AEU Journal Volume 45 - No.7

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Official publication of the Australian Education Union (SA Branch)

Vol 45 I No.7

November 2013

AEUJOURNAL SA Small schools making a big contribution to local communities

Inside: u History

wars re-ignited


is the key to good staffing

Features President’s View

AEU Union Journal Training

Australian Education Union | SA Branch

Small schools making a big contribution to local communities

163 Greenhill Road, Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 8272 1399

PAC is the key pages 8 – 9 With staffing plans for 2014 underway, it’s time to revisit the role of the PAC.


8373 1254


Editor: Craig Greer AEU Journal is published seven times annually by the South Australian Branch of the Australian Education Union. Subscriptions: Free for AEU members. Nonmembers may subscribe for $33 per year. Print Post approved PP 531629/0025 ISSN 1440-2971


Cover Photo: Craig Greer

u History

Printing: Lane Print

wars re-ignited


is the key to good staffing

Small schools are making a big contribution

History Wars

pages 12 – 13 All around the state, small public schools are the heartbeat of local communities.

pages 14 – 15 Look out, the black armband claims are back.

Advertise in the AEU Journal. Reach over 13,500 members across South Australia.

8272 1399

Do your block for


11–17 November Go to to get involved

Authorised by Pat Forward, Federal TAFE Secretary, Australian Education Union. 120 Clarendon St, Southbank. 3006

Part of the SA Power Networks Learning Program



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President’s View

Ready for the next challenge After six years at the helm, Correna Haythorpe will hand over leadership of the union to President-elect David Smith.

for new people who might be interested in leadership positions in our union. We operate at a very political level and I think it is very important to develop experienced teams that can take our union forward.

The AEU Journal stole a few moments from Correna’s busy schedule to ask some questions about her time as SA Branch President.

Journal: What are the most significant challenges ahead for our union?

Journal: What inspired you to run for Branch President? Correna: Without Public Education and the teachers who gave me a second chance to complete my education, I would not have become a teacher. I ran for President because I wanted to work with our members in preschools, schools and TAFE as part of the collective campaign to promote and support Public Education. Journal: After being elected in late 2007 you walked straight into one of the AEU’s toughest ever EB campaigns. What was that like? Correna: It was both terrifying and exhilarating. The EB08 campaign began in the first week on the job and went for over two years. Negotiations, rallies, stop-works and the arbitration dominated our thoughts and our work for more than two years. I will never forget standing on the steps of Parliament House, watching 10,000 members marching down North Terrace to fight for their rights and for their students to have better resources.

Education and the trade union movement in South Australia. And my children – they provide the reason and inspiration for everything that we do. Journal: Is there a particular campaign or moment that you think defines your time as President of the AEU? Correna: The I give a Gonski campaign has brought everyone together across the nation on the issue of school funding. SA members and parents campaigned for months and achieved sign-up by Premier Weatherill to potentially deliver $717 million for our schools. It’s a great example of a successful campaign which we now need to continue as we have a new federal government who says they will only commit to four years of funding. That will cost our students $422 million. Journal: Are there things you would change if you could have your time as President over again? Correna: No. Every experience has provided opportunities for a deeper understanding of working in a leadership role as a unionist and as an advocate for Public Education.

Journal: Who inspires you? Do you have union or political heroes?

Journal: During your tenure, Branch Council approved a rule change to allow Presidents and Vice Presidents to run for three consecutive terms of two years instead of two. Why was this important?

Correna: Nelson Mandela – his struggles, compassion and commitment to his people changed a nation and raised the world’s awareness to injustice, racism and apartheid. Former SA Unions Secretary Janet Giles – for her commitment to Public

Correna: Three terms provides the opportunity for the leadership team to use their skills and knowledge about enterprise bargaining and campaigning in more than one bargaining round. Also, I think it provides a better opportunity for mentoring and succession planning

You only have to look at our neighbouring states to see what challenges might be ahead. Independent public schools, slashing of industrial conditions and union rights, salary caps, budget cuts for TAFE, changes to the Australian Curriculum, “flexible” pathways into teaching and securing the $422 million Gonski money federally just to name a few. The one thing we can count on is the strong commitment of our members to their students and I am confident that together we will face whatever challenges are ahead and be stronger for it. Journal: What are your plans now you are handing over the reins to David Smith? Correna: I have won an Organiser position (pending Branch Council decision in November) so I’ll be out and about in worksites next year. I hope to also be able to continue working on some of the AEU campaigns such as I give a Gonski and Stop TAFE Cuts. Journal: Any advice for the new leadership team? Correna: Hold onto your hats, it’s going to be a bumpy ride but you will have fun. I have enjoyed every minute and thank our members and the AEU staff for the opportunity to lead our union and for their dedication to public education. Our members will be very well served by the new leadership team and I wish David Smith the very best as n he leads our union into the future. In solidarity, Correna Haythorpe 5

reti rement 7 Wayne Dobbins (pictured centre) with colleagues Len Williams (left) and Bronwyn Honey (right).

would envy. And in building relationships with the community, he has been ably assisted by one of his very first recruits, Bronwyn (Bron) Honey, who was one of a number of staff that came over from The Pines to help Wayne open the school. “It’s always been leadership on the rim with Wayne. He delegates and values what the staff have to offer. It’s probably why the turnover here has been minimal,” she says. Wayne appointed Bron to the position of Community Liaison Officer in order to engage and support local migrant families, many of whom were Khmer speakers with little or no English. Nowadays the community is even more diverse.

A career committed to public education Recently named a Living Legend by the City of Salisbury, highly respected Burton Primary School Principal Wayne Dobbins is calling it a day.


“Literacy and numeracy is very important but schools exist to facilitate human growth in all of its dimensions...”

ayne Dobbins’ career began in in 1971 at a one-teacher school at Comaun (pronounced Ca-morn) on the Victorian border where he taught for five years. Needless to say, he was also the union rep! He followed his time at Comaun with a stint at Pirie West Primary before returning to Adelaide to begin what can only be described as an illustrious career in school leadership, opening up three schools, including Burton Primary in Term 4, 1990.

– he says the Living Legend accolade bestowed on him by the local council is thanks to the efforts of many. “It’s very humbling,” says Wayne. “Everything we’ve done here we’ve done as a team.”

Speaking to Wayne it’s evident he has immense respect for his colleagues

Nonetheless, Wayne has led the development of a school culture many


One Cambodian parent, Poh Ponn has three children now doing well at high school. She credits their education success to the fantastic support her family received at Burton PS. Poh is clearly emotional when she describes her respect for Wayne and the staff. “The Principal Wayne, he was fantastic. And all the staff, they helped not only my children but they helped me too. Our community was welcomed and treated with such respect, we have always been given wonderful support at Burton.” Wayne says he was determined to engage the community from the outset, especially the large migrant population who hailed not only from Cambodia but from countries such as Laos and the Philippines. “To do that Bron and I actually met in their homes. We called them street meetings where we’d go to the home of a community leader and they would invite members of their community and we were able to build up relationships that way.” The decision to work so closely with the community paid off and this ethos has remained strong in the school. “Recently we had over 200 parents, both mums and dads, attend literacy workshops to encourage them, especontinued over page 3

Vice President’s Report cially dads, to read with their kids. Events like this are really important because one of the things we’ve found in disadvantaged communities is that children come to school with low levels of literacy exposure and by having parents here and encouraging them to enjoy reading to their kids and helping them with their learning is incredibly valuable,” says Wayne.

Congratulations! It’s a win for preschools AEU Vice President Jan Murphy talks about the preschool workload campaign

While the focus on developing reading skills and parental engagement is a strong focus for the school, the school’s website says its mission is “to allow students to experience quality and comprehensive educational experiences in a stimulating and enriching learning environment.”

Did you Leave on Time and Leave it Behind? Did you send the e-lobby to the Minister calling for workload relief? Did you help to achieve this win for preschool members?

have taken part in or supported the Early Childhood Consultative Committee’s campaign so far; let’s keep working for better outcomes for members and children in preschools. n

“Literacy and numeracy is very important but schools exist to facilitate human growth in all of its dimensions and I think that’s often forgotten. If you ask the question, “How do children grow?” Well, they grow socially; they grow emotionally; they grow cognitively. So, to develop a balanced, educated child we need to cater for all domains of learning. Narrowing the curriculum to focus on just literacy and numeracy is the wrong way to go,” says Wayne.

It was fantastic to hear Minister Rankine’s announcement of a $1,500 grant for every preschool in the state to help alleviate workload. In the lead up to the last round of enterprise bargaining, Early Childhood members were telling us that their workload was excessive, and growing. The support that the vast majority of members were seeking was funding to provide additional release time for directors and additional admin hours for SSOs and ECWs.

Congratulations to Allenby Gardens, Wandana and Swallowcliffe preschools for this outstanding achievement which is testament to the high standard of early childhood education we provide here in South Australia. To receive an “Excellent” rating, preschools had to be rated as “exceeding the standard” in the majority of categories, including centre leadership, a criterion we’re informed has been added by DECD. Judy Hunt from Allenby Gardens Preschool is the Early Childhood Coordinator and talks about the NQS review process. “For us the assessment was a good opportunity to review and reflect on our practice. We used the framework to guide us through the review, incorporating our own philosophy. There was a short timeline so the workload was high. However, we’ve been really well supported by our Principal Sue Lepoidevin. For the initial assessment we were exceeding the standard in all but one element of the NQS. The process was very supportive. We didn’t feel at all as though it was a process of compliance; it was really about improvement and documenting our current practice. The assessor was quite understanding of staff who were nervous. So I’d say the things we have been told about the process not being intimidating are absolutely correct. So yes, it’s a challenge, but it’s all about practice and the whole process has been quite affirming despite some initial anxiety. There is no recipe, just do what you normally do and talk about the ‘what and why’ you are doing it. And good luck!” n

When reflecting on his career Wayne says there have been many highlights, but cited the official opening of Burton PS and the many family days held over the years as standouts. “The recent opening of the preschool on the campus last year is another highlight,” he says. “Our enrolments are growing, next year we’ll be adding another class. And with the addition of the preschool it’s great to be able to offer a seamless curriculum for local families. It’s something we’ve dreamed about for years.” There’s no doubt Wayne is leaving a strong legacy that will continue to inspire the school to further success. And as for his future… “Over a third of my life has been here at Burton. It’ll be a strange day when I don’t have to drive to work. I will have plenty to do though; I’m hoping to take on some more study – a degree in astronomy – and I’m interested in welding, wood carving and electronics.” The AEU wishes Wayne and longtime colleague Len Williams, who is also retiring this year, all the best for n the future.

What will $1,500 buy your preschool? • Three days TRT release plus around eight hours of admin support, or; • approximately seven hours of admin support every week from the time of the announcement late last term until the end of the year. We are very interested to hear how preschools have spent the grant money and the impact it has had on your workload. The Early Childhood Consultative Committee will be sending out a survey later this term to gather this information. The Minister’s grants are a great start but only a short-term fix for a long-term problem. Preschool members have told us that they want to continue the workload campaign. The Early Childhood Consultative Committee has finalised planning, and information on the next phase of the campaign, which begins in Week 4, has been sent to all Early Childhood members. We need all Early Childhood members to get involved by recording the actual hours you work so we can let DECD know just how heavy your workload is. Congratulations to all members who

SA preschools first to achieve “Excellent” rating


Running PAC Update Head

The PAC is the key to good staffing decisions AEU members must use mandated democratic structures to ensure workload is fair says AEU Industrial Coordinator Leah York


chools are well underway in their planning for 2014. In order to manage human resources effectively and efficiently, and avoid any upheaval following the commencement of the school year, it is critical that planning and implementation complies with the rights and entitlements that are clearly stipulated in the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement and the PAC Handbook, which are approved by the Industrial Relations Commission of South Australia. The South Australian School and Preschool Education Staff Enterprise Agreement 2012 regulates workload for Teachers and Leaders in schools. It states that teachers and leaders should have the opportunity to perform all of their duties within a reasonable timeframe and have fair and reasonable conditions. In particular, the Enterprise Agreement 2012 sets out requirements for face-toface teaching, non-instruction time (NIT), other duties and class sizes, and includes: • Face-to-Face teaching, clause 5.2.2, is defined as: a) Rostered teaching sessions in a documented approved course of study for which the teacher has the primary responsibility for education delivery; b) Tutoring or special needs support; c) Relief teaching lessons; d) Pastoral care/home group activities involving student supervision, student counselling or consultation in which at least some of the activities are designed to enhance personal development; e) Rehearsals, practices, presentations, performances which are part of the curriculum; 8

f) Work experience and vocational education program delivery and/ or supervision in secondary schools; g) School excursions and camps which are part of the curriculum. • Clause 5.2.5 provides that NonInstruction Time in relation to a particular teacher includes the time during school hours allocated to teachers to enable them to undertake preparation of lessons, assessment of student work, report writing and curriculum development and shall include leadership time for Band A and Band B leaders in schools. • The maximum face-to-face teaching hours per week or the number of face-to-face teaching hours averaged over a school term or the school year at clauses 5.2.8 to 5.2.11 • A requirement that the number of weekly face-to-face teaching hours may only be averaged by agreement between the teacher and the Principal in consultation with the PAC (and also provides that beginning teachers and beginning ATSI teachers may not average weekly face to face teaching hours). • An entitlement to be ‘paid back’ an equivalent amount of NIT in the event that a teacher has agreed to work in excess of their maximum face-to-face teaching load or has an agreed averaging arrangement; or additional payment for the hours worked in excess of their maximum face-to-face teaching load if replacement NIT is not able to be taken within an agreed time period. • Class sizes in schools; and a requirement under clause 5.2 that within the fixed resources of a school and its physical facilities, that class size should be planned on the minimum

number of students possible.

Meal Breaks Furthermore, the Teachers (DECS) Award provides for meal breaks, stating at clause 5.15: An employee will not work more than five hours in any one working day without being allowed a meal break of not less than 30 minutes to be taken not more than five hours after commencement of work on that day. On days where the teacher is rostered to undertake yard duty during the luncheon break then the meal break may be reduced to 20 minutes.

Other Duties In addition to face-to-face teaching, teachers may be required by the Principal, in partnership with the PAC, to undertake a range of other duties. Such duties include yard duty, student reports, parent teacher interviews and other duties that are characterised as ‘core duties’ of teachers. If other duties are required then the PAC in partnership with the Principal, will negotiate with the teacher the duties to be undertaken and the time required to undertake the task. Further information is detailed on pp 25-26 of the PAC Handbook 2013. Additional information in relation to the above is detailed in the PAC Handbook – the AEU recommends that all staff members are fully aware of the PAC Handbook pp 21-33. This will assist AEU sub-branch members to contribute to the decision-making processes in their school. Any employer requirement of employees (this includes all classification levels of teachers and leaders), including the introduction of new initiatives, must not breach the above regulation of workload provisions pursuant to the Fair Work Act 1994. Similarly, departmental policies and requirements under any state or federal statutes must be managed within these workload provisions.

Consultation and PAC Responsibilities – Decision-making Most importantly, it is essential that each member of the PAC discharges continued over page 3

Vice President’s Report their duties with due diligence in respect to the requirements under the South Australian School and Preschool Education Staff Enterprise Agreement 2012. Members of the PAC are required to consult with and represent staff in relation to human resource matters. Such matters are detailed at clause 3.5 of the Enterprise Agreement 2012 and page 6 of the PAC Handbook 2013. When representing and consulting with staff, members of the PAC must have regard to relevant equal opportunity, work health safety, work/life balance and workload issues. Decisions of the PAC must be made following genuine consultation with all affected employees, and must provide for employees to contribute effectively to the decision making process and a bona fide opportunity to influence the decision making. Good staffing decisions result in sustainable workload for staff, which in turn leads to better outcomes for our students.

The AEU Representative • Any financial member of the AEU, including non-teaching staff, can be elected to the PAC as the AEU nominee by the sub-branch members. A ballot is to be conducted in a formal way, that is, determined at a meeting called by the Sub-branch Secretary and at which minutes are taken. • The AEU nominee must have participated in PAC Training or agree to undertake the training at the earliest possible opportunity. • The AEU nominee represents the AEU sub-branch members and will consult with and report regularly to the sub-branch. Additional information in relation to the above is detailed in the PAC Handbook – the AEU recommends that all staff members are fully aware of the PAC Handbook pp 5-12. This will assist AEU sub-branch members to contribute to the decision-making processes in their school. If you have any queries regarding the role and duties of the AEU representative on PAC, please phone the AEU Information Unit: 8272 1399 or email: n

Believe in the System Public education is at the core of a fair, equitable and caring society writes David Smith Sometimes it’s hard to maintain your belief in something you hold dear. I, for one, have a fundamental belief in the merits of Public Education. I’m hardly alone in that, but there are times when we all can lose the necessary focus on its central importance. From time to time there are distractions, and heaven knows there are plenty at the moment. Yet now is when we need to re-examine the principles and purposes of a genuinely public system even more keenly, and arm ourselves with the knowledge that we are part of something which forms the basis of a fair, democratic, equitable and, of course, well-educated society. We are the life blood of that system and should be proud of our contribution. All AEU members are critically important to the health, maintenance and growth of a system of education which unreservedly provides for all comers. This Union stands for high standards of teaching and learning in public education. We may be portrayed differently by some who don’t see us that way, but the record is unequivocal. Over the years we have adopted profoundly responsible positions and published our stance in such documents as “For Every Child” and “For the Public Good”. Even given the need to update aspects of those publications, they remain a solid, principled base for our thinking. In short, they summarise the AEU’s belief in a fair, well-resourced system which, as well befits a caring society, provides extra resources to those facing greatest disadvantage. Fortunately others agree - David Gonski’s committee of review of schools funding, for a start. That does not sit easily with those who argue for greater competition between individuals, schools preschools and TAFE colleges. Our society is poorly served by such competition. We can see many examples here and internationally of the harm that a hierarchical, multi-tiered education system brings. Indeed, at worst, they do not merit the term ‘system’ at all. They divide, not unite societies. Recently, indeed on the eve of World Teachers’ Day, the AEU conducted a Public Education Forum at the University of South Australia. The eminent panel was made up of Professor Alan Reid, DECD

Chief Education Officer Garry Costello, Education Minister Jennifer Rankine, Professor Peter Buckskin and AEU President Correna Haythorpe. They answered a variety of questions from the floor, and provided extremely high quality responses which we can publish elsewhere. They represented a broad base of educational experience and knowledge, and while occasionally critical of some current trends, demonstrated the need to maintain the truly public focus of an education system such as ours. The forum was, we hope, the start of a developing dialogue between thoughtful people who have fought for and will continue to fight for an equitable, just education system and the society it shapes. And why wouldn’t we take it further? It was an uplifting, positive experience. The forum was one of the last public contributions of Correna Haythorpe whose six year term as SA Branch President of the AEU concludes at the end of this year. As such, it was a most fitting tribute to her formidable dedication to public education in our State and to the fine service she has given all members in that time. She has been unswerving in both arenas, which are of course linked. In leading the Union through two enterprise bargaining periods, one of which resulted in an extended arbitration in the Industrial Relations Commission, she retained her focus on the need for a fair deal for education workers in all classifications, and thereby gaining a better deal for the children and young people in our public preschools, schools and TAFE colleges. That important work is within this State. Correna’s leadership has extended to national and international educational levels, especially in the last year when she has been the respected Federal Deputy President of the AEU. As such she has made well-received presentations at a number of international conferences, thereby bringing positive attention to her work and the work of the AEU and its many members. Correna has served us all very well in her years at the helm of our Union, and has been an honourable colleague and friend to those of us who have worked alongside her. We thank her, congratulate her, and wish her great success in her future endeavours. n 9

Running AEU Information Head Unit


AEU wins in Commission on data collection

LNP attacks Queensland workers’ rights

At the beginning of Term 3, 180 schools were informed by DECD that they were required to participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data for School Students with Disability. This new process is being phased in over three years. Next year another one-third of schools will be required to do the same, and the remaining schools in 2015. Members are required to undertake training and complete data collection and entry. The AEU has been in dispute with DECD on the grounds that there was a lack of consultation and an increased workload for members associated with the requirement to collect the data. The AEU previously distributed the Statement and Recommendations from the Conciliation Conference held in the Industrial Relations Commission of South Australia (IRCSA) on 10 September. The Statement and Recommendations reflected the outcome of the conciliation and were agreed at the conference by DECD. Subsequently, DECD applied to the IRCSA for further conciliation and this has now concluded with a new Statement and Recommendations published. DECD has agreed that:

QTU General Secretary Graham Moloney reports

• Consultation on the new data collection was lacking; • Members who have undertaken any training or the data collection in their NIT time are entitled to have that NIT paid back; • Members who have undertaken any training or work on the data collection and this has contributed to an excessive workload, can negotiate with the Principal in partnership with the PAC for additional release time; • Schools that believe that the funding provided for the collection is insufficient for them to meet their industrial obligations may apply to DECD for a review of the resource allocation in relation to the collection. n A copy of the full statement and recommendation is posted at:


Latest News 10

There is much more on the Queensland Liberal National Party (LNP) government’s agenda than bikie gangs and the role of judges in the law. A number of changes that they are pursuing will have a direct effect on Queensland teachers and workers in the near future. Workers’ compensation changes passed on 17 October (against the recommendations of the LNP-dominated parliamentary committee) limit access to common law damages claims as well as claims based on psychological injury. Fifty-percent of common law claims currently could not proceed under the new legislation, limiting injured workers to statutory payments that don’t fully account for the lifetime costs of injury. The government argues the changes are necessary to reduce the burden on business.

• Reduces public holiday payments. • Establishes an award “modernisation” process to gut awards • Prohibits award and agreement content around training arrangements, workload management, maximisation of permanent employment and more

Their argument is undermined somewhat by the fact that Queensland currently has the second lowest premiums in the country (the lowest on average over the last ten years) and WorkCover recorded a profit of over $500 million in 2012 – 13 in an annual report strangely delayed until just prior to the legislation passing.

• Practically prevents unions taking industrial action in support of enterprise bargaining claims

That pales into insignificance compared to the changes to industrial legislation introduced on the same day as the workers’ compensation changes were passed and while union members protested outside the parliament.

The legislation, along with previous changes made by this government, are extreme by any historical standard but appear to be establishing the agenda for conservative governments across Australia including the federal government. Nor were any of these proposals foreshadowed before the election in March last year.

The changes to industrial legislation will be finalised in the last sitting this year in mid-November. They’ll affect state public servants, including teachers, principals and TAFE teachers, local government workers and workers in unincorporated private businesses. It is the sixth change to industrial legislation since the government was elected just over 18 months ago.

The Draft Legislation: • Reduces legislative protections around working time and penalty rates.

• Reduces the powers and independence of the Industrial Relations Commission • Institutes contracts for “high income senior employees” as identified in a regulation, and more.

The LNP’s majority in the Queensland Parliament will ensure that the legislation passes. Queensland public sector unions including the QTU will continue to campaign against the legislation and its effects in the lead-up to the next election. The enduring message for all Australian voters is to be careful who and what you vote for. n



Workload, Work loads?

TAFE reforms and staff cuts are leading to a significant increase in member workload

Working hours for lecturers are 35 per week and consist of two components: • Instruction and Assessment. In the Agreement, the allocation of these hours can be to an entire educational program or to an individual lecturer; in popular usage these hours are also often referred to as contact hours. The total of these hours that a lecturer can be expected to perform are in the range of 18-24/week or 720-960/year. • Non-Contact Hours refers to the performance of duties that are indirect

but necessary to support and underpin the delivery of Instruction and Assessment. The total of these hours that a lecturer can be expected to perform are in the range of 11-17 hours/week or 440-680/year. The allocation of Instruction and Assessment hours to an individual lecturer (the scheduled hours) will be done in consultation between the Educational Manager and the lecturer concerned.” (Clause 5.4.1 Staff Enterprise Agreement).

Dealing with excessive workloads AEU members and sub-branches have a choice – they can do something about it or become a ‘small target’ and hope the dreadful reality eventually goes away. If a person does the latter they shouldn’t be surprised if the situation gets worse. If you do something in concert with others, you may be pleasantly surprised to find you have more influence than you otherwise thought. As a result of agreed workload outcomes through meaningful consultation between a number of work groups and TAFE management, the following guidelines to aid members in dealing with excessive workloads and getting control on their work life balance are suggested. • Be aware of your rights. Members need to be conscious of what possibilities may be open to them before being prepared to act • Concentrate on hard evidence. Broad, open-ended generalisations or impressions are easy to ‘fob off’. You need specific information about actual lecturer duties and responsibilities that can be ‘measured’. There is no doubt that collection of information can be tedious, but it is essential. Industrial bodies and authorities operate on the basis of facts and verifiable data. Employees need an issue with which they can identify in order to become engaged. Workload meets this criterion as it is a topic that has

Can you do your block for TAFE? Help stop TAFE funding cuts.

a direct and significant impact on each and every TAFE employee • Analysis and options. Once information has been collected, there needs to an analysis of it and from this, some options generated.


AEU TAFE Divisional Council have been discussing the serious concerns members have about excessive workload in TAFE. The increasing nature of workload in TAFE is leading to growing stress levels in the workplace as members try to cope with the continual changes in organisational structures, increased class sizes and administration requirements while at the same time trying to maintain a professional approach to the student cohort. TAFE SA has a duty of care to protect the wellbeing of employees. In fact its own policies highlight that excessive workloads can be a significant issue in relation to workplace bullying. Despite this, workload in TAFE has skyrocketed due to a significant reduction in educational staffing levels via Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages (TVSPs) . These cuts have led to the departure of some of the most experienced senior staff and a wealth of intellectual knowledge. This is just one of many factors that has increased workload for staff that remain. The rights of members to address workloads are clearly mapped out in the TAFE (Educational Staff) Interim Award and current Enterprise Agreement. Once understood, a simple response to excessive demands on workloads is to ask management “What do you consider not essential in my current load that I can give up to take on other tasks?”

Having some possible solutions to offer increases the likelihood of keeping any meeting practical and hopefully, constructive. Further, it is easy to avoid broad statements, but much more difficult to sidestep tangible, practical suggestions. • Act ‘locally’. Concentrate on your immediate workgroup, at least in the first instance • Act collectively and in concert with others. Your chances of obtaining some improvements are multiplied significantly if you act

• Should attempts at workgroup negotiations fail employees do have a right to initiate a Grievance procedure (see Clause 5.6 Lecturer Work-

load Grievance Procedure, Staff Enterprise Agreement). n

John Hunter, retired TAFE Lecturer & Tony Sutherland, AEU Organiser, TAFE Focus

See page 3 for details


cover story

Small schools are making a big contribution in SA Lately the AEU Journal has been visiting small schools, from the Adelaide Hills to the Eyre Peninsula, and as Craig Greer reports, they have plenty to offer.


here aren’t too many small schools who, at one time or another, haven’t felt the pressure to boost their enrolments or risk having their doors closed. Port Kenny Primary School on the Eyre Peninsula was in such a predicament recently. With student numbers falling below double figures, the bus service was almost cut, putting the school’s future at risk. Fortunately enrolments increased preventing what may have resulted in a daily 120km return commute to Streaky Bay for existing students. Stories like this aren’t nearly as isolated as some of the communities that, despite obvious justification for a local school, have waited nervously while bureaucrats in an office hundreds of kilometres away have discussed their future. “Remember the ferry?” That was the retort of Cadell Primary School Principal Sue Billett when she was asked what the community response might be to the closure of their school. The community’s anger and subsequent campaign against the potential closure of the ferry service made headlines – its cessation may have resulted in deaths, the closure of the school, if it ever had been considered, might have had similar repercussions for the town. The importance of a local school to a small community can’t be overstated. Jobs are important, but most families wouldn’t choose to live and work in a town where there’s no library, no internet service, no playground, no medical centre, no local market and, perish the thought, no teachers. And all these necessities for community life are commonly found in small schools across our state. It was the community aspect of the 12

schools I visited that really drove home their contribution to small towns. From Upper Sturt Primary’s bush heritage area, to a recent fashion parade at Ungarra, backpackers accessing the web at Port Neill, Variety Club lunches at Morgan, and rock concerts at Norton Summit, small schools are the heartbeat of hills and country towns. And to cap it all off, they are full of fantastic educators providing great opportunities for children. Thirty-odd years ago I was one of these kids, attending my local school of 50 children in the Victorian town of Chum Creek; they were the best years of my life, full of unique experiences supported not only by teachers who were like substitute parents, but also by other kids’ parents – they were all an an integral part of my upbringing, in my community, not someone else’s. This is why small schools matter; they provide the kind of education that every child deserves easy access to, no matter where they live.

they work in, play a crucial role in supporting the school. It’s like having a big family, and we’re all working together, teachers and parents, to give kids the best possible start in life. Journal: Principals in small schools all have significant teaching loads, what’s yours? Kellie: I’ve got a 0.5 teaching load; I teach Japanese and each day I take a group as part of a whole school spelling and language program. If I didn’t have a teaching load I don’t think I’d like the job as much. You’re building relationships with the kids and you get to see first-hand what the teachers are talking about. Journal: Do you get any time for administration? Kellie: Once you take into account my teaching and the cover I provide for NIT, excursions, sports days and so on, I get around one day per week. It’s not a lot of time to achieve all the tasks expected of us.

Here’s what some of the small school leaders and teachers I met had to say about their role and the important role their schools play in the local community.

Journal: With a low enrolment, how does the school cope financially? Kellie: It’s always a challenge. There’s rarely enough for things like breakdown maintenance but we manage. This year we received $3000 but our costs were $10,000. Most small schools have to raise money. For example, we have a great group of parents who raise a significant amount through bottle and can collection. We also get sponsorship from local businesses and community groups. n

Kellie Zadow | Principal Morgan PS, Riverland Enrolment: 42

Sue Billett | Principal Cadell PS, Riverland Enrolment: 30

Journal: What are the advantages of attending a small school? Kellie: The kids get lots of one-to-one attention and unique experiences that kids in larger centres might miss out on. The students have a real sense of pride in the school. Their families, and the businesses and organisations

Journal: Do you work with other schools in the region? SUE: We have a very strong relationship with Morgan, Ramco and Blanchetown schools. We do plenty of things together to give the kids different learning opportunities. continued over page 3

Journal: You’ve recently received a grant, can you talk about that? SUE: Kellie (Principal at Morgan PS) and I applied for and won a grant, which is part of the National Partnerships program. It provided money for “more support for children with learning difficulties”. So, it’s not about our NEP children but the kids who are assessed but don’t qualify for extra support. We’ve used the money for staff training, SSO time and for an intervention support officer for a half-day per week to design Individual Learning Plans for every student. Journal: Is it a lot easier to work in a small school? SUE: Some people think it’s much easier and not challenging but it is. In a bigger school you may have a literacy key person in the school, well in a small school everyone needs expertise in all curriculum areas. And we have to be working on the same page as each othn er. It leads to great collegiality.

Barry Costar | Teacher Norton Summit PS, Adelaide Hills Enrolment: 52 I’ve been working in small schools since about 1987. I think being involved with a whole community effort to give kids a high quality education is really rewarding. I’ve mostly had smaller class sizes which I think allows you to focus more on individuals and extend their learning. But also, the kids are very supportive of each other and when they have fewer students to interact with I think they learn to be n more cooperative with each other.

Julie Mattiske | Principal Norton Summit PS, Adelaide Hills Enrolment: 52 Journal: This is the first small school you’ve worked in, what are your main observations? Julie: There sense of community is fantastic – right across the year levels big kids play with little kids, we have a great buddy program here and they look after each other. The parents want to be actively

involved in the decision-making, which is great. I think the students have a really good work ethic, they’re very independent and their strength and resilience in an outdoor setting is really interesting – they love playing outside which is fantastic. Journal: Do kids in small schools miss out on things that bigger schools can provide? Julie: I don’t think so. We involve students in lots of programs and activities, like the Wakakirri which you’ve heard about. We do struggle to get a school sports team happening but the kids are involved in local sporting clubs so it’s not really an issue. n

Steve Errock | Principal Port Neill PS, Eyre Peninsula Enrolment: 13 The kids are great and the community loves the school. They are heavily involved. For example, we don’t have a grounds person but as you can see the school looks great because parents come in and help out. We’ve also got a guy living nearby who comes in and does some work too. The school belongs to everyone in the community. Of course there are lots of challenges in a small school like this, we have to perform most of the same functions as principals in larger schools but with less time because most of us teach for more than half the week. Our isolation means that we work with other small schools in the region to support and learn from each other in order to continually improve our practice. We are watching with interest as Brighter Futures rolls out – it’s important that small schools aren’t disadvantaged by any reforms that are implemented. n

Jenni Wilson | Teacher Lake Wangary , Eyre Peninsula Enrolment: 90 The staff here work really closely as a team, and most decisions are made together with the Principal which means we’re all aware of each other’s work and can share our resources effectively. While we don’t have the same access to professional development as teachers in the city, we work with other schools to share our knowledge and resources, and to apply for any grants that may be available. With the school central to the community everyone pitches in. I was working in a bigger school in Adelaide but I don’t regret the move to a smaller school one bit. It’s just fantastic. n

Sarah Chase | Principal Ungarra PS, Eyre Peninsula Enrolment: 47 We’ve got lots of great things happening here. For example, we’ve got a kitchen garden which the kids love getting involved in. We have parent volunteers who come in and take a group. The students’ language skills have really benefitted from that interaction; it’s amazing. And because we’re in a farming community there are some kids who really need this kind of handson learning. I’m really enjoying the role here, it’s a great experience for me having only recently taken on a Principal position and while there are challenges I think we provide great learning opportunities for our students. We get so much support from the community, it’s a real privilege to work here. n 13

curriculum focus 7 Jandamarra ‘Pigeon’ played by Damion Hunter for the spectacular theatre production written by playwright Steve Hawke depicting the life of the great warrior.

1 Jandamarra: Warrior of the Kimberleys

1 David Unaipon

Coalition to re-ignite history wars At a time when we should be reconciling with Indigenous people, the old “black armband” chestnut might be rearing its ugly head. Elisa Resce and Craig Greer


ederal Education Minister Christopher Pyne has wasted no time in applying the red ink to the new Australian Curriculum, initiating a review of the History component and reigniting the Howard-era ‘history wars’ which helped to define the former conservative government’s views on multiculturalism and Australia’s Aboriginal past. Declaring that the Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority (ACARA) was “not the final arbiter on everything that is good in education”, Mr. Pyne signalled a more hands-on approach to managing the education portfolio, adding that he didn’t believe in “handing over the responsibility for government policy to third parties.” With respect to education, at least, it seems the Coalition has no qualms with interfering on matters that should be left to experts. AEU Federal President Angelo Gavrielatos recently told News Limited’s Sarah Blake he held serious concerns about education being used as a political football. “We certainly hope that this is not an indication of an intent to reinstate the culture wars of the past,” Mr. Gavrielatos said.


For those who are unfamiliar with the concept of the “History Wars”, the term refers to academic arguments about Aboriginal history. Key aspects of this “war” include whether Australia was settled or invaded, if the stolen generation was a myth, and even whether or not the conflicts between Europeans and Indigenous groups trying to protect their land can be counted as a “war”. According to some, to focus too much on negative aspects of European history in Australia is to have a “black armband view”. It is true that there are many dark aspects of this country’s history; there are events we need to mourn over and promise never to forget, just as we do when we recognise ANZAC Day. However, sometimes what is needed is a change of perspective. Instead of focusing on victimhood and suffering, telling the same stories but highlighting resilience, survival and courage can evoke feelings of pride, and hopefully togetherness. Australia has a rich Indigenous history – we can take pride in Aboriginal heroes who have fought against oppression and injustice, and made this country a better place. Some of our members have written

1 Yvonne Cawley Goolagong in to tell us the heroes and stories that inspire them.

Kelli Owen Murray Bridge North PS My favourite Nunga hero is Jandamarra ‘Pigeon’ from the 1870s, our Black Ned Kelly. He was a great bushranger warrior from the Kimberleys. He led one of the longest and most successful campaigns to defend our land against invasion. He was shot down in his 20s. He is legendary amongst our people for his passion, courage and protection of his people, culture and land. Another of mine is a personal one – it was the first wedding in SA between a Nunga and Whitefulla, which occurred in 1848, making headlines in the newspaper. Kudnarto, who is my great grandmother’s great grandmother, was born in the 1830s and married Tom Adams Snr in 1848. They had two sons, Tim and Tom Junior (who is my great grandmother’s grandfather – hope this isn’t confusing you!) This event in history is a celebration to be remembered and close to home as my mum is Nunga and my father Goonya, white. n

Aunty Lena Rigney Ngarrindjeri Elder Having the $50 note released in 1995 made me very proud. Uncle David Unaipon is a Ngarrendjeri man from Raukkan, an amazing inventor; and our church where I grew up is also in the note. The $50 note helps us connect to others. When they ask where I’m from and they don’t know, I ask them, do you have a $50 note? That church is my home and that man is my uncle! Another hero of mine is Yvonne Goolagong Cawley, an international tennis champion. It was good to see an Abo-

curriculum focus

1 1942, Australian Women’s Army Service

1 Oodgeroo Noonuccal

1 Atham areny (dreaming) story by Angelina Ngal

1 Portrait of Civil Rights Activist, Charlie Perkins

1 Charlie Perkins and the Freedom Rides

1 2000 Sydney Olympics – Cathy Freeman in the 400m

1 Cathy holding up both flags after her win!

riginal woman in the media; it made me proud to see a positive figure in the news and on TV. Now she’s coaching my granddaughter in her elite coachn ing/mentor programs!

Marija Poljak-Nikolic Le Fevre High School As an English teacher, I use the work of great Aboriginal poets and writers such as Oodgeroo Noonuccal as a way of demonstrating the richness and power of language, whilst also providing insight into the social and cultural changes that occurred within Australia. It is important to show students positive examples of Aboriginal Australians who have contributed greatly in fields such as literature, politics, social justice and education, just to name a few. By learning about these individuals, students come to realise that our history is made up of many successful Aboriginal Australians, all of whom have helped influence the society we live in today. Oodgeroo Noonuccal joined the Australian Women’s Army Service in 1942, after her two brothers were captured by

the Japanese at the fall of Singapore. She served as a signaller in Brisbane. n

Alison Arthur Jamestown Community Children’s Centre I love working with dreaming stories. I’m always amazed at the way the children respond. One of their favourites is How the Birds Got Their Colours. In this story a bird has his foot pierced by another bird’s beak, and colours come out and cover all the birds except the crow; that’s the story of why crows are black and the other birds have lots of colours. I find working with children from birth to age five, something touches them in these stories, and they have the satisfaction of knowing the stories about why things are the way they are. No matter their cultural heritage, I think it’s important that children are hearing stories that belong to the land they’re living on. n

Margo Sismey Booleroo Centre District School I love teaching about Charlie Perkins

and the Freedom Rides. He based his idea on the US Civil Rights movement in the 60s, and thought it would be a great idea to take people from the city, who perhaps didn’t have any contact with Aboriginal people, to the outlying areas to see what the conditions were actually like. He got together a group of university students and they had a bus with all the signage. They came across a lot of racism – they were chased out of some towns. At one town, they turned up at a swimming pool where Aboriginal people were refused entry. So they challenged that, and eventually this was overturned. It caused media attention; the whole country was finding out about what was n happening in outlying areas.

Lynnette Graham Murray Bridge North PS When Cathy Freeman won the 400m at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, I was so excited. I felt really proud when she draped the Aboriginal and Australian flags over herself and united the Nation as it stopped to watch and celebrate n her win.


What is your favourite story? Who has inspired you? Write to us at:



Will you be directly instructed how to teach? AEU Research Officer Mike Williss says creativity and curiosity will be lost under Direct Instruction


here are considerable “highs” in our job as teachers and they are mainly associated with those occasions when we experience autonomy, when we are in control of what we do and are doing it because we want to, not because we have to. Pretty much the same thing serves as the basis for student engagement with their learning. So how would we feel if we were given a prepared lesson script, were told only to say those things on the running sheet, to only engage in the activities that it stipulated and in the required sequence? At its worst, that is just what the USinspired Direct Instruction approach to teaching means. Advocates cite success in improving literacy and numeracy. 16

“...expansion of Direct Instruction was part of the education policy taken to the election by the Federal Liberal Party.”

Detractors label it “federally-sanctioned child abuse for poor children” and “cognitive decapitation”. It may have slipped under your radar, but expansion of Direct Instruction was part of the education policy taken to the election by the Federal Liberal Party. Tony Abbott has been enamoured of the approach trialled by his good friend Noel Pearson in Queensland’s Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy.

This is despite the fact that the percentage of students in Pearson’s schools at or above NAPLAN national benchmarks in all areas tested was substantially below not only the national percentage, but also the percentage for “Indigenous Queensland students from remote and very remote areas”. This has not stopped Abbott from appointing Pearson to review the education of disadvantaged and impoverished students nation-wide and to explore rolling out the Direct Instruction teaching model in schools across the nation. So in comes learning for rats, classrooms as Skinner boxes, and out goes creativity, curiosity and – God forbid! a socially critical curriculum. However, it may just be that DECD, having mandated Teaching for Effective Learning (TfEL) as the pedagogy for the delivery of the Australian Curriculum, has done us a favour. Don’t let DI take n away your “high”!

Women’s Focus

Fairness and Equity – it’s worth fighting for AEU Women’s Officer Tish Champion says we should stick to our guns when we know we’re right.


n the day I set about writing an article for this Journal the hot topic was the announcement by Tony Abbott’s sister, Christine, that she and her long-term partner Virginia had become engaged. I saw Virginia interviewed on the Today show and she was completely comfortable and confident that her brother and his family would be at the wedding when it finally takes place, regardless of his very public opinion on the topic of same-sex marriage. I found myself writing an article about the fact that one could almost (and I mean “almost”) admire Tony Abbott for his unwavering conviction on the issue of same sex marriage in spite of the level of public, political and undoubtedly family pressure he must experience. I justified this notion of “admiration” for a man I have barely had a pleasant thought about, with the explanation that this “admiration” is not for Tony Abbott himself but for two personal qualities he clearly has – resilience and persistence. Mr Abbott has refused to be swayed by popular opinion regardless of how uncomfortable the situations have become. Surely, this level of commitment and determination deserves an inkling of respect. Or does it? In my first draft, I even went so far as to compare this quality of resilience and commitment to the determination and fighting spirit of the amazing suffragettes at the turn of the century. Women, who were resolute and resilient in the face of such vehement opposition to gender equality and rights for all. Women like Muriel Matters who resisted popular opinion and risked public ridicule and incarceration, to not only stand by their convictions but to publicly lobby for change. Women who did the unthinkable and stood up for themselves and others and challenged the status quo. Women who campaigned for change

“...when our members stand together to achieve something it is usually based on social justice and fairness.” which, at the time, was both unpopular and at times dangerous. These women did not allow themselves to be bullied, silenced, pressured or coerced into giving up their dream and pursuing their goal. They were resilient, strong and stood up for what they thought was right no matter how uncomfortable it got. The suffragettes were not only criticised by men who felt threatened but by other women who did not agree that women should be treated as equals; including but not limited to, the right to vote. I also thought for a moment, that some of our members could do with an ounce of the “Abbott” determination and commitment. Quite often as union officers we encourage and support our members to be just a little bit like Tony Abbott. We promote strength and conviction. We expect our members to challenge bullying, to speak up, to ignore pressure, to be resilient, to be strong and stand up for what they believe in and know is right, no matter how uncomfortable it may get. As I was writing about this extremely “long bow” notion of “admiration” for just one aspect of Tony Abbott’s personality, I began to feel very uncomfortable. How on earth could I even dare to compare him to the inspiring suffragettes who risked so much for what they believed in? And then it hit me. The one fundamental difference between the determination of the suffragettes and Tony Abbott’s “pig-headed” refusal to budge is simply – being right! The suffragette campaign, while not popular at the time (some people just hate change),

was justified and right. They had a very solid moral ground to stand on. The suffragettes were not attempting to deny anyone’s freedom or negate their rights as members of society. All they ever wanted was fairness and equality for all. Similarly, when our members stand together to achieve something it is usually based on social justice and fairness. Time may prove me wrong, but I doubt that in 100 years there will be people saying – “See, Tony Abbott was right on the subject of same sex marriage!” I always have and I always will admire people who have a strong commitment to what they believe in, even if it varies from my own opinion. I simply cannot, however, admire this quality when it results in inequality and restricts the rights of others. Tony Abbott’s personal conviction on the subject of same sex marriage is, quite simply, wrong. n Tish Champion | AEU Women’s Officer

T: 8272 1399 E: 17

Indigenous Focus

We do it Nunga style Students at Murray Bridge North PS are keeping their language alive through song.


hen Aboriginal Community Education Officer Lynne Graham was “landed” with the job of running the Kaikulun Ruggiyun choir, her only experience was being a member of the adult Ngarrindjeri Minimar Kaikulun singing group… as a part of the chorus! However, the job has been enriching for both herself and the students.

Lynne shares her experience

Music can improve children’s belief in themselves. I have been privileged to witness the transformation of students as they have gathered confidence and demonstrated leaderships skills during rehearsals and performances. This has also been the same for me as I am a member of the Ngarrindjeri Minimar Kaikulun singing group who have performed in the community and elsewhere.

What I have learnt from vocal trainers I have been able pass on to advance the school choir, for example, the importance of vocal warm-ups. The choir was originally established by Aboriginal Education team members Les Cameron and Dorothy French. With the support from our local Ngarrindjeri Elders and community members and Andrew McNicol our Performing Arts teacher, the language was incorporated into the songs that the students sing. As the revival of any Aboriginal language is important, the use of Ngarrindjeri language in the songs that our children sing, enables it to continue and expand. The teaching and learning of Ngarrindjeri language at our school is promoted through the choir and the students. They have responded with enthusiasm and although they’re still trying to get that lovely “choir” sound, they are loud and strong and having fun. Over the past years the students were provided with a new song to the tune of ‘I’m a Believer’ and lyrics in English and language calling it ‘We think it’s great to be Nunga’. This year the students, using the same format wrote their own lyrics to the tune ‘Gangnam Style’ but their song is called ‘Nunga Style’. This gave them ownership and an opportunity to

have their voice. The students are keen to write and to learn more lyrics in language. This has been a successful approach to their individual learning and also attendance. The choir performs not just for the school community, but also for the community in general. To date they have performed for the Governor His Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce and his wife Liz; Headspace, at their 5th Birthday Bash; and various other functions and events. Recently the Murray Bridge North School Kaikulun Ruggiyun choir performed at the launch of Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter’s book launch ‘Butcher Paper, Blackboard, Texta and Chalk’ which was a highlight for the students this year as they were shown on NITV. In addition the choir has shared their culture with other schools. They have included Heathfield Primary School incorporating the Inverbrackie School students, Lake Windermere Primary School, Goolwa Primary School and Victor Harbour Primary School. The choir performs with the Murray Bridge North School’s djembe drummers and also two Aboriginal didgeridoo players. This sharing of cultures is welcomed and appreciated by all audiences. With the continued support from leadership, the school community and our Elders, Andrew McNicol and Kelli Owen, the Aboriginal Education Teacher, the Murray Bridge North School Kaikulun Ruggiyun choir can only continue to advance while promoting and engaging the students in their learning and education. n

Catherine House celebrates 25 years of service You may never have heard of Catherine House, and yet for 25 years, it has been providing supported accommodation to single adult women, unaccompanied by children, who are affected by homelessness in South Australia. Many, but not all of these women, have experienced some form of domestic violence. Further to providing accommodation for women in need, the staff at Catherine House work with clients in a holistic way, to deliver a wide range of programs and services to help them find their feet again. 18

2013 marks 25 years since Catherine House first began providing services and programs that have made a significant difference to the lives of over 10,000 homeless women. On Wednesday 23 October, nine AEU women members joined Tish Champion at the Catherine House Big Breakfast to celebrate both the 25th anniversary and

1 AEU members at the recent Catherine House Big Breakfast. the achievements of women. With guest speakers, Penny Wong, Fiona O’Loughlin and Miriam Silva, it was definitely an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the hard work and dedication of some truly inspiring women. n

Nominations for AEU Committees

Australian Education Union | SA Branch


Nominations are called to fill vacancies on the following AEU Committees:

Standing Committees Country Conditions The Committee monitors country working conditions and makes recommendations to Branch Executive on appropriate policy and action.

Two male positions for 2 years ending December 2015 One female position for 2 years ending December 2015

Finance The Committee is chaired by the Treasurer, prepares the AEU budget and reviews expenditure on a quarterly basis.

Two female positions for 2 years ending December 2015 One male position for 2 years ending December 2015

Occupational Health, Safety & Welfare The Committee monitors OHS&W issues and advises on matters relating to the working environment and health of members and students.

Two male positions for 2 years ending December 2015 One female position for 2 years ending December 2015

Consultative Committees Consultative Committees provide advice to Branch Executive on matters affecting their membership sector.

All positions are for a one-year term of office ending December 2014.

School Services Officers | 9 positions School Services Officers in DECS.

Contract and TRT | 9 positions

Unemployed, Contract and TRT members.

Special Education | 9 positions

Teachers and School Services Officers involved in Special Education.

Status of Women | 9 positions

Women members from all membership sectors and classifications.

Principals Consultative Committee | 9 positions School leader members in all sectors of schooling.

Aboriginal Education | 9 positions

Indigenous members from all membership sectors and classifications.

Early Childhood | up to 15 positions, a majority of whom shall be Children’s Services Act employees. Members working in Early Childhood Education.

Closing Date: Nominations for these Committee vacancies must reach the: Returning Officer, 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside SA 5063, no later than 12.00 noon on Thursday, 22 November 2013. A nomination form is available at: pdf?lid=68 and from the AEU. Nominations may be accompanied by a supporting statement of not more than 200 words.

Election ProcedurE: Ballots for contested positions will be conducted at Branch Council on Saturday, 23 November 2013.

Peter Norman Returning Officer

SSO: did you know? “your pay, your way!” The AEU has sent a fax to all subbranch secretaries asking them to call a meeting and to send a letter from the sub-branch to the PAC. The letter requests that PACs, when making decisions about SSO employment contracts for 2014 and beyond, take into account the criteria that will enable SSO members to choose to have their pay spread over 52 weeks. Eligible permanent and temporary SSOs who receive a 16% loading will be able to apply to have their salary spread over 52 weeks. To enable temporary SSOs to have a choice of opting into the system to spread their salary over 52 weeks, the PAC needs to be aware that contracts need to be for a full school year. That is, SSOs starting anytime up to and including the first week of Term 1 and who have tenure up until the last week of Term 4 will be considered to have tenure for the complete school year for the purposes of this scheme. Existing employees wishing to opt into the system will be required to do so by Week 8, Term 4. New and returning employees starting at the beginning of Term 1 will be made aware of the scheme at the time of the employment offer and will be required to opt into the system when returning offer paperwork. SSOs should check with their Subbranch Secretary to ensure they have received the fax and that they are aware of how important it is to call an urgent sub-branch meeting to discuss this issue. If you have an SSO on your PAC as the AEU rep, non-teaching rep or EO rep, make them aware of this information. You can also raise this yourself with the PAC or through your SSO meetings. Let’s n get everyone on board! 19

Running Notice Board Head


* Upcoming Events

FEAST Festival 9 – 24 November

various locations in Adelaide FEAST is a major event on the festival calendar in South Australia. An international event, it brings performers from all over the world, attracting visitors from near and far. The AEU has been involved in the FEAST festival since 2011.

FEAST Picnic Sunday 24 November Bonython Park

The AEU will again have a presence at the FEAST picnic and we encourage members and supporters to come and say hello.

For further info go to:

Trans Sunday 17 November The Mercury Cinema 13 Morphett Street, Adelaide Presented by FEAST and the Australian Education Union, SA Branch

TRANS is an extraordinary documentary about the Transgender Community. Inspired by Dr. Christine McGinn and her work as a transgender surgeon, TRANS provides an up-close and very personal vision into the lives, loves, and challenges of a remarkable cast of characters of all ages and from all walks of life. Stories of confusion and courage, excitement and emotion that have never been told, until now. The film screening is followed by a forum hosted by the AEU.

Rated (15+)

Director: Chris Arnold USA 2011, 93 minutes Tickets for Trans go to:


The “T” in LGBTI! follow the AEU at: /aeusa

1800RESPECT National counselling helpline, information and support 24/7 • Are you experiencing sexual assault or domestic and family violence? • Seeking to support someone who is? • We can help. Call:

1800 737 732 or

go to: and connect to a councillor online



kay. Let’s be honest. When you first encounter it, it’s a confusing acronym. And it sounds a little like a kind of sandwich filling. So, in case you’re unfamiliar with it, LGBTI (it’s easier to say if you remember that the three middle letters rhyme!) is an inclusive acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex. One of the problems with inclusive acronyms like these, however, is that they can become interchangeable with the majority group; in other words, sometimes LGBTI is just an acronym people use when they really mean “gay”. But the other identities are just as important, and often come with a unique set of strengths and issues. That is why the LGBTI Consultative

Committee would like to shine a light on the T in LGBTI, by formally inviting you to the screening of the film Trans, (see Advertisement above) a heartwarming and uplifting documentary that gives insight into the transgender world through inspirational personal stories. We know that education plays an important role in breaking down stereotypes, combatting fear, and creating empathy for others. We often utilize the arts in our classrooms to do this. So, come along and join the Committee at the FEAST festival as we use the arts to educate, and celebrate transgender identities. Discounts are available for all Feast events on presentation of your AEU membership card. n

For more information on the film Trans go to:

: >Your AEU> 8 Interest Groups>GLBTI

AEU Training and Development Program 2013

Women’s Focus

Union Education Courses | Term 4

Women hold up half the Sky

Joint AEU/DECD Merit Selection Training and Re-training Sessions

Wed 27 Nov

AEU Re-training

‘Teachers Registration Board (TRB) changes for AEU TRTs’

Tues 29 Oct 2013 Wed 13 Nov 2013

Mon 18 Nov 2013 Mon 20 Jan 2014

Joint AEU/DECD Full-Day training Fri 01 Nov 2013 Wed 13 Nov 2013

Wed 27 Nov 2013 Tues 21 Jan 2014

Various times and locations.

4.30pm – 6.00pm

Member Seminar

An after-work professional seminar. This seminar is for AEU members to network, receive up-to-date information, broaden professional knowledge and improve practice.

For details: go to link below.

Open to: AEU Members only.

Fri 22 Nov Sat 23 Nov

Mon 16 Dec

4.30pm – 7.30pm 9.30am – 12.30pm

AEU Leadership Development Program [Port Augusta] This program will support leadership teams in developing their understandings about successful leadership and the characteristics of leaders for ongoing collaborative application at the school level. DAVID TONKIN, formerly Principal of Seaton High School, and GARRY COSTELLO, currently Chief Education Officer, DECD and former Principal of Mt Gambier High School, will share their ideas, reflections, acquired knowledge and facilitate discussion. Open to: School Leadership teams.

9.15am – 12.30pm

Curriculum Organiser Online – Intro Workshops A short introduction to the AEU’s Curriculum Organiser Online (COO) and how it can help members teaching Foundation - Year 10 to plan and program based on the Australian Curriculum. Open to: Everyone interested in finding out how COO can help them in their Australian Curriculum preparation.

Mon 16 Dec

8.45am – 4.00pm

Responding to Abuse & Neglect The AEU provides full-day Responding to Abuse & Neglect Education and Care Focus training. This course is free for members. Open to: AEU Members. Non-members MUST join prior to registering.

‘13 ‘13

* Upcoming Event

Leaders’ Conference Fri. 8 Nov | 9.00am - 3.30pm The New Department and Leaders:

* Upcoming Ev ent Fri. 15 Nov

9.15am – 3.30pm

Always Look Middle schooling Conference on the A one day conference with a focus on Brighter Australian Curriculum for teachers working with years 5 – 10. Futures Open to: Open to all working with Side of Life years 5 – 10 A full day conference and conference dinner (Thurs. 7 Nov | 6pm). Open to all educators in leadership positions.

Cost: AEU members no charge;

To register or for further info, follow the links below 5

To register or for further info, follow the links below 5

Non-members $165.00

For further info on any of the above events and courses:


email Saniya Sidhwani on

8:>events & courses

To register go to

The annual Women Hold Up Half the Sky Award acknowledges the outstanding contribution of women in the community and forms part of the Australia Day Council of South Australia Awards. The recipient is presented with the award at the Australia Day Honours Awards at Government House during January each year. Women who have made an outstanding contribution during the current year or given outstanding service to the community over a number of years are eligible for this Award. Outstanding contribution and community service includes areas such as education, health, Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander initiatives, fund-raising, charitable and voluntary service, multicultural initiatives, arts and media, prevention of violence, sport and recreation, disability, science and medicine, business, environmental or any other area that contributes to the advancement and wellbeing of a community. If you know someone who you believe has made such a contribution to the community, please consider nominating them for the 2014 Award. Submissions should be around 500 words, to a maximum of 2000 and submitted to the Australia Day Council of South Australia by 6 December 2013. n

Merry Christmas

The Status of Women Consultative Committee and I extend very warm wishes for the summer holiday period to all members. It has been an extremely busy year and everyone deserves a well-earned rest. n

Thought for the Year “The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.” – Lieutenant General David Morrison, Chief of Army in his YouTube address regarding the investigation into officer misconduct. In other words, if you observe something happening that you believe is wrong or unjust and you say nothing, you are literally condoning the behaviour. n Tish Champion AEU Women’s Officer 21

Council Dates for 2013


Branch Council Meetings

The AEU Executive & Staff of the SA Branch wish all members

Upcoming dates for 2013 are:

Saturday, November 23

TAFE Divisional Council Meetings Upcoming dates for 2013 are:

Friday, November 15

Christmas Round

Teachers Golf Day

Vines Golf Club Monday 16 December

4 Person Ambrose team event Registration: 8:30am Shotgun Start: 9:00am (sharp!) Cost: $50.00 incl. catered lunch & prizes galore Dress: no jeans Bookings: Kym Briggs: Sheidow Park School Phone: (08) 8381 8911 Email: • Come and join us to celebrate the end of the school year. • Make up a team of friends or we’ll find a spot for you.

Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear!

Have a peaceful, relaxing and safe holiday. The AEU Office will close at 12 noon Tuesday 24 December 2013 and will reopen on Monday 6 January 2014.

Australian Education Union | SA Branch The term of office of the positions is from 1 February 2014 to 31 January 2017

AEU Organiser The Officer will be responsible for developing member activism and providing advice and assistance to members on work related matters. Job and person specifications and details of the selection process for this position is available from:

Irene Tam on 8272 1399 (email: Applicants must address the requirements of the job and person specification in their application. Leave without pay may be negotiated for AEU members whose employer is a state government agency. Applications must reach the Branch Secretary, AEU (SA Branch), 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside, SA 5063 by Wednesday, 27 November 2013.

WHS Transition Training – register before it’s too late AEU Health and Safety Reps trained before the beginning of 2013 only have until the end of 2013 to undertake the one day Transition Training required to enable full use of their powers under the new Act. If you miss out on this training you will be required to complete the full five-day training course. Go to: to register.


SALARY INCREASE & SUBSCRIPTION ADJUSTMENT AEU subscription rates will be adjusted to reflect the DECD and TAFE Enterprise Agreement salary increase from the first pay period on or after the 1 October 2013. Please advise AEU Membership staff of any change to your classification, fraction of time, workplace or home address by phone: 8272 1399, fax: 8373 1254 or email:

AEU Journal is carbon neutral If you currently receive a hard copy of the Journal and would prefer to read the Journal online, please let us know by emailing:

The AEU Journal is online at: journals.html

Are you up-to-date Online? We need your preferred

email address


Email to

or call Membership on: 8272



Member’s Market In order to cater for extra editorial space, the AEU Members

entertaining area and private spa suite avail. Starting rate $140 p/ night. T: (08) 8626 1539 E:

Market now has a reduced space allocation in the Journal.

The Mobile Muso Mechanic

Advertisements will be printed at the discretion of the Editor and will not run in more than three issues in succession. Kensington Town House:


Quiet, private, comfortable 2 BR with QB’s. 5-min stroll to historic Rising Sun, Robin Hood, short walk to Parade and great parks. BBQ, fully equipped, all linen supplied. From $130/night. T: 0407 744820 E:

3 BRs in Elliston, Eyre Peninsula. Walking distance to shops, school and beach $220,000 o.n.o. T: 8687 9178 or M: 0428 879178

OUTBACK TAGALONG TOURS Guided tours in your 4 wheel drive, with your gear loaded on the ‘Big Red Truck’. Hassle Free Outback Touring. Book now for our Spring Tour – Innaminka Races, Coward Springs, Warren Gorge. T: David Connell – 02 8885 4620 or Lyn Rowe – 0403 594 406

for sale: House on Esplanade at Elliston - great town on west coast. T: 0435 489 429

Lifestyle of Choices: Retirement can give us more time to do the things we love, but do we have enough energy and money to really enjoy it? Easy to achieve with no extra cost. T: (Linda) 0410 654 657 E:

STREAKY BAY HOLIDAY HSE: 5-min walk to beach, in town, close to shops. Sleeps 13. Fish & boat facilities. New bath & kit; BBQ

SAIT Conveyancers

We offer AEU members: Free advice on real estate queries. Expert advice and professional experience with: • Mortgages, • Private Contract Transfers, • Strata Plan and Plan of Division Lodgments, • Caveats, Discharges of Mortgages, • All facets of conveyancing work. If you are buying or selling or are involved in any real estate matter, either through a land agent or privately, consult us.

Contact us on:

Anne Walker

(: (08) 8410 6788

Simon Willcox

8410 6799 Email: SAIT Conveyancers

Fax: (08)

located at Credit Union SA

Level 3, 400 King William Street, Adelaide, SA 5000

The long break is looming, I’ll come to you – and setup/repair, restring your guitar/bass and even tackle simple amp maintenance. This new service is also available for school music rooms. Frank Lang: T: 8248 0824

Wanted: Primary class sets of readers for developing world education. Best if as relevant as possible to non-urban, non western students (Bougainville). Contact Ian on: T: 0400 303 300 E:

for sale: Crows premiership captain Mark Bickley signed new sherrin football – $300. T: 0435 489 429

Australian certified organic products: Keep

STRESS, WEIGHT, HABITS?– RELAX! Hypnotherapy, Counsel-

Healthy. For personal use & gifts.

ling, NLP, Relationships, Career, Smoking, Anxiety, Performance, etc. 15% Discount AEU Members. Reg Chapman: T: 0419 829 378 E:

Victor Harbor Holiday Hse:

Children’s Book Sale Hundreds of novels to suit 6-16 non-fiction books, picture books, a complete Wildlife Fact File set & more. Most titles are advertised on Gumtree, or will be soon (located at Marino). For more information call Chris T: 0408 689 235

New, 4 BR, 2 bath, (2 x Qu, 2 x singles, 1 dble bunk), sleeps 8, 3 living areas, 2 balconies, views of hills & Granite Island, A/C, D/W, BBQ, C’pt, 2 storey, quiet location. T: 0400 303 300 (Ian) E:

Advertise in Members’ Market for FREE! Rent, sell, buy or offer goods and services. Send ads to:

AN INVITATION TO RETIRED OR RETIRING TEACHERS & SSOs Have you retired or are about to retire? Are you seeking opportunities to maintain or increase your level of fitness and want to learn more about your city and surrounding hills and bushland? Are you seeking companionship with other retired teachers and their partners as well as other walkers from a range of backgrounds (not just teaching!)? Walks are organised at several levels. Rovers walk from 14–18 kms, Walkers from 8–10 kms, Ramblers from 6–7 kms and Amblers up to 5 kms. The R.T.A. Walking Group is a sub-group of the Retired Teachers Association and is affiliated with The Walking Federation of SA. We walk in conservation parks, national parks and forestry reserves within the Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula, suburban beaches and along the six creeks of the Adelaide Plains, the River Torrens Linear Park and other suburban trails. It’s a great way to get to know your city and surroundings! A camp is also organised each year in country areas within South Australia or Victoria.

If you are interested in finding out more about our walking group, you are invited to contact: our Secretary, Roger Tagg email: or our Convener: Tony Nichol T: 8396 1682


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