andrea ferrerio architecture.sustainability
Since the term “Sustainability” emerged, its definitions have always been declined in the future tense; “to avoid the depletion of resources”, “the ability to be maintained in a status”, “to not compromise the future generations”: all these definitions embody the notion of Time.
This is due to the symbiotic relationship that exists between Sustainability, Time and Temporality, the latter defined as “related to time rather than eternity”.
“Sustainable architecture is to design in four dimensions: Space and Time. It is to design the life and death of a building, rather than its birth only.”
This concept implies the change from a timeless to a “mortal” architectural product. Architecture, as meant since the profession itself was born, is in crisis: the Vitruvian architectural tenet of “Firmitas”, meant as inert, static, singular and Cartesian-like solid, collapses in favour of its opposite: “Temporis”, meant as temporary, unpredictable, plastic and multiple. Time introduces uncertainties that threaten the primacy of space. Ideas such as eternity and stability are terms that deny the reality of the situations that sustainable architecture faces.
Temporality affects architecture independently from the architect’s wish. The architectural product evades the designer control over time, changing its functions and eventually dying or being “mummified” as a monument. Architecture traditionally focused on the prime form of a building, neglecting the conflict that arises between form, something designed as fixed, and function, something that is now fluid, unpredictable and multiple.
Nevertheless, sustainable architecture differs from the tradition by considering all buildings as in a process of change or evolution over time. This implies to admit that a building is never truly finished and the architect’s idealized vision is not one that will remain stable over time. An architecture that integrates temporality does not define a permanent entity, but rather leaves itself open to changes of use and interpretations.
Anyway, the static aspect of architecture is not overwhelmed by time but is redefined by it. This new paradigm is the essence of sustainability and has the potential to open up new sustainable perspectives, embracing, rather than resisting, the natural forces of change.
In conclusion, sustainability brings the time dimension in Architecture with topics such as adaptability, flexibility, resilience and life cycle design. Only when the concept of sustainability as the design of time and space will be congenital of our architects we will witness what “Sustainable Architecture” is.
“From Firmitas To Temporis” Own proposal for the essay competition “What Is Sustainable Architecture?”, 2020



(+39) 334 755 6672
(+45) 50 28 12 50
MAIL ferrerio.andrea@gmail.com
WEBSITE www.andreaferrerio.com
LINKEDIN andreaferrerio
Architect and sustainability consultant with international experience whose aim is to contribute to the Green Transition.
I can contribute as a specialist in sustainability and communication in the architecture sector thanks to my interdisciplinary skills and my wide range of tools, ranging from Life Cycle Assessment, CAD/BIM, 3D Modeling and digital graphics.
I have been dealing with sustainability and architecture since 2008. This passion has led me to live and work in Italy, England, The Netherlands and Denmark.
ITALIAN Mothertongue
Environmental and Social Sustainability
Graphic communication CAD and BIM
Excellent organizational and management skills
Curious and with Initiative
Freelance, Denmark
Preliminary and executive design of small private house extension projects in Denmark. Consultancy work on environmental sustainability and LCA. Participation in ideas and design competitions in the field of sustainable construction in Italy and Denmark.
2024 novongoing INTERIOR ARCHITECT
OSK Design, Aarhus, Denmark
Executive design of interiors for cruise ships, ferries and private yachts.
Redevelopment of passenger accommodation and common areas (Atrium, Game Room and Café) of the Pacific Explorer cruise ship.
Carpentry Company RTS, Aarhus, Denmark
Concept, Executive design and technical drawing for the production of custom furniture and interior design finishes in wood. Customer acquisition and project management.
Njordrum, Aarhus, Denmark
Preliminary design of kindergardens, schools, centers for people with autism, offices and single-family houses, based on a modular wooden system. LCA calculation of projects, graphic presentations and preliminary/executive drawings.
Entwine, Copenaghen, Denmark
Development of software for LCA calculation in the preliminary project phases. Consultancy for architectural firms to reduce the environmental impact of their projects.
2022 mar2021 mar ARCHITECT
Studio Arch. Gorm Nielsen, Aarhus, Denmark
Analysis and redevelopment projects of schools and kindergardens. Preliminary projects for school buildings and centers for people with autism.
Hamlet Design+Built Technology, Haarlem, Netherlands
Preliminary and executive design of a residential complex in CLT in Heerhugowaard. Research and data collection regarding the thermal, acoustic and environmental properties of Cross Laminated Timber.
2016 jun2015 sep
Project Management
Studio Arch. Barbara Croce, Milano, Italy
Preliminary and executive design of the redevelopment of a protected villa in Vimercate. Participation the urban redevelopment competition of the historic center of Viterbo.
Danske Arkitektvirksomheder, Aarhus, DK
Course in LCA theory and practice in connection with the new Danish Environmental requirement.
Ervhvervsakademi Aarhus, Aarhus, DK
Course in how a company can work with sustainable development. Tools for implementing sustainability efforts.
OneClick LCA Academy, Online
Online course to understand LCA and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).
Teaching in OneClick LCA software.
Cand. Polyt. , Aalborg Universitet, DK
Problem-based learning with particular attention to an integrated and holistic approach to architecture and sustainability.
Courses in design according to the Scandinavian tradition, tools for calculating thermal, visual and acoustic comfort and the environmental impact of architectural projects.
2016 sep2013 sep
B.Sc. , Politecnico di Milano, IT
Technical and artistic degree with a focus on how to work with sustainability and at the same time develop quality architectural projects that respect the context.
Courses in survey methods, architectural design, CAD and BIM drawing, 3D modeling and calculation of energy and environmental performance.
OneClick LCA Academy, Online
Online course to understand LCA as well as practical experience in performing LCA for the construction industry. Teaching in OneClick LCA.
Aarhus Arkitektskole, Aarhus, DK
Online advanced Revit course aimed at architect jobs in the private and public sector.
2013 jun2008 sep
ITCG Luigi Einaudi, IT
Secondary education aimed at preparing students for university courses in architecture and engineering. Courses in topographical survey, design and Italian building regulations.
Since I was a child I have tried many different activities, mainly sport and musical activities. I love spending my free time playing the piano, playing tennis, learning recipes and cooking with friends. During my time in Denmark I gradually made my own the Danish culture of “hygge”, or the appreciation of social atmospheres related to the sense of comfort, security, welcome and familiarity.

Piano Tennis Cooking Hygge

Collaboration period: 2023
Projects location: Midtjylland, Fyn (DK)
Conceptual design kindergardens and centers for people with disabilities
Competition proposals
LCA Calculations
Clients & Collaborators: Favrskov Kommune
Private organisations
Contact person: Martin Wienberg
Email: martin@njordrum.dk
Phone: +45 21 21 99 51
Njordrum is an architectural firm based in Aarhus that has a special approach to architecture and construction.
A timber module of 4x16m is used as a starting point for all the projects. This allows for faster and better assembly and disassembly, and its flexibility makes it adaptable to a wide range of functions, from Summerhouses to Kindergarten and offices
During my time in Njordrum, I have worked interdisciplinary as an architect and sustainability specialist.
I got the chance to work as a “pure” architect by sketching and producing presentation material for competition and clients, while doing an extended calculation of the modular system’s CO2 emissions.
At the end of my internship I had been able to provide a life cycle assessment of their modules that showed a 30% lower impact on the environment compared to standard solutions in Denmark.
Two projects are presented:
- Elmegården, a winning competition proposal for the expansion of a kindergarten with a focus on good indoor comfort and connection with nature in Favrskov municipality.
- Bækkebo, a project to convert an unused seniors’ house in Haverslev into ordinary apartments.
All the material presented has been used for project communication during meetings with customers, for price estimates and as competition entry material.

Elmegården Vuggestuen
Our proposal for the extension of the kindergarten is based on good indoor comfort and connection with nature
Two whole modules have been used for the group rooms, while a non-modular volume is used to form the common room and to connect with the existing spaces.
From the windows of varying height and size, both children and adults can have close contact with nature outside. In addition to the well-being that nature brings completely into the house in this way, the close contact between outside and inside can inspire outdoor play, even when you are inside.
The location and design of the extension provide many good outdoor play corners which invite both large and small playgroups to easily find just the right place to play.

Farvskov municipality’s ambition is to become climate neutral by 2050 and a CO2 reduction of 70% by 2030.
In Elmegården, the good words are translated into practice by using a holistic and life-cycle-based approach to the project. The two main strategies involved in the design are to extend the life of the building and reduce its CO2 emissions.
All phases of the building’s lifespan are therefore involved in the design process:

Group Room
Group Room
Common Room
Crib room
Transformation of Bækkebo
The building and surroundings bear the signs of its former use as an elderly centre and of many years of wear and tear.
Njordrum’s proposal aims to improve the aesthetic and functionality of the existing building:
- The entrances towards Vestbyvej, which are currently back entrances, are being turned into proper entrances by framing them with wood and by adding new windows to get more transparency.
- Corridor areas, which currently have very neutral expressions, are being turned into common spaces with entrance niches to the apartment.

Common spaces

Corridor areas are transformed so that each individual resident has his own front yard/ transition zone between the private home and the common corridor area. The transition zones are processed to give them an individual touch. This reduces the institutional feel and the citizen gets a feeling of “I live here”.


Collaboration period:
2021 - 2022
Projects location: Aarhus, Herning, Thilst, Hedensted, Randers, Næstved (DK)
Conceptual design of schools, kindergardens and special education buildings
Preliminary drawings
Project presentation to clients in danish
Clients & Collaborators:
Herning Kommune, Randers Kommune, Næstved Kommune, Hedensted Kommune Jysk Børneforsorg/Fredehjem
Contact person:
Gorm Nielsen m.a.a. Email: ark@gormnielsen.dk
Phone: +45 21 23 06 09
My work at Arkitektfirmaet Gorm Nielsen gave me a chance to dive deeply into the danish architecture industry. Thanks to the small dimension of the firm and the close daily collaboration with m.a.a. Gorm Nielsen I had the chance to strengthen my danish skills and my experience in communication with clients and project presentation in a danish environment.
Together with Development plans (Fysiske Udviklingsplaner) of schools and Kindergartens, I have been on the “front line” in a lot of exciting projects in collaboration with danish municipalities and with Jysk Børneforsørg, an association that provides houses and education facilities to people affected by autism or other personality problems.
Two projects are presented:
- Landeriet, a conceptual proposal for the construction of an STO (pedagogic centre for people with autism) with a focus on agriculture, horses and natural activities in the countryside of Herning.
- Stenhøj Thy, a project to renovate an old unused building in Vesløs,in order to reuse it as a living place for people with autism and as a place for the community to meet.
All the material presented have been used for project communication during meetings with clients, for fund applications and preliminary building permissions.
Landeriet is a small independent institution founded with the aim to offer an educational place (STU) for young people with autism aged 16- 25 years. The education at Landeriet is based on activities and practical tasks around the operation of an organic farm with associated horse herds.
The genera plan proposed indicates the overall location of the outdoor activities and the new buildings for the desired 8 student housing units, common rooms, teaching rooms, changing rooms and staff office. A collage of the wished atmosphere and character of the project was also presented for fund applications.



Nielsen m.a.a Ydunsvej 14 , 8230 Åbyhøj Tlf. 8615 7378 mail: ark@gormnielsen.dk web: www.gormnielsen.dk
Stenhøj-huset is a former care centre with a total of 17 apartments, all of which have their own living room, kitchenette, bedroom and bathroom as well as a small balcony. Outside there is a large, enclosed garden with terraces and a campfire site. In the long term, the plan is to establish a kitchen garden and a small animal farm, where the residents will be able to participate in the course of the year with vegetables, eggs, berries, etc.
The residents of Stenhøj THY will be young people and adults over the age of 18 with a permanently reduced level of mental and physical function due to developmental disabilities with or without secondary problems, e.g. autism.
The goal of this renovation project is to create a house where there is room to unfold in a safe community and where there is pedagogical support.
Therefore, the project involved:
- the full renovation of the apartments and the addition of private outdoor spaces (balconies or terraces).
- the deign of entrance niches in the corridors where the entrances to each apartment are. This has the purpose to remove the “anonymous” character of the apartments and give more freedom of expression to the personality of the residents.
- The design of the common spaces and the addition of a roof terrace to provide a higher quality to the outdoor life.

Hamlet Design+Built Technology

Collaboration period: feb 2020 - apr 2020
Projects location:
Haarlem (NL), Heerhugowaard (NL)
Conceptual design of housing projects
Preliminary and structural drawings
Project presentation to clients
Clients & Collaborators: De Nijs
Stora Enso
Contact person: Hans Lormans
Email: info@hamlet.nl
Phone: 023 5 329 629
During my internship at Hamlet Design+Built technology, I had the chance to contribute to the design of six residential towers in Cross Laminated Timber
The firms operate as architectural and timber engineering consultant and, therefore, our role has been to provide an architectural proposal that complies with both the aesthetic and structural principles of CLT.
The project proposal is both a framework and a guideline for the other stakeholders in the design team. The proposed concept synthesizes the aesthetic, social and environmental site analysis done and the state-of-the-art structural principles of CLT.
The site analysis focused on two main fields: the social analysis of the target users and the microclimate simulation of the wind and the solar radiation for the design of the facade.
The User group analysis is based on the research of the issues and consequent needs for each target group. These have then been translated into architectural principles, such as required spaces and design criteria. The Microclimate analysis consisted of the simulation of wind flow and solar radiation through Ladybug and Dragonfly

A radiation analysis done with Ladybug (grasshopper) informed the design of the facades so that summer overheating could be avoided and winter passive solar gains could be exploited.

A CFD wind simulation done by using Dragonfly (grasshopper) provided with valuable informations to orientate the building and to design balconies and terraces with a good thermal comfort.

Zenobia 2100
(Honourable Mention)

Project year: 2021
Competition name: Udsyn 2021, Dansk Arkitektforeningen
Project topic:
Absolute sustainability in architecture
Group members:
Individual participation
Zenobia is a radical solution to a radical problem: we are currently using the resources of almost 2 planets earth.
The purpose is to provoke by both proposing a new urban paradigm, and by raising a discussion on how radical are the changes that we really need, in order to address absolute sustainability before it is too late. Zenobia shows how the architectural profession can lead the change. We need to rediscover a tool that architects have always used to anticipate politics rather than follow it: utopia
Historically, from Fourier to Frank Lloyd Wright, designing a Utopia has contributed to questioning the status quo and to visualizing through images rather than just words how things could be better.
Zenobia is based on a core principle: we cannot afford anymore spaces and transportation forms that waste the limited spatial and energetic resources of the planet
Private mobility, rigid functional divisions of spaces and land use have to be replaced by shared mobility, radical mixed-use and reuse of the built environment. No more office spaces that are empty 128 hours a week but spread coworking spaces integrated into the district, no more acres wasted in streets and parking but diffuse parks and shared micro-mobility.
Zenobia is a utopia that exists within the planetary boundaries for land use and climate change impact.
Zenobia’s government redistributes the already existing square meters. This optimization reduces the consumption of land and new resources to the minimum and only for shared functions. 1 REUSE OF THE EXISTING

Spaces that remain unused for long periods do not exist in Zenobia. Private mobility left room to shared micro-mobility and each urban block contain living, work and leisure under the same roof. 2
Zenobia is a set of interconnected functionally independent districts. Work, health, culture, leisure and democracy spaces are easily reachable by Zenobians by walk or by micro-mobility. 3

Zenobia adapts to the local sources and topography. Shared transportation means, energy sources, buildings reuse methods and forms vary according to the context. 4 REGIONALITY

Zenobians forgot the concept of waste: all the products, from food to construction material are chosen according to their life cycle impact. Leftover produced is reused as energy or compost. 5 CIRCULAR ECONOMY

The forum is the heart of each district: it is the ultimate public building, encompassing education, health, leisure, democracy, food and energy production purposes while being a transportation HUB to move in, out and within the city.
Zenobia went all in for public transport, shared micromobility and 15 minutes city planning. Therefore, a gold mine of public space has been retained from streets and parking. Parks, markets, sports facilities, vegetable gardens, urban farms and much more has grown where once empty asphalt deserts stood.

The urban blocks have been transformed to address the new needs. The bottom floors and the courtyards are used for commercial, coworking and shared spaces. The top floors are the residential ones and the open spaces above the coworking are used by the residents of the block.
Reuse the Tower
From Ruin to Public square

Project year: 2023
Torre Rinalda (Italy)
Competition name:
Reuse Italy
Project topic:
Adaptive Reuse
Public square & Sightseeing Landmark
Group members:
Individual participation
The project’s generating concept stems from the History and Function of Torre Rinalda, a lonely bulwark between land and sea.
The coastal ruin stands as an architecture facing two main directions: the Sea and the other towers, Torre Specchiolla to the North-West and Torre Chianca to the South-East. A visual connection with both the elements was of fundamental importance to the very existence of Torre Rinalda: it was aimed at watch over the sea to spot invaders while keeping a sightline with the other towers to signal or receive warnings of incoming dangers.
The materials and the forms used recall the connection between the tower and the sea.
The added construction is light and mimics the past shape of the tower, except for a cantilevered extension towards North.
This fulfils the need to both create a contemporary landmark when seen from outside, while stressing the sightseeing function.
The shape of the peak of the tower is inspired by a ship’s bow and by its sails. The envelope is made with rope wrapped around wooden frames, easily malleable and recyclable materials used in the local naval industry.
The connection with the system of coastal towers along the Southern coast is also conceived through the scalability of the proposal to the other towers in ruin: the concept and the construction method are light and modular, and therefore replicable.
This solution is flexible and designed to disassemble hence it is in its nature to be temporary but easily reusable.
The same gesture of mimicking the original forms of the ruins, together with highlighting a cantilevered hotspot can be easily applied to the other towers to create an “itinerary” architectural solution.

The project is based on two axes:
- The only clear sight from inside the tower happens on the first floor where the existing embrasure and an opening in the envelope are oriented towards the Specchiolla and Chianca towers.
- Upon reaching the belvedere square, a complete view of the horizon is unlocked, to keep an eye on the sea once again.

The durability of the project is ensured by its design-for-disassembly origin and its different layers of reusability:
- The original project is meant to be flexible in use, to extend the life of Torre Rinalda as much as possible.
The belvedere square on the last floor is meant as a multipurpouse gathering point that allows for both community events and individual sightseeing.
- The modular envelope could be reused in other towers in ruin or as a facade system on existing buildings.
- The individual panels could be reused as shading devices on existing buildings or for temporary art installations.
- The panels are easily disassembled and recycled since they use dry connections.


Godsbanen Zero

Project year: 2019
Supervisors and Collaborators:
Michael Lauring, Main supervisor, AAU
Tine Steen Larsen, Technical supervisor, AAU
Rob Marsh, Head of sustainability, C.F. Møller
Project topic:
Use of Cross Laminated Timber in High-rise housing. Integration of Life cycle assessment in the early design process
Group members: Elena Rado, Matteo Tagnocchetti
My master thesis synthesizes how my architectural and technical education can be integrated into a design team.
The thesis topic was chosen due to the collaboration with the sustainability department of C.F. Møller architects that we got in touch with during one of the sustainability conferences I attended.
A high rise CLT residential project in Aarhus has been used as a framework to research and implement a parametric tool for the Life Cycle Assessment
The aim was to study the effect of the early design choices on the environmental impact of the project. The project aimed to create a building with nearly zero environmental impact through the implementation of Life Cycle Assessment in the early design process.
The project also addressed some of the main issues that arise when working with exposed CLT: indoor comfort, fire safety, moisture protection and aesthetic quality have been thoroughly studied to achieve a good indoor design.
The design concept is based on the context of human resources and character.
Godsbanen is a very alive district where people hang out, organize events and self construct small offices, restaurants and all sorts of activities with simple forms and cheap materials (timber and containers). Therefore the concept stresses this existing situation and scales it to a multistorey residential block. The interior is also meant to showcase the “wooden boxes” concept and to explore the aesthetic possibilities of leaving the CLT structure exposed.

A4| Transport to the site
A5| Assembly/installation in the building
A1| Raw material extract/process/supply
A2| Transport
A3| Manufacture

3,17 KgCO2eq./m2
1.46 KgCO 2 eq./m 2 /y
B1| Use/application of installed products
B2| Maintenance
B3| Repair
B4| Replacement
B5| Refurbishment
B6| Operational energy use
B7| Operational water use
2.75 KgCO 2 eq./m 2 /y

C2|Transport to waste process
D1|Reuse-recovery-recycle potential
25% Structure
22% Foundations
23% Completions
15% Windows
15% Installations
-40,5% CO2 eq. given by the structure than in concrete buildings
Email ferrerio.andrea@gmail.com
Mobile (+39) 334 755 6672
Instagram andrea.ferrerio
LinkedIn andrea-ferrerio