AEU Journal Vol 45 No. 1

Page 1

Official publication of the Australian Education Union (SA Branch)

Vol 45 I No.1

February 2013


Walk for

Gonski Sat. 23 March

12.30pm – 2.00pm


u Category 1 & 2 schools: AEU wins Members seek improved salaries right to transfer and conditions

u EBA:

Bounce back into the school year with Teachers Health Fund! To ďŹ nd out more about quality health insurance for teachers and their families, visit or call 1300 728 188

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Features President’s View

AEU Union Journal Training

Walk for


Members seek right to transfer page 8 AEU begins new campaign for members in Category 1 & 2 schools.

Sat. 23 March

12.30pm – 2.00pm


u Category 1 & 2 schools: AEU wins Members seek improved salaries right to transfer and conditions

u EBA:

New Enterprise Agreement

SSO Focus

pages 11 – 15 AEU wins improved salaries and conditions through enterprise bargaining

page 16 Our Pay, Our Way, Our Win!


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join the campagin text represent to 313131

Australian Education Union | SA Branch 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 8272 1399 Facsimile: 8373 1254 Email: Editor: Craig Greer AEU Journal is published seven times annually by the South Australian Branch of the Australian Education Union. Deadline Dates Publication Dates #2 March 8 March 27 #3 April 26 May 15 #4 May 31 June 19 #5 July 19 August 7 #6 August 30 September 18 #7 October 18 November 6 Subscriptions: Free for AEU members. Nonmembers may subscribe for $33 per year. Print Post approved PP 531629/0025 ISSN 1440-2971 Cover: istock Printing: Lane Print Advertise in the AEU Journal. Reach over 13,500 members across South Australia.

8272 1399

AN INVITATION TO RETIRED OR RETIRING TEACHERS & SSOs Have you retired or are about to retire? Are you seeking opportunities to maintain or increase your level of fitness and want to learn more about your city and surrounding hills and bushland? Are you seeking companionship with other retired teachers and their partners as well as other walkers from a range of backgrounds (not just teaching!)? Walks are organised at several levels. Rovers walk from 14–18 kms, Walkers from 8–10 kms, Ramblers from 6–7 kms and Amblers up to 5 kms. The R.T.A. Walking Group is a sub-group of the Retired Teachers Association and is affiliated with The Walking Federation of SA. We walk in conservation parks, national parks and forestry reserves within the Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula, suburban beaches and along the six creeks of the Adelaide Plains, the River Torrens Linear Park and other suburban trails. It’s a great way to get to know your city and surroundings! A camp is also organised each year in country areas within South Australia or Victoria.

If you are interested in finding out more about our walking group, you are invited to contact: our Secretary, Roger Tagg email: or our Convener: Tony Nichol T: 8396 1682 3

Running Head

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Walk for Gonski! Sat. 23 March 12.30pm – 2.00pm

Face painting Balloons Sausage sizzle and more!

Assemble at Premier Weatherill’s Electoral Office Walking to: Woodville Oval Playground (95 Findon Road, Woodville South)

Bring the kids and show your support for increased

(Oval Avenue, Woodville South)

Public School Funding


President’s View

Welcome to Term 1, 2013! AEU SA President Correna Haythorpe outlines recent political changes and some challenges we face in the months ahead á la independent public schools. She went on to say that it should be easier to sack teachers and was quoted as saying: “either you shape up as a teacher or you ship out”.

It has certainly been an interesting start to the year with a number of announcements that will impact our union’s work at both the state and federal levels. South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill decided to shake things up early in the year with a cabinet reshuffle, determining that the AEU has two new ministers to work with in education. Minister Jennifer Rankine now has the portfolio of Education and Child Development while Minister Grace Portolesi has taken up the portfolio of Employment, Higher Education and Skills. Both ministers will have a hard task ahead given the many changes that are forecast for preschools, schools and TAFE in 2013. The AEU has already met with the ministers in order to establish a dialogue on current issues in the lead up to the 2014 state election. Some of the major challenges ahead for the AEU and our members include the DECD regional restructure, the Skills for All reforms in TAFE and the ever increasing impact of both state and national changes in early childhood education. If the State Government fails to adequately support education staff through these challenges there will be a direct impact not only on members’ workloads but on the state election as well. Also at the state level, the resignation of Opposition Leader Isobel Redmond came soon after she said publicly that 1354 “bureaucrats” would need to be sacked from DECD – shifting more responsibilities on to local school communities,

It is reasonable to assume that Opposition spokesperson David Pisoni had some input into both the incorrect figures which led to Isobel’s resignation and current Liberal Party policies about school autonomy and the hiring and firing of staff. AEU members need only look to the UK and USA to see that devolution, socalled ‘principal autonomy’ and ‘independent public schools’ – known abroad as academy, charter and free schools – have been code words for the privatisation of the public education system. What is missing from the Opposition’s arguments about autonomy is a fundamental understanding that schools are not isolated islands. They operate within a regional and central system, and to deconstruct this system would be to deny schools the support networks and services they require to educate their students. New Opposition leader Steven Marshall has announced his shadow cabinet and I expect that we will see more of the same for education given that Mr Pisoni has kept the portfolio. Of note is the lack of women who are represented in the shadow cabinet; Marshall’s deputy, Vickie Chapman, is the only woman in a team of eight! At the federal level, Prime Minister Julia Gillard has ended speculation by announcing that the federal election will be held on September 14, 2013. For the AEU, a critical election issue will be the implementation of the Gonski recommendations for school funding, to ensure that resources identified by Gonski are delivered to our schools. On February 7, AEU Federal President Angelo Gavrielatos handed an open letter signed by 36 prominent Australians to the Prime Minister (see page 6). Follow-

8:>Issues >EB2012

ing this, the PM tweeted that the ALP is determined to act on Gonski. We are very close to a decision, however, we are still waiting to see what commitment South Australia will make to Gonski. For this reason, the AEU has decided to hold a community event at Premier Weatherill’s electoral office on Saturday 23rd March at 12:30 pm. (Please refer to details of this event left on page 4). AEU members have made a strong commitment to the Gonski campaign, and as we get closer to our goal it’s time to take another important action. Please come along with your families and friends and call on the Premier to implement Gonski for the students of South Australia. Finally, I hope you have had a good start to the year and that you are enjoying the pay rise and improvements to conditions that have been won by the AEU on behalf of all AEU members. n In solidarity, Correna Haythorpe


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3 A new le leader


ute an ng un join, go act ou d sh r io membmembership stafto our website: w n is an effeare in the ership f on 8 ctive u 272 ww.aeusa @aeusa nion .asn.a .asn.a 1399 or u > jo ! u in

Encourage your colleagues to join the AEU Pull out the poster in the centre spread of this AEU Journal and display at your worksite. 5

Time to act on Gonski Advertisement

Running Head

An open letter to the Prime Minister, State Premiers and Territory Chief Ministers. e all agree Australia’s future depends on the quality of education our children receive. lace: More than ever we require a well educated popu and a nation of people with the skills, knowledge erity. exper tise to ensure our future security and prosp The opportunity for our children to succeed in ned by education must be universal, not predetermi rained wealth, location or family background or const rces. resou by inadequate in This is why we are urging you to work together i Gonsk the of ations mend recom the on act 2013 to Review.

drag on educational achievement caused by economic circumstance, disability, indigeneity, round. remoteness or a non-English speak ing backg as It is unacceptable in a nation such as ours that to many as one in seven 15 year olds are failing The meet basic literac y and numeracy standards. e are chang for ations mend recom w’s Revie i Gonsk ng both sensible and achievable: a shift to fundi what match time first the for that arrangements resources schools are being asked to achieve with the available to them.

for The Gonsk i Review makes clear the urgent need s nation major other d behin change: we are slipping en betwe gaps ng growi are there and tion in educa ged the achievements of advantaged and disadvanta children. ation Its recommendations provide a once in a gener ls schoo rce resou we way the e chang to y opportunit peril. our at it and educate our children. We ignore ately In far too many cases, schools are not adequ rful powe the ome overc resourced to help children

The Hon Steve Bracks AC The Hon Anna Bligh The Hon Dr. Geoff Gallop AC The Hon Dr Carmen Lawrence The Hon David Bartlett The Hon Joan Kirner AC The Hon Peter Beattie AC The Hon Clare Martin The Hon Bill Hayden AC Bob Brown Former leader of The Australian Greens Professor Peter Doherty AC FAA FRS Laureate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Melbourne.

Geoffrey Robertson QC Julian Burnside AO QC Professor Mick Dodson AM Director, ANU National Centre for Indigenous Studies. Professor Richard Teese Director, Centre for Research on Education Systems, The University of Melbourne. Emeritus Professor Tony Vinson Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney. Professor Larissa Behrendt Professor of Indigenous Research, University of Technology, Sydney. Professor Denise Bradley AC

nt Additional funding would be targeted to stude of system al nation a in rs secto all need across ced education that has as its core, strong, well-resour public schools.

These changes in the way we fund schools are a necessary part of any effort to strengthen and in our improve the quality of teaching and learning rich, a to s acces has child schools and ensure every ulum. curric ed round well We urge you to set aside partisan interests and cy negotiate constructively as a matter of urgen 2014. for place in put be can so new arrangements

Tim Costello AO Chief Executive, World Vision Australia.

Professor Emeritus Ron McCallum AO Senior Australian of the Year 2011 and Chairperson United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Dr Chris Sarra Executive Director, Stronger Smarter Institute. Dr Tom Calma AO Indigenous Education and Social Justice Advocate.

Maree O’Halloran AM President, National Welfare Rights Network.

Ged Kearney President, ACTU.

Dr Lisa O’Brien Chief Executive Officer, The Smith Family.

Tony Nicholson Executive Director, Brotherhood of St. Laurence.

Pino Migliorino Chair, Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA).

Stephanie Gotlib Executive Officer, Children with Disability Australia.

Simon McKeon AO Chairman, CSIRO and former Australian of the Year. Margaret Jackson AC Mark Bouris Executive Chairman, Yellow Brick Road Wealth Management. Mandawuy Yunupingu Yothu Yindi (1992 Australian of the Year).

Dr Cassandra Goldie Chief Executive Officer, Australian Council of Social Service. Dr John Falzon Chief Executive Officer, St Vincent de Paul Society, National Council of Australia.

6 Authorised by Angelo Gavrielatos, Federal President, Australian Education Union, 120 Clarendon Street, Southbank, 3006.

Preston Campbell Footballer and Indigenous Advocate. Kurt Fearnley Athlete and Teacher.

Gonski Campaign

National unity on Gonski a must

students are in schools where principals say the teaching of reading and maths is affected by resource shortages. The number rises to two thirds of primary

By Angelo Gavrielatos Federal President, Australian Education Union students in science.


etween now and April our political leaders are expected to decide the future funding of every school in the nation. Their decisions will affect the education of millions of children in schools and many more that are not there yet. They will also have far-reaching implications for principals, teachers and support staff.

“Australia will only slip further behind unless, as a nation, we act and act now.”

Acting on the recommendations of the Gonski Review would, for the first time, see schools funded according to what they are expected to achieve and the needs of the students they enrol.

“The need for the additional expenditure and the application of what those funds can do is urgent,” the final report of the Review said. “Australia will only slip further behind unless, as a nation, we act and act now.”

It would mean a substantial boost in resources for public schools which Gonski recommended should get at least 75 per cent of the additional money. Although the amount would vary according to current funding levels and student need, the average increase would be $1,500 per student per year. That is enough to pay for seven additional teachers in a school with 500 students. We are urging State and Federal Governments to deliver the additional funding recommended by Gonski in full and to allocate it to areas we know will improve student outcomes: smaller class sizes, additional specialist teachers, more help in the classroom for students with disabilities and special needs, more time for professional development in schools and better mentoring and support for young teachers. The need to act on school funding is urgent. As the Gonski Review warned, Australia’s performance in education is slipping and the gaps between what stu-

dents from different social and economic backgrounds achieve are widening.

The extent of the problem was confirmed by the latest international test results, released in December last year. The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2011 results show that our results have flat-lined since the first science and maths tests were held in 1995. It was the first time we have participated in the reading test and in year 4 reading Australia was outperformed by 21 countries. These worrying results were only slightly offset by the much higher achievement levels of Year 8 students. The results also exposed the extent of our equity problem. The gap between our highest and lowest achievers in Year 4 maths and science was the fifth widest among all the developed nations that make up the OECD. Of equal concern was the level of under-resourcing of schools and the strong connection between resources and results. More than half our primary

The tests show students in schools where there were no resource shortages scored significantly higher in reading and maths than those in schools that were affected. These results reflect what teachers in many schools have been saying for far too many years – we cannot significantly improve student outcomes in an environment where basic resources are absent. Shortages of teachers, overcrowded classes, a lack of time for cooperative professional development, sub-standard teaching resources and facilities – all these things must be addressed to ensure that every child has the opportunity to get a high quality education. To her credit, the Prime Minister Julia Gillard in September last year accepted the Gonski Review’s findings of the need for a fundamental overhaul of the way schools are funded and a major increase in investment in education and public schools. What is now required within the next few months is a national agreement with all state and territory governments on how the new funding arrangements will work and what each government will contribute. That timetable must be met to allow a new system to begin on time in January next year. Our political leaders will never have a better opportunity to bring about the fundamental change that is required. It is a defining test of both their leadership and their commitment to each individual student and the nation as a whole. It is not a question of whether we can afford to act on school funding it is a question of whether we can afford not to. Please help convince the politicians to act by registering your support at:

You can also send a direct message to the state premier from the site telling them to get on with it. n 7

Running Headand Selection Recruitment

Jan Murphy

8: if I’d worked in a higher category site.” “However, there’s no doubt that Category 1 and 2 teachers could be more valued. Rather than being seen as people who can deal with lots of behaviour problems, we want to be seen as teachers who are highly skilled and experienced in a range of environments and can teach a variety of students including those with special needs, Indigenous students and so on,” he said. “When you have worked in a challenging environment for a number of years it would be nice to think it could be recognised with priority of transfer if your circumstances change or you feel that you might be reinvigorated by a move to another school.”

Members seek right to transfer AEU Vice President Jan Murphy writes about a new AEU campaign


he AEU has received feedback from members indicating that since the changes to the Recruitment and Selection policy, it has become more difficult for members teaching in Category 1 & 2 sites to access transfers. Having spent over 20 years as a classroom teacher in Category 1 and 2 schools, I firmly believe that while they are not all the same, these sites are highly complex in nature. In my experience and from speaking with members, these school communities are vibrant and progressive, and while demanding, the rewards are substantial. Staff who work in these schools are often highly skilled in many areas. Their skills should be highly valued by DECD and other schools, holding them in good stead when they apply for advertised vacancies or are seeking a transfer. Alarmingly, DECD figures show that over the last two cycles of the Recruitment & Selection process, only four 8

“It is of great concern to the AEU that teachers in Category 1 & 2 schools are having limited success in transferring... ”

It is of great concern to the AEU that teachers in Category 1 & 2 schools are having limited success in transferring after dedicating themselves to their school communities for many years. If the current policy isn’t adapted to cater for these members it may lead to difficulties attracting teachers into these schools in the future.

So, what are we doing? A members’ reference group has been established and has met with AEU officers to develop a campaign and to establish a position to be put to the Recruitment & Selection Policy Review. All sub-branch secretaries in Category 1 & 2 sites across Adelaide have been contacted and given information about the campaign to pass on to members who might be interested to get involved.

The Campaign: teachers in Category 1 and 2 schools have been successful in transferring to permanent jobs in other schools. John Hartley B-7 Sub-branch Secretary David Toomer (pictured above) is representing members at his and other sites who are concerned they don’t have a right to transfer despite taking on a role in a more demanding work site. “John Hartley is a really great place to teach, the staff are very supportive and coming straight from university it’s been a great experience. I’ve benefitted from a lot of mentoring from teachers and leaders here and I feel like I’m perhaps more experienced than I might be

The campaign will aim for a better deal for metro Category 1 & 2 teachers who want to access transfers and will begin early in Term 1. Timelines are short as the review of the Recruitment & Selection Policy concludes at end of Term 1. Members who have pledged to support the campaign will be contacted with details of how to become involved. n If you wish to join the action but have not yet pledged your support or registered your details, please speak with your Sub-branch Secretary or email Jan Murphy: or Lisa Sigalla:

Vice President’s Report

TAFE Focus

Education Unions – another perspective

Member-wide solidarity leads to TAFE agreement

Late last year I had the fascinating experience of attending a meeting with two senior officers of the Hong Kong Professional Teachers Union in their Kowloon office. CEO Ip Kin-Yuen, and Vice President Eddie Shee were keen to discuss a range of issues common to our unions, but it was the differences that took initial prominence. The union represents 90% of school and university teachers in Hong Kong. Kin-Yuen is the only paid professional or industrial officer, yet the PTU employs over 200 people. All members of the executive are current teachers or lecturers and carry out some industrial or professional duties. 10% of Hong Kong schools are government schools and 80% are aided schools, known as NGOs. They are not for profit but are aided by government. Shades of Academies, Charter Schools and Independent Public Schools? Nonetheless, all schools are graded into three equally sized categories – A, B and C. Student selection is entirely on academic ability. Teacher salaries are not differentiated between the three categories, yet Band A schools have far fewer behaviour issues, greater academic success, and more females than males. At the other end, in Band C schools the opposite applies. Teachers’ and lecturers’ salaries are directly linked to other government employee classifications. The range of salaries is somewhat greater than ours. Classroom teachers earn from AUD $33,000 p.a. as a beginning teacher to $81,000 p.a. for someone on the top of the scale. A Senior Post involving some supervision of other staff, such as a subject chair in a school earns $103,000. The top principal rate, for a principal with 5 years service in the role and leading a school of over 1,000 students, brings in $150,000. That means the HKPTU doesn’t engage in Enterprise Bargaining for salaries at all. Also, they rarely provide legal support for their members. Instead they campaign on major issues of conditions or curriculum, and run their enterprises. Annual union membership dues are less than AUD $20. My hosts were astonished that our membership fees were so high. When I asked how they sustained their union activities, especially with so many

union employees, they replied, “Businesses”. I suspected that meant sponsorship by companies, but they meant their own businesses or those they run with partners. After lunch we visited some of them on the 7th floor of the building next to their central offices: a members-only supermarket; a household goods mail-order facility for furniture, whitegoods and the like; an electrical goods shop; a travel agency; and also partnership businesses in both Western and Chinese medicine, optometry, physiotherapy and a bookshop. They also engage in a lucrative coupon system, very popular in Hong Kong. People buy coupons as gifts for important events such as family birthdays or weddings. These services, along with a varied programme of activities for current and retired members, such as the retirees’ dance class taking place when we were there, provide a caring home from home. To communicate with members the HKPTU produces three newspaper-style journals every two weeks, one for each of their membership categories, covering preschools, schools and universities. In the foyer of their commercial and media centre, which includes a waiting area for the medical services, there is television screen showing, on this occasion, footage of a recent campaign against the introduction of a compulsory History curriculum. The campaign, incidentally, has succeeded for now. It involved wide media coverage and public rallies, as well as students, parents and teachers in marches against the curriculum. Their political influence has an unexpected dimension. Kin-Yuen himself holds the education seat in the Hong Kong Legislative Council. He was elected to the seat in 2012. Although that provides a HKPTU voice in parliament, it is one of few seats dedicated to working people or their causes. The others are predominantly from business, industry and commerce. The union uses the obvious exposure the parliamentary seat provides, but because they are part of such a small grouping in the House, they are agitating for a more democratic Council, with all seats being elected rather than so many being nominated. I learnt a great deal from my courteous and generous hosts, as do we all from such rich exchanges between the like-minded.n

David Smith

After drawn out negotiations with government and TAFE representatives and a poor initial salary offer of 2.5% per annum, the AEU finally received an acceptable offer from government negotiators on November 16. The improved offer came when AEU members in schools refused to endorse their offer unless TAFE members were afforded the same percentage increase of 3 percent. The offer included the following key elements: • 3 x 3 percent general salary increases from October 2012, October 2013 and October 2014 • More flexible HPI engagement practices • Improved paid maternity and adoption leave provisions • Continuation of existing conditions. The offer was then presented to members for approval via ballot resulting in a 98% YES vote. The Agreement was signed and ratified in the Industrial Relations Commission on January 15. AEU TAFE Divisional Council acknowledged the hard work of the AEU EB negotiating team as well as the support of colleagues in other sectors who agreed to stand with TAFE members to ensure a fair and reasonable offer was made. The new TAFE SA Educational Staff Enterprise Agreement can be downloaded on the AEU website.

New Minister As members are probably aware, the South Australian Government has had a Cabinet and ministerial reshuffle that has seen the previous Education Minister Grace Portolesi MP appointed as new Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills. The AEU looks forward to continuing its working relationship with Minister Portolesi in her new role. continued over page 3 9

Tafe Focus ContinueD...

Fringe Ev ent

Workload Issues The AEU has attended a number of workplaces where members have voiced concerns about increased workload pressures. Workload issues appear especially prevalent in those programs being consolidated across the institutes under one management structure. TAFE management are reportedly telling some staff that Skills for All is a different working environment in which TAFE needs to be competitive and profitable. As a result, members have been subjected to an increase in scheduled hours. The AEU has met with senior TAFE HR staff and been involved in consultative processes with a view to ensuring management directions remain within the boundaries of the industrial agreement. The AEU will continue to monitor workload in TAFE as the 2012 Enterprise Agreement is implemented.

Treasury to roll out funding cuts Just when you thought there was nothing more government could do to undermine our public VET provider, the AEU has discovered that Treasury’s midyear budget provides for savings of $9.6 million in 2014 – 15, increasing to $21.9 million per annum thereafter. The “savings” will come about via a cut in the per student hour funding TAFE receives from government. The result will be a reduction in the differential between funding for TAFE courses and those offered by private providers. This will inevitably shift the cost of training onto students and lead to the demise of some of the less profitable TAFE courses. n Tony Sutherland AEU Organiser | TAFE Focus

Students bring Fringe to Birdwood


et out your fringe program and head to the hills for some great public school hospitality.

If you live in the vicinity or don’t mind the scenic drive up the hill, Birdwood High School is the place to be during this year’s Adelaide Fringe. The school’s Fringe ‘hub’, which has been shortlisted for best 2013 Fringe venue, will bring a full a program of class acts to Fringe-goers between February 15 and March 17. The Birdwood Fringe ‘hub’ will be open Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons, offering a thrilling line-up of quality comedy, theatre and music for the whole community. Opening the program on February 15 is a Birdwood High School production of last year’s Fringe smash hit theatre piece The Terrible Infants.

Get to know your TAFE Enterprise Agreement. Access the new Award at:

“We saw The Terrible Infants at Fringe Camp and students were so impressed by it we successfully applied for the rights to perform it next year,” said AEU member and Drama teacher Kristina Vonow. Patrons can come early and enjoy foods

prepared by the students with the finest local produce. The venue will be licensed and stocked with Lobethal Bierhaus beer and wines from the local vicinity. “Students from Birdwood High School are involved in almost every facet of the project”, said Susan Melhuish, Enterprise and Community Coordinator. “We are running courses in ‘Fringe Events’ and ‘Fringe Food’ so our students can experience authentic learning opportunities and apply what they learn in a professional environment,” she said. “The program aims to improve student outcomes by addressing communication skills and self-development to increase confidence. By gaining reallife, authentic event management experience, students will be involved in tangible skill building lessons including safe food and beverage preparation using local produce, theatre production, how to run an event, financial recording, business and enterprise,” said Kristina. Local performers will bring the arts alive at Birdwood in 2013! n

To book tickets to Birdwood HS Fringe events go to:

8: 8: >Issues >EB2012 or call Fringe TIX on: 1300 621 255 10

Running Focus Leaders Head

Leader members active in EA outcome AEU Leader Focus Organiser Ken Drury writes


elcome to school year 2013 – and already, after only a few days, we realise we can anticipate an actionpacked and interesting 40 weeks. We all await eagerly the outcomes of the never-ending story of consultation around the ‘shape’ and ‘functions’ of the new Department. We are all hoping for a lift in morale after the reputation blows taken by DECD over the last few months – we do need to feel greater confidence. Like the great but drawn out play by Samuel Beckett, we are all ‘Waiting for Gonski’. Meanwhile, Julia Gillard is pushing ahead with empowering local schools; Isobel Redmond has self-destructed while letting the cat out of the bag by revealing the state Libs’ intention to emasculate the Department’s remaining support to schools; the downsizing of HR seems to send a message of things to come; and Tony Abbott’s “Our Plan” promises to “work with the States and Territories to encourage State schools to choose to become independent schools … and (deliver) more autonomy in decision making”. Pat Thompson, now Professor of Education at Nottingham University, when working in the Department here some years back, argued for both greater control at the local level as well as appropriate support from the “ Centre”. Her exact words were: “What belongs out there, and what belongs in here?” rather than “all out there and nothing or little in here”. In relation to this common sense approach, the AEU EB negotiating team supported by the AEU Principals Consultative Committee and the AEU Leader EB Think Tank has delivered vast improvements for leader members in the new 2012 EBA.

So, what’s in the EA for school leaders? • 3 x 3% p.a. salary increase from first pay period after 1 October 2012.

established to deal with matters that impact upon the workloads of both teachers and leaders 

 • A joint AEU/DECD committee will be established to work on a collaborative basis to identify strategies to reduce and minimise violence and threats against employees including through social media and online forums.

What are AEU leader members • In addition for leaders, a new 2-band saying about the new enter(A & B) structure for schools inclusive of an additional salary adjustprise agreement? ment of between $1400 up to $2400 Pam Kent | Principal, Woodcroft PS from 24 January 2013. Represents “Overall I’m pleased about 11% over three years comwith the EBA outcome. pared to 9% generally

 The most positive aspect • The new structure will provide schools was the relative speed with increased flexibility in designing with which the EBA was leadership structures and setting reached. This is a credit to classification levels and will align the both AEU and the DECD/Government role of the Principal to the Australian representatives involved in the negotiaProfessional Standard for Principals tion. No-one wanted a repeat of the prothrough a new Job and Person tracted and frustrating process of the Specification previous EBA. • Funding security for schools under The differentiation between the leadthe SCFM through an updating of ership levels is a welcome change, as is ‘The Commitment’ which covers the 3% incremental increase, especially indexation of the SCFM, ICT funding when compared to the battles of our and the FIR. This Commitment will interstate colleagues.” operate until the end of the 2015 Ray Marino | Principal, Cleve AS school year and covers some 15 points/areas in Attachment A

 “The flexibility regard• A clear dispute resolution process ing the leadership posi(clause 3.1)

 tions especially in country sites and the further • A clear process to follow with the PAC clarification of the PAC • Improved paid Maternity leave proviroles and responsibilities sions – an increase from 14 to 16 should help us with the development of weeks and for employees with more HR plans for our sites.” n than 5 years service, 18 weeks which will then increase again to 20 weeks Work Health and from 20 June 2014

 Safety Training for • A clearer statement about leader fallHealth and Safety back arrangements

 Representatives • Workload protection arrangements for SA Unions is an approved provider of WHS training for Health and Safety Representatives in South Australia. teachers and leaders

 Our specialist trainers and facilitators have many years experience in providing the highest quality training and are committed to • Improvements to delivering best practice through the design, delivery and content Special Leave
 in a continual improvement cycle. • Country Incentive SA Unions courses are delivered in a relaxed friendly atmosphere with particular attention to participant interaction and acquiring payments have been hands-on-skills. increased for Zones 2, 3, 4 and 5 by 3% Contact SA Unions for registration details: p.a. for 2013, 2014 08 82792248 or email and 2015

 Visit our website for the • A Workload Monitor2013 training schedule and registration form. ing Group will be 11

2 of $1000. Must be at the respective current top increment for at least

3 Additional criteria based increment for AEW 1 and 2, SSO 1 and 2 and ECW 1 and

leaders in schools and preschools

3 A new leadership structure with additional salary incentives to attract and retain

less than 235

3 Strengthened workload protections 3 Paid maternity leave increased to 16/18 – 20 weeks 3 Increased Leadership Time for Deputy Principals in primary schools with enrolment

top third on the national salary ladder and new graduates at the top

3 An increase of 3% per year for 3 years placing the majority of AEU members in the

AEU wins for members in the 2012 South Australian School and Preschool Education Staff Enterprise Agreement:


For details on how to join, go to our website: or contact our membership staff on 8272 1399 or email:

> join

If you’re not a member of the AEU, join now to contribute and share in the benefits of union membership. A strong union is an effective union!

3 Guaranteed hours and improved security for Swimming and Aquatics Instructors.

online forums

3 Safe Sites committee to address issues related to cyber bullying and

for DECD

3 An induction program for overseas trained teachers 3 Reconciliation committee to develop an agreed Reconciliation action plan

commitment for the life of the agreement

3 Funding for all sites and services indexed in line with salary rates 3 Improved local decision-making processes 3 Country incentives – increased by 3% per annum 3 Preschool and school funding protected and enhanced by a government

12 months and have obtained minimum certificate/qualification(s)

New Enterprise Agreement

Q & A: New Enterprise Agreement AEU Industrial Coordinator Leah York answers some common questions about the new Enterprise Agreement for members in preschools and schools. In addition to the 3 x 3% salary increases in October 2012, October 2013 and October 2014, the new EA provides for additional amounts on the base for the following classifications:

Oct ‘12 Oct ‘13

Step 9 Teacher






Band B0


Band B1


Band A1/B2


Band A2/B3


Band A3/B4


Band A4/B5


Band A5/B6


Band A6


Band A7


Band A8


Band A9


How will the additional amounts for Step 9 ($500 + $500) to Band A9 ($2400) classifications be received by members? These amounts are not paid as a oneoff lump sum. Rather, the amounts are added into the base salary. The percentage increase is then applied, providing a more advantageous outcome than a oneoff lump sum payment.

How have the 2010 State Budget cuts to Long Service Leave entitlements been addressed? Long Service Leave is provided for in legislation (e.g. Education Act, TAFE Act and Public Sector Act), not through an industrial instrument such as the Enterprise Agreement or Safety Net Award. In response to public sector unions and SA Unions lobbying the State Government, $81 million was delivered in the 2012 State Budget to restore a proportion of the lost LSL provisions. However, the $81 million does not restore LSL as it was prior to the 2010 14

To access the new Award go to

State Budget cuts, rather it provides a Skills and Experience Retention Leave entitlement for employees with 15 years effective service (pro rata for part time service) to be phased in as follows: • up to two working days entitlement in the 2012-13 financial year • up to three working days entitlement in the 2013-14 financial year • and then fixed at a maximum of four working days entitlement from the financial year onwards • transitional arrangements of up to two working days entitlement in the 201112 financial year for an employee who attained 15 years effective service during the 2011-12 financial year and was employed on 1 July 2012. The entitlement will accrue on a monthly basis and employees may apply to take the leave as one or more whole working days or they will have the option each year of electing to convert the leave to a cash payment of $180 per day in lieu of taking the retention leave. The amount of $180 will be indexed on an annual basis by the CPI. The leave can only be accumulated for up to five years, after which point any unused days will expire. The legislation has been assented to, and consequent on Proclamation by the Governor, will be available to employees on or after 1 July 2013. The AEU is continuing to work on matters related to both LSL and the taking of Skills and Experience Retention Leave. Such matters include the cash payment amount given the cost of employing TRTs and HPIs to cover absences, difficulty in engaging TRTs in some areas, and the expiration of entitlement. In response to AEU concerns raised through the Enterprise Bargaining process in relation to the 2010 State Budget cuts, the Enterprise Agreements now include an ‘Enforcement’ clause which provides a specific avenue of redress to the Industrial Relations Commission if the AEU reasonably

believes that a parliamentary process reduces or removes an employment benefit, or an existing condition.

What are the salary levels for Lead Teachers (LTs) and Highly Accomplished Teachers (HATs)? Salary levels for LTs and HATs under the National Professional Teacher Standards have not been established in South Australia. The Enterprise Agreement does provide for the conduct of a trial for new HATs and LTs in the 2014 and 2015 school years in a designated number of schools. The design of the trial, allowances or payments that may be applicable and an evaluation process will be agreed between the AEU and DECD. Currently, only the Northern Territory has industrially agreed salary levels for HATs – $98,370 per annum and LTs –

$108,702 per annum.

How will the new leadership structure and classification descriptors for schools and preschools affect operation of the PAC, the development of leadership structures within the school, and final drafting of job and person specifications for all staff? The PAC’s role remains the same in terms of consultation requirements. All members of the PAC are required to consult with and represent staff in relation to human resource matters, including the development of the site’s human resource profile. Consultation involves the sharing of information and the exchange of views between the employer (DECD) and employee and genuine opportunity to contribute effectively to and influence the decision making process. Further, consultative arrangements must be put in place to ensure the staff and union will have the choice and opportunity to be involved in the consultation process in the school. All staff members should develop an understanding of Schedule 5 of the Enterprise Agreement 2012 – Band B Classification Descriptors and Work Level Definitions and be involved in consultation in relation to the development of both the school’s overall HR profile, broad areas of responsibility for school leader positions, and job and person specifications for leadership positions. The PAC will now need to work within Schedule 5 in order to determine a human resource profile that provides for a leadership structure developed in consultation with all staff, and to classify a position at a level commensurate with its work value. n

8:>Issues >EB2012

Running New Enterprise Head Agreement

Enterprise Bargaining leads to improved conditions The AEU has achieved improvements in a range of areas Meal Breaks

Non-Instruction Time (NIT)

The Award now contains provisions that require teachers to be provided with a continuous and unbroken meal break each day. The meal break must be a minimum of 30 minutes unless the teacher has yard duty, in which case it may be reduced to 20 minutes. School timetables must be designed to ensure that meal breaks are provided.

A teacher shall be entitled to the minimum amount of NIT per week, which must be allocated in lesson blocks of no less than 30 minutes. The agreement continues to prescribe the minimum amount of NIT that a teacher must receive each week. NIT is defined as preparation of lessons, assessment of student work, report writing and curriculum development and includes admin time for leaders. The NIT must be provided during school hours, which has been defined as the 1600 minutes of instruction time in schools. If a teacher is required to undertake other duties during their NIT then these arrangements must be negotiated with the teacher. The requirement to undertake other duties does not reduce a teacher’s entitlement to a minimum amount of NIT. The trading of NIT for electronic equipment or other items or to secure increased resources for class budgets is not to occur.

Face-to-face Teaching The maximum weekly face-to-face teaching time for teachers continues to be defined in the enterprise agreement (See clause 5.2). The maximum face-to-face teaching time has been reduced for primary school deputy principals in schools with less than 235 students providing increased leadership time in these primary schools. Face-to-face teaching must now include assemblies, care group or roll class, supervised eating time, supervision of withdrawal rooms and sports coaching if required as part of the curriculum. A teacher cannot be directed or required to average their face-to-face teaching hours. If they do, it must be reasonable, fair and equitable. The school PAC must make this assessment and criteria to assist the PAC in making such determinations have been agreed. If a situation occurs where a teacher is required to work in excess of their face-toface teaching time and they are not provided with additional NIT within an agreed period they will be eligible to receive an additional payment for the hours worked.

Relief lessons above face-toface teaching load In circumstances where a TRT or PRT cannot be engaged a teacher may be asked to undertake a relief lesson that results in their face-to-face teaching time exceeding the prescribed maximum. In such circumstances the teacher must agree to undertake the relief and must be provided with the equivalent amount of NIT as soon as practicable but within 10 days, and at a time agreed between the teacher and their manager. If the NIT cannot be taken in that agreed period the teacher will receive an additional payment for the hours worked.

Class Size The agreement continues to have class size provisions (see clause 5.3.5). Additional provisions are contained in the agreement to protect the workload of teachers in NAP units. If a class has a student with an individual learning plan or students with other special needs, the PAC must plan for the minimum class size possible. Criteria to assist the PAC in making this determination have been agreed and are contained in the agreement. A teacher, principal and the PAC must agree if the class sizes in any particular class is to be greater than that prescribed in the agreement (clause 5.3.5). If a class size is to be increased it must be consistent with the equitable distribution of duties between the teachers of the school. Class sizes must be planned on the minimum number of students possible and to ensure that the working environment is safe and without risks to health.

Other Duties Other duties undertaken by a teacher must be consistent with their role. These tasks must be also negotiated with the teacher. Other duties that might be part of a teacher’s work include:

• Preparation of lessons, assessment of student work beyond NIT entitlement • Student reports • Curriculum development • Parent teacher interviews and parent consultation • Managing class-based student records which are for those students that a teacher is responsible for • Yard duties • Student health and wellbeing • Recording student attendance • Participating in performance management • OHSW as it relates to classroom practice Further work is to occur on identifying how other tasks undertaken by teachers but not part of the above list can be reassigned or better managed.

Education Plans Teachers must be provided with adequate release time to liaise, develop and write an individual education plan having regard to the teacher’s total workload. The Department agreed before the Industrial Relations Commission that they would introduce a ‘one plan model’ for 2013 so as to reduce the administrative burden and workload for teachers. The ‘one plan’ has not been produced and they have not consulted with the AEU on this matter.

Meetings Attendance may be required at one staff meeting per week, which could be a whole staff meeting or smaller group meetings such as year level, pastoral care, sub- school, faculty, subject, curriculum etc. Meetings should not extend past 5.00pm. It is agreed that times immediately before school, recess and lunch time should generally be times for unstructured staff interaction and preparation. Routine information should be managed by daily notices and emails. The PAC must monitor the frequency and length of meetings to ensure that workloads are reasonable and that staff n have work life balance. 15


SSO Focus

Our Pay, Our Way – Our Win! SSO Organiser Lisa Sigalla reports on another successful AEU campaign

SSO: did you know? Criteria-based Increment for SSOs, ECWs and AEWs During negotiations for the South Australian School and Preschool Education Staff Enterprise Agreement 2012 the AEU bargaining team fought hard to have qualifications attained by SSOs, ECWs and AEWs recognised.

The operative date for successful applicants will be the first pay period on or after the date of lodgement of the application except where the criteria was met before the commencement of the 2013 school year in which case the operative date will be the first pay period on or after 24 January 2013. As a matter of priority and to minimise any disadvantage to our members wishing to apply, the AEU has requested a meeting with the Department seeking clarification of what constitutes ‘relevant’ qualifications and the speedy establishment of the online application. The AEU website contains information regarding further Enterprise Agreement 2012 wins for SSOs, ECWs and AEWs. n


>Issues >EB2012 16

When these questions didn’t stop I knew it was time to take a deeper look. Several years ago it was raised with the Department but they said that unless every SSO in the state agreed to spread their pay over the full year, nothing would change. They argued they couldn’t make such a decision when some SSOs didn’t mind being paid only during term time. The AEU, however, argued that there had to be a choice for our members. Even though this issue was being raised regularly during school visits and training days, we really needed to see how widely and deeply this was felt across the SSO membership. A short survey was developed and sent to every school. The response was overwhelming, with close to 80 percent of SSOs wanting the choice of spreading their pay over the full calendar year. With such high numbers in favour of a change, we knew our chances of success were high. During SSO Week we kicked off our campaign with hundreds of emails and petitions signed by teachers, principals and SSOs, which were sent to DECD. It was wonderful to see the whole AEU membership supporting their SSO colleagues. The next step of the campaign was pivotal - we identified three SSOs who felt confident to meet with Departmental officers and express how no income for three months impacted their lives.

1 From left: AEU Organiser Lisa Sigalla, SSO Sue Gaskin and AEU VP Jan Murphy Sue Gaskin from Roma Mitchell Secondary College, Valerie Trowbridge from Adelaide West Special Education and Michael Langer from Seaton Primary School were more than willing to tell the Department in person how important this was not only to them but their colleagues as well. Sue, Valerie and Michael were brilliant, they were real people expressing real emotions and you could see that their stories were having an impact on everyone in the room. It didn’t take long for the DECD officers to acknowledge that this pay issue was important and they agreed that SSOs who were paid term time should have the option of spreading their pay over the year if they so wished. It was a great feeling to walk out of the DECD office knowing hundreds of SSOs would benefit from our campaign. So, from 2014, any SSO who is paid the 16 percent loading and is permanent and/or on a 12-month contract will have the ability to spread their salary over the 12 months or keep it as is. There will be meetings between the AEU and DECD during the year to look at how this information will be explained to site leaders and also examples for SSOs to see what their pay would look like if it were spread. Congratulations to every AEU member who supported this campaign. It goes to show that when our members work together and take action, the sky is the limit! n


A significant win for SSOs, ECWs and AEWs classified at level 1 or 2 was the agreement to include the new criteria based increment attracting an additional $1000 per annum. To become eligible for this increment SSOs, ECWs and AEWs at level 1 or 2 must have attained a relevant qualification, completed 12 months at the top incremental step and not currently be subject to unsatisfactory performance.


hen I first started working as an organiser at the AEU two years ago I would be out visiting schools and would be asked at least once by an SSO, “Why can’t we be paid over the full school year?” I didn’t really know the answer to begin with but I took note of members concerns. I found out that SSOs who are paid the 16% loading only get paid during term time, meaning some struggle financially during the holidays. Many wanted their pay spread across the full year.

Merit Selection Training 2013

The best person for the job AEU Women’s Officer and Merit Selection trainer Tish Champion talks panels In 2012 there were around 1200 merit selection processes run for DECD (not counting local selection). That equates to almost 1200 panels that were charged with the responsibility of selecting the best person for the job with: • No unlawful discrimination • Ethics • Respect • Diversity • No patronage or nepotism • Fairness • Natural justice and • Procedural fairness Those who sit on merit selection panels have the responsibility to select the ‘best person for the job’ based on their skills, abilities, knowledge, experience and, at times, their potential. Why then, does the AEU receive so many calls regarding issues with merit selection processes? Often members are just looking for a sounding board and someone to assure them that what took place during the process was in actual fact fair and above board. On the odd occasion a member calls to say they didn’t win a position they applied for and in their eyes they were clearly the best person for it. Unfortunately there is no right to an internal review based on the relative merits of another applicant! Sometimes members have a genuine reason to question and complain about specific things that happened during a selection process that appeared to be at odds with the merit selection policy. I am a firm believer that panel processes are only as good as the people on the panel. If we want to criticise the Department’s current method of selecting people for positions it is the panel we must turn to. In reality, the right to request an internal review is really the opportunity to officially complain and have someone listen to you and investigate your concerns. Officers of the Ethical Conduct Unit

(ECU) are restricted with what they can do by the explicit wording of the merit selection policy, which clearly states: “Requests for review are limited to claims of serious irregularities in the selection process that may have affected the outcome of that process.” And therein lies the difficulty in upholding an appeal against a merit selection process. The ECU will investigate a request for internal review. It may very well find serious irregularities in the selection process. However, those investigating a request for a review are extremely likely to determine that the actual outcome of the process was not impacted by any irregularity they may have found. I am not quite sure how this can be established without fully running the merit process again with an independent panel but it appears the Department are easily able to determine this. Obvi-

ously a flawed process does not necessarily result in a flawed outcome! Clearly, at the end of the day, panellists have a huge responsibility to undertake their work on a panel in a responsible, ethical and respectful manner with one goal in mind – to find the best person for the job. Applicants and onlookers are not privy to any of the information that the panel has in determining the ‘best person’ and may therefore not agree with or even like the panel decision. One thing is for sure – panel work is a huge responsibility and a thankless task and they don’t always get it right – we just have to trust that n they try!! Refer to the two tables below for dates, times and venues for upcoming training in Term 1, 2013

Merit Selection Panellist Re-training | Term 1 (Conducted solely by the AEU) Date time


Monday 25 Feb (wk 5)

4.30pm – 6.30pm

Moonta Area School

Monday 4 March (wk 6)

4.00pm – 6.00pm

AEU, Parkside

Thursday 21 March (wk 8) 4.30pm - 6.30pm

Port Lincoln (venue to be advised)

Monday 25 March (wk 9) 4.00pm – 6.00pm

AEU, Parkside

Tuesday 23 April (hols)

10.30am – 12.30pm AEU, Parkside

Bookings only by email to:

Full Day Merit Selection Training | Term 1 (run jointly between AEU & DECD) Date time


Tuesday 12 March (wk 7) 9.00am – 3.30pm

AEU, Parkside

Friday 22 March (wk 8)

Port Lincoln (Regional Office)

9.00am – 4.00pm

Wednesday 24 April (hols) 9.30am – 4.00pm

AEU, Parkside

Bookings: 17

Women’s Focus Public Education Week


Email Tish Champion on : 2008 Update: Enterprise Bargaining

Heading-2 From little things, Intro big things grow! Body Copy

AEU Women’s Officer Tish Champion answers your FAQs on Paid Maternity Leave In all schools there is a range of ages and experience among staff. Among them are women who remember the time when… There are women who have never known any different. And there are women for whom the notion of having to resign to get married or have a child is ridiculous and unbelievable. I once told a “young” woman at a conference that when I had my first child I only got two weeks paid maternity leave. She looked at me seriously and asked, “Wow, how old are you?” It is extremely important to remember how far we have progressed when it comes to leave entitlements because by remembering the past we are better placed to appreciate the now and push on for the future. It is worth remembering that the increased equality and conditions of employment enjoyed by women in education is due in no small part to the work done by the women activists who came before us. As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

So… how far have women come? • Until 1968 women had to resign to have a child • Until 1970 women teachers received a lower salary than male teachers • Until 1970 women could not be married and have permanent status with the Department – they had to resign and return as a temporary teacher • Until 2000 there was no paid maternity leave. Paid leave was introduced in 2000 and women who were eligible received only two weeks pay. And here we are in the year 2013, a far cry from the late 50s and early 60s when South Australian women in education were fighting to get equal pay for equal work. We should never take our rights and entitlements for granted because what “one hand giveth, the 18

other hand can taketh away”. Through enterprise bargaining the AEU has made yet another significant gain with respect to paid maternity leave. If you’re planning to take paid maternity leave sometime in the future, keep reading for details.

Who is entitled to paid maternity leave? Only those in permanent and contract positions are entitled to paid maternity leave. Casual employees such as HPIs in DECD and TAFE, TRTs, casual SSOs, AEWs or ECWs are not entitled to paid leave.

What about contract teachers? A teacher must be in a contract to apply for and be granted paid maternity leave and the leave must begin within one day of the contract ending. The full entitlement of paid leave will be paid regardless of the contract end date.

What happens if I don’t get a contract for one term? Is this a break in service? A break in service is 3 months (not counting holidays) without any work for the department. If a contract teacher has a contract for Terms 1, 3 and 4, and does TRT work in Term 2, Term 2 will not be deemed a break in service. This term, however, will be taken into account by the Department when determining a pro rata level of pay for maternity leave purposes.

How much paid maternity leave am I entitled to? Under the new EA, a woman with less than 5 years service will be entitled to 16 weeks paid maternity leave from 14 December 2012. A woman with 5 years or more service with the Department will be entitled to 18 weeks paid maternity leave. Most women who qualify for the DECD paid maternity leave will also be

Check out our Women’s Focus online

entitled to the federally funded paid parental leave of 18 weeks at the basic minimum wage.

What if I applied for and was approved paid maternity leave that began in December 2012? Unfortunately the new entitlements will only apply to women taking paid maternity leave from 14 December 2012, as this is the operative date for the new maternity leave clause. Any woman who began her paid maternity leave prior to this date will still receive the 14 weeks.

What if I applied for and was approved 14 weeks paid maternity leave to begin this school year? The 16 and 18 week entitlements are effective from 14 December 2012. If your leave was approved prior to this date and you have or will commence the leave after this date, the Department will be automatically applying the new entitlements. The Department has informed the AEU that employees do not need to do anything. There will be a system check to establish all eligible employees and adjustments will be made automatically to the length of your maternity leave payments. n


8: AEU WILD Project

Gonski Poll

WILD: Women in Leadership Development

Poll reveals huge support for Gonski

Are you interested in participating in a program that will build your leadership skills and knowledge? Do you see a future in union leadership? Nominate for WILD 2013. The AEU Women in Leadership Development (WILD) program has been running successfully for two years. It’s highly relevant to AEU members in South Australia who hold a union position such as Workplace Reps, Subbranch Secretary, Council Delegate, Executive Member, Women’s Contact Officer, School Services Contact Officer, or an elected position on an AEU standing or consultative committee. Program participants undertake four days of training in Adelaide, with funding for back-fill, country travel, accommodation, course materials and online activities and access to an online support network. There are mentoring and other leadership professional development opportunities. The learning will be fun and informative, and most importantly, relevant to personal union leadership development goals. The course focuses on: • Understanding self and leadership

• Models of Leadership for Women Union Leaders • Collective Power and Influence • Union Leadership and Change • Strategic Planning

Nine out of ten Australians believe the Prime Minister and State and Territory leaders should strike a deal on Gonski and invest substantially more in education, according to new research.

Here’s what past participants have said about the WILD program: “My confidence in my leadership roles – union, academic and personal – has grown. I am more prepared to stand up and have a go.” “Fantastic program, I loved it! Great knowledge and fantastic networking. Highly recommended. Thankyou! Please note: It is an expectation that participants attend and actively participate in all program activities.

The poll was released on February 4 as part of a renewed campaign for immediate action on the findings of the Gonski Review of school funding.

International Women’s Day 2013

Upcoming Ev ents

UN WOMEN’s BREAKFAST Fri 8 March | 7.00am start Open to: All Women Members Adelaide Convention Centre North Terrace 2013 marks the 20th anniversary of the very popular Adelaide International Women’s Day Breakfast and the AEU will again host a table of members. Hosted by Senator Penny Wong, keynote speakers include Sonya Feldhoff from 891 ABC and author Dr Anne Summers AO. Women members interested in joining AEU President Correna Haythorpe and Vice President Jan Murphy at this breakfast can contact Tish Champion (details right).

Dates for face-to-face sessions • Monday 6 & Tuesday 7 May • Friday 2 August • Thursday 7 November If you see yourself as a future leader and would like to nominate for this program, please email:

: 8 or call Lynn Hall or Tish Champion on 8272 1399


IWD March Fri 8 March | 5.00pm Open to: Everyone

“March against Misogyny” Gather at the library lawns on North Terrace. • Gladys Elphick Award launch • Minister’s Speech • Women’s song • March Off... lots of noise (pots, pans, rattles, whistles, placards, chanting). March along North Tce, along Pultney St. and then down Rundle St. Stop at space next to The Exeter for BBQ (in the midst of the Fringe).

See you there! For further info or to RSVP contact: Tish Champion | AEU Women’s Officer

T: 8272 1399 E:

The Auspoll of 2,200 people shows: • 89 per cent of people support an agreement on Gonski between the Commonwealth and state and territory governments and 86 per cent say it is urgent • Over 80 per cent of people, on average, believe their state or territory governments should contribute at least part of the additional funding the Gonski Review said was urgently required • People in NSW, QLD and Victoria are overwhelmingly opposed to the cuts in public education being imposed by their State Premier • A clear majority in those three states said their opinion of the Premier would worsen if he did not strike a deal with the Prime Minister on Gonski • Smaller class sizes and more training and support for teachers are the things Australians most want to see additional funding committed to. “This polling shows the overwhelming level of public support for action on school funding and Gonski,” said AEU Federal President Angelo Gavrielatos. “Our politicians have a historic opportunity to reach an agreement that will make a real difference to the level of resources in schools and the education of our children,” he added. n

Show your support for an improved schools funding model by joining the Walk for Gonski on March 23. See page 4 for details. 19

AEU Training and Development Program 2013

Union Education Courses 2013 Tues 26 Feb


TAFE Workplace Reps This course is designed to build and strengthen the sub-branch and assist members to work together to resolve workplace issues effectively through various decision making structures consultative processes and using our Agreement. Open to: All TAFE workplace reps and activists Support: Country travel and accommodation.

Day 1: Thurs 7 Mar 9:15am – 3:30pm Day 2: Fri 8 Mar 9:15am – 3:30pm

New Country Workplace Reps This course is designed to build and strengthen the sub-branch and assist members to work together to resolve workplace issues effectively through various decision making structures and consultative processes. Open to: All AEU members working in country sites who have not attended AEU 2-day union education courses. Strongly recommended for newly elected workplace reps/SBS and members of WOCs. Support: Relief, country travel and accommodation. This course has been referenced to the National Professional Standards for Accomplished Teachers: 4.4, 7.2, 7.4

New Workplace Reps: Metro Areas 3-Day Courses These workplace reps courses are designed to build and strengthen the sub-branch and assist members to work together to resolve workplace issues effectively through various decision making structures and consultative processes. Participants will also apply the new Agreement and the new PAC procedures to their work situations. The final day will focus on resolving issues through formal grievance procedures. Open to: AEU reps who have not attended AEU 2-day union education courses. Strongly recommended for newly elected workplace reps/SBS and members of WOCs. Participants must attend all three days.

[Register for one course only]

Course 1

Day 1: Thurs 21 Mar 9.15am – 3.30pm Day 2: Tues 21 May 9.15am – 3.30pm Day 3: Wed 22 May 9.15am – 3.30pm

Course 2

Day 1: Thurs 9 May 9.15am – 3.30pm Day 2: Fri 10 May 9.15am – 3.30pm Day 3: Wed 19 June 9.15am – 3.30pm Support: Relief, country travel and accommodation.

This course has been referenced to the National Professional Standards for Accomplished Teachers: 7.2, 7.4

This course has been referenced to the National Professional Standards for Accomplished Teachers: 4.4, 7.2, 7.4

Day 1: Tues 9 July Day 2: Wed 10 July

Day 1: Tues 16 Apr 9.15am – 4:00pm Day 2: Wed 17 Apr 9.15am – 4:00pm Day 3: Thurs 18 Apr 9.15am – 4:00pm

Conflict Resolution through Mediation – Part B “Culture, Gender and Power”

Conflict Resolution through Mediation – Part A

A high demand 2-day course on considering issues of culture, gender and power when managing conflict situations. This workshop has been developed by Associate Professor Dale Bagshaw. Open to: Educators who have completed the 3-day AEU ‘Conflict Resolution through Mediation’ course. Cost: Members $110, Non-members $330

A high demand 3-day course facilitated by Professor Dale Bagshaw and practising mediators covering the theory and practice of mediation. Open to: All educators, particularly those in leadership positions. Cost: Members $110, Non-members $330 This course has been referenced to the National Professional Standards for Accomplished Teachers: 7.1, 7.3

Fri 31 May

9:15am – 3:30pm

New Branch Council Delegates The workshop includes practical sessions on developing confidence in public speaking and formal meeting procedures and will be valuable for any members involved in formal and site based meetings. The workshop provides essential knowledge and skill development to enable active participation in Branch Council by new Branch Council Delegates, Alternative Delegates and Proxies. Open to: Members and newly elected delegates to AEU Branch Council. Support: Relief, country travel and accommodation. This course has been referenced to the National Professional Standards for Proficient Teachers: 7.4

Fri 14 June

9.15am – 3:30pm

Non-teaching Staff and SSO Contact Officers

A 1-day course for AEU SSO Contact Officers and non-teaching PAC reps on resolving workplace issues effectively through various school decision making structures and Departmental processes. Participants will also better understand their role and conditions of work so they can support non-teaching members. Open to: Non-teaching staff reps on PAC and SSO Contact Officers. Support: Relief, country travel and accommodation.

Mon 24 June

9.15am – 3:30pm

Women’s Contact Officers A 1-day course for women members on the role of the AEU Women’s Contact Officer and how to support women in their workplace. Open to: All AEU Women’s Contact Officers who have not attended this course. Support: Relief, country travel and accommodation.

For further info on any of the above events and courses email Saniya Sidhwani on

9.15am – 4:00pm 9.15am – 4:00pm

This course has been referenced to the National Professional Standards for Accomplished Teachers: 7.1, 7.3


* Upcoming Ev ent

TRT & Contract Teachers’ Conference Tues. 23 April

9.30am – 3.30pm

A 1-day conference for TRT and Contract Teachers with workshops on current issues. Open to: Only financial AEU members who are TRT or Contract Teachers. To register or for further info, follow the links below 5

* Upcoming Ev ent Mon. 15 April

9:15am – 12:30pm

An introduction to the AEU’s COO and how it can help members’ transition to the Australian Curriculum. Open to: Everyone interested in finding out how COO can help them in their Curriculum preparation. This professional learning has been referenced to the National Professional Standards for Proficient Teachers: 2.2, 3.4


8:>events & courses

or to register go to 20

New Educators President’s ViewFocus

Sam Lisle-Menzel

Union Training 8:

SA New Educators attend national conference AEU New Educators Organiser Sam LisleMenzel asks SA delegates about their Conference experience

Christie Follett | Roxby Downs AS Sam: Why is networking important at a national event? Christie: “The recent National AEU New Educators Conference was a valuable experience, full of networking opportunities. Being based in a rural school, the conference was the perfect forum to further build my relationships with the other South Australian delegates and those from around Australia and overseas. It was a wonderful chance to see contemporary education issues in a global context, which also provided an external lens to view the challenges and strengths of the Australian education system.


* Upcoming Event

New Educators’ State Conference Fri. 15 March

Sat. 16 March

9.15am – 4.00pm

9.15am – 2.00pm

A 2-day conference for new teachers featuring workshops on current issues and classroom management. Open to: Only financial AEU members in their first 3-years of teaching. To register or for further info, 7 follow the links (left) on pg 20

Having international guests present certainly allowed us to learn from their experience and the differences they saw between the education systems in Australia, New Zealand and the USA, but it also gave me a sense that I was a part of something bigger – the global business of education. Networking on this national and global level is very exciting because it provides access to a greater wealth of knowledge and experience on which we can build the future of education.” Alana Trinidad | Paralowie School Sam: What did you think of the speech on funding reform by Federal AEU President Angelo Gavrielatos? Alana: “Seeing Angelo in action is really the only way to truly understand how passionate he is about improved funding for schools. His speech about what the union, teachers, families, and community members around Australia have been doing to support the campaign was enlightening and highlighted the reach of the movement. Angelo was a great addition to the conference.” Jason Proud | Mulga Street PS Sam: You’ve been involved with the New Educators Network as an early career teacher, what did this conference mean to you? Jason: “My main motivation to attend was to meet other teachers from other states to see if what was happening in

7 If you wish to attend the 2013 AEU New Educators’ State Conference please refer to this upcoming event.

New Eds


ate last year an international New Educators conference was held in Melbourne, with delegates attending from all over Australia and from the USA and New Zealand.

South Australia was or wasn’t happening in the other states. I knew from previous delegates that had gone that it was a worthwhile trip and they had learned so much from the speakers and meeting other delegates. New Eds is the only real strong team that helps new teachers get through the first three years of teaching without feeling like they are failing. New Eds should continue to be proactive in not just training but in supporting new teachers in every possible way. This conference was a great way to gain some ideas for New Educators here in SA. Brad Wallis | Cowell AS

Sam: What food for thought did the guest speakers provide you?

BraD: “The first person we heard speak was Professor Marie Brennan. She spoke passionately about the ever-increasing trend in Australia toward putting education in the hands of bureaucrats at the expense of the influence of teachers. She outlined how teachers know students, and know their needs, and how their voices have been marginalised in favour of various boards, leading to the current system of rules, regulations and testing which she argued don’t fit the real needs of students.

We were then treated to a talk on the mainstream media by Ben Eltham, who has written for Crikey (amongst other things). The overall subject of his lecture was the willingness of the mainstream media to use the education sector as a scapegoat or whipping boy. He discussed the politics of education and the system we have in which the media is happy, or at least complicit, in aiding and abetting political attacks on education. He highlighted the pressing need for people to stand up for ideas and beliefs which challenged the status quo and to stand in opposition to the prevailing conservn ative paradigm.” 21

Council Dates for 2013

Branch Council Meetings Upcoming dates for 2013 are:

Saturday, March 23 Saturday, June 1 Saturday, August 24 Saturday, November 23

TAFE Divisional Council Meetings Upcoming dates for 2013 are:

Friday, March 15 Friday, May 24 Friday, August 16 Friday, November 15

SALARY INCREASE & SUBSCRIPTION ADJUSTMENT AEU subscription rates will be adjusted to reflect the new DECD and TAFE Enterprise Agreement salary rates from 1 April 2013. Please advise AEU Membership staff of any change to your classification, fraction of time, workplace or home address by phone: 8272 1399 fax: 8373 1254 or email:

AEU Election Notice

Australian Education Union | SA Branch

Election Notice

Nominations are called to fill the following positions on AEU Committees.

Legal Defence Appeals Committee The Legal Defence Appeals Committee determines appeals arising from the Union’s Legal Defence Rules. Four positions for a term of office ending March 2014. Nominees must be 2013 Branch Council Delegates who are not members of Branch Executive.

Administrative Officer Review Committees Administrative Officer Review Committees consider applications for Administrative Officer vacancies and recommend preferred candidates for appointment. Four female and four male positions for a term of office ending March 2014. Nominees must be 2013 Branch Council Delegates.

Curriculum and Professional Development Management Committee The Committee is responsible for policy development in relation to curriculum and professional issues and oversights the AEU professional development program. One vacancy for a member from the General Division for a term of office ending March 2015.

Standing Committees: Finance: The Committee is chaired by the Treasurer and prepares the AEU budget and reviews expenditure on a quarterly basis. Two female positions for a term ending December 2013 One female position for a term ending December 2014

Consultative Committees: Consultative Committees provide advice to Branch Executive on matters affecting their membership sector. All positions are for a one year term of office ending December 2013.

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Aboriginal Education Consultative Committee – 3 positions. Indigenous members from all membership sectors and classifications.

Contract and TRT – 8 positions. Unemployed, Contract and TRT members.

Special Education – 4 positions. Teachers and School Services Officers involved in Special Education.

Early Childhood – 9 positions (a majority of whom shall be Children’s Act employees). Members working in Early Childhood Education. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex (LGBTI) – 9 positions. All membership sectors and classifications.

Closing Date:

AEU Journal is carbon neutral If you currently receive a hard copy of the Journal and would prefer to read the Journal online, please let us know by emailing:

The AEU Journal is online at:


Nominations for these Committee vacancies must reach the Returning Officer, 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside 5063, no later than 12.00 noon on Thursday, 21 March 2013. A nomination form is available at: and from the AEU. Nominations may be accompanied by a supporting statement of not more than 200 words.

Election Procedure: Ballots for contested positions will be conducted at Branch Council on Saturday 23 March 2013.

Peter Norman Returning Officer


Member’s Market In order to cater for extra editorial space, the AEU Members Market now has a reduced space allocation in the Journal.

T or Fax: (08) 8768 2537 E:

Holiday House – 2nd Valley


and will not run in more than three issues in succession. 15-mins from beach, shops and river. Sleeps 9, in-ground pool, decking with BBQ, fully equipped, A/C, etc. $100 night. T: 0403 841 031 E:

OUTBACK TAGALONG TOURS Guided tours in your 4 wheel drive, with your gear loaded on the ‘Big Red Truck’. Hassle Free Outback Touring. Book now for our Spring Tour – Innaminka Races, Coward Springs, Warren Gorge. T: David Connell – 0288 854 620 or Lyn Rowe – 0403 594 406

WORKSHOP: Stress management, personal goals and learning difficulties. Brain Gym – an introductory workshop. Movements to ‘switch on’ the brain.

Lifestyle of Choices: Invitation to how to create more of what you want in life. Create great health and become more of the person you want to be. No cost to chat. T: (Linda) 0410 654 657 E:

Advertisements will be printed at the discretion of the Editor


kitchen, BBQ, kid friendly facilities. Wkends from $290. Email for pamphlet. T: 0418 843 711 (Mike) E:

Sleeps 9, Q/S x2, Singles x3, Double x 1, 2 storey, 2 bath, 3 toilets, 2 living, main BRM with ensuite, TV, DVD, Ducted RCAC, UP, RCAC split D/S M/Wave. E: PROPERTY CODE D30

FOR SALE: Nintendo DS lite. white. Hardly used, 2x stylus, original instruction bks, charger + 3 games – Agatha Christie: the ABC Murders, Brain Training, Tomb Raider. $120 o.n.o. E:

ALDINGA BEACH RETREAT: Peaceful location, wood fire, R/C air con, cosy accommodation for 2 – 8 guests, 5 mins from beach, opp National Park, LCD TV, fully equipped

5-min walk to beach, in town, close to shops. Sleeps 13. Fish & boat facilities. New bath & kit; BBQ entertaining area and private spa suite avail. Starting rate $140 p/ night. T: (08) 8626 1539 E:

Australian certified organic products: Keep

The Mobile Muso Mechanic The long break is looming, I’ll come to you – and setup/repair, restring your guitar/bass and even tackle simple amp maintenance. This new service is also available for school music rooms. Frank Lang: T: 8248 0824

STRESS, WEIGHT, HABITS?– RELAX! Hypnotherapy, Counselling, NLP, Relationships, Career, Smoking, Anxiety, Performance, etc. 15% Discount AEU Members. Reg Chapman: T: 0419 829 378 E:

Wanted: Primary class sets of readers for developing world education. Best if as relevant as possible to non urban, non western students (Bougainville). Contact Ian on: T: 0400 303 300 E:

Healthy. For personal use & gifts.

for sale: Bianchi Road bike 59 cm Via Nirone7, Coast to Coast Look pedals, Shimano 105 running gear, Ex cond, 18 months old. Perfect starter bike for the Lycra Virgin! $1650 ono T: 0457 864 378

Advertise in Members’ Market for FREE! Rent, sell, buy or offer goods and services. Send ads to:

Australian Education Union | SA Branch


1 Russell receiving his prize courtesy of Credit

Union SA from AEU President Correna Haythorpe

The term of office of this position is until 31 December, 2013. Nominations close with the Returning Officer, AEU, 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside 5063 on Friday 8 March 2013. In accordance with AEU Branch Rule 48(15) Branch Council will appoint the successful candidate in an election conducted on 23 March 2013. A nomination form is available from the AEU. Nominations may be accompanied by a 200 word supporting statement which will be distributed to Branch Council Delegates. Peter Norman Returning Officer

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or call Membership on:

8272 1399


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