Official publication of the Australian Education Union (SA Branch)
Vol 42 I No.6
September 2010
Arbitration: The latest wins explained
Renmark HS: One of the best
the driving force in VET
Australian Education Union | SA Branch 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 8272 1399
Arbitration is over page 6 – 9 Gains for leaders, PAC and country explained.
8373 1254
Editor: Craig Greer AEU Journal is published seven times annually by the South Australian Branch of the Australian Education Union. AEU Journal 2010 Dates #7
Publication date
October 15
November 3
Subscriptions: Free for AEU members. Nonmembers may subscribe for $33 per year.
The latest wins explained N
Print Post approved PP 531629/0025 ISSN 1440-2971
Renmark HS: One of the best
Cover: Avante Media Printing: Finsbury Green Printing
the driving force in VET
Cover Story: TAFE – the driving force in VET Renmark High pages 10 – 11 Isobel Carter from Croydon TAFE is showing the way with high quality VET delivery.
pages 12 – 14 AEU Journal visits a top Riverland school.
Advertise in the AEU Journal. Reach over 13,500 members across South Australia.
8272 1399
*Winner of TOP LETTER!
Dear Editor DECS has led us all to believe that a new funding model will be introduced for the start of the 2011 school year. In DECS’ original application to the Industrial Relations Commission, they were seeking its introduction in 2010. Followers of the enterprise bargaining dispute and the arbitration case could were led to believe that the employer had a fully developed funding model up its sleeve ready to go. Clearly, they didn’t have a workable model and the union must have been right in its concerns. And if they did, then why the delay in consulting with those of us in the field? Why have people not seen it? Couldn’t a workable and sustainable model have been modified to reflect the Commission’s decision? What are they hiding? Why are they not organised? Do they understand
schools? At the time of writing this letter, I understand that schools had not been informed of the funding arrangements for next year! This is untenable for principals and PAC members who in partnership are trying to finalise staffing arrangements. If DECS is to make a major change like a new funding model, one would think they they should consult with employees and their unions. This consultation process should include the exchange of information and genuine opportunity for employees to contribute effectively to the decision-making and a real opportunity to influence the decision-making. Does DECS not understand that consultation takes time? Changes may, and probably will, need to be made to their model. And school planning needs to start. No matter how long they delay, the industrial entitlements won in arbitration will surely have to be granted? I
Matthew Walker, Clare High School
Got something to share with AEU members? Write a letter to the editor
Best letter in each AEU Journal will receive two tickets to an Adelaide Symphony Orchestra concert. Email to: Editorial clarification In the June edition of the AEU Journal we ran an article on Thorndon Park Primary School SSO Taimi Saxon, who had recently gained permanency. The article may have implied that she was initially refused permanency by her current principal, which is not the case. We apologise for any misconceptions this may have created and thank Thorndon Park PS Principal, Gina Perrotta, for her strong support for SSO permanency conversions.
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In the middle of the drought and water restrictions last year, I was driving along Greenhill Road listening to the conversation between my daughters Anna and Kate. As we drove past a private girls school, from the back seat of the car came a question from Kate: “Mum, what is the difference between a private school and a public school?” As I was pondering how best to explain this to a seven-year-old, Anna chimed in, “Well Kate, that’s easy! The grass is much greener at a private school than a public school.” In the middle of summer driving past lush green lawns while her school lawn consisted of brown tufts of grass, Anna meant this quite literally. However, I was astounded at how close to the truth her figure of speech really was. Her comment had been based on her perceptions of the facilities available at her local school and those that she had seen at private schools around the city. If children can work out that there are serious inequities in terms of facilities and funding between private and public schools, then I wonder why it is such a difficult concept for federal governments? There are two funding issues that are critical to the long-term viability of public education. Firstly, as a result of the joint working party established after the NAPLAN dispute, any changes to the MySchool website must include the details of all sources of income for schools, regardless of whether it comes from state and federal funding or from private investments. This is important; parents and users of this website need to know that they are not comparing apples with apples when it comes to the resources schools have at their disposal. Secondly, the Federal Government has promised to begin the long-awaited review of schools funding early next term. This is an ideal organising opportunity for the AEU.
We will be in contact with all sites very soon as it is critically important that this review receives a submission from every public school across the nation. Please ensure that your school takes part in this process. We know from bitter experience that if Public Education is to have “the green grass” then it will be up to us to stand up and fight for the education system, students and their families. AEU Branch Council delegates in August had a surprise visit from Minister for Education and Children’s Services, the Hon. Jay Weatherill. While the Minister was keen to talk about his vision for Public Education and developing a more positive working relationship with employees and their union, he was also happy to answer questions from delegates on a number of issues. It’s been a long time since we had a minister who is keen to consult with the profession by visiting our preschools and schools and this presents a great opportunity for AEU members. If you find Minister Weatherill in your worksite, go up to him and start a conversation about his discussion paper, A new relationship with schools and preschools (you can find this in the news section of our website). We think that Minister Weatherill needs to hear your views, particularly about recruitment and selection and issues such as the ten year tenure. In the spirit of new relationships, the AEU will put an offer out to Minister for Employment, Training & Further Education, Hon. Jack Snelling, to see if he is interested in attending a TAFE Divisional Council. I know that our TAFE delegates have a number of questions they would like to ask their Minister. Watch this space for an update! Finally, the new arbitrated awards for DECS and DFEEST have now been ratified by the Industrial Relations Commission. Please take the time to read the awards as they contain your new entitlements. I think we can all feel very proud of the outstanding action taken by AEU members over the last two years, which has delivered these hard won gains for preschools, schools and TAFE. There are a number of matters that still need to be implemented and the AEU has begun negotiations with the employer to ensure that your entitlements are delivered. I In solidarity, Correna Haythorpe, AEU President
AEU stalwart Ken Drury heads East After a long career in schools as educator, leader, activist and most recently, AEU Organiser with school leaders focus, Ken Drury has decided to call it a day. Ken, originally from NSW, is moving to Sydney next month as a first stop en route to Byron Bay. Ken started his career teaching on the lower north coast of NSW and was an active member of the NSW Teachers Federation. Gaining a Masters in Education he lectured part-time in geography curriculum at University of Newcastle and social sciences at Salisbury College. After a stint at Sydney Uni lecturing in education, Ken moved to Adelaide for what he thought would be a few months. He stayed 35 years. Upon arriving, Ken joined the South Australian Institute of Teachers (SAIT) and taught at a number of metropolitan high schools, including Para Hills, The Heights, Morphett Vale, Aberfoyle Park and Hallett Cove R-12. Active in union politics throughout the eighties, Ken took part in our union’s first ever strike in 1981, in support of SSOs. During this period he was elected as a Delegate to State Council and then to Branch Executive in 1991. Throughout the nineties Ken held various positions in the branch, including Treasurer and Vice President. During this time he played an important part in DECS personnel and human resource management reforms. Ken spent five more years back in schools, firstly as Principal at Daws Road High School and then Willunga High, where he became the only principal in SA to suffer the indignity of a decontamination shower after a staff member discovered some unidentified white powder at the site during the Anthrax scare of 2001. There’s no doubt, this guy has seen, done and revealed all! Since retiring from DECS in 2002 Ken has worked as a part-time organiser with school leaders focus. Ken has been a wonderful asset to the organising team and the members he has supported. The AEU wishes Ken and Wendy all the I best for the future.
Arbitration Outcomes The new South Australian Education Staff (Government Preschools and Schools) Arbitrated Enterprise Bargaining Award 2010 (the DECS Arbitrated Award 2010) and the TAFE SA Educations Staff Arbitrated Enterprise Bargaining Award 2010 (the TAFE Arbitrated Award 2010) became operative on Friday 3 September 2010 An extensive arbitration in the Industrial Relations Commission of South Australia (IRCSA), following the State Government’s intransigence in enterprise bargaining negotiations to deliver a fair and reasonable outcome for South Australian education workers, has resulted in many gains for members across all sectors of public education. The AEU sent out fact sheets in the Term 3 mailout which detailed the wins in each sector. These are also published on the AEU website: >ISSUES>ARBITRATION Step 9 for Teachers in Preschools and Schools Operative from the first pay period on or after 1 October 2010, the new Step 9 teacher classification will be paid to eligible teachers whose PDP has been agreed with their Principal, Preschool Director or Delegate and approved by DECS. Many teachers and leaders have attended Step 9 Information Sessions,
which should facilitate a smooth process of implementation.
Step 9 Salary Rates From 1st pay period on or after 1 October 2010 $79,816 From 1st pay period on or after 1 October 2011 $83,009
Recruitment and Selection in Schools The DECS Arbitrated Award provides that ANY change to the Recruitment and Selection of Teaching Staff policy must be agreed by the AEU. This means that the Minister’s proposed changes to the recruitment and selection of teachers in schools cannot go ahead without the agreement of the AEU.
Principals [TABLE 1] Operative from the commencement of the 2011 school year, a new Principal classification system to be called the ‘School Size and Complexity Rating’
(SSACR) will be introduced. The SSACR is based on a weighted RES in relation to disadvantage and school isolation, and an enrolment overlay. The implementation of the SSACR will result in a higher Principal classification for approximately 160 schools.
Deputy Principal PC05 The Deputy Principal in each PC09 school will translate to the PC05 level from the first pay period on or after 10 August 2010.
Assistant Principal conversion to Senior Leader [TABLE 2] (equivalent to PC01 to PC04 classifications) Operative from the commencement of the 2011 school year, Assistant Principal 1 and Assistant Principal 2 classifications will translate to Senior Leader 1 and Senior Leader 2 (classified at PC01 and PC02 respectively). Vacancies will continue to be described as Assistant Principal for the 2010 school year but will be converted from the commencement of the 2011 school year. New Senior Leader 3 and 4 (classified at PC03 and PC04 respectively) will also be available for schools when determining leadership positions from the commencement of the 2011 school year.
Coordinator [TABLE 3] Coordinator roles have also been reviewed by the AEU and DECS. New broad definitions are included in the DECS Arbitrated Award 2010, and the AEU and DECS will jointly develop Position Information Documents to more accurately reflect work value for each classification.
TABLE 1 Classification Step Interim Increase 1st pp on or after 1st pp on or after 1st pp on or after 1st pp on or after 1st pp on or after 1st pp on or after 1.10.2009 date of decision 1.10.2010 commencement 1.10.2011 28.1.2009 2011 school year
Band 3 Principals/ Deputy Principals PCO 1 PCO 2 PCO 3 PCO 4 PCO 5 PCO 6 PCO 7 PCO 8 PCO 9
81,523 86,881 92,242 97,601 102,964 108,323 113,684 119,043
84,784 90,356 95,932 101,505 107,083 112,656 118,231 123,805 ––––––
88,175 93,970 99,769 105,565 111,366 117,162 122,960 128,757 133,946
91,702 97,729 103,760 109,788 115,821 121,848 127,878 133,907 139,304
Leaders’ workload
For Coordinators, Senior Leaders and Deputy Principals [TABLE 4]
Face-to-face teaching
The DECS Arbitrated Award 2010 provides the following face-to-face teaching limits for leaders.
Primary school Coordinators
18h and 30m per week
Secondary school Coordinators
17h and 15m per week
Primary school Senior Leaders
14h per week
For deputy principals, senior leaders and coordinators in area schools: The face-to-face teaching hours will be those corresponding to the same leadership level and level of schooling (i.e. primary or secondary) in which the teacher spends the majority of their face to face teaching time.
Secondary school Senior Leaders
13h per week
Primary school Deputy Principals
20h and 15m per week (where the October enrolment estimate is 190 to 204 students)
Primary school Deputy Principals
18h per week (where the October enrolment estimate is 205 to 219 students)
Primary school Deputy Principals
15h and 45m per week (where the October enrolment estimate is 220 to 234 students)
Primary school Deputy Principals
13h and 30m per week (where the October enrolment estimate is 235 to 249 students)
Primary school Deputy Principals
11h and 15m per week (where the October enrolment estimate is 250 students or more)
Workload Review for Leaders and Teachers On the basis of AEU submissions and AEU witness statements regarding leaders’ and teachers’ workloads, the Commission determined that a review of both leaders’ and teachers’ work will be undertaken.
The Commission concluded: “...that the practice of working additional hours is widespread, that the evidence of the AEU witnesses is indicative of the hours of work involved ...” “...We find that the hours of work described by the AEU’s witnesses are unreasonable, excessive and unsustainable. ...The fact that teachers and leaders have long periods of non-attendance between terms and school years cannot compensate for unreasonable working hours during the school week and on
Secondary school Deputy Principals 10h and 30m per week weekends and in any event the evidence of the AEU’s witnesses indicates that the long breaks are also being eroded by work. We cannot say that this is the unanimous experience of all teachers and leaders. As indicated earlier the amount of out of hours work will vary according to individual circumstances but we are satisfied that a significant range of teachers and leaders are working long hours. This constitutes an unacceptable encroachment of work into private time and family life, causes loss of control of working hours and conflicts with family responsibilities.” This review will be conducted on the basis that teachers should be teaching
TABLE 2 1st pp on or after 1.10.2010
Assistant Principal 1 Senior Leader 1 Assistant Principal 2 Senior Leader 2 Senior Leader 3 Senior Leader 4
1st pp on or after commencement 2011 school year
1st pp on or after 1.10.2011
93,970 99,769 105,565
97,729 103,760 109,788
and leaders should be providing educational leadership. This exercise has the capacity to reduce unreasonable working hours by removing non-core teaching and leadership tasks and to provide better utilisation of public resources by ensuring teachers and leaders undertake functions associated with their educational role and not the ancillary functions which can be undertaken by other staff. This review will provide an excellent opportunity for members to participate in a real review of their workload which will inform future claims in relation to properly resourcing public education.
TAFE The review of temporary employees (contract lecturers) for conversion to permanency will be completed by 15 November 2010. This will ensure all lecturers on contract for 2010 will be included in the review. Further details on the review will be emailed to members throughout the review process. I
92,344 For details or more information go to: >ISSUES>ARBITRATION
TABLE 3 Classification
Band 2 Promotional Classifications Coordinator 1 Coordinator 2 Coordinator 3
Step Interim Increase 1st pp on or after 1st pp on or after 1st pp on or after 1st pp on or after 1st pp on or after 1st pp on or after 1.10.2009 date of decision 1.10.2010 commencement 1.10.2011 28.1.2009 2011 school year
73,135 76,264 79,710
76,060 79,315 82,898
79,102 82,488 86,214
82488 86214
85,788 89,663
A Funding Commitment Country AEU members need to stay vigilant around recent Placement funding commitments. One of the reasons an agreement could not be reached in bargaining or mediation was the employer’s refusal to discuss a funding commitment and their requirement that the funding commitment contained in our current enterprise agreement would be removed from any future agreement. Toward the end of arbitration, the employer informed the Commission they would provide a funding commitment. In recent weeks we have presented submissions to the Commission on the suitability of the employer’s commitment and proposed changes. We raised concerns about the wording of the commitment as it was silent on a number of matters, such as additional leadership time, and did not go far enough in others. A number of points also needed to be clarified as to their meaning and the employer’s intention. In response to the AEU submissions, the employer provided a revised commitment to the commission. A copy of the commitment can be found at: >ISSUES>ARBITRATION The Commission reviewed the Chief Executive’s commitment and has determined it meets their requirements; it is now part of the new Award. The AEU is very pleased we were able to secure additional funds for schools and preschools through this commitment. This amounts to several million dollars that was not previously available.
In summary, the commitment provides that for 2011 to 2012: • Flexible Initiatives Resourcing (FIR) will continue. • Student Centred Funding Model (SCFM) schools will receive the same or better funding than they would have received under the Staffing Allocation Document (SAD), FIR, and additional leadership administration time. • Special schools will continue to be resourced in line with the SAD, and will receive FIR and additional leadership time. • There will be an additional $12m in 2011 for ICT support, which will be increased to $12.48m in 2011.
• Tier 2 funding for students with special needs will continue. • Preschools will continue to be resourced in accordance with formulas contained in the preschool staffing formula. Contact time will be maintained at current levels, as will group sizes, staff ratios and administration time. • Child parent centres will continue to have the same staff child ratios, with FIR and admin time provided. • New Arrivals Program (NAP) units and learning centres will have their existing student to teacher ratios maintained. It is important to note the AEU is taking a cautious approach in our assessment of the effectiveness of the commitment as our members have been burned on such matters before. With the State Treasurer, Kevin Foley, publicly promoting a horror budget, we will need to be vigilant in order to ensure school and preschool funding is not decreased and important frontline education services cut. The AEU remains concerned that items such as the J.P 160, Early Years and Year 3 Funding are not included in the Chief Executive’s commitment, despite the fact Minister Weatherill has publicly stated they will continue. We are also unclear as to how school budgets will be indexed to enable them to meet the new provisions in the Award. For example, one secondary school has stated it will need an extra six teachers if it is to comply with the new face-toface teaching provisions. They are keen to know whether their new school budget will be at a level enabling them to employ extra staff and they will not be robbing Peter to pay Paul. Of course, all of these discussions are being held in the vacuum created by the lack of detail on the funding provisions for next year. Concerns we have today may be resolved with the announcement of the new funding model or could be replaced by others once the State Budget is handed down. Our commitment to AEU members (particularly leaders and PAC reps) is that we will work with you to assist in the implementation of the new funding model. Look out for details of training sessions in the Term 4 holiday mailout. I
The ongoing struggle for transfer rights The transfer rights of country teachers have been disputed politically and industrially for decades. A 1980 Journal picture showing Port Augusta teachers carrying a coffin into a packed TAFE theatre highlights the ongoing battle for country teachers to have their concerns recognised. The coffin symbolised the view country teachers could only get back to the city after a lengthy period of time, if at all. These arguments nearly split the union and still frame the policy decisions of the AEU. One of my first experiences of industrial action was as a teacher in Whyalla when the employer removed the 4YG in the late 1990s. Resentment still exists among many country teachers over this decision and the imposed outcome. The result was those appointed post 1996 didn’t have transfer rights to the city until a priority transfer was introduced in 2002. This only came about after the election of a new government. The 2002 changes were not just granted by the new ALP government, they came off the back of strong AEU member action. For example, the sub-branch at Coober Pedy was incensed no teacher had been able to transfer out for seven years and was very effective at lobbying their local member and the Labor opposition. The 2002 win was eroded in 2006 with the priority transfer being watered down considerably as again the pendulum swung due to the demands of the employer.
DECISION 2: What did the Commission find on country placement? The Industrial Relations Commission found most country teachers coming from the city want to return as quickly as possible. DECS witness statements state the time a country teacher spends in the country is determined by the time it takes to obtain a metropolitan transfer. Statistics before the Commission showed of 3600 country teachers, 668 (18.5%) remained in the same rural or remote school for ten years or more, 454 (12.6%) remained for five to
ARBITRATION: PAC ten years and 2478 (68.83%) stayed less than five years. The Commission also found a key incentive was permanency for graduate teachers upon taking a country placement and the ability to apply for a priority metropolitan placement after a period of country service. Evidence was also presented to the Commission showing vacancies were withheld at the local level and ongoing positions were described as temporary positions, in breach of placement rules. This practice has been felt most by country teachers and limited their ability to transfer into metropolitan positions through priority transfer. The Education Minister has released a discussion paper proposing changes to the transfer process. There are several matters the Minister will need to be aware of. The current country incentives scheme is based on the assumption teachers would, at the end of five years, have the choice to stay in the country location or invoke a transfer. This is supported by the statistics. In 2006, country-tocountry transfers were removed and most teachers see their main option as a move to the city. After giving extensive evidence to the Commission on the importance of the country priority transfer system and how it attracts teachers to the country, the Department argued there was no need to increase the monetary incentive. For the employer to limit the transfer entitlements of country teachers within the life of the Award and to also argue against increases to the country allowances is grossly improper. • A priority transfer is only an incentive for country teachers if it allows teachers to transfer after four or five years. If the system limits priority placement vacancies, country teachers cannot transfer to the metropolitan area for an extended period of time. • If current definitions of temporary and ongoing positions were applied there would be more ongoing positions in the system that PATs, country teachers and recruits could take up. The employer needs to enforce this. • Many vacancies are withheld because of funding uncertainty and lack of clarity from central office. • When the 4YG was removed, it was based on the promise of increased permanent employment. The transfer rights were eroded but the high level of casualisation remained. Every change to the transfer system since promised increased permanent employment yet each one has seen contract employment rise. I
What can you do? You and your country colleagues must engage in the fight for transfer process improvements. The only time improvements have occurred for country members have been when there was organisation en masse. I
Personnel Advisory Committee Arbitration decision retains decision-making partnership The SA Education Staff (Government Preschools and Schools) Arbitrated Enterprise Bargaining Award 2010 contains a new clause that describes the operation of the PAC.
Composition The composition of the PAC will not change under the new award and will include the Principal (or nominee), an AEU representative, an EO representative and, when matters are being dealt with that pertain to non-teaching staff, a non-teaching staff representative. Members of the PAC are required to consult and represent staff in relation to human resource matters.
It is a Partnership The Commission determined that the Principal must work in partnership with the PAC on human resource matters. This includes the development of the school’s Human Resource Profile and a long list of HR functions.
Consensus Decision Making is Expected The PAC clause states that it is expected that human resource management decisions will be made by consensus. This continues the current practice of consensus decision-making by the PAC. If a majority or two or more members are dissatisfied with the way in which a school-based decision has been made or the outcome of the decision then the matter may be resolved through a grievance process, which could end up in the Commission. While a grievance is being addressed the status quo will remain in place. For example in the very rare situation where a principal does not consult with the PAC or ignores a majority decision of the PAC then a dispute could be lodged using the process set out in clause 3.1 of the Award.
Improved Consultation The new clause defines consultation. This involves: • the sharing of information and the exchange of views between DECS and the employee • genuine opportunity for employees to contribute to the decision-making process • a bona fide opportunity to influence decision-making. Consultative arrangements that have been ratified will ensure that the staff and union will have the choice and opportunity to be involved in the consultation process in the school.
Information Must Be Provided The PAC will be provided with sufficient information to enable genuine consultation. This includes information on the funding provided to a school and on composition of staff and class sizes. The AEU Term 4 holiday mail out will provide information about dates, times and registration for PAC training. I
For all the latest information on Arbitration as it relates to all membership sectors, go to the AEU website:>ISSUES>ARBITRATION AEU Branch Executive would like to sincerely thank and congratulate all members for their hard work and determination in fighting for a better outcome for Public Education. A special thanks to members who gave up extra time to provide witness statements for our case in the Commission. The evidence you provided went a long way toward helping us achieve a fantastic result. Well done to all!
Isobel drives her students spare TAFE lecturer and AEU rep Isobel Carter is providing students with a quality education.
ith an Associate Diploma in Agriculture and six months experience managing a beef farm in the United States, one might wonder how on earth Isobel Carter ended up teaching automotive spare parts interpretation at TAFE SA’s Croydon campus. There is, of course, an obvious link says Isobel. “I loved working on the farm and that’s what I wanted to do. But along the way stuff would break down, a tractor would break down or you would get a flat tyre,
and this kick started my interest in the area of mechanics.” Frustrated with having to call someone in to repair every tractor, car, truck or appliance that ran into trouble, Isobel set about learning how to do it herself. It didn’t take Isobel long to take up and complete her apprenticeship as a diesel mechanic, working for Rocca Bros in the spare parts division along the way. And while she misses working in agriculture, she has no regrets. “When I got back to Australia I tried to get work in agriculture: the CSIRO, Urrbrae, places like that, but only ended up with short term contracts, which
was very frustrating. A friend of mine who was an electrician seemed to be enjoying what she was doing and had started up her own business. If you get a trade you can always provide yourself with a job and you’re not relying on others. I haven’t been out of work for more than a couple of weeks, so I’ve never looked back.” Life as a diesel mechanic means working on large, heavy vehicles and the physical nature of this work began to take its toll. Always up for a new challenge, Isobel decided it was time for a change and found herself at TAFE, this time as a teacher. “I started in light vehicle, I taught the apprentices for a few years, specialising in auto transmission and manual transmissions. But with my background, it was a natural progression to move into the spare parts area and try to develop that. So for the last six years I’ve been developing, marketing, coordinating and delivering the Certificate 3 in Spare Parts Interpretation.” Now one might be forgiven for thinking that spare parts control and ordering could be done by anyone with a little
A glimpse into the future? “I hear things from time to time about other providers and while I can’t say for certain, I get the impression that the quality isn’t the same.”
bit of nous and an interest in cars. But there is more to the job than meets the eye says Isobel. “The more you can know about different parts, the more of an asset you are to an employer and the more confident you are with the customers. My course gives students the building blocks. They are apprentices and come from autoelectrical, motorcycle, light vehicle, construction and so on. We start them off with stock control, then sales and customer service and then they go on to parts interpretation,” she adds. This year’s student intake has thrown up another positive, which, as a woman in a traditionally male field, adds another layer of satisfaction for Isobel. “I have fifteen students enrolled this year, and four are female. Normally I might get one or two women in the course and in the mechanical area it might be closer to one in a hundred. So the gender ratio is improving all the time.”
But while the ratio of female to male students might be on the up, Isobel says that resources to run the course aren’t. “The course here used to be a lot bigger but for reasons unknown to me the enrolments dropped off, along with the funding. When I took over, the course was only running one week of the year, the rest was done on the job. I realised that the students weren’t getting enough time on the job to do the work so I’ve extended the course significantly.” With VET funding thrown wide open across the nation, TAFE now finds itself competing with private RTOs for a share of government funds. And if courses like spare parts interpretation aren’t adequately funded, there’s no doubt it will be quality that suffers. “I hear things from time to time about other providers and while I can’t say for certain, I get the impression that the quality isn’t the same. From what I hear most of the work is happening on the job where there is pressure to ‘tick and flick’ on assessments. While the on-thejob component is a big part of the course here at TAFE, the students are paying fees to learn and it’s up to us to ensure they are getting their money’s worth, says Isobel.” I
Isobel with members of her sub-branch at the Croydon TAFE campus 5
How will Skills for All, the latest State Government strategy for meeting the skills needs of South Australia, impact on courses like the one Isobel has built up at Croydon TAFE? For a start, this strategy proposes a “training entitlement” particularly targeted at courses up to and including Certificate 3 level. In effect, this is a voucher system that entitles the student to shop around and decide where they will do their training. In a fully contestable market, school leavers may well be tempted to enrol with a less reputable private RTO so they can attain their qualification cheaply and quickly. This demand driven approach will lead to less students entering courses like Isobel’s at TAFE when faced with a potential smorgasbord of alternative courses and providers where, up until now, the monitoring of quality provision has been sadly wanting. With a further proposal for a shared investment in training, how will the introduction of a HECS-style income contingent loan arrangement impact on students wanting to enrol in such courses? All the evidence points toward a gradual shift in the cost of training from government to the individual. The Skills for All discussion paper makes a number of assertions and proposals that will undoubtedly have a major impact on TAFE. The challenge for TAFE is to maintain the high standard training that TAFE is renowned for in a market that appears to compromise on I quality.
TAFE Conference in October What’s happened to TAFE and VET teachers? Putting vocational teaching back on the agenda in the emerging tertiary education environment.
Friday 22 October 2010 William Angliss Institute Melbourne For info or to register: Your AEU>Sectors>TAFE 11
Renmark High School – one of the best AEU Journal Editor Craig Greer pays a visit to a Riverland school in the news
e’ve all read articles in the paper that for a minute or two seem shocking or strange until logic kicks in and tells us there’s definitely something we’re not being told. I got that feeling when I read a recent Advertiser piece on Renmark High School. The article left one thinking that perhaps the school had made an error of judgment when they recently terminated the enrolments of a number of senior students. But missing from the article was any mention of the fact that the school had ongoing contact with these students and their families, encouraging them to engage with the school to discuss issues related to attendance, effort and their ongoing enrolment. Soon after the article hit the press, Riverland based AEU organiser Marg Bastian was on the phone to the Renmark High sub-branch and, as a result, suggested I travel up to see first- hand what the school is doing to engage students in its rich and diverse program. So, keen to see for myself, I hit the road. I pull into the Renmark High car park just after 11am, it’s been a long drive up from Adelaide but I soon forget that I’m weary. As I walk into the school, along with the fresh country air, there’s a welcoming vibe that one often associates with country schools. Kate Buhlman, greets me at the office. She is the Sub-branch Secretary and also the home economics teacher – but nothing like the strict, wooden spoon-wielding tyrant I remember from my own high school days; she’s friendly,
1 French teacher Jasmine Tassios with RHS and French exchange students.
seemingly happy enough to be my guide and, as far as I can tell, not preparing to beat me into submission with kitchen utensils. Kate gets her students on track with some theory work and within minutes I’m off to the Technology building where she leaves me in the hands of techie and well-travelled AEU member Jeff Halls. Jeff has been at Renmark High School for five years having come from Nuriootpa High. He says he really enjoys the multicultural nature of the school. “We’ve got the new arrivals program and there’s a big Asian and Aboriginal community. There are a lot of different cultural aspects in Renmark and the community celebrates the diversity. As you can see just looking at these kids, they’re a fantastic group. You’ve got a group on the lathe, a group doing welding, a group working on metal boxes… the cooperation is great. It’s wonderful to see them really getting into it and working so well together.” There’s certainly a positive feeling in the room and the students are happy
“There are a lot of different cultural aspects in Renmark and the community celebrates the diversity.” to chat to me about the work they’ve been doing in Jeff’s class. One student mentions that the class has been involved in painting the bikes for the Pedal Prix and directs me to the back corner of the room. I’m tempted to take one for a spin but remember I’m on a tight schedule so I rein in my enthusiasm. I say goodbye and thanks to Jeff who asks a student, Jordy, to take me across to the agricultural area where a Year 10 class, under the supervision of teacher Ian Howard, are weighing sheep. A typical city slicker, I successfully hop over a small fence only to drop my foot straight into a sticky green substance.
1 Technical studies teacher Jeff Halls gives advice to some Year 9 students.
Unperturbed I chat with Ian about the program. “In 2007 we started a junior membership White Suffolk sheep stud with ten ewes. We make twenty ewes each year,” he says. “This year it’s pretty special because we have some semen donated from a school in Tamworth. The ram that it came from is genetically very superior. Under lamb plan data, which the White Suffolk breeders use, he’s rated about fourth in Australia.” While I’m wondering if “lamb plan” is equivalent to “NAPLAN” for sheep, Ian tells me that in first semester the students get to watch the sheep being prepared for artificial insemination and can then choose how to approach the subject for the rest of the year. “They can go to the level of science they wish to. The students can choose to learn all the underpinning science or they can do it as a hands-on activity – learning how to handle animals and how to treat animals in the field,” says Ian. Among the ewes are a number twoweek old lambs which you can tell the
1 Agriculture program students weigh one of the ewes.
kids are happy to be handling – they’re quite adorable and I’m filled with guilt having just bought a roast from Coles the night before. Ian says the career paths for students are many in an area like Renmark where horticulture and agriculture drive the economy. “In this area irrigated horticulture dominates but close by there is broad acre sheep and cereal production. But a lot of the skills are similar, for instance occupational health and safety, management of the weather, and so on. To have sheep you have to grow pasture and to grow pasture you have to know how to manage soil, so it’s all transferable across into the horticulture industry,” says Ian. I left Ian and the students to finish weighing in the ewes, impressed with the depth of the program and somewhat more informed about raising sheep. Next stop, France. AEU member Jasmine Tassios is the French teacher at Renmark. Her Year 8s and 9s are saying goodbye to two exchange students, Mark and Yiannis,
who have been at the school since the beginning of the year. There is a lot of emotion in the group; the students have made strong connections with the French boys. The school has a strong exchange program and two Year 12 students recently returned from France say the experience was fantastic. “It was one of the best experiences ever. School over there is very strict but it was great fun. We learned a lot about the language, the culture and the dayto-day lives of the French,” says Con Glykos. Diane Dinh also went to France and, along with Con, is going back toward the end of the year. “I‘m looking forward to going back, it was great to be able to extend on what we have learned here at Renmark,” she says. While clearly excited about returning to France, Con and Diane tell me how they enjoy being at Renmark High. “I’ve just loved the last five years here,” says Con. “We have really good
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CO N T I N U E D. . .
teachers and we learn a lot,” he adds. Interestingly, Renmark High is the only school outside of metropolitan Adelaide that offers Year 12 French and there’s no doubt that the students are getting top notch instruction – even the French boys say they have learned from Jasmine! My tour doesn’t end in the French class. Throughout the day I’m taken to the library to check out the school newspaper which students have been writing, designing and editing for the last couple of years. I sit down with a group of new arrivals from Afghanistan and Pakistan who tell me how happy they are to be at the school. One student even offered me a fifty percent discount at McDonalds, where he’s just started his first job. You’ve gotta love the initiative! The school has an excellent music program taught by new educator Narelle Schulz. Back from Scotland for six years after moving there as a youth, Lauren Kirk is a science, maths and “ag” teacher and one of nine AST1s at the school, three completing the process this term. Formerly at Step 3, Lauren completed her AST1 recently and is running a program called “Learning in the Landscape” for years 8, 9 and 10. Lauren says it gives students a chance to learn about the environment, sustainability and the challenges the world is facing at the moment. Michael Young coordinates the ABW (Australian Business Week) competition, which is also considered a SACE unit. He says students are learning to prepare themselves for the possibility of selfemployment, a very worthwhile pursuit in a region where employment outside of horticulture and agriculture isn’t always easy to find. The program is supported by business and staff mentors and involves setting up a company from scratch and running all aspects of it for a week. Leadership and staff at Renmark High are working hard to give students more opportunities. This is evidenced by the school’s successful VET program – RHS won the award for best VET provider in the region in 2008. There are so many positive aspects to this school and not all can be mentioned. If only The Advertiser or the local paper had spent half a day getting to know the staff and students; surely they would have thought twice about naming and shaming a school that is, in my opinion, one of the best in the State. I 14
Homework? On The Lands? A reward? Yeah, right!
1 Jane Mitchell with students at Pipalyatjara Anangu School
Staff at Pipalyatjara Anangu School can’t recall there ever being a group of students who not only do homework, but do it gladly as a reward.
work, and a pen ‘like that one’ clipped on my shirt. So I put a worksheet that needed examples of who, what, why, when questions, all in a plastic envelope, prepared not to see it again.” The next day it came back and was presented quietly prior to class. “I was just thrilled to bits. You don’t get these gold moments every day,” Jane beamed. It wasn’t long before others wanted homework. The same conditions were given. There has only been one that hasn’t come back.
by Terry Wilson Pipalyatjara Anangu School
Acting Principal, Karli Jozeps, said this was a first that she could remember. “Jane has stepped out of the zone on this one. We too easily put our kids in a box where we assume they can’t look after things, that they are not interested in their own education.” she said.
Year 3-6 teacher Jane Mitchell has five of her class asking for homework several days a week, which she prepares to suit the current lessons being done in class.
“She has started in a small way and used their modelling to enthuse the rest of the class. It’s just great teaching methodology.”
“I tell them how responsible they are, how their hard work will help them, how it will help them if they go to Wiltja.” “But I’ve told them, if it’s something you really want to do, come back later and see me. If they don’t work hard in class, they’re not getting any!” “When this started, I had one boy, Kingsley, who wanted to do some home-
Jane started at Pipalyatjara five years ago as a mature-age graduate. Her students face arguably the biggest challenges of any students in the state – extremes in isolation, exposure to English language, socio-economic and health conditions, and job prospects. “With teachers like Jane, the future of our students just has to be better,” Karli said. I
Review of schools funding goes ahead Regardless of which major party forms minority government in Canberra, the review of the federal funding scheme for Australian schools, initiated by former Education Minister Gillard earlier this year, is set to continue. The expert review panel conducted initial stakeholder consultations during July and August with input from the AEU at both federal, state and territory levels. The overall direction and time-frame of any possible changes to legislation will be very much dependent on the next parliament, with Coalition Education spokesman Christopher Pyne stating his party’s commitment to the flawed and skewed Howard administration SES funding model until the end of 2016. Julia Gillard’s announcement during the election campaign that the current model would be extended by a further
year until the end of 2013 provided advocates of public education with little optimism for any changes to legislation in the near future. The timetable for the submissions stage of the review, while not yet formally released, is scheduled to commence within weeks, with an estimated closing time of mid to late November. The Review panel will finalise their report by mid 2011 during which time we expect further stakeholder consultation. The AEU is developing a national campaign that will focus on providing submissions to the review panel from every school in the country. The objective of each submission is to identify the effect that additional funding would have on enhancing programs offered to students in the public system. It is anticipated that submissions would be completed
by school communities with members working in partnership with Governing Councils to provide brief but powerful statements about the importance of appropriate funding and its impact on curriculum and support for students. The AEU is developing a framework to assist schools in writing and lodging submissions during Term 4. Given the short time-line, it is expected that the framework will be succinct in nature in order to maximise schools’ capacity to participate in the review process. Information will be available to schools as soon as the submission phase is formally announced. In the meantime, sub-branch secretaries are asked to speak with principals, governing council chairpersons and staff representatives on councils to request this item be placed on the agenda of the first Governing Council meeting of Term 4. Schools need to commit to making a submission in order for the campaign to be successful. I Howard Spreadbury AEU Lead Organiser
Wednesday 29 September 2010 10.00am – 2.00pm Free healthy food tastings Free massages Free advice and info sessions Free relaxation sessions Free superannuation sessions Free health and wellbeing
sessions @ the AEU: 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside, SA 5063 info: E: W :
Drop-in day for
AEU e-news gets the message out fast!
There’s a message in the music
Last year the AEU conducted a survey of members on the topic of communications. Analysis of results showed that while most members read some or all of the AEU Journal, they prefer to get the rest of their information electronically, that is, via the website or email. With this data in hand the AEU communications team responded by initiating an e-News system linked to a new and improved AEU website. So far, the results have been positive. During the year we have sent out just over 60 e-newsletters, some going to all members and others to specific membership sectors. We have also increased our email subscriber base from around 10,000 to over 11,500 addresses, meaning we are able to get the latest news and information to the bulk of AEU members in a format that readers say is timely and user-friendly. However, with 11,500 addresses on our database, we are still short of our goal – we would like to have an email address for every AEU member. While we understand some people don’t see email as their preferred method of communication, the AEU communications team encourages members to provide a current address so that we can provide everyone with the latest information as quickly as possible. I If you haven’t provided us with your email address and would like to do so,
please email your details to: If you would like to provide feedback or suggestions on how the AEU can continue to improve member communications, please send an email to: 16
AEU Journal finds out what makes the Primary Schools Music Festival special
the musical learning and the accompanying life skills such as resilience, persistence and teamwork. And it’s something the students will remember for the rest of their lives,” she says. “It’s also a place where some students can be successful when other things in their life, or perhaps their education, might not be going so well.” Another important goal of the program is to open up future music opportunities
fficially an icon of the State, the Primary Schools Music Festival has been running since 1891 and has touched the lives of generations of South Australians. Parents and grandparents turn up in their thousands to watch and listen to new generations take part, bringing back a flood of memories from their own involvement in the festival.
“The choir trainers are the driving force behind the festival...They are incredibly passionate about making sure the kids get the most out of the whole experience...”
Around 11,000 students take part in festivals, in Adelaide and ten regional centres. Students attending public primary schools around the State are involved in choirs, orchestras and dance troupes, making the festival a wonderful showcase of the performing arts.
for students. “We try hard to demonstrate pathways for students through the orchestra program, dance troupe, compering, vocal solos and Assisting Artists. This year we worked with the DECS Learning Technologies Team to design a video that was played on the big screen with one of the songs. So there are a range of things the students can get involved with depending on their interests and skills,” says Suzanne.
Practice begins early in the year after classroom, specialist music teachers and HPIs have attended a conference to learn the festival songs. They then teach the repertoire to their students in the lead up to the festival. AEU member Suzanne Rogers is manager of the Primary Schools Music Festival and says classroom music teachers put a lot of time and effort into the student learning and the creation of what is a wonderful occasion. “The choir trainers are the driving force behind the festival at the school level. They put in a lot of hard work and are incredibly passionate about making sure the kids get the most out of not only the festival but the whole experience of preparing for a major performance, which is the culmination of a program with a number of important aspects. “While the festival is of course the performance highlight, it isn’t the main focus of the program. It’s more about
The program also creates practical opportunities for student music teachers. “We’ve got a relationship with the University of Adelaide and the Bachelor of Music Education course. The students come and observe and join in with the choirs so they get a feel for what it’s like to teach in that environment and increase their skill level,” she says. The theme this year was based around ‘heroes’, which as Suzanne explains, had a strong social message. “While there are those ‘super heroes’ like Steve Irwin or people like Lowitja O’Donohue or Aung San Suu Kyi who inspire us, there are other heroes like the child who stops someone from bullying another student. The message we’re trying to get across is that you can be a hero just by taking a small step
– ‘ordinary people can do extraordinary things’ is a line in one of the songs.” AEU SA Branch President Correna Haythorpe says this year’s festival theme hit the right note. “The ‘heroes’ theme was very fitting. The schools, teachers, students and families who participate in this sensational event are heroes of Public Education. I had the pleasure of attending this year’s performances on behalf of the AEU and I wish to extend our sincere congratulations and thanks to the fabulous team across the State who work so hard to ensure that the Festival is a success. Well done! Suzanne Rogers says she hopes exposure to the festival will inspire generalist classroom teachers to integrate music into the daily lives of students. “We need to make sure the curriculum is not narrowed. We want the opposite – we’d love to see more teachers engaging students in music and related arts through integration and creativity,” she says. I For more information on the Primary Schools Festival of Music and professional development for teachers, go to: 17
Three women activists from diverse backgrounds are playing their part for women’s rights.
More than just a union My name is Wendy Baldwin and I joined the AEU in 1996 when I began working as an ACEO at Northfield Primary School. I always saw my AEU membership as a form of insurance and protection against unforeseeable problems or issues arising in the workplace. Thankfully I never had to use the union for this reason. In recent years, however, I began to get more involved in my union – attending rallies, conferences, and training sessions held at the AEU. These conferences and training sessions are free to members and provide an excellent opportunity for women to network and develop their skills. In October 2009, I successfully applied to attend the Federal Women’s Conference in Melbourne. I was also given the opportunity to attend the ATSI Caucus on the Friday before the conference. I enjoyed this experience so much that I am participating in the ATSI Caucus and conference in Melbourne again this year. In 2010 I became a member of the AEU Aboriginal Consultative Committee and participated in the two-week cross union Anna Stewart Memorial Project. I thoroughly enjoyed the Anna Stewart experience, which involved one week of joint union training and development and a 1-week placement at the AEU office. It was amazing to see our officers at the AEU in action and to get a firsthand look at what they do each and every day for the members. As a result of these wonderful experiences and opportunities, my confidence increased tremendously and I realised where I wanted to head in the Education
Department. Even though I love being an AECO, I had been thinking about moving beyond the school environment and into a broader position. The experiences I have had with the AEU in the past 18 months gave me the confidence to follow my dreams. And now after 14 years as an AECO at Northfield Primary School, I am leaving to take up a position I have won as the Inclusion Officer at the Eastern Adelaide Regional Office. Thanks to the opportunities I have had at the AEU I am on my way to fulfilling my dreams. I
Sisterly love On Thursday 2 September, the AEU hosted a free public presentation by Suraya Pakzad (pictured above), founder of the Voice of Women Organisation in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. In 2009, Time Magazine named Suraya as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. She is currently touring Australia sharing her story, activism and aspirations for the future. He speech was very heartfelt and emotional, bringing many in the audience to tears. Suraya is a brave woman who resists the daily threats and harassment in her country to continue to provide safe havens and support to women escaping domestic violence and turmoil. She spoke of her constant fear for her own
children and the need for someone to stand up for change. She reminded us that the freedoms and privileges we experience every day were hard won by strong brave women who came before us and she feels that she needs to be one of those women for her sisters in Afghanistan. While Suraya had many amazing and shocking stories of both suffering and victory, the thing that resonated most was her explanation of the decline of women’s rights in Afghanistan. She said that her mother remembers a time before the seventies when she was free to walk alone, to work, to shop and to dress in any clothes she wanted. It is only in the past four decades that women have become so oppressed in Afghanistan. It is a wake up call to us in Australia to never take for granted the rights and freedoms that we enjoy today and the sacrifices our sisters made so that we might have a better life. That which we take for granted can easily be lost! Suraya has a vision to create a global network of Voice of Women Organisations and through the assistance of Amnesty International Australia, this began with the opening of a VWO office at: 80 South Terrace, Adelaide. I
Email the VWO office on:
E: E:
Connecting lives and learning: renewing pedagogy in the middle years Edited by Brenton Prosser, Bill Lucas & Alan Reid
Wakefield Press, RRP $29.95
Economic, social and technological changes are redefining what is required to live in the 21st Century. Increasingly, today’s learner needs to think creatively, flexibly and critically to engage with these changes, and so do educators need to possess and model these capabilities. Reflection and inquiry are not optional extras; they lie at the heart of the work of the contemporary educator. The case studies in this book document a series of attempts by educators to reengage adolescent learners, and to conduct systematic inquiry into these attempts. By exploring connections between students’ learning and their lives, the contributors to this book seek to research and renew their pedagogy, without compromising the academic rigour needed for success in schooling.
This book, tells the stories of real teachers, in real classrooms, making real attempts for change, and not always succeeding. It is a book about teachers making a difference in difficult times and tough places. But most importantly, this book reaffirms that being an educator is inherently about adopting socially just practices, building community capacity and contributing to a more socially sustainable world. Connecting lives and learning was a project dedicated to connecting learning to students lives, connecting teachers with the latest middle years research and better connecting primary and secondary school to keep students at school longer. Based in Adelaide’s lower socio-economic urban fringe, the project helped teachers use students’ everyday experience and expertise to develop new ways of teaching and learning that involve students in intellectually challenging tasks. Thirty teachers and approximately 1000 students in ten SA State secondary schools were involved in this AEU backed project which ran from 2005 to 2007. I
One for the girls Hope: the everyday and imaginary life of The 2010 recipient of the annual Rosemary Richards Award is South Australian teacher Helen Hewitt who is currently based at Brighton Secondary School. Helen will use the $10,000 federal scholarship to develop and implement a political literacy forum and follow up presentation evening for secondary girls across South Australia. The students participating will have the opportunity to network with other schools, hear guest speakers explaining what it is like to be a woman in leadership and work with their peers to promote and increase political literacy and awareness back in their individual schools. Helen has selected a cross-section of secondary schools and has approached teachers and leadership about each school taking part in this exciting project. The program will begin on October 14 with a half-day forum and panel at the AEU. Students taking part will then return to the AEU on the November 11 for their individual presentations and to receive a certificate of participation. I
young people on the margins By Simon Robb, Patrick O’Leary, Alison Mackinnon and Peter Bishop
This book investigates the meaning of hope and the future to young people on the margins of society. Confronting but authentic, it presents a rare opportunity for teachers to get inside the minds of marginalised young people, who express frankly and honestly their hopes and fears about the future. ‘Hope’ features expressive photography and illustrations to complement a descriptive background on the societal issues of marginalised young people today.
“When I think about being hopeful, I think about being with my girlfriend and my Mum. They bring tranquility and calmness,” writes one young person. The book explains that although behaviours and pathways young people take toward their dreams might be varied and complex, ultimately every young person desires the same things: love, family and opportunities for work. The book includes commentary on the unique relationship between a teacher and student, and describes how openness, friendship and care universally leads to a strong sense of hopefulness in the classroom. In addition, the second half of the book provides written reflections by teachers. Hope is an interesting read. Although it might not offer teachers practical application for the classroom, the personal reflections by both young people and teachers will certainly encourage teachers to reflect on their own teaching experiences and consider their approach to educating and supporting marginalised young people. I
Wakefield Press, RRP $24.95
SALARY INCREASE AND SUBSCRIPTION ADJUSTMENT The next pay increase for AEU members employed under the draft South Australian Education Staff (Government Preschools & Schools) Arbitrated Enterprise Bargaining Award 2010 and draft TAFESA Education Staff Arbitrated Enterprise Bargaining Award 2010 will commence the first pay period on or after the 1 October 2010. Subscription rates will rise for members classified as permanent or on a contract of over 12 months. Please advise AEU Membership staff of any change to your classification, fraction of time, workplace or home address - contact details below.
P: 8272 1399 F: 8373 1254 E:
Follow us on Twitter @aeusa For the latest AEU news updates and links to interesting education media, follow our tweets today. WOODVILLE GARDENS PRE-SCHOOL 18 – 58 Ridley Grove, Woodville Gardens We are combining with: •
Ridley Grove Primary • Ferryden Park
• Mansfield Park become a Birth to Year 7 Primary School. Currently known as “The Inner West Birth – 7 School” – official name yet to be decided.
Are you a past staff member, student, parent or carer? As part of Woodville Gardens Pre-school closing celebrations, we cordially invite past staff, students, parents and carers to come and join in our activities on:
Saturday 23 October | 10am – 12noon Morning tea provided Enquiries: RSVP by: 13 October 2010
ARE YOU ABLE TO CONTRIBUTE TO OUR DISPLAY BOARD? We ask for any old photos (copies only to postal address) to be submitted by 27 September, 2010
We hope to hear from you soon! U PCO M I N G E V E N T
ATTENTION TEACHERS! Renewal of Teacher Registration 31 December 2010 If your registration expires in January 2011 you must renew your registration by 31 December 2010. An application to renew your registration will be sent by post in mid October 2010. The onus is on you to renew your registration by the due date. Please contact the Teachers Registration Board if you have not received your application to renew your registration by early November 2010. Non receipt of an application to renew registration is not an excuse for allowing your registration to expire.
Change of Name and/or Address Remember to notify the Board in writing of any change of address and provide certified documentation if you have changed your name.
PO Box 3649 Rundle Mall, SA 5000 Tel: (08) 8226 8811 Fax: (08) 8226 2667 Email: Website: 20
AEU Primary Years Conference Thursday 30 September 9.15am – 3.00pm
Our profession in a changing education environment
The conference will provide members with an opportunity to access current research on NAPLAN and the use of NAPLAN data so they are able to clearly articulate and substantiate their professional views. Focus group workshops on the Australian Curriculum will be included in the program to explore members views and concerns. A selection of practical workshops will be run by teachers to showcase the work they are engaged in with their students.
MEMBERS ONLY working with students in years 3, 4 and 5.
Open to:
Australian Education Union | SA Branch Registration/Info:
A E U 2 0 1 0 T R A I N I N G A N D D E V E LO P M E N T P R O G R A M
CO U N C I L DAT E S F O R 2 0 1 0
Branch Council Meetings
Fri 19 November
Saturday, 20 November
9.15am – 15.00pm
Potential Delegates Course
All courses are held at the AEU unless otherwise specified.
1-day course introducing members to AEU
For more info or to register go to:
decision making processes. Who can attend: AEU members.
Upcoming dates for 2010 are:
TAFE Divisional Council Meetings Upcoming dates for 2010 are: Friday, 19 November
AUSTRALIAN EDUCATION UNION | SA Branch The term of office for the following positions is from 1 February, 2011 to 31 January, 2014.
Communications Coordinator The Officer will coordinate production of print and online materials, and be responsible for developing effective strategies for communication with members and the wider community.
Industrial Officer The Officer will plan and implement industrial strategies and advocate AEU claims in appropriate tribunals.
Teachers Golf Day Championship Round
Willunga Golf Course Monday 27 Sept 2010 Registration: 8:00am Shotgun Start: 8:30am Cost: $35.00 (lunch & green fee incl.)
Bookings: Kym Briggs: Sheidow Park School Phone: (08) 8381 8911 Email:
(Three positions; two positions with a regional focus)
The Officers will be responsible for developing member activism and providing advice and assistance to members on work-related matters.
• Please return all perpetual trophies
education workers and friends
Organiser (Early Childhood Focus) The Officer will be responsible for developing member activism and providing advice and assistance to members on work-related matters.
Women’s Officer The Officer will encourage women union members’ activism, and advise the union on equity issues.
Union Training and Professional Development Coordinator The Officer will identify and implement union training and professional development activities for members.
Mid-North Teachers Golf Day Kapunda Golf Club Friday 8 October 2010 4 Person Ambrose Cost: $25.00 per person Teams assemble: 9:30am Tee-off: 10:00am Bookings: Brett Cummins, Kapunda PS Email: • Lunch & afternoon tea provided
Job and person specifications and details of the selection process for these positions are available from: Irene Tam: phone: 8272 1399 or email: Applicants must address the requirements of the job and person specification in their application. Applications must reach the
8 October 2010
To all past students, staff and parents of Linden Park Schools
CELEBRATING 60 YEARS of Learning and the Opening of the Redeveloped Schools Friday 12 November 5 – 9pm For info & to register interest: email: phone: 8379 2171
Members’ Market VICTOR HARBOR Holiday Hse: Renovated 3BR hse walk to beach, skate park, shops, restaurants and town. All facilities, lge yard, BBQ. T: 0413 920 554 E:
HOLIDAY HOUSE, 'NORTH BAY', CARRICKALINGA: Arch. designed new 2- storey beach hse. 4BR, 3 bath, 2 living areas, European kitchen, decking & views. Suits 2 families. Sleeps 10. Play equip. for kids. T: 0403 015 964>North Bay, Carrickalinga
ABSOLUTE SEAFRONT HOUSE Stunning beach, dolphins - wine seafood. House (neg), beach or balcony suites. Min 4 nights. fm $45/dble, mid-wk off-peak. Kingston. T: 0402 922 445
Harriet River, Vivonne Bay, 3BR fully equipped. Close to Seal Bay, Remarkables, Admiral Arch and MARION BAY: ff, near new hse. more) relax, swim, fish. Linen prov. Gateway to Innes National Park. winter discounts, sleeps 6. From 3BRs, lge living, TV /DVD, Sleeps 8. $100/night. T: 0407 215 345 Spacious balcony w. outdoor furn. & BBQ. 5 mins to Willyama Beach, KI HOLIDAY COTTAGE: Vivonne 5km to Park. Bay, close to beach & Harriet E: River, wildlife, exc. location for KI HOLIDAY GETAWAYS attractions. 2BR. s/cont, air, BBQ. VICTOR HARBOR: Sleep 4, $95. T: (08) 8341 9185 All Seasons Lakefront Getaway: E: Stunning s/cont. lux. colonial hme. Priv. secl. beach & lake! 4BRs, 2 living areas, 2nd bath, 3 toilets & laundry, lge backyd. Sleeps 8. Lakeside Getaway: Encounter Lakes Villa, 100m to beach & reserve. 5-min. to Esplanade, walk/bike trail, cafes, restaurants, store. 3BRs. Sleeps 6. Spacious living/fam/dine, 2-way bath, sep. toilet, laundry. M: 0419 868 143 E: www.victorharborholidayhomes.
HOLIDAY RENTAL: Yorke Peninsula: New up-market Kangaroo Island Getaway esplanade beach hse ‘Manyana’ KI RURAL RETREAT: Attractive at Wool Bay (near Edithburgh). Spa, plasma TV, DVD, stereo, dishwasher. Tastefully ff & equiped, 3BR, sleeps 7. Panoramic views, walks, fishing. T:(08) 8832 2623
s/cont. lge country hme, gdn, native bush, 260 acres. 2 bath, 2 qn beds, 2 living areas, laundry, patio. Sleeps 12. From $120/night. T: 0407 790754 a/h E:
dunes at Normanville. Golf, horse riding, pools, beach, lawns, cafes. T: 0413 155 460
PORT ELLIOT HOLIDAY ESCAPE Stunning new, a/c, 4BR, s/cont. Close to Main St. cafes, shops, restaurants, galleries. Horseshoe Bay, swim, surf and fish. Walk/bike trails, markets, wineries, Steam Ranger Cockle train. Special rates. E: www.allseasonsescape.spaces.
Kingscote, recently restored 2BRM, period decor, gdn. Walk to beach, cafes, jetty, pubs. Sleeps 6. Exc. location to explore island. T: 08 8553 9007 www.kangarooislandholiday php?p_id=232
Yorke Peninsula “Oceanfront Escape” 2-storey hse w. pergola to beach & farmland views, secl, 4 BRMs, full kitchen, BBQ, DVD/ VCR/TV, billiards, fishing. Peaceful & relaxing, great for kids. Contact Brenton on: T: 0409 864 682 E:
Arch. designed new 2-storey beach hse, bay views. 3BR, 3 bath, open plan living, modern kitchen, sleeps 7. DVD, CD, dishw. Safe beach for kids, great walks, fishing.>Bayview, North Beach
HOL. RENTAL NORMANVILLE: South Shores Holiday Villa #25. 3BR (sleeps 8). Secure behind
S/cont, beachfront, BBQ/DVD/ LCD/ TV, r/c air. Sleeps 6. Corp. rates AEU members. Main st and jetty 5 min walk. T: (08) 86253343
HOUSEBOAT: (near Mannum)
AEU members are offered a 10% disc. during shoulder/off pk. Sleeps 10. T: (08) 8277 8751 E:
AEU Early Childhood Conference
Badging our Profession in the New World Friday 8 October | 9.15am– 3.00pm Thursday 7 October | 6.00pm The Seven Stars Hotel, Angas Street (subsidised cost $11)
Conference dinner:
By the end of 2010 the Early Years Learning Framework will be introduced at the same time as a raft of significant national changes. Early childhood educators will be expected to understand the changes and be involved in implementation while delivering high quality early childhood learning programmes. This conference will create a space for AEU members to Focus on understanding the upcoming changes and to think about what the changes will mean for their work in early childhood settings.
Australian Education Union | SA Branch Registration/Info:
N OT I CE B OA R D FOR RENT – MITCHAM HILLS 3BR hme, 2 bath, living, balcony, hills views, r/c air, gas space heat, 2nd living area, 2 car accom. T: 0417 823 912 HOUSE FOR RENT: Modern 5brm in Hillbank, quiet culdasac, close to public trans, alarm, ducted a/c, solar, shed, gas, dbl carport. $350/wk. T: 0416 113 386 E: ROOM FOR RENT: Share 3BR hse with 2 others in Gawler. $70/wk plus exp. T: 0409 486 088 FOR RENT: f.f. private apartment in Glenelg for hol or wkd rental. Heated pool, spa, steam-room, sauna, gym etc. Plasma TV, 100m to beach. T: 0403 606 052
GLENELG NTH T/HSE RETREAT Hol accom, quiet, mins from Jetty Rd, close to tram/bus stops. Secl. unit feat. 3BRM, 2 toilets, ldry, bath, new kitchen, sep dining, lounge w. patio area, carport. W: T: 0437847034
35mm SLIDE SCANNING Adelaide & Hills: Do you have old slides gathering dust and deteriorating? Have them professionally scanned at high resolution and transferred onto CD. 17 yrs exp., reasonable rates. T: 0401 590 875
WORKSHOP: Stress management, personal dev. and learning difficulties: Brain Gym-an intro wkshop. Movements to ‘switch on’ the brain. T/fax: (08) 8768 2537 E: GO SCUBA DIVING WITH ELITE DIVE ACADEMY: Are you a diver, but haven’t been in the water for a while?! Get $50 off a PADI Tune-Up program to refresh your skills. Contact: T: (Steve) 0413 134 827 E:
FOR SALE: Certified organic cosmetics & personal products.
CAMERON CAMPER TRAILER FOR SALE: Sits on 6’ by 4’ trailer with electric brakes and water tank. Opens out to create a 17’ by 7’ space. A full annexe is also included. Good cond. $3,200 T: 0407 324 559
HOUSE SITTING: Prof. couple seek hse sit, Adelaide & environs, late July – Oct. 2010. Non-smokers, hse proud, exp. renovators, repairs, gardening, animal caring. Contact Chris & Eleanor Oyston T: 02 6236 3008 E: FRANCE – SOUTH: Lovely Village House. Languedoc region. T: 0403 314 928 (Julie)
CIVIL CELEBRANT: Dr Tom Haig: weddings, renewal of vows, commitment ceremonies, funerals and baby namings. First class personalised services with AEU members receiving a 10% discount on services upon request. T: 85311726 or 0439 687 529 E:
Penetanguishene is a close knit community with all the perks of a large city, including hockey arena, skateboard park, soccer oval, swimming pool and lots of family friendly parks. The town and nearby communities offer beaches, boating facilities and water sports. The teaching positions are in middle and upper primary. Contact Darryl Carter, Manager, International Programs T: 8226 1150 or 0402 250 929 E:
2011 DOUBLE TEACHING EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITY TO HOUSE SITTING: Mature couple, ONTARIO, CANADA teachers, non-smokers, exp. pet owners, gardeners seek hse sit while new home is built. Adelaide Nth pref. Avail. Dec 2010, late Jan – April 2011. E: T: 0409 608 518 or 0409 280 019
The opportunity of a lifetime exists to teach in Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada, living in a 2storey hse, 4 brm, 3 bath and only 5 kms from the school. With a population of 5000, and located only 2 hrs drive from Toronto,
Advertise in Members’ Market for FREE! Rent, sell, buy or offer goods and services. Send ads to: