portfolio arianna fabrizi selected works
ACADEMIC WORKS WORKS DEVELOPED WITH Viviamolaq 01Index Art Gallery 05 Tangram 02 Interior renovation 03 Revaluation of an area in the historical center 04 Master Thesis 06 SPLIT
LOCATION: L’Aquila Art gallery SUBJECT: architectural design 2
The building is designed as a main volume composed by three single units with different orientations connect ed by a multi-level staircase that can be identified as the core of the construction. It is provided by two showrooms, one for the temporary collection and another for the per manent one, offices, a bookshop and a small restaurant.
The exhibition rooms are not closed spaces in or der to create a continuous path inside the build ing and a link between the different collections.
The area is located in the city center, in close proximity of the his torical fortress and the new literature faculty: for this reason the project was conceived as a part of a new cultural network.
The aim of the project is to create a small art gal lery for L’Aquila’s community in order to face the loss of gathering places due to the earthquake in 2009.
the area
axonometric view
ground floor second floor third floor
The two units are diffent but connected at the same time by a common entrance where customers can find a desk that sells both headphones and tickets for the concerts.
On the first floor there’s a lighting installation that defines a path through the items sold by the shop that can be tried by the customers in a sort of immersive tour into visual arts and music while on the basement there’s a music club pro vided by a small stage, a bar and a proper acoustic insulation.
In each floor there also are seats designed in a way that underlines the shape of the space and encourages the interaction between people and the surrounding area.
LOCATION: Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
The building is divided in two levels in which there used to be a bar and its storage. The project proposes a variation of the intended use of the place that would be converted in an headphones store (first floor) and a music club (basement).
The project concerns the renovation of a commercial unit lo cated in the historical center of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
The aim of the proposal is to create a space for mu sic and technology lovers: it is designed to create a sort of ‘full immersion’ into these connected worlds.
SUBJECT: proyectos arquitectónicos 3 Interior renovation
1 2 4 5 3 3 1. common entrance 2. lighting installation 3. seats 4. shop 5. stairs
6 8 9 9 10 7 6. storage 7. bathroom 8. bar 9. seats 10. stage
The aim of the project is the renovation of an area near Porta Bazzano, located in the Southern part of the historical center.
The work starts with an analysis of the place and the door followed by a research about the histo ry of the city and its walls; the following step is the definition of a renovation project for the area.
L’Aquila is a town in central Italy surrounded by a medieval wall with ten doors that are still working despite of the earth quake that destroyed a significant part of the city in 2009.
SUBJECT: restauro architettonico
The proposal concerns the valorization of this part of the city through the creation of a public space and a small info-point and museum for the tourists. Since the building on the site was damaged by the earthquake and has no historical relevance (except for the perimetral wall that overlooks the street), it will be replaced by a small construction and a sort of public square with a staircase sim ilar to the ones that can be found in the center of the city. The analysis on the door highlighted the presence of a small passage inside of it that will be restored to make it accessible. Visitors can arrive to it in two different ways: a direct one provided by a stair between the pe rimetral wall of the existing building (it will be pre served and restored) or by a walking tour that starts from the square and arrives on the roof the building.
Revaluation of an area in the historical center
1 2 3 1. Duomo square 2. S.Bernardino’s square 3. the area
1 2 3 1. square 2. ancient door 3. existing building
1 2 3 1 2 3 Elevation on via Caldora Section 1. end post anchored both to the wall and the floor 2. balauster 3. corner post anchored the floor Intervention on the historical door Plan section
0 1 24 m 8 Elevation on the square Intervention on the historic wall 1 2 3 44 3 axonometric view 1. steel plates (60x10 mm) 2. hexagonal wire netting (8mm) sections 3. I-beam 200 mm 4. ties
1. rotation in the same direction of the historical door 5. direct link to the door2. the building gets smaller to allow the access to the door 3. the volume is divided from the wall adjacent to the door in order to high light its historical value 6. indirect link: creation of a path from the square to the door 4. link between the two neighbouring squares
1. rotation, lowering, division 2. definition of the volume and the other areas 3. creation of two different paths to the door 4. opening on the square
The building is located in L’Aquila, into the major square of the city.
It was built during the XVII century, as a convent adhiacent to the S.FIlippo’s church: it is part of one the most important neighbourhood of the city.
During the centuries there has been lots of earthquakes which led to many structural and functional transforma tions: some spaces were added during the years but a part of the third floor collapsed during XX century. Those tras formations made the structure vulnerable to the external Lastactions.seismic event was in 2009: the build was the headquar ter of the city hall and the church was converted in a theat er. The impact of the earthquake was huge: there has been many structural damages. Today the building is unused and need to be Consequently,restored.itwas surveyed the area and the neighbour hood and it was analized the role of the building inside the city. After that were also examined the architectural and structural characteristics (for the sake of brevity structural models are omitted)
As long as that the building has an historical and artistic rel evance it was planned to restore the structure with a mas sive intervention on the walls, floors, vaults and facades in order to use the it as cultural space for the citizen provided by exhibition halls, workshop halls, cafe, etc.
Master PROFESSORThesis : prof. Stefano Brusaporci, PROFESSOR: prof. Antonello Salvatori LOCATION: L’Aquila
Rilievo e mitigazione della vulnerabilità sismi ca dell’ex- convento dei Filippini
the neighborhood-plan view
the neighborhood-axonometric view
elevation on via Sassa elevation on via Cavour elevation on via degli Scardassieri
section AA’ section BB’
first floor - detail 1. wooden beam 2. hollow flat blocks 250 x 60 x 900 mm 3. iron beams 220x110 mm 4. shelf made with iron and concrete structure 5. iron beams 200x100 mm 1 3 4 5 2
entrances | hallways tickets | toiletsconferencearchivestairsbookshopcoffeeshopexhibitionlifthall|storagehall
exhibitionlifthallways halls archivestairs | storage toilets
multimedia|workshopslifthallways halls offices archivestairs | storage toilets
multimedia|workshops halls exhibition halls
It is a large movable wall located in a common area of a prison lo cated in Lecce. The project is called “tangram” for its inspiration from the famous Chinese game: it is a double-faced structure that changes its shape depending on the activities that prisoners have to do. When it’s closed it works just like a boundary, a border which divides in two different spaces the common area, mean while when it’s opened it becomes an interactive wall where peo ple can sit, place stuffs, have a break, read, talk, spend a bit of time.
Tangram is a concept, we’ll be on site soon and finally build this project hoping it’ll be loved by all the people inside.
ANNO:2018 Tangram is the winner of the Archistart 2018 competition.
Tangram REALIZZATO CON: Viviamolaq UBICAZIONE: carcere di Lecce (Lecce)
The project was designed for a workshop held in Monte bello di Bertona, a small village in Abruzzo (Italy) during the music festival called RockYourHead.
Split Self-construction workshop held during RYH _ Rock Your Head Festival [ed. 2019 | Back in Town]
It was developed as a series of modular elements which can be assembled in infinite ways generating different geome tries. The main purpose was to create a flexible structure that could be used in different ways( for example as a seat, as a small stage, etc.). Each element has a very simple structure: it is made with four wood panels nailed together, four wood strips and two OSB panels painted with diffe rent Eachcolours.pieceof the project was built with the local commu nity and with 20 students that joined the workshop: it was an exciting experience that allowed us to play again with self-construction, meet new people and enjoy an intere sting music and arts festival created to give new life to an abandoned village.
osb panel osb panel Elements can be arranged in multiple ways depending on the situation and purposes of the users as you can see in the following schemes: wood strips nailed wood boards c.a. b.
d. e. f.
thank you.