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In Algeria, farmers have developed strategies and innovations to adapt their practices to an arid climate, rough mineral soils and water often loaded with mineral salts. These practices, although they allow them to obtain good results, are not always environmentally friendly. To develop better agricultural practices while enhancing the competitiveness of agricultural production in these regions, the EU and GIZ-funded “Agricultural Sector Support Programme (PASA)” is dedicated to water management, agro-industry and agricultural pollution.

The PASA programme is divided into two poles. In collaboration with the Algerian National Institute for Agricultural Research, AFC manages the GIZ-funded South Pole running from October 2018 to June 2023. Our activities concentrate on the chilli and organic dates value chains in the wilaya of Biskra and the potato value chain in the wilaya of El Oued in the South of Algeria.

To increase agricultural productivity and the upstream segment of the three sectors, value chain analyses were conducted and profitable business linkages with upstream actors were promoted. A diagnostic of the regulatory, institutional and technical framework of potato seed multiplication was carried out and an institutional strengthening programme elaborated and introduced. This value chain governance process has been supported through the creation of online dialogue platforms based on freeware and open access to better monitor the chilli, dates and potato production.

Furthermore, environmental issues shall be integrated into the planning of agricultural production. The proposed actions to improve the sustainability and competitiveness of agriculture in these regions are to rationalise water use, limit the impact of pollution from the use of pesticides, enhance the composting of waste and avoid pollution from mineral and organic fertilisers as well as preserve indigenous varieties that are adapted to agroclimatic conditions.

To enhance the knowledge of common or specific themes in the date and market gardening value chains and related sectoral themes, several trainings and demonstration sessions have been organised and collaborative pilot projects have been implemented.

One of our main activities related to organic dates production was the development of a good agricultural practices guide. This guide is essential for the sustainability of the value chain and the image of the Algerian date. In early December 2022, we organised a training session in composting palm waste for interested date farmers.

For the potato production, different measures were tested on a two-hectares field trial, namely drip irrigation versus sprinkler irrigation, fertilisation and fertigation, phytosanitary treatments as well as natural and organic treatments and fertilisation. Regular on-site demonstration visits were organised at each cultivation stage. At least 100 farmers, extension workers and academics from El Oued participated in the demonstration activities. In a national conference, the results of the analyses and piloted actions were presented.

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