Edmonton (Alta.) & Alberta Infrastructure - 2009 - Edmonton, Alberta's capital city_integrated pl...

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Edmonton • Alberta's Capital City Integrated Planning Approach and Design Initiative

16 April 2009

1.0 Purpose of Project Charter

Edmonton • Alberta's Capital City Integrated Planning Approach and Design Initiative

To set out a cooperative framework and protocols for Alberta Infrastructure and the City of Edmonton, with Caoltal Boulevard

assistance from area stakeholders such as EPCOR and Capital City Downtown Plan Update

the River Valley Alliance. The objective is to facilitate the integration and coordination of planning processes for West Rossdale, the EPCOR power plant site, Downtown and the Alberta Legislature Redevelopment Plan,

" On Going Development of Louise McKinney Riverfront Park

Jasper Ave new Allon

Proposed Dock Capital Region River Valley Park (River Valley Alliance)

and redevelopment of the north bank of the North Saskatchewan River.

Co)lecton IrVallung Strert

Project Renewal of the Royal Alberta Museum



Federal Building _ Centennial Plaza

Figure 1 -Current Planning Initiatives illustrates the spatial

lot Steel Gateway Corridor

relationships amongst the five project initiatives. Capital Region River Valley Park (River Valley Alliance)

Edmonton Legislature Centre Redevelopment---. Master Plan


h,„„ an River Proposed Trail Connecting to Existing Trails Capital Region River Valley Park (River Valley Alliance)

EPCOR Site (Power Generation Decommissioning) River Crossing (Replacement of Walterdale Bridge)

Provincial Designation of: • Boiler house and the Turbine house • Administration Building • Pumphouse No.1

o . 200

40o sat.


Figure 7 -Current Planning Initiatives

ARMIN A. PREIKSAITIS 16 April 2009 • 2


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2.0 Background

Edmonton • Alberta's Capital City Integrated Planning Approach and Design Initiative

Reinforcing Edmonton's role as Alberta's Capital City is

Additionally, Edmonton has a unique relationship with the

of paramount importance in establishing Edmonton

Government of Alberta, as the Province was formed here

as a first tier city. The concurrent preparation of

and the Provincial Government and many key provincial

plans for Downtown, the Alberta Legislature Centre

institutions are based in the city. As such, the report

Redevelopment, West Rossdale, decommissioning of

recommends that it is appropriate for the City to explore

EPCOR's power plant site and proposed development of

partnerships with the Province and other stakeholders

the river edge of the North Saskatchewan River provides

organized within the context of a capital commission or a

an extraordinary opportunity for image building and

collaborative enterprise similar to the Ottawa — Gatineau

place making. This strategic site, located both in the

National Capital Commission (NCC/CCN), Saskatchewan's

central part of the city and along the North Saskatchewan

Wascana Centre in Regina and Quebec City's La

River, is associated with thousands of years of history

commission de la capitale nationale du Quebec (CCNQ).

and events that shaped Edmonton and Alberta from

The report also suggests that the City may wish to discuss

aboriginal history predating European contact to today's

other infrastructure priorities, festivals, ceremonies, or

contemporary city.

Council initiatives that could be appropriately linked to a Capital City strategy.

In 2008, Edmonton City Council received as information the Deputy City Manager's Office June 6,2008 report entitled "Edmonton's Profile as Alberta's Capital City: Opportunities to Capitalize on Edmonton's Capital Status': This report emphasizes the opportunities to partner with the Government of Alberta and other stakeholders. Edmonton is already home to numerous museums, historic sites, attractions, government facilities, institutions and festivals appropriate to a Capital City.

16 April 2009 • 3

3.0 Common Goals and Objectives

3.1 Goal Statement

Edmonton • Alberta's Capital City Integrated Planning Approach and Design Initiative

3.2 Common Objectives

To have Alberta Infrastructure and the City of Edmonton

Respect and emphasize the history and archeological

work collaboratively together on a number of project

significance of the area by:

Touch the water by: • focusing on improving continuous public riverbank development for pedestrians along the north bank of the North Saskatchewan River;

initiatives within the Downtown, Legislature Grounds, West Rossdale, banks of the North Saskatchewan River

• increasing overall awareness of the historical and

and the EPCOR power plant site. They are to reinforce

archeological significance of the area in shaping

multiple access points to the Legislature Grounds, West

Edmonton's role as Alberta's Capital City and express its

Edmonton's identity as a community;

Rossdale, EPCOR power plant site and beyond to Louise

cultural, historic and symbolic role in a unique physical setting.

• integrating a wide range of means for interpretation, commemoration and celebration, which could include museums to plaques to outdoor exhibits and public art; and • promoting the preservation and adaptive reuse of

• utilizing a waterfront promenade and trails to link

McKinney Riverfront Park and the Royal Alberta Museum Government House site; and • developing riverbank amenities and attractions which could include docks, lookouts and piers to relax and sit, fish, and enjoy interpretive features.

historical buildings and sites.

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CARLYLE • ASSOCIATES Lendsc9pe Arc.octurn Urban Des,






3.0 Common Goals and Objectives

Connect and integrate Downtown, the river, the Legislature and adjacent neighbourhoods by: • ensuring a sense of welcome and an ease of access, achieved in part by reestablishing, reinforcing and improving the street grid throughout the area as an extension of Downtown and West Rossdale; • improving pedestrian access both to the Legislature and river and from neighbourhood to neighbourhood; and • ensuring street walkways are developed as tree lined boulevards. Implement public realm improvements to animate the area through urban design and programming by: • creating a safe, clean and comfortable pedestrian environment to promote walkability; • incorporating public amenity (from seating and lighting to washrooms, public art, wayfinding and interpretation) throughout the public realm of streets, parks and open space; • offering a range of public spaces that enables a wide variety of programmed and casual activities for residents and visitors; and • developing year-round programming for key places

Edmonton • Alberta's Capital City Integrated Planning Approach and Design Initiative

Improve mobility and sustainable transportation options by: • turning roads into streets, by enhancing the realm of alternative modes of transportation with an emphasis on walking, cycling and transit through improved streetscaping; • improving public transit, especially bus transit along 99 Avenue, 96 Avenue, Rossdale Road, and 109 Street and potential linkages to the LRT; • developing a shared parking strategy between the Province and the City to optimize utilization of parking facilities between the Government of Alberta office requirements and community sporting and cultural events; • providing on street parking along local streets for

Create sustainable and complete neighbourhoods by: • developing a core of neighbourhood services and retail amenities that can grow over time; • ensuring that the neighbourhoods are mixed use, with a range of housing choices; and • balancing complimentary uses in Rossdale, Downtown, the River Valley and the Legislature Grounds.

businesses and underground parking for all other uses wherever feasible; and • developing logical wayfinding and amenity for LRT and public transit modes.

throughout the area.

16 April 2009 • 5

3.0 Common Goals and Objectives

Create and enhance gateways by:

Edmonton • Alberta's Capital City Integrated Planning Approach and Design Initiative

Enhance parks and open spaces by:

Work together in implementing various plans for West Rossdale, the Legislature Grounds, River's Edge and

• designing and developing the proposed Walterdale Bridge in a manner that makes it a landmark, a

• developing, protecting and enhancing natural open

community and pedestrian asset with minimal

• reinforcing the overall open space quality of the area;

negative impacts on West Rossdale;

• utilizing streets and lanes as a framework for connecting

• formalizing 104 Street as a connection from Rossdale and the Valley up into Downtown; • utilizing architectural treatment of key buildings and pieces of public art to create a strong sense of entrance to the Downtown from surrounding areas; and • reflecting 105 Street's role as a gateway from south Edmonton to Downtown through streetscaping.

Downtown by:


neighbourhood specific parks and gardens with the greater open space network; • developing landscape for open space that is indigenous to the Northern Prairie;

• exploring possible synergies and partnerships in financing and constructing the required improvements to effectively implement plans; and • co-coordinating detailed design and staging of construction to achieve economies and minimum disruption within the area.

• enhancing the environmental integrity of the riverfront; • developing the river as a focus for public amenity and multiple uses [on and off the water]: water taxis,

Preserve and enhance view corridors by:

canoeing, kayaking and revitalizing the Walterdale ferry; • creating a diversity of places from promenades to

• protecting and framing key viewpoints and corridors to and from the Legislature. This includes developing lookouts at critical points of sight lines and overlook; • establishing a greater presence for the Legislature within its surroundings, including civic improvements to each of

gardens and neighbourhood amenities; and • investigating the potential for the baseball stadium to have a greater community emphasis enabling multiple uses such as; antique market, farmer's market, exhibitions, concerts, and outdoor theatre.

the streets leading to and surrounding the Legislature; • recognizing that the siting of the Legislature on the 108 Street alignment has set in place a characteristic axial relation between it and the Downtown; and • making improvements to 97 Avenue as a formal boulevard providing a grand avenue to the Legislature Grounds from the east.

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4.0 Sharing of Information

Edmonton • Alberta's Capital City Integrated Planning Approach and Design Initiative

It is agreed amongst the parties that the success of this initiative is predicated upon the sharing of information in an open and honest manner while respecting confidentiality where necessary.

5.0 Public and Stakeholder Consultation

Given that Alberta Infrastructure and the City of Edmonton will be undertaking stakeholder and public engagement processes for each of the individual projects, it is critical that information be shared with one another in terms of their design, delivery, and scheduling. This is to ensure that consistent and complete messages are provided to stakeholders, public and elected officials. It is to demonstrate that a strong partnership exists in planning and implementation of these important and timely projects.

16 April 2009 • 7

6.0 Communication Protocol

6.1 Committee Structure 6.1.1 Steering Committee Composition

Edmonton • Alberta's Capital City Integrated Planning Approach and Design Initiative

Meetings / Agendas / Minutes: • For meetings, two (2) members, one (1) from each jurisdiction, will constitute a quorum.

•The Steering Committee will consist of two (2)

• Decision making will be done on a consensus basis. If consensus is not reached, decisions may be


Confidentiality: Members of the Steering Committee and all meeting participants agree to the confidential nature of meetings, and are therefore to sign a parallel "Confidentiality Acknowledgement Statement"

made by a recorded vote of Steering Committee Government of Alberta

City of Edmonton

Alberta Infrastructure

Planning and Development

Diane Dalgleish, ADM

Gary Klassen

• Regular meetings will be held on a bi-monthly basis.

Capital Projects

General Manager

• Agendas and background materials will be

members. Working Committee members are nonvoting members and will only serve in an advisory capacity at Steering Committee meetings.

circulated to Steering Committee members five (5) •The Steering Committee will be co-chaired.

working days before the meeting date where

•The chairmanship of Steering Committee meetings and

feasible. Brief project management style meeting

venues for meetings will alternate between offices of

minutes will be kept, recording decisions,

Alberta Infrastructure and the City of Edmonton.

outcomes, actions, and responsibilities.

•The Working Committee will be in attendance at Steering Committee meetings, as necessary.

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CARLYLE ASSOCIATES Landscape Archnoclurc

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6.0 Communication Protocol

Edmonton • Alberta's Capital City Integrated Planning Approach and Design Initiative

6.1.2 Working Committee Composition •The Working Committee will consist of the following nine (9) members:

Meetings / Agendas / Minutes: •The Working Committee will be co-chaired by Jon Newman and Peter Ohm. •The chairmanship of Working Committee meetings

Government of Alberta

City of Edmonton

Alberta Infrastructure

Peter Ohm

Executive Director


Project Delivery Branch

Planning and Policy Branch

members will constitute a quorum with at least one member from Alberta Infrastructure.

and venues for meeting will alternate between the

Working Committee members are requested to

Alberta Infrastructure and The City of Edmonton.

send alternates should they not be able to attend

• Key area stakeholders will be invited to the working Kent Philips

• For meetings, a simple majority of three (3)

committee on an as requested basis, such as EPCOR and the River Valley Alliance.

a scheduled meeting. These alternates are to be identified at the onset of the process. • Decision making will be done on a consensus basis. If consensus is not reached, decisions may be made by a recorded vote of Working Committee

Jon Newman, AAA, MRAIC

Kulbir Singh


Director of Strategic Projects

the co-chairs and circulated to Working Committee Ossama Elgalali Director of Urban Design

Director Facility Planning + Architecture

• Meetings will be held on a monthly basis. • Agendas and background materials will be approved by

Project Delivery Branch

Brian Oakley


members five (5) working days where feasible before the meeting date. • Brief project management style meeting

Bob Priebe

minutes will be kept, recording decisions, outcomes,

Director of Parks Planning

actions and responsibilities.

Brian Latte


Bong Estoque, P. Eng. Project Manager Project Delivery Branch

Manager Transportation Planning Branch

Members of the Working Committee and all meeting participants agree to the confidential nature of meetings, and are therefore to sign a parallel "Confidentiality Acknowledgement Statement"

16 April 2009 • 9

4 "6

7.0 Sharing of Costs

Edmonton • Alberta's Capital City Integrated Planning Approach and Design Initiative

• Alberta Infrastructure and the City of Edmonton

• Alberta Infrastructure and the City of Edmonton will

mutually agree to share equally in any administrative

negotiate and enter into agreements for any capital cost

costs related to the operations of the Working

sharing on a project specific basis.

Committee and Steering Committee of Edmonton Alberta's Capital City Integrated Planning Approach and Design Initiative.

Approved and agreed to by






%;.% I et, ;7-001 Signature:

Diane Dalgleish, BID, LID

Gary Klassen, ACP, MCIP

Assistant Deputy Minister

General Manager


Alberta Infrastructure

Planning and Development Department

Government of Alberta

City of Edmonton

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