FeedFront Magazine issue 43

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The official magazine for Affiliate Summit

Use these summer Get the most out of Affiliate Summit East simply guides the marketer to know which answer, product or I had the privilege to speakQ4 at Affiliate Summit West on ads months to improve Facebook 2018 agenda a sub- ject that I truly only started learning about back

service that best fit.




For affiliate canattendance ask the cus- tomer This is the perfect time of year Want to cut through the marketing specifically, Plan you your and learn in June of 2017. Chatbots. direct questions about what they are seeking, wanting, or to audit your program and advertising noise? Here you’ll about the speakers appearing desiring; THEN give it to them. However, coming from over 15 years in sales and marketboost your recruiting efforts find tips to make users convert at this year’s ASE18 ing, it was a natural fit. Chatbots are the new sales tool. That is true marketing. By Judi Moore, Page 9 By Kamila Łuksza, Page 26

What is a Chatbot?

A chatbot is a service, powered by rules and sometimes artificial intelligence, which you interact with via a chat interface. The service could be any number of things, ranging from functional to fun, and it could live in any major chat product (Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram, text messages, etc.) The Shift in Marketing Is Here.

Here are three ways Facebook Chatbots are changing marketer’s lives.

1. Engagement Since the beginning of time, marketers have been looking for high ‘engagement’ (open rates, click through rates, etc). The current data of email for open rates are between 5% - 15% and click through rates are 5% - 10%. The current data of ‘engagement’ for Facebook chatbots is extremely HIGH.

• Open rates: 75% - 95% rate. • Click through rates: 20% - 30% As more marketers jump on board, these will decrease, but for now chatbots outperform social media, email, YouTube, or blog engagement.

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3. Segmentation Similar to email, segmentation is key in selling and deliv- ering customers products and services. Now with chatbots and AI, the marketer can create multiple campaigns, multiple conversations, and multiple segments all inside of one Face- book profile. No longer does one size fits all in marketing strategies. During the ‘conversation’ with potential customer or client, the chatbot can tag responses and create segmented buckets to foster conversations that are only relevant to the interests of that user. These conversations can be created in an auto re- sponder series as you would inside an email marketing cam- paign. The big difference? Over 80% open rates.

The Time is Here. Next Step: Build Your Chatbot Marketing Strategy. The marketing strategy is less about tech and more about psychology and journey to take your customers down the slide into your bucket of offers. Enjoy your Chatbot build. [FF]

2. Conversation I was recently at a small private event where Ryan Deiss of Digital Marketer.com was being interviewed by the CEO of Drift.com; a new chatbot service. I remember something very specific that Ryan said; “If you are going to survive and thrive in 2018 you must build a community and focus on the customer conversation.” Chatbots are taking the customer on a sort of ‘choose your own adventure’ journey. “They” are in charge, and the chatbot

Affiliate Summit APAC October 1-3, 2018 WE’RE GOING TO SINGAPORE! FeedFront | July 2018 | No. 43 | 1



Co-Editors in Chief Missy Ward, Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins



Influencer gifting 101

Editor’s note


The biggest missed opportunity for bloggers

By Stephanie Salomon

By Josh Kohlbach

Co-Publishers Missy Ward, Shawn Collins Contributing Writers D. Patrick Asbra, Helen Au, Debbie Bookstaber, Tawanna Browne Smith, Alon Cohen, Shawn Collins, Seth D. Heyman, Rachel Hirsch, Travis Jacobson, Josh Kohlbach, Keshida Layone, Kris Lentz, Kamila Łuksza, Sean Yoon McDevitt, Judi Moore, Owen B. Ray, Eugene Rome, Esq., Steve Root, Heather Sadorf, Stephanie Salomon, Vanessa St-Amand, Mick van Jaarsvelt, Paige L. White, Priest Willis, Sr., Tom Wozniak Graphic Design Andy Medley for YMP http://youngsmedia.productions Magazine Coordinator Amy Rodriguez Affiliate Summit 9532 Liberia Avenue, #127 Manassas, VA 20110 tel (417)-2SUMMIT (278-6648) fax (908) 364-4627 Articles in FeedFront Magazine are the opinions of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views of the magazine, or its owners. FeedFront Magazine always welcomes opinions of an opposite nature. For more information, visit: www.FeedFront.com Interested in advertising? Please visit: feedfront.com/advertising/ or email us at: contact@feedfront.com © 2018 Affiliate Summit, Inc. and Individual Authors.


Be a quitter By Priest Willis Sr


Use these summer months to improve Q4 By Judi Moore


Advantages of email List scrubbing By D. Patrick Asbra


Tracking parameters lead to informed marketing decisions By Travis Jacobson


Increase revenue with SMS and Browser notifications



By Tom Wozniak

By Helen Au

Using negative marketing signals for campaign optimization

5 performance marketing KPIs for financial services


Attribution-based commissions death to last click wins


By Vanessa St Amand



More success more conversions same unchanging budget

How to avoid professional TCPA plantiffs


By Alon Cohen

By Keshida Layone

By Seth D Heyman




At your service – the company you keep By Rachel Hirsch

Recovering hard-toreach merchant reserves

Thought leadership’s importance to SEO and affiliates

Driving affiliate conversions with social advertising By Paige White


Steps for surviving the retail apocalypse By Sean Yoon McDevitt


By Heather Sadorf


By Tony Wright



By Eugene Rome


Make your ppc ad copy sparkle

5 Tips for driving traffic with Flipboard By Tawanna Browne Smith


Adwords-like reports on Facebook ad campaigns By Mick van Jaarsvelt



By Kamila Luksza

By Debbie Bookstaber




By Owen B. Ray

By Kris Lentz

By Steve Root




Get the most out of Facebooks ads

Ways affiliate marketers can use AI


Hashtag hacks tools tips and social insights

Have you considered a referral program?

Keynote bios


4 steps for automating affiliate activation

Speaker bios

FeedFront | July 2018 | No. 43 | 3

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Shawn Collins



DON’T TAKE EVERY SHOT – PASS IT SOMETIMES Last week I was at a game for my son’s soccer team. One of his teammates, who is typically a ball hog, dribbled until he had a bad angle and took a shot that went nowhere near the goal. A bunch of parents shouted about his good shot. But it was selfish play and a bad shot. He should have crossed it. I couldn’t blame the kid. He repeatedly takes lousy shots, and the sideline shouts out accolades and affirmations. It’s rare his shots are even on goal, and even less likely for them to go in.

That Wayne Gretzky Quote One of the quotes I see most often in business presentations is that one from hockey legend Wayne Gretzky: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” That’s not the whole quote, though. It’s the end of a bigger thought. “The day I stop giving is the day I stop receiving. The day I stop learning is the day I stop growing. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” And yes, the premise is true that you do miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. However, it gives the impression that The Great One was firing off shots at every opportunity. But he wasn’t. Gretzky has the NHL record for most goals all-time with 894 in the regular season. Another notable item in the record books for Wayne Gretzky is the most assists in the regular season at 1,963. His assist total is more than 700 higher than the number two guy, Ron Francis.

Pass It More Than You Shoot Wayne Gretzky scored tons of goals. I don’t think another player ever eclipses his record. And even less likely that another hockey player gets more assists than him in the NHL. Remember this fact – he had more than twice as many assists as goals. That brings it back to the first part of his quote, “The day I stop giving is the day I stop receiving.” He didn’t play selfishly – he directly helped his teammates score way more goals than he scored personally.

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While the quote about the shots is probably his most popular one, I prefer a comment he shared in an interview a couple of years ago in Entrepreneur Magazine. When asked which of his 60 records he’d like people to remember him for most, he responded, “Records come and go. When people remember me, I want them to say, ‘That guy worked as hard as he could on every single shift.’” What is your work style, your work ethic? Do you go for the individual glory with each opportunity, or do you make decisions that will benefit your team the most? Don’t be confused by clowns telling you those bad shots are good. Pass it off when somebody else has a better angle on it. [FF]

@feedfront | www.feedfront.com


As influencer marketing continues to be a cornerstone of any retailer’s digital marketing strategy, the concept of gifting products or services can be an effective way to activate these partners and inspire content around one’s offering. Gifting gives influencers a chance to fall in love with a product and feel compelled to share it across their platform, which aids their ability to stay authentic. To better support your influencer strategy, here are five tips for brands looking to improve their gifting efforts.

Set Clear Expectations Before sending free goods, decide internally what your end goal is and tailor your pitch accordingly. Ensure you’re reaching the goals you’re setting with what you’re sending and be clear with how you see this specific product fitting into the influencer’s strategy. Make sure your expectations are realistic, so you don’t falsely deem efforts a failure. If you send out product looking for Instagram exposure to a group of contacts who don’t promote via Instagram, you will be disappointed and fall short of your goals.

Tailor Your Recruitment You will best achieve your goal by hand-selecting influencers that align with your brand. Determine which bloggers will be most receptive to your products and target those individuals directly. Another underutilized recruitment source is your current customer base. Research those who are already talking about your merchandise and see if they have a social following or online presence. For those who do, send them product.

Like sending a corporate email mailer, where the open rate is higher, and bounce rate is lower when the content is tailored for the recipient, this basic principle of customization also applies to influencer gifting. Avoid sending out batch copies of the same product or offer to multiple influencer contacts. When the benefit to the retailer is prioritized over the benefit to the partner, it works against the gesture of gifting.

Tell a Story The gift alone may not sell your pitch or tell your story. It’s important to put it in context and make the connection for influencers. Does a target blogger consistently remark about the cost-effective aspect of their outfits? Package a narrative for them and send a ‘complete outfit’ retailing for under $100. Think like a content marketer and ask yourself, ‘Would this make a good story?’

Maintain the Momentum Achieving successful “ROI” on your gifting efforts is half the battle. The other challenge is capitalizing on this new relationship and maintaining the momentum to ensure future promotions. Partner with an affiliate network for performance visibility through influencer reporting. You could also follow up with another product or sample. Show your awareness of, and gratitude for their efforts and gifting will continue to “keep on giving.” [FF]

Make it Personal Hand-selecting merchandise in line with an influencer’s personal brand is the best way to get a shot at engagement with your products. This is also a great way to demonstrate your commitment to the partnership because the gift was carefully curated for this individual.

FeedFront | July 2018 | No. 43 | 5


Stephanie Salomon is head of marketing for Awin and ShareASale.


@feedfront | www.feedfront.com

THE BIGGEST MISSED OPPORTUNITY FOR BLOGGERS Josh Kohlbach is the founder of ThirstyAffiliates.com, a link cloaking tool for WordPress.

Bloggers are in a unique position as affiliate marketers. They have the two things you need to succeed before ever having set up a single affiliate link: 1. An audience

This same methodology can be applied to other blogging niches as well.

Leverage Tools to Make It Happen

But in that opportunity, they also have one of the greatest barriers to entry. They often have such a back-catalog of content it can be intimidating to think about how to start monetizing with affiliate marketing. But let me tell you, it’s worth it – there’s gold in them thar hills.

You can do this process manually but depending on how much content you have; it might take a lot of time. I recommend you leverage technology to do the job for you. Many link cloaking tools feature an “autolinker” which searches out and hunts down the keywords in your articles. It links these keywords up on the fly. By using an autolinker, you can easily change the link to another offer if you find one with better returns.

Why Monetize Your Existing Content

Your Challenge

Take a good hard look at your monetization plan for your blog. If you are monetizing with private ads, Google Adsense, or other ad networks, you could be leaving a lot on the table. Most bloggers don’t realize that there is so much low hanging fruit already on their site. Take some time to go back through your archives of existing content and find all the times you’ve mentioned a product. There’s likely to be thousands of mentions. Whether you are a food blogger, a tech blogger, a travel blogger, or whatever – you have the chance to monetize all of this past content. It’s is by far the best way that I know for bloggers to generate massive affiliate earnings in a very short amount of time.

So, my challenge to you, good blogger, is to look harder at all that great content you have spent hours and hours crafting and ask:

2. Content

How to Monetize Old Content The goal is to find all the keywords in your content that relate to products and link them up to affiliate offers. You can either link them to offers directly or to dedicated product reviews. For example, if you are a food blogger, any time you mention the word “blender”, you have an opportunity to link off to your favorite brand of blender. You can point people directly to the blender you recommend with your affiliate link, or you can link off to another article on your site reviewing that product in detail.

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“What can I do today, right now, to leverage that?” As I always tell people, the ones who succeed with affiliate marketing do one thing consistently: they take big action. [FF]

Find out what makes the Awin Group the leading global marketing network. Find out whataffiliate makes the Awin Group the leading global affiliate marketing Affiliate Summit East | Booth network. 5001 Affiliate Summit East | Booth 5001

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260 260

new affiliates joining every day new affiliates joining every day

180 180 markets globally markets globally

We are affiliate marketing We are affiliate marketing


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BE A QUITTER Priest Willis Sr. is an entrepreneur & Senior Global Affiliate and Partnerships Manager at Lenovo.

You always hear folks preaching stuff like: “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” “The minute you need to quit is the minute you have to continue pushing.” I accept that sometimes giving up can be risky to your general prosperity and life when all is said and done but is quitting that bad?

Let Me Clarify Have you ever felt fear when considering to stop something or even starting something… maybe thinking everyone will judge you as a failure… thinking you’ll lose your way (financially or otherwise) and make things hard on yourself? These feelings of fear are fair, and I’ve had them myself. However, in most situations for myself and many successful people I’ve interviewed on my podcast, things tend to always seem to work out ultimately. Most of the time, the thing you feared most doesn’t even happen. Many people tend to underestimate how strong they are to push through their battles. My career in the performance marketing industry has taken several pivots over the past decade and each time it’s been for the better. In my current role as Sr. Global Partnerships Manager with Lenovo, I relocated from Wisconsin, where I was born and raised, and moved to North Carolina. This should go without saying that it took much consulting with family, friends, mentors, searching internally and I can honestly say now that after five years I’m happy and have no plans on ever moving back to Wisconsin. I can see when I step back how the years spent as an affiliate then affiliate manager and now leading the strategic partnership efforts at a multi-billion-dollar company has happened.

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You may be “uncomfortable” for a season, but the beauty of the struggle is knowing seasons change. It’s really in those times that I believe you’re showing yourself who you are at a deeper level. Finding out who you’re not, helps you to know who you are.

Two Reasons Why It’s OK to be a Quitter Do you have trouble leaving a crappy circumstance (circle you stand in) since you prefer not to be a “quitter”? How about we get real about how we feel and become genuine about what we want. Here are some reasons why it’s fine to peace out when the going may be going wrong.

You’re Not Wasting Your Time Consider each pivot as an opportunity to learn. Utilize that information with the expectation to investigate new roads for satisfaction. Stopping an uninspiring activity, diversion, or relationship is ok. Your time is your most valuable asset.

You’re Being Honest with Yourself Keep in mind; everybody is unique. Remember that notwithstanding when you discover “the thing” regardless you will need to work at it. Try not to ignore the vitality you get in your journey. Be available in the moment. The next time you find yourself ready to quit, don’t think of it as losing a loss but consider it as making room for greater possibilities. [FF]

@feedfront | www.feedfront.com

Judi Moore is VP of Sales at Snow Consulting - building and growing affiliate programs.

Merchants, this is the perfect time of year to audit your program and boost your recruiting efforts. Late summer is when affiliates prepare for the biggest selling season of the year. Don’t wait until October to get your program noticed. Here are some things to review and refresh as needed, so your program appeals to affiliates. Your stats and network ranking will factor in the decision, but the creative offerings and the age of the product feed can turn a perfect partner away from trying your program. Don’t look like an amateur. 1.

Are your terms and conditions easy to read? HTML formatting can make all the difference. Have you read your terms lately to see if they are still relevant? Are they complete? Have you covered disclosures, paid search, and social postings? What about mobile apps and SMS messages?


Polish your program description and welcome email. Make use of lifestyle images where appropriate for your product. Make sure the creative is fresh and relevant to your goals. Check every landing page for offers, banners, and text links.


Look at your data for the best-selling products. Offer to share that info in your program news. Create a newsletter template now so you can easily share program news with your affiliates. Check previous reporting to see which subject lines increased the open rate.


Review network reporting for all affiliates and segment them for further outreach or specific niche content suggestions. Use tagging to make future reporting and communication easier and more relevant to the affiliate.


Set some goals for recruiting and for performance by various groups. Plan your incentives and communications accordingly. Example: tag affiliates who have performed exceptionally well in just one month or quarter this year. Offer an incentive if they perform that well again. Track with tagging. Communicate with newsletter reminders segmented to that group.


Look at every affiliate who performed in Q4 of 2017 and see if there are incentives you can offer for an increase this year. Communicate your plans to them in time for gift guides and planned posts. They are as crazy busy as you are when Q4 hits.


If you have cash-back/loyalty affiliates, look at the cashback percentage of your competition to see if you need to increase. Negotiate for better placement with an increase.


Plan your BFCM (Black Friday Cyber Monday) promotions as far in advance as possible. Even if some details are not available until the week prior, the campaign can be ready, so a price or an image is just a drop-in before sending. Do the same for every other promoted shopping date in December.

Spend a few hours now, and your efforts will produce results in Q4. Put the above tasks on your calendar and make them a priority. Get help now if you need to bring in the professionals. It is not too early. The exact right time for improving your affiliate program is now. [FF]

FeedFront | July 2018 | No. 43 | 9




@feedfront | www.feedfront.com

USING NEGATIVE MARKETING SIGNALS FOR CAMPAIGN OPTIMIZATION Tom Wozniak, Executive Director of Marketing of email compliance and suppression list management company, OPTIZMO.

When analyzing email campaign performance, most marketers focus on their KPIs (CTR, Opens, Sales, ROI) and use those metrics to dial in performance. This concentration on the positive is the traditional approach to evaluating campaign results. It seems logical that if your goal is to get recipients to engage with your emails, you should measure that engagement in each campaign and look for ways to improve it over time. However, focusing solely on positive KPIs ignores numerous other metrics and signals that your campaigns are delivering. These negative marketing signals can be just as valuable in helping you understand areas that may be driving down performance.

What are Negative Marketing Signals? Much like positive marketing metrics, there is any number of negative indicators generated by every email campaign. Just a few of the more commonly measured negative marketing metrics include opt-outs (and opt-out rate), email bounces, spam reports, and recipient complaints. Many marketers track these metrics (they are often tracked automatically by numerous email platforms), but only give them a cursory look when considering ways to optimize campaign performance.

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Three Tips for Using Negative Marketing Signals 1. Your opt-out (or unsubscribe) rate is more than just a count of people don’t want to receive your messages anymore. At a high level, you can monitor opt-out rates from campaign to campaign and look for factors that drive higher rates. You can also dig into the details by actually looking at the email addresses that have unsubscribed. Can you identify any common factors among these recipients? Perhaps a disproportionate amount of them come from a particular email list or segment. If so, you can then optimize based on this information. 2. Many marketers consider open rate to be a vital metric. You want to know how many recipients are opening your emails, of course. But, your bounce rate is just as important. If an email bounces, and never reaches a recipient’s inbox, it most certainly can’t be opened. Your bounce rate is directly reducing your open rate in every campaign. While you will likely never have a perfect email list with 100% deliverability, you may want to remove bounced email addresses from future campaigns actively. This will enhance your deliverability and make your open rate more effective. 3. What’s worse than not having your email reach a recipient’s inbox? It might be having that recipient (and others like them) flag your email as spam. Their ISP registers this action, and if enough recipients flag similar messages from your IP over time, future messages may be more likely to be flagged as spam for all recipients on that email platform. You should be actively monitoring the number of spam reports generated by every campaign, and looking for trends related to each email. You may find that some subject lines or email content drive a higher percentage of spam reports. This allows you to avoid those factors that correlate to higher spam report rates. [FF]

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Helen Au helps to drive the growth of financial markets.

Affiliate marketing is an important channel that helps to drive growth for financial services products. When it comes to measuring the success of a partner, campaign, or program, there are five KPIs that we recommend monitoring to help get the most out of your performance marketing efforts.

1 Conversion Rate This refers to the percentage of visitors who complete an action or goal. For a leads-based business, conversions have to do with sign-ups or applications to a product. For financial institutions, this means sign-ups to credit cards, loans, savings account, among others. We measure it as number of leads/clicks. This metric identifies the partner or campaign that delivers the highest quality or most engaged visitors. You can evaluate whether you are targeting the right audience and which affiliate partnerships and campaigns are more efficient and worth expanding.

2. Approval Rate This refers to the percentage of leads that are approved. It applies to financial products that require a customer to meet certain requirements to be eligible. We measure it as number of approvals/leads. This metric is important, as it shows the bottom line impact of each partnership and campaign. This means a high conversion rate is not necessarily valuable without a healthy approval rate. A channel or program approval rate is reflective of the targeting capabilities and can help to identify which products are better suited for which audiences.

3. Financial Program Growth This refers to the percentage increase in financial metrics across your partnerships and even affiliate program as a whole. Review the growth of these metrics month-over-month and year-overyear to help identify top-performing partners and campaigns, as well as reveal market trends. It gives an overview of performance over time and shows which affiliates have consistent growth. It also enables the evaluation of which metrics contribute to program growth, so you can replicate the success moving forward.

4. Link Traffic This refers to the total number of visits to a landing page. We measure it in the number of clicks that a link receives. Link clicks indicate how well your content and creatives are performing. You can measure how effective the content or creative is in attracting customers’ interest and driving traffic. You can also compare the amount of traffic that the link acquires to the traffic of your affiliate site as a percentage. Use this to gauge what most engages your target audience.

5. Approved Commissions This refers to the total revenue generated per financial product or across all products during a specific period. It shows whether you are generating significant revenue on a regular basis. It also shows if the marketing efforts you’ve spent on promoting the products are worthwhile and profitable. One of the objectives is to generate a continuous stream of commission. This allows you to evaluate if there’s enough content/creatives on your site and their lifespan. Use these five KPIs to have greater insights and make informed decisions to improve your affiliate channel performance. [FF]

FeedFront | July 2018 | No. 43 | 11




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ADVANTAGES OF EMAIL LIST SCRUBBING For over a decade Patrick Asbra has been leading sales for Unsubcentral, a PostUp company.

Using Suppression Lists to Optimize CPA Campaigns

3. Keep Your Email Audience Happy

Are you leveraging email in your CPA campaigns? If so, you know the potential of email marketing. You also know the precautions that must be taken to maintain email compliance, such as using email suppression lists to honor opt-outs. Suppression lists are critical for compliance, but they can also help CPA email marketers optimize their programs. Here are three smart ways suppression lists can improve your email efforts.

Suppressing current customers and irrelevant leads doesn’t just save you money. It can protect your brand as well. Abusing the email channel with irrelevant messaging can frustrate your recipients. Smart email suppression improves the user experience by limiting the unnecessary promotional email that your audience receives. This cuts down the amount of unsubscribes or spam complaints you receive, plus it can preserve your customer relationships. When you’re paying to find new customers, you don’t want to have to pay for the loss of your current ones.

1. Stop Paying for Leads You Already Have CPA email marketing can help promote your product to a larger audience, but if you’re reaching out to (and paying for) customers you already have, you’re losing out on ROI. By using a suppression list to keep track of current customers, your mailers can scrub against your customer list while they’re scrubbing against opt-outs. That way, you exclude customers from CPA mailings and avoid paying for these customers twice. When you don’t have to pay for unnecessary clicks, you drive more value with your CPA efforts.

2. Improve the Targeting of Email Campaigns Now that you’re not spending money on existing customers, you can take your suppression list strategy a step further. Use suppression lists to improve the targeting of your campaigns, and you won’t have to pay for low-quality clicks either. One way to optimize CPA campaigns is to suppress email addresses where the offer is known to be irrelevant. For instance, if you’re advertising something that only applies in certain locations, you can create a suppression list of email addresses known to be outside that area. You might also suppress email addresses with low engagement. Suppression list strategies will vary by program, but using the data you already have to its fullest potential is always important for campaign optimization.

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Using Suppression Lists Safely Finally, like with your opt-out suppression lists, your smart suppression lists must be handled with care. Don’t share raw email data with your email partners. After all, no CPA program ROI can make up for costly CAN-SPAM violations or the loss of your audience’s trust. [FF]

@feedfront | www.feedfront.com

Travis Jacobson is the Director of Affiliate Marketing at Automattic (WordPress.com, Jetpack & WooCommerce.com).

My wife, Brandi, and I recently traveled to France with our three children. Our flight landed in Paris with a limited amount of time to catch our connecting flight to Lyon. Our youngest child needed a ticket before we caught our connecting flight. When we landed in Paris, we were unprepared for how confused we would be with a foreign language, while navigating an unfamiliar airport, and keeping track of three jetlagged kids. We waited in a long line but were turned away as it was the line for customs. Worried we would miss our connection, we frantically looked for someone that could help us. Luckily, we found an airline employee that helped answer all of our questions, provided us with the ticket we needed and directed us where we needed to go. With this information, we were able to navigate the airport and make our connecting flight. Similar to our experience in France, publishers can get lost without the vital information guiding their marketing decisions. Publishers can optimize their marketing efforts based on information they receive from campaign and SubID tracking parameters. Successful affiliate programs rely on publishers to set up marketing campaigns that drive quality traffic which in turn produce referrals. Why do campaign and SubID tracking parameters matter? Marketing decisions are based on results. The more data publishers have to analyze marketing decisions, the better their performance will be. Campaign and SubID tracking parameters are essential tools that every affiliate program should offer, and every publisher should be using. Without these parameters, publishers are forced to use a generic site-wide link that only shows general click and referral data for all of their marketing campaigns.

Here’s a quick summary of the data both tracking parameters provide:

Campaign Tracking Campaign tracking allows publishers to place specific tracking parameters in their links to monitor and track the performance for different marketing channels. Affiliate traffic varies greatly depending on where the tracking link is placed. For example; traffic from social campaigns will vary from product reviews on a website. Campaign tracking helps publishers identify where they should focus their marketing efforts.

SubID Tracking SubID tracking is a dynamic parameter at the end of the tracking link where publishers add their code. The dynamic parameter will generate a unique code for all users clicking out of the publisher’s site. The publisher’s code will store all the data regarding the users on the publisher’s end (traffic source, country, search terms, etc.). The affiliate programs tracking solution will pass the dynamic parameter back to the publisher with any earned commissions. Both tracking parameters are designed to help publishers track relevant data. When used together, these tracking parameters allow publishers to cross-reference their marketing campaigns with information about the user to see how their ad placement impacts their referrals. By providing campaign and SubID tracking, publishers will be equipped to make informed decisions regarding their marketing campaigns based on actual data. [FF]

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ATTRIBUTION-BASED COMMISSIONS: DEATH TO “LAST CLICK WINS” Vanessa St-Amand is the Sr. Copywriter & Digital Engagement Manager at AffiliateManager.com.

You’re driving down the highway, and hear a radio commercial about a new Japanese restaurant that has recently been named #1 for sushi. About half an hour later, you see a billboard that says that same restaurant is two miles away. Feeling hungry, you decide to take the exit. As you get closer to the new Japanese restaurant, you notice a spinning sign holder offering a free appetizer with an entree. You’re sold! You walk in and ask about the free appetizer with entree promotion. From a macro perspective, the restaurant manager might assume the free appetizer was the sole deciding factor when you chose to dine at the new Japanese restaurant, and choose to put more of the marketing budget into that promotion. In actuality, the radio commercial, billboard, and free appetizer commercial all played a part in delivering you to the restaurant, and funds should be allocated appropriately to repeat this outcome with other potential customers. This is attribution. In affiliate marketing, the archaic rule of “last click wins” is on its last leg, and for a very good reason. It’s rare that only one affiliate or marketing touch point is the sole driving force for a customer conversion. A blog or review site may be the touch that educates and influences a customer to purchase, but ends up being displaced as the last click by a coupon or deal site, and therefore doesn’t receive any credit or compensation. The “spirit” of any affiliate program must be to reward value, incentivizing further promotion while safeguarding against competitors. Attribution-based commission is the method of compensating affiliates based on their position within the sales funnel, and with an attribution-based commission structure, affiliates will be rewarded properly for their contribution, beyond just the last click. Many affiliate networks have enhanced their technology to offer the ability to compensate affiliates based on where they fall in the sales funnel. Two examples are ShareASale and AvantLink,

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both of which provide proprietary technology that allows for attribution-based commissioning. If your network doesn’t offer this feature, you may be sabotaging your affiliate program by only compensating affiliates at the end of the marketing funnel - causing the top of the funnel affiliates to abandon your program or avoid your program altogether. If your network doesn’t offer attribution measurement, we recommend looking at Google Analytics to make data-driven decisions. Specifically, leverage the “Top Conversion Paths” report and the “Model Comparison Tool” to get the insights you need to make informed decisions about your affiliate program. Customers are likely to encounter an affiliate who contributes to behavior you deem valuable long before they complete the purchase, so it’s important to recognize the role these affiliates play and attribute and reward them in kind. Luckily, with current technology, tools, and strategies, it’s easier to do just that. So grab a shovel, because it’s time to bury the “last click wins” model and put it to rest. [FF]

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Depending on who you ask, a “good” website exit rate can vary based on the source. For me, the only good exit is after a measurable action that contributes to revenue. This can be filling out a contact form, completing an order, downloading an app, or sending the visitor to an affiliate link. We want to convert as many visitors as possible. In a benchmark report for 2017, SUMO found that the average email opt-in rate was 1.95%. That is a great start, but what about the other 98%? Not everyone wants to sign up for your newsletter. What else can you do? Think of what other valuable information you can offer your website visitors, such as whitepapers, invitations to webinars, informational videos, tips & tricks, limited time discounts, and so on. Just get creative and think about what you can offer your visitors in exchange for their contact information. Then think about how to let your visitors know about this information. Some are ok with receiving updates by email. But how many of your emails get into the users’ inboxes and are read?

Combining Them All Together You may only have a partial profile, that is ok. You need to adjust your messaging schedule accordingly. Rotate your messages between the methods you have available for that user. Remember that different mediums have different formats and requirements. Your email might be a few sentences, but you can’t send that much through SMS or browser notifications. Simply shorten the backup message with a link to a page on your site with the full message. Depending on the systems you use, you may need to keep a database of your visitor communication profiles and then use API calls to send out the actual messages. While it is a bit more work, it gives you more control as to what you send, to who, when, and how it was sent. If you combine them all, you can keep in touch with your visitors more often and with a higher chance of them seeing your messages, increasing your conversions. [FF]

Unless it is close to 100%, you should look for additional ways to get that information out. Two additional methods you can use are SMS messages and browser notifications.

Going Beyond Newsletter Opt-Ins SMS messages and browser notifications don’t get buried in the user’s email inbox, so use them to help keep in touch with your visitors. In an ideal situation, you will be able to send your visitors notifications through a combination of email, browser notifications, and SMS. This way if they don’t get one of your messages, you have two more bites at the proverbial apple. You’ll probably need to build a user profile to capture and organize that contact information. Right after they opt-in for one of the contact methods, offer them the option of signing up for the other communications methods, emphasizing the value of it.

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Owner of Code RELIABLE, Alon Cohen has helped numerous companies generate over $250,000,000 in sales.


@feedfront | www.feedfront.com

MORE SUCCESS, MORE CONVERSIONS SAME UNCHANGING BUDGET Keshida Layone is Business Development Manager of CleverReach®.

For many email marketing managers, it’s the scale for success: the number of newsletter recipients who turn into customers. While the conversion rate should be as high as possible, the opposite applies to the key figures, unsubscribe rate and bounce rate: the smaller, the better. These key performance indicators (KPIs) also help you to plan your next campaigns better and better - and to get more of your annual email marketing budget.

The Conversion Rate The conversion rate doesn’t always have to be tied to sales and revenue. All these actions can be useful conversions: • Ordering/purchasing an item from the online shop • Downloading software or whitepaper • A new newsletter subscription

The Bounce Rate A bounce is a mail that is returned by the recipient’s mail server as “undeliverable.” Too many bounces have a negative influence on your reputation as a sender. As a rule of thumb, the bounce rate should be below 5%.

Better Results Without Changing the Budget The reactions of the recipients help to determine which measures make sense for your email marketing in the future – and also how even small changes can affect the success of your campaign and therefore the budget. It makes sense to check your email strategy and to think of the following questions, for example: • Is my segmentation beneficial for the customer and profitable for myself?

• Sending a contact or offer inquiry

• Send your recipients content tailored to their preferences and create personalized newsletters easily with an easy automation tool.

In email marketing, the conversion rate refers to the click rate. The click rate refers to the open rate.

• Should I send my newsletters on another day of the week and/or at a different time?

The Unsubscribe Rate There are many reasons for unsubscribes: • Your emails are too frequent: check if a lower delivery frequency influences your unsubscribe rate positively. • You have fallen victim to a “newsletter-kicking action”: the contents and the offers do not fit the target group, or it was simply one of these occasions, which invite to it, like the beginning of the year. • ·The newsletter’s content is irrelevant, or products are no longer interesting. • The contents of the newsletter are not relevant the products are not (no longer) interesting. Customers are people whose interests and needs change. Partly because of events during the customer journey.

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The following also applies here: Find out by running an A/B test. You can also investigate other questions about preferences and habits. • Is it possible to save a lot of time and personnel with email automation? • In most cases, with the answer is a clear “yes.” Of course, it takes time and work to create automated email campaigns – but once created you’ll save a great deal of time. The answers to these questions will help improve the results of email marketing campaigns and increase the conversion rate! Use your control options – it’s worth it. [FF]


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HOW TO AVOID PROFESSIONAL TCPA PLAINTIFFS Seth Heyman is an attorney and Executive Director of the Blacklist Alliance.

Marketing campaigns generate thousands of Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) lawsuits every year. Many of them are filed by “professional plaintiffs,� individual litigants who are in the business of threatening, filing, and settling TCPA lawsuits. And for some professional plaintiffs, business has been very, very good. Under the TCPA, a single call or text can be worth thousands of dollars, and a diligent professional plaintiff can easily earn a six-figure income. But to earn that kind of cash, professional plaintiffs require a steady stream of inbound calls and texts, so to keep the calls coming, they employ several devious but effective techniques to attract them. If you use an autodialing system to contact consumers, here are some common tactics and steps to counter them.

Phone Flipping How it Works: Plaintiff maintains multiple prepaid cell phone numbers to receive calls intended for the person to whom a number was previously registered. How to Counter: Subscribe to a recycled number identification service and call all recently recycled numbers and old leads by hand.

Form Baiting How it Works: Plaintiff completes website contact forms with a correct number but a fake name and denies providing consent for all calls that follow. Although filing a lawsuit based on calls generated through this tactic is essentially fraud, it is difficult to prove, as most professionals use a VPN to mask their IP address. How to Counter: Plaintiffs often target forms lacking TCPAcompliant opt-in language, so be certain all forms collecting consent on your behalf include valid consent verbiage, and consider using a data appending service to validate leads.

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Inbound Seeding How it Works: Plaintiff consents to receive your call at a particular number. Instead of answering, he calls back the caller Id from another phone, feigns interest, and cuts the call short. You then call back the second number without first having obtained consent. The plaintiff may also share your caller Id with accomplices, who will seed your database with their toxic numbers. How to Counter: Scripts should start with asking permission to call back in case the call is cut off, and consider blocking inbound calls from unknown numbers.

Warehousing How it Works: To maximize damages and eliminate defenses, plaintiff collects multiple calls and sits on them for months or years before threatening legal action. How to Counter: Always obtain valid consent to place subsequent calls and stop calling after one or two unsuccessful attempts. And if you do have adequate consent, be certain to maintain detailed opt-in records for every contact attempt for at least four years. Keep in mind that these are only a few of the more common tactics professional plaintiffs use to trap the unwary. With these tactics in play, it is abundantly clear that compliance alone will not insulate you from TCPA litigation. If you want to beat a professional plaintiff at his own game, you must avoid playing it entirely. [FF]

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AT YOUR SERVICE – THE COMPANY YOU KEEP Rachel Hirsch is Chair of the Internet Marketing and Advertising Group at Ifrah PLLC.

With the continually shifting regulatory landscape, online marketers are more focused than ever on ensuring that their business practices keep them out of the crosshairs of government agencies. While looking inward as a company is key to compliance, it is equally important to look outward at those with whom you conduct business to mitigate your exposure to regulatory scrutiny. Every company should conduct due diligence before engaging third-party service providers. Conducting due diligence does not need to be an overwhelming or intimidating task. Simple and cost-effective due diligence measures can include conducting Google or PACER (Public Access to Electronic Records) searches, which may reveal negative customer reviews or questionable business practices (e.g., failing to pay their debts) about your potential partners. Due diligence is highly important when choosing the following partners:

1. Call Centers For merchants, customer satisfaction is essential to long-term success. Finding the right call center to assist in that endeavor can help stave off customer complaints, chargebacks, and Attorney General inquiries. When you pick a call center, find out how it trains, incentivizes, and disciplines its representatives. If it has a reputation for using high-pressure sales tactics or being delinquent in responding to customer complaints, send your business elsewhere.

3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Your CRM is the hub of your business. It’s where you manage your interactions with customers and allow your business partners to integrate with your customer database to provide core services to your company. Ensure that your business partners are all in good standing with regulatory bodies, including the card brands, before you conduct business with them. If the CRM company has been blacklisted, for example, by other service providers on which your business relies, its professional standing can negatively impact your ability to do business with certain preferred providers.

4. Traffic Partners If you are a merchant buying traffic, ensure that your traffic partners have a reputation for sending quality traffic and respecting advertiser-set caps. This means no survey traffic or fake celebrity endorsements. Bad traffic sources can be the death knell of a company, especially if they result in high customer chargebacks and negatively impact processing. Be smart before you partner with third-party service providers. Make sure that compliance is as important to your service providers as it is to you and that they value their client relationships enough to protect them from unnecessary scrutiny—even in the form of a subpoena. Ask around and do your homework before associating yourself with companies that may tarnish your brand. Often it is not just what you do, but the company you keep, that can invite unwanted attention to your business. [FF]

2. Fulfillment Companies Choosing the right fulfillment and shipping center is equally important. Delivering a quality product, on time, in appealing packaging can mean the difference between satisfied customers versus unwanted regulatory scrutiny. Inquire about their ability and resources to accommodate quick and timely deliveries not only nationwide, but also globally.

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@feedfront | www.feedfront.com

RECOVERING HARD-TO-REACH MERCHANT RESERVES Eugene Rome is a litigator focusing on payment-processing and can be contacted at 310-282-0690; erome@romeandassociates.com.

We have heard and seen it all – excuses from processors and banks for refusing to turn over reserves and diverted funds run the gamut from the facially innocuous to outright ridiculous. Excuses include increased risk, Visa and MasterCard fines, trailing chargebacks, management fees, audit charges, early termination fees, threats to refer the merchant and the account to the Federal Trade Commission and the ever-favorite: we paid you everything you were owed. Despite these claimed justifications, merchants look at their records and see one undeniable fact: money is owed to them and, all too frequently, the amount is quite considerable. This prompts the question: what to do?

Here is the cheat sheet: • First, demand all documentation for your account. This includes processing statements, the initial application with schedules showing pricing, the terms and conditions and if fines are claimed by the ISO, a copy of a letter from the bank to the ISO addressing the fine. All these materials are considered financial documents and must be retained by financial institutions for a period of no less than five years under Section 1020.220 of the Code of Federal Regulations. • Once the materials are turned over, scrutinize them. Often the assistance of a professional is helpful as they will catch items that may not be immediately apparent to the untrained eye, like slight variations in rates, interchange fees and other fees that may seem small, but on large volumes may result in tens of thousands of dollars in overcharges. • Next, where all processing has stopped, but the ISO or the acquirer refuses to authorize a release of the reserves, spend some time questioning the stated reason. Most merchant agreements provide for a 180-day “hold” window following termination of processing and some, more aggressive ones, will provide for a 270-day window.

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• But, that alone does not signal the end of the inquiry. Analyze the amounts held and the nature of the remaining account activity. For instance, on held reserves of $100,000 with a small volume of trailing chargebacks, it could be argued that the acquirer is “over-secured,” i.e., is holding onto more money than warranted given the modest risk on the account coupled with the approaching 180-day window and decreasing chargeback activity. • Another favorite basis for refusing to pay over reserves is the early termination fee (ETF). But note that a careful reading of the ETF provision often leads to the conclusion that the provision has not been triggered. This can happen in an instance where the bank or ISO terminates a merchant account for excessive chargebacks or some other reason. Most ETF provisions address early termination by the merchant, and so, by their terms are not applicable. • Finally, hold the banks accountable. Under Visa and MasterCard Rules, an acquirer may not pass off the obligation to safeguard reserves to a processor. A bank will always be responsible for safekeeping the merchant reserves, even where it appears that the ISO is calling the shots. [FF]

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If you want amazing returns on your PPC budget, then generic content just won’t do. You need to write ad copy that sparkles and draws the eye of users. Check out these five tips to revamp your strategy.

1. Ad Copy Should Match Desired Action The wording of your ads must meet the needs of your customers. When someone is typing a generic search term, they should see an ad that is not “salesy” and that will send them to an information page. Customers who use phrases like “prices,” “buy,” or competitors’ names, however, should be sent to a page that includes related calls to action.

5. Highlight Discounts, Payment Plans, or Fnancing Options When users see an opportunity to save money, they want to find out more. Design your ads to highlight deals, flexible payment options, and financing plans. According to a Pubcon conference session, I attended last year, multi-payment options are particularly popular, earning 75.6% more conversions than discounts like 50% off sales. When you polish your ad copy, your PPC strategy will sparkle, and your client will shine. [FF]

2. Test Ad Variations to Optimize Targeting Focus more on audience segmentation by running at least five variations of ad copy in each campaign. These ad variations may feature a new headline, unique description text, or a different promotion. Your company should also keep a spreadsheet with all the running tests you have done on ad copy and your ultimate results. When you know which ads resonate with which customers, you will be able to use this knowledge to improve future campaigns.

3. Ad Extension Essentials Ad extensions expand your ad with supplementary information that encourages users to interact with your brand. Create multiple extensions (including price, promotions, and call extensions) to entice different users. Price extensions demonstrate the cost of your products or services. Promotions extensions show special sales and offers. Finally, call extensions let customers tap or click a button to call your business directly.

4. Use Engaging Adjectives Targeted ads with elegant copy and evocative adjectives will earn you more clicks than a single ad that is packed with keywords and might be viewed as spam. These extra clicks will help your brand rank higher on search engines. Create many ads with different sayings, and you will draw in more users.

FeedFront | July 2018 | No. 43 | 21


Heather Sadorf is the Director of Internal Operations at 1SEO I.T. Support & Digital Marketing.


@feedfront | www.feedfront.com

THOUGHT LEADERSHIP’S IMPORTANCE TO SEO AND AFFILIATES Tony Wright has 20 years experience in digital marketing and is the CEO/Founder of WrightIMC.

Why should you as an SEO or affiliate marketer care about thought leadership? Because a company seen as a thought leader will get more clicks and conversions than a company that is not. In almost every case. The reason thought leaders get more clicks comes down to influence. Dr. Robert Cialdini has identified five pillars of influence.

Five Ways to Create Thought Leadership as an SEO or Affiliate Marketer 1.

Create compelling content: Our most powerful tool is the content we create. Look at thought leaders in your industry. Analyze what makes them thought leaders. Create your content strategy based on your research.


Answer consumer’s questions: SEMrush and BuzzSumo allow you to find frequently asked questions about your industry. Find those questions and answer them. Go to Quora and answer questions about your industry. When it comes time for people to search for your product or service, they will recognize your company’s name. That gets you the click. According to our anecdotal research, name recognition can make a #5 rankingbring in more traffic than a #1 ranking.


Ask for content from other thought leaders: Find the influencers in your industry and ask them for content. I promise, they will promote their content. You get links from influencers while increasing your perceived thought leadership.


Engage on Social Media: Take your content, put it on Facebook and boost it - just a couple dollars a day for each piece of content. When you see something starting to create engagement, put more money in. Also, engage and answer questions on other social media.


Get into the SERPS at the top of the funnel: Thought leadership doesn’t happen when the prospect is about to buy. It happens when they first start looking for solutions. Look. at broader terms at the top of the buying funnel. This will increase thought leadership for those just starting the buyer journey. [FF]

• Reciprocity: Thought leading companies produce and give away great advice. In turn, prospects are more likely to buy their goods or service to return the favor. • Scarcity: Consumers perceive thought leaders as more exclusive than their counterparts. Everyone wants to work with a thought leader. Thought leaders have to pick and choose who they sell too. This creates Scarcity - which is a great way to get prospects to evolve into customers. • Authority: Thought leadership is authority. People want to buy from companies viewed as an authority, Period. • Consistency: Creating a thought leadership program leads to a perception of consistency. • Liking: People like thought leaders. People buy from people they like. • Consensus: If someone is a thought leader, word spreads. Thought leadership spurs conversation. By being a thought leader, you provide people with information that makes them look smart.

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Flipboard has been a best kept traffic-generation secret since 2010 when it first launched. According to Flipboard’s latest press release, the content curation platform has over 100 million active monthly users from around the globe. 4000 of the world’s best publishers and blogs curate magazines around 33,000 topics. These stats alone illustrate how Flipboard is a powerful platform for not only generating sticky traffic but for also creating content packages for individual websites.

Best Practices for Getting Started on Flipboard One of the most important things to remember when getting started on Flipboard is that it takes the effort to grow your followers and attract people to your magazines. By growing your magazine followers, you directly influence the traffic you generate to your site by flipping your content into a magazine. Using sound SEO and by sharing your content on Twitter, your articles can also get picked up by the Flipboard algorithm and other users. Create a profile linking to your other social media accounts, like Twitter and Facebook, for easy sharing. It is also a way to connect with people with whom you’re already connected that may also be on the platform. Be sure to use keywords strategically in your profile, magazine titles and magazine descriptions. The types of content that you can flip into a magazine include: • Blog posts and articles • Soundcloud files and podcasts • Instagram Posts • iPhone photos • YouTube and Vimeo videos • Slideshares

Here are five tips to drive traffic to your website: #1: C reate quality Flipboard magazines around specific interests. Include your high-quality blog posts or articles, as well as content from other people. In addition, use diverse forms of content in your magazines to give them more depth and greater visual appeal. #2: E mbed your magazines on your website with the Flipboard magazine widget to drive your site readers to become magazine followers. Use sharing tools such as AddThis, ShareThis, Sumo, and AddtoAny to make it easy for other people to flip your content into their magazines. #3: T here’s power in numbers. Create group magazines with other curators around a specific interest. Everyone’s respective curation and sharing efforts will help the magazine grow faster. It also fosters community. #4: S hare your magazines on other social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. Flipboard power users tend to congregate and share their magazines on their site. Be sure to use hashtags on Twitter like #FlipboardFriday, #Flipbizchat, #Flipboardmag, and #MagsWeLove to get the attention of not only Flipboard, but also other active Flipboard users. They may follow or share your magazine. #5: E ngage on Flipboard by following, commenting on, and sharing other people’s magazines. You can also flip content from other Flipboard users’ magazines into your own to make new connections. Join Flipboard with a community mindset, and you’ll drive traffic and growth in no time. [FF]

FeedFront | July 2018 | No. 43 | 23


Tawanna Smith is a Flipboard Marketer, digital and live video strategist for entrepreneurs at MGTTravelMedia.com.


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ADWORDS-LIKE REPORTS ON FACEBOOK AD CAMPAIGNS Mick van Jaarsvelt is Social Media Manager for all ANWB travel subsidiaries in The Netherlands.

Anyone who uses Google Analytics to measure the results of AdWords campaigns has probably used the AdWords reports to track user behavior after someone has clicked on an ad and landed on your website. As Google is the company behind both AdWords and Analytics, the integration between the two platforms is very seamless. For Facebook advertising campaigns, you will need to do a lot of manual URL tagging just to come close to the kind of reports you get on AdWords. However, there is a way to have AdWords-like reports on Facebook advertising campaigns without manually entering tracking code to every ad. It is hugely important to measure your Facebook advertising campaigns in Google Analytics. Facebook’s Ads Manager tool will provide you with statistics on what happened before people clicked on or viewed your ads, but it does not show you what exactly people do after they land on your website. By using both Facebook Ads Manager and Google Analytics, you get a better view of the effect your Facebook campaigns drive for your business. Creating a Facebook advertising campaign report is a simple, two-step process. First, you will need to add dynamic URL parameters (a line of code added to all ads you want include in your Google Analytics reports) to your ads in Facebook Ads Manager. There are many parameters available for you to choose from, you can find them on the Facebook for business help pages. For the detailed Google Analytics reports to work, you will want to put the campaign name as the utm_campaign parameter, the ad set name as the utm_content parameter, and the ad name as the utm_term parameter. This way, you will have the same structure in your utm parameters as in your Facebook ads account.

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After the parameters are set, make sure that enough clicks have been generated for the data to become visible in Google Analytics. Now, create a custom report in Google Analytics and enter a meaningful name. In the metrics section, choose the metrics important to you. For example, metrics related to sessions, traffic quality, and shopping behavior like Product Detail Views, and Transactions. In the dimensions drill down section, you will want to choose Campaign as the first dimension, Ad Content as the second, and Keyword as the third dimension. Lastly, make sure to only include Facebook ads traffic in your report by excluding any other traffic sources. Save the report and you are done. When opening up the report, you will see a list of your Facebook advertising campaigns. When clicking a campaign, you are taken to the ad sets within that campaign. Clicking on an ad set will bring you to the ads within that specific ad set, just like the AdWords reports do. The report will be saved under Custom Reports in the Customization section in Google Analytics and are now available to you at any time. [FF]

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Paige L. White is President and co-founder of SheSavvy.com, a leader in influencer marketing solutions.

The world of affiliate marketing was once a paradise of clicks and conversions using traditional cost-perclick (CPC) and search engine optimization (SEO) practices. But as search algorithms were updated, and social came into the mix, conversions have been more difficult to come by naturally. At the same time, participation in the affiliate marketing space has increased.

“While the overall message in your content may be the same across each of your [...] audience clusters, the delivery, structure, and creative approach may differ,” writes Corey Padveen in Marketing to Millennials for Dummies. This level of personalization, though more time consuming than general messaging, stands to benefit you greatly regarding engagement and conversions from your ad campaigns.

A greater understanding of both the media and the best practices of each are necessary to achieve lasting success as an affiliate. Here, we will look at three ways any affiliate, big or small, can leverage the powerful platform of social advertising to drive more affiliate conversions.

If there’s one asset that you might want to consider more valuable than any other at your disposal, it is your existing database of customers. Using the features of audience matching on networks like Facebook and Twitter, you can use an existing database of customers to identify similar audience clusters (based on the kinds of traits and profile information listed above) and market to them with similar types of content that you’ve used successfully in the past. This will allow you to reach individuals that might be particularly interested in the offer you’re sharing, but might not have seen it in the past when a similar individual converted. While there might be more work involved and a somewhat bigger investment when applying these techniques, rest assured that the payoff stands to be much greater in the long-run. [FF]

Create Hyper-targeted Audiences What exactly is a hyper-targeted audience and how does it differ from the kind of audience you might normally develop for a social ad campaign? It’s all in the details. Generally, when we think of a targeted audience in an ad campaign, we’re focused on aspects such as gender, age, location and some of the more generic definitions of audience details. When we describe a hyper-targeted audience, we start to identify much more specific demographics, as well as the psychographics, of an audience that helps outline the processes involved in decision-making. In this case, we want to expand the criteria of an audience to include aspects such as level of education, income, housing makeup, interests, hobbies, purchasing habits, etc., which the realm of social advertising allows us to do.

Leverage the Data from Your Existing Customers

Personalize the Content and Offers You Share Just as you’ll want to get deep into the weeds with the details of your audience, you’ll also want to segment the content you use with each of these audience clusters to appeal to their tastes and preferences.

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GET THE MOST OUT OF FACEBOOKS ADS Kamila Łuksza is Product Content Manager at Codewise, the company behind Voluum and Zeropark.

Facebook has over 1.45 billion daily active users, according to Statista, and millions of advertisers target them. How do you create ads attractive enough to make users convert? These are my tips.

One Does Not Simply Run Facebook Ads Firstly, ensure that you’re reaching out to the right audience. To target users effectively, you can either focus on optimizing your website by using web analytics services like Google Analytics or concentrate on optimizing the traffic itself, to match your offers and landing pages. For this, you need tracking software. Platforms like Voluum enable not only advanced campaign management, but also multidimensional reporting and analytics focused on your ROI. With a high level of granularity across a large range of data, you will be able to understand your user and know what works fully. Your results might differ for specific user parameters, e.g., consumers who visit your landing page on an iPhone may be converting at the rate of 35%, but Android users may be bouncing instantly, so you need to drill down into exactly who is converting and who’s not.

Yeah, If I Could Optimize Without Losing My Mind That’d be Great Optimization is a hard and time-consuming job. However, if applied well, it can define the success of your campaign. To optimize your landing page effectively, use CrazyEgg or Optimizely. Other tools, like Hootsuite Ads or AdEsspresso, can guide you through the campaign optimization process. The solutions I find particularly interesting use AI to determine the best traffic distribution and automatically alter the campaign flow. When optimizing, don’t underestimate the power of multiple traffic sources. Facebook is a huge pool of potential customers, but still, it is just one database. As it is always advisable not to rely too heavily on one source of traffic, consider adding more advertising platforms, especially if you want to scale up.

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What if I Told You Real-Time Marketing Makes Your Ads More Relevant? Real-Time Marketing (RTM) is about engaging with your customers or fans, based on what’s buzzing. It adapts the marketing message to a specific context to make your ads more relevant. To know what content performs best, use BuzzSumo or EpicBeat. These will help you work smarter and ensure you’re putting out the top content that resonates with your audience. Additionally, if you advertise on Instagram, these tools are a great help in choosing the most beneficial hashtags for the particular ads.

I Don’t Always Advertise on Facebook... I’ve mentioned only a few of the things that can help you create high converting ads, but there are plenty more. It all comes down to making an extra effort and digging into the available tools. 72 % of marketers run Facebook ads, according to Social Media Examiner, so be one of those who knows how to stand out. [FF]


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HASHTAG HACKS – TOOLS, TIPS AND SOCIAL INSIGHTS Debbie Bookstaber is the owner and founder of Element Associates, a digital marketing agency.

Hashtags have always been an elegant, utilitarian way to identify conversations and measure campaigns. Recently, hashtags hit their stride as discovery tools. Suddenly it’s possible to growth hack social using hashtags.

Be Original and Specific Instagram users who repeatedly copy and paste the same hashtag lists may get penalized for spamming. Instead, develop several short, topical lists. Mix it up. Keep your ideal viewer/ customer in mind.

Hack Your Social Growth Rate with Hashtags

• What are they searching for?

Hashtags have always existed on Instagram to identify post topics or associate posts with a group, location or event. Recently, Instagram elevated hashtag functionality - giving users the ability to browse and follow hashtags. This change makes hashtag discovery simple and easy for users, and powerful for you.

• What do they identify with?

Do Your Hashtag Research Start by exploring a single hashtag on Instagram to identify related hashtags. Instagram reveals related hashtags as you type and makes suggestions when you search. Use these suggestions to conduct an in-depth study with a hashtag tool such as Hashtracking. Digging deep into hashtag analytics on Instagram and Twitter reveals:

• Are there items, locations, brands, people in the image to call out?

Be Strategic When you search a hashtag on Instagram, you will see a number next to that tag. This number predicts how long your image might “live” in the feed for that hashtag. Higher numbers indicate popularity but if the feed speeds by it’s unlikely your image will be seen. Use a mix of medium volume hashtags. This ensures your images remain in feeds for a few days or more.

Use Your Research & Data

• Associated topics and sentiment

• Engage with and acknowledge influencers you’ve identified.

• Conversational leaders, experts, and amplifiers

• Ask an influencer do an “account takeover,” posting approved content to your feed

• Engagement patterns and authenticity clues that separate real from fake

Get Your Own Hashtag Your hashtags are multi-platform branding tools. They are also a useful way for your community members to share content with you. Featuring community content is a win/win way to recognize and reward followers.

• Hire an influencer to be a part of a campaign using your hashtag in their feed. • Watch and note topics and times that garner the most engagement.

Manage your Hashtags

• Pro tip: Use the same hashtags across multiple platforms.

Using a scheduling tool such as Tailwind, Later, or Preview gives you more control over your editorial calendar. These apps can help you save and include hashtags lists.

Be Accurate

Keep Evaluating:

Instagram’s artificial intelligence reads images and may reward users who hashtag accurately. The opposite is true as well; inaccurate posts may be dinged. Keep this in mind when you post. Dogs are not #cats.

Staying on top of hashtag trends requires staying on top of hashtag data. Monitor general hashtag analytics with a dedicated tracking tool, as well as monitoring your platform-specific user analytics. . [FF]

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Resist the urge to check your phone. The time hasn’t changed, no one really knows what the weather will be tomorrow, and you didn’t get a text or DM, that’s just your “phantom vibration syndrome” kicking in (yes that’s a real thing, Google it). Now, how hard was that? I’m going to guess that was very hard, at least for most of us. We carry these machines with us everywhere we go, constantly texting, updating, posting, sharing, and sometimes calling. Yep, that’s right; the “phone” has simply turned into one of the many apps this machine can use to divert our attention. Since we’re all addicted to these buzzing toys in our pocket, why haven’t traditional retailers utilized it to avoid the impending retail apocalypse? They see their stores closing, the old way of selling becoming obsolete, and the key to their salvation might be these small devices we’re all addicted to. Here are the three steps for retailers wanting to survive the retail apocalypse:

Leverage Mobile Usage for Increased Sales Remember how hard it was not to check your phone? I know, it’s still challenging. If holiday shopping in 2017 taught us anything, it’s that consumers are more than comfortable shopping on their phones. To avoid extinction, retailers need to utilize this growing tool by offering more mobile-only offers and incentivizing customers to shop on their mobile apps (should they have one).

A hurdle retailers can encounter with this type of strategy is not being able to attribute the sale to a specific site (like an affiliate or blogger) at the point of sale (POS). For brands with legacy POS systems, or networks so large that they’d have to overhaul their entire system for boatloads of cash, some companies specialize in this type of thing and will provide tracking capabilities for digital coupons (and the paper variety) for a nominal fee.

Use New Technology to Keep Loyal Customers We all enable push-notifications from our favorite app, so why not enable them for our favorite store? What if we got a push-notification from our favorite store while running errands nearby? Brands could utilize location specific technology to inform a customer via push-notifications that there is a store nearby with a great deal specific to that customer’s previous orders. Brands already have their customers’ shopping history, so why not use this data and mobile devices to drive more foot traffic? There’s more computing power in today’s phones than the entire system that sent people to the moon. The least we can do is use this technology to save our favorite brands from extinction. [FF]

Utilize Mobile to Drive Customers In-Store Remember when we had to print out in-store offers before going to the mall? Yeah, printers used to be a thing! Brands could serve mobile-only offers that encourage customers to go in-store to redeem their coupon and make their purchase, like an in-store discount only available on their smartphones.

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Sean Yoon McDevitt is a Senior Partner Manager for Offers.com & Ziff Davis Commerce.


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3 WAYS AFFILIATE MARKETERS CAN USE AI Owen B. Ray is the Sr. Content Marketing Manager at Invoca and a SaaS specialist.

By nature, affiliate marketing and the digital customer journey moves quickly. There are massive amounts of data to crunch and optimizations to make in seconds. When you’re dealing with thousands of publishers, humans can’t process data fast enough to make all the right optimization decisions. Scale requires automation, making artificial intelligence (AI) a natural fit for the affiliate marketing world. Affiliate marketers are now using AI to drive higher quality calls, optimize ad bidding, streamline affiliate management, and more. Agencies must embrace AI to make critical marketing decisions and remain competitive. Here are three ways that marketers can use AI to improve performance for their clients, and their bottom lines.

Bidding Optimization There used to be two choices for optimizing pay-per-click bidding in Google AdWords: manual or automated. With manual optimization, you looked at how keywords were performing and manually adjusted bids. The “automated” bidding process was just a script with parameters to increase or decrease bidding depending on keyword performance. This wasn’t only tedious, it took intricate knowledge of PPC strategy to be successful and wasn’t scalable. AdWords Smart Bidding changed this by using machine learning to optimize for conversions or conversion value in every auction — a feature known as “auction-time bidding,” which has a variety of available strategies to optimize performance according to your goals. Some PPC pros may be hesitant to relinquish control, but the bottom line is that it can make smarter bidding decisions faster than any human can.

Ad Optimization Data from Phone Calls Many performance marketers have moved from providing leads via form fills or clicks to driving phone calls from digital campaigns. There’s s simple reason for this: inbound calls have a 100% contact rate, while 71% of web leads are never contacted. 100% vs. 29% — that’s an easy call.

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Not to mention that calls convert at 10x the rate of clicks. The problem is, it used to be difficult to tell if call turned into a conversion, and it was even more challenging to attribute conversions to the appropriate campaign. Advanced call intelligence solutions are now utilizing AI to analyze phone conversations to understand caller intent and outcomes. These platforms use AI to identify caller data points, predict call outcomes, and provide real-time conversion and optimization data that marketers can use to make smarter decisions on everything from PPC bidding strategy to digital retargeting audiences. No more guessing!

Managing Affiliate Relationships Performance marketers may have thousands of affiliate relationships to manage, and doing it manually is difficult. You probably think of chatbots as being used to help with customer service; they are now being utilized to help manage affiliate relationships, too. The chatbots act as machine learning-powered personal assistants that help publishers quickly find information, manage campaigns, and discover new opportunities. This can greatly reduce the workload for network account managers. The excitement around AI is no longer just hype; it will soon become a requirement for affiliate marketers to move at the speed of the digital age. [FF]

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Kris Lentz is the Founder & President of GigBee – the “Gig between Gigs”.

If you are like most marketers, you are always looking for new ways to reach customers and grow high performing, low cost per acquisition (CPA) channels. Your next big breakthrough might be closer to your company than you think. In fact, it might just come from your existing customers.

3. Can you use your existing performance marketing platform, or do you need a new integration to track performance? Some platforms might require you to invest in an entirely new integration while some might work with your existing platform.

Think about it, who is better to tell new customers about your product? People who are already buying it or affiliates who may have never even used your product or service? Consumers are smart and quickly see through inauthentic blog posts and ads from strangers. They are more likely to trust a recommendation a friend or family member. In fact, Nielsen’s 2015 Global Trust in Advertising report found that 83% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family vs. only 46% trust in ads from brands on social networks. Here are a few things you should consider when thinking about adding Referrals to your performance marketing strategy.

Are you reaching new customers or cannibalizing an existing channel? Having the appropriate metrics in place ensures you are truly reaching new customers and not stealing from another effort.

Flip the Funnel While still focused on performance, referral programs spread the effort of generating volume over a large group of customers, rather than focusing on a small group of affiliates to generate conversions.

Select the Right Technology Partner There are tons of technologies that can power your referral efforts. Here are a few things to think about before choosing a technology partner.

Channel Conflict

You Will Need Help Some marketing teams might be able to start and maintain a strong referral program in-house while others will need help. Be realistic about what you can accomplish with the resources you have. You may not be able to use the same content and campaigns you are creating for your existing affiliate channel. There are many performance marketing agencies that can help get your referral program off the ground. Either way, make sure your referral program doesn’t become the sixth link in the footer of your website by making sure you get the right resources upfront. Adding a referral program to your existing affiliate efforts can often be a great move. Consider all the factors before diving in. [FF]

1. How do you want your customers to share the offers you create? Email, text message, social media? 2. Do you want native apps, or are browsers okay? Not all referral platforms are created equal. Native apps tend to get better engagement.

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4 STEPS FOR AUTOMATING AFFILIATE ACTIVATION Steve Root is an affiliate industry veteran and Founder of Root Affiliate Solutions, LLC.

A common problem faced by all affiliate managers is how to activate non-performing or inactive affiliates. With many programs have only 10% - 20% of their affiliate partners actively sending traffic, affiliate managers are constantly seeking ways to engage inactive partners to begin promoting their programs’ good and services. Working to activate affiliates is time-consuming, and the job is never really done. Automating the process will save time, and if executed properly, will produce more active affiliates leading to higher program sales and revenue. Here are four ways to help automate your affiliate activation program.

1. Recruit and Approve the Right Affiliates Recruiting new affiliates, and approving new affiliate applications is a fundamental element of any affiliate program. Get a jump on activating these new affiliates by ensuring they’re the right affiliates for your program. For example, if you’re running a program for woman’s apparel and accessories, and you approve an affiliate focused on monster truck racing, chances are they’re never going to be active. Be sure the affiliates your recruit and approve have content related to your program and brand. You’ll still need to work on activating these affiliates, but now you know they are relevant and aligned with your program.

2. Create a Detailed Getting Started Guide In your programs’ welcome email to new affiliates (you do send a welcome email right?) be sure to include a detailed getting started guide specific for your program. Keep it basic and simple to help new affiliates get started. Include a brief overview of your program, how to login to the affiliate platform, how to access tracking links, how affiliates can run reports on sales and clicks they refer, tips on best practices and most importantly all the ways affiliates can contact the program manager directly.

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3. Run an Activation Email Campaign Don’t stop communicating with your new affiliates after the initial welcome email. Build an email campaign of 3-5 emails sent to affiliates over the first 30-90 days they’re in your program. Use your email provider and/or marketing automation tool and create an activation journey for your affiliates. For example, share best practices for promoting your program, offer an incentive for a first sale by X date, provide ready-to-use content, include all upcoming promotions with ample lead-time, and always include your direct contact information.

4. Follow-Up and Provide World Class Support Nothing replaces proactively following up directly with inactive affiliates on a regular basis. Even though you may have automated portions of your activation campaign, you must communicate directly and often with these affiliates. Be sure to personalize your communications and don’t start your email with “Dear Affiliate.” Always be sure to include specific references to the individual affiliate in each email. Finally, be sure you provide world-class support as you work to activate affiliates with a less than 24 hour response time for all affiliate emails you receive. Use these four techniques, and you’ll quickly start to see higher activation rates in your program. [FF]

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Agenda ’18 DAY 0

Saturday, 7/28/2018 Early Check-In Time: 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm • Location: Registration Area – 3rd Floor Come by Saturday to pick up your badge and attendee bag so you can enter immediately on Sunday when the conference opens! Open to All Pass Holders

Sunday, 7/29/2018


Check-In Time: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm • Location: Registration Area – 3rd Floor Pick up your conference badge and attendee bag and get started with Affiliate Summit. Open to All Pass Holders

VIP Lounge Time: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm • Location: Empire Complex – 7th Floor VIP pass holders are welcome to take advantage of this space that will include tables, WiFi, refreshments, massage therapists, and more! VIP Pass Holders Only

Networking Lounge Open Time: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm • Location: Shubert Complex – 6th Floor All attendees are welcome to take advantage of the tables and WiFi to have meetings, catch up on work, or simply take a break. Coffee and Tea available to those with Drink Tickets. Open to All Pass Holders

Press and Speaker Lounge Time: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm • Location: Columbia/Duffy – 7th Floor The Press and Speaker Lounge is an area reserved for credentialed Press and Speakers only to grab some desk space, run through presentations, relax, and network. Press or Speaker Ribbon Required

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AFFILIATE SUMMIT EAST: Agenda ’18 Exhibit Hall Booth Setup Time: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm • Location: Broadway Ballroom and Foyer – 6th Floor Exhibitors may set up their booth at this time. Exhibitor Ribbon Required

Meet Market Table Setup Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm • Location: Westside Ballroom and Foyer – 5th Floor Meet Market Exhibitors may set up their tables at this time. Exhibitor Ribbon Required

First-Timer Orientation Time: 9:30 am - 10:00 am • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor First-time attendees are encouraged to join Affiliate Summit Co-Founder, Shawn Collins for tips and advice on getting the most out of your time at Affiliate Summit. Speaker: • Shawn Collins, Co-CEO, Affiliate Summit Open to All Pass Holders

Newcomer/First Timer Networking Meet Up Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am • Location: Astor Foyer – 7th Floor Foyer Stick around after the First Timer Orientation to enjoy some refreshments and meet new people at this networking event. Newcomer Program participants will have the opportunity to get together with their assigned mentors and pick up any last minute tips before their first Affiliate Summit begins. Open to All Pass Holders

Exhibitor Snack Break Time: 10:30 am – 11:30 am • Location: Broadway Ballroom – 6th Floor & Westside Ballroom – 5th Floor Take a break from setting up your booth or table and fuel up with some snacks and drinks. (Your “Exhibitor Snack” Ticket must also be presented upon arrival). Exhibitor Pass Holders with Exhibitor Snack Ticket

Opening Remarks & Keynote Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor Psychological Targeting: How does it work? How effective is it? How can we use it (ethically)? The importance of psychological targeting was highlighted recently in the controversial media coverage of Cambridge Analytica, a company that allegedly collected Facebook profiles of more than 50 million US Americans to target them with psychologically tailored advertising messages. In line with the public debate around the effectiveness as well as broader implications of such predictive technologies, the talk focuses on the following three questions: (1) How does psychological targeting work? (2) How effective is it in the context of digital marketing? (3) And finally, what are the potential benefits and ethical challenges of psychological targeting, and how can we address them successfully? Speaker: • Sandra Matz, Professor, Columbia University Open to All Pass Holders

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SUMMIT EAST VIP Snack Break Time: 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm • Location: Empire Complex – 7th Floor VIP Pass Holders: Fuel up and recharge with some snacks and drinks in a relaxed networking environment. (Your “Sunday Snack” Ticket must also be presented upon arrival). VIP Pass Holders Only

Meet Market Open Time: 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm • Location: Westside Ballroom and Foyer – 5th Floor The Meet Market is a showcase featuring affiliate programs, networks, and vendors. Each exhibitor table is a meeting spot for teaching, learning, closing deals, creating partnerships and finding new opportunities. Review the Meet Market Map, to line up who you want to meet. Open to All Pass Holders

Session 1A: Bigger Isn’t (Always) Better: How to Find TRUE Influencers Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor Worried about Instagram pods, fake followers, and bots? Influencer marketing is successful only if you know how to spot fakes and how to structure mutually beneficial deals with the right influencers. Speakers: • Anne Parris, Managing Partner, Midlife Boulevard LLC • Debbie Bookstaber, CEO, ElementAssociates.com • Jen Goode, Doodler in Charge, 100 Directions Niche/Vertical: Influencers Target Audience: Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 1B: Live SEO & Monetization Reviews Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor Have you wondered why you don’t rank in the search engines or if you could be making more money? Submit your site & get helpful feedback from a panel of experts or learn while others get reviewed. Speakers: • Adam Riemer, President, Adam Riemer Marketing, LLC • Brian LaFrance, Lead SEO Analyst, CBS Interactive • Carolyn Shelby, Director SEO, tronc, Inc. Niche/Vertical: SEO Target Audience: Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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AFFILIATE SUMMIT EAST: Agenda ’18 Session 1C: The Business Of Blogging: 7-Figure Blogger Mastery Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm • Location: Manhattan Ballroom – 8th Floor Discover what it takes to create a successful and profitable business around the concept of blogging. Four industry experts share their expertise and advice in this open Q&A panel that you can’t miss. Speakers: • John Chow, Titles are For Wimps, John Chow dot com • Syed Balkhi, CEO, WPBeginner • Zac Johnson, CEO, Blogging.org Niche/Vertical: Blogging Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

VIP Keynote Q & A Time: 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm • Location: Empire Complex – 7th Floor VIP pass holders can partake in this Q&A session with Keynote speaker, Sandra Matz. Speaker: • Sandra Matz, Professor, Columbia University VIP Pass Holders Only

Session 2A: The 7 Keys to Successful Affiliate Marketing Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor Learn the 7 keys to affiliate success, including picking the best merchants, finding the right traffic, optimization, conversions, commissions, understanding the metrics and more! Speakers: • Jeannine Crooks, Publisher Acquisition & Development Manager, Awin • John LoBrutto, Director of Affiliate Solutions & Partnerships, Liquid Web, LLC • Mike Allen, Founder, Businesswright Consulting Niche/Vertical: Monetization Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher Experience Level: Beginner Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 2B: SEO Ask Us Anything Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor Audience questions drive this session. The panelists will discuss live topics on SEO. Speakers: • Bruce Clay, President, Bruce Clay Inc. • Chloe Spencer, Founder and President, Moxie Global Marketing • Duane Forrester, VP, Industry Insights, Yext Niche/Vertical: SEO Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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SUMMIT EAST Session 2C: Partnerships: Expanding the Size of the Performance Pie Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm • Location: Manhattan Ballroom – 8th Floor Affiliate, partner, influencer, mobile, call it what you will—the performance marketing landscape is evolving. We’ll discuss tips for success in this new era based on our recent research findings. Speakers: • Robert Glazer, Founder and CEO, Acceleration Partners • Brian Marcus, Vice President of Global Marketing, TUNE Niche/Vertical: Industry Trends and Evolution Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser, Network Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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AFFILIATE SUMMIT EAST: Agenda ’18 Session 3A: Plug and Play Influencers Time: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor We power and partner with bloggers of all sizes, and so can bring insight from across the spectrum. What really works? What are the top tips and how you become the next major blogger success story? Speakers: • Dominic Baliszewski, Head of New Ventures, Decision Tech/Fullsight • Victoria Leyton, PR Manager, Decision Tech/Fullsight Niche/Vertical: Influencers Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 3B: Catch Fraud Before It Catches You: Protecting Your Business Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor Aragon Advertising, Invoca, and Ifrah Law’s panel will address the challenges of fraud detection in pay-per-call a nd how they are handled from a legal, technical, and end-user perspective. Speakers: • James Brown, Sr. Manager, Infrastructure & Security, Invoca • Rachel Hirsch, Attorney, Ifrah Law • Todd Stearn, CEO, Aragon Advertising Niche/Vertical: Fraud Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser, Network Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 3C: Capturing Publisher Revenue With Diversified Ad Strategies Time: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm • Location: Manhattan Ballroom – 8th Floor When traditional advertising isn’t driving the revenue it once was, how are publishers adapting to recapture lost revenue? In this panel, we’ll discuss the evolution of publisher monetization. Speakers: • Kyle Schumacher, Head of Partnerships, Wikibuy • Mark Keeney, Head of Global Partnerships, eBay • Oliver Roup, CEO, Viglink • Molly Baab, GM and SVP, Purch Niche/Vertical: Affiliate Retention Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Network Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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Monday, 7/30/2018 Check-In Open Time: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm • Location: Registration Area – 3rd Floor Pick up your conference badge and attendee bag and get started with Affiliate Summit. Open to All Pass Holders

VIP Lounge Time: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm • Location: Empire Complex – 7th Floor VIP pass holders are welcome take advantage of this space that will include tables, WiFi, refreshments, massage therapists and more! VIP Pass Holders Only

Networking Lounge Time: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm • Location: Shubert Complex – 6th Floor All attendees are welcome to take advantage of the tables and WiFi to have meetings, catch up on work, or simply take a break. Coffee and Tea available to those with Drink Tickets. Open to All Pass Holders

Press and Speaker Lounge Time: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm • Location: Columbia/Duffy – 7th Floor The Press and Speaker Lounge is an area reserved for credentialed Press and Speakers only to grab some desk space, run through presentations, relax, and network. Press or Speaker Ribbon Required

Exhibit Hall Booth Refresh Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am • Location: Broadway Ballroom and Foyer – 6th Floor Exhibitors may come in during this time to refresh their booth from yesterday’s setup and prep booth staff. Exhibitor Ribbon Required

VIP Buffet Breakfast Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am • Location: Westside Ballroom – 5th Floor VIP Pass Holders: Fuel up on a hearty buffet-style breakfast in a relaxed networking environment. (Your “Monday Breakfast” Ticket must also be presented upon arrival). VIP Pass Holders Only

Session 4A: 7 Ways to Increase Reach Since Latest Algorithm Changes Time: 10:00 am – 10:30 am • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor Recent changes to social algorithm have hurt online businesses. Learn how to recover and make your social media more effective. Speaker: • Michelle Held, Owner, Metrony Niche/Vertical: Social Media Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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AFFILIATE SUMMIT EAST: Agenda ’18 Session 4B: Affiliates – What Powers Their Growth? Time: 10:00 am – 10:30 am • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor You have a diversified mix and acclaimed affiliates promoting your brand. But, do you have their attention to know what accelerates their growth? Learn the difference makers to fuel stronger muscle. Speaker: • Tara McCommons, VP Sales & Marketing, LinkConnector Corporation Niche/Vertical: Affiliate Retention Target Audience: Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Beginner Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 4C: Building A Culture of Success In The Affiliate Channel Time: 10:00 am – 10:30 am • Location: Manhattan Ballroom – 8th Floor Building an affiliate channel from scratch can be lucrative, but it isn’t easy. This session examines best practices in both advertiser and publisher techniques honed in Myers’ tenure in the space. Speaker: • Brandon Myers, Owner, AffiliateTinder Niche/Vertical: Psychology Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Exhibit Hall Open Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm • Location: Broadway Ballroom and Foyer – 6th Floor Affiliate Summit’s Exhibit Hall floor features a wide variety of affiliate programs, networks, outsourced program managers, agencies, technology providers, traffic sources and other vendors. All attendees are welcome. Open to All Pass Holders

RevShare Roundup Time: 10:00 am – 5:00pm • Location: Broadway Ballroom – 6th Floor Exhibit Hall Monday, July 30th from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm during Affiliate Summit East 2018. If you are looking for new revenue share programs to drive traffic to, the Affiliate Summit RevShare Roundup showcases a variety of affiliate programs to discover (Unrelated conversations will not be entertained during this event). Open to All Pass Holders

Demo Day Time: 10:00 am – 4:50 pm • Location: Broadway Ballroom Stage – 6th Floor Networks, technology firms, digital agencies, traffic sources, retailers, and other solution providers will take the stage on the hour and demonstrate their services. Open to All Pass Holders

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SUMMIT EAST Session 5A: 10 Proven Ways to Grow Online Revenue Year Over Year Time: 10:45 am – 11:15 am • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor This session will discuss strategies from my 20 years of digital marketing experience, growing website and ecommerce revenue, traffic and ROI. It’s a must attend session. Speaker: • Evan Weber, CEO, Experience Advertising Niche/Vertical: Educating Merchants Target Audience: Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 5B: 7 Power Questions to Maximize Your Merchant Relationships Time: 10:45 am – 11:15 am • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor Embrace your curiosity! Learn what you are able to negotiate & establish a better relationship with Merchants. Gain courage to ask for what you need to take your affiliate strategy to the next level. Speaker: • Abby Schaller, Affiliate Development, ShareASale Niche/Vertical: Strategy Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 5C: Copywriting That Converts Time: 10:45 am – 11:15 am • Location: Manhattan Ballroom – 8th Floor Are you making the most of your ad dollars? Even if you’re targeting the right people and using the best software, your message needs to be clear, catchy, and convincing to get the clicks. Speaker: • Debra Pivko, Copywriter Consultant, Intrigue Creative Niche/Vertical: Copywriting Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser, Network Experience Level: Beginner Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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AFFILIATE SUMMIT EAST: Agenda ’18 Opening Remarks & Keynote Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm • Location: Westside Ballroom – 5th Floor What’s Working On Facebook Now? We are living in unprecedented times with the ever-growing presence of Facebook. The social networking giant gathers an inordinate amount of user data and, in turn, offers incredibly accurate targeting methods to help businesses grow. Whatever your sales goals, you can accomplish them using Facebook’s marketing tools. In this dynamic session, world-renowned Premier Facebook Marketing Expert, Mari Smith, will share exactly how businesses in a variety of industries around the world are using Facebook to get discovered, showcase products, collect leads, boost sales and much more. Whether on desktop or mobile, these strategies work seamlessly to have your message show up in the exact places where your audience spends their time. Speaker: • Mari Smith, CEO, Mari Smith International, Inc. Open to All Pass Holders

VIP Buffet Lunch Time: 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm • Location: Westside Ballroom – 5th Floor VIP Pass Holders: Fuel up on a hearty buffet-style lunch in a relaxed networking environment. (Your “Monday Lunch” Ticket must also be presented upon arrival). VIP Pass Holders Only

VIP Keynote Q & A Time: 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm • Location: Empire Complex – 7th Floor VIP pass holders can partake in this Q&A session with Keynote speaker, the Queen of Facebook, Mari Smith. Speaker: • Mari Smith, CEO, Mari Smith International, Inc. VIP Pass Holders Only

Session 6A: Treat Your Blog Like A Real Business Time: 2:00 pm – 2:30pm • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor You started blogging and then began to make some money from it. But in order to get to the next level, it’s time you stop treating your blog like a hobby and start treating it like a business. Speaker: • Eric Nagel, Partner, Rust Built, Inc. Niche/Vertical: Blogging Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher Experience Level: Beginner Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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SUMMIT EAST Session 6B: Evergreen Techniques to Rock at Affiliate Marketing Time: 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor Affiliate marketing is so much broader than couponing! This session will help (both advertisers & affiliates) take home an array of effective techniques to reinvigorate how you do affiliate marketing. Speaker: • Geno Prussakov, CEO, AM Navigator LLC Niche/Vertical: Affiliate Marketing Strategy Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 6C: Empower Customers To Become Micro Influencers Time: 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm • Location: Manhattan Ballroom – 8th Floor Influencer Marketing is the fastest-growing customer-acquisition channel producing quality content with built-in distribution. Empower your customers to become micro-influencers to drive sales. Speaker: Melissa Salas, Global Brand Development and Marketing Director, Indi.com Niche/Vertical: Influencers Target Audience: Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Fashion Meetup Time: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm • Location: Times Square – 7th Floor Like speed dating, but you make business connections instead! For anyone currently working in or wanting to work in the Fashion industry. VIP Pass Holders Only

Session 7A: CPA Offers Are For Bloggers, Too! How And Why To Use Them Time: 2:45 pm – 3:15 pm • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor Too often bloggers hear negatives about CPA offers and why they should stay away from them. Learn crucial tips about how to turn them into a viable source of revenue but protect yourself and audience. Speaker: • Tricia Meyer, Owner, Sunshine Awards Niche/Vertical: Blogging Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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AFFILIATE SUMMIT EAST: Agenda ’18 Session 7B: “I Want That!” How To Write E-Commerce Product Descriptions Time: 2:45 pm – 3:15 pm • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor Simple words can be the difference between success and failure. In this session, we’ll tackle the fundamentals of ecommerce copywriting so you can make more sales. Speaker: • Misha Hettie, Copywriter | Communications Strategist, Uncommonly Good Biz Niche/Vertical: Copywriting Target Audience: Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Beginner Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 7C: Cutting Edge Email Deliverability Tactics Revealed Time: 2:45 pm – 3:15 pm • Location: Manhattan Ballroom – 8th Floor I see on average 15,000+ newsletter individual emails from every major ESP and I will tell you exactly what you need to do to achieve maximum email deliverability. Speaker: • Jeremy Schoemaker, MFCEO, ShoeMoney Media Group Niche/Vertical: Email Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser, Network Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Financial Services Meetup Time: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm • Location: Times Square – 7th Floor Like speed dating, but you make business connections instead! For anyone currently working in or wanting to work in the Financial Services industry. VIP Pass Holders Only

Session 8A: How AI & Cross Selling Can Drive Bigger Baskets Time: 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor How AI is having a huge impact on marketing. How presenting the cross sell opportunity to your visitors can grow basket size. How AI can harness impulse, affordability and improve AOV. Speaker: • Sri Sharma, CEO, Increasingly Niche/Vertical: AI Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser, Network Experience Level: Beginner Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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SUMMIT EAST Session 8B: How Retailers Can Uncover Incremental Value from Affiliate Time: 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor This session will help retailers determine advanced metrics that will help them uncover the true value of each partner and then optimize those partnerships to drive incremental value to their brand. Speaker: • Todd Crawford, VP Strategic Initiatives, Impact Niche/Vertical: Educating Merchants Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Advanced Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 8C: How to Execute Profitable Influencer Deals on Social Media Time: 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm • Location: Manhattan Ballroom – 8th Floor Learn how to find influencers and identify who can actually deliver results in your niche. Learn best practices for executing successful influencer campaigns from start to finish. Speaker: • Michael Pomposello, Managing Partner, Blue Polo Interactive Niche/Vertical: Influencers Target Audience: Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 9A: How to Build Your Brand and Generate Leads With Youtube Time: 4:15 pm – 4:45 pm • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor YouTube is one of the hottest platforms right now for content and branding. I’ll show tips and strategies to create great content and how to optimize it for lead generation Speaker: • Carolina Millan, CEO, Social Ads Agency Niche/Vertical: Social Media Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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AFFILIATE SUMMIT EAST: Agenda ’18 Session 9B: Secrets to Conquering the Gmail Inbox Time: 4:15 pm – 4:45 pm • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor Do you struggle to hit the inbox in gmail? If so, you’re not alone. Gmail has more than 1.2 billion active users. Your ability to reach them can make or break your email program! Speaker: • Scott Wolf, President & C.E.O, Arcamax Publishing, Inc. Niche: Email Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 9C: Choosing Your Partners With An Eye For Sustainability Time: 4:15 pm – 4:45 pm • Location: Manhattan Ballroom – 8th Floor Over many years we have met a lot of people and companies around the world. I would like to present how to choose the right people for your business while building a ‘win-win’, long-term relationship Speaker: • Yancy Naughton, Founder, HasTraffic COC Email Exchange Niche/Vertical: Email Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser, Network Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Affiliate Ball Time: 9 pm – 10 pm VIP pre-party 10 pm til 1 am – All pass holders (RSVP required) • Location: Copacabana The Affiliate Ball will take place at the Copacabana located 1 block away from the Marriott Marquis in Times Square. This year’s event will focus on networking and a great party vibe as always. Artists to be announced as we get closer. RSVP now at AffiliateBall.com Open to All Pass Holders (RSVP Required)


Tuesday, 7/31/2018 Check-in Time: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm • Location: Registration Area – 3rd Floor Pick up your conference badge and attendee bag and get started with Affiliate Summit. Open to All Pass Holders

Networking Lounge Time: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm • Location: Shubert Complex – 6th Floor All attendees are welcome to take advantage of the tables and WiFi to have meetings, catch up on work, or simply take a break. Coffee and Tea available to those with Drink Tickets. Open to All Pass Holders

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Press and Speaker Lounge Time: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm • Location: Columbia/Duffy – 7th Flr The Press and Speaker Lounge is an area reserved credentialed Press and Speakers only to grab some desk space, run through presentations, relax, and network. Press or Speaker Ribbon Required



Time: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm • Location: Empire Complex – 7th Floor


VIP pass holders are welcome to take advantage of this space that will include tables, WiFi, refreshments, massage therapists, and more!


VIP Pass Holders Only

Exhibit Hall Booth Refresh Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am • Location: Broadway Ballroom and Foyer – 6th Floor Exhibitors may come in during this time to refresh their booth from yesterday’s setup and prep booth staff. Exhibitor Ribbon Required

Measure, Analyse, Optimise your client’s mobile and digital marketing campaigns.

VIP Buffet Breakfast Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am • Location: Westside Ballroom – 5th Floor VIP Pass Holders: Fuel up on a hearty buffet-style breakfast in a relaxed networking environment. (Your “Tuesday Breakfast” Ticket must also be presented upon arrival).


VIP Pass Holders Only

Consumer Electronics Meetup Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am • Location: Times Square – 7th Floor Like speed dating, but you make business connections instead! For anyone currently working in or wanting to work in the Consumer Electronics industry. VIP Pass Holders Only

Session 10A: Artificial Intelligence: How Will It Affect Future Search Time: 10:00 am – 10:30 am • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor This presentation will delve into the evolution of artificial intelligence, how it will impact SEO and, ultimately, how it will redefine the user experience. Speaker: • Lance Bachmann, President, 1seo Niche/Vertical: AI Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser, Network Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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AFFILIATE SUMMIT EAST: Agenda ’18 Session 10B: Digital 2020: Blockchain, Bitcoin, AI, Big Data & ioT 10:00 – 10:30 am • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor The pace of change continues to amaze. Futurist, Author and Digital Expert Jay Berkowitz makes logic out of complex technologies: Blockchain, Bitcoin, Artificial Intelligence & The Internet of Things Speaker: • Jay Berkowitz, Founder/CEO, Ten Golden Rules Niche/Vertical: Future Technology Target Audience: Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Beginner Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 10C: New SEO Approaches for WordPress Time: 10:00 am – 10:30 am • Location: Manhattan Ballroom – 8th Floor Session discusses a new solution offering advanced SEO capabilities for WordPress authors. Speaker: • Bruce Clay, President, Bruce Clay Inc. Niche/Vertical: WordPress Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Beginner Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Exhibit Hall Open Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm • Location: Broadway Ballroom and Foyer – 6th Floor Affiliate Summit’s Exhibit Hall floor features a wide variety of affiliate programs, networks, outsourced program managers, agencies, technology providers, traffic sources and other vendors. All attendees are welcome. Open to All Pass Holders

Demo Day Time: 10:00 am – 2:50 pm • Location: Broadway Ballroom Stage – 6th Floor Networks, technology firms, digital agencies, traffic sources, retailers, and other solution providers will take the stage on the hour and demonstrate their services. Open to All Pass Holders

Session 11A: Influencer, Affiliate, or Performance Partner Unleashed? Time: 10:45 am – 11:15 am • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor Beginning with 2 case studies, both social, we’ll find out which one is the influencer, affiliate, or performance partner (and what those 3 definitions might mean, and how to measure their impact). Speaker: • Declan Dunn, Managing Partner, Simply Responsive Niche/Vertical: Influencers Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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SUMMIT EAST Session 11B: GDPR vs Blockchain - A Paradox, Challenge and an Opportunity Time: 10:45 am – 11:15 am • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor In this session we shall discuss GDPR and its applicabilty to digital (European and non-European) marketers – what are the best ways to get prepared – and why Blockchain is a threat to GDPR. Speaker: • Tal Itzhak Ron, Chairman and CEO, Tal Ron, Drihem and Co., Law Firm Niche/Vertical: GDPR and Blockchain Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser, Network Experience Level: Intermediate

Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 11C: Think Email is Dead? You’re Doing It Wrong! Time: 10:45 am – 11:15 am • Location: Manhattan Ballroom – 8th Floor In this session, you will not only learn how to create emails that lead to sales, but deliverability of your emails to make sure they reach your customers! Speaker: • Jeremy Schoemaker, MFCEO, ShoeMoney Media Group Niche/Vertical: Email Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/Advertiser, Network Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Opening Remarks & Keynote Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm • Location: Westside Ballroom – 5th Floor Advanced Strategies for Common WordPress Questions Have questions on optimizing WordPress to drive growth? Don’t miss this action-packed keynote as we live-demo our best tips and answer questions on using WP to drive revenue and delight your visitors! Speakers: • Brian Messenlehner,Co-Founder, AppPresser • David Vogelpohl, VP Web Strategy, WP Engine Open to All Pass Holders

VIP Buffet Lunch Time: 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm • Location: Westside Ballroom – 5th Floor VIP Pass Holders: Fuel up on a hearty buffet-style lunch in a relaxed networking environment. (Your “Tuesday Lunch” Ticket must also be presented upon arrival). VIP Pass Holders Only

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AFFILIATE SUMMIT EAST: Agenda ’18 VIP Keynote Q & A Time: 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm • Location: Empire Complex 7th Floor VIP pass holders can partake in this Q&A session with Keynote speakers David Vogelpohl and Brian Messenlehner. Speakers: • Brian Messenlehner,Co-Founder, AppPresser • David Vogelpohl, VP Web Strategy, WP Engine VIP Pass Holders Only

Session 12A: Cultivating a Community Around Live Video Time: 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor We’ll explore how to build a community around live video influencers and the benefits of doing so. This includes discussing the platforms, tooling, resources, and costs of such endeavors. Speakers: • Graeme Crawford, CEO, The Sovereignty, LLC • James Thompson, CEO, Bottlespark Niche/Vertical: Influencers Target Audience: Merchant/Advertiser Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 12B: Your Affiliate Program is Too Complicated Time: 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor Have partners stopped promoting your brand? Why? Your program has too many: rules, links, networks, errors. This session will help you simplify your affiliate program and get better results. Speaker: • Nick Oswald, Affiliate Marketing Manager, cleverbridge Niche/Vertical: Affiliate Management Target Audience: Merchant/Advertiser, Network Experience Level: Beginner Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket).

Exhibit Hall Networking Pub Crawl Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm • Location: Broadway Ballroom and Foyer – 6th Floor Refer to your Pub Crawl map of participating sponsors and visit each one for great networking opportunities and, of course, free beer and wine. All attendees welcome. Open to All Pass Holders

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SUMMIT EAST Session 13A: The Affiliate Business In the Hispanic World Time: 2:45 pm – 3:15 pm • Location: Astor Ballroom – 7th Floor Hispanic America is a new world of opportunities, an emerging market of new digital entrepreneurs who every day become more professionals in the world of affiliate marketing. Speaker: • Edgady Aponte Silva, CEO, Red21 Network Inc Niche/Vertical: Latin America Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Network Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 13B: Tips From an FTC Pro: How to Avoid Becoming an FTC Target Time: 2:45 pm – 3:15 pm • Location: Soho Complex – 7th Floor The Trump FTC has been cracking down on Internet marketers and tightening the noose around affiliates and others in their ecosystem. Learn from an FTC expert how to stay compliant and avoid “FTC Jail”. FMTC Magazine Ad_Final.pdf 1 6/8/2018 11:37:54 AM

Speaker: • Bill Rothbard, Attorney, Law Offices of William I. Rothbard


Niche/Vertical: FTC Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher, Merchant/ Advertiser, Network

FMTC specializes in aggregating deal and tracking link content for affiliates and making it available through a series of services and tools.

Experience Level: Intermediate Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

Session 13C: The Opportunity for Affiliates in Regulated US iGaming 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm Manhattan Ballroom- 8th Floor With the repeal of the Supreme Court, and the growth of online casino & poker, regulated US iGaming is at an inflection point. In this session find out how affiliates can maximize this opportunity. Speaker: • Melissa Blau, Founder, iGaming Capital





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Niche/Vertical: iGaming Target Audience: Affiliate/Publisher Experience Level: Beginner Networking Plus, Exhibitor, Affiliate (with session ticket) and VIP pass holders (Networking pass holders may attend by purchasing an individual session ticket)

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Keynote Bio

Dr. Sandra Matz


r. Sandra Matz is an Assistant Professor in the Management Division at Columbia Business School. Combining methodologies from psychology and the computer sciences, her work explores the question of how insights about people’s psychological profiles (e.g. personality) extracted from their digital footprints (e.g. Facebook Likes) can help individuals and businesses make better decisions. Dr. Matz works with business around the world and is a frequent keynote speaker for established organizations and institutions, including Microsoft, Trivago, or

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the European Commission. She was named one of the DataIQ’s 100 most influential people in data-driven marketing in 2015 and 2016, and was recognized as one of the 30 top thinkers under 30 by the Pacific Standard Magazine. Her work has been published top-tier journals such as Psychological Science, the American Psychologist and PNAS, and has attracted worldwide media attention from outlets like the Independent, the BBC, CNBC, Wired, Business Insider, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, and the World Economic Forum. [FF]

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Keynote Bio

Mari Smith


ften referred to as “the Queen of Facebook,” Mari Smith is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on Facebook marketing and social media. She is a Forbes’ Top Social Media Power Influencer, author of The New Relationship Marketing and coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day. Forbes recently described Mari as, “… the preeminent Facebook expert. Even Facebook asks for her help.” She is a recognized Facebook Partner; Facebook headhunted and hired Mari to

lead the Boost Your Business series of live events across the US. Mari is an in-demand speaker, and travels the world to keynote and train at major events. Her digital marketing agency provides professional speaking, training and consulting services on Facebook and Instagram marketing best practices for Fortune 500 companies, brands, SMBs and direct sales organizations. Mari is also an expert webinar and live video broadcast host, and she serves as Brand Ambassador for numerous leading global companies. [FF]

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Keynote Bios

Brian Messenlehner


rian, a former software developer for the United States Marine Corps, is the Cofounder of SchoolPresser.com, a web development company that specializes in building OpenSource solutions for schools. He is the Cofounder of AppPresser.com, a WordPress based framework for building iOS and Android Apps. He is also the Co-Author of “Building Web Apps with WordPress”, a book published by O’Reilly Media about WordPress as an Application Framework. Brian enjoys learning about new technology and believes open source software like WordPress is the key to successful cost-effective web solutions in any situation. [FF]

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David Vogelpohl


avid Vogelpohl is the Vice President of Web Strategy at WP Engine, a WordPress digital experience platform. WP Engine is a global leader in open source focused technology. Since 1996, David has been building teams which create and market digital experiences for the web, mobile, and beyond. David’s teams at WP Engine focus on WordPress development, WordPress core contributions, and performance marketing. David’s speaking style is focused on actionable-insights inspired by the most recent advancements in digital marketing, seasoned with over 20 years of know-how, and backed by relatable and relevant real-world examples. [FF]

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Speaker Bios Mike Allen

Lance Bachmann

Mike Allen has been involved in affiliate marketing since 1999, first as a publisher and now as an affiliate program manager. Affiliate accomplishments include being a charter member of the Performance Marketing Association, founder and “Chief Executive Shopper” at Shopping-Bargains® and the 2009 “Affiliate of the Year” recipient at the Affiliate Summit Pinnacle Awards. In 2013 Mike started Businesswright Consulting through which he provides affiliate program management and Internet marketing solutions. Mike has presented multiple times at Affiliate Summit as well as Blogworld (NMX), Affiliate Management Days, CJU, and several other performance marketing conferences.

Lance Bachmann is the CEO and President of 1SEO IT & Digital Marketing, a full-service global digital marketing firm based in the Philadelphia, PA area. Bachmann and his team of over 100 digital marketers provide end-to-end solutions for their clientele with a full suite of services like search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC), social media optimization (SMO), website design, content development and email marketing. Bachmann and 1SEO cultivate an online presence for their clients in order to harvest leads, closes, conversions and profits. In fact, Bachmann and 1SEO have accumulated numerous awards and other accolades for their efforts. In just 9 short years, Lance Bachmann has become renowned for his expertise and he is regarded as one of the leaders in the digital marketing space because of the results his agency produces for their clients.

Edgady Aponte Edgady Aponte is a Talent Hunter. Rapidly identifies creativity, intelligence and emotions, is able to transform into monetizable and sustainable digital businesses. He is a consultant specialized in digital marketing and sales with more than 10 years of experience in the internet´s world. He has developed at least 20 digital ventures, and has reached a global audience of more than two thousand people, as a personal brand and in alliance with market´s leaders. His career as an entrepreneur, author, coach, certified coach, has allowed him to deepen the knowledge of new codes and technological tools with the aim of monetizing business in the digital world and unveiling an Internet as a real and sustainable possibility of having a lifestyle that adapts to the real environment and achieves the desired life-work balance.

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Dominic Baliszewski Dominic is a knowledgeable and highly respected expert in the performance marketing industry. He has over decade of experience in the industry, and has managed high performing commercial teams, launched award winning tech products to market and managed deals and accounts from start-ups through to owning all commercial deliverables for one of the UK’s leading communication comparison brands. He’s a regular commentator in national press as well as making frequent appearances on television. A talented and charismatic speaker, he talks passionately and engagingly on industry issues, as well as strategic ways to solve them. He regularly delivers speeches, chairs panels and has also

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contributed to, and informed, governmental policy in the affiliate and finance space. His current role focuses on bringing to market the cutting-edge data products and reporting technology that has helped establish Decision Tech as one of the UK’s leading publishers.

Syed Balkhi Syed Balkhi is a killer online marketer with design & development experience. He’s the founder of WPBeginner, List25, and many other sites. His work has been featured in: New York Times, Wired Magazine, Business Insider, Huffington Post, and others. Syed has been working online since he was 12 years old, and has a very successful online business.

Debbie Bookstaber Debbie Bookstaber is the President of ElementAssociates.com, a digital marketing and influencer outreach agency based in Philadelphia. She also serves as the CMO of Hashtracking.com, a leading social media analytics company. Debbie has 15+ years of marketing experience and has managed online marketing programs responsible for several hundred million dollars in annual sales. Debbie has advised PR firms, Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits and government agencies on blogger relations and effective social media strategies. Debbie has been blogging since 2007. She was recognized as one of the “Top 25 Parent Bloggers Who Are Changing the World” by Babble.com in 2012 and as a “Best of the Net” Blogger by Working Mother Magazine in 2013. Follow her on Twitter: @buzzmommy.

Jay Berkowitz

James Brown

Jay Berkowitz is the Founder and CEO of www. TenGoldenRules.com, a performance-based digital advertising agency specialized in Pay Per Click (PPC), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Landing Page, Conversion Strategies and Social Media Marketing. Mr. Berkowitz is the author of The Ten Golden Rules of Online Marketing and 10 Free Internet Marketing Strategies that went to #1 on Amazon for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. He developed the University of San Francisco Internet Marketing Course and he has been profiled in the Wall Street Journal, The Business Journals and on FOX TV. Prior to founding his own business, Mr. Berkowitz was a Director of Marketing for Sprint, eDiets.com, CocaCola and McDonald\’s Restaurants. He serves on the Board of Advisors for Sleep Choices, is the PresidentElect for The Strategic Forum, a Founding Board Member of The South Florida Interactive Marketing Association, a Past President of the South Florida Chapter of The American Marketing Association.

James have over 10 years experience with Information Security, Operations, and Telephony systems. Having worked with a wide range of industries on both the offensive and defensive security space he has made contributions that landed him on multiple bounty programs including Google. As the creator of the Invocomb honeypot he regularly advises Telecom Providers, FCC, FBI, and a number of other companies. The work on the honeypot has lead to numerous fraud and spam campaigns being shut down over the last several years.

John Chow John Chow, a damn fine person, friend of the community, Ultimate Fighting Championship contestant, member of the Save the Whales Foundation, the man who controls the black market on baby seal pelts and member of the “probably yo’ daddy” foundation.

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Bruce Clay Bruce Clay is founder and president of Bruce Clay, Inc., a global Internet marketing optimization firm providing search engine optimization, pay per click management, social media marketing, conversion rate optimization, SEO-friendly web design and architecture, content development, and SEO tools and education. As an industry thought leader, he is an accomplished speaker, author and educator. He hosts a weekly podcast, SEM Synergy, covering search marketing news and analysis for digital marketers. His book “Search Engine Optimization All-In-One For Dummies,” published by Wiley, is now in its third edition.

Shawn Collins Shawn Collins has been an affiliate marketer since 1997. He is a Co-founder of Affiliate Summit, the leading global conference and tradeshow for the affiliate marketing industry, and Co-Editor-inChief of FeedFront Magazine. He has authored the books “Affiliate Manager Boot Camp“, “Extra Money Answer“, “How to Get the Most from Exhibiting at Conferences”, “How to Get the Most Out of Attending a Conference”, and “Successful Affiliate Marketing for Merchants“. Also, he co-publishes the annual AffStat affiliate marketing benchmark reports. Shawn blogs on affiliate marketing at AffiliateTip.com, and hosts the podcast, This is Affiliate Marketing, on GeekCast.fm. Additionally, Shawn has been quoted in numerous publications, including Entrepreneur Magazine, Internet Retailer, Inc. Magazine, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal.

Todd Crawford As a co-founder, Todd Crawford evangelizes the opportunities presented by a multi-channel approach to the performance model. Prior to Impact Radius, he served as vice president of sales and business development for Digital River’s affiliate network,

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oneNetworkDirect. Todd also contributed to the founding team at Commission Junction in 1998 and led its business and sales development efforts as vice president for more than seven years.

Jeannine Crooks As the Publisher Acquisition & Development Manager with Awin US, Jeannine works closely with many of their largest programs such as Etsy, HP, Missguided and Gymshark. She is a frequent speaker at numerous events including Affiliate Management Days, TBEX and Affiliate Summit. Jeannine works with all types of publishers, especially bloggers, helping each to maximize their affiliate marketing earnings. Jeannine, her photographer husband Brad, and their two Siberian Huskies, Dusty and Cody, live south of Denver. They love sports, especially hockey, and travel as often as they can. Fun fact: Jeannine was the big winner on an episode of “Wheel of Fortune.”

Declan Dunn Since the early Internet to today’s mobile digital world, Declan has been building businesses. As a longtime performance marketer, and social community developer, Declan builds trust and revenue. His passion for sharing knowledge on stages all around the world, and educational background make every speaking engagement new, and deeply immersive. Today Declan develops businesses for growth at Simply Responsive, a digital publishing and business development firm merging proven models with social media and content marketing. He was also the CEO of ADNet International, for 6 years, helping launch American Express, MyPoints, and Network Solutions Partner Programs. It’s this wealth of expertise that gives Declan his wide-ranging, pragmatic views. In 2018 Declan is releasing the Growth Generation digital marketing process, to bring the focus of performance marketing to smaller businesses, and larger companies suffering from old practices of blasting customers.

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Duane Forrester Prior to becoming the VP of Industry Insights for Yext, Duane Forrester accumulated over 20 years’ experience in the search and social fields. He is the author of How To Make Money With Your Blog and Turn Clicks Into Customers, through McGraw-Hill. Along the way, Duane has worked in marketing & PR with Caesar’s Palace, run his own websites, communities and consultancy, worked for small and enterprise publishers online. Past work included almost 9 years with Microsoft and Bing where he helped run their Webmaster Tools program, as well as the SEO program at MSN. In between Yext and Bing, Duane ran operation for Bruce Clay, Inc., one of the oldest names in digital marketing. For several years, Duane’s focus included writing for SearchEngineLand.com, moderating in the original SearchEngineForums. com and being a Board member with SEMPO, where he founded the InHouse Committee and SEMPO’s annual Industry Salary Survey.

Robert Glazer Robert Glazer is a serial entrepreneur with a demonstrated track record and passion for growing revenue and profits for B2C-based companies. In demand by top brands and investment firms, he has extensive experience in the consumer, e-commerce, retail, online marketing, and ad-tech industries—partnering with brands such as adidas, ModCloth, Reebok, Target, Tiny Prints, Gymboree, and Warby Parker. A sought-after speaker, Glazer has presented to global audiences at ad:tech, Affiliate Summit, Pubcon, BlogHer, Internet Retailer, DMA, PMI Europe, and Shop.org. He is also a columnist for Entrepreneur.com, and Forbes.com, writing about performance marketing, strategy, and culture. Glazer is the author of the bestselling book, Performance Partnerships: The Checkered Past, Changing Present and Exciting Future of Affiliate Marketing and his Friday Forward (www.fridayfwd.

com) inspirational posts reach over 16,000 leaders each week across the world.

Jen Goode Jen Goode is both geek and creative, a professional artist also working as an affiliate and merchant in the Performance Marketing industry. She is a workat-home mom of three, social media enthusiast and “doodler in charge” of JGoode Designs (JGoodeDesigns.com) with her work published in a number of magazines. Jen offers her illustration and design work for licensing to manufacturers while she promotes products featuring her art through various affiliate programs. Jen is the Affiliate Summit Newcomer Program Coordinator and has been proactive in the fight against the Ad-Tax in Colorado. She has spoken about getting started in affiliate marketing at various conferences and shares her insight about business and creativity at 100Directions. com.

Michelle Held Michelle owns MetroNY, LLC where she develops marketing strategies for brands and businesses. She builds online marketing plans specializing in content and social media marketing, content creation, search engine optimization, and project management. She runs AskCyberSecurity.com and is a contributor for Entrepreneur.com. In addition, Michelle writes for various industry publications and conducts seminars covering online marketing. Michelle is the author of “Pinterest Tutorial” and the upcoming “Build Your Business Presence Online.” She also blogs about marketing metrony.com and about Pinterest at PinTalk.net. Michelle earned a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Subscribe to her YouTube channel connect with Michelle on LinkedIn, on Twitter @metrony, or subscribe on YouTube.

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Misha Hettie Misha Hettie is a copywriter and communications strategist a.k.a. sales-minded word nerd at Uncommonly Good Biz. She helps entrepreneurs and small business owners to look good, sound great, and make money online.

Rachel Hirsch Rachel Hirsch is an attorney at the Washington, D.C.-based law firm of Ifrah PLLC. Ms. Hirsh advises clients on in litigation and compliance matters relating to FTC and state consumer regulations. Her clients include, among others, a variety of networks, advertisers, publishers, software and data providers, and her practice covers all federal and state consumer protection and privacy laws and regulations. Ms. Hirsch focuses her practice counseling clients on how to implement measures to reduce their exposure to liability. Often litigating cases against the government, Ms. Hirsch has achieved a string of victories for her clients in federal and state enforcement actions. Ms. Hirsch is a regular contributor to her firm’s blog, www.ftcbeat.com, where she writes about issues affecting online marketers.

Zac Johnson At the age of 15, Zac Johnson began making money online designing web site banners for $1 each. A self taught entrepreneur, Zac’s been making money online for nearly 20 years and has been involved in nearly every facet of affiliate and online marketing. One of Zac’s many successes includes his story of “How I Made $860,538.38 Profit in 4 Months!” from one web site, which can be read at his blog at ZacJohnson.com. Zac continues to focus on his blog, where he provides readers with firsthand accounts of his experiences, successes & failures. In addition to his own success stories, Zac reviews affiliate networks and informs readers how & where they should be making new

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money. Zac’s social reach and site traffic is now over 100,000 strong and has referred over $5,000,000 in new business to his advertisers and network partners. You can also listen to Zac’s new podcast “Rise of the Entrepreneur” on iTunes and connect with Zac through his new online training community at Blogging.org.

Mark Keeney Mark Keeney, Head of Partnerships & Affiliates at eBay is a results-oriented marketing executive with over 20 years experience and a proven record in planning and executing comprehensive marketing strategies to achieve business goals and objectives. He has expertise in not only driving leads but also converting consumers into longtime customers. He also has experience driving sales goal via B2B and B2C channels. Proven leadership skills; able to build and motivate top-performing marketing teams.

Brian LaFrance Brian LaFrance is currently Lead SEO Analyst for CBS Interactive where he oversees search efforts for major sites such as CBS Sports, GameSpot, and CBS. com. He has been involved in various aspects of SEO and affiliate marketing for over 15 years. He continues to run his own affiliate sites and consults for a few clients that he has worked with for many years. In 2010, he sold his main affiliate site to a large internet media company and moved on to be the marketing director for an SEO data provider. Brian leverages his knowledge of development, SEO, tools, and data to take advantage of the ever growing list of APIs available for analyzing search data. This allows him to quickly and efficiently scale SEO strategy, regardless of the size of a site.

Vix Leyton Vix has been leading comms in the performance space

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for 9 years, from one of the UK’s biggest comparison sites to Quidco, the international cashback portal. She’s an expert on consumer trends and how to gain traffic, and retain consumers who have never had more choice.

John LoBrutto John P. LoBrutto is the Director of Affiliate Solutions & Partnerships at Liquid Web, Inc., an industry leading Web Hosting company. Liquid Web has a full suite of Managed Hosting services, including Storm Cloud, VPS, Dedicated Servers & Word Press. John’s previous positions include; Director of Affiliates & Partnerships for 1&1 Internet, Inc., Head of Global Distribution for the AllHotels, Sales Director for Holiday Autos USA (both divisions of Travelocity, LLP), President of Pencils Plus, and Technology Director for Sabre Travel Network. John has over 20 years’ experience in the travel, retail & technology sales channels and has managed affiliate programs for the last 7 years. He specializes in developing new programs, optimizing for success, with a focus on entering new markets. He believes, “the best approach to affiliate marketing is to keep things fresh, be creative and always think out of box, whenever possible.” John is married with two children and is based in New York.

Brian Marcus Brian Marcus, TUNE’s Director of Product Marketing is a global marketing leader, whose career evolved in lock-step with the emergence of eCommerce and digital media. Since 2002, Brian has been shaping the performance marketing community — as a digital marketer, as a platform owner, and as a platform evangelist. Brian launched into eCommerce leading customer acquisition at JC Whitney, a century old cataloger destined to move online. From there, he went on to build two global affiliate marketing programs and platforms, one at Google (GAN) and the other at eBay (ePN). Most recently, Brian was VP of Marketing at Teespring, a Selling and eCommerce

platform for designers and creators. Brian is a Chicago native, a Cubs fan, and a music fanatic. He now considers Seattle his home and spends his free time enjoying the Pacific Northwest with his family. He earned his BA from Grinnell College (in Iowa) and his MBA from the University of Chicago (Booth).

Tara McCommons Tara McCommons is VP of Sales and Marketing at LinkConnector, a performance marketing network providing superior service and technologies to affiliates and merchants for over a decade. Tara leads a high performance team that plays a pivotal role in identifying new merchant and affiliate opportunities to continually expand the LinkConnector Network, while also taking a hands-on approach to effectively optimize existing merchant and affiliate relationships. Tara possesses over 20 years of business development experience spanning both corporate and start-up environments within the technology and financial industries. Tara began her career in affiliate marketing with LinkConnector (in 2004) where she has a proven record in the development and leadership of strategic partnerships and sales growth. Tara moderated a Top-10 ASW15 panel, has been a contributor to FeedFront, AM Days Speaker and is a Board of Directors Committee Chair with the Performance Marketing Association.

Tricia Meyer Tricia Meyer (@sunshinetricia) is the owner of Sunshine Rewards, Helping Moms Connect, and other niche sites. She frequently speaks and writes about affiliate marketing topics such as monetizing blogs, affiliate and affiliate manager relationships, and the basics of affiliate marketing. She serves as the Executive Director for the Performance Marketing Association. She is also a partner in WineClubGroup. com. Tricia has been a finalist for the Pinnacle Award for Industry Advocate and won Affiliate of the Year in 2014 and Best Blogger in 2012.

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Carolina Millan Carolina Millan is an Entrepreneur, Speaker, Investor and Digital Marketing Consultant from Chile. She started her first business in 2008, when she was at her first job in Human Resources. She started working with local clients in Chile as a Social Media Manager which allowed to quit her job two years later. But it wasn’t until 2012 that she had her major breakthrough with high ticket affiliate marketing. After years of trying program after program she cracked the code to making money online and now travels around the World, living life, working with clients and hosting Masterminds. She’s the founder of Social Ads Agency and Al Cuadrado Marketing & Branding, where she and her team provide Digital Marketing and Social Media Management & Growth services.

Brandon Myers Brandon is the former Affiliate Director at Aceable and DriversEd.com. He currently owns and operates several affiliate businesses including an Affiliate Marketing Advertiser Training Course at Performance Marketing Manager. Some of his publishing properties include Lazy bets and Review Cryptocurrency. As an affiliate marketer, Myers has devoted his career to understanding performance marketing models and where they fit in with today’s advertisers and publishers. With a degree concentration of Rhetorical Theory from the University of San Diego, Myers prides himself on understanding human reactions to messages and what makes buyers convert. By leveraging data, highly refined tracking tools, and a knowledge of how brands grow their own identity through third parties, Myers has been highly successful in curating a mix of marketing channels to drive growth, increase conversion, and ultimately create brand awareness.

Eric Nagel Eric Nagel is a business-savvy technology executive

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with over 17 years of experience in programming and online marketing. He is passionate about developing applications that allow businesses, teams and individuals achieve their goals through automated tools and access to actionable data. As a marketer himself, Eric truly understands the needs of today’s marketing professional. He has designed and executed SEO, PPC, social media and affiliate marketing strategies for his clients and his own affiliate sites. He has been recognized as a top performer in several programs and won the Best Blogger Pinnacle Award in 2011. Eric now leads a team of developers in designing innovative solutions for performance marketing professionals as FMTC’s CTO.

Yancy Naughton Yancy Naughton Founder of HasTraffic. Longtime advertising industry veteran, founder and or partner of HasTraffic, WantsTraffic, CPC Email Exchange, Namerific, HasOffice. Full Time contractor on launches of Elephant Traffic (2010) and ZeroPark (2012). Early adopter of multi channel performance based advertisement as founder of NSRS (1992 to 1998, now move.com) Golfer Magazines (1994 to 2003, now Golfer Guide) and The Real Estate Book. Yancy Naughton is also frequent speaker and presenter at various new media conferences.

Nick Oswald Nick Oswald is an Affiliate Marketing Manager at cleverbridge, a provider of flexible commerce solutions for monetizing digital goods, online services and SaaS. In his role, Oswald manages unconventional merchant and affiliate verticals. With a keen eye turned to tracking and attribution and the other eye on partner relationships, Oswald employs a balanced, strategic approach to affiliate management. He strives to expand topline revenue for clients, but not at the expense of understanding the incremental value of affiliate partnerships. Prior

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to cleverbridge, Oswald worked at CJ Affiliate by Conversant (formerly Commission Junction), servicing clients ranging from boutique apparel to consumer electronics to automotive. When not managing affiliate programs, he enjoys writing and podcasting about Star Wars, going to metal shows, and frequenting Disney World with his high school sweetheart wife, Jenny.

Anne Parris Anne Parris is a partner in MidlifeBoulevard.com, an on-line lifestyle magazine for women over 40. Anne also manages a community of over a thousand midlife writers and bloggers, coordinates blogger/brand campaigns, and is planning the first conference for midlife bloggers. A southern girl to the core, Anne lives in Richmond, Virginia, with her family between blogging conferences.

Debra Pivko Debra Pivko, Founder of Intrigue Creative is an experienced Copywriting Consultant specializing in direct response sales of products and services specializing in the health, beauty, and tech space. With almost 20 years of experience, she has written everything from microsites to landing pages to online acquisition banners, to email blast series to paid social and sales content – you name it! She can even help you develop your brand identity. Known for her high conversion rates, she has launched million-dollar money makers for Beachbody, GNC, Dermalogica, countless nutraceuticals, and more. She’s here today to divulge some of the tricks of the trade to make your brand in demand.

Michael Pomposello Michael Pomposello has been executing successful influencer marketing campaigns for small brands and

the Fortune 500 for the past 5 years. He has seen it all and is eager to share his learnings to help marketers avoid mistakes and start executing profitable influencer deals right away.

Geno Prussakov Geno Prussakov, a Cambridge graduate and affiliate marketing veteran, is the CEO & Founder of AM Navigator – a top affiliate program management agency, holder of 2017 Golden Link Award as the OPM Agency of the Year. As an affiliate manager and consultant he contributed to the online marketing success of brands as large as Forbes, Hallmark, Medifast, Skype, Travelex Insurance, as well as hundreds of small businesses. Prussakov authored 4 books, including his bestselling “Affiliate Program Management: An Hour a Day,” which have trained thousands of marketing professionals worldwide. In 2011 for influencing “change within the industry” Rakuten named him one of Performance Marketing’s Most Vocal Advocates, while in 2014 and 2015 Small Business Trends recognized him as one of North America’s Top 100 small business influencers. Geno runs Influencer Marketing Days and AM Days conferences and also contributes to affiliate marketing industry via his blog posts, articles, and conference presentations. His ASE18 speech marks his 19th time speaking at Affiliate Summits.

Adam Riemer Adam is an industry veteran and 2016 Pinnacle Award winner for Affiliate Manager of the Year. With a proven track record of managing top-of-thefunnel and value-adding affiliate programs, helping companies and bloggers get higher search engine rankings and working with data to help you monetize your traffic, he is ready to help you with a custom strategy that fits within your budget. You can reach him on his website at www.AdamRiemer.me and make sure to follow him on twitter @rollerblader.

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Tal Itzhak Ron

Oliver Roup

Advocate, Certified Computer Scientist and Notary Tal Itzhak Ron (LLB, B.SC., M.Sc.) – a General Member of International Masters of Gaming Law (IMGL), practicing Ad Tech, i-Gaming and Financial Entertainment. Tal graduated from Haifa University School of Law (LL.B.) and Faculty of Computer Science (B.Sc.), and while working as a software developer at a publicly-traded software company, Ness Technologies has further obtained a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Bar Ilan University. Tal established Tal Ron, Drihem & Co., Law Firm back in 2003, focusing from the start on Hi Tech, Ad Tech, M&A, Financial Entertainment and iGaming industries, quickly becoming one of the first international firms practicing solely on these areas. The firm today advises the world leading industry players and is considered the first point of contact for entrepreneurs setting up businesses in the online industries.

As Founder and CEO of VigLink, Oliver Roup understands the power of native monetization like few others, and is passionate about powering contentdriven commerce for companies like Microsoft, Yahoo, Reuters, Bonnier, Rodale and more. VigLink enables publishers to earn revenue automatically and at scale, directly through their own words. Prior to VigLink, Oliver served as a Director at Microsoft in charge of product for properties including XBOX Live Video Marketplace, Zune Marketplace, and MSN Entertainment. Oliver has also worked at Founders Fund, for Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and at the BBC. He holds several patents, is an elected board member of the Performance Marketing Association and founding chair of the PMA’s Content Monetization Council. Oliver received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Computer Science from MIT and his MBA from the Harvard Business School. He lives in San Francisco and is a passionate cyclist and sailor.

Bill Rothbard Bill Rothbard is a seasoned FTC advertising lawyer. He counsels direct response advertisers, online merchants and affiliate marketers on their FTC compliance duties and represents clients in federal and state deceptive advertising investigations and enforcement actions. He has litigated and negotiated settlements in dozens of FTC and state Attorney General cases. Bill is a regular speaker at ad industry conferences, a regular contributor to the Direct Response Marketing Alliance (DRMA) newsletter, and author of FTCAdLaw Alert, an FTC blog published at www.FTCAdLaw.com. Bill received his law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of Law in 1976. From 1977 to 1984, Bill was an attorney with the FTC, holding positions as an advertising enforcement attorney and Attorney-Advisor to the FTC Chairman. Bill has practiced law continuously since 1984, except for a two-year appointment as Counsel to the United States Senate Judiciary Committee in 1987-88.

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Melissa Salas Melissa D. Salas is the Global Brand Development & Marketing Director for Indi.com, a pioneer in the Influencer, Video & Affiliate Marketing industry. Indi’s video technology platform empowers Artists, Celebrities, Influencers, Brands, Retailers and Charities to drive deep social marketing engagement & content commerce with consumers, creating micro-influencers. With over 16 years marketing experience, Melissa specializes in Digital Strategies, Public Relations, Affiliate Marketing, Mobile and Social Media Marketing. Melissa has been nominated for numerous awards including “Publishers Choice” in 2015 and 2016 as well “Lifetime Achievement” in 2015. She is also a professional public speaker and Master of Ceremonies. Melissa was previously the Senior Director of Marketing for Swiss Watch International brands such as WorldofWatches.com and Smartbargains.com, the on-air personality and

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co-host for the Buy.com G4TV show BuyTV as well as Buy.com’s Director of Marketing & Public Relations.

Abby Schaller Abby Schaller got her start in Affiliate Marketing in 2012 at ShareASale.com – an Affiliate Network based in Chicago that connects Merchants with Affiliates. She started as a Sales Specialist and now works in Affiliate Development to assist all types of Affiliates get the most out of their monetization efforts with ShareASale, and other related Affiliate Marketing techniques. Abby maintains a blog at SchallWeGetAway.com, detailing her love for travel and adventures.

Jeremy Schoemaker Jeremy Schoemaker has been doing affiliate marketing for 15 years via display networks, pay per click, email, and other various forms of advertising. In the last 5 years, his focus has primarily been on managing other companies email campaigns for fortune 500 companies. His newest application is called emailwise which is a free application to help users get better insights into their deliverability. From seeing millions of emails a week Jeremy has the quantified knowledge of what really works and what doesn’t.

Kyle Schumacher Kyle Schumacher leads partner development at Wikibuy. Prior to Wikibuy, Kyle worked at Google. At 16, Kyle started his first e-commerce business, a fishing lure company. He received his MBA from University of Texas-Austin and his BSBA in Finance from the University of Central Florida.

Sri Sharma Sri is CEO and Cofounder of Increasingly, the AI product bundling technology company. Previously, Sri

founded and sold two digital marketing technology businesses. He has won National Business Awards’ highly commended Entrepreneur of the Year, Sunday Times Tech Track 100 and Deloitte Tech Fast 50. Most recently, he won a Google awarded scholarship to study AI and futuristic technology at NASA.

Carolyn Shelby Carolyn Shelby has been involved in developing and marketing Internet technologies since 1994, when she was the co-founder and managing partner of an Internet Service Provider near Purdue University. She specializes in technical and enterprise SEO, and has been helping corporations adjust their structure and focus to make the most of new media by integrating “search awareness” into their corporate culture since the 90s. As Director of Search Engine Optimization at tronc, Inc. (formerly Tribune Publishing), Carolyn and her team are responsible for technical SEO and organic audience-generation strategies across tronc’s vast portfolio of properties including the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Baltimore Sun, and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Her team delivers data-driven strategies through a commitment to webanalytics, employee training, and honest reporting.

Chloe Spencer Chloe Spencer is an online marketing expert and SEO specialist who started her first business at 14 years old; NeopetsFanatic.com, a fan site on the Nickelodeon-owned site Neopets. She got her site to the top of Google and monetized her tens-ofthousands of daily pageviews into a passive income stream with Google AdSense. Chloe started speaking professionally at 16 years old, and has presented at over a dozen conferences around the nation, including BlogHer 4 times. At 19, Chloe founded an online marketing agency, and works with clients around the world to improve their Google rankings, traffic, online presence and their sales. Chloe has been interviewed on MSNBC, ABC7 News, and has

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presented live on Denver’s 9News to 1.2 million viewers. Chloe also appeared in The Capital Times Newspaper, AmericanExpress.com, NBCNews.com, BlogTalkRadio, The ShoeMoney Show, WebProNews, Huff Post, ClickZ, ProBlogger, Loral’s Real Money Talks and Practical Ecommerce. Visit ChloeSpencer. com to learn more.

Todd Stearn Todd is an entrepreneur and digital marketing executive. Since founding Aragon Advertising in 2012, he has gone on to launch LeadSquad and Penny Pincher Media. At Aragon Advertising, Todd has created a global performance marketing company with a diversified portfolio of clients and core business lines. In 2015 Aragon moved aggressively into the Pay Per Call marketing space, quickly becoming a market leader. By focusing on compliance, quality assurance, exclusive traffic, and pioneering technologies such as lead-to-call automation, Aragon continues to create partnerships with major US brands seeking high-value prospects for their business.

James Thompson JT is the CEO of Daft Labs and has worked in the startup world for his entire adult career. He’s launched hundreds of sites for others and a handful of his own products. The primary focus of his ventures are typically around monetization and the affiliate relationship in some way.

Evan Weber My name is Evan Weber and I have been involved in the Internet industry for almost 20 years. I got my start selling on eBay, through ecommerce websites, and through a free auction website that I founded in 1997. My next major career leap was joining DentalPlans.com in 2002 and becoming

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their Marketing Director and part-owner. After successfully growing their company into a large, profitable Internet company, I left in 2007 to pursue other projects of my own. I launched my digital agency in 2007, Experience Advertising, and have worked with more than 200 Internet-based e-commerce companies on various aspects of their online marketing and social media strategies. Some of the digital marketing channels that we manage for clients may include any combination of the following channels: affiliate marketing, social media, Facebook advertising, Twitter advertising, website conversion optimization, paid search, shopping channels, SEO, online PR, customer referrals, programmatic media buying…

Scott Wolf Scott Wolf is the President and CEO of ArcaMax Publishing, and has served in that role from its launch in July, 2004. Under his leadership, ArcaMax’s revenue and profitability have grown consistently, recognized five times by the Inc 5000 for growth. The company’s email practices have been profiled by MarketingSherpa, a leading online marketing research institute. Scott entered the online world in 2001 to develop an advertising business for the newsletter division of ArcaMax Publishing’s predecessor company, an e-commerce company that used email newsletters to promote its products. The newsletter division quickly became the company’s most profitable and ultimately was spun off to form ArcaMax Publishing. Prior to that, Scott was a co-founder of Radio Profits Corporation, a sales consulting company in the radio industry. He is a co-author of “Segmented Media Publishing System”, a patent issued in 2014 covering the distribution of sequential segmented media content by email. [FF]

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