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Volunteers Working in Malaria Prevention in FY 2020

Peace Corps Volunteers are advancing the President’s Malaria Initiative through the agency’s Stomping Out Malaria in Africa initiative. Volunteers in 18 Peace Corps programs across Africa are collaborating to help eradicate malaria by carrying out malaria prevention, diagnosis, and treatment education campaigns at the community level. In areas where the program is involved in mosquito-net distribution, Volunteers collaborate with the President’s Malaria Initiative and local community leaders to ensure that the mosquito nets are used, maintained, and repaired as necessary, thereby maximizing U.S. government investments in malaria prevention. Volunteers also engage in behavior-change outreach to advocate for early interventions and strengthen community health worker networks’ capacity to rapidly diagnose and treat malaria. In FY 2020, the Peace Corps continues to focus its malaria programming and training to support the respective priorities of National Malaria Control Programs and for country-specifc malaria program needs. Despite the evacuation of Peace Corps Volunteers due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Peace Corps health programming staf continue to coordinate with partner organizations and support malaria control activities.11



Benin Cameroon Ethiopia Gambia Ghana Guinea Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mozambique Rwanda Senegal Sierra Leone Tanzania Togo Uganda Zambia 15 15 3 7 4 13 18 8 11 15 15 9 4 4 10 7 39


11 Volunteers were globally evacuated mid-March, 2020 due to the COVID pandemic, therefore FY20 data only refects results from

Oct 1, 2019 – mid-March, 2020 (specifc date depends on the country). Additionally, during the evacuation, not all Volunteers were able to submit data prior to departing post which may result in under-reporting.


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