WELCOME Well, what another fantastic year in medical aesthetics! It was truly wonderful to see so many happy faces catching up with friends and colleagues, while celebrating a year’s worth of achievements at the Aesthetics Awards on December 2. As always, we came together for a memorable evening of rewarding the highest standards in clinical excellence, product innovation, practice achievement and company support, as well as first-class entertainment and, of course, a spot of dancing! Congratulations to our Winners, as well those Highly Commended and Commended, and all who made it to the Finalist stage, which, given the extremely high standard of entries, is a huge achievement in itself. I must give a special mention to the Winner of The Schuco Award for Outstanding Achievement in Medical Aesthetics. I first met Dr Elizabeth Raymond Brown in the early 90s when we were both speaking at a training session in Nottingham. Her vast knowledge and ease of delivery endeared her to the audience immediately. To this day, she remains humble and, I believe, unaware of the true impact her educational skills have brought to our specialty. To read more about her outstanding achievements, turn to p.55.
Many thanks must go to our panel of more than 60 judges, whose precious time spent carefully assessing each Finalist ensures the integrity and impartiality of the Aesthetics Awards is consistently upheld. Also thanks to all of you who voted – it is wonderful to see everyone in the specialty getting behind each other to acknowledge the valuable work and support that is provided by so many. Finally, huge thanks must go to our sponsors, without whom the Aesthetics Awards simply cannot take place. On behalf of the Aesthetics team, we hope you enjoy reading this special Awards supplement and have another a successful year in this remarkable specialty!
CHARITY PARTNER Healthxchange, sponsor of Sales Representative of the Year, put forward The Tumaini Fund as Charity Partner for the Aesthetics Awards 2017. Since its formation in 2003, the charity has supported thousands of AIDS orphans and widows in Kagera, north-west Tanzania. The Tumaini Fund also rebuilds derelict houses, has installed 80 clean water-points throughout Kagera, and completed the re-build of a primary school in 2017. Chairman of the Tumaini Fund Dr Susan Wilson, MBE, spoke at the Aesthetics Awards and asked for support in raising funds to go towards the completion of a Dispensary and Cottage Hospital that will provide healthcare for tens of thousands of people who have no access to medical assistance. She explained that the facility will be used for local AIDS testing and treatment. In total, £3,000 was raised at the Aesthetics Awards. Dr Wilson said, “Thank you so much for the funds raised which, within the
next couple of months, will go towards beginning work on the Dispensary. The funds will help us to save children’s lives who, at this time, have no access to medical care. Huge thanks to Dr John Curran and his wonderful Healthxchange team for their unstinting support of our work.” To continue to donate to the charity, visit www.tumainifund.org. uk or visit uk.virginmoneygiving.com/healthxchange where group chairmen of Healthxchange and Dr Robbie Hannah will match all donations £1 for £1 until the £15,000 target is reached.
THE EVENING With more than 800 guests and tickets selling out weeks before the night, the Aesthetics Awards 2017 was truly the biggest and best ceremony yet! Professionals from across the specialty met at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge hotel in central London, for drinks and networking, before moving to the glamorous ballroom for a delicious three-course dinner. Amanda Cameron, Editor of Aesthetics, then welcomed guests to the ceremony, thanking the sponsors, judges and voters for their support. International comedian Stewart Francis was the host for the night, while the original voice of Apple’s iPhone assistant Siri, Jon Briggs, provided the commentary. Commended and Highly Commended finalists were applauded for their achievements, while Winners in the 26 prestigious categories were welcomed to the stage to collect their unique ‘A’ trophies. The first Winner of the night was NeoStrata from distributor AestheticSource, which won Cosmeceutical Range / Skin Treatment of the Year. Another winning product from AestheticSource was Clinisept+, which won The Barry Knapp Award for Product Innovation of the Year. Product winners also included Belotero® from Merz Aesthetics for The Harley Academy Award for Injectable Product of the Year and Dermalux LED which won its fifth Aesthetics Award, this time for Energy Treatment of the Year. In the clinic group categories, La Belle Forme was presented with The Profhilo Award for Best Clinic Group, UK & Ireland (3 clinics or more), while The Private Clinic was celebrated with The Alumier Labs Award for Best Clinic Group, UK & Ireland (10 clinics or more). Aesthetic companies were also recognised for their achievements, with Lumenis, Lynton, Med-fx and Healthxchange each picking up Awards. Deirdre MacMahon, who works for Merz Aesthetics supporting its Irish clients, was the Winner of the Healthxchange Award for Sales Representative of the Year, while Dalvi Humzah Aesthetic Training was recognised at the ceremony, winning the Enhance Insurance Award for Independent Training of the Year. Clinics in Ireland, Scotland, South England, North England, London and a combined category of Midlands & Wales were celebrated for their commitment to excellence in customer service, care, safety and evidence of good feedback from patients. Winners in each of the respective regions included Ailesbury Clinic, Clinetix, S-Thetics, Discover Laser, The Cadogan Clinic and Cellite Clinic, while Temple Medical won the Consentz Award for Clinic Reception Team of the Year. The establishment of new clinics is a vital aspect
of the progression and development of the aesthetic specialty. The 2017 category for The AestheticSource Award for Best New Clinic, UK & Ireland included eight extremely worthy finalists, however it was Emma Chan Ltd that won the trophy. Founder and director, nurse prescriber, Emma Chan said, “It feels great to win and have the team recognised for all of their hard work. They put 100% into everything they do and provide 100% patient satisfaction, so we are absolutely thrilled.” In a first for 2017, a new category recognised noteworthy support partners, which included finalists such as insurance companies, PR agencies and digital providers. However, it was patient enquiry service Aesthetic Response that took home The e-MASTR Award for Support Partner of the Year. The PHI Clinic Award for Professional Initiative of the Year was another new category, which had finalists from across the specialty that played an important role in promoting consumer education and patient safety. The Aesthetic Complications Expert Group was presented with the trophy thanks to its work creating consensus guidelines for practitioners on complication management and helpful documentation for the public on aesthetic procedures and the risk of complications. Two of the most respected awards of the night were The Institute Hyalual Award for Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner of the Year and The SkinCeuticals Award for Medical Aesthetic Practitioner of the Year. The deserving Winners were Anna Baker and Dr Beatriz Molina, respectively. Both were praised for their commitment to continued education and improving the specialty as a whole, alongside running successful clinics. To conclude the spectacular ceremony, The Schuco Award for Outstanding Achievement was presented to Dr Elizabeth Raymond Brown. A laser specialist with more than 30 years spent dedicated to enhancing education through her teaching, speaking and writing commitments, Dr Raymond Brown received a standing ovation from the audience who toasted her success and celebrated her distinguished career in medical aesthetics. After the presentation of the Awards, a live band and DJ got guests dancing until the early hours in a fantastic end to a truly memorable evening. Dr Tapan Patel, a Winner in previous years and category sponsor for two awards in 2017, concluded, “Events like the Aesthetics Awards are so special because they celebrate the hard work everyone puts in over the years. It’s a fabulous surrounding being able to network with friends and colleagues, and takes place at the right time of year when everyone is in festive spirits.”
#AE S THE T I C S AWA R D S 2 0 17 S-Thetics @MissBalaratnam So proud to bring our #AestheticsAward2017 back to #Beaconsfield #Buckinghamshire #BestClinicSouthEngland2017/18 #stillcelebrating @aestheticsgroup
DHAesthetic Training @mdhtraining @mdhtraining are honoured to have won ‘Best Independent Training Provider’ for the 5th consecutive year at the #AestheticsAwards2017. Well done to all @pdsurgery @WestMidsHosp @Anna32Baker @aestheticsgroup
Dr Tijion Esho @DrTijionEsho Love my team! Thank you to all of you at the @aestheticsgroup awards who made your way over to me to say some really kind words #AestheticsAwards2017
Mr Taimur Shoaib @taimurshoaib It’s an honour and a privilege to be working with the best team in the UK, and for the clinic to win such a prestigious award. These are the only Awards in which the results are given through peer review, in the same way that all the best Awards ceremonies are always judged by experts in that field.
Dr Johanna Ward @drjohannaward Catching up at the 2017 Aesthetics Awards with med school buddies & aesthetic industry colleagues #AestheticsAwards @drnatalieb @drbenjidhillon @drravijain @phiclinic #2017 #Awards #Aesthetics
BCAM @BCAM01 Congratulations to Dr Montero one of our members @miguelmontero22 @discoverlaser for winning Best Clinic in North England #AestheticsAwards2017 #winners #members #BCAM #laser #bestclinic
healthandaesthetics @DrRekhaTailor What an amazing night with the whole team tonight, thank you #aestheticsawards
Martin Swann @TheMartinSwann I was proud to be one of the judges of last night’s #AestheticsAwards congratulations to @aestheticsgroup for another superb evening
Aesthetics Journal
CO S M EC E UT I C AL R AN G E / SK I N T R E ATME N T O F TH E Y EAR WINNER: NeoStrata (AestheticSource) “I can hardly speak! It’s so amazing – we have worked so hard this year and the competition is so strong!” Lorna Bowes, Winner
The first Award of the evening was Cosmeceutical Range / Skin Treatment of the Year, with NeoStrata taking the trophy. According to the entry, clinical skincare brand NeoStrata is heavily invested in research and development, launching new technologies and new products every year. The UK distributor for NeoStrata, AestheticSource, explained that for each individual ingredient incorporated in the products, in vitro studies are performed, followed by in vivo studies, penetration studies, final formulation studies – product vs. vehicle assessments, skin biopsies, silicone replicas, and ultrasound scans to measure skin density. The company’s effort in accumulating clinical data was acknowledged by the judges, with one commenting, ‘NeoStrata is a tried and true cosmeceutical range that is well formulated and has good scientific data’. After the win, director of AestheticSource, Lorna Bowes, said, “I can hardly speak! It’s so amazing – we have worked so hard this year and the competition is so strong. It’s just brilliant to have the support from our clients and judges.” She added, “The Awards are important to enter because it’s important to have proper measures to determine what works and what doesn’t. The balance between part judging and part voting for this category just shows that both the judges and our customers love what we do and our focus on science.”
FINALISTS: • Elizabeth Arden Pro (Skinbrands) • Epionce (Eden Aesthetics Distribution Ltd) • Dermaceutic Laboratoire (Unique Skin Ltd) • H.A. Intensifier (SkinCeuticals) • HydraFacial (Consulting Room Group)
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H I G H LY C O M M E N D E D 2 0 1 7
T HE P R O FH ILO AWA RD F O R B EST C L I N I C G R OUP UK & IR E LA N D ( 3 C L I N I C S O R M O R E) WINNER: La Belle Forme This category is sponsored by
La Belle Forme beat four other clinic chains to take home the trophy for The Profhilo Award for Best Clinic Group UK & Ireland (3 clinics or more). Launched in Glasgow by clinic founder and consultant plastic surgeon Mr Taimur Shoaib in 2009, La Belle Forme has expanded to include an additional Glaswegian clinic and clinics in Brentwood and Sevenoaks in 2015 and 2016.
“The Aesthetics Awards is the only Awards ceremony that we regularly enter because, to us, it means so much more than any other award body in Britain” Mr Taimur Shoaib, Winner
Iveta Vinklerova, sales and marketing manager of the category sponsor, HA-Derma, said, “HA-Derma was delighted to be given the opportunity to sponsor the Best Clinic Group UK & Ireland (3 clinics or more) and provide the Profhilo name and reputation to match this prestigious award. Recognising the continual hard work, determination and expertise involved with running a successful clinic group is hugely important – La Belle Forme deservedly won this very competitive and strong category.” Mr Shoaib said he was thrilled with the accolade, commenting, “The Aesthetics Awards is the only awards ceremony that we regularly enter because, to us, it means so much more than any other award body in Britain. It’s a peer reviewed process and it means so much that our peers are recognising us. I think we all aspire to being the best we can be and this is why it’s important to enter these Awards.” HIGHLY COMMENDED: PREMIER LASER & SKIN COMMENDED: THE WOMEN’S HEALTH CLINIC
FINALISTS: • The Laser and Skin Clinic • VIVA SKIN CLINICS
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B E S T U K SU B SI DI ARY O F A GLO BAL M A N U FAC TU R ER WINNER: Lumenis “It’s great that our clients have voted for us and that we have been recognised” Eddie Campbell-Adams, Winner
The Best UK Subsidiary of a Global Manufacturer category recognises manufacturers who can demonstrate excellent products, customer service and ongoing support for practitioners. The winner’s trophy was awarded to Lumenis, which holds more than 220 registered patents and numerous FDA clearances. One voter said, ‘Lumenis supports organisations who are doing great work for patients. Setting a great example!’ Eddie Campbell-Adams, the UK manager of Lumenis UK, said he didn’t imagine that Lumenis would take the win, “I’m a bit surprised actually, but it’s really good to win it! It’s great that our clients have voted for us and that we have been recognised. We are the oldest manufacturer in the industry, so it’s nice.” Campbell-Adams added, “We love the Aesthetics Awards because it’s nice to network with our customers and with other people in the industry and it’s really good to meet new people. It’s good that the Awards recognise all the different aspects in the specialty such as the different manufacturers and clinics – it’s also a great event leading up to Christmas.”
FINALISTS: • ABC Lasers • Lipoelastic LTD. • Venus Concept UK
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THE A LUMIE R LA B S AWA R D F O R B EST C L I N I C GRO UP, UK & IR E LAN D ( 1 0 C L I N I C S O R M O R E) WINNER: The Private Clinic This category is sponsored by
Out of six worthy Finalists, The Private Clinic won The Alumier Labs Award for Best Clinic Group, UK & Ireland (10 clinics or more). The Private Clinic is a multi-award-winning cosmetic surgery provider with more than 30 years’ experience in medical cosmetic treatments. Since 2008 the company has expanded from just one clinic on Harley Street to a network of 12 major clinics nationwide. There are more than 65 surgeons presently working with the company.
“The Aesthetics Awards is a really great thing for the industry and it’s such a big award so it’s great to be recognised and to win – it’s exciting!” Mr Adrian Richards, Winner
“It’s great to win, we are very proud,” said Valentina Petrone, managing director of The Private Clinic. She added, “We invested a lot this year so it’s good to be recognised for it by such a prestigious Awards body. The Awards are great because winning demonstrates to our patients the quality of our clinics and it keeps us on our toes to raise our standards.” Mr Adrian Richards, consultant plastic surgeon and clinical director of The Private Clinic, added, “The Aesthetics Awards is a really great thing for the industry and it’s such a big award so it’s great to be recognised and to win – it’s exciting!” Marketing manager of category sponsor Alumier Labs UK, Samantha Summerfield said, “All clinic teams work extremely hard to offer the best service they can – from the reception team to the practitioners. We wanted to sponsor the teams that work together over multisites, maintaining all that hard work and dedication with many people involved and many patients receiving the excellent experience they deserve.” HIGHLY COMMENDED: SK:N CLINICS COMMENDED: COURTHOUSE CLINICS THE HARLEY MEDICAL GROUP
• National Slimming & Cosmetic Clinics • Therapie Clinic
EN E R GY T R E ATM EN T O F TH E Y EAR WINNER: Dermalux LED (AESTHETIC TECHNOLOGY LTD) “Winning is amazing. This is the fifth year we have won an Award, we have been Treatment of the Year for four years, and now best Energy Treatment of the Year for the first time!” Louise Taylor, winner
For the fifth year running, Dermalux LED, of AESTHETIC TECHNOLOGY LTD is an Aesthetics Awards winner; taking home the Award for Energy Treatment of the Year. According to the company, the Dermalux LED systems have been uniquely designed to offer the most innovative and technically advanced LED phototherapy treatment available. The judges praised the company for monitoring and reviewing best practice, protocols and patient studies. One voter commented, ‘I have been using Dermalux for five years, as a stand-alone treatment and as a complement to other treatments. My patients love it, so do I.’ Louise Taylor, the co-director of AESTHETIC TECHNOLOGY LTD, said, “Winning is amazing. This is the fifth year we have won an Award, we have been Treatment of the Year for four years, and now best Energy Treatment of the Year for the first time. We are very proud. Thank you to all of our clients; our UK distributors and global clients as well. We will continue to work to ensure we have the highest efficacy, quality, safety and everything else that goes into this treatment.”
FINALISTS: • Accent Prime (ABC Lasers) • CoolSculpting™ (CoolSculpting) • Ultherapy® (Merz Aesthetics)
B E S T UK -B A SED M AN U FAC TU R ER WINNER: Lynton “It feels fantastic to win because it is an award that is focused on UK manufacturing, so it is something that makes you feel proud to be British!” Hayley Hutchings, Winner
The Award for Best UK-based Manufacturer was a new accolade for 2018, with Lynton being the first ever Winner of this category. Lynton, which originates from the University of Manchester, manufactures medical-grade aesthetic technology. The company strives to produce products of quality, integrity and reliability through a specialist team of UK-based physicists and practitioners with more than 23 years’ experience in manufacturing equipment. In June this year, the company invested £350,000 into improving their UK manufacturing and training facilities. Judges of the Award commented that Lynton displayed, ‘Innovative research and development to create and introduce new technology to enable the offering of new, effective treatments within the clinic’. Lynton sales and marketing director, Hayley Hutchings, said of the win, “It feels fantastic to win because it is an award that is focused on UK manufacturing, so it is something that makes you feel proud to be British!” Hutchings added, “Events like these are important for the industry as it shows who is following best practice, as the application that you go through is very thorough. So, I think the Aesthetics Awards is important to show the different processes used and best practice so that we can always strive to improve things.”
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T H E CO N SEN T Z AWA R D F O R CLIN IC R EC E PTI O N T EA M O F TH E Y EAR WINNER: Temple Medical This category is sponsored by
The Scottish team from Temple Medical were ecstatic when they won The Consentz Award for Clinic Reception Team of the Year. The clinic was founded by Dr Sam Robson in 2007 and, according to the clinic, has since established itself as one of the most respected clinics in the UK. The reception team consists of office manager, Pauline Chillingworth, patient coordinator, Rebecca Clements, and receptionists, Catriona Morrison, Leanne Paterson, Kirsten Marshall and Carrie Clark.
“Being on stage presenting the Award, and seeing so many names of our industry under one roof coming together to celebrate made for a great night” Michael Geary, Sponsor
Award sponsor Michael Geary, co-founder of Consentz, said he was delighted that Temple Medical took the trophy, “We sponsored this Award to recognise that a strong reception team is an essential component of a fantastic clinic. As ambassadors of your clinic and brand, reception teams are vital to the successful booking of appointments.” Geary added, “Being on stage presenting the Award, and seeing so many names of our industry under one roof coming together to celebrate made for a great night. Thank you very much Aesthetics Awards!” Dr Robson said of the win, “Winning feels absolutely amazing – it’s a true recognition of how fantastic our reception staff are – they are just the best. I think this Award is great because it just confirms to patients that they have a choice of who treats them and that they can go to clinics who look after them. My team really does that!” HIGHLY COMMENDED: CLINIVA MEDISPA COMMENDED: FRANCES TURNER TRAILL SKIN CLINIC HEALTH & AESTHETIC CLINIC
FINALISTS: • Cosmex Clinic • Dr Nestor’s Medical Cosmetic Centre • Outline Clinic • Select Medical Group
FRI 27 & 28 APR 2018 / LONDON
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TH E H A R LE Y AC A DEMY AWA R D F O R IN JEC TA B LE P R O DU C T O F TH E Y EAR WINNER: Belotero® (Merz Aesthetics) This category is sponsored by
“We are a very proud sponsor of the category and delighted for Belotero®’s win!” Dr Tristan Mehta, Sponsor Celebrated for winning The Harley Academy Award for Injectable Product of the Year was Belotero® hyaluronic acid dermal filler treatments, manufactured by Merz Aesthetics. According to the company, the products provide subtle and smooth results, respecting the personality and expression of the face. Category voters commented, ‘Lovely product with lots of support and marketing materials’ and ‘Easy to work with, great instructions. Very nice results’. Dr Tristan Mehta, founder of Harley Academy, the sponsor of the Award, said, “We are a very proud sponsor of the category and delighted for Belotero®’s win!” Simon Poustie, the marketing director of Merz Aesthetics, said, “It feels amazing – we are so happy to have won it. We have put a lot of effort into the brand this year and we have just launched a new campaign, Own Your Beauty, which is patient focused.” Poustie added, “We are really delighted to win this award – onwards and upwards for Belotero®!”
FINALISTS: • Princess® Dermal Fillers (Schuco International) • Radiesse (Merz Aesthetics) • RRS® (AestheticSource) • Xela Rederm (Institute Hyalual)
W H O LE S A L ER O F T H E Y EA R WINNER: Med-fx “This is absolutely amazing, we are blown away; absolutely blown away” Kelly Tobin, Winner
This year’s new Award for Wholesaler of the Year celebrated the important role played by wholesalers servicing the UK medical aesthetic market, and it was Med-fx that received the trophy. Working by the motto ‘excellence in facial aesthetics’, Med-fx supplies market-leading botulinum toxins, dermal fillers, skin peels, cosmeceuticals and surgery consumables to practitioners across the UK. Voters in this category shared noteworthy comments, with one stating, ‘Med-fx has seen us grow from very small beginnings to a substantial turnover. They recognise we are going to get a lot bigger so have given us highly competitive rates across the board so we don’t have to faff around negotiating with other suppliers’. Account director for Med-fx, Kelly Tobin, said after winning, “This is absolutely amazing, we are blown away; absolutely blown away. The Aesthetics Awards brings everybody together every year, and so I recommend everyone come next year!” Presenter of this Award, and Aesthetics Awards chairman Chris Edmonds, added, “This is a new category for the Aesthetics Awards, and we are pleased that such a deserving winner took the trophy. The voters and judges spoke very highly of Med-fx, and we would like to congratulate them on this achievement. Well done to Med-fx!” HIGHLY COMMENDED: CHURCH PHARMACY COMMENDED: WIGMORE MEDICAL
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T H E JO H N BAN N O N AWA R D F O R B E S T C L I N I C I R EL A N D WINNER: Ailesbury Clinic This category is sponsored by
Scoring very highly with the judges, it was the Ailesbury Clinic that walked away with The John Bannon Award for Best Clinic Ireland. Established in 1999, the clinic run by Dr Patrick Treacy showed the judges that their ethos is all about helping patients to be the best version of themselves, aiming to achieve subtle, natural looking results. Clinical director Marie Loftus of the Ailesbury Clinic said, “It feels absolutely amazing to win this award tonight. We’ve won loads of awards this year but this one is especially important to us; this is the award we really wanted to win. We didn’t think we were going to take home the award, we’ve had a tough year, but we’re ecstatic to win.”
“It feels absolutely amazing to win this award tonight. We’ve won loads of awards this year but this one is especially important to us; this is the award we really wanted to win” Marie Loftus, Winner
Geoff Duffy, product specialist at sponsor John Bannon, said, “It’s been great sponsoring the Award for Best Clinic Ireland and it’s fantastic to see Dr Patrick Treacy and his team at Ailesbury Clinic win. These events are hugely important for the specialty as they allow the chance for clinics and practitioners in Ireland to be recognised for their hard work, and it’s also a great opportunity to celebrate the year with other industry professionals!”
FINALISTS: • Amara Aesthetics • ClearSkin Medical Skin Clinic • Dundrum Cosmetic Clinic • Renew Aesthetic Clinic
FRI 27 & 28 APR 2018 / LONDON
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T H E A E S T H E T IC SO U R C E AWA R D F O R B E S T N E W CL I N I C, U K & I R EL AN D WINNER: Emma Chan Limited This category is sponsored by
There were eight strong finalists in this category, but it was Emma Chan Limited that was crowned Winner of The AestheticSource Award for Best New Clinic, UK and Ireland. Since opening in April 2016 after a two-year development process, the Chorley clinic has treated 5,167 patients and increased its database from 800 to more than 2,000 patients. Patient satisfaction scores are said to be exceptionally high, with more than 95% stating the treatments and services are excellent. Aesthetic nurse prescriber and founder of the clinic Emma Chan said, “It feels great to win and have the team recognised for all of their hard work. They put 100% into everything they do, so we are absolutely thrilled!”
“It feels great to win and have the team recognised for all of their hard work. They put 100% into everything they do and provide 100% patient satisfaction, so we are absolutely thrilled!” Emma Chan, Winner
Director of category sponsor AestheticSource, Lorna Bowes said, “Having run my own chain of clinics I understand the complexities of combining clinic management with clinical excellence; starting a business in aesthetics takes an enormous amount of energy and it is great to see so many new clinics rising to these challenges.” She continued, “As director of AestheticSource, it gives me great pleasure to support these new businesses as well as supporting all of our successful customers.”
FINALISTS: • Chester MediSPA • Cliniva Medispa • Dr Nestor’s Medical Cosmetic Centre • The Clinic Newton Place • Yuva MediSpa by Dr Raj Acquilla
It was such an honour to have won Best Clinic in London three years in a row, that this year we decided to pass up on entering, in favour of sponsoring and presenting the PHI Clinic Award for Professional Initiative of the Year, as well as the e-MASTR Award for Best Clinic Support Partner. Congratulations to all that were awarded winners this year. Dr Tapan Patel is always pushing to be at the forefront of professional development, and progression in the industry, and as such, we are happy to announce that his next Filler Injection Masterclass at Academy 102 is on the 12th March 2018. This session will include basic science and pharmacology, as well as complications, patient assessment, and a range of injection techniques for all areas of the face.
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T H E PH I C L I N I C AWA R D F O R PRO FE S S IO N A L I N I T I AT I V E O F TH E Y EAR WINNER: Aesthetic Complications Expert Group This category is sponsored by
New for 2018, this award recognised the important role that both patient-focused and professional campaigns play in promoting consumer education and patient safety, and it was the Aesthetic Complications Expert (ACE) Group that scooped the trophy! The ACE Group provides consensus guidelines to support practitioners in their work, amongst numerous other initiatives. At the time of their entry submission, there were 585 members, with an average of 10 new members joining per week. Vice chair of the ACE Group, Emma Davies, said, “It feels fantastic to win tonight – it’s important as this group has worked so hard voluntarily to benefit the wider aesthetic community, so it’s really nice to have that hard work recognised.”
“It feels fantastic to win tonight – it’s important as this group has worked so hard voluntarily to benefit the wider aesthetic community, so it’s really nice to have that hard work recognised” Emma Davies, Winner
Dr Tapan Patel, founder of category sponsor PHI Clinic, added, “Events like these are so special because it celebrates the hard work of the clinicians, clinics and companies. We have been attending the Aesthetics Awards for five years and this is our first year being a sponsor; it just adds a completely different element. We are just thrilled to be on the other side of the fence where we can give an award away to some happy, lucky finalists.”
FINALISTS: • AIIVL Consensus Group • BCAM Academy • Level 7 Fast Track • The ESHO Initiative
FRI 27 & 28 APR 2018 / LONDON
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THE CO S M E D IC P H AR M AC Y AWA R D F O R B E S T C LIN IC M I DL AN DS & WAL ES WINNER: Cellite Clinic This category is sponsored by
“It’s been very enjoyable being a sponsor. It’s very pleasing to see good practice being awarded” This year, for the first time, the Award for Best Clinic Wales also encompassed the Midlands, making it even more competitive. But it was last year’s winner, Cellite Clinic, who managed to remain on top and be named the winner of The Cosmedic Pharmacy Award for Best Clinic Midlands & Wales.
Andrew Burr, Sponsor
The Cardiff-based clinic established by Dr Harryono Judodihardjo in 1998, performs around 2,500 procedures annually, and its founder cites high staff retention rates and an unblemished track record as part of their success. Judges described Cellite’s entry as ‘Superb!’ Medical director of Cellite Clinic, Dr Judodihardjo said, “It feels amazing to win a second time in a row. Again, it’s very unexpected as there was tough competition. The award now covers the Midlands as well as Wales, so it’s covering a bigger region. I’m really, really chuffed.” Andrew Burr of Cosmedic Pharmacy added, “It’s been very enjoyable being a sponsor. It’s very pleasing to see good practice being awarded.”
FINALISTS • Air Aesthetics • Outline Clinic • The Grove Skin Clinic
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FRI 27 & 28 APR 2018 / LONDON
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TH E H E A LT H XC H A N G E AWA R D F O R SA LE S R E PR E S EN TAT I V E O F TH E Y EAR WINNER: Deirdre MacMahon (Merz Aesthetics) This category is sponsored by
“It feels super amazing to win this award. It’s so surprising, I literally had no idea I would win – I’m chuffed to bits!” Deirdre MacMahon, Winner This Award acknowledges the hard work and excellent service provided by sales representatives working in the aesthetics specialty. Managing director of Healthxchange Group, Karen Hill presented the trophy to Deirdre MacMahon from Merz Aesthetics who works for the Merz Irish territory, and has built a database of key clients that she says she has strong, long lasting and trusting relationships with. She claims to have maintained an above-target sales performance, and strives to impress with enthusiasm based on facts and clinical data. MacMahon said, “It feels super amazing to win this award. It’s so surprising, I literally had no idea I would win – I’m chuffed to bits!” Hill added, “Ensuring the industry maintains the highest standards and strives for excellence is a core philosophy of the Healthxchange Group. Recognising the effort of high performing individuals, clinics and manufacturers and encouraging them to even greater things is a win-win for everyone and can only serve to improve the services delivered by our wonderful industry and deserved by consumers.”
FINALISTS: • Paula Dene (Merz Aesthetics) • Nik Kane (Beamwave Technologies) • Karen Houlihan (Merz Aesthetics) • Kerry Lavin (Merz Aesthetics)
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FRI 27 & 28 APR 2018 / LONDON
For further information please contact Medical Aesthetic Group: Unit 3 Compass Point, Ensign Way Hamble, Southampton, Hampshire SO31 4RA Telephone: 02380 676733 Email: info@magroup.co.uk www.magroup.co.uk
T H E B A R RY K N A P P AWA R D F O R P R O D UC T IN N OVAT I O N O F T H E Y EA R , SU PP O R T E D BY M EDI C AL A ESTH ETI C G R O U P WINNER: Clinisept+ (AestheticSource) This category is sponsored by
It was Clinisept+ that scooped the title of Product Innovation of the Year on the night, with its unique high purity, stabilised hypochlorous skin cleansing technology. The manufacturer claims that the product delivers not only greater protection against infection than existing skin disinfectants, but also greater levels of skin compatibility. Judges said the entry had, ‘Excellent responses to each question’ and was ‘Clear, concise, well written and easy to read’.
“Product innovation is so important as it is the essence of what we do. Events such as the Aesthetics Awards bring the specialty together – it’s a magical atmosphere” David Gower, Sponsor
Category sponsor and managing director of Medical Aesthetic Group, David Gower, said, “Product innovation is so important, as it is the essence of what we do. This is a still a new specialty, and product innovation is fundamental to driving it. Events such as the Aesthetics Awards bring the specialty together – it’s a magical atmosphere.” Ross Walker of Clinical Health Technologies Ltd, the manufacturer of Clinisept+, added, “It’s tremendous and gratifying and our thanks go to AestheticSource for all the effort they’ve put into making the launch of Clinisept+ such a marvellous success.”
FINALISTS: • 3DOSE Unit Dose Injector (TSK Laboratory Europe and Vlow Medical) • Biofibre Hair Implant (FusionGT)
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THE D ER MA LUX AWA RD F O R B EST C L I N I C LO N D ON WINNER: The Cadogan Clinic This category is sponsored by
The London category had seven worthy finalists, but it was The Cadogan Clinic that collected The Dermalux Award for Best Clinic London. Judges said, ‘This clinic excels in creating defined roles to deliver and measure patient outcomes, satisfaction and business return’. Opened by Mr Bryan Mayou in 2008, The Cadogan Clinic offers medical, surgical and non-surgical treatments with the aim of providing and developing world-leading, pioneering aesthetic treatment in a boutique setting, with a holistic and individualised approach to each patient.
“We wanted to support this award to allow our customers to be awarded for their excellence in aesthetics, giving them much deserved recognition and support” Louise Taylor, Sponsor
Mr Mayou said, “It is a huge honour to receive the prestigious award of Best Clinic London and we are all absolutely delighted. This is a testament to the outstanding work of everyone at The Cadogan Clinic, not only the doctors, nurses and aestheticians, but also the support staff and strong leadership team. Our dermatologists and plastic surgeons will continue to rigorously assess and monitor new treatments to bring the very best and most innovative procedures to our growing number of patients.” Louise Taylor, co-director of Dermalux, said, “We decided to sponsor Best Clinic London because we have lots of our valued, loyal customers in London who work very hard and the standard is exceptionally high. We wanted to support this award to allow our customers to be awarded for their excellence in aesthetics, giving them much deserved recognition and support.” HIGHLY COMMENDED: LONDON PROFESSIONAL AESTHETICS COMMENDED: HEALTH & AESTHETIC CLINIC MEDICETICS
FINALISTS: • Dr Leah’s Cosmetic Skin Clinics • Juvea Aesthetics • Linia Skin Clinic
B E S T C L I N I C SCOT L A N D WINNER: Clinetix “It’s totally unexpected winning this award but it’s an amazing feeling. Our team are so hardworking, enthusiastic, passionate and engaged in delivering the best possible results for our patients so it means a lot to us all” Dr Emma Ravichandran, Winner
The Clinetix clinic run by Drs Simon and Emma Ravichandran won the Award for Best Clinic Scotland after scoring highly with the judges in what was a highly competitive category. With two Health Improvement Scotland regulated clinics in Glasgow, the team sees in excess of 750 patients per month. As well as providing first class aesthetic treatments, Clinetix, which was handed the award by aesthetic practitioner Dr Raj Acquilla, also supports the local community through prize donations and sponsorships. Dr Emma Ravichandran said, “It’s totally unexpected winning this award but it’s an amazing feeling. Our team are so hard-working, enthusiastic, passionate and engaged in delivering the best possible results for our patients so it means a lot to us all.”
FINALISTS: • Age Refined Medical Cosmetic Clinic • Dermalclinic • Frances Turner Traill Skin Clinic • Innocent Aesthetics Limited • Renu Skin Clinic Limited
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T HE DALV I H UMZA H A EST H ET I C TR A I N I N G AWA RD F O R B E S T S UPPL I ER T R AI N I N G P R OV I DER WINNER: Healthxchange Academy This category is sponsored by
Healthxchange Academy took home The Dalvi Humzah Aesthetic Training Award for Best Supplier Training Provider, in this newly-created award.
“We wanted to support and acknowledge the important contribution that suppliers have in educating and training practitioners in this specialty” Mr Dalvi Humzah, Sponsor
The Academy’s training, which takes place at state-of-the-art, bespoke facilities in Manchester and Dublin, as well as other medical venues, aims to offer flexible CPD-approved learning with a comprehensive syllabus covering skincare, injectables, medical technology and business topics. Marketing and Academy director at Healthxchange Group, Steve Joyce said, “It is great recognition for all of the hard work from the Healthxchange training team, and we are very dedicated to see people training, and continuing to uphold the professional ethics of the industry – we are proud to win this award in recognition of that.” Mr Dalvi Humzah said, “We wanted to support and acknowledge the important contribution that suppliers have in educating and training practitioners in this specialty. This specialty is an active area for new developments and it is imperative that those suppliers in this field, who provide high quality training for new products, are recognised for their hard work.” He added, “The Aesthetics Awards is an unique event that brings together the best in the field of medical aesthetics and allows us all to meet, network, celebrate everyone’s achievements and, above all, have an enjoyable end of year!”
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T H E IS C LIN I C A L AWA R D F O R B E S T C LIN IC SO U T H EN G L AN D WINNER: S-Thetics This category is sponsored by
“It is such a privilege to be given this award, among so many deserving finalists too” Miss Sherina Balaratnam, Winner Taking home The iS Clinical Award for Best Clinic South England was S-Thetics. Since opening in 2015 with a database of zero, the S-Thetics team has now treated more than 1,575 patients. Led by medical director of S-Thetics, Miss Sherina Balaratnam, the clinic aims to place a strong emphasis on research-based innovation when selecting all products and treatments. Miss Balaratnam said of the win, “It feels incredible, absolutely incredible! I feel so proud of my team and am so happy for them. It is such a privilege to be given this award, among so many deserving finalists too.” Alana Chalmers, director of Harpar Grace International, which was the category sponsor, said, “It’s fantastic to be a category sponsor at the Awards – we have come here for four years now, and to see all of the clinics that we work with grow and really up their game in terms of patient care is fantastic.” She added, “To be rewarding that hard work and to be a part of it is amazing.”
• Barstable Medical Clinic • Aspire Clinic • Bella Vou • Cosmedica Beauty Medical Aesthetics • Cosmex Clinic • health + aesthetics
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T H E ME D- F X AWA R D F O R B E S T C LIN IC N O R TH EN G L A N D WINNER: Discover Laser This category is sponsored by
“This award motivates us to work even harder to keep offering the highest standards of patient care in the years to come” Burnley-based Discover Laser Medical Aesthetic Clinic impressed the Aesthetics Awards judging panel, winning The Med-fx Award for Best Clinic North England.
Dr Miguel Montero, Winner
The clinic, founded by Dr Miguel Montero and his wife Gill Montero, was founded on the ethos of enhancing and improving the way people feel and look, by offering safe and effective non-surgical treatments. Dr Montero said, “It is fantastic to win the award, it means a lot to me personally, and to my team, that all these years of hard work have been recognised. We are grateful to all the patients, business partners and colleagues who have been supporting us through the years. This award motivates us to work even harder to keep offering the highest standards of patient care in the years to come.” David Tweedale, head of Med-fx, said, “Med-fx was thrilled to sponsor the Aesthetics Award for Best Clinic North, and Discover Laser was an extremely worthy winner. The Awards is such an important event, as it really recognises the practitioners and professionals who strive to ensure excellence and best practice in the specialty. It is fantastic to be associated with that.”
• DIANE NIVERN CLINIC LTD • Sarah White Laser & Aesthetics Ltd • Surface Clinic • The ESHO Clinic
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TH E E N H A N C E I N SU R AN C E AWA R D F O R BES T IN D E PE N D EN T TR A I N I N G P R OV I DER WINNER: Dalvi Humzah Aesthetic Training This category is sponsored by
Enhance Insurance
For the fourth time, Dalvi Humzah Aesthetic Training was recognised as a leader in the field, taking home The Enhance Insurance Award for Best Independent Training Provider.
“I’m amazed to win this award. I’m excited to see a lot of new names coming through, there’s now a real growth in training in the specialty” Mr Dalvi Humzah, Winner
Judges were impressed with the training company’s anatomical focus and multi-platform approach to learning and mentoring. Mr Humzah said, “I’m amazed to win this award. I’m excited to see a lot of new names coming through, there’s now a real growth in training in the specialty. There are a lot of new people teaching, training and raising the standards. We are delighted that this is the fourth time we have won.” Martin Swann, divisional director for Enhance Insurance, added, “We sponsored this category mainly to recognise how important training is to the aesthetics industry. I think events like the Aesthetics Awards are great because it gets everyone together for a chance to chat and share their experiences.”
FINALISTS: • Aesthetic Training Academy • Cosmetic Courses • Harley Academy • Inspired Cosmetic Training • Oculo-Facial Aesthetic Academy
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T H E E -MA ST R AWA R D F O R B E S T C LIN IC SU P P O R T PAR TN ER WINNER: Aesthetic Response This category is sponsored by
Winning the first ever e-MASTR Award for Best Clinic Support Partner was Aesthetic Response. The company is the UK’s first support service dedicated solely to aesthetics. Judges described the company as ‘well-organised and customer-focused, that seems to know their area of expertise exceptionally well’. Co-director of Aesthetic Response, Gilly Dickons said, “It feels incredible to win this award, we are ecstatic. We have an amazing team and are all so excited to win. Events like this are so important to raise and champion standards in the industry.”
“The reason why the Aesthetics Awards is so special, is because it celebrates the hard work put in by companies over the year. I’m thrilled to be giving this award to the much-deserving Aesthetic Response” Dr Tapan Patel, Sponsor
Sponsor and founder of e-MASTR, Dr Tapan Patel, said, “The reason why the Aesthetics Awards is so special, is because it celebrates the hard work put in by companies over the year. I’m thrilled to be giving this award to the much-deserving Aesthetic Response.”
• Blank Canvas • Cosmetic Insure • IMAGE BOX PR • Lucy Dartford Public Relations • RKM Communications
D IS T R IB UTO R O F T H E Y EA R WINNER: Healthxchange Group “It means a lot to us to win this award and get recognition because it’s been a year of really hard work” Karen Hill, Winner
Healthxchange Group was recognised as the 2017 winner of Distributor of the Year. The company aims to provide exceptional and bespoke customer service, with a committment to investment in educational support. The team specialises in supplying products for practitioners whose patients require facial contouring, volumisation, skincare, adipose fat management and antiageing treatments. Judges agreed that Healthxchange Group supplies excellent, ethical products and pioneering skin treatment machine technologies. Operations and sales director of Healthxchange, Karen Hill, said, “It feels fantastic and really exciting to win – there is a lot going on behind the scenes. It means a lot to us to win this award and get recognition because it’s been a year of really hard work.”
FINALISTS: • ABC Lasers • AestheticSource • Consulting Room • Harpar Grace International • Med-fx • Medical Aesthetic Group
TH E IN S T IT UT E H YALUA L AWA R D F O R A ES THE T IC N UR S E P R AC TI T I O N ER O F TH E Y EAR WINNER: Anna Baker This category is sponsored by
“I find that nurses are so personable, experienced, and ideal to perform aesthetic treatments” Claire Williams, Sponsor Receiving The Institute Hyalual Award for Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner of the Year 2017 was nurse prescriber and trainer Anna Baker. She began working in the specialty in 2008, running her non-surgical cosmetic dermatology and injectables clinic from East Grinstead. Baker has been heavily involved in education and training, and currently co-ordinates and teaches for Dalvi Humzah Aesthetic Training. Judges complimented Baker on her impressive experience, affiliations and excellent contribution to industry education. Baker said, “I’m absolutely speechless because, across the board, the judges have seen an exceptionally high standard and it’s increasing every year, so it means even more to win it this year. I’m hugely humbled and quite speechless!” Sales director at Institute Hyalual, Claire Williams, said, “There was only one award we wanted to sponsor and that is this one. It’s something that you don’t tend to have in other countries, but I find that nurses are so personable, experienced, and ideal to perform aesthetic treatments, so it is a real pleasure to sponsor this award particularly.”
FINALISTS: • Jacqueline Naeini • Michelle McLean • Simone Sansom • Karen Urquhart • Libbie Wallace
%* 2017
FRI 27 & 28 APR 2018 / LONDON
T H E S K IN C E U TI C A L S AWA R D F O R MED ICAL A E S T H E T IC P R AC TI T I O N ER O F TH E Y EAR Winner: Dr Beatriz Molina This category is sponsored by
“I’m really excited, I never expected to win as it was such high competition and everyone is so good” Dr Beatriz Molina, Winner With her extensive contribution to the aesthetics specialty, Dr Beatriz Molina was presented with The SkinCeuticals Award for Medical Aesthetic Practitioner of the Year. Dr Molina is the founder of Medikas clinics, based in the South West, and is a key opinion leader and aesthetic trainer. In addition, Dr Molina has previously served as the vice president for the British College of Aesthetic Medicine until 2016 and is a board member of the Royal Society of Medicine Council. Judges praised Dr Molina on covering advanced aspects of medical aesthetics without losing sight of the basics. Dr Molina was delighted to receive the accolade and said, “I’m really excited; I never expected to win as it was such high competition and everyone is so good. It’s so important to raise the standards in the industry, as aesthetics is a highly specialised area. I’m thrilled to win.” Antonia Parsons, medical affairs and content manager at SkinCeuticals, the sponsor of the award, said, “It’s been amazing to sponsor such a prestigious award, it means a lot and it is such a great achievement for Dr Beatriz Molina. These events are important as they recognise the hard work that goes on during the year and provides an evening to celebrate and come together as an industry outside of a conference-type environment.” HIGHLY COMMENDED: MR MARC PACIFICO COMMENDED: MR TAIMUR SHOAIB
FINALISTS: • Miss Sherina Balaratnam • Dr Miguel Montero Garcia • Dr Kate Goldie • Dr Steven Harris • Dr Tapan Patel • Dr Sam Robson • Dr Daniel Sister • Dr Patrick Treacy
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FRI 27 & 28 APR 2018 / LONDON
T H E S C HU CO AWA R D F O R O UT S TA N DI N G AC H I EV EM EN T IN M E D IC A L A ESTH ETI C S Winner: Dr Elizabeth Raymond Brown This category is sponsored by
“If I have helped in any way to raise standards and the importance of training and education, then that’s a fantastic thing” Dr Elizabeth Raymond Brown, who has spent the last 30 years developing protocols and teaching practitioners how to deliver the safest, most effective laser and lightbased treatments, was presented with The Schuco Award for Outstanding Achievement in Aesthetics.
Dr Elizabeth Raymond Brown, Winner
The Award recognises the outstanding achievements and significant contribution made to the aesthetic profession – highlighting remarkable commitment to education, best practice and excellence within the medical aesthetic profession. Dr Raymond Brown, who has a PhD in Laser Science, began her career in laser education in the mid 1980s as a lecturer in laser safety at The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Loughborough University, where she authored the original BTEC qualifications in medical and industrial laser and light-based therapy applications. Since then, she has published numerous scientific papers and articles on laser safety, technical and educational training manuals for several laser distributors and suppliers, and comprehensive materials and courses for the safe administration of botulinum toxin and dermal fillers. Following the ceremony, Dr Raymond Brown said, “I am overwhelmed to win this award! I had no idea this was coming, it’s a fantastic honour to be recognised. I think the Aesthetics Awards is about showing that it’s a serious specialism and, at a time where we haven’t got a whole lot of regulation, it’s important to come together and show that patients should be at the heart of what we do. If I have helped in any way to raise standards and the importance of training and education, then that’s a fantastic thing.” Paul Huttrer, CEO of Schuco, said, “It’s the third, year that we have sponsored this award, and we love being involved in such a prestigious accolade. I think this Award highlights issues around safety and the responsible side of the industry and it makes sure that we recognise people that put in the hard work around training and education, not just getting the glamour, which is important.”
Just Celine Preserve the identity of your patients with natural-looking results.1 Azzalure® is indicated for the temporary improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe glabellar lines (vertical lines between the eyebrows) seen at frown and/or lateral canthal lines (crow’s feet lines) seen at smile lines, in adult patients under 65 years, when the severity of these lines has an important psychological impact on the patient.2 References: 1. Molina B et al. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2015;29(7):1382-1388 2. Azzalure Summary of Product Characteristics.
Actual Azzalure user. Fictional model name. Results may vary. Azzalure Abbreviated Prescribing Information (UK & IRE) Presentation: Botulinum toxin type A (Clostridium botulinum toxin A haemagglutinin complex) 10 Speywood units/0.05ml of reconstituted solution (powder for solution for injection). Indications: Temporary improvement in appearance of moderate to severe: • Glabellar lines seen at maximum frown, and/or • lateral canthal lines (crow’s feet lines) seen at maximum smile in adult patients under 65 years, when severity of these lines has an important psychological impact on the patient. Dosage & Administration: Botulinum toxin units are different depending on the medicinal products. Speywood units are specific to this preparation and are not interchangeable with other botulinum toxins. Reconstitute prior to injection. Intramuscular injections should be performed at right angles to the skin using a sterile 29-30 gauge needle. Glabellar lines: recommended dose is 50 Speywood units (0.25 ml of reconstituted solution) divided equally into 5 injection sites,; 2 injections into each corrugator muscle and one into the procerus muscle near the nasofrontal angle. Lateral canthal lines: recommended dose per side is 30 Speywood units (60 Speywood units for both sides, 0.30 ml of reconstituted solution) divided into 3 injection sites; 10 Speywood units (0.05 ml of reconstituted solution) administered intramuscularly into each injection point. All injection points should be at the external part of the orbicularis oculi muscle and sufficiently far from the orbital rim (approximately 1 - 2 cm); (See summary of product characteristics for full technique). Treatment interval should not be more frequent than every three months. The efficacy and safety of repeat injections of Azzalure has been evaluated in Glabellar lines up to 24 months and up to 8 repeat treatment cycles and for Lateral Canthal lines up to 12 months and up to 5 repeat treatment cycles. Not recommended for use in individuals under 18 years of age. Contraindications: In individuals with hypersensitivity to botulinum toxin A or to any of the excipients. In the presence of infection at the proposed injection sites, myasthenia gravis, Eaton Lambert Syndrome or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Special warnings and precautions for use: Care should be taken to ensure that Azzalure is not injected into a blood vessel. Use with caution in patients with a risk of, or clinical evidence of, marked defective neuro-muscular transmission, in the presence of inflammation at the proposed injection site(s) or when the targeted muscle shows excessive weakness or atrophy. Patients treated with therapeutic doses may experience exaggerated muscle weakness. Not recommended in patients with history of dysphagia, aspiration or with prolonged bleeding time. Seek immediate medical care if swallowing, speech or respiratory difficulties arise. Facial asymmetry, ptosis, excessive dermatochalasis, scarring and any Adverse events should be reported. For the UK, Reporting forms and information can be found at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard. For Ireland, Suspected adverse events can be reported via HPRA Pharmacovigilance, Earlsfort Terrace, IRL - Dublin 2; Tel: +353 1 6764971; Fax: +353 1 6762517. Website: www.hpra.ie; E-mail: medsafety@hpra.ie. Adverse events should also be reported to Galderma (UK) Ltd. Azzalure and Galderma are trademarks owned by Nestlé Skin Health S.A. AZZ17-05-0026a Date of preparation: May 2017
alterations to facial anatomy, as a result of previous surgical interventions should be taken into consideration prior to injection. Injections at more frequent intervals/higher doses can increase the risk of antibody formation. Avoid administering different botulinum neurotoxins during the course of treatment with Azzalure. To be used for one single patient treatment only during a single session. Interactions: Concomitant treatment with aminoglycosides or other agents interfering with neuromuscular transmission (e.g. curare-like agents) may potentiate effect of botulinum toxin. Pregnancy, Lactation & Fertility: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. There are no clinical data from the use of Azzalure on fertility. There is no evidence of direct effect of Azzalure on fertility in animal studies Side Effects: Most frequently occurring related reactions are headache and injection site reactions for glabellar lines and; headache, injection site reactions and eyelid oedema for lateral canthal lines.. Generally treatment/injection technique related reactions occur within first week following injection and are transient. Undesirable effects may be related to the active substance, the injection procedure, or a combination of both. For glabellar lines: Very Common (≥ 1/10): Headache, Injection site reactions (e.g. erythema, oedema, irritation, rash, pruritus, paraesthesia, pain, discomfort, stinging and haematoma). Common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10): Temporary facial paresis (due to temporary paresis of facial muscles proximal to injection sites, predominantly describes brow paresis), Asthenopia, Eyelid ptosis, Eyelid oedema, Lacrimation increase, Dry eye, Muscle twitching (twitching of muscles around the eyes). Uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to <1/100): Dizziness, Visual impairment, Vision blurred, Diplopia, Pruritus, Rash, Hypersensitivity. Rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000): Eye movement disorder, Urticaria. For lateral canthal lines: Common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10): Headache, Temporary facial paresis (due to temporary paresis of facial muscles proximal to injection sites), Eyelid ptosis, Eyelid oedema and Injection site disorders (e.g. haematoma, pruritus and oedema). Adverse reactions resulting from distribution of the effects of the toxin to sites remote from the site of injection have been very rarely reported with botulinum toxin (excessive muscle weakness, dysphagia, aspiration pneumonia with fatal outcome in some cases). Prescribers should consult the summary of product characteristics in relation to other side effects. Packaging Quantities & Cost: UK 1 Vial Pack (1 x 125u) £64.00 (RRP), 2 Vial Pack (2 x 125u) £128.00 (RRP), IRE 1 Vial Pack (1 x 125u) €93.50, 2 Vial Pack (2 x 125u) €187.05 (RRP) Marketing Authorisation Number: PL 06958/0031 (UK), PA 1609/001/001(IRE) Legal Category: POM Full Prescribing Information is Available From: Galderma (UK) Limited, Meridien House, 69-71 Clarendon Road, Watford, Herts. WD17 1DS, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1923 208950 Fax: +44 (0) 1923 208998 Date of Revision: January 2017
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