Edmonton (Alta.) - 1990 - Terms of reference for area structure plan amendments

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existing Terms of Reference for Area Structure Plan preparation. The second option is to submit an amendment document that would be appended to the existing ASP. An amendment document must be prepared according to the information requirements specified in this Terms of Reference.

I l l The Amendment Submission

When the Planning and Development Department has' determined that an amendment is required, the proponent must prepare and submit an amendment report. This report must clearly and completely describe the nature of the amendment and shall include the


a) a* description of how the revised plan will conform to the intent and policies of the General Municipal Plan;

b) a list and map of the registered owners, who the amendment is being prepared for, and the extent of their holdings in the amendment area; c) a statement of the development objectives for the

proposed amendment area and how it conforms to the overall intent of the ASP;

d) a description of the effect that the amendment will have on the land use concept and the statistical summary for the plan area;

d) a description of any changes to the transportation system including changes to the roadway network, the provision of public transit emd changes to the pedestrian circulation network;

e) a description of euiy environmental impacts arising from the proposed amendment and the necessary environmental impact studies required by City policy; f) axi identification and general description of the proposed major utility infrastiructure components including underground mains and trunks, power substations, storm water management facilities, pipelines and power lines, and how

the proposed amendment would affect these utilities or the provision of servicing to the ASP area;

g) an identification of the need for institutional uses such as fire and police stations and churches;

h) the requirement for any buffering or transitional uses between incompatible lemd uses and the need for^ any noise attenuation along eirterial roadways;

i) any change to the sequence of staging of development or

the source or timing for the provision of infrastructure resulting from the proposed amendment;

j) an identification of the need for environmental impact assessments to address environmentally sensitive areas or areas contained within the River Valley Bylaw;.

k) maps at the appropriate scales showing the following: i) plan boundaries;

ii) vicinity maps showing the relationship of the plan area to the surrounding area, approved/proposed plans emd influencing factors;

iii) existing subdivisions, development, utility lines, transportation routes and vegetation in the area; iv) contours in the plan area;

v) major transportation network (existing and proposed);

vi) general location of any major utility installatioiji required to serve the area, including stoini water management lakes, power substations and telephone switching


vii) boundaries and location of any restricted area or indications of areas which may be affected by emy

Government Regulation (ie. Reistrieted Development Area,

Airport Vicinity Protection ^ea plw, eitc); sund,

viii) scale, legend, title, known street names, and north arrow.

1) a statistical, summary for the plan axe&a,. to include the following:

i) calculations of gross area and gross developaible area;


ii) breakdown by sub-area of Municipal Reserve

entitlements and requirements and the resulting balance by sub-area and for the plan area;and iii) disposition of any Government Road Allowance or other City owned land in the area.

m) a Transportation Impact Study of the external network to the satisfaction of Department. The following analyses are support the general location and layout

internal and the Trtasportatibn to be conducted to of major arterial

and collector roadways for vehicular circulation, public

transportation, and bicycle/pedestrian circulation: i) Trip Generation:, an analysis of potential vehicular trips, transit passenger trips, and service trips

attracted and generated during an average weekday and during the critical peak periods;


ii) Capacity Reguiriements: an analysis of the internal circulation systems within the ASP is required to ensure that, arterial and collector roads, transit

routes and terminals are planned with adequate capacity

and the appropriate alignments and stemdards to service the transportation demands within, the plan area; and

iii) Access and Egress: an analysis of access and egress connections to the ASP to ensure that these connections have the capacities and orientations to accommodate the peak trip volumes to and from surrounding transportation network. An analysis staging of all transportation facilities related

needed the of the to the

development of the area.

n) an Area Master Plem update that addresses the impact that the proposed changes to the ASP will have on the approved drainage design for the area to be submitted to the Transportation Department for its approval;

o) an update to the Hydraulic Network Analysis that

addresses the impact that the proposed changes to the ASP will have on the approved water servicing sch^e for the plan area to be submitted to the Public Works Department for its approval;

p) an assessment of any new or increased affects that the proposed change to the ASP will have on previously approved . Environmental Impact Assessments. Any increased.impact must be accompanied by a report that indicates the mitigation measures to be employed to eliminate the impact to the ' environment; and

g) any ' other information that the Planning sund Development Department, the Transportation Department, the Public Works Department, the Parks and Recreation Department or City Council considers necessary.

IV Residential Area Structure Plan Amendments

Any proposed amendment to a residential area structure plan must contain, in addition to the above, the following:


a) a statistical summary of the proposed amendment to the approved plan including the following:

1) populations for the areas and each neighboiirhood,

calculates using the proposed density ranges and the resulting population per gross developable hectare; ii) a breakdown by percentage of residential land area devoted to each residential land use type and resulting

density in units per hectare and population by unit type for each neighbourhood; and

iii) the proposed amendment should indicate the student generation for each school system by school type for each neighbourhood and the total area.

b) a description of the approved and proposed school/ park

requirements by type, number and location. Viewpoint parks at storm water management facilities should be schematically identified at this stage. District level recreation facilities should also be identified by size, location and the means of acquisition.

c) the proposed amendment should also address any changes to the type, scale or distribution of commercial land uses in,, the total plan area. The commercial facilities should be ' rationalized on the basis of the population to be served, the size of the. area and the proximity to other commercial opportunities.

d) the proposed amendment application should include maps at appropriate scales that show the following:


the proposed revision(s) to the distribution of

land uses by type, in a schematic manner;

ii) neighbourhood boundaries;and

iii) the gross developable area, population emd density of each neighbourhood.

V Industrial Area Structure Plans

Any proposed amendment to an industrial area structure plan shall include, in addition to the information required in iSection III, the following:

a) the amendment should address the need for a mixture of industrial land uses to take advantage of the proximity to major roadways, truck routes, rail lines and similar or complementary land uses or operations;

b) any changes to public utility and/or urban service uses should be identified and their impact on the industrial area should be discussed;

c) the need for, and location of, any changes to rail servicing should be discussed;

d) maps of. the area at appropriate scales showing the;

following; "



i) distribution of land use types in a schematic manner;

ii) boundaries of any units within the plan area (ie. office parks or service centres); and

iii) existing and proposed rail lines and truck routes. e) a statistical summary for the plan area, to include the approximate area devoted, to each land use category; f) an implementation strategy for the area including staging, procedures for implementing any specific recommendations and the servicing strategy. If development is to be staged in a non-contiguous pattern i t must be demonstrated that there will be no additional costs to the.. City.

g) for Area Structure Plans that include a mix of residential and industrial uses the amended plan shall also include development guidelines for the treatment of the interface between the uses, for the minimization of conflict between the traffic generated in the different areas and any special requirements for the transition between the uses. If Site Specific Development Control districting is to be used to implement the transition aurea, restrict the use class opportunities in the transition area, or to establish regulations for the tramsition area the principles of the' district must be defined in the ASP eunendment report. VX Submission Requirements All ASP amendment submissions must include the following;

a) a covering letter or application form, the appropriate fee and 80 copies of the bound report; b) ASP amendment reports should be bound and in letter size format;


c) maps for the report must be provided at a scale that can be incorporated into the bound report and the land use concept map must also be provided at 1:5000 scale; and •

c) one copy of the 1:5000 land use concept map must be coloured and mounted in a

durable format.

V Fee Schedule

The -Planning and DeveloiMnent Department has established a fee schedule for ASP applications and for ASP anendment applications. The submission of an amendment application must include the

appropriate fee*

For an amendment to an existing ASP there is a

minimum application fee of $1000 plus advertising and notification costs.

The fee for an amendment on a gross hectare

basis is $316 plus advertising and notificatjLon costs.

appe:idix I

KEVISEO USA SaUCTOU PUI T«au of Itftrnet •»


IntfoJueeiott A

Mandaf for Armm atraetw 9Un»

Tho Plaaniot Act, 1977, preridot for eht formttUtiea of Atm Scraeturt Plans (ASP) aad ehtir adoptios by a auDieipality at a Bylav (itfar to Saetioa 62 of tho Plaaaiag Ace)• B

Coacwt and Puraoaa of Ag«a atfttetnga

lh« ASP providta tho Intazaodiata link baevaan tha IdMntoa Gaaaral Municipal Plan and eba Hai|hboitrhood Seruetura Plan.

It conatitotaa a

ftMavork for tha futura daralopunt of an araa eonaidarad aa an intafratad planning unit iaplaaanting objaetivaa aa dafinad in tha Ganaral Municipal Plan. Tha ASP providaa ganaral guidalinaa diractad tovarda anaaring tha orderly and affieiaat dtvalopacat of a plan araa la tasaa of proridiag aaaaatial aarrieaa aad faeilitiaa, laad uaaa, traaaporutioa ayataa, populatioa dmaity aad aaqaaaea of daralopMat. XI

Authority to

A raaidaatial ASP aay ba praparad for an araa of land which can accovodata

a group of naighbourhooda (aa dafinad in Bylaw #6000, tha EdMatoa Ganaral

Muaicipal Plaa, Policy 3*C*2), eonaidarad aa in intagratad planning unit. An industrial ASP aay ba eonaidarad in an araa larga anough to provide a miztura of induatrial uaaa and ba racogniaad aa a unit*

Tha ainiatai aisa of an ASP is approziaataly 200 hactaraa (SOO acraa) azcapt in unuaual casaa aa dataainad by tha city. Whan an ASP is contaplatad, tha applicant (private owner or ownera of tha majority of land wiehia tha plaa area or the City of Sdaoatoa) ahould aaak Council'a authority to prepare the ASP. At that tiaa, the applicant will azpraaa, in writing, his intention to prepare the ASP and adviae Council on tha relationship of tha propoaed derelopaent to the General Municipal Plaa and indicate the gaaaral laad uaa typea aad poteatial probla areas.

Couacil will thea aaka tha daciaioa whether to aathorise the preparation of tha ASP.


Preparation of tha Area gtraettira Plan A

Ganaral Fraaeworlt for Armm


The ASP ahall adhere to the intaat aad apirit of Bylav #6000, the Bdaonton General Municipal Plan, Bylaw #5996, tha Laad Uaa Bylaw, the Urbaa Growth Strategy aad varioua auaicipal policies related to planning and developaent aa a whole.

Any aajor departurea froa the

General Municipal Plan would require a foraal aaendaeat to Bylaw #6000. According to the Plaaning Act, 1977 (Section 33(2)), an ASP ahall alco confora with the Bdaonton Ragiooal Plan. appropriate aaendaent will ba required.

If it does not conform, aa



2 -

CoatMt of IrmM fltfuetup.


All A8?*t tball eoBUia tht follovi&g:


M iBdieatioa of tht ntcat to which tht plaa coafetu to tb. ^oatoa Nttxepolitaa ft«fioatl PUa, tha Edaoatoa Ctntral Muaxeipal Flaa aad tha Vrbaa Growth Stratagji if appXicablt;


a tttrr^ of asittiag laad uaat, laad aaa distrietiag, trta®poruciea aatwork aad utility iafrastruetura:


iafozaatioa ea tha aataral aaTiroaaaat of tha arta. soili. SftuA'i capability, topography, apaeial natural drttaagt eour«aa» raviaa or rivar valltyfeaturit, syiteDs. •xtractiva xadustriaa, laad eoaaarvatioa artat and tht likt;


a lift of ragifctrad aad aaaaaaad ownari withia tht plan ihould alao ba avaxlablt"5 idtatifyiag "'"•'•hipt. tha owBara forlaformtioa whoa tha plaa ia btiag prtpartd;



a ttatnaat of davalopmaat objaetivaa for tha araa, aot

oaly xBcludiag tha gaaaral autaaanta found ia tha Gaaaral

Muaxeipal Flaa but alao objaetivaa apacifie for tht arta; f)


tht gtatral locatioa of cht oajor tranaporUtioa aatvork for

vthxcular circulatioa, pvhlic tranait routta aad facilitiea (iaeludiag LRT, whtrt applieablt) and padtatrian eireulatios;

an aaataamant of tht tnvironBtatal impact of tht propoted dtvtlopBtBt oa tht natural tavironatnt and tha maantr in

which tha aatural aitt eharaettriatica will iafluaaet the dtvtlopatttt propoaal; h)

dtvtlopatat and dtaiga guidaliaaa ralating to tht overall (Gaaaral Municipal Plaa Policies

15.A.2 aad 15.A.3) ia regard to:

i) eoaaarcial dtvtlopatat, ita function aad locations, iaeludiag highway coaatrcial, if any; ii) ralatioaahip and/or tranaition bttwttn laad uatt within

plan bouadariea, betwes laad uata aad traaaportation

eorrxdora aad bttwtta tha plaa arta aad aurrouading arMa;

iii) apteial traataiat for tavirooBtatally aaaaitive areas, for

laad eoaaarvatioa artai

for hiatorie or arcbae-

logical preaervatioa araaa, for davalopatat adjactat to tha raviat aad rivtr vallty ayata or for aptcial

dtvtlopmtac areaa; aad


3 -

iv) tbt HBoar ia vhieh dcrtlopatat ia eht atM vill b« •oeeiv«t«d to bt tawgy tffieitac, tfarou|h tiit pattira •ad oi Ind oaaa, tha cxaaaportatioa aatvork. block aad butldias oriaatatioa, laadaeapiag, utility aarvieias aad buildiag daaiga (Gaaaral Ntaieipal Plaa,

Saetioa 19); i)



tbt saquaaea of davalopaaat of tba plaa araa, ralatad to tha

proviaioa of otilitiaa. traaaportatioa faeilitiaa and cooanmity aarvieaa aad to tha gaaaral diraetioa aad tiniae o£

d^alopsaat. Any problau aatieipatad ia tha ordarly stasiag

at 2ie tZea^' •hould ba idaatifiad aad aolutioaa prtaaattd j)

gaaaral loeatioa of tha proposad aajor

utility lafraatruetura eoapoaaata. iaeludiag uadargrouad aaiaa aad truaka, aubatatioas, atorovatar aaaagcaent pipaliaaa, gaa liaaa, povar liaaa

aao taa lika;


idaatifiMtioa of tha aaad for najor iaatitutioaal uaea

vithia tha plaa bouadariaa ia aeeordaaet vith Saetioa 20 of

tha Gaaaral Municipal Plaa (oaea approved);


vhathari aad tha aaaaar ia vhieh, axiitiag laad ute«»

iaeludiag agrieultural uaaa, nill ba iaeorporatad iato the plaa or phaaad out, aa dtvtlopatac progrtaaaa. Thi«

diaeuaaioa vould alao addraaa tha pattara of laad ovnership or axiatiag aubdiviaioa, if thia ia ptreaivtd aa a potential



napa at appropriate aealaa ahoviag tha folloviag: i) plaa bouadariaa;

ii) vieiaity aapa ahoviag ralatioaahip of plaa area to aurrouadiag araa, iafluaaeiag faetora;




iii) tsiatiag subdivisioaa, davtlopatat, utility lines, traaaporution routea aad vageutioa ia the area;

iv) eoatoura vithia the plaa araa;

v) aajor traaaporutioa aatvork (arterial roadvaya and higher order faeilitiaa) propoeed;

vi) general

loeatioa of any aajor utility iaatallation

required to aerve the araa, including atoravater aanagaaent laket and povar aubatationa;


4 -

vii) bouadaritt or leeatioai of anv raatriet-.^

lofaraiaat* «ff*ctid *by* uy govanaaat rtgaUtieo (i.o. tht Itatriettd DaTalin-nc ^MS, airport aad eraab basard soaaa, arta eovtred by tba riYtr vall^ arta. UdtTalopmaat FUa Bylaw, Indiaa

itatrvta, ate.); aad


•iii) aeala, lagaad, titla, kaova atrtat aaaaa and north &}

"w-ty for tbt plaa araaa, to iacluda tha

i) ealcalatioaa of groaa araa aad groaa dtvalopabla area; by

of aoaieipal raaarva required aad


balaaea by aub-area aad for

iii) aatiaataa of iquare footage eoaaareial aad ia.titutional

be'develop^d' ^ *'** nw^er of eaployeaa aeeoawdated by the cMaereial aad?•laatitutioaal aaea;

v) eatiutea of tbreabold populatioa (or degree of developaeat) required prior to proviaion of major

eoamuaity/area faeilitiea; aad

vi) diapoaitioa of aay reduadaat Govenaeat Road Allovaace or aay other eityovaed laad in the area; 0)

attvork, to th% tAtiffactiott of Trintportation Syitefflf vOfXgS*

The follwiag aaalyaea are to be eoadaeted to aupport the roaAraya for vehicular circulatioa (iaeludiag eaviroo&eatal

gea«al loeatioa aad layout of aajor arterial aad collector

prottetiea), public traaaporutioa (iaeludiag Ut, vhere

•pplicAble) aad pedeatriaa circulatioa.

Trip Caaeratioa:

aa aaalyaia of poteatial vAicuUr tripe»

traaait^ paaaeager tripa aad aerrica tripa attracted aod geaerated by the area duriag an average weekday aad during the critical peak perioda.

Capacity lequireaeata: an aaalyaia of tb* internal circu latioa ayatMa vithia the ASP ia required to eaaure that

arterial aad collector roada, traaait routaa aad tetminalt, aajor^ parkiag faeilitiea-, etc. are plaaaed vith adequate capacity aad appropriate aligameata aad ataadarda to aervice the traaaportation deaands vithin the plan area.


5 -

AeeMi nd Bgrtta: an asalytia of teettt and tgrtas eoontctioBS to tha AS? to anaura that thoaa eonnaetiona have eht

eapaeitiaa and oriantationa naadad to aeeonodata tha pttk trip voluaaa to and froa tha aurrounding tranaporutioa natvork.

Extamal Zapaet: an analyaia of tha ehangaa and iaprovaaBts rtquirad to axiating and eooBxttad tranaporution facilititt

(vithin approsimtaly 5 ka of tha boundariaa of tha araa

plan) to aeeonodata tha addad iapoaad loada.

An analyaia of ataging of all tranaportation facilities related to the developaent of the area;


Storwater Kanagesenc Study (or Studies) for the plan srea,

•a required by, and to

the satisfaction of, tfater end



an aaaeaaaent of the potential econoaie iapaet of any

regioul ahopping eantrea propoaed in the plan upon any other existing, approved or propoaed regional shopping eantrea in the city (General Municipal Plan PoUey 6.E.4); and

r) 2.

any odier inforaation Council conaidera necessary.

iesidential ASP's shall contain, in addition to the above, cbt folloving:


residential land uses should be provided so that a variety of bousing types result, to acconodate different lifestyles and incoae levels and flexibility in the housing aarket over the period of developaent of the plan area.

The plan should encourage innovative approaches to the proviaion of housing.

It is net necessary that the exact locationa of aultiple houaing aitea be identified at thia stage, however, the

prineiplaa to be applied at tha Ritigbbourhood stage for distribution of higher density usea should be identified.

Iba exception to this is high density nodea surrounding cova eantrea or other activity centrea irtiich should be identified

and thair paraeters described in general teraa;


sebeol ^nd park requireaenta should be suted by type and nuaber of school/park sites and the neighbourhoods in which they are to be located.

Saall parka adjacent to stora retention facilitiaa should be identified scheaatically at thia stage. District or city level recreational facilities should be identified by sizt, location, breakdown of facilities to be

provided and aethod of acquisition*


6 -


m»j b« 4«iput.4 « th. b..i. ot m m t i u m Us4

'ollo»iaf tha fttidcliatt of tbt Pl«aaiag Act livM V«llt7 Atm Itdovtlepant Flaa lylcv, th« Gtairal Miaieip«l Flu, tbt Parkt tad tterMtiea Muttr PUb ud

other city poUeiM «sd Bylmrt;


eouireial laad oitt aboald bt providtd to taaurt the availability of rttail atrvieta to tbt arta aad proviiioo of •*Ploy»tat opportnaitita. Tbt typt, aealt aad diatri-

will dtttraiatd juatifitd2' oaeoMtrcial tbt baaia faeilitita of popalatioa to bt ba atnrtd, sizt aad of tbt arta aad polieita of tbt Gtatral Muaieipal Plan. Tbcie 'yp*« of eonuaxty faeilitita eaa coaaiat of:

Towa Ctatrt - gtatral loeatioa* aiaa* ebaracttr aad gtatral laad uat typta to bt idtatifitd at thia •tagt;

- Ntigbbottrbood Ctatrta - gtatral loeatioa, aizt aad auabtr aboald bt iaelodtd at thia atagt

(aa wall, att I(b)(i) abovt);


apteial laad uata rtquirtd by city poUcy should iaeludt. but

aot bt liaitad to, tbt folloviag:

i) housiag conpatibia vitb tbt objtetivta of proviacial and Buaieipal polieita aad prograa to aaeouragt all typea of affordable bouaiag iaeludiag eoomuaity, senior eitiseaa aad aaaufaetttred bouaiag; aad

ii) the aumber aad geaeral loeatioa, by aeigfabourhood, of ehureb aitea for the area;


reaideatial deasity ia uaita per groaa beeure should be desigaated for the overall plaa area aad each aeigbbourhood by statiag a raage of allowed deaaity. Aatieipated populatioa daaaitiaa ia ptrsoaa par groaa htctara should also bt estiaatad. These raagea would bt tatabliahtd takiag into aceooat aeoaeaieal prbvisioa of hard aad soft serviees and traaaportatioa aetvorks, the earryiag capacity of the land,

tbt attd to providt a high staadard liviag taviroatnt and tha polieita of the Geaeral Muaieipal Plaa;


aapCa) at appropriate acala* abowi^ the followiag: i) diatributioa of laad uaaa by type* ia a achtaatie maaner (i.e. residential aad eoaatrcial uaaa, ehurchea. schools, parka, etc.);

ii) aeigbbourhood bouadariea; aad iii) the gross developable area, popalatioa aad deaaity of each aeigbbourhood;






*' b)

8 -

•V"u^ """"

Mid iJhl J

*•" " ""

for r.il

Mi <Mi|» objtctiTu («t tbt iadutriil ,r.., ••

G«n«r«I Municipal Plan

•«»• of a* «W « tppioftUM tuUt ahwiBg tht foUwiag: i) <i>ttib«tiaa ot laa< um br tjrrt is • fcbmUe aunt;


«plo^tr*Md •* j)


MTTict cantrt) and attiaatad

an ioplaantation itratttj for tha araa ineludint scagias.

"Pl««tin8 .P.ci£ic r.co««;ndat?on. "

day.lop««xt it to be

id.7AVill this austshall be Identified Ji"^K' vxth a ;®®-«9««i|«oue dMonstraUen thatfashion, such developaent


(C«tt*rsl Municipal

ittclude a aixture of residential and industrial or

lines for the treataent of the interface betireai these uses, for conflict between tranaporution netvorks and «<* ipteial requiraents for the transition betveen the uses. IV

Subaiaaion laanii'—

A ASP reports shalPbe 21.5 ca x 28 ca (8 1/2" x 11") and bound.

'' c

Sj'hfS ®" be provided at a scale which can be included in fJt »o<*7 o« the report (i.e. pate sise or fold out peg* tist) except veil ?.* ss St 1:5000 scale.

P"*i<»*«i •t that scale as

tee copy o£ thi, 1.5000

Mp .ball be coloured, aounted and in

durable fora.




9 -

Qritinal Snhaia.iflii

tobaiftioa of tbt firit official draft of tba aroDoaad 1&9 .k.i i

aumriaa, a liat of ragiatarad and aaaaaaad ovaara aad thair addriaati aad a map of tbaaa ovaarahipa. Oaa copy of tba docuaaat or oaa copt of a auaaary of tba doewaat. aball ba providad for aaeb ragiatarad/ aaaaaaad ovaarÂŤ


raonooiaooD sancnii puit Tizaa of itfcrnet




Handitt for ••ithbottflmaJ

fUaaiag Conufieo •perortd • tat of

•uthotir?L "a


Tor— of taf»rmnem fa> r«i«libaufhaod Outlifi* Pl-^,

> Hia^ltt fgr Ftithbottrhftod atmetn^j y|,n,




'A?.* ihi:I Hbtrc « Oiatriet OutliM fltm bu b««a appr^td.


«ppw#d by Coiaeil m • Itisbbewboed Stnettirt

MiShbeurfae^ vithu th« district tball bt plMoad •• a Roisbboorhood


CoBCtPt and

|fti«hboiii>haflrf UruetUTm

Tba Maitbbourbood Stmetnrt Plan it atiantially tbt iaplmutioa of *f in S»««urt PUa foratetioa). a sob-tait at « oaithbotirbood (aa dafiBtd tbo sttbatqutat Ihtkaeva Itiihbeurhood Strueturt Plaa ibould eo^on to tho Atm Struetut PUa og Diatriet Outliat Plaa (vbora aaefa is ia axiatoaea). Ib« laisbboarbood Straetnrt Plaa abova tba gaaaral patttn for aobdiviaioa bj daaigaatiat Uad oata by typa, aiza aad loeatioa, traaaportatiea aatvork, leeatioa aad aist of

aaisbbourbeed faeilitiaa aad aehadttUa« of aarrieta. IX

Authority to Prooaro ••i»hbBii>hafl4


At aubjact of Vtighbeatboed ItrQCtnxa Plaaa ahall b« aa aru of laad vbich ia a aub-uait of aa Area Itrvetura Plaa or Diatriet Oatliaa Plaa eoataiai&i

a popuUtioa airffleiist to auppert aa alaatatary aebool (approziaataly 4000

to 6000 paepla) aad coaaidartd aa iatatratad plaaiag wit by raaaoaa of Ida or aatoral benadarioa.

Aay aaigbbottrbood fot vtaidi aa approved Araa Straetart Plaa aaiata (or

• prior to 1979, aa approved Diatriet OatUaa Plaa) aay ba iaitiatad for

• plaaaias ndar a laistaboarbood Straetnrt Plaa. Iba laighbearteod Strueturt Plaa aay bt nadtrtakta by tbt iadiTidaal laad ovaar or ovatra of tbt

•ajority of laad vithia tbt plaa arta or tbt City of Bdrntoa. authority

ia rtquirtd tsctpt


tbt applieaat iaforaa

Ho formal

tbt Plaaoins

Dtpartatat of hia iataatioaa to prapart a Btighboorbood Strueturt Plaa.


2 -

PraPTatioa of


gMtnl Frutwrk for ytithbourtaad

Th« H^thbeurteod icnettirt flu •b«ll eoafon to the latoat, apirit * "v 5®"^to" tht ntigbbourhood. StructurtZt PUa or Diatriet Outlma «Plaa •• ttaty rtUto tbarofora ahouU

b« eoBctntd vith tb« dtii|aatioft of apoeifie laad naoa by typo, aixt aoniM^^M?' d«iity, loeatioa/aist ottd pbaaiat of II 5! prwiaioa of traaaporutioa all ia aeeordaaeo vitb tha SiiS* ff ^ additioa, it aball eoefoca to all

bwLed Si!2u!r. B

wmieiMUtj, u th.7 t.Ut. t« Mi,||.

Contant of ii«i«hha«>^yod atTuetn^^ y],,

Iba Raigbbourbood Struetnra Plaa abould eoataia tbe folloviag:

1. all aueb iafonatioa tbat ladieataa tba aataat to vbieb Haigb-

^ttrbood Strttctnra Plaaa coafoxa to tb« Arta Stnieturt Plaa or Diatrxet Outliaa Plaa;

atatMaat oa tba davalopaaat objaetiTaa for tba aaigbbonrbood:

^taaat oa tba ovarall daralopaaat eoaeapt aad daaiga approach

3. ^a idantifieatioa of aob-imita of tba aaigbbonrbood wbieb can ba daaoaatratad to ba aarvieabla at eartaia atagaa. iadieatiag


laplaaautioa by aubdividioa, raplota or othar Bacbaaiaaa; actual loeatioa of tba aajor traaaporutioa aatvork, loeatioa of tba »taml eirealatioa aatvork, aiAjaet to datailad daaiga at

tba aubdiviaxoa auga, idaatificatioa of bua routiag (and IRI

ayatas eoapoaaata vbara applieabla) aad idaatificatioa of padaatrxaa ayataa coapoaaata;


tba idaatificatioa aad loeatioa of .propoaad aajor utility

iafraatraetura coapoaaata aucb aa uadargrouad aaiaa, utility atatioM, draiaaga lakaa, aarricaa yarda, pipaliaaa, gaa liaaa,

p«fa* liaaa aad tba lika, vbata applieabla, aad tba acbadula of aanrieiat: 6.

PaaiaamttMi of Laad Bm,,



6.1.1 idaatify






claaaificatioa for aaeb aob-aaic eoaaidarad for

aubdiviaioa at tba aaaa tiaa aa tha laigbbourbood Stmctura Plaa.

ladieata propoaad bonaiag quaatity

aad coapoaitioa aa to faaily aad aes-faUy oriaatad uaita; and

6.1.2 idaatify propoaad intaaaity of daralopaaat (dancity raaga) for aacb aub-uait aot eoaaidarad for datailad

aubdiviaion aad soning at tba tiaa of tba Haigbbourbood Structura Plan aubaiaaioa.


3 -

6.2 iffcwii/rirtt tiai - loeatiea of cpteifie •ebeel/pirk situ Md thtir eorrtapoadiat fist ibmld b« idatificd; .

6.3 Othmr BP«a tMM

- toch at pockat patka, tec lota»

viavpeisc parka aad oraaaaatal parka abould ba idaatifitd ia gaaaral lecatioa;

6.^ Co—reial land . abottld ba idaatifiad bj loeatiea aad aiaa tiviai coaaidaratipa to tba aarkat atady aa to tba typa aad attabar of aatabliabaaata; aad


Spaeial iMni

6.5.1 aaviroMaatal pretaetiea araaat biatorieal preaar* vatioa araaai iaaoiratiTo bevaiag aad etbar apaeial plaaaiag araaa aboald ba Idaatifiad ia tana of sixa, loeatioa aad davalopaaat raatrictioaa;

6.5.2 bouaias eompatibla with tba objaetivaa of proviaeial aad Buaieipal poUciaa aad program to aaeourasa all typaa of affordabla bouaiag (iaeludiag public bouaiag aad aaaafaetttrad boaaiag); aad

6.5.3 ebareb aita, aisa aad loectioa to ba idaatifiad; 7.

propoaad aaisbbottrbood laad aaa aap aad praliaiaary atatiatie;


davalopmaat gvidaliaaa ralatiag to tba aaaaar ia ybicb apeeifie laad uaa davalopscat vill oeear aaeb aa aoiaa attaatuacioa maehaaiaaa, arebitaetitral aad uaa raatrictioaa for aaviroaaatal

soaaa aad historic presarvatioa araaa aad tba lika;


dasxgaatioa ot aaigbbovrbood daaaity bj statiag a daaaitj raaga for tba aaigbboorbood vbicb ia rapraaaatad aa tba total of tha •pacific daasity raagaa of tba varioua aab-uaita. Parka of tba ....•«ua plaaa

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