Perspectives Winter 2013

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Winter 2013

Mentoring Sustaining the profession by passing on wisdom to the next generation

A Publication for Members of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors | @AFA1976


Sponsorship: Who Advocates for You?


Annual Meeting 2012

Who risks his or her reputation to get you to the next level?

Award winners, great pictures, and top takeaways from the Annual Meeting in Indianapolis

editor’s note Who did you look up to as a child? Was it a particular favorite family member, sports star, or superhero? Maybe you were inspired by a character in a book – was it Tom Sawyer or Anne of Green Gables? I have always liked the character Rose Campbell in Louisa May Alcott’s novel, Eight Cousins. For those of you not familiar with the story, Rose is a girl who was orphaned just as she was coming of age. Her uncle, Alec, becomes her guardian and her whole world opens up. Though she may not agree with all of his parenting methods all of the time, by the end of the story, Rose develops into a strong, capable, and loving individual. Alcott’s characters speak to me about the relationship between a mentor and mentee very loudly. The individuals in a mentoring relationship need not be exactly similar, or even share the same ideas. In fact, sometimes a difference of opinion can help both the mentor and mentee develop and grow as individuals. Some relationships naturally exist because of a situation while others are developed intentionally. The road a mentoring relationship follows is not always smooth. I recall a scene where Uncle Alec and Rose disagree over her belt. Uncle Alec, with a background as a doctor, wants to see Rose run and play like a healthy preteen girl instead of trapped in a tight belt. Rose, however, does not want to give up her stylish leather belt. In the end there is a compromise after Alec takes the belt and readjusts while Rose laments her loss. Rose is eventually the proud owner of some beautiful silk sashes which Alec thinks are much more suitable. This issue of Perspectives will look at mentors in our professional roles as fraternity/sorority advisors. A mentor is someone from whom you wish to learn—they better your experience. I’ve had many mentors over the years at different points in my personal and professional lives, and these relationships varied widely depending on the circumstances. As you read the articles, reflect on the mentors in YOUR life. What have you learned? What have you taught? How is your life better as a result of others’ mentorship and support? As I reflect on the mentors in my own life, I feel many emotions: happiness, gratefulness, and—in this case—sadness. This will be my last Editor’s Note for Perspectives. It is because of mentors that I took on this role, and it is because of them I have decided to leave it. Though I’m sad to be finishing more than four years as Editor, I’ve listened to some of my current mentors and realized that it is time for me to move along and pass the reins to a new leader. Thank you for your support and the conversations you’ve let me have in this role.

Allison St. Germain Editor

This will be my last Editor’s Note for Perspectives. It is because of mentors that I took on this role, and it is because of them I have decided to leave it.

Staff Note: With Allison St. Germain’s recent resignation, AFA is pleased to announce that Heather Matthews Kirk has been appointed to fill the role of Perspectives Editor. Heather has the experience and enthusiasm needed and is the perfect person to hit the ground running. She has served on the editorial board for almost five years and has been an active and contributing board member since day one. She has exhibited superior editing skills as well as a forward thinking and creative approach to conversations regarding issue themes, article content, and potential authors. These characteristics coupled with her seasoned experience working as a communications professional make her an ideal fit for the role. We are pleased she has accepted the charge. Join us in congratulating Heather Matthews Kirk.




Winter 2013


from the president You should find a mentor. If we were playing “predictable answer bingo” during a gathering of fraternity/sorority professionals, where seasoned professionals are asked to dispense advice to less seasoned professionals, this phrase would undoubtedly show up on your bingo card. I can say that with 92% certainty. I’m not a clairvoyant, I know this because it’s true. You should find a mentor. Do it.

Jeremiah Shinn 2013 President

Too many people think that mentorship is too common a recommendation or even a cliché. But, that doesn’t mean that isn’t worth prioritizing in your professional life. Actually, it should be very high on your list of things to accomplish, if you haven’t already done it. And, if you’re someone who is in that seasoned category, it’s your responsibility to continue to learn and grow by serving as a mentor to young professionals. No matter where we find ourselves in our careers, all of us benefit from thoughtful conversations with others about how best to move our professional world forward. As such, I hope you will read with interest the articles in this issue. They focus on perspectives pertaining to mentorship, for it truly is a worthy mechanism for continued learning. That being said, I think it’s important for us to look beyond mentorship to identify other mechanisms for learning, both personally and professionally. One of my oft-repeated criticisms of our profession is the degree to which we depend on the knowledge and wisdom that exists among the people, events, and writings that are most proximate to us to inform our practice. In doing so, we unwittingly assume that we have somehow stumbled upon an Oracle of wisdom that isn’t available to those who have chosen other professional paths. As preposterous as that sounds, it is precisely what the logical flow of our learning choices often indicates. To be sure, we know quite a bit about our work, but the current state of affairs would indicate that we could benefit from incorporating new and different sources of knowledge. During the past couple of years, a number of individuals who I will almost certainly never meet have served as my professional and creative muse. Warren Buffett’s wit, wisdom, and logic; Billy Corgan’s intelligent irreverence vis-à-vis the sacred cows of the music industry; Nate Silver’s use of empirical data to debunk conventional wisdom; and Simon Sinek’s positive, results-focused observations of the world (just to name a few) have informed my perspective, molded my thinking, and influenced my work. In a sense, they have become involuntary mentors to me. In addition to seeking virtual mentorship from individuals, I read anything I can find online at HBR, 99u, Fast Company and other sites that challenge me to think in new an innovative ways. For me, this has become the essence of professional development… and at a fraction of the cost of attending several conferences each year!

Get a mentor. Be a mentor. But don’t stop there.

Pascarella and Terenzini can teach us quit a bit about our work, but we must commit to looking beyond student development or fraternity/sorority literature if we are to expand and inform our professional conversations. In an effort to keep moving our profession forward, it is imperative for us to recognize that the extent of all knowledge does not reside solely among our professional ranks. So, enjoy this issue. Get a mentor. Be a mentor. But don’t stop there. Find new venues for inspiration and motivation and be committed to using it to constantly and constructively challenge the conventional wisdom related to our work. .




Winter 2013

Perspectives is the official publication of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors, Inc. (AFA). Views expressed are those of the individual authors/contributors/ advertisers and are not necessarily those of the Association. AFA encourages the submission of articles, essays, ideas, and advertisements. Submissions should be directed to the Editor, advertising queries to the staff. Submission Deadlines: Spring 2013: February 1, 2013 Summer 2013: May 1, 2013 Fall 2013: August 1, 2013 Editor: Allison St. Germain, Delta Zeta Sorority phone: (513) 523.7597 direct: (203) 798.8777 Staff: Lea Hanson Director of Marketing & Communication Monica Ceja Coordinator of Marketing & Communication 2012 Editorial Board: Jason Bergeron, University of Houston Amanda Bureau, Zeta Tau Alpha Heather Matthews Kirk, Zeta Tau Alpha Sarah McCracken, Delta Zeta Lindsay Sell, Colorado State University Kirsten Siron Fryer, University of Chicago Nathan Thomas, Bradley University Teniell Trolian, University of Iowa Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors P.O. Box 1369, Suite 250 Fort Collins, CO 80522-1369 phone: (970) 797.4361 fax: (888) 855.8670

in this issue FRATERNITY/SORORITY RESIDENTIAL 9 THE EXPERIENCE: Creating an Environment Conducive to Academic and Social Excellence Matea Vazgec

Fraternities and sororities have both strong commitments to college students’ academic and social development, so do Living Learning Communities. Vazgec discusses the parallels between the environments and describes how F/S and Housing professionals can work together.

11 SPONSORSHIP: Who Advocates on Your Behalf? Renee Piquette Dowdy

A sponsor can help launch or advance your career in ways no other professional relationship can. Sponsors add tangible value to your career; access to new netwroks and resources is just the beginning. Piquette defines and clarifies the role and describes how you can best position yourself for this new and exciting relationship.

16 COURTING MENTORSHIP Kate Planow & Kaye Schendel

Like any important relationship, some mentor relationships begin with a spark, some as arrangements, and others just feel like fate. Planow and Schendel guide us through the story of their own mentorship relationship. It began as a formal, agreed upon relationship and blossomed and grew into a deep relationship based on trust, support, and friendship.


An Annual Meeting wrap up like you’ve never seen before! Highlights of what went well, what can be improved, and a detailed review of those recognized with awards. @AFA1976

COLUMNS AFA is a proud member of:

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Editor’s Notes From the President Research in Brief From Where I Sit

research in brief By Teniell L. Trolian, Nathan P. Thomas, and Lindsay Sell In cooperation with this edition’s theme on mentoring, the Perspectives Editorial Board compiled a summary of current research related to mentoring and mentoring programs for college students. Citations are included to encourage additional reading and review of the literature on this important topic.

Mentors and College Student Leadership Outcomes: The Importance of Position and Process. Campbell, C. M., Smith, M., Dugan, J. P., Komives, S. R., (2012). Mentors and college student leadership outcomes: The importance of position and process. The Review of Higher Education, 35(4), 595-625. Campbell, Smith, Dugan, and Komives (2012), in The Review of Higher Education, utilized the 2009 MultiInstitutional Study of Leadership (MSL), with mentoring questions designed specifically for the Campbell study, to examine three research questions: 1. Is there a significant relationship between student leadership capacity and mentorship process; 2. Is there a significant relationship between student leadership capacity and the type of mentor; 3. How does the relationship between leadership capacity and mentorship process vary by type of mentor (p. 601)? The 2009 MSL was administered at 101 colleges and universities in the United States, providing a sample size of over 36,000 students, after list-wise deletions took place. “The word mentor is derived from ancient Greek and is the name of the counselor and advisor to whom Odysseus entrusted the care and education of his son Telemachus” (Campbell, Smith, Dugan, & Komivez, 2012, p. 596). This represents the historical hierarchical relationship of mentoring researched until the 1980s. The more modern approach to mentoring relies on a learning centered approach which involves a shared relationship and a psychosocial relationship. Campbell, et al. (2012), defined this type of mentoring process as one where “the mentor serves as counselor, friend, and advocate, providing guidance, role modeling and acceptance for the mentee” (p. 597). In a higher education setting, these mentoring relationships may exist between studentaffairs professionals and students while career mentoring may exist more in the relationship between faculty and students. Utilizing the social change model of leadership development as a theoretical framework, the study measured the socially responsible leadership capacity of participants when they identified having a mentor. Campbell, et al.’s (2012) findings revealed for research questions one and two:




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• “The three mentorship variables (type of mentor, mentoring for leadership empowerment, and mentorship for personal development) were a significant contributor to the [social change] model” (p. 613). • Mentor relationships with sa student affairs professional were more positively related to socially responsible leadership capacity than the mentor relationship by a faculty member. • These mentor relationships by a faculty member did not show significantly different socially responsible leadership capacity when compared to students who had a mentor relationship with another peer or employer. • Research question three showed that the focus on personal development was significantly important for students with faculty members as mentors when compared to student affairs professionals and peers. The discussion of the findings also provides two implications for use by fraternity and sorority advisors. First, “who does the mentoring is important” (Campbell, et al., 2012, p. 619); further supporting the value of the student affairs professional and the importance of their mentorship, with a greater efficacy for leadership development than the sole mentorship of faculty and peers. Relating to college student development needs, this relationship should go beyond the positional functions and touch upon mentoring students along the social change model’s definition of developing personally and positional will provide for greater leadership capacity. Second, in working with faculty advisors of fraternities and sororities, it would be beneficial to gear trainings toward the key differences in advising and mentoring. Focusing particularly on the “intentionality” of the relationship along with a focus on the personal development of students as well provides the difference for faculty members in their faculty role compared to their advisor role. Students will, likewise, grow in their leadership development if their faculty mentors also focus on individual personal development.

research in brief Processes and Outcomes of a Mentoring Program for Latino College Freshmen. Phinney, J. S., Torres Campos, C. M., Padilla Kallemeyn, D. M., & Kim, C. (2011). Processes and outcomes of a mentoring program for Latino college freshmen. Journal of Social Sciences, 67(3), 599-621. Phinney, Torres Campos, Padilla Kallemeyn, and Kim (2011) developed, implemented, and evaluated a mentoring program for “at-risk� Latino freshmen at a predominately minority urban institution. The authors articulated the need for studies addressing the specific needs of Latino college students to include proportionally more Latino students whose parents did not attended college in addition to cultural differences presenting potential academic challenges. Additionally, Latinos are, on average, of lower socioeconomic status than other ethnic groups and may have greater financial need as a result. The mentoring program developed in this study was designed to identify at-risk Latino freshmen through a survey evaluating psychosocial factors including academic motivation, belonging, self-efficacy, support, obstacles, stress, and depression. In two separate mentorship studies, these students were separated into two groups: one that received mentorship from older students and another roughly equal-sized comparison group that received no mentorship. Two separate mentorship programs were conducted with the authors making changes to the sizes of the group, the training of the mentors, and the addition of a satisfaction measure in the second program. This was in addition to the standard survey measuring psychosocial factors and GPA administered in both programs to the mentored and comparison group. Overall, modest differences were seen between students that were mentored and students in the comparison group. In the first study, students who were mentored did not experience a decline in academic motivation, while those in the comparison group did. In the second study, mentored students decreased in both depression and stress and students in the comparison group increased in both. The mentorship program negatively impacted students’ GPAs, with mentored students actually having a lower GPA than those in the comparison group.

While the study results may be modest, they are headed in a positive direction in supporting the value of mentorship programs. The study focused on psychosocial factors, not on academic assistance. Adding a component to the mentorship program focused in this area may increase academic gains made by mentees. This mentoring program used student peer mentors and provided groundwork for inexpensive, yet effective, peer mentorship programs. A central part of the study was the focus on at-risk students. The authors pointed out many mentorship programs are open to all students, and some at-risk students may not be aware of their own needs or know how to seek assistance. The authors advocated for utilizing limited resources to focus on students who are most likely to do poorly in college. Fraternity and This study shed light on the need to sorority communities focus on both psychosocial factors and inter/national organizations often as well as academic assistance if implement the desired outcome of the program mentorship is greater academic success and programs, many of which rely on peer belonging and motivation in college. mentors. This study shed light on the need to focus on both psychosocial factors as well as academic assistance if the desired outcome of the program is greater academic success and belonging and motivation in college. Focusing on developing mentorship programs for students who may be most likely to do poorly in college instead of developing a mentorship program open to all students may be a side use of resources.



Winter 2013


research in brief Accessing Social Capital Through the Academic Mentoring Process. Smith, B. (2007). Accessing social capital through the academic mentoring process. Equity & Excellence in Education, 40(1), 36-46. Smith (2007) examined how mentors and mentees create social capital through their mentoring relationships. According to Smith, Social capital is an intangible form of capital that refers to having access to privileged channels of information and resources via social relationships.” Presumably, that social capital can only be acquired through social networks and not solely through material resources (i.e., economic capital) or personal educational investments (i.e., human capital). (p. 37) Smith’s (2007) examination of mentoring relationships used participants from a larger study of mentoring at a large research university in the Midwest. Participants included four pairs of mentors-mentees who were faculty or administrators and students, respectively, and who participated in one of two academic mentoring programs at the university studied. The author noted: The directors of the mentor programs matched mentors and mentees based on numerous characteristics, such as shared academic interests, hobbies, and personal attributes (including race and gender). The mentors were encouraged (but not mandated) to attend Many mentors comments they had an orientation session a low to moderate level of trust in which they received with their mentors. Mentees, on the general guidelines the roles and other hand, indicated high levels of on responsibilities of trust. mentors and materials describing the various campus resources and support services available for students. Both mentors and mentees volunteered to participate in the respective programs, except for the mentees in the Everlean Program, who were required to participate in the mentor program as one of the stipulations for receiving their academic scholarship. Mentor program directors encouraged mentors and mentees to meet on a regular basis (not specifically defined) and make a two-year (Cleophus) or four-year (Everlean) commitment to participate in the mentor program. (p. 38) Results of the study indicated trust was important to participants’ mentoring relationships. Since an important




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principle for establishing norms in mentoring relationship is trust (Coleman, 1988, 1990), the level of trust between mentors and mentees was examined. Many mentors commented they had a low to moderate level of trust with their mentees. These mentors “based their trust on minimal expectations, such as maintaining open communication channels and respecting one another’s confidentiality” (Smith, 2007, p. 40). Mentees, on the other hand, indicated high levels of trust, perhaps reflecting a higher presence of trust in their mentors or a generational difference between mentors and mentees. Further, results indicated norms and expectations were highly established in these mentoring relationships. Smith (2007) pointed out, “although both mentors and mentees spend a great deal of time discussing how trust and expectations establish norms, they minimize the importance of having consequences for violating these norms. Mentors and mentees do not think harsh consequences are necessary because they cannot imagine their respective partners violating the norms of the mentoring relationship” (p. 42). In these relationships, norms were so well-established that consequences for violation of such norms was deemed unnecessary by both mentors and mentees. Smith (2007) also explored the presence of information channels between mentors and mentees. According to the author, “information channels refer to the knowledge, skill sets, and resources that mentors provide and mentees expect to receive during the mentoring relationship” (p. 42). Information channels were important to the creation and maintenance of social capital, in that they provided important information to mentees about how they might be most successful in college. Smith’s (2007) article has several implications for fraternity/ sorority professionals looking to create mentoring programs. First, professionals might identify ways in which programs could help mentors and mentees establish trust early in the development of their relationships. Second, mentor-mentee training programs might be developed to help mentors and mentees discuss norms and expectations for the relationship, including consequences for when norms or expectations may be violated. Finally, additional programing might be provided for mentors that helps build their knowledge base about successfully navigating the college experience or that facilitates their ability to share knowledge and resources with student mentees.

The Sorority/Fraternity Residential Experience: Creating an Environment Conducive to Academic and Social Excellence by Matea Vazgec, For decades, sororities and fraternities have had a longstanding tradition in higher education; they assist students in developing socially, academically, culturally, and professionally. Though too often plagued with negative behavior and stereotypes, sororities and fraternities continue to make progress in living the values their founders originally established. Housing staff members play a vital role in assisting residential sororities and fraternities in establishing communities conducive to academic excellence. They assist in the journey of seamless transition between academic and social integration through creating Living Learning Communities (LLCs) within the sorority/fraternity community. LLCs have emerged as a trend in higher education over the past couple of decades; they serve as a way to blend classroom (curricular) and extra- and cocurricular activities to produce a successful environment for students’ learning and development (Stassen, 2003). Lenning and Ebbers (1999) found the positive effects of LLCs to include increased academic performance, institutional satisfaction, higher retention, and increased quality and quantity of learning.

remain and persist through college if they are given opportunities to become integrated into the fabric of the institution through both their social and academic endeavors. Since fraternity/sorority members self-select their social network, one could argue this gives them an upper hand in the social realm over students who are still searching for their social home on campus? Additionally, fraternities and sororities have academic standards, often enforced through an established minimum grade point average to which all members are held accountable. The combination of these two areas through the LLC experience yields a highimpact educational practice. A high-impact educational practice is defined as “an investment of time and energy over an extended period that has unusually positive effects on student engagement in educationally purposeful behavior” (Kuh, 2008). This practice helps to further the benefit of not only membership in the organization but membership with the institution, as retention and persistence to graduation are often affected by a student’s co-curricular experience.

... the positive effects of LLCs include increased academic performance, institutional satisfaction, higher retention, and increased quality and quantity of learning.

According to Tinto (1993), students are more likely to

Lenning and Ebbers (1999) identified four types of LLC models. Two of these types are the Residential LLC and the Student Type LLC. In the Residential LLC, activities continued on page 20



Winter 2013



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Who is Advocating on Your Behalf? By Renee Piquette Dowdy


if we evaluated the growth of fraternity/sorority professionals based on who has access and opportunities to advance their skills and treated career advancement like professional recruitment. What percentage of professionals was invited to a board of trustees meeting? Who was at the table for institutional planning? How many professionals had value added to their position this year through salary, additional personnel, budget line, or access to resources? Who was promoted or able to secure a new job prospect? The majority of these opportunities do not happen simply by the daily grind of our work. continued on the next page

What if our professional movement and relationships reflected the recruitment tactics we encourage students to employ? Our best fraternity and sorority recruiters are thoughtful about who they recruit, create support for the person’s membership, and build relationships with prospective members. Who advocates for you when you’re not in the room? Who has opened doors for you and led you to new opportunities? Who has you on their list? Who is recruiting you? The person who is able to do this for you is not an enigma or part of an imaginary fraternity of opportunity. The opportunity you may be missing most is the one that will advance your professional experience and skills to the greatest extent. The answers lie with the Sponsor Effect as outlined by Sylvia Hewlett (2010). Sponsorship is having a professional willing to put his or her own reputation on the line to advocate on your behalf. This is a relationship many of us do not realize we have or are not taking the steps to cultivate. Sponsorship is not only key to career advancement and trajectory, but also to developing, polishing, and practicing leadership skills that are critical to maximizing our positions in higher education. This is a person who discerns talent and acts as an advocate for your career. There is a significant distinction between the role of a sponsor and the role of a mentor. Mentoring is critical and plays its own role in the development of professionals. In higher education, the conversation about mentoring has been ongoing in graduate

What is a Sponsor? A sponsor is someone who: • Negotiates on your behalf • Advocates for your next promotion

A sponsor also comes through on at least two of the following: • • • • • • •

Expands your perception of what you can do Connects you to senior leaders Promotes your visibility Connects you to career opportunities Advises you on your appearance Connects you to those outside of your company Gives you career advice (Hewlett, 2010, p. 7)

programs. As a helping profession, the qualities of mentoring are often intuitive. There are skills to be honed in mentorship, much of which this issue of Perspectives is dedicated, but there also comes a point when there is too much mentorship. In fact, for women in particular, one of the biggest challenges in career development is being over-mentored (Hewlett, 2010); those who are over-mentored have mentors who seem almost too eager to connect, share, support, and perhaps even do the work for the mentee. We all know advisors like this, but have you thought about mentors who do the same thing? Mentorship is limited when it does not include the extra step needed for career advancement: the support of another person who utilizes his or her resources to advance the visibility of another professional. Among women, too much of the sideline encouragement is happening instead of the professional decision making to advocate for others in critical moments. Sponsorship closes that loop. The data in Hewlett’s (2010) study covered the numerous career advantages sponsorship offers, “While a mentor might help you envision your next position, a sponsor will lever open that position for you” (2010). Therefore, the relationships that help a professional most are not based on who you know, but rather who knows you and is willing to act on your behalf (Bump, 2012). Mentors can remain in the background and do not need to take public ownership of the relationship they hold with the mentee. With sponsorship, a person comes from backstage to front and seeks to ensure others know his or her support for another person. This type of public, vulnerable support is rare for two reasons. First, “information on the sponsorship effect is not well known, particularly in higher education, and is especially uncommon among women” (Hewlett, 2010, p. 9). Second, to have a sponsor is to be selected. To be selected means you have shown through your work, presence, and follow-through that another professional can put their name on the line for you. To best understand what qualities to sponsor in the field of student affairs, it is helpful to know from current professionals what they look for in those they sponsor. Beth McCuskey, Associate Vice President for Housing and Food Services at Purdue University, highlighted trust. “Sponsorship is putting yourself on the line. I would not sponsor someone who is not trustworthy” (personal communication, December 17, 2012). McCuskey also highlighted the passion for one’s work and capacities to perform as qualities a professional must have (2012). An element of character is also necessary. Dan Bureau, Director of Student Affairs Learning and Assessment at the University of Memphis, looks for individuals who are thoughtful and intentional with their work and approach work in student affairs in smart and practical ways. In his perspective, this can be seen at an event

What do Current Professionals Look for in Those They Sponsor?

like the Annual Meeting. The way professionals engage in conversation, the contributions they make early on, and their willingness to learn are all early seeds that have the potential to grow into people who Bureau would be willing to risk his reputation to help (personal communication, December 17, 2012). Michelle Marchand, Director of Educational Programs at Delta Upsilon, found herself in a position to sponsor a new professional she met as an undergraduate. This professional, over the course of time, exemplified attributes such as intentional self-development, valuesdriven approach to work, and good character. It made the woman a natural fit for a job opportunity Marchand had available; she knew the professional would be, “not only a good fit, but would also bring the goods” (personal communication, December 14, 2012). Sponsorship is also a selection based on performance. Mary Janz, Associate Dean of Residence Life at Marquette University, shared a similar sentiment. “I carefully watch employees during the course of work when they may not notice. What I see in those moments is the content of their character, their initiative, and their willingness to learn and step up as needed. These are things that lead me to sponsorship. I then look to the quality of work and the eagerness to learn and ask questions” (personal communication, December 18, 2012). This speaks to a higher level of professionalism than simply doing good work each day. It is performing at a consistently high level with a winning attitude and presence. Sponsorship can occur among professionals at all levels. The key is being able to discern the talent in others and having access to opportunities that may help advance another person’s skills. Larry Long, Community Director at Michigan State University, shared how he has benefitted from peer-level sponsorship across functional areas. He has assisted professionals with research opportunities and been invited to facilitation teams due to the recommendation of his peers who put his name forward (personal communication, December 15, 2012). It is critical to recognize when and how sponsorship takes place so we are able to continually cultivate and nurture those relationships. Marchand looks back at her own career progression, she now sees those moments, is able to connect the dots, and knows it was intentional that she was connected to certain opportunities. Janz recognized her first supervisor as a person who opened doors, noticed her strengths, and continually sought ways to advance her career. She now looks back at those opportunities and lessons and sees where she can do the same for strong professionals. If you possess excellent professional qualities, deliver results, and demonstrate character and commitment to values in your work, the next step is building sponsor relationships. By identifying where you are continued on the next page

Sponsorship is putting yourself on the line. I would not sponsor someone who is not trustworthy. A professional must also have passion for his or her work and the capacity to perform.

Beth McCuskey Associate Vice President for Housing and Food Services, Purdue University

I look for individuals who are thoughtful and intentional with their work. The way professionals engage in conversation, the early contributions they make, and their willingness to learn are all seeds that have the potential to grow into people I would stick my neck out to help. Dan Bureau Director of Student Affairs Learning and Assessment, University of Memphis

I carefully watch employees during the course of work when they may not notice. What I see in those moments is the content of their character, initiative, and willingness to learn and step up as needed. I then look to the quality of work and their eagerness to learn and ask questions.

Mary Janz Associate Dean of Residence Life, Marquette University

I found myself in a position to sponsor a new professional I had met as an undergraduate. Over the course of time, she exemplified attributes such as intentional selfdevelopment, a values-driven approach to her work, and good character. When I had a job opportunity, I knew she would not only be a good fit, but would also bring the goods.

Michelle Marchand Director of Educational Programs, Delta Upsilon International Fraternity

What Do Sponsorship Opportunities Look Like? Examples of sponsorship opportunities include: • Nominations to apply for a position within a professional organization • Recommendations to serve on a committee that is above the typical level of work experience • Invitations to present a program or write for publications to get more professional exposure Ann Marie Klotz Director of Residential Education Oregon State University

in your career along with your strength, skills, and personal qualities, you can articulate career goals and seek purposeful connections that could become sponsor relationships. However, as Michelle Robinson, Assistant Director of Greek Life at Florida State University, keenly spoke, “You have to be genuine and authentic in relationship building. Seek to connect with those who you want to learn from to build a genuine connection. This allows a potential sponsor to know your goals, see your work, and come to build trust based on confidence in your abilities” (personal communication, December 17, 2012). While sponsorship is not built on asking someone to sponsor you, cultivating relationships in a way that builds social capital and purposefully utilizes opportunities can create connections that will lead to sponsorship. Now is the time to consider more closely how sponsorship occurs and invest in creating these relationships across the profession. Within student affairs, Stacy Kraus, Associate Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life at the University of Pennsylvania, reflected on turnover in the field, especially in fraternity/sorority life. With the expertise and sponsorship of seasoned professionals, younger professionals could elevate their games right out of the gate, strengthening and aligning our communities with our fraternal values (personal communication, December 18, 2012). A resounding theme among the nine professionals interviewed was the importance of paying it forward. In a field where relationships are our legacy, the ability to pass along helpful knowledge to support a colleague is one of the greatest ways to demonstrate authentic commitment to the profession and security in your own unique skill set. A culture of competition can seep into your work if a professional is not exercising self-awareness and confidence. The strengthening of another’s career does not weaken your own. As more outstanding professionals are lifted up to key leadership roles, the more our field




Winter 2013

is strengthened. In turn, the functional area of fraternity/ sorority life will continue to be known as a field that equips professionals with the necessary skills for leadership in higher education. Our actions are the ultimate commodity in the social capital that moves our profession. The more we are able to create a professional field where sponsorship is a natural course of lifting up the most outstanding talent, the more we have outstanding work to benefit the profession. Shinn shared, “If we have chosen this as our lives’ work, then it is our responsibility as professionals to look after the good of the profession. Sponsorship means being surrounded by the best professionals, and that is what makes me better.” When have you experienced being sponsored? When have you had an opportunity to sponsor another person? The fraternal organizations we advise are built on the premise of sponsorship—selecting others with the skills, values, and disposition to represent something or someone else. When McCuskey reflected on her undergraduate experience as a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, she recalls the new member period where young women are sponsored by experienced members. When we look at our fraternal organizations’ rituals and member education, we often see sponsorship happening in intentional ways. Sponsorship is at the core of I want to be a part of a profession that is the experiences just as respected as the legal profession fraternity/ sorority life or the medical profession. In order to do works to create that, we have to work at a high level and by providing actually add value to our colleges and opportunities to elevate those who universities. We have to be changing lives and changing the world. Not everyone can can contribute to furthering the do that, but there are a lot of people who mission and values can. It is my responsibility as a professional of an organization to be sure that I am mentoring people to or profession by get to that point, but I am also advocating working closely with a person who for them in other arenas. At the end of the has been down that day, one of the reasons to do that is that’s path before. what professionals do. You can either be We have a about yourself or you can be about the responsibility to profession. embody this as professionals for Jeremiah Shinn the advancement of Director of Student Involvement and Leadership, our greatest asset— Boise State University, 2013 AFA President the talent of our members. Renee Piquette Dowdy is an Assistant Director in the Office of Undergraduate Student Housing at the University of Chicago. @reneepdowdy

REFERENCES Bump, T. (2012). The sponsor effect in student affairs. NASPA IVEast Conference. Madison, WI. Hewlett, S.A., Peraino, K., Sherbin, L., & Sumberg, K. (2010). The sponsor effect: Breaking through the last glass ceiling. Harvard Business Review, Research Report.

Annual Meeting: Lessons Learned By Steve Backer, Southeast Missouri State University

Each year several universities, fraternity and sorority headquarters, and vendors invest to send their staff members to The Association’s Annual Meeting. A small number of attendees are not in a position that provides the same style of support but still have a great passion for advancing the profession. I was one of them this year, and was one of the many young professionals who received a scholarship from the AFA Foundation to attend. As a first year graduate student, it was also my first Annual Meeting. I was not exactly sure what I would be gaining, but feel that as a steward of the money that many of you provided me, it is my duty to share a bit of what you helped me gain. 1. A greater appreciation for research.

Grad students constantly read research. Reading research that doesn’t fit your area of interest can get boring fast. I attended presentations on research of educational models that prove to be working. This not only helps to prove that fraternity works, but gives me a greater appreciation to help advance what we do.

2. A handful of business cards to extend my network. Coming to The Annual Meeting without a fresh stack of business cards is silly. Professionals trade frequently, as they discuss different strategies and initiatives in their profession. As we young guns try to grow, we ask if it is more important to get a thick stack or to make real relationships with a select group of seasoned professionals and others who can really help us grow.

3. A possible practicum.

At the regional meetings there was a little slot of time for announcements. During this time, professionals stood up to announce opportunities they had available such as jobs or internships. When I met some of these individuals, I was shocked there were not lines of grad students competing for one spot. I was stunned to find out how far introducing myself could go.

4. Learning how to take the next step in my career. We young professionals always want to be a part of the next big thing but are never sure of the right way to do it. The Annual Meeting helped me to rub elbows and get

some face time with those who have great insight on how to move ahead. At first it was intimidating to talk with those who have done such great things, but I quickly learned that people were excited to talk about their own experiences and what they learned from their successes and failures.

5. An opportunity to learn what others are doing. During The Annual Meeting, I thought it was important to attend a variety of sessions even if I knew little about the topic beforehand. Going to sessions presented by campuses, headquarters, and affiliate members helped me to get outside of the bubble of my campus.

6. I will not be running The Association in a year.

In a field like student affairs (especially with fraternity and sorority members) where most want to be a leader, it is hard to be hands on in the beginning. The Annual Meeting helped me remember my career is young and I have time to gradually become more involved.

7. There is no reason to not be involved because of me lesser experience.

I cannot use my lack of experience or younger age as an excuse for not getting involved. I went to the session, Advancing the Association, to learn more. My plan was to be quiet and listen, however I was told by Jessica Pettitt, “Stop waiting to be qualified to contribute to association. Do it now!” I have been a member of AFA only a few months but my membership (and vote) is just as qualified as someone who has been around forever.

8. SWAG from the vendors fair.

At face value, the only things I got from the vendor fair were post-it-notes, pens, a cookie, and a chance to win some prizes. But, it is more important than that. I had no business interests in some vendors but it was still important to meet them. It is important to understand what they do, THANK THEM, and pass their information along to others who may find it useful. The vendors are one of the most important parts of the meeting; they pay the Association to be there which keeps our costs down. If we don’t support their business, they will stop coming! continued on page 21



Winter 2013


Courting Mentorship How One Formal, Arranged Relationship Bloomed Into the Perfect Mentor Match By Kate Planow & Kaye Schendel




Winter 2013

Great mentoring can occur in many forms and happen in a variety of settings. Consider if you will, our story. It all started simply enough. Kaye Schendel was a fellow at the 2008 Interfraternity Institute (IFI) and Kate Planow was a new professional, just starting her fraternity and sorority life career at Longwood University. Fate placed them together in the same “dot group” and provided the means for them to meet, but it really is what happened afterward that has now shaped and influenced both of their lives in ways that neither ever imagined. The story begins as one of a “traditional” mentoring relationship. Kate approached Kaye very formally at the AFA Annual Meeting in 2008 and asked her to be her mentor. A discussion ensued about what this would entail; time commitments to one another and expectations were outlined. For the first year or so, the mentoring relationship was very structured; intentional phone calls and meals while at AFA or AFLV events focused on Kate and helping her navigate her professional life as a fraternity/ sorority advisor. As dialogue progressed and the duo became more comfortable with one another, the conversations deepened and topics became more complex and, at times, focused on Kate’s future and the steps needed to accomplish her goals and aspirations.

What is Mentoring? If you ask 10 different people to define mentoring, you will get 10 different answers. There are dozens of complex definitions; however, mentoring at its most basic level is the passing on of skills, knowledge, and wisdom from one person to another. Mentoring relationships can be informal and unstructured, more complex and procedure-based, or somewhere in between. No matter what form they take, the structure of the relationship is not as important as the learning that occurs. Mentors do more than simply pass on knowledge and information; they impart lessons on the art and science of living. Through the very act of mentoring, mentors help others acquire vital knowledge and skills more quickly, and often more effectively, than if it was acquired otherwise. continued on page 20



Winter 2013


from where I sit

Mentorship: Cease the Search

When I stopped looking for the “perfect” match, it found me.

By Mary Phillips

Throughout graduate school I was encouraged to find a mentor— someone who would challenge and support my development as a higher education professional. Testing out those relationships made me feel a little like Goldilocks – some were too forced, others lacked authenticity, and others still didn’t seem to validate what I wanted to pursue postgraduation. I was looking for that natural, honest relationship that always seemed to be just beyond my grasp.

From Where I Sit features a personal perspective on the interfraternal community. If you have an opinion to share, email your thoughts to the editor at




Winter 2013

Not long after graduating, I accepted a job at Sigma

Kappa Sorority national headquarters in Indianapolis. It had always been my secret dream to work for my organization, so I was ecstatic with the opportunity. However, I was cautioned strongly by friends in the field to not let myself become stuck only working with sorority recruitment, which at the time was the focus of my role. Not too long after beginning my professional career, I completed the online volunteer form for Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. I had never had any interaction with Beta as an organization, but I was interested in becoming involved with a men’s organization and knew Beta supported volunteers outside of their organization. Immediately following my submission, I received an email from Megan Vadnais thanking me for my interest and letting me know that she would be in touch soon. Less than a week later I received a call at work; a spot had opened in the Chapter Mentor team at the upcoming North Central Keystone Leadership Conference and I was asked to join the team. Of course, I said yes. I had never met Megan before, but I was so excited to meet this woman doing exactly what I thought

it was I wanted to do. That weekend, she sought me out multiple times; we talked about career goals, our experiences as members of Sigma Kappa Sorority, and life outside of higher education. At that point, I had almost given up my search for a mentor. But just as people say about relationships, when you stop looking for one it will find you instead. Following that Keystone Conference, a few months passed before our next conversation, and I was struggling in my role. The conversation we had was so honest; the challenge and support Megan showed to me after only interacting with me for a weekend was astounding. Fast forward to the 2011 AFA Annual Meeting and our conversation about my professional goals and needs continued. We had conversations about my professional goals that I had never felt completely ready to have. That’s the power of a mentoring conversation—it can help you identify what it is you need to be saying even when you’re too afraid to say it. In June 2012 I began in a new role at Sigma Kappa overseeing the development and execution of all educational and member development programs for members. My relationship with Megan has only grown since taking this role because of her professional experiences. Being able to share experiences and projects keeps our relationship moving forward because we continue to encounter new struggles and successes together. One thing I love about the mentoring relationship I have with Megan is neither of us went out in search of it; it found us. Our relationship is grounded in an investment in each other’s success. We have the capacity to be completely honest and authentic in our conversations. And we both acknowledge that even if we weren’t both headquarters professionals working with member development, we would probably still be connected through our shared interest in serving the greater good of fraternity and sorority. Sharing similar responsibilities just makes our relationship stronger. As professionals, we all need mentoring relationships. Having someone who is invested in your personal success is so gratifying, as is being able to offer that support in return. Mary Phillips is the Director of Educational Programs at Sigma Kappa Sorority. @MaryAllison11

When searching for a positive mentoring relationship, there are three elements I encourage professionals to keep in mind: First, mentoring relationships should not be

determined by where someone works. Instead, individuals wishing to enter into a mentoring relationship need to determine what they need professionally and what type of person will have their best interests in mind. Because mentoring relationships are two-way streets, both the mentor and the mentee are equally responsible for the guidance or teaching. They are symbiotic and result in the success of both individuals.

Second, a mentor should act as your sounding

board. That doesn’t mean they will tell you exactly what you should do in any given situation. On the contrary, a mentor can guide us through the decision-making process without offering direct suggestions, thus encouraging growth in professional abilities.

Third, the relationship needs to be flexible.

As professionals working with fraternities and sororities, we have many demands placed upon our time. By remaining open to the medium and frequency of communication, you won’t set yourself up for disappointment.



Winter 2013


MENTORING CONSIDERATIONS Don’t try to find just any mentor.

Find the “right” mentor for you. This means being clear about what you are looking for, what you need in a mentor, and what personality/communication style will work best for you. This takes time, preparation, and selfreflection.

Don’t give up until you find your mentor. Courting Mentorship, continued from page 17

Both the mentor and the mentee reap the benefits of mentoring. For the mentor, entering into a mentoring relationship allows them to give back and can increase their feelings of self-worth. The mentee also benefits by learning to accept feedback and having a person with whom they can reflect and process through situations in a safe environment. The mentee is also provided with an important professional contact and can learn how to build additional relationships with other professionals who may be valuable to them. In the book “A Hand to Guide Me,” Washington (2006) states “Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who didn’t want for positive influences in his or her life.” Intentionally choosing who and what shapes you is critical to success. Choosing the right mentor can be easy, or it may need to be structured where mentors are intentionally sought out to cover various aspects of a mentee’s life. A different approach to the mentoring relationship is suggested by George and Baker (2011). They remind us that “we need people around us to whom we can look for support and advice, who can help us develop as human beings. We need them to help us become better leaders in our work, our communities, and our families.” George and Baker suggest many of us know what our “true North” is, but we are constantly pressured to deviate from it. They suggest the creation of a personal “True North Group” that would be comprised of six to eight trusted peers who meet on a regular basis to discuss the important questions of their lives and support one another during challenging times. Depending on the situation and circumstances, each person will serve as a mentor or a coach to others. No matter what type of mentoring relationship you are searching for, it is important that the relationship is intentional and mutually beneficial. By imparting their wisdom, mentors are invaluable in navigating the profession and building professional relationships. There are many important considerations when looking to form a mentoring relationship.

REFERENCES George, B. & Baker, D. (2011). True north groups: A powerful path to personal and leadership development. BerrettKoehler Publishers. San Francisco. Washington, D. (2006). A hand to guide me. Meredith Corporation. Des Moines, IA.




Winter 2013

Mentors are invaluable in supporting a mentee during a job search, in a new job, or throughout a career. They offer encouragement, a second opinion, a supportive environment, and are an advocate of one’s development. The bonus is that mentors do this for free! Their satisfaction is being able to see you grow because of their support.

To be mentorable you must be open.

One must be open to change and to being changed. This can and will be difficult for both the mentor and the mentee. Both must commit to being positively shaped in deficient areas.

Schedule regular meetings/calls with your mentor/mentee and make it a part of the calendar.

Having a mentor or board of advisors does not do any good if no interaction occurs. The relationship between the mentor and the mentee needs to be an active one. It is important to have some ideas about what each individual would like to discuss, but do not be afraid to stray off course.

Good mentors do not wish to duplicate themselves.

They simply want to invest in another’s life by helping them reach greater heights than they could have reached alone.

Be okay with the mentoring relationship ending.

At times, a mentee’s needs change or a mentor’s life and ability to give of their time may change. This may mean that the mentoring relationship may change or even end. In these situations, it is important to be open and honest on both sides of the relationship.

The best mentoring relationships are reciprocal.

Ideally, both parties should feel like they can take something away from the relationship. After the first year or two, Kate and Kaye’s relationship subtly changed, and the conversation started bouncing back and forth more with the focus being on both parties. Kaye Schendel works for Delta Upsilon Fraternity as the Director of Global Initiatives. @kschendel Kate Planow is employed by Longwood University as the Associate Director of Fraternity and Sorority life. @kmp1552

Lessons Learned, continued from page 15

9. Inspiration to not burn out.

I don’t want to burn out of fraternity and sorority life in six years. I always knew working in fraternity/sorority life could be a risk to my profession; many check out early and have difficulty finding other jobs if their only experience is working with Greeks. But, I left motivated to advance the profession by making it a goal to consistently grow and to make fraternity/sorority life more than “an entry level job.”

10. The values expressed in our oaths are life lasting.

We often repeat to our students the importance of values-congruence and lifelong-growth. Some come to The Annual Meeting just to see friends. Sure, seeing friends is great, but if you only mingle with your buddies, you are not growing. Those who truly succeed in advancing the fraternal world are those who are continuously learning and growing. Many are trying to be active members, but as Jeremiah Shinn said during the Business Meeting, the most meaningful thing we can do to advance the profession is to be good professionals.

I am forever grateful for those who provided me with such a great experience. I am humble to all who helped me to grow even though you have never met me. I interacted with so many people and everyone was eager to listen to my professional goals and help in any way they could. Most importantly, I am thankful to anyone who helped to support The Foundation. If you bid in the auction, bought a Because You Believe sticker, or have generously given because you can, I thank you. You helped me and 42 other members attend the Annual Meeting. Personally, I would not have been able to attend without your help.

Residential LLCs, continued from page 9

occur within the residence halls while in the Student Type LLC, students are brought together based on common characteristics (Stassen, 2003). The definition of these types can be applied to the sorority/fraternity communities residing on campuses. Student members live in a residential environment and are brought together by common values—the principles of their organizations. Therefore, they have already established a foundation for an LLC upon which housing officers can build. Almost all sororities and fraternities were founded on the value on education, thus curriculum and/

or educational expectations are naturally built into the fabric of the organization. This may be through study hours, academic plans, and the expectation to maintain a certain grade point average. Curriculum occurs through the process of joining, being initiated, mentoring younger/newer members, member education, and graduating and becoming an alumnus/a member. The next step would be to utilize faculty and academic advisors by integrating them into the experience. This may be accomplished through social and academic interactions such as course instruction or holding office hours in the sorority/fraternity house. Advisors could be more available by spending time in the facility as well. As Kuh (2008) stated, advising is no longer a once a semester meeting, but ongoing consecutive conversations regarding the students’ needs. This behavior will help the students to get to know faculty & staff outside of the classroom, which builds relationships and creates positive feelings about attending office hours and interacting with faculty in other realms. At the same time, these interactions benefit the organization by fostering an environment more conducive to a balance of academics and social activities. Although the creation of a brand new LLC may be a long term goal, considering the idea of creating this experience in the sorority/fraternity community may be a great start. The foundation is already established for colleges and universities to provide and integrate resources for the most impactful student experience. Now is the time to further develop that foundation.

REFERENCES Lenning, O.T., & Ebbers, L.H. (1999). The powerful potential of learning communities: Improving education for the future. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, 26(6), The George Washington University, Graduate School of Education and Human Development. Brownell, J.E., & Swaner, L.E. (2010). Five high-impact practices: Research on learning outcomes, completion, and quality. Association of American Colleges & Universities. Kuh, G.D. (2008). High impact educational practices; What they are, who has access to them and why they matter. Association of American Colleges & Universities. Stassen, M.L.A. (2003). Student outcomes: The impact of varying living-learning community models. Research in Higher Education, 44(5). 581-613. Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college: Rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition (2nd ed.). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Matea Vazgec is the Living Center Director at Grand Valley State University.



Winter 2013


2012 ANNUAL MEETING by the numbers

Because You Believe

each icon represents 9 sessions

each icon represents 5 percentage points

What could we do better?

Tell us your feedback at @AFA1976 using #AFAPerspectives!

What could we do to ensure educational sessions are appealing?

Fireside Chat Communication The Business Meeting

We are hard at work rethinking Fireside Chats for 2013!

How can we best engage in you in Association business?

each icon represents 20 percentage points




Winter 2013

Total Attendance Non-Member Attendees

Returning Member Attendees

First-Time Member Attendees

Regional Attendance 1 3

5 4


Region 1

176 of 272 members

Region 2

296 of 398 members

Region 3

309 of 377 members

Region 4

154 of 242 members

Region 5

98 of 149 members

65% 74% 82% 64% 66%

Categorical Attendance Affiliate Members

Graduate Members

Emeritus Members

Vendor Members

170 of 265 members, 64%

1 of 27 members, 4%

169 of 229 members, 74%

36 of 37 members, 97%

Professional Members 729 of 920 members, 79%

Each icon represents 25 members



Winter 2013


2012 ANNUAL MEETING award winners Robert H. Shaffer Award Douglas N. Case

San Diego State University Kappa Sigma Fraternity Doug Case received the Robert H. Shaffer award for an educator who has given exceptional long-term service to the betterment of women’s and men’s fraternities. Case was recognized for his work with the LGBTQ community and his leadership within the Association. Kyle Pendleton and Mandy Womack presented the award. “Scores of fraternity and sorority members have benefitted from Doug’s leadership, whether they know it or not.” ­—Kim Braun Padulo

Jack L. Anson Award Mary S. Peterson

Sigma Lambda Beta, Sigma Lambda Gamma Alpha Phi Fraternity Mary Peterson received the Jack L. Anson award for a professional who has contributed in an exceptional manner to the interfraternal community. Peterson was recognized for her leadership with regional leadership conferences and cultural fraternal organizations. Sam Centellas, Bill Nelson, Ben Peterson, and Petey Peterson presented the award. “Mary’s enthusiasm for the fraternal movement is contagious, and her passion for student learning is something we all should try to emulate.” ­—Thomas B. Jelke

Sue Kraft Fussell Distinguished Service Awards The Distinguished Service Award was created in 1985 and renamed for AFA’s second executive director, Sue Kraft Fussell, in 2006 to recognize individuals who have exhibited high professional standards and achievements in one or more of the following areas: service to AFA, programming or service that reaches beyond the recipient’s campus/organization, development and research activities, and service to the college and fraternity/sorority communities.

Dr. Tisa Mason

Fort Hays State University Sigma Kappa Sorority Mason was recognized for her years of unconditional service to the fraternal movement, her fearless approach to her work, and visionary leadership. She is noted for her determination and her team-oriented, solution-based approach to achieving goals.

Kim Novak

Novak Institute Delta Gamma Fraternity Novak was recognized for her tireless work with risk management and hazing prevention. She is noted for her empowerment of professionals and organizations to look differently at our approach to risk management and risk education.

Josh Orendi

Phired Up Productions Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity Orendi was recognized for his commitment to teaching students the best practices of membership recruitment and retention, passion for social excellence, and vision to share a values-based message with undergraduate students.

Dr. Scott Reikofski

University of Pennsylvania Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Reikofski was recognized for his notable service to the profession. Most recently, he has served as Chair of the NASPA Fraternity and Sorority Knowledge Community where he was instrumental in creating high-level professional development opportunities.

2012 ANNUAL MEETING award winners Recognition Awards 1. Perspectives Award

Gentry McCreary, University of West Florida

2. Essentials Award 1


Justin Angotti Amy Colvin Christine Loy Kim Novak

Wes Schaub Alex Snowden Dave Westol

3. AFA/CoHEASAP Award Michigan State University

4. Outstanding Change Initiative Award California State University-Northridge

5. Diversity Initiative Award 2


University of Vermont

6. Diversity Initiative Award Towson University

7. Excellence in Educational Programming Award Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity

8. Excellence in Educational Programming Award (Vendor) 3


Phired Up Productions and RESPONSE ABILITY PROJECT

9. Gayle Webb New Professional Award Alex Brown, Keene State College

10. S. Shelley Sutherland Outstanding Volunteer Award

Heather Matthews Kirk, Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity



Not Pictured Oracle Award

Pietro Sasso, Monmouth University

S. Shelley Sutherland Oustanding Volunteer Award Teniell Trolian

S. Shelley Sutherland Outstanding Volunteer Award 5


Allison St. Germain, Delta Zeta Sorority

Mark Your Calendars! December 4 - 8, 2013 Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek Orlando, Florida

Start preparing educational content now: • Call for Ideas: February 15 - March 1 • Call for Presenters: March 8 - March 29 • Call for Programs: April 5 - June 5

Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors P.O. Box 1369 Fort Collins, CO 80522-1369

This program is made possible through a gift from Zeta Tau Alpha

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