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Rawan Alomari joined in March 2023 as Anglophone Finance and Contract Manager. She holds a Master’s degree in International and Development Economics and an MBA in CSR and NGO management. In Jordan, she has four years of experience with international NGOs. Before joining AFC, she worked also four years as Finance Coordinator with IFOAM-OI in Bonn. She speaks Arabic, English and German.
Katja Conrad joined the Accounting team in July 2022. She holds a Master’s degree in Arabic, American and Educational Studies from the University of Leipzig and has previous work experience in the field of media design. During her retraining as Industrial Business Management Assistant, she focused on financial accounting and is working as an accountant since then. She is a native speaker of German and fluent in English.
Ilayda Daldal started her apprenticeship in November 2022 to become an industrial business management assistant. She holds a secondary school certificate (FOS-Fachoberschulreife) and continued her career afterwards at a vocational college for Economy and Administration before joining AFC: her language skills are German, English and Turkish.
Eric Donadille joined the Francophone Finance and Contract Manager team in June 2022. Before that, he held various financial positions within a global Logistics organisation, also in different countries. French is his native language, German his daily language and English is a must have!
Julian Fahr started in November 2022 as Anglophone Finance and Contract Manager. He holds a Master’s degree in Latin American Studies from the University of Amsterdam. In the interdisciplinary Master’s programme, he specialised in Green Economy and wrote his thesis on the development of wind energy in Southern Mexico. Mr Fahr also holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Bonn. Before joining AFC, he completed a 6-month internship at the Goethe Institute in Mexico City. In addition to his native German, he is fluent in Spanish, Portuguese and English and to a lower in French and Polish, which he is currently learning.
Benedetta Ferraro joined in February 2022 as Project Manager in the Financial Sector Development team, focusing mainly on agriculture finance projects. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Entrepreneurship and is a certified agriculture finance expert. Before joining AFC, she has been working as project manager in financial inclusion and microfinance assignments in rural areas, and has gained a solid hands-on experience on the field in Caribbean and Northern Africa. Other to her mother tongue Italian, she fluently speaks German, English and French, and has working knowledge of Spanish.
Mathias Ghomfo Mfumtum started as a Francophone Finance and Contract Manager in April 2022. He is specialised in accounting, controlling and taxation and holds a Bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Applied Sciences Münster. Mr Ghomfo Mfumtum also obtained a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree (Diplom) in Accounting and finance from the University of Douala in Cameroon, where he is originally from. Before joining AFC, he was employed as a tax administrator for 1.5 years at the Technische Hochschule Cologne. He is fluent in French and German and has a good command in English.
Salwa Haddad started in April 2022 as a Project Manager in the Francophone Department. She holds a double Master’s degree in Agricultural and Life Sciences and in Food and Resource Economics from the Catholic University of LouvainLa-Neuve (UCL), Belgium, and the University of Bonn, Germany, resp ectively. She further holds an Engineering degree in agricultural economics from the Higher School of Agriculture of Mograne, University of Carthage, Tunisia. Currently, she is finalising her doctoral thesis, in which she assesses the global economic and environmental impacts of the growing expansion of the Bioeconomy. In addition to her native language, Arabic, she speaks English, French and German.
Kai Holländer joined the Anglophone and Francophone team as Project Manager in June 2022. He holds a Master’s degree in Agricultural and Environmental Science and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Mainz. For his master thesis, he focused on the impact of intensive potato production on local biodiversity in the Virunga Volcanoe area in Rwanda. Before starting at AFC, he worked in the field of applied field research for eco-toxicological wildlife studies in agricultural areas and as agricultural consultant. He speaks German, English, French and Spanish.
Ute Horn-Lemke joined in January 2023 as Head of Finance. Her professional training ended in 1980 as a wholesale and foreign trade merchant (Groß- und Außenhandelskauffrau). Before working for AFC, she started in 1982 to work for the GOPA Group; first at the accounting department with GOPA mbH. In 1997, she changed to EPOS Health Consultants GmbH as Head of Accounting and as interim Head of Finance. In 2012, she switched again to GOPA to the Shared Services Department and in 2017 to the new founded GOPA Group Service GmbH as Head of Department. During this time, she worked on several projects (as there was the introduction of our digital management system Maconomy and much more) and as interim Accountant as well as Head of Accounting for many GOPA Group companies.
Alexander Lotz started as a Logistics Expert for the German Food Bridge in March 2022. Afterwards he became Project Manager in the Anglophone department in July 2022 and additionally took over as management assistant in February 2023. He holds a logistics Bachelor from Koblenz University of Applied Sciences and a M.Sc. in Sustainable Resource Management with a specialisation in Agricultural Land-Use from the Technical University of Munich. Mr Lotz has experience as an intern and expert for GIZ in Eschborn, Bangkok and Jakarta, and conducted research in Rwanda. He speaks native German, fluently English and basic Spanish.
Annie Stephanie Nana joined the Francophone department as Project Manager in May 2022. She holds a Master’s degree in Ecology and B.Sc in Plant Biology from the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon. Before joining AFC, she was a researcher at the Centre for Development Research (ZEF) of the University of Bonn in Germany, leading her PhD project founded by the Schlumberger Foundation. As independent consultant she has been working in development projects with focus on agriculture, water quality and wastewater management. She is fluent in French, English and is currently learning German. Her mother tongue is Bamileke (medumba, le nda’nda’, fe’fe’).