Edmonton (Alta.) - 1997-Unknown - Highlights from Edmonton's land use bylaw (1997-06)

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June 1997


Westmount Architectural Herpitage Area OC1 (Direct District Control) IDevelopment From Edmonton's Land Use Bylaw

GENERAL PURPOSE To establish a Direct Control District for the


Westmount Architectural Heritage.

Area in order to better pro




architectural heritage


and streetscape. Typical housing showing new house (on right) that is sympathetic to the historic architectureof the area.





". 111 AVE.

Control) District









The DC1 District is designed to provide a district fordetailed, sensitive control of the use, development, siting and design of buildings where this is necessary-to establish, preserve or enhance areas of unique character as identifiedand specified in an Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP).




H = 107 AVE

DC1_istrctiWemoun DC1 District inWestmount





Area came into being with the passage of the West Ingle ARP in 1985. Markeis'swere up on 107 Avenue and 111 Avenue at 125 Street and 126 Street describing the .Area, and the original street names implanted in the sidewalks at intersections; however, no special zoning was put in place

Heritage Area residentialarea in the community of Westmount (see map) notedfor, its large collection of single detached homes built during the 1911 to 1925 era..



The Westmount Architectural Heritage

* Westmount Architectural

*DC1 (Direct Development


to protect the Area's architecture or. streetscape at the time of designation. In the early 1990s residents of the Area got together to discuss the preservation of the Area's historic character. Many home Owners were fixing up the old homes and building additions and new homes that "-reflected the Area's original architecture. The residents agreed to a set of Development Criteria and Architectural Guidelines in the form of a DCI District ~-which was presented to, and passed by, Council on March 10, 1997..





DEVELOPMENT PERMIT IN THE WESTMOUNT ARCHITECTURA HERITAGE AREA DC1 DISTRIC In addition,to the information normally required for a development application under the City's Land Use Bylaw, applications in a DC1 District must also show how the proposed development conforms with the intent of the DCI District. Exceptions include developments which "-don't require permits, such as interior alterations and maintenance to a dwelling or. construction of a fence (less than 1.85 m or 6 ft.) or deck (less than 0.6'm or 2 ft.), and . developments which are considered minor bythe Development Officer.


Typical streetscape showing boulevards with mature trees and no curb cuts. USES



The Development Officer will make development applicants aware of the Further information on the Westmount following Architectural Guidelines when Architectural Heritage Area is included in the West-Ingle AREP. Iiformation on the DCI considering new construction, such as additions to existing development.. The. (Direct Control) District is included under Guidelines, are voluntary; however, Section 710 of the City's Land UseBylaw. applicants are encouraged to use them so that Copies of the Westmiount Architectural Heritage Area DC1, the West-IngleARP ai construction reflects the airchitectural styles the Land Use Bylaw are available through 1911 Which characterized the Area between Planning and Development Department. 'the . ' inchide: Guidelines - and 1925. The using consistent exterior finishes, ' Further information is available by contacting cladding materials and architectural Planning staff, as shown below,.and the treatments on all sides of the dwelling; Architectural Heritage Area Westmount * using wood-type or shingle-type siding who can be contacted Association, Residents or a combination of the. two that is through the Westmount Community League horizontally oriented with a maximum and the Planning and Development exposed board heightof 13 cm Department. . (5.0 inches);

The DCl'District allows for the same uses as allowed under the Area's former RFI District., DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA In general, the regulations of the RF1 District. apply except where replaced or added to by the following * where a lane abuts.a lot, access to onsite parking shall only be from the lane; * where lots do not abut lanes, access to on-site parking.shall only be from an avenue, as opposed to a street; *. the Development Officer may reduce Front Yards from 6.0 m (20 ft.) to 3.0 m (10 ft.) if development between these measures doesn't exceed one.

'storey or 3.3 m (10.8 ft.) in.height and adjacent properties display similar poYards; d aFront Front Yards;






the principal roof of the dwelling should . .*ia

have a slope of 5:12 (38 degrees) .or

more (gables and dormers on the front m2nd

Please contact: DevelopmentandInspection Services Floor Exchange Tower,

. 2nd Floor,Exchange Towe elevation are encouraged); detached garages abutting lanes may e E o enclosed not but construction of roofed be .located less than 4.88 m.(16 ft.) Edmonton, Alberta verandahs with flooring, columns and line if the from rear property from the rear property line ifTS P4 T5J3P4 guard rails.of wood construction, and With in the thergarages consistent a.m. to 4:30p.m. .8:00 Hours" Office stone or' .piers 'of wood, -brick . . block; Telephone: 496-3100 . construction; shall be located a no part of o *no part of a 'g.rtae garage shall be located or using double hung or multi-pane HaroldStanley, Community Planner windows not wider tihanri 0.9 m (3.0 ft.) betweenthe front facade of a dwelling Community PlanningSection ot taller than 1.8 m (6.0 ft.) with ' and an abutting avenue or street;' ' Branch Planning nt lan. an *dwelling entranceways must front onto Services Branch Planning Services transparent glazing. Telephone,496-6101 ' . ' ' ' the avenueor street; .' _ ' _'' _ Further Guidelines are being prepared by the I *lots that are 15.25 m (50 ft.) or more G PN " Area Heritage Architectural Westmount more Swide.and 45.72 m (150 ft.) or NINGAN tOl,1 O TH @ be 'should and Association Residents RearYard minimum a long shall have hDEVELOPMENT longshl available in booklet form in the near future. of 10.0 mn(32.8 ft.).




D E V E L oP




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