# 1
Mining Hub Keeping Miners Connected & Informed
A Change is Here
Keep getting told wrong information
Finding good staff is just as hard as it always was.
People hear your in mining and $ flash across their eyes and you can’t help that you are getting ripped off.
Not sure what to do to get the next job
Dealing with Muppets.
TMH Is Here for you 17 years in the Mining and Drilling industry sets us aside from the rest no need to feel like you have just been in a wreak.
Letter from Sean Hi All, Welcome the first news letter from “The Mining Hub” as you will have seen over the last few months we have been very busy setting up the first social media and interactive web site to help with general integration into the mining industry, understanding of the mining world and the life that
goes on. We cover: Recruitment Mental health Social events Mine life Immigration Mine mapping Benefits packages News
Save the Date! Stage 1 release 14/1/14 We will be releasing the next stage in our adventure
7/9/13 As we all are wondering what is going to happen to The Mining Tax
[Date] Integer ornare mollis sapien. Nullam imperdiet lectus nec mi.
What We Are Bringing To You Recruitment Services We are not a recruitment company in fact we are here to help, not hinder you in this process. So when you set up a mine site and need to access the right staff for your next project, give TMH a call and have a chat to us as we can help advise you point you in the right direction including advertising your roles and running RPO we have our own data base of candidates offering up to date information tailored to your needs
Counseling Services Life is hard for a miner so we have spent the last 12 months finding and partnering with the best mining counseling services to help you out. when you need it from getting your confidence back in a down turn, to helping you move through a bad time in your life we have councilors available at times that suit your needs not just the normal 9-5 with the ability to talk to you face to face while you are away on site via Skype.
Industry Based Job Board Are you over having to trawl through pages upon pages of ads on job boards and finding Recruitment Company upon Recruitment Company and when you apply you never get any feedback. No need to worry now you have the ability to not only see what’s in the market but when you fill out your profile fully you will only see the jobs you are suited to.
Immigration Solutions - Jannie Kotze Proin tempor, nunc sit amet scelerisque vulputate, urna leo laoreet nunc, posuere ultricies ipsum ligula a odio. Nunc convallis magna eget lacus. Curabitur condimentum, mauris placerat sagittis ullamcorper, purus orci rutrum mi, sit amet convallis dolor urna id tortor. Sed a lectus. Suspendisse potenti.
Continued Benefits Program – Fiona McTaggart Vestibulum eu lacus. Donec velit. Nulla pulvinar ultricies risus. Pellentesque sagittis tristique libero. Nullam hendrerit convallis diam. In vel quam eu augue imperdiet tempor. Maecenas euismod hendrerit metus. Vestibulum scelerisque turpis rutrum turpis. Maecenas sollicitudin arcu sed diam.
Financial Services – Adam Pile Pellentesque fermentum, eros quis feugiat placerat, nibh diam malesuada ante, id semper mi dolor sit amet risus. Aliquam urna sem, blandit a, tempor id, volutpat sed, elit.
Training Services – Ronda Hoyle Cras et odio vel dui tempus varius. Sed nec orci. Sed tincidunt pede a magna. Nullam tortor. Sed nulla massa, adipiscing sit amet, fermentum ut, commodo ac, turpis. Morbi sollicitudin, augue at viverra dictum, dolor nisi volutpat urna, in laoreet velit sapien in orci. Fusce sit amet odio vel lacus bibendum adipiscing.
Business – Business Directory This is due in the next few weeks and will be adding to the already listed 4000 mining companies listed on TMH this is for you to see whats happening in the industry from the simple phone directory to a live tender table (in the final build stages)
News this week From The Mining Hub – Tina Griffiths
This Week In Mining This is our regular update weekly with links directly to news boards with the full story.
New Products On TMH
Lorem Ipsum! As this is our first launch we know everything is new so we will just show you a few of our pages