AEU Journal Vol. 41. No. 6 | September 2009

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Official publication of the Australian Education Union (SA Branch)

Vol 41 I No.6

September 2009


RALLY... Ca E nd U pa ida EL ge te E s Sta CT 11 t – em IO 15 en N ts S

...for better funding for children with special needs


20 0 AE 9

Parliament House, details 3 page 9


Thursday, 8 October | 11.00am



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RALLY... ...for better funding for children with special needs

League Tables page 17 Education expert Dr Ken Boston tells Australia: “I’m totally opposed to league tables.”

Australian Education Union | SA Branch Telephone: 8272 1399 Facsimile: 8373 1254 Email: Editor: Craig Greer Graphic Designer: Jo Frost AEU Journal is published seven times annually by the South Australian Branch of the Australian Education Union. AEU Journal 2009 Dates Deadline Publication date #7 October 16 November 4 Subscriptions: Free for AEU members. Nonmembers may subscribe for $33 per year. Print Post approved PP 531629/0025 ISSN 1440-2971 Illustration: Simon Kneebone Cover: istockphoto Printing: Finsbury Green Printing

Thursday, 8 October | 11.00am Parliament House, details 3 page 9

Special needs – kids deserve better

Productivity in TAFE

page 9 The AEU is working with community groups to call for better funding. Rally: Thursday, 8 October | 11am.

page 16 DFEEST are set on cutting costs to win business.

Advertise in the AEU Journal. Reach over 13,500 members across South Australia.

8272 1399



*Winner of TOP LETTER!

Dear Editor, It’s hard to know what to be more agitated by regarding Trevor Cobbold’s insightful article on Reporting and League Tables (AEU Journal, August 2009). The comments from WA Curriculum Council Chief Executive David Wood are intriguing. It’s surely a supreme insult from him to suggest lower socio-economic schools might do anything to skew data more than higher profile schools. The phrase “Get out and about more David” came to mind. We must remain very watchful of the underhanded activities that go on to keep certain schools up to the standard they continually deceive by, er sorry, aspire to. I can’t recall the source, but hearing about such little gems as a principal of a Catholic school calling their children in to perhaps rethink some of their answers and add a few more in before they sent off the NAPLaN data, should keep us wary about how this data is used, and what useful inferences may be made. Recent calls by private schools to be funded ever more generously from the public purse need to be rebutted. I truly believe a premium quality public education system is the only structure that will redress

the inequities in our societies. No other organisation is likely to do this with any degree of fervour. We must remain ‘public and proud’ and keep the focus on producing well- rounded citizens who care for the future of our planet. Stephen Walker Stuart High School, Whyalla, SA

Education Works Stage II: Gawler High School The Gawler High sub-branch has been working closely with AEU officers to overcome an impending disaster that if unresolved will become the centre piece of a marginal seat election campaign come March 2010; an impending amalgamation with Evanston Primary School and Evanston Preschool is proposed for the existing high school site. As a result of Education Works Stage 1, an indeterminate number of parents voted to enter into the next stage. The community was informed along the way by fleeting snippets of progress which ended with a front page splash in the local paper of an impending super-school of phoenix like proportions, without budget and concept plans. The true plumage of the phoenix is yet to be determined. Future staffing is problematic given that HR is uncertain if we have a closure or an amalgamation, which immediately generates anxiety and uncertainty for education workers in terms of having tenure and indeed

an income. When the announcement was made to staff it was anticipated that resources would be allocated to provide opportunity for meaningful dialogue between staff and parents. It was as if legislation did not exist as the meeting was informed that a steering group, largely representative of school leaders would manage the project. Gawler High staff have met to provide feedback on a Birth to Year 12 Gawler – preferred option (origin unknown). The “preferred option” highlights little gain for the secondary community with no new facilities planned, a reduction in major curriculum areas such as a loss of three science labs and a loss of the schools resources in Agriculture. After a continued silence from the Department (we wrote to the Chief Executive on 15/6/09), the sub-branch will meet again to considerer the next step in what is shaping up to be a protracted campaign. The wisdom and commitment of a professional group of education workers has been ignored in the pursuit of a flawed ideological agenda. Bob Woodbury

The AEU Journal welcomes all letters. Top letter each issue WINS two bottles of wine. 3



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EO FORUM NEW EQUAL OPPORTUNITY LAWS The new equal opportunity laws will start soon. Come and hear Equal Opportunity Commissioner, Linda Matthews, explain how the changes will affect you. Her presentation will cover: • sexual harassment in schools • carers’ protection - for workers and students • religious dress at work and in school • sexuality discrimination in religious schools • disability discrimination and • identity of spouse discrimination.

Tuesday 29 September 2.00pm (school holidays) @ the AEU, 163 Greenhill Rd, Parkside Presentation 45 minutes, with opportunity for questions and discussion afterwards



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Better funding for special needs students a priority

The Employer is now arguing for up to 3.75% paid on the handing down of a decision, which will be late this year and the up to 3.75% twelve months later and up to 3.75% 24 months later. The Employer clearly wants its Employees to be the worst paid in Australia.

Permanent and stable employment

% of cohort in 2000

% of cohort in 2008

Increase as % of cohort




Taken from the AEU’s opening submission to the Industrial Relations Commission of South Australia (August 2009)

Remember when Labor came to power in 2002, promising to convert long-term contract employees to ongoing employment? Remember when Minister White persuaded the Department to change their poor practice? In recent times we have management practices in DECS that have lead to increases in contract and casual employment! We have seen: • Ongoing employment of school teachers fall from 62.85% in 2000 to 54.45% in 2008 while short-term contracts have risen from 16.8% to 29.5%. • Short-term contracts for preschool teachers rise from 13.5% in 2000 to 47.28% in 2008. • SSO ongoing employment fall from 50.11% in 2000 to 35.02% in 2008. Over the same period short-term contracts have increased from 20.80% to 62.17%. • The level of casual employment among AEWs rise from 29.66% in 2000 to 46.96% in 2008. • 68% of ECWs end up on short-term contracts, this is an increase from 29.01% in 2001. The AEU through the Award Application addresses this problem by requiring the Employer to implement ‘Best Practice’.

“Workload is galloping” CE Robinson, 2008 The Chief Executive of DECS has publicly stated he believes workloads are “out of control”. This is something on which we agree. The evidence before the Commission is that: • Classroom teachers are currently working 55 hours per week up from 45-50 in 2000. • Beginning teachers are working over 60 hours per week. • Most principals are working in excess of 60 hours per week. • Despite the Chief Executive acknowledg-

continued over page 3 5

for their child and in doing so, have an expectation that the State Government will properly fund the provision of this education. What is abundantly clear is that with the increase of children with special needs in our preschools and schools, there is a massive injection of funds required to ensure that teachers and support staff have the necessary training and support to cater for these students. It is a situation the State Government has, to date, ignored. This is to the detriment of the children, the families and AEU members. With the State Election only six months away, we have a strong opportunity to raise the profile of the need for better funding and more resources for children with special needs. On Thursday 8 October, the AEU will, once more, stand on the steps of Parliament House. We will not be alone for we are united in our community campaign with autism parent support groups who will also be lobbying the State Government, right up to the next election. We have dedicated the cover of this issue of the AEU Journal and an advertisement on PAGE 9 with details of the Rally. Arbitration may be a very frustrating process however we cannot let the system silence our voice. We need you to attend this rally in large numbers, to fight again for your rights and conditions and most importantly, for the children that we work with every day. An hour of your day will make a huge difference to the public profile that we can bring to this issue. Please wear the colour red and bring your banners calling for better funding for children with special needs. I See you there! In solidarity, Correna Haythorpe, AEU President

Increase in Student Complexity 2000 – 2008

Students with disabilities

During the Interim Salary Hearing, the Employer argued for 0% increase. The Commission awarded 3.75%.

For arbitration updates go to:

“My name is Christopher John Francis Boone. I know all the countries of the world and their capital cities and every prime number up to 7,507.” Anyone who has worked with a child with Autism or Asperger Syndrome should read the book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon. This book was leant to me in 2004 by a close friend whose son has autism. I was teaching a child with Asperger Syndrome at the time and really had a very limited understanding of the complexities of catering for this child in a mainstream year 3/4 classroom. The young narrator is an autistic child who feels compelled to solve the mystery of the killing of a neighbour's dog, Wellington. As the story unfolds, it becomes a journey through Christopher’s world. He is a 15 year old boy with Asperger Syndrome who has never gone further than his school by himself, can’t eat foods if they are touching on his plate, and decides whether his day will be successful by the number of similarly coloured cars that pass him on the way to school. My student had similar patterns of behaviour and I would ask him each morning what colour lunch box he had packed for the day. Black symbolised turmoil whilst yellow meant that all was well with his day. I had 32 children in my class, including another child with ADHD and soon discovered that limited training and support was available from DECS to assist in managing this complex situation. I suspect that my experience is all too familiar for AEU members. As part of the AEU’s evidence in arbitration, we have put forward a table that demonstrates there has been a 75 percent increase in students with disabilities since 2000. It is a simple fact that the majority of these children are in mainstream classes. Parents have a right to choose the best education setting

What your employer thinks you are worth



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A R B I T R AT I O N ing the workload, DECS is hoping to increase face-to-face teaching by: • Changing the definition of face-to-face teaching, removing FIR and the SAD. • Increasing class size.

• Opposing AEU overtime provisions. If the Chief Executive was concerned about DECS employees then he would act to address this problem.

National Pay Range. It appears that ‘talk is cheap’, but putting the rhetoric into practice is a little more expensive. While government ministers and senior department officers are happy to say anything to convince the public and hard working educators that their offer was reasonable, the reality was that their miserly offer left us at the bottom of the salary pile.

Worst paid Labor’s broken promises “In the middle of the national pay range” – Paul Caica, October 2008. Throughout the arguments over salary the department and government have stated that their pay offer would put South Australian educators at the middle of the

The evidence shows that South Australian teachers have fallen well below that of our interstate counterparts. Under the Rann Labor Government, South Australian teachers have become the worst paid teachers in the country. In October 2008, South Australian teacher’s salaries

were $5,991 behind the national average. We have now fallen $6,384 behind the national average. This is a shortfall of 9%. If you moved to Victoria you will be paid an additional $126 per week, and if you moved to Western Australia an extra $115 per week.

The midpoint If the Minister was serious about paying the ‘midpoint’ (fourth highest state) then the percentage required by October 2008, October 2009 and October 2010 is 7.1%, 7.6% and 10.6%. (see table below left) If we were to achieve the national average then in October 2008, 2009 and 2010 an increase of 8.7%, 9% and 12.7% is required.

AEU claim modest Year

4th Highest


SA Salary

Midpoint Salary
















The AEU Claim of 3.25% (in addition to the agreed Interim salary), 7% and 7% is very modest when compared to what is being paid to teachers interstate. It would still see South Australian teachers paid below the national average and midpoint salary. I


SACE subject selection survey Initial results indicate staffing will need careful consideration if student needs are to be adequately met. subjects (plus the Research Project), instead of five, in Stage II.

Reference Group monitors concerns raised by members involved in the implementation of the new SACE and meets on a regular basis with the Minister and senior officers in DECS and at the SACE Board to address the key issues. One concern raised with the Chief Executive, SACE Board, is that there may well be a significant reduction in demand for particular SACE subjects, which could impact on staffing configurations in schools with secondary students. Several aspects of the new SACE are likely to influence students’ subject choices. These include: • Many students will be studying five subjects in Stage I, rather than six. • Many students will be studying four


• Students are no longer required to undertake at least one arts/humanities/ language subject and at least one science/ mathematics/technology subject in Stage II. • All students will be required to undertake the PLP and Research Project in order to complete the SACE. • The demand for VET options could well increase. Collectively, these factors have the potential to lead to major changes in staffing arrangements. These include required placements, the need to teach increasingly outside of areas of expertise and more PAT or contract appointments. To gauge the extent of any changes, a fax was sent to all schools with secondary students on 28 August, seeking feedback on trends in students’ subject selection and possible impacts on staffing. Some of the responses received to date

indicate considerable shifts in selection patterns, whilst others record only minor changes. Many Sub-branch Secretaries commented that it was too early to tell, given that subject selection counselling is still being conducted. The AEU will therefore re-issue the survey through another fax towards the end of Term III, when subject choices are known more definitively. Those Sub-branch Secretaries who have already responded are requested to discard the fax, unless the situation at their schools has altered considerably. Thank you to members who collated and forwarded the information, which will form the basis of ongoing discussions with the SACE Board, DECS and the Minister. It is vital that any major changes to staffing requirements are identified as soon as possible to minimise their impact on members and the effective operation of schools. I Anne Crawford, AEU Vice President



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Playing the blame game Gillard renews threat of sanctions against lowly ranked schools reports Trevor Cobbold Julia Gillard has yet again raised the spectre of using school results to punish low performing schools. She said on the SBS Insight program that principals deserve to be sacked if they repeatedly fail to lift their school’s performance. The minister failed to produce any evidence that punishing schools succeeds in lifting their results. Her problem is that she has none to produce. There is no substantial evidence that applying sanctions against schools succeeds in improving school results. But, having no evidence to sustain her case does not seem to faze the Deputy Prime Minister. It is has become a feature of her administration of education. Julia Gillard has threatened sanctions against schools with low student achievement previously, as has the Prime Minister. On her recent trip to the United States, she told a roundtable discussion on education reform at the Brookings Institution that schools which persistently fail “might eventually be closed”. In his address to the National Press Club on education last year, the Prime Minister threatened: “...where despite best efforts, these schools are not lifting their performance, the Commonwealth expects education authorities to take serious action – such as replacing the school principal, replacing senior staff, reorganising the school or even merging that school with more effective schools”. In all likelihood, these threats will apply only to government schools. Although, the Federal Government has no constitutional power to sack staff or close schools, it will presumably implement its sanctions by holding state and territory governments to ransom over funding grants. However, there is no chance it will threaten any private school with forced closure or require any private school to sack its principal or staff. Gillard and Rudd are taking their cues from England and New York City where blaming teachers and principals has become established procedure. It has allowed politicians and education officials to dodge their own responsibility for the quality of educational services serving highly disadvantaged communities. In June 2008, the UK Schools Secretary threatened to close any English secondary school that failed to ensure at least 30 percent of its pupils achieved five good General Certificates of Secondary Education, including English and maths, within three years. This put some 638 secondary schools, or 20 per cent of all secondary schools in England,

under threat of closure. In October, the government also threatened primary schools whose results were below a performance threshold with closure. In the large majority of cases, the schools targeted for closures or other sanctions are schools serving highly disadvantaged communities. Of the 638 schools threatened with closure, 542 have a student intake that has an above average proportion of students who qualify for free school meals, an indicator of disadvantage used in England. Julia Gillard’s hero, New York City’s Schools Chancellor Joel Klein, has also been sacking principals and staff and closing schools for several years because of persistently low performance on New York’s school grading system. The New York Times reported that 14 schools were marked for closure this year because they were deemed to be ‘failing’ schools. Since Klein took over the city education system, 92 low-performing schools have been closed. Many have been turned over to charter schools. The evidence is that none of this works. For example, a review of the use of sanctions and rewards across a wide range of programs, including education, published by the UK National Audit Office last September, found “no quantified evidence of the effect of sanctions and rewards on levels of performance for the programmes in the survey”. The sanctions covered in the review included closing schools and the harm to reputation from a low ranking on league tables. A study of the impact of sanctions against

low performing schools recently published by the American Educational Research Association refers to their “predictable failure”. It concluded there is a lack of evidence the sanctions have been successful as an effective and universal treatment for raising achievement levels at low performing schools. It concluded the sanctions applied under the No Child Left Behind legislation are more likely to result in “unproductive turbulence than in sustained school improvement”. A report published last April by the Education and Public Interest Center at the University of Colorado concluded there is little to no evidence that sanctions against low performing schools increased student achievement. It recommended policy makers refrain from adopting restructuring sanctions such as sacking principals and staff or closing schools and allowing them to be taken over by private operators or charter schools. It said these sanctions have produced negative by-products without yielding systemic positive effects on student achievement. Joel Klein’s sanctions against New York City schools have not worked either. National tests show average student achievement in New York City schools has stagnated since Klein took over and there has been no reduction in achievement gaps. Using school results to sanction low achieving schools and staff is likely to be highly arbitrary and unfair. I Trevor Cobbold Convenor, Save our Schools

Taken from Trevor Cobbold’s article at Save Our Schools. To read in full go to:

“ABS data shows SA below national average on progression rates year 11 to year 12.” Arbitration Tweet 28/08/09




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O H S & W C A M PA I G N


Safety Concerns The BER funding will have schools looking more like building sites for quite some time. So what precautions should members be taking to ensure occupational health and safety? CFMEU officer Aaron Cartledge recently spoke to AEU Journal about things to look out for. Adequate fencing. Not flags or barrier mesh but a secure physical barrier to stop students from entering unsafe areas. Fence signage. This should include builder’s name, license number and supervisor’s contact details in case of an issue that needs reporting. Traffic control officers. Trucks will often back in and out of the job. These workers should have an appropriate ticket to conduct this duty. Sites clean. There should be no mud. Any spillages should be cleaned up so no one can slip and injure themselves. Products used. If anything that appears potentially dangerous comes outside the fence, it should be reported. With around 500 projects being carried out by around 50 builders, there is potential for unsafe practices to occur. Mr Cartledge says that most of these builders have good procedures in place but some of the smaller builders may not. It’s important that staff do not take anything for granted. Mr. Cartledge stressed that despite the potential hazards, schools will be getting a world-class product built to world-class standards. Call the CFMEU on 8231 5532 if you need advice on safety related matters. I

Teacher Stress Survey AEU members are invited to take part in an online survey set up by an Adelaide PhD student, Adam Garrick, who is exploring factors which can reduce stress and preserve psychological health, particularly among teachers. The survey will take no more than five minutes to complete and the findings will be made available to the AEU upon completion of the research. Mr Garrick says hundreds of teachers in other teacher unions around the country have taken part and strong participation in South Australia will ultimately benefit teachers when the data is presented to government in the future.

Go to: to take part in this important research project. 8


Don’t Risk 2nd Rate Safety Around one hundred trade unionists and workplace safety reps attended yesterday’s launch of SA Unions latest campaign. The ‘Don’t Risk 2nd Rate Safety’ campaign launch was held in Hindmarsh Square, the location of large multistory construction site. The local launch of the new national workplace safety campaign coincided with rallies in other states including a mass rally of all trade unions in Melbourne. Speaking at the Adelaide launch, SA Unions Secretary Janet Giles said proposed new safety laws will put workers at risk and that the union movement would be campaigning hard to ensure that any new laws are better than those that currently exist. “This is a long campaign and it will be at the centre of our work and the trade union movement’s work for the next 12 months. We have to make sure that the same laws are passed in every state and that South Australia’s laws are as strong as those passed by other state governments,” she said. “It’s an opportunity for us to get the best safety laws ever passed in this nation but also to raise the profile of health and safety reps, to improve the safety of every workplace in this state and to get everyone in the community to take occupational health & safety much more seriously as an issue.”

“If somebody dies on a road in South Australia it’s on the front page of a newspaper. If somebody dies on a job it’ll be lucky to get a paragraph. We do not want a situation where people think it’s acceptable to go to work one day and not come back,” she added. Here are some statistics taken from the campaign leaflet (pictured left) distributed at the launch: • Workplace death is estimated to be four times higher than the road toll. • Every two – three minutes someone will be injured seriously enough to lodge a workers’ compensation claim. • The Australian economy suffers to the tune of $60 billion, or 5.9 percent of GDP a year. I



• Go to to support the campaign online • Join the facebook group ‘Don’t Risk 2nd Rate Safety’ to keep up-to-date on campaign news. • Call the AEU on 8272 1399 to find out how you can become a safety rep at your workplace.



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Autism support parents ally themselves with the AEU... seeking better funding for children with special needs Recently, the AEU met with a group of parents of students with autism to discuss their concerns and to identify common interests between the parent support group and the AEU. It became clear very quickly that we have much in common and could achieve more as a united team than by acting in isolation. Parents of children with special needs desperately want better funding for their children. They want to have better choices about the types of educational settings that best meet the needs of their children, with the resources and options available to ensure that their children can fully participate in educational programs. There has been a public outcry in the media lately about the plight of students with autism spectrum disorder. This echoes the sentiments of teachers, SSOs, ECWs and leaders who are constantly advocating for more resources and better targeted funding. AEU members who work with children with autism, experience greater levels of complexity and increased workloads in trying to provide quality educational experiences for these students. They also know the importance of good relationships with both the student and their families as they work together to overcome some of the difficulties.

In August, an international conference on autism was held in Sydney which highlighted the specific needs of people with autism and the response of governments which is all too often inadequate. The Rudd Federal Government is introducing specific funding for families that have children six years of age or under with autism spectrum disorder and whilst this is commendable, autism doesn’t simply “disappear” when a child turns seven, a point which was made strongly by those parents at the meeting. Daryl Barkhazen, a parent advocate, took up the issue of inadequate funding and resources at a recent Commonwealth Cabinet meeting in Elizabeth. He called on the Federal Government to extend the funding beyond the age cap of six years. He also raised the need for the state government to increase teachers and SSOs in schools to assist the learning needs of students with autism, particularly those in mainstream settings. In many respects, the concerns and aspirations of parents mirror those of education workers who are seeking a vibrant, responsive public education system that meets the needs of the diverse range of students that attend public schools. Throughout Enterprise Bargaining we have been seeking increased


We cannot stay silent on this very important issue. Working with Daryl and the parents of children with autism, we have agreed to take our message to the State Government by holding a large rally on the steps of Parliament House on Thursday, 8 October at 11.00am (see advertisement below). I

WE NEED YOUR HELP! The AEU calls on all members but especially those working with students with special needs and those who have complex classes to attend the rally and keep a look out for any opportunities to engage in action and to encourage parents to support the campaign. Electronic fliers will be distributed to all members and we ask that you bring the rally to the attention of parents and your school community. For further details, please refer to the advertisement below. See you there in red with your banners!

...for better funding for children with special needs

Thursday 8 October | 11.00am On the steps of Parliament House

funding for children with special needs however thus far, the state government has simply disregarded this call.

WE WANT: 3 One teacher for every four students 3 An SSO for every special class in mainstream and special schools 3 Specialised training for staff who work with children with special needs 3 More resources for our schools

= BETTER OUTCOMES FOR OUR CHILDREN! Come along and support our claim for children with special needs

3 WEAR RED! Parents, children, families and AEU members all welcome! 9



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It’s not about bulk A real education revolution will put quality ahead of quantity writes Stephen Orr


s a high school teacher with 13 years experience I’d like to talk about a state education system that seems paralysed by political and public indifference, a lack of funds, ageing teachers, low professional morale and a modus operandi that seems firmly rooted in the 1950s. I’d like to talk about public education in South Australia but, by extension, I suppose I could be talking about schools from Hobart to Hermit Creek. I’d like to ask why there’s no real big picture for our schools, despite Kevin Rudd’s Education Revolution rhetoric. High schools, it seems to me, are all about bulk – the maximum number of children through the door, in the classroom, sitting on wobbly chairs, struggling for the odd, occasional geriatric computer. Schools are staffed to a formula – one teacher per twenty-five, twenty-six or twenty-seven kids. The number is not important, because the reality is that children are not taught as cattle are vaccinated: the formula never considers learning difficulties, teenage apathy, failure to engage, dyslexia, problems at home and a list of concerns that teachers deal with every day. Similarly, teachers are tasked to work to formula. At my last school it was 1350 contact minutes per week. Yard duty, preparation, marking and tutoring were squeezed into the gaps. Bulk. Quantity versus quality. Surely any half-decent education system would be engaged in a discussion of quality. How do young minds develop, learn, retain,


“...every level of government should start talking to teachers about what would really make an education revolution.” process, create and imagine? These are issues dear to the heart of most teachers, but topics that rarely get discussed. The average day for the average teacher is fourth gear, top speed, brakes, collapse, go home. The first precondition for a quality education system must be more time for teachers to stop, consider what they’re doing, expose themselves to new ideas, engage in more professional development, and embrace the challenges of twenty-first century life. The second relates to infrastructure. Currently, the students of overworked teachers are sitting in overused classrooms. Most South Australian high schools are two-storey meat lockers built in the 1960s when the state’s population started to grow. Today, I teach in the same rooms in which I learned about calculus and ancient Egypt. Same carpet. Same rattling heaters. Sometimes I close my eyes and smell the industrial strength disinfectant wafting in from the hallways with their Beware Asbestos stickers, broken lockers and scratched windows – and imagine it’s still 1981. Alas, it doesn’t take much imagining. The SA Government is trying to solve this problem by amalgamating three or four

schools on one site. These ‘super schools’, we are promised, will solve all of our educational problems (not to mention the millions raised by selling off the old sites). No child, apparently, will have to walk more than two kilometres to get to school. There’ll be no overcrowding, tension or fights. The libraries will be big enough, quiet, withdrawn or special needs kids won’t be bullied and there’ll be more than enough vegetable lasagna for everyone. It’ll be just like Goodbye, Mr Chips, although it’s unlikely Mr Chips will remember all 3,000 names. Which brings us to the education revolution. For most teachers there’s no way to imagine future schools where academic staff and students are given laptops. Even if this could be imagined, there is positively no way to know how the requisite technical support could ever be given by one or two underpaid, overworked ‘techies’. It’s hard to imagine a whole class bringing their computer, having the cord, not having spilled breakfast on it, not using it for games or not dropping it on their little brother’s head. Throwing money around doesn’t necessarily solve problems in education. Computers don’t automatically make kids smarter, although if Rudd does commit to appropriate long-term support, upgrades and staff training this could be a good first step. Most teachers, though, say that the local Cash Converters will be rubbing their hands in glee. Nothing in schools works without the goodwill of teachers. In South Australia, teachers have been involved in a long running-dispute over pay and an ill-conceived ‘per student’ funding model the government is attempting to force upon schools. Although local teachers are annoyed about being the lowest paid in the country their real concern is over the funding model. Over bulk. Quantity versus quality. Over a new system that will see class sizes growing towards and over thirty students and beside this, most schools losing one, two or three teachers. Education and economics are not good bedfellows. Teachers would like eighteen per class, but we understand the country only has so much money. Still, most people with any sort of vision agree that the future lies not in minerals, manufacturing or building navy frigates, but in intellect, imagination, the ability to see and create the future. All of this relies on schools as places where children are inspired and pushed to their own personal boundaries. The Rann Government’s decision to increase the school leaving age to seventeen solves nothing. More bulk. Less youth unemployment in a state that specialises in it. Finally, every level of government should start talking to teachers about what would really make an education revolution. I suggest it would be along the lines of less bulk, more microscopes, less quantity and more hydraulics labs, books, time to sit and discuss what was really getting up Lady Macbeth’s nose. I



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Early years duped Howard Spreadbury reports on the recent Education Works forum held at the AEU On Thursday 3rd September, the AEU held a forum for members in preschool and junior primary sites to highlight a number of issues in relation to Education Works. Keynote speaker, Trevor Cobbold (pictured), convenor of the Save our Schools campaign in the Australian Capital Territory, spoke of the recent actions on the part of the ACT Government to close and amalgamate a significant number of schools and preschools. Their motivation was clear: to make significant savings through the sale of sites and reduced salary expenditure. His key message was that there is no research or evidence to support the position that bigger is better, particularly for younger children, as there is no argument in relation to quality of education in a larger site that can be justified. Trevor identified concerns raised by communities in the ACT including: curriculum offerings, whereby supposed enhancement of “choice” would not necessarily deliver greater depth; the fact that targeted areas of disadvantage do not always benefit from larger amalgamated sites – research demonstrates that smaller schools mitigate low socio-economic status; and that lack of trans-

port and greater travelling distances restrict access to public education, particularly in preschools where attendance is non-compulsory and programs are offered in shorter sessions. The most significant outcome for communities is the loss of the local neighbourhood preschool and school and the focal point that the site provides for families and community groups. The forum provided members with opportunities for the sharing of experiences from sites that have been involved in discussions related to local decisions to sign up to Education Works. Any DECS proposal put to preschools and schools regarding re-location or amalgamation will now form part of Education Works Stage 2. Junior primary school communities that vote to amalgamate with the neighbouring primary school should understand the staffing ramifications in terms of loss of early childhood leadership, career pathways for teachers and SSO hours and positions. Preschool members should also be aware that if their community votes to enter a new arrangement on a school site, their preschool

Branch Executive Elections 2009 This AEU Journal carries statements submitted by candidates in the election for Members of AEU Branch Executive. Candidates are responsible for the content of their advertisements. Candidates’ advertisements are published in alphabetical order. A ballot is being conducted for the twelve General Division Members of Branch Executive. Correna Haythorpe has been re-elected unopposed as Branch President, Anne Crawford as Female Vice President and David Smith has been elected to the position of Male Vice President. Branch Executive Members representing School Services Officer, Children’s Services, TAFE and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members have also been elected unopposed. Voting for the twelve General Division members of Branch Executive is by members assigned to the General Division, excluding members assigned to the SSO and Children’s Services sub-divisions.

Enquiries AEU elections are conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). All enquiries regarding this election should be directed to the AEC Returning Officer phone: 8237 6501.

Timing The ballot will open on 6 October and close at 9.00am on 26 October 2009.

will close and a new early childhood facility and program will be established as part of the school. This will definitely form part of a new school-based leadership structure and will not have provision for a preschool director. It is clear that staff and parents of children in preschools that have been identified for amalgamation are unlikely to be aware that they may not maintain their current early childhood expertise and programs. In the absence of a commitment from DECS and government to maintain current staffing, the AEU strongly advises that preschools do not sign up to Education Works. Howard Spreadbury, Lead Organiser

MICK BRAHAM for AEU Branch Executive Experience: 30 years teaching in country and metropolitan schools. Employed as a teacher, also holding the positions of Lecturer, Coordinator (ICT, Maths and Timetabling), Placement Officer, Deputy Principal, Principal and Project Officer.

I am an experienced and passionate AEU activist • AEU Sub-Branch Secretary at Mannum for 6 years, AEU member since 1976 • Member of the Band 3 Consultative Committee • Member of the AEU working party reviewing the proposed DECS ICT policy • AEU Murraylands Area rep for 6 years • AEU delegate to Branch Council for 6 years

As a member of Branch Executive, I will campaign for: • Resourcing that provides for the current and future complexity of workplace and social issues as they impact on education • Democracy in a family-friendly workplace with increased levels of permanency in all sectors • Safe schools and workplaces • Adequate maintenance and renewal of our facilities and an increase in floor space in sites to cater for student needs • Fully funded training and development and improved country conditions • Reduction in the number of PATS • Increased support for new teachers and new leaders.

Unity.Strength.Action. A Balanced Voice for All Members. Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.




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for AEU Branch Executive

for AEU Vice President

Teaching Experience: • Remote country high and area schools • Disadvantaged metropolitan high schools • Acting Coordinator: various roles/locations • 2000 - current: Open Access College

Union Activism: • 1996, 1998-current: AEU Branch Executive member 1990 - current: Branch Council delegate 1996 - 1999: AEU Women’s Officer & Vice President 2003: Acting AEU Federal Women’s Officer 1998 - current: AEU Federal Conference Delegate 2000 - 2008: AEU SSABSA Board nominee 2003 - current: Teachers Registration Board (AEU nominee) Member/past member of Status of Women and Finance Committees & numerous standing/ad hoc committees and working parties developing AEU policy. • AEU New SACE Reference Group • AEU/SACE Board collaborative working group • • • • • • •

As a member of Executive I am committed to: • Fighting for a fully funded strong public education system • Defending and improving the working conditions of all education workers • Recruiting and retaining members. We must follow the principles of effective participation, inclusivity and maintain control of the education agenda. Members must determine what industrial and professional matters are prominent on the education workforce agenda. For our union to remain strong we must work collectively for the good of all members, maintain relevance and, above all, apply our democratic principles.

Current Female Vice-President Experience: • 28 years as a secondary teacher and in DECS Equal Opportunity Unit as Advisor and Manager. • AEU Organiser 2004-2007. • AEU Vice President with oversight for SSO, Early Childhood and Aboriginal Education matters 2007 - 2008. • Proven record of AEU leadership and activism throughout my teaching career. • Participant in current Enterprise Bargaining negotiations.

As Female Vice-President, I will continue to advocate: • • • • •

Strong women’s representation in union and employer forums. Greater and more permanent employment for Aboriginal educators. Meaningful reconciliation with the Aboriginal community. Realistic timelines and support for the introduction of the new SACE. Effective consultation and communication between DECS and AEU members. I am committed to pursuing improved teacher placement processes, smaller class sizes and nationally competitive salaries for all AEU members. I will continue to be an effective voice of AEU policy in public forums and the media, and a forceful lobbyist for a strong Public Education system that serves all Australian students.

Unity.Strength.Action. Unity.Strength.Action. A Balanced Voice for All Members.

A Balanced Voice for All Members.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.



for AEU Branch Executive


for AEU Branch Executive Experience:

I have taught R-7 in disadvantaged and metropolitan schools from Whyalla in the north to Woodcroft in the south. I have worked over the last 28 years as a TRT, contract teacher, teacher-librarian, school counsellor and now as Assistant Principal.

During my membership I have worked in a variety of roles including SSO, PRT, classroom teacher/coordinator, District Office Personnel (Coordinator: Disability K–12, Interagency Student Behaviour Management and Whole School Change).

I am a strong, committed AEU activist. My involvement includes:


• • • • •

Branch Council delegate on and off since 1983 Status of Women Committee Principal’s Consultative Committee Anna Stewart Memorial Project Participant 2009 Regular attendee at AEU rallies and events

• • • •

1990 – 92: Employable Teachers Consultative Committee. 2006 – current: Country Conditions Standing Committee member 2005 – current: Special Education Consultative Committee Current Branch Council Delegate

As a member of Branch Executive, I will campaign for:

As a member of Branch Executive I will campaign for:

• • • • • • •

• • • •

Public Education issues School Counsellor’s in every school The right to teach with manageable workloads and smaller class sizes More resources and support for students with learning difficulties More staff to be converted to permanency Women’s issues Leader’s issues

Improved country education working conditions Better conditions for country beginning teachers Increased service provision in the country Improved incentives for all country education professionals.

Unity.Strength.Action. Unity.Strength.Action. 12

A Balanced Voice for All Members.

A Balanced Voice for All Members.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.



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for AEU Branch Executive

for AEU Branch Executive Experience: I have taught Secondary Arts and Humanities, fulfilling Year Level Coordinator duties in country and metropolitan schools as a contract and PET.

Experience: Currently teaching at Ross Smith Secondary School. I have worked in a range of schools in metropolitan and country areas as a contract and permanent teacher. I have worked in both classroom teacher and leadership roles. I currently work part-time in a coordinator role. I have a young family, therefore I’m extremely aware of issues associated with work-life balance.

AEU Involvement: • • • • •

Current Sub-Branch Secretary AEU rep on PAC Delegate to the Federal Women’s Conference AEU rep on the DECS Education Works Consultative group Participant in the Anna Stewart Memorial Project

I will provide a strong voice on executive in relation to: • • • • • •

Increased conditions to provide improved work–life balance Reduced contact time for classroom teachers Workload of coordinators Reduced class sizes Increased support at a school level for Behaviour Management Education Works

Commitment to AEU Activism: • Branch Executive, 2009 • AEU State Election Campaign Strategy Working Party • Spokesperson for the North East Area Apple for Teacher Lobby Group, whose collective activism achieved improvements to BER projects in Adelaide’s North East • New Educator Network Organising Committee and presenter at the 2009 New Educators’ and New Activists’ Conferences • Outspoken advocate for Public Education at rallies in 2008 and 2009 • AEU Sub-branch Secretary and Workplace Organising Committee • Seconded to the AEU as an Organiser in Term 4, 2008

As a continuing member of Branch Executive, I will be committed to: • Ensuring this State Government meets its obligation to provide fair salaries, smaller class sizes and manageable workloads for all public education workers • Rejecting league tables • Keeping members informed of their rights in the workplace • Supporting new AEU members and increasing active member involvement

Unity.Strength.Action. Unity.Strength.Action. A Balanced Voice for All Members.

A Balanced Voice for All Members.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.



for AEU President

for AEU Branch Executive

Current AEU President Experience: Experience: I have taught R – 7 in a range of disadvantaged and metropolitan schools as a TRT, Contract and Permanent positions. I am currently teaching in a NAP unit.

I am a strong, committed AEU activist. My involvement includes: • • • • • •

TRT and Contract Teachers Consultative Committee member 2003 – 2007 Status of Women Consultative Committee Anna Stewart Memorial Project participant – 2008 Rosemary Richards Award recipient – 2008 Branch Council delegate AEU Sub-Branch Secretary and Workplace Organising Committee

As a member of Branch Executive, I will campaign for: • • • • •

The rights of all AEU members A strong, well-resourced, Public Education system Improved conditions for contract and TRT members Better funding for preschools, schools and TAFE An Increased voice for AEU women members

Vote 1 for a strong, balanced voice for AEU Branch Executive.

• • • •

• Many years of R-7 teaching experience in country and metro sites • Proven record of AEU leadership and strong activism • Branch Executive member Former AEU Women’s Officer Former AEU SA Branch Treasurer Delegate to: Area meetings and Branch Council, the AEU Federal Conference and SA Unions Enterprise Bargaining.

As AEU President, I believe that I bring: • • • •

United leadership Recent classroom teaching and leadership experience Ability to articulate AEU policy in public forums and the media Comprehensive knowledge of workload issues for preschools, schools and TAFE • Significant achievements in EB negotiations • Effective consultation, communication and active engagement with all AEU members • Personal commitment to fight for members’ rights and conditions • Strong belief in social justice, equal opportunity and democratic decision making. Above all, I’m committed to lobby for a strong, viable Public Education system, not only to protect members’ rights but for the future of our students.

Unity.Strength.Action. Unity.Strength.Action. A Balanced Voice for All Members.

A Balanced Voice for All Members.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.




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for AEU Branch Executive

for AEU Branch Executive

Experience: I am a passionate and committed AEU activist, currently Sub-Branch Secretary at Greenwith Primary School. I have taught R – 7 in a range of schools, full time, part- time, classroom and specialist teacher; NIT provider in LOTE, ESL, librarian and leadership positions.

My AEU involvement includes: • • • • • • • •


Branch Council Delegate. AEU Sub-Branch Secretary and Workplace Organising Committee. North-East/Tea Tree Gully Area meetings Status of Women Consultative Committee SA Women’s Conferences Federal Women’s Conference Anna Stewart Memorial Project A range of training workshops for AEU members and Sub-Branch Secretaries

As a member of Branch Executive, I will campaign for: • • • • • •

Public Education issues for Early Childhood, TAFE and School sectors The right to teach with manageable workloads and smaller class sizes Fair and equitable staffing process for all sectors Democracy in the workplace Increased, active AEU member involvement Strong commitment to Your Rights at Work e.g. supporting members facing OHSW problems through the implementation of the BER.

20 years teaching in country and metropolitan schools, currently based at Hallett Cove School.

As member of Executive I will support the following issues: • Increased resourcing for each sector • Ensure that union processes are inclusive of all classifications in preschools, schools and TAFE • Work to reduce the increased administrative demands placed upon staff and leaders • Work towards ensuring safe and healthy workplaces

Unity.Strength.Action. Unity.Strength.Action. A Balanced Voice for All Members.

A Balanced Voice for All Members.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.



for AEU Branch Executive

for AEU Branch Executive Experience: • Currently teaching in the secondary sector at Tumby Bay Area School. • Middle School Coordinator.

AEU Involvement: • Current Branch Executive • Active member of New Educators Network • Member of planning group for the New Educators, the New Educators, New Leaders and the New Activists Conferences • Passionate Sub-Branch Secretary (I have recruited new members by increasing AEU visibility within our site and in our community). • Workplace Organising Committee • Involved in engaging sub-branch members to increase activism • Active participant in industrial action • Area meeting worksite delegate • Advocate for Public Education as a speaker at the Pt Lincoln rallies.

Experience: • Over 30 years as a classroom teacher • Branch Secretary/Sub-Branch Secretary for 18 years • School leadership roles as AST1, Coordinator, Deputy Principal and Assistant Principal • Leadership in resolving local AEU issues • Delegate to Area/State/Branch Council

As a member of Executive I will campaign for:

• Delegations to Politicians

• Country conditions, including: improved T&D opportunities, recognition of isolation, complexity of working in small and area schools, attraction and retention of staff • An improved mentoring program and induction process and both informal and informal support structures for new educators and new leaders. By recognising and addressing issues faced by new educators and country members, we can make those members feel part of a strong and passionate union.

• S.A.I.T. Working Party on Re-entry Schools Policy.

I will be an active and passionate voice for all members.

• AEU Nominee on the Teachers Registration Board 1995-2011 • Executive member 1998-99, 2002-2003. I stand as a candidate for Branch Executive in this election with a strong belief that in these times of attacks on unions, it is imperative that we have a strong education union that is able to stand up for Public Education and to work with other unions in defence of members’ wages and conditions.

Unity.Strength.Action. Unity.Strength.Action. 14

A Balanced Voice for All Members.

A Balanced Voice for All Members.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.



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for AEU Vice President

for AEU Branch Executive

Currently teaching at Kapunda High School My active AEU commitment has included:

• • • • • • •

• Kapunda High School Sub-branch Secretary. • Workplace Organising Committee. Branch Executive, Branch Treasurer, Branch Council. Chair, Country Conditions Committee. Administrative Officer Review Committee. Legal Defence Appeals Committee. Area Council Chair. Public Education Advisory Committee. Strong advocate for Public Education.

Experience: I have undertaken a number of roles promoting the work of educators. This has included active sub-branch involvement at a number of sites, membership of my district leadership group, and executive member of several professional leadership organisations and reference groups. As a member of the Principal’s Consultative Committee, for the past two years, I have continued to support the views of AEU members in leadership positions.

Member of a team that has achieved: • • • •

Government back-downs on A-E reports, Aquatics and Music programmes, Strong member activism and growth, Balanced representation for all members, Union strength through strategic member action.

Vote 1 for a strong, balanced voice for AEU Vice President.

I would work with AEU Executive to: • Ensure that all sites, be they TAFE, School sector or early childhood, operate in a democratic manner that values the voice of all AEU members, • Increase the active participation of all members, • Promote a real and meaningful work life balance for all members through manageable workload and appropriate staffing of all sites and • Challenge the disparity of federal funding between public and private school sectors.

Unity.Strength.Action. Unity.Strength.Action. A Balanced Voice for All Members.

A Balanced Voice for All Members.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.

MALCOLM VAUGHAN for AEU Branch Executive

BOB WOODBURY for AEU Branch Executive Experience:

Experience: I am a coordinator at Kingston Community School and have previously taught at Mannum High and Cummins Area Schools. I teach politics, history and agriculture. I have been Sub-Branch Secretary for many years and feel proud promoting the AEU and the quality of public education in conservative rural areas. I am currently serving my fourth year on the Country Conditions Committee. I am a Branch Council delegate for the Upper South East and am also the AEU representative on the Limestone Coast Regional Consultative Forum.

If elected to Branch Executive I will campaign strongly for: • Competitive salaries that will attract and keep young teachers, especially in country areas • Equitable Commonwealth funding for Public Education • Promotion of the AEU as a professional organisation for all teachers • Continued monitoring of assessment procedures for the New SACE.

I’m a coordinator at Gawler High School and long time member of the AEU. My number one priority in the new Executive is to advocate for salary justice for all education workers and to work collaboratively to deliver outcomes that make politicians accountable to the electorate. I will continue on executive the struggle for a fair share of resources for public schools. Parents are our true allies in the struggle to ensure that public education remains vibrant and has the potential to deliver active citizenship through a responsive curriculum delivered in neighbourhood schools. The way forward involves activism with parents and the wider community.

I bring to the new Executive a breadth of activism on behalf of our profession and public education: • Activist at local branch supporting AEU members • Branch Council delegate from Gawler • Involved in collaborative environmental projects with local community groups, building sustainable curriculum with our students • Representative to delegations involving the local member, federal member and DECS on a number of issues including Education Works and program development for disengaged youth • AEU nominee on the Teacher’s Registration Board. • Past AEU Male Vice-President with portfolio areas including: TAFE Special Education, OHS@W and VET.

Unity.Strength.Action. Unity.Strength.Action. A Balanced Voice for All Members.

A Balanced Voice for All Members.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.

Endorsed by Haythorpe, Smith,and Crawford.




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TA F E I SS U E S and his management team at DFEEST have other ideas.


Real Wages

Labour Productivity


130 120 110 100 90

























80 1984

Index (Base – 100)


The equivalent of 10 percent of GDP has been netted by corpoations through “productivity” increases over the last 30 years. Source: Workplace Research Centre, University of Sydney 2009

Productivity the main game for TAFE heads Cost cutting measures in VET will lead to homogenisation writes Craig Greer If there was any doubt as to the government’s TAFE agenda it was well and truly swept away by DFEEST CEO Ray Garrand at the Skills Strategy Forum held by SA Unions recently. Invited, presumably, to present on TAFE’s role in the skilling of Australian workers, Mr Garrand produced what one might describe as a eulogy to a well-resourced and forward thinking public provider of vocational education and training. From the very beginning, Mr Garrand made it clear the “productivity” agenda is the main force behind the COAG–driven reforms in the VET sector. Productivity in Australia, he asserted, is languishing behind other OECD nations. As a consequence, governments, both state and federal, have set myriad targets to ensure TAFE play their part in turning this around. The premise, however, is a furphy that needs to be exposed. While some figures may show productivity in decline or stagnation in recent years, the past three decades have in fact seen a consistent increase in productivity compared to that of real wages, as shown in the graph above. Casting further doubt on the advice Mr

“When you make profit the only driver in the education system then inevitably those courses that are more expensive will have to fall off the register.” Pat Forward AEU National TAFE President

Garrand receives are recent figures that have had conservative economists around the world referring to the Australian economy as the “Wonder from Down Under”. One of these commentators, CommSec’s Craig James, says the description is apt. “Over the past eight years, there’s only been one quarter, one three-month period, where the economy has gone backwards. Our record economic expansion has just completed 18 years. We’ve now moved into our 19th year,” Mr James said. Despite these figures, Australians are constantly told of the need to increase productivity in order to compete in the marketplace. It’s a mantra that education bureaucrats should be rejecting. Unfortunately, Ray Garrand

By 2012 DFEEST hope to significantly reduce their operating costs. To achieve this they have a number of key targets to meet. According to the CEO, over the next three years, DFEEST hope to increase the percentage of RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) from 8 to 20 percent, increase e-learning by 100 percent and deliver 25 percent of courses in the workplace. The ultimate goal is to bring TAFE’s delivery cost down to somewhere near the $11 per-hour mark as it currently sits in the user-pays Victorian TAFE system. While it certainly wasn’t publicly acknowledged by Ray Garrand, the State Government’s virtual wage freeze for education staff and an increase in casual and contract labour is also part of TAFE’s recipe for market success. Pat Forward, the AEU National TAFE President (pictured), says that despite the DFEEST rhetoric, cutting costs will do nothing to increase productivity. “The focus on productivity, when you come at it from a cost cutting angle is going to give you an outcome that is incredibly narrow. If you come at it from a different direction, i.e. what is the core business of TAFE, you will then get increased productivity, in the broadest sense of the word. Australia will end up with well educated and well trained young people who have a very broad approach to work and life.” Of major concern for educators in the TAFE system is the potential for the curriculum to narrow in order to achieve the kinds of efficiencies being sought by the government via TAFE. Pat Forward explains: “When you make profit the only driver in the education system then inevitably those courses that are more expensive will have to fall off the register. Ironically, those are often the courses that are focussed on literacy and numeracy and will never turn a profit for TAFE colleges. However, they are absolutely crucial to productive workplaces.” Of course nobody is without sympathy for TAFE management who, having had the contestability agenda forced upon them, are perhaps being positioned somewhere between a rock and a hard place by their political masters. But Pat Forward says it is up to these bureaucrats to do something about it. “The government agenda is harsh, but nevertheless, they have to question it and demand a better deal. They have a responsibility at a social level to the institutions they manage, and they can’t simply be let off the hook because we’re apparently experiencing hard times. Their responsibility goes beyond the immediate economic management of the system.” There is no doubt, Australian workers, employers and governments have a lot to lose if education reform continues on its current trajectory. I

“Women in leadership positions not being paid at the right level for paid maternity leave by DECS.” 16

Arbitration Tweet 05/08/09



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You say A, I write B…or how to be a Murdoch journalist


urdoch journalist David Penberthy recently took the big stick to the AEU in his weekly column under the heading “Teacher unions prefer underachievement in schools to scrutiny of their work” (‘Advertiser’ Friday August 14). Penberthy launched his diatribe on the back of former DECS CEO Ken Boston, in town at the invitation of the Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA). Actually, Penberthy seems not to have attended any of Boston’s public talks. The Advertiser column was simply a rewrite of a piece he had put into The Sydney Daily Telegraph several days earlier based on a report in The Australian on August 11. Out went a reference to Mt Druitt High, and in went a curious reference to former AEU President Clare McCarty with whom David claimed to have had a “good relationship”, as if this somehow established his credentials for writing on education. The article opened with a reference to a “proposal” by Boston to “shut failing schools, sack their principals and replace their teachers”, which Penberthy described as the equivalent of US policy in Vietnam, namely, “destroying the village in order to save it.” I thought that was one of the reasons the US lost that war, but to Penberthy it was a “welcome suggestion” that only the “selfstyled defenders of public education in the teachers unions” would oppose. At this stage I was less interested in trying to decipher the logic of this under-performing journalist than I was in wondering what planet he had been on when Boston had been speaking. I was one of those who attended Boston’s presentation recently in Adelaide. It was temperate and well-reasoned. He was certainly not Rambo with a flamethrower. He had been invited by APPA to speak out against league tables and that was the focus of his talk. There was a passing observation that some 200 schools had been closed in England, but there was no call for such a measure. He began by “nailing his colours to the mast”. He was: • a supporter of national testing in England, and in Australia; • opposed to the test results in England being used for purposes for which they are not fit;

• concerned by the debilitating impact that the high stakes uses of the test results in England have on the school curriculum; • concerned about the archaic method of delivery of the tests; and • totally opposed to league tables. Those five points, had Penberthy any journalistic integrity, would have served as the basis for an informative newspaper article, as APPA had intended. Among the “unfit for purpose” uses to which national tests in England had been put, Boston offered the following: “The tests have changed from an essentially diagnostic test for the purpose of school and system improvement, to a high stakes summative test on which depend – amongst other things – the pay and future employment of the head teacher and the staff.” That, Mr Penberthy, is a criticism, not an endorsement! Boston also observed that as a result of the misuse of national testing in England “the school curriculum is narrower and poorer than it was when the tests were introduced in 1997. In many schools, the time spent on areas of the curriculum which are not externally assessed has contracted sharply.” So-called “value-adding” or “rich contextualisation” of data to publicly report on individual schools or groups of schools was dismissed by Boston as data that “cannot be readily explained publicly. Parents don’t understand it and it raises more questions than it answers.” Boston was critical of English Ministers for Education for not having “ever come out with the public strident criticism the league tables deserved,” quipping when his mobile rang mid-speech, “Oh, that must be Gordon Brown”. Whether Brown was listening, and whether England has a white taxi capable of reaching Adelaide, it is certain that the message fell on deaf ears as far as Julia Gillard is concerned. A week later, appearing on a stagemanaged SBS Insight program, she looked positively rapturous as a God-like Joel Klein was beamed in from New York. Regrettably, and despite every opportunity afforded through the program, Gillard offered no “public strident criticism” of league tables, nor did she indicate any measures to be taken by her government to stop the likes of The Hobart Mercury, whose editor was also on the program, from developing league tables out of the data she intends to have published online.

1 Ken Boston speaking at a forum in Adelaide on Wednesday 12 August.

So what was the advice from Ken Boston? Firstly, to avoid league tables in any form, including that of Joel Klein’s New York school report cards, about to be adopted in England. Secondly, to avoid “like school formats… for public reporting on individual schools” (another Gillardism). Thirdly, to develop existing school annual reports into a viable alternative method of providing information to parents and school communities, using a common format for consistency and external verification to confer public trust in the reports. It is a pity that APPA’s noble intention of informing public discussion on the issue of league tables has been so trivialised and misrepresented by the Murdoch media. I Mike Williss AEU Research Officer

To download Ken Boston’s presentation on league tables go to: “A 75% increase in students with disabilities since 1999 adds to increased workloads.” Arbitration Tweet 02/08/09




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A E U Wo m e n ’ s O f f i ce r | T i s h C h a m p i o n

‘Sisters with Solutions’ Leading up to the AEU Federal Women’s Conference, AEU Journal profiles two of this year’s participants. On the long weekend of October 3 and 4, eleven South Australian women will join others from around the country in Melbourne as they attend the 25th AEU Federal Women’s Conference. This year’s conference, titled “TAKING ON GLOBAL CRISES – Sisters with Solutions”, will address the contemporary challenges of climate change, the global financial crisis and the imperative of succeeding in the provision of education for all globally.

CAROL FINE Mt Barker High School Carol has been a long standing supporter and member of the union movement and joined the SA branch of the AEU when she gained her first appointment with DECS in 1999. She was on contract at the time and was grateful to the union for assisting her in achieving permanency. Carol served as Women’s Contact Officer at Ocean View College and has continued in this role at her current school, Mt Barker High School. Over the years, she has attended many rallies, protests and marches and has encouraged colleagues and friends to join her. Carol has been an active member of the Status of Women Consultative Committee for

two years and attends the regular meetings. Through her membership on the Status of Women Consultative Committee, Carol has gained experience and knowledge about conference organisation by actively assisting in the development of the past two AEU Women’s Conferences in South Australia. Carol’s major current concern and area of interest at the moment is the situations, challenges and attitudes that older women face as many continue to stay in the work force longer. Having actively participated in the civil rights campaign and women’s movement both here and in the United States, Carol became more aware of the similarities between these events and the ageist attitudes which older people, especially women, face in the workforce. I

LEE DUHRING Woodcroft Primary School Lee is currently assistant principal and has been an AEU member for around 26 years. Over the years she has taken part in a wide range of union and women’s groups where she has experienced the power of committed women with diverse and complementary skills who support each other in working for positive change.

Lee has contributed to the union as a Branch Council delegate on and off since 1983 and has been a member of the Status of Women’s Consultative Committee for three years. This year she added another female voice to the leadership arena by joining the Principal’s Consultative Committee. Lee was recently a participant in the Anna Stewart Memorial Project. Lee’s activism and commitment to women’s issues is also evident in her community efforts. She is a member of the YWCA, Women in the Bush and Women in the Wilderness walking groups, the Women’s Studies Resource Centre, The Vitalstatistix Women’s Theatre Choir and various women’s social networking dinner and soup groups. Lee is excited about attending this year’s Federal AEU Women’s Conference. She intends to communicate relevant information to other women members through her networks, various committees and the AEU Women’s Contact Newsletter. Stay tuned! I

Congratulations! The Working Women’s Centre are celebrating their 30th Anniversary this month. The AEU acknowledges and thanks them for the amazing support they provide to working women in South Australia. The Centre continues to advocate for Women’s Rights on all levels.

Pregnant? On Contract? Then you NEED to know! During the Enterprise Bargaining negotiations last year, the AEU successfully argued and fought for some important changes to the Paid Maternity Leave policy.

1. Women on Paid Maternity Leave can now access the 37.5 hours of Training and Professional Development. In effect, if a woman has completed the necessary hours of Training and Development her Paid Maternity Leave will be extended by one week.

2. Women now have the right to part-time work up until their child’s second birthday. Previously, a woman only had the right to request part-time work up until the second birthday of the child.

3. A contract teacher can now take any accrued entitlement to Paid Maternity Leave beyond the tenure of her contract providing the leave begins within the life of the contract tenure. In the past, a contract teacher wanting to take paid maternity leave needed to take all of the accrued leave within the life of their contract or lose any unused portion


once the contract ended. DECS agreed to implement these changes from the beginning of the 2009 school year. A circular outlining these changes was sent to all sites by Chief Executive Chris Robinson in January this year. Despite the communication from Chris Robinson, many women are experiencing a problem in relation to POINT 3. When making enquiries about their Paid Maternity Leave, some women are being informed by Shared Services (payroll) that without a new contract beyond their current tenure they will need to take any Paid Maternity Leave within the life of their current contract or lose any remaining entitlements. Michael Papps from HR has assured the AEU this is not the case and any woman who wants to take Paid Maternity Leave extending beyond their contract dates will definitely have it granted. AEU members who have contacted me regarding this situation have been given the right information and subsequently contacted

DECS to alleviate their concerns and worries. However, members who are acting on the advice they are receiving from Payroll may very well panic and decide to take their Paid Maternity Leave much earlier than necessary in order to access all of their entitlement. This will disadvantage those women and cause unnecessary stress and financial hardship. If you or anyone you know is in a contract position and expecting a child later this year, do not seek advice regarding entitlements to paid maternity leave from a DECS payroll officer. As long as you begin your Paid Maternity Leave within the life of your current contract – as little as one day is sufficient – DECS will honour any leave you have accrued beyond your contract. A leave form of this nature submitted to Site HR will be approved. I

For further information contact: AEU | Tish Champion: 8272 1399 DECS | Michael Papps: 8226 1000



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New SACE Subjects

Q & A from the Workplace

An update on the new SACE Stage 1 subjects set to be taught for the first time in 2010 This article is printed as information for members at the request of the SACE Board. It does not represent the views of the AEU (SA Branch).

South Australia. The SACE Board will continue to be responsible for the assessment, quality assurance and certification of subjects for the senior secondary years in South Australia.


With new SACE Stage 1 subjects set to be taught for the first time in 2010, here is an update from the SACE Board on key issues for teachers.

There are a number of parallels between the directions of the new SACE and the proposed emphases of the national curriculum.


The SACE Board is working closely with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) – the new organisation developing proposals for a national curriculum. Teachers can be confident their preparation for the new SACE will provide a sound basis for the later introduction of the national curriculum. In fact, the subjects for the new SACE have been designed with the knowledge of the proposed directions of the national curriculum. Importantly, the use of performance standards in the new SACE fits well with the proposed national approach. The heads of the boards of studies from each state and territory and ACARA met for the first time in July. The main topic for discussion was ACARA’s development of national subjects for the senior secondary years. The discussion focused on the respective responsibilities of ACARA and the state and territory boards of studies for curriculum in these years. ACARA intends to develop national subjects for the senior years in English, Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Earth and Environmental Science) and History (Ancient History and Modern History) as the first phase of senior secondary curriculum development. The SACE Board has committed to work with ACARA in the development of these subjects. The SACE Board has told ACARA that it will continue to provide subjects that ACARA may not be planning to develop, where these subjects provide important curriculum options for South Australian students.

The SACE Board has drawn ACARA’s attention to the significant investment of time, effort and resources that the South Australian Government and South Australian teachers across the three school sectors have made, and are continuing to make, to the development and implementation of the new SACE. The SACE Board is clear that the implementation of the new SACE provides the sound basis for the implementation of national sujects. The SACE Board is continuing to discuss with ACARA the most appropriate timelines for the implementation of national subjects for the senior years. For more information about the national curriculum in the senior secondary years, teachers can download ACARA’s position paper at: papers.html ACARA is accepting feedback on the paper until the end of September.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT School leaders and teachers of new SACE subjects in 2010 will have more opportunities for professional development in Term 4. Go to the SACE Board website for details: sace-bulletin Follow the links to ‘professional development’ to book a place at one of our workshops.

NEED MORE INFORMATION? Go to for more information about the new SACE including subject outlines, support materials and more. I

“There have been massive increases in contract and casual employment by DECS since 2000. Most of the people affected are women. No job security for SSOs, AEWs or ECWs.”

Source: DECS Site Human Resources Workforce Management


I am currently suffering an incapacity as a result of my employment with the Department and am receiving workers compensation payments. Due to the incapacity I cannot perform my duties as a classroom teacher at this current time, but as part of my rehabilitation I hope to do so in the future. My teacher’s registration is due for renewal. One of the questions on the renewal form asks if I am suffering an incapacity that affects my ability to perform my duties as a teacher. What does this mean? Do I tick this box? What will this mean for my re-registration?


If your medical evidence suggests that you are seriously impaired by an illness or disability which may affect your capacity, behavior or competence as a teacher then you are required to tick the box. You will then be contacted by a representative from the Teachers Registration Board advising that unless you can provide medical evidence that you have some capacity to perform your duties as a teacher your registration will not be renewed. This can make it difficult to then rehabilitate you back into a teaching role via the workers compensation legislation. The onus will then be on you to show the Teachers Registration Board why

Continued over page 3

Arbitration Tweet 03/08/09 19

8272 1399

The SACE will continue to be the vehicle for both SACE Board and national subjects in

For example, the capabilities in the new SACE subjects are similar to the cross-curriculum capabilities proposed in the national approach. The performance standards in the new SACE subjects use similar constructs as the achievement standards proposed for the national curriculum.

If either a permanent or contract teacher applied for three different positions in Stage 1, it will be a reality that panels will finish at different times. If the teacher (whether permanent or contract) receives a phone call and an e-mail from school ‘A’ offering them the position, the teacher should ring the Chairperson of the Local Selection Panel, inform the Chairperson that they have applied for other positions in Stage 1 and that these panel are still in progress. Hence they cannot give them a definite answer until they know the outcome of all other panels. Despite panels requesting an answer by a certain date the panel is obliged to hold their process until the teacher has heard about other positions they applied for. If a permanent teacher accepts a Stage 1 position, they are still eligible to apply for any Stage 2 vacancies. If a contract teacher accepts a Stage 1 position, they are NOT eligible to apply for any Stage 2 vacancies.

Officers of the AEU Information Unit are available Monday – Friday from 10.30am – 5.00pm. Phone:


If I am offered a position through Local Selection Stage 1, am I able to delay my decision to accept until I have heard about other positions I applied for?



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AEU Information Unit: Mon. – Fri. | 10.30am – 5.00pm. | T:



Continued 3

your registration should be renewed. However, should you have some capacity to perform some teaching duties or are on a return to work plan, it is our view that you are not seriously impaired by an illness or disability that affects your competence to teach and therefore you should not be obligated to tick the box. If you have the slightest doubt and your registration is due for renewal please contact the AEU immediately for advice.


Can the Mandatory Notification update training be done watching the DVD in our own time?

8272 1399

The three-hour update is designed to be run in workplaces or in district offices as face-to-face training only. If any sites are handing out a DVD to staff to watch on their own and then ticking them off a list as having done the updated training, this information should be reported to the DECS Child Protection Unit. Members should not be put at risk of having their teacher registration refused before they have not done the three hour face-to- face training. If leaders have any concerns, they should phone: Gaye Brimacombe, DECS Child Protection Unit. I Anne Walker, AEU Legal & Information Officer

Postcards 5 (below) and bags1(above) were handed 0ut on the day to support the campaign.

Equal Pay Day – 1 Sept ‘09 A protest organised by the group Business and Professional Women (BPW) was held on the steps of Parliament House recently to highlight the fact that women are still not treated as equals when it comes to pay and

conditions. Sheila Evans from BPW said the jobs that are considered “women’s work” are generally poorly paid. “We are lobbying because even though we were supposed to gain equal pay in the seventies, we haven’t,” Sheila said. “The care and services industries are particularly bad. A good example is aged care where the pay rates are the bare minimum.” “We are here to raise awareness of these issues. Without economic security there can be no freedom for women,” she added. I

Wellbeing Day Wednesday 30 September 2009 10.00am – 3.00pm

Drop-in day for all! Free healthy food tastings Free massages Free advice and info sessions Free relaxation sessions Free superannuation sessions Free health and wellbeing sessions

Come and spend 5 minutes or 5 hours with us! All welcome! @ the AEU: 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside | Further info:



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A E U 2 0 0 9 T R A I N I N G A N D D E V E LO P M E N T P R O G R A M


TERM 3 | 2009 AEU/DECS MERIT & PAC TRAINING Merit Selection Training DATE



Thursday, 1 October

AEU Parkside

9.30am – 4.00pm




Tuesday, 29 September

AEU Parkside

9.30am – 12.30pm

PAC Training

Merit Selection Pannellist Retraining DATE



Thursday, 1 October

AEU Parkside

9.30am – 11.30am

Book online at:

Branch Council Meetings

TAFE Divisional Council Meetings

Upcoming dates for 2009 are: November 21

Upcoming dates for 2009 are: November 20

2009 UNION MEMBER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Potential Branch Council Delegates Course

AEU New Activists’ Conference

Friday 20 November | 9:15am-4:00pm

A 1-day conference for new teachers and young activist members. The conference features workshops on current and difficult issues in education and democratic educational practices. Participants will find out how to energise the teaching profession and engage the next generation of AEU members.

A 1-day course on decision making in the union and the role of council delegates for those who may be interested in becoming a delegate in the future.

For more info, relief funding or to register:

Monday 23 November | 9:15am-4:00pm

ATTENTION TEACHERS! Renewal of Teacher Registration 31 December 2009 If your registration expires in January 2010 you must renew your registration by 31 December 2009. Applications to renew your registration will be posted to you late October 2009. Please contact the Teachers Registration Board if you have not received your application to renew by early November. Non receipt of your renewal application is not an excuse for failing to renew.

Change of Name and/or Address Remember to notify the Board in writing of any change of name or address.

PO Box 3649 Rundle Mall, SA 5000 Tel: (08) 8226 2666 Fax: (08) 8226 2667 Email: Website:



Australian Education Union | SA Branch

Australian Education Union (SA Branch)

Administrative Officer Vacancies The term of office of the positions is from 1 February, 2010 to 31 January, 2013.

• Industrial Coordinator The Officer provides strategic industrial advice and provides leadership in the planning and development of industrial strategies and negotiations.

• Organiser (Two Positions) • Organiser (TAFE Focus) • Organiser (Aboriginal Educators Focus) The Officers will be responsible for developing and supporting member activism and providing advice and assistance to members on work related issues.

• Research Officer The Officer is responsible for conducting research in support of AEU campaigns and preparing reports and submissions on educational issues. Job and person specifications and details of the selection process for these positions are available from Liz Mangan on 8272 1399 (email: Applicants must address the requirements of the job and person specification in their application. Leave without pay may be negotiated for AEU members whose employer is a state government agency. Applications must reach the Branch Secretary, AEU (SA Branch), 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside, SA 5063 by Wednesday 14 October 2009. These positions will be filled by appointment at Branch Council on 21 November 2009.

Statutory Board Election Education Act 1972; Technical and Further Education Act 1975

Teachers Appeal Board Members Nominations are invited for Five Female and Five Male Officers of the DECS teaching service and Three Female and Three Male Officers of the TAFE teaching service to serve as non-judicial members of the Teachers Appeal Board. Successful candidates will be appointed by the Governor to the Teachers Appeal Board for a term of office ending 31 January 2013. CLOSING DATE: Nominations must reach the Returning Officer, 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside 5063, no later than 12.00 noon on Thursday, 8 October, 2009. Nomination forms are available from the AEU. Nominations may be accompanied by a 200 word supporting statement. ELECTION PROCEDURE: If required, an election will be conducted by Branch Executive. Further information on the role of the Teachers Appeal Board is available from Bill Hignett, phone: 82721399 or email: Peter Norman Returning Officer




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Members’ Market VICTOR HARBOR Holiday Hse: Enjoy a Break at ‘Southern Escape’! A beautifully renovated 3BR hse within walking distance of beach, skate park, shops, restaurants and the city centre. A ‘Home away from Home’ with all facilities. Lge yard, great for relaxing and enjoying a BBQ and wine under the Pergola. T: 0413 920 554

HOLIDAY HOUSE, 'NORTH BAY', CARRICKALINGA: Architecturally designed new two storey beach house. 4BR, 3 bath, 2 living areas, European stainless kitchen, extensive decking and views. Suits 2 families. Sleeps up to 10. Play equipment for the kids. View: and visit North Bay at Carrickalinga for rates & availability. T: 0403 015 964

FRANCE – SOUTH: Lovely Village House. $700 pw. Contact Julie on: 0403 314 928

HOLIDAY RENTAL: Yorke Peninsula: Brand new upmarket esplanade beach house ‘Manyana’ at Wool Bay (near Edithburgh). Features incl. spa, plasma TV, DVD, stereo, dishwasher. Tastefully furnished &

quality equipment, 3BR, sleeps up to 7. Enjoy panoramic sea views, beach walks, walk to jetty, good fishing etc. Avail. sch. hols, L/weekends, weekends etc. Info/bookings: T:(08) 8832 2623 W: MARION BAY: ff, near new hse. Gateway to Innes National Park. Sleeps 8, 3BRs, large living area, TV and DVD. Spacious balcony w. outdoor setting and BBQ. Only 5 mins to Willyama Beach and 5km to National Park. Info/bookings: E:

HOLIDAY GETAWAYS VICTOR HARBOR: All Seasons Lakefront Getaway: Stunning self-contained luxury colonial home in the picturesque surrounds of Encounter Lakes, Victor Harbor. Priv. secl. sandy beach and lake at your back door! 4BRs. Sleeps 8. 2 spacious living areas. 2nd bath, 3 toilets & laundry. Huge lawned backyard. Lakeside Getaway: Stunning modern villa at Encounter Lakes, Victor Harbor. Only 100m to clean, sandy beach and lovely reserve. 5-min. walk to scenic Esplanade, walk/bike trail, cafes, restaurants

SAIT Conveyancers We offer AEU members: • Free advice on real estate queries. • 25% off the Statutory or Land Brokers Society recommended fee structure.

• Expert and experienced professional work with Mortgages, Transfers, Strata Plan and Plan of Division Lodgments, Caveats, Discharges of Mortgages – indeed, all facets of conveyancing work.

and general store. 3BRs. Sleeps 6. Spacious Lounge/ Fam/Dine rm. 2 way bathroom, separate toilet & laundry. Info/bookings: T: 8344 7921 M: 0419 868 143 E: www.victorharborholidayhomes.

Kangaroo Island Getaway KI RURAL RETREAT: Attractive self cont. large rendered country home surrounded by garden and native bushland on 260 acres. Great for families or couples escape. Sleeps 2 to 12; 2 bath, 2 queen beds, 2 spacious living areas, laundry, large patio. From $180/night. T: 0407 790754 a.h. E:

Kangaroo Island HOLIDAY HSE: Set in bushland beside Harriet River and on Vivonne Bay, (Aust’s best beach), is Kangastay a 3BR fully equipped and comfortable holiday house. Close to all major attractions (Seal Bay, Remarkables, Admiral Arch and more) and great to relax, swim, and fish. Sleeps 6, linen provided, winter special discounts. Available for rent all year. Prices start at $100/night. Book through the owner at or T/text Ros on: 0407 215 345.

HOLIDAY RENTAL NORMANVILLE: South Shores Holiday Villa #25. 3BR (sleeps 8). Secure gated community behind the dunes at Normanville. Golf, horse riding, pools, beach, lawns, cafes. Avail. all year incl. school holidays. T: 0413 155 460

HOLIDAY UNIT: Palm Cove 2BR apartment at Rockford Novatel Resort Far North Qld. Overlooks swimming pool. 5 mins walk to beach, shops, restaurants. Close to Great Barrier Reef, Cape Tribulation, Cairns, Tropical Rainforest. Fully self contained, linen supplied, recently refurnished. Sleeps up to 4 adults from $120pn. T: 0415 994 045 E:

Kangaroo Island HOLIDAY COTTAGE If you are buying or selling or are involved in any real estate matter, either through a land agent or privately, consult us.

Contact Anne Walker or Simon Willcox Phone: (08) 8410 6788 Fax: (08) 8410 6799 Located at SATISFAC •151 South Terrace • Adelaide SA 5000


2BR cottage nestled in woodland at Vivonne Bay. Close to beach and Harriet River. Visited at night by friendly wallabies and possums. Abundant birdlife during the day. Well located for touring popular KI attractions. Fully self contained, air con, full size stove, BBQ. Quaint, romantic and cosy! Sleeps up to 4 at $95pn. W: E: T: (08) 8341 9185

HOUSEBOAT: (near Mannum) There is still plenty of water for recreational boating and the shoulder and off peak seasons are the best ones to relax and enjoy the river. AEU members are offered a 10% discount during these times. Bundara accommodates up to ten people. Visit us at: E: T: (08) 8277 8751

ABSOLUTE SEAFRONT HOUSE Lacepede House on Sea STUNNING SUMMER BEACH Seafood - Wine - Dolphins House 4th night free or Balcony Suite. $80 plus, dble 6th & 7th night free. Discount meals. Conds off-peak. Kingston near Robe. T: 8338 2316 a/h: 0402 922 445

FOR RENT: Yorke Peninsula right on the beach – hard to beat! Sleeps up to 8, all mod. cons. incl. R/C heat/cool. Avail. also for school holidays & L/weekends. Reasonable rates. Min. rental 3 nights. M: 0428 780684 T: (o8) 8449 8626

ROOM FOR RENT: Share 3BR house with 2 others in Gawler. $70 per week plus expenses. T: 0409 679 902

FOR RENT: f.f. private apartment in Glenelg for Xmas holiday or weekend rental. Heated pool, spa, steam-room, sauna, gym etc. Plasma TV, 100m to beach. T: 8376 3747 or 0403 606 052

35mm SLIDE SCANNING Adelaide and Hills: Do you have old 35mm slides gathering dust and deteriorating? Have them professionally scanned at high resolution and transferred onto CD. 17 years exp., reasonable rates. T: 0401 590 875 ACCOMMODATION: Prospect. v. attractive f.f. 3 BR hse (bungalow). Lounge/Dining/open plan kitchen/ family RM + study. Low maintenance, close to public transport, UniSA and facilities. Excellent location. Avail. July 16 for at least 6 months. No pets/smoking. E: T: 0419 868 143 WORKSHOP: Stress management, personal development and learning difficulties: Brain Gyman introductory workshop. Movements to ‘switch on’ the brain. T/fax: 08 8768 2537 E: WANTED TO BUY: Wood oven for cooking and heating suitable for indoor use. E: FOR SALE: Mitsubishi Lancer, 2003, CG VRX, Silver, 90,000km, excellent condition, full service history, WXO372, $11,250 ono. T: 0428 733537



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N OT I CE B OA R D FOR SALE: Certified organic cosmetics & personal products. FOR SALE: Retirees/Semi Retirees. Modern beachside hme, Sth Arm (0pp Bruny Island) Tas. 3 – 4BR, easy care landscaped garden w. glass encl. spa. $400,000. T: 8177 0040 WILLIAMSTOWN 5 ACRE TRANQUIL PROPERTY: Are you looking for a magnificent country property near Gawler with beautiful surrounds? Solid brick 4BR home, 2 with BIR’s, 1 with full wall bookcase, rooms are spacious, all in top condition. Garden shed, Security system, low maintenance garden recently relaid solid drive, dog yard, mains water. T: 8524 6043 Reduced to sell at: $469,950. Inspect by appointment.

SEAFRONT HOLIDAY HOUSE: Yorke Peninsula – “Oceanfront Escape” 2-storey holiday house w. pergola overlooking beach & farmland on other side. V. secluded, sleeps 9, 4 BRMs, full kitchen, barbecue, DVD, VCR, TV, Billiard table, fish cleaning room (great fishing). Peaceful and relaxing, great beach for kids to swim and explore. Contact Brenton on: T: 0409 864 682/(08) 8387 1659 E:

CEDUNA BEACH HOUSE: Self-cont, fronting a secl. swimming and fishing beach. Stunning sunsets and bay views all year round. Features: BBQ, DVD, widescreen LCD TV, R/C aircon, large bath, fully equipped kitchen, large yard. Walking distance to main street and jetty. Sleeps 6. Available all year round for short or long term stays. Corporate rates for AEU members. Info/ Bookings: Ceduna TravelWorld, T: 8625 2780 and 8625 3294

E: W:

RESOURCES NEEDED: Unwanted literacy and numeracy resources for use in small village R- 9 schools in Bougainville. E:

Advertise in Members’ Market for FREE! Rent, sell, buy or offer goods and services. Send ads to:

Teachers Golf Day ‘Championship Round’ BELAIR GOLF CLUB Belair National Park Monday 28 Sept ‘09 Register: 8:30am Dress: No jeans! Shotgun start:9:00am Cost: $30.00 Bookings: Contact: Kym Briggs:


Sheidow Park T: (08) 8381 8911 E:

Are you a diver, but haven’t been in the water for a while?! Get $50 off a PADI Tune-Up program to refresh your skills if you enroll on 19/9, 17/10, or 31/10 ! Contact: T: (Steve) 0413 134 827 E: W: learn about everything scuba.


CIVIL CELEBRANT: Dr Tom Haig weddings, renewal of vows, commitment ceremonies, funerals and baby namings. First class personalised services with AEU members receiving a 10% discount on services upon request. T: 85311726 or 0439 687 529

• Open to all PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE education workers and friends • A light meal served after the game • Loads of trophies to be won on the day! • Could all 2008 grade winners please return perpetual trophies

40th Reunion

for the intake of students in 1970. Please join us for lunch at the

Strathmore Hotel North Tce, Adelaide Sunday 27 December | 12.30pm Register: Louise: 8379 4348 or Margaret: 8377 1724




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