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Creating your Intention Craft
Watching a dramatization recently of one of my favourite books – Philip Pullmans ‘His Dark Materials’ I was reminded of one of his many clever concepts – namely an intention craft.
I need to be clear this is a work of fiction and in it the Intention craft is a helicopter style airship that is ‘fuelled’ by intentions. It knows where to go because it can read your intentions, not only in terms of direction but with regard to overall purpose and intent as well.
This thought has played on my mind as in general I do believe we can create our own life through our intentions
“The power of intention is the power to manifest, to create, to live a life of unlimited abundance, and to attract into your life the right people at the right moments”
Wayne Dyer
So, I like the idea of being propelled through life by our intentions and that means that it is up to us to ensure that our intentions will actually carry us forward to where we want to be. It all sounds very logical. We want something we ‘intend’ for it to happen and in many ways that is how we create our life. We want to go on holiday for example –that is or intention, we think about it, we may research different destinations and we put money aside to pay for it – we act on our intentions to create our reality.
Simple, right? What often goes against our intentions are the limiting beliefs that we have. We might in part believe that the universe is abundant, that we can manifest what we desire but then there are other parts of us that hold different often subconscious beliefs.
Think about what you want to do and what it might be that holds you back. For example, if you really want to increase your wealth and financial security but in your heart of heart of hearts feel you were ‘born’ to struggle then those inside beliefs will effectively put the brakes on any progress towards your intention.
It’s the same with other areas of life – wanting to be loved, find a partner, but somehow inside believing that you aren’t really loveable at all will mean that all your ‘intentions’ will be limited by that belief.
So how do you get rid of those limiting beliefs?
Identify your beliefs about yourself
The first step I to identify what your own personal limiting beliefs are. To do this start tuning in to your internal chatter – the things you find yourself saying to yourself. Good times to do this are when you are doing ‘mundane’ tasks that don’t take much concentration or when walking or dropping off to sleep. Limiting beliefs are nearly always negative. ‘I won’t be able to do that’ or ‘I don’t deserve that’ – take notice of those.
Remind yourself they aren’t true
A limiting belief is a belief it is not a fact and it is not true. Chances are you acquire these from what others have said particularly by people that may been ‘powerful’ in your life – those who exerted an influence. Parents, partners teachers can all have said things which limit what you believe about yourself. But these beliefs will cause damage they will hold you back, so at some point they ae worth addressing.
Change those beliefs
After you have identified a belief that might be holding you back, essentially sabotaging your efforts to get where you want to go, the next step is to change it. Look at it, weigh it, is there any truth in it – who says you can’t do or be what you want. So, flip it on its head and start affirming that you can do whatever it is those beliefs have been telling you, you can’t. So just reverse it. I can ……. I deserve…… etc. you’ll need to do this quite a lot of times to reverse what might have been years of conditioning. Write down the affirmation as well as saying it aloud and put them in places where you see them.
Start doing
Now that you know what your limiting beliefs are and you have begun to address them, then it’s time to start doing. This might mean putting yourself in uncomfortable positions doing things you maybe never thought you would. Acting intentionally – charting your course in your own intention craft.
Action is a sure-fire way off helping to dispel these limiting beliefs
Setting intentions
Now you can start to chart the course for the life you want. Get clear on what you want – on the life you want to create and start setting your intentions
When you set an intention be careful to notice things around – unexpected opportunities, things that just happen – keep an open mind because in terms of the law of attraction when you have got rid of those limiting beliefs you will find manifesting all the desires of your heart a lot easier.
For more about limiting beliefs and manifesting check out my book Make it Magnificent available on Amazon.