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Professional Learning
Your AEU SA membership gives you access to values-based professional learning that helps to develop your practical skills.
The sessions are in real time and allow you to work with other professionals to gain insight and grow as an educator.
Other Opportunities
Classroom Management and Engagement Strategies
+ Tue 18 - Wed 19 April, 9.15am – 3.30pm
+ Cost: AEU SA members: $99 | Staff working in public education who are not currently an AEU member: $333
+ For: Teachers, leaders and ancillary staff currently working in public education
A highly regarded two day course delivered by classroom teachers focused on new ways to engage students and create safe and accountable classroom spaces.
AEU SA New Educators' Conference
+ Fri 19 - Sat 20 May
+ Cost: Free for members
+ For: Full AEU SA members in their first three years of teaching
If you are in your first three years of teaching this conference is for you! Join us for two day's of connection, inspiration and sharing.
Hear from guest speakers, hone your skills in workshops, and get involved in networking sessions for your wellbeing. Topics include classroom management, rights and entitlements, e-safety, and secure work campaigning.
Travel and accommodation support provided to Country members.
AEU PAC Representative Training
+ Wed 1 March, 1pm - 4pm (New Leaders Focus)
+ Wed 12 April, 1pm - 4pm
+ Thur 20 April, 10am - 1pm
+ Cost: Free for members
+ For: AEU member PAC Representative –new and those wanting to retrain
AEU member PAC training is offered to ensure all AEU members with an interest or responsibility in school human resource matters can access, investigate and discuss elements of the Enterprise Agreement and other documents in relation to PAC decisions.
AEU Merit Representative Training
+ Thur 2 March, 4pm - 6pm
+ Tue 4 April, 4pm - 6pm
+ Wed 26 April, 10am - 12pm
+ Cost: Free for members
+ For: AEU Members who wish to become an AEU Representative on panels
A two hour retraining session for AEU members who last attended Merit Selection training in 2017 or AEU Members who want to be an AEU Representative on Merit Selection Panels.
Wellbeing: Planning for Success
Professional Learning for AEU Leaders
A national look at planning for Wellbeing Leaders
+ Tue 7 March, 5:30pm - 7pm
+ Cost: AEU SA members: $33
+ For: AEU members only (including aspiring leaders)
This session will outline the foundations of wellbeing science, including the PERMAH Framework of Wellbeing which impact positive teaming at work – positive emotion, relationships, engagement (character strengths), and achievement (habits, goal setting).
Supporting students who have experienced trauma
+ Thur 30 March, 5:30pm - 7pm
+ Cost: AEU SA members: $33
+ For: AEU members only
Learn to support students who have experienced trauma and manage resulting behaviours. The session will also be helpful for Education Support Staff who may be working one to one or with small groups.
Engaging STEM using Lego (primary)
+ Thur 30 March, 4pm - 5pm
+ Cost: AEU SA members: $33
+ For: AEU members only
TV game show contestant and Lego fan Ryan Evans will outline some simple strategies for using building materials in the classroom to engage students and encourage the development of experimentation and critical thinking. This session focuses on how teachers can provide thought provoking questions and appropriate prompts when completing building challenges.
Leadership - being a leader in a rural or small school
+ Thur 13 April, 1:30pm - 4:30pm
+ Cost: AEU SA members: $33
+ For: AEU members only
This session will explore the strategies that leaders have used to find success and satisfaction in their role. Hear about approaches that new and aspirant leaders can use to build leadership capabilities and learn to thrive in ta small or rural school.
Leadership - building and maintaining a team
+ Tue 18 April, 1:30pm - 4:30pm
+ Cost: AEU SA members: $33
+ For: AEU members only
Explore practical team building approaches that aspiring and emerging leaders can use in their leadership roles, including communication techniques, shared goal setting, building on strengths, and protocols for team meetings and operation.
Leadership - the experience of women in middle leadership
+ Wed 19 April, 1:30pm - 4:30pm
+ Cost: AEU SA members: $33
+ For: AEU members only
Gain insight into the experiences and knowledge of women working in middle leadership roles at this valuable session. All are welcome to attend the session.
Leadership - managing challenging conversations
+ Wed 19 April, 1:30pm - 4:30pm
+ Cost: AEU SA members: $33
+ For: AEU members only
This session will support leaders in their approach to managing challenging conversations within the school community, with a focus on practical communication skills to plan, prepare, and engage in challenging conversations.
Differentiation for students with a learning disability
+ Thur 20 April, 9:30am - 2:30pm
+ Cost: AEU SA members: $33
+ For: AEU members only
Hear from one of Australia's leading teachers on working with students with learning disabilities. This session will outline approaches to self-regulation and sensory processing, behavioural issues, and knowledge acquisition experienced by those students with learning disability. There will be a particular focus on ASD and ADHD. It is a practical, classroom focused course.
New Union Representatives Level 1
+ Tue 24 April, 9:15am - Fri 28 April, 3:30pm
+ Cost: Free for members
+ For: AEU members in elected positions who have not completed level 1 training previously
This hands on, participatory course works with you to ensure you know what your rights and responsibilities are as an elected union representative.
Travel and accommodation support provided to Country members.