1986. This represents a continuation of the decrease experienced before 1986, and reflects the aging of the neighbourhood without replacement of younger age groups. The proportion of population under 20 years of age is low compared to the City as a whole (neighbourhood 21 % vs. City 27%). This proportion has decreased since 1986. when the proportion was about23%. Preschoolers account for 6% of the neighbourhood population, against 8% for the City. This is further evidence of the aging of the neighbourhood population. In percentage terms. the proportion of population in the 20-39 year age bracket (31 %) is also less than that in the City (39%). while in the 40-64 year age bracket the proportion is significantly higher (neighbourhood 38% vs. City 24%).

Social Characteristics (Cont'd) Owner-occupied residences, at 80%, are a significantly larger proportion than in the City as a whole (49%). Matching that, renter-occupied residences, at 19%, are a significantly lower proportion than in the City (47%). Length of residency five years or more is 65%. compared with 40% for the City; this reflects the age and characteristics of Kenilworth. There is no specialized seniors' housing in Kenilworth, and no community housing for low income families. There is seniors' housing in neighbourhoods immediately to the west and to the north. In terms of ethnic composition. Kenilworth in 1986 deviated slightly from the City patterns. The largest group was of British origin (20%). slightly less than the 23% for the City. The next largest single groups were of German (14%), Ukrainian ( I I%) and French (6%)origins, all of which were higher than for the City. Immigrants comprised 14% of the neighbourhood population, lower than forthe City as a whole; the majority of immigrants have come from a variety of unspecified countries of origin.

70 60





Physical Characteristics

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Residential land uses occupy approximately 72% of the Kenilworth land area. On that land area, the large majority of dwelling units is one·unit dwellings (86%), followed by 7% in low-rise apartments and 5% in two-unit dwellings. Multi-unit housing consists of only 2% in tri- and four-plexes.

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• The proportion of seniors (aged 65 years and over) at 10% is only slightly higherthan for the City (9%), but the 40-64 year statistics indicate a large number oft he population moving into the seniors group. The number of retired persons, at 14%, is higher than for the City (11 %), but the proportion 'of widowed persons, at 3%, is marginally less than for the City (4%). The marital status of Kenilworth residents differs somewhat from the City, with 38% single vs. 47% for the City, and 54% married vs. 40% for the City. A lower proportion of the population is divorced/ separated (4%) than for the City as a whole (5%). In 1986. about 9% of Kenilworth families were single-parent families. The proportion of residents employed full-time (43%) is slightly higher than for the City (40%), and it appears that also slightly fewer are unemployed. ReviS<d March 1993

Institutional land uses occupy 13% of the area, and recreation and open spaces ·use4%. Commercial land uses occupy 6% of the area, principally fronting on Whyte Avenue at the south edge of the neighbourhood, and including a commercial development al the north west corner. Industrial land uses (2%) are also located fronting on Whyte Avenue, where some utility uses are also found. There is a further utility use on 75 SU'Cet at 88 Avenue, a television broadcast facili ty (CBC).

Revised March 1993



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Profile - Kenilworth



Public Facilities

Neighbourhood Issues

Waverly Pubhc Elementary School (6825. 89 Avenue) and Kenilworth Public Junior High School (7005 • 89 Avenue) are located in Kenilworth. In 1992 they were operating at, respectively, 34% and 66 % of their 625 and 590 student capacities. A private educational facilily, St. Joan' s Resource Centre, is located on the south side of 86 Avenue, just east of 66A StreeL There are cwo park areas in Kenilwonh: Kenilwonh Park on the northside of 87 Avenue and east side of72 Street, and Kenilworth Field on the east side of 66A Street at approximately 83 Avenue. A major sports facilicy, the Kenilworth Arena, is a district-level facility at 66A Street and 83 Avenue. The Keni lworth Community League Hall (7104 • 87 Avenue) is located in Kenilworth Park. Day care and out-of-school care facilities consist of Waverly Day Care (6825 • 89 Avenue) in Waverly Elementary School. Kenilwonh residents are served by the Mill Creek Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services (#300, 91 19 Whyte Avenue), which offers a range of services including counselling, various group programs, services for youth and seniors, and community development assisia.nce. Olher public facilities not in the neighbourhood but located nearby include: Strathcona Police Sia.lion (9710 • 51 Avenue) Fire Hall No. 6 (8105 · 96 Street) Fire Hall No. 11 (6625 - 101 Avenue) University of Alberta Hospitals (active treatment) (8440 · 112 Street) Grey Nuns Hospital (active treatment) (1100 Youville Drive West, in Mill Woods) Idylwylde Health Centre (public heallh facility) (83f4 • 88 Avenue).




Transportation Kenilworth is bounded on all sides by arterial roadways: 75 Street on the ' ' · SS. 58 and 93 west, 90 Avenue on the north, 50 Street on the east, and Whyte (82) Avenue on the south. 75 Street, together with Capilano Drive, is a major north-south river crossing. 86 Avenue and 58 Street, passing through the neighbourhood, are collector roadways. • The 1991 average weekday traffic volumes on the arterial roadways were: 38,100 vehicles along 75 Street, 11,900 along 90 Avenue, 32,800 along 50 Street, and 25,800 vehicles along the portion of Whyte Avenue leading to the Sherwood Park Freeway. With the exception of 50 Street, these represent slight declines from the mid to late 1980s. 15 Street, 90 Avenue, 50 Street and Whyte Avenue are regular truck routes. Edmonton Transit provides public transportaiion to serve Kenilwonh. via routes 45, 55, 58 and 93. Route 45 passes through the neighbourhood. A class 3 bicycle route is located on 75 Street.

( 0



Revised March t993

The population of this neighbourhood is decreasing. The proportion of pre-schoolers living here is also lower than the City average. The elementary school may face closure if enrollmem is not strengthened in the near future. • Residents living near 50 Street are concerned about high levels of traffic noise generated by trucks. They also complain about the increased levels of vibration generated by the trucks they experience in their homes. These are issues which the writer understood to be important in the neighb<>urhood at the time of writing. However. issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information contact Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-2625.

The Future Attention to the needs and issues of a changing population. especially those who are moving up to the retirement age appears to be necessary. The population of this neighbourhood has slightly increased. If this trend continues and if some young families with pre-schoolers and grade-schoolers move into this neighbourhood, the demographic structure of Kenilwonh could change in a positive way.

References City of Edmonton Civic Census · 1991 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September J992, City of Edmomon Transportation Depanment 1992 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A. City of Edmonton Transponation Department Kenilwonh Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987 • Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes. City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1991 Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services Kenilworth Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department N.B.

This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data. rather than 1991 da~a which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided. on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile. (Telephone 496-5818) Revised March 199'

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Notes - A mature suburban neighbourhood in the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. Boundaries are 137 Avenue on the North, 113A Street to the East, 132 Avenue to the South, and 127 Street to the West. - Most residential developments were completed between 1951 and 1971. - Surrounded by residential neighbourhoods of similar age and social characteristics: Carlisle to the North, Rosslyn to the East, Calder to the South, and Wellington to the West. - Served by the Castle Downs Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 3,682 persons - 276 (7.0%) less than in 1983. Decline in population should be viewed with caution as further decreases may cause underutilization of existing amenities and their future viability. - Lower proportions of residents under 20 years of agre (neighbourhood share 2.8% vs. City's 27.5%) and young adults between 20-39 years (30% vs. City's 42.1% average). Higher proportions of middle aged individuals (36.5% vs. City's 22.5%) and seniors 10.7% compared to City's 7.9% average. These demographic features indicate a greater demand for programs and services designed for mature residents. - Singles 41.1% of population (City's average 47.5%} and married persons 49.1% (City's average 41.3%). - Slightly higher proportions of widowed Individuals (5.1% vs. City's 4.1% average) and lone-parent families (14% vs. City's 13.2%) may indicate a need for programs and services supporting these groups. - Residents employed full-time 40.3% (equal to City's average). In 1986 4.9% were unemployed compared to City's 5.6% average. Edmonton's July, 1988 unemployment rate was 8.6% suggesting a possibly higher neighbourhood rate as well. Retired individuals 10.6% vs. City's 8.0% average. Reflects the higher neighbourhood proportion of seniors. - According to 1981 Federal Census, average family income was $30,521, (Edmonton C.M.A.'s $31,998}. - Significant number of residents lived at the same address for three years or more - 76.4% as opposed to City's 56.1% average. - Homeowners 73.5% (City's average 45%) and tenants only 23.5% compared to City's 48.4% average. Tenure and length of stay characteristics demonstrate a stable neighbourhood. - Kensington is a member of the Edmonton Pol ice Department's Neighbourhood Watch Program, designed to prevent neighbourhood crime. -~ t .........,.,..... @-mon on ==~..e.--








Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses occupy 58% of neighbourhood area. Single detached homes 75.3% of housing stock, followed by duplexes (14.7%}, townhouses (2.3%}, and apartments (7.7%). Most homes are reasonably well maintained but some need renovations. - Commercial uses approximately 3.3% of total area. Includes Kensington Shopping Centre (a community shopping facility at 132 Avenue and 127 Street} and several neighbourhood convenience commercial facilities located throughout the neighbourhood. - Institutional land uses 3.7%, (Includes: Kensington Public Elementary School, Edmonton Public Library - Calder Branch, Filipino - Canadian Community Centre, Extendicare Health Services - Edmonton North, Zion Baptist Church, and Church of Jesus Christ}. - Parks and open spaces (Kensington Park and several landscaped open spaces} occupy 7.7% of neighbourhood area.

Transportation - Four arterials bound this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes are 9,300 vehicles along 132 Avenue, 12,100on113A Street, 19,700 on 127 Street, and 30,000 on 137 Avenue. - 137 Avenue and 127 Street are regular truck routes. High volumes of traffic along the arterials and some busy residential streets (i.e., 134 Avenue and 119 Street} create noise and safety problems for local residents. - Local streets and walkways are in good condition. Some roads have been recently repaved. - Public transportation is provided by Edmonton Transit with bus routes connecting downtown and the University (Route Nos. 25, 27, 29, 37, and 86}. The Calder Transit Centre is located nearby at 129 Avenue and 127 Street.

- Edmonton Public Library- Calder Branch (13303 -127 Street} meets some educational and recreational needs of residents in this area. - Daily shopping needs of local residents are well served by several neighbourhood convenience commercial facilities located throughout the neighbourhood, including Kensington Shopping Centre at 132 Avenue and 127 Street. - Additional shopping facilities (Super Store, Food For Less, Toy City, and Co-op Centre} are located on the North side of 137 Avenue and serve the North District and St. Albert residents. - Extendlcare Health Services - Edmonton North (13210 - 114 Street) is a nursing home with 120 residents. A full occupancy rate demonstrates the need for such a facility in this area. - Religious services are held at Zion Baptist Church (11908 - 132 Avenue) and The Church of Jesus Christ (13312 - 114 Street). - The Westmount Office (12308 - 111 Avenue) of Alberta Social Services and Castle Downs Centre (15277 - 113A Street) of Edmonton Social Services meet various social service need of residents in this general area. - Health Services are provided by the Castle Downs Health Centre (15333 Castle Downs Road) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - The recent development on the North side of 137 Avenue of major food , furniture and appliance stores (Super Store, Food For Less, Toy City, Leon's, and Co-op Centre) serving the Northern sector of the City and beyond (St. Albert) create noise and traffic congestion problems along 137 Avenue, causing dissatisfaction for residents living near the northern margin of Kensington. Run down appearance of some homes and properties reduces the general aesthetic level of the neighbourhood and Its appeal to young families.

Public Facilities Kensington Public Elementary School (13410 - 119 Street} had 425 students enrolled In 1987 - 68% of its capacity of 625. Enrollments have increased slightly in recent years and are expected to remain stable with the somewhat increasing number of elementary students and preschoolers. - Kensington Community League (12130 - 134A Avenue} organizes sports and recreational activities for local residents. Makes use of its own hall, hockey rink, and playground, as well as the neighbourhood park and school's ball diamonds and soccer fields.




Future Plans - The City Planning Department may prepare a planning study for the Northwest District of Edmonton, which includes the neighbourhood of Kensington.










• A physically mature and demographically aglng residential neighbourhood. Physical improvements on some properties and introduction of programs and services designed for young adults with children may attract new families and rejuvenate the declining population trend.


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census of Canada, 1981.


Census of Canada, Part I Edmonton: Profile, 1986.


5-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department.


1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northwest District Survey of Residents, the City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985.


Northwest District Working Paper No.2: Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Kensington Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

1988-1992, The City of Edmonton

• A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 137 Avenue to the north, North Saskatchewan River Valley to the east, Kennedale Ravine to the south and Victoria Trail to the west. - Most residential developments during the 1970's. - Adjacent residential communities: Bannerman (north), Canon Ridge (south) and Belmont (west). • Served by the Glengarry Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 2,81 6, a 3.4% increase from 1986. Suggests neighbourhood is still undergoing some growth. • Residents under 20 years of age 41.8%, much higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. Very high demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. • 1.6% seniors, very low compared to the City's 8.9%. Low demand for seniors' services and facilities. • 51.3% singles and 43.0% married, both slightly higher than Edmonton's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. • 13.2% lone parents, identical to the City average. Average demand for support services for single parents. • 40.9% residents employed full-time, similar to Edmonton's 40.7%. • Unemployment rate 2.4%, less than Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% Implies level may have risen somewhat In Kernohan as well. - Retired residents 2.1%, much less than the City's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors residing here. • Average family income $42,349, comparable to Edmonton's $41 ,681. Reflects an average, middle-class , family-oriented neig:hbourhood. • 66.6% of residents have lived at the same address for a minimum of three years, higher than the City's 54%. • Homeowners 78.3% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 18.9% (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggest high and growing social stability here. • Kernohan is part of the South Clareview District which participates In the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Summer 1988










Physical Characteristics • Residential developments 44.0% of area. According to unit type, 56.3% are single family dwellings, 37.9% multiple unit dwellings (including one community housing project), and 5.8% two unit dwellings. Properties generally well maintained and landscaped including both single and multiple family dwellings. A few properties require landscaping, detracts somewhat from overall appeal. - 3.9% institutional uses; represents a school site. Commercial uses 1.1 %. A neighbourhood shopping facility provides retail , service and professional outlets. - 6.9% recreation and open spaces. Includes a large, centrally located park and recreation area along the river valley.

Transportation • Bounded by one arterial, Victoria Trail has an average annual weekday traffic volume of 15,500. Clareview Road, 135 Avenue/24 Street and 137 Avenue serve as collectors here. Traffic noise does not appear to be a major concern for residents. - Local roads and sidewalks in good condition, regular maintenance required. - Regular transit service provided via routes 73 and 74 and peak hour service on route 173. Residents living in the northwest sector encounter difficulties in accessing the nearest bus route, given its relative distance.



- Victoria Trail Shopping Centre provides commercial opportunities here. Incorporates a gas station, food store, take-out food, video outlet, drug store, drycleaners, bank, restaurant/pub and a medical centre. - Social services provided by Glengarry Community and Family Centre (13315 - 89 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the North District Office (13415 • Fort Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. • Primary health care facilities provided by Clarevlew Health Centre (14023 Victoria Trail) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Very high proportion of young persons (under 20 years of age) indicates a strong demand for programs and services for children and teens. • Existing transit service may not meet needs of some residents, especially those residing in the northwest sector. • Local residents exposed to obnoxious odours emitted from many petrochemical industries to the east. This unpleasant experience reduces the quality of residential environment here.

Future Plans - No major transportation plans for the near future. - Large vacant/undeveloped parcel in northeast sector may be developed for residential uses, would cause further population growth here, creating additional demands for programs and faclllties.

Public Facilities - Anne Fitzgerald Separate Elementary School currently operating at 77% of its capacity of 350 students. Enrollment may decrease slightly in near future due to smaller numbers of young children. Facilities include a wellappointed play area, soccer fields and baseball diamonds. - Large neighbourhood park provides additional recreational opportunities (soccer and baseball) as does the river valley and Kennedale Ravine. Hermitage Park and Londonderry Pool/Arena also located nearby. One community housing project, Clareview I has 49 townhouse units and Is operating to near capacity. - No residential faclllties for seniors or handicapped persons here.




Conclusion - A physically and demographically young neighbourhood with high social stability. • Existing facilities for young persons should be assessed and new programs introduced where required. Transit service should be evaluated to ensure residents' needs are being addressed. - Development of a community league may further enhance 'sense of community• here. • Population may increase here if residential uses developed on currently vacant parcels, creating further demand for programs and services.












The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Kernohan Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

- A mature suburban neighbourhood in the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Boundaries are 144 Avenue on the north, 66 Street to ttle east, 82 Street to the west, and 137 Avenue to the south. - Most residential development took place between 1951-1971. - Surrounded by neighbourhoods of similar character: Kilkenney to the north, York to the east, Northmount to the west, and Delwood to the south. - Served by the Glengarry Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 3,055 persons, only 13 (0.4%) less than in 1983, indicating stabilization of the neighbourhood's population level. Kildare's share of residents under 20 years of age almost equal to City's average (27.8% vs. 27.5% respectively), but young adults (20-39 years) only 28% of population compared to City's average of 42.1%. - Middle-aged individuals 31.1% (City average 22.5%) and seniors 13.2% of population (vs. City's 7.9% average). These figures demonstrate a greater demand for programs and services designed for an older population. With demographic maturity, such demands may grow further. - Singles 44% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 42.4% of population (City's average 41.3%). - Slightly higher proportion of lone-parent families (15.6% vs. City's 13% average) may suggest a growing need for support services for this group. - Widowed persons 9.3%, compared to City's average of 4.1%, reflects higher proportion of seniors In Kildare and availability of amenities and services desired by the elderly In and around this community. Residents employed full-time 36.9% comparable to the City's average 40.3%. Unemployed individuals 4.8% vs. City's 5.6% average. Edmonton's June, 1988 unemployment rate was 7.3%, suggesting a possibly higher neighbourhood rate as well. - According to 1981 Federal Census average neighbourhood family Income was $30,664 close to Edmonton C.M.A.'s average of $31,998. - A significant proportion of residents lived at the same address for at least three years - 70.2% vs. City's average of 56.1 %. - Homeowners 63.1% of population (City's average 45%) and tenants only 31.5% compared to City's average of 48.4%. Neighbourhood tenure and length of residency patterns indicate a high level of social stability.

September 1990








ltl~1l>1"11 AI

Physical Ch aracteristics • Residential land uses occupy 33.8% of neighbourhood area. Housing stock Is made up of single-family dwellings (59.3%), multi-family dwellings (33.5%) , semi-detached (4.6%), and apartments (2.6%). Homes are reasonably well maintained with only some needing minor renovations. • Commercial land uses (Londonderry Mall, in the east sector) 13.5% of total area. • Institutional uses (Includes Kiidare Elementary School, St. Michael's Extended Care Centre, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) total approximately 4.4% of neighbourhood area. • Recreation/open space land uses occupy 19.3% of total area. This figure Includes Kiidare and Cherrydale Parks, and St. Michael's Cemetery. One vacant parcel (76 Street and 137 Avenue) is approximately 1.9% of neighbourhood area.

Transportation • Four busy arterlals surround this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes Indicate 30,000 vehicles on 137 Avenue, 21,400 on 66 Street, and 16,300 on both 144 Avenue and 82 Street. • 137 Avenue and 66 Street are regular 24-hour truck routes. • Traffic noise and safety along the arterlals are a concern to local residents and traffic volumes are expected to Increase somewhat along northbound arterlals with the development of new neighbourhoods north of 153 Avenue. • Most residential streets are In good condition with only a few needing repaving. • Public transportation service Is provided by a number of regular bus routes (Nos. 32, 70, 71, and 74) and a peak hour (No. 132) route. These routes connect to various major transit centres and LAT stations (I.e., Northgate, Belvedere, Clarevlew, and Coliseum).

• Recreational facilities are also available to local resi dents at the neighbourhood park, school grounds and the Londonderry Athleti c Grounds, located to the Immediate north of this neighbourhood in Kiikenny. The latter facility includes sports fields, Londonderry indoor pool, ice arena, and a 400-metre track. • Londonderry Mall is a regional shopping facility located in the east sector of this neighbourhood. It meets many shopping and service needs of local residents, and also accommodates Londonderry cinemas and Londonderry Branch Public Library. • Northgate Li on's Senior Citizens Recreation Centre (13824 - 74 Street) organizes cultural, educational, and recreational programs for senior citizens of this and surrounding communities. • St. Michael's Extended Care Centre (7404 - 139 Avenue) is a combined 75-bed auxiliary hospital and 75-bed nursing home for senior citizens. It is fully occupied with a one year waiting list. • Londonderry Village One (13805 • 75 Street) is a senior citizen housing project with 114 one bedroom and 3 handicapped self-contained apartment units. Full occupancy rate at this facility Indicates the cu rrent demand and future viability of specialized housing for the elderly in this general area. The Londonderry station (6504 • 137 Avenue) of Edmonton Police Department and No. 14 Fire Station (7312 - 144 Avenu e) of Edmonton Fire Department, both adjacent to this neighbourhood, provide an added sense of security. - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (14010 - 74 Street) holds regul ar religious services In this neighbourhood. Mclure United Church (137 Avenue and 74 Street) Is presently being developed with completion expected by the end of 1988. • The Fort Road Office (13415 • Fort Road) of Alberta Social Services and Glengarry Centre (13315 - 89 Street) of Edmonton Social Services meet vari ous social service needs of local residents. • Health services are provided by the Glengarry Health Centre (9535 - 135 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues

Public Facilities • Kiidare Public Elementary School (7525 - 144 Avenue) had a 1987-88 enrollment figure of 303 students, 60.6% of its capacity of 500. Enrollments have Increased somewhat since 1983 and considering the growing number of preschoolers, current levels may continue in the future. • Londonderry Community League (14224 - 74 Street) organizes sports and recreational activities for local residents. Facilities at the Community League Include a meeting hall, hockey rinks, and playground.



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• Traffic noise and pedestrian safety along the arterials are major concerns for local residents. • With Increasing proportions of older residents additional demands will be placed on existing neighbourhood facilities designed for these individuals. Additional programs and servi ces may be required. • Several negative Impacts of the Londonderry Mall, including traffic noise and safety hazards, detract somewhat from neighbourhood satisfaction and appeal.










Future Plans - The Mclure United Church will be completed this year (1988) at 137 Avenue and 74 Street). A planning study for the northeast district of Edmonton will be prepared by the City Planning Department. High level of traffic around this neighbourhood (causing noise and safety problems) may increase even further with new residential developments in the developing communities to the north.

Conclusion - An established residential neighbourhood with an aging population structure. - Introduction of sports and recreational programs for young adults and children may attract young families with children, rejuvenating the current population trend.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. Census of Canada, Edmonton, Part I: Profile 1986. Five-Year construction Program: 1988 - 1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Northeast District Working Paper No.3: Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Kildare Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

Introduction - A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 153 Avenue to the north, 66 Street to the east, 144 Avenue to the south and 82 Street to the west. - Residential developments began in the 1960's and continued to the 1980's. - Adjacent residential communities: Mayliewan/Ozerna being developed to the north, Mcleod to the east, Kildare to the south and Evansdale (Dickinsfield) to the west. - Served by the Glengarry Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 6,227, a 1.3% increase from 1986, indicating a stable population level. - 33.9% residents under 20 years of age, somewhat higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. Above average need for facilities and programs serving children and teens. - Seniors 3.9%, less than half the City's 8.9%. Below average demand for services and facilities for older persons. - 47.0% singles (vs. Edmonton's 47.1%) and 42.9% married (vs. the City's 40.5%). - Lone parent famllies 20.0%, higher than Edmonton's 1:3.2%. A special need for support services for single parents. - 38.3% residents employed full-time, comparable to the City's 40.7%. - 5.0% residents unemployed, slightly higher than Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% implies level may have risen in Kilkenny as well. - 5.8% residents retired, less than the City's 9.8%. Reflects below average number of seniors here. - $35,738 average family income, less than the City' s $41 ,681. May be influenced by high percentage of lone parents (who often earn less than average income). - 56.4% residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, similar to the City's 54%. - 55.9% homeowners and 41.2% renters vs. the City's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Length of stay and tenure suggest average social stability here. - Kilkenny participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Summer 1988












Physical Characteristics - 69.7% of area residential developments. Single detached homes 95.8%, low rise apartments 1.4% (including one community housing projectLondonderry), row housing 1.2% and two unit dweiiings 0.6%. While most single family dwellings fairly well maintained, some landscaping required. Some apartments and row housing require renovations and upgrading, detracts from neighbourhood appeal. - 11.7% institutional area includes five schools, the community league and a fire hall. - 1.2% commercial uses includes a small and a large neighbourhood shopping facility, both located along 144 Avenue. - Parks and open spaces 10.2%. Includes a large open area (with sports facilities) in the southeast corner, a small park area in the north central sector and an open area, adjacent to J.A. Fife School in the west central sector.

Transportation - Bounded by three arterials: 153 Avenue, 66 Street and 82 Street with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 4,700, 7,000 and 9,400 respectively. 144 Avenue, a collector, carries 14,000 vehicles. Several other collectors here as well. 66 Street a regular truck route. - Several local roads have uneven sections; some resurfacing required. - Regular transit service provided via routes 32, 70, 71, 74 and peak hour service on routes 132 and 173. No bus routes on 153 Avenue as yet, leaves residents in north sector distant from nearest bus route.

Public Facilities

Major Issues

- Five schools operating here. J.A. Fife Public Elementary School operating at 57% of Its capacity of 550. Numbers of young children increasing here, may result in a rise In enroliment levels. Has a well appointed play area and property is partially fenced. - John Barnett Public Elementary School currently operating at 75% of its capacity of 350. Again, enroliments likely to increase somewhat in the near future. Property is fenced and has some play equipment. - Londonderry Public Junior High School operating at 66% of its capacity of 755. Enroliments should gradually Increase. No fence around this property a concern given that It is adjacent to 144 Avenue, a very busy collector.


- M.E. Lazerte Public Senior High School currently operating at 62% of its 2,255 capacity. Enroliments may undergo a temporary decrease in near future. - Father Leo Green Separate Elementary School operating at 100% of its 620 student capacity. Portables currently on site, probability of increased enroliments may strain already heavily utilized resources here. Property is fenced and has play equipment on site. - Additional recreational opportunities provided by Lorndonderry Pool and Arena. Tennis courts located to the immediate north of M.E. Lazerte School, in the southeast sector of the neighbourhood. - One community housing project, Londonderry, has 80 apartment units and is operating to near capacity. - No residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons. - Kilkenny Community League here. Has a hall, two ice rinks and play equipment on site. - Commercial facilities include a neighbourhood shopping facility, located In the Southwest sector. Provides a wide variety of retail and service opportunities. A smaller neighbourhood convenience facility including a bank, day care and medical/dental centre located in the southeast sector. Londonderry Mall, a major shopping centre, located to the immediate south. - Social services provided by ¡Glengarry Community and Family Centre (13315 - 89 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and by the North District Office (13415 Fort Road) of Alberta Famlly and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Glengarry Health Centre {9535 135 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.


- Large proportion of lone parent families suggests a high demand for support services for single parents. - Above average proportion of persons under 20 years of age creates a high demand for facilities and programs serving young persons. - Renovations and landscaping required on some older properties to prevent deterioration and to enhance neighbourhood appeal. - Heavy on-street parking in some areas, especially near multiple unit dweiiings causes traffic and pedestrian safety concerns. - Local roads require some repairs and resurfacing.






Future Plans





- No major transportation or development plans for the near future.

Conclusion - A physically contemporary and demographically young neighbourhood with average social stability. - Current facilities appear adequate for children and teens. However, newer and different programs for young residents may be introduced. - Existing services for single parents should be assessed and any needed programs implemented. - Adequacy of bus service should be assessed as some residents quite distant from the nearest route. - Upgrading of some properties necessary to Improve appeal and to attract young families and continue rejuvenation of this neighbourhood. - Concerns with heavy on-street parking should be addressed to improve residential satisfaction here. - Some roadway resurfacing may be necessary in this neighbourhood.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Kilkenny Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

- A mature, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 132 Avenue to the north, 82 Street to the east, 127 Avenue to the south and 97 Street to the west. - Most residential developments during the 1950's and 1960's. - Adjacent residential communities: Glengarry to the north, Balwin to the east and Lauderdale to the west. - Served by the Glengarry Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 4,355, a 0.7% increase from 1986. lrndicates a stable population level. - 28.6% residents under 20 years of age, similar to Edmonton's 27.2%. Average demand tor facilities and programs serving young persons. - Seniors 9.4% also comparable to the City's 8.9%. Average need tor services and facilities for older persons. - 49.8% singles, slightly higher than the City's 47.1% and 38.1% married, slightly less than Edmonton's 40.5%. - 22% lone parent families, much higher than the City's 13.2%. Very high demand for special support services for single parents. - 37.5% residents employed full-time, less than Edmonton's 40.7%. - Unemployment rate here 6.1%, higher than Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% implies level may currently be higher In Klllarney as well. - Homemakers 9.3%, more than Edmonton's 7.4%. - 12.2% retired persons, higher than the City's 9.8%. Reflects slightly above average proportion of seniors here. - $29,067 average family income, much lower than Edmonton's $41,681. May be influenced by high percentage of lone parents, who often earn less than average income. May also reflect lower income capabilities of neighbourhood residents. - 48.0% residents at the same address for at least three years, less than the City's 54%. - 36.1% homeowners and 60.8% renters vs. Edmonton's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Length of stay and tenure suggest below average social stability here. - Klllarney is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

September 1990







Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 70.5% of the area. 68.6% single detached homes, 20.0% two unit dwellings, 3.5% low rise apartments and 1.5% tri and fourplexes. Neighbourhood is aglng, some renovations and upgrading required to prevent physical deterioration. Poorly maintained units (some single and some multiple unit housing) detract from neighbourhood appeal. - 11.6% institutional uses. Includes four schools, community league and four churches. - 7.2% commercial uses includes numerous commercial and retail outlets along 82 and 97 Street commercial strips. - Parks and open spaces 9.2%. Includes a neighbourhood park in the north central area, a large open space between Queen Elizabeth Composite High School and Killarney Junior High School and two small open areas (one in the southwest sector and the other along 97 Street).

Transportation - Bounded by three arterials, 97 Street, 82 Street and 127 Avenue. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 43,000, 10,000, 27,000 and 11,500 respectively. 82 Street, 127 Avenue and 97 Street all regular truck routes. 97 Street also a dangero.us goods route. No noise barrier along 127 Avenue, adjacent to the CNR yard/tracks. - Local roads and sldewalks need some repairs and upgrading as both have rough sections. - Regular and peak hour transit service provided by numerous routes on both 97 and 82 Street. In addition, two routes (30, 172) along 132 Avenue and route 75 runs along 129B/130 Avenue.

Public Facilities - Four schools in this neighbourhood, all have soccer and baseball facilities. Mee-Yah-Noh Public Elementary School currently operating at 38% of its 625 student capacity. Enrollments may remain steady as numbers of young children in the community likely to remain stable. Further lower enrollment may threaten school's viability. Property is fenced and has play equipment. - Killarney Public Junior High School operating at 80% of its capacity of 805. Enrollments may increase slightly in the near future. As the school appears rundown, some upgrading may be necessary. School yard ls fenced.







- Queen Elizabeth Composite High School operating at 84% of its capacity of 1,860. Enrollments likely to remain steady In near future. Property is fenced and tennis courts on grounds. - St. Matthew Separate Elementary School operating at 70% of Its 750 capacity. Again, enrollments likely to remain stable in the near future. School yard is fenced. - Klllarney Community League has a community centre, two ice rinks, a wading pool and a well appointed play area. - No community housing projects or residential facilities for seniors. - A group home (13035 - 83 Street) for the mentally handicapped has a capacity of 6 and Chlmo Youth Retreat Centre (9112-127 Avenue) located here. - Religious services provided by the Church of the Holy City, Killarney Christian Fellowship, Romanian Orthodox Church and St. Matthew Catholic Church. - Commercial opportunities provided by many retall, service and professional outlets located along 82 and 97 Street strips. - Social services provided by the North District Office (13415 - Fort Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services and Glengarry Community and Family Centre (13315 • 89 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. • Primary health care facilities provided by Glengarry Health Centre (9535 135 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues • Very high proportion of lone parent families suggests a high demand for support services for single parents. • Some properties becoming physically dilapidated. Limited financial resources of residents may prevent them from unde.rtaking renovations. Neighbourhood may become physically less attractive if Improvements are not made. • No noise attenuation barrier along 127 Avenue to lessen train noise. CNR yard detracts from appeal of neighbourhood and contributes to lower residential satisfaction in this area. - Mee-Yah-Noh Elementary School operating at low enrollment levels, not likely to increase substantially. School's viability a concern. • Average proportion of seniors here but no facilities for them. - Low average income of residents and high proportion of lone parent families suggests a need may exist for community housing here. - Local roads and sidewalks have rough sections; maintenance and upgrading required.







Neighbourhood Profile - King Edward Park

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King Edward Park ldylwylde

Bonnie Doon

Future Plans Wllyto (8Z) AVMUe

- 1991 roadway construction scheduled for 97 Street, between 127 and 132 Avenues. May cause temporary traffic disruptions for resi dents, but should eventually improve traffic flow here.


• -


A physically mature and demographically young neighbourhood with below average social stability. Facilities for lone parents, seniors and persons with limited incomes should be assessed to determine whether these residents' needs are being met. Incentives may be required to assist residents in undertaking renovations and landscaping in order to prevent further physical deterioration of the neighbourhood. Redevelopments would also attract young families , ensuring high utilization of existing facilities. A noise barrier along 127 Avenue would help to reduce train noise and make this area more aesthetically pleasing, improving the quality of life here. Local roads and sidewalks should be upgraded, would improve residential satisfaction.

-· oo--.


76 Avcrn.re

Avon more

s References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The City of Edmonton Civi c Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Fl ow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Killarney Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

September 1990

Highlights King Edward Park is an older residential neighbourhood located approximately 7 kilometres from the City centre and south of the North Saskatchewan River. King Edward Park: • appears to be experiencing some rejuvenation as children become a larger segment of the neighbourhood population; • has a large but decreasing proportion of seniors; • has an employment rate above the City average; and • is predominantly made up of single detached housing with duplexes and low rise apartments dispersed throughout the community. Revised November 1992



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... -

Neighbourhood Profile - King Edward Park



Social Characteristics

m =u.Ui= Physical Characteristics

The 199 l population totalled about4,420 people or nearly l % more than in 1986. '.Thfa is a reversal from the 4% decrease in population experienced between 1983 - 1986. The neighbourhood appears to be going through a period of renewed growth. The proponion of children under twenty years of age is 6% less than the City as a whole. Between 1986 to 1991, there were significant increases in children 5-9 years (49%) and 10-14 years ( 17%). During this same period however, there was a 9% decrease in pre-schoolers and 23% decrease in young people 15-24 years old. Although the senior citizen population remains 3% higher Llian the City in 1991, there was a 4% decrease from 1986 in those 66-74 years old. A 16% decrease (from 1986-1991) in residents 50-64 years would indicate a trend toward a younger neighbourhood population.

Neighbourhood Profile - King Edward Park


Residential land uses occupy 84% of the neighbourhood. The majority of housing is single-detached (56%), followed by low rise aparunents (21 %) and duplexes (16%). As indicated in the charts below, this reflects a lower residential density than the City average. The majority of construction took place in the 1950's Commercial uses total 5% of the land area which are centred in the north west section along 82 Avenue and around the periphery of the residential area east of 75 Street. King Edward Park



30 20 10

Immigrants %ofTO".al l'op<.<ai!on 4 ------

Industrial land uses make up approximately I% and include moving and storage businesses, small manufacturing businesses and appliance repair shops.


-------> 1986



Institutional uses make up 7% and include two schools, several church.es and community league facilities. • One neighbourhood park and two smaller parks make up the land area (2%) which is used for parks and opens spaces.

Neighbourhood residents had a high rate ofemployment (47% vs. 40% City). Family incomes, however were lower than the City average ($32,710 vs. $40.465 City). This indicates lower income capability of the neighbourhood residents. The higher than average share of seniors here, who usually earn much less than the average, may also be another fact0r contributing 10 the area's income level. The length of time that people had lived in the area approximates the average for the City as a whole. The greater than average percentage of retired persons (14% vs. 11 % City) may also have impacted the larger proportion of low income individuals (41 % vs. 38% City) in the neighbourhood Ethnic origins of King Edward Park residents generally reflect that of the City. The exceptions are residents with German (13% vs. 6% City), French (6% vs. 4% City) and British (25% vs. 22% City) origins.

Transportation 82 Avenue, 75 Street and 83 Street are three busy anerials which bound this neighbourhood. Highest average weekday traffic volumes are found on 75 Street south of 82 Avenue (36,000vebicles) and on 82 Avenue east of 83 Street (32, l 00 vehicles). Local roadways and walkways are in reasonably good condition.



Edmonton Transit provides public transponation with bus routes (Nos. 8. 58, 45, 43, 93, 161, 159). Bicycle routes exist along 75 Street, 81 Avenue and throughout the Mill Creek Ravine.

Revised November l992



......,........ ,_....._._ ,A>M..' t S(#MCf:S

Revised November 1992

Neighbourhood Profile - King Edward Park


Neighbourhood Profile - King Edward Parl



• L Public Facilities

Neighbourhood Issues • King Edward Park is one of 16 neighbourhoods which recently formed the Southeast Community Planning Coalition to address development. transportation and other issues.

Donnan Public Elementary /Junior High School (7803 - 87 Street) and SL James Catholic Elementary/Junior High School (7814 - 83 Street) are the two schools in the area. Both are operating at approx.imately 50% of capacity.

The safety of children getting on and off school buses and vans in front of St. James School on busy 83 Street is a concern. For cu.rrent information on community issues and resources, contact the community social worker at the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (428-2625)_

King Edward Park Community League ( 7708 - 85 Street) has a strong ex.ecutive and offers a variety of programs including a tennis club, playschool, dance, gym, karate, and country dancing.

There are a variety of organizations in King Edward that serve Edmonton's French speaking community: Centre Culture! Marie-Anoe Gaboury D'Edmootoo (8711- 82 Avenue); and Association Canadienne- Francais de l' Alberta Regionale D'Edmooton (100, 8923 - 82 Avenue).


Fire Station No. 6 (8105 - 96 Street) and S tation No. 11 (6625 - 101 Avenue) Ottewell Community Police Station - 9807 - 71 Street (12 hr. walk -in service) South Division Police Station - 9710 - 51 Avenue (24 hr. service) University of Albena Hospital (8440 - I 12 Street) Idylwylde Health Centre of the Local Board of Health (8314 - 88 Avenue)

Revised Novanbu 1992

• • • • • • • • •

The City of Edmonton Civic Census - I 991 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix. A, City Edmonton Transportation Department King Edward Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet. City of Edmont0n Planning and Development 1987. Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Deparunent. 1991 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes. The City of Edmonton. 1992 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services King Edward Park Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation



............... ...

'"""'" IC:llMCfS

Revised November 1992 _

Other public facilities that serve the area include:


aged children by Donnan Before & After School Care


10 school

• The growing mix. of age groups in the neighbourhood along with the active participation of residentS in local schools and community affairs would indicate that a viable and healthy residential neighbourhood will be maintained in the future.


Child care services are provided (Room 9, 7803 - 87 Street).

• The future of King Edward Park and the surrounding area. has the pote.ntial to be positively impacted by the work of the Southeast Commun ity Planning Coalition. Residents are taking this opportunity to direct how they want their communities to be further developed.


The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services ( 300, Mill Creek Place, 9119 - 82 Avenue) which offers a variety of services including counselling, different group programs, services for seniors, children and youth as well as community development.

The Future


Religious Institutions in the area include: Avonmore United Church-8 120- 79 Street; St.James Parish - 7705 - 85 Street; St. Mathew Evangelical Church - 7607 - 89 Street; Avenue King Edward Park Church of Christ - 7625 - 89 Street; St. David's Anglican Church - 8345 - 79 Avenue; Evangelical Covenant Church - 8503 - 82 Avenue; and St. Paul's Lutheran Church · 9155 • 79 Avenue.



Neighbourhood Profile - King Edward Park






Introduction - A developing, suburban resldentlal neighbourhood In the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Whltemud Drive to the north, 34 Street to the east, 38 Avenue to the south and Mlllcreek Ravine to the west. - Residential developments began In the 1980's and still continuing. - Adjacent residential communities: none at present; Flynn Dell to be developed to the south and Jackson Heights being developed to the east. - Served by the Millwoods Community and Family Centre of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 3,170, an 11.3% Increase from 1986, reflecting a developing neighbourhood. Population growth likely to continue. - 39.5% residents under 20 years of age. Most of this figure accounted for by persons under 10 years of age (29.6%). Proportion of persons 10-20 years of age actually less than average. 90% of population under 40 years of age. Indicates a demographically young neighbourhood with a high demand for services and facilities. - Seniors only 1.0o/o vs. City's 8.9%. Very low demand for senior's facilities and resources. - Retired 1.2%, reflects small number of seniors in neighbourhood. - 47.8% singles and 44.3% married vs. City's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. - 8.3% lone parent families, less than Edmonton's 13.2%. Less than average support services required for this group. - Homemakers 6.7%, slightly less than the City's 7.4%. - 43% residents employed full-time, slightly higher than the City's 40.7%. - 3.5% unemployed persons, similar to Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (May, 1990) jobless rate of 8.2% implies a higher rate for Kiniski Gardens as well. - Average family income $36,802, somewhat less than $41,681 City average. Reflects an average working class neighbourhood. - 46.6% residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, lower that the City's 54%. - Home owners 74.1% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 24.3% {vs. City's 48.4%). Social stability will increase with neighbourhood's physical maturity and when people have resided here for a few more years. - Kiniski Gardens is part of the developing Burnewood Community, a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.




Physical Characteristics - Residential uses approximately 40% of area at present. Of this, 91% single unit dwellings and 9% low rise apartments. Developed properties fairly well maintained, some properties not yet landscaped and extensive development continuing. Small lots with closely spaced housing and absence of landscaping on some properties detract from the overall appeal of this neighbourhood. - Institutional uses about 7% of area at present. Includes a public elementary school and the community league. - Approximately 1.5% commercial uses. A neighbourhood convenience commercial facility in the east central sector. Provides a number of services and retail opportunities. - vacant/undeveloped property about 50% of area. A significant proportion of this likely to be developed for residential uses, thus resulting in extensive population growth in this neighbourhood. - Recreation/open space about 4% of area at present. Includes an open space in the south central area of Kiniski Gardens.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterlals, Whltemud Drive to the north and 34 Street to the east. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 17,500 and 10,000 respectively. Remainder of boundary roads not yet constructed. 43 Avenue and 38 Street serve as collectors. Berm in place along Whitemud Drive. No noise protection along 34 Street, a potential concern considering extensive developments with increasing traffic to the east. 34 Street is a regular truck route. Regular transit service provided via route 84, which travels through the centre of the neighbourhood. - Local roads and sidewalks in good condition. Heavy on-street parking due to high density of single family dwellings, most having no parking garages.

Public Facilities - Julia Kiniski Public Elementary School operating at 98% of its capacity of 425. With extensive developments being undertaken, problems with overcrowding expected in the near future. Portables on site. School yard not fenced. Facilities include a well-appointed play area, soccer fields, ball diamonds and an ice rink. - Burnewood Community League located adjacent to school.






- No community housing projects, seniors or handicapped persons residential facilities here at present. - Commercial facilities represent a shopping centre in the east central area, along 34 Street. Services include a gas station, daycare, beauty salon, drycleaner, video outlet and convenience store. Millwoods Town Centre, a maj or shopping facility, nearby. - Recreational opportunities provided by nearby Millcreek Ravine, Millwoods Golf Course and Millwoods Recreation Centre. - Social services provided by the Millwoods Office (2849, Millwoods Road N.W.) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Mlllwoods Community and Family Centre (#214, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. - Primary health care facilities provided by Millbourne' Health Centre (7525 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed, active treatment facility, located nearby.

Major Issues - Julia Kiniski School likely to be overcrowded in near future due to new residential developments and large proportions of preschoolers currently living here. - High demand for services and facilities for children. Extensive residential developments may create additional demands for educational, recreational and social facilities. - Concern with increasing traffic noise along 34 Street, as more development occurs.

Future Plans - A separate elementary/junior high to be built and open by September, 1991. - A nursing home may be constructed here at a future date. - 1991 construction planned for 34 Street between the Whitemud Freeway and 43 Avenue. - A good portion of Kiniski Gardens still vacant, much development to occur in the next few years.

Conclusion - A physically developing neighbourhood with a young population structure and increasing social stability.






- Public elementary school facing overcrowding in near future. Opening of a new separate elementary/junior high school should alleviate some of this pressure. - Additional educational, recreational and social facilities may be required for area residents as their numbers may grow with new residential developments. Facilities for young children and young adults should be assessed and needed programs implemented. - A noise attenuation barrier along 34 Street may be required to address the needs of nearby residents.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Burnewood Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.


Burnewood Neighbourhood Structure Plan Amendment, The City of Edmonton Planning and Deveiopment Department, March, 1990

June 1990



1990-1994, The City of Edmonton




Introduction - A developing, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 153 Avenue to the north, Victoria Trail to the east, 144 Avenue to the south and CNR tracks to the west. - Residential developments began in the 1980's and continue to present. - Adjacent residential communities: Fraser to the east and Hairsine to the south. - Served by the Glengarry Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 2,393, a 45.7% increase from 1986. Indicates a physically developing and demographically growing neighbourhood. 36.2% residents under 20 years of age, more than Edmonton's 27.2%. High demand for facilities and programs serving young persons. - Seniors only 1.7%, much lower than the City's 8.9%. Low demand for services and resources for older persons. - 52.6% singles and 42.1% married, both slightly higher than Edmonton's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. - Lone parent families 15.2%, slightly higher than the City's 13.2%. Average demand for support services for single parents. 46.1% residents employed full time, higher than Edmonton's 40.7%. - 2.4% residents unemployed vs. the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% Implies level may now be somewhat higher in Kirkness as well. 2.2% retired persons, much lower than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors residing here. - $35,950 average annual family income, less than the City's $41,681. Employment and earning levels of the neighbourhood indicative of lower Income capabilities of the local residents. - 44.7% residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, less than the City's 54%. - 54.4% homeowners (vs. City's 46.8%) and 43.0o/o renters (vs. City's 48.4%). Current tenure and length of stay suggest social stability likely to increase as neighbourhood matures.








Physical Characteristics


Approximately 75% of area residential developments. 80% single family dwellings, 15% low rise apartments and 5% row housing (including one community housing project - Clareview V). Currently, many new developments underway and many existing properties not landscaped. With completion of developments and maturity of neighbourhood, area should be appealing. Institutional uses 6%. Includes a school and a small recreation centre. 1.0% commercial uses. A neighbourhood convenience site In the southwestern sector serving local residents. 10% parks and open spaces. A large landscaped open area in the north sector. Approximately 8% vacant/undeveloped area. These sites designated for both residential and commercial uses. Population growth likely to continue in near future, creating demands for social and recreational programs and services.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterials, 153 Avenue and Victoria Trail. 153 Avenue has an average annual weekday traffic volume of 1,300 vehicles per day. 144 Avenue and Kirkness Ro<Jd serve as collectors here. Traffic noise and congestion not a major concern here. - Sidewalks in good condition. local roads have some rough sections. - Regular transit service provided by route 72 and peak hour service on routes 172 and 301. Clareview lRT Station nearby, facilitating access to downtown. Service appears to meet residents' needs.

Major Issues - High proportion of young persons suggests a strong demand for facilities and services for children and teens. - With expected Increase In population, expansion and development of facilities likely to be necessary In near future. - local roads require repairs and resurfacing in some¡ areas.

Future Plans - Some currently vacant properties designated for commercial development. - Further development of single family dwellings to occur. Population growth will result creating Increased demand for nei ghbourhood facilities.


Public Facilities - Kirkness Public Elementary School currently operating at 86% of its 450 capacity. Enrollments likely to increase slightly in the near future due to growing number of young children. Portables on site. School yard has play equipment and soccer and baseball facilities, but Is not fenced. - Kirkness Recreation Centre, a small facility, organizes activities for local residents. - large landscaped open area In north sector provides soccer and baseball opportunities. - One community housing project, Clareview V has 31 townhouse units and is operating to near capacity. - No residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons here.


- Commercial facilities Include a gas station and a convenience store at the corner of Kirkness Road and 144 Avenue. - Social services provided by Glengarry Community and Family Centre (13315 - 89 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and North District Office {13415- Fort Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Clareview Health Centre (14023 Victoria Trail) of the Edmonton Board of Health.



- A physically developing and demographically young neighbourhood with growing social stability. - Facilities and programs serving children and teens should be examined to determine whether existing needs are being addressed. - Planning for needs of growing population necessary to ensure residential satisfaction and quality of life here. - local roads should be repaired and resurfaced where required.










References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Hairslne Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

Introduction - A new, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 181 Avenue to the north, 91 Street to the east, 167 Avenue to the south and 97 Street to the west. - Most residential developments in the 1980's. - Adjacent residential communities: Baturyn to the west and Klarvatten (currently being developed) to the east. Served by the Castledowns Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 4,172, a 14% Increase from 1986. Population increase likely to continue in the near future in this developing community. - 37.4% residents under 20 years of age, higher than the City's 27.2%. High demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. - Seniors only 1.4%, much lower than Edmonton's 8.9%. Low demand for services and resources for the elderly. 44.7% singles (vs. City's 47.1%) and 50.9% married (vs. City's 40.5%). Indicates a family-oriented community. - Lone parent families 6.4%, Jess than half of Edmonton's 13.2%. Low demand for special support services for single parents. - 47.3% residents employed full time, more than the City's 40.7%. - Residents unemployed 2.6%, lower than Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (July, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.2% implies level may have risen somewhat In Lago Undo as well. - Retired persons 2.1%, much lower than the City's 9.8%. Reflects small number of seniors residing here. - Average annual family income $43,424, slightly higher than Edmonton's $41,681. Reflects an average middle class neighbourhood. - 48.2% residents have resided at the same address for at least three years, Jess than the City's 54%. - Homeowners 84.3% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 12.5% (vs. City's 48.4%). Neighbourhood will probably have high social stability once people have lived here a while longer. - Lago Undo participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

September 1990










Physical Characteristics - Residential developments approximately 80% of area. According to unit type, 90% single family dwellings and 8% row housing. Being a new residential neighbourhood, many properties not landscaped yet and many residential lots vacant. Most occupied properties well maintained. TWo small storm water retention lakes here, increasing neighbourhood appeal. - 5% Institutional uses Includes a newly built school and two churches. - 1% commercial uses: a neighbourhood shopping centre In the northeast sector providing a variety of service, retail and professional outlets. - About 10% recreation and open spaces. Includes two man-made lakes and two landscaped open spaces: a small area adjacent to other north lake and a large area with some recreational facilities In the east central sector. - Vacant/undeveloped area 3%. Likely to be developed for residential uses, resulting In a further population increase.



- Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses and Community Church (located in the shopping centre) both provide religious services here. - Commercial facilities include a neighbourhood shopping centre, incorporating a restaurant and pub, flower shop, daycare, hair salon, video outlet, convenience store and a medical clinic. Several vacant outlets here. - Social services provided by Castle Downs Community and Family Centre (15277 - 113A Street) of the City's c;:ommunity and Family Services Department and the North District Office (13415 - Fort Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Glengarry Health Centre (9535 135 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Large proportion of young persons suggests a high demand for programs and facilities serving children and teens. - With continuing population growth, more services may be required in the near future.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterials: 167 Avenue and 97 Street having average annual weekday traffic volumes 13,500 and 26,300 respectively. 97 Street also a dangerous goods and truck route. An earth berm along 97 Street reduces traffic noise for adjacent residents. 91 and 95 Streets and 179 Avenue serve as collectors here. - Local roads and sldewalks In good condition. - Regular transit service provided by route 30 and peak hour service via route 189. Service appears to meet residents' needs.

Future Plans - 1991 roadway construction planned for 167 Avenue between 97 and 91 Streets. Should improve traffic flow and prevent future traffic congestion given new residential developments to the east. - Construction of the proposed outer ring road could increase traffic flow through and around this neighbourhood, creating additional traffic noise.

Conclusion Public Facilities - Lago Lindo Public Elementary School started functioning in September, 1990. Wrth a capacity of 350 students. Adjacent facilities include play equipment, two ice rinks, soccer fields and ball diamonds. - Additional recreational opportunities provided by two man-made lakes (Andorra Lake and Valencia Lake) and large landscaped open area In the east central sector, providing baseball and soccer opportunities. - No community housing projects or residential facilities for seniors or the handicapped.



- A physically and demographically young neighbourhood with increasing social stability. - Existing facilities for young persons should be assessed and needed developments implemented. - Development of a community league would help strengthen the sense of community here and Increase social stability. - Increasing population may place further demands on existing neighbourhood facilities and programs.









References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.



1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

Lago Lindo Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

- A mature suburban residential neighbourhood in the Southwest Planning District. - Bounded by the University of Alberta Farm (approximately 53 Avenue) to the north, 122 Street to the east and the Whitemud Creek Ravine/Whitemud Drive to the west and south. - Lansdowne land annexed to Edmonton in 1960. Most homes developed in the same decade. - Nearby residential communities Include Malmo Plains to the east and Aspen Gardens to the south. - Served by the Pleasantview Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 1,383, a decline of 42 individuals or 3% since 1987. Experiencing slow population decline since 1983. As total neighbourhood population low, further continuous decline could hinder viability of neighbourhood amenities. - Residents under 20 years of age 22.5%, noticeably lower than Edmonton's 27.2%. Reflects somewhat underutilization of services for children and teenagers. - A substantially higher proportion of residents between 50 and 64 years (Lansdowne's 23.5% vs. Edmonton's 12.4%). Services and programs for mature adults, therefore are in high demand. - Seniors 8.2% in Lansdowne, almost similar to the City's 8.9%. Growing demand for services and amenities for the elderly apparent. - Singles 44.7% (vs. Edmonton's 47.1%) and married persons 47.8% (vs. the City's 40.5%). Marital status indicative of a family-orie:nted community. - Lone parents families 6.8% compared to Edmonton's 9.6%. No special need for programs and services for single-parent families evident. - Full-time employed persons 41.8%, marginally higher than Edmonton's 40.7%. Unemployed only 1.9% (as opposed to the City's 4.3%) when the 1989 Civi c Census was taken. The City's current (February, 1990) jobless rate being 8.3%, it is probable that Lansdowne's recent unemployment rate has also gone up slightly. - Average neighbourhood household income in 1986 was $43,286, somewhat above $41,681 for Edmonton. Employment, income and demographic features represent an average residential community.

Septembef' 1990













Public Facilities - 69.9% residents lived at the same address in Lansdowne for at least three years, compared to an average of 54.0% for other neighbourhoods In Edmonton. 39% of neighbourhood residents renters (vs. 48.4% for the City) and 59.9% owners (46.8% for Edmonton). These factors demonstrate an above-average social stability in the community. - A member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 75.8% of the neighbourhood area. Residential uses primarily (91.9%) devoted to single detached dwellings. Five walk-up complexes and one high-rise building make up the remainder. Most developments 20-30 years old, but well maintained. - Commercial uses 3.9% of land area and in the form of a shopping complex at an entrance to the neighbourhood. Various retail and service outlets (including a food store, a gas bar and automoblle service station, a bank, a drug store, a hair salon, medical and dental care facilities) serve area residents. - Institutional uses 14.9% of the neighbourhood area. Includes the local elementary school, the community league and a church site. - Open spaces 4.5% of land area. Consists of a wide, green open space of a pipeline right-of-way and the neighbourhood park. - Easy access to the adjacent river valley park system.

Transportation - Whitemud Drive to the south and west while 122 Street to the east. Even though Whitemud Drive is very busy (52,500 vehicles on an average weekday including truck and dangerous goods traffic), its depressed orientation significantly reduces traffic noise and safety problems for residents in the southwestern sector. Traffic volume on 122 Street (12,400 vehicles on weekdays) much less In comparison, and pose no problems for adjacent homeowners. - Access ramp to Whitemud Drive westbound (from 122 Street) being short, merges with free flowing traffic suddenly, significantly increasing chances of traffic accidents. - Most roads and sidewalks in good condition. - Bus route number 36 runs through the community and connect the area with the Southgate Transit Centre and the University of Alberta.



- Lansdowne Public Elementary School currently operating at 88% level of its capacity of 225 students. Local pre-schoolers ancl grade-schoolers will support a high enrollment level in the foreseeable future. - Lansdowne Community League Hall (51 Avenue and 124 Street) located adjacent to the public elementary school and the neighbourhood park. Facilities Include a meeting hall, children's playing area and an ice-skating rink. Soccer fields and baseball diamonds also located in this area. - Easy access to the nearby Rainbow Valley campgroumds, river valley park system and Snow Valley Ski Hill provide additional recreational opportunities. - No community housing or specialized housing for the handicapped or elderly in Lansdowne. Social Services available through the Whyte Avenue Office (10454 - 82 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services as well as the Pleasantview Centre (11044 - 51 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services as well as the Pleasantview Centre (11044 - 51 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. - Primary health care services through the Duggan Health Centre (5035 108A Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Long time on-street car parking near apartment complexes create congestion as well as shortage of visitors' parking spaces In the area. - Laci< of regular maintenance of City properties (weed control, grass cutting and snow removal) reduces the local resident's satisfaction level. - Steadily growing number of seniors need consideration for planning programs and services for this age group.

Future Plans - No land use or area redevelopment plans for Lansdowne to be developed within the foreseeable future. - No transportation improvement plan for this neighbourhood or its immediate area in the near future.









Conclusion - A mature, family-oriented resldential community. Physlcal setting of the neighbourhood offers easy access to all parts of the City while providing adequate educational, transportation and recreational opportunities. A steadily growing number of mature adults and seniors. Planning some programs and services for this age group gradually becoming important.

• A young, suburban residential neighbourhood in the West Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 100 Avenue to the north, 178 Street to the east, 95 Avenue to the south and 190 Street to the west. • Most residential developments during the 1980's. • Adjacent residential communities: Belmead to the south and Terra Losa to the east. • served by the Jasper Place Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & 11 - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Lansdowne Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.


City of Edmonton Pollce Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

1989-1993, The City of Edmonton

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 5,486, an 8.9% increase from 1986. Indicates a growing neighbourhood, having undergone new physical developments. • Residents under 20 years of age 37.4%, higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. High demand for facilities and programs for young persons. • 1.8% seniors, much lower than the City's 8.9%. Low demand for resources and facilities serving older persons. 51.3% singles and 41.4% married, both sllghtly higher than Edmonton's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. • 15.1% lone parents, slightly higher than the City's 13.2%. Above average support services required for single parents here. • Residents employed full time 43.2%, higher than Edmonton's 40.7%. • Unemployed residents 3.1%, less than the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic census was taken. Current (July, 1990) City Jobless rate of 7.2% implies level may have risen somewhat In La Perie as well. • Retired residents 2.2%, less than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors residing here. • $41,634 average annual family Income, almost Identical to the City' s $41,681. An average, mlddle class neighbourhood. • Residents who have lived at the same address for at least three years 49.6%, slightly less than Edmonton's 54%. • Homeowners 56.6% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 42.1% (vs. City's 48.4%). Social stability will Increase as neighbourhood matures and when residents have lived here longer. • La Perie participates In the Neighbourhood Watch Pro gram.

March 1990






FAii! LY 5£R\/1CES



IU,IOt SltAl

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 70% of the neighbourhood area. 70% are single family dwellings, 22% row housing (including one community housing project) and 7% low rise apartments. Most properties fairly well maintained but absence of landscaping on some properties and some 'zero-lot-line• housing (giving a crowded feeling) somewhat detract from overall neighbourhood appeal. - About 8% Institutional uses: Includes a school and three churches. - Commercial uses 3% of the land area. A neighbourhood convenience facllity providing many professional outlets as well as retail and service opportunities. - Parks and open spaces 15% of area. A large neighbourhood park, adjacent to the school, in the west central sector. As well, a large, landscaped open space in the east central area. - Vacant/undeveloped area 3%. Likely to be developed for residential uses. Would result In further population growth.




- One community housing project: Primrose I has 69 townhouse units and is operating to near capacity. - TWo City of Edmonton non-profit housing projects: Primrose Place (183 Street and 96 Avenue) and Barclay Square (185 Street and 97A Avenue) provide row housing accommodation. - No residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons here. - Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, West Edmonton Baptist Church and Edmonton Christian Church provide religious services here. - Commercial opportunities provided by a centrally located neighbourhood shopping centre. Incorporates a daycare, the West Jasper Place Health Clinic, Edmonton Christian Church, hair salon, a driving school, beauty salon, speclalty shops, take-out food, service station and dental and medical clinics. - Social services provided by the Jasper Place Community and Family Centre (15626-100A Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the West District Office (#201, 170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Famlly and Social Services. Primary health care facllities provided by West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Transportation - Bounded by three arterlals: 100 Avenue, 178 Street and 95 Avenue with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 3,700; 33,100 and 7,700 respectively. A noise attenuation barrier along 178 Street reduces traffic noise for adjacent residents. 97A Avenue and 96 Avenue/180 Street serve as collectors in this neighbourhood. - Local roads have some rough and uneven sections. Repairs required. - Regular transit service provided via route 126 and peak hour service on routes 97 and 120. Service appears to meet residents' needs.

Major Issues - Very high proportion of young persons indicates a strong demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. - Construction of a community league facllity could improve the 'sense of community' and increase soclal stablllty here. - Local roads in poor condition In some sections. Repairs and regular maintenance needed.

Public Facilities - La Perie Publlc Elementary School operating at 88% of its capacity of 550. Enrollments likely to Increase due to rising number of young children here. Portables on site; property is not fenced. Students have ready access to facllitles In adjacent La Perie Park. - La perle Park has well-appointed play facilities: two Ice rlnkS, a sliding hill and soccer and baseball opportunities. Also a large, landscaped open area in the east central area, provides passive recreational opportunities.




Future Plans - Additional residential construction currently underway. Implies continuing population growth and additional demand for community facilities and amenities.









Introduction Conclusion A physically and demographically young neighbourhood with growing social stability. - Existing facilities and programs for young person should be assessed and needed services introduced. - Development of a community-based social and recreational facility may serve to Increase social stability through community cohesion. - Local roads should be repaired and resurfaced where required.

- An older, urban residential neighbourhood in t'he Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 132 Avenue to the north, 97 Street to the east, 127 Avenue to the south and 113A Street to the west. - Most residential developments in the 1950's and 1960's. - Adjacent residential communities: Rosslyn (north), Killarney (east) and Calder (west). - Served by Castledowns Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

References Social Characteristics 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks.and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


La Perie Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

- 1989 population 2,785, a 3.3% decrease from 1986, continuing a trend in population decline occurring for some time. Sug.g ests that residents are moving to newer suburban areas and an underutilization of available community resources. - Residents under 20 years of age 23.7%, lower than City's 27.2%. Suggests less than average demand for programs and facilities serving young persons. - 12.1% seniors in neighbourhood, higher than the City's 8.9%. Higher than average demand for programs and services for the older persons. - Singles 46.8% and married 40.1%, both slightly lower than the City's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. - Lone parent families 17.3% (vs. City's 13.2%), suggesting higher than average need for support services for this group. - 41.0% residents employed full-time, similar to the City average (40.7%). - Unemployed 4.6% vs. the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (June, 1990) City jobless rate of 6.7% implies level has risen in Lauderdale as well. - Retired persons 15.7%, higher than City average (9.8%). Reflects higher than average proportion of seniors in the neighbourhood. - Average family Income $32,073, lower than the City's $41,681. May be influenced by above average percentages of lone parent families (who usually earn less than average income) and seniors (who often have limited income). - 60.7% residents at same address for at least three years, higher than Edmonton's 54%. - Homeowners 52.8% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 44.4% (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggest above average social stability in this neighbourhood. - Lauderdale is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

September 1990











Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 52.7% of area. Included are 76.0o/o single family dwellings, 14.9% two unit dwellings (including twelve such units designated for seniors). 2.2% tri and fourplexes and 1.3% low rise apartments. Most sing le unit dwellings well maintained but some multiple unit dwellings quite rundown. Some newer developments currently underway. Landscaping and renovations will increase the general appeal of the neighbourhood. - Institutional uses 9.2% of area. Included are a public elementary school, community league and seven religious institutions. - 4.3% commercial area. Includes a commercial strip along 97 Street, an area along 127 Avenue and a small commercial facility In the centre of the neighbourhood. - Parks and open spaces 17.3%. Incorporates a district level park including the Grand Trunk Leisure Centre. - 15.8% vacant/undeveloped area. Includes a few vacant lots and a large vacant parcel In the southwest sector of the neighbourhood.

Transportation Bounded by three arterials, 97 Street to the east, 127 Avenue to the south and 113A Street to the west. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 43,000, 12,400 and 5,300 respectively. 132 Avenue a collector, carries 7,500 vehicles. 127 Avenue a regular truck route and 97 Street a dangerous goods and truck route. Residents along 127 Avenue subjected to traffic noise. A berm along south side of 127 Avenue protects residents from most railway disturbances. - Local roads In good condition, sldewalks in poor repair however. - Regular transit service provided via route 23 (on 132 Avenue), route 24 (on 129 Avenue) and many routes along 97 Street. - Lack of adequate parking on some church properties creates spill-over parking problems on nearby residential streets.

Public Facilities Lauderdale Public Elementary School currently operating at 59% of its capacity of 350. Less than average percentage of preschoolers (14.2% vs. the City's 17.3%) suggests the school will continue to operate at a low enrollment level in the near future. Further enrollment declines could eventually force a school closure. Facilities at the school include soccer fields and ball diamonds.





- A community league hall located adjacent to school. Facilities shared by these two Institutions Include two Ice rinks and a well-appointed play area. These properties are fenced. - One senior citizens' self-contained cottage development (Lauderdale -with 12 duplex units). Facilities include a meeting room, games room and lounge. Given the higher than average proportion of seniors in this neighbourhood, development of additional seniors' residences may be required. - The commercial strip along 97 Street provides various goods and services. Additional commercial outlets located along 127 Avenue off 97 Street as well as a small local shopping area located near the centre of the neighbourhood. The latter is quiet and physically dilapidated. - Recreational opportunities provided by a large park (ball diamonds, soccer fields and tennis courts) which also accommodates the Grand Trunk Leisure Centre. This Centre provides many athletic facilities including an indoor pool and arena. - Seven religious institutions here including the Serbian Orthodox Church, Spoken Word Assembly Church, Rosslyn Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, St. Emerlc Parish, First United Pentecostal Church, Canadian Islamic Centre as well as the Edmonton Gospel Academy, located in the vacant school, which also houses an after-school program. - Social services provided by the Edmonton North District Office (13415 Fort Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Castledowns Community and Family Centre (#124, 15277 - 113A Street) of the City's Community and Fa!llilY Services Department. - Primary Health Care facilities provided by Castledowns Health Centre (#34, 15333 Castledowns Road) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Continuing decline in school enrollment may eventually cause the elementary school to close, forcing children to walk to adjacent neighbourhood schools, causing traffic safety concerns. - Large proportion of seniors here but few residential facilities for them. - Higher than average demand for programs and services for single parent families. Additional programs may be needed. - Sidewalks in poor condition, could present safety hazards.

Future Plans - 1991 roadway reconstruction and resurfacing planned for 97 Street between 128 Avenue and 132 Avenue.











- A physically and demographically mature neighbourhood with above average social stability. - Less than average number of preschoolers Indicates school will continue to operate at low enrollment levels or may be forced to close if demographic rejuvenation (young families with children moving here) does not occur. Some current redevelopment may also help to affect this change. - Higher than average proportion of seniors and lone parent families suggests thatfacilitles and programs for these groups should be assessed, planned and developed. - Local sldewalks require repairs and upgrading. - Roadway construction on 97 Street may cause traffic noise and inconvenience for some residents.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Lauderdale Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

- A mature, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 87 Avenue to the north, the North Saskatchewan River Valley to the east, Laurier Drive to the south and 149 Street to the west. - Initial residential developments In the 1950's and most completed by the 1960's. - Adjacent residential communities: Parkview to the north and Lynnwood to the west. - Served by the Westmount Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 2,506, 1.3% increase since 1986. This modest gain contrasts sharply with a decline of 18% between 1983 and 1986. Current population level may represent stabilization at usual level. - Residents under 20 years of age 21 .8%, tower than the City's 27.2% average. Reflects lower than average rate of utmzatton of community facilities. - Noticeably higher proportion of residents between 45 and 64 (Laurier Heights' 27.3% vs. Edmonton's 17.4%), indicating a demographically mature community. - Seniors 19.9% in Laurier Heights, compared to 8.9% in Edmonton. Reflects location of a senior citizen's home here. May also Indicate long time residents of the neighbourhood who are seniors now but prefer to live here due to established social networks and availability or easy access to services and facilities for the elderly. - Singles 35.6% (vs. Edmonton's 47.1%) and married persons 51.9% (vs. City's 40.5%). Clearly reflects a community where family-oriented social and recreational programs in demand. - Lone-parent families 8.67%, marginally lower than 9.6% for Edmonton. No special need for programs and services for single parent famllles. - Compared to Edmonton's 40.7%, a lower proportion of neighbourhood residenfs (35.7%) employed In 1989. - Higher proportions of homemakers (Laurler Heights' 12% vs.Edmonton's 7.4%) and retired persons (the neighbourhood's 19.0% vs. the City's 9.8%). - Unemployed only 1.2% (City's average 4.3%) when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. City's current (March, 1990) jobless rate of 8.1% indicative of a somewhat higher unemployment rate of the neighbourhood.

August 1990










- Average neighbourhood household Income $75,041 in 1986, compared to $41,681 tor Edmonton. Reflects an affluent community. - 75.7% neighbourhood residents lived at same address for a minimum of three years, compared to 54.0% tor the City. - Homeowners 96.1% and renters 3.4% in Laurier Heights, compared to 46.8% and 48.4% respectively for the City. Tenure and length of stay characteristics Indicative of a high level of social stability. - Laurler Heights a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.


- Edmonton Transit provides regular public transportation service by Route No. 12 connecting West Jasper Place Transit Centre to Capilano Transit Centre through the neighbourhood and via Downtown. - Most local roads and sldewalks In reasonably good condition. Regular maintenance necessary.

Public Facilities

Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 89.5% ot the neighbourhood area. All single detached homes e.xcept Canterbury Court, a senior citizens' lodge development with 145 units. All homes are between 25 to 35 years of age and well maintained. Mature trees and beautifully landscaped yards make Lauri er Heights an attractive neighbourhood. Neighbourhood income level Indicative of the fact that regular maintenance of properties no economic constraints here. - Institutional uses 1.6% of the area. Include the sites of two churches, the community league and the public elementary-junior high school. - Commercial uses 1.0% of land area. Confined to two locations - the extreme northwest (professional and business offices) and the north· central area (a neighbourhood convenience commercial faclllty with a few retail shops and service outlets). - Parks and open spaces 7.8% of the area. Includes the neighbourhood park, nine smaller, landscaped open-spaces and the Valley Zoo, a Citywide facility.



Major Issues

- Bounded by two arterlals - 149 Street (west) and 87 Avenue (north). Average annual weekday traffic volumes 25,000 and 20,000 on 149 Street and 87 Avenue respectively. 142 Street, (north of 87 Avenue), carries approximately 15,000 automobiles While Whitemud Drive (Quesnell Bridge section) to the southwest below the escarpment carries 80,800 vehicles on our average weekday. Homes near 149 Street and 87 Avenue exposed to some traffic noise. Much higher elevation of southwestern section of neighbourhood In relation to Whltemud Drive works as a natural noise attenuation barrier.



Laurier Heights Public Elementary.Junior High only academic institution here. Currently operating at 85.8% level of Its capacity of 625 students. Neighbourhood students and pre-schoolers as well as pupils from the wider catchment area capable to keep the facility operating at high level in the foreseeable future. Laurier Heights Community League (143 Street/85 Ave·nue) has a meeting hall, ice-skating rink, landscaped areas, tennis courts and an equipped childrens' playing area. Organizes sports, social and recreational activities locally. Canterbury Court, a senior citizen's lodge with 145 units operates In almost full capacity. Wide variety of social and recreational facilities for residents. Also, emergency nursing services available. Valley Zoo, a City-wide recreational-educational facility located here. No specialized accommodation for the handicapped or community housing here. Social services available through the Westmount Office (11016·127 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Westmount Centre (#400, 12323 Stony Plain Road) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. Primary health care facilities provided by the West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.


- One-fifth of neighbourhood residents senior citizens. The number of elderly growing steadily. Additional programs and services for the elderly becoming necessary. - A few residents living In the eastern sector concerned a bout animal control (safety and health hazards) In the adjacent Valley Zoo. Oppose any plans for future expansion of this facility. Residents near 149 Street and 87 Avenue exposed to higher levels of traffic noise. Residential satisfaction levels lower at these margins.








Future Plans - No area redevelopment plan to be developed for Laurier Heights in the foreseeable future. As neighbourhood Income level substantially higher than the City's average, personal property maintenance no problem here. Maintenance of hard services on a regular basis adequate for the area. - No transportation Improvement plans Identified for the area during the next five years.

Conclusion - A physically and demographically mature neighbourhood with a high level of social stability. - Seniors one-fifth of community residents. Many more are approaching this age group. Additional fac.ilities and services for the elderly needed. - Many seniors living in single detached homes. Maintenance of properties gradually becoming difficult for them with age. Provision of alternative accommodation could encourage them to sell their properties. Could attract younger families, some with children, Increasing population level of the neighbourhood as well as utilization level of community resources.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1989. 1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1989. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Laurier Heights Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

- A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 38 Avenue to the north, 66 Street to the east, 34 Avenue to the south and Millwoods Road to the west. - Most residential developments during the 1970's. - Adjacent residential communities: Tweddle Place/Michael's Park to the north, Hillview to the east, Kameyosek to the south and Richfield to the west. - Served by the Millwoods Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 3,146, a 0.8% decrease from 1986. Indicates a stabilization of the neighbourhood's population level. - 36.6% resi dents under 20 years of age, higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. Suggests a high demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. - 3.9% seniors here, less than the City's 8.9%. Below average demand for services and resources for older persons. - 50.0% singles and 41.3% married, both slightly higher than Edmonton's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. - Lone parent families 19.6%, higher than the City's 13.2%. High demand for special support services for single parents. - 38.9% residents employed full-time, slightly less than Edmonton's 40.7%. - 3.1% residents unemployed vs. the City average of 4.3% when the 1986 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) jobless rate of 7.5% implies level may have risen somewhat in Lee Ridg,e as well. - Retired persons 4.2%, less than half of Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects a comparatively lower number of seniors residing here. - $37,116 average annual family income, somewhat less than the City's $41,681. May be influenced by above average proportion of single parents who often earn less than average income. - 53.8% residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, similar to Edmonton's 54.0%. - 60.7% homeowners (vs. City's 46.8%) and 37.7% renters (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure may indicate a growing level of social stability here. - Lee Ridge is part of the Leefield District which participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

April 1990









Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 70.9% of area. 85.0% single family homes, 13.2% row housing (including three community housing projects) and 0.5% tow rise apartments. Most properties well maintained and landscaped however, a few are poorly maintained and some require landscaping. A trailer park to the southwest detracts from neighbourhood appeal. - 11.7% commercial uses here. Includes a major shopping centre In the northwest sector and a smaller neighbourhood shopping facility in the west central sector. - Institutional uses 6.0%, represents an elementary school and a health centre. - Parks and open spaces 11.3%. Includes a large neighbourhood park to the north of the school and several walkways/bikeways throughout the neighbourhood.

- No residential facilities serving seniors or handicapped persons here. - Millbourne Mall, a major shopping facility located here, provides a wide variety of commercial opportunities. As well, Lee Ridge Shopping Centre, a neighbourhood convenience facility, located along Mlllwoods Road. Incorporates a day care, hair salon, drugstore, gas station, convenience store, bank and professional medical services. - Social services provided by Millwoods Community and Family Centre (#214, Town Centre, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and Mlllwoods Office (2849 Millwoods Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Millbourne Health Centre located at 7525 - 38 Avenue. Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed, active treatment facility, located nearby.

Major Issues Transportation - Bounded by two arterials, 66 Street and 34 Avenue. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 22,500 and 14,000 respectively. Mlllwoods Road and 38 Avenue are residential collectors. No noise attenuation barriers along roads forming the neighbourhood boundaries. - Local roads have rough sections, some repairs required. Sidewalks in good condition. - Regular transit service provided via routes 65, 67, 69, 76, 82 and 83 and peak hour service on routes 165, 167 and 176. Residents living in the southeast corner of neighbourhood quite distant from nearest bus route.

- Large proportion of young persons Indicates a high demand for facilities and programs for children and teens. - High percentage of lone parent families suggests special support services are required here. - Residents in southeast corner of the neighbourhood may not have convenient access to public transportation given distance to the nearest bus route. - A noise attenuation barrier may be needed along 66 Street, which has a high traffic volume. - Local roads require some repairs due to rough and uneven sections. - High traffic volumes near mall and traffic shortcutting on Mlllbourne Road East reduce residential satisfaction here.

Public Facilities - Lee Ridge Public Elementary School currently operating at 74% of its capacity of 525. Enrollments likely to remain steady in the near future due to stable numbers of young children. Portables on site. A well-appointed play area, soccer fields and ball diamond on property, no fence. - Leefield Community League, located in Richfield serves neighbourhood residents. - Additional recreational opportunities provided by Millwoods Leisure Centre and Millwoods Golf Course. - Three community housing projects here: Lee Ridge I has 53 townhouse units, Lee Ridge II has 32 townhouse units, and Lee Ridge Ill has 61 such units. All operating to near capacity.



Future Plans - No major transportation or development plans for the near future.

Conclusion - A physically contemporary and demographically young neighbourhood with above average social stability.




- Assessment of exJsting facilities for young persons and single parents should be undertaken to determine if the needs of these groups are being met. Any required services should be implemented. - Adequacy of transit services should be evaluated to determine if residents are satisfied with existing routes. - Noise attenuation barriers and road repairs in some areas may improve residential satisfaction here. Traffic shortcutting through the neighbourhood should be discouraged through effective traffic control measures.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey¡ of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Lee Ridge Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

SeptembÂŤ 1990







1990-1994, The City of Edmonton



Introduction - A mature, suburban neighbourhood In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Boundaries are 60 Avenue to the north, 111 Street to the east, 51 Avenue to the south and 115 Street to the west. - Most residential developments took place between 1957 and 1967. - Surrounded by residential neighbourhoods of similar nature on three sides - Parkallen to the north, Pleasantview to the east and Malmo Plains to the south. The University of Alberta Farm is to the west. - Served by the Plea~antview Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - Total population 2,078 in 1986 - a 5.3% decline since 1983. - Lower neighbourhood proportion of residents under 20 years of age (Lendrum Place 19.9% vs Edmonton's 27.5%). Total population of neighbourhood and proportion of residents under 20 years indicate that the neighbourhood !has attained maximum population level and first generation of young children have now grown up and some of them have left parents' homes. - Seniors 15.4% as compared to the City's average of 7.9%. Neighbourhood share of the elderly reflects presence In this neighbourhood of a senior citizen's lodge and the central location of Lendrum Place in relation to the facilities and amenities desired by the elderly (i.e. easy access to retail shopping, me<lical care, banking and public transportation). - Married persons 50.2% and singles 40.7% (Edmonton's share 41.3% and 47.5% respectively). Indicates higher demand for social and recreational programs for married residents. - Lone-parent families 9.65%, comparable to Edmonton's 9.58%. Indicates average demand for programs and services for lone-parent families. - Residents employed full-time 38.3% (City's average 40.3%) in 1986. Unemployed 1.8% as compared to 5.6% for Edmonton in 1986. Current unemployment rate for the City 9.6%. (February, 1989) indicates a neighbourhood jobless rate somewhat higher than the 1986 figure. - Post secondary students 9.5% compared to the City's average of 5.6%. Reflects availability of affordable rental accommodation and access to direct bus routes to the University of Alberta and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. - Average family income In Census Tract 003 which includes Lendrum and Malmo Plains is $47,547 in 1986 in comparison to Edmonton's $41,681. - High level of social stability in this neighbourhood as 73.7% residents lived here for at least 3 years (City's average 56.1%) and 76.6% residents are home owners (City's average 45%).







- Reported crlmlnal activities declined by 17.7% between 1987 and 1988 as compared to an increase of 5.21% for Edmonton. During the same period, there was a slight Increase In person and property related Incidents. The Neighbourhood Watch program Is In effect here. Overall, local residents enjoy a sense of safety and security.

Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses 47% of the gross area of the neighbourhood. Single detached homes 75.67% and walk-up apartments 24.33% of avallable housing here. Most homes are well-maintained and In good condition. Location of walk-up apartments at the entrances to the neighbourhood discourages movement of additional traffic through family-oriented sub-areas. - Institutional uses 9% of the neighbourhood area. Includes three schools, the community hall, three churches and a senior citizens lodge. - Public utfllty occupies 1% of the area. Includes the Edmonton Telephones network switching facllfty at 60 Avenue and 113A Street. - Two commercfal sites at the northeast corner of Lendrum Place occupy 3% of the area. An assortment of retail shopping and services (including an office of the Motor Vehicles Division of Alberta Solicitor General) are located here. - Parks and open spaces 4% of the area. Includes the centrally located neighbourhood park and two smaller landscaped open spaces.

Transportation - 51 Avenue to the south and 111 Street to the east are busy arterials with an average weekday traffic volume of 13,700 and 33,000 vehicles respectively. Volume of traffic on 61 Avenue to the northeast is also high (26,000 vehicles). Heavy volumes of traffic create noise problems for residents living near the southwestern and southern edges of the neighbourhood. Residents living very close to 51 Avenue and students attending St. Martin Cathollc Elementary Schoof are often exposed to traffic safety hazards as some external motorists speed along this wide, straight segment of 51 Avenue. - 111 Street Is a regular truck route while movement of trucks along 61 Avenue Is allowed between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. only. Movement of trucks along these roads does not create any additional safety or noise problems. - Regular hour pubilc transportation provided by bus route No. 24 running through the neighbourhood. Neighbourhood residents have access to as many as sixteen additional bus routes from the Southgate Transit Centre at 111 Street and 51 Avenue. In consideration of Its location, Income pattern and the level of public transit service already avallable, It appears that no addltional bus service is needed In Lendrum Place. - Local roads In good condition. Only regular maintenance will be performed as needed.




Public Facilities - Three schools located In Lendrum Place. With 132 students, Lendrum Public Elementary School Is currently operating at 40.6% of Its capacity of 325 pupils. St. Martin Catholic Elementary School has a current student strength of 207 and Is functioning at 59.2% level of a capacity of 350 students. Avalon Public Junior High School, with a current enrollment of 552 students Is operating beyond its full capacity of 540 pupils. Lower proportion of pre-schoolers and grade--school students (due to demographic maturity of the neighbourhood) may cause the elementary school enrollments to declfne further causing further underutilization of these community resources. Enrollment at Avalon Public Junior High School Is expected to remain strong in the foreseeable future as this Institution has a larger catchment area. - Lendrum Place Community League (11335 - 57 Avenue) organizes sports and recreational activities for area residents. Facflltfes include a meeting hall, slfdlng hill, ice-skating rink and a children's playing area. Facilitfes at the adjacent neighbourhood park and school grounds (soccer fields, baseball diamonds) are also utilized. - Central Park Lodge (5905 - 112 Street) offers specialized accommodation and care for the elderly. With all 134 units almost always being full, there may be a need for an additional facfllty in this general area. - No community housing or handicapped housing In Lendrum Place. - Cross of Christ Lutheran Church of the Deaf (115 Street ancs 60 Avenue), Mennonite Brethren Church (112 Street and 59 Avenue) and St. John's Anglican Church (111 Street and 55 Avenue) offer rellglous services. - The Whyte Avenue Office of Alberta Soclal Services (10454 - 82 Avenue) and the Pleasantview Centre of Edmonton Social Services (11044 - 51 Avenue) serve residents of this general area. - Primary health services avallable through the Duggan Health Centre of Edmonton Board of Health (5035 - 108A Street).

Major Issues - Gradually declining enrollments at the two local elementary schools and a smaller than average proportion of pre-schoolers In the neighbourhood may create problems related to schools' future viability. - As motorists approach Lendrum Place Shopping Centre from the south, absence of an advance phase traffic signal at 111 Street and 57 Avenue Intersection create safety hazards and delays tor motorists attempting to take a left turn at this point. - Unpleasant odours from the University of Alberta farm to the west occasionally blow over this community, reducing the quality of residential environment in this general area. - Traffic safety along 51 Avenue Is a concern as external motorists speed along this straight segment of a busy arterial.






Future Plans

Conclusion - A socially stable and demographically mature residential community. - A very high proportion of elderly may need additional programs and services. - Consideration should be given to Introduce effective traffic management mechanism including Installation of an advance phase light for northbound traffic desiring left turn at 111 Street and 57 Avenue. • The special needs of a growing number of elderly residents should be assessed and appropriate programs and services developed. - Introduction of new programs for children and young adults may attract young families with children, and rejuvenate declining school enrollments as well as the neighbourhood population level.


5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census Canada 1986. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1988 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 Lendrum Place Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

- A suburban neighbourhood of Castle Downs In the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Boundaries defined by Castle Downs Road to the west and north, 97 Street to the east and Beaumaris Road/160 Avenue to the south. - Initial residential developments took place following adoption of the Castle Downs Outline Plan in 1971. - Surrounded by the neighbourhoods of Baturyn to the north, Dunluce to the west and Beaumaris to the south. Eaux Clalres, a developing community of the Lake District is to the east of Lorelei. - Served by the Castle Downs Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 4,931 persons, an increase of 286 since 1983. Population level and growth trend indicates a growing community with future viability and continued operation of community resources. - Residents under 20 years of age 36.5%, significantly higher than the City's average of 27.2%. Indicates a demographically young community where facilities and programs for children are In high demand. - Seniors only 3.5%, much lower than 8.9% for the City. Reflects a low demand for programs and services for the elderly in this young community. - Singles 49.3% (City's average 47.1%) and married persons 43.8% (City's average 40.5%). Indicates demand for average community-based social and recreational activities. - Comparatively higher proportion of lone-parent families (Lorelel's 12.5% vs. Edmonton's 9.6%) In 1986. - Full-time employed persons 41.1%, compared to the average of 40.7% for Edmonton In 1989. - Unemployed 2.1% in 1989, lower than Edmonton's average of 4.3%. Edmonton's September, 1989 unemployment rate of 80% probably indicates a somewhat higher proportion of jobless rate for this community as well. - Average neighbourhood famlly-lncome In 1986 was $39,166, somewhat lower than $41,681 in Edmonton. - Higher proportion of people who have resided here for at least three years (Lorelei 60%, Edmonton 54%) Indicates growing social stability in this new community.

May 1989




- Based on the survey results of the Southwest Planning District, which includes Lendrum Place, a District Planning Study Is expected to be available In the future. - The University of Alberta Is considering development of the adjacent experimental farmlands for single family housing. While this may eliminate the unpleasant odour Issue, it may create additional traffic along the edges of Lendrum Place Increasing the traffic noise and safety problems. - The City of Edmonton will upgrade the Southgate Transit Centre In 1990.

1. 2. 3. 4.







- 60.3% residential units owner-occupied and 38.1% tenant-Inhabited. Proportion of owner-occupied units may experience limited growth with further development of single-detached homes on the remaining vacant properties. - Recorded a sharp increase (89% In Lorelei vs. 5.21% increase in Edmonton) of criminal activities in 1988 over the previous year. Traffic-related incidents Increased slgnHlcantly while person and property-related crimes remained stable. Traffic-safety on local streets Is a problem. • Community participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential properties 70% of the land area. Single family homes (attached and detached) 60.8% of available accommodation. Multiple family units (mostly row-housing) 32.6% and apartments 6.6% of housing stock. Most homes are well-maintained. - Two neighbourhood convenience commercial facilities (109 Street/Castle Downs Road and 164 Avenue/103 Street) 1.9% of the neighbourhood area. - Institutional uses (two schools and the community league building) approximately 5% of land area. - Recreational open spaces, Including school grounds approximately 17.1% of total area.



Public Facilities - Lorelei Public and Bishop Savaryn Separate Elementary Schools located here. The former operating at 41% over Its full capacity of 450 students (1988 enrollment 635). The latter operating at 94% of its capacity of 475 pupils (1988 enrollment 445). Higher proportion of pre-schoolers (Lorelei's 10.7% vs. Edmonton's 6.7%) means strong enrollment levels of the local school in future. May need additional portable classrooms. Accommodates students from adjacent Beaumaris. - Lorelei Community League organizes sports and social events here. Also serves residents of adjacent Beaumaris. Utilizes its own hall, outdoor skating rink, soccer fields, baseball diamonds and landscaped areas. - Two neighbourhood convenience commercial facilities (Castle Downs Road/ 109 Street and 164 Avenue/103 Street) located here. Meet daily shopping and service needs including food, medical, dental, daycare, automotive, veterinarian, salon for local residents. - Lorelei I, II, IV, V and VI are community housing projects with a total of 95 units. Average 97% occupancy rate reflects a need for such housing. However, location of five such projects In Lorelei and City's equal distribution policy of such projects may be indicatiive of no additional projects in future. - The Westmount Office (12308 - 113A Street) of Alberta Social Services and the Castle Downs Centre (#124, 15277 • 113A Street) provides various social services. Primary. health care provided by the Castle Downs Health Centre (#34, 15333 Castle Downs Road) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Transportation - Beaumaris Road and 97 Street, two busy arterials with daily traffic volumes of 14,000 and 26,300 bound Lorelei. Traffic volumes along 97 Street may go higher In future with new developments in Lago Lindo and Elsinore. - 97 Street Is a Dangerous Goods Route and a 24-hour truck route. - Local roads and walkWays In good condition - 167 Avenue (continuation of Castle Downs Road east of 97 Street) between 91 and 97 Streets to be Improved in 1991. Will assist easy flow of traffic eastward. - Public transportation provided by Edmonton Transit with bus routes 29, 30, 87, 88, 187 and 188 operating through and around the margins of the neighbourhood connecting the downtown, Castle Downs and Belvedere Transit Centres. The level of service and both regular and peak-hour operations indicate provision of an essential service at adequate level.

Major Issues - Concentration of public housing projects and the level of maintenance of a few of these projects create a low level of satisfaction among local residents. - Traffic safety on local streets Is a problem. - Homes near 97 Street and Beaumaris Road exposed ·t o traffic noise. - On-street parking near multiple-family projects is a problem. Create competition for parking, traffic congestion and traffic-safety hazards In front of multiple-family housing projects.

Future Plans - Housing developments on remaining vacant lots may contribute to limited Increase in the population level.







- Planned redevelopment of 163 Avenue east of Lorelei may increase traffic volumes on Castie Downs Road. Would facilitate traffic movement but may create noise problems for nearby residents.

Conclusion A physically contemporary suburban community with a young population structure. Facilities and services for young children and teens are In great demand. Family-oriented programs being utilized mostly by local residents. A need for additional police patrols to curb traffic offence and break-Ins.



Introduction - A contemporary suburban residential neighbourhood In the West Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Whltemud Drive to the north, 178 Street to the east, 69 Avenue to the south and 190 Street (R.D.A.) to the west. - Almost completely developed In the 1980's. Sporadic vacant parcels yet to be developed. - Neighbourhoods of similar characteristics nearby-Aldergrove to the north, Callingwood North to the east and Ormsby Place to the south. - Served by the Jasper Place Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1~& •


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Lorelei Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.


City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

October 1919




- 1989 population 4,912, approximately 22% higher than the 1986 figure. Reflects new housing developments and their occupancy here. Population level to experience limited Increase with development of remaining vacant properties. - Residents under 20 years of age 35.8%, significantly higher than 27.2% average for the City. Reflects a demographically young community where programs and services for young children and teenagers In high demand. - Residents of the 25-44 years age group 46.4%, substantially higher than 36.5% for the City. Indicates a higher-than-average demand for social and recreational facilities for this age group. • Seniors only 2.0% of neighbourhood population, appreciably lower than 8.9% average for Edmonton. - Married persons 45.3%, somewhat higher than 40.5% tor the City. Singles 46.7% in Lymbum, comparable to Edmonton's 47.1%. Marital status and age composition reflective of a family-oriented community. - L~ne parent families 12.49%, as opposed to 9.6% for the City. Shows higher-than-average demand for services for single parent families. - Compared to Edmonton, a higher proportion of residents employed fulltime, the figures being 40.7% and 45.6% respectively. Neighbourhoods unemployment rate 2.3% In 1989, compared to 4.3% for Edmonton. Edmonton's current (January, 1990) jobless rate of 8.4% suggests a higher Jobless rate for the neighbourhood. - In spite of the neighbourhoods higher employment rate and lower jobless rate, its average family income $41,134, somewhat lower than Edmonton's average of $41,681. Indicative of less-than-average income capabilities of local residents. Average family income figure also influenced by the single parent famllles, who usually earn much less than average.






- 35.8% residents lived In this community for at least three years, as opposed to 54% for Edmonton. Renters 28.1% (vs. Edmonton's 48.4%) and homeowners 69.6% (vs. the City's 46.8%). Considering Lymburn a new neighbourhood and still developing, the length of stay and tenure characteristics Indicative of a reasonably good level of social stability. Social stability llkely to grow higher with age and as more neighbourhood residents engage In social Interactions. - A member community of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.



Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 86.1% of the land area. Single detached homes approximately 30% of all housing. Row housing and apartment units 56% and 16% respectively. With new developments, especially single detached homes, the proportions will change. Most homes are well maintained. - Only one commercial site (1.41% of the area) in Lymburn. Provides retail shopping and service opportunities to both local residents and commuters. - lnstttutlonal uses 2.2% of the area. Includes the two school sites. - Parks and open spaces 10.37 of the area. Includes the sites of the Monsignor Walter Fitzgerald Park and a yet to be developed neighbourhood park.




Callingwood-Lymburn Community League (1n4o-69 Avenue) serves this general area and organizes local sports and recreational events. Grounds of the local schools also provide sports and recreational opportunities. A twin ice-skating arena (69 Avenue and 178 Street) and a sports and recreational complex developed by the YMCA In the adjacent Callingwood North neighbourhood provide addltlonal recreational opportunities. A community housing project (Lymburn I at 180 street and 76 ~venue) with 48 townhouse units located here. Operating In lull capacity. No additional community housing may be built here as the neighbourhood has already been built up completely. No specialized accommodation for seniors or handicapped persons here. The South West Edmonton Whltemud Neighbourhood Association (SWEWNA), a local residents' organization, promotes com!"unity development in the area. Neighbourhoods located south of Whltemud Drive and west of 170 Street belong to this organization. social services available through the Centennial Mall Office (170 Street and stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Jasper Place Centre (15626 - 100A Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Family Services. Primary health care services and related counselling through the West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Transportation - Three arterlals, Whltemud Drive, 178 Street and 69 Avenue bound Lymburn. Traffic volumes 7,000 and 27,400 vehicles (1988 average annual weekday) on Whltemud Drive and 178 Street respectively. - Whltemud Drive also a regular truck route, but creates no significant noise problem for nearby residents as the roadway designed depressed bordering the neighbourhood. - Local roads and sldewalks In good condition. Regular maintenance necessary. - Both regular and peak-hour public transit faciltties through the neighbourhood available (Bus route nos. 124, 125, 127 and 130).

Public Faclllties

- Traffic noise and safety hazards for young children along 76 Avenue is a concern to local residents. Traffic congestion along this collector at 178 Street during rush hour ls also another concern to Lymbum residen~. Residents living close to 178 street are especially concerned about high traffic noise levels. - on-street car parking near townhouses and apartments (especially on 180 street) create congestion and reduces the appeal of the neighbourhood. - Higher proportion of lone-parent famllles creates demand for specialized services and programs.

Future Plans

- Two schools located here. Both St. Martha Separate Elementary and Lymburn Public Elementary Schools operating at 114% and 115% level of their respective capacities. Portable classrooms on each site. Additional portable classrooms may be necessary to accommodate any future housing developments In this area.


Major Issues


- No physical Improvement plan for the neighbourhood except the existing Neighbourhood Structure Plan for Lymburn. - vacant parcels in the northwest to be developed In the future,lncreaslng population level of the neighbourhood and demands for community facilities.







Neighbourhood Profile - Lynnwood

11~·· a"ll-

• - Noise abatement structures along both sides of 178 Street between 7fi Avenue and Whitemud Drive to be constructed in 1992. Upon construction, nearby residents would benefitfrom the resultant lower traffic noise levels. - Future development of a neighbourhood park will Increase recreational opportunities.


87 Avenue


Conclusion - A developing residential community- with a very high population of young residents. High demand for programs and services for young residents. - Higher proportion of single parent families creates demands for specialized programs and services. - Future development of remaining vacant parcels will Increase neighbourhoods' population level and place additional pressures on neighbourhood amenities. New and additional social and recreational programs for children and teenagers needed here.

References Wblttmud Drive


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1988 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


West District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Lymburn Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.


City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.



1989-1993, The City of Edmonton

s No: 10Scalc

Highlights Lynnwood is a family-oriented residential neighbourhood in the western sector of Edmonton. Lynnwood: • is experiencing a gradual lowering of population level since 19&6; • has a very high proponion of high-rise apartment units compared to the City average; • has an average family income below the City average; and • has a higher than average proportion of immigrants residing in this neighbourhood.

February 1990



..... -

Neighbourh ood Profile - Lynnwood


Social Characteristics

Physical Ch aracteris tics

• The 1992 population ofLynnwood was approximalely 3,200 or a decrease of about 6% from 1986. This is a continuation of a downward trend in population experienced since 1983. Children under 20 years of age represented a comparatively smaller proportion in Lynn wood than the City as a whole (23% vs. 27% for the City). • The proportion of seniors in the age group 65 and over is 17%, compared to 9% for the City. The share of seniors increased sharply from about 10% of the neighbourhood's population in 1986, indicating a growing demand for programs and services for the elderly.














Residential land uses cover 86% of the neighbourhood's total area. The majority of housing is single detached, while another sizeable proportion is composed of high-rise apanment units. Some duplex and low-rise apanment units are also available here. The following charts illustrate the residential land uses by housing categories. Most homes were built during the 1950's and are in reasonably good condition.

Aw.,llCl•FwNly l-







Neighbourhood Profile - Lynnwood

30 20 10

Residency br

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Institutional land uses (two schools and the Community League) make up about 9% of the total area. Parks and open spaces account for about4% of the area. Lynnwood Park and Lynnwood Athletic Field account for this land use category. Commercial land uses are limited and cover approximately I% of the area. and include one small shopping plaza at the northwest comer of the neighbourhood.

The proportion of single individuals in Lynnwood is low in comparison to lhe City average (40% vs. 47%). On the other hand, the share of married persons living here is higher as compared to the average for Edmonton (45% vs. 40%). In 1986, approximately 17% of Lynn wood families were single-parent families, higher than the City average of 15%. The average family income of Lynnwood was lower than that experienced across the City in 1986 (Lynn wood $39,068 compared to Edmonton's $41,681). High proportions of single-parent families and seniors who usually earn less than average income partially accounts for this income panem of Lynnwood. The tenure pattern in Lynn wood (44% renters and 50% homeowners) is very similar to the City's. Bul the proportion of residents who have lived here for at least five years is markedly higher than the Cily itaverage (50% vs. 41%), indicating a good level of social stability in Lynnwood. Lynnwood has a higher than average share of immigrants. The proportion of residents with British (Lynn wood's 30% vs. City's 23%) and Jewish (Lynnwood's 2% vs. City's 0.5%) ethnicity weregrealer than their respective City averages. Revised Oeiober 1993

Transportation Four busy arterials surround this neighbourhood. The average weekday traffic volumes in 1992 were 13.200on 156Street; 197,700on 87 Avenue; 24,100 on 149 Street and 70,400on Whitemud Drive. WhitemudDrive is aregulartruckrouteas well as a dangerous goods route. Edmonton Transit provides public transportation with regular as well as peak-hour routes (Nos. 12, 16, 116 and 139). Meadowlark Park Transit Centre is located in the immediate vicirtity. Local residents have access to several other bus routes connecting other sectors of the City from the Meadowlark Park Transit Centre.

(Noa, 12. t6.116&. l39)

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A bicycle route exists along 87 Avenue between 149 and 156 Streets through service roads.

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Revised Oeiober 1993


Neighbourhood Profile - Lynnwood

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Neighbourhood Profile - Lynnwood



Public Facilities

Neighbourhood Issues (cont'd)

Two schools are located in Lynnwood. Lynnwood Public Elementary School (15451 - 84 Avenue). in the Winter of 1992 had an enroUment of363 and was functioning at 69% of its capacity. Our Lady of Victories Separate Elementary School (7925 - 158 Street), with an enrollment of 191 students, was operating at 64% level at the same period. The number of young children in Lynnwood will ensure theviabilityofthesecommunityresources in the foreseeable future.

Some local residents feel that beuer communication and interaction between the tenants of the While Hall Square and the remaining community members could increase the level of mutual understanding and appreciation for each other. These are issues which the writer (in discussion with some community memberS/organizations) understood co be important in the neighbourhood al the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker at Jasper PlaceCentre of Community and Family Services a.t 428-5908.

Lynnwood Community League (15525 - 84 Avenue) is active in organizing sports and social events here. A wide range of sports programs as well as dance and exercise programs are available here. Child care services are provided by two operations of Love a Lot Day Care Centre (101, 15407 - 84 Avenue and 107, 15412- 84 Avenue), Love a Lot Out of School Care (107, 15412 - 84 Avenue) and White Hall Day Care (Rooms 1 & 2, 15451 - 84 Avenue).

Lynn wood is an older. stable residential neighbourhood. The existence of well maintained homes and its demographic structure indicate this to bea viable residential community in the years ahead. Younger children living here give an optimistic pic ture a bout the continued viability of neighbourhood facilities.

Public facilities outside but serving the area include: WeSt Division Police Station ( 10121 - 151 Street) West Edmonton Mall Police Station (8770 - 170 Street) Fire Station No. 12 (9010 - 156 Street) Misericordia Hospital (16940 - 87 Avenue) West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) Old Jasper Place Outreach Oinic (15626 - IOOA Avenue)

The number of seniors is increasing in Lynnwood. Consideration may be given lo introduce some programs and services fonhe elder!y.

• The neighbourhood is served by the Jasper Place Centre of Community and Family Services (I 0030 167 Street) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance.

Neighbourhood Issues Overall, there is a concern for the lack of social and recreational programs for seniors living in Lynnwood. Because Lynn wood has a large and growing proportion of seniors, consideration may be directed to introduce programs addressing their needs. Some community members are concerned about the high speed of traffic coming off the 159 Street exit ofWhitemud Drive. These fast moving vehicles pose safety hazards 10 both young children and seniors.

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Th e Future

Revi>Cd Ocwbcr 1993

References • Ciry of Edmonton Civic Census - 1992 • Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Ride Guide: Fall and Winter 1993/94, Edmonton Transit System • 1992 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Departmem Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A. City of Edmonton Transportation Depanmem Lynn wood Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City ofEdrnonton Planning and Development Department, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes. City of Edmonton Tran sponation Department. 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board. fal l 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992

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Revised Ocwber 1993


Neighbourhood Profile - Lynnwood



~ Introduction

References (Cont'd) Jasper Place Centte of COmmunity and Family Services Lynnwood Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Depamnent "Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in lbe City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, ralber than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes avai lable, the relevant 1991 data will be provided. on request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

If you have any other observalion regarding this Neighbourhood Profile, which you may /ilce to draw to our a11ention, please call 496-5818.

- A mature suburban neighbourhood in the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Defined by 51 Avenue on the north, 111 Street to the east, 122 Street to the west, and Whitemud Drive to the south. - Most residential development occurred between 1958 and 1976. - Surrounded by the neighbourhoods of Empire Park to the east, Royal Gardens to the south, and Lansdowne to the west. The University of Alberta farm and the neighbourhood of Lendrum Place are located to the north. - Served by the Pleasantview Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 3,406 persons, 148 (4.1%) less than in 1983. Declining population level should be viewed with caution as further loss may cause problems in sustaining existing neighbourhood facilities. - The neighbourhood's age structure is almost similar to 'that of the City as a whole. Residents under 20 years 29% (City's average 27.5%); young adults of 20-39 years 40.6% (vs. City's 42.1%); adults between 40¡64 years 25.6% compared to 22.5% for the City. Seniors made up 4.8% as opposed to City's 7.9% average. This demographic composition indicates that standard neighbourhood amenities could address most needs of the local residents. ¡ - Singles 41.2% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 54.1% of population compared to City's 41.3%. A high proportion of married residents may reflect the presence of the University of Alberta married students residential complex (Michener Park) here. - Very high proportion of post secondary students (25.1% vs. City's 5.6% average) reflects the presence of Michener Park of the University of Alberta. - Only 26.5% of local residents were employed full-time in 1986 (City's average 40.3%), and 1.4% (vs. City's 5.6% average) were unemployed. Edmonton's June, 1988 unemployment rate was 7.3% possibly suggesting a somewhat higher neighbourhood rate as well. The local employment rate also reflects a high proportion of full-time students here. - Average neighbourhood family Income in 1981 was $34,322. (Edmonton C.M.A.'s was $31 ,998). In spite of the fact that a very high proportion of local residents are full-time students who do not earn high wages, the average income pattern of the neighbourhood indicates that the average local families earn significantly higher wages than the average families of the Edmonton Census Metropolitan. - Proportion of local residents who have lived at the same address for at least three years 57.5% (City's average 56.1%).


Revised Ociober 1993







- Homeowners 51.4% of population (City's average 45%) and tenants 48.1%, almost equal to City's 48.4% average. Tenure and length of residency patterns Indicate a good level of social stability, especially in the area outside Michener Park. - Malmo Plains is a member of the Edmonton Police Department's Neighbourhood Watch Program, designed to prevent neighbourhood crime.

Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses occupy 62% of neighbourhood area. Majority of housing stock are single detached dwellings (52.2%), followed by rowhouslng (26.8%), and apartments (21%). Most rowhousing and apartment units belong to the Michener Park housing complex. - Most homes are reasonably well maintained but the rowhouses, located In the west sector - Michener Park, may require some rehabilitation. - Institutional uses total 5.7% of neighbourhood area. Includes Malmo Plains Public Elementary School, the University of Alberta Tennis Centre, Holy Spirit Lutheran and Mclaurin Baptist Churches. - There is no neighbourhood park in Malmo Plains. • No commercial developments are present In this neighbourhood.


Public Facilities - Malmo Public Elementary School (4716 - 115 Street) had 201 students enrolled In the 1987-88 school year. Despite operating at only 38.3% of its capacity of 525, enrollments appear to be on the increase now, and part of the school is leased to the Malmo School Day Care Society. - Malmo Plains Community League (11525- 48 Avenue) organizes sports and recreational programs for local residents. Makes use of its own meeting hall, ice rinks, tennis courts, and playground, as well as the neighbourhood school's soccer fields and ball diamonds. - Michener Park and the University of Alberta Tennis Centre are located in the west sector of this neighbourhood and belong to the University of Alberta. - Although no commercial facilities are located in t:his neighbourhood, Southgate Shopping Centre to the Immediate east and Lansdowne's neighbourhood convenience commercial facility to the west meet many local shopping and service needs. • Holy Spirit Lutheran Church (11223 - 51 Street) and Mclaurin Memorial Baptist Church (11107 - 51 Avenue) hold religious services in this neighbourhood. - Various social service needs are provided by the Whyte Avenue Office (10454 - 82 Avenue) of Alberta Social Services and Pleasantview Centre (11044 - 51 Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services. • Health services are provided by the Duggan Health Centre (5035 - 108A Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Transportation - Four busy arterlals bound this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes indicate 13,100 vehicles on 122 Street, 13,700 on 51 Avenue, 30,000 on 111 Street, and 34,600 on Whltemud Drive. - Whltemud Drive is a dangerous goods and truck route, and 111 Street is a regular truck route. - High volumes of traffic and speeding along the arterials create noise and safety problems for local residents. - Whitemud Drive is currently undergoing construction to become a major depressed roadway. Roadway paving and construction of noise abatement structures on 111 Street are scheduled for 1989. These developments will improve the flow of traffic along these busier arterials and reduce the level of traffic noise around this area. - Public transportation service Is provided by Edmonton Transit with bus routes connecting downtown, the University of Alberta, and other important areas of the City (local route nos. 24, 54, and 57). Connections to thirteen addltional bus routes are available from the Southgate Transit Centre, located to the immediate west of this neighbourhood at Southgate Shopping Centre.



Major Issues • Local residents are concerned about traffic noise and pedestrian safety as a result of the high volumes of traffic and speeding along the arterials. • Despite unpleasant odours that sometimes come fronn the University farm (located to the Immediate north of this neighbourhood) local residents prefer the farm to remain as It Is. (Source: Southwest District Survey of Residents, 1984).

Future Plans • The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department may produce a District Planning Study for the Southwest District. - Future road improvements along Whitemud Drive and 111 Street in 1988 and 1989 will smoothen the traffic flow around this neighbourhood, increasing residents' level of satisfaction.








Introduction Conclusion - A physically mature and demographically average neighbourhood. - Significantly higher proportion of married post-secondary students may indicate a need for programs and services designed for this group. Physical improvements of the row housing in Michener Park would improve the general aesthetic level in that sector of the neighbourhood.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census of Canada, 1981.


Census of Canada, Part I· Edmonton: Profile, 1986.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department.


1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department.


The City Edmonton Parks -and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southwest District Working Paper No.2: Existing Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.


Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department.


Malmo Plains Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

Summ« 1988



1988-1992, The City of Edmonton

• An older residential neighbourhood in the West Planning District of Edmonton, approximately 10 kilometres from the Downtown. • Boundaries are Mayfield Road to the west, 111 Avenue to the north, 156 Street to the east and 107 Avenue to the south. - Most residential developments In the 1950's. - Adjacent residential neighbourhoods slmllar In socio-demographic characteristics: High Park to the east and Britannia/Youngstown to the south. - Sheffield, West Sheffield and Youngstown Industrial Areas to the north and west respectively. • Served by the Jasper Place Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population totalled 2,355, a decline of 3.25% from 2,434 In 1986. Further population decllne should be viewed with caution as underutlllzatlon or closure of community faclllties may occur. • Neighbourhood resi dents' age structure very similar to the City's: 26.6% below the age of 20 (vs. Edmonton's 27.2%) and 9.9% senior citizens (vs. the City's 8.9%). Indicative of average demand for social and recreational programs and facilities. • Singles 40.9%, significantly lower than Edmonton's 47.1%. Married persons correspondingly higher: 48.5% Mayfield vs. 40.5% Edmonton. - Lone-parent families 11%, somewhat higher than Edmonton's 9.6%. Demonstrates a growing need for supportive services for single parents and their dependents. - Residents with full-time jobs 39.6% (City's average 40.7%) and unemployed 3.8% (Edmonton's average 4.3%). Edmonton's October, 1989 unemployment rate being 8.5%, it is likely that Mayfield's recent jobless rate has also gone up and may be close to the City's average. • Average family income $36,249 in 1986, somewhat tower than Edmonton's average of $41 ,681. Comparatively higher proportion of lone-parent famllles and seniors may partially account for the neighbourhood's lower income figure. • 70.3% residents lived here for at least 3 years (vs. 54% for Edmonton). Homeowners 76.3% and renters 22.3% (Edmonton's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively). Figures demonstrate a sound level of social stability. - Community's crime rate Increased by 8.5% between 1987 and 1988, compared to Edmonton's Increase of 5.21 %. Incidents in all categori es increased modestly. A foot patrol office of the Police Department operating out of the adjacent Britannia/Youngstown neighbourhood. Frequent visibility of police may discourage iaw-br·eakers and lower criminal activities.






Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 81.3% of the neighbourhood's area. Single detached and attached homes 97.2% and 2.1% of available accommodation respectively. Five walk-up apartments only 0.6% of the area. Most homes In fair to good condition. A few need renovations. - Commercial uses 2.6% of the area. Confined to two areas: northeast corner and the centre of the community. The central facility provides most local residents with daily necessities. - Institutional uses 9.0% of the area. Include the two schools, the community league and a church site. - Parks and open spaces 7.0% of land area. Includes the neighbourhood park, three other landscaped open spaces and the boulevard fronting onto 107 Avenue.

Transportation - Bounded by busy arterials on all sides. Average weekday traffic volumes 23,800 on Mayfield Road, 22,000 on 111 Avenue, 20,400 on 156 Street and 21,900 on 107 Avenue. - Mayfield Road/111 Avenue a 24-hour truck route and 107 Avenue a restricted truck route (movement allowed between 07:00 and 23:00 hours). Noise from moving traffic bothersome to residents along eastern and southern peripheries. R~idents near other margins protected by the noise attenuation barrier. - Local roads and sidewalks in reasonably good condition. Regular maintenance necessary. - Edmonton Transit buses run through the neighbourhood (Route No. 17) and along the peripheries (Route Nos. 3, 7 and 94). Appears to have a good level of public transit service.

Public Facilities



- The centrally-located neighbourhood park and three larger, landscaped open spaces distributed throughout the neighbourhood offer recreational opportunities. - Mayfield Community League located adjacent to the neighbourhood park. Combined facilities include a meeting hall, sliding hill, tennis-courts, landscaped areas, soccer fields and baseball diamonds. League arranges neighbourhood's social and recreational activities. - No specialized housing for seniors or handicapped here. - No community housing In Mayfield. - Nearby Centennial Village Mall and West Edmonton Mall provide a wide variety of retail shopping, service and entertainment needs. - St. Barnabas Anglican Church hold regular religious services in this neighbourhood. - Social services provided by the Jasper Place Centre (15626 - 1OOA Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Family Services and the Centennial Mall Office (170 Street/Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care available through the Woodcroft Health Centre (13420 114 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Traffic noise along the eastern and southern margins significantly reduce the local residents' satisfaction level. - Low enrolment level of ttie public elementary school a matter of concern. Stronger enrolment level necessary to avoid future closure of this facility. - Criminal incidents, especially property and person-related occurrences a concern. Reduced levels of safety and security lowers the quality of residential environment here. - Physical renovations of some older homes necessary, as it reduces the aesthetic quality of the area.

Future Plans

- Two elementary schools located In the neighbourhood. - Mayfield Public Elementary School with a total enrolment of 201 students (149 regular pupils and 52 special students in the development of late children program) functioning at 35.3% level of its capacity of 575 students. - Our Lady of Peace Separate Elementary School currently operating at 66% level (enrolment 215, capacity 325). - Pre-schoolers and grade school students living here may maintain the enrolments at the current levels, but additional children needed in the community for long-term viability of these educational facilities.





- No specific physical Improvement plans for Mayfield, except regular maintenance of its infrastructure. - Tree planting and landscaping along the southern side of 107 Avenue between 156 Street and Mayfield Road, neighbourhood entry feature at 159 Street/107 Avenue and Intersection improvements at 163 Street/107 Avenues as part of the Britannia/Youngstown AMPLE (Alberta Municipal Partnership in Local Employment) program to be done between 1990 and 1992. Wlll positively impact southern edge of Mayfield In access and aesthetic improvements.





Neighbourhood Profile - McKeman





A physically mature neighbourhood with a standard demographic composition. A declining trend in population level. Further population loss could create problems for contin ued viability of neighbourhood facilities including the public elementary school. A greater than average demand for programs and services for single parents and their dependants. AddHional and frequent pollce patrols throughout the community necessary to reduce local crime rate and re-establish feelings of safety and security among residents. Physical rehabilitati on of some older homes necessary to enhance general aesthetic level and make the community appeal to young families, thereby increasing the neighbourhood's populati on level and strengthening the local school's enrolments.







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References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction ·Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.

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1989-1993, The City of Edmonton


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


West District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Mayfield Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.


City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

NOi to Scale

mghlights McKeman is an older neighbourhood m lhe immediate south of the University of Alberta campus. Salient features of this community are:

November, 1989


• A demographically young community with one-half of the population under 30 years of age. • Post-secondary students comprise one-quarter of McKernan"s population A ver:y high proportion of neighbourhood residents are single. Demand for programs and services for young adults and singles appears to be higher than the average for Edmonton. • Pressure for higher-density residential developments is evident. • Local residents are concerned about the potential effects of the South LRT line extension through the neighbourhood.




Rc vi.scd lnauary 1993


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Neighbourhood Profile - McKernan

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Neighbourhood Profile - McKernan



Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

Neighbourhood population was about 2, 140 in 1991 showing an increase of approximately 10% since 1989. This marks a reversal in trend and indicates that the neighbourhood is experiencing demographic rejuvenation.

Residential land uses comprise about 83% of the neighbourhood area. Single family detached and attached homes make up 57% and 30% of the housing stock. Most residential construction took place in the late 1940's. Most homes are in good physical condition with some needing a varying degree of rehabilitation. Commercial uses make up l % of the area. A commercial node accommodating a food store, a bank, a drug store with a post-office outlet, a barber shop and a pizza outlet serves the daily needs of local residents.

ResidentS under20 years of age was lower in the neighbourhood than the average fonheCity (20% vs. 27%).


A very high proponion of residents belong to the age group of 20-29 years (McKeman 34% compared to Edmonton's 20%), reflecting the University of Alberta students who rent accommodation in this neighbourhood. This indicates demand for programs and services for young adults.



Approximately 11 % of the residentS are seniors, slightly h.igher than Edmonton's average of9%. Many local seniors are long-term residents of McKernan. Singles make up about 58% of the neighbourhood population, markedly higherthan approximately 47% for Edmonton. One explanation for this salient social characteristic is probably the high number of university students who are single and live in McKeman. The proponion ofsingle-parents in the neighbourhood is about 15%, comparable than the City's average. • Full-time employed residents comprise about 37%. as opposed to Edmonton's 40%. Post-secondary students make up25% of the neighbourhood's population, sharply higher LO the City's average of slightly less than 6%, reflecting the availability of rental accommodation in this community and close proximity to the University of Alberta campus.






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Institutional land uses constitute 11 % of the area. It includes sites of two schools. three churches, the community league and a fire hall. Two local parks (McKeman Park and Charles Simmonds Park) provide recreational opportunities. Parks and open spaces account for 5% of the neighbourhood area. The nearby river valley and William Hawrelak Park present additional active and passive recreational opportunities. ·

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Transportation I rl . Three very busy arterials 72 Avenue, 109 Street and University Avenue bound this neighbourhood.


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Average weekday traffic in 1991 were 8,800 vehicles along 72 Avenue; 29.100 along 109 Street; and 24.200 along University Avenue. 1 14 Street to the west (and panially through the community) is also an arterial. It carried an average 32, 100 vehicles per· ( 9 , 3S. CO, •2 ) weekday. In addition, 109 Street is a 24-hour truck route.

A slightly lower than average level of social stability is present in this neighbourhood. It is reflected through the factS that about 35% of residentS lived here for five or more years (Edmonton 40%) and renters comprise52% of the neighbourhood's population (Edmonton's average 47%). High proportion of University students, who arerenters and stay here only temporarily, contribute to this social stability panero. Otherwise the neighbourhood demonstrates social cohesiveness.

. Another busy roadway intersecting McKeman is 76 Avenue. . Local roads and sidewalks are in good condition. . Extensive reconstruction of 114 Street including removal of the traffic circles

British, Ukrainian, German , Dutch and French are themajorethnicoriginsoftheresideotsofMcKeman.

at 72 Avenue and University Avenue, has recently been completed. This roadway is now a four-lane divided arterial.

• McKernan is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.



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Revised January 1993 e~--~





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Neighbourhood Profile - McKernan



Neighbourhood Profile - McKernan



Neighbourhood Issues

Transportation (cont'd)

The McKeman Traffic Plan has recently been implemented for a one-year trial period. It is hoped lha1 !he sira1egies identified in this plan (including some roadway closures. pedesbian amber signal flasher on 72 Avenue a1 111 S1rce1, a school drop-off bay al 76 Avenue in front of McKernan School) will reduce movement of external !raffle through !he community, reducing safely hazards. Edmonton Transit buses (Rou1e Nos. 9, 35, 40, and 42) run lhrough as well as along the periphery of 1he neighbourhood and provide regular service. Local residents also benefit from !he nearby University Transit Terminal. They have access to another 18 bus routes. The University of Alberta LRT station is also located here, providing additional public rransportation opponunities.

Some properties owned by absentee landlords are no1 regularly maintained. These gradually deteriorating homes create an aeslhetically unpleasant appearance in some sections of the neighbourhood. Some long-term residents who are now seniors and physically frail, are not capable of maintaining their properties well. This may indicate that some local seniors may need assistance in maintaining !heir p.roperties. High cost of land, proximity 10 the university and the hospitals have created redevelopment pressures for higher density developments, especially condominium townhouses. Residents, especially seniors and families wilh children, view this rrend as a lhreat to !he quality of !heir residential environment. Traffic noise is a concern for residents living near the major thoroughfares. Residents are also concerned about the potential no ise and safety problems when !he Soulh LRT is extended lbrough !he neighbourhood. Some renters, especially university students, host noisy parties adversely affecting !he quiet and peaceful arrnosphere of this residential neighbourhood.

Public Facilities

For current information on community issues and resources, contact !he community social worker at !he Mill Creek Cenrre of Community and Family Services (428-2625). McKernan Public Elemeniary-Junior High is !he only school here. II is currently operating at 80%ofits capacity (enrollmem517, capacity 715). The enroUment has declined since 1986.

The Future McKeman Community League organizes local sports and social events. Facilities at the league include a meeting hall, space for a day-care facility, children's play area and an ice-skating rink. Grounds of the local public school (children's play area, baseball diamonds, soccer fields) and the two local parks provide sports and recreational opportunities. Nearby public sports and recreational facilities include Kinsmen Sports Cenrre. Hawrelak Park, Emily Murphy Park and the River Valley rrail system. Fire Hall No. 3 is located in Ibis neighbourhood (76 Avenue west of 112 Street). Mill Creek Cenrre of Community and Family Services (9119 - 82 Avenue) provides a variety ofindividual. group and family-related social services. Olhcr public facilities available to the neighbourhood residents include:

A Community Developmem Plan for Belgravia. McKeman and Parkallen is currently under preparation. It recognizes that improved facilities of some local arterials and !he potential of Soulh LRT extensions 10 Neil Crawford Cenrre in 1he future could significantly influence !he local circulation panem, housing and suppon facilities of the communities. The Community Development Plan aims at retaining !he residential character of the neighbourhoods while enhancing !he circulation and suppon services potential of the area. The City is currently preparing a functional plan for extension of !he South LRT line from !he Health Sciences Cenrre to Neil Crawford Cenrre along the wesl side of the 114 Srreet corridor. When completed, the development has the potential 10 generate high levels of noise and increase rraffic hazards and weaken social cohesiveness by physically dividing !he neighbourhood. The McKeman Traffic Plan has recently been implememed fora one-year period. Roadway improvements in !he immediate vicinity and potential reslriction of auwmobiles along Kemor Road for a one-year !rial period could influence !he traffic safety and noise problems experienced by the residents living near 72 Avenue, 114 Street and University Avenue.

Srrathcona Police Station - 97 l 0 - 51 Avenue University of Alberta Hospitals - 8440 - 112 S1ree1 Duggan Health Cenrre - 5035 - 108A Srreet

Revised Jonuiry 1993 Revised Janlllt)' 1993




Neighbourhood Profile - McKeman


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Neighbourhood Profile - McLeod

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The City of Edmomon Civic Census . 199 l


Census Canada - 1986


1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transponation Department McKernan Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987






Ride Guide (August, 1992), City of Edmomon Transponation Department






McKernan Community League, 1992 l-'9Avo

McKernan Public Elementary-Junior High School, 1992

Mcl.ood g.,,,_Sd>.




• Five-Year Transportation Cons1ruction Program: 1989-1993, City of Edmonton Transponation Deparunent. 1988

Notes It should be noted here that 114 Street, being a very busy thoroughfare, physically and socially divides McKernan. Residents of McKeman residing to the west of 114 Street consider themselves as an integral


pan of Belgravia and have historically taken pan in community activities of Belgravia.

144 Avenue YORK

NOl coScole

Highlights McLeod is a residential suburban neighbourhood in northeast Edmonton. McLeod : • is experiencing significant population growth; • has an average family income above the City average; • is a socially stable community with active participation of residents in local issues and; • is predominantly made up of single detached housing.

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Revised January 1993

Revised Janull)' t993

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Neighbourhood Profile - McLeod


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Neighbourhood Profile - McLeod


Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics !--- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - ----...

• The 1991 population iotalled about 2.840 people or approximately 18% more than in 1986. This is a reverse in the trend from the early 1980's when there was a Joss of population. The neighbourhood appears to be going through a period of rejuvenation due to the recent development of a residential area north of 152 Avenue.

Residential land uses occupy approximately 82% of the neighbourhood area. The majority of housing units, built in the 1960's, is single-detached (99%). The area north of 152 Avenue has more recently been developed.

• Between 1986 to 1991 there were increases in all age groups except residents 15 to 24 years old where there were significant decreases. A marginal decrease in residents 40 to 44 years old was also evidenL • The neighbourhood is primarily composed of married couples (51 % vs. 40% City) with children under 20 years (31 % vs. 27% City).





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(]] Mc!Aod




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• There are no commercial uses in the area. low Income Hwniles


• Institutional uses make up 11 % of the neighbourhood and includes three schools and two churches. • Recreation and open spaces total 8% of the neighbourhood area. A disttict level and a neighbourhood level park comprise this land use.



• Social stability in the community is evidenced in the tenure and ownership data. Over 54% of residents lived at the same address for five or more years compared to the Edmonton average of40%. Homeowners represented approximately 96% of local residents (City's average 49%) and tenants about 4% (City's average 47%).

Transportation ( 70. 71. 72.. 74, 171. 173)

• Economically, McLeod residents are doing relatively well. Full-time employment is slightly higher and unemployment slightly lower than experienced across the City. Average family incomes were high (S45, 200vs. $40,470 City) and incidences of both low income families and individuals were less frequent than the City average in 1986.

66 Street is the major arterial bounding the neighbourhood with an average weekday traffic volume of 7 ,500 vehicles. This road is also a truck route.

• Ethnic origins of McLeod residents generally reflect that of the City . The exceptions are residents with Ukrainian (14% vs. 8% City). Chinese (7% vs. 4% City) and German (9% vs. 6% City) origins.

Edmonton Transit provides public uansponation with bus routes (nos. 70, 71. 72, 74, 171. 173.). A reasonably good level of service appears to be available to residents.

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Revised January I 993 ~--~ nto



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) Revised January l 993

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Neighbourhood Profile - McLeod


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Neighbourhood Profile - McLeod



The Future

Public Facilities

ResidentS' involvement is making a difference to enhance the quality of life in McLeod. Their efforu will ensure that the neighbourhood continues to be a desirable place to live. The schools in the neighbourhood (with their enrollment as a percentage of capacity) include McLeod Public Elementary (67%), Steele HeightS Public Junior High (57%) and J. 1. Bowlen Catholic Junior High (58%). • McLeod Community League (14715 - 59 Street) offers a variety of programs including hockey, ringene, baseball. softball, soccer, basketball. karate and gymnastics. A ball, two outdoor rinks anda playground comprise the League's facilities. • Religious services are available in the neighbourhood at St. Dominic Savio Parish (144-04 - 62 Street) and Steele HeightS Baptist Cbui:ch (5812 - 149 Avenue). There are 80 units of subsidized community housing in the neighbourhood managed by the Edmonton Housing Authority. • McLeod is served by theGlengarryCenrreofCommunity and Family Services (13315- 89 Street) which offers a variety of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youth and seniors as well as community development assistance. • Public facilities, outSide but serving the area. include: Number 14 Fire Station (7312- 144 Avenue) Londonderry Police Station (6504 - 137 Avenue) Royal Alexandra Hospital ( 10240 Kingsway) . Clareview Health Centre of the Local Board of Health (14023 Clareview Village Centre (139 Avenue and Victoria Trail)

Neighbourhood Issues • McLeod residentS, like their neighbours in other north east communities, are concerned about the lack of medical facilities in the area. The closest hospital is the Royal Alexandra. • McLeod is seen to be a stable community with strong resident participation in local issues, groups and schools. These are issues which the writer understood (in discussion with some community members/Organizations) to be important in the oeigbbowhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the community social worlcer at the Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services (428-2414).

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Revised Iaruwy 1993

• A residents' group is lobbying for medical facilities in northeast Edmonton. Theireffons will enhance and hasten the potential for this need being met. • With time and the residentS' inlerests for the neighbourhood, the level of social stability is likely to go higher.

References The City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census or Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Deparunent Ride Guide; September 1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map. The City of Edmonton Transportation Department Transportation Sys1em Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department McLeod Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes. The City of Edmonton, 1992 • Edmonton Public School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, The City of Edmonton Transportation Depanmem, l '991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Glengarry Centre of Community aod Family Servkes McLeod Comrnun.ity League The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department "Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office. Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Devele>pment (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map.~ NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data. rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818). RevUccl J111uary 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - McLeod








A mature residential neighbourhood In the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. Boundaries defined by 111 Avenue to the north, 142 Street to the east, 107 Avenue to the south and 149 Street to the west. Most residential developments In the 1950's. Neighbourhoods of similar physical and social characteristics around Mcaueen: North Glenora to the east, Grovenor to the south and High Park to the west. Huff Bremner Industrial subdivision to the north. Served by the Westmount Centre of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics





1989 population 1,712, only 13 lower than the 1987 number. But population declined by 118 persons or 6.45% since 1983. Further loss of populati on could create problems for continued viability of neighbourhood facilities. Residents under 20 years of age 21.3%, somewhat lower than 27.2% for Edmonton. Indicates a lower-than-average utilization rate for local facilities and programs for chlldren and teenagers. Seniors 18.9%, more than double of the 8.9% average for the City. Presence of many long-time residents in McQueen who are seniors now and location of specialized housing for the elderly has Influenced this figure. Reflects a high demand for programs and services for the seniors. Singles 40.2%, lower than Edmonton's average of 47.1%. Married persons 43.7%, slightly higher than 40.5% for Edmonton. Widowed persons 9.3%, compared to Edmonton's average of 4.2% reflecting a high proportion of seniors here. A higher than average demand for supporting programs for the widowed. Lone parent families 8.8%, marginally lower than the City's average of 9.8%. Full-time employed persons 36.5%, somewhat lower than 40.7% for Edmonton. Retired persons 20.4%, significantly h·igher than the City's average of 9.8%. Reflects a high proportion of seniors here. Unemployed 3.0%, lower than Edmonton's average of 4.3%. December, 1989 jobless rate of 7.3% for Edmonton suggests a somewhat higher unemployment rate for Mcaueen. Average family income of $42,938, compared to $41,681 for Edmonton in 1986. Considering the proportions of retired individuals and full-time employed persons, this figure sugge.sts that employed persons earn higher-than-average wages.






60.2% residents lived in McQueen for at least three years, compared to 54% for Edmonton. Renters 46.8% (vs. the City's 48.4%) and homeowners 51.3% (vs. Edmonton's 46.8%). These figures indicate higher-than-average social stability. - Local crimes declined by 10.82% between 1987 and 1988, as opposed to an increase of 5.21% for the City. Traffic-related incidents declined while offences of other categories remained stable. An average level of crimes in McQueen.

Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses 66.5% of the neighbourhood land area. Single family homes (attached and detached) 58.6% of the housing stock. Walk-up apartments and row housing 34.4% and 5% of available accommodation. Most homes between 30-40 years old, and In fair to good condition. A few homes need repairs. Most apartments near the centre of the neighbourhood close to schools, park and the community league. Provides easy access to facilities but generates additional traffic through residential roadways. Commercial uses 5.5% of the area. Confined to southeast and northwest corners and eastern margin. Provides daily necessities to local residents and commuters. - Institutional uses 23.9% of the land area. Includes sites of five schools, two churches and the community league. - Parks and open spaces 1.5% of the area. Includes the neighbourhood park and two landscaped open spaces.

Transportation Bounded by arterials on all sides. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 28,500 vehicles on 111 Avenue, 15,400 on 142 Street, 26,600 on 107 Avenue and 19,300 on 149 Street. Homes along 111Avenue,149 Street and 107 Avenue exposed to traffic noise. - Apartment complexes at the centre of the neighbourhood generate traffic and create noise and safety problems along residential collectors. Also create on-street parking problems near apartment complexes. - Local roads and sldewalks in reasonably good condition. Need regular maintenance. - Edmonton Transit Route No. 17 provide regular bus service through the neighbourhood. Additional routes (Nos. 7, 11, 94 and 96) available along neighbourhood boundaries.





Public Facilities - Several academic Institutions located in McQueen. Two private schools, West Edmonton Christian Elementary and Edmonton Christian High currently operating at 82% and 76% of their respective capacities. These faciiitles lease spaces of the closed McQueen Public Elementary and St. Gregory Separate Elementary School respectively. Archbishop MacDonald Separate Senior High School functioning at 43.3% level of its capacity. Declining enroilments have caused closure and underutilization of schools. Private schools enrol students from throughout Edmonton and therefore retain high enrolment levels. McQueen Lodges and McQueen Cottages provide 36 and 48 units respectively of senior citizens specialized housing. Both operating at almost full capacities. Additional seniors housing and programs for the elderly needed here. - A group home for the physically handicapped (McQueen Road at 14407 McQueen Road) with accommodation for nine persons here. - No community housing or accommodation for the mentally handicapped here. - McQueen Community League organizes sports and recreational activities here. Facilities at the community league Include a meeting hall, children's playing area, tennis courts, picnic tables and playground. - A natural ice-skating rink and play field in the Edmonton Christian Schools. Ball diamonds, soccer fields and football fields in the Archbishop MacDonald School. - The Westmount Office (1 1016 - 127 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Westmount Centre (#400, 12323 Stony Plaln Road) of the City of edmonton Community and Family Services provide social services. - Primary health care facilities available through the Wood croft Health Centre (13420 - 114 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Community based recreational facilities, especially programs for the elderly needed urgently. - Traffic noise along the northern, western and southern margins an issue. Creates - On-street parking near apartment complexes a problem. residential dissatisfaction. - Older homes In need of external physical rehabilitation create adverse aesthetic Impression. - Slowly declining population level creating problems of viability for the remaining community facilltles.




Neighbourhood Profile - Meadowlark Park



Meadowlark Park

Future Plans


• 111 Avenue between Groat Road and 135 Street (to the east 01 McQueen) to be reconstructed In 1990. Upon completion, traffic along 111 Avenue to move more smoothly. If traffic increases along this arterial, homes to the north may be exposed to additional traffic noise.







9< Ave 93AAvc

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• A physically and demographically mature neighbourhood. • Declining population level creating under utilization problems for communtty-1acllltles. Already two local elementary schools closed down. • A very high proportion 01 elderly residents. Additional programs and services for the elderly needed here. • Improved traffic management needed to reduce competition of on-street parking spaces and congestion near the walk-up complexes. Physical improvements of some older homes and disposition of homes by elderly owners may attract young families here, increasing the neighbourhood's population level.


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90 Ave


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References 1.

The City of Edmonton ClvJc Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II· Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1989-1993, The City of Edmonton

1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


McQueen Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.


City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.


87 Avenue


N()t to Seal~

All ficutts have been rounded oo the neuw pcrccnu ge (W\l.c$s ocherwisc oCKCd).

Highlights Meadowlark Park is an established residential neighbourhood in the western sector of the City. Me adowlark Park: • has a marginally lower proportion of residentS below the age of 20; • is predominantly composed of single family homes; • has an average family income significantly higher than the City average; • has a lower than average proportion of immigrants; and • is characterized by a noticeably higher than average share of long-time residentS.

January 1990

Revised July 1993



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Neighbowhood Profile - Meadowlark Park



Neighbourhood Pro.file - Meadowlark Park



Social Characteristics

Phy sical Characteristics

The 1992 population totalled approximately 2,760 individuals indicating a stabiHty in population level since 1986. • Children under 20 years were only marginally lower in Meadowlark Park than Edmonton, the proportions being 26% and 27% respectively. This is indicative of an average rate of demand for community programs and facilities.


Residential land uses occupy approximately 78% of the neighbourhood area. The overwhelming majority of housing (99%) is single family detached, with the remaining I% composed of duplexes.

Meadowlark Park


• Seniors account for about 12% of the neighbourhood's population, compared to Edmonton's 9%. Demand for programs and services for lhe elderly appear to be increasing in Ibis neighbourhood. 70




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Commercial uses make up about 5% of the area. The sites of Meadowlark Park Shopping Centre, a regional retail facilily and two other smaller commercial sites are included in this category.


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Institutional uses comprise about 5% of the neighbourhood's total area, and include sites of a school. a public library, a fire hall and four churches. Parks and open spaces account for about 7%of Lhe area. Jasper Place Jubilee Park. Meadowlark Park and Herbert Park account for this land use type.

· -·--------··----··-··-·--·· 1992

Vacant properties make up for the remaining 5% of the total area. Social stability is evidenced in tenure and ownersh.ip. Fifty seven percent of the neighbourhood's residems have lived at the same address for ar least five years, compared to 41 % across the City. Housing is predominantly owner occupied (87% vs. 49% for the City). The proportion of married individuals is high (Meadowlark Park's 49% vs. Edmonton's 40%), indicating a fami ly-oriented community. The proportions of retired persons. single-parent families and low-income families are lower in Meadowlark Park. The neighbourhood's average family income was strikingly higher in 1986, compared to the average for Edmonton. Even though the ethnic origins of Meadowlark Park residents generally reflect that of the City. the proportions of residents with British (26% vs. 23% City) and Polish (3% vs. 2% City) were slightly higher.

Revj$Cd July 1993

Transportation ( 10. 12. 16. 116& 139)

Four busy arterials bound Meadowlark Park. Average weekday traffic volumes in 1992 were S,300 vehicles along 163 Street. 11,900 on 95 Avenue; 16,700 on 156 Street and 21.400 on 87 Avenue. Edmonton Transit provides public transportation with several bus routes (Nos. 10. 12, 16. 116 and 139). Meadowlark Park Transit Centre is also located in this neighbourhood facilitating connections to various pans of the City.

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Revjsed July 199:

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Neighbourhood Profile - Meadowlark Park



Neighbol.Uhood Profile - Meadowlark Park




Neighbourhood Issues Public Facilities Some loca l residentS are concerned about safety of young school children crossing 92 Avenue on their way to school. They consider that the volume of traffic during peak hours is high and poses a safety hazard for young children.

Meadowlark Public Elementary School (9150- 160 Street) is the only educational facility located here. This school was functioning at 27% of its capacity in the Fall of 1992. Meadowlark Park Community League (15961 - 92 Avenue) is active in organizing social , community and spon events for the local residents. Facilities at the community league include a playground, hockey rinks and a meeting hall. Fitness, artS and crafts. Brownies and Girl Guides programs are available here. Additional spons and recreational opportunities are available to area residents at the Jasper Place Spons Centre (9200 • 163 Street) located lo the immediate west of the neighbourhood. This facility accommodates an indoor ice arena, indoor swimllling pool and a combined athletics/football field. Four churches serving this area include: Meadowlark Baptist Church (9200 • 156 Street); Jasper Place Baptist Church (8801 - 163 Street), Hosanna Lutheran Church (9009 - 163 Sireet) and Trinity United Ch urch (8810 Meadowlark Road). Fire Station No. 12 (9010 • 156 Street) is located in lbis neighbourhood. Jasper Place Branch of Edmonton Public Library (9010 - 156 Street) is located in this neighbourhood. Child care for the area residents is available from Jump'n Jacks Day Care (9512 - 163 Street), Jasper Place Day Care Centre (8950 - 163 Street) and Bilingual Montessori Leaming Centre (9150 - 160 Street).

Even though the neighbourhood has a higher than average proponion of senior citizens, no seniors programs are available here. Lack of programs and services for the elderly is becoming an issue as the number of older population is growing here. • Many vacant stores in the Meadowlark Shopping Centre raise some concerns over availability of retail opponunities and services in this area, and especially about the vitality of the area. This facility is currently undergoing extensive renovation. These are issues which the writer (in discussion with some community members/organizations) understood to be imponam in the neighbourhood al the time of writing. However. issues may change over time. and different issues may be imponant to different people. For currem information. contact the Community Social Worker at Jasper Place Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-5908.

The Future Rejuvenation of the Meadowlark Park Shopping Centre will have a significant impact on the community, most notably lhe improved appearance of the facility and the availability of commercial and other services in this area Demographic characteristics or Meadowlark Park indicate thal it will continue to be a viable and socially Sl3ble residential neighbourhood in the years ahead.

Public facilities outside but serving the area include: West Division PoHce Station (10121 - 151 Street) West Edmonton Mall Police Station (8770 - 170 Street) Misericordia Hospital (16940 - 87 Avenue) West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) Old Jasper Place Ouireach Clinic (15626 - lOOA Avenue) The neighbourhood is served by the Jasper Place Centre of Community and Family Services (10030 167 Street) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance.

RcviS<d July 199.

City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1992 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Depanment Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Departmenl Transponation System By law, No. 9722, Appendix A, City ofEdmont0n Transportation Department Meadowlark Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City ofEdmonton Planning and Development Department. 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transportation Deparunent, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall l 992 enrollmem figures Revised July 1992



Neighbourhood Profile - Meadowlark Park





References (cont'd) Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Depanment, 1991 Alberta Social Services Day care Information System, July 1992 • Meadowlark Park Centre of Community and Family Services Meadowlark Community League • City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department "Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistaJ1ce of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data. rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, o n request, as a replacement for lhe 1986 data used in Ibis Profile (telephone 496-5818).


• A developing, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by Millwoods Road South (north), 66 street (east), 10 Avenue (south) and 80 Street (west). • Most residential developments In the 1970's but continues to present. Adjacent residential communities: Satoo to the west, Ekota to the north and Sakaw to the east. • Served by the Millwoods Community and Family Centr·e of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 3,163, a 6.0% increase from 1986. Retfects a developing community, continued population growth likely to occur. • Residents under 20 years of age 42.6%, much higher than City's 27.2%. Reflects a demographically young neighbourhood. Suggests high demand for programs and facilities serving children and t eens. • 1.6% seniors, much tower than City average (8.9%). Indicates low demand for seniors' resources and facilities. • Singles 50% (vs. City's 47.1%) and married 44.9% (vs. City's 40.5%) in Menisa. • Lone parent families .12%, slightly tower than City average (13.2%). Support services should be maintained but no special requi rements for this group. • 39.2% residents employed, similar to City's 40.7%. • Unemployed 2.3%, almost half the City's rate (4.3%) in 1989. Current (April, 1990) City jobless rate (8.0%) implies level has risen in Menisa as well. • Homemakers 6.9%, similar to Edmonton's 7.4%. • 1.7% retired (vs. City's 9.8%), reflects small proportion of seniors In neighbourhood. • $39,51 o average famUy income vs. Edmonton average of $41 ,681. Reflects an average, working class neighbourhood. • 61 .8% of residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, higher than City's 54%. • Owners 76.1% and renters 23% in Menisa vs. City's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Length of stay and tenure suggest this neighbourhood has high social stability. • Menisa is part of the Knottwood Di strict which is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Reviud July I 993 e...1- -~ n1


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Physical Characteristics - Residential developments approximately 84% of area. Of this, 97.1% single detached homes, 1.7% row housing (Including one community housing project - Menlsa I) and 0.5% low rise apartments. Most properties well kept, however, a few poorly maintained. When follage develops further and current construction completed, neighbourhood will be more aesthetically pleasing. 4.9% Institutional uses Include one public elementary school and one church. - 1.6% commercial area represents a quiet shopping area. Located along Millwoods Road South, It Incorporates various retail shops and service outlets. - Parks and open spaces 7.4%, Includes one large neighbourhood park and several walkWays/blkeways throughout the area.



- Millwoods Evangelical Free Church located here. - No specialized residential faclllties for seniors or the handicapped. Commercial facllltles Include a small shopping centre In ttt e north central sector. Accommodates numerous retail shops and service outlets including a service station, two restaurants, a day care and a drug store. Some vacant space. Millwoods Town Centre, a major shopping faclllty, nearby. - Additional recreational opportunities provided by Mlllwoods Recreation Centre and Millwoods Golf Course. - Social services provided by the Mlllwoods Office (2849 Mlllwoods Road N.W.) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Mlllwoods Community and Family Centre (#214, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. Primary health care facillties provided by Millbourne Health Centre (7525 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed, active treatment facllity, located nearby and serves area residents.

Transportation - Bounded by one arterial (66 Street to the east) and two collectors; 80 Street to the west and Millwoods Road South to the north (which has an average annual weekday traffic volume of 7,700). Knottwood Road also a collector. No mci}or concerns with traffic noise as no truck routes or busy arterlals In this area. - Local roads generally rough and uneven (protruding manhole covers), needs repaving. Current construction In some areas Increases these problems. - Regular transit service via routes 65 and 78 and peak hour service via route 165. Route No. 65 and 165 buses travel on Knottwood Road through the center of the neighbourhood. Buses of route no. 78 travel on Millwoods Road South.

Major Issues - Menisa Elementary School may encounter overcrowding In near future. Large proportion of persons under 20 suggests high demand for programs and facilities for children and teens, Including educational opportunities. - Large number of children congregating In an open (non-fenced) area in front of school, near street. Poses safety hazards and implies lack of alternative activities. - Local roads rough and uneven, resurfacing required. Residents concerned with poor sewage and drainage. Basement flooding a concern after heavy rainfall.

Public FacIIHies - One school In the neighbourhood. Menisa Public Elementary School currently operating at 94% of its capacity (400). Portables on site, large proportion of preschoolers (29.6% vs. City's 17.3%) and continuing residential growth may suggest probable overcrowding in the near future. School boundary Is fenced along Knottwood Road and has a wellappolnted play area, soccer fields and ball diamonds. - One community housing project - Menisa I (25 row housing units) here. Project has a currerit-(May, 1990) vacancy rate of 8%. Additional units not foreseeable here.



Future Plans - Proposed outer ring road may have a major Impact on Menisa involving Increased traffic flow especially on 66 and 80 Streets and traffic noise for residents along 10 Avenue. - Continued residential development currently underway. Neighbourhood to experience further Increase of population, but to a limited scale.








Conclusion - A physically developing and demographically young neighbourhood with high social stability. - High proportion of preschoolers and continuing residential developments likely to produce overcrowding at school, presently operating to almost full capacity. - Large number of persons under 20 years of age suggests a very high demand for services. Current facilities and resources should be assessed and further programs implemented. - Local roads rough and uneven, some repairs and resurfacing required. - Proposed outer ring road may have a significant Impact on this neighbourhood, including increased traffic movement and noise.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton 'Sivic ¡Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Menisa Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

May 1990



1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

- A developing residential neighbourhood of Mill Woods in the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Boundaries are 23 Avenue on the north, 50 Street to the east, 66 Street to the west, and Miii Woods Road South to the south. - Most residential development has occurred since 1971 . Large parcels of land in the northern sector yet to be developed. - Surrounded by similar neighbourhoods to the east (Pollard Meadows), the south (Sakaw), and the west (Ekota). The Mill Woods Town Centre Is located to the Immediate north of this neighbourhood. - Served by the Mill Woods Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 3,182 persons, a 9.3% increase over 1983 figure. Further increases expected with the future residential developments of some vacant properties. - Very high proportion of residents under the age of 20 (44.2% vs. City's 27.5% average) indicates a strong demand for educational and recreational programs for this group. - Young adults (20-39 years) 43.8%, comparable to City's average of 42.1%. Middle-aged individuals (40-64 years) only 10.9% vs. City's 22.5% average and seniors a mere 1.1% of neighbourhood population (City's average 7.9%). - Singles 50.8% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 44% vs. Edmonton's 41.3% average. - Higher proportions of preschoolers and Kindergarten to Grade 6 students (33.9% neighbourhood total as opposed to City's average of 17.1%) demonstrate an existing demand on neighbourhood facilities and programs designed for young famllles. - Residents employed full-time 35.7% (City's average 40.3%). Only 3.7% unemployed in 1986 compared to Edmonton's 5.6% average. Current neighbourhood figure may be somewhat higher since Edmonton's May, 1988 unemployment rate was 8.0%. - According to 1981 Federal Census average neighbourhood family income was $27,329, approximately 15% below Edmonton C.M.A.'s of $31,998. - Proportion of local residents who have lived at the same address for at least three years 59.9% (City's average 56.1%). - Homeowners 62% of population (City's average 45%) and tenants only 30.9% compared to City's 48.4% average. Tenure and length of residency patterns indicate a good level of social stablllty, which is expected to grow higher with time and further social interaction among residents. - The community of Millhurst which includes the neighbourhoods of Sakaw and Meyokumln, Is a member of the Edmonton Police Department's Neighbourhood Watch Program, designed to prevent neighbourhood crime.







Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses occupy 48% of neighbourhood area. Housing stock is made up of single detached homes (76.5%), rowttownhousing (21.6%), apartments (1.6%), and semi-detached dwellings (0.3%). Most homes appear well maintained reflecting the relatively new state of this neighbourhood. - One neighbourhood convenience commercial facility (19A Avenue and 57 Street) is the only commercial land use - 0.9% of total area. - Institutional uses (Includes St. Richard Catholic and Meyokumin Public Elementary Schools, and Concordia Lutheran Church) 6.8% of neighbourhood area. - Parks and open spaces occupy 4.8% of neighbourhood area. - A number of vacant properties make up 8.5% of total area. Residential development is proposed for these parcels of land.

Transportation - Four arterials with moderate traffic flows surround this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes Indicate 16,400 vehicles on 23 Avenue, approximately 10,000 on 50 Street, 8,000 on Mill Woods Road South, and only 3,400 on 66 Street. Traffic volumes may increase on local arterials with the development of the Mill Woods Town Centre, located to the immediate north of Meyokumin. - 50 Street is a restricted truck route between 0700 - 2000 hours, Monday to Saturday only. - Traffic noise and pedestrian safety (considering the high number of children in this neighbourhood) along some arterlals and residential collectors are a concern for local residents. - Most local roads are in good condition but some lanes need to be paved. - 50 Street Is scheduled to be paved In 1991-1992 and 66 Street (between 19 and 23 Avenue) and 19 Avenue (between 62 and 66 Street) are currently undergoing construction and paving. ¡ - Public transportation service Is provided by local bus route nos. 67, 78, and 167 (added during peak hours), which connect to the nearby Lakewood Transit Centre and Downtown.

Public Facilities - St. Richard Catholic Elementary School (5704 Mill Woods Road South) had an enrollment of 289 students, exceeding its capacity of 275. In view of the large number of school-age children, enrollments are expected to remain relatively stable In the immediate future. The current level of enrollment may also require addition of portable classrooms to this school.




- Meyokumln Public Elementary School (5703 - 19A Avenue) !had 407 students. enrolled, exceeding its capacity of 400. The future viability of this community resource appears to be assured by the larger neighbourhood proportion of preschoolers and young families. In view of the number of preschoolers living in this neighbourhood, addition of portable classrooms may be considered for this school if enrollments significantly exceed the capacity. - Public and Separate Junior and Senior High Schools, and the Grant MacEwan Community College located within Mill Woods accommodate local residents as well. - Millhurst Community League (5811 - 19A Avenue) organizes sports and recreational activities for residents of Meyokumin and Sakaw. Makes use of its own meeting hall, ice rinks, and playground and neighbourhood park and school facilities (I.e., soccer fields and ball diamonds). - Other district and city-wide facilities serving this neighbourhood Include the Mill Woods Recreation Centre (accommodates two skating rinks, squash and racquetball courts, exercise room, and a wave pool) and the 18 hole Mill Woods Golf Course. - A neighbourhood convenience commercial facility (57 Street and 19A Avenue) and a regional shopping centre nearing completion in the Mill Woods Town Centre (located to the immediate north of this neighbourhood) will meet many shopping and service needs of local residents. - Meyokumin I (5603 - 22 Avenue), with 34 apartment units, is a Community Housing project located In this neighbourhood. A full occupancy rate appears to support the existence of such housing In this area. - Concordia Lutheran Church (5420 - 19A Avenue) holds regular religious services in this neighbourhood. - The Mill Woods Office (2849 Millwoods Road) of Alberta Social Services and the Mill Woods Centre (3017 - 66 Street) of Edmonton Social Services meet various social service needs of all the neighbourhoods of Mill Woods. - Health services are provided by the Millbourne Health Centre (7525 - 38 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health and the new Grey Nuns Hospital (3015 - 62 Street), conveniently located in the centre of Mill Woods.

Major Issues - With a very high proportion of children pedestrian safety is a major concern for local residents. Measures for pedestrian and traffic safety should be maintained and introduced. - Future population increases, due to further residential development, will put additional demands on existing community resources. - Local residents feel there is already a good concentration of multiple-family housing in the northern sector of this neighbourhood. They feel that any future land developments in this sector should be restricted to single-detached housing (source: Southeast District Survey of Residents, City Planning and Development Department, 1985).

e,.mmonfon ~






Future Plans - The Mill Woods Golf Course is a recently inaugurated facility which wlll provide recreational opportunities for local and city-wide residents. - The Mill Woods Town Centre is the site for a regional shopping centre (recently opened} and a number of other commercial and service facilities that will serve Mill Woods and surrounding area. - Large vacant propertie.s in the northeast and northwest sectors of this neighbourhood are scheduled for residential development.

Conclusion - A developing suburban neighbourhood with a good possibility of demographic growth. This may increase the demand for available local amenities. - High proportion of children indicates a young population structure with a need for social and recreational programs designed for young families. - The neighbourhood's appeal is enhanced by the recent and future development of regional level facilities that meet various recreational, shopping and service needs of all Mill Woods residents.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. Census of Canada, Edmonton, Part I: Profile 1986. City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Five-Year Construction Program: 1988 - 1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Southeast District Working Paper No.3: Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Meyokumin Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

- A young suburban, residential neighbourhood in the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 28 Avenue to the north, Millwoods Road to the east, 23 Avenue to the south and 91 Street to the west. - Most residential developments in the late 1970's and completed by the 1980's. - Adjacent communities: Tipaskan to the north, Millwoods Campus to the east and Satoo to the south. - Served by the Miliwoods Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 3,313, a 1.3o/o increase since 1986. Population level appears to have stabilized. Residents under 20 years of age 38.1%, significantly higher than the City's 27.2%. Reflects high utilization and demand for community services and facilities. - Also, higher than average number of persons 30-45. Indicates a young community. - Seniors in Meyonohk 2.3o/o vs. City's 8.9%. No special demand for services for this group. . Singles 50.2% (vs. City's 47.1%) and married persons 41.9% (vs. City's 40.5%). - Lone-parent families 11.7%, slightly Jess than Edmonton's 13.2%. Demand for average facilities for this group but no special need. - Employed persons 41.4%, closely approximates City average (40.7%). - Slightly lower proportion of homemakers (6.7o/o) than City's 7.4%. Low proportion of retired In Meyonohk (3.0o/o) vs. City's 9.8%. Reflects small number of seniors in neighbourhood. - Unemployed persons 2.5o/o vs. City's 4.3o/o at time of 1989 Civic Census. Current (April, 1990) City rate of 8.0o/o suggests that the Jobless rate has probably risen In Meyonohk as well. - 1986 average family income was $37,605, somewhat Jess than the City average ($41,681). - 53. 7o/o of residents have lived at the same address for at I'east three years, nearly identical to the City average (54%). - Homeowners 61.9'Yo-Ys. City's 46.8% and renters 34.4% vs. City's 48.4%. Length of stay and tenure suggest a socially stable neighbourhood. - A member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

SummÂŤ 1988









Physical Characteristics - Residential development 79.9% of neighbourhood area. 83.8% are single detached homes, 14.5% row housing (including one private housing coop with 21 townhouses) and 0.8% low rise apartment units. Most dWellings 10-15 years old and well maintained including the row housing. Some vacant properties poorly kept, detracts from neighbourhood appeal. - Institutional uses 6.3% of area. Includes the site of a church and a public elementary school. - Commercial uses 2.Q% of area. Includes two adjacent shopping areas In the northwestern sector. One Is a busy shopping area with a gas station, postal station, drug store, bank, day care, restaurant and convenience store. The other shopping area has professional offices on the second floor while the main level Is largely vacant. - Parks and open spaces 2.2% of area. Includes one large, central neighbourhood park and a landscaped pipeline right-of-way diagonally crossing the neighbourhood. - 9.7% of area vacant, which at present, provides a great deal of open space.

Transportation - Bounded by three arterials - 28 Avenue to the north, 91 Street to the west and 23 Avenue to the south. 1989 average weekday traffic volumes 7,OOO, 14,100 and 23,700 respectively. Millwoods Road, a collector, carries 13,700 vehicles per day. - 91 Street Is a regular truck route. Traffic noise a problem here for properties backing onto Mlllwoods Road. As well, J. Percy Page High School being locate-? across Millwoods Road, contributes to traffic noise and lack of on-street parking for nearby residents. - Edmonton Transit provides regular bus service via routes 65, 68, 77 and 78 and peak hour service via routes 165 and 177. Routes 77 and 177 travel through the centre of the neighbourhood on Lakewood Road while the remainder travel on peripheral roads. The Lakewood Transit Centre located to the Immediate northeast of Meyonohk. - Sldewalks are In reasonably good condition however, local roads are generally rough and uneven.

Public Facilities




Major Issues - 38% of residents under 20 years of age suggests greater need for community-based facilities and programs for children and teens. - High proportion of preschoolers Indicates potential future strain on school. - High traffic noise and lack of privacy for residents along Millwoods Road. - Large number of multiple-family dwellings surrounding school yard with no fence indicates potential safety hazards given high traffic volume. - Children observed playing In parking areas of multiple-family dwellings suggests lack of play areas In these complexes. Poses traffic safety hazards. • Residents report many concerns regarding traffic and noise on 23 Avenue. • As well, many complaints regarding sewage and drainage problems.

Future Plans

- Meyonohk Public Elementary School is the only educational facility In this neighbourhood. Currently operating at 80% of its capacity of 625. School has soccer fields and baseball diamonds. Portable classrooms on location



indicate at least one wave of students graduating from this school and possible future overcrowding due to large percentage of pre-school children (25.8% vs. City's 17.3%) and development of currently vacant lots. One private co-operative housing project (Salvador Housing Project) has 21 townhouses. No community housing projects, senior citizens' or handicapped persons• facilties in this neighbourhood. Convenient additional facllltles located at Millwoods Campus to the immediate east. Included are two high schools, Millwoods Recreation Centre, as well as Grant MacEwan Community College. Millwoods Golf Course also nearby. Social services available through the Mlllwoods Office (2849, Millwoods Road N.W.) of Alberta Family and Social Services. As well, through the Millwoods Community and Family Centre (#214, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. Primary health care facllitles provided by the Mlllbourne Health Centre (7525 • 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed, active treatment facility located nearby. The Lakewood Community League (260 Lakewood Road East) serves this neighbourhood. Facilities Include a hall with a daycare In the basement, two Ice rinks, play area, soccer field and baseball diamonds.


- No development or"iransportatlon Improvements planned for near future. - Some upgrading of local roads, especially resurfacing needed.









- A physically and demographically young neighbourhood, family oriented with relatively high social stablllty. - Large proportion of persons under 20 and between 30-45 suggests continued demographic growth likely to occur. - Large number of preschoolers suggests school will Ire enrolled to capacity or beyond in the next few years. - Further development of facilities and programs needed as demand may increase through re!iidentlal developments on remaining vacant properties.


- A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Whitemud Drive {north), 66 Street {east), 38 Avenue {south) and 76 Street {west). - Most residential developments in the 1970's and essentially completed by 1980. - Adjacent residential communities: Lee Ridge to the south and Tweddle Place to the west. - Served by the Millwoods Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Pa.rks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Meyonohk Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

May 1990




1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

- 1989 population 2,525, a 4.6% decrease from 1986. Indicates stabilization of population level. - Residents under 20 years of age 36.2%, higher than the City's 27.2%. Reflects a demographically young neighbourhood, suggesting high utilization and demand for programs and facilities for children and teens. - Proportion of seniors 2.9%, much lower than the City average (8.9%). Indicates low demand for seniors' facilities. - Singles 49.6% and married 42.5%, both slightly higher than the City's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. - Lone-parent families 16.5%, somewhat higher than Edmonton's 13.2%. Suggests a higher than average demand for support services for this group. - Employed persons 41%, nearly identical to the City's 40.7%. - 2.9% unemployed, lower than the City's 4.3% (in 1986) . Current {April, 1990) rate of 8.0%, implies greater percentage of jobless persons in Michael's Park as well. - Homemakers 6.3%, less than City average (7.4%). - 3.7% retired vs. City's average of 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors residing in neighbourhood, and no additional need for specialized programs and services for the elderly. - Average family income $37,492, less than the City average {$41,681). Reflects higher than average number of lone-parent families who usually earn less than average income. Location of two community housing projects here {which serve the needs of person's with lower income) may have some bearing on this figure as well. - 59.7% of residents at same location for at least three years, higher than the City's 54%. - Owners 67.3% and renters 30% vs. City's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Tenure and length of stay indicate higher than average social stability.





- Michael's Park is part of the North Millbourne District which Is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 67.6% of area. Of this, 54.8% are single detached homes, 26.8% row housing (including two community housing projects - Michael's Park I and 11) and 16.7% low rise apartments. An attractive neighbourhood with well maintained properties and mature foliage. A large centralized park area and walkways give an open feeling to this neighbourhood. - Institutional use 5.4%, represents the community league facilities. - 3.5% commercial area represent two busy shopping areas. Located along 66 Street, they incorporate numerous retail shops and service outlets. Location does not allow easy access from the neighbourhood. Nearby Millbourne Shopping Centre provides many daily needs. - Parks and open spaces 20.7%. Includes two large adjacent neighbourhood parks (one with soccer fields and ball diamonds), a wide, landscaped pipeline right-of-way and¡walkways/blcycle paths near row housing. - 2.9% vacant properties in northeast corner of neighbourhood suggest possibility of population growth in future, if housing developed here.



Public Facilities - No schools located In Michael's Park, but access to schools in the adjacent neighbourhoods of Tweddle Place and Lee Ridge. Walking to these school may create problems for some students, especially during Inclement weather. ¡ - North Mlllbourne Community League located In this neighbourhood (980 Mlllbourne Road East). Includes a hall and two ice rinks. Soccer fields and ball diamonds in Park area, adjacent to community league. - Two community housing projects here - Michael's Park I (15 townhouse units) and Michael's Park II (41 townhouse units), both operating to near capacity. For equal distribution of community housing projects throughout various neighbourhoods, such additional units not foreseeable here. - No seniors or handicapped housing here. - Commercial facilities include a busy shopping area in northeast quadrant. Numerous services are provided such as a day care, two service stations, and restaurants, including McDonalds. Millbourne Mall (a district level shopping facility) located to the Immediate southwest in Lee Ridge. - In addition to the recreational facilities provided by the Park areas, Millwoods Golf Course is located to the immediate east of Michael's Park. Millwoods Recreation Centre also nearby. - Social services provided by the Millwoods Office (2849 Millwoods Road N.W.) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Millwoods Community and Family Centre (#214, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. - Primary health care facilities provided by the Millbourne Health Centre (7525 - 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. - Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed, active treatment facility located nearby.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterials, Whitemud Drive (north) and 66 Street (east). Average annual weekday traffic volumes, 32,300 and 29,100 respectively. Two collectors, 38 Avenue to the south (approximately 10,000 vehicles per day) and 76 Street to the east. Berm along Whitemud Drive helps eliminate traffic noise however, no such buffer for residents along 66 Street, an extremely busy artery. - Whltemud Drive is a dangerous goods and truck route. - Local roads quite uneven, resurfacing needed. - Regular transit service provided via routes 65, 67, 69, 76, 82 and 83 and peak hour service via routes 159, 161, 165, 167 and 176. All boundary roads serviced by t!lese routes except Whitemud Drive and routes 76 and 176 travel through tfte neighbourhood on Millbourne Road East. Millgate Transit Centre located to the immediate north, across Whitemud Drive.



Major Issues - Large proportion of preschool and school age children but no school in neighbourhood. Poses an inconvenience and potential safety hazards when pupils walk to schools. - Lack of traffic noise barriers along 66 Street creates high levels of traffic noise for nearby residents. Large proportion of population under 20 years of age indicates high demand for facilities serving children and teens. Relatively high proportion of lone-parent families suggests demand for additional support services. - Local roads rough and uneven - makes travel uncomfortable.





Future Plans



• Expansion of Whltemud Freeway between 76 Street and 66 Street planned for 1993·95. Will probably create some additional noise and Inconvenience for nearby residents. - A public elementary school and nursing home planned for this neighbourhood at some future date.

Conclusion - A physically and demographically young neighbourhood with higher than average social stability. • Continued high proportions of young children may further Increase demand for a school in this neighbourhood. - Some services and-facilities such as those for single parents, children and teens should be assessed and further programs developed. • Local roads require resurfacing.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Michael's Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

May 1990




1990· 1994, The City of Edmonton

• A young, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Sou1heast Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by Mill Creek Ravine (north). 34 Street (east). 34 Avenue (south) and 50 Street (west). - Most residential developments in the 1980's, and some s1ill continuing. • Adjacent residential communities: Greenvlew/Hillview to the west, Weinlos/Blsset to the south, Jackson Heights to the north and Klniski Gardens to the northeast. - Served by the Millwoods Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 3,311, a 12.2% increase since 1986. Reflects recent residential development in this growing community. Persons under 20 years of age 41.2% vs. City's 27.2%. It should be noted that children under ten years of age account for a large proportion of this figure (28.3%). Indicates a demographically young neighbourhood with high demand for programs and facilities for young per.sons especially those under ten. • Seniors 2.1% vs. City's 8.9%. Low demand for seniors facilities and resources here. - Retired persons 2.2%; reflective of small proportion of seniors in the neighbourhood. - 49.2% singles and 44.6% married, both slightly higher tlilan Edmonton's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. • 10.7% lone parent families, lower than Edmonton's 13.2%. Support services for this group required but no special demand. - Employed persons 39.7%, slightly lower than City's 40.7%. - 2.2% unemployed, half the City average (4.3%) when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (April, 1990) rate of 8.0% Implies rate has risen in Minchau as well. - Homemakers 7.8%, comparable to the City's 7.4%. - Average family income $34,698, somewhat less than the City average ($41,681). Reflects a working class neighbourhood. - Owners 72.7% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 25.1% (vs. City's 48.4%). - 52.8% residents at same address for at least three years vs. City's 54%. Indicates a neighbourhood of average social stability, which is likely to increase with community's physical maturity and residents living here for a while. - Mlnchau Is part of the Rldgewood District which participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.





Physical Characteristics • Residential area approximately 80%. Of this 96.3% single detached homes, 1.7% row housing and 0.7% low rise apartments. A wide mixture of housing styles and poorly maintained properties with little foliage contrasted by well maintained properties with developed foliage. Once current developments and landscaping completed, visual appeal should increase. • Institutional uses 6.2%. Includes a public elementary school and a church. • Commercial uses 0.6%, represents a centrally located active retail, service and professional centre. • Vacant/undeveloped properties approximately 6%. Indicates potential for population growth if residential developments constructed here. • Recreation/open spaces 7.8%. Includes two neighbourhood parks and two smaller landscaped areas, one of which is a pipeline right-of-way.

Transportation • Bounded by three arterials, 34 Street (east), 34 Avenue (south) and 50 Street (west). Average annual weekday traffic volumes 6,000, 7,000 and 19,000 respectively. Traffic noise barrier in place along 50 Street. 50 Street a restricted truck route and 34 Street a regular truck route. • Local roads have rough and uneven sections, some resurfacing needed. Edmonton Transit provides regular bus service via routes 82 and 83 and peak hour service via .routes 159 and 161. No routes located along 34 Avenue or 50 Street, creates inconveniences for some residents.



• Recreational opportunities provided by Mill Creek Ravine (forms the northeastern boundary), as well as by Millwoods Golf Course and Millwoods Recreation Centre. • Social services provided by the Millwoods Office (2849, !Mlllwoods Road N.W.) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Mlllwoods Community and Family Centre (#214, 3017 • 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. • Primary health care facilities available through Millbourne Health Centre (7525 • 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed, active treatment facility, located nearby and serves area residents.

Major Issues • Number of local preschoolers Indicates Minchau School likely to be operating to capacity or beyond in near future. Expansion of the facility or addition of portables may be required. - High demands for recreational facilities serving young persons, especially children under 10 years of age. • Local roads being rough and uneven, some resurfacing required. • Lack of fences around school yard a potential safety concern due to location across from a commercial area, along a busy roadway (Millwoods Road East).

Future Plans

Public Facilities • Minchau Public Elementary School operating at 95% of its capacity of 525. With continuing developments and very high proportion of preschoolers (32.9% vs. City's 17.3%), school expected to be operating to capacity or beyond in near future. Portables on site. Facilities include a play area, soccer fields and ball diamonds. School yard not fenc.ed. May pose some safety hazards due to busy Millwoods Road East and a shopping area, to the immediate east. • Portable trailers, adjacentto the school provide community league facilities including an ice rink. • No community housing, facilities for seniors or the handicapped here. Ridgewood Baptist Church located here. • A centrally located shopping area provides many services. Comprised of a bank, hair salon, day care, dry cleaner, restaurant, take-out food, video outlet, convenience store, gas station and a medi-clinic. Millwoods Town Centre, a major shopping facility located nearby provides additional retail and service opportunities.



• No transportation or roadway improvement plans for the near future. • Residential developments ongoing, population growth likely to continue.

Conclusion • A physically young neighbourhood with a very young population structure. Average social stabillty, but increasing with age. • Large proportion of children under 10 years of age suggests that present facilities should be assessed and services developed to meet the needs of this group. School may be operating to capacity or beyond in near future. • Some concerns with traffic safety for school children along Millwoods Road. • Local roads have rough and uneven sections, some resurfacing required.







Neighbourhood Profile - Montrose

:uMi= References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Minchau Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, T he City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

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1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Jpl------Y•. llOWhH d Trlll


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Highlights Montrose is an older neighbourhood located approximately seven kilomeares northeast of City centre. Montrose: • is experiencing some rejuvenation as younger families and children are becoming a larger proportion of the neighbourhood population; • has a crime rate which is of considerable c,o ncern to the community; • has an average family income below the City average; and • has experienced a significant increase in the number of separated and divorced residents.

June 1990

RcvU<d l anuaiy 1993



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Neighbourhood Profile - Montrose



Neighbourhood Profile - Montrose



Social Charact eristics

Physical Ch aracteristics 1---- - - - -- -- - - -- ---------..

The 1991 population totalled about 3,260 people or nearly 10% more than in 1986. There has been an increase in the proportion of children in all age groups under 20 years from 1986 to 1991. The most significant was a 21 % increase in 5 to 9 years old. The proportion of children in Montrose, however, remains marginally lower than the City average. An increase of total population and especially children signifies neighbourhood rejuvenation.

Residential land uses occupy approximately 50% of the neighbourhood area. The majority of housing is single detached (59%) and duplexes (17%). New single family homes are being built in a previously vacant section of land in the northeast corner of the neighbourhood. As indicated in the chart below, this reflects a lower rcsidemial density than the City average. Rehabilitation of some homes is evidenL Edmonton Montrose

Although the proportion of seniors is high (15% vs. 9% for the City), the proportion of residents 55 10 69 years dropped 50% from 1986 to 1991. The proportion of divorced and separated residents almost doubled from 1986 to 1991. This group in Montrose (9%) represents almost twice the City average (5%). Single parent households were more prevalent than throughout the City (18% vs. 15% for the City). The stresses of marriage breakdown among Montrose residents would appear to warrant anention.


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Industrial uses, which total 12% of the land area, are numerous and include warehouses, truck transport and storage facilities as well as automobile repair businesses. Recreation and open space make up a relatively high proportion of the land area (approximately 24%) and include Montrose and Santa Rosa Park.



Single P,,..nt:t %oflo2l '"Jt.ofloal Pop.1l1:lion ~---路路---------->


Commercial uses total 9%ofthe land area and range from highway-oriented commercial uses (motels and automobile service stations) to neighbourhood convenience stores and service outlets.


Transportat ion


Tenure data reflects a mix of residents who have lived in the area for five or more years (43%vs. City 40%) and those who have moved in recently (21 % vs. 19% City). It would appear that the rejuvenation bas begun rather recently. The rate of full-time employment in Montrose (34%) was significantly less than the City average (40%) and the unemployment rate was twice as high as the City average. The job struggles of Montrose residents call for employment strategies to be targeted here. The average family income was $32,118 in 1986 compared to $40,465 for the City. Elhnic origins of Montrose residents generally reflect that of the City. The exception are residents with Ukrainian origin who comprise 15% of the population compared to the City average of 8%. Revi<cd 1anuuy 1993

There are five arterials in and around Montrose including the 72 & 73 Streets (extensions of Capilano Drive), Yellowhcad Trail, 66 Street and 120 Avenue west of66 StreeL Yellowhead Trail is the busiest with an average weekday traffic volume of 38,900 vehicles in 199 1. Yellowhead Trail (which is also a Dangerous Goods Route) and 118 Avenue are restricted truck routes. Regular truck routes exist along 66 Street between Yellowhead Trail and 120 Avenue and along 120Avenue between 63 & 73 Streets.

5. 13. 21>. 23. :u. 92 )

( 0

) 0

Edmonton Transit provides public transponation with bus routes (Numbers 18, 20, 28, 92, 23, 5). The LRT ColiseumS1a1ion is in the neighbourhood where transfers can be made to buses travelling to a variety of locations throughout the Ci ty. Revised January 1993

Neighbourhood Profile - Montrose

Neighbourhood Profile - Montrose

~ lfS~ill Iii!/•~·-

Neighbourhood Issues Transportation (Cont'd) A bike route is located between 58 and 64 Street a long 119 Avenue. Recent road improvements include a major rehabilitation and widening of 66 Street (directly north and south of Yellowhead Trail) as well as upgrading of 67 Street north of 124 Avenue.

Neighbourhood residents are very concerned about the amount of crime in th.e area, which is felt to be greater than Police Service statistics indicate. Residents are not necessarily seeing a benefit to reporting crimes to their property when house or car insurance has been discontinued after repeated claims. The need to personally visit a police office LO repo.r t crimes was also seen as a deterrent to reporting crime. The community league is going through a period of transition. A new full executive is focusing on coping with financial problems that arose in completing their partially erected new building with the goal of restoring confidence and programs in the Community League. These are issues which the writer understood (in discussion with some community members/organizations) to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However. issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the Beverly Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-5957.

Public Facilities • Schools in the area include Montrose Public Elementary (11931 -62 Street) and Ben Calf Robe Catholic Junior High (11833 - 64 Street). Both are operating at approximately half of their capacity in 1992. Ben Calf Robe provides a gr,1de six to nine and adult literacy program designed to meet the needs of Native students.

The Future The police and community will need to work together in order to address the issue of crime in the area.

Religious services are offered in the neighbourhood at St. Elia 's Ukrainian Orthodox Church (1 1833 - 66 Street). SL Clare's Roman Catholic Church (6310 - 118 Avenue), All Saints Orthodox Church (6425 - 118 Avenue) and Holy Eucharist Parish (6425 - 120 Avenue). Monrrose Community League (5920- 119 Avenue) facilities include an older hall, playground and wading pool. With a new full slate of executive. they are looking to re-establish a variety of programs. Child Care CentrCS in the neighbourhood include the Beverly Day CareSociety(l 1833 - 64 Street) and Montrose Day Care Centre and Program for School Age Children (1193 1 - 62 Street). Other public facilities located in the area include the Highlands Branch of the Edmonton Public Library (6710- 118 Avenue), Northlands Coliseum (7424 - 118 Avenue), and Santa Rosa Arena (6725 - 118 Avenue). Specialized housing for senior citizens is located at SL Elia Pysanka Manor(l 1906- 66 Street) with 36 apartment suites and the Ukrainian Senior Citizen's Home of the Holy Eucharist (11935 - 65 Street) with 60 units. The neighbourhood is served by the Beverly Centre of Community and Family Serviccs(l 1809-48 Street) which offers a variety ofservices including counselling, a variety of group programs. services for seniors, children and youth as well as community development. Public facilities outside but serving the area include: Number 7 Fire Station (5025 - 118 Avenue) Eastwood Health Centre of the Local Board of Health (7919 - 118 Avenue) North Division Police Station (6504 - 137 Avenue) for 24 hour service and the Eastwood Station (11855 - 81 Street) for 12 hour service Royal Alexandra Hospital (10240 - Kingsway)

The Montrose Community League's long history of str0ng involvement and service in the area. coupled with the commitment of the present full executive, give reason to expect rejuvenation of this important community group.

References City of Edmonton Civic Census- 1991 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992. City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Deparunent 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Deparuneot Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, City Edmonton Transportation Deparunent Montrose Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Plartning and Development Department. 1987 • Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures • Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollmcnt figures • Cycle Edmonton. City of Edmonton T ransportation Department. 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Revi...i Januuy t 993

Revis«! J..,uuy t993

........ -··-

Neighbourhood Profile - Montrose






References (Cont'd)

Beverly Cenire of Community and Family Services Montrose Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department Ben Calfe Robe School NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided. on request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).


- A physically and demographically mature residential community in the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Yellowhead Trail to the north, 50 Street to the east, 118 Avenue to the south and 58 Street to the west. • Annexed to the City of Edmonton in 1912-13. - Homes in southern Newton (south of 123 Avenue) built prior to World War II. Northern Newton built only recently. • Surrounding communities are Bergman and Beacon Heights to the east, Highlands to the south and Montrose to the west. • Industrial Heights subdivision l ocated north of Newton across Yellowhead Trail.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 2,983, an Increase of 172 persons or 6.1% since 1971. Increase mostly due to new housing developments in northern sector. Higher population level creating new demands for programs and services. - Residents under 20 years of age 24.6%, somewhat lower than 27.2% for Edmonton. With new developments and young families moving in, the proportion of children may go up to some extent. - Seniors 13.3%, noticeably higher than 8.9% for the City. Long-time residents who are now seniors continue to reside here due to social linkages and easy access to amenities and facilities desired by the elderly. • Singles 41.7% (C(ty's average 47.1%) and married persons correspondingly higher 46.4% {Edmonton's average 40.5%). Indicates higher demand for family-oriented programs. • Lone parent families 10.8%, marginally higher than the City's 9.6%. Reflects higher than average demand for programs and services for single parents and their dependents. • Full-time employed persons 37.2%, somewhat lower than 40.7% for the City. Neighbourhood unemployment rate 6.5% (compared to the City's 4.3%) when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (November, 1989) unemployment rate for Edmonton being 7.4%, it is likely that Newton's jobless rate has gone up further. • Retired persons 16.2% (vs. City's 9.8%) reflective of a !nigh proportion of elderly population here. • Average family Income $33,359, compared to $41,681 for Edmonton. Higher proportions of seniors and single-parent families who usually earn less money than the average, have directly influenced the neighbourhood's average family income figure. • 64.5% residents lived in this community for at least 3 years, compared to 54% for Edmonton. Neighbourhood residents 25.9% renters (vs. 48.4% for Edmonton) and 69.4% homeowners (compared to 46,,8% for the City). These figures indicative of a very high level of social stability. Revised January 1993






• Reported neighbourhood crimes Increased by 51.83% between 1987 and 1988, compared to 5.21% increase for the City. Traffic-related offences increased dramatically. Property-related offences declined somewhat while person and morality-related offences remained constant. A good portion of traffic rule offenders may not reside here, but included In Newton's statistics as they were charged here. Additional police patrols needed to combat all types of offences.

Public Facilities


Physical Characteristics


- Residential uses 74.4% of the total land area of the neighbourhood. Single detached and attached homes 73.7% and 14.8% of housing stock respectively. Apartment units (both walkups and highrise) 10.3% of available accommodation. Most homes 30-40 years old, and in fair to good condition. A few homes in need of physical improvements. - Institutional uses 7.2% of the area. Confined to two schools, the community league and two church sites. - Parks and open spaces 1.7% of the land area. Includes two park sites and the municipal reserve lands in the northwest bordering Yellowhead Trail. - Vacant and undeveloped properties 15.9% of the neighbourhood area. Mostly confined in the northwest sector. - Commercial uses less than 1% of the area. Confined along 118 Avenue and another located north of 121 Avenue, east of 54 Street. Mostly provides dally necessities.




Two elementary schools located In Newton. Newton Public Elementary School and St. Leo Separate Elementary School currently operating at 33% and 62% level of their functional capacities respectively. Strengthening of enrollment urgently needed for the public elementary school. Otherwise the facility may be closed down creating inconvenience for the local public elementary pupils. Newton Community League organizes social and recreational events. Facilities include a meeting hall, social room and outdoor play area. Grounds of th e local schools provide opportunities for active sports(ball diamonds, soccer). Nearby district-level facilities, including Borden Park, Eastglen Pool, Floden Park, Rundle Park and Santa Rosa Arena also meet local sports and recreational needs. Two local parks provide additional recreational open spaces. No specialized housing for the elderly or handicapped located here. No community housing in Newton. Beverly Centre (11809 - 48 Street) of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services and the North Edmonton Office (13415 Fort Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services provide various social services. Primary medical services available through Eastwood Heatth Centre (7919 118 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues Transportation - Three arterials bound Newton. Average weekday traffic 30,900 on Yellowhead Trail, 10,400 on 50 Street and 16,200 on 118 Avenue. All these arterials regular truck routes. Yellowhead Trail a Dangerous Goods Route as well. Noise berm in place along Yellowhead Trail. Traffic noise a problem along eastern and southern margins. - Grid-pattern roads encourage speeding, short-cutting and to ignore yield signs. - Local roads and walkways in fair to food condition. Some alleys not paved. Constant maintenance necessary. - Buses of Route Nos. 18, 20, 28 operated by Edmonton Transit run through Newton and along 118 Avenue and provide regular-hours services.



• A growing number of elderly population but no specialized housing or adequate services and programs for this age group. - Traffic noise, and safety hazards, especially along the eastern and southern margins of Newton, an Important concern and reduce the quality of residential atmosphere In this neighbourhood. - Traffic shortcutting and speeding along internal residential roadways, especially on 53 Street, 54 Street and 120 Avenue create safety hazards and frustration among local residents. - Some older homes in need of repairs offer a rather unpleasant impression about the neighbourhood. - Low student enrolment at the local public elementary school a concern. Further fall of the enrolment level could compel the School Board to close down this facility. Frequent police patrols throughout - High crime rate an issue. neighbourhood necessary to reduce crimes and establish feelings of safety and security among local residents.




Neighbourhood Profile - Northmount


Future Plans - Intersection at 118 Avenue and 50 Street to be reconstructed in 1990, facilitating movement of traffic here.



• -


An older neighbourhood. Population level increasing moderately due to new residential construction to the northwest sector of Newton. A high proportion of elderly population deserves consideration for facilities and programs for the seniors. Families with pre-schoolers and grade-school age children needed to revitalize student enrolment of the local publlc elementary school. Recent population increase in the northwest sector may strengthen student enrolment to some extent. More pollce patrols required to combat criminal occurrences taking place in Newton. Better traffic management appears to be needed to reduce speeding, short-cutting, traffic noise and safety hazards through and around Newton.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 Newton Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

137 Avenue

GLENGARRY AJl figu~ have bem n:ianded ~the~ pcrccnt.lge (unks.s Olbe:rwiJe. ooecd).

Not toScaU

mghltghts Northmount is a mature suburban neighbourhood in north Edmonton. Northrnount: • has a large and increasing proportion of senior citizens; • is experiencing decreases in the proportion of children in all age groups from birth to 19 years; • has a larger than average incidence oflow income families and unattached individuals; • is predominantly made up of single detached housing with row housing on the northern perimeter of the neighbourhood; and

December 1989

• has a large immigrant population. Revised Februcy 1993




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Neighbourhood Profile - Northmount

Neighbourhood Profile - Northmount




Physical Characteristics ! - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - ----.,

Social Characteristics The 1991 population totalled about 3,920 people or nearly 3% less than in 1986. This represents a continuing trend from the early 1980's of a decreasing population.

Residential land uses occupy 69% of the neighbourhood area. The majority of housing is single-detached (68%), followed by row housing (21 %) and collective residences (7%). Construction of housing in the neighbourhood took place primarily in the 1970's.

Although !here was a five percent decrease from 1986 to 1991 in th.e proportion of residents under 20 years of age. this group (26%) remains close to the City average (27%). Youth 10 to 19 years (15% vs. 12% City) are a relatively large group compared to children from binh to nine years (11 %vs. 15% City).

North mount

During this same 1986 to 1991 period. increases were seen in the proportion of senior citiuns living in NorthmounL Seniors now represent 13% of the neighbourhood compared to 9% in Edmonton as a whole.


Social stability in the community is evidenced in the tenure and ownership data. Over 59% ofresidents lived at the same addressforfive years or more (substantially higherthan the Edmonton average of 40%). Homeowners represented approximately 70% oflocalresidents (City' s average 51 %) and tenants about 30% (City' s average 49%). 70




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• Commercial uses, in the southwest comer of the neighbourhood (Northtown Mall) primarily make up 9% of the land area.

30 2')


lnstirutional uses make up 20% of the neighbourhood and include two elementary and one junior high school as well as Dicldnsfield Extended Care Centre and one church.


Parks and open spaces make up I% and include Northmount Park. ~ IOG-ad9 1Z



Unemployment in 1991 approximated that experienced across the City. As expected with the large senior population, the proportion of retired residents was significant (16% vs. 11% City). Althoug.h the average family income of residents was marginally higher than the City average, the incidences oflow incomes were higher among families (20% vs. 17% City) and unattached individuals (44% vs. 38% City). This income pattern may reflect the high proportion of seniors who generally have lower income levels. Significant differences between low and high income households could also account for this data.

Revis«! Feb!u>ry 1993


1 I

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Three busy arterials bound this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes in 1991were37,200vehicles along 97 Street; 34,300 along 137 Avenue; and 18,900 along 82 StreeL


• 97 Street is a dangerous goods and truck route and 137 Avenue is a regular truck route.


A relatively large immigrant population was living in the area in 1986 (27% vs. 21 % City). Attention to their particular needs appears to be warranted. • Ethnic origins ofNorthmount residents in 1986 generally reflected that of the City. The exceptions are residents with Italian, Ukrainian, Soulh American, Polish and "other single" origins.


Edmonton Transit provides very good public transportation with bus routes (nos. 30, 71 , 72, 74, 85, 87, 88. 187, 188, 189). The Nortbgate Transfer Point at the comer of 97 Street and 137 Avenue coMects passengers to a variety of bus routes and City locations.

. Bicycle routes exist along 137 Avenue and 97 Street. \.

___ @nonton ----






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Revised February 1993



Neighbourhood Profile - Northmount


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Neighbourhood Profile - Northmount



Neighbourhood Issues

Public Facilities

• Local residents are concerned about traffic noise along the heavily travelled! 97 StreeL

• Dickinsfield Public Junior High School (14320- 88A Street), in the fall of 1992, bad an enrollment that represented 74% of capacity. The two elementary schools in the neighbourhood, SL Anne Catholic (14105 - 94 Street) and Non.hmount Public (14020 - 88 A Street) were operating during this same period at 64% and 51 % respectively of their capacities.

• Religious services are held in this neighbourhood at the First Church of the Nazarene (14320 -94 Street). • The neighbourhood is served by the Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services (13315 - 89 Street) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance. • Northmount Community League (9208 - 140 Avenue) offers a variety of programs including skating, baseball, babysitting, playschool and social events. Facilities include two baseball diamonds, two rinks, a hall and playground. Dickinsfield Extended Care Centre (14225 - 94 Street) in Northmount is a combined auxiliary hospital and nursing home. Additional specialized housing for seniors is provided in the neighbourhood at the Polish Canadian Senior Citizens Home (9203-144 Avenue). The two out-of school programs within Non.hmount include SL Anne Out-of-School Care (14104 - 94 Street) and Glengarry Out-of-School (9211 - 135 Avenue). Public facilities outside but serving the area include: Number 14 Fire Station ( 7312 - 144 Avenue) Londonderry Police Station (6504- 137 Avenue) Royal Alexandra Hospital (10240 Kingsway) Castle Downs Health Centre of the Local Board of Health (34 Lake Beaumaris Mall, 15333 Castle Downs Road)

• The natural aging of community residents is affecting participation in neighbourhood programs traditionally geared to young families including the elementary school and the Community League. These are issues which the writerunderstood (in discussion with some community members/organizations) to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social. Worker at Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-2414.

The Future Anention to the needs and issues of a changing population (e.g. large immigrant, teen and senior population) are needed to ensure viability and relevance of neighbourhood programs. Further development of neighbourhoods in the non.beast will cause the vol.ume of traffic to increase along the arterials surrounding NorthmounL creating additional traffic noise and safety hazard problems.

References • City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 • Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Department • Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722. Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transportation Department • Nortbmount Neighbourhood Fact SheeL City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department. 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transponation Department, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enroll.ment figures • Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton. City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 • Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services

Revised February 199" Revis<d February 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Northmount


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Neighbourhood Profile - Ogilvie Ridge


Ogilvie Ridge

Referenc es (Cont'd) • Nonhmount Community League • City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Depanment "Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map."


NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, as a replacement for lhe 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).


Not 10 Scale

Highlights Ogilvie Ridge, also known as Whitemud CTeek, is a new residential neighbourhood in the southwest sector of the City. Located beside the Whitemud Creek ravine, Ogilvie Ridge: • is an affluent residential neighbourhood with predominantly single family dwellings on expansive or large lots; • has a significantly higher proportion of children below the age of 14 years, compared to the City average; • being a new residential neighbourhood, its social stability is in a formative stage. It is likely that community cohesiveness will further improve with time; and

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• has a reasonable level of community infrascructure in place for the neighbourhood residents.

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Reviled Jun< 1993

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----Neighbourhood Profile - Ogilvie Ridge

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Social Characteristics


Physical Characteristics

According to the 1991 Civic Census, the population of this neighbourhood was approximately 1,020. The population level will continue to increase through occupancy of new homes and the addition of children to young families. Prc-schoolers make up about 11 % of the neighbourhood's population compared t0 slightly less than 8% for Edmonton. This indicates a growing need for programs. facilities and services for young children. A significantly higher proportion of middle-aged individuals (35-44 years age group) is noticeable (Ogilvie Ridge's 28% vs. Edmonton's 16%). Senior citizens comprise less than one pe.rcent of the neig.hbourhood's population, compared to slightly over 9% for the City. This information is indicative of low demand for programs and services directed to the elderly.

Neighbourhood Profile - OgilVie Ridge ~--~


Residential land use makes up approximately 60% of the land area. Single detached dwellings constitute approximately 92% of housing, while row housing (rwo adult-oriented complexes) comprise the remaining 8%. Most homes are well maintained and are in excellent physical condition.

50 40

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Ogilvie Ridge

Approximately 3% of the neighbourhood area has been set aside for neighbourhood convenience commercial uses. The commercial site. located to the northeast ofBulyea Road at Rabbit Hill Road, is vacanL


Public utility uses (an Edmonton Power substation) comprise nearly 3% of the rota! land area of Ogilvie Ridge. S.rcil•Paren1& %o1To21



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• Parks and open spaces account for about 6% of the neighbourhood area. This includes the neighbourhood park site (yet to be developed). ornamental parks and walkways. Upland setback and private walkways make up about 8% of the total area.

No information about the proportion of single parent families is available. However, based on information received from community contacts, it is assumed that the proportion of single-parent families here will be much lower than the Ciry average. Local residents holding full-time employment constituted 43%, as opposed to 40% for the City. Unemployment rate in Ogilvie Ridge is much lower than the City average (less than 1% vs. City's 4% in 1991). No family income figure is available. but the size and styles of properties reflect Ogilvie Ridge being an affluent neighbourhood. Residents with British ethrticity form the majority in this neighbourhood, followed by Ukrainians, German, Chinese, South Americans. French. South Asians, Dutch and Polish. Homeowners constitute about 92% of the area residents (Edmonton's average 49%). Being a new residential commurtity, the length of residency pattern may not be a dependable indicator of social stability. However, the overwhelming majority of homeowners, who generally have an interest in their properties and in the ge.neral area, most likely would establish a high level of social stability. A total of24 criminal offences were recorded for this area in 1990. The majority were thefts and break and entry offences. As the total number of crimes commiued here was very small compared to most neighbourhoods in Edmonton, it is believed that a reasonably healthy social environment prevails here. Reviled lune 1993

Roadways constitute nearly 20% of the total area of Ogilvie Ridge.

Transportation Rabbit Hill Road, an arterial, bounds this neighbourhood to the wesL This road carried 3,200 vehicles on an average weekday in L990. Further development taking place in Caner Crest to the west. and joining up this road will! 23 Avenue in the futu.re, could make this thoroughfare a busy roadway.

No. 34


Local roads and walkways are in good condition. • Peak-hour only bus service is provided by Edmonton Transit (Route No. 34) on weekdays. In view of Ille number of passengers using buses during peak hours, consideration may be given to increase frequency of the bus service.



Revised Jun< 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Ogilvie Ridge






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Neighbourhood Profile - Ogilvie Ridge ~--~


Public Facilities The Future Wilh further physical development, the population of this neighbourhood will grow. As popu lation grows and time passes. area residents are likely to develop community cohesiveness which could lead to further social stability in this area.

There is no school located in Ogilvie Ridge. Local students auend Earl Buxton Public Elementary School or St. Mary Separate Elementary School, both located in the adjacent Rhatigan Ridge neighbourhood. PublicElemem.ary School students will attend the new GeorgeLuckSchool from I.he Fall of 1993 in theadjacem Bulyea Heights (Brookview) neighbourhood.

As Ogilvie Ridge appears to be one of the most affluent neighbourhoods in Edmonton, and as residents take good care of their properties, the neighbourhood is likely to retain ilS attractiveness and aesthetic qualities in the near future. These features could attract more people to this neighbourhood.

No specialized housing for the elderly. the handicapped or low-income families are located in this neighbourhood.

With the development of various components of the neighbourhood amenities and facilities, the area residents will have easy access to several needed and desired services. including day-to-day retail opponunilies and park facilities.

Ogilvie Ridge is a member of the Riverbend Community League. A new hall for this community league has been developed recently in the adjoining Rhatigan Ridge neighbourhood. Arrangements are currentlyunderwaytoformaseparatecommunityleaguewiththeadjacentBulyeaHeightsneighbourhood. Let's Play Development Centre (536 Riverbend Square) and Riverbend - YMCA Out-of-School Care (258 Rhatigan Road East) provide child care facilities to local families with young children. Active and passive recreational opportunities are available in nearby Terwillegar Park, Fon Edmonton Park, the River Valley crails and the local ravines. Nearby public facilities available for the neighbourhood residents include: Fire Hall No. 13 (4035 - 119 Street) University of Alberta Hospitals (8440 • 112 Street) Strathcona Police Station (9710 - 51 Avenue) Duggan Health Centre (5035 - 108A Street) The neighbourhood is served by the Pleasantview Centre of Community and Family Services (#407, 11044 - 51 Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance.

Neighbourhood Issues Many area residents feel that they do not have adequate access to public transportation facility. As bus service is available only during peak weekday hours. some area residents who do not drive feel isolated during mid-days, evenings and weekends. Some area residents feel that neighbourhood facilities for young children are not adequate. They feel that the neighbourhood park should be developed as soon as possible to provide both active and passive recreational opportunities for children. These are issues which the writer (in discussion with some community members/organizations) understood to be imponant in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information. contact the Community Social Worker at Pleasantview Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-5441. Revised Iune t993

References City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada. 1986 Five Year Conscruction Program: 1988- 1992. City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map. City of Edmonton Transportation Department Transponation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1992 • Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enroll-:ent figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton. City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 • Pleasantview Centre of Community and Family Services Rivcrbend Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department "Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office. Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map. " NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided. on request, as a replacemem for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

Revis«! June 1993

11'-WW lf,'l&ll


Neighbourhood Profile - OgilVie Ridge




Notes Introduction - A developing, suburban residential neighbourhood in the West Planning District of Edmonton. Bounded by Wolf Willow Road/Wolf Willow Ravine to the north, North Saskatchewan River Valley to the east and south and 170 Street to the west. - Residential developments began in the 1980's and continuing to present. - Adjacent residential communities: Westridge to the north and Callingwood South/Gariepy to the west. - Served by the Jasper Place Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 1,815, a 61% increase from 1986. Neighbourhood still developing, population growth likely to continue tor some time. - 38% residents under 20 years of age, much higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. High demand for facilities and programs for children and teens. - Seniors only 1.2%, much lower than the City's 8.9%. Low demand for services and facilities for older persons. - 45.3% singles (vs. City's 47.1%) and 52% married (vs. City' s 40.5%). Indicates a family oriented community. - 8.9% Jone parent families, less than Edmonton's 13.2%. Below average demand for support services tor single parents. • Residents employed full time 44.5%, more than the City's 40.7%. • Only 0.9% unemployed residents here, very low compared to Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% implies level may have risen but is probably still very low in Oleskiw. - Retired residents 1.7%, much lower than the City's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors here. • average annual family income $78,343, very high compared to Edmonton's $41 ,681. A very affluent neighbourhood. - Residents who have lived at the same address for a minimum of three years 46.6%, less than the City's 54%. • Homeowners 87.2% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 8.7% (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggest social stability will increase with neighbourhood maturity and when residents have lived here longer.







Physical Characteristics - Residential developments approximately 60% of area. 80% single family dwellings, 12% two unit dwellings (including two adult-oriented communities) and 5% row housing. Much development underway; still many vacant parcels. Affluence of local residents suggests neighbourhood likely to be very appealing once fully developed. - No institutional uses at present. - Commercial uses about 5%. A neighbourhood shopping centre in the northwest sector, Incorporating many retail, service and professional outl ets. As well, two commercial sites in the southwest quadrant. - 15% recreation and open spaces. Includes Wolf Willow Ravine to the north and a centrally-located neighbourhood park. - About 20% of area vacant/undeveloped. Likely to be developed for residential uses, will result in further population growth and create additional demand for services.

- Social services provided by Jasper Place Community and Family Centre (15626 - 100A Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the West District Office (#201 , 170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. Primary health care facilities provided by West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - High proportion of residents under 20 years of age, suggesting a strong demand for facilities serving children and teens. Programs and services for this age group should be planned and developed. - Family-oriented social and recreational programs in high demand here.

Transportation - Bounded by one arterial: 170 Street with an average annual weekday traffic volume of 9,800 vehicles. Wanyandi Road serves as the major collector here. Traffic noise and congestion does not appear to be a concern here at present. . - Local roads and sidewalks in good condition. - Regular transit service provided via route 122. Service appears to meet current needs of residents.

Public Facilities

- Remaining vacant properties to be developed here, increasing the neighbourhood's population level. - School to be constructed at a future date on the currently vacant central neighbourhood park site.


- No schools in this neighbourhood as yet. - Central neighbourhood park has some play equipment on site. Additi onal recreational opportunities provided by Wolf Willow Ravine to the north and the North Saskatchewan River Valley to the east. - Two adult residential complexes here: Country Club Point has 20 duplex units and Horizon Village Callingwood has another 20 duplex units. - Wolf Willow Place, a neighbourhood shopping centre in the northwest corner of this neighbourhood provides commercial opportunities. Incorporates a service station, bank, restaurant, tanning salon, drycleaners, daycare, sport shop, hair salon, pharmacy and dental, optometrist and medical professional services here. As well, a greenhouse and plant centre located along 170 Street, in the southwest sector.


Future Plans


- A physically developing and demographically young neighbourhood with growing social stability. Given increasing population level, development of more facilities (especially for young persons) may be necessary in the near future.









References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Oleskiw Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

Introduction - A mature inner-city residential neighbourhood in the Central Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 104 Avenue tothe north, 109 Street to the east, the North Saskatchewan River Valley to the west and 124 Street to the west. - Residential developments started in the 1880's and most completed by the World War I. Infill housing redeveloped on many lots while old original structures stand on the rest of the properties. - Adjacent neighbourhoods are Groat Estate to the west, Queen Mary Park to the north across the CN lands, and the Downtown to the east across the CN Railway lines. - Served by the Westmount Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - One of the largest neighbourhoods in Edmonton, both in terms of households (10,629 units) and population (15,190 persons) in 1987. Population increased 7.68% since 1983. Higher occupancy level in apartment units mostly caused this increase. - Residents under 20 years of age only 6.6% compared to 27.6% for the City in 1987. Young adults (20-29) 30.6%, higher than 23.4% for Edmonton. Seniors approximately 18% compared to 8% for Edmonton. - A preferred neighbourhood by young adults due to proximity to employment in the government centre and downtown, the University of Alberta and various recreational facilities. Seniors prefer Oliver due to availability of and proximity to facilities and amenities (health care, retail shopping, banking, public transportation, active and passive recreational opportunities and specialized housing for the elderly). - Age composition shows a low level of utilization for programs and services designed for children. - Predominance of young adults and seniors Indicate higher levels of utilization of programs designed for them. Also, a potential for private markets to address many needs of these two groups. - Singles compose 51.9% of population vs. Edmonton's 47.5%. Married persons only 27.1%, much lower than 41.3% for the City. Lone-parent families 4.58% (averages of Census Tracts 30, 31, 32.01 and 32.02) compared to 9.58% for Edmonton. Indicates a strong demand for programs and services for the singles. SeptembÂŤ 1990









Transportation - Full-time employed persons 54% in 1986, much higher than the City's average of 40.3%. Reflects Oliver's convenient location In relation with nearby employment modes noted above. Retired 18.5% (vs. Edmonton's 8.0%) due to concentration of seniors here. Unemployed 6.7% In 1986 vs. the City's 5.6%. As the City's current jobless rate is 9.6% in February, 1989, It Is likely that the neighbourhood's unemployment rate has also climbed up since 1986. - Average family Income In 1986 was $38,877 (averages of Census Tracts 30, 31, 32.01and32.02), lower than $41,681 for Edmonton. Higher proportions of seniors and unemployed influenced this lower figures even though the neighbourhoods employment rate Is substantially higher than the City's average. - Renters 91.% (vs. the City's 48.4%) and homeowners only 8.8% (vs. Edmonton's 45.0%). Only 40.2% lived in Oliver for more than three years, much lower than Edmonton's 56.1%. Tenure and length of stay indicate a low level of social stability. - Proportion of vacant residences declined from 13.5% in 1983 to 7.2% in 1986, giving an Increase In the neighbourhood's population level. - The average household size 1.43 persons, much lower than Edmonton's average of 2.53% In 1987. Reflects predominance of single adults forming the majority of local households (65%).

- Three arterials border Oliver -124 Street, 104 Avenue and 109 Street. Three more arterials Jasper Avenue, 116 Street and 100 Avenue, run through the neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes are approximately 39,000 vehicles on Jasper Avenue, 15,300 on 100 Avenue, 24,700 on 104 Avenue, 30,000 on 109 Street, 12,000 on 124 Street and 13,100 on 116 Street. Arterials divide the neighbourhood Into several unequal sub-areas, create traffic noise and safety hazards, limit physical access and social Interaction among residents of various sub-areas, and thus adversely affect community cohesion. - Many high-rise bulldlngs and nearby offices and businesses generate substantial traffic and create on-street parking problem. Grief-pattern streets encourage short-cutting and create additional safety problems for local residents. - Public transit is provided by as many as 16 different bus routes through and around Oliver during regular and peak-hours. The new Grandin LRT station, to be opened In the Fall of 1989, is located at the southeast corner of Oliver (100 Street between 98 and 99 Avenues). Age and employment structures of the community Indicate avallablllty of transit service at adequate level here. Grandin station would also attract some local users making the system more useful. Movement of pedestrians at ground level would provide both public surveillance as well as a more human character to the area.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 59.9% of the neighbourhood's land area. Single detached and attached homes only 7.9% of the housing stock. Most of these homes are 40-50 years old, and located In the southeastern sector of Oliver. Lowrise and high-rise apartments provide 3,798 units (33.5%) and 5,347 units (47.2%) respectively of available accommodation. Most high-rises In the southern and central areas, whereas the majority of walk-ups in the northern sector. - Recent trend to convert single family homes to businesses {boutiques, homecrafts, beauty salons) noticeable. - Commercial uses 16.1% of the net area. Most retail shops and service outlets concentrated along Jasper Avenue, west side of 109 Street and east side of 124 Avenue. Serve both local residents and commuters. - Institutional uses 9.6% of the area. Includes the General Hospital, the Community League Hall, three schools and nine church sites. • Transportation-related uses (CP yards and intermodal services facilities , LRT station accesses) 4.65 of the neighbourhood's net area. • Parks and open spaces 3.3% of the net area. Due to high population level, deficient in parklands. River Valley presumed to mitigate paucity of parklands In the southern sector. - Vacant lands 5.75 of Ollver's net area.




Public Facilities - Two elementary schools currently operating here. Oliver Public Elementary School (10210 - 117 Street) Is currently operating at 35.3% level (capacity 640, enrolment 226) while Grandin Separate Elementary (9844 -110 Street) is functioning at 29.40% level (capacity 575 • enrollment 169). The latter is a French-Immersion facility. - St. John Elementary School (10231 - 120 Street) was closed in the Fall of 1982 due to low enrolment. Vacant school building being leased by Edmonton Academy for special academic programs for children with learning disabilities. Edmonton Academy Is operating at full capacity with 70 students. One senior citizens' lodge (Kiwanis Place Lodge at 10330 - 120 Street) with 53 beds operating at almost full capacity. Kiwanis Place (10330 - 120 Street), St. Manor Joachim (11070 - 99 Avenue) and Ansgar Villa (10170 120 Street) provide 665 self-contained apartment units. These are also operating In almost full capacities. additional units for seniors appears to be in need here. Social and recreation programs for seniors available in each project. local seniors also use the drop-In centre of the St. Joseph's Cathedral (10040 - 113 Street).









Future Plans • A group home for the physically handicapped (Apartment Training Program Residence at 10316 • 116 Street) with 8 beds located here. Eric Cormack Centre (9835 • 112 Street) with 92 beds provides residential and developmental services to severely retarded multi-handicapped children and young adults. • No community housing in Oliver. • Oliver Community League Hall (10326 - 118 Street) located next to a neighbourhood park. Facilities include a skating rink, wading pool, outdoor swimming pool, a children's; laying area, a meeting hall and a games room. Two other parks (Kitchener Park and Paul Kane Park) also located in the northern sector. Oliver in general, and its southern sector in particular, deficient in recreational open spaces. However, easy access to many nearby facilities Including the river valley, Vlctoria Golf Course, Mayfair Golf Course, William Hawrelak Park, Emily Murphy Park, Kinsmen Sports Centre, Royal Glenora Club and the YMCA appears to supplement local parkland deficiencies. • Eight churches including St. Joseph's Cathedral, Beth Salom and Beth Israel Synagogues located here and provide religious service. • Social Services programs available through the Westmount Office (11016 • 127 Street) of Alberta Social Services and Westmount Centre (#400, 12323 • 104 Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services. • Primary health care services delivered by the Central Clinic (10320 • 100 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health. • Emergency medical care provided by the Edmonton General Hospital (11111 Jasper Avenue).

Major Issues • Oliver's prime location near major employment nodes, recreational facilities, shopping and downtown entertainment facilities commend very high value for remaining developable properties and thus exert redevelopment pressures on older, decaying single family homes. High cost of redevelopable properties only make medium-density residential developments feasible in Oliver. • Location of many offices, businesses, employment nodes and the High Level Bridge (a major river crossing point) create traffic noise, commuter and commercial parking on residential streets, external traffic short-cuts and safety hazards, especially in the northern and southeastern sectors. Creates frustration among local residents and lowers the quality of residential environment.



• Grandin LRT Station, primarily to serve the Government Centre employees, to be inaugurated in the Fall of 1989. Will also provide additional public transportation opportunities to the residents of this populous community. Increased number of pedestrians on roads near the station could provide additional public surveillance to the area. • 116 Street between Jasper Avenue and 104 Avenue and 100 Avenue between 109 and 111 Streets as well as between 114 and 121 Streets to be reconstructed during 1989. Upon completion, roadway capacities will Improve aiding traffic along these busy roads to flow more efficiently. Will also reduce congestion and time delays. • As the southern sector is grossly deficient in park space, the Parks and Recreation Department will develop a small park here. Location north of Detailed design and development 98 Avenue east of 111 Street. programming to begin In 1989. • A non-profit housing cooperative is considering to develop 40-50 units of stacked townhouses in the block immediately south of the proposed park site. May attract some families with children aiding enrolments in local schools. wm also slightly Increase the share of homeowners In the community, even though the overwhelming majority of n eighbourhood residents will be tenants.

Conclusion • A populous, inner-city residential community. • Concentration of many high-rise and walk-up apartments due to proximity of employment, services,retail shopping and recreational facilities has created high density of population (especially young adults and seniors). - Easy access to the above opportunities has also created many transportation-related issues including on-street parking, traffic short-cuts and safety hazards. - High proportion of elderly population, low vacancy rates in local senior citizens' homes and the neighbourhood's location in relation to amenities and services desired by the seniors deserve consideration for additional housing units for the elderly. • A very low proportions of married persons, homeowners and residents living for a long time have created a low level of social stability here. Development of famlly·sultable, medium-density housing could marginally increase proportion of homeowners (some with families) and thereby somewhat Increase the level of social stability. • More family-oriented housing could increase the number of pre-schoolers and grade-school students, aiding student strengths at local schools.






Neigh bourhood Profile - Ormsby Place





References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census Canada 1986.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.

s 69Avcoue


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Central District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Oliver Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.


City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.



1989-1993, The City of Edmonton

Oliver Area Redevelopment Plan, 1981.

JAMIESON PLACE All figures have bccri rounded lO the DUtt:S1 pcrceni.agc (lm.1ess ochcrwise: noc.ed).

Not «>Seal<

Highlights O nnsby Place is a new and still developing residential neighbourhood in the west end of the City. Located immediately to the east of the Restricted Development Area (RDA), Ormsby Place: • is a family-oriented neighbourhood with a very high proportion ofresidents below the age of 20 years; • has a substantially lower share of seniors than the City average: • has an average family income lower than the average for Edmonton; • is primarily characterized by single detached dwellings followed by ro w housing; and

March 1989

• has a marginally higher proportion of single parent families than Edmonton. Revised Febrult)' 1993




Neighbourhood Profile - Ormsby Place


~ 11'~~&111

Neighbourhood Profile - Ormsby Place


Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics 1 - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -

According IO the 1991 Civic Census, the population of Ormsby Place was approximately 4,380. Considering lhe factS that Ormsby Place is a developing colll.Dlurtity where approximately 20% of the land area is yet to be developed. it is highly likely that its population will increase in the future. Young residents under the age of 20 make up approximately 37% of the neighbourhood's population, substantially higherthan 27% forthe City. The proportion of pre-schoolerswas 11% in 1991, compared to about 8% for Edmonton. These data indicate higher-than-average demand for programs and services for the young residentS of lhis neighbourhood. The proportion of young adultS (25-39 years) residing here is also greater than the City average, the shares being 36% and 30% respectively. This information furlhersubstantiates that Ormsby Place is a demographically young colll.Dlunity.

Approximately70% of the total land area of Ormsby Place is devoted to residential uses. Single detached homes make up about 66% of the housing stock. followed by row housing (30%) and low-rise apartment units (4%). Most residential development in Ormsby Place took place between 1975 and 1985. Most residential properties are in good condition. • In addition to single family homes. row housing (about 630 units) and walk-up apartment suites (about 320 units) are two popular forms of accommodation here. Most multiple family housing projectS are located in the central part of the neighbourhood surrounding the main neighbourhood park and the public elementary school. While such locations facilitate access to these vital community facilities, they also c reate on-street parking problems.


Senior citizens make up less than 2% of the area's population (City average 9%) indicating only negligible demand for programs and services for the local elderly residentS.



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The proportion of single-parent families living here in 1991 was about 16%, marginally higher than the average for Edmonmn Married persons living here are comparable to the City average of 40%, but a markedly higher proportion of single persons (Ormsby Place's 52% vs. Edmonton's 47%) lived here in 1991. • Approximately 48% of the neighbourhood residents were employed full-time in 1991, substantially higher than the City's rate of 40%. The jobless rate here was marginally lower than that of Edmonton in 1991. In spite of this high employment rate. the average family income here was lower than the City average, indicating C?mparatively lower earning capabilities of the local residentS. • The tenure pattern in this neighbourhood closely resembles Edmonton's (47% renters and 49% owners). Only 41 % of the area residentS have lived here for a minimum period of three years (average for Edmonton being 53%). These patterns of tenure and length of stay, considering the factS that Ormsby Place has a good supply of rental accolll.Dlodation and the neighbourhood is a new one, are indicative of a co=unity where social stability is growing with time. • Ethnic origins of Ormsby Place residents generally reflect that of the City. However, the neighbourhood has higher shares ofresidentS belonging to Aboriginal, Black, South American and Jewish ethnicity than !heir corresponding averages for the City. Revised Februuy t993

• Parks and open spaces account for sligh tly over 3% of the area_ This land us-e category includes the neighbourhood park (north of 62B Avenue, east of 184 Street) and a smal ler open area with several mature trees (east of 187 Street. north of64 Avenue). Institutional land uses (one public elementary school and two churches) make up about 5% of the area. Public ulilities (Fire Station No. 19, Edmonton Telephones- West Jasper Place Office and Ormsby Place Reservoir of the City of Edmonton Public Works Department) account for another 3% of the land area of this neighbourhood. • Vacant and undeveloped lands make up about 19% of the total area of !his neighbourhood.

Transportation Ormsby Place is bounded on three sides by arterial roadways - 69 Avenue to the north. 178 Street to the east and Callingwood Road IO !he south. Traffic volumes on these roadways in 1991 were about 13,300; 10,900 and 7,500 respectively. Coml?aratively higher levels of traffic noise are experienced by the residentS living near the eastern margin of this neighbou.rbood. • None of the local arterials are truck routes. Revised Februuy I993

~ lf~411

Neighbourhood Profile - Ormsby Place



Neighbourhood Profile - Ormsby Place




Transportation (Cont'd) Public Facilities (Cont'd)

39, 129 aod 130

• There is no bicycle route in or around Ormsby Place. • Local roads and sidewalks arc in good condition.

Edmonton Transit buses (Route Nos. 39, 129 and 130) run through as well along the periphery oftbis neighbourhood. In addition, local residents also benefit from the proximity to West Jasper Place Transit Centre where connection to over a dozen other bus routes can be made.

[______) 0


Public Facilities • The only educational institution located llere is the Ormsby Public ElemeOl.ary School. Currently, this School is functioning at full capacity of 425 students. Since mid-1980, the enrollment level declined somewhat and gradually grew again during the last few years. This trend indicates that another wave of elementary students bas now been enrolled- Since the share of pre-scboolers here is significantly greater than the City average, and the fact that a large portion of the neighbourhood is yet to be developed with family-oriented housing, consideration may be given to plan how to accommodate new students in the near future. No specialized housing projects for the seniors or the h~ndicapped is located here. Two community housing projects (Ormsby Place II at I 80 Street and 62 Avenue, and Ormsby Place ill at 184 Street and 64 Avenue) with a total of99 row housing units, are located here. These projects are operating at full capacity, occasionally with one or two units vacant Ormsby Tenant Centre, opened in 1990, is now being utilized by the project residents. Facilities in this centre include a collective kitchen, clothing bank and various programs addressing tenants, needs and interest. Facilities at the neighbourhood park include soccer fields, baseball and softball diamonds an.d children's playing area. The location of the park at the centre of the neighbourhood, adjacent to elementary school and multiple-family housing projects, makes it a vital focal point wbile ensuring a bigb level of utilization by residents. • A smaller open area(nortb of64Avenue., eastof 187 Street)aecommodates a few mature trees and sitting benches and provides additional recreational opportunities. • Willow by Community Hall (north of 62B Avenue, west of 180 Street) serves the residents of Dechene, Donsdale, Jamieson Place and Ormsby Place. This community league is very active in organizing social and recreational programs for the local residents. Currently, it is operating a playschool and an out-ofschool care program. It also offers skating and hockey programs, baby-sitting courses and arts and crafts classes. South West Edmonton Wbitemud Neighbourhood Association (SWEWNA) is a non-profit society promoting community development in the area. SWEWNA has begun to focus its energy on the difficulties of low income people living west of 170 Street south of Wbitemud Drive. Revised February 1993

Two churches, Our Savior Lulheran (183 Stree1 and 62B Avenue) and Si. Malhias Anglican (Callingwood Road at 188 Street) are located in !his neighbourhood. The neighbourhood is served by the Jasper Place Centre of Community and Fa.mily Services (10030 • 167 Street) which offers a variety of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youlh and seniors as well as communily development assistance. Nearby public facilities available 10 the residen1s of this neighbourhood include: Fire Station No. 19 (6210 • 178 Street) Misericordia Hospital (16940 • 87 Avenue) Jasper Place Police Station (10121 - 151 Street) West Edmonton Mall Community Police S1ation (1059, 8770 • 170 Street) West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Strec1)

Neighbourhood Issues Some local residents believe that adequate programs for young children and youths are not available here, creating boredom and hindering their personal growth and developmen1. Some local residents bold the opinion tha1 single parents and theirdependantsconsume a bigh proportion of community services, especially children's services subsidies and after-school care spaces available here.

These are issues which the writer (in discussion with some community members/organizations) understood to be imponan1 in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However. issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to differeni people. For current information. contacl the Communi1y Social Worker a1 Jasper Place Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-5908.

The Future • The population of this neighbourhood will grow with the construction of new homes. creating additional demand for community services. • The level of social stability is likely to go higher with time and as local residents participate in various local activities.

R••iS<d Fcb<uary I993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Ormsby Place




• • • •


Neighbourhood Profile - Ottewell

~ lf~&ll

City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada. 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988- 1992. Chy of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992. City ofEdmomon Transportation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map. City of Edmonton Transportation Departmem Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A. City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ormsby Place Neighbourhood Fact Sheet. City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department. 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes. City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollmcnt figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollmenl figures Cycle Edmonton. City ofEdmomon Transportation Department. 1991 Albena Social Services Day care Information System. July 1992 Jasper Place Centre of Community and Family Services Willowby Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department

"Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of sraffin the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB; This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When ii becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided. on request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).


Highlights Ottewell is a physically and demographically mature residential neighbourhood in the eastern pan of the City. Ottewell : • has a large but decreasing population level; • has a lower than average share of residents under 20 years of age; • has a greater than average proportion of senior citizens; • bas a comparatively lower incidence of low income families; • is predominantly made up of single detached homes; and • has a lower proportion of immigrant residents. Revised February 1993

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RevisedMarch 1993






Neighbourhood Profile - Ottewell




~ lf~&11

Neighbo urhood Profile - O ttewell



Social Characteris tics

Physical Characteristics

Onewell had a population of approximately 6,340 in 1992, making ii (demograpbically) oneof lhe larger neighbourhoods in Edmonton. However, it also represents a continuing trend from lhe early l 980's of a declining population. Residents under 20 years of age constitute 19% of the neighbourhood's population, compared to an average of27% for the City.

• Residential land uses comprise about 75% of the total area of OtteweU. The majority of the housing was built during the J 960"s and is in good physical condition. Single detached home.s make up 94% or total available residential units. Walk-up apartments and duplexes offer another 3% and I% respectively of lhe housing stock. Ottawell


Seniors make up about 16% of Ottewell's population, compared to 9% in Edmonton as a whole.



60 50




Institutional uses. approximately 15% of the land area, include two public and two separate schools. a private school , a college, the community league and six churches. • Commercial uses constitute about 9%ofthe areaand include Capilano Mall, a regional shopping facility, and Ottewell Shopping Centre. · 1986


• Recreation and open spaces account for l % of the area. Many large playgrounds in the neighbourhood also provide recreational opportunities and openness in this area.

Social stability here is evidenced in lhe tenure and ownership data. Over 64% of residents have lived at the same address for five years or more (substantially higher lhan the Edmomon·s average of 41%). Homeowners represented approximately 79% oflocal residents (City's average 49%) and tenants about 21 % (City's average 46%). • Approximately 38% of the neighbourhood residents were employed full-time in 1992. very similar to the City's average. The average family income in 1986 was markedly higher than lhe corresponding figure for Edmonton, demonstrating bigher income capability of lhe local residents. A relatively smaller than City average immigrant population was living in Ottewell in 1986. Ethnic origins of Ottewell residents in 1986 generally reflected tbai of lhe City. However, the proportions of residents with British, German, Ukrainian, Dutch .and Polish ethnic origin living in Ottewell were higher than their respective averages for Edmonton. Revised March 1993

Transportation Ottewell is bounded by arterial roads on all sides. The average annual weekday traffic volumes in 1992 were 36,500 along 75 Street. 24,600 along 98 Avenue, 27.400 along 50 Street and 12,400 along 90 Avenue. Three of the above arterials, 98 Avenue, 50 Street and 90 Avenue are regular truck routes. • Edmonton Transit provides regular bus service (Route Nos. 12, 55 and 93) through and around this neighbourhood. Capilano Transit Centre, a major bus transfer point is located here. facilitating access to other City areas.

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) 0 Revised Much 1993

Neighbourhood Profile - Ottewell

Neighbourhood Profile - Ottewell

Public Facilities

The Future

• Several schools are located in Ottewell. During the Fall of 1992, the two public schools, Clara Tyner Elementary and Ottewell Junior High were operating at 58% and 66% level respectively of their capacities. During the same period, the two local separate schools, SL Brendan Elementary Junior High and Austin o·Brien Senior High functioned at 20% and 95% level respectively. • One private school, Aurora Rudolph Steiner, is located at the former site of St. Bernard's Elementary School. • The Braemar Campus of Concordia College occupies the site of the now closed Braemar Elementary School. • Two seniors' lodges (Bethany at 6115- 92 Avenue with 50 unitS and Onewell at 6675 - 92 Avenue with 48 units), one seniors' self-contained cottage complex (Otte well at 6675 - 92 Avenue with 32 unitS) and a seniors' self-contained apartment complex (SL Nicholas at 5619 - 98 Avenue with 38 units) are located here. The churches located here are Edmonton Temple of Salvation Army (9115 - 75 Street), Ottewell Christian Reformed Church (6811 - 92A Avenue), Ouewell United Church (6611 -93A Avenue), Bethel Lutheran Church (7005 - 98 Avenue), Braemar Baptist Church (7407 - 98 Avenue) and St. Njcholas Church (9503 Austin O'Brien Road). • The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (#300, 9119 - Whyte (82~ Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling different group programs. services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance. Child Care services are available through Ouewell Day Care (5825 - 93A Avenue) and Lili's Day Care (5708 - 97 A Avenue). Ouewell Police Station (9807 - 71 Street) is located in the neighbourhood. Public facilities outSide but serving the area include: No. 11 Fire Station (6625 - 101 Avenue) University of Albena Hospitals (8440 - 112 Street) Idylwylde Health Centre (8314 - 88 Avenue)

Neighbourhood Issues • A gradually declining population, below average proportion of young persons and above average share of seniors suggest that demographic growth may be needed in the future to adequately utilize community facilities. The trends in demographic growth may eventually need additional programs and services to assist the growing number of seniors. • ResidenlS living near the margins of the neighbourhood are exposed to high levels of traffic noise. Movement of large trucks along the peripheral truck routes aggravate the problem. The situation also creates some safety hazards. These are issues which the writer (in discussion with some community members/organizations) understood to be imponam in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be imponant to different people. For current information contact the Community Social Wor.k er at the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-2625. RcvUcd March 1993

Ottewell is a physically mature and socially stable neighbourhood. Since Ottewell bas a large number of residents. itS slowly declining population level bas not caused any alarm or social uncenainty yet. However, the closure of two local schools and the low enrollmentlevel at St. Brendan Elementary/Junior High School may be treated with caution, and attemptS rnay be rnade to attract young families with preschoolers and grade-schoolers to this neighbourhoodLocal residents are concerned about maintaining the residential character of this neighbourhood. This neighbourhood is a member of the Southeast Community Planning Coalition which strives to address this general area's concerns. and provide direction in future development of the area.

References City ofEdrnomon Civic Census - 1992 • Census of Canada. 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Depanment • Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transponatic. :)epanment • 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City ofEdmoncon Transponation Department Transponation SystemBylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A. CityofEdmonton Transponation Department Onewell Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, CityofEdmonton Planning and Development Depanment. 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City ofEdroonton Transponalion Department. 1992 Edmonton Public School Board. fall 1992 e nrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services • Ottewell Community League • City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department "Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (TechnjcaJ Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB : This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 dat.a will be provided, on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818). Revised M. "eh 1993


Neighbourhood Profile - Ottewell



11\'hill lllil/•~•Introduction Notes

- A young, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Kennedale Ravine to the north, Victoria Tran to the east, CNR/Yellowhead Trail to the south and 34 Street to the west. - Initial residential developments in the 1970's, but continues to present. - Adjacent residential communities: Canon Ridge to the east, Abbottsfield to the south and Homesteader to the west. - Served by the Glengarry Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population, 1,981 - a 26% decrease from 1986. Indicates a transient neighbourhood population. - Residents under 20 years of age 35.7%, higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. Reflects a demographically young neighbourhood. Higher than average demand for programs and facilities serving children andl teens. - 0.9% seniors, much lower than the City's 8.9%. Indicates very low demand for senior's programs and services. - Singles 54.7%, higher than Edmonton's 47.1%. Married 34.8%, less than the City's 40.5%. - Lone parent families j9.4%, much higher than the City's 13.2%. High demand for support services for this group. Employed 48.4%, higher than 40.7% for Edmonton. - 5.2% unemployed vs. 4.3% for the City when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (May, 1990) City jobless rate of 8.2% implies a higher rate for this neighbourhood as well. - Homemakers 6.4% vs. the City's 7.4%. - 1.2% retired vs. City's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors in neighbourhood. - Average famlly Income $31,735, much lower than the City's $41,681. This figure may be Influenced by high proportion of lone parent families who usually earn less than average income. - Residents at same address for at least three years 35% (vs. City's 54%). - Renters 75.7% (vs. City's 48.4%) and homeowners 21.5% (vs. City's 46.8%). Tenure and length of stay suggest low social stability for this neighbourhood. - Overlanders a part of the Homesteader community which subscribes to the Neighbourhood Watch Program.





Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 47% of area. Of this, 70.7% single unit dwellings, 25.8% row housing and 3.1% low rise apartments. Most single and multiple unit dwellings well-maintained with developing foliage. Absence of landscaping on some properties and vacant areas detract from neighbourhood appearance. - 6.5% Institutional uses includes a public elementary school. - No commercial land uses here. - Recreation/open space 5.7%. Includes a neighbourhood park, adjacent to the school, and several landscaped walkWay areas. - Vacant/undeveloped area 40.8%. Population Increases could occur if these areas developed for resldentlal uses.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterials, Victoria Trail (east) and Yellowhead Trail (south). Average annual weekday traffic volumes 19,300 and 32,100 respectively. Hermitage Road, a collector, carries 4,200 vehicles. No noise protection for residents bordering the CNR tracks or for those along Victoria Trail. Yellowhead Trail, to the south of the CNR tracks, a dangerous goods and truck route. - Regular transit service provided via bus routes 71, 73 and 74. Routes 71 and 73 run through the neighbourhood. - Local roads and sidewalks in good condition. Regular maintenance needed.


- Social services provided by the North District Office (#240, 13415 - Fort Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Glengarry Community and Family Centre (13315 - 89 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. - Primary health care facilities provided by Clareview Health Centre (14023 Victoria Trail) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - High proportion of children and teens suggests strong demand for programs and facilities serving this group. - Large percentage of lone parent families suggests a high need for support services for this group. - No noise protection for residents along CNR tracks or Victoria Trail reduces quality of residential atmosphere. - No neighbourhood commercial facilities here. - Lack of community-based programs (eg. Community League) combined with large proportion of rental accommodation contribute to low social stability. - No fence on school property a traffic safety concern for children.

Future Plans - No transportation plans for the area during the next five years. • Vacant properties may be developed, causing Increase of the neighbourhoods population level and creating additional demands for community-based services.

Public Facilities - Overlanders Public Elementary School currently operating at 69.5% of its capacity of 400. Higher than average percentage of preschoolers suggests school enrollment will remain stable or increase somewhat in the near future. School grounds not fenced, a concern given significant traffic volume along Hermitage Road. Facilities at the school include a weflappointed play area, ball diamonds and soccer fields. - No commun ity housing projects or specialized residential facilities for seniors or the handicapped. - No commercial facilities. Such services may be needed due to relative distance from existing facilities. Abbottsfleld Mall the closest major shopping centre. - Some recreational opportunities provided by Kennedale Ravine to the north and Hermitage park to the east. Rundle Golf Course nearby.




Conclusion - A physically and demographically young neighbourhood with low social stability. - Resources and facilities for young persons and single parents should be assessed and additional services planned. - A fence should be constructed along the portion of the school yard bordering Hermitage Road for safety of school children. - Noise attenuati on barriers may be required along the CNR tracks and Victoria Trail to lessen high noise levels and address the needs of nearby residents.






... -

Neighbourhood Profile - Parkallen



- Development of vacant propertie.s could have a significant impact on this neighbourhood Including population growth and additional demands for community-based services. - More community-based programs and services could serve to increase social stability in this neighbourhood.



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s 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Overlanders Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.




1990-1994, The City of Edmonton



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Lendrum Place


Highlights Parkallen is a physically aging and demographically mature neighbourhood located between the University of Alberta campus and Southgate Shopping Centre. Imponant characteristics of this neighbourhood are: • Population level is increasing steadily and is undergoing rejuvenation. • It has a higher than average proponion of seniors. A proportion of single-parent families comparable to the City's average. • An average family income comparable to the City's average. • Has predominantly single family homes with some duplexes and walk-up apartments. Some residential rehabilitation is currently under way. ·

June 1990

Experiences high traffic noise level along the borders of the neighbourhood.

l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) Revised N'ovembcr 1992



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Neighbourhood J?rofile - Parkallen

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Neighbourhood Profile - Parkallen





Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

The 1991 population was about 2,280 - indicating an increase of 4% since 1989. The neighbourhood appears to be experiencing a period of renewed growth. Pre-schoolers comprise about 8% of!be neighbourhood population, comparable to the City's average. The proportion of pre-schoolers has slightly increased since 1989 which might strengthen the local school's enrollment in the near future.

1--- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -

Residential land uses occupy approximately 78% of the neighbourhood area. The majority of housing stock is single-detached (62%), followed by single attached (17%) and walk-up apartments (17%). Most homes were built in lhe 1950's. Properties are generally well-maintained. Some homes need renovations to prevent further physical deterioration. Edmonton

• Residents below the age of 20 years make up about 21 % of the neighbourhood population, as compared to 27% for the City. This indicates a somewhat lower than average demand for programs and services for young children and teenagers. Seniors make up 13% of population. as opposed to 9% for the City. This may indicate some long-term residents who continue to live in their homes and availability of facilities desired by the seniors in this general area. The marital status of the neighbourhood residents is comparable to the City averages (47% single and 40% married). About 20% families are headed by single parents, almost similar to the City average. This indicates an above-average demand for support services for lone-parents. The proportion of residents employed full -lime is slightly big.h er than the City (42% vs. 40%).

Commercial land uses make up I% of the total area. Most commercial outlets are located along 109 Street and provide goods and services of daily needs.



Parks and open spaces constitute 9%ofthe area. It includes a small park at the centre of the neighbour and a boulevard along the south and west boundaries . 20

Salvation Army, Faith Temple and Community League and the elementary school properties represent institutional uses and comprise 10% of the neighbourhhood's area.





Post-secondary students account for 11 % of the neighbourhood population, as opposed to about 6% for Edmonton. This indicates availability of rental accommodation in this neighbourhood located reasonably close to the University of Alberta. Homeownersconstitute about 59% of residents (City average 49%). Forty-five percent ofresidents have lived in Parkallen for at least five years. These facts indicate higher-than-average social stability here. The majority of the residents have British ethnic origin, followed by German, French, Dutch, Ukrainian and Polish. A Neighbourhood Watch Program is in effect here.

t ..........,... ~mon on =-=--



199 1

Revised November 1992

ParkaUen is bounded by threearterials - 109 Sireet to the east. 61 Avenue to the south and 113 Street to the west The annual average weekday traffic volume in 1991 was 23,900 vehicles along 109 Street; 23,400 along 61 Avenue; and 25,900 along 113 Street. 109 Street is a regular truck route while 113 Street is a restricted truck route.

~· AO.St.63.69. •2. .. 16,

Local roads and sidewalks are in reasonably good condition. Edmonton Transit provides public transportation through the neighbourhood (Route No. 42). Additional bus service is available on all boundary roads (Route Nos. 9, 40, 51, 68,69 and 169). A reasonably good level of service appears to be available here.



Revised November t992

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Neighbourhood Profile - Parkallen


Neighbourhood Profile - Parkallen



Public Facilities


The Future

Parkallen Public Elementary is the only school located in this neighbourhood. Currently, this facility is operating at 34% level. A gradual increase of population of this neighbourhood appears to have generated another wave of pre-schoolers, which could benefit the local school in terms of higher enrollment in the foreseeable fuiure.

Parkallen Community League has a meeting hall, two ice-skating rinks and a children's play area with equipments. The neighbourhood park (Ellingson Park at 65 Avenue west of 111 Street) and another small park (Violet Archer Park at 70 Avenue west of 109 Street) provide recreational opportunities.

• Steady increase of neighbourhood population, especially pre-schoolers will exert a positive impact and will increase the school's enrollmem in the near future. • Decisions made on the future extension of the South LRT to Neil Crawford Centre and then to Southgate could exert significant impact on thecommunily. Potential impacts could include increased traffic noise. safety hazards, pressure for redevelopment. reduction of neighbourhood satisfaction level and construction period inconveniences. A Community Development Plan for Belgravia, Mc Kernan and Parkallen is currently under preparation. It is believed that improved facilities of some local arterials along with the potential of South LRT extension as noted above could significantly influence the local circulation panem, housing and support facilities of the communities. The Community Development Plan aims at relaining the residential character of the neighbourhoods while maximizing the circulation and support services potent;al of the area.

Nearby public recreational facilities include Tipton Arena, Hawrelak Park. Emil y Murphy Park and the River Valley trail system. Edmonton Faith Temple and Salvation Army offer religious services in this general area.

• Parkallen is undergoing both physical and demographic rejuvenation. As more young families move in this neighbourhood, it will continue to remain a viable residential neighbourhood in the years ahead.

• No specialized housing for seniors or community housing for low-income families are located here. • Mill Creek Centre (9119 - 82 Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Family Services provides a variety of individual, group and family-related social services. • Other nearby public facilities available to the residents of Parkallen include: • Strathcona Police Station (9710 - 51 Avenue)


University of Alberta Hospitals (8440 - 1°12 Street) Duggan Health Centre (5035 - 108A Street)

The City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 • Census Canada - 1986 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City ofEdmooion Transportation Departmenl • Parkallen Neighbourhood Fact Sheet. City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987

Neighbourhood Issues

• Ride Guide (August. 1992), City of Edmonton Transportation Department

• Residents living near the margins of this neighbourhood experience a high level of traffic noise. This issue has reduced the quality of residential environment here.

• Parkallen Community League, 1992

• Some older homes in need of repairs give the area a less visually pleasant appearance. Often this situation is associated with elderly homeowners who are not pliysically capable of taking proper care of their properties.

Underutilization of community facilities designed for children appears to be an issue.

• Parkallen Public Elementary School, 1992 Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988

Revised November 1992

• For current information on community issues and resources. contact the community social worker at the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (428-2625). Revi!Cd November 1992

.... -

Neighbourhood Profile - Parkallen





Notes Introduction - An older, Inner-city residential neighbourhood in the Central Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 118 Avenue to the north, CNR/LRT tracks to the east, 112 Avenue to the south and Alberta Avenue to the west. - Most residential developments prior to 1950. - Adjacent residential communities: Eastwood to the north, Cromdale to the east, McCauley to the south and 89 Street to the west. - Served by the Beverly Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 2,800, a 4.4% decrease from 1986. Like many older neighbourhoods, residents are moving to newer, suburban areas. - Residents under 20 years of age 22.6%, less than Edmonton's 27.2%. Below average need for facilities and programs serving young persons. - 13.9% seniors here, more than Edmonton's 8.9%. Above average need for services and facilities for older persons. - 48.6% singles comparable to the City's 47.1% and 34.9% married, less than Edmonton's 40.5%. - 21.5% lone parent families, much higher than Edmonton's 13.2%. Very strong demand for special support services for single parents. - 34.1% persons employed full-time, less than the City's 40.7%. - 10.5% unemployment rate here, more than double the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (July, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.2% implies that level may have risen substantially in Parkdale as well. - 16.0% residents retired here, higher than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects above average proportion of seniors here. - $30,264 average annual family income, much lower than the City's $41,681. May be influenced by large proportion of single parents and seniors who usually have limited financial resources. - Residents living at the same address for at least three years 53.7%, similar to Edmonton's 54%. - Homeowners 41.6% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 38.4% (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggest average social stability here. - Parkdale participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.






Physical Characteristics 75.0% of area residential developments. Of these, 74.9% single family dwellings, 14.4% two unit dwellings, 2.0% collective residences, 1.7% tri and fourplexes and 1.2% low rise apartments (including one seniors' apartment building). Much of neighbourhood appears somewhat rundown as many properties poorly maintained. Renovations, landscaping and redevelopment of residential properties required. Low average income of residents may prevent them from undertaking such improvements. - 5.0% institutional area Includes one public and one separate school, community league and four churches. - Commercial area 9.5%. Outlets located throughout the neighbourhood but most situated along 118 Avenue. Other sites located along Fort Road, 82 and 80 Streets. Some rundown commercial properties need renovations. Parks and open spaces 0.2%. An obvious deficiency of recreational space here.

- St. ;-41phonsu;i Separate Elementary/Junior High School operating at 76% ?f its capa.c1ty of 815. Again, enrollments likely to remain steady or incre~se slightly in the near future. A daycare located in this school building. School grounds fenced and have play equipment soccer and baseball facilities. ' - Parkdale. Co?'munity League has a hall, play equipment and an Ice rink. ~ne seniors apartment (Edmonton Ukrainian Pentecostal) has 24 units including 2 for the handicapped. No community housing here. - Four churches .here l~clude St. Andrew's Presbyterian, Calvin Hungarian Presbyterian, L1thuam~~ Home.and lgreja Pentecostal Protuguesa. - Commercial opportunities provided by a wide variety of retail and service outlets throughout the neighbourhood, but more concentrated along the 118 Avenue commercial strip. Social services provided by the Beverly Community and Family Centre (5005 - 112 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the Central District Office (#301, 10242 - 105 Street) of

Alberta Family and Social Services.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterials: 112 and 118 Avenues with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 18,700 and 19,500 respectively. Several other arterials within this neighbourhood: 82 Street (12,100 vehicles/day) and portions of 115 Avenue, 86 and 80 Streets. All these arterials regular or restricted truck routes, resulting In high traffic noise levels. CNR/LRT tracks create additional disturbances, including noise and vibration. Many local roads in poor condition, extensive repairs required. Sidewalks also need some repairs. - Regular transit service provided via routes 3, 5, 11 and 18. These routes appear to serve the neighbourhood well. LRT tracks form the eastern boundary here, Collseum station to the immediate northeast and Stadium Station Is to the south. Proximity to LRT facilitates easy access for residents to other City areas, especially downtown.

Public Facilities - Parkdale Public Elementary/Junior High School currently operating at 56% of its capacity of 525. Enrollments should remain stable or increase somewhat due to slightly more preschoolers than those currently enrolled in the local elementary school. Fenced school yard has play equipment and soccer and baseball facilities.





• Prima~ health care facilities provided by Eastwood Health centre (7919 118 Avenue) of the Edmonton

aoard of Health.

Major Issues • Above average need tor services and r~~ources for seniors. • High percentage of single parent families suggests a s.trong need for support services for this group. As the neighbourhood appears rundown; renovations and redevetopme~ts needed. This may deter young families from moving here, preventing much needed demographic rejuvenation as well. • Lack of adequate park area and absence of landscaping on several large properties in the eastern sector serve to detract from neighbourhood appeal. . . - Several arterlals bisect this neighbourhood, reducing the sense of community here. These roadways and the CNR tracks also create much

traffic which decreases residential satisfaction.

- Location near Coliseum, Agricom and Stadium exacerbates traffic and parking concerns. - Roads and sldewalks in poor condition here, upgrading and repairs required. - Community housing may be required here due to limited financial capabilities of residents.



- Parkdale Area Redevelopment Plan in effect here. neighbourhood rejuvenation.

Strategies Include

Conclusion A physically aging and demographically mature neighbourhood with average social stability. Existing facilities serving seniors and lone parents should be assessed and needed programs introduced. - Development of more park areas and landscaping of vacant lots required to Improve neighbourhood appeal. Renovations and redevelopment also needed In order to Improve appearance of neighbourhood thus attracting more families to the area. This may also ensure adequate utilization of existing facilities. - Improving traffic flow by deterring traffic shortcutting, preventing heavy onstreet parking and repairing local roads and sldewalks may improve the quality of life in this neighbourhood. - Development of community hOuslng should be given consideration here.



s. 6. 7. 8.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II· Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Central District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Parkdale Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987. Parkdale Area Redevelopment Plan, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1982

• A mature residential neighbourhood in the West Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by Whitemud Drive to the north, 149 Street to the east and Patricia Ravine to the southwest. • Residential developments commenced in the 1960's and continued into 1970's. • Adjacent residential communities: Westridge to the southwest across Patricia Ravine, Elmwood and Lynwood to the north and Rio Terrace to the east. • Served by the Jasper Place Centre of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 1,786, a decline of 4.9% since 1986. In view of the total population level, this decline should be viewed with caution. Further sharp decline may cause underutilization of neighbourhood amenities including the school and park. • Residents under 20 years of age 26.1%, marginally lower than the City's average of 27.2%. Indicates an average level of utilization for neighbourhood resources. • Senior Citizens 7.2% of neighbourhood's population, slightly lower than Edmonton's average of 8.9%. Proportion of seniors and elderly adults deserves consideration for planning programs and services for the elderly. • Singles 44.1% and married persons 47.1%. • Proportion of lone-parent families 7.8%, somewhat lower than 9.8% for Edmonton. No special demand for programs and services for singleparent families and their dependents. • Full-time employed persons 43.6%, compared to 40.7% for the City. Unemployed only 1%, much lower than 4.3% for Edmonton when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (October, 1989) jobless rate for Edmonton being 8.5%, It is assumed that the ineighbourhood's unemployment rate has slightly gone up as well. • Average neighbourhood family income $78,434, substantially higher than Edmonton's average of $41,681. Reflects an affluent community where physical maintenance of properties will pose no problems. • People who resided at the same address for at least three years 57.4%, slightly better than 54% for Edmonton. In spite of a higher proportion of renters (Patricia Heights' 57.4% vs. Edmonton's 48.4%), the length of stay reflects a greater-than-average community stability.

August 1990




Future Plans

1. 2. 3.







- Neighbourhood crime rate increased by 9.6% between 1987 and 1988, compared to an increase of 5.21% for the City. However, the total number of crimes was so low that the neighbourhood is percentage increase may not reflect true situation. Most crimes property-related incidents (breakins, vandalism, theft). No morality-related crimes during the last two years. A reasonably safe and secure neighbourhood. - A member community of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses 68.4% of the neighbourhood area. Single detached homes 44% of the housing stock. Apartments remaining 56% of available accommodation. Most homes are very well maintained. - All rental apartments and townhouses located at the northeast corner of the neighbourhood. - Commercial uses 1.3% of the area. Confined to a well-developed shopping centre (gasoline and automobile service station, dry cleaning, drug store, food store, hair salon and medical clinic) serving local residents' daily needs. Institutional uses 4% of the area. Confined to the local public elementary school and the Jewish Community Centre. - Parks and open spaces 27% of the land area. Include the neighbourhood park and the Patricia Ravine to the south of Patricia Crescent, Patricia Drive and Country Club Road.

Transportation - Whitemud Drive, a very busy arterial, to the north. Average weekday traffic count 57,700 vehicles. Also a regular truck and dangerous goods route. Depressed freeway eliminate traffic noise. - Some on-street parking problems on 77A Avenue and 159 Street near townhouses and apartments. - Local roads and walkways in good condition. - Edmonton Transit Rote No. 39 provides regular-hour bus service through Patricia Heights. Additional regular-hour service (Route 16) and peakhour service (Route 116) available on bordering 156 Street. Access to additional routes available from the nearby Meadowlark Transit Centre.





Public Facilities - Patricia Heights Public Elementary is the only school here. Current enrolment 250 students. Functioning at 62.5% level of total capacity (400 students). Local grade-school pupils and pre-schoolers (120 pre-schoolers in 1989) will ensure continued viability of this neighbourhood facility. - The landscaped grounds of the school include children's playing area with equipments. - Jewish Community Centre, located at the extreme southeast corner of the neighbourhood, provides social, cultural, recreational and some educational opportunities to the Jewish community. Attracts patrons from the entire region. Owns large car parking lot to avoid spill-over parking on neighbouring streets. - Adjacent Patricia Ravine provides additional recreational opportunities. - No community housing, group homes or housing for the elderly here. - Centennial Mall Office (170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services) and Jasper Place Centre (15626 - 100A Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Family Services provides social services. - Primary health services available through the West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Gradually declining population In a demographically small neighbourhood could cause underutilization and even closure of available neighbourhood amenities. - Some on-street parking problems In the northeast sector near the townhouses and apartments. - No programs and facilities for the elderly, even though t he proportion of seniors growing steadily.

Future Plans - The City of Edmonton does not have any physical improvement plans for Patricia Heights at this time. - No transportation Improvement plans for this general area during the next five years affecting this neighbourhood.





... -

Neighbourhood Profile - Pleasantview



Conclusion - A small mature residential community with affluent residents. - Age of the dwellings, maintenance level of homes and income figures indicate a neighbourhood where physical deterioration leading to neighbourhood blight may not be an issue. - Age composition of the neighbourhood deserves some consideration for introduction of activities and programs for the elderly. Overall a decent residential community in Edmonton.



References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


West District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Patricia Heights Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.


1989-1993, The City of Edmonton

City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.




mghllgbts Pleasantview is a physically and demographically mature residential neighbourhood in the southwest sector of Edmonton. Located to the immediate north of Southgate Shopping Centre, Pleasantview: • appears to be experiencing rejuvenation as the population level is slowly increasing after a declining trend in the mid-1980"s; • has a strikingly higher proportion of seniors than the City average: • has a somewhat lower share of younger people, especially pre-schoolers, than the average for Edmonton; • is characterized by a significantly high percentage ofresidents living here for a long time, indicating social stability;

January 1990

• has an average family income lower than the City average; and • is predominantly made up of single detached homes, followed by some duplex units.



"'-~ nto @mo n

Revised February 1993 COMMUHIT'f' ANO J'AMll.Y SEAVICES


m :uMi=

Neighbourhood Profile - Pleasantview




Neighbourhood Profile - Pleasantview


Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

• The total population of Pleasantview was about 3,430 in 1991. marking an increase of slightly over 4% since 1986. This modest increase is a reversal in the trend toward a declining population experienced since 1986. The propo.rtion of pre-schoolers increased by about 3% between 1986 and 1991. Pre-schoolers still accounted for less than 5% of the neighbourhood population, comparatively lower than about 8% for the City.


Residential land uses make up approximately 67% of the total area of Pleasantview. Housing stoek is mainly single-family detached (89%), followed by duplexes (5%) and row housing (2%). Most residential units in Pleasanrview were developed in the 1960s. Most homes are well maintained with only a few properties requiring some improvements. Plea11antvlew


• As well, a comparatively lower proportion of residents below the age of 20 years was evidenced here (Pleasanrview's 18% vs. Edmonton's 27%) in 1991, which points out to a less-than-average rate of utilization of services and programs for young children and teenagers. Seniors made up a remarkably high 22% of the neighbourhood population in 1991, compared to only about 9% for the City. This demographic feature points to a much higher-than-average level of need for programs and services for seniors. ·


The proportion of single parents in Pleasanrview is marginally lower than the average for Edmonton.






1-- --• ln.stitutional land uses totalabout 12% of the neighbourhood area. In.eluded are lands devoted to Mount P leasant Public Elementary School, Mount Pleasant Good Samaritan Nursing Home and Pleasanrview Community League.

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• Parks and open spaces occupy about 9% of the total area. Th.is includes the neighbourhood park, a small park near the community league and the Mount Pleasant and St. Anthony's Roman Catholic cemeteries.



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4----------~----· 1986

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-c.----------------------> 1991

• Commercial uses constitute about 6% of the total area. This classification includes pan of the Calgary Trail commercial strip, as well as a few neighbourhood convenience commercial facilities located along 51 and61 Avenues. • Vacant and/or undeveloped properties in the soutbeast comer make up about 5% of the total area. • Public utility use (ITV station) constitute another I% of the neighbourhood area.

• Local residents employed full-time in 1991 was about 38%. as opposed to about 40% for the City.

• TheannualaveragefamilyincomeinPleasantviewin 1986wasabout$38,900,somewhatlowerthanthe City's average. It appears that the high proportion of seniors (who are mostly retired) has significantly influenced this income level. • Ethnic origins of Pleasanrview residents generally reflect that of the City. The exceptions are residents with German origin who comprise slightly over 11 % of the neighbourhood population (City 6%). • The fact that the population level of the neighbourhood has slowly increased since 1986. that about 52% of the local residents have lived here for more than five years (vs. City's average of 40%), and that the length of residence here is similar to the City's average, indicates a reasonably good level of social stability.

Transportation Pleasantview is bounded by four very busy arterials. Average weekday traffic volumes in I 991 were about 27,400 vehicles along 51 Avenue west of Calgary Trail Southbound, approximately 23,200 along 61 Avenue east of 109 Slreet, nearly25,400on 104 Street south of 60 Avenue, andapproximately28,800 on 111 Stteetsouthof61 Avenue. All above-mentioned arterials are also classified as regular truck routes. • A busy collector roadway ( 106 Street) runs north-south through the neighbourhood and divides it physically in two unequal halves. Revis«i Febroar)' t 993

Revis«! febnmy t99'3

... --··-

Neighbourhood Profile - Pleasantview




Transportation (Cont'd)

. .



l.ocal roads and sidewal.ks are in good condition.


Edmonton Transit provides public transponation with bus routes (Nos. 9, 24, 43, 51, 68, 69, and 93) operating through and around this neighbourhood. The Southgate Transit Centre is also located to the immediate south of the neighbourhood. where access to many different bus routes are available.

I Public FacWties

~· 24, 43, SI, 63, 69 A 9~


) 0

- -

The only educational institution located here is the Mount Pleasant Public Elementary School (10541 - 60A Avenue). It is currently operating at about 45% level of its capacity. Local demographic structure and trend indicate that the school's enrollment level may not strengtllen significantly in the near future. Pleasantview Community League (10860 - 57 Avenue) organizes spans and recreational activities for local residents. Its facilities include hockey rinks. playground, tennis courts and meeting hall. Good Samaritan Mount Pleasant Care Centre (10530- 56 Avenue) is a 182-bed nursing home with a special Alzhein:ler's Disease Unit. Almost no vacancies indicate a strong demand for this facility. Seniorciti:ten housing projects located in this neighbourhood serve local and surrounding area residents. These includePleasantview Lodge (5210- 110 Street) with 65 units including five handicapped units, Pleasantview Place (5210 - 110 Street) with 149 self-contained one-bedroom apartment units plus four handicapped units, and Veteran's Villa Southgate (5210- 106 Street) with 29 bachelor and five onebedroom apartment units. Low vacancy rates at these facilities suppon their current demand and future viability. The neighbourhood park and school facilities (playground, sliding hill. soccer fields and ball diamonds) are also used by the local residents. The neighbourhood is served by thePleasantview CentreofEdmontoo Community and Family Services (#407, 11044 - 51 Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance. • Nearby public facilities available to the residents of this neighbourhood include: Fire Station No.3 ( 11226 - 76 Avenue) The University of Albena Hospitals (8440 - 112 Street) Strathcona Police Station (9710 - 51 Avenue) Duggan Health Centre (5035 - 108A Street) Revised February 1993

.... -··lf~&W

Neighbourhood Profile - Pleasantview ~--~

Neighbourhood Issues With a very high proponion of seniors living i.n this area and heavily travelled anerials surrounding this neighbourhood, pedestrian safety for the seniors is a major concern to many neighbourhood residents. • Even though the proponion of young residents is gradually increasing, its total number is a concern. This demographic characteristiccould ultimately threaten the viability of some existing community resources. The local public elementary school is currently operating at a level s;gnificantly below its capacity. With the current demographic structure. the enrollment level may not improve further in the near future. Funher decline in enrollment level could lead to the ultimate closure of the only school in Pleasantview. • Some residential properties at the sou the m margin of this neighbourhood areencounteringredevelopment pressures for commercial uses. Intrusion of commercial uses may undermine the future viability of nearby homes and reduce the quality of residential atmosphere in this area.

These are issues whJch the writer undemood (in discussion with some community members/organizations) to be imponant in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be imponant to different people. For current infonnation, contact Ille community social worker at the Pleasanrview Cen1re of Community and Family Services (428-5441).

The Future • Some commercial developments on the currently vacant lands fronting onto Calgary Trail Southbound may take place in the foreseeable future. While such developments may adversely affect the quality of the residential environment here, they may provide additional retail and service opponunities to the local residents. • It appears that the level of social stability here will remain reasonably high in the foreseeable future. With new young families with children moving into Pleasantview, it is likely that the level of social stability may even go higher. The population of this area has slowly increased d uring the last five years. Introduction of new and interesting family-oriented programs by the local community league could auract additional young families with children, helping to further rejuvenate population level and better utilize the existing community facilities.

References • City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department • Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department • 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Depanment • Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Revised Febru&"y t 993

... ll~&W


Neighbourhood Profile - Pleasantview






References (Cont'd)

• • • •

- A developing neighbourhood of Mill Woods, in the Sourtheast Planning District of Edmonton. - Boundaries are 23 Avenue on the north, Mill Woods Road East to the east, 50 Street to the west, and Mill Woods Road South to the south. Residential development began in 1971 and is still going on. Surrounded by similar neighbourhoods: Weinlos to the north, Dally Grove to the east, Crawford Plains to the south, and Meyokumin to the west. - Served by the Mill Woods Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Pleasantview Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Depanment, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Carholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figu.res Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Pleasantview Community League

Social Characteristics

"Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graph.ics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data. rather than 1991 data which is not yet availabl~ on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).



- 1986 population totalled 3,645 persons, a 31.9% increase over 1983 figure. Sharp increase in population is due to recent residential developments in the neighbourhood. - Higher proportions of residents under 20 years of age (38.7% vs. City's 27.5% average) and young adults between 20 and 39 years (50.2% vs. City's 42.1 %) demonstrates the need for programs and services designed for these groups. - Middle-aged individuals only 10.1% of population (City's average 22.5%) and seniors a mere 1.0% (City's average 7.9%). - Singles 51.7% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 44.4% of population (City's average 41.3%). Preschoolers and Kindergarten to Grade 6 students total 31.1% of population as opposed to City's average of 17 .1 %. Indicates a strong demand on neighbourhood facilities and programs designed for young families. Residents employed full-time 42.9% (City's average 40.3%). Unemployed individuals 6.7% compared to Edmonton's 5.6% average. Current neighbourhood figure may be somewhat higher since Edmonton's May, 1988 unemployment rate was 8.0%. According to 1981 Federal Census, average neighbourhood family income was $28,110 somewhat below (12.2%) Edmonton C.M.A.'s of $31,998. Proportion of local residents who have lived at the same address for at least three years 53.5% (City's average 56.1 %). Homeowners 47.7% of population (City's average 45%) and tenants 49.5% (City's average 48.4%). Tenure and length of residency patterns indicate a fair level of social stability that may increase as neighbourhood matures. - The community of Southwood, which includes the neighbourhoods of Crawford Plains, Daily Grove, and Pollard Meadows, is a member of the Edmonton Police Department's Neighbourhood Watch Program, designed to prevent neighbourhood crime.

Revi.s<d februltY 1993








Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses occupy approximately 56.6% of neighbourhood area. Single detached homes make up most of housing stock (85%), followed by apartments (8.1%) and row/townhouslng (6.9%). Most dwellings appear to be in good condition reflecting the relative new state of this neighbourhood. Analysis of housing types with tenure shows that a good proportion of single detached homes are occupied by renters. No neighbourhood land is presently being used for commercial purposes. Institutional uses 13.1% of neighbourhood area. (Includes Pollard Meadows Public Elementary and Holy Family Catholic Elementary/Junior High Schools, and the site of a proposed Public Junior High School currently being used as landscaped recreation space. Parks and open spaces (Pollard Meadows Park) 2.9% of neighbourhood area, and close to one-third of it is still undeveloped. Vacant residential properties throughout the neighbourhood make up 8.4% of total area.

Transportation - Two arterials with moderate traffic flows bound the north and east margins of this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes indicate 8,300 vehicles on 50 Street, and approximately 5,000 on 23 Avenue (these figures may increase with the opening of the Mill Woods Town Centre, located to the immediate northwest of this neighbourhood. 50 Street is a restricted truck route between 0700 - 2000 hours, Monday to Saturday only. - Traffic noise and pedestrian safety along the arterial and collector roadways are a concern for local residents. - Local roads are In fair condition but walkways are needed along 23 Avenue and 50 Street. Roadway paving is scheduled for 50 Street in 1991-1992. - Public transportation services is provided by one regular bus route (No.78) and two peak hour routes (Nos. 159 and 161) connecting downtown.

Major Issues

Public Facilities Pollard Meadows Public Elementary School (1715- 48 Street) had a 1987-88 enrollment of 532 students, exceeding its capacity of 500. Enrollments are expected to remain relatively high in the immediate future. Any further Increases may require the addition of portable classrooms.


- Holy Family Catholic Elementary/Junior High School (171 OMill Woods Road East) had 627 students enrolled. With a capacity of only 415 students, the school has already acquired some additional portable classrooms, but future significant increases in enrollments may be too much for one local facility to cope with. This may need bussing of local students to adjacent separate schools with appropriate facilities. - Public and Separate Senior High Schools and the Grant MacEwan Community College located within Mill Woods accommodate local residents as well. - A community league has not been formed for this neighbourhood yet. Neighbourhood park and schools' facilities are available though to organize sports and recreational programs. These Include ice rinks, playgrounds, soccer fields and ball diamonds. - Other regional and city-wide facilities located near this neighbourhood include the Mill Woods Recreation Centre, (accommodates two skating rinks, squash and racquetball courts, exercise room, and wave pool swimming facility), and the 18 hole Mill Woods Golf Course (opening In 1988). These would address a variety of sports and recreational needs of the area residents. - No commercial facilities are located in this neighbourhood but neighbourhood convenience commercial facilities located along the margins of surrounding communities and a new regional shopping centre, the Mill Woods Town Centre {located to the immediate northwest of Pollard Meadows), will meet many shopping and service needs of local residents. - Southwood Ill (1693 - 42 street) Is a Community Housing project with 41 apartment units. A full occupancy rate appears to support the usefulness of housing for families with limited resources in this area. - The Mill Woods Office {2849 Mill Woods Road) of Alberta Social Services and the Mill Woods Centre {3017 - 66 Street) of Edmonton Social Services meet various social service needs of all Mill Woods residents. Health services are provided by the Millbourne Health Centre (7525 - 38 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health and the new Grey Nuns Hospital (3015 - 62 Street), conveniently located in the centre of Mill Woods.


- With a higher proportion of children, pedestrian safety is always a concern for local residents. Measures for pedestrian and traffic safety should be Introduced and maintained. - Some poorly maintained vacant properties and the undeveloped state of part of the neighbourhood park detract from the general aesthetic level of the neighbourhood.







Future Plans


- Most of the vacant properties are planned for residential development. One parcel, at 20 Avenue and Mill Woods Road East, is reserved for neighbourhood commercial uses. - The Mill Woods Park and Golf Course provides additional recreational opportunities for local and city-wide residents. - The Miii Woods Town Centre (currently being developed) and a number of other commercial and service facilities that will serve Mill Woods and surrounding area.

Conclusion - A physically new and demographically young residential neighbourhood. - Moderate population increase is expected with future residential developments. This may create additional demands on available neighbourhood amenities, especially the local schools. - Recent and future development of regional level facilities that meet various recreational, shopping, and service needs of all Mill Woods residents, will increase this neighbourhood's appeal.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. Census of Canada, Edmonton, Part I: Profile 1986. City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Five-Year Construction Program: 1988 - 1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Southeast District Working Paper No.3: Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Pollard Meadows Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

Summer 1988




A mature neighbourhood in the Northwest Planning District. - Initial developments around 1905, most homes built between 1940's and 1950's. Boundaries are Yellowhead Trail to the north, 121 Street and the Canadian National Railway lines to the east, 118 Avenue to the south and 127 Street to the west. - Surrounded by Hagman Estate Industrial neighbourhood to the north, the Municipal Airport to the east, lnglewood to the south and Sherbrooke to the west. - Served by the Westmount Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics - 1987 population 1,457, a decline of 123 persons or approximately 8% since 1983. Further population decline may cause problems In sustaining neighbourhood amenities and retaining community stability. - Proportion of young residents (below 20) marginally lower than the City's average (26% vs. 27.5%). Seniors 13.3% - much greater than Edmonton's average of 7.9%. Needs facilities and amenities for the elderly. - Singles 43.6% vs. Edmonton's 47.5%. Married persons 41.9% comparable to the City's 41.3%. ¡ • Lone parents 13% (In Census Tract 063 of which Prince Charles makes up a portion) compared to Edmonton's 9.58%. Considerations may be given for support services to this group. - Compared to the City's average of 40.3%, a lower proportion (36.9%) employed full-time and a comparable proportion unemployed (Prince Charles 6%, Edmonton 5.6%) in 1986. Current unemployment rate for Edmonton ( 7.6% In May, 1989) suggest a comparable jobless rate for Prince Charles as well. - Retired persons 12.4% vs. City's 8%. Reflects higher proportion of seniors. - Average neighbourhood family income of $34,185 in 1986 as opposed to $41,681 for Edmonton CMA. Higher proportions of retired and lone-parents may have partially lowered the average income level. 53% persons lived at the same address for at least three years as opposed to 56.1 % for Edmonton. Homeowners 56% and tenants 44%. Demonstrates a reasonable level of community stability here. - Neighbourhood crime rate Increased by 22.4% between 1987 and 1988 as opposed to 5.21% increase for Edmonton. Traffic and property related incidents increased sharply. Needs additional police patrols to curb these offences. A member of the Neighbourhood Watch program.






Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 61% of the neighbourhood area. Single attached and detached homes 97% of the housing stock. No apartment blocks in this neighbourhood. Most homes 40-50 years old and some need physical Improvements. - Commercial uses 3.5% of the area. Mostly confined along the southern margin forming part of the 118 Avenue commercial strip. - lnstttutlonal 5.8% of the area. Includes the local elementary school, the community league and the Yellowhead Youth Centre. - Transportation uses 8.1 % of the area. The City of Edmonton car pound and the park n'ride facllity Included in this category. - Park and open spaces 0.5% of the area and includes the park adjacent to the community league. - Vacant lands 1.1% of the area.



- Yellowhead Youth Centre (12320 - 124 Street) provides secure residential assessment, counselling and treatment faclllties to youths with severe emotional and behaviourial problems. Draws clients from entire Edmonton region. Academic facilities through the Edmonton Public School Board. Accommodates 80 youths. - Prince Charles Community League (121 Avenue and 125 Street) active in organizing local sports and recreational events. Facilities include a meeting hall, children's playing area and a landscaped recreational open space. Neighbourhood deficient In park space. - Grounds of the local school provide additional sports (soccer, softball, children's playing area) and recreational opportunities. - No specialized housing for the seniors or the handicapped. - Westmount District Office of Alberta Social Services (12308 - 111 Avenue) and the Westmount Centre of Edmonton Community and !Family Services (12323 Stony Plain Road) provide various lndlvldual and family-related social services to this general area Including Prince Charles. - Primary health service provided by the Woodcratt Health Centre (13420 114 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues

- TWo busy arterials along the south and west borders create safety and noise problems. Solld fences and noise attenuation barrier along the Yellowhead Tran protects neighbourhood residents from both noise and safety hazards. Annual weekday traffic counts on Yellowhead Trail 47,500 vehicles, on 127 Street 17,500 and on 118 Avenue 33,800 vehicles. All regular truck routes. Yellowhead Trail a dangerous goods route as well. - 124 Street a somewhat busy residential collector and physically divides Prince Charles Into two almost equal halves. Traffic speeding and shortcutting In this area. - Some roads and sidewalks need repair. - Public transit routes (nos. 3, 22, 23,27 and 37 provide regular service along 118 Avenue and 127 Street. Residents living in the northeastern sector must walk quite a few blocks to obtain public transit facility. Especially difficult for the elderly and children during rainy days and winter months.

- High noise level is the prime concern. High traffic volumes on adjacent arterials, movement of trains and engines on the adj acent railway tracks and movement of aircratts In the adjacent Municipal Airport create excessive noise problems for the area residents. - Traffic safety along the western and southern margins Is another issue in Prince Charles. - Physical deterioration of some homes give a rather run-down appearance of some properties. - Paucity of park space calls for development of a major neighbourhood park here. - Too much traffic, shortcuttlng and traffic falling to obey stop and yield signs also concern local residents.

Future Plans Public Facilities - Prince Charles Public Elementary School currently operating at 85% level of its capacity of 300 students. Number of pre-schoolers and grade-school students indicate that this facility will operate at a high functional level In the foreseeable future.



- General roadway improvements In Westmount to the south (as part of the AMPLE project) including 118 Avenue In 1989-90. Upon completion, traffic along 118 avenue south of Prince Charles may flow more smoothly and may partially alleviate safety hazards . - The City of Edmonton has already approved the Edmonton Municipal Airport Noise Policy study and the Airport Branch of the Transportation Department Is currently developing "Noise Rules" In order to Implement the approved policies.










- A physically and demographically mature neighbourhood with a gradually declining population level. - A growing number of elderly deserves attention for programs and services for the seniors. - Redevelopment of vacant lots and rehabilitation of older properties may bring additional families here, increasing population level and assuring viability of available community resources. Consideration should be given to alleviate the noise problems the local residents are exposed to especially through banning late evening take-offs and landings at the Municipal Airport. - A neighbourhood park for the local children appears to be a social need in this community.

- An older, inner-city residential neighbourhood in the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 82 Avenue to the north, 104 Street to the east, 70 Avenue to the south and 109 Street to the west. - Most residential developments prior to 1950. Some redevelopments at present. - Adjacent residential communities: Strathcona to the north, Allendale to the south and McKernan to the west. - Served by the Mill Creek Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986.


Census Canada 1986.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Prince Charles Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.


City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

1989-1993, The City of Edmonton

- 1989 population 4,590, a 2.0% increase from 1986. Indicates a stabilization of the population level. - 11.6% residents under 20 years of age, less than half of Edmonton's 27.2%. Low demand for facilities and services for children and teens. - 13.1% seniors, somewhat more than the City's 8.9%. Above average demand for facilities and resources serving older persons. - Majority (52.3%) of residents 20-35, facilities and services may be required for young adults. - 57.7% singles (vs. City's 47.1%) and 25.3% married (vs. City's 40.5%). - 17.9% post-secondary students here, more than three times Edmonton's 5.7%. Reflects close proximity to the University of Alberta and availability of reasonable rental housing for students. - Only 3.6% homemakers here vs. the City's 7.4%. - 14.0% lone-parent families, comparable to Edmonton's 13.2%. Average demand for support services for single parents. - Residents employed full-time 45.6%, higher than the City's 40.7%. - Unemployed residents 3.8%, slightly less than Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (July, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.2% implies level may have undergone a similar increase in Queen Alexandra as well. - 14.1% retired persons, higher than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects above average proportion of seniors here. - $32,551 average annual family income, less than the City's $41,681. May be influenced by large proportion of students who usually have little or no regular income and seniors who usually have limited resources. - 42% of residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, less than Edmonton's 54%.

June 1989










- Homeowners 17.2% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 77.8% (vs. City's 48.4%). Tenure and length of stay indicate very low social stability here.

Physical Characteristics - 62.9% of area residential developments. 59.3% single family homes, 18.1 % two unit dwellings, 8.9% low rise apartments, 3.6% tri and fourplexes, 1.5% collective residences (including one seniors' lodge, Queen Alexandra Lodge) and 0.3% row housing. Mos1 properties fairly well maintained with mature foliage. Some renovations and upgrading needed on a few properties as these detract somewhat from the overall neighbourhood appeal. - Institutional uses 10.9%. Includes three schools, two arenas, swimming pool, community league, eight churches and the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues' southside office. - 9.3% commercial uses. Includes a portion of the 82 Avenue commercial strip, 104 Street highway-oriented businesses as well as outlets along 81 , 80 and 79 Avenues and 106 and 109 Streets. - 14.5% parks and open spaces. A district level park in the southeast sector (adjacent to Strathcona High School), an open area on Tipton Park Arena site In the northwest sector as well as two smaller landscaped open areas within the neighbourhood.

Transportation - Bounded by three arterlals: Whyte (82) Avenue, 109 Street and Calgary Trail South with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 28,200, 27,500 and 19,100 respectively. These are also regular truck routes. Several collectors in this neighbourhood including 76 Avenue and 106 Street with traffic volumes of 8,700 and 7,000 respectively. Heavy traffic volumes and on-street parking especially near the north and west margins detract from quality of lffe here. Local roads and sldewalks require some repairs due to rough sections. Current road reconstruction making travel difficult In some areas. Once completed, local transportation should be more comfortable and safe. Regular transit service provided by many routes along 109 Street and 82 Avenue.

Public Facilities - Queen Alexandra Public Elementary School currently operating at 21% of Its 400 student capacity. Slightly increasing numbers of young children suggests enroliment may Improve somewhat. Facility may remain viable through leasing of space to outside groups. Fenced school yard has play equipment, soccer, baseball and basketball facilities.



- Mount Carmel Separate Elementary/Junior High School operating at 56% of its 540 capacity. Again, enrollments may increase slightly in the near future. Play equipment, soccer and baseball facilities on fenced school grounds. - Strathcona Senior High School operating at 93% of its 1,260 student capacity. Large catchment area and Its reputation as a good academic institution may keep enrollment levels high In the foreseeable future. School grounds are fenced and have baseball and soccer fields. Strathcona Pool located within the school and the Southside Sports Arena located adjacent to this school, providing recreational opp ortunities here. - Tipton Park ice arena located In the northwest sector of the neighbourhood. Outdoor play equipment also located on this property. The neighbourhood park, along 105A Street, Is fenced and has baseball facilities. - Queen Alexandra Community League Hall located along University Avenue. As well, the main branch of the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues' Buildlng Is located adjacent to the high school and provides tennis facilities. - One community housing project, Queen Alexandra, has 16 row housing units and is operating to near capacity. - One seniors' housing project, Strathcona Place, has 230 self-contained apartment units. One seniors' lodge, Queen Alexandra, has 65 units. Eight churches provide rellglous services here. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, St. Anthony's Strathcona Presbyterian, Trinity Baptist, Evangelical Fellowship, Calvary Lutheran, Sharon Gospel Chapel and St. Basil's Ukrainian Catholic Churches located here. - A wide variety of retail, service and professional outlets located throughout this neighbourhood. Includes commerclal strips along 82 Avenue and 104 Street and a few outlets along 109 and 106 Streets and 79, 80 and 81 Avenues. - Social services provided by Mill Creek Community and Family Centre (#300, 9119 - 82 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and Edmonton South (Argyll) District Office (6235 - 103 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by the Duggan Health Centre (5035 108A Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health. The University of Alberta Hospital, a major active treatment facility, located nearby.

Major Issu es - Above average proportion of seniors indicates a speclal need for support services for older persons here.








Introduction - High proportions of apartments and commercial outlets cause very heavy on-street parking, traffic congestion and short-cutting, especially In the northern sector of the neighbourhood. - Small numbers of young children here threaten Queen Alexandra School's viability. - High degree of traffic noise, especially along boundary roads, decreases residential satisfaction. - Local roads and sidewaiks have rough sections; some repairs needed.

Future Plans

- An aging, inner-city residential neighbourhood in the Central Planning Distri ct of Edmonton. - Bounded by 111 Avenue to the north, 109 Street to the east, CNR/105 Avenue to the south and CNR/ 121 Street to the west. Residential developments commenced before 1950's but most occurred during this decade. - Adjacent residential communities: Prince Rupert to the north, Central McDougall to the east, Oliver to the south and Westmount to ¡the west. - Served by the Westmount Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

- Road upgrading planned on 109 Street at 82 Avenue in 1992.

Social Characteristics

Conclusion - A physically older neighbourhood with young adults (20-35) being the predominant age group. A very high proportion of tenants due to existence of many apartment units. Low social stability here. - Services of older persons should be assessed and new and additional programs may be introduced to meet local needs. - Traffic noise, congestion and on-street parking should be addressed to improve quality of residential atmosphere here. - Due to high proportion of rental accommodation, social stability not llkely to Improve. Attempts should be made to encourage young families to move here, providing much needed demographic rejuvenation, reducing further underutilization of existing facilities. - Repairs needed on local roads and sidewaiks.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Queen Alexandra Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

- 1989 population 5,541 , a 4.4% decrease from 1986. Residents may be moving to newer, suburban areas where facilities for families and young children may be better. - 19.9% residents under 20 years of age, less than Edmonton's 27.2%. Below average demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. - 37.4% residents 20-29 years of age (vs. City's 21.4%) suggests a need for services directed to young adults. - 8.4% seniors here, comparable to Edmonton's 8.9%. Average need for services and resources for older persons. - Singles 57.9%, much higher than the City's 47.1% and marri ed 29.2%, proportionately lower than Edmonton's 40.5%. - 10.8% post-secondary students, much more than Edmonton's 5.7%. Proximity to NAIT and availability of affordable rental housing may have resulted in this population composition. - 21% lone-parent families, higher than the City's 13.2%. A special need for support services for single parents exists. 42.4% residents employed full-time, slightly higher than Edmonton's 40.7%. - 9.7% unemployed here, more than double the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% Implies current level may be even higher In Queen Mary Park at present. - Retired persons 9.6%, identical to the City's average rate. - $24,047 average family income, much lower than Edmonton's $41,681. May be Influenced by high proportion of unemployed persons and single parents (who often have limited incomes). - Residents who have lived at the same address for at least three years 32.3%, much lower than the City's 54%. - Homeowners 10.8% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 79.3% (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggest very low social stability here. - Queen Mary Park participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

September 1990




co~• MUNllY






Physical Characteristics Resid.ential developme~ts 42.2% of area. 51.6% single family homes, 19.3% low rise apartments (including three seniors' apartments), 5.6% two unit dwellings, 1.3% collective residences and 1.1 % tri and fourplexes. Most single and m~ltiple unit dwellings quite well maintained and landscaped, many renovations have been done here. A few properties poorly maintained and rundown, detracts from neighbourhood appeal. Limited financial capabilities may prevent some resi dents from undertaking upgrading. 18.1% institutional uses. Includes three schools, community league, cemetery and three churches. - ~ommercial uses 22.1%. Many commercial outlets here, mostly concentrated m the southern and western sectors. 7.2% industrial uses. Several properties located in the west and south areas. 2.4% parks and open spaces. A small neighbourhood park in the northeast sector. According to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, there is a deficiency of park area here. - 5.8% vacant/undeveloped area. Likely to be designated as open or park space.


- St.Catherine Elementary/Junior High School operating at 72% of its capacity of 500. Again, enrollment is likely to increase in the near f¡uture. Fenced playground has play equipment and baseball diamond. Also utilizes facilities of adjacent high school. - St. Joseph Separate Senior High School operating at 65% of its capacity of 2 ,480 students. Enrollment level may not vary significantly in near future due to large catchment area for this school. Soccer fields and running tracks on property. Queen Mary Park Community League has a hall (needs physical Improvements) wading pool and basketball and play facilities. - Three seniors' residences: Central Village has 43 self-contained units, Central Manor 48 units and Ukrainian Dnipro Senior Citizens Home 77 units. - No community housing or residential facilities for handicapped persons here. - Central Pentecostal Tabernacle, Emmanuel Baptist Church and Central United Church provide religious services here. - Commercial facilities are numerous here. Most outlets In the southern and western sectors, providing many retail , service and professional outlets. - Social services provided by the Westmount Community and Family Centre (12323 - Stony Plain Road) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and Central District Office (#301, 10242 - 105 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Woodcroft Health Centre (13420 114 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Transportation - Bounded by ~o arterials, 111 Avenue and 109 Street with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 24,400 and 25,500 respectively. 106, 107 and 111 A~enu:s and 119 Street and 116 Street (south of 107 Avenue) all arterials with in this n~1ghbourhood. These arterials (especially 107 Avenue) physically divide the neighbourhood and isolate residents. Traffic noise also a major concern as is heavy on-street parking near apartments. 116 and 119 Streets and 107 and 111 Avenues all regular truck routes. - Local roads and sidewalks have rough and uneven sections, some repairs needed. - Regular transit service provided via routes 3, 5, 7, 11 , 17, 19 and 22 which appear to meet residents' needs.

Public Facilities - Queen Ma!y Park Public Elementary School currently operating at 77% of its 2~0 ?~pac1ty. Enrollments may increase markedly in the near future due to a s1gmf1cant rise m numbers of young children. School grounds are fenced and have play equipment, basketball, soccer and baseball facilities.



Major Issues - If the trend of decreasing population continues, underutilization of facilities could be a concern. High proportion of young adults (20-29 years of age) and single persons suggests a special need for development of services and facilities for these groups. - Low average income suggests a possible need for social housing here. - Many dilapidated industrial and commercial properties decrease aesthetic quality and residential satisfaction. - Lack of parks and open spaces may discourage potential residents from moving here. - High traffic volumes throughout this neighbourhood serve to isolate residents (preventing development of a sense of community) and create much traffic noise, decreasing quality of life here. Noise from aircrafts u.sing Edmonton Municipal Airport to the immediate north is another community issue. Heavy on-street parking in much of neighbourhood (especially south) creates traffic and pedestrian safety hazards. - Local roads and sidewalks require some repairs.









Future Plans • Queen Mary Park Area redevelopment plan in effect here. • CN lands to the south to be redeveloped into an educational facility. Should make this area more appeallng and may promote significant population growth. • Attempts will be made to ensure that more parks and recreation area will be developed, Improving the quality of life here. • More variety in residential developments will be encouraged as will proper interfacing between residential and commercial industrial uses. Should improve the residential atmosphere here. Roadway construction on 106 Avenue planned for 1993. May improve traffic flow here.

Conclusion • A physically older and demographically young neighbourhood with low social stability. • Development of more parks and recreation facilities and construction of a major educational institution to the south should increase population level, preventing underutilization of existing facilities. • Development of services directed toward young adults should be considered here. • Development of housing may be needed here to accommodate persons with limited resources. • Encouragement of upgrading and redevelopment of commercial and industrial properties should be undertaken to Improve neighbourhood appearance. • Heavy traffic flow should be limited to major roadways In order to improve residential atmosphere and decrease traffic safety hazards in the interior of the neighbourhood. • Local roads and sidewalks should be repaired where required.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II. Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Queen Mary Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987. Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan, City of Edmonton Planning Department, 1984.

Introduction A mature suburban residential community in the West Planning District of Edmonton. • Physically and demographically the smallest neighbourhood in Edmonton. • Bounded by Whltemud Drive to the north and east, the North Saskatchewan River Valley to the south and 149 Street to the west. Quesnell Heights, being located on top of a hill, is surrounded by steep escarpments to the north, east and south. • Initial residential developments in the 1960's and completed by the 1970's. • Adjacent residential neighbourhood • Rio Terrace to the west. • Served by the Jasper Place Centre of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 407 persons, 27 individuals or 6.2% less than the 1986 figure. Further population loss should be viewed with caution in this small neighbourhood, which may cause underutilization of the local amenities. • Residents under 20 years of age 28.2%, marginally higher than 27.2% for Edmonton. • A very high proportion of residents between 50·59 yea·rs age cohort: 23.8% in Quesnell Heights vs. 8.65 in Edmonton. Reflects preference for this neighbourhood by elderly working population. Also reflects high demand for social and recreational opportunities for this age group. • Seniors only 5.7% of population, as opposed to 8.9% for the City. No special needs for seniors evident yet. • Singles 43.2% (City's average 47.1%) and married persons 53.3% (Edmonton's average 40.5%). Reflects higher than average demand for family-oriented programs. • Divorced, separated and widowed persons only 2.7%, compared to 9.0% for the City. No need for special attention to these groups. • Proportion of lone-parent families 7.5%, lower than Edmonton's 9.6%. Again, no special need for programs and services for this group. • Residents employed full time 39.1%, marginally lower than 40.7% for the City. Unemployed only 0.5% compared to 4.3% for Edmonton when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. City's current (November, 19•89) jobless rate being 7.4%, it is probable thatthe neighbourhood's unemployment rate has also gone up slightly. • Proportion of homemakers almost double the City's average (Quesnell Heights' 13.8% vs. Edmonton's 7.4%).

September 1990










- Average neighbourhood family income $75,041 , sharply higher than the $41,681 for Edmonton. In spite a lower proportion of full-time employed persons and a significantly higher proportion of home makers, the average famlly income figure Indicative of high earning capabilities of local fulltime workers. - 74.7% residents lived here for at least 3 years (vs. 54% for Edmonton). Homeowners 97.6% and renters only 2.4%. Length of stay and tenure figures indicative of a very high level of social stability. - Neighbourhood crime rate increased by 10.2% between 1987 and 1988, compared to an increase of 5.21% for the City during the same period. Most offences for hazardous violations of traffic rules (ignoring 4-way stops, speeding). Total number of crimes very low. A decent residential environment here.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 65.7% of the total neighbourhood area. All homes single detached units. All large units on large lots. Very well maintained. Neighbourhood's income pattern indicates physical deterioration of homes will not be a problem here. - Parks and open spaces approximately 1% of the area. Includes the neighbourhood park between Quesnell Road and Quesnell Drive. Landscaped and well maintained. - Neighbourhood surro1mded on three sides by steep slopes with trees. Provide additional, passive recreational opportunities. - No commercial, institutional or public utility land uses in Quesnell Heights.

Transportation - Bounded by Whltemud Drive to the north and east. Average annual weekday traffic 57,700 vehicles. Also a regular truck route and a dangerous goods route. Quesnell Heights, being located on top of a hill, heavy volume of traffic along nearby Whitemud Drive does not create any problem. - Local roads are wide and well maintained. - Bus Route Nos. 16 and 116 provide public transportation. Bus service along 149 Street. Both regular and peak-hour services available. Connection to several additional bus routes from the nearby Meadowlark Transit Centre.




Public Facilities - No schools located in this neighbourhood. Local students attend the nearby Rio Terrace Public Elementary School. With 451 students, the facility currently operating at 90% of its capacity. - Local residents members of the Rio Terrace - Quesnell Heights - Patricia Heights Community League. Community League Hall located at 76 Avenue between 154 and 156 Streets adjacent to Rio Terrace Public Elementary School. Facilities include a meeting hall, landscaped area, children's playing area, ice-rink, baseball diamonds and soccer fields. - The neighbourhood park is landscaped and provide some recreational opportunities. - No specialized housing for the seniors or the handicapped here. - No community housing projects here. - Centennial Mall Office (170 Street/Stony Plain Road) of Alb-erta Family and Social Services and Jasper Place Centre (15626 - 100A Avenue) of the City's Community and Famlly Services provide social services to the area residents. - Primary health care services provided by the West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health. Emergency medical and residential treatment facilities from the nearby Mlserlcordla Hospital (16940 - 87 Avenue).

Major Issues - Decreasing population trend may effect the character and social needs of the neighbourhood. - A very high proportion of residents In the 50-59 years age cohort creates pressures for programs and services for this group. - Neighbourhood crime rate not reflective of the real situation. Occasional police patrols could reduce traffic-related offences significantly.

Future Plans - No physical improvement plan for the neighbourhood in place at this time. - No transportation improvement plans till 1993 In place for this area.










Conclusion - Physically and demographically the smallest residential neighbourhood in Edmonton. - A very affluent neighbourhood with large, exclusively single detached homes. - Limited neighbourhood amenities available. - A very high proportion of mature adults (50-59 years) need consideration for programs and services for this age group. - Occasional police patrols needed to reduce traffic-related criminal incidents.


- A new, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. Bounded by 51 Avenue to the north, Terwillegar Drive to the east, 40 Avenue to the south and the North Saskatchewan River to the west. - Residential developments began in the 1970's and were completed by the end of the 1980's. - Adjacent residential communities: Brander Gardens to the north, Brookside/ Bulyea Heights to the east and Rhatigan Ridge to the south. - Served by the Pleasantview Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


West District survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Quesnell Heights Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.


City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

1989-1993, The City of Edmonton




1989 population 3,819, a 10% increase from 1986. Indicates a growing neighbourhood. Growth should continue as vacant parcels developed. 29.1% residents under 20 years of age, comparable to Edmonton's 27.2%. Average demand for facilities and services for young persons. Seniors 4.6%, less than the City's 8.9%. Low demand for resources and facilities serving older persons. 44.0% singles (vs. City's 47.1%) and 49.9% married (vs. City's 40.5%) . Indicates a family-oriented neighbourhood. Lone parentfamilies 13.5%, similar to Edmonton's 13.2%. Average support services should be adequate for single parents here. 46.3% residents employed full-time, noticeably more than the City's 40.7%. Only 0.5% residents unemployed in 1989 vs. Edmonton's 4.3%. Current (August, 1990) City Jobless rate of 7.5% implies level may have risen marginally in Ramsay Heights as well. 5.8% retired residents vs. Edmonton's 9.8%, reflecting a comparatively smaller proportion of seniors here. Average annual family income $62,645, much higher than the City's $41,681. Reflects an affluent community. Residents who have lived at the same address for at least 3 years 51.6%, similar to the City's 54.0%. Homeowners 58.2% (vs. City's 46.8%) and renters 41.0% (vs. City's 48.4%) . Age of this developing community in conjunction with the average length of stay and tenure suggest above average social stabili:ty with a trend toward further strengthening with time. Ramsay Heights is a part of the community of Riverbend which participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Oecembel' 1989













Physical Characteristics - 80.0% of area residential developments. 91.9% single family dwellings, 5.2% row housing and 2.5% low rise apartments. Both single family and multi-unit dwellings well-maintained. Financial capabilities of residents reflected in large houses and beautifully landscaped properties. A very appealing neighbourhood Approximately 0.5% institutional uses here at present: a church. - 0.4% commercial uses. Includes a small, centrally located neighbourhood shopping area. 12.8% parks and open spaces. Includes a large landscaped park area, centrally located. A school and/or community league may eventually be developed. Also two smaller open areas; one in the southwest sector, the other In the southeast sector. Some walkWays/bikeways in the north sector. - Currently about 5% of the area is vacant/undeveloped. If developed for residential uses, population likely to increase somewhat.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterials, Terwillegar Drive and 40 Avenue, with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 14,000 and 8,700 respectively. Riverbend Road and 51 Avenue serve as collectors here but divide the neighbourhood somewhat. Traffic noise not a major concern here at present. Heavy on-street parking near apartments is a problem. - Local roads have some uneven sections. - Regular transit service provided via route 32 which adequately serves this neighbourhood.

Major Issues Very few community-based facilities here at present. mven population level, community-based social and recreational programmes seem to be necessary to meet residents' needs and to establislh a 'sense of neighbourhood' here. - Utilization of Rlverbend Road as a major access route serves to divide this neighbourhood into two sections, decreasing the sense of community here. - Heavy on-street parking near row housing and apartments creating pedestrian and traffic safety concerns. - Local roads require repairs and resurfacing in some sections.

Future Plans - Public elementary school planned at the currently vacant site adjacent to the central park.


Public Facilities No schools here at present. Large, central neighbourhood park has soccer and baseball facilities , children's playing areas and a sliding hill. • No community housing or residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons. - Riverbend United Church provides religious services here. - One centrally located convenience shopping area here. Incorporates a gas station, convenience store, bank, daycare, drycleaners, take-out food, drugstore, hair salon, restaurant, and dental centre.


- Social services provided by Pleasantview Community and Family Centre (#407, Pleasantvlew Medical Centre, 11044 - 51 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family and Services Department and Argyll District Office (6235 - 103 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Duggan Health Centre (5035 108A Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.



- An affluent suburban residential community still experiencing population growth. The current level of social stability to grow further with age. - Development of social and recreational facilities appears to be required to meet residents' needs and to enhance community cohesi on further. - Attempts should be made to decrease on-street parking near multiple-unit dwellings possibly through expansion of parking areas. This would decrease traffic hazards. - Local roads should be resurfaced and repaired in some sections.










Introduction References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II· Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Ramsay Heights Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

• A developing, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 40 Avenue/North Saskatchewan River Valley to the north, Terwillegar Drive to the east and Rabbit Hill Road to the south and west. • Residential developments began in mld-1980's and continue to present. • Adjacent residential communities: Ramsay Heights to the north, Bulyea Heights to the east and the developing Falconer Heights and Henderson Estates to the south. • Served by the Pleaseantview Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 2,089, a 34% increase from 1986. Reflects a developing neighbourhood. • Residents under 20 years of age 35.2%, much more than the City's 27.2%. High demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. • Only 2.1% seniors here much less than Edmonton's 8.9%. Low need for resources and services tor older persons. Need may increase due to development of adult-oriented housing projects. • Singles 44.8% (vs. City's 47.1%) and married 52.8% (vs. City's 40.5%). Indicates a family-oriented neighbourhood. • 5.0% lone-parent families, substantially lower than Edmonton's 13.2%. Low demand for support services for single parents. - 43.2% residents employed full-time, more than the City's 40.7%. - 0.6% unemployment rate here, substantially lower than Edmonton's 4.3% in 1989. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% implies level may have risen slightly in Rhatigan Ridge, but is probably still very low. - Retired persons 3.4%, less than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects small number of seniors here. - $77,507 average annual family Income, substantially higher than the City's $41,681. Reflects an affluent neighbourhood. - 41.1% residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, less than Edmonton's 54%. - 90.8% homeowners and 8.4% renters vs. City's 46..S% and 48.4% respectively. Tenure and length of stay suggest average social stability but likely to increase as neighbourhood matures and people have resided here a while. • Rhatigan Ridge, a part of the Riverbend community, participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

September 1990








Physical Characteristics - Approximately 60% of area residential. 95% single family dwelllngs and 4% two unit dwelllngs (including two adult-oriented communities). Existing properties very appealing. Much landscaping to be done. Neighbourhood should be very attractive once developments completed. - Institutional uses about 4%. Includes St. Mary's Separate Elementary School currently being constructed along Rhatigan Road East. School due to open September, 1990. A church also located here. - About 2.0% commercial uses. A small neighbourhood convenience facility In the northeast corner of the neighbourhood. 0.8% parks and open spaces. Includes a small neighbourhood park In the northwest sector. - About 35% of area remains undeveloped. Much of this area designated for single family dwellings, population likely to increase substantially, creating additional demands tor community facilities and social /recreational programs.

Transportation - Bounded by three arterials: 40 Avenue, Terwillegar Drive and Rabbit Hiii Road. Within the neighbourhood, Rlverbend Road (south of 40 Avenue) also an arterial. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 8,700 on 40 Avenue and 1,600 on Rabbit Hill Road. Traffic noise currently not a problem here. With increasing developments, heavy traffic flow on Rlverbend Road could eventually serve to bisect this neighbourhood Isolating residents in the east and the west sectors. ' - Local roads have some rough sections. - Regular transit service provided by route 32 and peak hour service via route 33. These routes appear adequate for existing needs.

- Social services provided by the Pleasantvlew Community and Family Centre (#407, Pleasantview Medical Centre, 11044 - 51 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and Argyll District Office (6235 - 103 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facllltles provided by the Duggan Health Centre (5035 108A Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Above average demand for services and programs tor young persons. Very few community facilities or recreational opportunities here at present but population large enough to warrant such facllltles and services. - Increasing traffic on Riverbend Road may eventually bisect this community, isolating residents and preventing development of a strong sense of community here. - Some sections of local roads need resurfacing.

Future Plans Another commercial area to be developed in southeast corner of neighbourhood at intersection of Terwlllegar Drive and Rabbit Hill Road. - The main neighbourhood park to be developed near the current school site and a smaller park to be developed to the south of this larger site. - Additional single family housing and limited multiple family homes to be constructed here, increasing the population level, making additional demands for services.

Public Facilities - St. Mary's Separate Elementary School currently under construction. Due to open September, 1990. - Two adult-oriented communities here: Cameo Park has 48 duplex units and Discovery Point has 28 duplex units. One church, Rlverbend Lutheran, located here. - Commercial facilities include a neighbourhood shopping facility In the north east corner of the neighbourhood. Incorporates a convenience store, a gas station, a veterinary clinic, a dry cleaner, a real estate agency, a bank, a goldsmith, and a hair and beauty salon.



Conclusion - A physically developing and demographlcally young neigl'lbourhood with increasing social stability. - More community facilities should be developed in the near future. These are necessary especially tor the high proportion of young persons living here. - Local roads should be repaired and resurfaced where required.








References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Rhatigan Ridge Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Plannlng and Development Department, 1987.


Rhatigan Ridge Neighbourhood Structure Plan Amendment, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

- A young, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Millwoods Road to the north and east, 34 Avenue to the south and 91 Street to the west. - Most residential developments in the 1970's and completed by 1980. - Adjacent residential communities: Tweddle Place to the north, Lee Ridge to the east and Tipaskan to the south. - Served by the Millwoods Community and Family Centre of The City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 3,586, nearly identical to 1986 figures. Indicates stabilization of neighbourhood population level. - Residents under 20 years of age 40.2%, much higher than the City's 27.2%. Reflects a demographically young neighbourhood and suggests high usage and need for programs and facilities serving children and teens. - Proportion of seniors 3.5%, much less than the City average of 8.9%. Indicates less than average need for seniors' facilities. - Singles 52%, somewhat higher than the City's 47.1% and married 38.4%, slightly lower than Edmonton's 40.5%. Lone parent families very high in Richfield (21.9% vs. City's 13.2%). High demand for special support services for this group. - Employed persons in Richfield 35%, lower than the City average (40.7%). - Unemployed 4.8% vs. City's 4.3% in 1989. Current (April, 1990) rate of 8.0% suggests higher level for Richfield as well. Rate could be influenced by high numbers of single parents and community housi°ng (which serves persons with limited financial resources). - Homemakers 8.4%, slightly higher than City average of 7.4%. - Retired 3.7% vs. City's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors in the neighbourhood. - Average family income $35,794, somewhat less than Edmonton's $41,681. Reflects large proportion of lone parent families who usually earn less than average income. - 54.4% of residents have lived at the same address for at least three years (vs. City's 54%). - 48% homeowners and 49.7% renters in Richfield vs. City's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Tenure and length of stay suggest a neighbourhood with average social stability. - Richfield is part of the Leefield District which is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

September 1990











Public Facilities Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 71.7% of area. Of this, 90.2% represent single detached homes, 7.1% row housing and 0.5% low rise apartments. Included in the row housing and apartments are three community housing projects, Richfield I, II and Ill as well as two private housing co-ops, Keegano and Synergen. Mature foliage and primarily well-maintained properties make this a reasonably attractive neighbourhood. Large proportion of medium density row housing and some older, less well maintained units detract somewhat from the general appeal. institutional uses 11.8% of the area. includes one public and one separate elementary school, the community league and two churches. - No commercial area in Richfield and probably not necessary due to convenience of Mlllbourne Shopping Centre to the immediate east in Lee Ridge. Parks and open spaces 14.5% of area. Includes two neighbourhood parks adjacent to schools, one wide landscaped area over the pipeline right-ofway and several walkway areas throughout the neighbourhood.

Transportation Bounded by two arterials - 91 Street to the west and 34 Avenue to the south. 1989 traffic volumes 15,000 and 25,000 respectively. Millwoods Road, a collector, forms both the north and east boundaries and carries approximately 12,000 vehicles per day. 91 Street is a regular truck route. A berm along 91 Street protects residents from excessive traffic noise, however, no such protection exists along 34 Avenue or Mlllwoods Road, both of which are llned by single famlly dwellings or row housing. This is especially a concern along 34 Avenue which supports a high traffic volume. - Edmonton Transit provides regular bus service via routes 65, 67, 69, 77 and 78 and peak hour service via routes 165, 167 and 177. Routes 77 and 177 travel through the center of the neighbourhood on 85 Street and 36 Avenue. Some residents feel there should be a bus route on Richfield Road. - Sidewalks are in reasonably good condition, however, local roads are uneven and upgrading necessary. Heavy on-street parking near rowhousing causes potential safety hazards especially near schools.



• There are two elementary schools in Richfield, one public and one separate. St. Elizabeth Separate Elementary School is currently operating at 67% of it's capacity of 350. Ball diamonds and soccer fields on site. No fence around property a concern due to school's location along Millwoods Road near Millbourne Mall. Large proportion of preschoolers suggests school may be operating at a higher enrollment level in the future. - Grace Martin Public Elementary Schoof currently operating at 77% of its capacity of 700. Has soccer fields, bail diamonds and a well-appointed play area. The property is fenced. Again, this school may be operating near capacity in next few years. - Leefield Community League located in this neighbourhood (7910 - 36 Avenue). Includes a community centre and ice rink. - A Mosque located at 79 Street and 36 Avenue attracts worshippers from across the City and creates some traffic problems along these routes. - Richfield has three community housing projects; Richfield I (26 units), Richfield II (56 units) and Richfield Ill (91 units). As well, two private housing co-ops; Keegano (50 townhouse units) and Synergen (44 townhouse units) here. - No seniors' or handicapped persons' services. - Social services available through the Miflwoods Office (2849 Mfllwoods Road N.W.) of Alberta Famlly and Social Services and the Miflwoods Community and Family Centre (#214, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. • Primary health care facilities provided by the Millbourne Health Centre (7525 - 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed, active treatment facility, located nearby.

Major Issues - 40% of residents under 20 years of age. Suggests high demand for community-based facilities and programs. • Very high proportion of lone-parent families suggests need for increased services and facilities for this group. • Large percentage of medium density housing and small children suggests need for development of more formal play areas. • No fence around St. Elizabeth's School yard poses safety hazards. As well, Millwoods Road, between row housing complexes and Millbourne Shopping Centre is a very busy area and poses safety hazards to children despite marked crosswalks and hand-activated crosswafk lights. Some resurfacing of local streets appears to be needed. • Heavy on-street parking near row housing and schools a potential safety hazard.






Future Plans




- No development or transportation improvement plans for near future.

Conclusion - A physically and demographically young neighbourhood with an average level of social stability. - Large proportion of preschoolers suggests increased utilization of schools and demands for facilities. - Nature of neighbourhood (large proportions of medium density housing, lone-parent families and persons under 20) requires improved resources and increased development. - Some safety hazards and traffic concerns should be addressed.

- A mature, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Southwest Planning District. - Most residential developments occurred in the 1970's. Extensi ve commercial developments in the mld-1980's. Several large parcels for commercial and office development still vacant. - Whitemud Drive to the north, Calgary Trail Southbound to the east, 40 Avenue and Trans Mountain Pipeline right-of-way to the south and 111 Street to the west. - Adjacent neighbourhoods Empire Park to the north, Duggan to the south and Royal Gardens to the west. - Served by the Pleasantview Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Constructi on Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Richfield Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

- 1989 population 1,716, a 1.6% decline since 1986 level of 1,7414. - Proportion of residents under 20 years of age 16.9% vs. Edmonton's 27.2%. Seniors 16.8%, markedly higher than the City's average of 8.9'%. Location of a nursing home created this demographic feature. Demonstrates higher demands for programs and services for the elderly. - Proportion of lone parent families less than one half of the City's average (Rideau Park, 6.45%, Edmonton 13%). - Compared to the City's average of 40.3%, a slightly higher share of neighbourhood residents (43.2%) had full-time employment in 1986. - Unemployment rate (2.5%) much lower than Edmonton's average of 5.6% in 1986. As Edmonton's August 1989 unemployment rate is 8.1%; it is likely that the community's jobless rate has gone up as well. - Retired persons 18.5% reflecting a markedly high proportion of seniors living here. - Average neighbourhood family income $49,103 in 1986, much higher than $41 ,681 average for the Edmonton CMA. Income figures indicates that at least a portion of residents earn much higher than average wages. - 55.9% residents lived here for at least three years. Homeowners 46.8% and tenants 48.4%. Even though majority of residents are tenants, length of stay indicates a good level of social stability. - Neighbourhood crime rate declined by 32.6% between 1987 and 1988. City recorded a 5.21% increase the same period. Traffic offenses declined steeply while property-related incidents slightly increased. Rideau Park a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

May 1990









Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 42.1% of the neighbourhood's net area. 274 single detached homes and four walk-up apartment blocks with 391 units. Most homes and apartments are well maintained. - Commercial uses approximately 15% of the area. Recently completed Whitemud Crossing and Whitemud Plaza to the east of 106 Street fall in this category. Provides a wide range of retail goods and services to locals as well as commuters. - Institutional uses 15.4% of the area. Includes two schools and a nursing home in this category. - Parks and recreational open spaces 6.7% of the neighbourhood's net area. Includes the neighbourhood park and the landscaped surface of the Trans Mountain Pipeline right-of-way to the west of 106 Street. - Undeveloped properties to the east of 106 Street accounts for approximately 20% of the area. - Southgate Mall, a regional shopping centre, and Duggan Shopping Centre, a district retail facility and located adjacent to this neighbourhood.


- Good Samaritan Nursing Home {4225 - 107 Street) with 225 beds located here. The facility is almost full and draws clients from all over Edmonton. - No other specialized housing for the elderly, the handicapped or for families with limited income (community housing) here. - No community league here. Local residents members of the adjacent Duggan Community league (hall located at 3728 - 106 Street). League arranges sports and social events for the local residents. Facilities at the league include a meeting hall, kitchen, children's playing area, outdoor Ice-skating rink, soccer fields and baseball diamonds. - The neighbourhood park and the grounds of the local schools provide adequate sports and recreational opportunities. Community not deficient in recreational open space. - The Whyte Avenue Office (10454 • 82 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Pleasantview Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services provide various social services to local residents. - Primary health care services provided by the Duggan Health Centre (5035 108A Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues

Transportation - Three very busy arterials bound this community. 1988 traffic volumes on an average weekday 31 ,500 on 111 Street, 42,500 on Whitemud Drive and 30,500 on Calgary Trail Southbound. 106 Street, a local collector, has a traffic volume of 16,300 and isolates the residential sector from the commercial one. Traffic around the community creates noise problems and safety hazards for local residents. - Whitemud Drive and Calgary Trail Southbound are dangerous goods routes. - On-street parking and speeding along 40 Avenue are evident. - Public transit routes 36, 49, 52, 53, 54, 57, 62, 68, 69, 194, 153 and 154 serve this general area including Rideau Park. - Most roads and sidewalks in good condition.

Public Facilities - Two public schools, Rideau Park Elementary and D.S. MacKenzie Junior High are located here. The elementary school currently operating at 83% level (capacity 300, enrollment 248) while the junior high school operating at 77% level (capacity 805, enrollment 617). Catchment areas and age structure of local residents indicative of continued viability of these two schools.




Traffic noise along the margins of the neighbourhood and safety hazards along 106 Street and 40 Avenue: - External traffic speeding along 40 Avenue. • On-street parking problems near apartment complexes (40 Avenue, 42 Avenue and 107 Street).

Future Plans • Whitemud Drive east of 111 Street currently undergoing improvements including a below-grade section and construction of interchanges at 111 Street and 106 Street intersections. Upgrading to continue further east up to 66 Street. All upgradings and constructions to be completed by 1994. Upon completion, traffic will move more smoothly. wlll also reduce noise levels and safety hazards. • Southgate Transit Centre to be upgraded in 1990 to provide better facilities to transit riders. Will also benefit local users of the public transit system. Commercial and office developments to take place on vacant lands to the east of 106 Street.








- A physically and demographically maturing and socially stable residential community. - Neighbourhood population has levelled off and a very slight decline is noticeable. - Higher proportion of elderly mostly due to location of a nursing home. New amenities for the local elderly may be planned. - Future commercial and office developments on vacant parcels to the east may not adversely affect the residential sector of Rideau Park. - Neighbourhood income level indicates that physical maintenance of single family homes should not be a problem here which will protect properties from deterioration and an unpleasant appearance of the general area.

- A mature residential neighbourhood in the West Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 79 Avenue/Whitemud Drive to the north, 149 Street to the east, the North Saskatchewan River Valley to the south and 156 Street to the west. - Physical developments commenced in the 1960's and continued into the 1970's. - Adjacent neighbourhoods with comparable physical and social characteristics: Patricia Heights to the west and Quesnell Heights to the east. - Served by the Jasper Place Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Rideau Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.


City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

1989-1993, The City of Edmonton

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 1,502 - a decline of 88 persons or 5.53% since 1986. In consideration of total neighbourhood population, this decline should be treated seriously as further steep decline may caus.e underutilization of community facilities. - Residents under 20 years of age 26.5%, comparable to the City's average of 27.2%. Indicates average demand for programs and services for children and teenagers. - A significantly higher proportion of residents between 40 and 64 years 38.2% in Rio Terrace, as opposed to 23.8% for Edmonton. Much higher than average demand for programs for this age group. Seniors 6.2%, somewhat lower than 8.9% for Edmomon. - Lower proportion of singles (Rio Terrace's 38.9% vs. Edmonton's 47.1 %) and a much higher share of married individuals (Rio Terrace's 54.3% vs. Edmonton's 40.5%). Age structure and marital status reflect a familyoriented residential community. - Lone parent families 11.4%, compared to 9.6% for the City. Indicates a higher than average need for programs and services for the single parent families. - Full-time employed residents 40.7%, exactly the same as the City's average. Unemployed only 1.4%, compared to the City's average of 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. The City's current (November, 1989) jobless rate of 7.4% indicates a slightly higher neighbourhood unemployment rate.

September 1989








- Post-secondary students 9.5% (City's average 5.7%). As renters are only 6.3% of neighbourhood population, it indicates that a good number of post-secondary students In Rio Terrace are still living at home. - Average neighbourhood family income $47,848, higher than $41 ,681 in 1986. Considering higher proportions of lone-parent families and postsecondary students, the average neighbourhood family Income figure Indicates a rather affluent neighbourhood. - Homeowners 93.7% and renters only 6.3%, as opposed to 46.8% and 48.4% respectively for Edmonton. Residents living in this neighbourhood for at least three years 77.6%, compared to 54% for the City. These figures Indicate a high level of social stability. - Criminal Incidents In the neighbourhood increased by 12.63% between 1987 and 1988, compared to an increase of 5.21% for Edmonton. Neighbourhood's percentage variation may not reveal true picture as total number of crimes quite small. Most offences were property and trafficrelated Incidents.

Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses 77.1% of the neighbourhood area. All homes slngledetached developments between 15-25 years of age. Most homes well maintained. Physical deterioration no issue here. - Institutional uses 41.1 % of the area. Include the public elementary school site, a church site and the community league hall site. - Parks and open spaces 18.8% of the area. Include the neighbourhood park and the lands fronting onto the river valley to the south.

Transportation - Whitemud Drive to the north of the neighbourhood. Rio Terrace, being located on top of a small hill, and Whitemud Drive being located at a lower level, movement of traffic (57,700 vehicles on an average weekday) Including transportation trucks and dangerous goods carriers create no noise or traffic safety problems. • A busy residential collector, 76 Avenue, divides the neighbourhood In two almost equal halves. All neighbourhood facilities located along this thoroughfare. - Local roads and sldewalks In good condition. - Bus route Nos. 16 and 116 run along 76 Avenue and provide both regular and peak-hour services. Access to two additional bus routes from the nearby Meadowlark Transit Centre.





Public Facilities - Rio Terrace Public Elementary School with 445 students currently operating at 81% level of Its total capacity. Also accepts students from the adjacent Quesnell Heights neighbourhood. The numbers of pre-schoolers and grade-schoolers of Rio Terrace and Quesnell Heights ensure continued viability of this facility In the foreseeable future. The combined community league hall of Rio Terrace, Patricia Heights and Quesnell Heights located here. Facilities Include a meeting hall, activity areas, an ice-skating rink, baseball diamonds, soccer fields, a landscaped area and a children's playing area. Community league very active In organizing social and recreational activities In the area. - Community well served with the neighbourhood park, a smaller open space adjacent to the church and the escarpments overlooking the river valley to the south. - No community housing, senior citizen housing or acc·ommodation for the handicapped located here. - The Jasper Place Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services (15626 -100AAvenue) and the Centennial Mall Office of Alberta Family and Social Services (170 Street/Stony Plain Road) provide social services to this area. - Primary health care opportunities available from the West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Higher proportion of lone-parent households reflects a need for service and programs for single parents and their dependents. - The proportion of senior citizens marginally lower than the City's average. But a very high proportion of older adults requires programs, services and facilities for this age group. Consideration may also be given to plan specialized facilities for the elderly.

Future Plans - No land use or redevelopment plans for Rio Terrace exist at this time. No roadway construction or Improvement programs in or around this neighbourhood during the next five years.

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Neighbourh ood Profile - Ritchie

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Conclusion - A mature, family-oriented suburban community. - The current population base could support future viability of neighbourhood amenities. But steep population loss could lead to underutilization of these amenities. - Higher than average demand for programs and services for the single parents and their dependents. - Higher than average demand for programs and activities for the older adults. Program planning for local seniors may be needed In the near future.

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The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


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76 Ave


1989-1993, The City of Edmonton


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreati on Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


West District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Rio Terrace Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.


City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.



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ffighllghts Ritchie is an older residential neighbourhood located i n south-central Edmonton. Ritchie : • experienced a very slow decline of population during the last six years; • has a higher than average proportion of seniors and lower than average share of children; • is mostly made up of older and smaller single-family homes; • has higher than average shares of low-income families as well as single-parent families; has a higher than average share of immigrant residents; and

Decemb« 1989

• has a lower th an average family income level.



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Neighbourhood Profile - Ritchie

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Social Ch aracteristics According to the 1992 Civic Census, Ritchie bad a total population of about3,580 indicating an increase of about 3% since 1986. This represented a reversal in the declining population trend eyjdenced since early l 980's. Residents under20 years of age made upabout20%ofthe local population (City's average27%), showing an increase of about 8% since 1986. Senior citizens comprised about 14% of Ritchie's population, compared to about9% for Edmonton. This age group declined by about 3% since 1986. The above demographic trends are indicative of a demographic rejuvenation taking place in Ritchie. 50

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- Ritchie Community League has a hall, well-appointed play facilities, a wading pool, baseball diamonds and tennis courts. - Properties along 74 Avenue have been developed into a park area with well-appointed play facilities. Mill Creek Ravine also provides recreational opportunities here. - Two seniors' apartments, Ritchie Pioneer Place (51 units including 2 for handicapped persons) and Trinity Lutheran House (36 units) here. - One group home for the physically handicapped with 5 beds and one for mentally handicapped persons (with 10 bed) located here. Eight churches here. Trinity Lutheran, Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, Zion Baptist, Immaculate Heart, Redeemer Lutheran, Ritchie United, Calvary Baptist and Bible Baptist Churches provide religious services. - A wide variety of commercial opportunities here. These are located throughout the neighbourhood but most concentrated along the northern and western boundaries. Also a convenience area at 76 Avenue/96 Street intersection. Social services provided by Mill Creek Community and Family Centre (#300, 9119 - 82 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the Millwoods District Offic·e (2849 Millwoods Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by Duggan Health Centre (5035 108A Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.


An average level of social stability appears to be present here. About 40% of the area residents have lived at the same address for at least five years, marginally lower than the average for Edmonton. Renters made up about 49% of Ritchie's population (compared to about 46% for the City) while owners comprised another 44% (City's average 49%).

Major Issues

Approximately 41 % of the neighbourhood residents were employed full-time in 1992, as opposed to about 38% for the City. Retired persons accounted for about 16% of the residents, which is in general conformity with the proportion of elderly persons living here.


Ritchie bad higher proportions of single-parentfamili.e s and low-income families than their corresponding average for the City.


The average family income in Ritchie in 1986 was about $30,400, substantially below the average for Edmonton. Higher incidences of single-parent families, low-income families and senior citizens have influenced the neighbourhood's income to a great extenL


• Immigrant population accounted for about 23% of the local population, slightly higher than the average for the City. Ethnic composition of Ritchie residents generally reflect that of the City. However, the proportions of residents with British, French, German and Polish ethnic origin living in Ritchie were higher than their respective averages for Edmonton.

@monton =:....s __

Revised April 1993


Large proportion of seniors suggests an above average demand for facilities and services for older persons. Above average need for special support servi ces for l one-parent families. Some residential and commercial propertie.s poorly maintained and rundown. Detracts from neighbourhood appearance, discourages young families from moving here. Current demolition of industrial site in northeast sector will eventually improve neighbourhood appearance. Site may be developed for residential uses. Very high traffic volume In and around this neighbourhood and heavy onstreet parking cause decreased residential satisfaction. Heavy traffic on 99 Street also serves to isolate residents in the western sector from the remainder of the community. Lack of open/recreational spaces here discourages potential residents from moving to this area. Local roads and sidewalks have rough sections; some repairs required.








Future Plans - Ritchie Neighbourhood Improvement Plan In effect here. - Current roadway upgrading on 99 Street causing delays but should improve traffic flow in the future.

Conclusion - A physically older and demographically mature neighbourhood with average social stability. Present facllltles for seniors and lone parents should be assessed to determine whether residents' needs are being met. Development of community housing may be needed here given low average income of residents. Neighbourhood requires much physical rejuvenation due to dilapidated appearance of many properties. As residents may not be able to afford upgrading, some Incentives may be considered. Improvement In neighbourhood appearance may attract young families, preventing further underutilization of facilities. - Industrial site on 96 Street may be rezoned for residential developments causing population growth (including some young families), helping to rejuvenate this area. Traffic flow and neighbourhood appearance may also be affected. - Measures should be taken to reduce on-street parking and any traffic short-cutting here. Development of more parks and open areas would improve quality of life here. - As local roads and sldewalks require repairs, upgrading should be undertaken.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportati on Department, 1990. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Ritchie Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

Introduction - An older, inner-city residential neighbourhood In the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Whyte (82) Avenue to the north, Mill Creek Ravine to the east, 72 Avenue to the south and the CPR to the west. - Most residential developments prior to 1950, however, infill housing and redevelopments have occurred to the present. - Adjacent residential communities: Strathcona to the north and Hazeldean to the south. - Served by the Mill Creek Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 3,461, a 2.4% decrease from 1986. Population level appears somewhat stable here. - 18.2% residents under 20 years of age, less than Edmonton's 27.2%. Lower than average demand for facilities and resources for young persons. - 14.4% seniors, more than Edmonton's 8.9%. Above average demand for facilities and services for the elderly. - 48% singles and 36.1% married (vs. Edmonton's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively). Lone-parent families 17%, higher than the City's 13.2%. Above average demand for support services for single parents. - 43.1% residents employed full-time, higher than Edmonton's 40.7%. 5.5% unemployment rate, higher than the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% implies level may have risen further In Ritchie as well. - 17.2% retired residents here, much higher than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects above average proportion of seniors here. $30,427 average family income, less than the City's $41,681. May be influenced by above average proportions of seniors and lone parents, who often have limited incomes. - 56.2% residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, compared to Edmonton's 54%. - Homeowners 42.6% and renters 50.4%, both comparable to the City's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Tenure and length of stay suggest average social stability here. - Ritchie is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

September 1990








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Neighbourh ood Profile - Ritchie

Physical Characteristics 1-- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - . . Physical Characteristics - 67.9% of area residential developments. 74.2% single-family dwelllngs, 10.6% two unit dwellings, 2.2% low rise apartments (Including two seniors' apartments), 1.6% tri and four-plexes and 1.0% collective residences. This being a physically aging neighbourhood, renovati ons and redevelopments necessary to prevent further deterioration. Some smaller, older homes poorly maintained. A few new redevelopments occurring, showing some signs of physical rejuvenation. - 8.2% institutional uses. Includes two schools, the community league, a fire hail and eight churches. 11.5% commercial uses. A wide variety of retail, service and professional outlets located throughout the nei ghbourhood but concentrated primarily In the northern and western margins. As many of those along 99 Street quite run-down , renovations and upgrading needed. Recreation and open spaces approximately 0.5% of area. Ritchie has a deficiency of park space.

Transportation - Bounded by one arterial, 82 Avenue. Another arterial, 99 Street, runs through the neighbourhood. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 33,900 and 27,000 respectively. 96 Street and 76 Avenue serve as residential collectors here. 82 Avenue, 99 Street, 76 Avenue and 96 Street (north of 76 Avenue) are regular truck routes. - Heavy on-street parking a concern, especially In the northern sector. - Local roads and sidewalks have rough sections; some repairs required. - Regular transit service provided via routes 8, 43, 46, 76, 77 and 78 which service this neighbourhood well.



• Commercial land uses comprise about 12%ofthearea. A wide variety of retail, service and professional outletS are located throughout the neighbourhood. but primarily concen trated along the northern and western margins of the neighbourhood. Industrial uses make up about 9% of the total area. Included in Ibis category are the industrial operations located to the westof99 Street and the currently demolished site of the Gainer's meat processing plant to the east of96 StreeL • Institutio nal uses provide another 8% of the area. Two schools, eight churches. a fire station and the community league are included in this land use type.


Public Facilities - Mill Creek Public Elementary School currently operating at 33% of its capacity of 400. Number of young children increasing somewhat, enroilments should improve in the near future. Fenced school yard has play equipment and soccer and baseball facilities. Ritchie Public Junior High School operating at 52% of its 515 capacity. Again, increasing numbers of children should result in increased enroilments in the near future. Soccer and baseball facilities on fenced school grounds.


Reside ntial land uses constitute about 68%ofthe total land area of Ritchie. The majority of housing un its (about 80%) are older and smaller single-family dwellings. Two-unit dwellings and low-rise aparunentS make up abou t 11 % and 5% respectively of the total available housing here. Initial residential developmentS in Ritchie commenced in the l 890's and continued through l 900's. Even though Ritchie was substantially developed at the tum of the century. renovations and redevelop ment (especially commercial areas) continue to the present time.

On !he north. Ritch.ieis bounded by Whyte (82) Avenue. Th.is arterial carried approximately 31,000 vehicles on an average weekday in 1992. Another arterial, 99 Street runs through this neighbourhood andcarried approximately 28.100 vehicles during the same period. Fo urroadsin this area (Whyte Avenue, 96 Street, 72Avenueand99Street) are classified as regular (24-hour) truck routes.



Edmonton Transit provid es public transportation in !his area with six different bus routes (Nos. 8. 43, 46, 76, 77 and 78).


( •.•3.46. 76.17&7S )



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Revised April 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Ritchie


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Neighbourhood Profile - Ritchie


Public Facilities Neighbourhood Issues Mill Creek Public Elementary School, in I.he Fall of 1992. had an enrollment I.hat represented 33% of capacity. The enrollment level, all.hough low, remained stable since 1989. Ritchie Public Junior High School was functioning at 37% of I.he total capacity in the Fall of 1992, indicating a decline from 52% capacity in 1989. The current number of pre-schoolers and gradeschoolers in Ritchie might be useful in sustaining the viability oflhesecommunity facilities in I.he near future.

Some properties (both residential and commercial), being old and needing attention, give a run-down appearance in the general area. Industrial land uses, especially to the western sector of Ritchie, are not in general conformity with I.he residential character of I.he neighbourhood. These poorly maintained properties reduce the aesthetic q uality of I.he neighbourhood and discourage young families from moving here.

Two self-contained apartment complexes for senior citizens. Ritchie Pioneer Place (51 units including two for handicapped persons) and Trinity Lulheran House (36 units) are located in this neighbourhood. Both facilities are operating at full capacity wilh only occasional vacancies.

• The vacant industrial site to I.he northeast (former Gainer·s site) is a cause of concern to some residents. They feel I.hat the narure and scale of future redevelopment of this site could have significant impact on the community including the use of the community resources, flow of traffic and availability of additional programs and services in tbis general area.

• Two group homes, one for I.he physically handicapped (five beds) and the other for the mentally handicapped (ten beds) are located here.

• Very heavy traffic volumes are a concern to some residents living along the northern western sectors of the neighbourhood.

Eight churches (Trinity Lulheran, Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, Zion Baptist. Immaculate Hean. Redeemer Lutheran, Ritchie United, Calvary Baptist and Bible Baptist) provide religious services in this general area.

These are issues which I.he writer (in discussion with some community members/organizations) understood to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the Community Social Worker at Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services at428-2625.

• Ritchie Community League is active in organizing social, sports and recreational activities in I.his neighbourhood. Facilities at the "Community Cenue" include a meeting hall, outdoor sitting benches, tennis courts, children's playing area wilh equipment, a wading pool, baseball diamonds and well-treed and landscaped grounds. Ritchie Community League is a member of the Southeast Communities Planning Coalition and takes keen interest in physical and social development issues affecting the community. • Mill Creek Child Care located at Mill Creek Public Elementary School provides ittfant, before and after school care services to the local families. • A nicely landscaped small open area with children's playing equipments, located to the east of Ritchie Public Junior High School, provide additional recreational facilities to the local young childre.n.

The Future • Ritchie is experiencing a slow growth ofpopulation level. If this trend continues and with more younger people here, the level of use of the availablecommunity facilities is likely to go higher in the near future.

Fire Station No. 6 (8105 - 96 Street ) is located here and serves this general area. The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services {#300, 9119 Whyte (82) Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors as well as community development assistance. Public facilities located outside but serving the neighbourhood residents are: Old Strathcona Police Station (10325 - 83 Avenue) Soulh Division Station (9710- 51 Avenue) University of Alberta Hospitals (8440 - 112 Street) Grey Nun's Hospital {1 100 Youville Drive West) Idylwylde Health Centre of Edmonton Board of Heallh (8314 - 88 Avenue)

• Some new residential redevelopments are currently underway in Ritchie, I.he most notable being a 60unit condominium project in the north west sector along 99 Street. If such redevelopments continue and if the former Gainer"s site is redeveloped for housing, the population of Ritchie could increase significantly in the future. This may attract some young families here. As a consequence, the neighbourhood has the potential to be socially vibrant.

Revised April 1993

Revised April 1993



Neighbourhood Profile - Ritchie






• • • • • •

City of Edmonton Civic Census- 1992 Census of Canada. 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992. City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1992 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmont0n Transportation Department Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ritchie Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes. City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1992 Edmonton Public School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enroltment figures Cycle Edmonton. City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 199 l Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services Ritchie Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department

"Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office. Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).


Revised April 1993

Introduction - An older inner-city residential neighbourhood in the Central Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Rowland Road to the north, 87 Street to the east and the North Saskatchewan River to the south and Grierson Hill Road to the west. - Most residential developments prior to 1950. Some redevelopments currently being undertaken. Adjacent residential communities: Downtown/Boyle Street to the north. - Served by the Beverly Community and Family c ,entre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 1,190, a 5.0% decrease from 1986. Suggests that residents may be moving to newer, suburban residential areas, as is the case in many older neighbourhoods. 27.5% residents under 20 years of age, comparable to Edmonton's 27.2%. Average requirement for facilities and programs serving children and teens. Seniors 7.2%, slightly lower than the City's 8.9%. Average demand for services and facilities for older persons. Singles 57.1%, much higher than Edmonton's 47.1% and married 32.9%, less than the City's 40.5%. - 21.0% lone parent families, much higher than Edmonton's 13.2%. High demand for special support services for single parents and their dependants. - Residents employed full-time 47.4%, higher than the City's 40.7%. - Unemployment rate 6.1%, more than Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% Implies level may have risen in Rl\lerdale as well. - Retired persons 7.7%, less than the City's 9.8%. - Average annual family income $24,995, much lower than Edmonton's $41,681. May be influenced by high percentage of single parents, retired persons and below average Income capabilities of local residents. - 62.0% of residents have lived at the same address for at least three years vs. Edmonton's 54.0%. - 43.6% homeowners, similar to the City's 46.8% and 53.5% renters, slightly more than Edmonton's 48.4%. Length of stay and tenure suggest above average social stability. - Riverdale participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.







Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 43.3% of area. 74.9% single family dwellings, 11% two unit dwellings (Including units from two private housing co-ops), 3.6% row housing (including a private housing co-op), 3.3% tri and fourplexes, 1.4% collective residences and 1.4% low rise apartments. Some properties here poorly maintained. Absence of landscaping on some large vacant parcels detracts from neighbourhood appearance. However, renovations, some redevelopments and mature foliage maintains neighbourhood appeal. - Institutional area 3.7%. Includes a school, community league, church and Kinsmen Big Sister House. - 0.7% commercial area Includes two small retail outlets within the neighbourhood. - 15% of area designated for industrial, transportation and utilities uses. - Parks and open spaces 29.3% of the area. Large open spaces mostly along southern boundaries, nearthe North Saskatchewan River form a part of the Capital Regional Parks System. - 7.9% vacant/undeveloped area here. If developed for residential uses, limited population growth may result.

Transportation - Bounded by one arterial, Rowland Road, which has an annual average weekday traffic volume of 11,600. This route separates the properties to the north from the remainder of the community, isolating some residents. Traffic problems generally not a major concern here. - Some local roads and sidewalks have very rough sections: upgrading and repairs needed. - Regular transit service provided via route 35 within the neighbourhood and routes 43 and 50 travel on Rowland Road. Service appears adequate for this neighbourhood.

Public Facilities

- Additional recreational opportunities provided by the Capital City Recreation System, along the North Saskatchewan River and the Riverside Golf Course to the northeast. - Two private housing co-ops: Riverdale Housing Co-op has 26 duplexes and Sundance Housing Co-op has 59 townhouses and 10 duplexes/fourplexes. - No community housing projects or residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons here. - Rundle United Church provides religious services here. - Commercial facilities include a convenience store and a greenhouse. • Social services provided by the Beverly Community and Family Centre (5005 - 112 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and Central District Office (#301, 10242 - 105 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by the Central Health Centre (10320 - 100 Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Decreasing population here suggests renovations and redevelopments needed to improve neighbourhood appeal and attract families to this area, thereby ensuring neighbourhood rejuvenation and adequate utilization of existing facilities. - High proportion of singles suggests a possible need tor development of programs and services for this group. - Large percentage of single parents indicates a strong need for support services here. - Given low incomes of residents, community housing may be considered here. - Local roads and sidewalks in poor conditions, some upgrading required.

Future Plans

• Riverdale Public Elementary School currently operating at 69% of its 175 student capacity. Enrollments likely to remain stable In the near future due to steady numbers of young children. Fenced school yard has a wellappointed play area and soccer and baseball facilities. - Riverdale Community League has a hall, play equipment, wading pool, ice rink and baseball facilities.





- Riverdale Area Redevelopment Plan in effect here. Residential redevelopments and Improvement of the quality of residential atmosphere are aims of this document.









Introduction Conclusion


A physically aging and demographically mature neighbourhood with average social stability. Further renovations and redevelopments necessary in order to attract residents and ensure viability of existing facilities. Given the limited financial capabilities of residents, this may not be easily undertaken. Services and facilities for singles and single parents should be assessed to determine if residents' needs and are being addressed. Community housing may be considered In this neighbourhood. Local roads and sidewalks should be improved to increase residential satisfaction here.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Central District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Riverdale Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.


1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

Riverdale Community Plan, The City of Edmonton Planing and Development Department, 1977.

- An older, urban residential neighbourhood in the Central Planning District of Edmonton currently undergoing extensive physical redevelopment. - Bounded by Bellamy Hill to the north, North Saskatchewan River to the east and south and 106 Street to the west. - Original residential developments began at the turn of the century, many new redevelopments undertaken in last 5 years. - Adjacent communities: Downtown to the north. - Served by the Westmount Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population, 461, a 1.1% increase from 1986. Population level appears to have stabilized. Population level may increase in the near future, indicating a higher utilization level of local community resources. - 8.8% residents under 20 years of age, much lower than the City's 27.2%. Very low demand for facilities serving children and teens. - Seniors 9.3%, similar to Edmonton's 8.9%. Average demand for resources and facilities serving older persons. - 53.8% singles, higher than the City's 47.1%. Married persons 31.9%, less than Edmonton's 40.5%. - Lone parent families 12.0%, similar to Edmonton's 13.2%. Average support services required for this group. - 54.2% of residents employed full time, much higher than the City's 40.7%. - 4.3% residents unemployed, equivalent to the City's rate when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (June, 1990) jobless rate of 6.7% implies a similar increase may have occurred in this neighbourhood as well. - Homemakers 5.6% here vs. Edmonton's 7.4% and post-secondary students 8.2% vs. the City's 5.7%. - 12.6% retired persons vs. Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects average number of seniors here. Average annual family income $39,724, slightly lower than Edmonton's $41,681. Reflects an average, working class neighbourhood. Income pattern may improve with redevelopments and as new residents with comparatively higher incomes move in. - 39.5% of residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, less than the City's 54%. - Homeowners only 20.4% vs. Edmonton's 46.8% and renters 68.5%, much higher than Edmonton's 48.4%. Length of stay and tenure suggest this neighbourhood has low social stability.

September 1990











Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 14.7% of area. Included are approximately 70% single detached homes, 10% row housing, 4.2% low rise apartments and 3.6% two unit dwellings. Neighbourhood currently undergoing extensive redevelopment. Some poorly maintained older properties detract from neighbourhood appeal. However, recent redevelopments combined with existing mature foliage and park-like atmosphere should serve to assure future attractiveness of this neighbourhood. - 4.2% institutional uses includes the Fire Department Training Centre and the Community League Hall. - No commercial area here at present. - Recreation and open spaces 36.7%. Many park areas throughout the neighbourhood. - Utilities occupy 30.1% of area including the Rossdale Generating Station and the Rossdale Water Treatment Plant. - Vacant/undeveloped area 8.1%. Most likely to be redeveloped for residential uses, causing an increase of population.


Major Issues - Low social stability here may be due to Jack of community-based facilities. However, small population may not warrant such developments. - Many busy arterials in this neighbourhood, causing isolation of residents and decreased residential satisfaction (due to traffic noise and safety hazards). - Current redevelopments may improve the physical appearance of the neighbourhood, but could cause uprooting of some long-term residents.

Future Plans

- Many arterials within this neighbourhood including 97 Avenue, 105 Street and Bellamy Hill Road. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 28,000, 20,000 and 14,200 respectively. Both Rossdale Road and 104 Street are also arterials. No noise abatement structures along any of these routes. 97 Avenue and Rossdale Road are both regular truck routes. - Local roads have rough sections. Current construction activities contribute to this problem. Sidewalks require repairs In some areas. Regular transit service provided by several bus routes passing through this neighbourhood, making access to public transportation excellent here.

Public Facilities - No schools in this neighbourhood. - Community League Hall here but in poor condition and no facilities on the property. - No community housing projects or residential facilities for seniors or the handicapped here. - No commercial facilities here. - Extensive parks and open spaces including a portion of the Capital City Recreation System. John Ducey Park, a regional baseball facility located here. Also several smaller parks, some with ball diamonds and play areas.


- Social services provided by Westmount Community and Family Centre (12323 - Stony Plan Road) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and Central District Office (#301, 10242-105 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by the Central Health Centre (10320 - 100 Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.



- Physical redevelopments to continue. Eventually intended to become an upscale neighbourhood with many retail and service outlets and extensive landscaping to be undertaken. - 1991 roadway construction planned for McDougall Hill Road. Reconstruction of the Low Level Bridge also to take place in 1991. May improve traffic flow through and around the neighbourhood.

Conclusion A redeveloping neighbourhood with a mature population structure and low social stability. - With continuing residential developments, population level likely to increase. It may become feasible to develop more community-based facilities which could serve to increase social stability here. - Consideration may be given to install noise attenuation barriers along major local thoroughfares to reduce traffic noise level, thus increasing the quality of the local residential atmosphere. - Future roadway construction should help Improve traffic flow, decreasing congestion here.







Neighbourhood Profile - R osslyn


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References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profil es, 1988.


Five-Year Constructi on Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Central District survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.



1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.




Rossdale Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987. Rossdale Area Redevelopment Plan, The City of Edmonton Planning and Building Department, March 1986.










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Highlights Rosslyn is a mature residential neighbourhood in north Edmonton. Rosslyn: • has a large and growing proportion of seniors; • residents have tended to live in the neighbourhood for a relatively long period of time; • is predominantly made up of single detached housing and a variety of collective dwellings; and • has an average family income below the City average. July 1990

Revised Jom.wy 1993



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Neighbourhood Profile - Rosslyn

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Neighbourhood Profile - Rosslyn



Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

• The 1991 population totalled about 3,040 or nearly 6% less than in 1986. This population decline is a continuation of a trend from the early 1980's. • The proportion ofresidents under20 years of age (20% vs. City 27%) dropped cwo percent between 1986 tO 1991. There are, on the other hand, significantly lligher proportions of middle-aged individuals (22% vs. City 12%) and seniors (22% vs. City 9%) living in the Rosslyn neighbourhood.


Residential land uses occupy approximately 62% of the neighbourhood area. The majority of the housing is single-detached (78%), followed by collective dwellings (14%) and duplexes (7%). As indicated in the charts below, this reflects a lower residential density than the City average. Most homes are well maintained. Rosalyn


Retired individuals (26% vs. City 11%) and widowed residents (12% vs. City 4%) reflect a very high proportion of seniors.

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• Commercial uses total 7% of the land area which is concentrated primarily along 97 StreeL • Institutional land uses comprise 15% of the neighbourhood. Two schools, SL Joseph 's Convent and Venta Nursing Homeare included in this category.



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Parks and open spaces total 9% of the total area, including Rosslyn Park, J . Dean Whittaker Park and several landscaped open spaces throughout the neighbourhood area.

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Transportation • The lower than average household income in 1986 was $36.630 (Ed.momon - $40,500). It appears that the large senior population, with incomes generally tower than average, bas impacted this income figure. Social stability in the neighbourhood is evidenced in the tenure and owoersl\ip data. Close tO 59% of residents lived at the same address for five years or more compared to 40% in the City as a whole. Home owners represented approximately 73% of local residents (City average 51 %) and tenants about 28% (City average 49%). Ethnic origins of Rosslyn residents (Census Canada 1986) generally reflect that of the City. The exception is residents with Ukrainian origins who comprise 16% of the neighbourhood population (8% City).

Revi.<ed Jmuary 1993

Four busy arterials bound tbis neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes are 8,000 vehicles along 132 Avenue, 10,900 along 113A Street, 30,500 along 137 Avenue and 45,000 along 97 Street. Both 97 Street and 137 Avenue are truck routes with 97 Street, as well, being a Dangerous Goods Route. • Local roads and wallcways are in good condition.



Edmonton Transit provides public transportation with bus routes (nos. 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 86, 129 and 186). A good level of service appears to be available to residents. Bicycle routes are located along 137 Avenue and 104 Street . RevU<dJanuuy 1993


Neighb ourhood Profile - Rosslyn




Neighbourhood Profile - Rosslyn



Neighbourhood Issues Public Facilities • The low enrollment at the elementary school, coupled with the trend toward a decreasing proportion of young people, creates concern for the fumre viabilicy of the school and other child-oriented programs. The two Public Schools in the neighbourhood are operating below capacity. In the fall of 1992, Rosslyn Junior High had an enrolment which approximated 83% of capacity compared to Scott Robenson E lementary wh.ich operated at 30% of capacity.

• Rosslyn Community League (11015 - 134 Avenue) offers a variety of programs such as crafts, babysitting, soccer, hockey. ringene and fastball. The League facilities include a hall that seats 225 people, a rink building, and new playground.

• Local organizations (such as schools and Community Leagues) are conscious of the large senior population and making efforts to relate to their needs and imerest. These are issues which the writer understood (in discussion with some communiiy members/organizations) to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information, contact the community social worker at the Gtengarry Centre of Community and Family Services (428-2414).

The Future

A convent for the Sisters of St. Joseph of London is located at 10 120 - 135 Avenue. A large number of specialized housing options for seniors is provided in the neighbourhood by Rosslyn Lodge (10920 - 133A Avenue), Rosslyn Homes (10920- 133A Avenue), Rosslyn Place Senior Citizens Apartments (10819- 134 Avenue), Ukrainian Senior Citizen's Homes of St. John (13516- 102 Street), Mary A. Finlay Manor (10209 - 134 Avenue). Beulah Home (13414 - 101 Street) and Venta Nursing Home (13525 - 102 Street).

• Should the elementary school close d ue to tow enrollment, this could furtherreduce the neighbourhood's appeal to young families. It is anticipated that seniors will make up an even larger proportion of the neighbourhood population.

Woodside Home (10107 - 134 Avenue) is a residential program for pregnant and non-pregnant adolescent girls. • Rosecrest Home (10205 - 134 Avenue) provides total care for medically dependent and multihandicapped children between 3 months and 5 years of age. • The neighbourhood is served by the Glengarry Centre of Community and Family Services (13315 - 89 Street) which offers a variety of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youth and seniors as well as community development assistance. • Public facilities that serve the area include: No. 10 Fire Station (12735 - 101 Street) Londonderry Police Station (6504 - 137 Avenue) Royal Alexandra Hospital (10240 Kingsway) Castle Downs Health Centre of the Edmonton Board of Health (34 Lake Beaumaris Mall. 15333 Castle Downs Road)

RevUcd Jmuary 199?

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References • City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988- 1992, City of Edmonton Transporta.tion Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department t 991 Traffic Flow Map. City of Edmonton Transportation Department Transportation System By law, No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transponation Department Rosslyn Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes. City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1992 Edll)QntOn Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Scott Robertson Public Elementary School Rosslyn Community League Rosslyn Junior High School

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RevUcd Jonuary 1993

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Neighbourllood Profile - Rosslyn





References (cont'd) "Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).


- A mature suburban residential neighbourhood In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Whitemud Drive to the north, 111 Street to the east, 40 Avenue to the south and 119 Street to the west. - Primarily residential, the neighbourhood was mostly developed in the 1960's. - Surrounded by neighbourhoods with similar characteristics: Malmo Plains to the north, Rideau Park to the east and Greenfi eld to the south. A comparatively affluent community, Aspen Gardens, Is to the west. - Served by the Pleasantview Centre of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics



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1989 population 3,758 persons, a modest increase of 11 persons over the 1987 figure of 3,745. Reflects levellling-ott of population level. Residents under 20 years of age 29.2%, slightly more than 27.2% for Edmonton. Reflects slightly more than average demand for programs and services for children and youth. Seniors only 5.9%, considerably lower than 8.9% for the City. However, their number (122 persons in 1989) in Royal Gardens deserves consideration for activities and services for the elderly. Singles 48.7% (City's average 47.1%) and married persons 42.6% (Edmonton's average 40.5%). Lone parent families 14.1%, much higher than the City's average of 9.6%. Clearly demonstrates a need for programs and services f or single parents and their dependents. Marginally lower proportion of residents holding full-time employment, Royal Gardens' 39.7% vs. Edmonton's 40.7%. Post-secondary students 10%, compared to the City's average of 5.7%. Unemployed 2.1 %, as opposed to Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Edmonton's October, 1989 jobless rate of 8.5% probably indicates a higher unemployment rate for Royal Gardens as well. Average neighbourhood family Income $44,838, compared to $41 ,681 for Edmonton. Considering high proporti ons of single parents and postsecondary students (who usually earn much less than average), this income figure is impressive. Indicative of professional backgrounds of a good segment of community residents. People who resided here for at least three years 51.9%, lower than the City's average of 54%. Renters 56.6% (Edmonton's 48.4%) and homeowners 42.3% {Edmonton's 46.8%). Tenure and length of stay In the neighbourhood Information indicative of a somewhat lower-than-average community stability here.








- Reported criminal activities increased by 27.7% between 1987 and 1988. Traffic-related incidents increased sharply while person, property and morality-related occurrences remained constant. Additional police patrols throughout the neighbourhood needed to combat all classes of crimes. A member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 60% of the land area. Single family homes 40% of an dwellings. Row housing 12% and walk-up apartments 24% of available housing. Three high-rise buildings provide 18% of total units available in Royal Gardens. Most homes are In reasonably good condition. Some row-housing units and access roads in the Lord Byron complex need repairs. - Commercial uses only 0.2% of total area. Confined to medical, dental and insurance offices at the 40 Avenue/114 Street intersection. Also a small convenience store and a hair salon at Lord Byron Place complex. - Institutional uses 20% of the area. Includes sites of four schools, the community league hall, and Fire Station #13. - Parks and recreational facilities 19.5% of total area. Includes the neighbourhood park, the landscaped Trans-Mountain Pipeline ri ght-ofway, Confederation park, pool and arena.



Public Facilities - Four schools located in Royal Gardens. Richard Secord Public Elementary currently operating at only 40% of it s capacity (enrolment 270, capacity 675). Further student enrolment needed to maintain long-term viability of this school. St. Boniface Separate Elementary-Junior High functioning at present at 62.77% level (capacity 325, enrolment 204). Louis St. Laurent Separate Junior-Senior High School, with a student strength of 710, currently functioning at 52.79% of its capacity of 1,345 pupils. Harry Ainlay Public Senior High School is at present operating slightly beyond its capacity of 2,250 (enrolment 2,261). - A community housing complex (Petralia at 114 Street and 41 Avenue with 70 row-housing units) located here. Operating in almost full capacity. - No specialized housing for the elderly or the handicapped in Royal Gardens. - Royal Gardens Community league active in organizing local social and cultural events. Facilities at the league include a meeting hall, children's playing area with equipments, ball diamonds and soccer fields. - Several district level recreational facllltles including Confederation Park, pool and arena located in this neighbourhood. - Social Services available through the Whyte Avenue Office (10454 - 82 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Pleasantview Centre (11044 - 51 Avenue) of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services. - Primary health care services available through the Duggan Health Centre (5035 - 108A Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Transportation - Three busy arterials along the margins of the community. Average weekday traffi c flow in 1988 was 40,300 vehi cles on Whitemud Drive, 31 ,500 on 111 Street and 22,400 on 119 Street. Average weekday traffic count on 40 Avenue to the south approximately 12,000 vehicles. • Whitemud Drive a Dangerous Goods Route and 111 Street a regular truck route. • Whitemud Drive a depressed thoroughfares with noise walls. Local residents exposed to traffic noise only along the southeastern Sector. • Local roads and walkways In good condition. Internal roadways of the Lord Byron Place complex need repairs. - Edmonton Transit Route Nos. 36 and 52 connect Royal Gardens with the University of Alberta and Southgate Transit Centre. Buses of additional routes (nos. 57, 62, 136 and 152) available from the periphery of the neighbourhood or at peak-hours only. Local residents have access to 15 additional bus routes from the nearby Southgate Transit Centre.



Major Issues - Homes backing onto 111 Street and fronting onto 40 Avenue exposed to traffic noise. • Traffic speeding along 40 Avenue an issue. Compromises safety of Royal Gardens' residents who cross 40 Avenue frequently to gain access to Petralia Mall and adjoining commercial facilities. - On-street parking problem near the walk-ups and row-housing developments (114 Street, 41 Avenue and 115 Street) and on Internal roadways of the Lord Byron Place complex. - A growing number of elderly residents posing demand for specialized facilities and services.



Neighbourhood Profile - Rundle Heignts




Future Plans

Abbottsflefd 118.4~

- The City of Edmonton does not have any plans for physical or transportation improvements in Royal Gardens neighbourhood during the next several years.

Conclusion - A physically mature residential community where the population level has stabilized. - A higher than average share of young residents warrants greater than average programs and services for children and youth. - A lower than average proportion of pre-schoolers indicative of declining enrolments in local elementary schools, wh ich could adversely affect l ongterm viability of these facilities. - A growing number of elderly residents deserve consideration for specialized programs, services and facilities. Additional police patrols in the area needed to combat various categories of crimes, especially traffic-related offences.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 Royal Gardens Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.


North Saskatchewan River Valley


Highlights Rundle Heights is a residential neighbourhood located nonh of the Nonh Saskatchewan River and on the eastern margin of the City. Rundle Heights: • • • •

is home to a large number of chilchen and single parent families; has an averi1ge family income substantially below the City average; is a high density residential area; and has a particularly high proportion ofresidents coping with unemployment.

December 1989 Revised Jmuary 1993



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Neighbourhood Profile - Rundle

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Neighbourhood Profile - Rundle Heights


Social Charact eristics

Physical Characteristics 1----- - - - - -- - - - - -----...

• The 1991 population totalled approximately 3,940 or l % more than in 1986. The population level appears to have stabilized. • This is a neighbourhood with a large proportion of children. Thirty nine percent of the neighbourhood population is composed of children under 20 years of age compared to 27% for the City as a whole. Between 1986 to 1991, !here was an increase in children from birth to nine years while decreases were evidenced in those 10 to 19 years.

• Residential land uses occupy approximately 80% of the neighbourhood area. Housing units are primarily row housing (43%), followed by single-detached (37%) and low rise apartments (18%). As indicated in the charts below, this reflects a higher residential density than the City average. Rundle Helghta


• The large proportion of single parent households (27% vs. 15% for !he City) would suggest services be targeted for !his group of residents. • In conirast LO the City as a whole, seniors (65 years and older) represent a small proportion of the neighbourhood (3% vs. 9% city).

Commercial uses total about 2% of the land area and are made up of a neighbourhood strip mall in the northwestem comer of the neighbourhood and a much smaller shopping facility to the south of 106 Avenue and west of 34 Street.


• Institutional uses make up 13% of the neighbourhood and include two schools.

- ----------1986


• Parks and open spaces occupy 4% of the total area. This includes a neighbourhood park south of 111 Avenue and west of 32 Street. Rundle Park, which is part of the River Valley Park System, is directly east of the neighbourhood


• A high proportion of residents had lived in !he area less than a year (20% vs. 16% for the City). There was also, however. a larger than City average proportion of residents who had lived in the area three to four years and close to average proportion who lived in the area five years or more. This reflects a generally socially stable community with a segment of transient households. Home ownership increased 8% from 1986 LO 1991, but remains below the City norm (36% compared to 47% for the City). The neighbourhood has a smaller proportion of residents working full-time than the City average (35% vs. 40% City) and a higher unemployment rate (7% vs. 4% City). This data would suggest the need for services to help residents cope with unemployment and develop strategies to re-enter the workforce.

Transportation Average weekday traffic volume is 19,600 vehicles along 118 Avenue which is an arterial roadway and also a restricted truck route (between 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.). Collector roads include 34 Street and the 111 Avenue/32 Streer/l 07 Avenue loop around the two neighbourhood schools and park.

The average family income in 1986 was significantly below the City average ($30,994 vs. $40,465).

Edmonton Transit provides public transportation with bus routes (nos. 18, 20. 28). A reasonably good level of service appears to be available to residents.

Ethnic origins of Rundle Heights residents generally reflect that of the City. Residents with Dutch, Ulaainian and Aboriginal origins however, are represented in marginally greater proportions than the City average.

• There are a number of bicycle routes in the neighbourhood including 34 Street. 107 Avenue, 30 Street. and 113 Avenue which connect with the multi-use trails in the River Valley through Rundle Park.

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) 0 Revised Jmuaty 1993

Revised Januaty 1993

Neighbowhood Profile - Rundle Heights

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Neighbourhood Profile - Ruridle Heights


Public FacWtles

Neighbourhood Issues • Issues related to low income, such as poor nutrition of children. coping with unemployment and S[l"Uggling 10 gain employment, are ongoing. • Rundle Heights Public Elementary School in the Fall of 1992, was functioning at73%of its capacity. The other neighbourhood school. SL Jerome Catholic Elementary School, was operating at 60% of its capacity.

• The neighbourhood is served by the Beverly Centre of Community and Family Services (11809 - 48 Street) which offers a variety of services including counselling. a variety of groups, services for seniors, children and youth as well as community development.

• A recent abduction and murder of a neighbourhood child. bas many residents understandably very concerned for their children's safety. Residents arc presently working with the schools and police to address this concern. Transiency is seen to impact community social stability. These are issues which the writer understood (in discussion with some community members/organizations) to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time. and different issues may be important 10 different people. For current information, contact the community social worker at the Beverly Centre of Community and Family Services (42&-2414).

• The Rundle Heights Club of the Boys' and Girls' Club is located in this neighbourhood (3112 - 113 Avenue). • Two community housing projects (Rundle Heights I and Rundle Heights II) have a total of 120 subsidized units in this neighbourhood.

The Future

• This neighbourhood is part of the Beverly Heights Community League. Beverly Heights neighbourhood is directly west of Rundle Heights.

Given the high proportion of community and other low rental townhouse units, there likely will remain issues related to low income. single parents and needs of children.

• Public facilities that serve the area include:

The effectiveness of present efforts to deal with safety concerns will impact residents' comfort in remaining in the area. Greater transiency would further erode the social statnlity and safety of the area.

No. 7 Fire Station (5025 - 118 Avenue) Beverly Heights Police Foot Patrol office and the Beverly 12 hour Police Station are both located at 3345 - 118 Avenue Royal Alexandra Hospital (10240 Kingsway)


Eastwood Health Centre of tile Edmonton Board of Health (1 1845 - 81 Street) The Youth Start Project (#240 Abbottsfield Mall. 3210- 118 Avenue) works with area grade six and seven students. including those out of Rundle School Candora Society of Edmonton (Room 248, 2nd floor Abbottsfield Mall) works to enhance Rundle Heights and Abbottsfield neighbourhoods. WECAN Cooperative (#240, Abbottsfield Mall) is a residents' group which focuses on community and economic development. Abbottsfield Youth Project (Room248, 2nd floor Abbottsfield Mall) offers services to children 6 to 12 years who are referred by schools (including Rundle Heights School).

Revised J1nu.ary

• • • •

City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada. 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992. City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Department TransP9rtation System Bylaw. No. 9722, Appendix A, City Edmonton Transportation Department Rundle Heig.hts Neighbourhood Fact Sheet. City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department 1987. Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Tran.sportation Department. 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton. City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System. July 1992


Revised Jonuary 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Rundle Heights





References (cont'd) Introduction Beverly Centre of Community and Family Services • St. Jerome Elementary School City of Edmonton Parks and Recrealion Depanment

NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available. the relevant 1991 data will be provided. on request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

- A newer, suburban residential neighbourhood in the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. Bounded by Mlllwoods Road South to the north, 50 Street to the east, 10 Avenue to the south and 66 Street to the west. - Residential developments mostly during the 1970's and 1980's, a few sites still being developed. Adjacent residential communities: Meyokumin to the north, Crawford Plains to the east and Menisa to the west. - Served by the Millwoods Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics


- 1989 population 3,894, a 4.9% increase from 1986. Reflects a neighbourhood still experiencing new development. - 42.8% residents under 20 years of age. Very high compared to Edmonton's 27.2%. Strong demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. - 1.9% seniors here, very low compared to the City's 8.9%. Low demand for services and facilities for older persons. - 49.9% singles (vs. City's 47.1%) and 43.9% married (vs. City's 40.5%). - 12.3% lone parent families, close to Edmonton's 13.2%. Average demand for support services for single parents. - 38.5% residents employed full-time, slightly less than the City's 40.7%. - Unemployed residents 2.7%, less than Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) jobless rate of 7.5% implies level may have risen in Sakaw as well. - 1.6% retired persons vs. the City's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors here. - Average annual family Income $36,008, less than Edmonton's $41,681 in 1986. May reflect comparatively lower income capabilities of local residents. - 56.5% residents have lived at the same address for at 1,east three years, comparable to the City's 54.0%. - 67.4% homeowners, much higher than Edmonton's 4-6.8% and 31.1% renters, less than the City's 48.4%. Tenure and length of stay suggest above average social stability In Sakaw. - Sakaw is part of the Millhurst District which participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

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Physical Characteristics - Residential developments approximately 7% of area. 96% single detached homes, 3% row housing (Including one community housing project ¡ Sakaw I) and 0.4% low rise apartments. Continuing residential developments, absence of landscaping on some properties and some poorly maintained properties detract from neighbourhood appeal. Once developments complete and neighbourhood matures, appearance should Improve. - Institutional uses 8.7%, Includes a school and the community league. - 0.6% commercial uses, a small neighbourhood convenience centre In the north central sector. - Parks and open spaces 5.9% of the area. Includes a large neighbourhood park In the north central sector and a wall<Way from north to south through the centre of the neighbourhood. - Approximately 7.0% of area remains vacant.

- St. Mary and St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church provides religious services here. - Commercial opportunities provided by a neighbourhood shopping area at the Intersection of Mlllwoods Road South and 62 Street. Incorporates a gas station, convenience store, daycare, video outlet, hair salon take-out food and a medical centre. Mlllwoods Town Centre, a regional order shopping facility located nearby. - Social services provided by the Millwoods Community and Family Centre (#214, Town Centre, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and Mlllwoods Office {2849 Mlllwoods Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facllltles provided by Millbourne Health Centre (7525 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health and Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed active treatment faclllty located nearby.

Major Issues

Transportation - Bounded by two arterlals, 50 Street and 66 Street. Millwoods Road South, to the north, a collector. No traffic volume figures are available for these roadways. 50 Street Is a restricted truck route. - Local roads and sldewalks In fairly good condition. Regular maintenance required. - Regular publlc transit service provided by bus routes 67 and 78 and peak hour service on route 167. Adequate public transit facilities to meet residents' needs.

Public Facilities

- Very high proportion of persons under 20 years of age creates a strong demand for facilities and programs for young persons. - Several mature adult-oriented, residential developments being constructed, may change age structure here. Services for adults and seniors may become necessary in the future. - Further residential developments Indicate llkellhood of continued population growth. More facllltles (educational, Institutional, recreational) may be required.

Future Plans

- Sakaw Publlc Elementary School currently operating at 95% of its capacity of 525 students. Enrollments should remain steady in near future due to stable numbers of young children, ensuring a high utilization level of the school. Portable classrooms on site. Baseball diamonds and soccer facllltles on school grounds. - Millhurst Community League here. Has a change room/Washroom facility, an Ice rink and a well-appointed play area. • Additional recreation al opportunities provided by Millwoods Leisure Centre and the Mlllwoods Golf Course. - One community housing projects, Sakaw I, has 69 townhouse units. Operating to near capacity. - No residential facllltles for seniors or the handicapped here.




- Construction of the proposed outer ring road will have a significant impact on this neighbourhood Including Increased traffic flow and noise.

Conclusion - A physically and demographically young neighbourhood with above average social stability. - Facilities for children and teens should be assessed to Identify any unmet needs and to Implement necessary changes.







- Continuing residential developments may increase population and/or alter the age structure. Additional services for adults and seniors may be required, depending on the orientation and scale of the new residential developments. - Once developments completed and neighbourhood physically matures, community should become more appealing.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Sakaw Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton



Introduction - A young suburban residential neighbourhood in the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 23 Avenue to the north, Miilwoods Road/SO Street to the east, 10 Avenue to the south and 91 Street to the west. - Most residential development in the mid-late 1970's and completed by the end of the decade. - Adjacent residential communities: Meyonohk to the north and Ekota/Menisa to the east. - Served by the Miliwoods Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 3,698, a 2.4% increase from 1986. Population level may increase further through residential development on vacant properties. - Residents under 20 years of age 38.1%, significantly higher than the City's average of 27.2%. Reflects a demographically young neighbourhood demanding commu'nity facilities and programs especially for children and teenagers. - Proportion of seniors in Satoo is 3.4%, less than half of the City's 8.9%. Reflects a low demand for seniors' programs and services. - Singles 47.2% (vs. City's 47.1%} and married 46.2% (vs. City's 40.5%). Reflects a family-oriented community. - Lone-parent families 11.6%, slightly less than the City's 13.2%. No demand for special support services for single parent families. - Employment level in satoo is 41.0%, comparable to the City's average of 40.7%. - Unemployment rate only 1.7% in 1989 when the City's average was 4.3%. Current (April 1990} rate 8.0%, implies a higher rate for Satoo as well. - Retired persons only 3.9% vs. the City's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors. - Average family income in Satoo $41 ,390, nearly identical to the City average ($41,681). Reflective of an average middle-class neighbourhood. - 62.2% residents In same location for at least three years, somewhat higher than the City average (54%). - Homeowners 75.8% and renters 23% for Satoo, compared to 46.8% and 48.4% respectively for Edmonton. Suggests high social stability for this neighbourhood. - Satoo is part of the Knottwood District, a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

August 1990










- Residential developments 68.4% of neighbourhood area. 78% of this area single detached dwellings, 20% row housing (including two community housing projects - Satoo I and Satoo II) and one private housing co-op (Briar Rose Estates). Most dwellings 10-15 years old. Some properties maintained well, others not as well which detracts from attractiveness of neighbourhood. Mjlture foliage and landscaped open areas increase appeal of Satoo. - Institutional uses 10.4% of area. Includes one public elementary and one public junior high school as well as the Community League. - Commercial uses approximately 2% of area. Three neighbourhood convenience centres with retail and service opportunities serve local residents. - Recreation and open space 7.5%. Includes the neighbourhood park and a landscaped plpellne right-of-way, which diagonally bisects the entire neighbourhood from northeast to southwest. - Vacant/undeveloped properties represent 13.5% of area. Large blocks of vacant properties In eastern, central areas. Neighbourhood will gain more population, creating additional demands for services once these vacant parcels developed.

has a well-appointed play area, soccer fields and baseball diamonds. No foreseeable concerns with school operations. Dan Knott Public Junior High School ls the second neighbourhood school. Currently operating at 88% of Its capacity of 790. Neighbourhood's demography indicates continuation of higher enrollment levels at both academic institutions. Two community housing projects; Satoo I with 14 townhouse units and Satoo II with 22 units. One private housing co-op, Briar Rose Estates. An adult oriented housing project for persons over 45 here. Includes 58 single detached homes. Social services available through the Mlllwoods Office (2849 Millwoods Road N.W.) of Alberta Famlly and Social Services and the Mlllwoods Community and Family Centre (#214, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. Primary health care facllitles provided by the Mllibourne Health Centre (7525 - 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. Grey Nuns Hospital, a 538 bed, active treatment facility located nearby. Neighbourhood a member of the Knottwood District. Knottwood Community League located at 445 Knottwood Road West. Facilities include a hall with a kindergarten, three Ice rinks and a play area. Located next to Satoo Public Elementary School and thus, they share facilities.

Physical Characteristics -



Transportation - Bounded by two arterlals - 23 Avenue (north) and 91 Street (west). Average annual traffic volumes (1989) 23,700 and 14,100 vehicles on 23 Avenue and 91 Street respe<:tively. Millwoods Road, a collector forms a portion of the eastern boundary and carries 7,700 vehicles per day. 80 Street and 10 Avenue form the remainder of the boundary area. Knottwood Road travels through the center of the neighbourhood. - A berm protects residents from excessive traffic noise along 91 Street, which Is a regular truck route. Additional noise attenuation measures along 23 Avenue needed. - Edmonton Transit provides regular bus service via routes 67 and 78 and peak hour service via route 165. Some residents have concerns regarding Inadequate transit services. - Local roads are uneven and rough and need repairs and/or resurfacing.

Major Issues - Large proportion of residents under 20 years of age indicates need for additional social and recreational facilities. - Large numbers of young children with only one public junior high in the near vicinity indicates possible future over-crowding at Dan Knott Junior High School. - Residents concerned with uneven, rough roads. - Lack of fences around school yards combined with heavy on¡street parking creates potential safety problems.

Future Plans Public Facilities - Satoo Publlc Elementary School is one of two schools in the neighbourhood. Currently operating at 64% of its capacity of 625. School



- No major development plans for the near future, however, the proposed outer ring road will no doubt substantially Increase traffic flow on BOth and 91st Streets and could create traffic noise problems for nearby homes. - Some upgrading of local roads needed.












A physically and demographically young neighbourhood with a relatively high level of social stability. Large proportion of persons under 20 suggests continued growth and a strong demand for expansion and development of facilities. Road upgrading needed in Satoe, as does much of Millwoods. Development of the proposed outer ring road will have a strong impact on this neighbourhood, as traffic and noise may increase in the southern sector. Overcrowding at Dan Knott Junior High School anti cipated once local elementary students enter this junior high school. Development of vacant area will increase population, exerting additional pressures on social, educational and recreational facilities.


Introduction A mature, urban residential neighbourhood in the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. Bounded by Yellowhead Trail to the north, 127 Street to the east, 118 Avenue to the south and St. Albert Trail to the west. - Most residential developments in the 1950's. Adjacent residential communities: Prince Charles (east), lnglewood (south) and Dovercourt (west). - Served by the Westmount Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffi c Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Satoe Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

- 1989 population 2,456, a 5.6% decrease from 1986, continuing a trend in Indicates population decline in place for the past ten years. underutilization of community resources. - Residents under 20 years of age 24.5%, less than the City's 27.2%. Less than average demand for facilities and services for young persons. - 12.7% seniors here, higher than 8.9% City average. Above average demand for seniors resources and facilities. - Singles 43.9% (vs. City's 47.1%) and married 41.9% (vs. City's 40.5%). - 17.6% lone parent families, more than Edmonton's 13.2%. Above average demand for support services for this group. - Residents employed full-time 37.9%, slightly less than the City's 40.7%. - In 1989, 7 .2% residents unemployed, substantially higher than Edmonton's 4.3%. Current (August, 1990) City unemployment rate (7.5%) suggests level may have risen proportionately in Sherbrooke as well. - Retired persons 15.0% vs. City average of 9.8%. Reflects above average number of seniors here. - Average family income $34,185, less than Edmonton's $41,681. May be influenced by relatively large proportions of lone parent families and seniors (who usually have limited incomes). - 58.7% residents at same address for at least three years vs. 54% City average. - Homeowners 51.9% and renters 41.2% vs. the City's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Length of stay and tenure suggests abov¡e average social stability here. Sherbrooke participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

June 1990











- Residential developments 87.6% of area. Includes 89.7% single detached homes, 5.8% two unit dwellings, 1.9% low rise apartments and 0.7% row housing. Mostly well maintained single family properties with mature foliage, renovations help to prevent physical aging of neighbourhood. Some poorly maintained row housing detracts somewhat from neighbourhood appeal. Some demolition of older apartments occurring along 118 Avenue. - Institutional area 9.6%. Includes St. Plus X Elementary School, two nonoperational schools, the community league hall facilities and two churches. - 1.1 % commercial area includes a few retail outlets at the southwest corner of the neighbourhood. - Recreation/open space 0.9%; a small neighbourhood park adjacent to the community league. A deficiency of park area in this neighbourhood.

- No community housing projects or residential facilities for seniors or the handicapped here. - Providence Canadian Reformed Church and St. Pius Roman Catholic Church here. - Commercial services located at the southwest corner of the neighbourhood includes a convenience store, drycleaner, drugstore and restaurant. - Social services provided by the West District Office (#201, 170b Street and Stony Plain Road). of Alberta Family and Social Services and by the Westmount Community and Family Centre (400 Westcor Building, 12323, Stony Plain Road) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. - Primary health care facilities provided by Woodcroft Health Centre (13420 114 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.


Physical Characteristics

Major Issues

Transportation - Bounded by four arterials with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 63,900 vehicles on Yellowhead Trail, 18,000 vehicles on 127 S1reet, 131,000 vehicles on Yellowhead Trall and 25,000 vehicles on 118 Avenue. Sherbrooke Avenue the main collector within the neighbourhood. A berm and noise attenuation barrier along Yellowhead Trail protects adjacent residents from excessive traffic noise. However, no such protection for residents along any of the other three boundaries, all very busy arterials and regular truck routes. Yellowhead Trail a dangerous goods and truck route. - Local roads have rough sections, some resurfacing required. Sidewalks in good condition. - Regular transit service provided via routes 3, 22, 23, 27 and 37 and peak hour service on route 94. Most areas of neighbourhood well serviced by these routes.

Public Facilities


Future Plans - No physical development or transportation plans for near future.


Only one school of three originally In the neighbourhood remains in operation. St. Pius X Separate Elementary School currently operating at 31 % of its capacity of 550. No increase in proportion of children under five suggests a threat of future school closure, leaving no educational institutions In this neighbourhood. Would have a negative impact on prospective young families moving here. School yard Is fenced and has soccer fields and ball diamonds. - Community League hall here with two ice rinks, a well-appointed play area and basketball facilities on property.



The only school in operation functioning at very low enrollment levels; in danger of closing. Above average proportion of lone parent families suggests demand for extra services and programs serving this group. Significantly higher than average numbers of seniors but no facilities here for them. No noise barriers for residents along 127 Street, 118 Avenue or St. Albert Trail, detracts from quality of life in these areas. Local roads require some repairs.


A physically and demographically mature neighbourhood with higher than average social stability. - School functioning at a very low enrollment level; in danger of closure. - Current facilities and services for seniors and lone parent families should be assessed and needed programs implemented. Currently vacant schools could be utilized for these purposes. - Further renovations especially of row housing could attract young families to the neighbourhood, facilitating needed rejuvenation.







- Construction of noise barriers along currently unprotected, busy arterials would Increase residents' satisfaction and quality of life in this area. - Local roads require some repairs and resurfacing.



References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Sherbrooke Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department; 1987.

October, 1990




1990-1994, The City of Edmonton





An older and smaller {both physically and demographically) residential neighbourhood in the West Planning District of Edmonton. Bounded by 95 Avenue to the north, 149 Street to the eas~. 92 Avenue to the south and 156 Street to the west. Most residential developments In the 1950's. Neighbourhood within the jurisdicti on of Jasper Place prior to the town's annexation to Edmonton in 1964. Surrounding neighbourhoods with similar socio-economic ·characteristics: West Jasper Place to the north, Jasper Park to the south and Meadowlark Park to the west. Parkview to the east, a superior neighbourhood In socioeconomic, physical and aesthetic considerations. Served by the Jasper Place Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics - 1987 population 1, 191. Populati on base not large enough to support maintenance and development of social and recreational facilities and programs. - Residents under 20 years of age 21.5%, compared to 27.2% for Edmonton. Indicates less than average demand for programs for young children and teenagers. - Seniors 12.6%, higher than the City's average of 8.9%. Location of a senior citizen's home here partially influenced this figure. Also, area probably preferred by the elderly due to availability and accessibility of amenities and services desired by them. - Marital status of neighbourhood residents very similar to the City's average: singles 47.8% (City's average 47.1%) and married persons 40.6% {Edmonton's average 40.5%). - Lone parent families 10.1 %, slightly higher than the City's average of 9.6%. Indicates a growing need for supportive programs for single-parent households. - Residents engaged in full-time jobs 40.0%, marginally lower than 40.7% for Edmonton. - Unemployed 5.2% compared to the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Edmonton's current (October, 1989) jobless rate being 8.5%, the neighbourhood's unemployment rate estimated somewhat higher than the City's average. - Average family Income $29,843, much lower than $41,681 for Edmonton. Higher proportions of seniors, lone-parent families as well as residents earning lower-than average income probably reflected in this figure.








- 67.3% residents lived in the community (vs. 54% for Edmonton) for a minimum of three years. Tenure in favour of renters (homeowners 34.9% and tenants 57.7%). Length of stay in the community, in spite of a high proportion of tenants, indicates a high level of social stability. - Neighbourhood crime rate increased by 19.78% between 1987 and 1988, compared to 5.21% increase for Edmonton. Property-related incidents increased sharply followed by traffic-related occurrences. Morality-related incidents remained stable while person-related crimes declined. Frequent police patrols through local roads and lanes appear to be necessary. - A member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - 78.2% of land area under residential uses. Single detached and attached homes 54.9% and 9.7% respectively of the housing stock. Walk-up apartments 27.8% of available accommodation. The rest collective residences. - Most homes in good condition. A few older, smaller homes in need of physical improvements. - Institutional uses 12.3% of land area. Includes the community league facilities and a church site. - Commercial uses (1.7% of area) limited to three extreme comers of the neighbourhood and an additional convenience store on 154 Street of 93 Avenue. - Recreational open spaces 4.9% of the area. Includes the neighbourhood park (adjacent to the community league facilities) and a landscaped open space (west of 149 Street, north of 93 Avenue).

Transportation - Bounded by arterial roads to the east and the west. Average weekday traffic volumes 22,900 vehicles on 156 Street, 25,600 on 149 Street and 11,800 on 95 Avenue. Traffic volumes create noise problems for residents living near these roadways. - Modified grid-pattern roads discourage traffic short-cuts through residential sub-areas. - Most roads and sldewalks in fair to good condition. Regular maintenance necessary. - Public transit facilities available around the margins of the neighbourhood. The City's Transportation Department operates buses on route nos. 1o, 11 , 16 and 116 around Sherwood and provide both peak-hour and regularhour services.




Public Facilities - No school located in Sherwood. Local students attend Sherwood Public Elementary School located to the Immediate north across 95 Avenue in the West Jasper Place neighbourhood. School operating at 50.8% level of its capacity (enrolment 165, capacity 325 students). More pre-schoolers needed in Sherwood and adjacent West Jasper Place neighbourhood for long-term viability of this facllity. - Chinese Alliance Manor (9312 - 149 Street), a self-co¡ntained apartment complex for seniors with 36 units including one for the handicapped located here. Operating in full capacity. Additional units for the local elderly desirable. - No community housing or specialized accommodation for the handicapped located here. - Sherwood Community League organizes sports, recreational and social events here. Sherwood Recreation Centre, a day care and an edu-care facility also located in this complex. Outdoor playgrounds need improvements. - Social services provided by the Jasper Place Centre (15626-1 OOA Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Family Services and the Centennial Mall Office (170 Street/Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Community Services. - Primary health care facilities available through the West Jasper Place Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Traffic noise and safety primary concerns of residelllts living near the borders of the neighbourhood. - A sharp increase in the number of criminal incidents involving properties {break and entry, vandalism, theft) make local residents fearful about safety of personal properties. - Low population level of the community not conducive to develop new neighbourhood facmties. Also makes it difficult to sustain existing programs and facilities. - Need improvements of the neighbourhood park facilities. - Rehabilitation of some aesthetically unpleasant older homes necessary.

Future Plans - No future physical improvement plans affecting this neighbourhood exist at this time.











A small residential community with a small population base. Population level not supportive of Introduction of elaborate programs and expensive facilities. Demography indicates a growing need for facilities and programs for the elderly. Consideration tor services to lone-parent households may be given. - Additional police patrols through the neighbourhood could reduce crime rate and re-establish a sense of security here.


- A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Northeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 137 Avenue to the north, 40 Street to the east, Kennedale Ravine to the south and 50 Street to the west. - Nearly all residential developments during the 1970's. - Adjacent residential communities: Belmont to the east, and Homesteader to the south. - Served by the Glengarry Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


West District survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984


Sherwood Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.


City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

1989-1993, The City of Edmonton



1989 population 2,624, a 7.1% Increase from 1986. Indicates a growing neighbourhood. 40.3% residents under 20 years of age. High demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. Seniors only 1.6% of residents compared to the 8.9% City average. Low demand for residential facilities and resources serving the elderly. Singles 55.5%, more than Edmonton's 47.1% and married 32.3%, less than the City's 40.5%. 23.3% lone parent families, much higher than the City average (1 3.2%). Very high demand for support services for single parents. Residents employed full-time 35.6% vs. Edmonton's 40.7%. 8.4% residents unemployed, almost double the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (May, 1990) City unemployment rate of 8.2% suggests the level may have risen substantially In Sitton Park as well. Only 1.9% retired persons here, much lower than the City's 9.8% Reflects small proportion of seniors here. Average family Income $30,078, substantially lower than Edmonton's $41,681. May be influenced by very high percentage o¡f single parents (who usually earn less than average income) and lower than average Income capabilities of local residents. 39.8% residents have lived at the same address for at least three years compared to the City's 54%. Homeowners 30.7%, lower than Edmonton's 46.8% and renters 64.6%, higher than the City's 48.4%. Length of stay and tenure suggest low social stability in this neighbourhood. Sitton Park is part of the South Clareview District which participates in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

November 1989









Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 72.7% of area. 90.0% single detached homes, 5.4% row housing (including two community housing projects - Sitton Park I and 11) and 2.7% low rise apartments. An attractive neighbourhood with well maintained properties. A few properties not landscaped as yet. Many open spaces and walkways here Increase appeal of the neighbourhood. - 10.9% institutional area includes the public elementary school and a church. - 0.1% commercial area. - Recreation and open space 15.5%. Two adjacent neighbourhood parks create a large open area. Also several walkways/bikeways throughout the neighbourhood.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterials, 137 Avenue and 50 Street. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 20,300 and 21,300 respectively on these routes. The other boundary road - 40 Street, a collector as is 134 Avenue, which is within the neighbourhood. No noise attenuation barriers along 137 Avenue or 50 Street. 50 Street is a dangerous goods and truck route. - Local roads and sidewalks in good condition, regular maintenance required. - Regular transit service provided via routes 72, 73, 74 and peak hour service via routes 172, 173 and 174. Light Rail Transit nearby, facilitating access to downtown.



- Pentecostal Assembly Church located here. - commercial facilities: a daycare located on a residential lot within the neighbourhood. More convenience facilities may be needed here to facilitate ease of access for residents. - Social services provided by the Glengarry Community and Family Centre (13315 - 89 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and by the Fort Road Office (13415 - Fort Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by the Clarevlew Health Centre (14023 - Victoria Trail) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Very high proportion of residents under 20. High demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. - Very large percentage of lone parent families. Suggests a need for many support services for this group. social stability in this neighbourhood may increase with time and as more community facilities and services developed. - Absence of noise attenuation barriers along 137 Avenue and 50 Street may decrease residential satisfaction along these routes.

Future Plans - Construction of a noise abatement structure planned for 1992, along 50 Street. Should improve quality of life for residents along this route.

Public Facilities - Sitton Public Elementary School currently operating at 64% of its capacity of 425. Enrollment levels likely to increase in near future due to increasing numbers of children under five. A well-appointed play area, soccer fields and ball diamonds on the school grounds. Portables on site but no fence here. - Two large neighbourhood parks, adjacent to the school, provide additional soccer and baseball opportunities. Kennedale Ravine also available for recreational activities. - Two community housing projects here: Sitton Park I has 19 townhouse units and Sitton Park II has 31 such units. Both operating to near capacity. - No residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons here.



Conclusion A physically contemporary and demographically young neighbourhood with below average social stability. Facilities and programs for young persons should be assessed and needed services implemented. Development of community activities, programs and commercial outlets may increase appeal of the neighbourhood. This could improve social stability here. . - Construction of a traffic noise barrier along 50 Street may improve residential satisfaction here but such a structure may also be required along 137 Avenue, which has similar traffic volume.











The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Sitton Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

July 1990



1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

- A young suburban residential neighbourhood in the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 23 Avenue to the north, 111 Street to the east, Blackmud Ravine to the south and 119 Street to the west. - Residential developments began in the 1970's and a'lmost completed by the end of the 1980's. - Adjacent residential communities: Blue Quill to the north and Keheewin to the east. - Served by the Pleasantview Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 2,422, an 8.6% increase from 1986. - Residents under 20 years of age only 20%, less than the City's 27.2%. Majority of residents in 20-35 age group (51.2%) vs. City's 31.9%. Reflects a demographically mature neighbourhood. Less than average demand for programs serving children and teens. - Seniors 2.1%, lower than the City's 8.9%. Low demand for services and resources for the elderly. - Singles 44.3% (vs. City's 47.1%) and married 37.9% (vs. City's 40.5%). - 11.7% lone parent families, slightly lower than City's 13.2%. Average support services required for lone parents and their dependents. - 59.2% employed full-time, much higher than the City's average (40.7%). Suggests a high proportion of career-oriented residents in this neighbourhood. - Unemployed 1.5%, much lower than the City's rate (4.3%) when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (May, 1990) jobless rate of 8.2% Implies a somewhat higher rate for Skyrattler as well. - Homemakers 4.3% vs. City's 7.4%, may be due to smaller proportion of young children. - 2.4% retired vs. Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors in the neighbourhood. - Average family income $43,286, slightly higher than the City's $41 ,681. Reflects an average middle class neighbourhood. - 37.7% residents at same address for at least three years, much lower than the City's 54%. - Renters 75.4% (vs. City's 48.4%) and homeowners 22.3% (vs. City's 46.8%). Tenure and length of stay suggest low social stability for this neighbourhood. - Skyrattler is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.







Physical Characteristics • Residential uses 66.2% of the area. 74.2% of this are single unit dwellings, 13.1% row housing Including one community housing project. Yellowblrd Ill, and 6.1% low rise apartments. Single and multiple unit dwellings very well maintained with extensive landscaping. Some newer developments not yet landscaped. Nicely maintained properties and proximity to the Blackmud Ravine give this neighbourhood a pleasant appearance. Institutional uses 22.8%, represents a Baptist Seminary College. • Commercial area 1.7%, a neighbourhood convenience facility along 23 Avenue. Incorporates several retail and service outlets and a professional centre. • Recreation/open space 9.0%. Includes a large, centrally located neighbourhood park. • Essentially no vacant/undeveloped area here.

• Recreational opportunities provided by the neighbourhood park, which has a well-appointed play area, soccer fields and ball diamonds, as well as by Blackmud Ravine. Derrick Golf and Country Club located nearby. Social services provided by the Whyte Avenue Office (10454 • 82 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Pleasantview Community and Family Centre (#407, 11044 - 51 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. • Primary health care facilities provided by Duggan Health Centre (5035 • 108A Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues • Low social stability here suggests greater need for community-based facilities and services for young adults. • No noise barriers along 23 Avenue, a busy arterial.

Transportation • Bounded by two arterials, 111 Street and 23 Avenue, with average annual weekday traffic volumes of 6,800 and 12,000 respectively. Saddleback Road serves as the major collector through this neighbourhood. A berm eliminates most traffic noise along 111 Street, but no such protection along 23 Avenue. Both 23 Avenue and 111 Street are regular truck routes. • Edmonton transi1 provides regular bus service via route 54, and peak hour service via route 154. Both routes serve the boundary roads as well as Saddleback Road. • Local roads and sidewalks in good condition but regular maintenance needed.

Future Plans • 1990 construction planned for 23 Avenue, west of 119 Street. Construction noise and subsequent additional traffic may affect residents In northwest sector of neighbourhood. • A proposed arterial roadway from 118 Street south to the proposed outer ring road. Would probably have a significant impact on residents along 118 Street by increasing traffic noise and safety concerns. • A school to be built here at a future date.

Public Facilities • No public or separate elementary schools at present. A Baptist Seminary College here. One community housing project • Yellowbird Ill, has 47 townhouse units. Operating at full capacity. • No specialized residential facllltles for seniors or the handicapped here. • Commercial facilities include a busy shopping area in the north-central sector. Incorporates a gas station, restaurant, take-out food, bank, hair and tanning salon, a large multi-purpose outlet providing groceries, videos and prescriptions. A medi-centre also located here. Heritage Mall, a major shopping facility located to the immediate northeast.



Conclusion • A physically young community with a mature population structure. • Large proportion of rental accommodation contributes to low social stability (as tenants generally more mobile). • Social stabili1y may be increased wi1h development of further community facilities and services for young adults. • Noise attenuation barrier may be required along 23 Avenue to address the needs of nearby residents. • Future developments could have a significant impact through increased traffic flow, creating noise and safety hazards.

r"monton ~U





Introduction References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II· Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Skyrattler Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.





1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

• An inner-city neighbourhood located east of the Municipal Airport. • Bounded by 118 Avenue to the north, 97 Street to the east, Kingsway Avenue to the south, and Princess Elizabeth Avenue and 106 Street to the west. - Surrounded by older neighbourhoods of similar nature {Westwood to the north, Norwood to the east, and Central McDougall and Prince Rupert to the south. - Most residential developments occurred between 20 - 40 years ago. - Served by Westmount Centre of Edmonton Social Services (12323 - Stony Plain Road).

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 2,959 persons, a 15.1% decrease from the 1983 figure. Neighbourhood percentage of young children (0 - 4 years old) was 5.8% (City's 8.1%) a 15.3% increase over 1983 figure. - Lower proportion of residents under the age of 20 (22.7% vs. City's 27.5% average}. Seniors 20.1% compared to the City's 7.9%. This demonstrates an aging population. Needs for programs and services for seniors. - Singles 51.4% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 33.2% (City's 41.3%) of population. Lone-parent families 23% vs. City's 13% average. Services and programs for this group may be required. Widowed persons 11% (City's average 4.1), also reflect a hig:h proportion of seniors. - Slightly more than half the neighbourhood children use a language other than English at home. (Source: 1986 Federal Census and the local schools). Proportion of unemployed in 1986 was comparable to the City's average (neighbourhood 5.8% vs. City's 5.6%) but this neighbourhood had fewer residents employed full-time (31.8% vs. 40.3%) and a greater number unable to work (Spruce Avenue 12.4% vs. City's 0.5%). Again, a high proportion of seniors may have influenced these figures. • Neighbourhood also had a slightly higher proportion of post secondary individuals (7.0% vs. City's 5.6%). A post secondary institution (NAIT} located In the neighbourhood, probably may be partially responsible for this scenario. - Average neighbourhood household income in 1981 was S25,900 (Edmonton CMA's average $31 ,998). Concentration of senior citizens, students, lone-parent families,and individuals who are widowed or unable to work contributes to the lower income level of this community. - A somewhat lower proportion of residents lived at the same address for at least three years· 50.3% vs. City's 56.1%. Only 25.5% of local residents are homeowners (City's average 45%) while 60.5% are tenants (City's average 48.4%). The renting of some single detached homes and townhouses and location of a number of walk-up apartments and a high-rise apartment help to explain these figures.








Public Facilities - Despite the number of tenants, the length of residency at the same address appears to Indicate a fair level of social stability. - A two percent decrease in crime between 1986 and 1987 (City had a 6% increase) attributable mainly to a large decrease in traffic related occurrences. Slight Increases in property and morality related offences. A large Increase In other offences category {66%) is mainly due to credit card Incidents and lost property in the commercial area on the west side of neighbourhood where a shopping mall and two motels are located. - A relatively safe neighbourhood. - Neighbourhood watch program is In effect here.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses occupy 50% of the neighbourhood area. Single detached homes 80% of housing stock; multiple family units (13%), walk-up apartments (6%), and a new high-rise apartment (1%) make up the rest. - A few dwellings require rehabilitation, but most in fair condition. - Commercial uses 14% of neighbourhood area. Majority located on west corner (west of 109 Street), the south east corner along 111 Avenue, and northeast corner along Princess Elizabeth and 118 Avenue. Kingsway Inn (10812 - Kingsway) and City Centre Inn (11310 • 109 Street) are located here. - Institutional land uses (Royal Alexandra and Glenrose Hospitals, NAIT, Spruce Avenue Public Elementary, St. Basil's Separate Elementary/Junior High Schools, Holy Rosary and Seventh Day Adventist churches) make up 26% of total area. - The neighbourhood park occupies one percent of land use demonstrating a deficiency of parks and open spaces here.

Transportation - Seven busy arterials surround and intersect this neighbourhood. Traffic volumes indicate 20,400 vehicles on 97 Street, 19300 on Princess Elizabeth Avenue, 15,600 on Kingsway, 24,400 on 111 Avenue, and 25,500 on 109 Street. More moderate flows on 101 Street (1 o,ooo vehicles) and 106 Street (8,600). - High volumes of traffic create noise problems for residents living near the margins of the neighbourhood. Princess Elizabeth Avenue, Kingsway, 111Avenue,109 Street, and 97 Street are all regular (24 hour) truck routes. - Local roads are in good condition. Many residential streets have recently been repaved. - Excellent public transit service connecting downtown and other sectors of the City. (Route Nos. 9, 11 , 18, 19, 23, 29, 41, and 42). There is also a major public transit transfer point at Kingsway and 109 Street.

e"m '~ o ·~ ~U




- Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), a post secondary educational institution, provides vocational and apprenticeship programs for the Edmonton Region. It is located in the northwest section of the neighbourhood. St. Basil Catholic Elementary-Junior High School (10210 • 115 Avenue) has a capacity of 750 students but a present enrollment of 403 (54%). It has an alternate education program to meet the different learning levels of its elementary students. Spruce Avenue Public Elementary-Junior High School, with a current enrollment of247 students is operating at 50% of its capacity of 490 students. Also offers a special adaptation program for children with learning disabilities. Spruce Avenue Community League (10240 - 115 Avenue) includes a playground, ice rinks, and hall and provides some recreational programs for the local residents. Spruce Avenue Park is located next to the Community Hall; is landscaped and includes a soccer field. - No community housing projects are located within this neighbourhood. - Norwood Extended Care Center (10410 - 111 Avenue) serves senior citizens of the general area including Spruce Avenue. It ls presently operating at full capacity of 366 beds. - A regional level commercial centre (Kingsway Garden Mall) at 109 Street and Kingsway serves the general area including Spruce Avenue. - Public facilities located within this neighbourhood serve local and city-wide residents: Alberta Motor Association (AMA) on 109 Street and Kingsway, a Motor Vehicle's Branch at 10125 Princess Elizabeth Avenue and the Royal Alexandra and Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospitals on Kingsway and 111 Avenue. Fire Station #5 (corner of 112 Avenue and 101 Street) serves this neighbourhood and surrounding areas. Norwood Community Service Centre (9516 - 114 Avenue) provides various family oriented and support programs as well as a meeting place for different local women's groups. Westmount Centre (12323 Stony Plain Road) of Edmonton Social Services and Hys Centre (11010 - 101 Street) of Alberta Social Services both work to satisfy family and individual needs of this and surrounding communities. - Edmonton Board of Health also serves this neighbourhood through its Central Health Centre (10005 • 103A Avenue). - Holy Rosary {11485 - 106 Street) and Seventh Day Adventist (10131 • 111 Avenue) churches provide regular services.

Major Issues - Presence of immigrants from Southeast Asia and Central America in this neighbourhood calls for introduction of multi-cultural programs by community organizations. Special attention needed to look into formation of support groups for the large proportion of seniors (some of whom are widowed).

e'l'lmonton ~







- Large decrease in young adults (20 - 29 years) and older residents (45 +) in the neighbourhood compounded with a decreasing married population may change the social character and stability of the neighbourhood. Shortage of on-street parking on local residential streets as parking abused by NAIT students. Creates low level of neighbourhood satisfaction among residents.

Future Plans - District Planning Study for the area to be published by the Planning and Development Department at an unknown future date.

- A physically and demographlcally mature neighbourhood. Older character and poor maintenance of some residences detract from the general aesthetic level of the neighbourhood. Large proportion of tenants, seniors, and Individuals unable to work may be the major influences. - Needs programs and services for the local seniors. Also, consideration for orientation of programs for the elderly and the widowed persons. - Presence of a number of Southeast Asian and Central American families may present an opportunity to introduce multi-cultrual programs here. May help in understanding various cultural traits and remove "social isolation• of local new immigrants.


5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Introduction - A mature suburban residential community in the Southwest Planning District. Bounded by 34 Avenue to the north, Calgary Trail southbound to the east, a utility corridor to the south of 30 Avenue to the south and 111 Street to the west. - Most residential development occurred between 1974 and 1976. - Surrounded by residential neighbourhoods in three sides - Duggan to the north, Ermineskln to the south and Sweet Grass to the west. - Served by the Pleasantview Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics


1. 2. 3. 4.


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. Census of Canada, Part I Edmonton: Profile, 1986. 5-Year Construction Program: 1988 - 1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The 1987 Offence Occurrence Report, The City of Edmonton Police Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Central District Survey of Residents, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Spruce Avenue Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department.

- 1986 total population 2,867, an Increase of 163 persons or 6% since 1983. Limited increase of population expected once the large vacant parcel at the southeast corner developed with single family homes. - High proportion of residents below 20 years of age (Steinhauer's 35.4% vs. Edmonton's 27.5%). Indicates a strong demand for amenities, programs and services desired by the younger population. - Senior citizens only 1.7% as opposed to the City's average of 7.9%. - Single persons 48.2% of neighbourhood's population, comparable to the City' s average of 47.5%. - Married persons 46.0%, much higher than the City's average of 41.3%. Marital status and the proportion of young residents indicate that Steinhauer is a family-oriented residential community where social :and recreational programs involving families may be In demand. - Lone-parent families 10.05%, comparable to the City's average of 9.58%. Points out to an average demand for programs and services for this group. - Full-time employed persons marginally higher than the City's average (Steinhauer's 41.2% vs. Emdonton's 40.3%). - Unemployment rate In Steinhauer was much lower than that of Edmonton in 1986, the rates being 2.7% and 5.6% respectively. As the City's current unemployment rate (9.6% in February, 1989) is much higher than the 1986 figure, it is likely that the neighbourhood's jobless rate has gone up somewhat as well. - Average family income in Steinhauer $50,844, compared to the City's average of $41 ,681 in 1986. - Residents living in Steinhauer for at least three years 63.6%, compared to 56.1% for the City. Homeowners 69.1% (City's average 45%) and tenants 29% (Edmonton's average 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure indicate a high level of social stability here.

Summer 1988









- Crime rate In Steinhauer Increased by 36.94% between 1987 and 1988, while the City's crime rate rose by 5.21% during the same period. Property-related occurrences (theft, break and entry) showed a moderate Increase while traffic related offenses mostly hazardous violations Including speeding) Increased sharply. Indicates a lower level of neighbourhood satisfaction In relation to traffic safety and residential security. - Steinhauer Is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch program.

- Three regular-hour and three peak-hour bus routes (Nos. 49, 53, 68, 136, 149 and 153) serve Steinhauer either along the borders or through the Interior of the neighbourhood.

Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses approximately 60% of the gross land area of the neighbourhood. Single-detached homes (70.5%) and row housing (29.5%) make this land use category. All row housing projects located in one area (along 31 Avenue between (107 and 109 Streets) and create parking problems on 108 Street and 31 Avenue. Most single family homes are wellmaintained and In good condition. - The only commercial site located at the southern edge west of 106 Street. A good assortment of retail businesses and service outlets located here, serving the needs of local residents as well as commuters. Makes up 2% of total land area. • Steinhauer Public Elementary School and the Community League compose the Institutional uses. Together, they account for 4% of land area. - Parks and open spaces constitute 6% of the gross area. The centrallylocated neighbourhood park account for this category.

Public Facilities - Steinhauer Public Elementary School currently operating at 90% level of its capacity (enrollment 450 students, capacity 500). Receives students from th e adjacent Ermineskin neighbourhood where no public elementary school available. Pre-schoolers in both communities num bered 579 in 1986 indicating continued functioning of this facility at a very high level. May also need addition of portable classrooms If demand exceeds capacity. - Steinhauer Community League organizes sports and recreational facilities for local residents. Facilities at the community league and the adjacent neighbourhood park Include a meeting hall, chlldrens' playing area, an outdoor skating rink, a slldlng hill, baseball diamonds and soccer fields. Grounds of the local school provide additional opportunities for sports and recreational activities. - One community housing project (10717 - 32A Avenue) with 23 row-housing units located here. Operating In full capacity. Even though the level of utilization Indicates demand, no additional units may be available here as the neighbourhood Is almost completely bullt-up. - No housing for the elderly or the handicapped located here.

Major Issues Transportation - Three sides of the neighbourhood bounded by busy arterlals. Average weekday traffic volume 50,000 on Calgary Trail southbound, 25,400 on 111 Street, 14,000 on 34 Avenue west of 106 street and 21,300 on 34 Avenue east of 106 Street In 1988. Earth berms along 111 Street and Calgary Trail southbound and a boulevard along 34 Avenue are in place to reduce traffic noise. - Calgary Tran southbound Is a dangerous goods route while 111 Street Is a regular truck route. - 106 Street Is a busy collector roadway dividing the community Into two almost equal halves. Making a left turn onto 106 Street often becomes hazardous for the local motorists. Speeding along 106 Street Is a concern reflected on the police statistics noted earlier.


- Gradually increasing rate of property-related crimes (theft, vandalism, break and entry) is becoming a matter of concern among local residents. - Traffic safety along 106 Street Is another concern to the area residents. Elementary students crossing this collector between 31 and 32A Avenues and local residents making left turns onto this roadway often encounter traffic hazards (due to constant flow of traffic and occasional speeding of some external motorists).

Future Plans - A limited number of single family homes will be developed on the currently vacant parcel at the southeast corner of Steinhauer. This may create additional pressures on the local elementary school.









Introduction - The City's Planning and Development Department may prepare a Planning Study for the Southwest District at a future date.

Conclusion A family-oriented and socially stable residential community in southwest Edmonton. Predominance of young population indicates high demand for programs and services for this group. Considerations may be given to introduce familyoriented programs as well. - Gradual increase in property-related crimes calls for additional police patrols through the neighbourhood especially during weekdays to reinforce a sense of safety and security. - Consideration be given to Install a fully-automated traffic signal system at 106 Street and 3.2A Avenue.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census Canada 1986. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportatlon Department 1988. 1988 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 Steinhauer Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

May 1989



- An older residential neighbourhood in the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Development started in 1891 with the Initiation of the Calgary and Edmonton Railway line the same year. Initial developments along Whyte (82) Avenue (now called Old Strathcona). Annexed to the City of Edmonton in 1912. - Boundaries are Saskatchewan Drive to the north, Mill Creek Ravine to the east, Whyte (82) Avenue to the south and 107 Street to the west. - Mature tree-lined boulevards and sidewalks. Many well-maintained and renovated homes. - Neighbourhoods of similar nature surround Strathcona: Garneau to the west and Queen Alexandra and Ritchie to the south. - Served by the Mill Creek Centre of Edmonton Family and Community Services.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 8,230, a decline of 360 individuals or 4.2% since 1986. Considering the population level, this decline appears moderate. Further population loss should be treated with caution. - A considerably lower proportion of residents under 20 years of age - Strathcona's 11.7% vs. Edmonton's 27.2%. - Young adults (20 - 34 years) more than one-half of total population - Strathcona's 51 .3%, compared to Edmonton's 31.9%. Reflects easy access to the University, availability of comparatively less expensive rental accommodation and commercial, service and recreational opportunities. - Proportion of seniors somewhat higher than Edmonton average (Strathcona 10.3% vs. Edmonton 8.9%). Location of four senior citizens' homes and the number of some longtime residents influenced this figure. May also Indicate availability of services and programs desired by the elderly. Reflects a higher rate of utilization and probably demand for new programs and amenities for elderly. - Singles 56.5%, compared to Edmonton's 47.1%. Conversely, only 28.3% married, as opposed to the City's 40.5% average. Divorced, separated and widowed 10.9% (City's average 9%). Marital status indicative of greater demand for social and recreational activities for singles. - Lone-parent families only 4.15% (average of Census Tracts 21 and 22) compared to the City's 9.6% average. No special programs for single parents and their dependents necessary here. - Full -time employed 52.5%, substantially higher than the City's 40. 7%. Unemployed 4.3%, compared to the City's 5.4%. August, 1989 unemployment rate for Edmonton being 8.1 %, it is likely that the neighbourhood's current jobless rate has sllghtl'y gone up since the last Civic Census. - Average family income $37,015 (average of Census Tracts 21 and 22), as opposed to $41,681 for Edmonton. Only 36.7% residents lived at the same address for at least three years (vs. Edmonton's 54%). Renters 79.4%, homeowners 14.6% and vacant units 6%. These facts and figures indicate only a moderate level of social stability.







- Local crime rate declined by 1.7% in 1988 over the previous year (City's Increased by 5.21%). Traffic-related offenses declined significantly while person-related crimes remained constant and property and morality-related incidents increased moderately. - The Neighbourhood Watch Program as well as the Police Foot Patrol Program in effect here.


Public Facilities

Physical Characteristics • Residential uses 72.8% of the neighbourhood area. Single family dwelling (attached and detached) 23.97% of housing stock. Multiple unit housing (tri/fourplexes, row housing and collective residence) 11.2% of available accommodation. Walk-ups and high-rise units 40.61% and 21.97% respectively. - Some older homes with architectural characters of the turn of this century. Some are well maintained and/or renovated. Some need rehabllltatlon. - All high-rise buildings, except two, located along Saskatchewan Drive. Walk-ups scattered throughout. Most units well-maintained. Some older buildings (mostly walk· ups) need extensive repairs. Neighbourhood population density one of the highest in the City. - Commercial uses primarily along Whyte (82) Avenue forming a part of the commercial strip. A variety of retail stores and service outlets serving the entire City. Some commercial developments along 99 Street. A few neighbourhood convenience commercial facilities in the interior. Together, 8.9% of land area. Institutional uses 6.9% of area. Includes the community league site, two schools, a teachers' centre and eight churches. - Recreational open spaces 3.8% of land area. Includes four neighbourhood level parks scattered throughout. Deficient in park space. Nearby river valley and the Mill Creek ravine provide additional recreational opportunities. - Vacant/undeveloped lands 5.7% of the area.


• • -

King Edward Public Elementary-Junior High and Old Scona Public Academic Senior High Schools located here. Fall 1989 enrollments 182 and 250 students respectively. The former one operating at 54% level of capacity. The latter one functioning at 91% level of capacity. More pre-schoolers and grade-school students needed in the area to support long-term viability of the public elementary-junior high school. St. Anthony's Teachers' Centre (10425 - 84 Avenue) of Edmonton Catholic School Board located here. Facilities include meeting and seminar rooms for teachers. Four senior citizen's homes (Bateman Manor at 9923 - 90 Avenue, Bethany at 9920 • 83 Avenue, Good Samaritan Manor at 10555 - 83 Avenue and Trinity Hall at 8419 • 102 Street) with a total of 197 self-contained apartment units located here. Each operating at almost full capacity. No community housing projects in Strathcona. Catholic Social Services operates a group home with six beds for the physically handicapped at 9853 - 89 Avenue. The community league hall located at 10139 - 87 Avenue. Facilities include a meeting hall and reception area, children's playing area, tennis courts. Organizes local social and sports event. Six local churches offer religious services to area residents. Old Strathcona Foundation active In retaining historical and architectural character of the area. Mill Creek Centre (9119 - 82 Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Family Services and the Whyte Avenue Office (10454 - 82 Avenue) of Alberta Social Services provides social services needs for the area. Primary health care services offered by the South Side Health Centre 10335 - 83 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. several stage theatres, a repertoire movie theatre, several music and book stores and gourmet restaurants and coffee shops located here, forming a cultural hub of the City.

Transportation - Five busy arterials through and around Strathcona. Average weekday traffic approximately 15,000 vehicles on Saskatchewan Drive, 27,000 on 99 Street, 22,000 on 103 Street Northbound, 13,000 on 104 Street Southbound and 34,000 on Whyte (82) Avenue. Whyte (82) Avenue and 99 Street 24-hour truck routes. Traffic on arterials create noise and safety issues for residents living nearby. - Traffic congestion on Whyte (82) Avenue and the grid-pattern internal roadways Invite external traffic to shortcut through neighbourhood sub-areas making traffic issues even worse. - Local roads and sldewalks In fair to good condition. Need regular maintenance. 83 Avenue between 103 and 104 Streets currently being reconstructed and repaved. - Excellent public transportation facilities by many bus routes (Nos. 8, 43, 46, 76, 77 and 78) operated by the City.




Major Issues - Non-residential parking on residential streets near Whyte Avenue reduces residents' satisfaction. - High volumes of traffic on arterials running through the neighbourhood create noise and safety problems and disrupt residential character. - Even though located next to the river valley and the Mill Creek ravine, the neighbourhood itself lacks convenient parks and open spaces. - Some older homes in dilapidated condition disrupt the otherwise historical character of the area.






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Neighbourhood Profile - Strathearn



Future Plans


- Old Strathcona ARP (1 981) and Scona East ARP (1986) in effect here. Future redevelopment of some city-owned vacant properties north of Whyte (82) Avenue between 102 and 103 Streets may act as a catalyst for new growth and character here. - Develop several smaller parks throughout the neighbourhood as recommended by the Old Strathcona ARP.



- An older residential community with a large population base. Residents mostly single young adults. A very high proportion of walk-up apartments with reasonable rents and easy access to downtown, government centre, the university and retail and recreational opportunities attract university students or working young adults. Amenities for seniors abound. Consequently, neighbourhood popular with seni ors . New programs and amenities for the elderly In demand. More pre-schoolers and grade.school students needed to support the public elementaryjunior high school 's long-term viability. • A residential neighbourhood with distinct historical and architectural characters. Some dwellings with distinctive qualities need renovations.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Devel opment Department, 1984 Strathcona Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988. Old Strathcona Area Redevelopment Plan, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1981 . Scona East Area Redevelopment Plan, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1986.

Highlights Stratheam is an older inner-city residential neighbourhood located approximately three kilometres southeast of the centre of the City. Strathearn: • •

has a considerably higher proportion of seniors than the City average; has an average family income slightly below the City average; is concerned about monitoring potential redevelopment of Stratheam Heights Apanments and its potential impacts on the community; and

• September 1989

is a member of theSoutheast Community Planning Coalition loo.king at issues within the wider district. Revis«! December 1992



Neighbourhood Profile - Strathearn

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Neighbourhood Profile - Strathearn


Social Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

The 1991 population totalled 2.720 people or approximately the same as in 1986. Between 1986 to 1991, there were substantial decreases in all age groups from birth to 20 years, with the exception of a one percent increase in children five to nine years old. The proportion of residenlS from birth to 20 years old (15%) in the area is now significantly less than the City average. Senior citizens continue to be a much larger part of the community than are represented in Edmonton's 1ota1 population (23% vs. 9% for the City). However, a 14% decrease from 1986 to 1991 in residents 65 to 69 years and substantial decreases in those 55· 64 years indicate a coming trend toward a smaller senior population.

Residential land uses occupy approximately 85% of the neighbourhood area The majority of housing stock is single-detached (38%), followed by low rise apartments (36%)and collective residences (20%). Housing consll"Uction occurred primarily in the 1950's. • Commercial uses 101al 2 % of the land area and include two smaller strip shopping developments along 95 Avenue. Strathearn

There is a slightly higherproponion ofsingle parentsinStratheam (18%) than the City as a whole (15%). 50 40





20 10




Institutional uses make up 12% of the neighbourhood. Stratheam Elementary and Junior High School is represented in this figure.


• A neighbourhood park is loca1ed next to Stralhearn Community League and accounts for 0.3% of the area.



• Employment figures indicate that there are proponionately fewerresidenlS employed full time (37% vs. 40% City) and more retired (24% vs. 11 % City). • Social stability is evident in the length of time that residents have lived in the area, which approximates the City average.


• The 1986 Census of Canada indicates a lower level of income for this neighbourhood. This is reflected in the average family income ($36,107 vs. $40,470 for the City) and the proponion of low income families (19% vs. 17% City) and unattached individuals (47% vs. 38% City). The higher than average share of seniors in Strathearn who usually earn much le~s than the average, may contribute 10 the area's income level.

Two busy ar1erials, which also serve as truck routes. bound this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes are approximately 24,000 vehicles along Connors Road and 8.200 along 85 Street. Truck access is restric1ed on 85 Street between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

• Ethnic origins of Stratheam residenLS generally reflect that of the City. The exceptions are residentS with British (30% vs. 23% City), and German (9% vs. 6% City) origins as well as those with more than o ne origin cited (40% vs. 37% City).

Edmonton Transit provides public transponation with bus routes (nos. 12,45,55,159,16 1,165,167). A reasonably good level of service appears 10 be available to residenlS.

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Bicycles have access to Cloverdale Park via 98 Avenue and 92 StrecI.

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Revised December 1992 ~.

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Revised December 1992

Neighbourhood Profile - Strathearn


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Neighbourhood Profile - Strathearn




Public Facilities

Neighbourhood Issues An ongoing concern is the anticipated redevelopment of Strathearn Heights Apanmems. Negotiations have resulted in a plan that the community can accept, but actual development bas been delayed. The communjty is monitoring the situation to ensure that development, when it occurs, adheres to previous agreements.

Stratheam Public Elementary and Junior High School (8728 - 93 Avenue), the only school in the area, has an enrollment of approximately 35% of its capacity.

Two issues that the Strathearn Community League has ra.ised include the potential impact of the proposed redevelopment of the nearby Holyrood housing complex and the desire for better linkage to the River Valley Parks. Stratheam Communjty League (8777- 96 Avenue) offers programs including a summer playground program, baseball, and skating. The league has basketball and tenrus couns as well as a skating rink and playground.

Stratheam is one of 16 communities that are collectively addressing regional planning issues through the Southeast Community Planning Coalition. For current information on community issues and resources, contact the community social worker at the Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services (428-2625).

• The neighbourhood is served by the Mill Creek Centre of Commuruty and Family Services (300, Mill Creek P lace, 9119 - 82 Avenue) which offers a variety of services including counselling, different group programs, services for seniors, children and youth as well as community development.

Religious institutions in the area include Stratheam United Church (8510 - 95 Avenue), Assumption Catholic Church (9034 - 95 Avenue), and Church of Jesus Christ of Lauer Day SaintS (9010 - 85 Street).

The Future • The redevelopment of the Holyrood townbouse complex could impact parking and traffic flow in Stratheam. • The Southeast Community P lanning Coalition offers an important vehicle for residents to address local and regional concerns and to provide direction on future development in the area.

• Montgomery Legion Place (95 Avenue and Connors Road) contains 304 self -contained unitS for senior citizens.

References • Goodwill Rehabilitation Services of A lbena offers its Perspectives Program out of the former Strathearn Elementary School (9330- 87 Street). This program, which has bad ongoing positive relations with the surrounding neighbourhood, offers an independent living and social skills program for 100 mentally, physically and emotionally disabled adults. Other public facilities that serve the neighbourhood include: Number 6 Fire Station No.6 (8105 - 96 Street) Old Strathcona Community Police Station (10325 - 83 Avenue) 12 hr. walk-in service South Division Police Station (9710 - SI Avenue) 24 hr. service University of Alberta Hospital (8440 - 112 Street) Grey Nun's Hospital ( 1100 - Youville Drive West) ldylwylde Health Centre oftbe Local Board of Health (8314 - 88 Avenue)

• • • • • •

The City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada, J 986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988- 1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Deparunent Ride Guide; August 1991, City of Edmonton Transponation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Depanmeot Transportation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, City Edmonton Transponation Department Strathearn Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development. 1987 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollmem figures Edmonton Catholic School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton. City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1991 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, The City of Edmont0n, 1992 Stratheam Community League Stratheam Public Elementary and Junior High School Goodwill Rehabilitation - Perspectives Program Revised Dcc<mbet t 992

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Neighbourhood Profile - Strathearn






Introduction - A suburban neighbourhood in the West Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 95 Avenue to the north, 170 Street to the east, 178 Street to the west, and 87 Avenue to the south. - Most residential developments occurred since 1981. - West Edmonton Mall, a regional shopping facility, is located to the southeast of Summerlea. - Located within Jasper Place Centre boundaries of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 1,410 persons - 29.8% increase over 1983 figure, representing new growth, both physical and demographic. - A demographically young neighbourhood with higher proportions of residents under the age of 20 (30.9% vs. City's 27.5% average) and young adults (20 - 39 years) - 51.5% vs. City's 42.1%. - Middle age Individuals (ages 40 - 64) only 15.7% of population (City's average 22.5%) and seniors a mere 1.8% (vs. City's 7.9%). - Singles 46.4% (vs. City's 47.5%) and married persons 47.2% (vs. City's 41.3%). - High proportion of residents employed full-time (52.8% vs. City's 40.3%) neighbourhood unemployment rate 4.3% (City's 5.6%). April/ 1988 unemployment rate for Edmonton was 9.6% suggesting a possible increase in neighbourhood's rate as well. - Average neighbourhood household income in 1981 was $31,265 comparable to Edmonton CMA's average of $31,998. - Only 39.8% of residents are tenants and 57.2% homeowners - compared to 48.4% and 45% respectively for the City. - Only 40.4% of local residents lived at the same address for at least three years (City's average 56.1%). This is due to recent physical development of the neighbourhood. - Crime rate increased by seven percent in Summeriea between 1986 and 1987 comparable to Edmonton's six percent increase. Major increase in property related (theft) occurrences. Presence of the West Edmonton Mall facility may explain the Increased number of Incidents. - Neighbourhood Watch Program is in effect here.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses occupy 30% of neighbourhood land. Single detached housing makes up 23.4% of housing stock, row housing 58.9% and apartments 17.7%.

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- Most homes are new and in good condition. - Commercial uses (Including West Edmonton Mall and the Westgate Centre) 55% of neighbourhood area. - Institutional uses (vacant Edmonton Public School property) three percent of land area. - The neighbourhood park makes up 12% of land use and includes a playground. Soccer fields are planned for 1989.


Major Issues - Traffic related problems along the arterial roads {safety hazards and noise) - Negative impacts of West Edmonton Mall (being physically imposing, and creating traffic and littering problems) may detract from the social and aesthetic appeal of the residential neighbourhood.

Future Plans






Three busy arterials bound this neighbourhood (20,000 vehicles on 87 Avenue, 30,400 vehicles on 178 Street, and 50,000 vehicles on 170 Street) low volumes of traffic on 95 Avenue. The neighbourhood is divided Into two almost equal haves by 90 Avenue. 170 Street is a dangerous goods and truck route. Heavy volumes of traffic create noise and safety problems for local residents reducing the quality of residential environment. Arterial and residential streets are in good condition. Edmonton Transit route no. 11 provides regular service and route nos. 97, 128, and 124 provide peak hour services. West Jasper Place Transit Centre is located at 87 Avenue and 175 Street. No major road construction is planned for this area.

- Development of the proposed sports and recreational complex by the Y.M.C.A. in Callingwood North (178 Street and Callingwood Road) will serve Summerlea residents of this general area including Summerlea. - Interchange construction (at 87 Avenue and 170 Street) scheduled for 1991-92, could smoothen flow of traffic here.

Conclusion - A physically new and demographically young neighbourhood with a fair amount of social stability. - West Edmonton Mall is the dominant feature of this neighbourhood and its effect on the immediately surrounding residential neighbourhoods should be monitored.

Public Facilities - No schools located or planned for this neighbourhood. - The neighbourhood park In the middle of the community provides excellent recreational facility. - Summerlea Community League organizes recreational programs for members. Makes use of district facilities such as the West Jasper Place Swimming Pool. - •summerlea Residents Association" was formed in 1979 to promote local needs and views. West Edmonton Mall meets most shopping needs of this region's residents indoor rink, Canada and also includes some recreation facilities: Fantasyland and World Water Park. - Centennial Mall Office (170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Social Services and Jasper Place Centre (15626 - 100A Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services serve residents of this community. - Health Services are provided by the West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health and the Misericordia Hospital {16940 - 87 Avenue).



Refrences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981 . Census of Canada, Part I Edmonton: Profile, 1986. 5-Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation department. 1986 Traffic Flow Map, the City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The 1987 Offence Occurrence Report, The City of Edmonton Police Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourlilood Maps, 1987. West District Survey of Residents, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Summerlea Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

Summer 1988







Physical Characteristics Introduction - A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 34 Avenue to the north, 111 Street to the east, Saddleback Road to the south and 119 Street to the west. Most residential developments during the 1970's. Adjacent residential communities: Greenfield to the north, Steinhauer to the east, Blue Quill to the south and Westbrook Estate to the west. - Served by the Pleasantview Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

- Residential developments 70% of area. According to structure type, 88% are single family dwellings, 11% row housing (including three community housing projects) and 0.6% low rise apartments. Properties well maintained and nicely landscaped with mature foliage. Multiple unit dwellings also well maintained. - 9% institutional uses. Included are an elementary school and a convent. - No commercial area here. - Recreation and open spaces 6.0o/o of area. Includes a neighbourhood park, adjacent to the school and a small park in the northwest sector. - Utilities uses 4% of area: a landscaped power transmission corridor, forming the southern boundary.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 3,249, a 12.2% Increase from 1986. This neighbourhood still undergoing some growth. Residents under 20 years of age 31.8%, slightly higher than Edmonton's 27.2%. Above average demand for programs and facilities serving children and teens. - 4.5% seniors, hallf the City's 8.9%. Below average requirement for resources and facilities serving older persons. 48.8% singles and 42.9% married, both slightly higher than Edmonton's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. Lone parent families 16.3%, higher than the City's 13.2%. Above average support services required for single parents and their dependents. 42.8% residents employed full time, marginally higher than Edmonton's 40.7% . - 1.6% unemployed residents here, less than the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% suggests level may have risen somewhat but is probably still low in sweet Grass. - 5.4% residents retired here, less than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects below average proportion of seniors residing here. - Average annual family income $51,566, markedly higher than the City's $41,681. Reflects above average financial capabilities of residents here. - Residents who have lived at the same address for a minimum of three years 48.4%. Slightly lower than Edmonton's average (54%). 48.8% homeowners and 49.4% renters, both slightly higher than the City's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Even though the length of stay and tenure suggest average social stability here, it is likely to grow further with time. - Sweet Grass, in association with Blue Quill, participates In the Neighbourhood Watch Program as a combined participant community.




Transportation - Bounded by three arterials: 34 Avenue, 111 Street and 119 Street. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 9,000 and 25,400 for 34 Avenue and 111 Street respectively. 111 Street also a regular truck route. An earth berm along 111 Street reduces traffic noise for adjacent residents. Saddleback Road, 31 Avenue and 113 Street serve as collectors here. - Sidewalks in good condition, however, local roads have some rough spots and uneven sections. - Regular public transit service provided via routes 54, 57 and 62 and peak hour service on route 154. Appears that transit service is adequate here.

Public Facilities - Sweet Grass Public Elementary School operating at 71% of its 500 student capacity. Enrollments likely to remain stable in near future due to steady number of young children. School grounds not fenced, but have wellappointed play facilities, soccer fields and ball diamonds. - Additional recreational opportunities provided by Derrick Golf and Country Club to the immediate west. - Three community housing projects: Blue Quill has 19 townhouse units, Sweet Grass I has 36 row housing units and Yeilowbird Ill has 47 such units. Ail operating to near capacity. - No residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons here. No commercial facilities but Blue Quill Shopping Centre, to the immediate south, provides a wide variety of retail, service and professional outlets.









References Social services provided by Pie •w Community and Family Centre ommunity and Family Services (11044 - 51 Avenue) of the ~ (6235 - 103 Street) of Alberta Family Department and Argyll District c and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities i: ·' j ed by Duggan Health Centre (5035 108A Street) of the Edmonton d of Health.

Major Issues - Above average percentage programs and facilities servi· - Above average requirement - Development of more comr league) may serve to unite , - Local roads require repairs

ung persons indicates a demand for ildren and teens. pport services for single parents. ·based facilities (such as a community 1ts and Increase social stability here. 1e areas.


The City of Edmonton Civic Cens s, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Proffles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Re :reation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Sweet Grass Neighbourhood Fact Sh ?et, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

1990-1994, The City of Edmonton

Future Plans - 1992 roadway construction Should improve traffic flow

?d tor 119 Street from 34 to 23 Avenue.

Conclusion - A physically contemporary a 1 demographically young neighbourhood with average social stability. ~ Jcial stability likely to grow further. - Existing services and facllitf ~ t or young persons and single parents should be assessed to deterr ine if further programs and services are needed. - Establishment of a community eague may improve community cohesion and improve social stability he. e. - Resurfacing and repairs of focal roads should be undertaken.

September 1990





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Neighbourhood Profile - Terrace Heights

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Terrace Heights

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Public Facilities



Neighbourhood Profile - Terrace Heights

Terrace HeighlS Public Elementary School (6859 - 100 Avenue) is the only educational institution located here. This school is currently operating at 40% level (enrollment 161, capacity400). Duri.n g the last four years, theenrollmentlevel has strengthened. Further strengthening of the enrollment level could help ensure continued viability of this facility.

• Hardisty Nursing Home (6420- 101 Avenue) is located here. This facility with 220 beds is currently operating at full capacity. Religious services are provided by: Easuninster Presbyterian Church (9920 - 67 Street), St. Andrews Ukrainian Orthodox Parish (9831 - 75 Street) and Edmonton Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (7120 - 98 Avenue). • Terrace HeighlS Community League (9835 - 71 Street) organizes local sports and recreational activities. Facilities at the community league include a meeting hall, change rooms. skating rink, a baseball diamond and a children's playground with equipment. • Child care is available through TinyTolS Day Care (7246B - 101 Avenue) and Area 13 Children's Day O ut Society (Room 8, 6859 - 100 Avenue). • A police beat office is located a1 a neighbourhood convenience s hopping centre to the nonh of 98 Avenue, east of 71 Street.

102 A~


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• Number 11 Fire Station (6625 - 101 Avenue) is located in Terrace HeigblS. • The neighbourhood is served by !he Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services Depanment (#300, 9119 - 82 Avenue) which offers a range of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youths and seniors, as well as community development assistance. Public facilities outside but serving the area include: Ottewell Community Police Station (9807 - 71 Street) University of Albena Hospitals (8440 - 112 Street) Idylwylde Branch of Edmonton Public Library (8310 - 88 Avenue) Idylwylde Health Centre (8314 - 88 Avenue)

Highlights Neighbourhood Issues Terrace Heights is a mature residential neighbourhood located to th e east of the City centre. Terrace Heights: • has a higher proportion of residents over 50 years of age; • has a lower than average share of pre-schoolers and residents under 35 years of age; has a larger than average incidence of single-parent families; • is predominantly made up of single-detached homes, and also includes some low-rise and high-rise apartment unilS; and • has a lower than average family income level. Revised Marcil 1993

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Many local residenlS are concerned about crimes against properties. The local s1ore-front police office, through its high visibility and local presence, could be effective in alleviating the level of such criminal activities and in reinforcing the feelings of safety and security in Ibis general area. • Residents living near major thoroughfares are not happy with lhe high level of traffic noise they experience. This reduces the level of reside ntial satisfaction to lhese individuals. These are issues which the writer understood to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may c hange over time, and different issues may be important to different people. For current information contact Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-2625. Revised Morell 1993



Neighbourhood Profile - Terrace Heights


Social Charact eristics

Physical Charact eristics 1-- -- - - -- - - - - - -- -- ---..,

The 1991 population totalled about 2,250 persons or nearly 3% more than in 1986. This represents a reversed trend from the early l 980's of decreasing population. Terrace Heig.hts bas a lower proportion of residents in every age group below 35 years (Terrace Heigh is 46% vs. Edmonton 57%). On the other hand, ii has a higher than average share of residents who are over 50 years of age (Te rrace Heights 33% vs. Edmonton 22%). The proportion of seniors living here is about 13%, ttigher lhan about 9% for lhe City.






Neighbourhood Profile - Terrace Heights




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Residential land uses comprise approximately78% of the total area ofTerrace Heights. The majority of !he housing is single-detached (43%) wilh !ow-rise and high-rise apartment units each making up 23%. Duplexes contribute anolher 8% of total residential units. Most homes in Terrace Hei,g hts are berween 30 and 40 years old. Terrace Heights




£dln:ltll0fl Ttnac. ~

$40,4M $38,108


0 Single Paren1:1 %olToW Famffies 1D86

Residel"ICf Jot SVeara0t Mofe

"'--- - - - - - --- - - -·- - - - - - - ->-

An established strip commercial area is present along 101 Avenue. Commereial uses constitute about 12% of the area. Institutional uses make up about 9%of lhe area and include one school, a fire station, a community league and three churches.

• C-0mpared to the City averages, lheneighbourbood bas a lower proportion of single individuals (42%vs. 47%) and a marginally higher share of married persons (40% vs. 39%).

There are no parkS or open spaces wilhin the boundaries of Terrace Heights. However, local residents have access to Capital City Recreation ParkS via !he Capilano Ravine.

• Single-parent families make up approximately 18% of !he total families here (City average 16%). • Homeowners comprise only 40% of lhe neighbourhood residents (City average 49%). Even though renters account for 58% of the neighbourhood residents (compared to Edmonton 's46%), approximaiely 49% have lived at the same address for at least five years. This length of residency pattern is indicative of a fair level of social stability here. Approximately 43% of the local residents were engaged in full-time employment in 1992. compared 10 38% for the City. The average family income in 1986 was somewhat lower in this neighbourhood as compared to lhe City average. The proportion of immigrant population residing here was slightly lower than the City average. • Ethnic origins of Terrace Heights residents in 1986 generally reflected !hat of the City. However, the proportions of the Ukrainians, Chinese, Germans and Blacks were higher than their respective City averages in the ethnic composition of lhe neighbourhood. Revised Mach 1993

Transportation Two arterials (Capilano Drive and 98 Avenue) bound this neighbourhood while another one (101 Avenue) divide lhe community into rwo halves. Average annual traffic volumes in 1992 were about 36,500 along Capilano Drive, 24,600 along 98 Avenue and 15,200 along 101 Avenue.

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Capilano Drive and 98 Avenue are regular trUCk routes. Edmonton Transit operates buses (RouieNos. 51, 92 and 93) through and around this neighbourhood and provides bolh peak-hour and regular-hour services. • Local roads and lanes are in reasonably good condition. Revised March t993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Terrace Heights



Neighbourhood Profile - Terrace Heights

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The Future


• Slow rejuvenation of population level appears to be present in Terrace Heights. This has positively influenced the level of enrollment at the local elementary school. If the trend continues, it will fun.her increase the use of au neighbourhood amenities. It could also positively affect social stability here. • Demographic composition indicates a higher than average demand for programs and services forthe local seniors. This demand i.s likely to continue in the future. Presence of the law enforcement authorities could reduce the crime rate here. This bas the potential to improve the overall social environment in this neighbourhood.

References • City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1992 Census of Canada. 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Deparunent Ride Guide; September 1992, City of Edmonton Transponation Department 1992 Traffic Flow Map, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Transponation System Bylaw. No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transportation Deparunent Terrace Heights Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, CityofEdmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1992 Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures • Edmonton Catholic School Board. fall 1992 enrollment figures • Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1991 Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Mill Creek Centre of Community and Family Services • Terrace Heights Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department NB:

This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data, rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neighbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 data will be provided, on request. as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).

Revised March l993


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Neighbourhood Profile - Thorncliff


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Neighbourhood Profile - Thomcliff



Social Characte ristic s The population of Thomcliff in 1991 was about 3,840 persons. marking an increase of slightly over 2 % from its 1986 level. The population base of the neighbourhood is likely to experience only limited growth in the near future as most residential properties have already been developed. This neighbourhood has a highe.r than average share of children and teenagers. Pre-schoolers account for about 9% of the neighbourhood's population compared to 8% for Edmonton. Overall, about 25% of the neighbourhood's population falls below 20 years of age, as compared to 21 % for the City. Titis is an indication of a higher-than-average demand for amenities. services and programs designed for the younger population.

• Seniors make up only about 4% of the population, markedly less than about 9% for the City. However, between 1986 and 1991. !he proportion of elderly persons increased from 2% to 4%. • Single persons make up about 52% of the population (Edmonton's average 47%) while married persons account for 37% of residents (City's average 40%).




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• Slightly over 25% of families are headed by a single-parent. which is significantly h.igher than Ille average of about 18% for Edmonton. This is indicative of higher-than-average demand for programs and services designed for single-parentS and their dependants.


• The proportion of Thomcliff residentS holding full-time employment in 1991 was about 41 %, marginally higher than about 40% for the City. The share of jobless persons living here in 1991 was about 5%, less than one-half of lhat experienced across the City (11 %).

Ul ..


• The average household income in Thomcliff in 1986 was about $32,500 - markedly lower than about $40,500 for Edmonton. Very high proponions of single-parem families (who usually earn less) and srudents (Thomcliff 21 % vs. Edmonton 17%) have partially influenced the income level here. 40




Thomcliff is a suburban residential neighbourhood in the west sector of the City located to !he immediate south of the West Edmonton Mall. This neighbourhood: • is a young family-oriented community which has higher proportions ofpre-schoolers, grade-schoolers and teenagers !han the City averages; • appears to have just passed a population grow!h wave as the grow!h rate of children under 20 years of age declined somewhat since 1986; • has a higher proportion of low income families and therefore has an average family income significantly below the City average; and • is mostly made up of single detached dwellings followed by walk-up apartments and row housing. RevUed Febrwiry 1993

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• Even lhough homeowners constirute only about 43% of the area residents (City's average 47%), approximately 51 % have lived in Thomcliff for at least three years. These patterns of tenure and length of stay combined with the fact that it is a comparatively new residential neighbourhood, indicates that it is a reasonably stable community with a good prospect of further social cohesiveness. Residents with British ethnic origin make up slightly less than the City average. On the olher hand, people with French, Black, Dutch, South American. Jewish and Polish ethnicity living in Thomcliff are higher in proportion than their respective averages for Edmonton. ~;;;,u;;.



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Rev~ February



Neighbourhood Profile - Thorncliff

Neighbourhood Profile - Thorncliff


Physical Characteristics 1------- - - -- - -- - - - -- -

• Residential land uses comprise about 76% of the total areaofThorncliff. Single fai;nily homes constitute the majority (85%) of the housing stock. Row housing and walk-up apartments comprise 13% and 2% respectively of the available accommodation here. Most homes were built in the J970·s are in good condition.

Thomcliff Public Elementary School (8215 • 175 Street) and St. Justin Separate Elementary School (8405. 175 Street) are the two educational institutions located here. The public school is currently functioning at 60% and the separate school at 89% of their respective capacities. In view of the number of pre-scboolers Ii ving here, it is like! y that both schools will experience another wave of higher enrollment in the near future.


• The neighbourhood park is located to the north of 82 Avenue and west of 172 Street. It incorporates a children's play area, soccer fields and baseball diamonds. • The grounds of the local schools offer spons and recreational opponunities (athletic fields, children's play area, soccer fields) to neighbourhood residents. • Thomcliff Community League Hall (175 Street and 82 Avenue) organizes a host of social and recreational programs including dances. outdoor trips and hockey games. Thomcliff Public Elementary School is designated as a "community school " which serves as a focal point of activities organized by local and nearby organizations (e.g., Beavers, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Alcoholics Anonymous, Teen Drama Group, Boys and Girls Club. Thus, this school also acts as a community centre promoting community cohesiveness. No community housing projects or any specialized accommodation for the elderly or the handicapped persons are located in Thomcliff. Child care services are provided by Greentree Day Care (#1, 17756. 81 Avenue), Child's Choice Day Care and Nur.;ery #2 (8260 · 175 Street) and St. Justin Out of School Care (8405 · 175 Street). The neighbourhood is served by the Jasper Place Centre of Community and !Family Services (10030 • 167 Street) which offers a variety of services including counselling, different group programs, services for youth and seniors as well as community development assistance. Nearby public facilities available to the residents of this neighbourhood include: Fire Station No. 19 (6210 • 178 Street) Misericordia Hospital (16940 - 87 Avenue) Jasper Place Police Station (10121. 151 Street) West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) Callingwood Recreation Centre (17740 - 69 Avenue)

--Institutional uses (two schools and the community league) make up about 9%oftheneighbourhoodarea. • Commercial uses total approximately 3% of the area. A centrally located site accommodating several retail outlets constitutes this land use category. • Open spaces and parks make up about 15% of the area. The neighbourhood park and the local public walkways connecting different sub-areas within the neighbourhood account for this type of land use.





Thorncliff is bounded on all sides by arterial roads. Traffic volumes on each arterial is very high.

( 16,~1'1::;!:·~1u)

. Wbitemud Drive is a 24-hour truck route while 170 Street is a dangerous

. .


goods route. Even though berms and noise auenuation barriers are in place. Thorncliff residents living near the southern margin of the neighbourhood experience some traffic noise. Residents living near other edges of the neighbourhood are also exposed to iraffic noise. Local roads and walkways are in good condition .

. Edmonton Transit buses run through the neighbourhood and along its

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Neighbourhood Issues


- -

Public Facilities


periphery (Route Nos. 16, 39, 115, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 and 130) providing regular and peak· hour service. The West Jasper Place transit station is located very close to 87 Avenue. Given the average household income or the area, the proportion of employed persons and students, a satisfactory level of public transportation facility is available here. Revised February 1993

• Negative impacts of the West Edmonton Mall is an issue to many local residents. The physically imposing size of the facility and the traffic generated by it make some local residents feel that they have lost the ability to control their immediate physical environment. This feeling, in conjunction with traffic noise, safety hazards and spill-over parking problems on local residential streets, has created frustration among residents. These issues pose threats 10 the well-being of young persons (as many local youths "bang out" in the West Edmonton Mall during and after school hours) living in Thomcliff. Revised February 1993

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Neighbourhood Profile - Thorncliff


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Neighbourh ood Profile - Thorncllff




Neighbourhood Issues (cont'd) Proper maintenance of the neighbourhood park and public walkways is an issue. Inadequate maintenance of these facilities coupled wilh the problem of littering has created an environment which is not appealing to many local residents. Traffic related problems. especially congestions and delay near the 87 Avenue and 170 Street and 87 Avenue and 178 Street intersections. encourage external uaffic to shon-cut through 81 Avenue and 175 Street and generate undesirable noise and safety problems for the local residents. These are issues which lhe writer understood to be important in the neighbourhood at the time of writing. However, issues may change over time, and different issues may be imponant to different people. For current information, contact Jasper Place Centre of Community and Family Services at 428-5908.

The Future Being a demographically young community and physically fully developed. it is likely that Thomcliffs population level has peaked and stabilized. The neighbourhood could experience only limited population growth in the near future. With time and an opponunity to live here for a longer period, it is likely that the social cohesiveness may increase in the future.

• Edmonton Public School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Edmonton Catholic School Board, fall 1992 enrollment figures Cycle Edmonton, City of Edmonton Transponation Department. 1991 • Alberta Social Services Day Care Information System, July 1992 Jasper Place Centre of Community and Family Services Thom cliff Community League City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Department "Community and Family Services acknowledges the assistance of staff in the City's Corporate GBIS Project Office, Public Works (Mapping and Graphics) and Planning and Development (Technical Services) in producing the basic neighbourhood map." NB: This Profile uses 1986 Census Canada data. rather than 1991 data which is not yet available on a neigbbourhood basis. When it becomes available, the relevant 1991 dana will be provided. on request, as a replacement for the 1986 data used in this Profile (telephone 496-5818).


• The presence of a higher-than average proponion of young residents calls for additional recreational opponunities here. This added recreational opponunity could reduce the problems of boredom among local youths who otherwise hang out in the nearby West Edmonton Mall. The long-term effects of West Edmonton Mall will need monitoring. Effects on residents' sense of control, !heir feelings of being overshadowed by the imposing structures of the Mall, and their concern for its effects on their children, all have significant implications for the long term viability and social functioning of !he community.

References • • • • • • • •

City of Edmonton Civic Census - 1991 Census of Canada, 1986 Five Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Ride Guide; September 1992. City of Edmonton Transponation Department 1991 Traffic Flow Map. City of Edmonton Transponation Department Transponation System Bylaw, No. 9722, Appendix A, City of Edmonton Transportation Department Thomcliff Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department. 1987 Truck Route Map with Dangerous Goods Routes, City of Edmonton Transponation Depanment, 1992 Reviud February 1993

Reviud Febn111ry 1993






Introduction - A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood In the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Whitemud Drive to the north, 76 Street to the east, 38 Avenue to the southeast, MIIlwoods Road to the south and °91 Street to the west. • Most residential developments In the 1970's and completed by 1980. • Adjacent residential communities: Michael's Park to the east, Lee Ridge to the southeast and Richfield to the south. - Served by the MIIIWoods Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 3,559, a 2.1% increase from 1986. Indicates stabilization of population level. • Residents under 20 years of age 37.4%, higher than the City's 27.2%. Reflects a demographically young neighbourhood, suggesting high usage and need for programs and facilities serving children and teens. - Proportion of seniors 3.9%, substantially lower than the City's 8.9%. Indicates less than average need for senior's facilities. • Singles 50.6%and married 41.7%, both slightly higher than the City's 47.1% and 40.5% respectively. - Lone-parent families .16.5%, somewhat higher than the City average (13.2%). Suggests a demand for special support services for this group. - Employed persons 38.1% vs. City's 40.7%. - Unemployed 3.8% vs. City's 4.3%. Current (April, 1990) rate of 8.0% implies higher level of jobless persons in Tweddle Place as well. Homemakers 6.8%, Slightly lower than Edmonton's 7.4%. - 4.8% retired vs. City's 9.8%. Reflects small number of seniors in neighbourhood. However, slightly higher than most other Millwoods neighbourhoods probably due to seniors' apartments located here. - Average family income $37,492, slightly less than the City average ($41,681). Reflects relatively large proportion of lone-parent families who usually earn less than average income. - 57.5% of residents have lived at the same location for at least three years, similar to the City average (54%). - 55% owners and 41% renters vs. City's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. Tenure and length of stay indicate higher than average social stability. - TWeddle Place is part of the North Millbourne District which is a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.



Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 64.5% of area. Of this, 90.7% are single detached homes, 6.2% row housing (including one community housing project - Tweddle Place) and 1.5% low rise apartments (including one senior's apartment - Millbourne Manor}. Generally, an attractive neighbourhood with mature foliage. Some properties poorly maintained, detracts from appeal of neighbourhood. - 15.4% Institutional use includes two churches (one with a private Christian School}, as well as one public elementary, one public junior high and a separate combined elementary/junior high school. 1.3% commercial area represents an active shopping facility. Located along 76 Street, it incorporates various retail shops and! service outlets. - Parks and open spaces 18.5%, includes two large neighbourhood parks Several adjacent to schools, located in the southeast quadrant. landscaped walkways/bikeways throughout the neighbourhood.

Transportation - Bounded by two arterials, 91 Street (west} and Whitemud Drive (north). Average annual traffic volumes approximately 20,000 and 43,000 respectively. Two collectors, Millwoods Road to the south (carries 12,000 vehicles) and 76 Street to the east. Berms along 91 Street and Whitemud Drive eliminate most traffic noise. No noise protection along Millwoods Road, a relatively busy collector. - 91 Street is a regular truck route and Whitemud Drive is a dangerous goods and truck route. • Location of Edith Rogers School along Millwoods Road and St. Hilda School along 38 Avenue, across from Millbourne Mall are concerns assuming large numbers of children crossing these busy streets. Local roads and sidewalks in poor condition, (rough and uneven}, needs repaving. • Regular transit service provided via routes 65, 67, 69, 77, 82 and 83 and peak hour routes 165, 167 and 177. All routes with the exception of 77 and 177 travel down 76 Street. Routes 77 and 177 nm through the neighbourhood on Millbourne Road. This leaves the northern and western sections of the neighbourhood quite far from convenient public transportation. MIIlgate Transit Centre located to the immediate northeast across the Whitemud Freeway.





Public Facilities







Three schools located In the neighbourhood. St. Hilda Separate Elementary/Junior High School, currently operating at 112% of it's capacity of 590. Portables on site. Large proportion of preschoolers in the neighbourhood suggests further overcrowding in the near future. The property is fenced and has some play equipment, soccer fields and ball diamonds. Location directly across from Millbourne Mall a traffic safety concern. Edith Rogers Public Junior High school, currently operating at 91% of its capacity of 755. Portables on site indicate at least one wave of students have graduated. Large numbers of younger students Indicate future Soccer fields, ball overcrowding problems. Property not fenced. diamonds and tennis courts provide sports opportunities. Malcom Tweddle Public Elementary, operating at 72% capacity of 550. Probably will be operating to near capacity in future due to large preschool population; portables on site. Fenced playground includes a wellappointed play area, soccer fields and baseball diamonds. One community housing project, Tweddle Place, has 64 townhouse units. Operating at almost full capacity. For equal distribution of community housing projects throughout various neighbourhoods, such additional units not foreseeable here. One seniors' apartment - Millbourne Manor (has 28 units, two of which are for handicapped persons). Operating at almost full capacity. Two churches In this neighbourhood - Millbourne Alliance Church and Calvary Community Church (which also has the private Millwoods Christian School on site). Commercial facilities include a small shopping area in the northeast quadrant which provides a service station, convenience store, video outlet, restaurant, pharmacy and drycleaner. Millbourne Shopping Centre located to the immediate southeast in Lee Ridge. Millwoods Golf Course and Mlllwoods Recreation Centre provide additional recreational opportunities. Social services provided by the Millwoods Office (2849, Millwoods Road N.W.) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Millwoods Centre (#214, 3017 - 66 Street) of the City's Community and Family Services Department. Primary health care facilities provided by the Millbourne Health Centre (7525 - 38 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. Grey Nuns hospital, a 538 bed, active treatment facility located nearby.



- Large proportion of population under 20 years of ag e Indicates high demand for facilities for children and teens. - Relatively high percentage of lone parent families suggests more support services may be required for this group. - Some safety concerns for St. Hilda students, as the school is located directly adjacent to Millbourne Mall, across a very busy 38 Avenue. - Local roads in poor condition - resurfacing required.

Future Plans - Expansion of Whitemud Freeway between 91 Street and 76 Street planned for 1993-95. Will probably create some noise and inconvenience for nearby residents. - Some road/sidewalk resurfacing currently being undertaken.

Conclusion - A physically and demographically young neighbourhood with higher than average social stability. - Large proportion of young persons suggests increased pressure on already highly utilized school resources. Problem may worsen. - Some services and facilities such as those for single parents, children and teens should be assessed and further programs developed. - Traffic hazards and poor local road conditions should be addressed.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Tweddle Place Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

Major Issues - The separate school is facing major concerns with overcrowding and the public juni or high expected to face similar problems in near future.



May 1990





Physical Characteristics

Introduction - An older residential neighbourhood in the Central District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 114 Avenue/Borden Park Road on the North, 73 Street/Capilano Drive on the East, the North Saskatchewan River Valley and Kinnard Ravine to the South, 82 Street and the CNR/LRT tracks on the west. - Most residential developments occurred between 1910 and 1965. - Surrounded by the neighbourhoods of Bellevue to the East, Parkdale to the West, and Northlands to the North. - Served by the Beverly Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

- 1986 population totalled 2,556 persons, a 6.8% Increase over 1983 figure. Some redevelopment in the form of medium density walk up apartments and in-fill housing may be partly responsible for the increase in population. - Neighbourhood proportion of residents under 20 years of age only 16.6% much lower than the City's 27.5%. Young adults between 20-39 years 47% {City's average 42.1%) and middle aged Individuals 20.3% {almost equal to City's 22.5% average). Significantly higher share of seniors {Virginia Park 16.1% vs. City 7.9%). Population consists of predominantly older, retired persons and young adults with few children, indicating a greater demand for programs and services designed for these groups. This may also reflect availability of specialized housing for the seniors and presence of amenities and facilities desired by the elderly in this general area. - Singles 44.8% of population¡ {City's average 47.5%) and married persons only 32.3% vs. City's 41.3% average. Higher proportion of widowed persons {9.9% vs. City's 4.1% average) reflects greater number of senior citizens and a demand for support programs or services for this group. - Local residents employed full-time 42.6% {City's average 40.3%). In 1986 7.8% of residents were unemployed compared to 5.6% for the City. Edmonton's July, 1988 unemployment rate was 8.6%, suggesting a possibly higher neighbourhood rate as well. - Higher neighbourhood proportion of retired individuals {17.2% vs. City's 8.0%) reflects the greater number of seniors in this area. - Average neighbourhood family income in 1981 was $28,303 {Source: average of 1981 Federal Census Tract Nos. 43 and 57). Edmonton C.M.A.'s was $31 ,998. Lower income figure In this community may be due to higher numbers of retired and unemployed residents. - A more mobile population, with only 40.9% of local residents living at the same address for at least 3 years, {Edmonton's average 56.1%). Only 21.4% of residents are homeowners {City's average 45%) and 66.3% tenants {City's average 48.4%). Tenure and length of stay figures do not suggest a good level of social stability, as renters are usually more mobile and less community oriented. - Virginia Park is a member of the Edmonton Ponce Departmenfs Neighbourhood Watch Program, designed to prevent neighbourhood crime.




Social Characteristics







Residential Land uses occupy 21% of neighbourhood area. Single detached homes make up 78% of housing stock, apartments 15%, and duplexes 7.0%. Some single family homes are aging and require rehabilitatlorn but most homes are reasonably well maintained. Commercial uses 4.6% of total area. Includes a number of neighbourhood convenience commercial facilltles sporadically located along 112 Avenue, some automobile related uses {I.e. gas stations, auto body shops, and a bulk oil distributor), the Vi rginia Park Green Houses, and the Sports World Roller Skating Rink. Institutional land uses 2.0% of neighbourhood area {including Virginia Park Public Elementary School, th e closed Cromdale School Building, and Concordia College). Industrial uses approximately 5.0% of total area and located along the LRT line. However, industrial uses are In a transitional period with some industries in the process of conversion to other land uses, or no longer in operation. Parks and open spaces occupy 25% of neighbourhood area. This figure includes Borden Park, a district level park, and Stutchbury Park. Approximately 5.0% of neighbourhood land Is vacant. Some portions have been designated for medium density residential developments in the future.

Transportation - Three very busy arterials bound and intersect this neighbourhood at various points. Average weekday traffic volumes are 12,300 vehicles along 82 Street, 25,700 along 112 Avenue, and 52,900 along Capilano Drive. - All three arterials are regular truck routes and 79 Street {between 112 Avenue and 115 Avenue) is a restricted route allowing movement of trucks between 7:00 and 20:00 hours. - Capilano Drive ls a depressed {below grade) roadway, offering some protection from the noise caused by its high volume of traffic. However, large traffic volumes along 82 Street and 112 Avenue cause noise and pedestrian safety problems for local residents. Spill over parking during special events at the Ntorthlands creates on-street parking problems in the residential areas. This has been Identified as safety) on this and surrounding having disruptive Impacts {noise, litter, communities during major Stadium and Coliseum events. - Local roads and walkways are In fair condition. - 82 Street {North of 112 Avenue) and 112 Avenue are currently undergoing major roadway reconstruction and repaving. Capilano Drive is scheduled to be completed to the North {between 120 Avenue and Yellowhead Trail) in 1991-1992. Local and surrounding area residents agree that this would help reduce traffic volumes on 112 Avenue, which presently pose a significant danger to pedestrian safety. - Public transportation is provided by Edmonton Transit with bus routes {Nos. 2, 32, and 132) connecting to the nearby Stadium Transit Station (a Light Rail Transit station), Jasper Place, and the downtown.

e"monfon ~U






Future Plans

Public Facilities




Virginia Park Public Elementary School (7324 - 109 Avenue) had 134 students enrolled, 76.6% of its capacity of 175. Considering current population trends, student strength is expected to remain stable In the near future. Cromdale Public School (11240 - 79 Street) has been closed since 1980 and is presently being used by the Edmonton Immigration Services Association which serves city-wide Immigrants providing ltfe skills, Interpretative, and cou~selling services; teaching English as a second language; and providing meeting places for ethnic associations. Concordia College (7128 Ada Blvd.) is affiliated with the Lutheran Church and offers three-year high school matriculation courses (grades 10, 11, 12). It also offers first and second year University of Alberta transfer courses. This facility serves city-wide residents and plans to offer degree granting programs. Local and surrounding area residents also make use of Borden Park, a district level park occupying a substantial portion of this neighbourhood. Existing facilities include ball diamonds, tennis courts, an outdoor pool, playgrounds, wading pools, and picnic sites. Some small neighbourhood convenience commercial facilities located along 112 Avenue meet many daily shopping needs of local residents. The special housing needs of the growing number of senior citizens appear to be addressed in this neighbourhood by Virginia Park Lodge (11033 - 76 Street) with 65 apartment units (Including 2 reserved for the handicapped) and the Virginia Park Plazas (I, II, and Ill) with a total of 140 one bedroom units. Low vacancy rates at these facilities demonstrate the continuing need for this type of housing. Various social services needs are provided for by the Hy's Centre Office (11010 - 101 Street) of Alberta Social Services and Beverly Centre (5505 - 112 Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services. Health Services are available to local residents at Eastwood HeaHh Centre (7919 118 Avenue) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues - Despite the existing parking bans, traffic and parking congestion In local residentia l streets have been identified as causing disruptive impacts on the communities during major Northland and Stadium events. - A few accidents, including a number of fatalities, along 112 Avenue in recent months have put traffic safety issue at the forefront of local residents' concerns. Residents feel that immediate measures (i.e. the extension of Capilano Drive to the North) must be taken to reduce very high peak-hour traffic volumes through 112 Avenue and restore quality of life In Virginia Park. - Area residents are concerned about the negative Impacts that may arise from the proposed expansion of Edmonton Northlands. Issues include increasing noise, traffic congestion, vandalism, parking problems, and Utter. - The poor maintenance of some rental, the Northlands and City-owned properties reduces the general aesthetic quality and appeal of this neighbourhood, as well _ _ _ __.a..,sur... e.., sidents' satisfaction.



- Edmonton City Council may consider recommendations formulated by the Highlands Civic Affairs Committee to reduce the significant traffic problems on 112 Avenue. Included in the petition is the suggestion f,o r the immediate completion of Capilano Drive to the North. - In view of the sensitive location of this community, (vis-a-vis Edmonton !"'Orthlands, Capilano Drive, Borden Park, and Commonwealth Stadium) the social impacts of any possible expansion of Edmonton Northlands should be given serious consideration. - The City's Planning and Development Department is currently preparing an Area Redevelopment Plan for the Northlands.

Conclusion - A well es~ablished residential neighbourhood with a mature population structure. The special needs of the seniors and widowed individuals in this neighbourhood should be assessed and appropriate programs and services developed. The quality of life and local residents' satisfaction are sharply reduced by other traffic related problems along 112 Avenue, the poor maintenance level of some residential properties, and the negative impacts of major Northl ands and Stadium events.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. Census of Canada, Part I, Edmonton: Profile, 1986. 5-Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1986 ~raffic Flow Map, The CHy of Edmonton Transportation Department. The CHy E~monton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Central D1stnct Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Central District Working Paper No. 2: Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983. Northlands Area Redevelopment Plan, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987. Virginia Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.


Summer 1988








Introduction - A developing suburban neighbourhood of Miii Woods In the Southeast Planning District of Edmonton. - Defined by 34 Avenue on the north, Miii Woods Road East to the east, 50 Street to the west, and 23 Avenue to the south. - Initial residential developments commenced after 1971 and is still going on. - Surrounded by the neighbourhoods of Minchau to the north, Bisset to the east, and Pollard Meadows to the south and the Mill Woods Town Centre to the west. - Served by the Miii Woods Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1986 population totalled 2,272 persons, a 31.6% increase over 1983 figure. Sharp increase reflects the relatively new and developing state of this neighbourhood. Population expected to grow further with housing development on currently vacant residential properties. - Significantly higher proportions of residents under 20 years of age (neighbourhood total 36.5% vs. City's 27.5% average) and young adults between 20-39 years (53.2% vs. City's 42.1%). Indicates a strong demand for social and recreational programs for these groups. Middle-aged Individuals (40-64 years) only 9.0% of neighbourhood population (City's average 22.5%) and seniors a mere 1.4% compared to City's average of 7.9%. - Singles 47.8% (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 46.6% of population vs. Edmonton's 41.3% average. - Higher proportions of Preschoolers and Klndergarten to Grade 6 students (30.6% neighbourhood total as opposed to City's average of 17.1%) demonstrate an existing demand for programs and services designed for young families. - Residents employed full-time 41.5%, same as the City's average. In 1986, 4.5% were unemployed (City's total 5.6%). Current neighbourhood unemployment figure may be somewhat higher since Edmonton's 1988 unemployment rate was 7.3% - Neighbourhood family income $32,636, slightly higher than Edmonton C.M.A.'s $31,998. - Proportion of local residents who have lived at the same address for at least three years 50.6% (City's average 56.1%). - Homeowners 56.3% of population (City's average 45%) and tenants only 39% compared to City's 48.4% average. Tenure and length of residency patterns indicate that this relatively new neighbourhood ls developing a good level of social stability. - The community of Ridgewood, which includes the neighbourhoods of Bisset and Weinlos, Is a member of the Edmonton Police Department's Neighbourhood Watch Program, designed to prevent neighbourhood crime.




Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses occupy 59.3% of neighbourhood area. Housing stock Is mainly single detached homes (63.1%) and apartments (36.9%). Most homes are well maintained with many having been only recently developed. - One neighbourhood convenience commercial facility (28 Avenue and 48 Street) is the only commercial land use - 0.4% of neighbourhood area. - Institutional uses (includes Weinlos Public Elementary School, Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation, Klngdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness and a Sikh Temple) 6.5% of total area. - Parks and open spaces occupy 5.1% of neighbourhood area. Includes two landscaped open spaces and Sheppard Park. - Vacant/undeveloped properties located throughout the neighbourhood make up 5.4% of total area.

Transportation - Three arterials with moderate traffic flows bound the north, south, and west margins of this neighbourhood. Average weekday traffic volumes indicate 12,100 vehicles on 50 Street, approximately 6,000 on 23 A.venue, and only 2,800 on 34 Avenue. These figures may increase somewhat with the opening of the Mill Woods Town Centre, located to the Immediate west of this neighbourhood. - 50 Street is a restricted truck route between 0700 - 2000 hours, Monday to Saturday only. - Traffic noise and pedestrian safety along the arterials and collector roadways are matters of concern to local residents. - Local roads are in good condition but walkways are needed along 23 Avenue. - Public transportation services is provided by two regular bus routes (Nos. 82 and 83) and two peak hour routes (Nos. 159 and 161) connecting downtown and to the Millgate Transit Centre.

Public Facilities Weinlos Public Elementary School's (2911 - 48 Street) 1987-88 enrollments totalled 606 students, far exceeding its capacity of 400. The school has acquired additional portable classrooms but, In view of the high proportion of preschoolers in this neighbourhood, physical expansion of this facility or development of another local school (most likely the Separate Elementary) may be required.






- Public and Separate Junior and Senior High Schools and the Grant MacEwan Community College located within Mill Woods accommodate local residents as well. - A community league has not been formed for this neighbourhood yet. Neighbourhood park and schools' facilities (playground, soccer fields, and ball diamonds) are available for sports and recreational activities. - Other nearby regional and city-wide recreational facllitles that will benefit this neighbourhood Include the Mill Woods Recreation Centre (with two skating rinks, squash and racquetball courts, exercise room, and wave pool swimming facility) and the 18 hole Mill Woods Golf Course (opening in 1988). - A neighbourhood convenience commercial facility, located at 28 Avenue and 48 Street, and the regional shopping centre nearing completion in the Mill Woods Town Centre will meet many shopping and service needs of local residents. - The Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation (3104 - 48 Street), Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness (2810 - 48 Street), and Gurdwara Millwoods (a Sikh Temple at 2606 Mill Woods Road East) hold religious services for the area residents. - The Millwoods Office (2849 Millwoods Road) of Alberta Social Services and the Mill Woods Centre (3017 - 66 Street) of Edmonton Social Services meet various social service needs of all Mill Woods residents. - Health services are provided by the Millbourne Health Centre (7525 - 38 Avenue), of Edmonton Board of Health, and the new Grey Nuns Hospital (3015 - 62 Street), conveniently located to th e immediate west of this neighbourhood in the Millwoods Town Centre.

Major Issues


- The Mill Woods Park and Gott Course is scheduled for opening in 1988. This will provide additional recreational opportunities for l ocal and city-wide residences. - The Mill Wood Town Centre, a regional shopping facility has just started operation. This facility and a few other commercial and service facilities will serve Mill Woods and surrounding area. - Considering the very high enrollments In the public elementary school, the Separate School Board may consider developing its facility on the presently vacant site reserved for this use.

Conclusion - A physically new and demographically young residential neighbourhoods. - Future residential development will cause moderate population increase. This may create additional demands on local neighbourhood amenities, especially the local elementary school. - Recent and future development of facilities that address various recreational, shopping, and service needs of all Mill Woods residents, will improve this neighbourhoods appeal.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

- With the higher proportion of children, pedestrian safety is a concern for local residents. Traffic-safety measures should be introduced and maintained. - Local residents prefer to maintain the lot on the northwest corner of Weinlos in its natural state with a mature tree stand rather than allow further residential development. - With further Increases in population expected and in view of the higher proportions of young families and school age children, the pressure for additional school space will continue, increasing local residents' desire for another educational facility. - Most vacant properties are planned for residential developments. The northwest corner parcel may be allowed to remain In its present undeveloped state with a mature tree stand on it.





8. 9.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. Census of Canada, Edmonton, Part I: Profile 1986. City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Five-Year Construction Program: 1988 - 1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The City of Edmonton ParkS and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Southeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985. Southeast District Working Paper No.3: Land Use, The Ciity of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. Weinlos Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

Summet" 1988







Introduction Wellington is an older and predominantly single family residential neighbourhood approximately 10 kilometers northwest of downtown. The boundaries of this community are 137 Avenue on the north, 127 Street on the east, 132 Avenue on the south, and 142 Street on the west. Wellington is located within the service delivery area of the Consolidated District Service Centre 5 (Glengarry). Adjacent residential communities include Athlone to the south and Kensington to the east. The vacant lands of neighbourhood 7 of the new area of Palisades is to the north. McArthur Industrial Area is located to the west of Wellington.

Social Characteristics According to the City of Edmonton 1986 Civic Census, Wellington had a total population of 3,616, marking a loss of 207 persons (5.4%) since 1983. The share of residents under the age of 20 was about 29.8%, slightly higher than the City's average of 27.5%. The proportion of senior citizens, on the other hand, was lower. The figures for Wellington and the City of Edmonton being 6.7 and 7.9 respectively. A decline of population over the last five years has created problems in effective utilization of the existing neighbourhood resources as well as in planning additional facilities and programs for the area. A review of the occupational structure of the area residents demonstrates that in 1986 the shares of employed persons (38.5%), unemployed (5.6%), and retired individuals (7. 7%) are similar to the City's averages of 40.3%, 5.6%, and 8.0% respectively. This indicates that Wellington is a standard working class neighbourhood. The average household income in Wellington was $29,539 In 1981, compared to $31 ,998 for Edmonton C.M.A. (source: Census of Canada, 1981). This indicates that there may be some restrictions on financial capabilities of the residents of Wellington. Married and single persons constitute 45.4% and 46.2% of the populationrespectively (City's average 41.3% and 47.5%). Almost equal proportions of married and single individuals in Wellington provide opportunities for social interaction, cooperation and understanding between these two groups.





According to the 1986 Federal Census, the neighbourhood average of lone-parent families was 16.9% (82% headed by female), compared to Edmonton's 13.2%. This may indicate a need for social programs for single mothers. The average household size of 3.0 persons Is higher than the City's figure of 2.7 persons. This information does not only substantiate tihe presence of a high proportion of children and teenagers in this community (32%), but also may be indicative of efficient utilization of available social and recreational programs designed for them. The fact that over 97% of the residential units incorporate a minimum of 2 bedrooms points to the family-suitable nature of the developments. Over two-thirds of the residential units are owner-occupied. This pattern of tenure combined with the fact that almost three-quarters of the residents have lived here for at least three years signifies community stability in Wellington. According to the Selected Crime Information Report of the Police Department, Wellington experienced a slight decrease (1.4%) of criminal offences between 1986 and 1987 while Edmonton had an increase of 8%. This fact may be indicative of a desirable social environment In this nelghbourihood. Wellington is also a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics Residential land use constitutes an overwhelming 84.2% of the total land area of Wellington. Residential dwellings are predominantly single family units (77.4%). Ground-oriented multiple family dwellings (fourplexes, townhouses and row houses) constitute 12.7% of the housing stock. Row housing units (Wellington Housing Development with 220 units) are located in a strip along the western margin of the community. These units require major renovations due to their poor, dilapidated condition. Most single-family homes are between 30 and 40 years of age, and are reasonably well-maintained. Some homes need minor renovations. Parks and open spaces constitute the second Important land-use category. With a total area 10.7 hectares devoted to this use, they constitute 14.5% of the neighbourhood area. Due to the distribution of park sites throughout the community no sector is far away from an open space. This increases the probability of better utilization of available amenities.







Two neighbourhood convenience commercial facilities {combined area 0.6 hectares) constitute less than 1% of the neighbourhood's total area. Both commercial properties are located in the southeast sector of the neighbourhood.

Transportation Wellington is bounded by two arterials: 137 Avenue to the north, and 127 Street to the east. Both thoroughfares are also 24-hour truck routes. According to the Transportation Department's information, 137 Avenue (between 127 Street and St. Albert Trail) carries 31,300 vehicles on an average weekday, while the figure for 127 Street {between 132 and 137 Avenue) is 19,700 {source: 1987 Traffic Flow Map). The location of this community in relation to these major roads creates opportunities as well as problems. While it provides good access, it also creates traffic noise and safety hazards for local residents. In the opinion of the Northwest District Planning Team, movement of non-local vehicular traffic through residential streets is limited, and the level of local traffic does not create any significant social problem (i.e., safety, noise, parking). However, In the opinion of the local residents, some on-street parking problems are present on 140 Street between 132 and 137 Avenues. Lack of adequate visitors' parking facilities in the row housing developments contribute to this issue. Spill-over parking on nearby residential streets generates frustration among the single family home residents In the vicinity. The residents living along 140 Street have no protection from the noise of the CN Railway tracks. Edmonton Transit Buses {Route 27: Wellington - Downtown; and Route 24: 97 Street • Southgate) run through the community and provide regular service to local residents. Additional regular bus service {Route 25: Calder • Government Centre; and Route 37: Castle Downs - University) is available on 127 Street. In view of the population of this neighbourhood, their occupational status {especially full-time employed persons and post-secondary students) and th e existing bus routes and their frequency, it could be assumed that the needs of the area have been adequately addressed. Local residential streets are In fair condition with the exception of 131 Street which has recently been repaved. The 5-Year Roadway Construction Program {1988 -1992) of the City indicates that 137 Avenue between 127 Street and St. Albert Trail will undergo repaving in 1991 - 1992, as will the intersection at 127 Street and 132 Avenue In 1988.




Public Facilities Two elementary schools, McArthur Public and St. Angela Separate are located in Wellington. The former school is currently functioning at 55% with 232 students enrolled. St. Angela is operating at 60% level with 150 students enrolled. Other available space in this school is leased to St. Luke High School, a private school for foreign students, and the Edmonton Gospel Academy. The enrollment figures for these schools have remained relatively stable since 1983. There is one neighbourhood park {west of 136 Street between 133 and 135 Avenues), and eleven smaller, landscaped open spaces in Wellington. The neighbourhood park Incorporates playgrounds (baseball, soccer) and a tot-lot. The school grounds and the Community League Hall {west of 132 Street between 134 and 135 Avenues) constitute a large, composite facility at the centre of the neighbourhood. Baseball diamonds, soccer fields, natural ice rinks, a wading pool and meeting rooms at this location provide sports and social needs of the residents. Wellington Community League conducts bingos, social dances, neighbourhood meetings, and in association with the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues, arranges programs like hiking and camping for local residents. Two churches - St. Angela Merici Parish and (non-denominational) are located in Wellington.




No housing for the elderly, group homes for the handicapped or community housing are located in Wellington. Castle Downs Centre of Edmonton Social Services (15277 • 113A Street) offers services like counselling, Community Social Work and Family Aide to the residents of this general area. Additional social services {social assistance, child welfare) are available through the Westmount Office of Alberta Social Services and Community Health (12308 • 111 Avenue). The City's Local Board of Health provides health services through Its Castle Downs Clinic (1 5333 - Castle Downs Road).

Major Issues During a meeting with th e Northwest District Planning Team in 1983, the members of the Wellington Community League identified several issues affecting the community. The undesirable residential environment caused by Increased traffic noise and safety hazards along the eastern and northern edges of the community appeared to be a major issue. Scarcity of adequate








In view of a comparatively higher proportion of young residents living here, consideration should be given to provide them with interesting and challenging social and recreational programs. Such programs could keep local youth busy in constructive activities and remove their boredom due to lack of Interesting things to do.

on-street parking facilities in the western sector of the neighbourhood is another concern. Local residents feel that a combination of these problems has reduced the overall quality of life in this family-oriented neighbourhood, influencing people to move out of the community. Some older single family homes in need of repair and the substandard appearance of low rental townhouses (located in the western sector of the neighbourhood) detract from the general aesthetic level of the area. It is the opinion of this Department that old age of these structures and restricted financial capability of their owners might have contributed to this issue, reducing the appeal of the neighbourhood to young families. The recent development on the north side of 137 Avenue of major food and appliance stores (Superstore, Food For Less, Toy City, Leon's and Co-Op Centre) serving the northern sector of the City and beyond (St. Albert) create noise and traffic congestion problems along 137 Avenue. This also causes dissatisfaction for residents living along the northern margin of Wellington.

Notwithstanding a net loss of population, the tenure and length of residency are indicative of a reasonably stable community. Further deterioration of population level may not only jeopardize the rate of utilization of community resources, it may also pose questions regarding the viability of the community. Therefore, when reviewing the redevelopment: applications for this area, attention should be given to proposals encouraging family-oriented housing for the lower and moderate income groups.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Future Plans In order to address the above-noted issues and to retain Wellington as a viable family-oriented community, preparation of an area redevelopment plan may be necessary. According to the 5-Year Roadway Construction Program (1988-1992) of the City, resurfacing of 137 Avenue between 127 Street and St. Albert Trail will take place in 1991 . The same source indicates that the improvement of the 127 Street and 132 Avenue intersection will be completed in 1988. These roadway improvements should increase smoother flow of traffic along the arterials surrounding this neighbourhood.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981 . Census of Canada, Part I Edmonton : Profile, 1986. 5-Year Construction Program: 1988-1992, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1986 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The 1987 Offence Occurrence Report, The City of Edmonton Police Department.

7. 8.

The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987., Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1985.


Wellington Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department.

Conclusion Wellington is a mature residential community. A decline in population (5.4% since 1983) may cause the underutilization of available community resources. Summer 1988







Introduction - An affluent residential neighbourhood In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Boundaries are 39 Avenue to the north, 119 Street to the east, Westbrook Drive to the south and the Whltemud Ravine to the west. - Lands annexed to Edmonton in 1960. Residential developments started in the 1960's and continued through 1970's. Large homes on spacious lots a feature in Westbrook Estate. - Neighbouring communities are Aspen Gardens to the north, Greenfield and Sweet Grass to the east and Blue Quill West to the south. - Served by the Pleasantview Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - Demographically, one of the smallest communities. 1989 population 1,239, an increase of 123 persons or approximately 10% since 1987. Higher occupancy levels In walk-up apartments caused most increase. - Residents below 20 years of age 25%, slightly lower than the 27.2% average for Edmonton. Reflects an almost average rate of demand for programs and services for young children and teenagers. - Residents between 40-59 years of age 33.3%, as opposed to 19.4% for Edmonton. Reflects a family-oriented community showing demands for related programs and services. - Seniors 5.8%, considerably lower than 8.9% for Edmonton. No urgent need for services and programs for the affluent seniors in Westbrook Estate. - Proportion of singles (47.%) comparable to Edmonton's 47.1%. Married persons 48.0%, considerably higher than the City's average of 40.5%. - Lone-parent families 8.7%, compared to 9.6% for Edmonton. Neighbourhood figure represents Census Tract 004 which also Includes adjoining Aspen Gardens. - Full-time employed persons 41.2%, marginally higher than Edmonton's 40.7%. Post secondary students 11%, noticeably higher than the City's average of 5.7%. Unemployed only 1.9% compared to the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Edmonton's March 1990 jobless rate being 8.1%, it is assumed that the neighbourhood's unemployment rate has gone up slightly since then.





- Average family income $80,534, almost double the City's average of $41 ,681. As Census Tract 004 also Includes a comparatively less affluent adjacent Aspen Gardens neighbourhood, it Is likely that the average family Income of Westbrook Estate is higher than the figure imdicated. - 64.4% neighbourhood residents lived at the same address for at least three years. Among neighbourhood residents, 31% renters and 67.6% owners. Length of stay and tenure indicate a good level of social stability. - Community a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 48.7% of the neighbourhood area. Single detached homes and apartment units 63% and 37% respectively of available accommodation (292 single family homes and 172 apartment units). Almost all single detached homes developed in the 1960's and walk-up apartment complexes built in the 1970's. All properties well maintained and in good condition. - Commercial uses 0.8% of the area. Confined to one parcel at the northern entrance to the neighbourhood. Several retail and service outlets located here serving local needs. - Parks and open spaces 49.5% of the land area. Include Derrick Golf and Winter Club and a landscaped open area at the south :sector. Proximity to the Whitemud Creek Ravine provides additional recreational opportunities. - Vacant properties approximately 1% of the area.

Transportation - Bounded on the east by 119 Street, an arterial roadway. Average annual weekday traffic along this thoroughfare In 1989 estimated approximately 12,000. - No truck routes In the immediate vicinity. - Location and configuration of the neighbourhood discourages external traffic movement through residential sub-areas. - Local roads and sidewalks in good condition. Only regular maintenance needed. - Public transit routes (Nos. 62 and 136) provide both regular and peakhour service along 119 Street.









Conclusion Public Facilities - No schools located In Wes1brook Estate. Local students attend Westbrook Public Elementary and Vernon Barford Public Junior High Schools in the adjacent Aspen Gardens neighbourhood. - Residents of Westbrook Estate members of the Aspen Gardens Community League. Facilities at the community league include two ice-skating rinks, a meeting hall and a children's playing area. - Derrick Golf and Winter Club forms the hub of social activities in the area. - No specialized housing for the elderly or the handicapped in Westbrook Estates. - Social services provided by the Whyte Avenue Office (10454 - 82 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Pleasantview Centre (11044 51 Avenue) of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

- An established and stable neighbourhood. Neighbourhood population may increase modestly mainly through higher occupancy rates in the apartment buildings. - Affluence of local families may indicate a high level of maintenance of personal physical properties, eliminating any chances of physical deterioration or blight. - Special needs of a high proportion of post-secondary students and mature adults (51 -64 years of age) should be assessed and consideration may be given to plan programs for these two groups.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & 11 - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1988.


1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


South West District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Westbrook Estate Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989.

Major Issues - Traffic speeding on 119 Street a concern as it creates safety hazards to local residents and external motorists alike. - A high rate of vandalism in the Aspen Garden Community League (of which Westbrook Estate residents are members) a concern of local residents.

Future Plans - 119 Street to be reconstructed and resurfaced in 1992. Upon completion, traffic expected to move more smoothly. - 23 Avenue between 119 Street and Terwlllegar Drive (156 Street) to be reconstructed and resurfaced In 1990, making movement to and from the developing communities In the southwest easier. Will generate additional traffic for 119 Street, making it busier.

April 1990






1989-1993, The City of Edmonton





Introduction - A mature residential neighbourhood in the West Planning District. - Bounded by Stony Plain Road to the north, 149 Street to the east, 95 Avenue to the south and 156 Street to the west. - Most residential developments during the 1930's. Older single family properties along the north, east and west have been redeveloped with walk-up apartments. Interior of the neighbourhood predominantly single-family oriented. - Surrounded by older communities - Canora to the north, Crestwood to the east, Sherwood to the south and Glenwood to the west. - Served by Jasper Place Centre of Edmonton Social Services.

Social Characteristics - 1987 population totalled 2,766 persons, indicating no significant change since 1986. - Slightly lower proportion of young residents - 24.2% below the age of 20, compared to 27.5% for the City. - Much higher proportion of 20-29 years age group - 32% vs. the City's 23.4%. - Seniors 9.2% compared to Edmonton's 7.9%. - Age structure indicates higher-than-average demand for programs and services for young adults. - Singles in 1986 slightly higher than Edmonton's average, the figures being 51.8% and 47.5% respectively. - Married persons much lower than the City's average - 30.5% vs. Edmonton's 41.3%. Marital status reflects presence of a high proportion of young adults who are single. Lone parent families higher in Census Tracts 27 and 28 - the percentages being 12.5% and 13.96% respectively, compared to 9.58% for the City. Shows demand for programs and services for lone parents and their dependents. - Full-time employed in 1986 only 36.4% vs. the City's 40.3%. Unemployed 12.5%, much higher than Edmonton's 5.6%. Current Jobless rate for Edmonton (9.6% in February, 1989) suggests that the neighbourhood rate has also gone higher than the 1986 rate. - Average family income $31,204 In Census Tract 27 and $25,896 in Census Tract 28, substantially lower than Edmonton's $41,681. Higher proportions of unemployed young adults, lone-parents and seniors have partially contributed to lower income level. Only 40.3% residents lived here for at least three years - compared to 56.1% for Edmonton. - Renters 68. 7%, much higher than Edmonton's 48.4%. Homeowners only 22.9%, less than one half of Edmonton's 45.0%. Tenure and length of stay indicative of lower level of social stability. Criminal incidents increased by 10.53% in 1988 over the previous year (Edmonton's increased by 5.21%). Property and traffic-related occurrences increased while person-related offenses remained stable. Improved police patrols could reduce crimes and enhance feelings of safety and security.



Physical Characteristics - Residential land uses 75.6% of net land area. Single detached and attached homes 75.9% and 5.4% of the housing stock. Walk up apartments primarily concentrated north of 100 Avenue and along 149 and 156 Streets (18.1% of¡ available housing). Location of apartments near margins of the community makes the interior of the neighbourhood quiet and peaceful. A good portion of single detached homes in the Interior of the community are old, decaying structures needing varying degrees of rehabilitation. A few homes rehabilitated through the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) introduced here in 1985. Program still In effect. - commercial uses 7.8% of net area. Predominantly located along Stony Plain Road (a segment of the commercial strip). A few other commercial Developments along 149 and 156 Streets. Together, they provide goods and services to local residents as well as commuters. - Institutional uses 7.7% of net area. The local community league, Sherwood Public Elementary School and the Jasper Place Campus of Grant MacEwan Community College make up this land use type. Vacant properties, mostly along the northern half of the neighbourhood, 8.6% of net area. Some vacant properties In the northeast are being redeveloped for commercial uses. Vacant properties give a rather run-down appearance to this sector. - Only 1% of land area for parks and open spaces. Deficiency particularly noticeable in the north-central sector.

Transportation - Three arterials (Stony Plain Road, 156 Street and 149 Street) bound this neighbourhood. Another arterial, 100 Avenue run through th e north sector and physically Isolates the two unequal halves of the community. Average weekday traffic volumes in 1987 were 23,400 vehicles on Stony Plain Road, 21 ,500 on 156 Street, 26,500 on 149 Avenue and 9,000 on 100 Avenue. 95 Avenue, a collector roadway, recorded approximately 16,000 vehicles In 1988. Presence of these arterials create traffic noise and safety hazards especially In the northern sector. - Grant MacEwan College in the northwest corner generates considerable on-street parking while classes in session. Creates dissatisfaction among local residents. Public transit along boundaries provided by twelve different bus routes. Considering the demographic, employment and income characteristics, Lt appears that th is needed services is adequately available here. - Conversion of 100 Avenue as a one-way corridor to provide an additional arterial connection from the west end to the downtown has exposed the north area residents to additional traffic noise and redevelopment pressures for commercial uses.








Conclusion Public Facilities • Sherwood Public Elementary School (9950 - 152 Street) functioning at 50% level of its capacity of 325 students. If enrollment drops further, its future viability could be in jeopardy. - Grant MacEwan College (West Jasper Place Campus) offers academic and personal development courses in a variety of areas. Draws students from a large catchment area. Creates parking problems on adjacent streets. - Jasper Place Community League (9620 - 152 Street) arranges social and recreational activities. Facilities at the community league includes a meeting hall, a children's playing area and an ice-skating arena. - No senior citizens accommodation, community housing or housing for the handicapped here. - The Jasper Place Centre (15626 - 100A Avenue) of Edmonton Social Services and the Centennial Mall Office (170 Street and Stony Plain Road} of Alberta Social Services provide various social services programs for the area residents. • Primary health services provided by the West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

Major Issues • Traffic along arterials surrounding the community create noise and safety problems, especially in the northern sector. - The poor physical state of some older homes and many vacant lots in the northern sector give a rather run-down appearance in this area. - Gradual commercial redevelopments on residential properties create redevelopment pre.s sures on nearby older housing stock.

- A physically mature neighbourhood with a very high proportion of tenants. - Demographic composition indicates demand for services and programs for loneparents, single adults and seniors. - A need to improve physical appearance of the neighbourhood noticeable. - Completion of the 100 Avenue corridor will deteriorate residential environment and Increase pressure for commercial redevelopment, diminishing chances of long term viability of residential dwellings In the northern sector. - Repairing aging housing stock using the RRAP funds could improve the overall aesthetic quality of the neighbourhood. • Need for park and open spaces In the north-central sector Is noticeable.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census Canada 1986. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1988 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. West District Survey of Resident, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department,· 1984 West Jasper Place Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988. Stony Plain Strip Study, 1978. Stony Plain Road - 100 Avenue Facility Planning Study, 1985.

Future Plans - 100 Avenue between 149 and 163 Streets will be reconstructed in 1989. Stony Plain Road between 149 and 156 Streets to be reconstructed in 1990 and between 156 and 163 Streets in 1991 . Upon completion, traffic will flow more efficiently but residents of the northern sector of West Jasper Place may be exposed to additional traffic noise and safety hazards. • A shopping facility is being planned for the lots fronting onto 149 Street north of 100 Avenue. May provide additional retail opportunities to commuters and local residents, especially those residing in the proposed senior citizens' home to the immediate east across 149 Street (by the West End Christian Reformed Church). May 1989










RU ll>I NTlAl

Introduction • A mature suburban residential neighbourhood in the West Planning District of Edmonton. • Bounded by 95 Avenue to the north, 163 Street to the east, 87 Avenue to the south and 170 Street to the west. • Neighbourhood originally a part of the Town of Jasper Place which was annexed to the City of Edmonton in 1964. All single family homes in the neighbourhood built in the 1960's. Walk-up and high-rise apartments developed subsequently. Adjacent residential neighbourhoods are Glenwood to the north, Meadowlark Park to the east, Elmwood to the south and Summerlea to the west. • West Edmonton Mall located to the immediate southwest of West Meadowlark Park across 170 Street In the Summerlea neighbourhood.



• Average family Income $41,733 In 1986, comparable to the City's average of $41,681. • Retired persons 17.7% in West Meadowlark Park, significantly higher than 9.8% for Edmonton. Higher proportions of retired Individuals and loneparent families, who usually earn less than the average, influence the neighbourhood's income figure. Also demonstrates that neighbourhood residents who are full-time employed, earn higher wages than the City's average. • Neighbourhood residents living at the same address 50.3%, as opposed to 54% for Edmonton. Tenants 62% and homeowners 38% in West Meadowlark Park. Considering the proportion of renters, the length of stay figure indicates a good level of social stability. • Neighbourhood crime rate increased by 7.14%, compared to an increase of 5.21% for Edmonton between 1987 and 1988. Traffic-related incidents remained stable, morality-related occurrences declined while person and property-related offences increased during this period.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 3,504, a decline of 370 persons or 9.6% since 1987. Further decline of population level could be detrimental in sustaining available neighbourhood amenities. • A comparatively lower proportion of residents under 20 years of age (West Meadowlark Park's 20.3% vs. Edmonton's 27.2%). • A correspondingly higher proportion of residents between 20-29 yea rs of age (West Meadowlark Park's 26.7% vs. the City's 21.4%). Probably reflects a portion of young staff of Miseri cordia Hospital located here. • A much higher proportion of senior citizens in West Meadowlark Park than the City's average, the proportions being 16.0% and 8.9% respectively. Neighbourhood's demographic characteristics reflective of location of an extended care facility and a senior citizens' lodge. Also reflects a higherthan-average level of demand for programs and services for the elderly. Singles 43.9% (the City's average 47.1%) and married persons 37.2% (Edmonton's average 40.5%), both lower than the City's average. But the proportion of widowed persons (West Meadowlark Park's 9.5% vs. Edmonton's 4.2%) much higher than the City's average, reflecting a high proportion of elderly population here. • Proportion of lone-parent families in West Meadowlark Park 12.7%, noticeably higher than the 9.6% average for Edmonton. Demonstrates a need for supportive programs for single-parent families. • Residents employed full-time 37.9%, somewhat lower than Edmonton's average of 40.7%. Jobless rate in West Meadowlark Park 4.1%, comparable to Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (February, 1990) unemployment rate for Edmonton being 8.3%, it is probable that the community's jobless rate has gone up as well.



Physical Characteristics • Residential uses 51.6% of the neighbourhood's land area. Single family homes 43.2% of the housing stock. Row housing, walk-up apartments and high-rise apartment units 7.8%, 17.9% and 30.6% of available accommodation. Most homes well-maintained and In good condition. Most rental units In the southern sector, keeping famlly-<>riented northern sector free of unwarranted vehicular traffic. • Commercial uses only 0.5% of the area. Restricted to only one site at the south-central margin of the neighbourhood. • Institutional uses 39% of the land area. Sites of the four schools, a hospital, two churches, the community league and a lodge, and extended care facility included in this category. - Parks and recreational facilities 8.6% of the area. The lands of the Johnny Bright Sports Park, Jasper Place Pool and Jasper Place Arena included in this land use classification.

Transportation • Bounded by busy arterials on the west, south and east. Average annual traffic volume 51,200 vehicles In 170 Street, 20,800 on 87 Avenue and 6,700 on 163 Street. Traffic volume on 95 Avenue to the north, a collector roadway, 14,800.








- A solid fence and earth berm along the west neighbourhood boundary (170 Street) reduce noise level generated by the extremely heavy traffic volume. Residents living near the northern and southern margins exposed to traffic noise. - Demand for on-street parking near apartment units and schools create congestion as well as frustration. - Local roads and sidewalks in good condition. Regular maintenance necessary. - Edmonton Transit operates buses (Route nos. 16 and 115) through the neig~bourhood. Buses of additional four routes available on the peripheral artenals. Both regular and peak-hour services available. Additional public transit opportunities from the nearby West Jasper Place Transit Centre.



Major Issues - Traffic noise problems along the northern and southern edges of the neighbourhood. Reduces the quality of residential environments near these margins. - High concentration of frail elderly due to location of a lodge, an extended care facility and a hospital. Community-based social programs for these elderly needed. - More effective traffic management to reduce on-street parking congestion in the southern sector near apartment buildings, the extended care facility and the hospital needed.

Future Plans Public Facilities - Four schools located here. Afton Public Elementary and Annunciation Separate Elementary Schools currently functioning at 52.4% and 53.8% levels respectively of their capacities. Two senior high schools, Jasper Place Public and St. Francis Xavier Separate are operating at 53.4% and 81.0% level respectively of their capacities. Local pre-schoolers and gradeschool students capable of ensuring continued operation of elementary schools for the immediate few years. Wider catchment areas of the senior high schools guarantee their continued operation. - Misericordia Hospital serving this sector of the City is located in West Meadowlark Park. - Jasper Place Central Park Lodge (8903- 168 Street) provides services to 322 infirm seniors. Currently operating In full capacity. Lynwood Extended Care Centre (8740 - 165 Street) provides services to 100 residents. Currently functioning in full capacity. - Pineview Residence {8770 - 165 Street) provides accommodation and services to 47 mentally handicapped persons. Also operating in full functional level. Facilities of the Sisters of the Precious Blood and the Annunciation Church located here. - West Meadowlark Park Community League arranges social and recreational events In the neighbourhood. Community league hall located adjacent to Jasper Place Sports Centre {playing fields, pool, arena) and grounds of the two senior high schools. - The Jasper Place Centre (15626 - 100A Avenue) of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services and the Centennial Mall Office {170 Street/Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services provide various individual, family and community development services. - Basic health care services through the West Jasper Place Health Centre {9720 - 182 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health.

- No physical improvement plan exists for this neighbourhood or its immediate vicinity at this time.

Conclusion - A mature suburban commun ity with a declining population trend. - Many facilities with wider catchment areas {hospital, group home, extended care facility; senior high schools, sports facilities) located here. Attract external traffic at these locations creating traffic hazards, parking problems and congestion. - A need for community-based programs and services for the frail elderly and a growing proportion of single-parent families.

Refere nces 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department • 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. West District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 West Meadowlark Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1989. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

March 1990











Physical Characteristics Introduction - An older, inner-city residential neighbourhood in the Northwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by 111 Avenue to the north, CNR tracks to the east, 107 Avenue/Stony Plain Road to the south and Groat Road to the west. - Most residential developments constructed prior to the 1950's and some redevelopments taking place now. - Adjacent residential communities: lnglewood to the north, Queen Mary Park to the east; Groat Estate to the south and North Glenora to the west. - Served by the Westmount Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

• Residential developments 75.7% of area. 77.0% single detached homes, 5.2% two unit dwellings, 4.5% low rise apartments, 1.9% collective residences and 1.0% tri and four plexes. Properties generally well maintained however some renovations and upgrading requiired. Mature foliage adds neighbourhood appeal. • 11.9% commercial uses includes a wide variety of service and retail outlets and professional services located primarily along 124 Street, 107 Avenue, 111 Avenue and Stony Plain Road. • 4.3% Institutional uses Include an elementary school, community league, medical clinic, Uncles at Large Office, YMCA, a seniors' lodge, two seniors' apartments and four churches. • Parks and open spaces 4.0%. Includes a strip along the CNR tracks, a park adjacent to the school and a few smaller open spaces throughout the neighbourhood.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 5,246, a 0.3% increase from 1986. Indicates stabilization of population level. - 19.2% residents under 20 years of age, less than Edmonton's 27.2%. Below average need for facilities and programs serving children and teens. - Seniors 11.9%, slightly higher than the City's 8.9%. Above average demand for facilities and resources for older persons. - 50.5% singles, higher than Edmonton's 47.1 % and 33.3% married, less than the City's 40.5%. - Lone parent families 15.8%, slightly more than Edmonton's 13.2%. Average demand for support services and resources for single parents. - 46.5% residents employed full-time, higher than Edmonton's 40.7%. • Unemployed persons 6.3%, more than the City's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) jobless rate of 7.5% implies a substantial increase may have taken place in Westmount as well. • Retired persons 12.1%, higher than Edmonton's 9.8%. Reflects slightly higher than average proportion of seniors here. • $34,124 average annual family income, less than Edmonton's $41,681. May be influenced by above average numbers of seniors and single parents, both of whom often have limited financial resources. • 50% of residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, less than the City's 54.0%. • 35.0% homeowners and 58.1% renters vs. Edmonton's 46.8% and 48.4% respectively. • Length of stay and tenure suggest below average social stability here.



Transportation - Bounded by four arterials; 111 Avenue, 107 Avenue, Stony Plain Road and Groat Road. Another arterial, 124 Street, travels through the neighbourhood. Average annual weekday traffic volumes approximately 26,000, 25,000 21,000 27,000 and 20,000 vehicles respectively. 127 Street the main collector within this neighbourhood. No noise attenuation barriers along any of the arterials. 111 Avenue, 107 Avenue and Groat Road are all regular truck routes. - Many local roads currently being repaired. Travel difficult in some areas, should improve with completion of construction. Sldewalks also require some upgrading. • Regular transit service provided via routes 3, 5, 7, 11 and 17.

Public Facilities • Westglen Public Elementary School currently operating at 58% of its Enrollments likely to Increase as proportion of capacity of 350. preschoolers has increased (6.7% children under 5 vs. 4.0o/o children 5-9) . Play equipment, soccer tlelds and ball diamonds here on fenced property. - Westmount Community League has two halls (one old and one new), an Ice rink and play equipment. • Park area adjacent to the elementary school provides a play area, wading pool and change roomstwashrooms. The YMCA also located on this site and provides additional recreational opportunities.






- One seniors' lodge, Sunset Lodge, has 36 rooms; and one seniors' apartment, Alliance Villa, has 32 units including two for handicapped persons. - Unitarian Church of Edmonton, St. Peters Anglican Church, Beulah Alliance Church and a Synagogue here. - Commercial facilities include a wide variety of service and retail outlets as well as professional services. These are primarily located along 124 Street but outlets also located along 107 and 111 Avenues. Westmount Shopping Centre located to the immediate northwest. - Social services provided by the Westmount Community and Family Centre (12323 - Stony Plain Road) of the City's Community and Family Servic"'.s Department and the West District Office (#201, 170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. Primary health care facilitie.s provided by the Woodcroft Health Centre (13420 - 114 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health. The Links Medical Clinic also located here, providing a variety of medical services.

Major Issues - Higher than average proportion of seniors in Westmount suggests above average demand for facilities and resources serving older persons. - Low social stability. May be due to large proportion of tenants (who are often more mobile than owners). - Road construction in area currently posing traffic hazards and congestion. Traffic should improve once construction completed. Heavy traffic on arterial roadways but no noise attenuation barriers, and heavy on-street parking in some areas lowers residential satisfaction here. Continued renovations required In order to maintain and increase appeal of this neighbourhood. Limited income of residents may deter them from initiating improvements.

Future Plans


Conclusion - Services for seniors should be assessed and needed programs implemented. - Further renovations and redevelopments may improve appeal of the neighbourhood, thus attracting more long term residents, which may increase social stability of the community. - Incentives may be required to encourage residents in undertaking property Improvements. - Problems with heavy on-street parking and traffic noise should be addressed to improve residential satisfaction and increase quality of life here.

References 1.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988.


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Westmount Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

- Road reconstruction currently underway throughout th e neighbourhood under the AMPLE Project. Improvements to be made include restoring the heritage of the area by putting original street names in pararamps, installation of some old style fire hydrants, replacement of trees, S.T.E.P. landscaping in order to deter traffic short-cutting, a buffer park along CNR, improvement of bikeways, and upgrading of sewer and water mains. - Roadway construction to take place on 107 Avenue at Groat Road in 1992. May improve traffic flow here. September 1990







1990-1994, The City of Edmonton




Physical Characteristics

Introduction - A contemporary, suburban residential neighbourhood in the West Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Patricia Ravine to the north, North Saskatchewan River Valley to the east, Wolf Willow Ravine I Wolf Willow Road to the south and 170 Street to the west. - Residential developments during the 1970's. Adjacent residential communities: Oleskiw to the south and Callingwood North to the west. Served by the Jasper Place Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population 1,584, identical to the 1986 figure. Population level has stabilized here. - 35.8% residents under 20 years of age, higher than the City's 27.2%. Suggests an above average demand for facilities and programs for children, especially teens. Seniors 3.5%, less than half of Edmonton's 8.9%. Less than average demand for resources and facilities for older persons. - 43.9% singles (vs. City' s 47.1%) and 53% married (vs. City's 40.5%). Indicates a family oriented community. - Lone parent families 8.9%, less than Edmonton's 13.2%. Below average demand for support services for single parents here. - 37.5% residents employed full time, slightly less than the City's 40.7%. - Only 1.1% residents unemployed, very low compared to Edmonton's 4.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990) City jobless rate of 7.5% implies level is probably still very low in Westridge. - 4.0% retired residents, less than the City's 9.8%. Reflects small proportion of seniors here. - Average annual family Income $78,343, very high compared to Edmonton's $41,681. A very affluent neighbourhood. 69.5% residents at the same address for a minimum of three years, higher than the City's 54%. - 95% homeowners (vs. City's 46.8%) and 3.1% renters (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggest very high social stability here.






- Residential developments approximately 70% of area. 92% single family dwellings and 7% townhouses. Affluence of residents reflected through large, well-maintained homes and nicely landscaped properties. - Institutional uses about 8%, a community league and a church. - Commercial uses 2%. A small, centrally located shopping centre. - Approximately 20% recreation and open spaces, which surround the neighbourhood.

Transportation - Bounded by one arterial, 170 Street, with an average annual weekday traffic volume of 28,300. An earth berm reduces traffic noise for residents along this route. Wolf Willow Road serves as the main collector here. - Local roads have some rough and uneven sections; repairs and resurfacing required. - Regular transit service provided by route 122, through the nei ghbourhood. - Public transit facilities appear to be adequate for resident's l evel of need.

Public Facilities - No schools in this neighbourhood. - Westridge / Wolf Willow Community League here. Has a hall, play equipments, tennis courts, an ice rink and baseball and soccer facilities. - Additional recreational opportunities provided by Patricia Ravine, Wolf Willow Ravine and the North Saskatchewan River Valley park system. No community housing projects or residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons. - One private housing co-op: Ideal Housing Co-op (385 Walker Road) has 39 duplex units. - Grace Assembly Church provides religious services here. A small shopping centre provides retail and servi ce opportunities. Incorporates a drycleaning outlet, a hair salon, and a daycare. Social services provided by Jasper Place Community and Family Centre (15626 - 100A Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and the West District Office (#201, 170 Street and Stony Plain Road) of Alberta Family and Social Services. - Primary health care facilities provided by West Jasper Place Health Centre (9720 - 182 Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.







Major Issues



• High proportions of children and teens indicate a need for programs and facilities for young persons. There may be a requirement for such services here. Local roads require some repairs and resurfacing.

• •

Future Plans • No major transportation or development plans for the near future.



• A physically contemporary and demographically young neighbourhood with high social stability. • Facilities for young persons should be assessed, additional programs developed as needed. • Local roads should be repaired where necessary.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II· Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1990-1994, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1990. 1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Westridge Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

September t 990




An older residential community approximately three kilometres north of the Downtown, and located within the Central Planning District. Bounded by Yellowhead Trall to the north, 97 Street to the east, 118 Avenue to the south and 106/ 107 Streets to the west. Annexed to Edmonton in 1910. Initial residential developments shortly after World War II. Extensive redevelopments replacing single detached homes with walk-up apartments (mostly south of 120 Avenue) during the 1960's. Adjacent neighbourhoods: Delton and Alberta Avenue to the east, and Spruce Avenue to the South. Edmonton Municipal Airport and the Yellowhead Corridor to the west and north respectively. Served by the Westmount Centre of Edmonton Community and Family Services.

Social Characteristics • 1989 population 3,.213 persons, 3% less than the 1986 figure of 3,313 Individuals. Decline should be considered negligible considering the age and inner-city location of Westwood. - Residents under 20 years of age 22%, compared to Edmonton's 27.2%. - A very high proportion of young adults of the 20·29 years age group: Westwood's 37.8% vs. Edmonton's 21.4%. Proximity to the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) and availability of inexpensive rental accommodation responsible for this demographic feature. Reflects high demand for social and recreational programs for this group. - Seniors 8.9%, same as the City's average. - Singles 60.7% and married persons 25.8%, compared to Edmonton's 47 .1 % and 40.5% respectively. Demonstrates demand for social and recreational programs for young singles. - Lone parent families only 6.1%, as opposed to Edmonton's 9.6%. No speclal need for programs and services for single parents and their dependants. - Full-time employed 36.2%, slightly lower than 40.7% for the City. Neighbourhood's employment rate should be considered impressive considering 24.3% are post-secondary students (only 5.7% for Edmonton). - Unemployment rate 4.8% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. September, 1989 jobless rate for Edmonton being 8.0%, it is likely that the community's unemployment rate has gone up lately.








- Average family income $27,720, substantially lower than the City's average of 41,681 in 1986. High proportion of students whose earning capabilities are highly restricted have partially Influenced this figure. - 35.7% residents lived here for more than three years (City's average 54%). Renters 76.8% and homeowners 17.1% (Edmonton's averages 48.4% and 46.8% respectively). Figures reflect a comparatively lower level of social stability. - Neighbourhood crime rate declined by 28.71% between 1987 and 1988, compared to the City's increase by 5.21%. Person and morality related crimes dropped modestly while traffic occurrences declined significantly. Property-related incidents did not show any noticeable change as 480 cases recorded In 1988 compared to 490 In 1987. - Neighbourhood a member of the Neighbourhood Watch Program.


- Grid-pattern roadways encourage traffic short-cuts through residential subareas, but no critical problems yet. - Local roads and sidewalks in fair to good condition. Need regular maintenance. • Excellent public transportation facilities by many bus routes (Nos. 9, 19, 23, 24, 25, 29, 129, 186, 187, 188 and 189). Route 23 runs through the neighbourhood while others around the bordering arterials. Both regular and peak-hour services available. Proximity to NAIT transit terminal provides opportunities to link up with additional bus routes.

Public Facilities

Physical Characteristics - Residential uses 63.5% of the neighbourhood area. Single family dwellings (detached and attached) 69.4% of available accommodation. Walk-up apartments another 27.5% of housing stock. - Most homes are reasonably well maintained. A few older ones in poor physical condition and need repairs. - Commercial uses (3.1% of the area) confined along the southern edge, mostly within the Park Plaza serving residents of both Westwood and Spruce. Has a good assortment of retail stores and services. - Kingsway Garden Mall, a regional order shopping facility Is close by, serving this general area's residents. - Institutional uses 30.2% of land area. NAIT Westwood campus, the Beachmount Cemetery and the Community League site included in this category. - Parks and open spaces only 2.5% of the area. The neighbourhood park and the landscaped berm along 97 Street included in this classification. As the noise barrier does not serve any useful recreational purpose, it appears that Westwood may need additional park spaces. - Vacant/undeveloped lands 0.4% of land area.

Transportation - Bounded by four busy arterials. In 1988, average weekday traffic 11 ,800 vehicles on 118 Avenu e, 19,000 on 106/ 107 Streets, 46,200 on Yellowhead Trail and 44,000 on 97 Street. 105 Street and 122 Avenue, being residential collectors, experience more traffic than Internal residential roads. Residents living near margins of Westwood experience higher level of traffic noise.








No public elementary school In Westwood. Local public elementary school closed down several years ago due to low enrollment level. School buildings currently being leased to NAIT (Westwood Campus). Local elementary students attend facilities in neighbouring Delton and Spruce Avenue. No specialized housing for the elderly or the handicapped here. The neighbourhood park located adjacent to the community league facilities. Community league active in organizing local sports, recreational and social events. Combined facilities include wading pool (converted to skating rink in winter), a meeting hall, a kitchen, a reception area and a children's playground. The Westwood Arena, an indoor facility, provides additional sports and recreational opportunities. Westmount Centre (#400, 12323 Stony Plain Road) of Edmonton Community and Family Services and Hys Centre (11010 - 101 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services provide social services needs of this area and surrounding communities. The Eastwood Health Centre (11845 - 81 Street) of Edmonton Board of Health provides primary health care services to local residents.

Major Issues - Noise from the Municipal Airport (during aircraft landings and take-offs) is the most crucial issue here. Excessive noise from this source substantially reduces the quality of life in Westwood. - High noise levels from traffic flow along 97 Street and Yellowhead Trail further reduces the levels of residential satisfaction of nearby residents. - Noise from the nearby Canadian National Railway yards also downgrades the physical environment of Westwood. - Physical deterioration of a few dilapidated homes give a rather unpleasant ¡ appearance in several sub-areas.







Future Plans


- A noise attenuation barrier to the west of 97 Street scheduled to be erected In 1993. Upon completion, residents living along the eastern sector should experience a much lower level of traffic noise. - The City of Edmonton has already approved the "Edmonton Municipal Airport Noise Polley Study" and the Airport Branch of the Transportation Department Is currently developing "Noise Rules" In order to Implement the approved policies.

Conclusion - A physically mature but demographically young community. Most young residents are young adult singles attending the nearby NAIT. Social and recreational programs for this group are in high demand here. A comparatively lower proportion of pre-schoolers has compelled closure of the local public elementary school. - An average demand for facilities and programs for the elderly. Consideration should be given for specialized housing and other amenities and programs for the elderly. - Additional recreational open spaces for local resi dents a social need In Westwood. - Rehabilitation of older properties may attract additional families here, raising population level and ensuring continued viability of the remaining neighbourhood facilities.

References 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. 1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. ' The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Central District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984 Westwood Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987. City of Edmonton Police Department, Statistical Report, December 1988.

October, 1989




• . i°!I


- A mature, inner-city residential neighbourhood In the Southwest Planning District of Edmonton. - Bounded by Saskatchewan Drive to the north and west 116 Street to the ' east and University Avenue to the south. - Most residential developments prior to and during the 1950's. Adjacent residential communities: Belgravla to the south and McKernan to the southeast. - Served by the Mill Creek Community and Family Centre of the City's Community and Family Services Department.

Social Characteristics - 1989 population, 1,331 , a 9.5% decrease from 1986. Indicates a characteristic population movement from older to newer suburban areas. Further population loss could cause severe underutilization of available community facilities. - 21.8% residents under 20 years of age, less than Edmonton's 27.2%. Below average demand for facilities and programs serving children and teens. - 19.9% seniors here, more than double the City's 8.9%. Very high demand for services and resources for older persons here. - 36.7% singles, much lower than the City's 47.1% and 54.4% married considerably higher than Edmonton's 40.5%. Indicates a family oriented community. - Lone parent families 10.9%, less than the City's 13.2%. Below average need for support services for single parents. - Residents attending post-secondary academic Institutions 10.8%, nearly double the City's 5.7%. Reflects close proximity to the University of Alberta and availability of some accommodation here. - 14.2% homemakers here vs. the City's 7.4%, again reflecting a familyoriented neighbourhood. - 35.4% residents employed full-time, less than the City's 40.7%. Only 1.0% unemployment rate In Windsor Park compared to Edmonton's ~.3% when the 1989 Civic Census was taken. Current (August, 1990} City Jobless rate of 7.5% suggests unemployment level may still be very low in Windsor Park. - 13.6% retired persons here vs. the City's 9.8%. Reflects high proportion of seniors here. - Average annual family Income $60,585, much higher than Edmonton's $41 ,681, in 1986. Indicates an affluent neighbourhood. - 78.1% residents have lived at the same address for at least three years, much higher than the City's 54.0%.








- 91.7% owners (vs. Edmonton's 46.8%) and 7.3% renters (vs. City's 48.4%). Length of stay and tenure suggest very high social stability here. - Windsor Park Is a participant in the Neighbourhood Watch Program.

School yard is fenced and has play equipment and soccer and baseball facilities. Also shares facilities with adjacent community league. Windsor Park Community League has a hall, ice rink and well-appointed play area. Additional recreational opportunities provided by the North Saskatchewan River Valley park system to the immediate north and west. No community housing projects or residential facilities for seniors or handicapped persons here. Two churches here: Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints and St. Georges Anglican Church provide religious services. Commercial facilities here include a service station, restaurant, drug store, convenience store, take out food , hair salon and two banks. These outlets are situated on three adjacent locations along 87 Avenue. Social Services provided by Mill Creek Community and Family Centre (#300, 9119 - 82 Avenue) of the City's Community and Family Services Department and South Argyll District Office (6235 - 103 Street) of Alberta Family and Social Services. Primary health care facilities provided by the ldylwylde Health Centre (8314 - 88 Avenue) of the Edmonton Board of Health.



Physical Characteristics - Residential developments 87.6% of area. 96.6% single family dwellings, 1.6% two unit dwellings and 0.2% tri and fourplexes. A very attractive neighbourhood having well-maintained and nicely landscaped propert.ies with mature foliage. Renovations and residential redevelopments taking place in the neighbourhood. - 5.7% institutional uses includes one school, the community league and two churches. 1.2% commercial uses: three small areas along 87 Avenue providing a variety of service and retail opportunities. - 4.9% parks and open spaces. Includes the neighbourhood park directly north of the school, a small park area In the northern sector and an open space along the mid-western boundary.




Major Issues

- University Avenue and Saskatchewan Drive (west of 87 Avenue) along the boundaries, and 87 Avenue, within the neighbourhood, are arterials. Average annual weekday traffic volumes 23,800 on Saskatchewan Drive (south of 87 Avenue), 21 ,800 on University Avenue and 18,000 on 87 Avenue. 92 Avenue and 116 Street are collectors with the latter carrying 11 ,000 vehicles. Boulevards help reduce traffic noise along the arterials. - Local roads and sldewalks require some repairs as both have rough sections. - Regular transit service provided via route 35, through the neighbourhood and routes 19 and 37 on 87 Avenue. University Transit Centre located nearby, to the east, facilitating ease of access to other City areas. Once completed, the nearby University LRT station should provide additional public transportation convenience here.

- High proportion of seniors suggests a strong demand for facilities and resources serving older persons. - Loss of population may result in further underutilization of existing facilities. - Heavy spill-over parking In the eastern sector (due to university traffic), a major concern for residents. - Heavy traffic volume on 87 Avenue isolates southern and northern residents from establishing a sense of community. - Local roads and sidewalks in need of regular maintenance.

Future Plans - Current Groat Road upgrading causing some inconvenience but should eventually improve traffic flow through and around this lileighbourhood.

Public Facilities - Windsor Park Public Elementary School operating at 61% of its capacity of 275. Enrollments likely to decrease in the near future due to falling numbers of young children. A day care is housed in the school QUi!ding. "";







Conclusion ~路 . 路路路"~'If physically older and demographically aging neighbourhood with very high social stability.

e,..,monton ~






Introduction - Existing facilities and services for seniors should be assessed, developments may be required. - Demographic rejuvenation Important here in order to prevent further underutilization of existing facilities. Isolation of northern and southern residents from each other likely to remain a concern given that 87 Avenue provides ready access to the University and Groat Road. - Spill-over parking on residential streets In the eastern sector should be addressed in order to Improve residential satisfaction here. Some repa irs and maintenance required on local roads, and sidewalks.

- An es1ablished residential community In the Northwest Planning District of

Edmonton. - Boundaries are 118 Avenue to the north, Groat Road to the east, 111 Avenue to the south and 142 Street to the west. - Most residential developments in the 1950s. - Adjacent residential communities Include Dovercourt to the north, lnglewood to the east and North Glenora to the south. - An industrial subdivision, Huff Bremner Estates, to the west across 142 Street. - Served by the Westmount Centre of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services Department.

References Social Characteristics


The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989.


census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Profiles, 1988. .


Five-Year Construction Program: Transportation Department 1990.


1989 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton Transportation Department, 1990.


The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987.


Southwest District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984.


Windsor Park Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1987.

1990-1994, The City of -Edl!lonton


September 1990



- 1989 population 2,544, a decline of 90 persons or 3.5% since 1986. Gradual loss of population common in older neighbourhoods. But further sharp decline to be treated with caution as it could create problems of underutilization of community facllitles. - Residents under 20 years of age 21.7%, lower than Edmonton's average of 27.2%., - Seniors 29.5%, substantially higher than the 8.9% average for Edmonton. Location of a high-rise apartment building for the seniors influence the proportion of elderly signlflcantly. Neighbourhood conveniently located in terms of facilities and amenities desired by the elderly, making it popular with the elderly. Reflects very high demand for programs and services for this group. - A disproportionately high share of females (57.6%) than males (42.4%). - Singles 35.8% and married persons 40.3%, compared to 47.1% and 40.5% respectively for Edmonton. Divorced, separated and widowed persons 23.9%; as opposed to 12.4% for the City. Reflects a high proportion of elderly residents and shows a demand for programs and services for these groups. Lone-parent families 10.8%, marginally higher than 9.6% for Edmo~on. Demonstrates a higher-than-average demand for programs and services for lone parents and their dependents. Full-time employed persons 29.2%, substantially lower than 40.7% tor the City. 32.3% retired residents (compared to only 9.8% for Edmonton) directly influenced the proportion of full-time job holders here. - Neighbourhood unemployment rate 3.2%, compared to 4.3% for Edmonton. October 1989 jobless rate of Edmonton (8.5%) suggests a somewhat higher rate for the neighbourhood as well.




Average family income for Woodcroft $33,937, much lower than $41,681 for the City. A very high share of seniors in the neighbourhood's population composition (majority of them with limited resources) has lowered the average family Income figure for Woodcroft. 66.2% residents lived here for at least three years (City's ave~age 54.0%). Renters 60.3% and homeowners 37.3%, compared .to §a.4% and 46.8% respectively for Edmonton. The length · of ..stay; in spite of a high proportion of renters, indicative of a high· level ot social stability in Woodcroft. • Neighbourhood crime rate declined by 2.56% in 1988 over the previous year, compared to an increase of 5.21% for Edmonton over the same period. Crimes against properties declined while traffic occurrences remained constant. • A member of the Neighbourhood Watch erogr~n:t· ..,


Physical Characteristics • ,.



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. .•. - Residents living near the western, northern and eastern margins exposed to traffic n·oise. - Local roads and sidewatks in good condition. Need regular maintenance. - Edmonton 'Transit :operates bus route no. 22, 94 and 97 through this neighbourhood. In addition bus route nos. 5, 11, 17, 37, 96 and St. Albert . operates around the margins of this neighbourhood from the Westmount Transit Centre located in this neighbourhood. Neighbourhood well served by the public transit system. Public Facilities




!c. : " I


Residential land uses 41.7% of the nelghbourhood·area. Single detached and attached homes 40.8% and 6.6% of available:; accommodation respectively. Multiple family dwellings (including triplexes, tourplexes and townhouses and rowhouse units) 12.8% of the1housi119Jstock. Walk-ups and high-rise units 5% and 34.8% of total neighbourhood.housing supply. Most homes reasonably well maintained and ill>,g ood condition. Commercial uses 15.0% of the area. Includes the Westmount Mall and the adjacent (to the north) retail facilities and two other smalter developments (one at the extreme northwest corner and the other at the north-central location). · · Institutional uses only 1.2% of land area. Includes the sites of Woodcroft Elementary School and St. Mark catholic School:· . "·~·.; · Recreational open spaces 41.4% of the neighbourhood1s ,area. Facilities include Woodcroft Lawn Bowling Club, Queen Elizabetll-Planetarium and Space Sciences centre grounds, Woodcroft .arena and-Coronation Pool.

Transportation - Bounded by arterials on all sides. 1988 average weekday traffic 18,200 on 118 Avenue, 26,200 on Groat Road, 29,900 on 111 Avenue and 16,700 on 142 Avenue. , . .., " Modified grid pattern local roads discourage~;..sh·ortcutting through residential sub-areas. · . '· , Heavy traffic on collectors In the southern sector (114 and 115 Avenues and 135 Street) due to location of many public facilities and a regionallevel shopping centre here.





Three schools lociited · in Woodcrott. Woodcrott Public Elementary currently operating at 60% level of its capacity of 250 students. St. Mark Separate Junior High currently functioning at 43% level of its capacity of 350 pupils. Ross Sheppard Composite High School (Public) operating at 88.5% level of its capacity of 1,875 students. The numbers of local preschoolers1 grade-school students and the schools' catchment areas will ensore'their'vlablllty in the near future. Enrolment level of St. Mark School .·should.impro'(e to guarantee its long-term viability. - Meado)N .cr.oft , Senlors Apartments (11445 - 135 Street), a high-rise developnrent' witfl 420 self-contained units (308 bachelor and 112 onebedroom unlts) located here. Preference given to seniors with limited resources. Currently operating at full capacity. - Several city-level recreational facilities located here including Woodcroft Lawn Bowling Club, Queen Elizabeth Planetarium, Edmonton Space Sciences Centre, Woodcroft Arena and Coronation Pool. - Woodcroft .Branch of Edmonton Public Library provides educational opportunities: - Woodcroft'Community League active in organizing social and recreational activities:here. : Facilities at the community league include a big hall, an excellent playground tor children, landscaped area, sitting benches and an ice-skating rink. No community housing or specialized accommodation for the handicapped persons in Woodcroft. - Social services available through the Westmount Office (12308 - 111 Avenue) of Alberta Family and Social Services and the Westmount Centre (1 2323 ~ Stony Plain Road) of the City of Edmonton Community and Family Services Department. • Prln:iar,y ,he~lth ·facilities available through the Woodcrott Health Centre (13420 - 114 Street) of the Edmonton Board of Health.







Major Issues .. ,..


Traffic shortcutting evident on 115 Avenue between Groat Road and 142 Street. Increases traffic noise and safety hazards for local residents. High level of traffic noise experienced by.r.~s)d,el)ts living.near the western, :· . · northern and eastern margins. . - Some on-street parking problems ·on 114 Av~l'lue !n. front of the row housing complex. ·• • . • · __ ' . · :.·.


Future Plans :·· ,.. ~ . Groat Road between 109 A11.enue and 118 Av~nue to be reconstructed and redeveloped in 1990. Subsequently, _ the ..114.- Avenue/Groat Road intersection to be redeveloped ·in 1992. ·· Upon completion, traffic along Groat Road will move more smoothly. - A retail facility Is being constructed to the ~~otGrq!lM~oad, n9rth. of 114 Avenue.


Conclusion •



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- A mature residential community with slowly ,declinh:.)g·p opulation base. Further loss of population may create problE!ms, tor the·amenities to be utilized by local residents. c.t.:.. ·1: - A very high proportion of seniors in Woodcrott., .siro!)gi.d~mand for new programs and services for the elderly evident.. -.:'· . Efficient traffic management necessary to discour~ge shof'1-cutting through 115 Avenue.

References 1. 2. 3.


5. 6. 7.


:•. . ::: ~ --

The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1989. Census Canada 1986, Edmonton: Parts I & II - Pro{iles: 1:988. Five-Year Construction Program: 1989-1993,'. Ttle - C(ty of Edmonton Transportation Department 1988. · : , 1987 Traffic Flow Map, The City of Edmonton i:rans.POlja~ion Department, 1988. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhgod. Maps, 1987. Northwest District Survey of Residents, The City of.· Edmon~on Planning and Development Department, 1984 , . . . • ., -~ : Woodcroft Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of f;d!"'on..tpn Planning and Development Department, 1983. . ., City of Edmonton Police Department, Statisti~al RE!p,o rf; Deee,mber 1988.


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• A contempor.ary suburban ·•neighbourhood in the Northeast Planning District of' Edmonton. ' • Bounda~ies are 144 ~venue on the north, so Street to the east, 137 Avenue to the ·s·outh;· and 66. Street to the west. - Most residential development occurred during the 1970's and is still developing in the eastern sector. - Surrounded by the neighbourhoods of McLeod and Casselman to the north, Kildare to the West, and Belvedere to the south. The Clareview Business Park is located to the east of this neighbourhood. s~i;ved ~y t~~.61engarry C~ntre of Edmonton Social Services.

social Ch'i:1ractei'istics · - 1986 population totalled 3,873 persons - 240 (5.8%) less than in 1983. Declining population trend may have stabilized somewhat due to recent residential developments in the eastern sector of the neighbourhood. - •Higner1proportion of residents under 20 years of age (neighbourhood :-.·.' share 36.2% vs·. City's 27.5%) and middle-aged individuals between 40-64 years 29.6% (City's average 22.5%). These demographic1eatures indicate • 'liistrorig1leinana for programs and services designed for young residents. - Lower proportions of young adults between 20-39 years (30.4% vs. City's 42.1%·average) and seniors (3.8% vs. City's 7.9%). - Singles 50% of population (City's average 47.5%) and married persons 41.9% (almost equal to City's 41.3% average). Demonstrates a somewhat greater demand for family-oriented social and recreational programs with emphasis on young Individuals. - Lone-parent families 20.4%, significantly higher than City's 13.2% average. Programs and services supporting these individuals appear to be in greater'_d_emand here. Residents employed full-time 37.9% (City's average 40.3%). In 1986, 5.5% _of ,P..OP~l~t.iO!I was unemployed (equivalent to City's 5.6o/~ aver~ge). .._ ..... Edmonton's June, 1988 unemployment rate was 7.3%, suggesting a higher neighbourhood rate as well. Accordirig" fu 1981 Federal Census average neighbourhood family income · · was $30,900 compared to Edmonton C.M.A.'s $31,990. - A significant proportion of neighbourhood residents lived at the same • adaress for three or more years - 71.1 % vs. City's 56.1% average. - Homeowner~ 63.3% of population (City's average 45%) and tenants only , ! :""133'.'.s% (C'ity's average 48.4%). Tenure and length of residency patterns indicate a high level of social stability in this neighbourhood. With time and further development of family-oriented homes, the level of social stability is expected to grow even higher. ~


November 1989







- York (Steele Heights) Is a member of the Edmonton Police Department"s Neighbourhood Watch Program, designed to prevent crime In the neighbourhood. ,,_..,, .. · ·~- ~ · <::< .J( !


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Physical Characteristics


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- Resl.dentlal land uses occupy 42.3% 'o f ·neighbourt1ood area. This figure _is ircreastng as new single detached'homes co'~ttn ue' to ,be developed In the east sector. Housing stocl< "ls · made up· of rowhousing (52.5%), single-family dwellings (34.8%), duplexes (t.4%1;-and apartments (5.4%). 'Most homes are well maintai,ned. -t"• •~ :· - One. automotive service statfon, af66 Street and 13'7 Avenue,: is the only commercial land use - 0.4% of total area. ' :.;r · 1.: .. - Institutional uses approxlmately 11.3% of neightfourho-od area..: Includes York Public Elementary School, St. Mary's •Salesfari' Pril~ate School, Emmanuel Community Reformed Church, arid'Enftnaus Lottieran Church. - Parks and open spaces occupy 3.5% of total area1 lflcluaes v.()ift Park and several landscaped open spaces throughout thlfilelgllboumood. - Approximately 8.0% of neighbourhood is undeveliipetf.·~some otthis area, "located along the eastern margin ls currently being a evetoped Into single detache.d homes. - • •' ·

·. ?' "C' -



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· r.

Four.arterials bound this nelghbourhood.',Average~eekday traffic volumes indicate 28,400 vehicles along ' 137 Avenue, 2t,466 ~long · E!S Street, and !!,BOO along both 144 Avenue and 50 S~reet. Traffic --around this neighbourhood is expected to Increase with ~he .develop_nient of new residential neighbourhoods to the north of 153 Ave'nue. · 137 Avenue, 50 and 66 Streets are regular truck routes. Traffic noise and pedestrian safety are concerns of local residents, due to increasing volumes of traffic along the arterials and some resldentlal streets (i.e., 58 Street). '" · ·,: ·., •· >•· Local streets and walkways are in good condition. Some roads have been recently repaved. ;; · " ··· ' Etlmonton Transit provides public transportation-· With tbus routes connecting to the Northgate, Clarevlew, and Belveoere·~Transit centres (Route Nos. 32, 70, 72, 74, 132, and 173).






:Public,F.acilities"' r..

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·:.1;· ,,.... I


York Public Elementary School (13915 • 61 Street) ha.d ~35 students enrolled in 1987, 58.8% of its capacity of 400. Enrollments are expected to remain relatively stable due to Increasing neighbourhood proportion of preschoolers. St. Mary's Salesian Junior High School (5252 • 137 Avenue) is a private school run by the Saleslans of Don Bosco, a Catholic organization. It Is a full-time boa~ng facility accommodating 90-100 junior high school boys. :• , , .. Al_so.acc;epts /JP)'.S 'l!ith beh_avl oural and emotional disabilities. _ • ~~~~!~Heigh~ C9.mmunity ,!-eague (5825 • 140 Avenue) organizes sports " ~ -, and: F~crea_!igpal:~ctiVi,tles for local residents. Makes use of its own facilities: Ice rinks, playground, and meeting hall, as well as the · neigh,ti9.urhq9d;park and school's ball diamonds and soccer fields. • Recreational facilities are also available to local residents at the •. Londo!Jd~rry_~,!:tletic Grounds, located to the immediate northwest of this peighqourl\Rod in: Kilkenny. Accommodates sports fields, Londonderry _ rjpdqor. pgg!,-j~e;,sl;tating arena, and a 400 meter track. .· , ... ~llhPl;!gh , 1 •[1~, n,eighbourhood commercial facility is located in this .~C.0.IJll'!ll!i:!itt., !.ol!don~err.y Mall (located to the immediate west In Kildare) " :·a!JQ a .:J~r9..es!:!g!ghp.ourhood convenience commercial facility located in -Belyeder~J(a1 ?O, Street and 137 Avenue) meet many local shopping and service needs. · · • Emmanuel Community Reformed Church (6505 • 140 Avenue) and Emmaus Lutheran Church (5015 • 144 Avenue) hold religious services in this eighbourhood. The Londonderry station of Edmonton Police Department,.(6.504 - 137 Avenue) adds an extra sense of security to local residents.' ..- _, . •. y;irious l?!'~~a~ servip~ needs pt local residents are met by the Fort Road _, Qffi~e'fl 3415 • 'l=orf R.oad) of AlbertaSoclal Services"and Glengarry Centre , "'l '(1~31?,< ,89 Str~t) o~ Edmonton Social Services. 1 1 ~ . ~e~lt!l . s~f:vJc~~·are prqvlded by the Glengarry Health Centre (9535 - 135 Avenue) ..~ ~~gionton Board or Health.


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• Increasing volumes of traffic along the arterials generate· high.er levels of "' __,,- ,.!}9ise.,f1,n d, 91~y. reduce the qualjty of life along the .margins of the :.-. . "" - • '!~SJhbgl.\!!.\99,C!·.






Future Plans - The City's Planning Department may .prepare a Planning Study 1or the Northeast District of Edmonton, which will include the neighbourhood of York. :.- Residential developments . are continuing in 1he east sector of the neighbourhood.

Conclusion - A comparatively new suburban neighbourhood with a young population · structure. - The special needs of lone-parent families in this ne..lghbourhood should be assessed and .appropriate programs and services developed. - Future residential developments in the east sector wlll increase the current ' · population level.

Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



The City of Edmonton Civic Census, 1986. Census of Canada, 1981. ' Census of Canada, Edmonton, Part I: Profile 1986. Five-Year Construction Program: 1988 - 1992, The · city of Edmonton Transportation Department. 1986 Tr.affic Flow Map, The City of Edmoptori Transportation Department. The City of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Maps, 1987. Northeast District Survey of Residents, The City of Edmonton Planning and •.. _ Development Department, 1985. Northeast District Working Paper No.3:" Land Use, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1984. York Neighbourhood Fact Sheet, The City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, 1983.

Summer 1988



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