AEU Journal Vol. 42 No. 7

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Official publication of the Australian Education Union (SA Branch)

Vol 42 I No.7

November 2010


INSIDE: Step 9 finally rolls out

Federal Funding Review



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Australian Education Union | SA Branch 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside SA 5063 Telephone: 8272 1399

Federal Schools Funding Review page 8 Make a submission for better funding.


8373 1254


Editor: Craig Greer AEU Journal is published seven times annually by the South Australian Branch of the Australian Education Union. Subscriptions: Free for AEU members. Nonmembers may subscribe for $33 per year. Print Post approved PP 531629/0025 ISSN 1440-2971 Cover: istockphoto Illustration: Simon Kneebone Printing: Finsbury Green Printing

INSIDE: Step 9 finally rolls out

Federal Funding Review

Cover Story: State Budget cuts


pages 12 – 15 The ALP’s 2010 State Budget attacks jobs, workers entitlements and public services.

page 18 Hundreds mourn respected Aboriginal educator.

Advertise in the AEU Journal. Reach over 13,500 members across South Australia.

8272 1399



*Winner of TOP LETTER!

Dear Editor Members will appreciate that government is not easy. Decisions have to be made and choices between competing demands have to be weighed up (theoretically in the best interests of the community). On 16 September the Rann Government announced a budget that attacked the basic right of adults over the age of 21 to re-enter a quality DECS education program in order to complete their education and/or further their lifelong learning through the attainment of other recognised qualifications. So, how did they make such a socially unjust and ill-informed decision? Members will be aware that all government agencies, including the Department of Education and Children’s Services (DECS), were asked to submit to the Rann Cabinet a range of programs that, when cut, would contribute the funds required by government as savings in its 2011 budget.

As I understand it, DECS submitted a paper outlining at least 40 programs in priority order for the consideration of Cabinet. The Adult Re-entry Program was listed right near the bottom of this list, yet was picked up by Cabinet as one of the few targets for take-up in achieving its cost-cutting measures. Why? Not being a member of Cabinet, I will never know the real answer. But, what I do know is that organisations, including governments, perpetuate social injustices when their members allow it to happen. Where, then, were the voices in the Cabinet room speaking up for the thousands of adults whose first experience of mainstream education failed them, and who now seek a just society that enables them to re-engage with schooling, regardless of age? I have had the pleasure of meeting five Cabinet members in a range of workrelated contexts, and sense them to be good, genuine South Australians. But, if they were silent as the Treasurer pushed this disgraceful decision through, then they should hang their heads in shame. No good can come from such a short-

Got something to share with AEU members? Write a letter to the editor


Best letter in each AEU Journal will receive two tickets to an Adelaide Symphony Orchestra concert. Email to: sighted decision: one that lacked any research into the work of Adult Re-entry Schools and their communities (beyond anecdote, mischievous scuttle-butt and the inevitable ‘short-cut to save a buck mentality’ that exists in our current context). The thousands of adult students I work with are deserving of a second chance. As a long time Labor Party member, I can’t say the same for the Rann Government! A concerned AEU member

continued on page 19 3 3



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State Budget leads to member action

Same or more funding?

I write this column in Correna’s place as at the time of publication she is on welldeserved leave. As you can read elsewhere in this Journal, the Union has been extremely busy in the last few months dealing with both the implementation of the new Awards as well as responding to the recent South Australian budget. In a number of ways those two important matters intersect, none more so than the introduction of the new enrolment-based schools funding model. The budget has given rise to a scurry by DECS officers to present the model to school principals and attempt to explain the staffing and other resourcing implications which arise from it. Even at this late stage in the year, the picture is not especially clear. This is providing concern and tension to those in schools who need definite funding information in order to calculate staffing and plan timetables for 2011. We are assured that the Education budget includes a generous increase of over $200 million which will bring an extra 700 or more staff into schools. There is extra, but that does not arise from government generosity, rather from the Industrial Relations Commission’s decisions in the new Award, many of which resulted from our own members’ determination and patience during the last couple of years of the EB process. The extra staff are necessary in order to meet the new Award’s entrenchment of maximum face-to-face teaching, along with the minimum non-instruction time. The budget contained a number of assaults on our members and the wider community (see table page 13). Many – long service leave reductions, forced school amalgamations, country housing

rental concessions, multi-campus schools’ reduced funding, to state but a few – require our action, but the budget decision which has generated most public concern, anger and dismay is the callous and seemingly unreasoned decision to deny secondary education to most people over 21 years. The reaction of our wonderful members in the adult re-entry colleges was immediate and spontaneous. They saw very clearly what disastrous implications the decision could have on their students, and on the communities which are served by those schools. Indeed, the future of the schools themselves is under threat. The re-entry schools’ staff and students banded together and called the first of the rallies outside the DECS building on the last day of last term. That was followed by attendance at the public sector unions’ rally in Victoria Square during the holidays, and another well attended re-entry schools’ rally on the steps of Parliament House in the first week of this term. The action continues. The sub-branch secretaries meet frequently and the campaign continues, and grows with each passing week. It has struck a chord with the wider community and in the media. Socially concerned and responsible organisations, including Anglicare, SACOSS and the wider union movement have volunteered their public support, and at least some government politicians have shown a willingness to listen to the outcry. Questions have been asked in both State and Federal Parliaments, but the answers are feeble and unconvincing. We can show many logical educational, social and economic reasons why students over 21 – many of whom are from markedly disadvantaged sections of our community – should be allowed ready access to a secondary school education, but the basic position on the other side of the debate is that costs must be cut. So it’s educators and socially concerned citizens on one side and bean-counters on the other. Sound familiar? Please add your voice and actions to the cause. Support the rights of our fellow community members of all ages to an affordable government-provided education, and agitate to overturn such a patently Q wrong budgetary decision.

In solidarity, David Smith, AEU Vice President

Since the beginning of Term 4 I have been on secondment at the AEU to work on the introduction of the new per capita funding model. The existing “funding model” is based on an industrially agreed Staffing Allocation Document. This agreement guaranteed theory and practical class sizes in secondary and area schools and theory classes in primary schools. It was based on guaranteeing a face-to-face delivery of at least six out of eight learning areas in every school and supplemented small and remote schools with open access funding for distance education. Some would argue that this was a student-centred and educationally focussed model. Why was there pressure to change? Schools have been forced to become more financially accountable and small changes to enrolments could potentially change school budgets by large amounts. What we know from previous implementations of per capita models is that winners and losers are created. What we have found so far is that the government’s extra $265 million over four years is not allowing many of our schools to meet the requirements of the new award and maintain support staff, leadership positions and the class sizes to which they were previously entitled. Their “same or more” funding guarantee relates to the old award and does not cover the increased NIT time. What we are learning is that amalgamation of co-located Primary and Junior Primary schools will result in a large withdrawal of funding from the education system. How will this improve student learning and NAPLAN outcomes? Consider two hypothetical schools – Conlon Junior Primary, around 263 students and Foley Primary, a 3-7 school of 304 students. If we combine these two schools to form Rann Mega School, there is a reduction of funding of $350,000 or around 3.6 teachers! The AEU is not against a per capita funding model but we need to ensure that all provisions of the award are met from the available funding and that workloads of SSOs, teachers and leaders are not increased. Q Mick Braham 5



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Member action leads to new procedure DECS employees can expect more support when returning to work after serious illness.


n 14 October 2010 the AEU was informed that a new procedure titled Management of a Non Work Related Injury or Illness had been approved and could be accessed on the DECS website. Members reading the front page of the document could be forgiven for thinking this was a DECS initiative solely developed by DECS officers. The procedure fails to acknowledge the AEU’s extensive involvement in the development of the procedure or a member’s struggle for DECS to have such a procedure for site 6

“...the persistence and determination of one member can leave a lasting legacy, which can benefit future members in similar situations.” managers to refer to. The story on the development of the new procedure dates back to March 2006 when Marie Loudis a teacher at a metropolitan high school was diagnosed with

1 Bill Hignett with AEU member Marie Loudis ovarian cancer and after treatment, which involved both surgery and chemotherapy, was cleared to return to work on 13 November 2006. Despite having obtained a medical clearance, Marie was told it was inconvenient for the school and was asked to return to work a week later. She was told she would be a relief teacher. On her return a number of her personal books, folders and resources had gone missing and her name had been excluded from the staff list. No accommodations were made to cover the taking of medication, appropriate rest breaks or the development of a health plan. When discussions on her return to work at the school were not settled, Marie approached the regional office but received a disinterested response from the regional director. When Marie approached the AEU to get assistance in resolving the issues around her return to work she was advised to file a complaint to the chief executive of DECS.



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V I CE P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E PO RT The chief executive’s response to her complaint was disappointing. After sitting on her letter for four months he wrote to Marie advising her he had referred the matter to another departmental officer. This was the final straw for Marie. It was now March 2008 and 16 months after the unsatisfactory arrangements on her return to work and still no DECS officer was prepared to do anything about it. With AEU assistance an appeal was lodged in the Teachers Appeal Board seeking an independent review of the issues Marie had raised. At the directions hearing in the Teachers Appeal Board on 8 May 2008, the AEU submitted on Marie’s behalf that a number of adjustments such as reduced use of stairs, extra breaks to cope with tiredness, temperature adjustments and a private area for taking medication could have been implemented to facilitate Marie’s return to work. The AEU also submitted on Marie’s behalf that the appeal be referred to mediation to develop “actions, policies or guidelines for DECS employees returning to work after serious illnesses”. On 18 July 2008, the AEU was advised that DECS had established a reference group to work on this issue and assigned a project officer to direct the group. A draft policy developed by the reference group was forwarded to the AEU on 17 February 2009 and a number of amendments suggested were incorporated into the draft procedure. The final wording on the new procedure was settled on 14 October 2010 resulting in a new procedure that clearly outlines what needs to be done in DECS sites for employees returning to work after a non-work related illness or injury. This new procedure demonstrates that the persistence and determination of one member can leave a lasting legacy, which can benefit future members in similar situations. Q If you or a colleague are faced with returning to work after serious illness, the DECS Management of a Non Work Related Injury or Illness procedure is available on the DECS website at:

* The AEU would like to acknowledge the hard work carried out over a number of years by AEU Organisers’Coordinator Bill Hignett in supporting Marie’s case in the Teacher Appeal Board.

68 schools targeted for amalgamation AEU Vice President Anne Crawford returns from leave to find schools on the chopping block, again. I took annual leave in September and spent much of it travelling around Turkey, a country that is endlessly intriguing – a hybrid of East and West, religious yet constitutionally secular and, like Australia, a nation where tensions between progressive and conservative ideologies are very apparent. Lingering memories of Troy, Ephesus and the glorious seascapes where the Aegean and Mediterranean intersect were quickly dispelled on my return to the AEU and when I started to absorb the implications of the Federal Election outcome, the State Budget, the rollout of new Awards and other ongoing issues that make a huge difference to the daily working life of all our members. The State Budget is of key interest. Although educators have almost developed a gene by now that enables us to do more with less, politicians still have the capacity to surprise us with their expectations that we will soldier on despite cuts and changes that pose even greater challenges to delivering a decent education system that addresses, even minimally, the age old dilemma of the unequal distribution of resources and privilege. One aspect of Labor’s Budget we must grapple with is the proposed amalgamation and closure of 68 schools to form 33 new ones. For many members, there will be a sense of déjà vu, in that we spent much of our time under LomaxSmith staving off the worst excesses of Education Works. The truth is, no matter how hard we fight or how just the cause, we win some battles and lose others. But it is always worth the effort, regardless of the result, when the quality of education and the preservation of diminishing public assets are at stake, let alone the blow-out in member workloads that are the inevitable consequences of

almost every “saving measure”. The AEU is strongly opposed to amalgamations and closures that take no account of the social fabric, educational outcomes, economic disadvantage and the need for community consultation. The latter was enshrined in legislation when a previous Labor Government amended the Education Act some years ago to address the closure of schools in circumstances where the local community vigorously rejected closures for good reason. Despite the fact that the Rann Government vowed to listen more attentively to its constituents when it retained power after the last State Election, the current Minister for Education appears to have presented the co-location initiative as a done deal, with little option for the people of South Australia to have a genuine voice in determining future directions for the delivery of education for their own children. To support communities in making informed decisions, based on a real understanding of the benefits and losses incurred in the amalgamation process, the AEU has written to all governing councils, principals and sub-branch secretaries in the 68 schools targeted for closure and amalgamation. We are encouraging school communities to seek and analyse the data that will demonstrate whether they will gain or lose if they amalgamate, and to exercise their right to consultation, as enshrined in legislation by the Rann Government in more idealistic and benign times. We have also appointed an additional officer for Term 4 to work with co-located and multi-campus schools. Sub-branches, school leaders and communities who require more information regarding funding implications or any other matter relating to proposed amalgamations and closures should contact the AEU for advice and support. Change for the public good is welcome. Change that strips communities of valued and much needed resources deserves to be resisted. The 68 schools identified for big changes fit somewhere on that spectrum and their own communities are best placed to decide what their future should be. Q 7



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F E D E R A L SC H O O L S F U N D I N G R E V I E W PHOTO: ???????????

Have your say... ...and take part in the Federal Schools Funding Review


The review of federal funding to schools announced by Julia Gillard earlier this year, is now moving into a significant phase in which public school communities can have a say about the importance of appropriate levels of resourcing. On October 24, the AEU launched a national campaign which will be reinforced through a month long series of television advertisements to coincide with the commencement of a submission period. The Federal Government has established a Review Panel which has already received oral submissions from a range of key education stakeholders, including 8

the AEU at both federal and state levels. The focus of the AEU campaign is to lodge a significant number of submissions to the panel, including one from every public school in Australia. Submissions can be of any size and include a contextual description of your school, the types of education programs currently provided and should explain how additional funding from the Federal Government would enable improved delivery and greater student access to specialist support. The AEU has forwarded a campaign kit, including a comprehensive guide to completing the submission, to each school early this term. We have also written to the chairperson of each school’s Governing Council urging them to table the submission process at the school’s next meeting. Submissions can

be as short or detailed as each school determines and should be uploaded to the for our future website before the end of this term. The Federal Government’s panel will consider submissions during December and January with a view to compiling their report with recommendations to Federal Parliament in the first half of next year. This review constitutes the first major opportunity to overhaul the way the Federal Government funds schools since 1973 and may provide the only opportunity for many years to come to have any influence on how this funding is distributed. The AEU therefore urges each school, as well as individuals and other community groups involved with our public schools to lodge a submission.

Q To make a submission go to:

and follow the tips on how to make your voice count for public education.



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ST E P 9


Teachers are stepping up to Step 9

AEU welcomes Lisa Sigalla

The long wait for a nationally competitive salary increase is almost over for most Step 8 members It was one of the big wins in the AEU’s arbitration case and finally, after months of debate and clarification on the process, Step 8 teachers are taking the opportunity to complete the required Professional Development Plan and collect a welldeserved pay increase. The implementation of Step 9 has not been without its fair share of challenges – not the least, a wave of misinformation that unfortunately led to some AEU members risking a breach of the Award. For some, the Step 9 process was made more difficult than the Commission’s decision intended. In response to this, the AEU organised a series of information sessions, most of which took place at area meetings early in Term 3. At these sessions, the AEU issued workplace reps with a USB drive containing resources to conduct training sessions back at their workplaces in order to support members with the Step 9 process. While there are still many people yet to apply, and, regrettably, some that may still be feeling overwhelmed by what should be a relatively simple process, reports back from AEU sub-branches are encouraging. Here are some of the reports and comments that are coming in to the AEU from a range of workplaces:

VICKY LACEY | Sub-branch Secretary, Port Elliot PS “At our site there were eight people in attendance at the training session and another three have viewed the PowerPoint on the USB since. All Step 8 teachers except those in coordinator positions have applied. All staff that have had interviews with the Principal and Assistant Principal have been successful – we are just waiting for the DECS online process, which has had some delays. The USBs provided by the AEU were great and made the session very easy to run.”

BILL DANIELL | Athelstone Schools “All Step 8 teachers at our site have applied and all have had their applications approved. We expect a 100% success rate. The USB stick supplied by the AEU was extremely useful. It provided the scaffolding and content to explain all aspects of the process to our members. The AEU organiser, Ken Case, was clear and confident in delivering the initial training and this allowed us as a sub-branch to inform and empower our members.”

SHERYL JAMIESON | Sub-branch Secretary, Nuriootpa PS “We held the Step 9 training over two staff meeting nights in Week 6 and 7 of Term 3. Once staff were aware of the process they all met with the Principal to discuss their applications. The Principal didn’t delegate the signing off to anyone else and was very supportive of all applicants. All staff currently on Step 8 at our site have applied and been successful.” AEU members must remember that, unlike the onerous and poorly taken up AST process, the Industrial Relations Commission intended that the transition to Step 9 would be via a “soft barrier”. If you’re on Step 8 and feel the application process is too hard, perhaps it’s not being managed as the Commission intended. Don’t be put off applying! The Step 9 is your hard-fought entitlement and is the means by which you will benefit from the AEU’s long battle in enterprise bargaining and arbitration. Q If you do feel you need support and haven’t had access to an information session, speak to your Sub-branch Secretary or Workplace Rep. Or call the AEU Information Unit: 8272 1399.

Journal: What inspired you to work at the AEU? Lisa: I have been involved in the union movement for several years representing childcare workers. I was looking for a challenge and had a lot of respect for the AEU. I was impressed with how active and involved members were, especially around issues like cuts to funding and attacks on public education. My daughter attends a public school and like every parent I want the best for my child; improving our public education system will only help children to achieve their goals. Journal: Tell us about your role Lisa: I am an Organiser with a focus on School Services Officers. I visit worksites and talk to members about their issues and potential members about the benefits of joining the AEU. A key part of my role this term will be providing the first point of contact for SSOs and ECWs who may be experiencing any difficulties with the conversion process. Journal: What is the current situation in relation to permanency conversions? Lisa: The criteria for conversion has been forwarded to all members and many have advised us that they believe they are eligible. The AEU has sent a list of those members to DECS. It is important for SSOs and ECWs to know that special needs funding or other fixed-term funding will not be sufficient reason for refusing conversion to permanent status. Members also need to know that there is a dispute settling process in the Award and the AEU will be supporting its members if this needs to be used. Journal: What do you see as future challenges for SSOs? Lisa: Some of the challenges will be maintaining the positive recognition that came from arbitration into the future. SSOs must stand together and continue the fight for more permanency. Building both the SSO and ECW membership in sites is really important. We have had some good results recently but it could be even better with more members. In a nut shell, there’s more to fix, so we need to keep the spotlight on SSOs and ECWs. Q 9



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A vision for the Australian union movement ACTU President Ged Kearney outlined the future direction of the Australian peak union body in a speech made at the National Press Club in Canberra on October 6. PHOTO: JO FROST

the chance to hear from many working Australians. They are struggling financially to makes end meet. They are stretched between family responsibilities and economic commitments. For many there is no guarantee of the basic security and entitlements that many of us take for granted. These struggles are not imaginary. The wages share of national income is now at its lowest point since December 1964. Employment is now more precarious than ever,” she told the Press Club. These are some of the stark realities that will drive the ACTU’s policy direction into the future. While recognising that “the space for rational policy debate in this country is narrower than ever”, Kearney went on to outline a number of key priorities for the ACTU in the coming years. They include:

• • • •


or Ged Kearney, the speech was her first at the famed Press Club in her current role, having been elected unopposed to the top ACTU post in April.

A clearly passionate and engaging speaker, Kearney said it was an “immense honour” to follow in the footsteps of former ACTU Presidents such as Bob Hawke, Simon Crean, Jenni George and Martin Ferguson and that she also had the honour of becoming President at a “new and exciting stage in Australia’s political history.” With minority government opening up, as she put it, “the possibility for new ideas in government and in the wider community”, it is indeed a time of great opportunity for the organised labour movement. But there is much work to be done before unions can take full advantage. Kearney acknowledges this: “…regardless of the novelty of the current political environment, the long term task of the union movement and 10

1 Ged Kearney speaking in Adelaide at a recent rally in protest against the State Government’s proposed budget cuts.

my role as part of its leadership is to help build our membership, improve our capacity to campaign, and broaden our agenda.” Ged Kearney is certainly capable of meeting these challenges. With years of experience in the trade union movement – she is the former National Secretary of the Australian Nurses Union (ANF) – Kearney commands wide respect and is revered for her strong work ethic. She is also seen as someone who understands the problems workers face on a daily basis; she has her ear to the ground and can connect with ordinary people. “During the election campaign I had

Job Security Community building Clear and strategic campaigning Stronger pursuit of the political interests of workers

The last point is perhaps one of the most crucial. In setting the agenda for the future, Kearney told the Press Club that while the ACTU’s ‘traditional’ ties to the ALP will remain, that: “…our impact has to be on all parties and MPs – Labor, Green, Coalition or independent…we will work with elected representatives who show a genuine commitment to enhancing workers’ rights – and of taking a long-term view to improving our members’ lives.” There’s no question the ALP have ignored the interests of workers for too long. It seems Kearney, and perhaps others in the ACTU, have recognised this. But to recognise is one thing, they must follow through by acting independently and campaigning strongly against any ALP policy that ignores the interests of workers and their families.

Q The full transcript of Ged Kearney’s speech to the National Press Club is available on the ACTU website:



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SA Strategic Plan for All leaves newly arrived migrants at the curb PHOTO: AVANTE MEDIA

An experienced inner-city NAP teacher says the State Government’s budget cuts are a contradiction of their own policy.


outh Australia has a strategic plan for the best. We assume that means the best for all South Australians whether they are newly arrived or have been here for generations. Reading the so-called Strategic Plan, one wonders: how does cutting the funding for 5– 10 year-old migrants’ bus transport to New Arrivals Program (NAP) centres help to achieve these goals? Here’s what it says in the education section of the SA Government plan: “All South Australians must have the opportunity to reach their potential, and to continue to learn and develop throughout their lives. Giving a helping hand to those in need is a central tenet. An educated and inspired community, actively participating in the work, life and health of South Australia, is our best legacy for the future.”

And under the heading tackling entrenched disadvantage: “The best way to maintain social cohesion and economic competitiveness in the global economy is to have an aware, openminded community that places a premium on knowledge and education at all levels.” Presently we have numerous newly arrived migrant students enrolled in specialised New Arrival Programs throughout the state. Staff running these programs are highly effective and highly efficient in preparing and skilling these students to achieve their potential in a mainstream school.

1 Migrant students waiting for the bus that may never come.

All NAP units “tackle the entrenched disadvantage” that comes with not speaking English well enough to participate in schooling or the community. How are these students to learn the English language if they are not given “a helping hand” to get to the very NAP centers that provide this crucial and very basic skill? Some of these refugee families have never lived in a Western society. When they arrive they are faced with many challenges, including the difficultly of providing transport for their children to attend a school which can provide the necessary conditions for their child to flourish. Many of these families don’t own a car or have the necessary skills to speedily obtain their drivers licence. Ironically, the SA Strategic Plan also states: “A number of measures reflect the value we place on our diversity. These include: the English language proficiency of recently arrived migrants.” Perhaps the Treasurer and his razor gang of bean counters would do well to revisit (or read) their own Strategic Plan. Newly arrived non-English speaking parents will be forced to manage bus timetables to get their 3 or 4 children to a NAP unit, risking late arrival at their own compulsory English classes. Supporting or not supporting newly

“Newly arrived nonEnglish speaking parents will be forced to manage bus timetables to get their children to a NAP unit.” arrived migrants and their families will also determine the degree to which they can interact effectively in our community. So much for another key aim of the State Strategic Plan: Multiculturalism – “increase the percentage of South Australians who accept cultural diversity as a positive influence in the community”. If we want the best for these students, we should be prepared to continue to support their integration into our community. If these students do not get the support to access NAP units they may be at risk of dropping out of school, playing truant or worse, complete disengagement with society. It may end up costing a lot more to rehabilitate them when they are older. By providing bus transport to the NAP units, we ensure we are doing our best to ensure these students are being given every chance to access the education environment, which is their passport to a successful future. Q 11



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STAT E B U D G E T 2 0 1 0

A Tyrannosaurus Wreck Kevin Foley’s experiment with outsourcing the State Budget preparations has failed the test of community interest.


Sustainable Budget Commission (SBC) chaired by the founder of Access Economics and comprising two heads of department, two private sector representatives and the Government’s Social Inclusion Commissioner Monsignor David Cappo created a horror wish list driven by the private sector agenda. Public school staffing numbers and general employment conditions were protected from the worst of this by the arbitration case successfully prosecuted by the AEU with strong member support. However, nearly 4000 jobs will go across the public sector, including some areas of DECS. The State Budget targets vulnerable members of the community, a fact deplored by Monsignor Cappo and by Ross Womersley from the SA Council for Social Services. For example, bosses who drive company cars won’t be worried by rises in registration fees or the disappearance of registration renewal options. This will hit those with low incomes and limited cash flow. Rich kids who get into law and medicine won’t be worried by the loss of access to adult re-entry for people 21 years and over. The kids who left school before getting their SACE and who as adults now want to resume their learning don’t generally live in the leafy eastern suburbs. It is not the kids from the wealthiest families who need to get into TAFE for a trade certificate. They could afford to laugh off the 25% increase in fees. It’s not a laughing matter for the ones in genuine need. 12

“We will be the only public education workers in Australia unable to negotiate leave conditions. ” Nor is the Rann-Foley approach to industrial relations a laughing matter. Public sector long service leave (LSL) entitlements will be drastically cut by special legislation. We will be the only

public education workers in Australia unable to negotiate leave conditions. This is an approach to industrial relations reminiscent of Howard’s WorkChoices legislation and to some of the draconian measures introduced in Queensland during the days of Jackboot Joh. No wonder public sector unions are more united than ever before, holding joint mass rallies involving thousands of education workers, ambulance officers, nurses, firefighters, bus and tram drivers and public servants.



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SA Unions affiliates recently resolved unanimously to promote union values and to challenge the “approach of the current Labor Government leadership in order to protect workers, their employment and conditions”. There has been a groundswell of support for calls by some union leaders for the sacking of Rann, Foley and Conlon. Our approach will be to maintain our ability to protect and defend public education regardless of which party is in office and regardless of who may lead it. Q Mike Williss AEU Research Officer

5. Five things you can do

STAT E B U D G E T 2 0 1 0

3. Write a letter to the editor or make a comment online, let your MP and the press know about your dissatisfaction with the Rann/Foley cuts.

1. Speak out and let everyone know.

Tell your work colleagues, family and friends about the Rann/Foley cuts and how they are impacting on public education and education employees.

2. Ring talkback radio and outline

4. Email Premier Rann and Treasurer Foley and let them know how angry you are about these cuts.

5. Join in union activities to stop the cuts. Encourage your work mates to join the union and get active.

how the spending cuts are affecting you.

“This loss of “core Labor” values means that all education employees and their students have every right to feel betrayed...”

Rann and Foley’s Budget Cuts (Source: 2010-2011 Budget Measures Statement: Budget Paper 6) Cuts

A slap in the face The Rann/Foley Budget cuts are like a slap in the face with the Wine State magazine, from the man who claimed he wanted to be the Education Premier and his ‘triple A’ obsessed sidekick. Analysis of the the Rann/Foley budget cuts show how they will impact upon every member of the AEU. These cuts secretly hidden from voters in the lead up to the March 2010 election include school closures and amalgamations, cuts to employee entitlements and conditions, cuts to school grants and cuts to services. We have not seen such an attack on public services in this State since the 1990s. They follow a pattern of recent state budgets that have failed to deliver for public education. The unnecessary Rann/Foley cuts are not a result of declining economic conditions, but due to a change in the Rann Government’s priorities and a loss of the ALP’s values and beliefs. This loss of “core Labor” values means all education employees and their students have every right to feel betrayed and we are left wondering where the next “Education Premier” will come from. To add salt to the wounds, these cuts have been implemented to enable the government to pay for hikes in the State Government funding to private schools of $19.6 million. Q

Starting Date for Cuts

Projected Savings in Millions

Workers Rights The right of public sector workers to enterprise bargain on issues such as long service leave, recreation leave loading and country housing concessions. 2010 Our Conditions Long Service Leave reduced 2010-2011 (whole of gov) $ Housing Subsidies 2010-2011 $ TVSP 2010-2011 (whole of gov) $ School Closures and Amalgamations Adult re-entry programs discontinued 2011-2012 $ Co-located School Closures and Amalgamations 2011-2012 $ Multi and dual campus efficiencies 2010-2011 $ Small School Grants Cut 2010-2011 $ School Funding Cuts Basic Skills Grant 2010-2011 $ Green Schools Grant 2010-2011 $ ICT Learning Technologies 2010-2011 $ NAP Support in Schools 2011-2012 $ School Admin. Supplementation 2011-2012 $ Teacher Prof. Dev. Programs 2010-2011 $ Temporary Teacher Replacement 2012-2013 $ Teacher Management 2011-2012 $ 1Surplus Technical studies teacher Jeff Halls gives advice to some Year 9 students. Security Grants 2010-2011 $ Continuous Intake: cease 2012-2013 $ Preventative Maintenance 2011-2012 $ Central Office Cuts Family Day Care 2011-2012 $ Efficiencies 2010-2011 $ Policy Dev. in selected programs 2010-2011 $ Out of School Hours Care Management 2010-2011 $ Executive Employee Reduction by 10% 2012-2013 $ Other Cuts to impact on Students NAP Transport 2011-2012 $ Country Bus Service- Drought 2010-2011 $ SACE Board Efficiencies $

90.7 3.8 353.8 20.3 8.2 5.8 12.0 8.1 4.0 8.8 1.9 4.4 1.7 3.0 9.7 2.6 8.2 2.7 3.2 22.9 3.8 0.5 1.2 5.4 1.8 0.8




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STAT E B U D G E T 2 0 1 0

Foley’s razor gang attacks unions and public education Big business might be all smiles but if you ask the rest of the community it’s pretty hard to find anyone who is happy with Kevin Foley’s 2010 State Budget.

those who live in remote and isolated parts of our state; we will stand together with our communities, with our adult students and protect their rights to an education and to achieve their SACE.”

LEN ALTMAN | Teacher Obviously not holding the view that workers have a right to hard run entitlements gained through the enterprise bargaining process, the ALP (Autocratic Legislative Party) is running its own show – attacking public sector jobs, long service leave, holiday leave loading (education staff are exempt from this cut), adult re-entry schools, small schools and even housing trust rents! In a blatantly obvious attempt to pull a fast one on the general public, and with the help of the Global Financial Crisis, Foley used the oldest trick in the book; he prepared South Australians for what was meant to be a horror budget. When finally handed down, many breathed a sigh of relief – things didn’t look that bad after all. But it didn’t take too long for the detail to hit home. Running roughshod over union agreements and basic human rights – like the right to access a public education – Foley has cemented his reputation as hard-nosed and pro-corporate. To counter the cuts to public sector jobs, long service leave and leave loading, a cross-unions campaign swung quickly into action. Rallies are taking place, politicians are being lobbied and campaign strategies developed to keep the pressure on the State Government. Like the Your Rights at Work campaign, this latest mobilisation of the wider union movement will continue to grow stronger until Kevin Foley and his crony mates can no longer defy gravity.

Adult re-entry education – facing cutbacks Soon after it became apparent adult re-entry schools were to be one of the big losers in Kevin Foley’s budget, AEU and non-AEU members from adult reentry campuses across the metropolitan 14

area mobilised to rally against cuts that, if not stopped, will prevent adults over the age of 21 attending senior secondary schools. In the eyes of many this cut is a complete contradiction of the ALP’s own policy which is meant to promote the ideal of “lifelong learning”. Here is what some of those involved in the adult re-entry campaign are saying about the State Government’s decision.

MANDY HANK REGO | Teacher Marden Senior College “We are a smart country and we need to maintain and cultivate an educated community that values lifelong learning. This decision by the State Government will impact negatively on the disenfranchised and those who don’t easily fit into or can’t afford TAFE or other adult education options. Students who have had gaps in their learning often need to come back to school before they can make that quantum leap into TAFE or another tertiary institution.”

JACKIE BONE-GEORGE | Teacher Open Access College “It’s obvious that a strong community campaign is building. We will defend the rights of those that have no voice. We will defend the right to a public education for those whose schooling has been interrupted for whatever reason. For

Marden Senior College “I teach and train in the geosciences and we have large numbers of students in our program who have gone through our program, gone on to university or TAFE, including Sudanese refugees who are now working in the mining and exploration industry. Without Marden Senior College, this program will not run and these people will be on unemployment benefits.”

VANESSA KALDEROVSKIS | Student Hamilton Secondary College “I want to be a dentist, there are other people here at Hamilton who want to be doctors or nurses. We’ve got people here who want to be nutritionists. These are people who are going to contribute to society in major ways. If this goes ahead, these people will never get that opportunity.”

CLAIRE GERAGHTY | New Educator Open Access College “Where are these students going to go? Where are people over 21 going to get their SACE? We have that service already provided for them and they’re benefitting by being able to go TAFE and university when they are



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STAT E B U D G E T 2 0 1 0 ready. What are they going to do now? What’s going to happen to them?”

ROSS WOMERSLEY | Exec. Director SA Council of Social Service “By eliminating the chance of anyone over 21 gaining their Year 12 Certificate of Education (SACE), and the chance of a Tertiary Entrance Ranking (TER) allowing them to pursue the higher education of their choice, this government is undercutting opportunities for thousands of South Australians.”

MIKE WOHLTMANN | Teacher Marden Senior College “We have a diverse array of students ranging from 16 right through to 93. The 93 year old has come back to do Year 12 History for the first time in 60 years and is having great success. He says to me and to the school that it’s a form of therapy for him; it gets him out of the house and gets the brain matter going. He is just one of numerous people that come to our school for different reasons. The Minister needs to understand that. He needs to come down and see what the school actually does and see who the adults are; what’s going to happen to the hundreds of refugees that attend adult re-entry colleges? How are they going to be reskilled in the modern economy?”

Photos of the recent 5 October rally:


Pictured top right: AEU Vice President David Smith addresses the crowd at the October 8 rally against public sector cuts. Pictured middle right: AEU members are worried about the whereabouts of Mike Rann, the “Education Premier”. He hasn’t been sighted for a number of years. Anyone who thinks they know of his whereabouts are asked to call the AEU immediately. Pictured below right: AEU members are among the thousands who have rallied in recent weeks against the Rann/Foley State Budget cuts. One protestor, AEU Executive member Carmen Kowalski, tries to get Mr Foley on his mobile but it’s been cut off by the ALP finance committee. PHOTOS: JO FROST




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Women making a world of difference AEU Women’s Officer Tish Champion reports on the 2010 AEU Federal Women’s Conference

1 (Back from left) Anne Marquard, Roma Harnal, Nora Thomas, Wendy Baldwin, Virginia Gill and Vicki Minnes. (front from left) Tish Champion, Anne Crawford and Janette Riggs.

Held in Melbourne over the Labour Day long weekend, the theme for the conference this year was Making a World of Difference and a delegation of nine AEU SA women attended. Guest speakers included ACTU President Ged Kearney and ASU Victoria Assistant Secretary Lisa Darmanin – undoubtedly making a world of difference in their chosen field. Each of the wonderful conference presenters shared inspiring information about their work and efforts to generate positive change in women’s lives. The conference is an opportunity for AEU women members across the country to get together, network, share ideas and propose solutions or recommendations to Federal Executive. It is an opportunity for the voices of women in the AEU membership to be heard. The SA delegation for 2010 was a fantastic representation of our membership and included a principal, SSO, ACEO, teacher, remote teacher, a teacher who has recently migrated to Australia and a member of AEU Branch Council. The women who attended were all extremely impressed with the content and the 16

process of the conference, which is organised by AEU Federal Women’s Officer, Catherine Davis. NORA THOMAS | SSO Instrumental Music Service “I learned so much and walked away from that weekend with a much better understanding and a greater motivation to become so much more pro-active not only in my work place, but also in my life. I was so moved by so many women with their stories, experiences and advice. I arrived back home a different person!” VIRGINIA GILL | Principal Tumby Bay AS I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was great to be able to provide a school leadership perspective to some of the issues and recommendations for Branch Executive. I particularly enjoyed the panel session and Ged Kearney’s presentation, especially her comments regarding working with the Gillard Government. I also found Nina Funnell’s presentation on sex/relationships education and feminism really enlightening and it

made me realise there is still so much to do to combat sexism in our schools. ROMA HARNAL | Teacher Leigh Creek AS “I would like to thank the AEU for giving me the opportunity to attend the Federal Women’s Conference in Melbourne. The conference was a stimulating experience for me not just as a woman educator but also as a migrant still discovering the versatile Australia. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the conference especially the feminist debate and the networking with educators from all around Australia.” This conference is one of the few opportunities for AEU members across Australia to have a voice and inform future policy and direction for the AEU nationally. Locally, AEU women members who wish to be more involved and inform change can join the various consultative committees including the Status of Women Consultative Committee. Women make up at least 70% of the AEU membership, so it is vitally important more women stand up and take a more active role in future decisions and directions in SA and nationally. Q

Young Women and Politics As previously reported, South Australian teacher Helen Hewitt (pic) won the federally funded Rosemary Richards Scholarship. In her submission, Helen presented a proposal to increase the political awareness of junior secondary girls in public high schools. After working for over 30 years in public education, Helen saw a gap in the political literacy skills of young students – particularly young women. She believes it is crucial to Australia’s future that all young people understand the importance of leadership in our society. Young women in particular, need to step up to leadership opportunities and responsibilities if Australia is going to continue to thrive. As part of her scholarship, Helen invited secondary schools to take part in the Young Women and Politics project. Norwood Morialta High, Henley High, Brighton Secondary, Glenunga International and Mitcham Girls High all agreed to take part and phase one of 3



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1 (from left) Olivia O’Neill, Niki Vincent and Anne Crawford.

1 Francine Smith.

3 the project began on 14 October with a half day forum held at the AEU. The forum featured keynote speaker, SA Unions’ Janet Giles and a panel of women in leadership with AEU Vice President Anne Crawford, Brighton Secondary School Principal Olivia O’Neill and CEO of the Leaders Institute of South Australia, Niki Vincent. Students also took part in an educational activity run by Francine Smith from the Global Education Centre. This was an extremely enjoyable session where students gained a great deal of information and ideas. As a follow up to this forum, the students are now working on individual school-based activities to “spread the word” to their peers. Students from each

1 Mitcham Girls High student, 1 Students applying their skills in the Ellie Thomas with Janet Giles. group activity.

of the five schools taking part are being supported and encouraged by their support teacher to develop a creative activity or action back in their school to inform other students about the need to take leadership seriously and understand that they can all play a part in Australia’s future. On 11 November, the students will return to the AEU for a presentation evening where they will have the opportunity to share their individual projects with their families, friends, teachers and AEU and department officials, before receiving participation certificates. Teachers wanting to know more about this project can contact Helen Hewitt at Brighton Secondary School. Q

For further information on the annual Rosemary Richards Scholarship please contact Tish Champion on: T: 8272 1399


Pregnant? Permanent? On Leave? Twelve months continuous service ‘IMMEDIATELY’ prior to the birth

is no longer required! You may be eligible for Paid Maternity Leave. For further info please contact Tish Champion on: T: 8272 1399 E:

Saint Mary – the education activist AEU Federal Industrial Officer Rob Durbridge says support for Gillard’s bonus payments plan is unlikely to come from above.

Seems that the young Mary McKillop was teaching at Portland Common School 510 in 1865 when a school inspector visited to inspect the teachers’ performance. At the time, teachers relied on a good assessment by an inspector to gain an annual salary bonus.

According to The Age (15 October 2010) another teacher, John Cusack, evidently “did the dirty” on Mary by forging the rolls so the best students were found on paper to be in his classes. This earned him the bonus by boosting his students’ 1865 equivalent of the NAPLAN score. But just to make sure, Cusack wrote answers to the inspectors’ questions on a slate, and held them up behind his back so the students could boost their marks. Young Mary, born of a fiery Scots family, protested the injustice. Father Riordan, her parish priest, tried to hush the scandal up but Mary reported it to her father who created such a furore that Cusack was sacked and driven out of town. But other members of the parish blamed Mary, who was also

forced to resign a few months later. Unfortunately at the time there was no teacher union to whom she could turn for assistance, but she persisted in her teaching career with miraculous results in Penola. Bonus pay was eliminated in Victoria in the 1890s when it was discovered that due to cheating, the results of Victorian students did not match their real abilities. Those of the salaried teachers in NSW were superior. A courageous 2010 election policy Reward Payments for Great Teachers, saw the Gillard Government promise to re-introduce annual test-linked bonus pay and mandatory annual inspection of 300,000 teachers in every Australian school. The angels are definitely not on the side of this proposal, and the prognosis for it is no better than it was in 1865. Teachers (who vote) will vehemently oppose it and perhaps even light a candle to pray for help from St Mary! Q 17



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Kunmanara – learner, educator, leader The legacy left by Stanley Minning will be hard to match writes Geoff Rogers. “He defused potentially volatile situations with humour and improved cross-cultural understanding of newly appointed teachers even teaching them his language.”


ver 300 mourners drove along a dusty track north of Yalata Community to the cemetery recently past a school where a significant educational leader, Stanley Minning, worked much of his career and the Sorry Camp where friends and relatives had shared their grief before the burial proceedings were conducted. Oak Valley School students in their colourful uniforms formed a guard of honour as the coffin, covered in Sturt Desert Peas, and a spinifex wreath was carried into the cemetery. Three generations of his students were present including two, now Anangu ministers, leading the ceremonies. State records show Stanley Minning was born near Ilkurlka north of Tjuntjuntjara in the Great Victoria Desert on 1 January 1934. As a young boy his name was Minningka, after his tjamu or grandfather. He told teacher friends about the long walk his little legs endured over 500 kilometres with his mama (father) and nguntju (mother) to a new camp at Ooldea Soak Mission on the edge of the Nullarbor. His father navigated by the stars and knew the names of many. Mr Minning remembered being scared when seeing his first white man (a dingo hunter) and a train! At the Ooldea Mission Stanley’s job was to look after a goat herd. Later he 18

was an assistant to Harry Green, the United Aboriginal Mission-appointed teacher. There was no government funding in those times, the school being built of railway sleepers. In 1952 Ooldea Mission was closed, so Stanley and a group of families walked south. Soon after, atomic bomb tests started at Maralinga and more Anangu were forced to move from their traditional lands. The Walkabout School – with Stanley as sole teacher – moved to wherever water was available. A Lutheran Mission was established at Yalata, where Stanley often taught in tandem with church-appointed teachers. Albert Whitelaw, the Superintendent of Aboriginal Schools, had the foresight to realise how important it was to have Pitjantjatjara teachers in Anangu schools and Stanley was the first appointee by DECS in the early seventies teaching middle primary. Other appointments followed at Ernabella and Indulkana. When an elder with his Christian name passed away Stanley became Mr Minning from then on as a mark of respect to the deceased person. Mr Minning was a leader in a number of positions at Yalata School including as community liaison teacher who did much to bring the community and school closer together. When the community faced challenges, he was the rock, the constant supporter of some teachers

who found working there difficult. He defused potentially volatile situations with humour and improved cross-cultural understanding of newly appointed teachers even teaching them his language. After the Maralinga Lands were handed back to the traditional owners, some moved back to Oak Valley. Mr Minning moved again with his people. The school changed from a tarpaulin with a visiting teacher to a caravan and shelter, and eventually a modern set of buildings. Mr Minning was back in the country he loved. He liked nothing better than to sit on the red sand drawing patterns with a stick and telling stories. After an illness forced him to retire he came back as a coordinator to assist the Oak Valley School’s leadership to guide the progress of students. Mr Minning is now known as Kunmanara. The Pitjantjatjara call people who have passed away this name as a mark of respect for the one whose name can no longer be mentioned. Kunmanara is remembered by a multitude of educators as a man with a cheeky sense of humour. He was a loyal friend to many piranpa or white teachers. In the big smoke, he rode an escalator despite the fear, travelled in a lift with his eyes closed to make students laugh, flew in an aeroplane against his better judgement and viewed many things in the city with the wonder and curiosity of a true learner. Kunmanara’s dedication and huge contribution to the education of Anangu for more than 50 years is a legacy few will match! On his last night he chose to sleep under the stars that provided guidance to his parents and the young boy who grew to become the teacher remembered and respected by so many. Q Vale Kunmanara Kunmanara’s son gave permission for his story to be told and his photo to be published to the writer.



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. . .CO N T I N U E D F R O M PAG E 3

continued from page 3 3

adults who would struggle to achieve success in mainstream education.

Dear Editor, The current disproportionate emphasis on science over humanities courses in the new SACE curriculum is regrettable but no surprise in the current social climate. If it continues its long-term effect will be a limiting of creative and critical social thinking in the population in favour of more prosaic and conformist perceptions of society. It is fundamental to our democracy that we have a broadly educated citizenry capable of examining critically the human and social issues of the day. In the end it is the existence of a thinking, rational, creative and compassionate population that offers our best chance of retaining genuine democracy and avoiding tyranny. It is especially humanities courses that have an essential role to play in this and we must restore them with due emphasis in the curriculum if we are to avoid the risk of democratic failure in years to come. Q Terry Hewton Retired Teacher Dear Editor, The announcement by Treasurer Kevin Foley to prevent adults over the age of 21 from attending re-entry schools to complete their South Australian Certificate of Education is an absolute disgrace. This decision abrogates the State Governments’ commitment to a very vulnerable and disadvantaged group in our community. Re-entry colleges are strategically placed in the Adelaide metropolitan area to provide an educational route for

All re-entry colleges are structured to facilitate learning across unique whole communities using best practice methodologies for adult learning. It needs to be remembered that adults need flexible teaching and learning solutions. For example, at Marden Senior College we offer courses from 8.45am to 3.35pm. We offer twilight courses for students from 4pm – 7pm, and offer night courses from 6pm – 9pm. Classrooms are where the rubber meets the road; where the direct instructional interventions of teachers happen and formal adult learning is most directly shaped. Where will these adults now go, given the fact that TAFE has not taught senior secondary education for over 20 years? What will happen to the new arrivals programs? Where will many mature age refugee students go? Shutting adults out of adult re-entry schools is a classic example of the recentralisation of control of education. It further demonstrates how out of touch both DECS and our education bureaucrats have become. Re-entry colleges deliver quality affordable courses to a broad crosssection of the most educationally disadvantaged members of our society. The effects of this measure and the restructuring and marginalisation of adult re-entry is a huge backward step in education in South Australia. The greater tragedy is that this kind of thinking is educationally regressive; especially given the fact that adult reentry is starting to play a crucial role in

Arthur Hamilton Award 2010 This Award is in recognition of AEU members who are committed to ensuring all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have the right to high quality education throughout their lives. The AEU is dedicated to ensuring all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have local access to a free, publicly funded education system, which affirms cultural identity, and enables Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

people to contribute to, and participate in, their own and broader society. The closing date for nominations is Friday, 26 November 2010. The winner will receive a $1000 prize and all nominees will receive a certificate from the AEU. For further information contact Darcel Russell, Deputy Federal Secretary on

T: (03) 9693 1800 F: (03) 9693 1805 E:

Nomination forms are available from the AEU website:>Your AEU>Sectors>Aboriginal Educators

lifelong learning. Many of the adult re-entry colleges offer VET courses providing the training needs of the new economy. In addition, adult re-entry provides basic job skills to enable students to become self-employed. It helps them to develop self-confidence, personal skills and helps them to get involved in their local community. This cut will not break the nexus between low-skill and non-participation, it will only widen it! This Labor Government should hang their heads in shame. They are dismantling a great educational sector that plays a crucial role in delivering social justice and creating a fairer and more just society. Q Michael Wohltmann Marden Senior College

Life Quilt SA Community textile art project to promote work safety SA Unions, the Working Women’s Centre and the Australian Safe Communities Foundation are sponsoring a community textile art project to promote safety and safe work practices. The project is called Life Quilt SA and has been inspired by a similar project from Canada in 2000. The Canada Life Quilt project commemorated the lives of 100 young people killed in work related incidents. The Life Quilt has been used since to promote safe work practices. It tours to conferences, workshops and public meetings to encourage all to take responsibility for safety at work. The Life Quilt SA [LQSA] project will design and make a wall quilt to be used across South Australia to promote safety at work. The project is designed to draw together people affected by a significant work place incident. Life Quilt SA will be coordinated by local textile artist – Sue Morley. Workshops will be held weekly on Friday afternoons, in Kent Town, over a 4-month period, commencing in Feb 2011. Experience in sewing or textile art is not a prerequisite to becoming a participant; but a willingness to contribute to and be involved in a community art project is. If you would like to be involved contact the Working Women’s Centre:

T: (08) 8410 6499 E: 19



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Confidentiality of workers compensation information

Australian Education Union | SA Branch Nominations are called to fill vacancies on the following AEU Committees: STANDING COMMITTEES Country Conditions: The Committee monitors country working conditions and makes recommendations to Branch Executive on appropriate policy and action.

Two female positions for 2 years ending December 2012. One male position for 2 years ending December 2012.

AEU WorkCover Officer Ed Grue offers sage advice The AEU recently supported a member in making a complaint to the WorkCover Ombudsman regarding the inappropriate disclosure of confidential information that related to the member’s workrelated medical condition. The WorkCover Ombudsman determined that in the circumstances of the particular complaint, the individual who disclosed the confidential information was required to apologise to the member and DECS should advise leaders and managers of their obligations to maintain confidentiality.

Finance: The Committee is chaired by the Treasurer, prepares the AEU budget and reviews expenditure on a quarterly basis. Two male positions for 2 year ending December 2012. One female position for 2 years ending December 2012. Two female position for 1 year ending December 2011. Occupational Health, Safety & Welfare: The Committee monitors OHS&W issues and advises on matters relating to the working environment and health of members and students. Two female positions for 2 years ending December 2012. One male position for 2 years ending December 2012. One female position for 1 year ending December 2011.


Interestingly, in DECS’ advice to leaders and managers there was an emphasis on the fact that a breach of confidentiality is a criminal offence and that DECS itself would not be liable but only the individual who committed the breach.

Consultative Committees provide advice to Branch Executive on matters affecting their membership sector. All positions are for a one-year term of office

The AEU recommends members should never disclose confidential medical information without prior written authorisation. If you have a work injury and believe that confidential information has been disclosed without your consent you should contact the AEU for advice.

Unemployed, Contract and TRT members.

ending December 2011. School Services Officers | 9 positions School Services Officers in DECS.

Contract and TRT | 9 positions Special Education | 9 positions Teachers and School Services Officers involved in Special Education.

Status of Women | 9 positions Women members from all membership sectors and classifications.


Principals Consultative Committee | 9 positions School leader members in all sectors of schooling.

Aboriginal Education | 9 positions Indigenous members from all membership sectors and classifications.

Early Childhood | up to 15 positions, a majority of whom shall be Children’s Services Act employees. Members working in Early Childhood Education.

AEU executive & staff wish all members,

Merry Christmas & a HappyNewYear! Have a peaceful, relaxing and safe holiday.

The AEU Office will close at 12 noon Friday 24 December 2010 and will reopen Monday 10 January 2011. 20

Closing Date Nominations for these Committee vacancies must reach the:

Returning Officer, 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside SA 5063, no later than Wednesday, 17 November 2010. A nomination form is available at: and from the AEU. Nominations may be accompanied by a supporting statement of not more than 200 words.

Election Procedure

Ballots for contested positions will be conducted at Branch Council on Saturday,

20 November 2010.

Peter Norman Returning Officer



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A E U 2 0 1 0 T R A I N I N G A N D D E V E LO P M E N T P R O G R A M

CO U N C I L DAT E S F O R 2 0 1 0


Branch Council Meetings

Fri 19 November

9.15am – 15.00pm

Potential Delegates Course 1-day course introducing members to AEU decision making processes. Who can attend: AEU members.

All courses are held at the AEU unless otherwise specified.

For more info or to register go to:

Upcoming dates for 2010 are: Saturday, 20 November

TAFE Divisional Council Meetings Upcoming dates for 2010 are: Friday, 19 November


Australian Education Union | SA Branch Statutory Board Election Education Act 1972: Teachers Registration Board

5 Members and 5 Deputy Members Nominations are invited from AEU teacher members to serve as Members and Deputy Members of the Teachers Registration Board of South Australia. Successful candidates will be appointed to the Board by the Governor for a term of office of up to three years. Board members are released from teaching duties to attend Teachers Registration Board meetings. To all past students, staff and parents of Linden Park Schools

CELEBRATING 60 YEARS of Learning and the Opening of the Redeveloped Schools Friday 12 November 5 – 9pm For info & to register interest:

email: phone: 8379 2171

Nominations, accompanied by a supporting statement of up to 200 words and a brief curriculum vitae, close on Wednesday, 17 November 2010. Nomination forms are available from the AEU. An election, if required, will be conducted at the Branch Executive meeting to be held on Monday, 22 November 2010. Nominations should be addressed to the Branch Secretary, Jack Major, at the Australian Education Union, 163 Greenhill Road, Parkside 5063. Further information is available from Jack Major on 8272 1399.


Fundraising dinner for all supporters of SAWA SAWA – Australia (SA) funds Hewad High School for Afghan refugee girls and boys, located in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. SAWA also supports the Vocational Training Centre for war widows in Kabul, Afghanistan, offering literacy and handcraft training. The training centre assists women to gain skills to become independent in supporting themselves and their families. A dinner has been organised to

raise funds so that SAWA – Australia (SA) can continue to support these important projects.

Tuesday 16 November Pondok Bali Restaurant, 310 Pulteney Street, Adelaide. $60/person (banquet-style meal) Prepaid tickets only paid by Wednesday 10 November For more information or to purchase tickets to this worthwhile cause, visit: groups/Adelaide.html

ATTENTION TEACHERS! Renewal of Teacher Registration 31 December 2010 If your registration expires in January 2011 you must renew your registration by 31 December 2010. An application to renew your registration will be sent by post in mid October 2010. The onus is on you to renew your registration by the due date. Please contact the Teachers Registration Board if you have not received your application to renew your registration by early November 2010. Non receipt of an application to renew registration is not an excuse for allowing your registration to expire.

Change of Name and/or Address Remember to notify the Board in writing of any change of address and provide certified documentation if you have changed your name.

PO Box 3649 Rundle Mall, SA 5000 Tel: (08) 8226 8811 Fax: (08) 8226 2667 Email: Website: 21



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Members’ Market VICTOR HARBOR Holiday Hse: Renovated 3BR hse walk to beach, skate park, shops, restaurants and town. All facilities, lge yard, BBQ. T: 0413 920 554 E:

HOLIDAY HOUSE, 'NORTH BAY', CARRICKALINGA: Arch. designed new 2- storey beach hse. 4BR, 3 bath, 2 living areas, European kitchen, decking & views. Suits 2 families. Sleeps 10. Play equip. for kids. T: 0403 015 964>North Bay, Carrickalinga

HOLIDAY GETAWAYS VICTOR HARBOR: All Seasons Lakefront Getaway: Stunning s/cont. lux. colonial hme. Priv. secl. beach & lake! 4BRs, 2 living areas, 2nd bath, 3 toilets & laundry, lge backyd. Sleeps 8. Lakeside Getaway: Encounter Lakes Villa, 100m to beach & reserve. 5-min. to Esplanade, walk/bike trail, cafes, restaurants, store. 3BRs. Sleeps 6. Spacious living/fam/dine, 2-way bath, sep. toilet, laundry. M: 0419 868 143 E: www.victorharborholidayhomes.


Harriet River, Vivonne Bay, 3BR fully equipped. Close to Seal Bay, Remarkables, Admiral Arch and more) relax, swim, fish. Linen prov. winter discounts, sleeps 6. From $100/night. T: 0407 215 345

KI QUEENSCLIFFE COTTAGE Kingscote, recently restored 2BR, period decor, gdn. Walk to beach, cafes, jetty, pubs. Sleeps 6. Exc. location to explore island. T: 08 8553 9007 www.kangarooislandholiday php?p_id=232


Overnight & short-stay accom. in Adel. Hills (Stirling). Suit couples (no children due to steep stairs to Kangaroo Island Getaway Stunning beach, dolphins - wine mezz. BR). Quiet, botanic setting, KI RURAL RETREAT: Attractive seafood. House (neg), beach or own carport & entrance w. galley s/cont. lge country hme, gdn, balcony suites. Min 4 nights. fm kitchen, TV, DVD etc. 5 min walk to native bush, 260 acres. 2 bath, 2 $45/dble, mid-wk off-peak. Stirling restaurants, cafes. 15 min qn beds, 2 living areas, laundry, Kingston. T: 0402 922 445 patio. Sleeps 12. From $120/night. drive to wineries, Hahndorf and HOLIDAY RENTAL: Hills towns. From $90-$120/night T: 0407 790754 a/h Yorke Peninsula: New up-market E: E: T: 0431991431 esplanade beach hse ‘Manyana’ KI HOLIDAY COTTAGE: Vivonne at Wool Bay (near Edithburgh). Bay, close to beach & Harriet Spa, plasma TV, DVD, stereo, dish- River, wildlife, exc. location for KI HOLIDAY RENTAL WALLAROO: washer. Tastefully ff & equiped, attractions. 2BR. s/cont, air, BBQ. Arch. designed new 2-storey beach hse, bay views. 3BR, 3 bath, open 3BR, sleeps 7. Panoramic views, Sleep 4, $95. T: (08) 8341 9185 walks, fishing. T:(08) 8832 2623 E: plan living, modern kitchen, sleeps 7. DVD, CD, dishw. Safe beach for



kids, great walks, fishing.>Bayview, North Beach

HOL. RENTAL NORMANVILLE: South Shores Holiday Villa #25. 3BR (sleeps 8). Secure behind dunes at Normanville. Golf, horse riding, pools, beach, lawns, cafes. T: 0413 155 460

PORT ELLIOT HOLIDAY ESCAPE Stunning new, a/c, 4BR, s/cont. Close to Main St. cafes, shops, restaurants, galleries. Horseshoe Bay, swim, surf and fish. Walk/bike trails, markets, wineries, Steam Ranger Cockle train. Special rates. E: www.allseasonsescape.spaces.

SEAFRONT HOLIDAY HOUSE: Yorke Peninsula “Oceanfront Escape” 2-storey hse w. pergola to beach & farmland views, secl, 4 BRMs, full kitchen, BBQ, DVD/ VCR/TV, billiards, fishing. Peaceful & relaxing, great for kids. Contact Brenton on: T: 0409 864 682 E:

CEDUNA BEACH HOUSE: S/cont, beachfront, BBQ/DVD/ LCD/ TV, r/c air. Sleeps 6. Corp. rates AEU members. Main st and jetty 5 min walk. T: (08) 86253343



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N OT I CE B OA R D HOUSEBOAT: (near Mannum) AEU members are offered a 10% disc. during shoulder/off pk. Sleeps 10. T: (08) 8277 8751 E:

FOR RENT – MITCHAM HILLS 3BR hme, 2 bath, living, balcony, hills views, r/c air, gas space heat, 2nd living area, 2 car accom. T: 0417 823 912

HOUSE FOR RENT: Modern 5brm in Hillbank, quiet culdasac, close to public trans, alarm, ducted a/c, solar, shed, gas, dbl carport. $350/wk. T: 0416 113 386 E:

ROOM FOR RENT: Share 3BR hse with 2 others in Gawler. $70/wk plus exp. T: 0409 486 088

FOR RENT: f.f. private apartment in Glenelg for hol or wkd rental. Heated pool, spa, steam-room, sauna, gym etc. Plasma TV, 100m to beach. T: 0403 606 052

GLENELG NTH T/HSE RETREAT Hol accom, quiet, mins from Jetty Rd, close to tram/bus stops. Secl. unit feat. 3BRM, 2 toilets, ldry, bath, new kitchen, sep dining, lounge w. patio area, carport. W: T: 0437847034

35mm SLIDE SCANNING Adelaide & Hills: Do you have

HOUSE SITTING: Mature couple,

teachers, non-smokers, exp. pet old slides gathering dust and dete- owners, gardeners seek hse sit while new home is built. Adelaide riorating? Have them professionally scanned at high resolution and Nth pref. Avail. Dec 2010, late Jan – April 2011. transferred onto CD. 17 yrs exp., reasonable rates. T: 0401 590 875 E: T: 0409 608 518 or 0409 280 019 WORKSHOP: Stress management, personal dev. and learning HOUSE SITTING: Prof. couple seek hse sit, Adelaide & environs, difficulties: Brain Gym-an intro wkshop. Movements to ‘switch on’ late July – Oct. 2010. Non-smokers, hse proud, exp. renovators, repairs, the brain. T/fax: (08) 8768 2537 gardening, animal caring. E: Contact Chris & Eleanor Oyston GO SCUBA DIVING WITH T: 02 6236 3008 ELITE DIVE ACADEMY: E: Are you a diver, but haven’t been in the water for a while?! Get $50 FRANCE – SOUTH: off a PADI Tune-Up program to Lovely Village House. Languedoc refresh your skills. Contact: region. T: 0403 314 928 (Julie) T: (Steve) 0413 134 827 E: HOUSE SWAP: We would like to swap a 3 FOR SALE: Certified organic bedroom house in suburban cosmetics & personal products. Adelaide for one week from 16 Jan 2011 for house in lower Blue Mountains (Lapstone) close CAMERON CAMPER TRAILER FOR SALE: Sits on 6’ by 4’ trailer to railway. Contact Norma Clarke: T: (02) 4739 3692 with electric brakes and water E: tank. Opens out to create a 17’ by 7’ space. A full annexe is also included. Good cond. $3,200 T: 0407 324 559

CIVIL CELEBRANT: Dr Tom Haig: weddings, renewal of vows, commitment ceremonies, funerals

and baby namings. First class personalised services with AEU members receiving a 10% discount on services upon request. T: 85311726 or 0439 687 529 E:

2011 DOUBLE TEACHING EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITY TO ONTARIO, CANADA Teach in Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada, 2- storey hse, 4 brm, 3 bath and only 5 kms from school. Pop. of 5000, located 2 hrs drive from Toronto, a close knit community with all the perks of a large city, incl. hockey arena, skateboard park, soccer oval, pool and lots of family friendly parks. Town and nearby communities w. beaches, boating, water sports. Teaching in middle & upper primary. Contact Darryl Carter, Manager, International Programs T: 8226 1150 or 0402 250 929 E:

Advertise in Members’ Market for FREE! Rent, sell, buy or offer goods and services. Send ads to:




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