Summer 2018 preview

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Volume 26 Summer 2018

adoption FOCUS ON

The Resource for Canada’s Adoption Community

“I’ve been really lucky”: Bif Naked’s adoption story Inside the teenage brain

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Fathers’ Day, shared

Adoption advice for your health team

Gary Anaka on its mystery and its magic

Celebrating First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people

Janet Weinreich-Keall celebrates both her fathers

A pull-out guide to share with pediatric providers

Take the first step. Adoption Basics is a free online introduction to adoption in BC.

Contents An adoptee’s letter to herself, page 15

Inside this issue: News and information 2 Editor’s letter 3 News & notes 5 You said it: Readers respond

In focus 6 “We are everywhere”: Celebrating youth from care 7 National Indigenous Peoples Day 9 The teenage brain: Its mystery and its magic 11 Fathers’ Day, shared

12 Bif Naked’s adoption story: “I’ve been really lucky” 14 The art of adoption 15 Adopted voice: Colouring outside the lines 16 What pediatric health care providers should know about adoption 18 Our journey begins: An inside look at Adopt BC Kids 20 The open adoption grid: A new dimension of openness

The art of adoption, page 14

Books & media 22 Review: Guardians’ Betrayal 23 Jen’s Picks and more recommendations

On our cover The Hogan family celebrates Canada Day with flowers, flags, and face paint!

Inside the new Adopt BC Kids, page 18

adoption FOCUS ON

The Resource for Canada’s Adoptive Families

Advertising All advertisements must comply with Section 85 of the Adoption Act (Bill 51). The publisher in no way endorses or makes any warranty or representation with regard to any product or service advertised in Focus on Adoption. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising which, in its absolute discretion, it deems inappropriate for publication. We may not be held responsible for any ad content, or any action or complaint arising out of an advertisement in this publication.

Magazine staff

Editor’s letter

Editor: Mary Caros Managing editor: Brianna Brash-Nyberg Copy editor: Moretta Shuert Design concept: Junxion Strategy


My social media is peppered with friends’ posts about less-than-perfect parenting moments, tagged #WorldsOkayestMom. I love these posts: the bowl of Cheerios eaten in front of the TV for dinner; the mismatched socks and lopsided pigtails; the forgotten field trip forms; the store-bought bake sale cupcakes. I also feel conflicted. As an adoptive parent, I often feel like I’m supposed to be upholding a higher standard. I made it through all of the forms, fees, interviews, decisions, and waits of the adoption process—I must be really prepared! Another parent trusted me with the honour and responsibility of raising their child—I better not let them down. I celebrate my friends’ celebrations of their okayness, but I feel like I’m supposed to be Supermom.

Focus on Adoption magazine is published by the Adoptive Families Association of BC, a charitable, accredited, non-profit organization offering adoption support, information, and education. Find out more about AFABC at AFABC Charitable # BN118 777 671 RR0001

The reality, of course, is that I’m not. Nobody is. We need to share the ups and the downs, the mistakes and the celebrations. We need to allow ourselves to be okay with imperfection.

The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Focus on Adoption. Many contributing writers are experts from various fields and provide advice to our readers, but readers should be aware that specific advice can only be given by qualified professionals who are fully aware of a family’s circumstances. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk, and we carry no responsibility for the opinions expressed and assume no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance on it. © Adoptive Families Association of BC, 2018

Brandi Kennedy, AFABC’s Adoption Key Worker for Northern BC, posted this on Facebook: “People often assume this calling means we are heroes for doing this, perfect parents with Mary Poppins–like patience, when in fact we are just people with good days and bad days, loving our kids. All we can ever do is our very best, and be with people who love, inspire, and lift us up.” As we head into summer, let’s be real with each other. I want to hear about that time you went to the beach and forgot the sunscreen, the towels, and the snacks, or the day when you had to work from home because all four of your kids had the flu and your big presentation was due. What are your realistic road-trip survival tips (unlimited screen time and Timbits? Bring it on)? What do you feed the kids when you’ve spent all day dealing with appointments and meltdowns, your respite provider just quit, and frozen pizza sounds like too much work? Adoptive families aren’t perfect, and that means we’re not alone. Your most inspiring story might just be your messiest one. How are you living your okayest life? Email me at and tell me all about it.

Brianna Brash-Nyberg Managing Editor, Focus on Adoption magazine


Commentary You said it

Readers’respond Readers thoughts on child profiles In the previous issue of Focus on Adoption (spring 2018) we wrote about the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s decision to remove public profiles of kids waiting to be adopted from their website. This was done in response to criticism that compared those child profiles to the ones that advertised Indigenous children to white adoptive families during the Sixties Scoop. The article and related Facebook post drew a wide range of responses from our readers, some of which are reprinted here with permission.

I read with interest and concern your Editor’s Letter in the Spring 2018 edition of Focus on Adoption regarding the suspension of the display of child profiles. There have always been strong opinions and emotions around this topic, which is why it took so long for BC to follow the lead of other jurisdictions in deciding to allow the publishing of child profiles. It has been a while since I have looked at the research on this, but, as I recall, it is clear that the intuitive sense that publishing child profiles results in more permanent homes for children is, in fact, borne out by the data. While everyone says they agree that legally and morally the interests of the child are paramount, in practice it is difficult for me to see the decision not to publish profiles as upholding that principle. I am quite aware that there are legitimate differences of opinion about about what constitutes “best interests” and the relative weight to be given to different factors in any analysis. But in my humble opinion, allowing even a tiny fraction of Indigenous biology to apparently override every other factor in assessing best interests is just not right. I can understand how, in the current political and social climate, MCFD could have decided this, but that does not mean it is demonstrably in the best interest of children, Indigenous or otherwise.

– Lorne Welwood, former AFABC board president, via email

I may be wrong but, I thought the purpose of describing the child’s race on the current profiles was to create cultural matches. In which case it might have been better to have a discussion with a larger representation organization such as Metis services or Chiefs and Council. I would not have made immediate changes if it was only a few people who misunderstood the purpose complaining. I am a Status First Nation woman. I found the listing of race helpful so I had an idea of whether a Guardianship Worker might feel that I qualified for a match. I would be proud that someone put under my profile “First Nations” because it is an integral part of my identity. But, it is always great to do more listening than talking to understand whether I may have missed something in coming to my conclusion. – Trixi Mcd, via Facebook

“ “

I’m so mixed about this. I understand the viewpoint presented, I can’t even imagine how much trauma that may have brought up. But I also know the whole point behind the website and profiles was to boost the number of adoptions from those waiting in care —and to start creating a connection between a potential adopter and a waiting child. That’s so important. I hope this change doesn’t result in a decrease of adoptions from the Ministry. These children deserve loving homes. – Katie McLaughlin, via Facebook

I totally understand the concern and think that brushing it off as “feelings” is very disrespectful. Indigenous people in Canada have suffered huge trauma in the past and are still facing immense racism and policies that continue to inflict pain and suffering. I think that the Ministry should consider approaching the problem separately for Indigenous children, but in the meantime removing all profiles from public view while the policy is addressed is likely the right decision. I agree that seeing the profiles can help find permanent homes, it needs to be done in a way that respects the children in care and those that have suffered in care in the past. I hope we can find a solution and I believe that Indigenous communities having more control over the care of children from their communities would help.

– Sara Jennings, via Facebook

I think it’s a really sad move. I understand the trauma attached to it but with more than 1000 kids waiting for families, we need to bring awareness and those profiles brought the human factor to it. It allowed people to connect and see that there are children out there. I think it was a poor move for vulnerable children now. The adoption bulletin helped me decide to adopt from foster care in BC. My heart broke for the children as I read their profiles. It still aches as I think of the children who remain on the list year after year. I am sorry if the bulletin was upsetting to people. I pray that it will spur them into action, that they will feel led to provide loving homes for the children in BC who need it.

– Amanda Preston, via Facebook

I wonder if my husband and I would have adopted locally or internationally if there had been no visible profiles. Reading the profiles made the children real to me. I saw myself parenting them. – Erin Salmond, via Facebook

Do you have an opinion on something adoption-related? We’d love to hear it! Email to share your thoughts. VOLUME 26 SUMMER 2018 5

“We are everywhere”:

Celebrating youth from care BY SAM POTHIER June 4–10 is BC Youth in Care week. It’s a time to celebrate our province’s amazing, diverse, resilient children and youth living in foster care. In this piece, Sam­—an adult advocate for youth in care and a former youth in care herself—reflects on her experiences in the child welfare system and celebrates her successes and her community. On Saturday, I was having lunch with one of the Federation of BC Youth in Care Network’s founding members, Teresa. It reminded me of the first time we met in October 2001. I had aged out a year before and knew nothing about youth in care networking. The other thing about 2001 and being a former youth in care is having role models. Even at that time, I don’t think I knew someone from care who had a bachelors’ degree, none who had a master’s or higher. We were not in management, executive, or decision-making positions. Flash forward to 2018 and when I look around the youth in care community I see so much progress. So many young people are working towards degrees. I know, work with, and am witness to alumni from care with master’s and doctorate degrees. We are managers, business owners, executive directors, lecturers, and even assistant deputy ministers. We are everywhere, doing all the things. In a system that has so many barriers in place for us, we’ve found ways to rise. I’m frequently asked, “Why do you think this is?” And for me this seems like I’m asked to produce some sort of Sheldon Cooper–worthy algorithm of success. That’s a lot of pressure because I don’t have all the answers for everyone’s individual experience. What I can say is what worked for me and that’s connection and opportunity. Being connected to people who have a shared lived experience to learn, to create, to talk, to be silly, to eat meals with, to advocate with, to heal with... this not only helped me get my degree and to the place I am now, but in so many ways it saved my life. Without opportunities who knows where I would have ended up. It is important that organizations see lived experience with the care system


as an asset. This starts with youth volunteer opportunities to help build skills, then paid opportunities and of course the opportunity for mentorship. It always surprises me when I see positions open up to work directly with youth in/from care, and having lived experience is not considered an asset. For me, opportunities and connections have been the boat in a flood. I could have stayed on my roof, hoping the storm would pass or got on the boat and seen if it would take me to something safer and better. I have so much gratitude for it all. ●

Sam Pothier brings 35 years of lived and work experience to the child and youth care field. Her specialities include youth engagement and development, stakeholder engagement, and project management. Sam currently has her own consulting business in Vancouver, and is the Secretary for the International Foster Care Organization.

The teenage brain: its mystery and its magic BY BRIANNA BRASH-NYBERG

How our brains grow We’re each born with as many brain cells as the Milky Way has stars— approximately 100 billion of them. These brain cells cells, known as neurons, form connections that are called synapses. They divide and multiply like wildfire, creating new cells and and forming even more connections. In a positive, healthy environment, the brain explodes with growth until around age 3.5.This frenzy of growth slows and levels off after that, but it doesn’t stop. By mid- to late childhood, a typical brain contains twice as many synapses as it did at birth. More isn’t always better, though. Some neurons are weaker than others, and some connections are redundant or incomplete. In the tween and teen years, the brain focuses on optimizing itself through a process called synaptic pruning. It hangs on to its strongest neurons and synapses while basically starving the others to death through a process called apoptosis. This period of massive activity and upheaval impacts almost every part of life. Welcome to the teenage brain.

“The brain goes ballistic” “No one knows anything about the brain,” says brain health and wellness educator Gary Anaka. “Absolutely nothing. So I’m filling in the gaps.” The crash course on brain development he gives me over the phone is a truncated version of one of his signature workshops, “Understanding the Teenage Brain.” Trained by neuroscientists, Anaka’s mission is to decode and translate research so that everyday people can understand and use it. That brings us back to one of the greatest mysteries of all: the teenage brain. How many parents have had someone coo over their adorable young child, only to add, “Just wait until they’re a teenager!” We’re conditioned to expect a Jekyll-and-Hyde transformation. Why? What’s going on in there? “At about age 10–11, the brain goes ballistic,” says Anaka. “This is now what scientists determine to be the teenage brain. Most of you think teenagers do weird and wacky stuff because of raging hormones. Wrong! It’s the brain.”

The back of the brain goes online first, then the middle, then the front of the brain, Anaka explains. The prefrontal cortex or “captain” comes on last. This “captain” is responsible for what psychologists call executive functioning, which includes impulse control, planning and decisionmaking, and understanding consequences. When Anaka explains that the prefrontal cortex isn’t completely online until around age 25, teenage behaviour suddenly makes a lot more sense. “In the morning they love you and in the afternoon they hate you. Everything’s fine and then for a week they’re like a zombie. They walk into walls. They do all kinds of weird stuff,” says Anaka. “The teenage brain is in biological turmoil. It’s absolutely changing, and rewiring, and the front of the brain’s coming online.” Does that mean the less-than-pleasant parts of teenage behaviour can’t be avoided? Not entirely. There are things parents, teachers, and caregivers can do.

Practical tips 1. Boost their nutrition. Give them a high-quality omega-3 supplement every day. Stay away from what Anaka calls “dead foods”: products that are high in sugar, MSG, aspartame, artificial additives and preservatives. 2. Give them tons of feedback. “They’re wondering, ’How am I doing?’” says Anaka. “Praise them and support them.” 3. Expect them to test you. Teenagers take mega-risks. That’s nature’s wiring of the teenage brain. “How do they find out the boundaries in life? They usually test family. They test you.” 4. Help them with organization. This is especially critical for kids with ADHD. “The teenage brain is a classically disorganized brain,” says Anaka. He suggests helping your teen set up and use a planner book for school, and keeping a family calendar on the fridge door so everyone can see it. Everyone in the house can contribute to making sure the family’s schedule and appointments get written down. 5. Be a living example. “The teenage brain is looking for role models,” says Anaka. “Parents need to advertise a successful life.” Even if a child’s brain is disadvantaged or learning-delayed, it makes a

Continued on page 16 VOLUME 26 SUMMER 2018 9

The teenage brain, cont’d difference when adults model positivity, patience, generosity, and good manners. “The human brain learns significantly through copying,” Anaka explains. “[The mechanism] is called mirror neurons. They’re copying you and how you are as a human being.” 6. Move! Exercise is the best way to disengage the brain’s amygdala or “fear switch,” which Anaka says goes off all the time in teenagers. Movement engages the prefrontal cortex and causes the brain’s chemistry to change. “When fight or flight mode is on, the brain floods with cortisol,” says Anaka. “Cortisol is a stress chemical. When we move, it dissipates, and serotonin [a feel-good chemical] returns.” So go for a walk, ride a bike, take the dog for a walk. Can’t get outside? Go up and down the stairs or have an impromptu dance party in the kitchen.

Believe in the brain Many families adopt kids as pre-teens or teens, when it’s too late to have an impact on the earliest stages of intense brain development. There’s no way to change the less than ideal early starts that many adopted kids experienced, but Anaka says it’s not too late to help their brains grow and thrive now. “ The brain is plastic,” he says. “That means the brain can change. How do we do that? We never give up. We follow the basic principles, which also work for everyone, no matter how old. Believe in the brain!” ●

Gary is the top Brain-Based Learning facilitator in British Columbia today. He has been a certified facilitator since 1997, receiving on-going training from the Jensen Learning Corporation, a world leader in teacher training in the new field of Applied Educational Neuroscience. His website is

Learn more Teen adoption When most people think about adoption, they think about babies. The truth is, there are hundreds of British Columbia teens who are waiting for a permanent family. Each year, approximately 25 teens are adopted by BC families. Over 400 youth are still waiting to be adopted. Growing up in care is difficult, and youth can spend years in foster care, moving from home to home. Like all of us, teens need stability, a sense of belonging, and opportunities to develop and grow. Success is far more likely for teens who grow up in families. Most teens who have been adopted thrive in their new families and say it was the best thing that ever happened to them. Education and support are crucial to learning amore about the joys and challenges of adopting and parenting teens. AFABC’s Adopting Teens and Tweens is a five week online course that provides an in-depth exploration of the joys and challenges of adopting a youth, including trauma, teen development, identity, self-regulation, transitioning, attachment, difficult behaviours, and more. Visit to find out more.


Fathers’ Day, shared:

making room for newfound family BY JANET WEINREICH-KEALL Janet was abandoned at birth outside a hospital in northern BC. In 2017, she found four half-siblings who were also abandoned as babies by the same mother. Through DNA testing, she learned the identity of her deceased biological mother and her biological father, Emil Weinreich. Janet met Emil for the first time just over a year ago. In this article, Janet reflects on how their shared love for her led her biological and adoptive fathers to become family to each other, too. Gordon Keall knew he was my father when the social worker called the house. I was abandoned in Prince Rupert by my birth mother, and this call was for my placement. Even before Gordon officially said yes, he was all in: knee deep, devoted, headstrong, and ready to collect this mystery child— his daughter—and give her a name and a new chance at life. What Gordon didn’t know is that when he came to fetch me in Prince Rupert, my biological father was only 3.2 kilometers away. His only child was about to be taken away to be raised by strangers, and he didn’t even know she existed. I don’t imagine that Gordon dwelled on how I came to be in his arms that day. I don’t say that as a flippant way of ignoring my loss or the loss of my birth parents. Gordon had a job to do. He had to consider my needs, not wallow in the depths of “what if.” He brought me home and committed to being my father. As I grew up, I asked questions about my abandonment and who my biological parents were. Gordon was always willing to let me talk and ask questions, and he never disrespected the people who made my life possible. In many ways, as I grew up, he grew up in my story and became comfortable with realizing that I was passionate about finding my biological parents. As the years passed, though, road blocks increased and my hope dwindled. Finally, after 21 years of searching, I called Gordon and said, “I have a name for my biological father. His name is Emil.” Gordon’s response was one of protectiveness and concern, especially since I’d discovered my biological mother had abandoned at least four other babies. I told Gordon not to worry, but he did anyways. That’s what fathers do. And on April 30, 2017, I texted Gordon: “I’m calling Emil today. You are always my dad. I love you.” The conversations that flowed between Gordon and I after that were characterized by curiosity and concern—who was this Emil, anyway? It

Emil Weinreich and Gordon Keall (credit: Anita Wood)

took only a few days for Gordon to realize that Emil was a good man with good intentions who only wanted the best for me, as well as for Gordon and for my mother, Jerrilyn. The day before the results of Emil’s and my DNA tests arrived, Gordon said to me, “Janet, I really hope Emil is your father. I really want this for you.” His voice was confident, calm and loving. At that moment, I realized he’d always held space for Emil. It was time to open the door and let Emil sit beside him to share the role of father.The DNA results confirmed with 99.99% accuracy that I was Emil’s daughter. There was only a hint of apprehension: Emil was concerned for Gordon. He didn’t want to step in and alter our family dynamic or cause any upset or slight to Gordon’s ego. Unbeknownst to me, they were working this out together. They understood one another and shared an instant trust and respect. There was never a hint of jealousy or resentment. These two strangers made room for each other as they made space for me to heal and receive what both Emil and I were denied when I was abandoned 40 years ago. The way Emil considered Gordon’s feelings was something special, and the way Gordon to welcomed Emil into our lives without reservation was truly magical. As the days, weeks, and months progressed, Gordon and Emil became family as they shared one of the most intimate experiences a person can share: becoming a father and a grandfather. Emil says, “In the winter of 1978 when Gordon and Jerrilyn Keall came into Janet’s life, I did not know I had a baby daughter. Today I know that Gordon stepped in to be Janet’s father and I am very grateful to him and to Jerrilyn. Now, 40 years later, Gordon has welcomed me into his life. We understand each other and the story that Janet has uncovered. We have become family. Gordon has always wanted the best for his daughter and I realize that his welcoming me into his life reflects his love for her. This is a father’s love.” ●

Janet Weinreich-Keall, dubbed “Rupert’s Baby” by the press, spent more than 20 years searching for her biological family. Her story received significant media attention. Janet is currently searching for one more abandoned baby half-sibling and is the founder of The Keall Registry, the world’s first archive and registry for abandoned children ( Find Janet’s complete story at, and read her daily updates at VOLUME 26 SUMMER 2018 11

Adoptionm in art


Vancouver Island artist Sandi Anderson Offerein shared this painting in our Facebook support group for waiting parents. We thought it was so beautiful that we wanted to share it with you, too! Here’s the story behind it as told by Sandi herself. Our backstory is that we have a large family (13 kids in all) and live on Vancouver Island. We just finalized our adoption of our two youngest in March. We adopted a 2 and 3-year-old brother and sister through the Ministry [for Children and Family Development]. We adore them. They are now 3 and 4! This painting is called “Let Your Light Shine.” It was such an adventure to paint. I started out with two canvases. I painted one black and one yellow to represent darkness and light. I painted similar colours and patterns on each side (not identical because I liked the variation of shape and size). I really enjoyed watching how the colours reflected off the contrasting backgrounds! At first the colours were much brighter on the black canvas. Brilliantly bright. But interestingly, as I covered the canvases with the colourful


whimsical flowers and patterns, the light side gained momentum. In the end most of my kids said they preferred the light side! I placed the adoption symbol in the middle, half on each side. This to me is the multidimensional colour picture of attachment and the complexity of forming bonds and facing trauma that first year with our new kids home. In the end the light wins! But the darkness is not all scary. It has it’s own vivid beauty. ●

Sandi Offerein is a self-taught dot artist. She finds that art is a great way to express her Australian-Canadian roots and focus her passions in life. See more of Sandi’s artwork at

Support for your journey For a list of all our Facebook support groups, go to or visit and select “Groups.”

Jen’s picks Jen Hillman is an AFABC Adoption Support Counsellor, and an adoptive mom of two adult sons and a daughter. She shares her favourite selections of books and other media with us in each issue.

Whoever You Are

Carried In Our Hearts

by Mem Fox

by Dr. Jane Aronson

Every day all over the world, children are laughing and crying, playing and learning, eating and sleeping. They may not look the same or speak the same language, but inside, they are just like you. This story weaves its way across cultures and generations, celebrating the bond that unites us all.

Over the course of the past three decades, Dr. Jane Aronson has touched the lives of thousands of adopted children from around the world, and in this inspiring book, she presents moving first-person testimonies from families whose lives have been blessed by adoption, including celebrities such as Connie Britton (Nashville and Friday Night Lights), Kristin Davis (Sex and the City), and Shonda Rhimes (Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy). The book also boasts a Foreword by Deborra-lee Furness (actress and wife of Hugh Jackman), who shares a tale about their own adopted children.

That’s a Family!

Carolyn’s Story

produced by Debra Chasnoff

by Perry Schwartz

With courage and humor, the children in That’s a Family! take viewers on a tour through their lives as they speak candidly about what it’s like to grow up in a family with parents of different races or religions, divorced parents, a single parent, gay or lesbian parents, adoptive parents, or grandparents as guardians. This award-winning film will stretch your mind and touch your heart no matter what your age.

Nine-year-old Carolyn narrates this attractive photo-essay about her life in Minneapolis as an adoptee from Honduras. Her brother is also from Honduras; when she was 2, she went there with her parents to pick him up. Carolyn experiences the tension between wanting to be like everyone else and taking pride in being special. But mostly she thinks about ordinary kid things: sports, school, friends, pets. The clear, full-colour photos show her engaged in common activities and with her family.

VOLUME 26 SUMMER 2018 23

Johanna Simmons, MA RCC 604-240-0592 Areas of specialization

• Attachment • Adoption • Child Play Therapy • Family Counselling • Depression • Parent/Teen Conflict • Self Worth • Stress Management

• Parenting Skills Training • School Issues • Anxiety • Communication • Transitions • EMDR • Child Behaviour

As an adoptive parent and a former teacher, Johanna brings these perspectives into her counselling practice.

Suite 206C -1571 Bellevue Ave., West Vancouver

ARE YOU CONSIDERING ADOPTING? We are a BC Government licensed adoption agency with a limited number of spots available for applicants to adopt from the following countries: Haiti Bulgaria Korea Latvia Thailand USA India Please visit our website and follow up with our Managing Director, Delia Ramsbotham, at 604-984-2488 Sunrise Family Services Society 102-171 West Esplanade North Vancouver, BC V7M 3K1 (at the Seabus)

Looking for information on AFABC’s events, resources, and supports for adoptive families? It’s all online at 24 FOCUS ON ADOPTION

“When we share our vulnerablity we create trust, intimacy and connection” - Brene Brown

Catherine Moore M.A., RCC Registered Clinical Counsellor Specializing in adoption issues.

Clinical Counselling Parent Child Therapy Pre-Adoption Consultation PsychED Assessments

Occupational Therapy Mentorship Programs Training for Professionals Adoption Life Story Books

Training in relational somatic, attachment, mindfulness-based cognitive behavioural therapies. Lived experience as an adoptee and an adoptive mother.

604 368-6374

604-562-8308 |

Adoption is a journey... We’ll be with you every step of the way.

Our caring, experienced staff help birth & adoptive parents with their adoption journeys, domestic & international. Take the first step: call toll free 1.866.582.3678 or find out more at A CARF Accredited & BC Licenced Adoption Agency VOLUME 26 SUMMER 2018 25

PM# 41718015 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Adoptive Families Association of BC 200 - 7342 Winston St, Burnaby, BC, V5A 2H1, Canada

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