APG Posters
Rates 2011
updated: 01/2011 subject to change
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Street, railway station F200 Prices in CHF, per format, gross F200 Rental category
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 days
21 days
Big9: Zßrich, Genève, Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Luzern, Biel/Bienne 538 962 1 386 645 1 143 1 642 672 1 189 645 1 154 1 663 774 1 372 1 970 806 1 427 404 694 985 485 823 1 161 505 855 485 833 1 182 582 987 1 393 606 1 026 300 486 673 360 573 786 375 595 360 584 807 432 688 944 450 714 233 353 472 280 413 546 291 428 280 423 567 336 495 655 350 513 196 279 361 235 324 412 245 335 235 334 433 282 388 495 294 402 174 234 294 208 270 332 217 279 208 281 353 250 324 398 261 335
1 706 2 047 1 205 1 445 815 978 564 677 425 510 341 410
7 days
14 days
21 days
7 days
F200LR 7 days
14 days
21 days
672 806 505 606 375 450 291 350 245 294 217 261
1 189 1 427 855 1 026 595 714 428 513 335 402 279 335
1 706 2 047 1 205 1 445 815 978 564 677 425 510 341 410
1 831 2 197
823 988
1 500 1 800
2 176 2 612
858 1 029
1 560 1 872
2 263 2 715
858 1 029
1 560 1 872
2 263 2 715
Other towns and communities 407 729 1 050 489 874 1 260 306 526 746 367 631 895 227 369 510 273 442 612 177 267 358 212 321 429 149 211 274 178 253 328 132 177 223 158 213 267
489 586 367 441 273 327 212 254 178 214 158 190
866 1 039 623 748 434 521 313 375 245 294 205 246
1 244 1 492 879 1 055 596 715 413 496 312 375 251 302
509 611 383 459 284 341 221 265 186 223 165 197
901 1 081 648 777 451 541 324 389 254 305 212 254
1 292 1 551 913 1 095 617 741 427 513 322 386 259 310
509 611 383 459 284 341 221 265 186 223 165 197
901 1 081 648 777 451 541 324 389 254 305 212 254
1 292 1 551 913 1 095 617 741 427 513 322 386 259 310
520 624
954 1 144
1 387 1 665
650 780
1 182 1 418
1 714 2 057
650 780
1 182 1 418
1 714 2 057
520 624
1 259 1 510
21 days
F200L 14 days
686 823
14 days
954 1 144
1 387 1 665
Reduced rate / Standard rate Panel prices - Street: Prices based on SPR+ performance data, target area conurbation, universe resident population 15 74 years - Railway station (no GPS reception): Until the results of SPR+ special studies are available, the panels are categorized on the basis of statistical frequency data and/or empirical assessment of site quality. - Standard and reduced rates, seasonal, based on varying demand levels
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
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Street, railway station F12 Panel prices in CHF, per format, gross F12 Rental category
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 days
21 days
Big9: Zßrich, Genève, Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Luzern, Biel/Bienne 597 1 089 1 581 717 1 291 1 865 747 1 341 717 1 307 1 897 860 1 549 2 238 896 1 610 449 792 1 135 539 935 1 331 561 970 539 950 1 362 646 1 121 1 597 673 1 164 333 561 789 400 657 915 417 681 400 673 946 480 789 1 098 500 818 259 413 566 311 479 647 324 496 311 495 679 373 575 777 389 595 218 330 442 261 380 499 272 393 261 396 531 314 456 599 327 471 193 281 368 232 321 410 241 331 232 337 442 278 385 492 290 397
1 936 2 324 1 379 1 655 946 1 136 668 801 513 616 420 504
1 419 1 703
21 days
2 076 2 491
Other towns and communities 453 825 1 198 543 990 1 437 340 600 860 408 720 1 032 253 425 598 303 510 717 196 313 429 236 375 515 165 250 335 198 300 402 146 213 279 176 255 335 578 693
1 075 1 290
1 573 1 887
7 days
F12L 14 days
762 915
14 days
14 days
21 days
7 days
915 1 098
1 687 2 024
2 459 2 951
953 1 143
1 754 2 105
2 555 3 066
543 652 408 490 303 364 236 283 198 238 176 211
978 1 174 708 850 498 598 363 436 288 346 243 292
1 413 1 696 1 008 1 210 693 832 491 589 378 454 311 373
566 679 425 510 316 379 245 294 206 248 183 219
1 016 1 220 735 882 516 620 376 451 298 357 251 301
1 467 1 760 1 045 1 254 717 860 506 607 389 467 318 382
693 832
1 278 1 534
1 863 2 236
722 866
1 329 1 595
1 936 2 323
Reduced rate / Standard rate Panel prices - Street: Prices based on SPR+ performance data, target area conurbation, universe resident population 15 74 years - Railway station (no GPS reception): Until the results of SPR+ special studies are available, the panels are categorized on the basis of statistical frequency data and/or empirical assessment of site quality. - Standard and reduced rates, seasonal, based on varying demand levels
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
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Large format F24 Panel prices in CHF, per format, gross F24 Price category
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 days
14 days
F24E 21 days
7 days
14 days
21 days
Big9: Zßrich, Genève, Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Luzern, Biel/Bienne 1 075 1 976 2 877 1 290 2 340 3 389 1 290 2 371 3 452 1 548 2 807 4 067 808 1 441 2 075 969 1 698 2 427 969 1 730 2 490 1 163 2 038 2 912 600 1 026 1 451 720 1 199 1 678 720 1 231 1 742 864 1 439 2 014 466 758 1 050 560 878 1 197 560 910 1 260 671 1 054 1 437 392 610 828 470 700 930 470 732 993 565 840 1 116 347 521 694 417 593 769 417 625 833 500 712 923 1 372 1 647
2 570 3 084
3 768 4 522
Other towns and communities 815 1 497 2 180 977 1 796 2 615 612 1 092 1 572 734 1 310 1 886 455 777 1 100 545 932 1 319 353 575 796 424 689 955 297 462 627 356 554 752 263 395 526 316 473 631 1 040 1 247
1 947 2 336
2 855 3 425
1 647 1 976
3 052 3 663
4 458 5 350
977 1 173 734 881 545 654 424 509 356 428 316 379
1 772 2 127 1 286 1 544 908 1 090 665 798 530 636 449 539
2 567 3 081 1 838 2 206 1 271 1 526 907 1 088 704 845 583 699
1 247 1 497
2 312 2 775
3 377 4 053
Reduced rate / Standard rate Panel prices - Street: Prices based on SPR+ performance data, target area conurbation, universe resident population 15 74 years - Railway station (no GPS reception): Until the results of SPR+ special studies are available, the panels are categorized on the basis of statistical frequency data and/or empirical assessment of site quality. - Standard and reduced rates, seasonal, based on varying demand levels
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
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Shopping center parking facility Panel prices in CHF gross Price category Locationclass
7 days
14 days
21 days
1 year
227 273 177 212 149 178 132 158
253 303 196 236 165 198 146 176
14 days
21 days
1 year
451 541 324 389 254 305 212 254
617 741 427 513 322 386 259 310
10 000 6 600 5 200 4 300 -
516 620 376 451 298 357 251 301
717 860 506 607 389 467 318 382
12 000 7 700 6 100 5 100 -
369 442 267 321 211 253 177 213
510 612 358 429 274 328 223 267
8 500 5 500 4 300 3 600 -
425 510 313 375 250 300 213 255
598 717 429 515 335 402 279 335
9 500 6 400 5 100 4 300 -
7 days
284 341 221 265 186 223 165 197
316 379 245 294 206 248 183 219
Reduced rate / Standard rate
Panel prices - Individual panel value assessment based on frequency and site characteristics, subdivided into property classes - Standard and reduced rates, seasonal, based on varying demand levels 1
Applicable to all panels in the proprietary shopping center and parking facility areas.
For panels in street and railway station areas, rates are based on SPR+ performance data.
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
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Resort lift Format
F12 Poster Big Poster, standardised
Tarpaulin Tarpaulin Tarpaulin Tarpaulin PVC-Folie PVC-Folie PVC-Folie PVC-Folie
290 x 140 cm 300 x 200 cm 420 x 300 cm individual 245.6 x 40 cm 375 x 40 cm 100 x 50 cm 245.6 x 40 cm
Big Poster, customized Panorama panel Clock/Information display Ski/Snowboard rack Ambient Media: Gondolas, chairlifts, buses, staircases, buildings, etc.
Prices in CHF
from from from from from from from
1 900 4 600 6 900 on request 2 900 3 400 1 400 1 900 on request
Panel prices - Panels are priced on the basis of winter-season frequencies weighted by resort lift class (free added value if lift operates during the summer). - Production costs for tarpaulins and/or vinyls are charged and separately listed in the sales documentation - Individual products and prices on request Campaign 1 year: Weeks 45 - 44 Change fo visual Possible on request in week 17: posting free of charge, production costs are invoiced Discounts Posting value in CHF gross
Discount in %
100 000 - 179 999
180 000 - 249 999
250 000 - 349 999
350 000 - 449 999
>450 000
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
AC in %
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Tourism area Panel prices in CHF, per format, gross F12P / F200L
Tourism community class (TCC)
1 year
1 year
1 2 3
6 900 5 500 4 300
5 500 4 200 3 100
Panel prices - Davos, St. Moritz, Lenzerheide, Flims-Laax, Klosters and Gstaad: variable posting > street, railway station rates - All other resorts: rental duration 1 year - Production costs for tarpaulins and/or vinyls are charged and separately listed in the sales documentation TOK communities 1
Davos, St. Moritz
Gstaad, Verbier, Zermatt
Arosa, Crans-Montana, Engelberg, Flims-Laax, Grindelwald Kosters, Lenzerheide, Sass-Fee
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
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Airport Panel prices in CHF, per format, gross Price category
1 2 3 4
F12 / F200 7 days 14 days
337 285 197 156
592 488 312 230
21 days
1 year
848 691 426 303
9 340 7 615 4 670 3 350
F12L / F200L 7 days 14 days
400 322 -
718 562 -
F4 21 days
1 year
14 days
1 035 802 -
11 370 8 830 -
223 166 115 73
Panel prices Individual panel valuation based on frequency, graded by property classes
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
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Sports center Panel prices in CHF, per format, gross Price category
1 2 3 4
F12 / F200 7 days 14 days
337 285 197 156
592 488 312 230
21 days
1 year
848 691 426 303
9 340 7 615 4 670 3 350
F12L / F200L 7 days 14 days
400 322 -
718 562 -
F4 21 days
1 year
14 days
1 035 802 -
11 370 8 830 -
223 166 115 73
Panel prices Individual panel valuation based on site quality
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
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Camping, aquatic center, tennis
Trade show, exihibition, port of call
Panel prices in CHF, per format/season1, brutto
Panel prices Individual panel valuation based on site quality,
Price category
Property class
1 2 3 4
1 527 1 230 994
1 527 1 230 994
1 927 1 522 1 210
939 748 513
offers and prices on request
Panel prices Individual panel valuation based on frequency, graded by property classes Frequencies Subdivision of camping sites based on number of overnight stays per season: A = 50 000 + B = 20 000 + C = 20 000 Subdivision of aquatic centers based on visitor frequency per season: A = 150 000 + B = 50 000 + C = 50 000 Subdivision of tennis centers based on size: B = large C = medium 1
Indoor pools: duration fo season 1 year
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
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Mobility F4
City Lokal F4
Panel prices in CHF pro F4 brutto
Panel prices in CHF pro F4 brutto
Price category
7 days
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
67.00 62.00 56.50 51.50 50.00 46.50 41.00 36.50
Price category
7 days
Panel prices
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
152.50 141.50 129.50 119.00 107.50 97.00 85.00 66.50 55.50 41.00
- Impact rated prices by rental price category (RPC - Exceptions because of concession agreement provisions:
Panel prices
Zürich RPC 8 instead of RPC 1
14 days
100.50 92.50 85.00 77.00 70.00 69.50 62.00 52.00
14 days
283.50 261.50 238.50 216.00 194.00 172.00 149.00 111.50 89.50 62.00
Individual panel valuation based on site quality
Basel RPC 5 instead of RPC 2 Bern RPC 8 instead of RPC 3
Products Individual depending on town/community
Town -
Winterthur, St. Gallen, Luzern, Biel/Bienne
Towns/communities with 10 000 - 40 000 inhabitants
all others
Zürich, Bern
Tourism area F4 Panel prices in CHF per F4, gross Price category
1 2 3 4
14 days
223.00 166.00 115.00 57.00
Panel prices Individual panel valuation based on site quality Products Individual depending on town/community
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
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Extra charges Prices in CHF, per format, gross Format
Change of visual within schedule Change of visual outside schedule1 Add-ons/snipes within schedule Add-ons/snipes outside schedule Underl채y sheets Multi-part posters2 Fee in canton of Ticiono3 per contract Locarno
F200L / LR
120 10 90 18
120 -
140 10 90 27
200 10 90 54
100 10 90 9
Special terms and conditions Charity posting Non-profit institutions/organizations with ZEWO label are granted a discount of 50% (including agency commission) on all bookings. Exceptions: F4 products, long-term orders/contracts, locally coordinated products. Political posting in formats F200 / F200L / F12 / F12L / F24 A discount of 25% and an agency commission of 15% are granted for political campaigns (elections/referenda). Applicable to campaign durations of 7, 14, and 21 days. Political posting in format F4 A discount of 5% agency commission is granted for political campaigns (elections/referenda) for our Mobility F4 product. Applicable to campaign durations of 7 and 14 days.
On request, depending on capacities, same prices as for subsequent posting of delayed-delivery posters
Extra charge for posters that do not comply with APG standards: billable hours
Political parties exempt from fees
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
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Public transit hanging cardboard displays Prices in CHF, per format, gross
7 days
14 days
21 days
28 days
+7 days
13.20 17.60
19.50 26.60
25.80 35.60
32.10 44.60
6.30 9.00
12.70 16.90
18.80 25.70
24.90 34.50
31.00 43.30
6.10 8.80
12.20 16.20
18.10 24.70
24.00 33.20
29.90 41.70
5.90 8.50
Service category 1
Hanging cardboard display without dispenser Hanging cardboard display with dispenser Service category 2
Hanging cardboard display without dispenser Hanging cardboard display with dispenser Service category 3
Hanging cardboard display without dispenser Hanging cardboard display with dispenser Format 25 x 35 cm Panel prices
Detailed transit system price lists see www.apgtraffic.ch, hanging displays with/without dispenser Price deviations at VBZ Z端rich, BVB Basel, Stadtbus Winterthur (all available through APGTraffic) Dispenser refills: CHF 4.50 each Available only in series Season discount January/February and JulyAugust: 25% on showings of 3 weeks or more ZEWO organizations 25% discount all year round, on showings of 3 weeks or more
RailBoard, RailBoardMidi S-Bahn Bern (BLS) Prices in CHF, per format, gross
No. of panels
2 weeks
4 weeks
380 190 95 380 190
31 350 15 675 7 838 10 450 5 225
53 580 26 790 13 395 17 860 8 930
Format RailBoard: Paper dimensions 65 x 31 cm, visible surface 63 x 29 cm RailBoardMidi: Paper dimensions 25 x 35 cm, visible surface 23 x 33 cm Contract discount Contract value in CHF
> 10 000
> 30 000
> 40 000
> 60 000
Season discount January/February and July/August: 20%, combinable with the contract discount ZEWO organizations 20% discount all year round, not combinable with the season discount
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
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Traffic Light Poster VBZ Tram 2000, Z端rich Format
No. of panels
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
340 170 85
18 700 9 350 -
32 300 16 150 -
45 900 22 950 -
340 170 85
18 700 9 350 -
32 300 16 150 -
45 900 22 950 -
1 month
3 months
6 months
12 months
38 37 36
60.5 59.5 58.5
93 92 91
158 157 156
Winter: We 30.12.09 Tu 30.03.10 and We 29.09.10 Tu 04.01.11
Traffic Light Poster Large Traffic Light Poster Medium Traffic Light Poster Small2 Summer: 31.03.10 Tu 28.09.10
Traffic Light Poster Large Traffic Light Poster Medium Traffic Light Poster Small
Format Paper dimensions 76 x 36 cm, visible surface 74 x 34 cm, backlit
Public transit transparent window decals Prices in CHF, per format, gross
Service category 1 Service category 2 Service category 3 Panel prices Detailed transit system price lists see www.apgtraffic.ch, transparent window decals Change of visual: CHF 25 Price deviations at VBZ Z端rich, BVB Basel, Stadtbus Winterthur (all available through APGTraffic) Available only in series Format 50 x 25 cm Billposting Begins: Monday closest to the start of the month Posting dates
Campaign duration
4 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
4 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
4 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
4 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
4 weeks
Basis: General terms and conditions of APG-SGA Traffic AG, not including production costs
Bookable no earlier than 6 weeks prior to start of posting, availability and prices on request
Winterthur, 04.01.2011, COS 2011_Tarife_E.xls
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