Edmonton (Alta.) - 1997 - Replacement pages for land use bylaw no. 5996, as amended (1997-05-14)

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May 14, 1997



All Subscribers of Replacement Pages for the Land Use Bylaw No. 5996 Consolidation Nos.10 and 11


Etelka Mazzotta Bylaw Amendments Officer Planning Services Branch


May 14, 1997- Replacement Pages for Land Use Bylaw No. 5996, as amended

On March 10, 1997, April 14, 1997 and April 22, 1997, City Council approved the following Bylaws amending the Land Use Bylaw No. 5996, as amended: Bylaw No. 11430 - Section 820D, Appendix I - Amendment to the Boyle Street/McCauley SPO Bylaw No. 11471 - Section 812A - Amendment to the Floodplain Protection Overlay Schedule for Cloverdale and Appendix I - Section 812B - Appendix I - Amendment to the Floodplain Protection Overlay Schedule for Rossdale - Section 812C - Amendment to the Floodplain Protection Overlay Schedule for Riverdale and Appendix I Bylaw No. 11472 - Section 820B -Appendix I - Belvedere Station SPO Enclosed are new pages which incorporate these amendments and some administrative changes. Please update your Land Use Bylaw by removing from it the old pages and replacing them with these pages, as follows: Remove Current Insert New Pages Pages vii - xii vii - xiv Record of Text Amendments a33-a34 Section 1-10 Operative and Interpretive Clauses a33-a34 c37-c56c 36.1-55 Section 50- 79 General Development Regulations k15 Section 812A - Floodplain Protection Overlay k15 Appendix I Schedule for Cloverdale Appendix I Appendix I Section 812B - Floodplain Protection Overlay Appendix I Schedule for Rossdale k19 kl9 Section 812C - Floodplain Protection Overlay Appendix I Schedule for Riverdale Appendix I Section 820B - Belvedere Station SPO Appendix I Appendix I Appendix I Section 820D - Boyle St./McCauley SPO Appendix I If you have any questions, please contact me at 496-6194. EM/em Enclosure

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Digitized from copy in City of Edmonton CRC Accession 06F003 RECORD OF TEXT AMENDMENTS TO EDMONTON LAND USE BYLAW NO, 5996

September 3, 1996


Amendments to Create a New Use Class for Casinos and other Gaming Establishments, to Change Major and Minor Secondhand Stores, and to Create Section 818

October 21, 1996


Boyle Street/McCauley SPO (Section 820D)

October 29, 1996


Gameau SPO (Section 820G)

November 18, 1996


Montrose/Santa Rosa SPO (Section 820H)

March 10, 1997


Boyle St./McCauley SPO (Section 820D) •

April 14, 1997


Amendment to the Text and Appendix Ito the Floodplain Protection Overlay Schedules (Sections 812A, 812B, 812C)

April 22, 1997


Belvedere Station SPO (Section 820B) •


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Sections 1-10


Operative and Interpretative Clauses


Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10

al a2 a2 a2 a6 a7 a9 a9 al0 a26

Title and Contents Previous Legislation Effective Date Transitional Provisions Non-conforming Buildings, Structures and Uses The Land Use District Map Approval Required for Development Compliance with Other Legislation Definitions Use Class Definitions

Sections 11-27 General Administrative Clauses Section 11 Section 12 Section 13 Section 14 Section 15 Section 16 Section 17 Section 18 Section 19 Section 20 Section 21 Section 22 Section 23 Section 24 Section 25 Section 26 Section 27

Authority and Responsibility of the Development Officer Authority and Responsibility of the Municipal Planning Commission (Deleted) Authority and Responsibility of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Development Classes Development Application Submissions Special Information Requirements Conditions Attached to Development Permit Decisions on Development Applications Validity of Development Permit Resubmission Interval Development Permit and Agreement Fees Notification of Issuance of Development Permits Appeals Expiry of Permit Enforcement and Penalties Amendments Land Use Bylaw Compliance Certificate and Certificate Fees

b1 b4 b4 b4 b13 b23 b28 b30 b30 b31 b32 b39 b40 b40 b41 b46 b54

Sections 50-79 General Development Regulations Section 50 Section 51 Section 52 Section 53 Section 54 Section 55 Section 56 Section 57 Section 58

Applicability Lot Dimensions and Areas General Regulations for Yards, Separation Space, Amenity Area and Setbacks Yards on Corner Sites and Double Fronting Sites in Residential Districts Projection into Yards and Separation Spaces Objects Prohibited or Restricted in Residential Districts Amenity Area Private Outdoor Amenity Area Separation Space


cl cl c3 c3 c4 c6 c7 c8 c8

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Page Section 60 Section 61 Section 62 Section 63 Section 64 Section 65 Section 66 Section 67 Section 68 Section 69 Section 70 Section 71 Section 72 Section 73 Section 74 Section 75 Section 76

Section 77 Section 79

Fences in Residential Districts Accessory Uses and Buildings Lighting of Sites Height Access to Sites Off-street Vehicular Loading and Unloading Facilities Required Off-street Vehicular Accessory Parking Hardsurfacing and Curbing of Parking, Loading and Unloading Spaces Parking Garages Landscaping Excavation, Stripping and Grading Microclimate Development Information Signs Performance Standards for Industrial Developments General Performance Standards for Non-industrial Development Pedestrian Ways Passenger Drop-off Spaces for Public and Private Elementary, Junior High and High Schools General Performance Standards for a Safe Physical Environment Sign Regulations

e11 c12 c17 c18 c19 c21 c22 c35 c36.1 c37 c46 c47 c48 c49 c52 c52

c53 c55 c57

Sections 80-109 Special Land Use Provisions Section 80 Section 81 Section 82 Section 83 Section 84 Section 85 Section 86 Section 87 Section 88 Section 89 Section 90 Section 91 Section 92 Section 93 Section 94 Section 95 Section 96

Applicability Religious Assembly Vehicular-Oriented Uses Carnivals Minor Home Occupation Major Home Occupation Boarding and Lodging Houses Apartment Housing and Boarding and Lodging Houses, for Senior Citizens Conversion of Single Detached, Semi-detached or Duplex Dwellings to Professional Offices Mobile Homes Essential Utility Services Group Homes Community Housing Designator (Deleted) Child Care Services Fraternity and Sorority Housing Residential Sales Centres Adult Mini-Theatre

dl dl d2 d6 d7 d7 d8 d9 d9 d10 dll dl 1 dll dll d15 d16 d18

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Page Section 97 Section 98 Section 99 Section 100 Section 101 Section 102

Recycled Materials Drop-off Centres Major and Minor Alcohol Sales Secondary Suites Uses with Special Siting, Access and Traffic Impact Requirements Restaurant, Hotel and Entertainment Uses Flea Markets


d18 d19 d20 d21 d22 d22

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Sections 110-299 Residential Districts Section 110 Section 111 Section 120 Section 130 Section 140 Section 150 Section 160 Section 170 Section 210 Section 220 Section 230 Section 240 Section 250 Section 260


Single Detached Residential District Residential Small Lot District Low Density Infill District Planned Lot Residential District Low Density Redevelopment District Semi-detached Residential District Row Housing District Medium Density Multiple Family District Low Rise Apartment District Medium Rise Apartment District High Rise Apartment District Residential Mixed Use District Rural Residential District Mobile Home District

el e5

e9 e13

e19 e25 e29 e33 e39 e45 e51 e55 e61 e63

Sections 300-399 Commercial Districts Section 310


Section 320 Section 330 Section 340 Section 350 Section 360 Section 370


Neighbourhood Convenience Commercial District Shopping Centre District Low Intensity Business District General Business District Highway Corridor District Commercial Office District Commercial Mixed Use District

EB IM 11-1

Industrial Business District Medium Industrial District Heavy Industrial District

fl f7 fl 1 fl7 f23 f27 f31

Sections 400-499 Industrial Districts Section 410 Section 420 Section 430

gl g7 g9

Sections 500-599 Urban Service Districts Section 510 Section 520 Section 530 Section 540 Section 550


Urban Services District Public Utility District Public Parks District Metropolitan Recreation District Municipal Airport District

hl h5 h7 h9 h13

Sections 600-699 Agricultural and Reserve Districts Section 610 Section 620 Section 630


Agricultural District Urban Reserve District Industrial Reserve District


il i3 i5

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Sections 700-799 Direct Control Districts Section 710 Section 720 Section 730 Section 740 Section 750


Page Direct Development Control District Comprehensively Planned Development District Temporary Holding District Special Public Service District Site Specific Development Control District

j1 j3 j13 j15 j17

Sections 800-899 Overlays Section 810 Section 810A Section 811 Section 812 Section 812A Section 812B Section 812C Section 813 Section 814 Section 815 Section 816 Section 817 Section 818 Section 820 Section 820A Section 820B Section 820C Section 820D Section 820E Section 820F Section 820G Section 820H Section 8201

APO Airport Protection Overlay Airport Protection Overlay Schedule for the Edmonton Municipal Airport North Saskatchewan River Valley and Ravine System Protection Overlay FPO Floodplain Protection Overlay Floodplain Protection Overlay Schedule for Cloverdale Floodplain Protection Overlay Schedule for Rossdale Floodplain Protection Overlay Schedule for Riverdale Entrance Routes and Special Area Overlay Schedule A Overlay Schedule for Major Commercial Corridors Overlay Schedule for Low Density Redevelopment Belgravia Overlay Schedule for Single Detached Residential Development McKernan/Parkallen Overlay Schedule for Single Detached Residential Development Overlay Schedule for Major and Minor Secondhand Stores SPO Statutory Plan Overlay Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Oliver Area Redevelopment Plan Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Belvedere Station Area Redevelopment Plan Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Old Strathcona Area Redevelopment Plan Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Boyle Street/McCauley Area Redevelopment Plan Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Central McDougall Area Redevelopment Plan Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Gameau Area Redevelopment Plan Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Montrose/Santa Rosa Area Redevelopment Plan Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Parkdale Area Redevelopment Plan

kl k7 kll k13 k15 k17 k19 k21 k23 k30. 1 k30.7 k30.11 k30.16 k31 k35 k47 k51 k61 k83 k117 k133 k141 k145

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Page Section 820J Section 820K Section 820L Section 820M

Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Cloverdale Area Redevelopment Plan Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Rossdale Area Redevelopment Plan Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Scona East Area Redevelopment Plan Statutory Plan Overlay Schedule for the Riverdale Area Redevelopment Plan

k147 k151 k161 k165

Sections 900-999 Special Areas Section 900 Section 920

Special Areas General Provisions Special Area Terwillegar Towne


Li n1

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Bylaw No. 6626 November 10, 1981

Bylaw No. 11321 September 3, 1996

Bylaw No. 6626 November 10, 1981



Business Support Services means development used to provide support services to businesses which are characterized by one or more of the following features; the use of minor mechanical equipment for printing, duplicating, binding or photographic processing, the provision of office maintenance or custodial services, the provision of office security, and the sale, rental, repair or servicing of office equipment, furniture and machines. Typical uses include printing establishments, film processing establishments, janitorial firms and office equipment sales and repair establishments.


Carnivals means temporary development providing a variety of shows, games and amusement rides, for a period of less than 30 days, in which the patrons take part.


Casinos and Other Gaming Establishments means development providing facilities for patrons to participate in gaming opportunities as the principal use. Typical uses include Bingos and Casinos. This Use Class does not include Major and Minor Amusement Establishments or other Use Classes where a Bingo or Casino occurs on an infrequent basis as an accessory use to another principal use.


Commercial Schools means development used for training and instruction in a specific trade, skill or service for the financial gain of the individual or company owning the school. This Use Class does not include schools defined as Public Education or Private Education. Typical uses include secretarial, business, hairdressing, beauty culture, dancing or music schools.


Contractor Services, General meAns development used for the provision of building construction, landscaping, concrete, electrical, excavation, drilling, heating, plumbing, paving, road construction, sewer or similar services of a construction nature which require on-site storage space for materials, construction equipment or vehicles normally associated with the contractor service. Any sales, display, office or technical support service areas shall be accessory to the principal General Contractor Services Use only. This Use Class does not include Professional, Financial and Office Support Services.


Contractor Services, Limited means development used for the provision of electrical, plumbing, heating, painting and similar contractor services primarily to individual households and the accessory sale of goods normally associated with the contractor services where all materials are kept within an enclosed building, and there are no accessory manufacturing activities or fleet storage of more than four vehicles. a33

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Bylaw No. 6626 November 10, 1981 Bylaw No. 11261 June 17, 1996



Convenience Vehicle Rentals means development used for the rental of new or used automobiles and light trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of 4000 kg (8,818.5 lbs.) or less. This Use Class includes those establishments which are not strictly office in nature, but include, as an integral part of the operation, minor vehicle servicing, storing, fueling or car washing facilities. This Use Class does not include Professional, Financial and Office Support Services, Fleet Services or establishments for the rental of trailers.


Cremation and Interment Services means development used for the purification and reduction of the human body by heat and the keeping of human bodies, other than in Cemeteries. Typical uses include crematories, mausoleums, cinerariums or columbariums.


means Custom Manufacturing Establishments development used for small scale on-site production of goods by hand manufacturing, primarily involving the use of hand tools and provided such developments have fewer than five production employees. Typical uses include jewelry, toy and musical instrument manufacturing, gunsmiths, and pottery and sculpture studios.


Drive-in Food Services means development used for eating and drinking which offer a limited menu produced in a manner that allows rapid customer service and include one or more of the following features: carattendant services; drivethrough food pickup services; or parking primarily intended for the on-site consumption of food within a motor vehicle.


Drive-in Motion Picture Theatres means development specifically designed for the showing of motion pictures on an outdoor screen for viewing by patrons from within their motor vehicles.


Eating and Drinking Establishments, Major means development where prepared food and beverages are offered for sale to the public from establishments which are characterized by one or more of the following features: the provision of theatre, dancing or cabaret entertainment; facilities primarily intended for the on-premise catering of food to large groups; and facilities primarily intended for the provision and consumption of alcoholic beverages which have a seating capacity for 100 or more persons. Typical uses include beverage rooms, cocktail lounge, cabarets, nightclubs, theatre restaurants and banquet facilities.


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Barriers are to be installed and maintained on the periphery of parking lots and access aisles to physically restrict vehicle encroachment or overhang on roadways.

68. Parking Garages Parking garages shall be developed in accordance with the following: 1)

in any Commercial District, Commercial Uses other than parking shall be provided at grade along the street frontage of parking garages when required by the Development Officer to provide continuity of commercial frontage along the street. In the case of a corner site the Development Officer shall pay due regard to the nature of the adjacent uses on the flanking public roadway;


in any Commercial District, a parking garage with queuing access shall provide a minimum of 30 m (98.4 ft.) for queuing of motor vehicles on site before any control device is reached; and


no dangerous goods, or flammable or combustible liquids, shall be permitted within a parking garage, other than as contained within, or permanently installed or connected to the fuel system of a motor vehicle using the parking garage.


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69. Landscaping Bylaw No. 8994 September 12, 1989 Bylaw No. 10362 May 3, 1993 Bylaw No. 10415 June 17, 1993 Bylaw No. 10457 January 25, 1994 Bylaw No. 10207 August 15, 1994

69.1 General Purpose The intent of these landscaping regulations is to contribute to a reasonable standard of liveability and appearance for developments, from the initial placement of the landscaping through to its mature state, to provide a positive overall image for Edmonton and to encourage good environmental stewardship. 69.2

Applicability 1)

The provision of landscaping, in accordance with this Bylaw, shall be a condition of the issuance of a Development Permit for any of the following types of new development: a)

Single Detached, Semi-detached, Duplex and Secondary Suite Housing in the RF1, RSL, RF2, RPL, RF3 and RF4 Districts;


Row Housing and Apartment Housing in the RF3 Districts;


any development in the RF5, RF6, RA7, RA8, RA9 and RMX Districts;


any Religious Assembly development in any Residential District;


any development in all Commercial Districts; any development in all Industrial Districts; any development in the US, PU, AP and MA Districts; and any development in all Direct Control Districts DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4 and DC5), unless specifically modified or excluded in a Direct Control District Bylaw or Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw.



The provision of landscaping, in accordance with this Bylaw, shall also be a condition of the issuance of a Development Permit related to an existing development if, in the opinion of the Development Officer, the existing development will be, as a consequence of the work which is the subject of the Development Permit, substantially enlarged or increased in capacity. This Section shall not apply to developments which consist solely of interior alterations or c37

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improvements or change of use which do not alter the building shell. 3)

Landscaping in the RPL District shall be provided in accordance with Section 130.4(17) of this Bylaw.


Landscaping for Single Detached, Semi-detached, Duplex and Secondary Suite Housing in the RF1, RSL, RF2, RF3, RF4 and RF5 Districts shall be provided in accordance with the following: a)

the owner of the property, or the owner's successors or assignees, shall be responsible for the placement and proper maintenance of landscaping on the site. The Development Officer may require, as a condition of Development Permit approval, that the owner provide a guaranteed security in accordance with the provisions of Section 69.6 of this Bylaw;


all yards, visible from a public roadway other than a lane, on a site developed with Single Detached, Semidetached, Duplex or Secondary Suite Housing, shall be seeded or sodded within eighteen (18) consecutive months of the issuance of an Occupancy Certificate for the development. Alternate forms of landscaping, including bard decorative pavers, washed gravel, shale or similar treatments, flower beds or cultivated gardens, may be substituted for seeding or sodding, provided that all areas of exposed earth are designed as either flower beds or cultivated gardens; and


except as required in Section 130.4(17), the tree and shrub planting requirements of Section 69.4(6) shall not apply to Single Detached, Semi-detached, Duplex or Secondary Suite Housing.

69.3 Landscape Plan and Content 1)

Every application for a development listed in Section 69.2 shall include a Landscape Plan, drawn at a scale of at least 1:300, which clearly indicates and accurately identifies, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, the following: a)

a key plan with a north arrow;


the property lines and dimensions of the site;


the approximate or estimated location of land uses, building perimeters, and landscaping on adjacent property;


adjacent public area features, such as streets, lanes, c38

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driveways, vehicular entrancPs, street furniture and boulevard trees; e)

overhead, surface and underground utilities, and limits of easements; outlines of all site structures to include the building footprints at grade, location and type of underground structures and overhangs within the first two storeys; building entrances, porches, decks, steps, walkways, other hard surfacing or hard landscaping features, parking areas, curbs, lighting, fencing, walls, screens, recreational facilities and garbage collection areas. Materials, colours and patterns shall be indicated;


existing and final site grading, including the established lot boundaries, elevations, berming shown in half-metre contours, direction of site drainage, proposed catch basin rim elevations, top and bottom of retaining wall elevations and existing elevations of plant material to be retained;


the height and materials of all fencing, screens and walls; existing trees and shrubs labelled by common name, botanical name, size, and condition of health. The sizes shall be graphically illustrated by the spread or canopy. In addition, the calliper of tree trunks shall be identified. The Landscape Plan shall graphically illustrate the spread of the trees to be removed or relocated by the proposed construction;


proposed trees, shrubs, flower beds and ground covers labelled by common name, cross-referenced with a Plant list identifying botanical name, quantity, size and method of planting; and


the method of watering the proposed landscaping.


The Development Officer may consider an application for a Development Permit which does not provide all the information required by Section 69.3(1) if, in the opinion of the Development Officer, the information provided is sufficient to show that the landscaping provisions of the Bylaw will be met.


The Development Officer shall approve the Landscape Plan as a condition of the Development Permit approval. Any changes to an approved Landscape Plan require the approval of the Development Officer prior to the landscaping being installed.


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69.4 General Requirements 1)

All open space including required Yards, at-grade Amenity Areas, Private Outdoor Amenity Areas and Separation Spaces shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, flower beds, grass, ground cover or suitable decorative hard surfacing, in accordance with the Landscape Plan submitted pursuant to Section 69.3 and approved by the Development Officer. This requirement shall not apply to those areas designated for parking and circulation, which shall be landscaped in accordance with Section 66.8 of this Bylaw. The Development Officer may require landscaping of areas within a site that are intended for future ,development if, in the opinion of the Development Officer, the lack of landscaping creates a potential negative visual impact, given the visibility of these areas from adjacent properties and public roadways.


Hardsurfaced areas such as walkways and plazas shall be enhanced with landscaping, at the discretion of the Development Officer. Provision shall be made for adequate on-site pedestrian circulation, by mewls of sidewalks or walkways, to connect with public sidewalks and walkways adjacent to roadways or within right-of-ways abutting the site.


Any parking lot having eight (8) or more parking spaces and which is visible from an adjoining site in a Residential or Commercial District, or from a public roadway other than a lane, or from a Light Rail Transit line, shall have perimeter planting. The location, length, thickness and height of such perimeter planting at maturity shall, in conjunction with a change in grade or other natural or man-made features, be sufficient to provide substantial interruption of the view of the parking area from any adjoining Residential or Commercial District, and enhance the view of the parking area from any adjacent public roadway or Light Rail Transit line.


Any trash collection area, open storage area, or outdoor service area, including any loading, unloading or vehicular service area which is visible from an adjoining site in a Residential or Commercial District, or from a public roadway other than a lane, or from a Light Rail Transit line, shall have screen planting. The location, length, thickness and height of such screen planting at maturity shall, in conjunction with a change in grade or other natural or man-made features, be sufficient to block the view from any adjoining Residential or Commercial District, or from the public roadway or Light Rail Transit line. Such screen planting shall be maintained to provide effective screening from the ground to a height of 1.85 m (6.1 ft.). If, in the opinion of the Development Officer, screen planting cannot reasonably be

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expected to survive, earth berming, masonry walls, wood fencing or other man-made features may be permitted as a substitution. If the height of materials in an outdoor storage area would limit the effectiveness of a screen planting required by Section 69.4(4), a fence, wall, earth berm, or a combination thereof, may be substituted subject to the approval of the Development Officer. 6)


Trees and shrubs shall be provided in accordance with Section 69.8. For development consisting of Residential Use Classes, the number of trees and shrubs provided shall be determined on the basis of the following: a)

one tree for each 35 m2 (376.5 sq. ft.) and one shrub for each 15 m2 (161.4 sq. ft.) of any required Yard or Setback at grade; and


one tree for each 20 m2 (215.2 sq. ft.) and one shrub for each 10 m2 (107.6 sq. ft.) of required parking area islands. In no case shall there be less than one tree per required parking area island.

For development consisting of non-residential Use Classes, the number of trees and shrubs provided shall be determined on the basis of the following: a)

one tree for each 25 m2 (269.0 sq. ft.) and one shrub for each 15 m2 (161.4 sq. ft.) of any required Yard or Setback at grade;


one tree for each 20 m2 (215.2 sq. ft.) and one shrub for each 10 m2 (107.6 sq. ft.) of required parking area islands. In no case shall there be less than one tree per required parking area island.


Existing vegetation shall be preserved and protected unless removal is demonstrated to be ner.essary or desirable to efficiently accommodate the proposed development. Trees and shrubs preserved on the site may, at the discretion of the Development Officer, be credited to the total landscaping requirements.


All planting shall be installed to the finished grade. Where, in the opinion of the Development Officer, this is not practical, planters may be used. Such planters shall be of adequate design, having sufficient soil capacity and insulation to promote healthy growth.

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Landscaping which extends onto or over City-owned lands shall be developed in accordance with the Boulevard Bylaw No. 7829, as amended.


The Development Officer may, where the Development Officer considers it appropriate, waive any or all of the General Landscaping regulations of this Bylaw. Before granting a waiver of the landscaping regulations, the Development Officer may require the applicant seeking the reduction of the minimum landscaping standards of this Bylaw to submit a report from a qualified or accredited landscape professional, such as a horticulturalist, architect or landscape architect, explaining and justifying the reduction.

Additional Landscaping Regulations for Specific Land Uses 1)

The Development Officer may require the application of additional landscaping regulations to those specified in Section 69.4 where, in the opinion of the Development Officer: a)

there is a likelihood that the proposed development will generate undesirable impacts on surrounding sites, such as poor appearance, excessive noise, light, odours, traffic, litter, or dust;


there is a likelihood that undesirable impacts may be generated on the site, and cause conflicts among Use Classes within the development; or


such additional landscaping is warranted due to combinations of Use Classes including, but not limited to the following: i)

Row Housing development in suburban locations, where the Private Outdoor Amenity Area of the Row Housing units faces Single Detached Housing or land districted for Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use, public roadways other than lanes, or Light Rail Transit lines;


Low Rise Apartments, where developed on an infill basis abutting existing Single Detached Housing or land districted for Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use;


Religious Assembly development directly adjacent to a Residential Use Class;


any Non-acrPssory Parking development; or

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Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services, Gas Bars and Drive-in Food Services developments, where located on a site adjacent to residential uses.

The additional landscaping that may be required at the discretion of the Development Officer may include, but is not limited to, the following: a)

additional Separation Space between incompatible Use Classes;


the use of trees, shrubs, fences, walls and berms to buffer or screen Use Classes which generate negative impacts; and,


the use of trees, shrubs, planting beds, street furniture and surface treatments to enhance the appearance of a proposed development.

The Development Officer may consult with a qualified or accredited landscape professional, such as a horticulturalist, architect or landscape architect, in determining if additional landscaping requirements are to be imposed, and/or in determining the type of additional landscaping to be required.

Letters of Credit 1)

The Development Officer may require, as a condition of Development Permit approval, that the owner provide a guaranteed cerurity to ensure that landscaping is provided and maintained for two growing seasons. This security may take the following forms: a)

cash to a value equal to 100% of the established landscaping costs; or


an irrevocable letter of credit having a value equivalent to 100% of the established landscaping costs.

These two options are the only acceptable forms of security. Performance bonds shall not be accepted by the City. 2)

The established landscaping costs shall be calculated by the owner or the owner's representative, based on the information provided on the Landscape Plan. If the Development Officer does not accept the costs identified by the owner or the owner's representative, the Development Officer may establish a higher landscaping cost figure for the purposes of determining the value of the landscaping security.


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If cash is offered as the landscaping security, it shall be held by the City, without interest payable, until the landscaping has been installed and successfully maintained for two growing seasons, and the Development Officer is satisfied through site inspection that this has occurred. Partial refund after installation of the landscaping and/or after one growing season may be considered upon request of the owner, and at the sole discretion of the Development Officer.


If a letter of credit is offered as the landscaping security, it shall be in a form satisfactory to the Office of the City Solicitor. The initial term of the letter of credit shall be one year. The letter of credit shall be renewed for a further one year term by the owner thirty (30) days prior to expiry and delivered to the Financial Services Supervisor in the Planning and Development Department of the City, or the Financial Services Supervisor's designate. This process shall be repeated as many times as is necessary so that the letter of credit is maintained until the installation of landscaping has occurred and maintenance of the landscaping has been carried out for two growing seasons, as determined by and to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. The Financial Services Supervisor shall notify the Building Inspection Branch sixty (60) days prior to the expiry date of the letter of credit, in order to provide sufficient time for the Development Officer to inspect the site and to determine if the landscaping is well maintained and developed in accordance with the regulations of this Bylaw. If landscaping conditions are satisfactory to the Development Officer, the letter of credit may be released by the Financial Services Supervisor upon notification by the Development Officer. If inspection cannot be made within this sixty (60) day time period due to weather conditions or other extenuating circumstances, the Development Officer may require renewal of the letter of credit until a satisfactory inspection can be made. The expiry date for a letter of credit shall fall on a weekday which is not a statutory holiday.


Upon application by the owner or the owner's representative, a letter of credit may be amended to a reduced amount, for attachment to the original letter of credit, at the discretion of the Development Officer, when any of the following events occur and are to the satisfaction of the Development Officer: a)

the required landscaping has been properly installed;


the required landscaping has been well maintained and is in a healthy condition after one growing season; and

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SECTION GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 50-79 the required landscaping has been well maintained and is in a healthy condition after two growing seasons. In this last case, the letter of credit shall be fully released.


In order to facilitate an amendment to, or a release of, a letter of credit, the Development Officer shall notify the Financial Services Supervisor, who shall then implement the amendment or release, as appropriate.



Any letter of credit shall allow for partial draws. If the landscaping is not completed in accordance with the approved Landscape Plan(s) within one growing season after completion of the development or if the landscaping is not well maintained and in a healthy condition two growing seasons after completion of the landscaping, the City may draw on a cash security or a letter of credit and the amount thereof shall be paid to the City for its use absolutely. All expenses incurred by the City to renew or draw upon a letter of credit shall be reimbursed by the owner to the City by payment of invoice or from the proceeds of the letter of credit, at the discretion of the Financial Services Director of the Planning and Development Department.


In the event the owner does not complete the required landscaping, or if the owner fails to maintain the landscaping in a healthy condition to the satisfaction of the Development Officer for the specified periods of time and the cash or the proceeds from the letter of credit are insufficient for the City to complete the requited work, should it elect to do so, then the owner shall pay such deficiency to the City immediately upon being invoiced therefor. The City shall provide an accounting to the owner indicating how the proceeds of the letters of credit were applied, within sixty (60) days of completing or maintaining the landscaping.

Inspections Upon receipt of a written request from the parties involved in the development, including but not limited to the property owner, condominium association or the issuer of the letter of credit, an inspection of the finished landscaping may be scheduled by the Development Officer. Inspections may be made during the normal growing season, approximately April 15 through October 15. All reasonable effort shall be made by the Development Officer to perform the inspection within twenty (20) working days of receipt of the inspection request.


Specifications for Plant Materials 1)

All plant materials shall be hardy to the Edmonton area and to the actual site conditions. The "Alberta Horticultural Guide" may be used by the Development Officer as a reference for plant selection. c45

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All plant materials shall meet the horticultural standards of the most current edition of the "Guide Specifications for Nursery Stock", produced by the Canadian Nursery Trade Association.


All planting shall conform to the following:




the proportion of deciduous to coniferous trees and shrubs shall be approximately 50:50; and


the following mix of tree sizes shall be used: i)

50% of required deciduous trees shall be a minimum 50 mm (0.16 ft.) calliper and 50% shall be a minimum 75 mm (0.25 ft.) calliper; and


75% of required coniferous trees shall be a minimum of 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) in height and 25% shall be a minimum 3 5 m (11.5 ft.) in height.

The regulations regarding the required Specifications for Plant Materials of this Bylaw may be waived by the Development Officer at the request of a qualified or accredited landscape professional, such as a horticulturalist, architect or landscape architect acting on behalf of the owner.

Excavation, Stripping and Grading 1)

For the purpose of this Section, excavation shall mean excavation other than for construction or building purposes, including but not limited to, sand and gravel mining, top soil stripping, and construction of artificial bodies of water.


A person wishing to excavate, strip or grade land shall provide the following details in his application: a)

the location and area of the site on which the excavation, stripping or grading is to take place;


the existing land use and vegetation;


the type and dimensions of the excavation to be made, and the effect on existing drainage patterns; and


the condition in which the excavation is to be left when the operations is complete, or the final disposition to be made of the area from which the topsoil is to be removed, including the action which is to be taken for restoring the condition of the c46

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surface of the land to be affected, and for preventing, controlling or lessening the creation of erosion or dust from the land. 3)

Bylaw No. 11261 June 17, 1996



The Development Officer shall consider every application for a permit to excavate land, and shall not issue a permit unless he is satisfied that: a)

the operation will be carried out so as to create a minimum of dust and environmental disturbance;


the operation is one which, in the opinion of the Development Officer, is reasonably necessary for the use and development of the land in question, considering the need for preservation of prime agricultural land, the need for natural preservation, and the future need for soil on the site; and


the operation will not destroy, disturb, or alter any historical resource designated in accordance with the Historical Resources Act, 1980.

The Development Officer may require as a condition of issuing a permit to excavate land, that the applicant take the precautions and follow the methods prescribed by the Development Officer for the prevention or control of dust or any other nuisance caused by the proposed operation, and for the reclamation of the site if required.

Microclimate Based upon a Wind Speed or Sun Shadow Impact Study, prepared in accordance with Sections 16.2, or 16.3, the Development Officer may require that the siting, orientation, massing, height, facade, landscaping or other design elements of the proposed development shall be altered to reduce the microcfimatic impact or to achieve the microclimatic guidelines established in the applicable Statutory Plan for affected parks, p1a728, walkways, or other pedestrian-oriented open spaces intended for the use and enjoyment of the public. When a Microclimatic Impact Study indicates that strict adherence to the Statutory Plan is not feasible, or would result in a design which would conffict with: a)

other regulation of this Bylaw or the General Purpose of the applicable Land Use District; or


other applicable Statutory Plan objectives; or


the use or enjoyment of private open spaces,

the Development Officer may relax this requirement accordingly. c47

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Development Information Signs 72.1

Applicability 1)

Bylaw 11261 June 17, 1996

Within 30 days of the approval of: a)

a RF5, RF6, RA7, RA8, RA9, RMX, CNC, CSC or CMX District to a site in a new suburban area; or


a DC2 District to any site,

the owner or applicant shall erect a Development Information Sign or Signs. 2)

Bylaw No. 11261 June 17, 1996

Such Sign, or Signs, shall be erected at a prominent location upon the site and shall be maintained in a reasonable and legible condition until such time as the site is fully developed. The Sign, prior to its being erected, shall be approved by the Development Officer.

72.2 Dimensions Development Information Signs, as erected, shall be of a maximum Height above ground of 3 m (9.8 ft.), with a maximum area of 3 m2 (32.3 sq. ft.).


Information Development Information Signs shall contain the following information, where available:

Bylaw No. 7726 April 23, 1985


the applicable Land Use District for the site;


the name of the site owner or the developer, or both;


the type of project to be developed, together with the allowable number of Dwellings, the allowable commercial floor area and the allowable Height of the proposed structures;


in the case of the DC2 District: a)

the specific nature of the uses proposed, and their locations on the site;


the total floor area, and the non-residential floor area and the number of residential units proposed for each location on the site;


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the Floor Area Ratio and the residential density proposed; and


the building Heights proposed for each location on the site;


the estimated date of commencement of the project, and where applicable for each phase of the development;


the boundaries of the site, the area of the site, and a representation of adjacent and proposed public roadway, rights-of-way and similar features, so that quick orientation is made possible to the reader of the sign; and


the legal description of the parcel.

72.4 Amendments The applicant or owner of the site shall be solely responsible for amending the sign if redistricting amendments occur.


Performance Standards for Industrial Developments

Bylaw No. 10741 June 20, 1994


Applicability Any development or site used for any Permitted or Discretionary Use in the IB, IM or IH Districts shall comply with the performance standards of this Section. Where, in the opinion of the Development Officer, a use may not comply with the performance standards of this Section, the Development Officer may require that the applicant submit an approved permit from Alberta Environmental Protection, or may require a statement from a qualified, registered Professional Engineer certifying that the proposed use can meet the performance standards of the appropriate District, or may require both.

73.2 Performance Standards 1)

Emission of Air and Water Contaminants No operation or activity in any Industrial District shall emit air or water contaminants in excess of the standards prescribed by the Province of Alberta pursuant to the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act and the regulations pertaining thereto.


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Noise a)

No activity or operation in an Industrial District shall cause, or permit to be caused, a noise level at or inside the boundary line of a Residential District which exceeds the regulations of Part 5 of Noise Abatement Bylaw No. 7255, as amended.


No activity or operation in an Industrial District shall cause, or permit to be caused, a noise level which exceeds the regulations of Part 6 of Noise Abatement Bylaw No. 7255, as amended.


All noise levels shall be measured in accordance with the procedures of Noise Abatement Bylaw No. 7255, as amended.

Fire and Explosion Hazards In any Industrial District, activities or operations involving the storage, utilization or manufacture of materials which decompose by detonation, shall be located, conducted and housed in accordance with the Safety Codes Act and the 1992 Alberta Fire Code.

Bylaw No. 10741 June 20, 1994 Bylaw No. 10936 October 16, 1995


Appearance a)

Any use or activity in the TB District shall comply with the following appearance standards:



all uses and activities, except those noted in Clauses (ii) and (iii) below, shall be located and carried on within an enclosed building and there shall be no outdoor display areas, except for Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals and Convenience Vehicle Rentals;


all loading, service, trash collection and accessory storage areas, and trucking yards shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal building, and shall be screened from view from any public roadway other than a lane, and from adjacent sites, by building walls, landscape materials, berms, fences or a combination of these, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer;

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the Development Officer may require that exposed projections outside the building such as mechanical and electrical equipment, transformer ducts, cooling towers and materials handling equipment be screened from view from any public roadway other than a lane, and from adjacent sites if, in the Development Officer's opinion, such projections are inconsistent with the character and appearance of surrounding development or the intended visual qualities of this District; and


all buildings shall be constructed and finished with durable materials designed to maintain the initial appearance of the development throughout the life of the project. The Development Officer may require that the appearance of metal, or concrete block walls exposed to public view from beyond the site be improved where, in the Development Officer's opinion, such walls are inconsistent with the finishing materials or appearance characteristic of surrounding development.

Any use or activity in the IM or IH Districts shall comply with the following appearance standards. i)


all outdoor service, assembly, trash collection and storage areas including the trucking yards associated with such activities shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal building. Loading and trash collection facilities serving office, warehouse and similar developments, where the handling or assembly of goods is carried on within a building, shall be allowed to the rear, sides or front of the principal building. The areas and facilities referred to in this Clause shall be screened from view from any public roadway other than a lane, and from adjacent sites, unless the public roadway is a local road serving only sites in an IM or HI District, or the adjacent site is designated IM or 1H. Notwithstanding the above, trash collection areas located to the front of the principal building shall be screened from view from any public roadway, including a lane, and from any adjacent site; and

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General Performance Standards for Non-industrial Development

Bylaw No. 6626 November 10, 1981


outside display areas are allowed to be located to the side or front of the principal building, provided that such displays are limited to examples of equipment or material related to the industry or business located on the site.

In all non-industrial developments, the design, use of exterior finishing materials and construction shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer who shall ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that materials will be used which ensure that the standard of the buildings will be similar to, or better than, the standard of surrounding development. The Development Officer may require that the appearance of walls exposed to public view from beyond the site be improved where, in his opinion, the appearance of such walls is inconsistent with the finishing standards of surrounding development.

Pedestrian Ways

Bylaw No. 6502 November 24, 1981


Above grade pedestrian ways shall be located a minimum of 120 m (393.7 ft.) apart, measured centre line to centre line, and shall be located no closer than 54 m (177.1 ft.) to an intersection, measured from the centre line of the public roadway to the centre line of the pedestrian ways.


The minimum height of an above grade or below grade pedestrian way, excluding lighting, directional signs and other fixtures, shall be 2.74 m (9 ft.).


The maximum gradient of an above grade or below grade pedestrian way shall be 5%.


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Passenger Drop-off Spaces for Public and Private Elementary, Junior High and High Schools

Bylaw No. 9987 August 17, 1992

76.1 Applicability 1)

When any new school development is proposed, Passenger Drop-off Spaces shall be provided in accordance with Schedule 76A below:

Schedule 76A Passenger Drop-off Spaces for Public and Private Elementary, Junior High School and High Schools




Elementary or Junior High School

3 Spaces per 100 Students, but in no case less than 5 Spaces.

1 Space per 100 Students, or 5 Spaces, whichever is greater.

High School

1.5 Spaces per 100 Students, but in no case less than 5 Spaces.

0.5 Spaces per 100 Students, or 5 Spaces, whichever is greater.


For the purposes of this Schedule "On-site Drop-off Spaces" meAns those Drop-off Spaces located on schools lands, and "Total Number of Drop-off Spaces" means the total of On-site Drop-off Spaces plus any Drop-off Spaces located on Cityowned property within the roadway plan, as approved by the Transportation Department. 2)

Where an existing school building is to be enlarged to accommodate an increased enrolment of more than 100 students, or of more than 20% of existing student enrolment, whichever is less, the Development Officer shall apply the standards for Passenger Drop-off Spaces, as identified in Schedule 76A, based on the additional school capacity. Where a school development is proposed which is a change of use of an existing structure, the standards identified in Schedule 76A shall apply to the total school enrolment capacity. Where site constraints do not feasibly permit the full application of the standards identified in Schedule 76A, the Development Officer, may apply a lesser standard, at his discretion.


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Where the calculation of the number of Drop-off Spaces results in a fractional number of spaces, the next highest whole number of Drop-off Spaces shall be required.


Required on-site parking spaces shall not be used to satisfy the requirements for the provision of Passenger Drop-off Spaces.

76.2 Location of Passenger Drop-off Spaces 1)

Passenger Drop-off Spaces located on-site shall be placed on land other than that used or designated for future use a required on-site parking, and shall be located to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.


Passenger Drop-off Spaces may be located within the roadway plan in accordance with Schedule 76A and subject to the approval of the Transportation Department.


Passenger Drop-off Spaces located within the roadway plan shall be located not more than 60 m (196.9 ft.) from the nearest school entrance, measured along the sidewalk from the point at which the walkway to the entrance intersects with the sidewalk, and only on the same side of the street as the school.


Passenger Drop-off Spaces located within the roadway plan shall not be permitted in the following areas:

Bylaw No. 10457 January 25, 1994



within designated transit and school bus loading areas;


within 1.5 m (4.9 ft.) of a driveway or a marked crosswalk;


within 15 m (49.2 ft.) of any intersection; and


within any area in which stopping is prohibited, or in which, in the opinion of the Transportation Department, other traffic controls would preclude the placement of a Passenger Drop-off Space.

The Development Officer shall consult with the Transportation and Parks and Recreation Departments, as well as the applicable school board, to obtain information relevant to the determination of the number and location of Passenger Drop-off Spaces for school developments.


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Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Development Officer may reduce or eliminate the required number of Passenger Drop-off Spaces for the development of new schools in new subdivisions, in consultation with the Transportation and Parks and Recreation Departments, as well as the applicable school board, where: a)

there are demonstrated physical site constraints for a specific development which will limit the location and/or number of on-site Passenger Drop-off Spaces which can be provided; or


there are no physical site constraints, but where all parties are agreed on alternate solutions to the development of Passenger Drop-off Spaces, and where the Development Officer is satisfied that such alternate solutions are adequate.

The total number of Passenger Drop-off Spaces shall be calculated on the basis of the ultimate Drop-off requirements for all potential future school development on the site in question whether contained in a core facility or in attached portable pods.

76.3 Design of Passenger Drop-off Spaces



Passenger Drop-off Spaces shall be a minimum of 7.0 m (22.3 ft.) in length and a minimum of 2.3 m (7.5 ft.) in width.


Passenger Drop-off Spaces shall be oriented parallel to the flow of traffic to accommodate through-movement of vehicles and to eliminate the need for backing or significant turning movements.

General Performance Standards for a Safe Physical Environment

Bylaw No. 11076 October 9, 1995

The Development Officer shall encourage the inclusion of design elements which readily allow for casual surveillance, particularly for These commercial, industrial and multi-unit residential uses. elements may include, but are not limited to, large window areas, high quality interior and exterior lighting, physical layout which reduces the vulnerability of pedestrians, (avoiding long public corridor spaces, stairwells, or other "movement predictors"), the placement and use of landscaping which limits areas of concealment, and the location of parking areas close to building access points. The Development Officer shall advise applicants of accepted urban design guidelines, such as "Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design" (CPTED) criteria in the layout and design of buildings and associated parking and loading areas, yards and landscaped areas, to promote a safe, well-lit physical environment.


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Bylaw No. 7971 March 25, 1986 Bylaw 11471 April 14, 1997


8I2A.1 Application 1)

This Schedule supplies data pertaining to the Floodplain Protection Overlay for Cloverdale. All regulations of the Floodplain Protection Overlay, Section 812, shall apply in accordance with this Schedule. Submission of a certificate from a qualified registered Professional Engineer or Architect will be required in accordance with the guidelines of the Floodplain Management Policies of Schedule "B" to Bylaw No. 7972 - Cloverdale Area Redevelopment Plan.


The area within the Floodplain Protection Overlay Schedule in Cloverdale is shown on the Cloverdale Floodplain Protection Overlay Map, Appendix I to this Schedule.


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Appendix Ito Schedule 812A

Cloverdale Area Redevelopment Plan Boundary Area within Flood Plain Protection Overlay in Cloverdale


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Appendix Ito Schedule 812B Rossdale Area Redevelopment Plan Boundary Area within Flood Plain Protection Overlay in Rossdale







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98 AVE.

97 AVE.

96 AVE

Rossdale Water Treatment Plant






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Bylaw No. 10252 January 20, 1994 Bylaw 11471 Apri114, 1997


812C.1 Application 1)

This Schedule supplies data pertaining to the Floodplain Protection Overlay for Riverdale. All regulations of the Floodplain Protection Overlay, Section 812, shall apply in accordance with this Schedule. Submission of a certificate from a qualified registered Professional Engineer or Architect will be required in accordance with the guidelines of the Floodplain Management Policies of Schedule "B" to Bylaw No. 10252 - Riverdale Area Redevelopment Plan.


The area within the Floodplain Protection Overlay Schedule in Riverdale is shown on the Riverdale Floodplain Protection Overlay Map, Appendix Ito this Schedule.


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Appendix Ito Schedule 812C w.am.-••••J Riverdale Area Redevelopment Plan Boundary Area within Flood Plain Protection Overlay in Riverdale


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Belvedere Station

APPENDIX Ito SCHEDULE 820B of Bylaw 5996 as amended by: Bylaw 6206 and subsequent appropriate Bylaws.


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*Designation applied to sites with altered or specified development regulations in accordance with Schedule 820B, Land Use Bylaw.

UPDATED: April, 1997

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APPENDIX Ito SCHEDULE 820D of Bylaw 5996 as amended by: Bylaw 6390 and subsequent appropriate Bylaws.

MGCLEY Area Redevelopment Plan

* Designation applied to sites with altered or specified development regulations in accordance with Schedule 820D, Land Use Bylaw. (AREA) distinguishes between areas under Districts with the same designation but with different regulations pursuant to Schedule 820D. 11

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