Governance at Affinity
As an Affinity member, you’re also an owner! Your say is important in determining the directors and delegates who work for you to represent your interests.
Board Governance
The Board has a comprehensive charter and mandate that guides their accountability to provide oversight and direction for Affinity Credit Union. This includes commitment to achieving the highest standards of corporate governance and overseeing the effectiveness of business operations and the risk management framework. The Board meets at least quarterly to discharge their primary responsibilities to approve and oversee items essential to prudential oversight of Affinity Credit Union, such as strategy, risk appetite, capital plans and key policies, and to provide challenge, advice and guidance to senior management. In 2021, the Board met their expectations to discharge their essential duties. Through the execution of their work plan, the Board accomplished the following key deliverables: • continued to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and provided direction in the successful continuation of member service, while ensuring the safety of our employees, members and communities, • accelerated the development of a Truth & Reconciliation road map, building on our
Affinity Credit Union Annual Report 2021
established commitments and calls to action as a credit union in the key areas of: • create opportunities for learning and discovery of the history, truth and importance of reconciliation for our employees, members and communities • develop connections to expand employment, education and economic prosperity with Indigenous Peoples, communities and businesses • foster an environment that’s inclusive, respectful and welcoming • approved a three-year recurring Board Performance Assessment cycle; and • approved the 2022-2024 strategic plan aligned with our goals and aspirations of being the financial institution of choice in Saskatchewan with a renewed focus on: superior member value, frictionless touchpoints, superior workforce talent, local & co-operative strength and a solid foundation, which includes: • financial strength & retailing strength • risk, compliance & control regimes • governance & oversight • data & digital readiness • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) commitment