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IõFÉL Ióª°SCÓd≈Hô©dG OÉ–’G 2012

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AFA award 2012

Best Applied Research in Agriculture

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AFA is non-profit, non-governmental Arab International Organization established in 1975 with more than 191 member companies representing 36 countries. AFA aims to coordinate and develop technical, commercial and managerial relations in the field of the fertilizer industry and raw materials , as well as fertilizer use. During the year 2003 AFA Board of Directors decided to establish the AFA Annual Award to encourage researchers from AFA members, as well as academic centers in the field of Fertilizer Industry and Fertilizer use .

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The AFA Award was initiated to honour and encourage researchers and recognize their scientific work which is essential for the progress of fertilizer industry and its efficient application and use. Such initiatives would help creating a scientific competition among researchers in the field of fertilizers industry and fertilizers use.The Award, hopefully, would encourage scientists to share their experiences relevant to this significant industry. The Award aims also to enable more contacts and cooperation between those who work in fertilizer industry and those at universities and research centers.

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2012 / ôjGÈa

The Research scope should be related to promoting agricultural production through using the right types and quantities of mineral fertilizers, along with environment protection, optimizing the use of water sources and preserving energy. Improving Efficiency of the Fertilizer Industry through reducing production costs, are required for promoting the proper use of mineral fertilizers. Eligible candidates are most welcome to submit their contributions. Dr.ShafikAshkar AFA Secretary-General

February 2012

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