Super Edition
Affinity October 2013
Princess Diaries Page 26
King Of The World Page 32
Thank you for all the feedback on the September issue! I knew everyone would love it! This is October now, and we decided to do it bigger and better! Special thanks to the new editor Ariel Barbosa!
Back In The Spotlight Back To School Style Page 38 Page 4
I’m Adopted! Page 20
Jump Into Fall! Page 24
Poor Little Rich Girl! Page 8
Getaway To Greece! Page 28
Look Pretty Everyday For School!
Paris Hilton
Kate Hudson
r i a H d e d i Bra
Kendell Jenner
Kim Kardashian
d i a r B l i a t h s i F
Kourtney Kardashisn
a Stro
Real Life
n u B y s s e M
Poor Little
Rich Girl Music
My favorite bands/musicians are Neutral Milk Hotel, Andrew Jackson Jihad, Animal Collective, Black Flag, The Velvet Underground, Los Campesinos!, Titus Andronicus, The Beatles, Teen Suicide, Daft Punk. (its kind of a lot but i love them all equally omg damn) I’ve seen a lot of them live and Its always amazing. I really wanna start an all-girl folk-punk band just for kicks because it’d be SO fun.
Be You!
I guess people think I’m like different or whatever,but honestly I’m just doing my thing!!! I think everyone should just do what they want to do. As long as it makes them feel good and isn’t harmful to others.I kind of hate when people are like “omg you’re such a white girl” or “you’re so ghetto” or “you’re so hipster” (all those terms make me wanna throw up in my mouth) because its like YO if being a “stereotypical white girl” or “ghetto” or “hipster” makes you happy then you do you girlfriend!!!! Don’t let other people defineyour self image.
I think my strongest standing ideal is my alignment with feminism.
I think
my strongest standing ideal is my alignment with feminism, that women need not only economic equality but also social equality (that is to say the freedom to do, say, wear, or feel what they want without feeling any sense of threat from a man.) This of course ties in race issues and lgbtq issues. Although I myself am not queer/transgender, many people I am close with are and they are definitely underrepresented in the media and unaccounted for politically. (People always assume I’m a lesbian, because I care so much about these issues. It’s just basic human rights like why would i NOT care omg)
My Life
I’m really really into art. my favorite artist EVER is Yoshitomo Nara because he captures this underlying sense of angst and hostility under a facade of cuteness, which I totally resonate with. I devote most of my time to painting, but I also like to make music i guess? I do a lot of experimental stuff and I’m going to be selling cassette tapes within the next month because apparently tapes are coming back the same
College Spotlight
Pepperdine University Malibu, California You probably recognize this beautiful school, Zoey 101 anyone? Yes, this is where the show was filmed!
The campus is really beautiful, because most of the dorms face the ocean. This school is a Christian college,therefore, the classes tend to be very religious
Acceptance Rate: 31%
It is very expensive college!,limited finical aid avaliable, but it’s worth the price. The cafetteria serves the best food and the school feels like you are at a resort.
Princess Diaries yalty!
ill feel like ro st n ca e w t bu , es ss ce in pr We all aren’t
“I don’t care what
you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.
t a h t s n o i t c e f r e p m i e It’s th . l u f i t u a e b s g n i h t e k ma
? s s e c n i r p a “Me Shut up!
shine for somebody else
r u o y l l “Never du
I’m ! D E T P O D A
ice families don’t n to in d te p o d a at people who are es you insight th iv g e m ie u d s d s a a M s t, y u a b lw ’t n We a s people who are a s m le b ro p y n a face as m f being adopted. o s le g g u tr s e th into
doption to most people is something that just happens. Parents aren`t able to take care of the child or worse,they don`t want the child so they give them to an agency to take the child and hopefully give him/her to a family that wants them. My name Is Madeleine Jiangke Johnson and I was adopted from Jiang Shan, China.
New Life
I was adopted when I was eighteen months to my mother Lynn. The agency said I came to them in a basket with a note stating my birth date. I was one of the lucky ones. There are a lot of children who don`t ever get adopted. They stay at the agency till sixteen or eighteen then,they start looking for jobs with the help of the agency.
Who Am I?
Not knowing who my birth parents are will always be a struggle in my life. I feel like half of me is a mystery. I don`t know if I look more like my birth mother or my birth father. I don`t know any family history like if diabetes run in the family. There is much I don`t know and these questions will go unanswered. I most likely have a brother or sister so I like to imagine having a twin sister and thinking of all the mischievous things we would do. I don`t like to talk about this because it makes me depressed that’s why I focus more on pleasant things. I just remind myself that I am not the only one.
“I was one
of the lucky ones.
@BALJEETDAGOD To Rap w o H You Teaches
“I want to make it
big just so I can be heard.
Who Are You? Well, umm... I’m a 15 year old artist from Baltimore, MD. Born & raised on the west side part of town. I have always loved music since my youth but I never started to write until my 8th Grade year. I’ve really progressed sinced my 1st verse [laughs]
Some of my influences are Nas, Rakim, Jay Z, Joey Bada$$, Kendrick Lamar, Ab-Soul & just things I hear & see everyday. My two biggest reasons for writing music are to express myself in a creative way but at the same time, help a generation I see diminishing in knowledge & thought no matter how much they preach to be so “Real”.
What’s In The Future For You? I want to make it big just so I can be heard & give back to the people that have helped me reach my success. My EP: Bilal Muhammad: The EP drops winter 2013, “Da Rejeks Tape” drops Spring 2014 & my most anticipated tape “MCMXCVIII” is dropping Summer 2014. That’s about it [laughs]
Insidious 2
Don Jon When I saw previews of this I was excited- I mean I fainted. Joseph Gordon Levitt is already enough of a reason to go see it! It’s like the movie version of Jersey Shore!
If the first Insidious didn’t scare you, then you can try again with Insidious 2.
Baggage Claim If you were a fan of Think Like A Man, then this movie is probably what you are looking for this fall! Plus Trey Songz is apart of the cast (mhmmm...)
Hello, Fall! Music: Hold On, We’re Going Home Drake’s new infectious song that gets you so emotional, because you are a good girl and you know it. NWTS comes out September 24th!
Roar Something about this song makes you feel like you gained 1000 confident points, It’s such an empowering song!
Wrecking Ball The video had you saying oooooo, kill em, but the song had you sitting and crying because your crush just doesn’t notice you.
Cargo Jacket
This is the biggest staple for fall. Basma wears it here in vest form. Cargo jackets keep you warm and stylish!
Jump Into Fall
Cardigan They keep you warm throughout the fall, and if you wear them just right, they also keep you looking cute all fall long!
Print Pants Before people were scared to wear this. They wondered what matched it, but always remember keep it simple! Wear a solid colored shirt with print pants so you don’t look like a walking puzzle.
s! e s s y Gla
About To Jump!
Tanning Time!
M h t i yW
a D l l hA
Ready To
Balcony View!
anc m r o f r e P To My
The Water’s Fine!
! r e m m u S ! ! h Ahhh
Getaway To Greece
One of the perks of being Greek is getting to go to Greece EVERY single year. We all aren’t Greek but Jenna is. She takes us into her Greek paradise where she goes every single year to spend time with her family and friends while,basking in the beautiful sun and not to mention heavenly beaches! Take a tour of Greece with Jenna!
“This what we call the limani which is known as the harbor for my beach down the street from my house. This is at the lighthouse that we climbed rocks to go to.�
“This is how The view frommy my beach looks with balcony looking at nomain windroad at all.ofThe the my water is perfectthat so village. I walked warm nonight waves road upand every to along with betoatgoallup to the square crystal clear� toing hang out with my friends.
Jake Y
ou could never possibly meet someone as eccentric and energetic as Jake. When we did the shoot, he literally wanted to climb EVERYWHERE, no matter If it was a tree or a building. Everything he says is beyond humorous without him even trying. It comes natural to him. He suggested various titles for the article, he even suggested Video Games by Lana Del Rey. I thought of many titles, but I decided Jake would be the best title. Jake is his own person, and the name itself defines who he is. He adds new meaning to it from his love of theatre and everything broadway.This is Jake, King Of The School and King Of The World.
About Jake From His Own Wor
“There is something about Towson I really like. I don’t know if it’s the people or the overall environment, I just seem to have lots of fun at school. I would say I’m pretty involved with clubs and such, but mostly theatre. It is a fun ‘escape’, so to speak. Doing the shows at school makes a better school environment because I am actually excited to go to school. I absolutely love my friends, and am really lucky to have them because I am pretty high strung but I think they do a really good job of balancing me. Gabrielle is always by my side, she is probably my best friend, she is also as crazy as I am so we feed off each other. And then there are my other friends, they probably want to remain unnamed to protect their ‘hipster’ reputation, I probably should be kidding, but I’m not. I just really like high school so far and I am really excited to experience the next two years, because that’s all I get!”
It’s My Life (Don’t you forget)
By:Caroline Adams
Some mistakes in life go by in the blink of an eye. You become stressed, confused, and upset, but why? Did you ever think you could possibly being taken advantage of and too sweet to do anything about it? Then you need to step outside of yourself with these steps.
1. Don’t Care! Stop caring so much ab out other pe opinions wh ople’s o don’t matt er. Why? B you have e ecause nough stres s and usua people talk ll y those ing about y ou don’t ev If they do lo e n care. ok at it like Ke$ha doe think it’s kin s “h d of funny h a. I ow you was breathe talk te ing about m your e, got me fe kind of spe eling cial”
2. Be Heard! 3. Be A Boss! BE ASSERTIVE! Yes! It’s not just for men! (confidently aggressive or self-assured) Put yourself first because if you’re not happy no one’s happy.
5. Do You! Most importantly, Love yourself. It’s not vain, it means you’re ready to love other people!
Speak Up! When you say what you need to say with confidence,it brings attention to it so you don’t need to worry or stress about it!
4. Ignore Everyone Forget the nonsense! Who cares? Focus on what is important to you and your future. Swimming in a pool of rumors and snide remarks isn’t going to get you anywhere but depression.
Tips To Survive
Horror Movie Hopefully, these tips helps you survive (it’s common sense.)
Let Billy Go! If you hear Billy screaming please don’t go looking for him, chances are he isn’t alive anymore. By going to look for him, you won’t live to see the day either.
Find A Good Hiding
Place And Stay! If the killer can’t see you or hear you WHY WOULD YOU MOVE? Possibly the easiest rule to follow and, ironically enough, the easiest to break.
Wear Running Shoes! Someone will always be barefoot in heels ,Or just plain clumsy,and will sprain their ankles And die.
Don’t Go Into The Basement. They are creepy enough without you dying in one.
Back Into The
Elissa Is Back! Elissa was once a model, she used to travel from California to Baltimore to New York to do shoots, and while she had fun doing the shoots, there was a lot of pressure to stay skinny. She realized she just wanted a normal life, she wanted to eat normally, and not have to worry about eating pizza and gaining weight. When she finally quit modeling her tenth grade year.
How were your modeling
Modeling was alot of fun most of the time. I really learned a lot through the industry and met many new people. Traveling around for different shoots was such an amazing experience. You learn alot from modeling, whether it was the outside world or even myself.
Did you see modeling as a forever thing? As I grew older I knew this profession wasn’t going to last long. I knew I couldn’t be healthy and stay the same size I was in seventh grade forever. Don’t get me wrong, modeling is definitely rewarding and a career could be highly beneficial, but remember not to get too caught up in it. You’re still you, and no matter how much you think you need to change to meet criteria, there are many other jobs out there that may not be looking for it.
Any advice? Embrace the way your body grows. Modeling is a way to express yourself, so be yourself. You don’t have to look like a Vogue model or someone out of a Victoria’s Secret catalogue. My advice is, “strong is the new skinny.” I heard that somewhere and it has stuck with me since. You are you,and you don’t need to change for anyone or anything. You’re always good enough, and if someone doesn’t see that then it’s time to keep moving.
“Strong is
the new skinny
Super Edition
Affinity Magazine