ICL Professional Horticulture Forestry Guide

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Professional Horticulture Forestry

Cell grown trees Field grown young plants Field grown nursery stock Trees Hedging Container grown nursery stock Trees Hedging Forestry planting Christmas trees Established forestry

Forestry ICL has a proud heritage working with growers to produce the highest quality trees and hedging for the UK market. We strive to bring you the most technically advanced fertilizers, plant protection products and growing media to help you meet the demands of modern day growing. We take great pride in the integrity and value of our dynamic world-class product portfolios which are backed up by a dedicated Professional Horticulture technical support team in the UK and Ireland. Through our product technologies and ongoing support of end-user education, we advocate best practice in plant growth management and sound environmental stewardship. With market leading brands - including Levington, Osmocote and Agroblen - and a wealth of knowledge in our Professional Horticulture technical team and network of distributors, we are here to work with and support you in all aspects of plant growth management.


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ICL Professional Horticulture At our state-of-the-art production facility we use the highest quality professional UK & Ireland peat resources and substrates as standard ensuing your growing media performs to its maximum capacity when delivered to your door.


ICL’s global Specialty Fertilizer group has industry leading R&D facilities to help continuously improve its market leading products, keeping them at the cutting edge of new horticultural technologies. With brands such as Osmocote, Agroblen and Agromaster you know that when you need to provide the best care for your trees and hedging, our products are guaranteed to perform.

Plant protection is key to maximising crop yield and plant quality. We have the latest products to protect your plants safely throughout the growing cycle. With brands such as Exemptor and Merit Forest your trees are in safe hands.


Contents Cell Grown Trees


Growing Media


Field Grown Trees


Controlled Release Fertilizers


Field Grown Nursery Stock




Container Nursery Stock Production




Christmas Trees


Round Up


Forestry Planting


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Cell Grown Trees ICL Professional Horticulture As cell grown trees (CGTs) are raised in small containers, it is important that the right nutrition package is effectively delivered within the growing medium. Utilising Levington Advance Solutions specialist growing mixes ICL can deliver the perfect growing package to Grow, Nurture and Protect your trees or hedging plants through to sale and beyond.

Levington Advance Solutions* Seed Propagation Mix

Controlled Release Fertilizers within growing media

• • •

Flows in to small cells easily

Osmocote Exact Standard

• •

Peat based and peat free mixes available

Open enough structure allows for overwintering outside Consistent mix provides quality establishment and return on investment Incorporates products such as bark and perlite to increase drainage and Air Filled Porosity (AFP).

Did you know? For tree seeds, which take several months to germinate such as Oaks, Osmocote Protect 12-14m has a 2-3 month delayed release - perfect for these situations. See page 26 for information on Osmocote Controlled Release Fertilizers.

Provides optimum growth both on the nursery and when planting out

• •

Essential trace elements for optimum tree growth

Environmentally safe - less leaching into water systems due to Osmocote coating technology

• •

Guaranteed nutrient release matches tree demand

Osmocote Exact mini - all the advantages of of Osmocote Exact but smaller granule for more homogeneous mixing.

Provides an integrated fertilizer boost, saving time and money on additional fertilizer applications during the growing season

Better establishment and reduced disease pressure as trees are more vigorous

*Note this is not a standard mix- minimum order quantities will apply. Please ask for details when ordering.


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Additional nutrition during the growing season Topdressing and Water Soluble Feeding While Osmocote Exact used at the correct rate should supply enough nutrition throughout the growing seasons, additional nutrition may be required in certain circumstances. For instance, when crops are subjected to a cool wet period, to harden growth prior to winter, and when stock has been carried over from the previous season.

Water Soluble Feeding Universol Green 23-6-10+TE

Suggestions for use - after cool wet period (beginning of season)

• •

Replenish nutrients around root zone Provide a growth boost and increase tree height.


(See page 29 for more information) Application method - Within Growing Media Exemptor is now the only chemical control approved for the control of Vine Weevil on outdoor production sites and flowering crops moved outdoors during the flowering period. Benefits of using Exemptor

Can be incorporated into growing media to provide protection against Vine Weevil throughout the growing cycle

Binds on to growing media so easily taken up p by the plant

No need to wear PPE when handling the e tre treated reat ated growing media

• •

Cost efficient and labour saving

• •

For use on plants under protection ctio on n an and outside

Universol Blue 18-11-18+TE

Suggestion for use – after cool wet period (mid-season)

• •

Limited environmental restriction orr pr prec precautions for treated growing media in use Also provides protection against nstt Scia Sc Sciarid Fly, Aphid and Leaf Beetles


(See page 28 for more information) atio on n)

Replenish nutrients around root zone

Application method - Within growing row wiing media | Foliar | Drench

Maintains balanced mid-season growth.

Approved bio-fungicide with h ver vvery ry wide ranging fungal control to help prevent disease and maintain healthy asse an trees. Prestop is a naturally oc occurring soil fungus that ccu ur contains mycelia and sporess of Gliocladium catenulatum o Gl Strain J1446.

Universol Violet 10-10-30+TE

Suggestions of use – End of season

Maintains compact growth and leaf/ needle colour

Hardens shoots for winter.


PRESTOP can give effective e con c control nt of a wide variety of diseases. es..

Grey mould and stem cankers kerrs ca caused by Botrytis cinerea – spray application

Damping-off and root or base se e ro rot ot d diseases caused by Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora hth tho ora and Fusarium spp. – incorporation and drench application. ica atio on

Osmocote Bloom 12-7-18+TE

• • •

Boosts nutrition in to the second year Reduces dieback High potassium for compact hardy growth, ready for winter periods.

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Merit Forest Application method - Spray (undercover only) Merit Forest is a highly systemic, curative and protectant insecticide for controlling Large Pine Weevil (Hylobius) in forestry seedlings. Merit Forest is a water-dispersible granule formulation containing 70% w/w of the insecticide imidacloprid. Benefits of using Merit Forest

Full on label approval for control of Large Pine Weevil (Hylobius) on forestry seedlings

Plants pre-treated on nursery offer effective controls with zero follow up application needed in field

Overcomes insect resistance to organophosphorus, carbamate, pyrethrum and pyrethroid products

Only targets sucking insects, treated trees will not affect other non-target insects.

Does not leach out and provides protection from further infestations

Fast dispersing granule for easy mixing and drenching

New growth protected.


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“ Osmocote consistently gives us the results we are looking for.” Rodney Shearer, Alba Trees, using Osmocote CRF as part of his Levington Advance Solution

ICL’s Levington Advance Solutions tailored growing media programme allows you to Grow, Nurture and Protect your crops throughout the growing season LQ FRPSOHWH FRQȴGHQFH Rodney Shearer is Managing Director and one of the founding directors at Alba Trees. “As production grew and became increasingly sophisticated we started to look around for a more consistent, quality growing media,” he says. “Having conducted a series of in-house trials we were particularly impressed by the overall high performance and consistency of Levington Advance growing media mixes, and switched to ICL.” For the nutrition programme Rodney has put his trust in Osmocote controlled release fertilizer, pre mixed in to the growing media. “All our growing mixes contain Osmocote Exact Standard (12-14 months),” he says. “This consistently gives us the results we are looking for.”

ICL’s Ian Todd (right) with Chris Allan from Alba Trees

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Field Grown Trees (seedlings) ICL Professional Horticulture Field grown young plants are mainly seed grown but on some occasions (specifically for hardwood and semi-ripe) are taken from cuttings. ICL has a special nutrition and growth regulation package to maximise the quality of these plants for sale.



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Suggestions for use – For most seedling tree crops.

Suggestions for use – higher in nitrogen for more vigorous crops such as conifers and soils with higher levels of potassium.

Coated Nitrogen is 92% within this product, please see or ask for product information sheet for full % breakdown

Environmentally safe - less leaching into water systems due to ICL’s coating technology

• •

One application lasts whole growing season Analysis for balanced growth.

Application Incorporate in to seedbed just prior to seeding.

100% coated NPK product for precision nutrition throughout the season

Environmentally safe - less leaching into water systems due to ICL’s coating technology

• •

One application lasts whole growing season Analysis for sustained growth throughout the season in vigorous species.

Application Incorporate in to seedbed just prior to seeding.

Agromaster 19-5-19+4MgO Suggestions for use – For shorter term crops or can be applied later in the season if flexibility is required.

Coated nitrogen provides more stable nutrition release

High potassium and nitrogen providing balanced growth throughout the season

Environmentally safe - less leaching into water systems due to ICL’s E-Max technology

ICL would recommend a soil analysis prior to planning in order to establish the correct fertilizer programme for your trees.

See page 23 for full explanation of E-Max Technology. y.

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Field Grown Nursery Stock ICL Professional Horticulture Field grown nursery stock production has become more important in recent years with a move towards larger trees and instant hedging within the landscape market. The recommendations below are for tree and hedge production in field grown situations. For more detailed information please contact your ICL Technical Area Sales Manager.


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For Field grown nursery stock ICL has launched three new coated nitrogen products within its Agromaster Range. These controlled release fertilizers maximise nutrition at specific growing phases.

Agromaster – Grower

Agromaster – Finisher

25 5-10+2MgO


Suggestions for use – for first year growth and establishment in future growing seasons

Suggestions for use – for compact, hardened and good leaf colour for sale

• • •

• •

Analysis for balanced growth

• •

Coated nitrogen provides more stable nutrition release

High nitrogen for early season growth and development Coated nitrogen provides more stable nutrition release Environmentally safe - less leaching into water systems due to ICL’s E-Max technology.

Recommended application method Row or per plant application.

Lower nitrogen level to control top growth, producing better more compact plants for sale Environmentally safe - less leaching into water systems due to ICL’s E-Max technology.

Recommended application method Row or per plant application.

Agromaster – Balancer 19-5-20+4MgO Suggestions for use – for balanced growth later in the season

• • •

Analysis for balanced growth Coated nitrogen provides more stable nutrition release Environmentally safe - less leaching into waterr systems due to ICL’s E-Max technology.

Recommended application method Row or per plant application.

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Container Nursery Tree Stock Production ICL Professional Horticulture Container nursery production is an increasing market within the UK with more and more landscape professionals demanding ready-made solutions. At ICL we have a full growing package that allows you to Grow, Nurture and Protect your plants to ensure full return on investment. The recommendations below are for tree and hedge production in container nursery stock situations.

Levington Advance Solutions – coarse nursery stock (See page 22) With the Levington Advance Solutions programme ICL’s Technical Sales Managers can produce a bespoke coarse mix to perfectly match the needs of the container crop. We can provide peat based or peat free options to suit all growing needs, with the addition of proven Osmocote technology and tried and tested plant protection products.

• • • •

Coarse mix for high level of AFP

Plant Protection package as needed and recommended by your ICL Technical Sales Manager.

Encourages good rooting Consistent growing media for great results Leading Osmocote nutrition package as standard within all Levington Advance Solutions mixes as recommended by your ICL Technical Sales Manager

12 phone 01473 237 111 web www.icl-sf.co.uk email prof.sales@icl-group.com

Within the growing media

Water Soluble Feeding

Osmocote Exact


Osmocote fertilizers are unique as they provide a choice of longevities, as well as regulate the way in which nutrients are released.

While Osmocote Exact used at the correct rate should supply sufficient nutrition throughout the growing seasons, additional nutrition may be required in certain circumstances. For instance, when crops are subjected to a cool wet period, to harden growth prior to winter, and in stock carried over from the previous season.

No matter which Osmocote controlled release fertilizer product is selected, growers can rest assured the highest quality and return on investment will be delivered. Benefits of using Osmocote Exact

Provides optimum growth both on the nursery and when planting out

Essential coated trace elements for optimum tree and hedge growth

Provides an integrated fertilizer boost, saving time and money on additional fertilizer applications during the growing season

Environmentally safe - less leaching into water systems due to Osmocote coating technology

• •

Guaranteed nutrient release matches tree demand Better establishment and reduced disease pressure as trees are more vigorous.

Topdressing Osmocote Topdress FT -

Universol Green 23-6-10+TE Suggestions for use – Early season growth boost. • Replenish nutrients around root zone • Provide a growth boost and increase tree height.

Universol Blue 18-11-18+TE Suggestion for use – mid-season balanced growth • Replenish nutrients around root zone • Maintains balanced mid-season growth.

Universol Violet 10-10-30+TE Suggestions of use – End of season winter hardening • Maintains compact growth and leaf/needle colour • Hardens shoots for winter.

Ask your ICL Technical Area Sales Manager for specific recommendations.

22-5-6+2MgO+TE Osmocote Topdress FT (Fusion Technology) 4-5 month is our coated fertilizer specifically designed for topdress applications in container nursery stock. Advantages of using Osmocote Topdress FT

• • • •

Unique formulation sticks to the growing media

• • •

Fine granule size for an even distribution

• •

Boosts nutrition of overwintered stock in the second year

Maximum nutrition Avoid losses even when pot is blown over Contains fast and slow release nitrogen and phosphorous

Agroleaf Power Calcium 11-5-19+9CaO+2.5MgO+TE Suggestions for use – Ideal for high value Buxus to green up and strengthen leaves.

Power calcium guarantees good uptake through the leaves and prolonged availability of microelements

Part of a nutrition strategy which helps prevent onset of disease such as box blight in Buxus and shot hole in Laurels.

Contains extra trace elements for greening effect Environmentally safe - less leaching into water systems due to Osmocote coating technology Fast green up but sustained for 4-5 months.

Did you know? ICL also has a fast green up topdressing fertilizer, Osmotop. Its 2-3 month longevity is perfect for greening up plants prior to sale.

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(See page 29 for more information)

(See page 28 for more information)

Application method - Within Growing Media Exemptor is now the only chemical control approved for the control of Vine Weevil on outdoor production sites and flowering crops moved outdoors during the flowering period. Benefits of using Exemptor

Incorporated into growing media to provide protection against Vine Weevil throughout the growing cycle

Application method - Within growing media | Foliar | Drench Approved bio-fungicide with very wide ranging fungal control to help prevent disease and maintain healthy trees. Prestop is a naturally occurring soil fungus that contains mycelia and spores of Gliocladium catenulatum Strain J1446. PRESTOP can give effective control of a wide variety of plant pathogens:

Binds on to growing media so easily taken up by the plant

No need to wear PPE when handling the treated growing media

• •

Cost efficient and labour saving

• •

For use on plants under protection and outside

MAPP no. 17223

Also provides protection against Sciarid Fly, Aphids and Leaf Beetles.

PCS no. 04367

Limited environmental restriction or precautions for treated growing media in use

Grey mould and stem cankers caused by Botrytis cinerea – spray application

Damping-off and root or base rot diseases caused by Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora and Fusarium spp. – incorporation and drench application

MAPP no. 15615

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Did you know? You can now incorporate Osmocote CalMag 3-4m in to boost supples of Calcium and Magnesium in Soft water and Peat reduced growing regimes - speak to your ICL Technical Area Sales Manager for further details.

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Christmas Trees Christmas tree growing in the UK has grown from a niche activity by some farmers with spare land, into a thriving industry. As the sector grows there is increasing need for better nutrition programmes, enabling producers to improve yields. ICL can supply the complete nutrition package, plus effective protection from weed growth, helping growers throughout the production cycle.

Field Grown

Controlled Release Fertilizers Agromaster



15+7+15 + 2MgO

25kg packs

40% N Coated (600 Kg)

Suggestions for use – For general use in field grown situations

Suggestions for use – specifically for large scale mechanised application

Coated Nitrogen is 92% within this product, please see or ask for product information sheet for full % breakdown

• •

Coated nitrogen provides more stable nutrition release

Environmentally safe - less leaching into soil profile and water systems due to ICL’s coating technology.

• •

Environmentally safe - less leaching into soil profile and water systems due to ICL’s

One application lasts whole growing season.

E-Max® Technology for Agromaster – See page 24 for more on E-Max technology and controlled release fertilizers

Analysis for balanced growth.


High potassium and nitrogen providing balanced growth throughout the season

Can be broadcast but 25% more efficient when applied per row or tree.

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Agromaster – Balancer

Agroleaf Power Magnesium


Specific Usage


Agroleaf Power Magnesium is a foliar feed for situations where magnesium deficiencies easily occur, such as in acidic, light and sandy soils.

Suggestions for use – Specifically for smaller-scale Christmas tree production

Agroleaf Power Magnesium helps prevent deficiency problems.

• •

Coated nitrogen provides more stable nutrition release

Environmentally safe - less leaching into soil profile and water systems due to ICL’s E-Max coating technology

• •

One supply with NPK, MgO, SO3 and trace elements

Spring and summer applications recommended for best results.

Produced from the purest raw materials, it gives a fast response

Dissolving quickly and totally makes application easy and helps avoid equipment blockages

Its unique M-77 chelating and stimulant formula guarantees good uptake through the leaves and prolonged availability of microelements.

High potassium and nitrogen providing balanced growth throughout the season

Foliar Feeding Agroleaf Power Calcium

Product advantages Agroleaf Power Magnesium improves chlorophyll creation and photosynthesis

11-5-9+9CaO+2.5MgO+TE 15kg Specific Usage Agroleaf Power Calcium is a foliar feed that works in situations where calcium deficiencies easily occur e.g. heavy evaporation. Agroleaf Power also contains valuable stimulants that enhance the speedy uptake, delivery and efficiency of all nutrients.

Agroleaf Power Calcium Agroleaf Power Calcium will help to prevent trace element deficiency problems. Product advantages

Agroleaf Power Calcium is produced from the purest raw materials. It will dissolve quickly and totally, making application easy and helping avoid equipment blockages

Due to ingredient purity, Agroleaf Power Calcium gives a fast response.

• • •

Highly concentrated, relatively small quantities are needed Contains unique M-77 chelating and stimulant formula Agroleaf Power Calcium guarantees good uptake through the needles and prolonged availability of microelements.

Did you know?

You can make a timely application of Agroleaf Power when carrying out your regular plant protection sprays throughout the growing season.

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Post Planting

Roundup ProActive on Christmas Trees – the facts RoundUp ProActive Roundup ProActive herbicide controls most emerged grasses and broad-leaved weeds. It is important that all weeds are at the correct growth stage when treated, otherwise some regrowth may occur and this will need re-treatment. Apply Roundup ProActive herbicide once grasses and broadleaved weeds have emerged and they have actively-growing green leaves.

• • • •

Rainfast within 1 hour Widest range of tested tank-mixing partners Drift reduction properties Excellent in challenging conditions Product

Roundup ProActive, (MAPP 17380) has an Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use, (EAMU) for Christmas Trees, and is one of very few products that can be used on this crop for interrow and overall spraying. Most Christmas trees have reasonable tolerance to sprays applied during the autumn and winter, but it is essential that the trees are healthy, fully dormant and with well waxed needles, with the period of application being between mid-October and the end of February. Pines, Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce, Serbian Spruce and Nordman Fir can all be treated.+

MAPP no. 17380 + ‘over the top’ use is at the grower’s risk and should be used with care following professional advice.

See page 3 for more information on Roundup ProActive.

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Pot Grown

Levington Advance Solutions – coarse nursery Stock With the Levington Advance Solutions programme ICL’s Technical Sales Managers can produce a bespoke coarse mix perfectly matching the needs of the container crop. We can provide peat based, or peat free options, to suit all growing needs - with the addition of proven Osmocote technology and tried and tested plant protection products.

• • • •

Coarse mix for high level of AFP

Protection package as needed and recommended by your ICL Technical Manager.

Encourages good rooting Consistent growing media for great results Leading Osmocote nutrition package as standard within all Levington Advance Solutions mixes as recommended by your ICL Technical Manager

Topdressing Osmocote Exact

Osmocote Topdress FT

Osmocote fertilizers provide a choice of longevities as well as the way nutrients are released making these products unique.


No matter which Osmocote controlled release fertilizer product is selected, growers can rest assured the highest quality and return on investment will be delivered. Benefits of using Osmocote Exact

Osmocote Topdress FT (Fusion Technology) 4-5 month is our coated fertilizer specifically designed for topdress applications in container nursery stock. Advantages of using Osmocote Topdress FT

Sticks to the growing medium – no loss of granules if the pot is blown over

Provides optimum growth both on the nursery and when planting out

• •

Contains fast and slow release nitrogen and phosphorous

Essential trace elements for optimum tree growth

• • •

Fine granule size for an even distribution

Provides an integrated fertilizer boost, saving time and money on additional fertilizer applications during the growing season

Environmentally safe - less leaching into water systems due to Osmocote coating technology

• •

Guaranteed nutrient release matches tree demand

Dust free Contains extra trace elements for greening effect.

Better establishment and reduced disease pressure as trees are more vigorous.

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Forestry Planting ICL has the nutrition products available for Forestry when planting trees out from the nursery. These products are easy to use, safe for the environment and provide season long nutrition which is vital for tree establishment.

Osmocote Preplant 17-9-10+2MgO+TE Osmocote PrePlant comes in a handy 1kg pack Osmocote PrePlant contains the ideal NPK and trace element package. Suitable for the establishment and healthy growth of all trees and hedges. Suggestions for use - all other general situations (normal soils). Features and Benefits for using Osmocote PrePlant

Agroblen 11-21-9 25kg packs Suggestion for use - for conifers in peaty soils. Agroblen 11-21-9+6MgO is a fully coated NPK controlled release fertilizer designed for medium to long-term crops. It has enough nutrients to feed the plant throughout its 8 – 9 month crop cycle. This continuous supply of nutrients creates fantastic uniform growth.

• •

Season long feeding when planting out

• •

Enhanced trace element package for greater availability ility ty

Fully coated product ensures plants receive the feed they ey y need, when they need it and with minimal leaching 100% coated NPK, Mg and trace elements, plants are supplied upp ppli with all required nutrients to ensure strong establishment

• •

Safe, reliable and easy to use

For use on a wide range of trees, shrubs and plants.

Labour saving - eliminates need for topdressing during the season

Features and Benefits of using Agroblen

• • • •

Great starter product for trees in peaty soils

• • •

High level of magnesium

15-9-9+3MgO – 15g tablets

Safe to use in early stages of the crop cycle

Landscaper Pro tablets are 15g packed in to 7kg pack

Minimizes leaching of nutrients through rainfall / irrigation.

A controlled release fertilizer for trees and shrubs

Balanced NK with extra P 86% coated CRF (total product) Delivers up to 12 month of nutrtion in uk soil temperatures

Landscaper Pro Tablets

Landscaper Pro Flora Tablets feeds the plants for up to two seasons with just one application. The resin coating around each Landscaper Pro Flora prill controls the daily nutrient release. Advantages:

• • •

Feeds plants for up to two seasons with one application Predictable and reliable nutrient release Ideal for use around trees and shrubs.

20 phone 01473 237 111 web www.icl-sf.co.uk email prof.sales@icl-group.com

Established Forestry ECOPLUG MAX M

Features and benefits of Ecoplus Max

No water is needed to apply Ecoplug Max®, vastly reducing required labour.

• •

95-100% efficacy on treated stumps, preventing regrowth.

100% selective with no effect on surrounding trees or vegetation.

Significantly reduces risks to operator and environment from using herbicide to control trees.

Ecoplugs mark treated stumps; liquid glyphosates require marker dye to highlight treated stumps.

Meets requirements of Sustainable Use Directive to minimise herbicide use and the Water Framework Directive to prevent contamination of waterways with pesticides.

Use in all weather, all year round - most glyphosates have a much smaller application window.

Significantly reduces the cost of clearing trees by reducing the need for follow up site visit


Ecoplug Max is a patented tree stump control application method. The unique plug acts as a delivery device for glyphosate. Each plug contains 300mg of granular glyphosate which is released inside the tree stump ensuring all the active ingredient is carefully targeted where it is needed. ded. The glyphosate is translocated ated ted through the stump p and a down to the roots ots preventing new grow growth wth sprouting and leaving eavin ng the stump to gradually radua ally rot away.

Ecoplugs take up little storage space and are safe to transport loosely.

Pack size 100 x 300mg plugs Contains 300mg granular glyphosate MAPP no. 14741

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Tailor your growing media requirements for optimum performance with new...

At ICL we know that grower requirements vary geographically and from crop to crop, therefore we offer a complete solutions package designed to produce growing media for our customers’ individual needs.

To optimise crop value and performance you can add: Maximise the efficiency of your feed regime Enhance the performance of your trace element package Guaranteed control of Vine Weevil and aerial pests A multi use biological fungicide for protection against damping off and root rot diseases For increased vigour and plant health Increase the water efficiency of your growing media

Delivery Methods How growers handle growing media depends on their equipment and of course personal preferences. With this in mind we offer a full range of options and delivery methods. Why not ask about our Moffett Mounty options for delivery, at a small additional cost, providing you with peace of mind on delivery when placing your order.

Our Technical Area Sales Managers will be pleased to discuss the effect and benefits of all the different materials available and suggest the best mixes for growing the crops on your nursery.

• 75 litre bags • Bulk bags in various sizes from 1.5m3 to 2.7m3

• Pro-bales containing up to 4.5m3 • Loose bulk up to 100m3

- Walking floor and artic tippers available

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The quality is in the ingredients As well as the best quality UK peat resourced at our state-of-the-art Scottish production facility, we also use the most advanced and responsibly resourced substrates as standard to make sure that your growing media performs to its maximum capacity when it is delivered to your door.

Coir Within Levington Advance growing media are the finest ingredients, which have been developed and tested over time to provide mediums which your plants will just love to grow in.

Start&Gro is the starter fertilizer for potted, bedding and all container nursery plants. Start&Gro is designed to be premixed into the growing media, providing nutrition for the first weeks of the cultivation.

Product advantages

Product advantages

• Screened to optimise particle size

then blended to provide the ultimate mix for your crop. • Weed free. • Managed by experts at our UK factory. • Almost 50 years of research and development in every bag. • No green waste - we only manufacture professional grade growing media.

Fibagro is a perfect base for peat free growing media as well as complementing peat for peat-reduced plant production. Wood fibres are created using a thermomechanical patented process which consists of crushing coniferous sapwood chips from sawmills. During this process temperatures of up to 150oC occur allowing unwanted substances to escape as gas ensuring that Fibagro is sterile.

Product Advantages

• 100% natural and biodegradable. • Healthy and reliable: the defribration

process ensures a safe, constant quality with structural stability. • Ecological and economic, peat alternative. • Increases the aeration of substrates due to increased air capacity and drainage. • Promotes root growth. • Fibagro is naturally hydrophilic enabling easy and fast rewetting. • Fibagro stabilises growing media structure. • Added nitrogen for better release and stability.

• High potassium ratio for good colour. • Free flowing. • Good mixability. • 100% water soluble. • No dust. • High chelated trace element level.

Using Levington Coir within growing media provides a host of benefits which are helping evolve the current Levington product range. Made from the pith of coconut husk, coir can be manufactured into growing media either on its own, or by blending it with other raw materials such as peat.

Product advantages

• Uniform particle size helps growing media consistency.

• Lightweight helping lower delivery costs. • Absorbs water readily, even when very dry.

• Absorbs and holds nutrients within the growing media.

A new generation surfactant, it combines a wetting agent with a penetrating agent, ensuring the water tracts to all areas of the growing media. H2Gro contains a re-wetting agent, promoting excellent initial and long term wetting of growing media, it performs equally well through wetting and drying cycles.

Product advantages

• Remains in the media to allow water to re-wet the substrate particles.

• Excellent initial wetting. • Excellent long term wetting. • Excellent through wetting/drying cycles. • Safe to beneficial microbes. • Economical low use rate.

• Flows into pots and cells readily. • Optimum pH level for plant growth. Now added as standard

Now available in all Levington Advance standard growing media. Micromax Premium ensures that the plant receives all the trace elements and magnesium it needs to thrive. Its unique formula also increases the efficiency of the major elements.

Product Advantages

• Contains 12% MgO: 25% direct and 75% slowly available.

• Balanced combination of trace elements and magnesium.

Bark rk The bark used in Levington Advance growing media is environmental friendly sourced with Forest Stewardship Council® certification. It is predominantly pine and comes in two grades 0-8mm and 5-12mm. Additional nitrogen is added to ensure any bacterial breakdown action is stabilized.

Product advantages

• Opens up structure to give better drainage • Fertilizer buffering similar to peat • FSC certified so environmentally friendly • 2 grades to match pot size • Uniform particles aid flow into pots

• Contains 15% Iron and a balanced

combination of other trace elements.

• Up to 18 months supply of trace elements. • Stimulates good rooting for strong and healthy crops.

• Perfect startup effect and good plant colour. • Even distribution in growing media. • Superior product for outdoor, containerised crops.

• Dust-free and prevents toxicity symptoms. • Environmentally friendly, very low leaching of nutrient.


phone 01473 237 111 web www.icl-sf.co.uk email prof.sales@icl-group.com 23

Controlled Release Fertilizer Precision nutrition at your fingertips Controlled release fertilizers are fertilizer granules which are covered with a semipermeable coating (a kind of membrane). After application water penetrates through the semi-permeable coating and starts to dissolve the nutrients present in the granule. The release of nutrients starts once they have been partially dissolved. A pump-like action is initiated due to differences in osmotic pressure (see diagram). The plant is able to take up the released nutrients.

With CRF, the supply of nutrient matches the demand of the plants to give both optimal growth and nutrient efficiency.

CRF Application

CRF work at temperatures above freezing (0°C). Influenced by the temperature, the membrane regulates the daily release of nutrients. At higher temperatures the release of nutrients will be faster. At lower temperatures it will be slower, in line with the nutritional needs of the plant. CRF play an important role in improving yield, reducing nutrient losses and simplifying fertilizer application.

Other fertilizers

These products help to regulate the nutrient levels through the entire plant’s growth cycle. Younger plants are not harmed or stressed from excess salt levels, while mature plants have enough nutrition to last until the end of the growth cycle. A simple one time application of CRF delivers targeted nutrition that leads to uniform growth, optimal yield and resistant plants with a lot less effort – maximum results with minimal effort.

24 phone 01473 237 111 web www.icl-sf.co.uk email prof.sales@icl-group.com

Advantages of Controlled Release Fertilizers • • • • • • • •

Crop uniformity due to controlled nutrition. Greater protection against early season “salt stress.” More or equal yield with less mineral input due to continual feeding. Improved quality due to balanced nutrition. Easier to-use because of fewer applications. High confidence that plant health is optimized. Higher nutrient efficiency due to reduced losses. Unique formulations for every application.

Working principles of Osmocote Quick guide to coated controlled release fertilizers...

ICL CRF factory, Heerlen

Every granule is covered by an organic coating that regulates the daily release of nutrients.

Granules contain NPK, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn.

Water penetrates through the coating and dissolves the nutrients inside the granule.

The dissolved nutrients are released through the coating, by osmotic pressure.

Influenced by the temperature, the nutrients are released at a constant, regular and controlled rate during the longevity.

Once empty, the membrane will gradually break down.

CRF being tested at ICL CRF factory, Heerlen.

phone 01473 237 111 web www.icl-sf.co.uk email prof.sales@icl-group.com 25

Osmocote - Trusted and innovative control release fertilizers for peat and non-peat based growing media, developed over five decades. Having pioneered controlled release fertilizers 50 years ago, our world leading Osmocote range of products are still evolving thanks to innovative new technologies. The most significant difference between then and now is the level of applied scientific horticultural knowledge. Our most advanced, 4th generation, Osmocote fertilizers provide a choice of longevities as well as the way nutrients are released making these products unique. No matter which Osmocote controlled release fertilizer product is selected, growers can rest assured the highest quality and return on investment will be delivered.

Did you know?

Osmocote is specifically designed for all pot grown and containerised nursery stock.

Benefits of Osmocote

Plants grow better as they get the nutrients they require at any given growth stage.

• Guaranteed safety – nutrient leeching is minimised making it the most environmentally friendly product on the market.

• Plant quality is guaranteed thanks to optimum uniform growth.

• There are less pest and disease

pressures thanks to an even supply of nutrients and healthy plant growth.

• Satisfied customers, as plants retain their high quality after consumer purchase, thanks to the continued release of nutrients.

26 phone 01473 237 111 web www.icl-sf.co.uk email prof.sales@icl-group.com

Nutrient Core Agromaster combines ICL’s advanced technology with specially selected conventional granules. This powerful combination provides nitrogen control, high-quality performance and ICL’s patented E-Max coating in one uniform product. Agromaster is perfect for all soil based field grown nursery and maximizes return on investments, plant nutrition and yields.

Benefits of using Agromaster

• • • • • •

Balanced feeding for the complete growth cycle Uniform distribution from equally sized granules Free flowing without risk of caking or clogging Easy and comfortable product handling with low dust Sulphur nutrition through sulfates Controlled Release Nitrogen to ensure balanced feeding during complete crop cycle

E-Max coating

E-Max Release Technology E-Max release technology is a (reacted) polymer coating for use on essential components including micronutrients and macronutrients to improve nutrient efficiency and plant utilization. The release of nutrition is based upon moisture and temperature, offering predictable longevities, even under the warmest conditions.

Benefits of E-Max

• Reduced input costs thanks to

optimally efficient use of nutrients

• Controlled and consistent nutrient

release influenced by temperature and moisture

• Precise coating allows for higher Agroblen is a controlled release fertilizer suitable for field based application within the soil. This full coated NPK product creates a 100% safe product for application in forestry and field grown nursery crops.

• Increased coating durability enhances blending with various raw materials and application methods

• Safe for crops even at high application rates.

Benefits of using Agroblen

The perfect fertilizer for long term field grown nursery stock. The nutrients become available for the crop over a period of time after application;

Magnesium and iron are uncoated therefore the total % coating of this product is 91%;

Magnesium is chloride free which makes this product the perfect fertilizer for young tree production or salt-sensitive crops;

Your crop will have nutrients available at all stages of the year depending on need;

Steady and even nutrient release will lead to uniform growth;

Agroblen Total is safe to use, planting hole application is possible;

With Agroblen Total you minimize leaching of nutrients through rainfall or irrigation;

nutrient ratios, making it possible to reduce application rates and frequency

The N:P:K ratio ensures good rooting enough growing power and strong trees/plants. Emphasis is on potassium and phosphate.

Did you know?

Agroblen and Agromaster are specifically designed for all soil grown plants.

phone 01473 237 111 web www.icl-sf.co.uk email prof.sales@icl-group.com 27




PRESTOP® is a multi-use biofungicide for nursery and forest nursery stock. Prestop contains mycelia and spores of Gliocladium catenulatum Strain J1446, a naturally occurring soil fungus, that provides disease control benefits to multiple crop situations. Features and Benefits

Prestop® protects against:

• Multiple mode of action wettable powder with proven

• Grey mould and stem cankers caused by Botrytis spp. • Damping-off and root or base rot diseases caused by

efficacy against:

- Damping-off diseases - Botrytis, Pythium,Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium; - Root and Base Rot diseases - Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium; - Aerial diseases - Botrytis, Didymella (Mycosphaerella)

Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora and Fusarium spp.

• Improved resistance management through the multiple capabilities of the naturally occuring microorganism which has not been genetically manipulated in any way.

• Flexible application methods. • Compatible with biological and integrated pest management programmes.

• High level of safety to operators and the environment when used according to label instructions.

Phytophthora inoculated

Phytophthora inoculated + PRESTOP

in the control of Phytophthora on pot plants.

PRESTOP MAPP no. 17223 PCS no. 04367

Image shows effectiveness for pot plants and is an illustration only.

28 phone 01473 237 111 web www.icl-sf.co.uk email prof.sales@icl-group.com



Exemptor is the only contact and systemic insecticide for the control of black vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) and other major soil and foliar pests in container-grown ornamentals both under protection and outside. It is the only chemical control approved for the control of black vine weevil on outdoor production sites and flowering crops that will be moved outdoors during the flowering period. Exemptor has a broad spectrum of activity against sucking and chewing insects including aphids, glasshouse whitefly, black vine weevil, leaf beetle and sciarid fly. Trials show that most plants grown in growing media treated with Exemptor are protected for the entire production cycle. This protection can extend into the distribution chain to the benefit of the retailers and end user.

Sectors benefitting from Exemptor

• Container-grown nursery stock (including hardy perennials).

• Pot plants eg Cyclamen, Fuchsia, Geranium, Potmums and Poinsettia.

• Bedding plants (especially pot bedding). • Hanging baskets. • Containerised stock plants.

Features and Benefits

• Protects crops prone to vine weevil attack. • It is incorporated into growing media so easy to use. • Pre-potting compost incorporation provides protection


Sciarid Fly

Vine Weevil


Leaf Be Beetles

throughout the production cycle, and beyond.

• Binds on to growing media and less likely to leach out. • No need to wear PPE when handling treated growing media. • Cost efficient and labour saving. • Limited environmental restriction or precautions for treated growing media in use.

• For use on plants under protection and outside. • Not effected by temperature so can be used all year round.

• Contains thiacloprid as active ingredient. MAPP no. 15615

phone 01473 237 111 web www.icl-sf.co.uk email prof.sales@icl-group.com 29


When planning new woodland, hedging or tree planting it is vital to remove pernicious and invasive weeds before planting to give the trees the best possible start. Roundup ProActive can play an important role in creating and maintaining trees by removing weed competition, thus allowing maximum use of water, light and soil nutrients. There is no residual effect in the soil, so the treatment will not affect the trees through their roots and planting can start 7 days after spraying. Trials show spraying pre-planting improves both tree survival and subsequent growth. Roundup combines unrivalled weed control with the best environmental and operator safety profile.

Once planted further directed sprays will be necessary to maintain a weed free area around the trees. A circle of 1.5m in diameter is optimum to remove competition for moisture, light and nutrients and should be carried out as necessary - usually between April and September. Apply the higher perennial dose rate for a mixture of perennial and annual weeds.

How Roundup ProActive works Roundup ProActive is a herbicide which is sprayed on to green leaves where it is absorbed and drawn into the plants vascular system. It then stops the production of the amino acids which build the protein the plant needs to grow and survive. The plant effectively starves to death.

Roundup ProActive Formulation Patented technology containing 360gai/l of the potassium salt and a unique blend of surfactants to deliver optimum efficacy and enhanced safety. The optimised blend of surfactants in Roundup ProActive provide the technology to aid transport across the leaf membrane and the formulation reduces surface tension so this highly active

combination ensures a synergistic improvement in glyphosate uptake and overall performance. In addition the formulation retains the non-toxicity and biodegradability properties that are so important today and low viscosity is maintained through a wide range of storage and application conditions.

Stewardship Roundup ProActive is developed with stewardship in mind. • Run-off is minimised by the rapid uptake which also enables the maximum use of weather windows, even in the more challenging situations. • Greater protection of operators and bystanders is afforded by the low drift properties of Roundup ProActive. • Safe for transport, handling and storage due to its non-hazardous status as defined by COSHH. • Can be used in areas open to the public and near water as its action blocks enzymes that are not found in humans, animals, birds or fish

30 phone 01473 237 111 web www.icl-sf.co.uk email prof.sales@icl-group.com

Setting new and improved standards Clean Label


• Non-hazardous as classified by COSHH • Does not carry a hazard symbol for transport and storage • Offers a high standard of operator safety • Approved for use in aquatic areas

Superior performance in challenging conditions IMPROVED Performance

• Improved reliability, even in hot and dry or cool and dry weather conditions • Helps make the most out of weather windows, especially pre-harvest

Less risk of drift Areas of Use

• Reduces risk of damage to neighbouring c rops and hedges

✓ Industrial ✓ Forestry ✓ Amenity ✓ Aquatic

• Reduces the risk of bystander exposure • Reduces risk of direct contamination of surface water


• • The widest label fields of use • Widest range of tested Rainfast within 1 hour

tank-mixing partners

Product Characteristics Pack size: 5 litre bottle Water volume: 100 - 200 L/ha Contains 360g/L glyphosate Not available in ROI

• Drift reduction properties • Excellent in challenging

MAPP no. 17380


Application Rate

Compatibility List Physically compatible

Equivalent dilution


Equivalent dilution

Weeds controlled



3 L/ha

1:67 or 15ml per litre of water

Annual grasses, annual broad-leaved weeds


Pistol (with agitation)

4 L/ha

1:50 or 20ml per litre of water

Arable weeds, pre-planting of trees


Stomp 400

5 L/ha

1:40 or 25ml per litre of water

Most perennial weeds

Kerb Flo

Marker dyes

6 L/ha

1:33 or 30ml per litre of water

Floating aquatic weeds

10 L/ha

1:20 or 50ml per litre of water

Rhododendron, Ivy, Horsetail and difficult waxy-leaved plants

*Antagonism when used at high rates. Do not exceed a ratio of 1 part to 3 parts Roundup ProBio.

phone 01473 237 111 web www.icl-sf.co.uk email prof.sales@icl-group.com 31

Look for FSC certified products.

Epsilon House, West Road, Ipswich, IP3 9FJ United Kingdom Tel: 01473 237111 Fax: 01473 237128 Email: prof.sales@icl-group.com www.icl-sf.co.uk www.icl-sf.ie


The information contained in this brochure is correct at time of going to print. According to the availability of raw materials and other factors. ® registered trademark of ICL and affiliates. Exemptor contains thiacloprid. Merit Forest contains Imidacloprid. Exemptor and Merit Forest are registered Trade Marks of Bayer CropScience UK Ltd. Round up is a trademark of Monsanto and contains glyphosate. Prestop is a Trade Mark of Lallemand Plant Care and contains Gliocladium Catenulatum Strain J1446. + Moffett Mounty trucks need to be booked in advance, especially in peak season. ISO 9001 Accredited. PLEASE USE PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS SAFELY. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND PRODUCT INFORMATION BEFORE USE. PAY ATTENTION TO THE RISK INDICATIONS AND FOLLOW THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ON THE LABEL

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