April 2015 Emag

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MAGAZINE Affinity Fundraising has launched into Australian schools and we are going gangbusters!

It’s Membership Renewal time again for a lot of organisations. We have made it easier with our new Membership Management Module. ASSOCIATION SPOTLIGHT GIVEMATCHER

WHAT’S NEW AT AA! Our beloved EMAG is transitioning into its next phase…Over the coming months, you will notice some big changes that we think you will like…

Issue 25 - April 2015


What’s In store for you this month… Editors Letter (our Health & Wellbeing issue)


Association Spotlight - “Givematcher”




Legal, HR/IR, Insurance, Foreign Exchange, Finance, Business Coaching, Safety In the Workplace… Member Engagement


Affinity TRAVEL












Affinity SHOPPER




Editors Letter

and three different advertising spaces. The magazines for all intensive purposes will be named…

Affinity Business Affinity Health Affinity Lifestyle & Travel For more information on advertising opportunities both on the new Affinity EMAG website and the magazines themselves, please visit…

Fiona McTaggart CEO - Affinity Alliance Wow! Can you believe that we are already in the month of May? How quickly is this year flying by? I feel as though we have barely had time to scratch ourselves, let alone run a business! However, as the say, “the show must go on…” Well Affinity basecamp has seen many changes in the last couple of months and April has been no exception. We have made some new friendships that will no doubt be some of our best. We have also made some huge decisions that will affect the livelihood of Affinity and where we will go to from here, is only up! The Affinity EMAG being one of those changes is quickly transitioning from an all encompassing font of knowledge, outlining our major providers and focusing on what our members requirements are within an organisation and within their own homes to somewhat of a necessity within the boardroom. Over the coming months, the magazine will be broken into three categories that we feel the members find more popular. This of course means, three separate magazines. Three different portals

www.affinitymagazine.com.au In addition to this, our providers are growing at an exponential rate across the globe and we will soon have the most benefits on offer than any other program that you may have considered and at the best rate. Our new online search directory gives members the convenience of searching under category, subcategory and location, making the entire experience seamless. Check out our website and experience the difference for y o u r s e l f . V i s i t www.affinityallianceco.com.au Also new on the block in the last couple of months is our Affinity Fundraising program which is aimed to assist with many different charities, NFP’s and schools. Check out our webpage for participating organisations and see how you as an organisation and individual can help in our fight to raise valuable funds for much deserving charities. If you belong to one of these fantastic organisations, be sure to keep on the lookout for your new Affinity members card which gives you all the access you need to a myriad of fantastic offers.

New Providers • Isogenix

• ESSBizGrants • ESSBizTools

Thank you to all of our providers who have offered fantastic exclusive benefits for our members, we could not do it without you.


Don’t forget to check out our Dining Guide within the members directory. Not only will you have exclusive access to the finest restaurants in the country with some fantastic deals for our AA members, you will also be privy to the best in entertainment and events. Be the first to book the latest show or concert and show off to your friends and of course don’t forget to tell them that you can only have access through ‘Affinity Alliance’…. If you would like the opportunity to advertise your restaurant/cafe and can offer an exclusive deal to our members, let us know. We are always on the lookout for new providers and our members love it!

IMPORTANT Information

If for some reason you have missed any of our EMAG issues, jump on the Affinity Alliance website and you can view all previous issues in our Archives folder. If you have any troubles, simply contact our office for assistance. If you would like to advertise your organisation or business with Affinity Alliance to offer our members even more value for money, please contact our head office on 1300 793 044 or email

admin@affinityallianceco.co m.au for details and a copy of the AA Media Kit.


FREECALL 1300 793 044


GIVEMATCHER We have teamed up with an organisation that is committed to making a change… by Franck Demoiseau - Givematcher On Consumers now expect to observe businesses making a genuine commitment to giving back to the community, and this is one of the most influential factors when making a purchase decision - surveys show that 95% of people believe social responsibility is businesses' most important responsibility and that it influences purchasing decision as much as price.
 Until now there has not been an easy way for businesses to be visible as supporting the community. An Australian Not-For-Profit called Givematcher specialising in helping businesses do well by doing good has changed this. Givematcher is a leading charity fundraising portal, which provides a donationmatching marketplace. Businesses simply allocate capped funds and specify donation-matching conditions to selected charities (or to all charities). When a consumer goes to givematcher.com.au to fundraise for / donate to the charity they care about, an advanced matching algorithm identifies businesses (matchers) wanting to match their fundraiser / donation. The consumer is delighted that for the first time their donation can be leveraged, visibly establishing the brand as a socially responsible member of the community, creating longterm goodwill, engagement and consumer loyalty benefits, and providing a genuine marketing differentiator. Businesses are given the option of displaying on their Givematcher community page the

total amount they have helped raise for charity. Matching can be as low as 10 cents in the dollar and donations can be capped, so costs are low. Businesses can include a promotion in their “Thank You” message to donors to capitalise on the goodwill generated. Givematcher encourages donors to share their matched donation and the community-minded business that made this possible on social media, generating the best form of exposure. Givematcher's service is free. Businesses (matchers) sign up at givematcher.com.au

SHOUT A MATE! Small business is Australia’s largest employer. Every community relies on small business and what we need to remember is that farmers are small business operators too.

Help us help drought affected communities. Show your support & Shout A Mate! For more information visit

www.shoutamate.com.au facebook.com/shoutamate

Exclusive offer to Australian Small Businesses who are looking to get their brand and message out to a dedicated audience AND help our drought affected communities: SHOUT A MATE has two missions: 1: to provide much needed social and mental respite to drought affected communities (a night out where our country cousins can come together for no other reason than to have a great night out: some chill out time) 2: provide a night out for our city cousins to be able to have a good time and shout a mate who lives in a drought community a night out SHOUT A MATE has a patron musician Kieran Wicks who through performing connects with attendees in a relaxed and chilled environment. Where possible comedian Chris Franklin (the BLOKE who has appeared on shows such as Housos and Fat Pizza) joins Kieran on the road to provide a show that is a VIP ADULTS ONLY ONE NIGHT OUT guaranteed to leave those attending laughing for days to come. If we can make just one person laugh and help kick that black dog away than that is an extra bonus! SHOUT A MATE has been on a mission since 2011 providing much needed social and mental respite in the drought affected communities thanks to SHOUTS raised by fellow Aussies. Thousands of k’s have been travelled to places that are in dire need of a visit, where no one cares to travel to and yet is home to a heart beat: a community of people doing it tough and yet waiting it out for that day to come when the drought has broken. Now SHOUT A MATE is on another mission: To provide the opportunity to entrepreneurs and savvy minded business owners who want to not only help our country cousins but also gain some creative brand placement for their brand in non drought affected communities to help drive business their way. After all, we have the audience’s undivided attention at our shows for at least 3 hours. So, in return for a business to join the SHOUT A MATE business network we will give the following back based on how much the business wants to sponsor an event for: Solo Sponsorship: you OWN the night! : Sponsorship value: $1000 What you get: 1. Your banner will be displayed on stage in full view of audience 2. Profiling on www.facebook.com/shoutamate leading up to the show and also on www.shoutamate.com.au for 12 months after the event 3. Sharing of the data base of leads gained during the show 4. Logo on the material that will be handed out at the show 5. Opportunity for you to have a representative present on the night and have give aways

6. Your VIP guests are able to enjoy a meet and greet with Chris and Kieran 7. Chris will be available for interviews with your local media where he will make mention of your sponsorship of the night 8. If you have any merch to give away you are welcome to have present on the night Duo Sponsorship: you SHARE the night with another business NOT in your industry sector: Sponsorship value: $500 What you get: 1. Your banner will be displayed on stage in full view of audience with the other sponsor 2. Profiling on www.facebook.com/shoutamate leading up to the show and also on www.shoutamate.com.au for 12 months after the event 3. Your VIP guests are able to enjoy a meet and greet with Chris and Kieran Trio Sponsorship: you SHARE the night with 2 other businesses NOT in your industry sector: Sponsorship value: $333 What you get: 1. Your banner will be displayed on stage in full view of audience with the other sponsors 2. Profiling on www.facebook.com/shoutamate leading up to the show and also on www.shoutamate.com.au for 12 months after the event 3. Your VIP guests are able to enjoy a meet and greet with Chris and Kieran Our theme for 2015 is the AUSSIE PUB CRAWL (check out www.facebook.com/aussiepubscrawl). All shows are held in pubs where we transform their dining or function room into a comedy lounge for a night. Posters bearing your business logo will be placed on this site promoting the show will be placed on this page. SHOUT A MATE will then put aside 10% of the sponsorship value to go towards a show in a drought affected community along with any shouts gathered on the night. Your logo will be placed on all material to acknowledge your support. Should you require more information please call SHOUT A MATE founder Anita Donlon on 0407 343 920. Check out www.shoutamate.com.au and same on facebook. Thanks in advance for your support in helping SHOUT A MATE get to non drought affected communities to spread the word of the work done to help those in drought communities with a night out to chill out for social and mental respite and in some cases help kick the black dog that haunts so many along . Cheers The SAM team!

Exclusive offer to

Affinity Alliance Members Only…

What are your concerns as a small-medium business owner? Become a Foundation Member of the SBPA and Affinity Alliance will subsidise your membership fee of $55. Joining Fee of $22 applies. As a Foundation Member you will be the voice for representation in parliament for any policy changes required for Australian businesses to:


• Eliminate unnecessary red tape • Invest in a vibrant growing Australia • Invest in our kids


To find out more, go to www.smallbusinessparty.org.au/join-usnow use coupon code SBPA-AA14



Who Is Your Target Audience? Who Is Your Competition? What’s Your Niche?

What’s Your Position?

Be Consistent In Your Messaging

Membership Sales 10 Steps to Membership Sales Success by Kevin Cahalane - Membership Growth

How to increase member numbers & loyalty… Do you have a sales force – either internal or in the field? Many associations (particularly B2B) do … in fact I have worked with sales teams in this industry. Below are the 10 steps to recruiting members – with a high quality membership sales plan. 1. Long term planning – short term preparation (eg weekly objectives/targets) and having a purpose for every call will ensure success. 2. A good salesperson makes it a top priority to build rapport and trust. 3. Question will qualify needs, problems and opportunities – questions will discover needs. 4. D i s c o v e r t h e d o m i n a n t motive – the reason why – this person will join your organisation. I refer to it as their ‘hot button’ and it is all your people need to work on. 5. Make a value based offer – that is the solutions and advantages and benefits they will gain by joining your organisation.

6. Ensure your people are good at delivering a high quality presentation – involve the prospect, focus on their needs. 7. Handle any concerns for a win/win result. 8. Gain commitment – it is not about closing a sale, it is about opening a relationship. 9. Commence a program of member relationship management – work with your key internal people on this task. 10. Seek other opportunities from within this (new) member’s organisation … by excellent relationship management, coupled with data base ‘mining’ (drill wide – drill deep).

If you have a B2B sales force – do you coach and mentor individual team members? If you want to commence or enhance this process, and save yourself time and money – visit: www.membershipgrowth.co m.au/SalesCoachMentor and view some information about the Sales Coach and Mentor program – your key to increasing the performance and results of your sales force…


How to Set Your Association Apart from the Rest Stand Out & Be Noticed… by Fiona McTaggart - CEO Affinity Alliance As an association, you want to be known as the best. You want everyone in your industry to think about you as the go-to source for information. You want to be different. To stand alone. To be great.

other associations and see how they compare. Think outside the box here. Don’t just look at associations that are in your industry, look to those that are doing is well and who you’d love to emulate.
 What marketing tactics and tools they are using? How can you utilize similar concepts in your marketing strategy? Do some comprehensive research to figure out who your competition is and why they matter. Everyone has a competitor. Get to know them.

To successfully set your association above the rest, an understanding of your differentiators is key. Those differentiators can be found by defining your target market (which in many cases comes down to the specific industry you serve), competition, niche and position.

What’s Your Niche?

Getting noticed through all the other noise and resources available to your members (and potential members) can be daunting. Prioritizing your marketing efforts will help. To start, ask yourself a few questions:

Who’s Your Target Audience Really?

Once you’ve researched your competition, get a solid understanding on what makes your association stand out. What can you offer that is unique? That no other association is offering? More than likely, you’re doing things differently already; identify what those things are and what sets you about. Then talk about it!

Your target market is not “everyone” and it may not even be everyone in your industry. Think about who you struggle to reach and who you have an easy time reaching. For your association to be successful, who are the most important audiences?

What’s Your Position?

If you struggle with member retention but have no problem with new members, your focus should be on identifying how to communicate with those members who are leaving your organization. If you are full of Baby Boomers but struggle to engage younger generations, your focus needs to be on marketing your association in a way that is appealing to younger members.

Establish who your association is and what you want it to be known for; set your position. What are the essential qualities that set your association apart? Your position should distinguish you from other companies like yours. Your position will be reflected in your brand, but it’s a tool you should use internally.
 Be consistent in your messaging

Once you have answered the above questions, spread a consistent message across all your marketing channels. Use your website, print media, social media, video to show your target market who you are. Repetition of a meaningful message will grab your market’s attention and help build your association’s brand awareness. Be consistent, but don’t be afraid to monitor and tweak the message based on what’s working for you and what’s not.

Identify your top target and some secondary targets for your association and get to know who those people are. These are the people you’re going to need to engage and build relationships with. Find out what they care about, what’s important to them regarding your industry and your organization, and what makes them tick in general. You need to understand who they are and why they would considering joining your association (or why they are a member already). Narrowing down and understanding your target markets will help you craft better messages that solve your audience’s specific problems and meets their specific needs. This is what will get you noticed. Who’s Your Competition?

If you want your association to stand out, you need to start with what your members and potential members want and then establish who you are. Understanding your competition, your target market and what makes you unique are the first steps in getting noticed. Building your association’s brand based on market research and self-awareness will help you stand out in the marketplace.

Before you can stand out, you need to know what you’re up against. Take some time to research your

Now, go get ‘em!



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Who We

WE A WO RE MA ODE K N P ERS O DOG F ET P ROD HIGH BIRD BEDS, QU UC CAT TREE TS, SU ALITY R A B PL AY ST B S CH AS C A B I T H U T ANDS, , NEST C B I BRO N E T S , H E S A GUINEA OXES, ODE N PA R RS. R O T D B R E E PIG/ DIN & P G OU LT RY •We a AFF •We re the m IN anuf only DISC IT Y ALLI actur •We use p AN C OUN er ca et sa EM P RO T OF fe m as lo n make EM DUC F AL ateri anyt ng a TS, I L AN BERS R als hing •We s it is N ECE IMA for ca CLU m PRES IVE LW DIN idea n make ade from any ani E A 10 N O G T s into our d O m S Y w U a % D ALE OUR l ood PON WO esign a rea I R T A E O X s F MS… lity RDE F or tu RIN G INIT Y A rn yo L ur . LIAN CE C ARD







Taking Action on Trade Credit Difficulties by Adam Pile from Your Risk Adviser The manufacturing industry has taken a downturn but this has not taken the credit insurance industry by surprise. In fact, business owners are warned that the tough times could bring on more trade credit difficulties. When clients start reporting problems collecting from debtors, needing to extend credit by another 5 to 10 days, warning signs become indicative. Some companies have started to use their suppliers like banks and this poses a problem with businesses’ cash flow. Trade credit receivables are a company’s most important liquid asset but most business owners fail to adequately protect their businesses from bad debt. A business has insurance for its building but may not have insurance for bad debt, even though there is a higher risk for debtor default compared to a building being hit by a fire. Alarming Trends The rising delinquencies has set off a state of nervousness as indicated by an equal rise in claims even though the trade credit insurance industry has done all it could to keep premiums at reasonable rates. The primary objective of trade credit insurance is to protect against debtor default but it is also a good research tool as clients can also use the data base to identify possible domestic and international risks they mace be facing. Companies are starting to make adjustments with the expected decrease in income over the next

year and are hiring fewer people. C o n s t r u c t i o n c o m p a n i e s a re reporting fewer jobs in their books. Job losses are also trickling down to small businesses and the retail sector where some people have been placed on a 4-day a week schedule. The export, media, retail, transportation, and construction industries, along with wine exporters, are the most frequent buyers of trade credit insurance as they are closely identified with global factors such as recession in the United States and debt crises in European markets. Trade credit insurance is a way of protecting profits as well as a means of decreasing bad debt provisions. Banks are more likely to provide additional funds to companies with adequate security against debtors due to credit insurance policies. Significant Benefits of Trade Credit Insurance Trade insurance is highly specialised, with only a few insurers working with this sector. Trade credit is required by banks for exporting companies but it is also a valuable tool for research into foreign markets and potential foreign clients. Insurance companies are able to gather significant infor mation about potential buyers from their underwriters who actually work in these foreign countries. Businesses can call their insurance companies to inquire about a potential buyer before shipping out orders to reduce their risks. Small and medium sized businesses

have been known to take advantage of this service from their insurance. While one SME may not have the resources to get adequate intelligence about their customers, their insurance company may have several of their clients servicing that buyer and would be able to get the needed information. The insurer becomes a member of the business’ credit team, looking into possible risks almost daily, to protect the customer’s receivables portfolio. Credit insurers also provide valuable advice regarding business practices to their clients and even provide assistance with debt collection from foreign debtors. Some insurance companies even pay for debt collection and manage the debt’s life cycle. In essence, all measures are taken to resolve debt collection problems before payment of a claim is done. Businesses need to prioritise protection against bad debt when positioning the business against all potential risks. If a business owner fails to watch his clients, he may just get the surprise of his life one day and suddenly find himself facing insolvency. Your Risk Adviser are insurance experts, assisting both businesses and individuals to address their insurance needs. For your cost and obligation free consultation please contact 1300 815 344 to see how our staff can help. Your Risk Adviser is an authorised representative of NAS Insurance Brokers AFS Licence No.233750 GENERAL ADVICE WARNING - This article contains general information only. It does not take into account any of your personal circumstances, objectives, financial situation or needs. Please consider the appropriateness of the information in light of your personal circumstances and seek proper advice prior to acting on this information.

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Affinity HR/IR Time to Employ Someon, Now What? by Sharon Collitt from Employment Tool Kits Many business owners strive to expand and grow their business and sooner or later get to that point in time where they are ready to take on the second biggest challenge in the evolution of their business; an employee. SHARON COLLITT, Human Resources Consultant, will step employers through the process, highlighting the critical steps and the importance of getting it right. Recruitment Don’t fall into the trap of automatically hiring your brother, best mate, or motherin-law, because she is good at administration and can type really fast! It may seem easier and cheaper to hire someone you know, but more often than not this quickly becomes your worst nightmare. TIP: Take your time to scope out the role you want your new employee to perform and write a proper job description. Then look at online employment advertising to place your advertisement. Lastly, make sure you interview and reference check your candidates before making your decision. The chances of success skyrockets when you apply an effective process in the recruitment phase, even if you mother-in-law ends up as your ideal first staff member. Employment Contracts A key element of the employment cycle is to ensure that you have formulated your terms and conditions in writing. Don’t leave the employment agreement open to assumptions. If it’s not in writing, you could end up defending your terms in court. TIP: Set out your terms and conditions in writing and have

both parties sign off on them. In the event you are unsure, always seek the assistance of a professional. On-Boarding So you have selected your ideal candidate and it’s time to get to work. Don’t make the mistake of throwing them into the role and expecting them to know what you want and how you want it done. The on-boarding or induction process is critical to the success of the person you have placed in the role. TIP: Take a few hours to educate your new employee on how you like to run things in your business. Train them on your expectations and how you will know if they have succeeded. Refer them to the job description and make sure you are both on the same page when it comes to meeting your expectations. Performance Reviews Some managers rely on an annual review processes to give their employees feedback on their performance. It is important that employers have a mechanism for checking in on their employees on a regular basis. Most employees welcome regular feedback and not only when they have done something wrong. TIP: Make sure you reward and recognise good work, as and when it occurs, and, in the event your employee trips up and makes a mistake, let them know then and there, in the most constructive way possible. Most employees will want to know where they can improve and will strive to meet your expectations. By following a well thought out process on employment, your likelihood of success in recruiting staff into your business elevates dramatically. This will allow you to get on with what you do best; running your business.



Affinity BUSINESS COACHING Organisation Chart? …. but I’m a Sole Trader! by Rob Murphy - CEO of Aspirus Most large organisations have an Organisation Chart. It shows all the functions, or departments, of the organisation. and usually shows the name of the person responsible for that function. Of course, being a Sole Trader or Small Business, you may not see the need for such a display, because there’s only one or two of you in the business anyway. That is so true, but don’t forget – the chart shows all the functions, too! The thing is, these functions exist, regardless of the size of the business. So, what are all these functions? Director: The owner/s of the business. Responsible for Business Planning and Monitoring. Manager: The person in charge of running the business. Responsible for Policies, Objectives, Communication and Review. Marketing: Advertising, promotion, sponsorship. Sales: Customer Liaison, Contracts, Customer Orders. Purchasing: Supplier Liaison, Contracts, Ordering, Stock Control. Human Resources: Skills Analysis, Recruitment, Training, Review. Administration and Finance: Office Routines, Accounts, Payroll, BAS, Annual Returns, Reviews. Operations: Review.

Deliver Products/Services, Contract

Compliance: Regulation, Legislation, Stakeholders, Customers, Suppliers, Staff, Subcontractors. Performance: Monitoring, Measuring, Analysing, Reporting, Improving.

This list is a guide, but it pretty much covers all the functions of your business – however small it may be. The message is: all these functions must be allocated to the people in your business who have the skills to undertake them. There’s the problem: A sole trader has to wear all these functions – ALONE! You and your business partner (if you have one) just don’t have those skills, but your business must adopt these functions in order to succeed. To add to the problem: You simply can’t afford to run your business this way – but deep down, you know you can’t afford NOT to. To further add to the problem: You’ve looked for ways to ‘cover’ all these functions, and it’s all too complicated, difficult to understand, and all to expensive. I know, there’s a whole lot of help available out there, but it seems like a minefield! Here’s the solution: A simple, understandable and affordable approach. Would you like all these functions ‘covered’ in a way that YOU can manage? Would you like to be shown where you can get advice and support from government agencies? Would you like help to make sure your business is compliant with the relevant authorities? Would you like to KNOW that your business is running the way it should be? Would you like to raise your business to the next level – and beyond? Do you want to know more? Then give me a call, so we can discuss your unique situation, and how we can bring our solution to you. Rob Murphy: 0413 087 309, rob@aspirus.com.au





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Affinity Communications Mastering LinkedIn by Deborah Shane via Creative Ground/Ipressahead When LinkedIn launched as a professional social community in 2003, it claimed a place in the social space that was not yet represented. LinkedIn is exclusively focused on professional B2C and B2B connections and activities.LinkedIn’s long form publishing, originally opened to “influencers” was opened up to 25K+ LinkedIn members early this year and will continue to roll out to all it’s members. LinkedIn has quickly become a major publishing resource with some of the best content on trends, business insights, careers, work, jobs and professional d e v e l o p m e n t . Yo u c a n u s e LinkedIn’s new publishing platform to get your message out on these and related topics or simply to build your expertise and professional brand. What makes the content unique and interesting is how personalized and specific it is to each publisher’s real life business and industry experiences. Master LinkedIn Respect the Community Focus & Its Etiquette

This community is 100% focused on people making business and career connections and learning about the most current information and trends. So, no family picnic photos, silly vacation faces or dog tricks here. (Yes, this stuff actually does show up from time to time.) And don’t use it for other more self serving activities either. Show & Tell What You Know in Your Articles Ta k e w h a t y o u k n o w a b o u t business and your unique experiences and help people get better and more proficient in their work and life skills by sharing your experiences and insights. LinkedIn is a power ful collective of knowledge. For example, Alen Mayer uses the platform to share his own techniques for persuading customers to buy or use a product or services and boils these down into actionable advice for his readers. Make Your Content Support Your Network We build our professional network one connection at a time. Knowing the overall mix of your community can help you focus

your content. Are they managers, new hires, CEO’s or seasoned sales reps? For example, business coach Jim Barger uses the platform to write about how to outdistance competitors in articles like “Smack You in the Face” Customer Service. Use Your Unique & Individual Point Of View to Set You Apart LinkedIn welcomes and encourages the individual perspectives of its members in their articles. Whatever your take is, bring it on. This approach is what sets LinkedIn apart from other content sites. It welcomes high level industry influencers and real, regular people who have valuable expertise so that we can learn from each other. Include Visual Accessories to Support & Enhance Your Content LinkedIn allows for and supports images, video, charts, surveys and infographics to be uploaded from your desktop or mobile phone and placed throughout your article. These visuals can support and enhance your article flow and ideas and can keep readers engaged.

AFFINITY MAGAZINE Share Advice from Specific Experiences You Have Had We all learn through our good and not so good experiences and both have value and merit to inspire and motivate. If you have had a particular experience with a company, client or vendor that has a good story and lesson, that can make for great content. Of course, the reverse can also be true.
 Share the Trends You See In Your Industry Some of LinkedIn’s Top Infuencers offer insights and ideas about where they believe things are headed based on the trends they are seeing in their own companies and industries. You can create this kind of content too. You don’t need to be a Richard Branson a Jack Welch or a Jeff Haden to share meaningful insights about the niche you occupy. Write about Problems Solved, Skills & Solutions Used Everyday we face problems, challenges and situations that take specific skills, qualities and intangibles to solve. The LinkedIn community is full of business professionals just like you, and chances are they’ve experienced similar problems in their careers. Share your problems, how you solved them and the skill sets you used and highlight them in your articles. Take the example of serial entrepreneur James Caan, who took a negative critique about one of his presentations and turned it into an opportunity to figure out a better approach. Use Humour, StoryTelling & Visuals to Get Your Point Across Liz Ryan CEO and Founder of Human Workplace, is a great example of how to use a personal style to set your content apart. Ryan writes in a conversational way as if she is sitting right across from you sharing a cup of coffee. She adds her own original, amazing art to soften the difficult ideas and adds humor to get her points across. She shows her visual storytelling in articles like “Are You

Managerial Material” with images supporting her content throughout. Always Review & Edit Your Articles for Spelling & Grammar There is no spell check on the LinkedIn publishing platform. So it’s best to write your article in word or some other format where you have features that flag misspelled words and grammar inconsistencies. Remember, this is a professional platfor m, so be vigilant about making sure your content reflects this. Attribute All Examples, Studies & Quotes Always link your information and source it if it is not your own. When you use surveys, studies, quotes or graphs, make sure you are giving them the proper attribution. Don’t Make Your Content Too Short, Just Long Enough LinkedIn does not have a limit on word count, but suggests posts that seem to do the best are more than three paragraphs. Use the range of 500 to 1,200 words as a starting point and then research posts in your field that get good response to see how long they are. Use Consistency to Build Your Following & Credibility As with all brand building and content marketing growth, consistency is key. Make a commitment to post weekly, monthly or as regularly as you can. The more consistently and regularly you publish, the more you build, serve and grow your community. The most successful publishers on LinkedIn produce content consistently. And the result is an admiring audience. For example, J.T. O’ Donnell, a LinkedIn career influencer has built a loyal following because her relateable articles like You’re More Talented (and Beautiful) Than You Think, Can a Job Change Your Life?, and 10 Things to Do This Summer to Advance Your Career just keep coming. Share Your LinkedIn Content Through All Your Channels

Share, promote and market your content through all of your media channels including your website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, emarketing, YouTube and when you are networking. Always link your LinkedIn articles back to your profile to build interest. Use publishing on LinkedIn to open the door for writing for other social and industry blogs. Don’t be shy about promoting yourself and tooting your own horn a bit. Just don’t go overboard. Use Current, Relevant & Real Time Sources Make sure all the sources and resources you use are the most current, relevant and buzz worthy you can find. Within the last 12 months is a good time benchmark. If you post daily then you will need to cover the news as it happens. Many publishers take the headlines of the day and create their own article spin on them, as Gerard Baker, Editor in Chief of the Wall Street Journal does in his 10 Point article template. Create Great Guidelines for Better Engagement A great 5-10 word branded, keyword worthy article headline is magnetic. It screams “must read this”. It might not be what someone was looking for but, because of the title, they are compelled to read it. Great titles create curiosity about the content inside like “Project Management Lessons from Gandalf” and “9 Brands People Love Enough to Stick on Their Car Windows.” Who could resist? Use the LinkedIn Help Section to Learn More If you have a question about LinkedIn publishing that isn’t answered here, visit LinkedIn’s help section and search for more information. Just search under Professional Publishing Platform and you’ll find plenty of content to help you master LinkedIn.

Written by Deborah Shane Source: smallbiztrends



Affinity Real Estate The 6 Keys to Generating Real Estate Listings Online by David McElveney - Next Listing Genuine marketing automation is cutting edge technology in the Australian Real Estate Industry. It uses original content that differentiates a Real Estate Agency from the competition as well as to the Target Market – home sellers. It simultaneously educates Home Sellers why that Agent will meet their needs through every stage of the sales process and trains them to buy from that Agent. Marketing Automation uses “Pull” Marketing rather than the traditional and outdated “Push” Marketing. As such, it mirrors the overwhelming trend in the way people are being marketed to by the most successful companies of all time like Google, Facebook and Apple As an industry, marketing automation is expected to grow by a massive 50% by 2015 (SiriusDecisions) and as a result, 77% of these top per forming companies indicate that their most compelling reason for implementing marketing automation is to increase revenue. (Gleanster).

Fuelling the Engine With marketing automation comes investing in the processes for producing, distributing and evaluating content that will connect with the right buyers at the right time through the right channel. Content is the fuel that will keep your marketing automation engine from going idle. Content—from case studies, solutions briefs, whitepapers, PR, videos, etc.—plays a vital role in fulfilling marketing automation tactics. The following are the fundamental tactics of marketing automation that require the production of relevant content: •CUSTOMER SEGMENTATION involves dividing your target • LEAD GENERATION is the process of optimizing your digital channels (e.g. website, social outposts, search, etc.) to easily attract and direct potential buyers to convert • LEAD NURTURING is the process of building relationships with

potential buyers regardless of how ready they are to make a purchase, with the goal of keeping them engaged with the brand, and to establish communication, build trust and potentially earn their business. The most efficient method for this is Facebook • LEAD SCORING is a methodology of qualifying a lead and ranking them on their interest in buying, such as website behaviours, social interaction and is passed along to Sales to qualify their motivation and needs • CONTENT MANAGEMENT is the process of tracking and managing content so that it’s targeting the target market at the proper stage in the sales qualification process •CONTENT CALENDARS help agents develop and coordinate multiple messages so that content can be scheduled in a logical and effective method to maximise engagement of Agent’s clients and prospects.

Content Development – The Breakdown 1. C o n t e n t + Y o u r C l i e n t s Identifying what will answer the needs of your target market and creating unique content that addresses these needs for mulates the “prospect’s personas.” Don’t market the same to all people. Facebook allows you to customise what you market to specific target markets. 2. Content + The Buying Stages Just like mapping content to personas, understanding each stage of the buyer’s journey and researching the content that will guide buyers into the top of the sales pipeline and lead them through to the last stage, helps to speed up the sales cycle. Understanding buyer behaviour will allow agents to create relevant content in an automated way and build trust. 3. C o n t e n t + Channel Diversification Developing content for distribution also caters to different buyer preferences and behaviours, and experimenting is the best

way to determine persona format preferences. It also contributes to increasing overall engagement with your brand. 4. C o n t e n t + E n g a g e m e n t & Conversion Optimization To get the most out of your marketing automation investment, there’s no better way than to develop content that’s well written, visual and easily consumed. Repurposing content into multiple methods of consumption, leveraging all of the digital channels – listing portals (e.g. www.realestate.com.au), blogs, email, Facebook and agent websites, is just as critical. Relevant content spurs action and ensures your content is targeted and converts. 5. Content + Refinement Through Analytics Good content alone will not convert without the insight that analytics can bring. Today’s intelligent agent will identify the quantifiable metrics for both tactical and strategic insight into how content is performing. These key performance indicators (KPIs) should be measured within a campaign or multi-channel

program effort. Finally, set benchmarks for success for each type of content (search landing page, blog, whitepaper, etc.), as well as for overarching campaigns including performance metrics and mapping content scores. Content is Still King: Overcoming the Hurdle of Creating Compelling Content Content has always reigned supreme in marketing, but with today’s need for digitally created content that needs to be targeted for multiple audiences in real time, marketers are just realising the need to invest in the ability to develop engaging content quickly and coordinate the distribution and analysis of content across a range of channels. Establishing a process-driven operation that can support the needs of a marketing automation engine allows marketers to scale their content marketing efforts and deliver substantive results for sales. For further information about Why Content Calendar is a MUST for Automating Listing Inquiry visit www.nextlisting.com.au

u a . m o c . g n i t s i l t x e n . www Next Listing is a Listing Generation System designed to scrape Social Media platforms for Potential Vendors and Deliver them Directly to You! Social Media is no longer an option for Real Estate Agents. This is where your Buyers and Sellers’ eyes are and you need to be there.

We show you how! If you are not on Social Media right now AND doing it well you are losing business to your competitors that are doing it well. CALL 1300 669 530 or email info@nextlisting.com.au and we will take you to the next level‌ Become a September member. Only 12 left at 43% discount Start getting new listings TODAY.



Affinity DINING Choose from over 6000 Restaurants across Australia & New Zealand….

Thanks to our dedicated team members, Affinity Alliance has been able to offer our members more value for money than we could ever imagine. The new Dining & Wining Directory is available in your Generic Member Directory or to view via your allocated login details. With so many additions, it has been a work in progress, but we know you’re going to love it!

About the Dining Directory Restaurants, Cafes and Bistros from all over Australia & NZ have become involved in what we can only describe as colossal. The online directory makes it easier for members to search state by state and dine at their favourite little bistro, cafe or fine dining venue.

Become Involved If you own a restaurant or venue and you feel that this is an opportunity not to be missed, then you would be right. The Affinity Alliance team is awaiting your submission. The requirements are simple and the return is great. There is no cost involved. All that we ask is that you can offer an exclusive discount/benefit or service to our members upon dining at your venue. It really is that simple. We will even set up your webpage and directory page if required.

Not only will you receive a full page in the AA Dining & Wining Directory, you will also receive a full page on the Affinity Alliance website www.affinityallianceco.com.au and regular monthly advertisements in our Affinity EMAG and infinite exposure to our 500,000 strong member database. For more information on how you can become a part of the Affinity Alliance Dining & Wining Directory, Contact our head office on

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Affinity Fundraising Reveals its Game Plan & it is set to take off! Danielle Mayes from Affinity Alliance Affinity Fundraising has expanded its reach‌

Affinity Alliance has now partnered with Givematcher who will match you with a business who are happy to double your profits made from our program.

Well there has been a lot going on at Affinity Headquarters in the last couple of months as you may have already gathered and I am very proud to announce that Memberships are now open for Affinity Fundraising and you can show your support by purchasing yours today at www.affinityallianceco.com.au/fundraising.

Introducing our newest fundraising program Scratchies. What better way to organise 2 fundraising campaigns in 1 year work with one Account Manager. How does it work?

Meet the face of Affinity Fundraising‌ Danielle Mayes

Your membership will give you access to thousands of benefits across a wide range of industries focusing mainly on Lifestyle & Entertainment and designed to save you money, whilst feeling good about supporting your favourite charity.

At Affinity Alliance we pride ourselves in giving to the community. We therefore, created the Affinity Alliance Fundraising Program using our already fabulous benefits program. Our Fundraising Coordinator, Danielle Mayes has extensive fundraising knowledge as well as a passion to give back to the community and to help raise awareness of the different charities within Australia. Our fundraising program is broken into 2 categories being: 1. Schools and Sporting Clubs; and 2. Charities & Non-for-Profit Organisations We believe our fundraising program is a win win for all involved, that being, the fundraising campaigner and the general public. Our program has everyday savings that help with the day to day living of family expenses. Each have different benefits and incentives to assist each fundraising campaign fulfil their target.

Go to www.affinityallianceco.com.au select the Charity you wish to support and purchase an Affinity Fundraising membership.

You will receive a membership card (plastic or virtual) your choice and you can gain access almost immediately after joining. To make the pot even sweeter, $30 of your $45 membership is directly contributed to a charity of your choice. It really is that simple and everyone wins. If you have a charity or an organisation that you are passionate about and you would like to help raise some valuable funds to get them on their way, then why not recommend Affinity Fundraising or even better, give us a call and we will contact that particular organisation directly. No charity or event is too big or too small and we would love to help. So pick up the phone today or visit our website www.affinityallianceco.com.au for further information. Do it for yourself if for nothing else!! Happy Fundraising!


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Time to Reconnect & Refresh by Debbie Hogg - Life Coach The celebration of Easter is related to renewal of life. Why not take this time to reconnect with yourself, your Staff, your clients, your service providers, to cement current relationships and create new ones. Most importantly, don't forget to connect to Y you get out of bed every morning! team of Sassiologists have some great pointers to help you connect your mind, your body and your style this month. Reconnecting and making the time from Debbie Hogg - Life Coach “In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take” unknown Giving others the gift of being present is the most precious gift ever. When we spend one hour of time being fully present it impacts far more than an interrupted 3 hours with our family or anyone. The connectedness and focus felt with the one hour is remembered and felt far longer. Often we can be fooled into this false sense of giving our time and spending time. For instance if we are spending hours with our family whilst checking emails, making a few phone calls, clearing appointments or planning for next week, we are not fully showing up. This is unfair and disrespectful. We may have experienced everyone in the household being on some form of device and nobody is communicating. The question to ask around this behaviour is, where has it been learnt? Our children model exactly what they see. Monkey see, Monkey do. Having a good awareness about our own behaviour supports us in making changes with the type of connection we

wish to have with our family, siblings, work colleagues and friends. When we are fully present, giving our focus and energy, it deepens the bonds of love and connection between us, creating vibrant relationships we all wish for. “ Quality time with loved ones will improve your health too”, according to expert Dr. Dean Ornish. The appreciation and respect gained from having a fully present connection is priceless. All involved will feel accepted, upbeat, heard, cared about, needed, appreciated and much more. Deciding to make a change is the first step, next is to put strategies in place and consider the benefits. Connect and put family time in the diary, the children will appreciate it, as will the adults involved. TIPS FOR POSSIBILITIES •Half day, whole day or weekend with the family (spending time is our children’s highest desire), •Plan a holiday - having something to look forward to is healthy, • Do lunch dates, or breaks - get away from the office, • Walk on the beach / bush nature helps support our recharing, • Have dinner parties, picnics, BBQ’s, catchups. Plan it in the diary. Make a decision to reconnect and make it happen. “Spend time with those you love. One of these days you will say either, “I wish I did” or “Im glad I did”.Zig Ziglar

Get to know your skin The Five Skin Types - by Moana Robinson (Colour/Style & Makeup Expert)

“Because your skin type is genetic, the best care for your skin is to maintain your skin type. A skin condition is something which is completely different and needs to be treated. (examples: Acne, Dehydrated Skin, Eczema, Psoriasis etc). Maintaining your skin type is especially important during the change of seasons.”

can over stimulate the oil glands and make it even greasier •Using a light cleansing lotion, usually best.

or a wash off gel is

•Tone with a pH balanced toner •Moisturise with a water based formula around your eyes, cheeks and neck. •Treat yourself once a week to a face mask containing mud or clay to soak up excess oil and calm breakouts. At Beauty Glow we can recommend the best products for your Oily Skin Type

Oily Skin It's not just teenagers who get oily skin – many people in their 20s and older have oily skin also. Oily skin is a “type” and not a condition. Oily skin tends to have larger pores and often looks shiny because the oil-producing sebaceous glands are very active. This makes you more prone to spots and blackheads but the extra moisture in your skin means it won't show age as fast as other skin types. People with warm dark colouring are usually more prone to oily skin.

Sensitive Skin Sensitive skin is easily irritated and can look blotchy and feel itchy. It is often dry but sensitive skin can be combination or oily. Products can make sensitive skins flare up and allergic reactions can also cause problems. Cool light skin types often have sensitive skin.

Caring for Oily Skin •Oily skin attracts more dirt than other skin types because it is greasier but it still needs gentle treatment – harsh lotions and too much scrubbing

The most important thing is to treat your skin very gently. Use hypo allergenic or allergy-tested products which have been screened for irritants like perfume. Over 60 percent of women claim to have sensitive skin and are always relieved when they can find products that suit their skin type.

Dry Skin

Caring for Normal Skin

Your skin tends to get drier as you get older, although any age can experience dry skin or the occasional dry patch. Dry skin can look flaky and thin with very fine pores. Air conditioning, wind and sun can add t the dry feel.

•Use a gentle pH balanced facial cleanser and rinse off well to ensure skin is completely clean.

Dry skin needs gentle treatment and lots of nourishment to keep it healthy and supple. Your aim is to boost the moisture in your skin so it looks plump and smooth.

Caring for Dry Skin •Use a cream cleanser and always make sure your products do not have artificial fragrances. •Use an alcohol free toner •Use a rich nourishing day cream and also a quality night cream. Don't forget to use a good eye cream and pat it gently around the orbital bone with your middle or “makeup” fingers. •Drink plenty of water – up to 2.5 litres a day to replenish the moisture in your skin and eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruit to nourish your skin.

•Use a good quality toner – make sure it does not contain alcohol •Moisturise to protect your skin and maintain moisture levels with a light to medium weight moisturiser and pat an eye cream around the delicate eye area. In winter your skin may be a little drier so you could switch on a day cream with extra moisture and a lighter one during the summer At Beauty Glow we can help with products to maintain your normal skin type so that you keep it healthy and balanced.

Combination Skin Combination skin combines both normal and oily skin – usually the cheeks are normal with oily skin on the nose, chin and forehead. This area is called the T Zone because it makes a T Shape. Both Warm and Cool skin colourings can have combination skin. Because you have two different types of skin its best to treat each individual area in a way that suits it best – products for your oily nose may be too harsh for the finer skin on your cheeks.

Caring for Combination Skin •When cleansing use a cleanser for normal skin but you may wish to also use a light cleanser or gel on your T Zone. •Use a good quality pH balanced Toner •When moisturising use a light non-oily formula with added sunscreen on your neck, cheek area and forehead. Make sure that your moisturiser is noncomedogenic.

Normal Skin If you’ve got normal skin you’re one of the lucky ones. Your skin is balanced, which means that its neither oily nor dry, it feels fine and smooth and has pores that are almost invisible. You rarely suffer from spots and blackheads, or allergic reactions to different products. You’re more likely to have normal skin if you have warm medium or cool medium colouring. The challenge with normal skin is to keep it that way for as long as possible by maintaining its natural balance of oil and moisture.

Layer Upon Layer Upon Layer… by Michelle O’Hara - Foundation Garment Specialist As the cooler months approach, it's time to be creative with your foundation garment wardrobe. Slips become layering pieces for fashion and for warmth. Wearing the slip as per the picture below, draws the eye to the layering area therefore giving the appearance that your body is longer and slimmer. Shape wear takes the form of smoothing tops and smoothing camisoles, both to add warmth and to contain those extra winter kilos (unfortunately some time). Utilise these in bright colours under your work jackets and wraps.

options, you'll probably follow suit in order to fit in. Your meals may even be influenced by your friend’s attitudes about food when you're dining alone.So why do we copy the contents of other people's plates? Although fitting in is certainly a factor, looking "normal" is probably not the only driver behind our decisions, we may also seek dietary permission…."If they can eat that, I can, too" or guidance, "If kale has helped them get healthy, it will probably help me, too" from our closest friends and family.

Are you mirroring your friend's behaviour?

Are your friends, partners or families tempting you to eat crap, drink too much alcohol and not do enough (or any) exercise?

from Kaylene Gray - Personal Trainer Have you ever noticed when you hang out with friends you often start mirroring their behaviour? There's a good chance you'll drink more alcohol with certain friends and fall off the “eating healthy” wagon when the people you’re dining with order a high-calorie dish, you’re more likely to do the same. Researchers analysed data from 15 studies of social eating & drinking behaviour and determined that our food & alcohol choices are highly influenced by the people around us, especially if we identify them as friends or as part of a "socially desirable" group. In other words, ordering that Big Mac because your mates did may be an attempt to reinforce your place in the group. And the reverse also seems to be true, if your friends are all ordering healthy

Who you spend time with influences the person you eventually become!! If you feel it's time for a little mind, body and style makeover to become the best version of you and achieve all you are trying to, then then contact us at The Sassy Circle on:

Phone our friendly team on 0438 765 718 or send us an email at admin@thesassycircle.com.au

You will find more information by visiting www.thesassycircle.com.au

Affinity Health With the launch of our new “Affinity Health” Magazine in June, we are super excited to be able to put together some amazing diet & exercise tips & tricks, articles & recipes, etc to help you achieve your health goals. We are extremely lucky to have the following organisations on board that will be writing for us on a regular basis, covering various topics from serious health issues to how to sustain a healthy diet and lifestyle without compromising all of the good stuff… Each month, we will focus on what our readers have asked for and if you have a suggestion for some of the topics that you are interested in, then please send us an email to topics@affinitymagazine.com.au or jump on to the Affinity Magazine website and submit your suggestions. We would love to hear from you. www.affinitymagazine.com.au

Lung Foundation Australia The Australian Hand Therapy Association Cosmetic Tattoo Association Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists Rural Doctors Association Qld General Surgeons Australia Isogenix Bay Audio OPSM


6 Reasons Why You’re Always Tired LACK OF SLEEP isn't the only thing sapping your energy. Little things you do (and don't do) can exhaust you both mentally and physically, which can make getting through your day a chore. Here, experts reveal common bad habits that can make you feel tired, plus simple lifestyle tweaks that will put the pep back in your step. YOU SKIP EXERCISE WHEN YOU’RE TIRED Skipping your workout to save energy actually works against you. In a University of Georgia study, sedentary but otherwise healthy adults who began exercising lightly three days a week for as little as 20 minutes at a time reported feeling less fatigued and more energized after six weeks. Regular exercise boosts strength and endurance, helps make your cardiovascular system run more efficiently, and delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. So next time you're tempted to crash on the couch, at least go for a brisk walk—you won't regret it. YOU DON”T DRINK ENOUGH WATER Being even slightly dehydrated—as little as 2% of normal fluid loss— takes a toll on energy levels, says Amy Goodson, RD, a dietitian for Texas Health Ben Hogan Sports Medicine. Dehydration causes a reduction in blood volume, explains Goodson, which makes the blood thicker. This requires your heart to pump less efficiently, reducing the speed at which oxygen and nutrients reach your muscles and organs. To calculate your normal fluid needs, take your weight in pounds, divide in half and drink that number of ounces of fluid a day, Goodson recommends. YOU’RE NOT CONSUMING ENOUGH IRON An iron deficiency can leave you feeling sluggish, irritable, weak, and unable to focus. "It makes you tired because less oxygen travels to the muscles and cells," says Goodson. Boost your iron intake to reduce your risk of anemia: load up on lean beef, kidney beans, tofu, eggs (including the yolk), dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, and peanut butter, and pair them with foods high in vitamin C (vitamin C improves iron absorption when eaten together), suggests Goodson. Note: an iron deficiency may be due to an underlying health problem, so if you're experiencing these symptoms of iron deficiency, you should visit your doc. YOU’RE A PERFECTIONIST Striving to be perfect—which, let's face it, is impossible—makes you work much harder and longer than necessary, says Irene S. Levine, PhD, professor of psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine. "You set goals that are so unrealistic that they are difficult or impossible to achieve, and in the end, there is no sense of selfsatisfaction." Levine recommends setting a time limit for yourself on your projects, and taking care to obey it. In time, you'll realize that the extra time you were taking wasn't actually improving your work. YOU MAKE MOUNTAINS OUT OF MOLEHILLS If you assume that you're about to get fired when your boss calls you into an unexpected meeting, or you're too afraid to ride your bike because you worry you'll get into an accident, then you're guilty of "catastrophizing," or expecting that the worst-case scenario will always occur. This anxiety can paralyze you and make you mentally exhausted, says Levine. When you catch yourself having these thoughts, take a deep breath and ask yourself how likely it is that the worst really will happen. Getting outdoors, meditating, exercising, or sharing your concerns with a friend may help you better cope and become more realistic.


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