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The official magazine for Affiliate Summit
Use these summer Get the most out of Affiliate Summit East simply guides the marketer to know which answer, product or I had the privilege to speakQ4 at Affiliate Summit West on ads months to improve Facebook 2018 agenda a sub- ject that I truly only started learning about back
service that best fit.
For affiliate canattendance ask the cus- tomer This is the perfect time of year Want to cut through the marketing specifically, Plan you your and learn in June of 2017. Chatbots. direct questions about what they are seeking, wanting, or to audit your program and advertising noise? Here you’ll about the speakers appearing desiring; THEN give it to them. However, coming from over 15 years in sales and marketboost your recruiting efforts find tips to make users convert at this year’s ASE18 ing, it was a natural fit. Chatbots are the new sales tool. That is true marketing. By Judi Moore, Page 9 By Kamila Łuksza, Page 26
What is a Chatbot?
A chatbot is a service, powered by rules and sometimes artificial intelligence, which you interact with via a chat interface. The service could be any number of things, ranging from functional to fun, and it could live in any major chat product (Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram, text messages, etc.) The Shift in Marketing Is Here.
Here are three ways Facebook Chatbots are changing marketer’s lives.
1. Engagement Since the beginning of time, marketers have been looking for high ‘engagement’ (open rates, click through rates, etc). The current data of email for open rates are between 5% - 15% and click through rates are 5% - 10%. The current data of ‘engagement’ for Facebook chatbots is extremely HIGH.
• Open rates: 75% - 95% rate. • Click through rates: 20% - 30% As more marketers jump on board, these will decrease, but for now chatbots outperform social media, email, YouTube, or blog engagement.
Page 33
3. Segmentation Similar to email, segmentation is key in selling and deliv- ering customers products and services. Now with chatbots and AI, the marketer can create multiple campaigns, multiple conversations, and multiple segments all inside of one Face- book profile. No longer does one size fits all in marketing strategies. During the ‘conversation’ with potential customer or client, the chatbot can tag responses and create segmented buckets to foster conversations that are only relevant to the interests of that user. These conversations can be created in an auto re- sponder series as you would inside an email marketing cam- paign. The big difference? Over 80% open rates.
The Time is Here. Next Step: Build Your Chatbot Marketing Strategy. The marketing strategy is less about tech and more about psychology and journey to take your customers down the slide into your bucket of offers. Enjoy your Chatbot build. [FF]
2. Conversation I was recently at a small private event where Ryan Deiss of Digital Marketer.com was being interviewed by the CEO of Drift.com; a new chatbot service. I remember something very specific that Ryan said; “If you are going to survive and thrive in 2018 you must build a community and focus on the customer conversation.” Chatbots are taking the customer on a sort of ‘choose your own adventure’ journey. “They” are in charge, and the chatbot
Affiliate Summit APAC October 1-3, 2018 WE’RE GOING TO SINGAPORE! FeedFront | July 2018 | No. 43 | 1